Bremen Downtown Master Plan

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Town of

Bremen, Indiana Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Acknowledgements Town Council Michael Leman: President Bill Daily: Vice-President Jim Leeper: Member Rick Graverson: Member

Director of Operations Trend Weldy

Town Department Heads Janet Anglemyer: Clerk-Treasurer Brad Kile: Chief of Police Matt Neher: Fire Chief Brian Main: Park and Recreation Dept. Jay Stoneburner: Electric Dept Matt Cunningham: Wastewater and Sewers Alex Mikel: Street and Water Dept. Keith Fraine: Cemetery Bremen Downtown Business Owners Matt VanSoest and Bremen Community Cares Bremen Hometown Collaboration Initiative Team Grant Administration Project Priority Resources Planning Consultant Troyer Group And a special thanks to all of the residents that provided feedback through attending public meetings and filling out surveys.

Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


Purpose of The Plan Scope of The Plan Master Plan Objectives Events that Led to the Planning Process Process Used in Developing the Plan How to Use the Plan

Planning Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Discovery Public Engagement Analysis Envisioning Implementation


Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Social/Cultural Inventory Historical Background Definition of Planning Area

2.0 Evaluation Of Existing Conditions. . . 12 2.1

Market Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4

Basic Demographic Information Basic Area Information Downtown Business Analysis


Streetscape Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


Alley Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


Facade Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46


Other Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Road Type Streetscape Traffic Calming Methods Improving Two-Lane Roads Intersections Alley Activation Case Studies Bremen Alley Activation

General Guidelines and Recommendations Lighting Signage Paint Colors and Other Finishes Bud’s Tavern Conceptual Renovation

Downtown Design Guidelines and Recommendations Wayfinding Signage Historic Property Renovations Downtown Parking

4.0 Planning and Engagement Process . . . . . . . . . . 54 4.1

Community Engagement and Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


Physical Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

HCI Tactical Urbanism Trails Stakeholder and Public Meetings Related Town Meetings


Facade Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


Cultural and Social Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Zoning Controls Entries and Gateways 4.2 Design Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Parking and Pedestrian Circulation Streetscape Design Process Vehicular Circulation Gathering Space Design Process Infrastructure Natural Features and Parks Adjacent Neighborhoods 5.0 Proposed Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Private Property Considerations 5.1 Overall Master Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Drainage, Water, and Sewer Infrastructure

Downtown Historical Building Facades Main Street Facade Grant Program

Cultural Resources and Overview Chamber of Commerce Festivals and Annual Events Churches Schools Other Cultural Resources


Summary of Physical Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

3.0 Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.1

Market Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Retail Strategy

Plymouth Streetscape Redevelopment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 S Jackson Flex Street & Downtown Gathering Space. . . . 72 Alley Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Potential Downtown Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

6.0 Implementation and Maintenance

. . . . . . . . . . 78 6.1 Phasing and Timeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 6.2 Cost Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 6.3 Financial Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Current Funding Opportunities State Funding Opportunities Federal Funding Opportunities Local Funding Opportunities 6.4 Legal and Manpower Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Legal Tools Manpower Tools Proposed Ordinances 6.5 Revision to Existing Land Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

7.0 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 8.0 Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101


1.0 Introduction

Troyer Group |





Specifically, this Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan aims to accomplish the following: • •

Purpose of the Plan

The Town of Bremen has the desire to create a more • vibrant downtown that attracts businesses and provides residents and visitors with a place to shop, • dine, and spend time. The Town of Bremen aims to create a downtown that offers more local amenities, • safe and multi-model transportation, and public spaces that attract people while reinforcing the historic town identity and sense of community. • The Town of Bremen undertook this downtown redevelopment master planning process in order to maximize the impact of the INDOT (Indiana Department of Transportation) downtown roadway reconstruction. The Town aims to prioritize community needs, assure that the greatest benefit is achieved from each dollar spent, and maximize funding and grant opportunities available through the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) for streetscape improvements. A major goal with this plan is to provide the foundation for successful implementation of the roadway and streetscape improvements.

Scope of the Plan

Facility improvements and program recommendations proposed in this plan will be based on the following factors: • • • • •

An assessment of current downtown conditions, amenities, and businesses. Review of the Comprehensive Plan completed in January 2015. Input from the community at large and stakeholder groups. Input received during the Hometown Collaboration Initiative process. An evaluation of the present opportunities, constraints, and goals.

The proposed recommendations serve as a guide for the redevelopment of the downtown and prioritize the growth of the social amenities and economic opportunities that will most benefit the Bremen community.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Gather feedback from a diverse group of stakeholders and residents, and report the findings in an accurate manner. Set achievable goals and objectives that reflect current issues, challenges, and opportunities as they relate to the current downtown. Inventory and evaluate the existing market and physical conditions of the downtown. Inventory and evaluate the existing Facade Program. Provide a guide for the development of the downtown streetscapes and surrounding area that reflects the interests and needs of the community. Expand retail and event opportunities for residents and business owners.

Master Plan Objectives

The primary objectives of this plan are as follows: • • • • • •

Discover strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats. Acquire input and gather support from the citizens of Bremen and downtown business owners. Analyze information and public input to determine strategies, priorities, and an action plan. Identify opportunities for development of areas adjacent to downtown that contribute to its function. Serve as a supporting document to secure funding for proposed projects. Develop a schematic plan for the streetscape to help guide the implementation of the INDOT and OCRA-funded streetscape and roadway improvement projects.

Bremen undertook the planning process to start the revitalization of the downtown. Specifically, the opportunity to redesign the streetscape presented itself through the funding from INDOT for the Plymouth Street rehabilitation. This opportunity then led to the analysis of the entire downtown district and what improvements could be planned for the future. The plan was commissioned by the Town of Bremen through its Town Council.

Process Used in Developing the Plan

The process used in developing this plan is laid out throughout the document. Once Town officials made the decision to invest in the downtown district improvements, the downtown underwent an extensive inventory and analysis stage. After gathering all of the context from the inventory stage, the data was analyzed to get an idea of the current conditions of the downtown district, the history that led to this point, and where there is room for improvements to be made. Once these areas were identified, recommendations were made based off case studies, public feedback, and other information. Recommendations were reviewed and discussed, and assembled into the overall design. Throughout all stages of the process, the public was continuously involved and encouraged to engage.

How to Use the Plan

The plan sets forth the goals, proposed projects, strategies, and potential costs associated with improvements in the downtown. The plan analyzes existing market conditions, physical conditions, social and demographic factors, and many other contextual elements that impact the usage and goals for Bremen’s downtown. In addition, public engagement provided information about how people currently use the downtown and how they would like to see the streetscape and surrounding areas utilized in the future. Results of the public input survey are included in the report and appendices.


Events that Led to the Planning Process

The recommendations of the plan are summarized through an action plan matrix. This matrix identifies goals, strategies, and action items for the downtown, and where applicable, provides an anticipated cost range, time line for implementation, and potential resources or partnerships for the project. This plan also helps the Town utilize the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) grant programs. Through OCRA, the state of Indiana grants federal funds to help rural communities improve quality of life through a variety of infrastructure development projects. Planning Grants are funded with Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) dollars from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The goal of the program is to encourage communities to plan for long-term community development.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan





to see how the public felt about the design before implementing it and it provided opportunity for feedback that reflected what residents liked and didn’t like about the design.

Discovery Inventory and Analysis: The project team took both a macro- and micro-level approach when analyzing the existing downtown streetscape, amenities, and businesses. The team reviewed the Town’s Comprehensive Plan for development takeaways and they analyzed the existing conditions of the streetscape at a granular level to determine how it and the surrounding downtown areas are used. Stakeholder Group Meetings: Early in the process, the planning team met with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, business owners, and residents of Bremen to discuss the current layout of the downtown streetscape and how the streetscape could be improved with the INDOT and OCRA-funded redevelopment. Discussions ranged from broad design ideas and goals to specific maintenance and amenity items.

Public Meetings: Public meetings were held to give residents an opportunity to provide in-person feedback. The first meeting was held on December 12, 2018 at the Bremen Town Hall to gather input, and the second meeting was held on February 27, 2019 to present the concepts for the streetscapes as well as concepts for a new gathering space.

Public Engagement A tactical urbanism project through the Hometown Collaboration Initiative (HCI) was set up to simulate a few of the design ideas that could be implemented in the streetscape to analyze the effect they had on pedestrian and vehicular traffic. During and after the tests, the public was engaged in order to obtain feedback. Surveys were handed out, as well as open discussions on Facebook. These engagement methods enabled the team


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Public Input Survey: Multiple surveys were released to the public and the business owners. One survey set out to collect feedback about the HCI tactical urbanism tests, and another survey was to collect opinions about the current usages and amenities of the downtown and what residents want to see stay or change.

A long-term vision comprehensive plan was completed for Bremen in January of 2015. The plan consisted of a long-term vision that looked at potential areas for development within the town, including housing, retail, greenways, and other land uses. The plans implementation would create major changes in land use, and could only be viable with massive population growth, major dollars invested by developers and a large amount of property acquisition. However, some of the broad ideas portrayed in the comprehensive plan can be further analyzed in the downtown master plan. These include streetscape improvements, increased green space, increasing density and providing mixed-use buildings downtown, developing a downtown marketplace, and creating gathering spaces for events and social activities.

Analysis Analysis of Information Gathered: During the discovery and public engagement phases of the planning process, a large amount of information was gathered. The first set of feedback was analyzed and turned into several streetscape concepts and gathering space concepts that were then presented to the business owners, stakeholder groups, and the

public. After feedback was taken from these concepts, a preliminary concept for the streetscape and gathering space was developed.

Envisioning After meeting with stakeholder groups and the advisory group, the vision and goals for the downtown were developed. Bremen has multiple opportunities to boost its downtown district uses to provide better social experiences and increase economic activity. While the Town and project team do not aim to make Bremen a destination town, we envision a vibrant community space that ties in to the historic identity and local aesthetic. The planning team developed goals with supporting strategies and action items to guide the Town during future downtown development endeavors.


Existing Plan Analysis

Implementation The last step of the planning process looked at ways to implement the goals and strategies to make sure Bremen has a path to accomplish the designs laid our in this report in the future. Through partnerships, funding mechanisms, and leveraging available new and existing resources, the Town of Bremen can find ways to build on path accomplishments and create new opportunities for future success.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




BACKGROUND Social and Cultural Background

Bremen has some excellent cultural amenities including architecturally unique buildings, a great public school system, several historical sites, and a unique origin as a leader in the mint production industry. Bremen has a combined elementary and middle school and a high school. The education campus is located in the center of town off of South St. and Bowen Ave. Religion is a large part of the community culture in Bremen, with most residents identifying with a branch of Christianity. The Town of Bremen has 14 churches or religious centers within it’s city limits. Amish communities and culture are another element of Bremen’s unique character. Bremen has several historic sites, including many classical homes and downtown historic buildings. Some of the more iconic historical sites include the Bremen Standpipe and the Bremen Train Depot. The Bremen Cemetery is another historic site that includes the Heister Military Memorial.

Bremen State Bank, 1942. Now Operates as the Bremen Town Hall.

Historical Background

Bremen was founded by a group of German settlers who first named the community “New Bremen” in 1871. As time progressed, the “New” was slowly omitted and the town became known as Bremen. The first streets were paved with brick in 1913; some of them still exist today. Surrounded by rich black soil, Bremen found its niche as a producer of mint. Recognized as a leader in


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

the agricultural field for its mint production, Northern Indiana became known as the mint capital of the nation. Mint production has since moved westward to Oregon and Washington; however, Bremen still retains its nickname as the “Mint City.” Anchoring the center of town is a 101 foot tall national landmark. In 1975, the American Water Works Association dedicated the town’s original water tower, commonly known as the “standpipe,” as an American Historic Water Landmark. Erected in 1882, the standpipe had a capacity of 30,000 gallons and remained in service until 1955.

Bremen Standpipe, 1980s

Hoople’s Tavern, 1910s

The Bremen Historic B&O Train Depot building was originally dedicated in 1929 on North Center Street and operated as a Western Union and passenger and freight office until the 1970s, and was later closed entirely in 1987. The Bremen Historical Society engaged in an effort to move, restore, and revitalize the historic train depot. The depot now sits at the corner of US 6 and US 106 and functions as a historical museum recounting the events, stories, and lives of those who have worked to establish this great community.

Bremen Train Depot, 1905

Bremen Depot, 2008

Restored Bremen Depot, 2011

Town of Bremen The Town of Bremen is located within Marshall County in Northern Indiana about 26 miles south of the Indiana/Michigan state line. The closest city with a population of approximately 100,000 is South Bend, IN, which is 20 miles to the north. The town is just over 100 miles southeast from the city of Chicago and 85 miles northwest of Fort Wayne.



Definition of Planning Area


The Downtown Business Area The town consists of a population of about 5,000 people over 2.72 square miles. The downtown area is primarily made up of the six blocks from Montgomery St. to Washington St. between North and South Streets. The area consists of mostly business and retail development, with some single-family and multi-family residential housing.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



2.0 Existing Conditions

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Race and Hispanic Origin

MARKET CONDITIONS Basic Demographic Information Population

Bremen is the largest of the five towns within Marshall County. There is also one city in Marshall County, the City of Plymouth, which is the County Seat and has a population of about 10,000. YEAR 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2017

According to, the following are the demographic statistics for race and Hispanic origin: White alone (not Hispanic or Latino) ............ 80.4% Hispanic or Latino .............................................. 18.0% Black or African American alone .......................... 0.4% American Indian & Alaska Native alone ........ 0.2% Asian alone ................................................................. 0.3% Two or more races ................................................ 0.8%


According to, 86.3% of Bremen residents who are older than 25 are a high school BREMEN MARSHALL COUNTY graduate or higher. Of residents older than 25 ........................ 3,487 ........................... 35,223 yrs, 16.0% have achieved a bachelor’s degree or ........................ 3,565 ........................... 39,155 higher. ........................ 4,725 ........................... 42,224 ........................ 4,496 ........................... 45,245 Housing & Households ........................ 4,582 ........................... 46,996 According to, the following are the ........................ 4,516 ........................... 46,498 demographic statistics for Bremen households:

Owner-Occupied housing unit rate ............... 62.2% Median value of owner-occupied units ..... $123,718 According to, the following are the Median gross rent ........................................................ $449 demographic statistics for age and sex: Households ................................................................ 1,864 Bremen National Persons per household ............................................. 2.39 Persons under 5 years ............................ 7.1% ............. 6.1% Non-English speaking household .............. 10.82% Persons under 18 years ...................... 20.5% .......... 22.6% Persons over 65 years .......................... 16.0% ........... 15.6% Male .............................................................. 47.8% ........... 49.2% Female ......................................................... 52.2% ........... 50.8%

Age and Sex

Population by Gender


Male Population

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Female Population

Employment and Economics According to and datausa, the following are the statistics for the economy in Bremen: In civilian labor force (total 16+)......................... 63.3% In civilian labor force (female 16+)..................... 57.5% Median household income............................. $39,669 Percentage of Income Below Poverty Line........ 10.1%

Bremen has a diverse economy with many business opportunities. The largest sector is light manufacturing. Some of the manufacturing companies in Bremen include Indiana Carton Co. Inc., Southwire Company, and Kemco Manufacturing, LLC. Close behind manufacturing, retail trade is the second most popular industry in Bremen. The largest portion of the labor force, 75.6%, works as employees of private companies.


Basic Area Information

Renter Vs Owner Occupied by Household Type

Employment by Industry

Employment by Occupation

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Downtown Business Analysis

Analyzing the market trends and opportunities is a critical component of a successful downtown revitalization. Understanding the economic and cultural influences that affect the market helps to give insight on the Town’s needs for business development. The market analysis aims to provide a foundation and vision to build upon for future community development.

Local, Regional, and State Context

The state of Indiana gained national recognition for 2018 Best Place for Business as #1 in the Midwest and #5 in the Nation by Chief Executive. The 2018 US News & World Report’s “Best States Rankings” list Indiana as 1st in government credit rating score, 2nd in affordability, 2nd in long-term fiscal stability, 3rd in housing affordability, 7th in job growth, 7th in cost of living, and 8th in fiscal stability.

and Personal Property Tax Abatement, Industrial Revenue bonds, Industrial Development Bonds, and Tax Credits. In 2018 Bremen had among the lowest property tax rates in Marshall county, just above Culver and LaPaz. The Town of Bremen has 139 firms with paid employees listed as of the 2012 Survey of Business Owners. Manufacturing represents the highest number of business, with 28 establishments, followed by retail trade establishments at 22.

Local Business Analysis

Bremen’s downtown includes 30 businesses and points of interest, including restaurants, retail, historical landmarks, fitness, and a variety of services. Retail commercial services located in downtown Bremen cater to the downtown employee and nearby residents, mainly allowing them to conduct banking and legal business, grab lunch at a local restaurant, and socialize at a local Marshall County has strategic advantages to meet business needs through low cost of doing business, tavern in the evening. The variety of restaurants in Bremen offer a wide selection of food types and successful workforce development programs, experiences; about half of the restaurants consist regional commitment to growth, large and well established local manufacturing corridor, and many of sit-down type establishments, while others offer more of a quick service meal or snack. The other advantages. The Marshall County Economic commercial services in the downtown area provide Development Corporation (MCEDC) offers Local many different conveniences for the residents of and State Incentives for businesses including Real Restaurants/Food Service

The Wooden Peel and the Mean Bean in Downtown Bremen

Bremen Family Eye Care Johnny's Tip Top Barber Shop David E. Holmes Attorney Clean and Classy Pet Spa Total Image Boost Mobile The Bremen Enquirer Miller Insurance Corporation Baker & Co. Insurance


The Bremen Theater

Yoder's Hardware Store Encore Consignment Shop


Edward Jones Investments Hilltop Wealth Solutions First Federal Saving Bank The Accounting Firm Inc. InterCambio Express Inc. Hoople’s Bar in Downtown Bremen



Ms. T's Bakery Bud's Pub The Downtown'r The Wooden Peel Men Bean Bistro & Brew Marilyn's Amish Kitchen La Parilla Caliente Mexican Restaurant Hoople's Bar B Healthy Bounthanh's Egg Rolls

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Entertainment Fitness

B Fit Performance & Wellness Bremen Family Martial Arts


The Bremen Standpipe Town Hall Post Office The Bremen Center for History

Offering entertainment would bring new uses for the downtown and keep people in the downtown for a longer amount of time, which would draw more business for existing restaurants and services. Types of entertainment businesses could include a brewery, wine-tasting room, escape rooms, painting studios, arcades, and much more. Existing businesses hosting events such as karaoke or trivia nights could also help residents spend more time and money in the downtown area. Entertainment businesses such as these are available for a variety of ages and will help promote a family-friendly

environment. A goal is to get visitors to utilize two to three businesses each time they visit. Providing more options for retail and entertainment will draw more people to the downtown and aid existing food and service businesses. Many people within Bremen find driving more convenient than walking to nearby stores because there is a higher quantity of product selection compared to stores in downtown Bremen. While product quality may be the same or better at local shops, retail value may be perceived as higher at out-of-town stores due to increased product options. Looking at resident demographics, disposable incomes are limited and, therefore, value is important in retail purchases.


Bremen. For the size of the downtown business area, there is a high percentage of businesses related to financial services. The Bremen Theatre provides entertainment, and the Town Historical landmarks also provide site-seeing and education entertainment. There are minimal shopping opportunities downtown, as there are only two retail establishments. With a few vacant properties within the downtown business district, there are opportunities to expand upon the retail options and provide more spaces for residents to shop. Providing businesses that offer more of an open ended shopping experience will keep people in the downtown for an extended period of time.

The downtown has the potential to expand retail opportunities through land acquisition and development of vacant buildings. The streetscape could help to draw in more business by providing more community space and encouraging pedestrian use. By designing a street to be a destination in itself, and not just a pass through zone, residents and visitors spend more time in the downtown and in turn support local businesses.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan





Zoning Town of Bremen


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Downtown Area Zoning

The majority of the Town of Bremen is made up of condensed single-family residential area. Single family residential utilizes the highest quantity of land, but is split up into three categories of varying densities. The lowest density, R-12, is sparsely populated and is mostly family farmland. With the vast amount of residential zones surrounding the downtown, providing connections for pedestrians is crucial in order to have a successful business district. The project area is contained within the Downtown District zone, but in order to better understand the community at large, it is important to look at zoning on a larger scale. The small limited business district, just to the west of the downtown district, contains a few commercial spaces, including a pizza place, tattoo parlor, and salon. While the area is small, connecting this space to the downtown by providing pedestrian and bicycle access will help to promote business and create a corridor for future

business development that could extend the limits of the downtown district in future planning efforts. The general business area on the west end of Bremen consists of a few commercial shops, a few eateries, and several auto-related businesses. This area also backs up to an industrial zone, which is less conducive to pedestrians. This area also serves as an entry point into the town. Creating better gateways and connections in this area to the downtown would create a cohesive full corridor that is accessible to pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. Better connecting the different zoning areas benefits the town as a whole by increasing transportation efficiency and making community assets more accessible, which in turn helps the community to catalyze on cultural and economic returns.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Entries and Gateways

and unity. Most roads that cross the town borders have an identification sign, but do not express The Town of Bremen is accessed through the US-6 any other significant attribute related to Bremen. highway from east to west and through IN-331 Coordinating future signage to the northeast highway from the north. Both routes lead to the downtown area. IN-331, which turns into Plymouth gateway off of Douglas Rd would help carry the historic identity throughout the town and tie in the Street in the town, serves as main street. Other entryway streets within the town run to or through outer city limits to the downtown in a more formal Plymouth Street; they serve as connectors from the manner. neighborhoods to the downtown. Center Street and Douglas Road serve as important entryways into the town off of US-6. Entryways and gateways serve as the first opportunity to establish an identity for communities. Bremen’s northeast entryway at Douglas Rd coming off of US-6 does a great job of establishing the historic community identity. The gateway includes a brick sign identifying the town, as well as the historic B&O railroad depot, which now serves as a small museum dedicated to the building’s and railroad use, which helped to establish the town. Outside of this entryway, other entryways lack in identity establishment

North entryway off of IN-331 and US-6

West end entryway on Plymouth St

Northeast gateway off Douglas Rd

South end entryway off

Entryways and Gateways Map

N Center St

US - 6

US - 6

IN - 331 Woodies Ln

S Bowen Ave

S Center St

IN - 331

W Plymouth St

IN - 331

Douglas Rd

IN - 331

US - 6

3rd Rd


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Within the downtown area, almost all neighborhoods and streets have sidewalks that provide pedestrian access throughout the town. In the downtown, the pedestrian zone is present but lacks character and scale. Scattered amenities and trees provide some separation from the roadway, but it is a limited barrier that does not help to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. A well defined pedestrian zone within the downtown will encourage effective circulation and build upon the well connected existing neighborhood sidewalks. While no bike lanes currently exist within the town, several remarks during public meetings expressed a high use of bicycle transportation within the town. While neighborhood streets have low enough traffic to bike safely, the downtown does not provide a bike-safe environment. Bremen residents commented that they do not bike to downtown because of safety concerns. Amish who live outside of Bremen city limits often bike into town and would benefit from the safety provided by designated bike lanes. In addition to bicycle vs

vehicle safety concerns, cyclists on the sidewalks downtown impact pedestrian safety. While there is an ordinance that restricts bicycles from using sidewalks downtown, it is not usually enforced since it is often older children and teenagers. Bike lanes, along with bike racks, will encourage Bremen residents to utilize alternative transportation methods to get to downtown and satisfy a need that has been expressed by the community. There is ample street parking along Plymouth street in the downtown and nine public parking lots located within a 500-foot radius of the downtown business district. However, some of these parking lots are utilized by residents of adjacent apartments and homes since there are no overnight parking restrictions. This amount of parking easily accommodates everyday use and is occasionally stressed during town Summer festivals. Providing a safe environment for pedestrians and cyclists would help reduce this occasional stress on parking by encouraging residents to use alternative methods of transportation.


Parking and Pedestrian Circulation

Public Parking and Distance Map

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Downtown Vehicular Circulation

Narrowing the lanes would provide the opportunity to provide other streetscape amenities such as bicycle lanes, increased pedestrian space, and added amenity space. Another option would be to add left turn lanes. Traffic counts were taken by MACOG and analyzed in the design process to assess if left turn lanes would be a needed or useful implementation in the redevelopment. The traffic counts at the intersection of Plymouth and Center Streets are shown below. The intersection had the highest traffic count of the intersections within the project area. Residents who attended public meetings noted that, in current road conditions, the lanes are wide enough where vehicles going straight to maneuver around vehicles turning left at the intersection. Narrowing the driving lanes would eliminate this option, but in turn would create a safer environment and better controlled traffic. While the traffic count at the intersection does not warrant the immediate need for left turn lanes, concepts with and without left turn lanes where included in the design process to provide further options for the community to decide on, and to create a group discussion regarding the viability of left turn lanes.

Currently, traffic lanes along Plymouth Street (IN-331) are close to 20 feet wide, which is nearly double a typical travel lane width. Because Plymouth Street is a state highway that runs through the town, truck traffic is a regular occurrence, which is a concern to local residents. During the public engagement phases and the stakeholder and public meetings, many residents expressed the concern that narrowing the lanes would make it more difficult for trucks and large vehicles to get through the town, creating an unsafe environment. Many studies have shown that narrowing lanes makes streetscapes safer for both drivers and pedestrians. With larger lanes, as they are now, people tend to drive faster and pay less attention because the risk of hitting something is perceived as lower. Since there is a higher perception of risk with narrower lanes, cars drive slower and drivers pay attention to their surroundings, which, in turn, makes the streetscape safer.

Plymout h St re e t & Ce nt e r St re e t - T MC Tue Oct 23, 2018 Full Leng th (12AM-12AM (+1)) All Classes (Motorcycles, Cars, Lig ht Goods Vehicles, Sing le-Unit Trucks, Articulated Trucks, Buses, Pedestrians, Bicycles on Road, Bicycles on Crosswalk) All Movements ID: 578548, Location: 41.446542, -86.146522

Provided by: Michiana Area Council of Governments - MACOG (IN) 227 W Jefferson Blvd #1120, South Bend, IN, 46601, US

[N] Center Street

521 259 169

Total: 1884 In: 949 Out: 935

42 37



Plymouth/Center intersection from east view






Plymouth/Center intersection from north view


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

285 183



Out: 863 In: 1044 Total: 1907

[S] Center Street

[E] Plymouth Street


In: 3599 Out: 3617 Total: 7216

Out: 4365 Total: 8553


440 In: 4188

Northwest corner of Plymouth/Center intersection

[W] Plymouth Street



Bremen has sidewalks throughout the downtown and adjacent neighborhoods, connecting residents to downtown businesses and events and encouraging alternative forms of transportation. The sidewalks on Plymouth Street do not have designated zones. One of the goals of the project is to widen the sidewalks here to give pedestrians more space and to designate space for store fronts and amenities that do not conflict with the pedestrian through-zone.

of the traffic classification exists. New way-finding signage that integrates a Bremen theme would help unify the town’s entrances and corridors, while providing residents and visitors important directional information.


There are several alleyways between the buildings in the downtown area; these are one-way traffic areas that allow food/merchant delivery and access to the alley-side of several businesses. A few of the alleys also connect the close residential properties to the downtown. The alleys could be activated with art and signage that reflects the community and downtown identity.



Neighborhood sidewalks connecting to the downtown


There are roughly 27 miles of streets in Bremen. The street department provides maintenance of town streets, alleys, parking lots, brush pick-up, leaf pick-up, snow removal, street signs, and street sweeping. The overall streetscape layout in Bremen follows a grid pattern. The IN-331 highway runs into the center of the town from the north and turns east into Plymouth Street where it serves as the town’s main street. The crown of the road has grown tremendously due to years of re-surfacing. Areas of the road no longer meet standards, so INDOT is funding its reconstruction. Most other streets within the downtown are in good condition.

Public Signage

The town of Bremen is introduced to visitors by a set of inconsistent signage. There is new signage on its northeast side coming off US-6 as well as more historic signage on its west side on US-106 which details school records. Other examples are seen as you approach this city from different directions. The Bremen identity is not carried throughout the town after the entrance signage and the downtown has nothing in the form of street light banners or other signage, aside from the Bremen Standpipe, that provides context to its historic downtown. Traffic signage is predominately posted from light and utility poles. In general, not much signage outside

Alley behind B Fit

Alley behind Historical Center


Most residential streets near downtown have cobrahead light fixtures on utility poles at intersections. The downtown business district contains cobra head street lights that will be removed and replaced for the Plymouth Street redevelopment. New lighting paired with additional street enhancements will provide an atmosphere that is attractive, safe, and enjoyable for existing and future residents, and will allow for evening festivities to take place within the downtown.

Neighborhood lighting

Downtown cobra head lighting

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Site Furnishings

The downtown area has very limited amenities provided. Outside of a few trash receptacles and benches, there are no other amenities to draw pedestrians to the streetscape. There are some street trees, but some of them were taken out due to falling fruit and bird problems. Amenities such as cafe tables, benches, trash and recycling receptacles, planters, appropriate street trees, and more will be considered for the downtown redevelopment plan. Signage within Bremen is minimal, and future plans are addressing signage to help give Bremen wayfinding amenities as well as help establish a downtown identity.

Waste Water Bremen sewer system includes approximately 25 miles of 8-inch to 36-inch pipe and eight lift stations throughout the Town. The waste water treatment plant is a class 3, trickling filter plant and has been in operation since 1965. Storm Water Bremen’s storm water connection system throughout the community consists of pipes and structures that control where the water goes. Residents of Bremen pay a storm water fee that is used to manage, repair, and grow the storm water collection system.

Natural Features and Parks

Bremen is home to 100 acres of park land that provide multiple amenities including a pool, ball fields, volleyball courts, tennis courts, basketball courts, soccer/football fields, playgrounds, and a skate park. The larger parks, Sunnyside Park and Jane’s Park, are on the east side of the town. Shadyside Park, on the north side, and Shumaker Existing amenities in downtown Bremen Westside Park are smaller parks that provide a Utilities great outdoor experience. The Middle Fork Yellow Typical of most downtowns, Bremen’s infrastructure River runs along the northern side of the Town and is located above and below ground and within through Shadyside Park. the alley and street right of ways throughout the town. Utilities within the area include storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water, gas, electric, and communications. Electric The electric Department was established in the early 1900s. Power is purchased from the Indiana Municipal Power Association (IMPA) and delivered to Bremen through the Northern Indiana Public Service transmission system.

Shadyside Park

Adjacent Neighborhoods

Sunnyside Park

Neighborhoods with single-family housing border the downtown on all sides of the downtown business district area. Of the 1,850 housing units in Bremen, Water 1,100 are described as single unit, detached. The The town’s first water plant was built in 1965. The estimated median household income for households Town currently has three wells, which are located in in 2016 was $39,668, and the estimated home value the industrial park on 4.12 acres. The wells produce of units with mortgages was $140,225. The estimated 600 GPM and range in depth from 125’-186’. The number of vacant houses/condos was 68. Town has two elevated water towers; the newest tower, which was built in 1990, holds 250,000 Almost all of Bremen residents live within a mile gallons of water. The oldest water tower in service radius of the downtown business area. A mile was built in 1955 and is capable of storing 300,000 is considered a comfortable 20-minute walk, so gallons of water. Bremen also has a 1,000,000 walking to the downtown is feasible for most Bremen gallon ground water reservoir located on the South residents, and biking to the downtown is easily East side of Town. Within Bremen, there are 1,847 doable for all residents. domestic water service connections and 227 fire hydrants.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

The Town has been in the process of acquiring a property at 121 Jackson Street to redevelop the parcel as a downtown gathering space. Another parcel of interest is at 125 E Plymouth Street and the current owner may have interest in selling. This parcel could allow a further expansion of downtown shops and restaurants. The property at 121 N Jackson street is

125 E Plymouth 121 N Jackson

121 S Jackson

looking to sell the open space on the east half of the property, which would be a useful space for future downtown public parking.

Acquisition procedures shall follow the Federal Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (URA) to ensure that owners of real property to be acquired for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)-assisted projects are treated fairly and consistently, and ensure that persons displaced from their homes or places of business do not suffer disproportionate injury as the result of a project designed for the benefit of the public as a whole.


Private Property Considerations and Issues

While not currently under consideration for acquisition, other residential properties within the downtown district are suggested to be utilized for other land use in future downtown development.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Drainage, Water, and Sewer Infrastructure

General Drainage Information Downtown Bremen is a part of the Armey Storm Water Infrastructure Watershed, and drains into the Middle Fork Yellow Over the years, the Town has installed a storm water collection system throughout the community River to the north. The downtown is just outside of the Yellow River Watershed, where the southwest which consists of pipes and structures that control side of the town drains to the Yellow River. where the water goes. Like all infrastructure, once it is installed maintenance and upkeep need to Bremen is located near the St. Lawrence Continental happen to keep the system running properly. To Divide. The Continental Divide separates the Great fund maintenance projects and future growth, a Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin from the southerly storm water fee was created. These funds will be Atlantic Ocean water sheds. Areas north of Bremen, charged to everyone that resides inside the Town limits and will be used to manage, repair, and grow such as South Bend, Mishawaka, and Elkhart, drain into the St. Joseph River, which runs north and is the storm water collection system. a part of the Great Lakes River Basin, eventually draining to the Atlantic Ocean. The Yellow River, and subsequent Middle Fork Yellow River Stream, are a Waste Water Infrastructure part of the greater Mississippi River Watershed. The Bremen sewer system includes approximately 25 miles of 8-inch to 36-inch pipe and eight lift stations Yellow River is the second-largest tributary of the throughout the town. The collection system serves Kankakee River. The Kankakee River flows south the corporate area of Bremen including residential, into the Illinois River, which then joins with the Mississippi River and eventually expelling into the commercial and industrial areas. Gulf of Mexico. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is a Class 3, Trickling Filter plant and was placed in operation in Downtown Bremen lies well outside of the 1965. The plant includes two communicators, three floodplains for both the Yellow and Middle Fork raw wastewater pumps, grit removal, three primary Yellow River. Floodplain maps are taken from 2011. settling tanks, two biological oxidation towers, two Previous events have shown flooding beyond the secondary clarifiers, one rock bed trickling filter used for ammonia oxidation, one final tank, tertiary areas shown in the floodplain map. More recently, during the late winter and early Spring of 2018, filters, chlorination and dechlorination process, Bremen experienced flooding from the Middle Fork post aeration tank, one anaerobic sludge digester Yellow River that reached near record levels. While and sludge drying beds to provide a complete flooding did not reach near the downtown district, wastewater treatment system. it is important to note that flooding from recent storm events his impacted areas outside of the floodplain.

2018 Floods off of Woodies Lane and E South Street, Reaching Areas Outside of the 100-Year Floodplain


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Watershed Map

Floodplain Map

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




FACADE CONDITIONS Downtown Historical Building Facades The Face of Bremen’s downtown has been fairly dynamic over the course of the last couple of centuries. With new buildings being added, renovations and additions being made to existing buildings, and restoring some buildings to their more historic aesthetic, Bremen’s downtown facade

is always changing. Furthermore, with the current incentive of the Main Street Facade Grant Program and the proposed INDOT downtown roadway reconstruction, Bremen’s downtown may look very different in a few years. Enhancing this streetscape and improving building facades will generate a multitude of benefits ranging from social/cultural to economic. Retaining the historic integrity of the downtown is also of utmost importance and, therefore, reviewing some of the historical facade changes of some iconic buildings in Bremen’s downtown will prove beneficial moving forward. Things to note are materials used, historic forms and styles, and how additions and renovations impact the facade.

Town Hall Building

1923 - Built Bremen State Bank Brick | Stone | Columns

1966 - Renovation Bremen State Bank Steel Panels | Aggregate

1996 - Restoration Bremen Town Hall Steel Panel Removal

Present Bremen Town Hall Brick | Stone | Columns


1889 - Built Hoople’s Saloon Italiante | Limestone | Glass

Mid 20th Cent. - Renovation Hoople’s Tavern Central Doors | Glass

21st Cent. - Renovation Hoople’s Paint | Exterior

Present Hoople’s Italianate Features Consistent

1900 - Rebuild Salem United Methodist Church Gothic Revival | Brick | Stained Glass

1953 - Addition Salem United Methodist Church South Addition | Brick

2016/Present - Addition Bremen United Methodist Church West Addition | Brick | Stone Block

Salem Church

1868 - Built Salem German Evangelical Church Spire | Wood frame


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




5 6
















Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Existing Downtown Building Facades Photo Map



Main Street Facade Grant Program Several businesses in Bremen’s downtown have participated or are currently participating in the facade grant funding program. Facade improvements eligible for reimbursement to property owners through the grant include window repair or replacement, masonry repair, restoration of the original facade, painting and cleaning, lighting, signs, window display area, cornices, entrances, doors, decorative detail, awnings, etc. Property owners are required to file an application with Bremen Community Cares and the Downtown Design Committee that includes quotes for work to be completed on the facade of the property gathered from local contractors. Applicants may also complete the work themselves if deemed they are fit to do so and up to 50% of labor costs at $25/hr and materials will be available for grant reimbursement.

Recent Facade Renovation Projects La Parilla Caliente

The Mean Bean


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

EXISTING CONDITIONS Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




Fireman’s Festival: •

CULTURAL & SOCIAL CONDITIONS Cultural Resources Overview

Bremen is an exceptional example of the small town culture with several events happening in town every year and a variety of sources of entertainment, education, and religion. The leaders of Bremen are also diligent about maintaining the small town appeal of Bremen and constantly work towards the preservation, restoration, and enhancement of the cultural identity that makes Bremen unique. The following is an inventory of some of those cultural resources.

The Bremen Fireman’s Festival has been a traditional event in the area since its inception in 1950 that is popular with people of all ages. The festival includes food, music, games, rides, a parade, a water-ball competition, fireworks, and more.

4th of July Fireworks: •

Every year for Independence Day, the Town hosts a fireworks show in Jane’s Park.

Oktoberfest: •

Around 40 craft, food, and commercial vendors attend this event. Oktoberfest occurs outdoors along each side of Plymouth Street and in lots off of S Jackson Street. The Fire Department hosts a beer garden, stage entertainment, and children’s activities. An antique tractor and engine show are also popular activities.

Holy Walk: •

In December, Bremen United Methodist Church has held the Bremen Holy Walk for over 30 years. It is an event that brings the Nativity Story to life for the entire town.

Bremen Farmer’s Market:

Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce works with the community to achieve a vibrant business climate. The Chamber sponsors several annual programs and events that contribute to the economic growth of the community. The Bremen Chamber also works with the greater Marshall County Chambers to provide residents with effective resources to collaborate regionally.

Festivals/Annual Events

The town of Bremen has several community events that occur at all times of the year and gives the people of Bremen the opportunity to connect, celebrate, and remember the past.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Beginning in Spring and going well into Fall, the Bremen Farmer’s Market is held near the Standpipe every Wednesday evening from 4:00 - 7:00pm.

Religion is deeply ingrained into the culture of Bremen and is an integral part of the community. Across the town, there are many places of worship, primarily of Christian denomination. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Church of the Brethren Horizon Ministries First United Church of Christ Agape Fellowship Bremen Missionary Church Community Gospel Church St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Assembly of God Church Saint Dominic Church Bremen United Methodist Church Grace Fellowship Church First Baptist Church United Pentecostal Church Bremen Church of God


Local Schools

Bremen’s public school mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where students are empowered academically and socially to succeed in life and has a policy that does not tolerate mediocrity in terms of teaching and learning. There is a strong emphasis on equipping Bremen graduates with the skills necessary to be successful citizens, especially social skills. • • • • • •

Post Secondary Schools

Bremen residents have several options in terms of post k-12 education in the surrounding area, especially in South Bend, a mere 20 miles and short drive north of Bremen and home to one of the nations most iconic private universities, University of Notre Dame. • Ancilla College - near Plymouth, IN • Indiana University - South Bend, IN • Bethel College - Mishawaka, IN • University of Notre Dame - South Bend, IN



Other Cultural Resources • • • •

Bremen Library The Bremen Theatre Bremen Historic Center Historic Train Depot Museum

Bremen Public Schools k-12 St. Paul’s Lutheran School k-8 Bremen United Methodist Church Daycare Church of the Brethren Preschool St. Paul’s Lutheran School Other church-based preschools

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



2.5 SUMMARY OF PHYSICAL CONDITIONS After analyzing the inventory and public feedback, aspects of the downtown district were divided into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This helped guide analysis and planning, while providing the framework for recommendations.


Bremen is well-known for it’s rich history as a German settlement and the original “mint city’.” The community atmosphere today stems from this history as a hard working, industrial, classic American town. This history helps to define Bremen’s identity, which will be preserved and carried out through the future developments laid out in this report. The rich history of Bremen can be seen through it’s historic buildings and landmarks. Preserving these buildings is essential to maintaining Bremen’s identity, and the Town has already made great strides to restore and maintain these facilities. Through the facades program, the community care and dedication to the town’s history and identity is clearly visible. This type of community involvement and engagement is essential for revitalization efforts. Bremen’s location as a rural town outside of South Bend is a strength for attracting new residents. More and more people working in cities are looking to live in walkable, small-town communities outside of the city. By improving Bremen’s quality of life for its residents through downtown revitalization, the Town will attract these new residents and families, which will help grow the tax base and school population. Bremen’s location at the crossroads of several major highways is also a major strength for the community. This proximity provides convenience to current and future residents, as well as encourages visitation. The strong community atmosphere is Bremen’s greatest strength. The events, local businesses, and public engagement are essential building blocks for revitalization.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Part of Bremen’s identity is that it is a residential town. While that identity creates a strong community, it does not encourage visitation from people outside of town. The lack of outside visitation and spending from non-Bremen residents does not help to bring in money for the economy. Money circulates from residents to business owners. The town needs resources that accommodate residents and attracts money from outside of town in order to create a more sustainable economy. Looking at the downtown district, the streetscape was designed with vehicles in mind and pedestrians as a secondary consideration. The lane widths encourage speeding, which creates a dangerous environment. Narrowing these lanes and putting a greater focus on pedestrians will encourage downtown use, which will benefit both the residents and businesses. The streetscape lacks amenities, which discourages pedestrian use and decreases curb-appeal and aesthetics. With Bremen’s strong cultural amenities and events, a flexible, designated space would improve function of the events. Events are currently held in the streetscape, which isn’t accommodating to community and event needs. Having no space to sit and gather is another reason that discourages residents from spending time in the downtown. Bremen’s Downtown district has several repetitive business uses and lacks retail and entertainment. These types of businesses encourage people to spend time in the downtown. A lack of these can result in the loss of business throughout the entire downtown district. With Bremen’s historic identity as one of its strong points, that identity is not well expressed throughout the downtown. Better signage and cultural expression would amplify the historic character of the community. Providing identification means such as these would give the downtown district that sense of place that attracts people.

After looking at the strengths and weaknesses of downtown Bremen, some great opportunities are present. With the danger of the vehicle-centric streetscape, combined with the funding from INDOT, there is a great opportunity to narrow the travel lanes and create a more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly environment. A few properties downtown could be acquired and are a great opportunity for the Town to expand the downtown district to create more spaces for events, businesses, or other establishments to benefit the entire community. Bremen is a walkable town, with most of the residents living within a mile of the downtown. This proximity provides a great opportunity to attract people to the downtown by using alternative methods of transportation such as walking or cycling.



Rich history and strong sense of community


Preservation and restoration of historic buildings and landmarks Very spacious downtown corridor with good sense of enclosure and a variety of established businesses

A major threat of the downtown developments is public perception. The Bremen community is very proud and ingrained in their town, and just like any historic town, change can be a difficult, but necessary task. In order to keep a positive public perception and encourage community investment, it is critical to ensure historic aesthetics and atmosphere are maintained and reinforced. Keeping the public involved in every step of the design process and continuing to gather feedback along the way is the best way to ensure the community is heard and understood.



Not a destination, people traveling through town don’t often stop

Streetscape designed for vehicles, not people. Streetscape lacks identity (“this is Bremen”)

Central location within a very walkable community and only 20 miles south of South Bend

Streetscape: narrow sidewalk, minimal street furnishings, no building frontage (outdoor seating), wide and unsafe roadway, poor lighting/signage

Great exposure through the US-6 highway from east to west and through IN-331 highway from the north

Minimal public downtown gathering space

Many parades and festivals that take place downtown

OPPORTUNITIES INDOT Downtown Roadway Reconstruction



Only a couple threats regarding downtown improvements were indicated throughout the inventory and analysis phase. A physical threat is the location of the fire station in proximity to areas where the town is looking to further develop. The operation of firetruck and emergency vehicles will need to be closely analyzed through the rest of the design process to ensure optimum circulation and safety.



Very few retail and entertainment businesses in downtown Lack of identity expression in downtown


Expanded Streetscape: more comfortable pedestrian experience and added safety, allows for business enhancement and new business opportunities Private property considerations through URA for downtown gathering space/plaza (S Jackson St)



Potential circulation and parking conflicts with fire station and emergency vehicle services on S Jackson St

Public perception of streetscape improvements and narrowing of travel lanes Maintenance considerations for added improvements and amenitites. These must be addressed appropriately during design

OCRA Funding Walkable proximity to high school, library, and other community buildings Added downtown events and programming


NEGATIVE Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



3.0 Recommendations

Troyer Group |





By expressing these opinions and concerns, the Town of Bremen has shown that it is committed to the revitalization of downtown, and many Retail Strategy business owners are willing to participate in the Most of the business owners in Downtown Bremen long-term goals that will benefit the business are interested in the Town’s efforts for revitalization. growth downtown. Investment from the public, A public meeting was held on February 27, 2019 for providing place-making amenities, engaging in risk stakeholders and business owners in the area, and and experimentation, making smart local business surveys were given to business owners previously decisions, knowing your target audience, and in the design process. The survey results showed managing expectations are the keys that need to that most business owners are interested in new be understood and followed by business owners improvements, particularly widening the sidewalks and town officials in order to achieve successful to provide more outdoor seating space. The survey downtown revitalization. responses showed that speeding traffic is a concern to business owners. Slowing traffic would provide a safer environment for pedestrians, as well as draw drivers’ attention to the downtown businesses. There are also business owners and homeowners in the downtown who are willing to sell property that can be utilized for future business. Most downtown business owners agree that the downtown is in need of renovations, and they are open to design opportunities that could benefit their businesses and future commercial opportunities. The biggest concern among business owners in the survey and at the stakeholder meetings was the loss of parking spaces and how that would affect their business visitation. While providing convenient parking is important, pedestrian-centered streets have been shown to increase business success more so than streets centered around vehicular convenience. Finding a balance between providing a sufficient number of on-street parking spaces and creating a pedestrian friendly environment is the key to finding the optimum solution that benefits the current and future business owners the most. Automobile-oriented sprawl and high vehicle speeds have led to the decline of many rural main streets. While Plymouth Street sees over 6,500 vehicles pass through during an average day, only a small percentage are stopping at the businesses downtown. Higher vehicle traffic downtown does not necessarily yield benefits to downtown businesses. Feedback from business owners indicated that this traffic has discouraged use of pedestrians and cyclists. With investment


in improving multi-model transportation infrastructure, Bremen has great potential to foster business development and produce higher economic returns.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Public Engagement at the Bremen Fireman’s Festival

Public Investment

Gaining investment from the public is the first step to revitalization. Businesses will move where people are, and people will move where they have a high quality of life. The public is the largest part of encouraging and maintaining a strong community environment. Small items such as clean streets, well maintained buildings, and a safe atmosphere reinforced by policing add up to encourage public investment back into the Town. When planning for redevelopment, local investment is needed before private investment. Bremen has done a great job of involving the public in their revitalization plans. Through public meetings, surveys, and public engagement and experimentation, public opinion has been well documented and encouraged at every step of the way. In turn, Town officials have seen excitement among the community members about the new plans for their Town.

A major part of retaining residents and businesses, as well as attracting new ones, is to provide spaces that give a sense of place and identity. Well-designed spaces with unique and functional amenities create an atmosphere that attracts people. More people spending time downtown will lead to increased business visitation. Landscaping, lighting, banners and signage, and proper maintenance work together to showcase the town identity and provide a space in which people want to spend more time. Bremen has already shown investment into these types of place-making efforts through their Facades Program, which has provided funding to local business for them to improve their aesthetics and curb appeal. Through survey feedback, the public has expressed their satisfaction with the Facade Program and are excited to see more improvements. Investment in curb-appeal and place-making amenities in turn has increased public investment.

Mexican Restaurant Facade Changes Over the Past Decade

Risk and Experimentation

While seeing new businesses start, only to fail, can be a discouraging cycle, it is a necessary process that ultimately helps the Town focus on strategic improvements that achieve their long-term goals. Remaining stagnant with the types of businesses offered in a downtown is not a viable option for long-term success. As technology, entertainment, and other industries progress, Towns like Bremen need to continue growth and investment in order to maintain and grow the population base. Making efforts to reach out to the public will give feedback on the types of business that will be successful in the downtown, and ultimately lower business risk. A community must create an environment that encourages and supports experimentation of new businesses and development. Bremen has shown some willingness to experiment with its redevelopment. The Hometown Collaborative Initiative led an experiment to manipulate lane and sidewalk widths along Plymouth Street. Most of the public perceived this experiment as a quality

method of discovery, even if they didn’t agree with what the experiment was testing. Some of the public still expressed disagreement with the idea of experimenting and showed hard resistance to change. When it comes to businesses in Bremen, there is little experimentation in terms of alternative business types. The lack of entertainment options, retail shops, and different food service options could lead to future stagnation or decay of the downtown economy.


Place-Making Amenities

Smart Local Business Decisions

Downtown districts across the county have seen devastating losses in business over the last few decades to large national chains and online shopping. Downtowns like Bremen are forced to find new ways to compete with these larger entities by investing in different types of experiences and services. When searching for new business opportunities, smaller regional chains and independent businesses are the best candidates for recruitment in downtown districts like Bremen. Currently, Bremen’s downtown consists of mostly independent businesses with few regional chains. While the Town deeply supports local businesses, it is continually becoming less likely for people to stop at multiple downtown stores when they have the option to drive a few miles further to a superstore where everything can be purchased in one trip. Seeking recruitment from businesses that offer different services than what is existing is the best way to continue economic success in Bremen. While bars and financial businesses have been successful in Bremen’s downtown district, adding more of these types of businesses will not increase visitation as a whole. While it seems that almost any new businesses would be welcomed in the downtown, the business district only has a few available buildings and needs to utilize the space strategically for the optimum long-term use. Laying out strategic planning goals helps town officials to stay focused on long-term ideas and make educated decisions on business development, even if it means to sometimes say no to new businesses and projects.

Edward Christian Dining and the Cozy Home Shop have changed business ownership recently and are now Marylin’s Amish Kitchen and B Healthy

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Target Audience

When planning for future business development, it is important to understand what type of audience the businesses will serve: local or out-of-town. Bremen’s current downtown district serves the local community and does not attract a substantial amount of money from tourism. When businesses serve mostly residents, it creates a cycle of dollars circulating from business owner to business owner, with little outside money enriching the community. Bremen is surrounded by other small towns, similar in size and local amenities. Specialty stores, restaurants, and entertainment businesses are able to attract customers from these neighboring towns or further away. Providing unique services like this still mainly serves the local community, but also attracts visitors to spend money in Bremen, providing a source of income that benefits the entire community.


Revitalizing the downtown can seem like a constant battle between people not wanting to move to Bremen or invest in the downtown until they see business development, and businesses not wanting to move or invest in Bremen until they see consistent use from residents. The best way to attack these battling issues is to slowly integrate elements that aid both sides of the problem. Developing an atmosphere downtown that attracts people and creates a better experience is a critical first step. Introducing a mix of shops, walking trails, housing, and amenities will slowly work together to bring in both businesses and people. It is crucially important for local officials to work closely with the community to set short-term goals that eventually achieve long-term success.

Employees and Business Owners of Total Image in Downtown Bremen Northeast side of Plymouth Street in the Downtown District

Understanding that this is a long process and not a quick fix is the most important key to successful revitalization. Continued efforts and outreach are important in order to keep the public engaged and avoid discouragement. Helping the community to understand that the road is long and setbacks are inevitable will continue to encourage the public investment that is required for revitalization.

Overall, Bremen has been on the right track with efforts in revitalization. The Hometown Collaborative Initiative has done great work as a Main Street Group in gaining public interest and awareness. The Town Chamber has invested in the redevelopment of key areas in the downtown through the facades program and taking advantage of the opportunity to use INDOT funding to redesign Plymouth Street. Utilizing this market analysis and setting long-term goals and short-term objectives will set Bremen on a path to a successful revitalization.

Vacant Building in Downtown Bremen Undergoing Modifications

Business Owners and Community Members at the Facade Program Reception

Expectation Management


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

RECOMMENDATIONS Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




STREETSCAPE RECOMMENDATIONS Bremen’s downtown streetscape, in tandem with the INDOT downtown roadway reconstruction, is the focal point for the downtown improvements. Currently, the wide downtown corridor lacks pedestrian scale, with limited sidewalk space that doesn’t allow for businesses to utilize the space effectively. The wide lanes of the downtown corridor create a safety issue, allowing drivers to feel comfortable going higher speeds and forcing pedestrians to spend more time in the road to cross because of the greater distance. Narrowing of roadways and expanding the streetscape space in front of businesses work to create a safer and more productive environment.

Road-Type W Plymouth St in Bremen’s downtown is defined as a combination of main street and rural local road, a low-speed thoroughfare serving local properties and connecting neighborhoods with a commercial district and arterial roads. By design, these roads generally have low speeds of 25-35 MPH and usually have curbed parking for commercial and mixed-use districts. While the road-type classification helps guide design, the streetscape needs to be designed in accordance to its street context as well. The current design of W Plymouth St, with wide lanes and little means of traffic calming suggests the road was designed to focus on moving larger vehicles at higher speeds. This has caused increased safety risks to pedestrians, created a less comfortable downtown streetscape, and decreased downtown business exposure.


A streetscape is a dynamic pedestrian area existing between the front of a commercial district and thoroughfare. According to Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, a successful streetscape is divided into 5 zones: Frontage Zone, Thoroughway Zone, Furnishings Zone, Edge Zone, and Right of Way. The minimum recommended


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

streetscape width is 12 feet but severely limits the frontage zone in front of businesses to just 2 feet, similar to Bremen, and does not allow those businesses to interact with pedestrians on the sidewalk and limits the use of outdoor seating, signage, and product placement. The narrow streetscape also limits the use of street furnishings and street barriers (planters, street trees, etc) which could help improve the downtown atmosphere.

Downtown Conventional Sidewalk - National Association of City Transportation Officials

Traffic Calming Methods To create a desirable streetscape environment, the roadway design is the first thing that must be assessed. In order to maintain slower speeds and a safer streetscape, roadway designers use traffic calming methods. These imporvements alter the configuration of a roadway and change the psychological perception of the roadway for the driver and forces them to be more aware and cautious while operating on the roadway. While 2-way streets and on-street parking are beneficial methods of traffic calming, the wide streets in Bremen’s downtown still allow drivers to feel comfortable operating at high speeds. Additional traffic calming methods should be used on Plymouth St such as reducing travel lane width, adding bike lanes, and creating pedestrian scale through the addition of street trees, decorative lighting, planters, benches, and other streetscape amenities.

Narrowing Roadways

Narrowing roads is seen as one of the most effective forms of traffic calming. In the case of Bremen, this is especially applicable with the nearly 20-foot wide travel lanes, which encourage drivers to feel too comfortable at higher speeds. The U.S. Department of Transportation has outlined that narrowing roads

Improving Two-Lane Roads The U.S. Department of Transportation has also highlighted how to effectively improve 2-lane downtown main streets in their Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks guidelines article. The following images depict the scenario of improving a 2-lane main street to different degrees:

Streetscape Expansion With Bike Lanes


is especially useful at lowering the speed of high end speeders (the top 15% of fastest drivers for specified speeds). They also listed the following benefits: • Improved safety for all users • Reduction in distracted driving • Improved pedestrian environment • Improved bicyclist accessibility

Narrowing and consolidating excess space dedicated to motor vehicles can provide room to expand sidewalk areas. Road diets are an FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasure. For more information on roadway reconfigurations, refer to the FHWA Road Diet Guide 2014. Refer to the ITE Walkable Urban Thoroughfares Guide 2010 for more information on sidewalk configuration.


Existing Conditions Two-Lane A typical two-lane main street often has wider than necessary lane widths. Wide lanes encourage higher travel speeds and should be avoided on main streets where lower speeds are desired. By narrowing lanes with excess width, the additional space can be reallocated for other uses.

Narrowing roadways also has the added benefit of decreasing the curb to curb distance for pedestrians. From the time a pedestrian steps foot into an intersection and until they reach the curb on the opposite side is the most dangerous period of time for that person in any streetscape. Reducing this distance between curbs at intersections not only decreases the time a pedestrian spends crossing the street, it significantly reduces their risk of being involved in a potentially life-threatening accident. A traffic-calming method like an intersection bump out reduces crossing distance and increases visibility of the pedestrian, so the risk of injury is reduced even more. BEFORE

Bike Lane


Narrowing wide travel lanes may provide room to establish on street bike lanes. Pay attention to on street parking by adding a parking side buffer or other mitigation to reduce door zone conflicts. Refer to the FHWA Resurfacing Guide 2016 for more information.

Downtown Conventional Crosswalk - National Association of City Transportation Officials

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




ALLEYWAY RECOMMENDATIONS Alley Activation Alley activation is a process of creating active and usable public space from existing alleys. While not seen as public domain, alley activation has given purpose to areas that are otherwise not utilized in creating a lively, social, and vibrant space. No longer a place for trash bins and vehicles, alleys create intimate human spaces that are perfect for small outdoor gathering spaces and public art exhibition. Bremen itself has several alleys that are connected with the downtown streetscape that are not being utilized. Reimagining these spaces could work adjacently with the proposed streetscape enhancement and create a very vibrant downtown network that extends beyond W Plymouth St into the side streets and adjacent neighborhoods, further inviting the community to walk to downtown.

“Normally, alleyways serve as access for service vehicles, trash collection, deliveries for businesses, access for employees, as well as electric, water, and sewer utilities. Because of these uses, alleys are often forgotten or ignored by the general public... This project isn’t just about beautification; this alley presents the perfect opportunity to expand on the development already happening downtown. More pedestrians lingering downtown means more business for local retailers. More open and usable space off the City Hall Plaza means larger and more engaging downtown events. And adding another great amenity downtown can only support and attract more local investment.” - The City of Warsaw Alley in Tipton, IN BEFORE

Case Studies

Alley activation has already begun to become popular in surrounding Indiana communities. The following case studies should not be taken as literal designs for Bremen’s downtown alleys but should serve as inspiration for transitioning these often negatively associated spaces into a space that can be used and enjoyed by the community while connecting to Bremen’s downtown.


Alley in Warsaw, IN BEFORE


“For far too long we have lost our identity as a community. We’ve struggled through recessions, uncertainty, and a shrinking population. Projects like this, where we come together as neighbors and family, is how we start restoring the community we all love. ‘The Alley’ is much more than an alley re-purposing, it is a community-building effort. Projects like this send a signal to all that Tipton is a unified, caring city; a great place to live and raise a family. We know Tipton is that kind of community it’s time the rest of the world knows it too!” - Tipton County Economic Development Org.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Alley renovations in the Bremen downtown district would activate the lost space in between and behind buildings. Activation of these lost spaces help to increase pedestrian use, improve safety perception, encourage art displays and creativity, and improve circulation from businesses to the parking lots and surrounding neighborhoods. All of these factors work together to increase downtown use, which benefits the community and businesses.

Historical Center, which presents a great opportunity to include art and interpretive displays that reinforce the historic town identity. Secondary alleys are outlined in the diagram below. These alleyways connect future projects to the existing businesses, which will better connect the whole downtown district.


Bremen Alley Activation

Priority Alley Activation Through outreach with the community and stakeholder meetings, Bremen could identify one of its several alleys in the downtown area that would serve as beneficial to the community through alley activation. With the support of the community, Bremen could utilize this information to create a new public space that would work in conjunction with the new proposed downtown master plan. The following map depicts possible locations for a Bremen ally activation project, with the priority alleyway highlighted. This alley was chosen as a priority due to it’s heavy foot traffic use from the apartment residents and patrons walking from the northwest parking lot to the downtown businesses. This alley is located directly behind the Bremen

Alley Activation Opportunity Locations

Secondary Priority Priority Alley Activation

Secondary Priority Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




FACADE RECOMMENDATIONS General Guidelines and Recommendations Bremen produces it’s character from its historic downtown and its strong sense of community. The facades to many of the downtown buildings are a lasting image of Bremen’s fantastic history. Moving forward, any facade improvements and recommendations will need to have special considerations for this historical preservation to ensure this characteristic of Bremen is maintained and enhanced. Pertaining to facade recommendations, the following guidelines should be applied:

The main source of lighting to the Bremen downtown streetscape are the cobra head street lights. There are no pedestrian street lamps and many of the storefronts are fairly dark at night. Current facade lighting is also clustered and inconsistent. Some businesses have started using string lights or other decorative lights to try and provide some inviting light to the front of their businesses. The following recommendations have been made according to the inventory taken from the existing downtown facade lighting: •

Existing cobra head lights downtown should be replaced with pedestrian scale decorative lighting. The light poles should provide a historic feel that complements the character of the downtown.

Light pole heights should be about 16 to 20 feet to maintain an appropriate scale with adjacent buildings and streetscape context, while providing adequate lighting reach. Pole height should also be considered for adding decorations, banners, or planters, and the Town’s holiday decorations.

The level of lighting should provide for adequate safety and perception of safety. At least 1 foot candle should be maintained in public spaces such as sidewalks, building entrances, and parking areas.

Excessive lighting should be avoided to minimize light pollution and maintain a darker sky. Street light fixtures should include cut-offs that direct light to the ground. Building lights should be shielded to illuminate the desired surface only.

Respect and maintain prevalent historic and architectural character through proper scale and design of buildings.

Maintain a consistent setback and facade appearance that respects and complements existing historic buildings.

Complement historic character of the downtown buildings when implementing streetscape improvements, while providing a function that meets the town’s current needs.

Preserve the character and historic features of buildings and landscape features.

Universal access to all persons shall be integral to all new construction and to renovations to the greatest extent possible.

Maintain horizontal lines with adjacent buildings where possible to encourage a harmonious appearance.

A visual break on the facade should be apparent between first and second floors that complements the historical form of the building.

LED light bulbs should be used to save energy, reduce maintenance, and reduce long-term cost.

Provide lighting that matches the historical aesthetic of the existing building facades by using appropriate styles and materials.



Use materials that match or complement historic building materials.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Paint Colors and Other Finishes

Downtown Bremen is home to a variety of businesses including service, retail, food, fitness, and entertainment. The signage for these store fronts is commonly flat against the building front or on top of a shallow awning. Store front signage is crucial to the contextual setting of business and equally as important to its curb appeal. The recommendations to address these factors and other related interests are as followed: •

• •

The natural red brick facade dominates the Bremen downtown streetscape. Besides brick, the color palette of the other facades located on the streetscape are generally very neutral in color. While it allows the historic brick to shine, the streetscape becomes very monochromatic and somewhat not impactful to someone traveling through town. The following recommendations have considerations for both maintaining the historical aesthetic of the Bremen downtown facade as well enhancing the Building signage should be compatible with the visual interest to any passerby: facade in material, style, and color. It should also • Masonry repair of damaged brick facades and complement and respect adjacent buildings. other cleaning/buffing related processes in Preferred styles of building signage include order to enhance brick color and appearance. individual letter signs, awning signs, flat face • Applying color splashes to appropriate building wall signs, and projection signs. Box or back lit facades and facade fixtures to provide visual panel signs should be avoided. Signage material interest and breakup monotony of the natural shall complement facade building materials. color pallet. Projecting signs should be utilized when • Adding art and murals to downtown complementing the historical style of the streetscape and building facades. Building sides building. Any projection signs shall extend no at downtown entrances and alleys are identified more than 4 feet from the building and have at as ideal locations for murals to give meaning to least 9 feet of clear height. empty spaces, provide context or sense of place, and showcase Bremen through artistic media. Electronic message boards should not be used in the downtown district. Temporary ground signs that showcase specials, menus, or other information shall be contained within the building frontage zone, be of professional material and finish, and complement the building facade.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Bud’s Tavern

1889 - Built Union State Bank/Drug Store Double Bay Window | Glass Front

1945 - Renovation Olsen’s Tavern later Bremen Cafe Brick Front | Octagonal Windows

Conceptual Renovation Using Bud’s Tavern as an example, the proposed renovations to the building facades of Bremen’s downtown would work in conjunction with the proposed streetscape enhancement. Coupled together, this revision plan creates a significantly greater sense of place, it makes the sidewalk a friendly and comfortable environment for pedestrians, and the building facade would maintain some of its historic features while improving some of the auxiliary items (window glass, awnings, etc.). This rendering should not be taken as a literal interpretation and should be seen strictly as conceptual.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Late 20th Century/Present Bremen Cafe later Bud’s Tavern Brick | Awnings Removed

RECOMMENDATIONS Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS The following are recommendations to resolve existing infrastructure issues. These suggested initiatives will assist in improving the safety, accessibility, and overall sense of place of downtown Bremen. These recommen­dations are also influenced by the direction and scope of the catalyst project proposed.

Downtown Design Guidelines and Recommendations •

Create an atmosphere downtown that focuses on personal experience by making the sidewalks and downtown a place that is comfortable and appealing to pedestrians and provide a safe, functional infrastructure for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.

Narrow the travel lanes to slow down traffic while still providing ample space and turning movements for trucks and emergency vehicles.

Provide street trees, pedestrian scale ornamental light fixtures, and other amenities to visually narrow the roadway and create an appropriate sense of scale in the downtown for pedestrians. This will also help slow traffic.

Design of space should allow for flexibility of use where possible. While the downtown will function the same on most days, the space should be conducive to special events, festivals, and evolving business types.

Create as much building street frontage as possible. New or added parking areas should be located behind the buildings. While parking in proximity to downtown is important, prime real estate should be developed with businesses such as shops and restaurants.


There should also be a public space that draws people downtown, supports the function of adjacent businesses, and provides a venue for events and activities. The property on Jackson Street is a great opportunity for a public gathering space.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Improve downtown connectivity to adjacent neighborhoods to encourage walking and biking to downtown businesses. If bike lanes are added downtown, they should continue throughout town connecting to neighborhoods and other assets.

Wayfinding Signage Independent from the facade recommendations for Bremen’s downtown, way-finding signage should be added at major entry points into town. Using consistent signage, this way-finding signage should also be added to the downtown, at significant destinations, at other major intersections. Wayfinding signage should include information and direction to the downtown area, schools, parks, or other key community assets. All way-finding signs should utilize a consistent material and style that complements the town’s character. Providing consistent signage will enhance the overall sense of cohesiveness throughout the entire town and improve the overall connectivity. Other appropriate traffic signage will also be incorporated with any changes to streetscapes or road layouts in order to provide the necessary information to pedestrians and traffic in creating a safe and enjoyable environment for both (crosswalks, speed changes, school zones, parking, etc).

Historic Property Renovations

Historic Property Renovation Guidelines shall guide the continued identification and designation of significant historic districts, landmarks, and landscapes, encourage education of the history and culture of the town, and promote renovating historic properties to modern standards. The Guidelines are intended to help property owners make sound design decisions when repairing, altering, or adding to their historic homes to preserve the integrity of the building and the town’s history. The United States Secretary of the Interior is responsible for establishing standards for all programs under the authority of the U.S. Department of the Interior and for advising Federal agencies on the preservation of historic properties listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. These standards are outlined in the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

Preservation refers to applying measures to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of an historic property.

Avoid cutting openings, windows, dryer vents, or electrical outlets in an existing foundation without professional help to ensure a structurally sound foundation.

In order to maintain appearance and rhythm of the historic building, original openings, doors, and Rehabilitation refers to making possible a compatible windows should not be altered. use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions If mortar joints need to be repaired, re-pointing or features that convey its historical, cultural, or should match the original as closely as possible. architectural values. Sandblasting is very damaging to masonry and is never recommended to be used on historic Restoration refers to accurately depicting the form, structures. features, and character of a property as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the Avoid painting or adding stucco to existing removal of features from other periods in its history foundations. This could retain moisture and and the reconstruction of missing features from the through the freezing and thawing cycles create restoration period. cracking of the foundation wall. Previously painted or stucco areas should be left alone as long as they Reconstruction refers to depicting, by means of new do not show retention of moisture. construction, the form, features, and detailing of a non-surviving site, landscape, building, structure, or object for the purpose of replicating its appearance at a specific period of time and in its historic location. Historical documentation is important to ensure accuracy.


Renovation of historic properties typically falls into one of four terms:

Below are some guidelines compiled from the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Preservation and Guidelines for Preserving Historic Buildings Smaller Space: Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and craftsmanship that characterizes a property shall be preserved. Chemical or physical treatments shall only be undertaken if necessary and use the gentlest means possible. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced if at all possible. If replacement is necessary the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture and materials as close as possible. Extensions of, and alterations and repairs to, any area of the foundation that is visible above the finished grade should be constructed of similar materials, design, and construction techniques to blend with the original foundation system.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Downtown Parking Recommendations


On-street parking provides efficiency with land use and convenience to drivers as it allows them to park near their destinations. Downtown Bremen currently utilizes parallel parking spaces that are 9’-0” wide and 22’-0” in length and fits a total of 40 on-street spots. On-street parking has been shown to affect economic development by encouraging the convenient use of local commercial businesses and has been shown to help slow traffic through commercial areas that positively affect all road users’ safety. While on-street parking has many positive effects on downtown development and circulation, there can also be disadvantages depending on the parking layout. The most popular parking space option for on-street parking consists of parallel, angled, back-in angled, and perpendicular.

Parallel Parking

Perpendicular Parking

Parallel parking is the most popular option for downtown districts, and is the layout that Bremen currently utilizes. Parallel parking spaces can be 8’ wide which allows more room in the streetscape for bike lanes and sidewalk space. Parallel parking layouts take up a large length of space and don’t allow for as many spaces. Parallel parking can be difficult with tight spots, and as a result may be disruptive to traffic flow.

Perpendicular parking increases the number of available spaces compared to parallel parking, but a larger overall streetscape width. A benefit to perpendicular parking is that drivers can park in a space on either side of the road from both driving lanes, while all other options require parking from one direction. Perpendicular parking lowers driver visability and increases collision risk, as well as traffic disruption.

Angled Parking

Back-In Angled Parking

Angled parking is an easier option for drivers because it requires a smaller turn radius than other layouts. Angled parking is beneficial in that more spaces fit in an area compared to parallel parking. Because drivers park quickly and easily, angled parking is less disruptive to traffic. However, a wider area is needed, which can cause a crowded feeling with narrower street widths. Backing out can be a challenge to drivers, with decreased visibility increasing risk, especially if bike lanes are present.

Back-in angled parking, similar to angled parking, presents positive advantages in that it increases space availability, and is easy for drivers when exiting the space. Back-in spaces can be disruptive to traffic because drivers need time to back into the space. This method is beneficial when bike lanes are present since drivers have high visibility when exiting the space. When sidewalk dining is present, back-in spaces can present problems with idling vehicles.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Zoning of the downtown district should be expanded and enforced for future development. Singlefamily residential housing and general business establishments should remain outside of downtown district zoning. Mixed-use developments should exclusively make up the development of the downtown district. The downtown district zoning should expand to include the northeast corner off of North and Washington Street, the northwest corner off of North and Jackson Street, and the southwest property off Jackson and South Street. Some properties within the existing Downtown District zoning area are classified as residential properties, these should eventually be acquired by the town and developed as multi-use properties, public parking, or public open space. These changes to the zoning ordinances and enforcement would benefit the cohesiveness of the downtown district, and help to create a more expansive area for mixed use residential and retail. This expansion of the downtown district zoning also allows for more public space and parking to be integrated into the district, which increases overall visitation, convenience, and quality of place for residents and visitors. All inquiries for zoning changes or exceptions should be brought to the Board of Zoning Appeals.

Properties where zoning district needs to be utilized in future planning and development


Downtown Zoning Recommendations

Properties classified as Single-Family Residential that should be reviewed and rezoned in future zoning appeals.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



4.0 Planning and Engagement Process

Troyer Group |




COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND OUTREACH HCI Tactical Urbanism Trials The Hometown Collaboration Initiative (HCI) set up a mock version of the Plymouth Street redevelopment in early October 2018. The streetscape was laid out to reflect what the driving lanes, parking, and pedestrian space would feel like if the roadway was narrowed and the sidewalk was widened. This experiment helped the town, the residents, and stakeholders to envision what the downtown could look like and how it could function. The experiment also helped the community test different variations of change without making anything permanent. After the equipment was taken down, a survey was given to residents and business owners to collect their thoughts and ideas about the project. Facebook posts and comments were also utilized for feedback from the residents. The surveys and comments were reviewed, and the responses were compiled to see what options and ideas the majority of the community wanted. The responses were then incorporated into several streetscape designs that were presented at later stakeholder and public meetings for further review from the community.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Marshall County is not designated for Stellar. The public meeting was interactive, with questions and December 12, 2018 Project Team Meeting discussions occurring throughout the presentation. A project kick-off meeting to discuss the Downtown About 25 people attended the meeting, and the Master Plan was held on December 12, 2018. The attitude in the meeting was very positive towards project team reviewed the planning process, scope the proposed downtown improvements. terms, and the goals of the project. Key planning items were discussed, including HCI summary and Related Town Meetings integration, INDOT Plymouth Street paving, town July 11, 2018 Progressive Review Meeting streetscape improvements, Stellar Communities and the downtown gathering space, and the facade A meeting for the HCI stakeholders to discuss their program. ideas was held on July 11, 2018. February 27, 2019 Stakeholder and Public Meetings

Six downtown business owners and two members of the Bremen public sector came to the meeting.

A public meeting to present the current state of the project to the public was held on February 27.

Ideas were discussed for the HCI tactical urbanism project, including creating bicycle lanes, repurposing alleys as pocket parks, and adding amenities such as bike racks, way-finding signage, and street lighting.

The meeting started with the introduction of the project process, work accomplished to date, and goals of the master planning process. Various streetscape concepts were presented that responded to feedback from business owners and the public during the Hometown Collaboration Initiative streetscape mock-up process. Next the three concepts for the gathering space on Jackson Street were presented and discussed. The meetings were interactive, with questions and discussions occurring throughout the presentation. June 11, 2019 Public Meeting Two meetings were held to present and review draft recommendations for the Downtown Master Plan, including design ideas for the overall downtown district, and then specific concepts for the downtown streetscape, gathering space, alley activation, and building facades. The first meeting was held with the core project team to discuss more detail about the master plan and the proposed recommendations. The second meeting was open to the public and started with the introduction of the project process up to this point, and then the overall masterplan was presented. Following the presentation of the overall masterplan, the streetscape, gathering space, alley activation, and building facades were presented in further detail. The Marshall County’s Stellar Communities Application was discussed as the ideal funding opportunity for the projects outside of the INDOT/ OCRA funded streetscape project; however, phasing and other funding opportunities were discussed if


Stakeholder and Public Meetings

July 19, 2018 Progressive Review Meeting A meeting to facilitate project development between INDOT and the Town of Bremen for SR106 Improvements was held on July 19, 2018. The four members of the meeting included Town of Bremen manager, Trend Weldy; Town Engineer, Ken Jones; INDOT project manager, John Krueckeberg; and INDOT district scoping manager, Paul South. At the meeting, both INDOT and the Town explained their goals of the projects and discussed items including project schedule, pavement, right-of-way, sidewalk and curb, limitations, street lighting, and traffic signals. Between INDOT and the Town, the main purpose of the project is to develop safe and accessible pedestrian routes and connections within the central business district of Bremen along SR106 while introducing various levels of landscaping and streetscape amenities as may be appropriate and desirable to the Town. The secondary goal of the project is to facilitate additional infrastructure improvements for SR106 to improve drainage, underground utility connections, and overall pavement conditions.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




Streetscape Design Process

Feedback regarding the streetscape development was taken from multiple sources. Concerns and comments were taken during the Hometown Collaboration Initiative streetscape experiment DESIGN PROCESS trials, as well as a survey provided to residents following the trials. Several surveys were given to residents and business owners to see what they felt the town needed and what they liked and didn’t like From the inventory and analysis stages, the design about the existing downtown. Social media was phase begins by combining all of the information, also used, specifically Facebook, to have community outreach, and discovery together to create the context for developing recommendations. Starting conversations about the redevelopment. These conversations were read, and the comments with broad goals that are long-term visions for the were analyzed by the design team. Finally, the community, specific design objectives are develconcerns and comments from the surveys and oped that satisfy short-term solutions that work together to eventually achieve long-term goals and feedback sessions were incorporated into the design concepts. Elements such as bike lanes, left success. turn lanes, and different parking variations were combined into eight concepts. The concepts were Spaces that were indicated as areas in need of presented to the community and stakeholders redevelopment in the analysis underwent a more on February 27, 2019 at three consecutive public detailed design process. Several concepts for the streetscape and gathering space were developed in meetings. Further questions, comments, and order to provide the community with options. While suggestions regarding the concepts were brought up during the meetings, and later all of these were each concept was developed to satisfy the overall considered to develop the final streetscape design. goal of the project, each applied different design Overall, most of the comments received across objectives. Once concepts were presented to the the three meetings were similar. Below are all of community members and feedback was received, the presented concepts, with the descriptions of concepts were further altered to create the final differing features and why there were included in master plan. the presentation. Concepts A and B include left turn lanes within the downtown block. Left turn lanes were included in the concepts to accommodate the traffic turning from Plymouth Street to Center St. Currently, the existing lanes are wide enough for a car to maneuver around another car that is turning left, even though there is no designated turn lane.

Concept A

For Concept A, the sidewalk was extended along each side of the roadway by two feet. A few bump outs are included to allow for extended outdoor seating at the existing restaurants. Because driving lanes will be narrower than existing, a buffer space between the parking and driving lanes will be included to help with the public perception of safety. This concept would decrease the amount of available parking within the downtown from 40 spaces to 31.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

For Concept B, buffer lanes were not included between the parking and driving lanes, and four feet were added to the sidewalk on each side of the roadway. One sidewalk bump out was included on the northeast side of the intersection at Plymouth and Jackson. This bump out allows for extended seating area and to help the visibility for drivers turning left from Jackson onto Plymouth. Parking was slightly decreased from 40 to 36 spots.


Concept B

Concepts C, D, and E incorporate bike lanes along Plymouth Street. Biking lanes were suggested for the design to help the downtown become a safe place for cyclists. Bike lanes would also benefit the area’s Amish community, who often bike into the town. Residents expressed a need for bike lanes in this stretch of town, stating that all other streets in Bremen have minimal traffic, which allows for safe biking. Plymouth Street in the downtown is often avoided by cyclists, which is a disadvantage to business owners and the community as a whole. Bike lanes would not just provide a safe route for current cyclists, but also encourage other residents to try biking to the downtown instead of driving.

Concept C

Concept C combines 10-foot left turn lanes at the Plymouth and Center Street intersection, sidewalk bump outs, bike lanes, and buffer zones. The sidewalk is extended by two feet on each side of the roadway and by an extra six feet for bump outs along the intersection to allow for extended outdoor seating space. The parallel parking is cut down by a more significant amount, from 40 to 27 available spots. Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Concept D

Concept E

oadway edestrain Zone menities Zone ore Front Zone arking uffer Zone ke Lane

For Concept D, the sidewalks were extended by two feet on each side of the roadway, and a few sidewalk bump outs were incorporated, less than other concepts utilizing bump outs. The concept also features the same design of the 10-foot left turn lanes as Concept C. The parallel parking in this concept is decreased to 30 spots.

Concept E

Concept F

Concept E combined several sidewalk bump outs, bike lanes, and buffer zones. As opposed to Concept C Downtown Streetscape Concepts and D, there are no left turn lanes in Concept E,Indiana and the driving lanes remain in the existing orientation. Bremen, February 2019 The sidewalk is extended on each side of the roadway by two feet, and 10-foot bump outs are placed at many of the dining locations within the downtown to allow for outdoor seating.

Concept F

Concept F maintains fairly wide driving lanes at twelve feet. The sidewalk is extended by six feet on each side of the roadway, with a slight extra extension at the corners of the intersections. The parking is kept very close to the existing, only losing a couple spaces from the existing layout. A buffer space is included to help with the perception of safety.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Concept G


Concepts G and H experiment with alternative parking layouts, specifically angled parking. Angled parking would increase the number of available on-street parking spaces; however, the different layout may present a learning curve for the community and may have effects on the current flow of traffic. The alternative parking options provided the meeting attendees the option to increase parking, but allowed them to look at the possible disadvantages to a different parking layout.

For Concept G, the parking on the south side of the road is altered to a 60-degree angle and increased the parking count from 40 to 46. While the amount of parking is increased, this option is not as safe as parallel parking. The sidewalk is extended by three feet on the north side of the road and eighteen feet on the south side where there are no parking spaces. A few bump outs are included for extended seating space, amenities, or plantings.

Concept H

Similar to Concept G, Concept H alters the parking to a 60-degree angle. The parking is decreased by just a couple of spaces. The sidewalk is extended by three feet on the north side of the roadway, and there is a 10-foot extension on the south side where there are no parking spaces. Left turn lanes and buffer zones are also utilized in this concept. Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Flexible Seating Open-Air Pavilion



Entry Feature Plaza Space Parking SOUTH STREET

Concept B


Concept B kept S Jackson street as existing and utilized the existing parking at the firehouse on the east side of Jackson Street. The concept features a paved seating space and stage, with a pavilion and vendor spaces located around the perimeter of the park.


Area for Event Stage

One-Way Flex Street

Open-Air Pavilion

Flexible Seating One-Way Flex Street

Bench Swings




Open-Air Pavilion

Concept A

Concept A looked at turning S Jackson Street into a flex street. The northern part of the street would operate as a two-way street with parking, and then split into a one-way loop around the pavilion area. Under the pavilion would be additional parking, and this would be the designated space for vendors’ booths when the seasonal farmers’ market is taking place. Within the park area would be a paved seating space, a small stage for musicians, and a lawn area. Aligning the back of the park are a row of swinging benches and shade trees. A paved entryway is featured to create a plaza space off of Plymouth Street. Concept A was the favored concept at all public meetings. Some concerns were raised about the entry and exit of fire trucks on S Jackson Street. These will be addressed in the final design.


S Jackson Street

After assessing the feedback from surveys and public meetings, a downtown gathering space was designed to meet the need for events and social gatherings. The goal of designing the concepts for the gathering space was to create a pocket park type of environment that could be multi-functional. The best location for the space was determined to be a property off of Jackson Street south of Plymouth Street. This area is currently a parking lot and a private property that the town is working to acquire for the project. The historic Bremen Standpipe is also located in this location and will remain throughout all design concepts.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Gathering Space Design Process



Concept C

Concept C is a low-budget option that also kept S Jackson Street as existing. The intention of this concept was to add parking where available and to include a central pavilion where events could take place. This concept had a minimalist approach but still accomplished some goals for the space.

PLANNING AND ENGAGEMENT PROCESS Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



5.0 Proposed Plan

Troyer Group |






Plymouth Streetscape Redevelopment


S Jackson Flex Street


Downtown Gathering Space


Alleyway Activation


Acquired Property Development


Public Parking Lot Improvements


Potential Future Public Parking







Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan








Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Jackson Street Jackson Street

Due to long standing needs for reconstruction, INDOT is funding the IN-331 (Plymouth Street) pavement project. With this opportunity, the Town of Bremen decided to redevelop the design of their Main Street to make the streetscape more functional for all users. The purpose of the design is to guide the infrastructure improvements initiated by the state’s Some of the key features of the streetscape IN-331 redevelopment project and the proposed development include narrowing the driving lanes to streetscape improvement project. 12’-0”, the addition of bike lanes, increased sidewalk areas by 2’-0” on each side of the roadway, and The IN-331 project includes full depth reconstruction defining sidewalk zones into store front, pedestrian, within the downtown district from Montgomery and amenity zones. Street intersection to the Washington Street intersection. Beyond the downtown district, the project will include resurfacing and restriping.

Montgomery MontgomeryStreet Street



The goals for the redevelopment are to increase usage of the downtown area, create an inviting environment for residents and visitors, increase streetscape safety, and draw attention to the downtown business district, all while maintaining the historic characteristics of the Town identity. The project focuses on improving street conditions, as well as addressing other infrastructure needs such as accessibility, lighting, parking, and steetscape amenities. Making these improvements will help the Town reach long-term goals of improved community access and increased business use, which in turn produce a higher quality of life for residents and higher economic returns for the Town.












Washington Street

Center Street

A. Store Front Zone B. Pedestrian Through Zone C. Amenity Zone D. Public Parallel Parking E. Bike Lane F. Buffer Zone G. Street Trees H. Store Front Seating



Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Through the long-term goals of enhancing the community streetscape, improving business curb-appeal, and increasing economic returns, the following objectives were developed and implemented into this project. These design objectives were developed through analysis of inventory, public feedback, and case studies. • • • • •

Provide outdoor seating spaces by increasing sidewalk space Improve pedestrian safety through defining spaces Slow traffic speed by narrowing lane widths Provide new connections to town via bike lanes Enhance overall streetscape aesthetics through the addition of planters, banners, lighting, and street trees Existing

The new streetscape design allows for further community access and interaction by providing a mixed-use space, where people can utilize the area for multiple purposes alongside other community members. The pedestrian-oriented streetscape, along with added amenities will attract more people to the downtown, so businesses can expect an increase in visitation and spending. An increase in visitation and investment back into business will encourage more businesses to come in and fill vacant buildings. With greater economic returns, more can be put back into the Town improvement, thus creating a cycle of profits and development that greatly benefits the economy and community morale. Street trees help to soften the hardscape, and provide shade spots along the pedestrian zone. Specific trees are needed to withstand the weather, street pollution, and confined environment. Desired trees for the Plymouth streetscape should be low maintenance, have tall good form, and be resistant to disease, birds, and drought. Specific tree recommendations include Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos inermis “Imperial’”or “Skyline”) and Linden (Tilia cordata or Tilia x echlora).

Rendering of Proposed Streetscape


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Evening Rendering of Proposed Streetscape

Proposed Streetscape Detailed Plan View

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan





S Jackson Street is currently where the farmer’s market and some other street events are held. The street is bordered by a bank, a parking lot, the historic standpipe, a residential property that is being acquired, and the Bremen Fire Department. With minimal traffic, S Jackson street has the potential to be utilized as a flex street, which allows for daily traffic and parking while being flexible and accessible for events and festivals. Flex streets do not have curbs, which allows accessibility and functionality throughout the streetscape for people. Flex streets operate as a shared space between vehicles and pedestrians, acting as an extension of the plaza area that organizes circulation.

space for when the area isn’t in use. Amenities will include an open-air pavilion, an entertainment area, open seating, a stage, open lawn, swinging benches, an entry feature, and a plaza space. These amenities will enhance the farmers’ market and other events that already create a festive and welcoming culture in Bremen.

Example of swinging benches, Rosenberg Swings at Small Riverfront Park in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Flex street example - Park Lane in Kirkland, Washington.

Downtown Gathering Space The farmer’s market and festivals in Bremen are an important part of the culture. They bring the community together. These festivals are held in the current streetscape; however, it has limitations and doesn’t adequately accommodate the town. Space and amenities are limited. A designated, multiuse gathering space will provide a spacial, lively environment for town events and will operate as a pocket park when it’s not in use. The goal of the Downtown Gathering Space is to meet both the spatial and cultural needs of the town while also providing more amenities and a beautiful


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Entry feature example - gateway in Carmel, Indiana.

The concept of the flex street and gathering space as a whole is openness. The entire area is focused around free movement and unhindered access. This open space concept encourages community interaction and inclusion for all. Together, these two spaces create an environment perfect for the Town of Bremen festivals and weekly events. The area creates a hub for people to enjoy the environment, entertainment, and most of all, their fellow community members.


A. Open-Air Pavilion B. Entertainment Area C. Open Seating D. Concrete Pad Stage E. Open Lawn F. Swinging Benches G. Entry Feature H. Line of Benches I. Plaza Space J. Two-Way Drive K. One-Way Flex Street L. Parking














Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



5.3 5.4


With significant changes and enhancements being made to Bremen’s downtown streetscape, it is important to look beyond those project borders and plan for future development and strategy. The downtown streetscape enhancement will need to eventually extend beyond the downtown corridor in order to successfully draw people in from the surrounding area and create those necessary connections. Besides the streets that feed into W Plymouth St, many access points into the downtown area are through several alleys located throughout the downtown corridor. Some of these alleys have more utilitarian purposes than serving as pedestrian access to downtown but a few of these alleys have been identified as possible entrances to the downtown streetscape based on their location, surrounding businesses, and their connection to public parking. As a result, a visitor to Bremen’s downtown will have a memorable experience from the time they exit their vehicle to park, while en route to downtown, and while they are in the downtown streetscape. Alley Activation also creates new destinations apart from the downtown streetscape and brings more attention to existing businesses in the area and supports the development of new businesses as well.

Priority Alley Activation

The identified alley for activation in Bremen’s downtown is located on N Center St and is located between the Bremen History Center and Steve Weaver Arts.

This alley was identified as a key location for Alley Activation due to its location between the public parking to the north and Plymouth St. This alley should be seen as an entrance into downtown for pedestrians using the public parking, making the alley a great opportunity to introduce Bremen and it’s downtown. Furthermore, activating this alley would provide a series of benefits and would be an initiative to further the Bremen downtown development beyond Plymouth St and create a network of connections throughout this area. Referring to the conceptual rendering on the next page, this Alley Activation would feature a variety of amenities, providing a space that is not only a passage way to Bremen’s downtown but a destination for people to come relax, be social, and learn of Bremen’s historic past. Some of the features of the conceptual Alley Activation include: • Brick paving to match Bremen’s historic aesthetic • Site furnishings like flower planters, benches, and trash receptacles • Outdoor history exhibit exploring Bremen’s past • Painted wall mural inspired by Bremen • Ornamental and string lighting • Shade canopy Some of the benefits of this Alley Activation include: • Creating desirable connection between downtown and parking • Opportunity for connections to future development • A new destination that would bring more attention to the area, local businesses, and promote expansion/future development • Improving walkability of downtown • History Center’s involvement in outdoor exhibit • Creating a new gathering space in Bremen’s downtown for people to connect socially and learn of Bremen’s historic past Priority Alley Activation

Other Alley Activation Opportunity Other Alley Activation Opportunity


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Priority Alley Activation Rendering Existing


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan




POTENTIAL DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT Downtown Marketplace A. Proposed Marketplace B. Public Patio Area C. Alley Activation D. Bud’s Outdoor Seating E. Streetscape Improvements F. Bud’s Bar G. Bremen Theater







Outdoor Public Patio Space

Public Patio Example- Portland, OR


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Market/Public Patio Example- Sioux Falls, SD

After the market analysis, there is a clear lack of entertainment, retail, and differing food services in the downtown; an open marketplace would provide all of these experiences and shopping outlets. A marketplace allows for many different business types, all occupying a small space within the building. The businesses can provide an array of goods and services, including grocery foods, handmade goods, small cafe style restaurants, and more. These businesses can be year-round or seasonal, and the pop-up style of the marketplace setup allows for flexibility of rotation between businesses. Having many shopping opportunities attracts a larger number of visitors, which in turn, boosts businesses for all participating businesses. A plaza or public patio space included with the marketplace provides a space for shoppers to sit, relax, and enjoy the goods purchased at the market. This space encourages users to spend more time in the market and experience the social and cultural benefits that the marketplace provides. The development of this property into an economic and social hub will activate1 business visitation for the entire downtown and activate surrounding alleys that connect this space to other downtown businesses, parking areas, and residential homes. Marketplaces are centers for economic activity, and provide a hub for social and cultural experiences. This acquired property right in downtown Bremen provides an excellent opportunity to develop this unique space which will provide entertainment and different types of goods and services to the residents of Bremen, as well as attract outside visitors to the unique experience.


The property at 125 E Plymouth Street is currently a U-Haul rental business. The property does not match the downtown district aesthetic and does not provide a service that regularly attracts visitation. Acquiring this property provides the Town with an opportunity to create a new destination, that attracts residents and visitors to the downtown. The property is about a 1/2 acre in total area; a large enough space to provide multiple shops or a marketplace.

Charleston City Market - Charleston, SC

Riverfront Market - Wilmington, DE

Easton Public Market - Easton, PA

East End Market - Orlando, FL

Downtown Market- Grand Rapids, MI Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



6.0 Implementation & Maintenance

Troyer Group |




Marshall County is currently in the process of applying for the Stellar Communities Program. The Stellar Communities Program provides resources for transformative quality-of-place community PHASING AND TIMELINE and regional improvements to designated Indiana communities. As part of this program, the applicant The Bremen downtown streetscape will be the first regions must submit regional development implemented project outlined in this report. INDOT is plans, with subsequent projects. These projects funding the Plymouth Street roadway replacement in must represent areas of community health and the downtown district. Engineering is underway and improvement such as transportation, housing, construction is scheduled for the summer of 2020. infrastructure, and community and economic development. The program application also requires Applying for OCRA CDBG funding for the streetscape identification of complementary projects that would would provide $500,000 in funding and $500,00 be eligible for outside funding from an array of state local match from the Town. This would fund funding agencies. Complementary projects include sidewalks, lighting, amenities, and other streetscape areas related to green spaces and aesthetics, quality improvements outside of the roadway resurfacing. of life, education, public safety, job creation, youth Engineering would start in the winter of 2019-2020 engagement, and retaining and attracting new and construction would occur in summer of 2020. residents and visitors. Bremen will be submitting

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

Bremen’s Alley Activation project(s)could recieve funding through the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) CreatINg Places grant. Once funding is achieved, the first priority/phase would begin in late 2019 or early spring 2020. Any following alley activation projects can coincide with adjacent or related infrastructure projects such as utility repairs, resurfacing, or building improvements.

Future developments and corresponding timelines will depend on property acquisition timing and financing. Smaller projects such as parking lot development from acquired properties will have shorter timelines, from about 1-3 years. The proposed marketplace, which will be a long-term project that will require acquisition and partnership with a developer, will depend heavily on outside interest once streetscape improvements are made. The project timeline could be 4-6 years.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


the Jackson Flex Street and Gathering Space Project as a capital project in the Marshall County Stellar Communities’ Regional Development Plan. Designation for the Stellar Communities funding will be announced in December of 2019. If designated, Bremen will have 4 years to complete the project, with engineering anticipated to begin in the summer of 2020 and construction in 2021.



6.2 COST ESTIMATES Town of Bremen Typical Faรงade Improvement Description Architecture/Design Removal/Demolition Window Replacement Exterior Lighting Building Signage Awning Replacement Exterior Painting Masonry Repair Total


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Unit Cost 1,500.00 700.00 1,750.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,500.00 1,000.00

Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

June 2019 Total Cost 1,500.00 700.00 1,750.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 800.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 9,500.00

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

June 2019 Total Cost 56,000.00 15,000.00 114,000.00 78,600.00 60,000.00 50,000.00 60,000.00 166,500.00 30,000.00 35,100.00 112,500.00 28,000.00 30,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 64,456.00 16,114.00 35,000.00 95,000.00 1,055,270.00

Town of Bremen Downtown Streetscape Description Concrete Sidewalk Removal Grading Concrete Sidewalk Concrete Curb & Gutter Curb Ramps Electrical Drainage Infrastructure Stamped Concrete Sidewalk Benches, Litter Receptacles Street Trees & Grates Street Lights Inground Planters Irrigation Erosion Control Maintenance of Traffic Mobilization/Demobilization (8%) Construction Engineering (2%) Grant Administration Design/Engineering/CA Total


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Unit Cost 20.00 15,000.00 60.00 30.00 2,500.00 50,000.00 60,000.00 185.00 30,000.00 1,300.00 7,500.00 3,500.00 30,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00

$ $

35,000.00 100,000.00

Quantity 2800 1 1900 2620 24 1 1 900 1 27 15 8 1 1 1 1 1

Note: Estimate includes work done between curb and buildings. Curb and roadway improvements included in separate INDOT project.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


$ $ $

11,000.00 35,000.00 74,000.00



1 1 1

$ $ $

Town of Bremen Gathering Space and Flex Street Description Excavation/Grading Concrete Sidewalk Compacted Aggregate Base HMA Surface HMA Intermediate Permeable Pavers Pavillion Entry Arch Lighting/Electrical Drainage Colored Concrete Seating Area Concrete Curb Border Bollards Topsoil & Seeding Swinging Benches Benches Litter Receptacles Tables & Chairs Trees Landscaping Topsoil Mobilization/Demobilization (8%) Construction Engineering (2%) Topographic Survey Grant Administration Design/Engineering/CA Subtotal

Unit LS SYS Tons Tons Tons SYS LS LS LS LS SYS LF Each LS Each Each Each Each Each LS CYS LS LS LS LS LS

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Unit Cost 75,000.00 55.00 40.00 125.00 110.00 225.00 250,000.00 30,000.00 120,000.00 60,000.00 110.00 25.00 1,000.00 8,500.00 15,000.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 6,000.00 600.00 25,000.00 55.00

$ $ $

10,000.00 35,000.00 110,000.00

Quantity 1 1161 240 95 180 580 1 1 1 1 171 650 30 1 5 6 6 8 26 1 60 1 1 1

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


#VALUE! #VALUE! 11,000.00 35,000.00 74,000.00 #VALUE!

July 2019 Total Cost 75,000.00 63,855.00 9,600.00 11,875.00 19,800.00 130,500.00 250,000.00 30,000.00 120,000.00 60,000.00 18,810.00 16,250.00 30,000.00 8,500.00 75,000.00 15,000.00 7,200.00 48,000.00 15,600.00 25,000.00 3,300.00 82,399.20 20,599.80 10,000.00 35,000.00 110,000.00 1,291,289.00

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Inground Planters Mobilization/Demobilization (8%) Construction Engineering (2%) Topographic Survey Grant Administration Design/Engineering/CA Subtotal



6.3 FINANCIAL TOOLS Current Sought After Funding Opportunities Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) INDOT will be funding the reconstruction of the Plymouth Street roadway, including resurfacing to the east and west of the downtown district. Engineering is underway and construction is scheduled for the summer of 2020.

Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA)

Applying for OCRA Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) funding for the streetscape would provide $500,000 in OCRA funding and $500,00 local match from the Town. This extra funding would finance sidewalks, lighting, amenities, and other streetscape improvements outside of the resurfacing. Engineering would start in the winter of 2019-2020 and construction would occur in summer of 2020. State Funding Opportunities

Stellar Communities Program

Bremen, along with the other communities in Marshall County, are currently applying for the Indiana Stellar Communities Program. The Stellar Communities Program is a partnership of multiple state agencies designed to recognize Indiana’s smaller communities. Through annual designation the program provides resources for transformative quality-of-place community improvements by utilizing previous planning efforts, leveraging existing assets, fostering regional investments, and stimulating continued growth for longterm relevance. The partnering state agencies are: the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA), the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), the Indiana Office of Tourism Development (IOTD), the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Indiana Arts Commission, Indiana Bond Bank, and Serve Indiana These state agencies are requesting that the Stellar Communities finalists detail their comprehensive community revitalization strategies in a four-year Regional Development Plan.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

CreatINg Places Program

The CreatINg Places program, a collaborative effort between the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) and Patronicity, is a place-based, crowd-granting program. With the goal to empower residents and business owners to play a role in achieving community improvisations, CreatINg Places provides matching grants of up to $50,000 for projects related to improving aesthetics and activation of community spaces. The following is a list of eligible CreatINg Places projects included for grant funding, but not limited to: •

Streetscape beautification & walkability

Public plaza development/activation

Access to public amenities (riverwalks, canoe livery, pier enhancements)

Farmer’s markets, community kitchens, pop-up retail/incubator space (community or non-profit)

Alley activation

Park enhancements

This funding source would be sought after for Bremen’s Alley Activation project(s). In order to qualify for the program, the Bremen community


would begin a crowd-funding campaign page through Patronicity that lays out the alley activation project and is directed toward the community base and potential donor audience.

Indiana Arts Commission

The Indiana Arts Commission offers several programs applicable to the Bremen downtown improvement projects. Specific programs are laid out for communities, organizations, and individual artists. These funds aim to connect people to arts in public spaces. Some of the funding opportunities available to the Bremen community include Arts in Parks and Historic Site Program and the Regional Initiatives Grants.

Indiana Office of Energy Development (OED)

A wide variety of funding sources are available for energy and utilities projects that integrate reduction and saving strategies. Bremen could go after these funds if there is a decision to incorporate energy-saving design initiatives in the marketplace development or other outlined projects.

Indiana Economic Development Corporation

IEDC programs and initiatives offer business support and expertise to companies that are investing and creating jobs in Indiana. The goal is to improve quality of place, infrastructure, available development sites and regulatory assistance to build economic strength and opportunity that grows and attracts new business and talent.

Indiana Financial Authority (IFA)

The Tax-Exempt Bond Programs available through the IFA offer opportunities for manufacturing facilities, businesses, and not-for-profits to finance projects through tax-exempt bonds. The IFA is authorized to issue tax-exempt bonds, which lower the cost of financing for manufacturing projects, health care facilities, private institutions of higher education, and certain other qualified projects. Applicants must first be awarded “Volume Cap” by the IFA. Volume Cap is awarded to applicants within Indian’s allotted capacity to issue tax-exempt private activity bonds. Volume cap is competitively awarded based on jobs created and/or retained, wages, capital investment, project location, dedication to low income housing, and other factors. Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Federal Funding Opportunities DNR Federal Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit

Income tax credits are the principal governmental subsidy available for privately owned and funded historic preservation activities. The federal government offers a Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit (RITC) equaling 20 percent of rehabilitation costs for qualified work at incomeproducing properties that are certified historic buildings. Eligible properties include commercial buildings, factories or even old houses, but they must be income-producing, such as rental properties. For participation in the federal RITC program, a building must have been determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The building may be individually significant or a contributing resource within a historic district. This tax credit program is available to financially assist the Bremen facade renovations.

Local Funding Opportunities Local Funding Methods

Smaller downtown improvements, such as parking lot resurfacing, will most likely be funded with local dollars. These improvements should be budgeted for in the capital improvements budget as available. Acquisition of future properties will also need financing through the capital improvements budget.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

Tax increment financing allows municipalities to freeze assessed property values in specified underdeveloped areas and issue bonds secured by expected increases in property tax revenues. Tax increment financing helps to stimulate private investment in an area investments would not otherwise occur in, maintains stability, and encourages growth in a good economy.

Business Improvement District (BID)

Property owners in a specified area vote to initiate and manage supplemental service via a common area fee based on some assessment formula. This method can largely increase commercial property values.

Public Private Partnership (PPP or P3)

A contractual agreement between a public agency and a private partner to support construction development, ongoing operations, and/or maintenance of a public asset or function.

Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)

Provides at-or-below-market rate financing to fund projects in core historic downtown areas, counties, and development authorities. These types of programs can be used for further improvements to enhance curb appeal. This program would be self-sustaining, in that the business would repay the loan, and that money would then become available for another business. Similar towns have put together initial funding through a combination of community foundations, local banks, grants, and economic development funding. A downtown investment group can also be an effective tool for when the Town is not in a place to undertake projects.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


Local Allocated Funds

Economic Development Fund

The Economic Development Fund is developed through contributions deposited by various individuals, corporations, or groups, and is to be used for economic development purposes. The Town Council reviews and approves a budget for economic development, and allocates tax or utility revenues to the Economic Development Fund. For specific information regarding the Economic Development Fund, see Town of Bremen Ordinances, Section 20.04.

General Improvements Fund

The General Improvements Fund establishes a permanent revolving fund to be used for financing public improvements that are to be paid for by special assessments. For specific information regarding the General Improvements Fund, see Town of Bremen Ordinances, Section 31.01.

Promotional Fund

The Bremen Promotional Fund is authorized by the Town Council to budget and appropriate funds from the General Fund or from other fund sources to pay the expenses incurred in promoting the betterment of the municipality. For specific information regarding the Promotional Fund, see Town of Bremen Ordinances, Section 31.02.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



6.4 LEGAL & MANPOWER TOOLS Legal Tools Ordinances The Bremen Manual of Ordinances should be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure the language is reflective of the desired development and controls within the town. Future improvements and development should comply with the ordinance unless special exceptions require a variance. Improvements should also increase the enforcability of the ordinance. An example is in section 67.15 prohibits use of bicycles on sidewalks within the downtown business district. This ordinance is often not followed by residents due to the dangerous perceptions of riding bicycles in the road. This creates a conflict a on the sidewalks between pedestrians and cyclists. By providing bicycles lanes, as outlined in the streetscape design, this will eliminate conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists in the downtown area, and provide a safe area for cyclists where they are not competing with vehicular traffic. The Town of Bremen Ordinances Sections 61.18 and 61.36 outline the regulations of state speed and traffic laws. Currently, vehicles drive above the speed limit down Plymouth Street in the downtown district due to wide driving lanes and few control mechanisms. With the Plymouth Street design improvements, including decreasing lane width and adding amenities that aid in scale perception, the ordinances and state speed laws will be followed, with drivers giving more attention to their surroundings. These roadway improvements will help to enforces ordinance 64.09 which calls for drivers to exercise due care where pedestrians are present, creating a safer environment for all users.

Manpower Tools

With all projects, community groups and organizations are needed for the success of implementation and continued maintenance. Bremen has shown strong community efforts and involvement, and these continued efforts will help the town as a whole to achieve success across


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

all projects. The Town’s manpower tools include the Bremen Community Cares organization, nonprofit businesses, churches, town personnel, and departments within the town government.

Bremen Community Cares

Bremen Community Cares is a grassroots network dedicated to improving downtown Bremen. BCC is an accredited Indiana Main Street Organization.


Partnership and involvement from nonprofit organizations are helpful for success of implementation and maintenance. Non-profit and volunteer groups are able to rally a variety of members around a project and increase involvement and investment from the community. Some of the available non-profit organizations within Bremen and greater Marshall County include the United Way of Marshall County, Marshall County Community Foundation, Bremen Community Hospital, Bremen Economic Development Inc, Bremen Schools, the American Legion, the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation, and more.


Bremen has a strong sense of community in their places of worship. The town is home to 14 churches, all associated with a denomination of Christianity. Churches draw large groups of residents and help to rally the community around causes and developments. With involvement from these places of worship, the town has a greater base to gain help and attention to the community development projects.

Town Departments

Departments within Bremen cover several areas of utilities and services, including cemetery, electric, fire, police, parks, storm water, waste water, drinking water, and a street department. Several departments have already participated in public meetings and shown further involvement with the downtown streetscape improvements. The electric department has been a major part of decisions involving street lighting and has helped alley activation projects by discussing the needs and concerns of the department’s access to electrical fixtures. The street department has given feedback on the streetscape project throughout the design process. The street department has been helpful with identifying design details regarding turn radii, turn lane needs, and maintenance and access for utility trucks.

Larry Grebe Joe Stiles

Town Council

Park & Recreation Board​


Tree Committee

Bremen Economic Development Corporation

Jay Stoneburner David R. Holmes Bremen Chamber of Commerce The Chamber of Commerce connects the community Trend Weldy: Director of Operations to the local and area-wide businesses, while uniting Bremen Redevelopment Commission businesses to invest back into the community. Tony Tatich Bremen Town Chamber works with surrounding Mike Venable Todd Stockman Chamber to provide residents with an extensive resource guide to businesses and events in Marshall Larry Grebe County and surrounding areas. The involvement from Dennis Bilinski Joe Stiles the town Chamber has been crucial for obtaining Bremen Redevelopment Authority public attention and feedback. Bill Davis Town Personnel Greg Miller Bremen has an extensive list of town personnel Marion (Bud) Mikel who have previously participated and continue to participate throughout the design process. The past, Director of Economic Development - Building Commissioner present, and future involvement from the various Trend Weldy: Director of Operations town leaders and personnel is critical to the success Brad Thornton: Administrative Assistant of the downtown revitalization initiatives. Michael Leman: President Bill Daily: Vice-President Jim Leeper: Member Rick Graverson: Member Trend Weldy: Director of Operations Rick Graverson: Electric, Water & Street Jim Leeper: Cemetery, Waste, and Clerk Michael Leman: Park and Police Dept. Bill Daily: Legal and Fire Dept. Trend Weldy: Appt. to Marshall County Solid Waste Management Dist.

Plan Commission

Mike Huppert: President Jill Hassel: Vice President Erika Leman Kent Reed Roger Mikel Joe Mullen

Board Of Zoning Appeals Mike Huppert Steve Klapp Kent Reed Norman Rowe Erika Leman Jeff Clark

Bremen Economic Development Commission


Continued outreach and partnership with the town departments will ensure success and cooperation throughout the project implementation and maintenance process.

Eric Hudson: President Brita Miller: Secretary Blaine Maxon Greg Miller Jeff Byrd Mike Venable Joe Stiles Alex Mikel Brian Main Jay Stoneburner

Department Heads

Jay Stoneburner: Electric Dept Brad Kile: Chief of Police Matt Neher: Fire Chief Brian Main: Park and Recreation Dept. Matt Cunningham: Wastewater Treatment Plant, Sanitary Collection, Storm Sewers Keith Fraine: Cemetery Alex Mikel: Street and Water Dept. Janet Anglemyer: Clerk-Treasurer

German Township Advisory Board Robert Huff Don Meister Jeff Monhaut

German Township Trustee Benny J. Baker

Dennis Bilinksi

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



6.5 REVISION TO EXISTING LAND USE The existing downtown land use is comprised of a corridor of mixed-use business development, surrounded by pockets of residential and commercial land use, as well as public parking areas. There is a lack of public gathering space in the downtown, which creates conflict for public events and festivals since they take place in the roads and parking lots designed for vehicles, not people. The proposed land use aerial shows the land use implied from the proposed projects previously described in this report. The largest change in land use includes the addition of public space; along S Jackson Street where the proposed gathering space/ flex street are located, and the alley activation areas in various locations within the downtown. These spaces allow for flexible use by residents and visitors, and create an attractive downtown atmosphere focused on people. The commercial space where the U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer is currently located should be utilized in the future as mixed-use development, potentially as a downtown marketplace. The residential areas along Washington Street will also transition to mixed-use development, and although these transitions are not listed within the report, it is recommend that in future developments (10 years or more) that these lots be acquired and utilized for increased mixed residential and business use. By keeping these types of uses outside of the downtown district and encouraging multi-use development, the town will be able to offer more businesses, apartment type housing, restaurants, and entertainment within the downtown district. The transition of single family residential to multiuse commercial zones will further extend the downtown corridor and help to drive economic activity. Parking is adequate for most times downtown, but more parking would be desireable for events, or if future development occurs. The property


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

located along N Jackson Street that is under inquiry for acquisition could be utilized for future public parking. While the parking lot on the corner of Washington and South Street could be used for mixed-use development to maximize street visibility to businesses, parking can be added to the existing adjacent lot off of South and Center Street. Other parking changes include acquiring part of the private lot off of North Street between Center and Washington, and transitioning half of the lot to public parking. This lot will be accessible through the alleyway and will provide additional parking for the potential marketplace development. If the opportunity arises in the future to acquire any of the remaining single-family lots in the downtown area, the town should consider acquisition to develop additional public space or partner with a developer to create more mixed-use development if the market demand is present. Ultimately, the goal of the downtown district land use is to provide more mixed-use and public spaces. These types of land use development encourage use by all residents and provide more than the single use that the current commercial and residential land use provides. Single-use commercial and residential land use should remain outside of the downtown district for all future planning and development.

E North Street N Washington Street

N Center Street

N Jackson Street

N Montgomery Street

W North Street

S Center Street

S Washington Street

E Plymouth Street

S Jackson Street

S Montgomery Street

W Plymouth Street

W South Street


Existing Downtown Land Use

E South Street

Proposed Downtown Land Use

N Center Street

N Washington Street

E North Street N Jackson Street

N Montgomery Street

W North Street

S Center Street

S Washington Street

E Plymouth Street

S Jackson Street

S Montgomery Street

W Plymouth Street

W South Street

E South Street

Single-Family Residential



Public Parking

Government Use

Public Space

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



7.0 Summary

Troyer Group |



The primary goal of this plan is to restore vitality to Bremen’s downtown by improving the downtown atmosphere, encouraging social experiences, and enhancing the over all quality-of-life for the community. Bremen currently has the opportunities for extensive growth and revitalization through the reconstruction of Plymouth Street and the downtown streetscape. This project will help serve as a catalyst for other subsequent projects to increase attraction to Bremen for future businesses and residents. The outlined downtown district improvements provide the town with an outline for transformative steps towards a prosperous future. Currently the streetscape downtown Bremen is focused on moving vehicles through the corridor quickly. The wide travel lanes along main street have created a downtown environment centered around vehicular circulation and discouragement of pedestrian use. Creating a welcoming atmosphere for pedestrians downtown will encourage new business development, as well as increase visitation to existing businesses. The design team spent significant time familiarizing themselves with the existing conditions of the


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

community. Research and field investigation of the community’s infrastructure, historic architecture, housing, demographics, economics, and past public forums, provided insight into the community. In addition to this research and analysis, the town was completing the Hometown Collaboration Initiative, which provided additional public feedback especially regarding the streetscape improvements. Many partners were involved in the making of this downtown revitalization report. The Hometown Collaborative Initiative and Bremen Community Cares helped to initiate improvements and develop design trials in the downtown. This type of involvement from community organizations helped to gain feedback and involvement from the rest of the community. Town personnel contributed during the planning process, and public meetings helped to drive design decisions through feedback and productive conversations. The implementation of the plan begins with the reconstruction of Plymouth Street downtown. This project is receiving INDOT funding and is currently in the engineering phase. With the redesign of

the Town of Bremen , and attract outside visitation and spending. Ultimately, the success of these projects will hopefully attract developers’ attention to downtown Bremen, and could fulfill projects such as a future Downtown Marketplace. Secondary projects, including acquired property development and parking improvements, will help to increase access for visitors and residents to the downtown businesses and amenities.


the streetscape, substantive funding is being applied for through OCRA’s CDBG program for the added amenities in the streetscape that will serve pedestrian and business usage. Streetscape improvements include sidewalks, outdoor furniture, planters, lighting, and street trees, which are crucial for attracting pedestrians and encouraging non-vehicular use of the downtown district. The anticipated success of the downtown streetscape project will serve as a catalyst for the other planned projects outlined in this report. With new interest and investment in the downtown, and funding from grant opportunities such as the Stellar Communities Program, projects including the Jackson Flex Street/Gathering Space and Alley Activation will further encourage the cycle of new community developments. These projects will provide spaces for residents and visitors to congregate along the newly developed pedestrian-oriented streetscape. The development of these lost spaces amplify the quality-of-life in the downtown, and create destinations for the Town to host events. Projects such as the gathering space, act as marketing for

Mechanisms for evaluation of the success of each project will be visitation and use, as well as increases in economic returns and interest in future investments. While this plan lays out the frame work for future downtown developments, it is not a strict design guide. Updates to this plan may be written in as need in order to accommodate for social, economic, and environmental trends and development needs. Specific engineering needs and changes will be assessed at the time of development for each individual project.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



8.0 Appendices

Troyer Group |



Draft Signage Ordinance and Design Standards The following standards shall be followed for all signage renovations and new signage installations. • Signs shall be placed to fit in with the building’s overall architectural composition and shall not compete with its architectural features, especially on historic facades. • Placement of signs shall not obscure window or doorways, including door, glass panes, and corresponding trim and supports. • Placement of signs shall not significantly obscure the building’s architectural features. • Signage on masonry buildings shall be mounted through the mortar joints rather through the masonry itself. • Awnings shall not be internally illumined. • Sign material shall be durable and easy to maintain with preference to wood and metal. • The sign style, colors and materials shall be complementary with the character of the building and other signage. • Highly reflective material shall not be used, as it is often difficult to read.

• Each business frontage shall be allowed one wall sign per fifty feet of street frontage. • A wall sign shall not exceed sixty square feet in size, and shall not exceed the total allowable sign area established per business frontage. • The primary wall sign shall be located above the street-level windows/door. • If a historic sign board area exists above the transom windows, the primary wall sign shall fit within this space and shall not extend above, below, or beyond the edges of the signboard area. • Wall signs below eight feet from grade shall not project more than two inches from the building and above eight feet shall not project more than eighteen inches. • The highest point of the wall sign shall not extend more than five feet above the roofline, cornice or parapet, whichever is highest. • A projecting sign shall not exceed fifty square feet in size, and shall not exceed the total allowable sign area established per business frontage. • Projecting signs shall be two-sided.

• Projecting signs shall be mounted above the first floor and shall not be extend more than five feet above the roofline, cornice or parapet, whichever is • High-lumen exterior lamps shall be located and shielded to prevent the casting of direct light or glare highest. on adjacent roadways or properties, and shall not • Projecting signs shall be a minimum 40 feet apart, interfere significantly with the sign or sign bracket. except that each business shall be allowed one projecting sign. • All sign lighting shall be securely and permanently affixed to prevent movement-suspended light strings • The mounting bracket shall be complementary to are prohibited. the projecting sign and the building’s architectural style. • If a monument wall or projecting sign is internally illuminated, the sign face (background) shall be opaque with only pushed through lettering/symbols • Awning signs shall not cover more than seventy-five percent of the valance/flat profile, and shall not cover illuminated. more than fifty percent of the awning roof. • Monument signs shall only be used for buildings set • Canopy and marquee signage shall not cover more back, or where a business’ primary entrance is eight feet or more behind the public sidewalk. Monument than seventy-five percent of the valance/flat profile. signs shall not be used in the downtown area. • Signage is prohibited on the side panels of awnings, canopies and marquees. • The base of monument signs shall be landscaped. • Signage, excluding product display, shall not cover • A LED changeable messaging sign may be incorporated in a monument sign, but shall not make more than twenty-five percent of each storefront display window/door area. up more than twenty-five percent of the sign area, inclusive of the base area


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

• Sign lettering and images shall be created from high-quality materials such as paint, gold-leaf, etching, vinyl, or neon. • Neon/LED cabinet/canister and flashing neon/ LED signs are prohibited. • One portable sign shall be allowed for each business that has obtained a state-issued food license. • A portable sign shall be no more than six square feet in area, inclusive of border and trim. • The height of the portable sign shall be no more than three feet for sandwich boards and four feet for pedestal signs. • Portable signs shall be constructed of durable materials, such as wood and metal.

• Portable signs shall be braced and/or secured to prevent motion using components that complement the sign’s design, materials and colors. • Portable signs shall be located within ten feet of business entrance and within 5 feet of the building facade, but not placed as to interfere with pedestrian ingress and egress.


• To maintain visibility into storefront, all window signage, including interior signage and product display within three feet of the panes of glass (door or window), shall not cover more than fifty percent of each storefront display window/ door area.

• Portable signs shall not placed in any location where the paved area for passage is reduced to less than six feet or within fifteen feet of an intersection, driveway, crosswalk or stairwell. • Each business shall be allowed one blade sign per public entrance. If multiple blade signs are planned along a single business frontage, there shall be forty feet separating each sign. If multiple blade signs are used, all shall be of the same style and shape. • Blade signs shall have a minimum clearance height of eight (8) feet above the sidewalk grade. • Blade signs shall be mounted below the sills of the second floor windows, or where second floor windows typically would reside on the building if none exist.

• Portable signs shall not be illuminated or contain An engaging streetscape with activated storefronts and varied lighting elements a vibrant retail moving parts. • Blade signs shall becreates two-sided. environment.

Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Draft Streetscape Ordinance and Standards The following standards shall be followed for all downtown streetscape usage, redevelopment, and expansion.


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

• Building entrances shall have a direct clear path unimpeded (minimum of five feet) for ingress and egress.

• Cafe Zone shall maintain at least a five foot clear, unobstructed path along public sidewalk(s). • Primary structures shall be built to the front property line, unless the setback will be used for an outdoor seating • The Cafe Zone shall not extend beyond the business area, a hardscape plaza, or similar usable (accessible) frontage without written permission of adjacent property space. owner(s). • A minimum of one functional building entrance shall • Tables shall not exceed forty-two inches in diameter be provided along the building facade facing the street. (round) or width (square/rectangle). Buildings that face multiple streets shall provide an entrance facing the more prominent of the streets • A detectable barrier shall be provided along Leading Edges of the Cafe Zone to ensure that visually impaired • Walkways shall be provided to connect the building pedestrians using canes can detect the dining area safely. entrance(s) to the public sidewalk. Walkways that cross parking areas or a drive aisle shall be clearly identified, • A detectable barrier shall be provided around full either with different paving materials (such as brick/ perimeter of the Cafe Zone (with the exception of access colored concrete) or with painted crosswalk striping. openings) when alcohol is served/consumed, unless conditionally approved by Town. • Trash containers, recycling containers, street level mechanical equipment (gas meters, air conditioners, etc.) • Excluding planters, detectable barriers shall be between and rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located or three and four feet tall, shall maintain the lowest point of screened so that they are not visible from a public street the barrier no greater than six inches above the ground. (excluding alleyways), waterfront or adjacent properties, unless screening impedes functionality/service. Electrical • If used, planters shall, at a minimum, be placed at the service boxes are excluded from this requirement. corners and entry of the sidewalk cafe, and shall be no taller than three feet in height (pertains only to planters, • Permanent loading docks and staging areas shall not not the plants contained therein). Planters shall contain be in the front yard. Any loading areas visible from the living plants that shall not exceed six feet in height. street, or facing a residential property, shall be screened with landscaping and/or wall not less than six feet in • Prohibited barrier materials include: chain link, rope height and integrated with the overall site design and/or rails, chain rails, fabric, and other materials not specifically building elements. designed as fencing (e.g., buckets, newspaper stands, waste receptacles,etc.). • Outdoor storage of products, materials or equipment is prohibited in the front yard (excludes short-term display/ • Sidewalk cafe elements, including furniture and barriers, sales) shall not be tied or otherwise secured to trees, lamp posts, street signs, hydrants and other public utility features • Parcels abutting or across the street from residential or park uses shall not cause light trespass in excess of one • All outdoor food service areas open to the public shall be foot-candle as measured horizontally, five feet above the ADA compliant. Non-paved flooring surface is prohibited ground level at the property line of the affected parcel in these areas, unless approved by the Town. Floor line. coverings are prohibited, including artificial turf, paint, and carpet. • Parking and security lighting poles shall not be taller than the thirty-five feet. For properties in or abutting a residential zoning district, the maximum allowable height • Dining furniture (e.g., tables, chairs, bar stools, picnic tables, etc.) shall be of commercial grade, and shall be shall be twenty-five feet. constructed primarily of finished grade wood, metal or composite material. Prohibited dining furniture include: • Exterior light fixtures shall be designed to complement lightweight materials, unstained/unpainted pressurethe character/style of the building. treated wood, and/or primarily plastic. • LED String lighting shall be commercial grade; either large bulbs or commercial decorative as in “dripping” tree • Dumpsters shall not be used for customer disposal, and if dumpsters are located in the outdoor food service area lights they shall be screened. • Christmas lights are only allowed November-January. • Umbrellas shall use a canvas-type fabric, shall Christmas lights shall not be installed February through complement the building style and color, and shall October. provide a minimum of seven (7) foot vertical clearance.

• Display furnishings (e.g., carts, racks, shelves, baskets, etc.) shall be of commercial grade, and shall be constructed primarily of wood and metal. • Display furnishings and displayed merchandise shall not encroach beyond the permitted use area or overhang pedestrian circulation paths.

• New mortar shall match the original brick and mortar joint profile, including width and depth. Mortar shall duplicate the original in color, texture and strength. • Infilling existing historic base panels with concrete block is prohibited (unless it matches the primary facade material). Brick, if used to infill a historic base panel, shall match the building as closely as possible in size, color, and texture.

• Hanging of display items from overhead canopies, porches, doors awnings or other parts of the building (including the facade itself ) is prohibited, unless conditionally approved by the Town.

• Existing entry openings on historic structures shall be retained, where feasible. If additional entry openings are needed (i.e., for deliveries) they shall be placed at regular intervals and should be of similar proportions as the original entry.

• Free-standing display furnishings and merchandise shall be stored indoors outside of business hours.

• Existing window openings on facades facing a public street shall be retained.

• Individual items to be displayed and individual display furnishings shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height.

• Shades or blinds are not allowed in retail storefront windows. Decorative window treatments may be allowed such as in restaurants to provide guests protection from the sun.

• Temporary tents are prohibited, unless conditionally approved for a special event. • Prohibited sale items to be displayed outdoors include the following: alcohol, alcohol paraphernalia, drug paraphernalia, tobacco products, firearms, knives, hazardous materials, counterfeit materials, trash or discarded boxes, packing materials, and any other materials prohibited by code. • New buildings shall be at least sixteen feet tall from sidewalk grade to the facade termination(top of the parapet/cornice). • Street-facing building facades over hundred feet in length shall have a minimum of twenty-five percent of the facade vary in overall height, with such difference being four feet or more measured eave to eave or parapet to parapet.


• Outdoor sales area shall maintain a five foot clear and unimpeded path to any and all building entrances.

• Do not infill storefronts with solid materials in lieu of glass windows. • Original or historic features, including columns, bulkheads, transoms and moldings, shall be retained, if possible. • Inappropriate past additions to buildings shall be considered for removal. Elements such as siding, signs, wood filler in window openings, stucco, or exterior siding materials are some materials that shall be considered for removal in renovation.

• Any secondary facade facing a public street (corner buildings) shall incorporate design qualities similar to the primary front facade. • A positive visual termination at the top of the building shall be established, such as a pitched roof with gable(s) facing the street or a flat roof with a defined cornice. • Bright colors are prohibited for the primary facade color, but are acceptable as a secondary color to highlight expression lines or details. • Awnings shall be fabricated out of durable materials such as metal, canvas, or wood. Vinyl and plastic shall not be used. • EIFS, metal panel/siding systems and other panelized products are prohibited at the base of the building where susceptible to damage (a minimum of three feet above grade). Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Potential Bench Specifications


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

APPENDICES Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

APPENDICES Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Potential Downtown Light Pole and Fixture Specifications


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

APPENDICES Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Potential Gathering Space Lighting Specifications


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

APPENDICES Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

APPENDICES Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan



Potential Litter Receptacle Specifications


Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan

APPENDICES Town of Bremen Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan


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