Book 1: Visual Strategy Guide

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visual strategy guide.

ii Tyler Cleveland // GR604 Nature of Identity

visual strategy guide.

iii Visual Development Guide
iv Tyler Cleveland // GR604 Nature of Identity NASA
v Visual Development Guide
Table of Contents


Who we were

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Who is NASA?

Since its inception, NASA has been at the forefront of innovation, providing cutting-edge equipment and expertise worldwide. Renowned for iconic moments such as the Apollo moon landings, NASA has become a symbol of American ingenuity.

As a pioneer in space exploration, NASA sets the standard for conducting missions beyond Earth’s boundaries. While NASA’s legacy is deeply rooted in space exploration, its role has evolved to include collaborative efforts with emerging space agencies worldwide. Looking ahead, NASA will continue to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and exploration with creativity and ingenuity.

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,”
- Neil Armstrong
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M5 Finding Your Brand

Russia had launched the first satellite into space which caused a national security scale. This prompted President JFK to commit to a presence in space. The moon was the final destination. The project started with unmanned probes orbiting around the moon.

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“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”
- John F. Kennedy
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NACA evolves into NASA. The NACA transition marked the U.S. entry into the space race. JFK made it a national promise to go to the moon.


Apollo project starts off with tragedy. The first mission , Apollo 1, ends with three astronauts burning alive.


President Ronald Reagan succeeds in finishing the space shuttle program that produced a reusable spacecraft


Russia launches “Sputnik I” into space.

1969 – 1972


NACA founded Developed the U.S. Air Force planes.

First Jet Plane paves way for space rockets

Apollo 11 mission had achieved a historic moment marking a pivotal moment in society. The project had caught the attention of the entire globe. However, shortly after, JFK was assassinated leaving the program without a big supporter. NASA had become halted.

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International Space Station (ISS) project completed. This provided a place for astronauts worldwide to do research in space and collaborate. 2015


Tragedy strikes again almost a decade later at NASA. Space shuttle Challenger explodes one minute into the ascent. This caused a 3 year hiatus for the agency.

First reusable rocket by SpaceX. 2003

Shuttle Columbia explodes killing all members on board.

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The New NASA

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Re-branding Objective

Beyond NASA’s extensive history of space missions, the agency has deeply influenced society here on Earth. Recognizing this connection, NASA sees potential for rebranding to further its impact. Moving forward, NASA aims to position itself as a leader in inspiring courage and facing challenges, both in space exploration and on our home planet.

To achieve this mission, NASA will redefine its public offerings, prioritizing resources that support learning and creativity. Whether it’s providing tools for exploration or fostering innovation, NASA will be there to empower individuals and communities.

Additionally, NASA will leverage its brand equity to partner with influential brands, expanding its reach to new audiences. However, NASA remains committed to its loyal fanbase, who share a passion for science, exploration, and patriotism.

By embracing these values and forging new connections, NASA seeks to inspire, engage, and unite people worldwide in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery.

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Re-branding Objective

Beyond NASA’s extensive history of space missions, the agency has deeply influenced society here on Earth. Recognizing this connection, NASA sees potential for rebranding to further its impact. Moving forward, NASA aims to position itself as a leader in inspiring courage and facing challenges, both in space exploration and on our home planet.

To achieve this mission, NASA will redefine its public offerings, prioritizing resources that support learning and creativity. Whether it’s providing tools for exploration or fostering innovation, NASA will be there to empower individuals and communities.

Additionally, NASA will leverage its brand equity to partner with influential brands, expanding its reach to new audiences. However, NASA remains committed to its loyal fanbase, who share a passion for science, exploration, and patriotism.

By embracing these values and forging new connections, NASA seeks to inspire, engage, and unite people worldwide in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery.

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We inspire innovation, accelerate science, and promote global collaboration for the courageous because courage has the power to fuel progress in order to make groundbreaking achievements.

This is the newly crafted mission statement, pivotal in creating NASA’s new brand image. It’s imperative to recognize that the revised mission encapsulates a broader scope beyond solely space exploration. It embodies our commitment to advancing not only the frontiers of space exploration but also our dedication to innovation, exploration, and discovery.

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Brand Persona

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Personas serve as tools for brands to provide insights into the wants, needs, and frustrations of their audience. By understanding their customers on a deeper level, brands can tailor their messaging and offerings more effectively, fostering stronger connections and loyalty. For designers, personas play an important role in guiding designs that communicate the brand’s message to its target audience. Personas also help keep the entire design team organized.

The target audience for this re-branding project comprises individuals and organizations who possess a deep fascination with exploration, problem solving, and facing your fears. They are captivated by the mysteries of the universe, constantly seeking knowledge about our existence, and how they may improve their lives. This understanding has led to these three realizations, or “conerns”.




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The Curious Kid

[A] Meeka went and grabbed her grandma because she wanted to show how she completed the puzzle.

[A] Meeka ran to grab a broom because she thought of a better way to hold up her fort.

[B] Meeka grabbed a pencil to mark the wall because she measured herself and noticed she has grown.

[B] Meeka is nervous because she is about to tell her mom that she broke a picture

[C] Meeka is excited for this weekend because she is going to London for the first time.

[C] Meeka likes going to school becasue the immersion program helps her meet friends from other parts of the world.

[A] Solving problems creatively

[B] Empowering yourself

[C] Experience life

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Maria Starocci (7) Rome, Italy

The Old Adventurer

[A] Naoki bought a NASA Pathfinder because he wanted to see if it had better navigation for his upcoming trip to antarctica

[A] Naoki prefers to make igloos in the snow because he believes they are better for protection and warmth compared to tents.

[B] Naoki is excited for this upcoming trip because he is finally going to complete his goal to reach the summit of a mountain on every continent.

[B] Naoki called for assistance through the satellite radio because he doesn’t think he can summit the top without the help of someone else.

[C] Naoki and his friends were showing each other all of the stamps they have in their passports because they wanted to see how many countries were travelled between them all.

[C] Naoki still likes to mountaineer with a guide because he likes to learn new skills from the locals.

[A] Solving problems creatively

[B] Empowering yourself

[C] Experience life

Omatsu (71) Osaka, Japan

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The Aspiring Engineer

[A] Rio and his friends are celebrating because they won the most innovative design award.

[A] Rio likes to compete in design challenges because he likes to collaborate with his friends to solve worldwide issues through engineering.

[B] Rio routinely talks with his instructors because he knows they will help him do well in the class.

[B] Rio was saying bye to his friends because he had to get home early to study for his mid-term.

[C] Rio and his friends are packing to go to Europe because they are participating in an international design competition next week.

[C] Rio likes to coach the local youth soccer team because he likes to help them grow in athletics.

Beasley (21) Seattle, WA 1 // solve problems creatively. 2 // empowering yourself.

3 // experience what life has to offer.

20 Tyler Cleveland // GR604 Nature of Identity

The Career Scientist

[A] Casey was at an award ceremony because he was receiving an award for his innovative solution for stem cell therapies.

[A] Casey is not afraid to fail because he knows that failure is an opportunity to master your discipline.

[B] Casey is driving up to San Francisco because he wants to participate in the protest against asian hate.

[B] Casey does not like to let worry hinder him because he knows worry will prevent him from moving forward in his project.

[C] Casey just arrived at his colleagues house because they are flying to a convention in New York about stem cell therapies .

[C] Casey likes to go around the different booths at conventions because he likes to see what people are doing in the field of science.

1 // solve problems creatively.

2 // empowering yourself.

3 // experience what life has to offer.

Lu (67) Stanford, CA

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The Daredevil

[A] Jamie likes top-rope climbing because she likes the challenge of figuring out the path to the top.

[A] Jamie likes to climb with others because she likes to learn new climbing routes.

[B] Jamie texted her friend when she got home because she wanted to apologize for forgetting the climbing rope on the trail.

[B] Jamie is a regular at the local bouldering gym because she likes to improve her climbing skills.

[C] Jamie is taking a trip to the swiss alps because she wants to climb in a new environment.

[C] Jaime is packing up her backpack quickly because her friend wanted to spontaneously go on a backpacking trip.

1 // solve problems creatively.

2 // empowering yourself.

3 // experience what life has to offer.

22 Tyler Cleveland // GR604 Nature of Identity
Jamie Bui (35) London, UK

The “Tomboy” Rebel

[A] Fernanda moved some of her drums around because she wants to see if a new layout can help her play better.

[A] Fernanda likes being in a band because she likes sharing music and song ideas with her friends.

[B] Fernanda does the Mexico City Marathon because she likes to challenge herself

[B] Fernanda is excited for the mail because she is expecting an acceptance letter to college for a full scholarship in computer science

[C] Fernanda is nervous for this weekend because she is moving to the U.S. for college and doesn’t know how well she may fit in.

[C] Fernanda is calling her mom from college because she wants to share how quickly she made friends and that she feels safe.

1 // solve problems creatively.

2 // empowering yourself.

3 // experience what life has to offer.

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Fernanda Garcia // 29 Mexico City, Mexico

The Homebody

[A] Francene started her own business because she likes working alone and can do things by herself.

[A] Francene stopped doing the daily crossword puzzle because she got tired of not finishing them.

[B] Francene has been feeling inadequate because she hasn’t been putting effort into growing her business and her profits are decreasing.

[B] Francene does not like new years resolutions because she never sticks to the plan she made.

[C] Francene doesn’t know much about Europe because she has never left her hometown.

[C] Francene is stressed because her morning routine was messed up when the car needed a jumpstart.

1 // solve problems creatively.

2 // empowering yourself.

3 // experience what life has to offer.

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Francene Obo (57) Paris, France

The Skeptic

The Conservative

[A] Rick has never ordered something different off a menu because he doesn’t like the risk of not liking what he ordered.

[A] Rick went on a walk to calm down because he hates when the Utah Jazz loses.

[B] Rick stopped his subscription to FitBit because he stopped going to the gym to exercise.

[B] Rick went upstairs to talk to his neighbors because he is tired of them making noise.

[C] Rick quit his job because the company was moving and he did not want to relocate away from his hometown.

[C] Rick was nervous as he walked up to the house because he doesn’t go out to parties.

1 // solve problems creatively.

2 // empowering yourself.

3 // experience what life has to offer.

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Rick Taylor (37) Provo, Utah
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Logo Research

One aspect of branding is understanding who the brand is competing against. The goal of this research is to find out how the brand is positioned among the rest of the field so that designers and stakeholders can show the potential growth of the brand.

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Dynamic Swoop Logos

EADS is the European Aeronautic and Defense Space Company which specializes in ae4rial military defenses.


Head is a leading manufacturer of tennis equipment, including tennis rackets, balls, strings, bags, and accessories. The logo symbolizes movement of a ball in an arching motionin much like the path of a moon around a planet or a ship around the moon.


TREK is a bicycle brand famous for it’s involvement in tLance Armstrong’s bike career. Their logo has dynamic swooping lines that represent the dynamic movement of a bicycle moving along the road. My logo design is similar in the way the line is used to create movement and depth.

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Subaru is an automobile manufacturer. The logo represents the stars. Specifically they chose a four corner star much like the form I have chosen in my designs.


Delta is an airline. The logo has a triangular shape that resembles an aircraft and a red semi-circle shape that looks like the earth. This look can be seen in my designs. It differs by making the triangle the focus versus the earth form.


Atari is an iconic video game brand. Their logo is the shape of an A but stylized in a way that makes a dynamic motion upward.

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Circular Swoop Logos

Acura is an automobile manufacturing brand. The logo is a stylized “A” in a modern technological style.This is similar due to the triangular form within a circular form.


Oldmobile is an automobile brand. The logo is a circular form with a dynamic path leading to the top of the circle.

Continental Airlines

Continental Airlines is an airline brand. The logo references a dynamic path within a circle. However, this shows horizontal movement whereas my design is diagonal.

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Rockwell International

Rockwell is an airline brand. The lines are dynamic and may sugegsest the motion of a plane taking off into the distance . My design also uses line to show the movement of the aircraft off into the distance.


Vattenfall is an electrcity company. The logo uses all the same elements as my design, hoewever, they symbolize different objects like water and sunlight to represent sustainable energy.


Autobacs is an auto retail company. The logo uses lines as a dynamic element and a circle to make the logo unified.

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