Tracy Ellis Real Estate Magazine - Spring 2021

Page 1

Story, Let Us Tell Yours

Every Home has a

The Rick & Tracy Ellis Show

Meet The Rick & Tracy Ellis Team!

Tracy Ellis 636.299.3702

Rick Ellis 636.699.2197

Pat Daffron Buyers Specialist 314.704.5672

Nikki Thompson Buyers Specialist 314.707.0731

Allyson Heisler Office Manager

Lisa Hoechst 314.651.7828

Pat Moxley Agent Attraction Specialist 210.414.9605

Michael Grace 314.780.4722

Dianne Jennings 314.651.0156

Randy Wild 314.420.2619

Janet Henrichs 314.603.1756

Tina Spicer Santa Rosa Beach, FL Agent 850-855-0201


CONTENTS 2 The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team 4 Editorial

8 Luxury Living at Horton Lane 12 Current Listings 25 Yuppy Puppies Forever, Inc 26 Things to Consider if You're a


1st Time Home Buyer

29 Rolwes Co.: Introducing Our Newest Floor Plan "The Savoy"!

34 What are Buyers Looking for in 38

Luxury Home Design?

The Rick and Tracy Ellis Luxury Division Sales

42 What to Expect in



Design Trends for 2021

45 Healing Yourself From Within 46 Villa Living at its Finest 51 RCS-D Designation 52 Why Did The Rick & Tracy Ellis Team 58 62

Choose eXp Realty?

Lake Living at it's Finest


Marketing Approach

Editor in Chief: Tracy and Rick Ellis Art Direction: Tracy and Rick Ellis, Laura Merchant Head Copywriter: Tracy Ellis

On the cover:

Design: Laura Merchant Photography: Benjamin Scherliss C: 636.299.3702 O: 636.699.2197


12848 Horton Lane St. Louis, MO 63131 Photo by Benjamin Scherliss

RickandTracyEllisTeam Tracyellisrealtor TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 3


Tracy Ellis of us could not wait for 2020 to be over and bring in a New Year. In some ways, I would like to go back to 2020. I know that many say you should not talk about religion and politics, but I will agree to disagree. Especially at this time in our country, we are witnessing things I never imagined I would see in The United States of America. I will never be ashamed to say I believe in God and was a proud Conservative. I am still a Conservative, but not too proud of our Conservative party at this moment. Change will not happen by staying quiet or being afraid to speak out. If you follow my social media, or listen to our radio shows, you probably already know that I am outspoken on my political beliefs and support of President Trump, whom I believe should be our sitting President in our White House today. I think about 95% of our Representatives and Senators forgot who they are working for, “We the People”. Instead, most of them have been working to serve themselves and their best interest. It is past time for a change. If anything has come out of this horrible nightmare of a stolen election, it should be that it has awakened a lot of people to the corruption all throughout our government. We have all been so busy keeping up with our daily lives and trusting the people we elected to do their jobs, that we have missed a lot of what President Trump has been trying to tell us the last several years. Looking back now on many of the things he said in the past, it is so clear what he was trying to tell us. I think one of the many reasons President Regan and President Trump will always be my favorite President’s is because they were not career politicians. They did not need the money, so they could not be bought. I believe they have been the only President’s that acted on behalf of “We the People”. I think it is so important for serious changes to be made in our Government, including term limits, this should not be a career. There should not be politicians that are paid a $100,000 a year, that are now worth millions of dollars from being bribed to do what is best for foreign governments or corporations at our expense. Change will not come by being silent or not getting involved, which is why I am choosing to do just that. I plan to start looking into what I can do on a local level to make our voices heard and to remove the corrupt politicians who voted against President Trump and “We the People”, who put them in the offices they are currently in. It will be “We the People” who make sure they are removed from that position. I have business owners and even other Real Estate Agents who



have reached out to me asking if I am concerned about losing business for being so public in my political beliefs and I tell them, “absolutely not”! My political and religious beliefs should have anything to do with my experience and hard work in real estate and if someone does not want to work with me because of that, it is their choice. I am only concerned with what my heavenly Father and my immediate family think of me and that is it. I know that I am fighting for what I believe is in the best interest of my children, future grandchildren and future generations. I want them to live in the America that we all knew and love, not what it is becoming. Remember when you were a kid, and your biggest concern was what to wear to school? Or what your mom or dad had packed in your lunch? Or which day you would get to go over to your Grandparents home to visit? Or praying for a snow day? Something I could currently do without! Things were so simple back then, in my young, naive brain. Today, though, my brain (and probably yours, too) is frequently assaulted with an overload of information about our world – and most of it is so negative! Evil vs Good. Last winter, I recall feeling absolutely paralyzed with fear as news about a pandemic that we now know as Covid-19 was emerging, along with the state of our government and an upcoming election. Not to mention the national and local media along with all social platforms controlling the narrative of what we see and hear and them being in the position to “allow” us to share the news or not. Censorship, it was everywhere we looked and it seemed to fill every channel and social media feed. I think I must have said to my husband 100 times a day, “OUR WORLD IS FALLING APART!” and my stress levels went through the roof. I was getting so discouraged and filled with fear about the future for my children and yours. The truth is, fear is a very real emotion that many of us struggle with in a world that has instant access to information about absolutely EVERYTHING HORRIBLE. I am happy to say, we turned off the news and although I am on social media still, I read very few posts and rarely go look at the comments even on my own post. I simply share information to hopefully give people some knowledge about what is really happening in our world today. I have learned, if I want to know the truth, I need to do my own work and search for the news myself instead of someone reading a script from a teleprompter. That is not news to me, that is being fed “news” or misinformation that the corrupt elite are paying media platforms to tell us. That is my opinion anyway.

I have learned more about our country and the levels of corruption in the last four months than all my 49 years of life. At first, it was genuinely concerning to me, the levels that many in our government have gone with their power and greed, but then I was mad and disappointed in myself for not realizing what was happening right before my eyes. I considered myself knowledgeable and felt like I was very informed about people and politics, heck, some of them I even voted for myself. Unfortunately, I know now that I allowed myself to be fed misinformation. I now realize that it is not just one party that is corrupt, it is both the democrat and republican party. It is best described as the saying goes: What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird. We are surrounded by corruption, there is really nothing they will not do to get the result they want; it can be overwhelming at times. Most of us realize how hard it will be fighting such evil, so some choose to just submit and think they are only one person. Some feel they cannot bring about change, I disagree. This is our country, and it is bigger than just that. I think we must set an example for our children, that you can never stop fighting for truth. I always tell our boys, I did not fight in the military and I am so grateful for all those who did, but this is the way we can do our part. “We the People” can be digital soldiers and help spread the message of truth to the people. It is up to each and everyone of us to do our own research and learn for ourselves. I will no longer be fed misinformation; I will do my own digging to get to the truth. I realize it can be difficult when so many are afraid of the cancel culture or what people will think of you. I believe you will have more support for telling the truth and speaking up for the best interest of your country and community than those who will be against you. At the end of the day, it is more important to me, to make the man upstairs proud! Instead of worrying about the people who try to shame you, focus on the people and problems that are RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU and how you can make a difference. MOTHER TERESA SAID, “WHAT CAN YOU DO TO PROMOTE WORLD PEACE? GO HOME AND LOVE YOUR FAMILIES.” It’s really quite simple, what we pour into our children today – all the love, knowledge, prayers, and faithfulness to rely on His strength, wisdom, and grace – is what the Lord can use to raise up a new generation of world changers and leaders. That is what is so important, especially at this moment in time, when we have people putting Gorilla Glue in their hair and becoming an Instagram star while also suing the company for their bad behavior and lack of common sense. Throughout all of this, I am so blessed to have the love and support of my husband and my Mom, who allow “me” to be “me” and listen to my ramblings. I can not tell you how many nights I have went to bed at three am in the morning after doing as much research as I can, trying to find the truth. Life does not stop, and our business and family come first, so during the day those are the things we focus on so that only leaves late nights for searching for truth. Poor Rick, he then must listen to all my findings and for the most part supports my theories. Of course, if you listen to most, they will say it is all “conspiracy theories”. I say, if they are calling it a conspiracy theory, it is most likely truth, and they are very afraid of us learning the truth and they should be. I will not go into depth here like I do on my private social media page, The Patriots, but I will say I do not believe

for a minute this is over by a long shot. I believe in President Trump and I know his love of our country and the patriotic American people. I do not think for a minute he has just walked away nor is he staying completely silent for no reason. I believe with all my heart he has a plan and that he will continue to Make America Great Again. I encourage you all to have hope and faith and keep believing in truth and fighting for your voice to be heard. Most of us stay ‘safe’ in our little bubble of home, church and school which sometimes can give the illusion that we are in control of what is going on around us. Then when we hear about something terrible that has happened, we are surprised – and it can rattle our faith. At times we may even ask, “Why would God allow such awful things to happen”? I believe God is so amazing and he knows better than all of us, of what needs to happen to get to the greater good. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness to see the light. I feel that is what is happening now. I do think America’s best days are ahead. So, fill your mind with truth and knowledge. Refuse to let the enemy make you think everything is downward spiraling and out of control. It most certainly is not, there is so much goodness all around us and so many people who are now waking up and getting involved in our country, in ways they never would have imagined. Through this time, I have become even more grateful than I already was for our career in real estate. Along with trying to make a difference as a “digital soldier”, we also try to make a difference in helping people with all their real estate needs. I love the challenge of getting the most money possible for our client’s homes, as well as helping them navigate through the home buying process. This is one of the toughest markets I have seen in my almost 25 years in the business due to such low inventory. After doing this as long as we have, we have seen a thing or two in the real estate industry. We have been trying to caution buyers recently on our radio shows not to get caught up in the emotion of buying a home. It is so important to look at it like an investment, a business transaction. You want to make a smart investment and be able to at least break even when you decide to move someday. We are witnessing some buyers paying at times $25,000 plus over list price for a home that in my opinion was overpriced to begin with. I worry that when the market shifts, and it will, we will be back to the days people are taking money to closing again to move on to their next home. That is one of the many reasons it is so important to work with an experienced real estate agent who has been through those times as well, the highs and the lows. It is so important to be mindful of your decisions and the consequences. Although we have challenges ahead, there are so many great things happening. Home values are still at record highs and interest rates at record lows. It is exceedingly rare that you see these two things take place at the same time. A benefit for the seller and the buyer. I was also honored to be asked by the President, Jeannie Vogt, of St. Charles County Association of Realtors to serve as a Director on the Board. I look forward to serving with many of the top agents in our industry that I have respected for many years. Last year we had our most successful year yet closing almost $60MM in real estate and we plan to break that record this year. We have been blessed to help so many with their real estate needs as well as representing Rolwes Co and all their communities throughout the St.


Louis area for almost 2 years now. We were excited when Bridgewater Communities reached out to us to represent two of their villa communities in Franklin County this year as well. We have admired their custom-built villas for many years and are grateful they have entrusted us with getting their communities sold. Rick and I have worked so hard for many years now to give our customers everything we can! Not only do we give them our time and make sure we are always available and responsive, but we also love marketing their properties in our magazine and on our weekly real estate radio shows. It is truly an honor to get to tell the story of our client’s property in a way that helps the buyer see the property in a different light. I have always said that some people spend more time checking out a car they are buying than their home purchase which is usually their largest investment. It is always beneficial to find out the details of a property, along with the improvements the seller has done to the property that makes it unique from another. Every home tells a story and we really enjoy telling them and that is why we created this magazine. Some are under the impression we only work in luxury real estate; we work in all real estate, in all price ranges! It does not matter to us if your home is $40,000 or $4,000,000, you get the exact same service and care as everyone! A benefit to a luxury property owner, is that those properties tend to have a lot of features and we may not be able to properly market them in the allotted space in the MLS. Through our magazine, we can truly tell their story and highlight all the unique features of the property, which is what people are looking for when paying top dollar for a home. They want something custom and unique and enjoy hearing about the quality throughout the home in a story. I like to use my Editorial, to let you into who I am as a person. Who we are as a family! I feel this is my way to let you know who you are entrusting to come into your home and represent your family in the sale of your home. We work hard for our clients and we will fight to get you the most money for your property with the least repairs or the lowest price on your purchase and make sure you are buying a quality home and not overpaying! No different than fighting for our country, we fight for our clients to get them the best results. We will also be there to help you throughout the process and to make it as smooth as possible. After all, that is why you hire a Realtor! Recently Rick and I had a full circle moment, and it made our hearts swell with pride. Our oldest son, Brett, (who works in new construction real estate) is buying his first home with his fiancé. We have been on the hunt in an extremely limited market as you all know. Our youngest son, Drake, who plans to join us in real estate had a snow day recently and asked if he could go with us to show them property. Of course, we told him to join us. We knew it would be a great learning experience for him. As we were walking out the door, I quickly noticed Drake had on not only his Sunday best with a tie, but his slick soled, dress shoes. I told him he needed to put boots on since it was snowing outside, and it was going to be very slick. He refused and said he wanted to dress the part and be professional. I told him he would quickly learn that in real estate when you are out showing property in snow and ice what you have on your feet is especially important. We decided to let him learn this for himself. I am happy to say he handled it very well and had no issues, but it made us so proud to see him taking it seriously.


It was so interesting to watch Drake and know that he really has been listening to us all these years. Asking his Dad questions about soffit and fascia, checking out the improvements of the home and the things they may need to spend money on sooner rather than later for repairs. I quickly realized he is well equipped; we have prepared him well for life and real estate. The full circle moment came while we were out with Drake teaching him life lessons in real estate while showing our oldest son homes. The area we were showing them homes was the same area that Rick and I bought our first home over thirty years ago. Brett was three weeks old when we bought our first home in the North County area where Rick was born and raised. We were over the moon to bring our new baby into what was to us at the time, our perfect home. Although Brett and Sarah decided on a home in the City of St. Louis instead, it was still a surreal moment to realize that Rick and I have done our job. Although being a parent will never stop, we have raised our four sons into respectful, caring young men; our youngest will be a senior this fall. We have built a wonderful business together for almost twenty-five years that we love and have even bigger dreams for the future. Most of all we have been blessed with thirty-four years together this month, what a blessing! I am so proud of my family and what Rick and I have accomplished together. There is nobody else I can imagine doing life with and thank God every day for sending him my way as well as all of you reading this. I am so grateful that because of our wonderful clients, we get to do what we love every single day and now teach our sons to help others with the dream of home ownership. It is such a rewarding career to feel you made a difference in someone’s life. Real Estate is so much more than buying, building, investing, and selling homes. You become a part of their story, their journey. At times, our clients could be going through the most difficult time in their life. They may have just lost their spouse or be going through a difficult divorce. Some could be relocating or downsizing, while others are looking to create investment portfolios. Of course, there are some looking to buy their ultimate dream home and could be disagreeing with their spouse about the style or location. It is our job, as your real estate agent, to be so much more! We also become your friend, therapist, and financial advisor. We always have your best interest in mind. It is truly a joy to know we made a difference in a family’s life and watch their family grow and prosper over time. After almost twenty-five years in the real estate business, we are now helping our client’s children. I guess that is when you know you are getting older, LOL. On a positive note, I guess that also means we have a lot of knowledge and experience in the real estate industry as well as in life. We would appreciate it so much, if you ever know of anyone thinking of selling, buying, building, or investing, in real estate, please mention our names and tell them to give us a call. We would love to be a part of their story as well! God Bless You ALL!




16935 Manchester Road Wildwood, MO 63040 636.458.8033


12848 Horton Lane St. Louis, MO 63131 $2,250,000

Luxury Living at Horton Lane 8 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE


OWN AND COUNTRY was initially formed as a village in 1950. Recognized as an affluent community in the St. Louis County area in a central location. We all know in real estate, it is all about location, location, location! With quick access to Interstate 270 and Highway 40 (Interstate 64) this is a sought-after community not only for the convenience to major Interstates and proximity to hospitals, but it is also known to have wonderful private schools. The city has done a great job of giving Town and Country that small town feel, surrounded by nature as well as some of the most magnificent homes in the St. Louis area. Many of the properties in Town and Country have large lots or acreage with plenty of privacy. It is not uncommon in this commu-

nity for buyers to purchase older ranch homes and tear them down to build their dream home in its place. After all, they are not making any more land! There is so much to do in the community with several beautiful parks with walking trails and the Town Square has a small grocery store along with several shops. There is no shortage of wildlife in the area, it is not uncommon to see several deer roaming while you are on a nature walk. This is one of the many reasons our clients have purchased their last two properties in Town and Country. Their latest property at 12848 Horton Lane is an incredible opportunity for a lucky buyer! This magnificent, European-inspired Estate home is now for sale!


Located in a small, private, gated community and sits on almost two acres of an extensively landscaped lot. A custom-built home by one of the best in the St. Louis area, DeShetler. Stately curb appeal with stunning stone and brick with a circle drive along with side entry, four car garage. This sprawling ranch floor plan has over 7,200 square feet of living space and has detailed features throughout. The seller recently added beautiful wide plank wood flooring in several rooms, there is exquisite crown moldings and trim, 12’ ceilings & arched entryways. The expansive marble foyer leads to an incredible, private study surrounded by natural oak paneling & a wall of built-in bookcases with


a cozy fireplace. The elegant dining room is spacious and perfect for dinner parties with built-in nooks and a stunning chandelier that all your guest will be raving about. Off the foyer your eyes are instantly drawn to the inviting great room with a beamed cathedral ceiling and beautiful marble fireplace. While entertaining guest in your great room or hearth room invite them to your gathering bar in between the two rooms. A lovely bar to host your finest parties. The kitchen is perfection with all the bells and whistles including upgraded cherry cabinetry, commercial grade appliances, huge center island, see through window to your gathering bar and a large butler’s pantry and coffee bar. Near the butler’s pantry you will find the planning center, a perfect workstation. Of course, the kitchen is open to the sunlit breakfast room and hearth room with a magnificent floor to ceiling stone fireplace flanked by built-in bookcases with beautiful wood beam, vaulted ceilings. There are two half baths for your guest to use on the main level as well as three large bedrooms and two full baths. The owner’s suite has a lovely, coffered ceiling with a marble fireplace, incredible walk-in closet with custom built-ins and you will really enjoy having a 2nd laundry room off your closet. The lavish master bath has a shower spa & jetted tub along with a bidet. One of the other bedrooms located on

the main level has a private, full bath as well. The walk-out lower level is open and sprawling with a recreation room, a large wet bar, game room, workout room, 4th and 5th bedrooms that share a Jack n’ Jill bath and an additional half bath for guest. You will enjoy sitting outside in privacy on one of your three patios and listening to one of your two imported fountains. Horton Lane is truly quality throughout in a beautiful, private subdivision. If you would like to tour this lovely home today, please call Rick or Tracy at 636-299-3702.

Contact us for more information: 636.299.3702 | 636.699.2197 |



ACTIVE 117 Crabapple Cir Lake Ozark, MO 65049 $4,249,900

ACTIVE 1107 Beacon Pointe Cir Lake Ozark, MO 65049 $3,299,000

ACTIVE 12848 Horton Lane St Louis, MO 63131 $2,250,000 More information on page 8.

ACTIVE 15400 Timpaige Dr Chesterfield, MO 63017 $1,750,000

SOLD 1995 Highway B Elsberry, MO 63343 $1,277,447

SOLD 12932 Sunset Bluff Sunset Hills, MO 63127 $1,380,000

SOLD 934 Norrington Way Fenton, MO 63026 $1,325,000

SOLD 403 Tudor Trace Ct Weldon Spring, MO 63304 $1,075,000

SOLD 11734 Brookbend Dr St. Louis, MO 63131 $1,070,000

ACTIVE 961 Chapelwood Ct St Louis, MO 63122 $889,990

SOLD 1320 Josephville Rd Wentzville, MO 63385 $874,900

SOLD 970 Cedars Valley Rd St. Albans, MO 63073 $800,000

Ask us why we made the move to eXp Realty! 12 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

There are over 14,000 licensed real estate agents in St. Louis, The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team ranked #14 in 2020!

SOLD 34 Barnor Rd Wentzville, MO 63385 $782,000

SOLD 300 North Gore Ave St Louis, MO 63119 $778,500

SOLD 3601 Hollow Hills Ct Wildwood, MO 63069 $770,000

SOLD 966 Chapelwood Ct St Louis, MO 63122 $745,505

SOLD 320 Park Rd St. Louis, MO 63119 $735,000

ACTIVE 904 Thorn Crown Ct St. Louis, MO 63122 $721,990

ACTIVE 19316 Dogwood Valley Ct Glencoe, MO 63038 $714,900 More information on page 45.

SOLD 310 South Jessie Ct Wentzville, MO 63385 $715,000

SOLD 337 Greycliff Bluff Dr St. Louis, MO 63129 $708,420

SOLD 418 Cerny Ct Eureka, MO 63025 $692,909

ACTIVE 965 Chapelwood Ct St Louis, MO 63122 $681,990

SOLD 12849 Franciscan Hills Dr Marthasville, MO 63357 $675,000

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197


SOLD 919 TBB Thorn Crown Ct St Louis, MO 63122 $672,990

SOLD 3052 Stonebridge Place Festus, MO 63028 $665,000

ACTIVE 912 Thorn Crown Ct St. Louis, MO 63122 $661,990

SOLD 109 Kendall Bluff Chesterfield, MO 63017 $650,000

SOLD 408 South Park Ave Webster Groves, MO 63119 $644,900

SOLD 4791 Fox Mountain Rd Wildwood, MO 63069 $625,000

ACTIVE 908 Thorn Crown Ct St. Louis, MO 63122 $621,990

SOLD 2616 Tysons Pkwy Dardenne Prairie, MO 63368 $603,000

SOLD 2941 Kandahar Dr St. Charles, MO 63303 $591,089

SOLD 3344 Eagles View Ct Wildwood, MO 63038 $569,900

SOLD 11 Ellerman Oaks Ct Foristell, MO 63348 $569,000

SOLD 322 Kendall Ridge Ct Chesterfield, MO 63017 $547,500

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us! 14 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

SOLD 7524 Clayton Rd St Louis, MO 63117 $545,000

SOLD 330 Cerny Ave Eureka, 63052 $533,420

PENDING 1244 TBB Green Vale Ct Fenton, MO 63026 $515,990

SOLD 1457 Shagbark Court Chesterfield, MO 63017 $512,000

SOLD 107 Brookfield Crossing Dr Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $508,169

SOLD 9798 West Vista Dr Hillsboro, MO 63050 $500,000

SOLD 9335 East Vista Dr Hillsboro, MO 63050 $500,000

SOLD 816 Aston Way Dr O’Fallon, MO 63368 $492,500

SOLD 530 TBB Roaring Fork Ct. Cottleville, MO 63376 $472,235

SOLD 2 Kandahar Dr St Charles, MO 63303 $469,990

SOLD 5331 Wilson Ct Oakville, MO 63129 $468,130

SOLD 14837 Grassmere Ct Chesterfield, MO 63017 $460,000

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 15


SOLD 5339 Wilson Ct Oakville, MO 63129 $460,990

SOLD 492 Dana Meadows Lane Ballwin, 63021 $457,545

PENDING 5330 Wilson Ct Oakville, MO 63129 $451,132

SOLD 488 Dana Meadows Lane Ballwin, 63021 $450,732

SOLD 645 Oak Crossing Dr Villa Ridge, MO 63089 $445,000

SOLD 435 Cerny Ave Eureka, MO 63025 $439,990

ACTIVE 2284 TBB Statten Dr Washington, MO 63090 $439,672

SOLD 1408 Sycamore Manor Dr Chesterfield, MO 63017 $443,000

SOLD 120 Brookfield Crossing Ln Lake St Louis, 63367 $441,544

PENDING 3 Kandahar Dr St Charles, MO 63303 $436,990

ACTIVE 102 TBB Spanish Bay Lane Washington, MO 63090 $431,600

ACTIVE 527 TBB Sawgrass Ct Washington, MO 63090 $430,302

Ask us why we made the move to eXp Realty! 16 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

THANK YOU to each and every one of you who helped us have another record breaking year!

SOLD 977 Chesterfield Villas Cir Chesterfield, MO 63017 $430,000

SOLD 1116 Ironhorse Ct Wentzville, MO 63385 $429,000

SOLD 1311 Cherry Glen Ct Chesterfield, MO 63017 $429,900

SOLD 29 Hawthorne Ct O'Fallon, MO 63366 $429,900

ACTIVE 706 TBB Cypress Pointe Lane Washington, 63090 $425,887

SOLD 1203 Red Orchard Ct O'Fallon, MO 63368 $425,000

ACTIVE 712 TBB Cypress Pointe Lane Washington, 63090 $424,357

ACTIVE 529 TBB Sawgrass Ct Washington, MO 63090 $418,893

ACTIVE 108 TBB Spanish Bay Lane Washington, MO 63090 $417,370

SOLD 618 Palisades View Eureka, MO 63025 $415,000

PENDING 220 TBB Mason Glen Dr Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $408,990

ACTIVE 345 TBB Torrey Pines Cir Washington, MO 63090 $406,614

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 17


ACTIVE 104 TBB Spanish Bay Lane Washington, MO 63090 $406,179

SOLD 5726 Historic Valley Dr Hillsboro, MO 63050 $405,000

SOLD 1668 Tinhouse Rd Hillsboro, MO 63050 $400,000

ACTIVE 2006 Wyndgate Meadows Dr Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $404,990

PENDING 418 Cerny Ct Eureka, MO 63025 $400,990

PENDING 5334 TBB Wilson Ct Oakville, MO 63129 $398,990

ACTIVE 330 TBB Torrey Pines Cir Washington, MO 63090 $396,779

ACTIVE 2994 TBB Halls Green Dr Washington, MO 63090 $394,708

SOLD 104 Wilmer Valley Dr Wentzville, MO 63385 $394,900

PENDING 208 Mason Glen Dr Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $392,990

SOLD 4204 Millers Ridge Dr St Charles, MO 63304 $390,200

PENDING 1 Kandahar Ct St Charles, MO 63303 $389,990

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us! 18 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

ACTIVE 525 TBB Sawgrass Ct Washington, MO 63090 $388,981

SOLD 492 Dana Meadows Lane Ballwin, MO 63021 $383,990

ACTIVE 702 TBB Cypress Pointe Lane Washington, MO 63090 $383,277

ACTIVE 2290 TBB Statten Dr Washington, MO 63090 $382,214

ACTIVE 324 TBB Torrey Pines Cir Washington, MO 63090 $380,439

ACTIVE 2998 TBB Halls Green Dr Washington, MO 63090 $380,129

ACTIVE 446 TBB Broadmoor Dr Washington, MO 63090 $378,939

SOLD 914 Pittsburg Landing Dr Wentzville, MO 63385 $376,419

SOLD 925 Couch Ave St Louis, MO 63122 $375,000

ACTIVE 2995 TBB Halls Green Dr Washington, MO 63090 $377,217

ACTIVE 2297 TBB Statten Dr Washington, MO 63090 $375,060

PENDING 2314 TBB Betony Ct Washington, MO 63090 $373,699

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 19


SOLD 512 Roaring Fork Ct. Cottleville, MO 63376 $372,921

ACTIVE 348 TBB Torrey Pines Cir Washington, MO 63090 $371,311

SOLD 1015 Wyndgate Meadows Ct Lake St Louis, 63367 $369,990

ACTIVE 438 TBB Broadmoor Dr Washington, MO 63090 $367,096

SOLD 3953 Lafayette Ave St Louis, MO 63110 $365,000

SOLD 642 Falconcrest Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $359,900

SOLD 409 Mason Creek Dr Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $374,100

PENDING 100 Brookfield Crossing Lane Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $356,990

PENDING 5314 Wilson Ct Oakville, MO 63129 $354,990

PENDING 5335 Wilson Ct Oakville, MO 63129 $354,990

SOLD 621 Wilmer Meadow Dr Wentzville, MO 63385 $351,086

ACTIVE 5312 Itaska St St Louis, MO 63109 $349,900

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us! 20 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

List your home with The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team and not only will you find it here, but on both of our radio shows every weekend!

ACTIVE 3006 Leesburg Place Imperial, MO 63052 $368,990

PENDING 1134 William Penn Dr Wentzville, MO 63385 $347,990

PENDING 102 Brookfield Crossing Lane Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $345,990

SOLD 6811 Silverstone Ct Byrnes Mill, MO 63051 $344,900

ACTIVE 1003 Wyndgate Meadows Ct Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $349,990

SOLD 5186 King St Imperial, MO 63052 $336,500

ACTIVE 1140 TBB William Penn Dr Wentzville, MO 63385 $339,990

PENDING 1061 TBB Fairfax Ave Imperial, 63052 $334,990

ACTIVE 2009 Wyndgate Meadows Ct Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $339,990

SOLD 649 Lewiston Dr St Louis, MO 63122 $325,000

PENDING 1062 Fairfax Ave Imperial, 63052 $324,990

SOLD 11652 State Route 21 Hillsboro, MO 63050 $319,900

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 21


ACTIVE 8 Crystal Spring Terrace Ct Wentzville, MO 63385 $329,990

PENDING 1137 William Penn Dr Wentzville, MO 63385 $320,990

SOLD 121 Sanctuary Dr Dardenne Prairie, MO 63367 $319,900

SOLD 3034 TBB Leesburg Place Imperial, MO 63052 $336,990

PENDING 3011 Leesburg Place Imperial, MO 63052 $317,990

SOLD 7127 Heartland Dr Dardenne Prairie, MO 63368 $317,300

SOLD 6446 Stallion Imperial, MO 63052 $315,000

SOLD 543 Legacy Pointe Dr St Peters, MO 63376 $315,001

PENDING 238 Mason Glen Dr Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $314,990

SOLD 1007 Golden Orchard Dr O’Fallon, MO 63368 $312,000

SOLD 1147 Crooked Creek St Charles, MO 63304 $310,000

ACTIVE 106 TBB Winter Wheat Trail Pacific, MO 63069 $308,990

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us! 22 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

PENDING 1049 TBB Fairfax Ave Imperial, MO 63052 $307,990

SOLD 608 Glen Brook Ct Lake St Louis, MO 63367 $305,000

PENDING 121 Riding Crop Lane Wentzville, MO 63385 $304,567

SOLD 8938 Kelemen Farms Rd Dittmer, MO 63023 $299,900

SOLD 466 Chamberlin Manchester, MO 63021 $299,000

PENDING 3 Crystal Spring Terrace Ct Wentzville, MO 63385 $302,990

SOLD 1509 Highway DD Defiance, MO 63341 $284,000

PENDING 700 Grand Teton Dr Troy, MO 63379 $296,990

SOLD 1726 Rivercroft Dr O'Fallon, MO 63366 $296,944

SOLD 1486 Arlington Heights Way Imperial, MO 63052 $296,165

PENDING 1118 William Penn Dr Wentzville, MO 63385 $295,990

SOLD 789 Autumn Valley Dr O'Fallon, MO 63366 $294,900

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 23


PENDING 711 TBB Grand Teton Dr Troy, MO 63379 $293,990

SOLD 155 Davis Rd Troy, MO 63379 $291,500

ACTIVE 221 Barrington Ridge Lane Wentzville, MO 63385 $295,990

SOLD 4 Saint Agatha Ct O'Fallon, MO 63366 $285,000

ACTIVE 2030 TBB Great Oaks Blvd Wentzville, MO 63385 $284,990

PENDING 362 Victory Height Dr Wentzville, MO 63385 $279,990

PENDING 3010 Leesburg Place Imperial, MO 63385 $279,990

SOLD 220 River Bluff Ct Troy, MO 63379 $270,000


ACTIVE 1136 Forest Ridge Trail Lane Ballwin, MO 63021 $125,000

ACTIVE 1144 Forest Ridge Trail Lane Ballwin, MO 63021 $125,000


ACTIVE 200 Castle Crest Ct O'Fallon, MO 63366 $145,000

ACTIVE 2662-2664 Old Hwy 79 Elsberry, MO 63343 $4,000,000 More info on page 61.

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us! 24 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

Yuppy Puppies Forever, Inc. Finds Forever Homes for Furry Friends


hat do you do when a family member passes away and leaves behind a beloved pet? Turn to Yuppy Puppies Forever Pet Rescue to help guide the way. Yuppy Puppies Forever, Inc. is a local, non-profit organization designed to give orphaned pets a second chance. They help find new loving homes for pets when an owner is too ill to care for them, or when a pet is displaced after their owner passes away. As a woman-owned business, Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa does it all from boarding to grooming to doggie play groups, but it is their passion for helping the underdog find a forever home that lead owner Jessica Cooke to create the non-profit arm of the business. “We’ve been in business for 18 years as a pet spa. As some clients have passed away, their families continued to come to Yuppy Puppy to keep some consistency for the pet, but often shared that they would be unable to keep the pet permanently,” said owner Jessica Cooke. “We create strong bonds with our clients (both two-legged and four-legged) and it became clear that we had to do something to help. We are certified through the Department of Agriculture as an official pet rescue site. Our main rescue mission is for owners who need to rehome due to illness or death, but we are also now committed to taking in dogs that are elderly, have special medical conditions or long shelter stays.” Currently, the biggest expense is medical bills for the pets with special needs. Costs can range from $400-$5,000 depending on the level of care needed. That is why donations are so important. To make a donation or to see what pets are currently up for adoption, please visit the Yuppy Puppies Forever Facebook page or log onto yp-rescues. To learn more, call 636-625-0030. Look for a new Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa to open soon in Cottleville, MO!


Things to Consider if YOU are a

1 time Home Buyer! st


ecide if location is more important to you or the sq/ft and amenities Many of our first-time homebuyers are torn between the importance of location or house. Recently we were working with a buyer that was shopping for his first place and he had hoped to be in the Kirkwood/Webster Groves area. He faced a tough decision: Should he buy an older, smaller home in that area without a lot of improvements, or should he buy a larger home for a lower price with improvements further west? While some buyers enjoy having plenty of space to entertain, others enjoy the proximity to restaurants and nightlife. Before shopping for a home, it is especially important to set your priorities and decide which is more important to you: size or location. If you settle on this in advance, you can make thoughtout decisions during the home-buying process and avoid the unsettling feeling of buyer’s remorse later. Do not submit an offer before you are ready! Owning a home is a huge commitment -- it is important to make sure you have done your homework and you are confident in your decision, before making an offer. Please make sure you have conversations with your lender and discuss monthly housing expenses, for instance, what you are currently paying monthly as a renter and what your new


payment would be as a homeowner. Before buying a home, make sure you know exactly what you are getting into, so you can decide if you are financially and personally ready for such a large commitment. In addition to your monthly mortgage payment, your lender will also figure out how much you will be paying for property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, HOA fees and other monthly costs of owning a home. Sweat equity can save thousands but can be overwhelming to a 1st time home buyer. Some First-time homebuyers like to purchase AS-IS properties so they can add value to the first home they own. I would caution that in some areas you may not be able to occupy the property you purchase until it has passed an occupancy inspection, depending on the municipality in which you purchase the home. Buying your first home can be an adjustment, so taking on home improvements, dust, debris, and a huge loss of your time may take a lot of the joy out of owning your first home. So, make sure you know what you are getting into before you make that decision. There are many loan options, discuss with your lender the best loan for you. Some buyers save to put 20% down on their first home to avoid paying PMI, however, they sometimes change their minds during the

process. With so many loan programs available and interest rates being so low, not to mention there are loan programs that do not require any money down, homebuyers are opting for 95-100 percent financing and investing their down payment money in the stock market. Yet there are some that watched their parents lose a lot of money in the stock market in the past, so they feel more money down is a good way to minimize their risk and let them start off with instant equity.

pool, septic or well? If so, those items will require their own inspections as well. If the property has an in-ground sprinkler, I encourage you to have an irrigation company evaluate that system as well. Inspections are an especially important part of the home buying process, make sure to do your due diligence on all inspections and spend your time with your inspector learning about the home. This is not the time to bring family members to tour the property.

The importance of the school district and will it affect your home value? Some of our first-time home buyers do not have kids, but at some point, they most likely will. I encourage you to check out the neighborhood’s school district and ratings before buying a home, as living in an area with a sought-after school district usually raises your property value.

Your Realtor will help you navigate through the home inspection negotiations. If there are defects discovered or repairs needed during your home inspection, and there generally are, this is the time to get estimates and know exactly what costs you are looking at, if the seller is not willing to address all items. Working with an experienced real estate agent will make this process a lot easier, they can suggest companies they would contact for estimates and help negotiate the best terms for you. Sometimes, it is best to ask for a credit and have the repairs completed yourself after closing so that you know the repairs will be made by companies you trust.

A survey will answer boundary questions. When purchasing a home, I strongly encourage you to have a boundary survey completed. Especially before making any changes to your property, it is always a good idea to find out your exact property lines. Some buyers choose not to have a survey to save money, I think that is a big mistake. This is your largest investment you will likely make in your life; it is important to know what you are buying. A survey can detect many things such as, is the fence, patio, deck, landscaping, driveway on or within the property line or possibly in an easement? What easements do you have on the property? If you plan to put a pool or fence up later, these are particularly important things to consider. We have had buyers refuse to get a survey and months later found out their property line ended 8 to 10 feet closer to their home than the previous owner had told them, so they now have a much smaller yard than they had anticipated. They may have not bought that home had they done a survey and realized that. You cannot always rely on the seller’s knowledge of the property, so getting a land survey will clear up any uncertainties you have. Know what you are buying! Check building plans for the neighborhood or surrounding area on any vacant land. There are many times a buyer will select a home because they like the fact there is a lot of open land surrounding them, do your homework and find out the zoning of the land and if there are any current plans. At some point, something will most likely be on that land, so keep that in mind. You get one chance to thoroughly inspect the home you are purchasing, take advantage of that time and do all inspections you can. For some reason, buyers always seem to want to do the bare minimum on inspections. I strongly disagree with this mindset. This is your largest investment, and it is important to take advantage of this time and know exactly what you are buying. Not only should you be having a full building inspection and termite inspection, but I also encourage you to consider a gas leak inspection, radon test and a sewer lateral inspection. If the building inspector finds any issues with the roof or HVAC, you may then want to call an expert in that field to evaluate those items as well. If the inspector finds any indication of mold you should have an expert in that field do a more thorough testing. Does the property have a

When determining your price point examine both financial and personal costs of buying a home. Home ownership can require you to make some personal sacrifices, but it is so worth it to own your first home. After determining the cost of your preferred mortgage payment, adding in estimated HOA fees, taxes, and homeowner’s insurance as well as any other additional monthly expenses, some buyers realize their lifestyle may have to change in order to afford the house they desire. When buying a home, think about what kind of personal and financial sacrifices you will have to make or are willing to make. If affording a home is a stretch right now, it might be better to wait awhile and save up more money. Most buyers are surprised about the fact their mortgage payment is usually at or below what they are currently paying in rent. Often, I hear clients discuss “if we just do not go out to eat as often or avoid all the fancy coffee drinks that alone would save us several hundred dollars a month”. When you own a home, your priorities quickly change, and you enjoy focusing on making your home your castle, compared to feeling like you are throwing money away on other things. Read HOA documents before making an offer. Reading a big stack of papers may seem like a huge hassle, but carefully reviewing your HOA documents is important, if you want to avoid unpleasant surprises down the road. Some buyers may receive copies of their HOA and decide not to read them or perhaps read them later and then are surprised later to find out their HOA dues could be increasing or there are restrictions they may not be aware of with pets, fencing, cars parked in the street and so on. If buyers read their HOA documents, it will help them be better prepared to make the best decision when buying a home. Before buying a home in a community with an HOA, read through the covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs), bylaws and budget and look for anything that could affect you in the future. Also, if you notice residents in the neighborhood outside, stop and talk to them and get opinions on how well the HOA does their job. In short, not all neighborhood communities are a good match for all buyers.


Always get pre-approved before house shopping and discuss your preferred budget with your loan officer. Too many buyers start looking prior to receiving a pre-approval, this almost always leads to disappointment. For some reason buyers seem to start by stopping by open houses to see what they can get for their money, the problem is they are not sure the amount they qualify for if they have not obtained a pre-approval. They usually find a home at an open house and then call a lender and find out they may not qualify for that amount or possibly qualify for more and must re-evaluate their decision. Unfortunately, there are also times they may find out they have credit issues as well that will need to be addressed prior to purchasing or debt paid off. It is always best to get your pre-approval prior to ever touring a home so that you know exactly the price point of homes you should be viewing. If you have credit issues, most loan officers can give you great advice on the best ways to bring up your credit score quickly. Has the home you are wanting to purchase recently had renovations? Inquire if they were professionally done or if permits were obtained. Paying close attention to the aesthetic details of a home is just as important as the structural details when going through an inspection. Oftentimes, do-it-yourself remodelers looking for a quick fix use low-quality materials or cut corners that turn into a problem for future homeowners. The key is to inquire about renovations, were they completed by a professional contractor, using quality materials that are meant to last? Inspecting details up front, this is particularly important, so you do not find yourself spending a lot of money on inspections and later walking away from the purchase. Work with an experienced real estate agent who will help you make sure you have a creative bid strategy and are not overpaying as well. Experienced Real Estate Agents will save you money. There are several creative strategies that an experienced agent can advise you on to make your offer stand out and be remarkably effective, especially in our current market where many sellers are receiving multiple offers. At the same time, it is also important to listen to your agent and not get caught up in the moment and overpay as well. I have seen so many buyers get caught up in that moment and go much higher than they had anticipated. This can often lead to buyer’s remorse. I encourage you to discuss with your agent your maximum sale price prior to submitting an offer. Together you can develop the best strategy and try to be better prepared when you are going back and forth with negotiations. Too many times, buyers will overextend themselves in the heat of the moment and later have buyers regret. Then, you have committed yourself to a legally binding contract and will most likely be vesting a couple thousand dollars on inspections to terminate the contract, not to mention wasting the seller’s time on the market. Always remember, buying a home is an important, legally, binding process. A higher price point might save money over time. After making interior and exterior renovations, many homeowners find that their budget has been stretched way beyond


what they initially wanted to pay for a home. For this reason, it can be smart to adjust your price point a little to help you save money over time. By paying a little more upfront for a home that has all the upgrades and extras you want, you will not have to worry about paying for them down the road. Increasing your limit by $25,000 will make a significant difference in the type of home you are able to get and typically will not increase your payment by as much as you would think. When making an offer, listen to your agent. Low-balling does not always pay off. Do not let the art of the deal get the best of you. No matter how much we try to educate some buyers, they think they know best and disregard our professional advice and as a result, must endure the discouraging feeling of being outbid or rejected multiple times. Unfortunately, some buyers just must lose a few homes to realize they should take their agents professional advice. With that said, if you are qualified for a home at $200,000, you really should not be looking at homes listed at $220,000 in this low inventory market. A lot of sellers are receiving over list price in the current market. Unfortunately, by looking for homes out of your price range and making what a seller will consider a lowball offer – especially if asking sellers to contribute towards your closing cost-- your offer will look weak and most likely will simply be rejected, if you even receive a response at all. If you find yourself incurring multiple losing bids, a change in strategy is in order. By giving a little bit, you can get a lot in return. If your bid strategy is failing…. Tweaking your bidding strategy may make the possibility of getting the house you want much more realistic. Most buyers learn quickly that you must be smarter, faster, and closer to the original asking price to put in a competitive bid, sometimes over the list price as well. The offer should be strong enough to at least hit the seller’s base price. The key to remember, is if you would like the sellers to do something for you, such as contributing to closing costs, then you need to get as close to their asking price as possible, if not over. Again, this is where your real estate agent comes into play and will advise you and review comps. Remember, in almost all cases, there is no cost to you, the buyer, to work with a real estate agent when purchasing a home. Experience pays off. Prepare ahead of time and save money for a down payment. Take some time to save money for a down payment before buying a home. Tax time is here, and this would be a perfect time to use your refund for a down payment as well. Your offer will look stronger to the seller, and you will have more leverage during negotiations. This could allow you to be more flexible if needed and pay your own closing cost which in return will help your offer look stronger. If you are thinking about buying a home, The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team would love to help you. Call us to schedule a First Time Home Buyers Evaluation and let us walk you through the process.

Introducing Rolwes Company's Newest Floor Plan

“ The Savoy“


t Rolwes Company, we believe your home should fit your lifestyle – that is why we designed the “Savoy”. Designed with liability in mind, this stunning three Bedroom, two Bath, two car garage Ranch plan offers an open layout, beautiful elevations and attractive touches. Forget the stairs, this home offers everything you could possibly need all on the Main Floor (and yes, this includes the laundry room)! This split bedroom layout offers two spacious Bedrooms and bath just off the warm and inviting Foyer which opens to living. The open-concept living area features a gorgeous Kitchen, comfortable Dining Room and spacious Great Room perfect for any entertainer! The large Kitchen island with seating offers an ideal location for friends and family to gather. The private Owner’s Suite is the perfect escape featuring elegant Owner’s Bath and desirable walk-in closet. Personalize your Savoy by adding a premium Bath option with convenient walk-in closet and enlarged shower with bench and dual sinks.

Need more space? No problem! Optional fourth Bedroom, Rec Room and Bathroom can all be added to the lower level of your Savoy. If you are ready to live in a home that fits your lifestyle, Rolwes Company is here to help! For more information on the Savoy or other buildable floor plans visit us at or give us a call at 314-944-6005.


COMMUNITIES FROM ROLWES COMPANY Building on a Rolwes family legacy of homebuyer satisfaction since 1955, St. Louis home builder Rolwes Company has a reputation for delivering innovative floor plans, quality craftsmanship and proactive service.


Price Range: From upper $200’s | Schools: Fox C-6 Location: Imperial, MO Phase II Selling Fast! Upon arrival of this “hidden gem” as many call it, you’ll be amazed by the craftsmanship and detail even at the entrance! As a leading home builder In Jefferson County for more than half a century, Rolwes Company is dedicated to offering superior quality at an affordable price. With modern floor plans designed and created by the Rolwes family with livability in mind, we offer private homesites and customizable options to suit your own unique lifestyle whether you are looking for a single, 1.5 or 2 story home. Visit Our Model Home Located at: 1531 Arlington Heights Way | Imperial, MO 63052


Price Range: From the mid $200’s | Schools: Meramec Valley R-III Location: Pacific, MO NOW SELLING! Rolwes Company is proud to announce its newest community, Bend Ridge Estates. Located off of Hwy N and Indian Trail in Pacific, MO, this stunning new home community is comprised of 40 spacious homesites. Bend Ridge features elegant Ranch, One and a Half Story and 2 Story Homes with convenient floor plans, remarkable value and expert craftsmanship. Each and every component of your new home has been meticulously designed and crafted to meet the expectations we have set over more than half a century. Model Home Opening Spring 2021: 101 Winter Wheat Trail | Pacific, MO 63069


Price Range: From the low $600’s | Schools: Parkway South Location: Kirkwood, MO Rolwes Company’s exclusive community, Chapelwood Place is tucked in an intimate, privately wooded enclave of 11 homesites just west of 270 in Kirkwood, MO. Chapelwood Place offers gorgeous, oversized, fully-sodded and abundantly landscaped homesites with large, open floor plans and many upgrades included as standard features. Be sure to visit our sister community, Chapelwood just minutes down the street—Move-In Ready homes now available. Model Home Opening Spring 2021: 928 Thorn Crown Court | St. Louis, MO 63122



Price Range: Pricing Coming Soon | Schools: Fox C-6 Location: Fenton, MO Opening Spring 2021! Rolwes Company is proud to announce our newest community, Kingston Hills located in Fenton. As a locally owned, 3rd generation builder with near perfect referral rating, we are dedicated to giving you the best homebuilding and home-owning experience you can have. Kingston Hills offers a convenient location – minutes from Gravois Bluffs. Save time on your daily commute, with easy access to Highway 141, 30 and 270. Discover the extraordinary livability of a Rolwes home! Visit Our Offsite Sales Center Located at: 1 San Marino Parkway | Fenton, MO 63026


Price Range: From the low $200’s | Schools: Festus R-VI Location: Festus, MO Phase III Now Selling! Scenic View Estates is one of the most sought after locations in Jefferson County and right in the heart of Festus and In the Festus School District, only a few short minutes off of Hwy 55 and the Herculaneum exit. The name of this community didn’t happen by chance -you’ll fall in love with the rolling hills, lush trees, and breath-taking views of the city that span for miles. With a variety of single story, 1.5 story, and 2 story plans to choose from. we are confident that your Rolwes Company home will serve your lifestyle now and for many years to come. Visit Our Model Home Located at: 18 Scenic Bend | Festus, MO 63028


Price Range: From the low $300’s | Schools: Wentzville R-IV Location: Lake St. Louis, MO Homesites Selling Fast! Located just off of Hwy N in Lake St. Louis, this beautiful community offers well appointed homes, livable floor plans and prime location close to shopping, dining and parks. Each and every component of your new home has been meticulously designed and crafted to meet the expectations we have set over more than half a century! Visit Our NEW Model Home Located at: 2004 Wyndgate Meadows Drive | Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 314.499.6700 |



Price Range: From the upper $200’s | Schools: Wentzville R-IV Location: Wentzville, MO FINAL PHASE NOW SELLING! Locally owned, third-generation Rolwes Company is known as one of the top homebuilders in Wentzville, MO. The Crystal Creek neighborhood offers a sought-after cul-de-sac designed for privacy and safety, eliminating drive-through traffic. Enjoy this location near great shopping and restaurants with easy access to Wentzville Parkway, which provides a convenient commute to I-70 or I-40/64. Beautiful, fullysodded, walkout and in-grade homesites provide the foundation for a great outdoor lifestyle. With intelligent, forward-thinking floor plans, Rolwes Company provides the most energy-efficient, low maintenance,brilliantly livable home design in Wentzville, MO. Visit Our Model Home Located at: 1002 Crystal Creek Parkway| Wentzville, MO 63385


Price Range: From the mid $200’s | Schools: Wentzville R-IV Location: Wentzville, MO Final Phase Selling Fast! Fox Ridge is conveniently located just off Mexico Road, which provides quick access to Interstate 70. Rolwes Company is proud to introduce our Classic Series of homes to this great community, which features open concept ranch floor plans, elegant 3 and 4 bedroom two story plans, and a 1.5 story plan that can’t be beat. Fox Ridge offers fabulous homesites and energy-efficient, low-maintenance, brilliantly livable home designs. Visit Our Model Home Located at: 205 Barrington Ridge Lane | Wentzville, MO 63385


Price Range: From the low $200’s | Schools: Troy R-III Location: Troy, MO Homesites Selling Fast! Located in Troy MO, Rolwes Company is excited to announce their new community Park Hills! Now offering our Classic Series of homes to this great community, which features open concept ranch floor plans, elegant 3 and 4 bedroom two story plans, and a 1.5 story plan that can’t be beat. Park Hills offers fabulous homesites and energy-efficient, lowmainte-nance, brilliantly livable home designs. Visit Our Offsite Sales Center Located at: 10 Stone Bridge Drive Moscow Mills, MO 63362 314.499.6700 |



Price Range: From the mid $200’s | Schools: Troy R-III Location: Moscow Mills, MO Homesites Selling Fast! Rolwes Company is excited to announce another elegant community in the highly sought after Lincoln County. Now offering our ranch, 1.5 story and 2 story Classic Series homes with a full line of standard features! Visit our Offsite Sales Center located at 10 Stone Bridge Drive Moscow Mills, MO 63362! Visit Our Model Home Located at: 10 Stone Bridge Drive | Moscow Mills, MO 63362


Price Range: From the $200’s Style of homes available: Various to suit every budget Rolwes takes the stress out of building one of our custom designed homes. One of the biggest hurdles to overcome when trying to build a home outside of a traditional community is the construction loan and disbursement process through a title company. Rolwes Company eliminates this process and makes building on your land as simple as building in one of our established communities.

For More information contact: St. Louis & Jefferson County: Carole Gerretsen (314) 332-3377 St. Charles County: Terra Sherman (636) 925-0550 314.499.6700 |


What are Buyers Looking for in Luxury Home Design?


hen it comes to luxury homes, the more unique and custom—the better. Each year brings a new spin on what consumers are looking for in the luxury market. Owning a luxury home means enjoying the finer things, and buyers want to get as much as they can for their money when paying a luxury price. It is all about innovation and that elusive “wow-factor”. No matter where you live, in the luxury market it is important for your home to stand out and make a bold statement. By including one, or all, of these extravagant trends into your home, you are sure to be a cut above the rest. In the luxury market the more bathrooms the better, as well as enhanced master bathrooms such as his and hers. You may have heard about doubling appliances in the kitchen and multiple laundry rooms, but have you ever considered doubling your bathroom? With dual master baths, both you and your spouse can have a space to call your own. That means double the showers, double the bathtubs, and


double the counter space! With dual bathrooms, there is no need to compromise your counter space or privacy. By adding your favorite amenities, like a steam walk-in shower, a soaking jet tub, heated floors or wrap around vanities, you will be able to customize your own personal his and her spa-like oasis. Who does not enjoy a glass of wine after a busy work week? Wine-tasting rooms are becoming more and more popular. Think a cellar is a wine lover’s best friend? If that is true, then what do we call a wine room--heaven? By creating a room dedicated to showcase all your collected wine, you will have plenty of space to gather your wine aficionado friends and make a relaxing night of it. Wine rooms combine the temperature control of a cellar with the art of tasting and appreciating fine wines. Plus, you will be able to showcase your collection for guests to admire, rather than hiding the bottles away in a cellar. Recently I have seen sellers adding a humidifier in their temperature-controlled wine cellars to house their fine cigars as well.

Wine rooms are not for everyone though. Of course there are many that enjoy a custom bar with their own keg-a-rator with ice cold beer. This helps bring the nightlife to your home. If you love a stiff drink, loud music, and good time with friends, but hate crowded clubs--consider bringing the party home! By creating an in-home custom bar or nightclub ready for dancing, you will have the ultimate house for entertaining. Design the space with a dance floor, or perhaps your own bowling lanes is more your speed? Whatever the case may be, with a decked-out entertainment space, there is no reason to pay for overpriced, watered-down drinks on the town when you can have your favorites stocked right at home. In 2020, pools and exterior entertainment areas have been the most sought after, and I do not anticipate that changing in 2021. We can thank Covid-19 for that. People have been at home more than ever and not traveling as often so they need


to have their own private oasis in their own home. There are so many various pool designs and customizations for outdoor entertainment areas. In the luxury market, they are not looking to settle for average. If you are in an upper price range and are designing a new pool, I would consider adding a cozy fireplace area with built-in seating for the chilly fall evenings. Of course, who would not love to have an outdoor kitchen with a full bar to entertain your guests? Buyers really enjoy the custom rock features with waterfalls or slide features for an additional personal touch to your outdoor space and to entertain their kids. If you live in a spot with an incredible view or maybe not level land, you can enhance your property even more by adding a highly sought-after infinity pool. If you add the right amount of seating, green space, and luxury amenities, you will be able to maximize your fun in the sun along with a return on your investment. Not only are outdoor entertainment areas desired, but we are also all in need of something to do on those cold winter nights and in-home theaters are the perfect solution. In-home theater rooms are not anything new, but with the popularity of detached spaces for gyms, pools, and


guesthouses, why not apply that to an entertainment space such as an in-home theater? By adding a separate building for viewing films or watching a big game, you can create a truly one-of-a-kind environment for your family and guests to get together. There’s no need to worry about noise disrupting your household with a detached theater. Plus, if you love to entertain (or have teenage kids in the house) it is a perfect way for your guests to feel right at home without creating a post-party mess throughout the house. What a great place to host birthday parties for the kids as well. A detached outdoor theater will make your home stand out above the rest. All our lives have changed so much over the last year, and we all quickly realized how much we appreciate the little things and being pampered. I have had several clients that have converted space in their home to bring the spa treatment to them. Self-care is so important, especially if you have a high-stress career. Combat stress, anxiety, and health conditions with your own spa and wellness center without having to leave your home. Either in-home or detached, dedicating a space to the art of rest and relaxation can do wonders for your overall health with custom tables for massage or meditation rooms. Areas like these can also include infra-red saunas which are so good for your health, resistance pools/spas for fitness, manicure and pedicure stations, fitness rooms, and everything in between. Who wouldn’t love to have the ability to treat yourself at home--no appointment necessary, while also limiting exposure to COVID-19. Some of my clients make a party out of it and have

friends over for a spa day and have specialists attend to offer treatments for different cosmetic procedures. Technology is always changing and in the luxury market, in-home automation along with the latest and greatest gadgets, are always helpful to get extra attention on your home. As technology advances, so does our desire for a fully functional Smart House. We are not quite there yet, but we do have the ability to control lights, window treatments, music, doors, hvac, pool heaters, appliances, and more with just the touch of a button. Luxury homeowners are always on the lookout for technology that will best fit their lifestyle. By incorporating existing automated features into your home, you’ll make your life much easier, and maybe even inspire some friendly jealousy among your house guests along the way. The kitchen is still the heart of the home and where most of our time is spent with our family and friends. In the luxury market, buyers really focus on the cabinetry, storage, counter space, design/layout, and chef grade commercial appliances. Although most buyers love an open floor plan for entertaining, it can create challenges as cooking can be messy business. In the luxury market, homeowners tend to hold events in their homes quite often and some builders are now incorporating secondary kitchens in the home to hide the mess. This is the perfect way to have an open floor plan and entertain guests while having a catering kitchen where all the action takes place. Typically, the 2nd kitchen is located next to your main kitchen which makes them easy to use as well during the holidays for baking. Who does not need extra ovens when entertaining for the holidays along with extra refrigerator space without running to the garage or basement? No matter the price range of the home, garage space matters. This is especially true in the luxury market. Most buyers in this price range have several vehicles and many want to create a showroom for their car collection. Some clients have created a man cave above their garage as well, a great place to play a game of pool with their buddies and smoke a cigar. The more garage space the better, and having a his and her garage is even more so appreciated for all parties. It is the perfect place for men to store all their toys. One thing is for sure in the luxury market, buyers are looking for the finer things inside and outside of their home. Rick and I enjoy helping our clients find just what they are looking for, and there is so much to choose from in our area. We also enjoy telling the story of your home in our magazine to highlight all your property’s unique features. If you are thinking of buying or selling a luxury home, we would love to be your real estate agent of choice. Please give us a call at 636-299-3702 and let us make your dreams come true!


Rick and Tracy Ellis have SOLD some beautiful luxury properties over the last few years! They specialize in unique marketing, social and media campaigns. If you are looking to have your luxury property stand out from the rest, contact Rick or Tracy Ellis today at 636-299-3702 or 636-699-2197.

St. Louis, MO $2,225,000

St. Louis, MO $1,460,000


Town and Country, MO $2,000,000

Chesterfield, MO $1,090,000

Fenton, MO $1,325,000

St. Albans, MO $1,413,750

St. Louis, MO $1,075,000

St. Louis, MO $1,070,000


Fenton, MO $1,475,000

Sunset Hills, MO $1,380,000

Foristell, MO $950,000

Wentzville, MO $810,000

Chesterfield, MO $945,000

Sunrise Beach, MO $1,350,000


Elsberry, MO $1,277,447

Ladue, MO $1,130,000

Olivette, MO $1,358,400

St. Albans, MO $800,000

Defiance, MO $845,000

Josephville, MO $783,000


What to Expect in

Design Trends for 2021 Paint Color of the Year When it comes to paint colors, Sherwin Williams says that many will be tapping into nature with a hue whose warmth and comfort breathe down-to-earth tranquility. Sherwin Williams 2021 Color of the Year, Urbane Bronze captures that simple sophistication every space is searching for. Now more than ever, our homes have become the backdrop to our lives, reminding us that the moments worth cherishing have always been right in front of us. As we are looking to create the ultimate retreat for reflection and renewal, we are turning to a hue whose natural simplicity and nature-inspired energy cultivate a sense of calm from the ground up. Coordinating Colors & Materials Bold and understated, Sherwin Williams Color of the Year is the new neutral that can be used wherever and however. Pair it with other warm neutrals and bone whites, like Modern Gray to create an updated take on minimalism. If you want to bring in more color, modern greens, like Messenger Bag, can be introduced to add a hint of bolder style. Complete either look with natural materials like wood finishes, stone accents, and mixed metals that tie these earthy neutrals back to their nature-inspired roots.

Strongly veined marble


Kitchen Trends for 2021 Marble When it comes to kitchen and bathroom counters, marble is leading the style charts and the strongly veined marble seems to be the most sought. Marble is highly sustainable; it is durable and classic which will also help withstand trends that come and go making this a smart investment. In the design world and high-end luxury, marbles with naturally strong veining add statement value and are almost looked at like a piece of fine art. Double Islands The kitchen continues to be the gathering place in our homes. When it comes to the kitchen island, it has become an essential kitchen feature and now some are loving the design of having not only one island, but two. With the move towards open, flowing floor plans and larger kitchens, we are finding that one island is used for their cooking space and food preparation. The second island is the perfect spot for your kids or guest to gather and entertain you while you work to prepare the meal. It seems when it comes to the kitchen, we can never have enough counter space. So, when space is no object, add a pair of islands!

Double Islands

Pantry Efficiency This is another area in our homes that money will be well spent. There are so many ways you can achieve this by adding a swing-out shelving kit, install dispensers for canned foods, hanging under shelf storage baskets, add shelf dividers and you can even utilize an over the door storage shelf which is perfect for spices. Kitchen Trends Wanting their kitchen islands to make a statement, some are selecting a bold color contrast that is opposite of their wall cabinets. In 2020, blue and gray seemed to be the top hues for contrasting kitchen cabinetry. In 2021, expect more standout islands both in color and texture and a new trend is to have your lower cabinets a different color from the top. There have even been some whispers of red islands trending in the kitchen. Before you have notions of fire engine red, fear not. There is a whole range of shades and finishes available. You can introduce red to your color scheme without it feeling overwhelming. Some shades of red could feel daunting in the kitchen but the beautifully elegant “Pass the Merlot” offers a muted red that is the perfect combination of style and comfort. By pairing with neutral greys, truffles and cashmeres, families can experiment with daring color without it being overpowering. You can also expect to see more green in kitchens going forward. Most likely to take the form of tiles and cabinetry, in tones of emerald, forest green and more subtly, sage. The trend for bold dark hues will be prominent throughout 2021, green kitchen cabinetry is set to be a new style trend. Green can be dramatic and luxurious when used in the kitchen. When it comes to the kitchen, people are really making it their own work of art. When working with clients in luxury price points I have found they really seek properties that are unique and custom. This is a great way to make your home stand out from the others, but I caution you to not go overboard with a mix of too many contrasting colors. It is important that the colors blend well together, and it still feels elegant. Having a light-colored countertop can help offset the dark cabinets. Appliances Convection and induction cooking is more common on homeowners’ wish lists. As well as unique ventilation hoods are more on trend than perhaps ever before. This, along with consumers’ better understanding the importance of ventilation and a disdain for over the range microwaves will make hoods more of a focus in design discussions than it used to be. A popular choice is to hide the microwave in the island or a drawer base microwave is another popular option. Not only is this convenient, but it also allows one to use a more decorative or industrial hood by the stove. Furthermore, small appliances such as toasters, coffee makers, mixing bowls and blenders are often given a home hidden in a cabinet or behind an appliance station. Hidden appliances are a hot kitchen design trend right now and will likely continue to gain traction among homeowners. You may notice some cover a refrigerator, or dishwasher with a panel so it looks like cabinetry instead of standing out as an appliance. This is a simple, yet significant way to instantly make the room feel more organized and elegant. Many of the appliances used in the kitchen already feature sleek surfaces and come in a wide range of colors and styles. But, even so, they still often tend to be somewhat of an eyesore in an otherwise consistent flow of design. Stainless steel appliances, for example, though

incredibly polished and contemporary, can make a room feel colder and blander than it should. The dishwasher and refrigerator, for example, are two items with large or obvious surface area in the kitchen – and often attract people’s eyes when they walk into the room, taking away from all the other beautiful aspects and visually pleasing aesthetics in the space. Disguised kitchen appliances are just one example of the many ways homeowners today can achieve a more consistent design, ultimately making not just the kitchen, but the areas adjacent to it, look and feel larger. By breaking down visual barriers and establishing a better optical line, homeowners benefit from a room that is more sophisticated and ordered. As such, it becomes more than just an area used for cooking meals. It becomes a more comfortable and versatile space to hang out with family and host your guests and is better positioned to act as an extension of your living room or dining room. Keep in mind that you do not need to conceal every appliance in the kitchen to reap the benefits offered by this design trend. In fact, you can strategically use this tactic to purposefully make a certain appliance or area of the kitchen the focal point, such as an industrial style stove you are particularly proud of. Meanwhile, you can disguise the more unsightly and unfitting ones.

Unique ventilation hood and a beautifully textured island.

Disguised Refrigerator

Hot Water on Demand We have become so accustomed to everything in an instant, that even boiling the kettle is a wait we would rather do without. Hot water taps are going to be a sought-after item for the kitchen of 2021. Spurred by more of us working from home and therefore wanting hot water on demand for making tea and coffee in between Zoom calls. Google searches of hot water taps increased by 25 per cent in 2020, suggesting that this is a trend to look out for in 2021. Interior Design Trends In 2020 many families were not vacationing to their favorite destination like they had in years past. Due to this, many have now turned areas of their home into their favorite setting. When we think about our travels with our family, it brings us peace and comfort, something we all need more of in 2021. We have seen a rustic trend the last couple of years, but now think more of sophisticated cottage or bed and breakfast. It is a great way to add some character in your home and usually appeals to everyone because it is so warm and inviting. In homes with exposed beams, this design really works well. It is a great way to bring the new and old together. If you have original wood floors with a lot of grain and texture consider yourself on trend, a lot of people pay for that look instead of a perfectly finished floor. I think we will see a return to more of the things that bring up great memories such as antiques and vintage pieces as well. Last year we remodeled our great room and decided to add “Marty the Moose” and “Comet the Caribou”, which to us are like pieces of art. Once you add staple pieces like that, you must really think about the direction of your design, I did not want an old school hunter green and burgundy feeling room with animals. We wanted it to feel elegant, I think we have accomplished that. We went on the hunt for unique, stately, bronze, western art pieces. Some of our favorites were created by Frederic Remington and Charles Russell. These works of art bring me so much peace and joy, my Dad loved western movies. It was all he watched up till the day he passed away. I was never a fan of the rustic, western theme until after my Dad went to heaven. I think I now enjoy it so much because it reminds me of him. I wish he could be here with us to see all the beautiful pieces, but it still makes my heart happy to look at them and know how much he would have enjoyed talking about them for hours. Our latest unique piece is “Bruno the Bear”, yes, a bear! And before you get all squirrely and think we are harming animals, we are not! We could never hurt or hunt an animal, but we love animals and think they are beautiful to look at. So, to us, it is a form of art. A timeless piece taking inspiration from another time, incorporating antiques with the history of our country. Another trend is the cozy, cottage feel. This does not have to be simplistic; it can also be luxurious. Cottage style is characterized by effortless and relaxed interior design with comfortable furniture, distressed finishes, textured natural elements, fresh colors, and cute decorations. Full of character and charm, cottage style decor is typically modest and cozy, and can be achieved with a mix of light colors, eclectic wood, or iron furnishings, floral or gingham patterns on fabrics, and unique decorating ideas. You can add elegance to the cottage style with accessories and statement pieces. In our own home, I enjoy the MacKenzie-Childs courtly check or herringbone pattern in black and white. The elegant, handcrafted lines that branched out from ceramics include enamel tableware, furniture, glassware, and home and garden accessories. Many describe it as “tradition with a twist,” MacKenzie-Childs products are


MacKenzie-Childs products at Three French Hens. known for their distinctive designs characterized by vibrant colors and overlaying patterns. It really adds a whimsical touch to your home that is unique to you with so many color and style choices. The beautiful thing about our homes, is they are each our own. Every home is as different and unique as we are. As I have come into a different season in my life, I am appreciating things in a different way. The “things” in our home are no longer just “things”. We are very mindful of each purchase we make and why it is special to us. It seems the older we get, the more we appreciate the simplest of things as well as the finer things. I love that through our clients homes, we get to see a part of who they are and the things that are important to them. A house is just that, a house, it is you that makes it a home!

Healing Yourself

from Within T

hrough 2020, I think we all experienced a bit more stress and anxiety. I know I certainly did! On top of a record-breaking year in real estate, we were dealing with things in our world we have never dealt with before. For the first time in my life, I hit a wall! I was not sure exactly what was happening, but I knew something simply was not right. Real Estate alone can be an incredibly stressful career. As a Real Estate Agent, you are dealing with your client’s largest investment. In a tight housing market with little inventory and home values soaring, it can add even more pressure. After almost twenty-five years though, it is pretty much a normal day for me. When you add a pandemic, a lock-down, home schooling, lack of sleep, a presidential election, not to mention all the controversy with this election that is still ongoing to this day. At some point I think my body was trying to tell me it was on overload. After many tests and being told everything was normal, no issues, everything looks great and still just not feeling like myself, I felt I had to take another approach. Our wonderful office manager had been telling me for years about a natural health physician named Dr. Amy Wicks. At this point I just wanted to try anything to start feeling like my old self again. I was blown away from our first meeting at how well she was able to read my energy and pretty much describe what I had been feeling for months. I was relieved to find out there were no serious issues, simply stress and learning how to handle it better. Acupuncture was something I had never tried, nor did I want to, but I am a believer! It has really been incredible for me and I look forward to my appointments because I know when I am walking out her door how much better I feel. As if the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. Dr. Amy and her staff do so much more than acupuncture. They also do chiropractic work, deep tissue massages, assist people with allergies and so much more. They have made such a difference in my life, I wanted to share the secret with all of you. Below you will find some questions that I asked Dr. Amy to give you a little more insight into her work. I really hope you will give them a visit, make sure you read about them here! How would you define your practice? I believe that the name of the practice perfectly describes us - The Center for Natural Health. We are a group of physicians that use natural, holistic approaches to all aspects of health and wellness. We treat our patients as a whole and not just a series of parts, and we work on finding and eliminating the root cause of a patient’s symptoms instead of simply masking a problem.

What is acupuncture and how does it work? Acupuncture is a technique that is several thousand years old and helps to maintain a better balance of the energies, or Qi, within your body. Acupuncture works by using very thin needles to stimulate certain points of the body, called acupoints, that have a profound energetic impact on your system and allow Qi to flow freely within the body. It has been clinically proven as an effective treatment option for a variety of symptoms and health conditions such as musculoskeletal pain, headaches, stomach/intestinal disorders, infertility, anxiety, etc. Which type of clients do you think your work helps the most? Although the techniques we offer can help most patients achieve excellent results, I would say that the patients who are helped the most are those who consider themselves to be the “hard-to-treat” patient… the people who have seen specialists and still aren’t seeing results from their treatments, the people who have been told that “this is the best it’s going to get,” and the people who feel shuffled around from one doctor to the next trying to find solutions to their problems. What type of services do you provide? Our office offers traditional chiropractic care, specialized chiropractic care for pregnancy and pediatrics, acupuncture services, allergy elimination techniques (NAET), arthritis protocols (JMT), therapeutic cupping, craniosacral therapy, Applied Kinesiology, therapeutic massage, infrared sauna, Rife machine frequencies, and massage therapy. How are you able to sense people’s energy and pick up on their feelings? Everyone has their own unique energetic field surrounding their body and within their body. These energies are almost like a blueprint that holds the person’s entire timeline, and that timeline holds all the body’s conscious and subconscious memories, both physical and emotional. We have found ways to interpret communicative signals from the patient’s body in the form of muscle response testing. We use certain indicator muscles on the patient, such as muscles in the patient’s arm/ shoulder, and subtle muscle groups on ourselves to find weakness in these muscle groups to interpret signals from the body’s energies. This allows us to be more accurate in treating each patient’s individual needs from both a physical and emotional standpoint. THE CENTER FOR NATURAL HEALTH 914 Hemsath Rd, Suite 104-A, St. Charles, MO 63303 | 636.724.5757


Bridgewater Story Title

Villa Living at its Finest


years ago, experienced homebuilder and native St Louisan, Tim Miller, saw a need for a niche housing product in the residential market—namely the villa. Villas are designed to suit those who enjoy the privacy and modern conveniences of a home, but on a smaller footprint with usable square footage versus heating, cooling, and cleaning unused areas within the home. Tim remarks that a typical Bridgewater Communities’ client is “looking to “Rightsize’ but not downgrade, to simplify and enjoy their life, freeing up time by eliminating time consuming tasks such as exterior yard maintenance”. Founding Bridgewater Communities in 2003, Tim designed three 1600 square foot ranch style floor plans with the mindset of providing quality construction offering the Villa lifestyle to his home buyers! The Villa lifestyle is open to all ages not just those 55+ and is tailored around a low maintenance way of life with like- minded people in a managed community setting. The locations Tim chooses to establish his villa communities are beautiful and maintained with a Homeowner’s Association that takes care of the exterior yard work and common areas. Two such beautiful communities, Weber Farms Villas and The Villas at Franklin county country club are both located in the Washington Missouri area. Wash-


ington has seen a lot of growth particularly in the past 5 years says Jane Felkel, Bridgewater Communities sales manager and villa expert. She continues, “ I’ve noticed a trend in people looking to move away from the chaos and congestion of St Louis areas such as South County, Fenton, St. Charles, Wildwood, Eureka and beyond to enjoy the lower taxes and the simpler lifestyle that Washington affords”. Weber Farms has a total of 30 homesites to accommodate freestanding aka detached villas. Located in a peaceful setting with wide open streets off Rabbit Trail Drive and Highway 100. “It’s hard to recognize that Weber Farms villas was a family farm just a few short years ago” says Jane Felkel. Weber Farms villas back to another family farm separated by a tree line and meandering stream. Knowing the majority of his discerning villa clients like privacy and beauty, Tim Miller thought ahead during the development of Weber Farms. By installing a berm with evergreens, trees and shrubs to separate the homesites that back up to other residences he achieved creating as many attractive sites as possible. “Weber Farms villas offer the best of both worlds, Jane says. It’s not uncommon to hear the cows mooing and even a donkey once in a while adding to the relaxed feeling of being out in the countryside yet you are so close to everything you could need”. Weber Farms villas are considered within the city limits

of Washington and as such are within easy access to everyday conveniences such as shops, supermarkets, entertainment, highway access and medical needs. In contrast, the villas at Franklin county country club, is a stunning gated community located off Highway A offering 22 freestanding and 6 attached villas. The landscape has rolling hills, an abundance of trees, stylish aggregate driveways and walkways, and an attractive French country architecture. The villas are neighbors to the Franklin country golf club which has a highly regarded golf course, beautiful grounds, a swimming pool and clubhouse with chef prepared meals. With views of the course throughout the villas at Franklin county country club and a path that connects directly to the golf club this location is sure to attract those who enjoy an active lifestyle! Located just minutes from Highway 100 and the main Washington shopping area. Since Bridgewater Communities’ conception of the villa product in 2003, other homebuilders have realized the desirability and demand

for this lifestyle. Tim however, advises that “not all villas are created equal”. “As a luxury, semi- custom company, a villa built by Bridgewater Communities offers distinct differences—differences you will notice from the moment you walk in the door” says Tim. He continues, “All Bridgewater villas include low maintenance exteriors with thought and attention given to curb appeal as well as practical needs. Our goal at Bridgewater Communities is to not just build one of our plans, but to listen to our clients and build what they need”. Jane adds, “Allowing our clients to ‘age in place independently is the key”. From the width of the doorways, hallways and stairs to light airy spaces and cleverly designed open Kitchen, bathroom and drop zone options- it is easy to see why Bridgewater Communities is considered the villa experts in the field. All Bridgewater Communities’ villa experts are experienced to guide clients through all of possible options and finishes and are equipped to build your villa on paper so you can see your dream

come to life! Bridgewater Communities offers a wide range of customizable options such as 3 car garages, expansions to the main floor, sun rooms, bbq decks and finished lower levels to name a few. “This flexibility not only increases the overall usable living space Tim says, but it allows for our villa owners to personalize the build to their needs. Whether accommodating large gatherings at the Holidays, a golf cart or fun car, an office space, workout room or even a woodworking area. Every client’s needs are different and so we rarely build two villas the same”. Bridgewater Communities strives to offer the latest in trends to our villa clients. A Color room is located within the builder display in Washington and for our St. Charles County clients at a central location in Lake St. Louis, Missouri. Each color room showcases a wide and organized range of cabinetry, flooring, countertops, faucets, hardware and more! “We value our clients’ time and offering them the convenience and ability to make their selections at one place just makes sense” says Jane Felkel For villa purchasers who sell their house quicker than expected or for those who don’t have the desire to go through the entire construction process, Bridgewater offers “Jump Start” villas. Located in each community and designed to give our clients a ‘jump start’ in the building process. Some may be under construction whilst others may be move-in ready. Depending upon the construction stage, customization to your personal taste may still be available. In such uncertain times as these, there has never been a better time to enjoy the villa lifestyle. With great availability still existing at both Washington locations, plan your visit to Washington and come and see why Bridgewater Communities are known as the villa experts! Builder display is located on Statten Drive in Washington Missouri.

Call 636-299-8444 for additional information or to reserve your tour today! Luxury. Elegant. Bridgewater.


Silver Senior Program A concierge service assisting seniors transitioning to their new lifestyle of independent or assisted living. S We can assist you and your needs when choosing a senior community and provide one on one meeting to create your personalized timeline. S Facilitate and assist you with finding a senior relocation specialist. This professional company will help you sort and decision make personal property, pack, arrange the move, organize charity donation pick-ups, estate sales and garage sales. They can even unpack boxes and arrange your new home. S We will assist you with preparing your home to be sold by getting it market ready through our vendor list of expert contractors and service companies. We will facilitate any repairs needed after your approval. S We will assist you in finalizing the disconnection of your homes utilities S Do you not feel comfortable with computers, you don’t have to be. We can come to you when documents need to be signed. One of the many processes we handle through our concierge service. We want you to know you’re not in this by yourself. You have a team of trusted professionals to assist you and if you have a question or a concern we have the answer or the solution.


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With the Rise in Divorce Rates During COVID-19, The Ellis’ felt it was important to obtain the RCS-D designation to better serve their clients.


nfortunately, one of the many changes we have seen during the Coronavirus Pandemic is a spike in divorce rates in the U.S. as so many couples have completely had their home/work environment completely changed. There are several different averages depending on which data or poll you follow, but on average the number of people looking for divorces was up over 25 percent from March through June compared to the year prior. It is obviously understandable with the huge changes that have occurred in are day to day living in 2020. So many have had to adjust to working from home on top of homeschooling their children as well. The added stress from that alone not to mention some have also been unemployed during this time or have even lost their businesses altogether which has caused financial strain for many. Even worse, some may have lost loved ones to COVID-19 or had the illness themselves. Therefore, we have also seen an increase in depression for many during this time. We are social beings and the lock downs in many of our areas have forced us to be at home more and not socialize with others. Typically, when married couples are going through a rough patch, they can have some time apart or time with friends to talk through their feeling’s. Unfortunately, through this pandemic it has affected each one of our life’s in some way and some decide not to reach out to others with their burdens when they to have their own. This along with all the other factors has put significant strain on many relationships. Surprisingly, data collected by Legal Templates found that newlyweds took the hardest hit. In fact, 20 percent of couples who sought divorce were married within the past five months or less, compared to the just 11 percent in 2019 – doubling the rate. With numbers like that it would seem to reflect that recently married couples were less equipped to handle the added stress of COVID-19 in comparison to a more established marriage. Obviously, we have helped many divorce couples navigate through buying and selling real estate over the last 20 plus years, but we wanted to do even more during this difficult time. I just finished a course to receive my RCS-D designation, Real Estate Collaboration Specialist-Divorce. The RCS-D designation is going to help us give our clients even more value and help them make an informed decision

during an exceedingly difficult time in their life. After obtaining my RCS-D designation I started connecting with great Family Law attorneys as well. Rick and I wanted to invite them on our weekly radio shows to hopefully help answer people’s questions that may be thinking about a divorce as well. We recently sat down with family law attorney Sylvia Pociask. Sylvia has been an attorney for 10 years and is with Moss Pociask, LLC in St. Louis. If you listen to our radio shows or pick up my magazine you know how important it is to Rick and I to sit down with other business owners and make sure their priorities are inline with ours, always having the best interest of the client. In doing so, I always like to find out what led them to their career path because I think it explains a lot about who they are as a person and the compassion they will show to anyone we send their way. For Sylvia it was personal since as a child she grew up in a divorce household herself. Sylvia knew the things she wished would have been different or the things that worked best for their family and felt she could help other families going through a difficult situation as well. Family Law is so much more then just divorce. One of the things Sylvia enjoys as well is helping Dads who want more time with their kids or even grand parents who for what ever reason may not be able to see their grandchildren. When talking with her I could feel how much she cares about every client and it was not just a paycheck or a case. If you are looking for a caring family law attorney, please reach out to Sylvia Pociask. If you are looking for a real estate agent to help you navigate the home sale process or purchase while going through a divorce, please reach out to me. After taking this course and receiving the RCS-D designation, it will help me not only be your real estate agent, but also a project manager to assist you the homeowners, lawyers, and mediators throughout the process.

Sylvia J. Pociask, Esq., Moss Pociask, LLC 2547 Big Bend Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63143 T: 313.963.0500 D: 314.441.7044 E-mail:


Why Did The

Rick & Tracy Ellis Team Choose eXp Realty?

We are not with eXp Realty because of the stock.

We are not with eXp Realty because of the KV core lead generation platform that is provided to all agents along with their own website.

We are not with eXp Realty because of the ICON program that allows me to be paid back my CAP in stock.


We are not with eXp Realty because of the most aggressive revenue share plan in the business.

We are not with eXp Realty because of the cloud office .

We are not with eXp Realty because of all the amazing tech tools. We are not with eXp Realty because of the iBuyer program. We are not with eXp Realty because of the best training calendar and education curriculum in the business, in my opinion.

We are not with eXp Realty because of the enlightened leadership and the training we receive from top agents all over the world.


We are not with eXp Realty because of the fun events, including ringing the bell at Nasdaq.

We are not with eXp because of all the amazing people I have met around the world and have weekly collaboration meetings with through the cloud. WE ARE with eXp because they are AGENT OBSESSED! They make it their mission to provide more VALUE to our business and our life than any other brokerage that we’ve worked. eXp Realty is giving our family an opportunity to BUILD A LEGACY so that we, along with our children, will have something to show for a life in sales. 54 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

Are you a real estate agent who would like to know more about all of the amazing opportunities that eXp Realty has to offer? Please contact Rick or Tracy Ellis at 636.299.3702 and let’s have a conversation.

Why The Ellis’ Chose eXp Realty!


n 2018, Rick and Tracy Ellis evaluated their business results, the opportunities for growth were consistently met with obstacles. Closing over $30 million dollars in sales volume and approximately 90 transactions that year, The Ellis Team felt if their market center was more expansion friendly and there were not additional monetary penalties, they could expand their business even more. The recent changes in the market, along with their marketing programs, in an unrestricted, expansion friendly company, means growth capabilities are endless. While franchise locations for many brokers depend on bricks and mortar and agent count, the pre-internet business model of some of these brokerages are in direct conflict with modern-day entrepreneurial teams wanting to build a branded system within the larger company. Franchise owners were promised legal territories when they came into existence over the last century. Once the internet was invented in 1995, it was only a matter of time before each industry was impacted by the benefits of the cloud. Over the last 22 years, Rick and Tracy have developed their brand with their weekly real estate radio shows, pod-casts, growing social media following and their own real estate magazine. Like many successful teams, they have a proven return-on-investment in their primary market and their system can be leveraged in expansion markets as well. “Living through the recession we experienced in 2007 in the real estate world, our team experienced growth and some of our best years because we quickly adapted and learned the importance of marketing and doing something different for our clients. It was then that we

created our radio shows and later added our real estate magazine. Marketing isn’t just a one stop shop, you have to hit all areas to be successful and those include radio, print, social and a heavy online presence. We feel we can now successfully do the same for other teams in other areas and look forward to the opportunity to help others grow their team and not be penalized with additional caps”. Rick Ellis adds “After 10 years on the air, we’ve grown a great network of vendors, media and local celebrity guests and feel our shows can be leveraged with our expansion teams to grow their business through our proven model. Together, we can leverage our shows through podcasts and search engine results with The Rick and Tracy Ellis, Real Estate Radio Network”. Office Location Limitations Rick and Tracy were excited to make the move to eXp Realty for many reasons, including retirement income they are receiving through stock and revenue share, along with affordable health insurance. In some real estate company models, the office locations are chosen based on being central for the most amount of agents. For a luxury brand in the St. Louis, MO area that serves all surrounding counties and expands into other markets, including Lake of the Ozarks and Illinois, they wanted more control over their office location along with their own designated office. “In most franchise models, you aren’t allowed to have an office outside of the Market Center without a lot of limitations and qualifications. eXp Realty is one company and as a virtual brokerage, there are


minimal restrictions for an agent or a team to secure their own office space, even in other expansion areas. We also felt that eXp, since there is one state wide broker, and of course a lot of online support, it was more inline with the type of company we wanted to work with. We feel this model will encourage more experienced Realtors that don’t need as much Broker support, whereas with some other companies, there are more newer agents with less experience. Real Estate is a serious business and you really have to know what you’re doing when you are dealing with legally binding documents. These are our clients largest investments and you really need a lot of experience in the real estate industry to give your clients the best result. After 22 years in the real estate business, we still learn something new every single day. It doesn’t matter if you have a large head count just to fill the office because a very small percentage of those agents are actually the ones doing the business. We would rather have quality over quantity and surround ourselves with the agents who are doing the business through the virtual world”. “Sense of Team” in New Location The Ellis’ are happy to now have their own office location in Chesterfield. There are so many opportunities to virtually collaborate with successful agents all over the world through the App: eXp World, Facebook Workplace, face-to-face video conferencing technology and smart website systems (kvCORE) that can handle multiple MLS locations in a state we are able to create the accountability, systems and overall sense of being part of the virtual team through eXp. “The best part of the eXp technology and reporting, is that it is not broken up per franchise location. eXp was designed as one company and it allowed them to create one eXp World, one Facebook Workplace, one reporting dashboard, and one combined web presence. Tracy stated that “the benefit to an expansion team is one toolbox for communication and measuring agent productivity in all 50 states and the Canadian provinces. If we decide to upgrade to a larger eXp website account for Missouri, the infrastructure already exists with company provided tools. The expansion opportunities are endless. I have always stated that I look to successful agents in other areas such as New York and California to learn and grow in my own business. It has always seemed that the latest and greatest trends start in those areas and trickle into our area several years later. This model allows me to really interact with top agents in any area I choose to offer our clients the most up to date information”. Real Retirement Opportunities at eXp were a huge factor as well! When you are in real estate and self employed there is not really a retirement income or pension. That is no longer the situation with companies like eXp Realty and one of the many reasons Rick and Tracy made the move to eXp. Tracy stated, “After working over 20 years in real estate and always investing money back into growing our business, I realized we are getting older and really have to start preparing more for retirement. Although I plan to be working at least 20 more years in real estate, it seems the older we get the faster time goes by. eXp World Holdings has given us an incredible opportunity to receive stock for simply doing what we do every single day, selling real estate. To date, we have not purchased any eXp stock, but have earned enough stock in less than 2 years to purchase several vacation


properties. What an amazing benefit to now know that we will be prepared for retirement for all of the hard work we put into our career. I am so grateful for this wonderful company, eXp World Holdings also announced a 2 for 1 stock split that will be distributed on 2-12-21. eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty, Virbela and SUCCESS Enterprises. eXp’s innovation is centered on agents’ success, whether it is the real estate industry, Virbela’s work from anywhere technologies or the personal development space as represented by SUCCESS Enterprises. eXp World Holdings and its global brokerage, eXp Realty, is one of the fastest growing real estate tech companies in the world with more than 42,000 agents around the globe in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, India, Portugal and France and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud-based brokerage is powered by an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. eXp Realty also offers a unique financial model for residential and commercial real estate agents to not only earn stock, but they also offer an attractive commission structure to provide its agents with an opportunity to earn additional income through a revenue share program. eXp’s cloud based brokerage is powered by Virbela, the company’s immersive and collaborative platform, enabling agents and staff to communicate, meet and conduct business in a virtual world. The Virbela platform was incredibly beneficial with the restrictions we went through during the pandemic in 2020. This incredible platform allowed eXp agents to continue meeting and attending virtual training world wide, we never skipped a beat and actually The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team had our best year yet in 2020. “We enjoyed our time with both RE/MAX and KW, but real estate is changing rapidly and for us, eXp is simply the best fit. Real Estate Agents work so hard, we really give our life to our career, personal time is very limited because you really have to be available 24/7 to your clients. It is so wonderful to finally see a real estate company structure their business to benefit the agents instead of the brokerage. Afterall, it is the agents who are doing most of the work, not the brokers”, stated Tracy. Changing brokerages is something the Ellis Team doesn’t take lightly, but they regret not making the move to eXp years ago. So when a high level, producing team makes a move to a newer company it should get your attention. They’d encourage a phone conversation if you’d like to learn more about the advantages of eXp. “We are happy to sit down and explain the structure and benefits to any agent or team at any time, don’t wait to start earning money for your retirement or take advantage of affordable health care”, stated Tracy.

Can your Real Estate brokerage do this for you? Ours can, call us to ask us how!

Home inspections from a knowledgeable and hard-working professional that you can trust.

We are committed to serving local customers, home buyers, sellers and real estate professionals.

19316 Dogwood Valley Ct. Wentzville, MO 63385

Contact us for a complete evaluation that will provide you peace of mind when buying or selling your property.

• 1.5 story custom built atrium original owner home. • Terrific floor plan with crown molding in most rooms, textured walls, arched openings, upgraded flooring • 3 car side entry garage along with a finished walk out lower level • Great room has gorgeous views of 3 acre lot



Call or email for more info: 636.299.3702 | 636.699.2197 | (618) 514-5485 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 57

Lake Living at it’s Finest


Every Missourian knows you don’t have to travel far to experience the fun and relaxation of Missouri’s finest lake resort destination. It’s no secret that the Lake of the Ozarks is home to some of the best shopping, boating, golfing, fishing, and hiking around. With the area’s incredible properties and awe-inspiring setting, it’s no wonder so many families make it a priority to have fun on the lake. It’s the perfect place to relax and unwind. Missourians are lucky to be close to this lively travel destination, but the pull of Lake Ozark extends far beyond the Missouri Border. People travel to the lake from all of the eight states bordering Missouri, and many lake goers come from as far as the beautiful west coast (a vacation destination all its own) to enjoy the luxury the Lake of the Ozarks has to offer.


From extravagant resorts and condos to simple bed and breakfasts, the Lake of the Ozarks has something for every budget—just one more reason why the lake is one perfect vacation spot. The Lake Area’s appeal to vacationers goes beyond fun on the water. Ha Ha Tonka State Park, Ozark Distillery, Bridal Cave, and the Osage Beach Premium Outlets are just a few of the many activities vacationers can enjoy off the lake, along with spas, tours, movies, and concerts all over the area. If you are looking for a premier luxury property look no further, we have a couple wonderful options that are loaded with all the bells and whistles.

Take a look at these

beautiful lake front properties.

1107 Beacon Pointe Circle is truly a MASTERPIECE! This luxurious 8,200 plus square feet home has every upgrade imaginable including full brick and stone, not to mention it is located on a double lot. As we all know when you have a lake house you entertain quite often! That will be no problem at this lake front property since it boasts five in-suite bedrooms along with eight bathrooms. Yes, eight bathrooms! Let’s face it, when you are at the lake you are mostly concerned about being outside and on the water. That will not be an issue here with 255’ of beautiful Lake of the Ozark waterfront with an exquisite view of Bagnell Dam. Attention to detail was not missed in the gourmet kitchen with custom stone and tile accents and of course only the finest appliances. You will be impressed with the six-burner gas stove top and grill, standalone icemaker, and a warming oven. Numerous upgrades throughout this lake front paradise such as pine ceilings, stone wall stairway, built-in wood shelving, see thru fireplace, 5 Zone HVAC, monitored alarm and central vacuum systems.

This home is perfect for a large family or entertaining guests with four levels, two kitchens, a wet bar, work out room, three laundry rooms, gorgeous channel views on all three levels from any of the spacious decks. You can also enjoy the cabana, fire-pit and inviting, saltwater swimming pool with beautiful water features and of course an incredible waterfall. You will not have to worry about a lot of upkeep with maintenance free landscaping as well. When you have a large estate of this size, you will tend to have quite a few vehicles as well. That is no problem at Beacon Pointe Circle, you will find not only one, but two heated and cooled garages that will accommodate five cars and a full-sized SUV. Lake living should be simple and easy, take the golf cart path from garage to your pool. This beautiful property is located near The Strip with easy access in and out of the lake area. If you are looking for the perfect luxury estate, look no further. If you have any questions about this property call Rick or Tracy Ellis at 636-299-3702 or Ed Shmidt at 573-434-5292.

1107 Beacon Pointe Cir Lake Ozark, MO 65049


117 Crabapple Cir Four Seasons, MO 65049

One of the Top Five Lake of the Ozarks Premier Waterfront Estates is finally on the market! The current owner absolutely loves this personal oasis for many reasons, but most of all they noted that although it is an incredibly beautiful luxury estate, it is also very functional. This home, 117 Crabapple Circle, was built by Thomas Construction, but just underwent a full remodel in 2017. The exterior has incredible curb appeal, the stucco was recently painted with specialized paint with polymer. The brick paver driveway will lead you to an oversized, temperature controlled, 3 car garage. Located on a 170 ft. of gentle flowing lake front property that allows for a massive Cruiser dock that has been grand fathered in with an 18ft. by 56ft. slip. Although there is plenty of space to add your luxury yachts, do not worry your views will not be obstructed since that dock is on the left side of the property. There is ample space for guest to dock their boats on either side. Six Mile Cove is the perfect spot for all your guest to enjoy water sports as well. If floating in the lake is not for you, no worries, you can float in the salt water, new pebble tech Infinity Pool with new computerized pumps and filters with a brand new wireless remote. The newly stamped concrete decks offer lake views from every angle with an extensive waterfall and the yard has a beautiful wrought iron fence. What an incredible get away to entertain family and friends, this is truly living the life of luxury! From the moment you walk through the front doors, the magnificent lake view will take your breath away. There are large, over-sized windows with incredible woodwork not to mention the details and creativity that 60 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

was put into the customized ceilings with accent lighting, Quality woodwork with cherry wood baseboards and trim work along with Baldwin knobs and Acorn hinges. The quality does not stop there, wait till you see the 8-foot double cherry wood doors that will lead you to all five of the Lakeside Master Suites. The Owners Suite features upgrades of course such as a heated towel rack and a Kohler Computerized Shower System that you can program the perfect shower temperature just for you! With all those bedrooms, you may have a lot of laundry with so many guests. Not to worry, you have laundry rooms on all three levels. In a luxury estate like this you can not just have one kitchen, absolutely not! You must have two, we have you covered. The gourmet kitchen flows into a gorgeous butler’s pantry and both kitchens and bar areas feature top end appliances from Viking, SubZero, Dacor & Marvel. There is exquisite, high quality granite on the interior and exterior of this home along with upgraded cabinetry throughout the home. The list of improvements simply does not stop. You will also enjoy heated floors in some areas, two gas fireplaces, a gorgeous Schonbeck Crystal Chandelier, over a hundred exterior lights along with lights for the Infinity pool. This home has been incredibly maintained and has three new HVAC units and two new hot water heaters. This smart home also has two central vac systems. As you can tell, the sellers have gone above and beyond in this premier waterfront property! This is one of those properties when you are out on your boat driving by you stop and think, that is my dream home! Truly one of the best properties at the lake! For a private tour call Rick or Tracy Ellis at 636-299-3702 or Ed Schmidt at 573-365-1766.

QUACKERS WATERPROOFING & BASEMENT REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES AND A TRANSFERABLE LIFETIME OF THE STRUCTURE WARRANTY Crack Repair Carbon Fiber Reinforcement Wall Stabilization Sump pump/pit/drain system installation Concrete Leveling Piering Egress Window Installation Window Well Drain Installation Radon Testing & Radon Mitigation

Visit or call 636-281-3735 for a free estimate

2662 - 2664 Old Hwy 79 Elsberry, MO 63343 Trinity Underground Industrial Park is a rare opportunity to own 3 underground limestone mines that were excavated during the 1930’s. An impressive formation of Kimmswick Limestone that features stone floors with up to 40' ceiling heights on the lower level and stone pillars that are 50-60 feet apart. Boasting 440,000 Sq/Ft of space between the 3 mines. Ideal location for temperature controlled storage with average temperature ranging from 53 o 58 degrees or possibly a manufacturing warehouse. The exterior openings provide for ventilation and eliminate the need for duct work. Also included, 78 acres of land above the underground mine including a two acre lake that is filled with fish. Rail & river access are located nearby as well with gorgeous views all around. This would also be a perfect location for a winery or resort with convenient access to Hwy 79 & Hwy 70.

636.299.3702 | 636.699.2197 | 636-281-3735




✦ The Ellis’ have 2 professional photographers and feature their listings with HDR photography, aerial and sunset photography along with video.

✦ You’ll find billboards all over St. Louis promoting The Rick and Tracy Ellis real estate radio shows to bring more attention to our listings.

✦ 3-D imagery and videography ✦ The Ellis’ listings are showcased on, www.rickandtracyellisteam. com, and 157 additional web sites. THE ELLIS TEAM MAGAZINE: ✦ Publisher, creator and editor of Tracy Ellis: Real Estate Magazine. ✦ You’ll find the magazine in over 150 businesses in St. Louis, St. Charles County, Lincoln, Lake of the Ozarks and Illinois ✦ The Rick & Tracy Ellis Team will write a story about your property, not just a paragraph in the MLS. ✦ Your home could be featured on the cover, but will definitely be featured in our magazine

✦ The Rick and Tracy Ellis show airs every Saturday at 9 am and Sunday at 10 am on FM TALK 97.1 in St. Louis. ✦ All of our listings are promoted on all of our weekly radio shows on 3 different stations. ✦ Sandy Miller from FOX 2 News joins us every Saturday at 9 am and shares our show on her social media. ✦ The Ellis will be creating a new vlog series highlighting their homes with client interviews about their properties along with local vendors ✦ Rick and Tracy also have a Podcast of all of their shows. ✦ We have many websites to generate traffic, including our own pages on FM TALK 97.1. ✦ The Ellis Team Post and target ads daily on all social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. ✦ Advertising in Ladue News


✦ You’ll find video testimonials on from Marc Cox on The Marc Cox Show on FM TALK 97.1, Scott Rizzuto from The Rizzuto Show on 105.7 The Point and Meghan King from The Real Housewives of Orange County. ✦ The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team have had properties featured on Show Me St. Louis and FOX 2 News in the morning. ✦ The Ellis’ plan social/ charitable events to target the right audience. They planned an event for 150 guests at their listing at 1126 Wings Rd. in St. Albans that benefited MMMF. Tracy Ellis is on the Executive Board of Directors of several charities in the area and heads up the Committee for Events and Fundraising on two charities, The Base Foundation and the Keira Strong Forever Foundation. This allows the Ellis’ to host events in their properties and bring even more attention to their listings including local media coverage. The Ellis’ recently had Josh Flagg in town from Million Dolllar Listing LA for an event at a $30,000,000 home in Lake St. Louis to benefit Little Patriots Embraced.



✦ The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team have received The Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist™ (CLHMS) designation. This assures affluent buyers and sellers that real estate professionals have the knowledge, experience, and unique skills to meet their needs. Members of The Institute who hold the CLHMS designation have documented performance in the TOP 10% of their residential markets and have successfully demonstrated their expertise in the luxury home and estate market.

✦ The Ellis Team has a marketing assistant who creates all of our marketing materials such as post cards, door knockers and brochures.

✦ We work with top real estate agents all over the USA and other countries and currently have almost 40,000 real estate agents in our direct referral network.

✦ The Ellis Team has a full time office manager who currently handles the paperwork on all files, direct contact with all clients and all administrative work. ✦ The Ellis Team has a social media expert to handle all of our social media needs to make sure our clients homes are receiving maximum exposure. ✦ The Ellis Team has experienced, full-time agents on our team who specialize with both buyers and sellers. The Ellis’ have many years of experience with Relocation buyers and have worked with several of the National Relocation companies as well. ✦ The Ellis Team has a terrific, professional designer who creates our magazines and team literature.

THE RICK & TRACY ELLIS TEAM EXPERIENCE ✦ Rick & Tracy have both been in real estate for over 20 years. They’ve hosted their own weekly radio show for over 9 years and created/ published their own real estate magazine for over 6 years. You’ll find their magazine, Tracy Ellis: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE in over 150 businesses throughout the St. Louis area year round. Rick and Tracy Ellis have sold over $250 million in real estate. The Ellis’ have a passion for marketing and have enjoyed telling the story of their properties. It’s very important to The Ellis’ to do everything they can to make sure their properties are marketed to the largest audience. Each agent on The Ellis Team takes pride in educating their clients about our great city, while helping them find their perfect home.

✦ The Ellis Team has two writers on staff for stories in magazine, MLS and social media.

LOOKING TO BUY, SELL, BUILD OR INVEST? Allow us to help you... Call the Rick & Tracy Ellis Team at 636.699.2197 or 636.299.3702.


Rick and Tracy Ellis host 2 weekly Realshows on real estate radio Estate FM Talk 97.1 to assist you with ALL your real estates needs. If you are considering buying, selling, building or investing in real Saturday at 9 AM & Sunday at 10 AM estate, contact Rick or Tracy today!


Real EstateRadio Network

Rick& TracyEllis


Real Estate Radio Network

Listen on Saturday at 9 am and Saturdayatat10 9 AM Sunday at 10 AM Sunday am| on FM Talk 97.1

Sandy Miller joins us on Saturdays at 9 am on FM Talk 97.1

Learn more at



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