Tracy Ellis Real Estate Magazine - Fall 2021

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St. Louis Hills

The Rick & Tracy Ellis Show

KRTK 93.3 FM KVMO 104.3 FM KTRK 107.3 FM KXEN 100.7 FM & 1010 AM

Meet The Rick & Tracy Ellis Team!

Tracy Ellis 636.299.3702

Rick Ellis 636.699.2197

Allyson Heisler Office Manager

Pat Daffron Buyers Specialist 314.704.5672

Lisa Hoechst 314.651.7828

Michael Grace Buyers Agent 314.780.4722

Randy Wild 314.420.2619

Janet Henrichs 314.603.1756

Christina Jaromack Buyers Agent 618.567.8793 2 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

Jane Felkel New Construction Specialist 636.239.9927

Allison Ann Alvey Buyers Agent 636.579.7427

CONTENTS 2 The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team 4


8 History of Beautiful Land and White Farmhouses in Elsberry


Avoid Holiday Appliance Disasters


Villa Living at its Finest


Current Listings


26 Marketing Approach 28 32

hould You Decorate for Christmas S While Your Home is on the Market? hinking of Buying a Home T for the First Time?



34 Choosing to Sell Land with an Auction or an Agent?

36 What is Happening in the St. Louis Real Estate Market?

38 42

Communities from Rolwes Company Top Five New Construction Home Myths Debunked

43 New Construction Home Specialist, Jane Felkel, Joins The Ellis Team


Editor in Chief: Tracy and Rick Ellis Art Direction: Tracy and Rick Ellis

On the cover:

Head Copywriter: Tracy Ellis C: 636.299.3702 O: 636.699.2197


6732 Delor St St. Louis, MO 63109 Cover photo by Aaron Kranz

RickandTracyEllisTeam Tracyellisrealtor TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 3


Rick& TracyEllis


Tracy Ellis

Real Estate Radio Network Tune in to The Rick and Tracy Ellis real estate radio shows every Saturday at 9AM and Sunday at 10PM to assist you with all your real estates needs. If you are considering buying, selling, building or investing in real estate, contact Rick or Tracy today!

it is hard to not be discouraged, when you look at what is going on in the world all around us. It can be even harder still when the people around you are desperate for answers that obviously you cannot give them, yet they are not doing anything themselves to try to make a difference except add more stress to your own life. That does not mean that you must join ranks with the people that have lost faith, though. In fact, it means it is even more important than ever to try to encourage others and give them strength during these challenging times. We make difficult choices in our lives every single day. I have had to make some of the most challenging decisions over the last year, but without those moments we would not be where we are today. It was over a year ago, when I was so proud of Drew Brees for speaking up that he would never be in support of kneeling during the National Anthem. Of course, within about twenty-four hours they had made him out to be a racist and unsupportive leader to his team. So, what happened next, all the sudden he was apologizing and kneeling right along with his team. I lost all respect for him. From that day forward I have never watched another football game, or any sport for that matter, nor do I plan to until things change. In years past I spoke out little about my views on politics because of our business, except of course right around election time. After that happened and everything we have been witnessing in our country I decided I am part of the problem. If I am going to sit back and not do or say anything, how can I expect things to improve if we do nothing to make our voices heard? I posted a simple meme stating, “I think it’s sad that Drew Brees had to apologize for his love of country, yet it’s OK to kneel”. That was it, no big deal, just speaking my truth because in my world we are blessed to live in America, and many have died fighting for our freedoms. There is no way I think any American should be disrespecting our flag and all that have fought for the players and viewers to be able to enjoy a football game or their daily lives. I also think because this is America, it is their right to do so if they wish, I just do not have to agree or watch if I choose not to. Well of course within hours a fellow real estate agent in my area


decided to screenshot my simple meme, share it on her social media page and essentially state that a “Top Realtor in St. Louis is showing her true colors”. All throughout the post were comments from that agent, her friends and fellow real estate agents calling me a racist, wanting to educate me on why I was wrong. They shared all my contact information, my google information, told people to go give me a review and let me know what they thought of me and so on. Well, let us just say they did that and a whole lot more, including death threats that noted the vehicle I drove. Apparently, they thought by doing that it would shame me or make me coward down and apologize; it did nothing but infuriate me and make me go full throttle moving forward and I have not looked back. So, if you’re reading this, what you meant for my harm worked out to be a wonderful blessing in my life and I thank you! We are living through challenging times where you apparently cannot have your own opinions; if you do the name calling begins, along with the hate. What happened to the times when it was alright to disagree and still care about one another? Why does there have to be so much division, we are all created equal in God’s eyes. It is alright to disagree, if you want the vaccine, get the vaccine but do not be mad at those of us who choose not to get one. If you have the vaccine, you should be protected, correct? It makes no sense to me why everyone thinks they must control others and tell them what to do! What happened to the America we loved? The America we grew up in where we treated each other with love and respect and were taught right from wrong? I miss those simple days so much and knew that if we do not start speaking up, getting our voices heard, our children and especially our grandchildren will be living in a world that we would not even recognize. So, while I love my real estate business and having been very successful in real estate now for almost twenty-five years, I felt I had to do something more and hoped that our clients would continue to support us regardless of where we stood politically. Aftewr much prayer, in my heart I know God led us to look for a way to be able to let others all over the world know they are not alone. We all know that President Trump won the election without a doubt, there are many more of us than people even realize, but there were no other REAL conservative places to turn except podcasts.

After the stolen election, I simply could not watch any news or media channels any longer, except One America News. Rick and I would spend late hours into the night listening to podcasts of people we had never listened to before, just because they spoke our language. It was so frustrating at times though, because of course social media was always taking them down causing them to have to move to another platform, making it difficult to find them for weeks. We felt there had to be an easier way and I was very determined to figure it out. Originally, we had set out not to run our own radio stations, but simply help others that were trying to do the same thing. That was until I quickly realized their idea of a Conservative station was not the same as ours. It felt like their idea of a Conservative was RINO Mitt Romney. No thank you. Most wanted to stop talking about President Trump, and just accept the called results and move forward. For the life of me I will never understand; there will never be another fair election if we do not take care of it now! From that moment on we were on a mission to find the perfect stations, I believe we have succeeded. Rick and I have never worked so hard in our entire life! We started working on finding the perfect hosts, employees, engineers, studios and so on in March, from that time until September we worked at least 18 hours a day, if not more. We were still operating our real estate business, our real estate team really stepped up as well. Building radio studios from the ground up was no easy task. It was the most exhausting six months of our life, but also the most rewarding experience. I will always be grateful to every single person that helped us make Real Talk possible. Together we are all making a difference! From the beginning, I felt we were doing God’s work; that he was looking for as many of us as possible to stand with him and fight for our country, to get God back into all things! This is why it is extremely important to us to get more spiritually uplifting shows on Sundays including several pastors who have wonderful programs. We launched in mid-August and as I write this, we just finished our 7th week on air, what a ride it has been thus far! To date we have had over 15,000,000 hits on our website and over 100,000 listeners have downloaded our APP, from Google and Apple. You can find the APP link on our website. We are blessed with amazing hosts that you will read about towards the middle of the magazine. One of those is Joe Hoft, twin brother of the Gateway Pundit founder, Jim Hoft. Recently they were honored to be able to interview President Trump together for the Gateway Pundit and were kind enough to share the interview livestream with Real Talk 93.3 FM; that was incredible. Not long after that, Joe Hoft and Kell Brazil made national news while interviewing Roger Stone he was served, live on air, with another lawsuit. Never did I think I would see a business that we owned going across the bottom of the ticker on CNN or in over twenty national online publications, including Newsweek and People. Of course, we have many other awesome hosts, such as our friend Dr. Eric Nepute, who is always making national news and has followers all over the world! Talk about a dedicated patriot fighting for America, on his weekends you will find him at one of Clay Clark’s events or traveling with General Flynn or Mike Lindell; anything he can do to spread the word and help people.

We were honored to have Senator Bill Eigel, who I like to refer to as Skippy, because he is so happy every day. He truly loves what he is doing, trying to educate our listeners on what is happening in Jefferson City. Then, we added former Senator Brian Nieves and his brilliant son Victor for afternoon drive, what a dynamic duo. There are just so many shows that I could brag on like retired Pastor Stephen Hower. Pastor Hower was a real estate client of ours, I knew from the first time I sat down at their table we would be working with him in some way, I just did not know how. The Lord puts all people in our life for a reason; some are placed just for a season, to learn a lesson. I have learned plenty of those lessons throughout all of this. Those lessons are why several people are no longer with us. Praise The Lord! There are big things coming for The Rick and Tracy Ellis Real Estate Team and The Real Talk Radio Network both are rapidly growing. We currently have 93.3FM, 104.3FM, 107.3FM, 100.7FM and 1010AM. Our first station that launched, 93.3FM is currently only at approximately 14,000 watts; so in some areas you may pick up some static. Do not worry, we are hard at work building a brand-new tower that will raise the 93.3FM station to 50,000 watts; this should be completed by the end of the year. Two of our other stations are approximately 25,000 watts each; 104.3FM covers the Hannibal area all the way to Quincy, Illinois, along with a lot of other surrounding cities. The newest addition is 107.3FM, in Rolla we launched in October; which is also approximately 25,000 watts with wonderful coverage along HWY 44. We also launched our programming, along with a few different conservative programs to give our listeners options on 100.7 FM which covers St. Louis County, St. Louis City, South County and all the way to Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. You can also tune into us in Illinois on KXEN 1010AM. Do not think that will be the last; we are already working on several others. There are so many people excited about our stations and unique programming that we have several investors calling us wanting to know how they can be a part of the Real Talk Radio Network family. As always, ALL the glory goes to GOD! Every single one of us at Real Talk, who have worked so hard, for little to no pay, to simply try to help so many of our “freedom fighting” Americans who feel they have no voice please hang on; continue to pray, have faith and fight until the fraudulent election is exposed and the truth revealed. We will not be silenced, nor will we ever stop fighting for the freedom of all Americans. While the radio stations are quite a big deal, Rick and I are so excited now what we can offer all our real estate clients! Now, not only can we have your homes on our shows on the weekends, but we can also do commercials specific to your listing to air all during the week. Not to mention specific commercials promoting our upcoming open houses or special properties. Now we can truly give our clients the absolute best in marketing and advertising; with over 15,000,000 hits to our Real Talk website we will sync this to www.tracyellis. com for buyers looking to move into our area, they can easily search from any of our websites. Of course, our APP has over 100,000


users and our advertising for our real estate business is all over the APP as well. Look for our new magazine on store shelves as well; moving forward our magazine will be split with information on real estate and what is happening in the political arena. There will be a front cover and back cover, halfway through the pages will flip. As you can see, we are truly doing everything we can to continue to grow our real estate business, give our clients even more than we ever have before, while also helping our country. We ask that you continue to support The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team and Real Talk Radio Network, The Voice of Freedom. We are truly blessed to have the very best of both worlds, we love what we do every single day. Life is starting to slow down a bit and return to normal, so we are ready to take your calls and get your home listed for the holidays. Thank you all so much for all your support through the years! We appreciate each one of you more than you will ever know. God Bless You; please never stop standing up for what is right, Your Voice Matters!

radio network

KRTK 93.3 FM | KVMO 104.3 FM KTRK 107.3 FM | KXEN 100.7 FM & 1010 AM


Christina Jaromack

Christina has been passionate for Real Estate her entire life. As a young child, she drew pictures of castles and designed custom floor plans for her future dream home. Of course, that was before computers had the technology to help create her own custom floor plan. Christina was born and raised in St. Louis and surrounding areas. Prior to Real Estate, Christina served as a law enforcement officer for approximately seven years to include several years in the investigation unit. As a former law enforcement officer, Christina developed the outstanding ability to follow through and pay great attention to detail. She believes her client’s best interest is of utmost important and work diligently to provide the top service they deserve. Christina strongly believes that communication is vital and key to a trustworthy relationship with her clients. Her clients can count on her anytime during the day to discuss any questions or concerns. Christina truly enjoys learning about the stories and journey each client and home has. She takes pride in making her clients happy and creating a fun and memorable experience while providing her Real Estate services. Outside of Real Estate, Christina enjoys playing sports, the outdoors hiking or grilling with family and friends, supporting local nonprofit organizations and restaurants/shops, and creating new adventures with her husband and two children.


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2662-2664 North HWY 79 Elsberry, MO 63343 $10,000,000

The History of this Beautiful Land & Historic White Farmhouses Located in Elsberry.


he first forty acres of the farm Fielding Wigginton purchased on October 30, 1857. The rest of the acreage the Wigginton family purchased over a 50-year period. Clarence Cannon married Fielding Wigginton’s daughter Ida. During their marriage, they lived on the farm when they were not staying in Washington DC. While living on the farm, Mr. Cannon wrote about the Wigginton family, and their day-today life on the farm. In Mr. Cannon’s writings, he talked about the house the Wigginton family lived in was a “very crude structure, built of logs as was every other farmhouse of the day, consisting of two rooms with half a story above and was in poor repair.” This log home is still intact and is now the kitchen of the white farm home. Fielding Wigginton, Ida’s grandfather was married to Teresa Elizabeth Smith, Ida’s grandmother. Together they had five children. Their son Reuben Thomas Wigginton, Ida’s father, married Lucy Dawson. Ida’s mother and family lived in the home where they also had two children, one of those was Ida Dawson Wigginton who was born in the log home. In time, Ida Wigginton married Clarence Cannon who served as a Democratic Congressman in Washington DC. Clarence represented Missouri from 1923 until his death in Washington, D.C. in 1964. He was a notable parliamentarian and chaired the U.S. House Committee on Appropriations.


This is from a biography of Mr. Cannon who was known to be outspoken, sometimes irascible, Cannon earned a reputation for pugnacity. He once lampooned a fellow House member, “Of all the ‘piddling’ politicians that ever piddled ‘piddling’ politics on this floor, my esteemed friend, the gentleman from Wisconsin, is the greatest peddler that ever piddled.” During an argument in 1945 Cannon punched in the face Representative John Taber of New York, the ranking Republican member of the House Appropriations Committee. Cannon noted gleefully that Taber ran out of the room with a bleeding lip.” Over the years Ida Wigginton and Clarence Cannon remodeled the white home, keeping the log cabin and adding two additions to create the home as it stands today. The current owner’s family purchased the home from Ida Cannon in 1972. After Ms. Wigginton passed away, the current family who owns the property began to remodel the home. The owners have lived in the historic white farmhouse themselves until they built the stunning home, they currently live in on another area of the property in 2007. They love the property and hope that another family will have it in their family for years to come as well.

In my opinion THE BEST property in Elsberry, over 365 acres of sprawling acreage along with two beautiful homes. An inviting historic home and the other is luxury living at it's finest including an elevator. Beautiful views from every direction with fenced pastures and a large barn perfect for your horses. The long driveway flanked by trees is stunning, this property has been in the family for many years. Once in a lifetime opportunity to own this unique property that also Includes 3 underground limestone mines. An impressive formation of Kimmswick Limestone, stone floors with up to 40' ceiling heights on the lower level and stone pillars 50-60 feet apart. Boasting 440,000 SF of space, Contact us for more information: great location for temperature controlled storage with an average tem636.299.3702 | perature of. 53-58 degrees. Also included a two acre lake filled with 636.699.2197 | all types of fish with stunning river valley views. Rail & river access nearby as well, perfect location for winery or resort with convenient access to Hwy 79 & approximately 25 minutes to HWY 70.



Holiday Appliance Disasters


e have all heard the epic holiday horror stories or watched it play out in the movies. You know, heaters that conk out during the coldest week of the year. Ovens that die with a frozen turkey inside. Refrigerators that go on the fritz right after you’ve filled them with Christmas pies. Washing machines filled with towels and sheets that go on strike right before your holiday guests arrive. During the holidays we put our appliances on overtime, and yet it is a time of year when we can least afford the time and money to fix them if they fail us. We’ve all heard the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, so why do we not attempt to head off an apocalypse of broken machines that could quickly take the stuffing right out of our holidays. If we all could just set aside a few hours before the holiday


rush to tune up our appliances we would most likely save ourselves a lot of problems. As a busy Realtor, Radio Host, Magazine Publisher, Owner/Operator of Real Talk, The Voice of Freedom, wife, and Mom to 4 sons, I completely understand that life gets in the way, and we do not get a chance to do what we need to do around our own home at times. So many of us have stacks of a lot of owner’s manuals for all our appliances, but unfortunately, it is not something that most of us take the time to read until we have a problem. If you cannot find your owner’s manual or purchased a home and they were not left behind for you, sometimes you can find them online through the manufacturer. How do you know whether you should repair or replace an appliance? A good rule of thumb is that if a repair will cost more than 50% of the value of the appliance, it is probably time to replace it. Now with the internet, YouTube or DIY sites, people are more willing to try repairs for themselves.

Below we will share a few tips from experts in our area to help keep your appliances running smooth throughout the holiday season. REFRIGERATOR First things first, clean your condenser. Dust, lint and even dog hair collect there, preventing the refrigerator from releasing heat properly, causing it to run hotter and use more energy and eventually burn out. You will find most condensers just below the kick plate on the bottom. You can easily remove the plate; most will just pop off although some are held on with screws. The condenser looks like a small radiator. Use either a vacuum with a soft tip or a condenser brush sold at hardware stores to lightly remove the buildup. If you have a water dispenser, it is also a good idea to change your water filter. After time, bacteria can build up and make the water bad from your dispenser or ice maker. Some water filters are down at the lower toe-kick plate, others are inside the refrigerator. You would turn it counterclockwise, unscrew it and put in a new one and tighten it. After you replace the filter, run a gallon of water through the dispenser to get the air out of the line. DISHWASHER Obviously remove anything lying on the bottom inside, or objects like broken glass or a piece of a spoon. Then buy dishwasher-cleaner, available at most stores, and run it through a complete cleaning cycle at the hottest setting. This helps break up the soap buildup and the calcium buildup that might be blocking the flow of water. Most newer dishwashers have filters that can get clogged, and you can easily clean yourself. You will know when it needs to be cleaned when a smell starts coming from the dishwasher. OVEN Before you start baking all those cookies and pies, check the heat of your oven with a thermometer you can buy at a hardware store. Leave it in for at least 30 minutes for an accurate reading. If it is off, you can recalibrate your oven settings. Check your manual for instructions. If you plan to clean your oven, clean it at least two weeks before a major holiday meal. This way should a problem arise, it will leave you enough time to get a service person out. Repair services are in high demand around the holidays so the response time can be slower. If you are like my mom and want to make sure your oven stays spotless during holiday cooking, you probably line the bottom of your oven with foil. Some companies will tell you that can be a bad thing to do. The foil can inhibit the air circulation and it can damage the interior finish of the oven, but even worse it could void the warranty.

STOVE If your cook top coil does not heat, or heats just intermittently, you can replace the burner receptacle for a cost of about $10. Minimally, clean out the area around the burner, and make sure you clean off the burner igniter if you have a gas stove. WASHING MACHINE If you have a front-loading washing machine, clean it at least once a year by running a special washing-machine cleaner through a cycle. This helps remove soap buildup, gunk, and odors. If you have a front loader, leave the door ajar between uses to allow the tub to dry out. If you leave it sealed for several days mildew could build up. I am sure you have noticed the odor at times. We could all prevent a lot of problems by not overfilling your washing machines. I am guilty of just adding one more towel! DRYER This is so important! Make sure you clean the dryer lint filter regularly, optimally after every load or two. That keeps the air flowing freely. If your dyer is taking longer to dry, it is likely the dryer duct is getting clogged with lint. If your clothes do not dry in two cycles, call a professional to come and clean out the vents. In addition to making it harder to dry your clothes, clogged vents can be a fire hazard. I have heard of so many fires starting due to this simple maintenance item. Even during building inspections, they have found it clogged all the way to the exterior. FURNACE There is nothing worse than on the coldest winter night waking up and you are freezing! Not long after, my husband is down in the basement with some not so nice words being thrown around! Our furnaces are really working hard and it is so important to help them out by changing the filter. Why is it important? Dust bunnies, dirt and pet dander will collect in the filter, impeding air flow and stressing the unit. What else can you do to prevent problems and keep it working well? Experts say do not close off more than 15 to 20 percent of the registers in your home. Many people mistakenly believe they will save energy by closing vents into rooms they do not use much. But the effect is to choke your furnace by preventing the air from getting out. If you do not get good air flow into certain rooms, you may want to get your ductwork checked. This could be as simple as your ductwork has come apart and I have even had cases in newer homes where it was never running to certain rooms. You will see the vent and think everything is fine, but the duct work was not connected. I have also seen situations where carpets have been laid over a vent. So, if you have a room that is colder than the rest of your home, you may want to investigate these things. We hope these tips will help you all have a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season with your families.

Contact us for more information: 636.299.3702 | 636.699.2197 |


Bridgewater Story Title

Villa Living at its Finest


years ago, experienced homebuilder and native St. Louisan, Tim Miller, saw a need for a niche housing product in the residential market—namely the villa. Villas are designed to suit those who enjoy the privacy and modern conveniences of a home, but on a smaller footprint with usable square footage versus heating, cooling, and cleaning unused areas within the home. Tim remarks that a typical Bridgewater Communities’ client is “looking to “Rightsize’ but not downgrade, to simplify and enjoy their life, freeing up time by eliminating time consuming tasks such as exterior yard maintenance”. Founding Bridgewater Communities in 2003, Tim designed three 1600 square foot ranch style floor plans with the mindset of providing quality construction offering the Villa lifestyle to his home buyers! The Villa lifestyle is open to all ages not just those 55+ and is tailored around a low maintenance way of life with like- minded people in a managed community setting. The locations Tim chooses to establish his villa communities are beautiful and maintained with a Homeowner’s Association that takes care of the exterior yard work and common areas. Two such beautiful communities, the Villas at Weber Farms and The Villas at Franklin County Country Club are both located in the Washington Missouri area. Washington has seen a lot of growth; particularly in the past 5


years. There has been a trend in people looking to move away from the chaos and congestion of St Louis areas such as South County, Fenton, St. Charles, Wildwood, and Eureka to enjoy the lower taxes and the simpler lifestyle that Washington affords”. Weber Farms has a total of 30 homesites to accommodate freestanding aka detached villas. Located in a peaceful setting with wide open streets off Rabbit Trail Drive and Highway 100. “It’s hard to recognize that the Villas at Weber Farms was a family farm just a few short years ago” says Tracy Geraghty. The Villas at Weber Farms back to another family farm separated by a tree line and meandering stream. Knowing the majority of his discerning villa clients like privacy and beauty, Tim Miller thought ahead during the development of Weber Farms. By installing a berm with evergreens, trees and shrubs to separate the homesites that back up to other residences he achieved creating as many attractive sites as possible. “The Villas at Weber Farms offer the best of both worlds”. It is not uncommon to hear the cows mooing and even a donkey once in a while adding to the relaxed feeling of being out in the countryside yet you are so close to everything you could need”. The Villas at Weber Farms are within the city limits of Washington and as such are within easy access to everyday conveniences such as shops, supermarkets, entertainment, highway access and medical needs.

In contrast, the Villas at Franklin County Country Club, is a stunning gated community located off Highway A offering 22 freestanding and 6 attached villas. The landscape has rolling hills, an abundance of trees, stylish aggregate driveways and walkways, and attractive French country architecture. The villas are neighbors to the Franklin County Golf Club which has a highly regarded golf course, beautiful grounds, a swimming pool and clubhouse with chef prepared meals. With views of the course throughout the Villas at Franklin County Country Club and a path that connects directly to the golf club this location is sure to attract those who enjoy an active lifestyle! Located just minutes from Highway 100 and the main Washington shopping area. Since Bridgewater Communities’ conception of the villa product in 2003, other homebuilders have realized the desirability and demand for this lifestyle. Tim however, advises that “not all villas are created equal”. “As a luxury, semi-custom company, a villa built by Bridgewater Communities offers distinct differences—differences you will notice from the moment you walk

in the door” says Tim. He continues, “All Bridgewater villas include low maintenance exteriors with thought and attention given to curb appeal as well as practical needs. Our goal at Bridgewater Communities is to not just sell you what we build, but to listen to our clients and build what they need and want.” says Tim Miller. “No two buyers are the same and no two villas are ever built the same.” All Bridgewater Communities’ villa experts are experienced to guide clients through all of possible options and finishes and are equipped to build your villa on paper so you can see your dream become a reality.

Call 636-299-8444 for additional information or to reserve your tour today! Luxury. Elegant. Bridgewater.


ACTIVE 2662-2664 North HWY 79 Elsberry, 63343 $10,000,000

ACTIVE 1107 Beacon Pointe Cir Lake Ozark, 65049 $3,299,000

SOLD 12848 Horton Lane St Louis, 63131 $2,150,000

SOLD 15400 Timpaige Dr Chesterfield, 63017 $1,900,000

SOLD 12932 Sunset Bluff Sunset Hills, 63127 $1,380,000

SOLD 1995 Highway B Elsberry, 63343 $1,277,447

SOLD 608 Mulberry Grove Ct Manchester, 63021 $1,200,000

SOLD 12632 Bradford Woods DrSunset Hills, 63127 $1,195,000

SOLD 337 Greycliff Bluff Dr St Louis, 63129 $1,015,000

SOLD 11 Kahlia Way Ct St Louis, 63127 $975,000

SOLD 961 Chapelwood Ct St Louis, 63122 $837,500

PENDING 904 Thorn Crown Ct St. Louis, 63122 $785,990

List with The Rick & Tracy Ellis Team and your home will be featured on all of their radio stations every week! 14 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

There are over 14,000 licensed real estate agents in St. Louis and the surrounding area. The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team ranked #3 in St. Charles County and #14 in St. Louis County in 2020!

ACTIVE 924 Thorn Crown Ct St. Louis, 63122 $785,990

SOLD 34 Barnor Rd Wentzville, 63385 $782,000

ACTIVE 912 Thorn Crown Ct St Louis, 63122 $719,990

SOLD 310 South Jessie Ct Wentzville, 63385 $715,000

SOLD 19316 Dogwood Valley Ct Glencoe, 63038 $700,000

SOLD 965 Chapelwood Ct St Louis, 63122 $676,990

ACTIVE 908 TBB Thorn Crown Ct St Louis, 63122 $659,990

SOLD 1244 TBB Green Vale Ct Fenton, 63026 $640,435

SOLD 1 Kandahar Dr St Charles, 63303 $614,072

ACTIVE 6732 Delor St St Louis, 63109 $599,900

SOLD 2941 Kandahar Dr St Charles, 63303 $591,089

SOLD 3344 Eagles View Ct Wildwood, 63038 $569,900

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197

SOLD 3 Kandahar Dr St Charles, 63303 $561,283

PENDING 110 TBB Spanish Bay Lane Washington, 63090 $558,683

SOLD 506 Westonridge Ct Wildwood, 63021 $520,000

SOLD 103 Brookfield Crossing Dr Lake St Louis, 63367 $499,990

SOLD 150 Pomodora Cir Wentzville, 63385 $489,900

SOLD 5334 Wilson Ct Oakville, 63129 $484,766

SOLD 5330 Wilson Ct Oakville, 63129 $481,050

SOLD 1226 Cypress Point Dr O'Fallon, 63366 $460,000

SOLD 5335 Wilson Ct Oakville, 63129 $451,069

ACTIVE 724 TBB Cypress Pointe Lane Washington, 63090 $448,537

ACTIVE 527 TBB Sawgrass Ct Washington, 63090 $445,302

SOLD 2027 Wyndgate Meadows Dr Lake St Louis, 63367 $445,000

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us! 16 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

ACTIVE 2284 TBB Statten Dr Washington, 63090 $439,672

SOLD 5314 Wilson Ct Oakville, 63129 $435,875

ACTIVE 529 TBB Sawgrass Ct Washington, 63090 $433,893

ACTIVE 3000 TBB Rabbit Trail Dr Washington, 63090 $433,654

PENDING 234 Lazy Ridge Dr St Charles, 63304 $429,990

ACTIVE 2015 TBB Wyndgate Meadows Lake St Louis, 63367 $429,990

SOLD 238 Mason Glen Dr Lake St Louis, 63367 $428,498

PENDING 712 Cooper Way Dr O'Fallon, 63368 $425,000

ACTIVE 104 TBB Spanish Bay Lane Washington, 63090 $421,179

ACTIVE 2289 TBB Statten Dr Washington, 63090 $421,013

ACTIVE 1011 TBB Wyndgate Meadows Lake St Louis, 63367 $419,990

PENDING 1015 Wyndgate Meadows Ct Lake St Louis, 63367 $419,990

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 17

PENDING 2288 TBB Statten Dr Washington, 63090 $419,705

PENDING 108 Spanish Bay Lane Washington, 63090 $417,370

PENDING 2308 TBB Betony Ct Washington, 63090 $415,127

SOLD 618 Palisades View Eureka, 63025 $415,000

ACTIVE 2994 TBB Halls Green Dr Washington, 63090 $409,708

PENDING 220 TBB Mason Glen Dr Lake St Louis, 63367 $408,990

SOLD 741 Hawk Run Dr O'Fallon, 63368 $405,000

ACTIVE 525 TBB Sawgrass Ct Washington, 63090 $403,981

ACTIVE 2995 TBB Halls Green Dr Washington, 63090 $398,217

ACTIVE 2998 TBB Halls Green Dr Washington, 63090 $395,129

ACTIVE 829 TBB Kingston Hills Ct Fenton, 63026 $393,990

ACTIVE 446 TBB Broadmoor Dr Washington, 63090 $393,939

List with The Rick & Tracy Ellis Team and your home will be featured on all of their radio stations every week! 18 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

THANK YOU to each and every one of you who helped us have another record breaking year!

PENDING 208 TBB Mason Glen Dr Lake St Louis, 63367 $392,990

ACTIVE 4593 TBB Annandale Ave Imperial, 63052 $391,990

ACTIVE 2297 TBB Statten Dr Washington, 63090 $391,060

SOLD 102 Brookfield Crossing Lane Lake St Louis, 63367 $390,195

ACTIVE 2996 TBB Halls Green Dr Washington, 63090 $385,953

PENDING 2290 TBB Statten Dr Washington, 63090 $382,214

PENDING 324 TBB Torrey Pines Cir Washington, 63090 $380,439

SOLD 3661 South Lakeshore Byrnes Mill, 63051 $380,000

ACTIVE 1007 TBB Wyndgate Meadows Lake St Louis, 63367 $379,990

ACTIVE 4553 TBB Annandale Ave Imperial, 63052 $377,990

SOLD 260 Heather Crest Chesterfield, 63017 $376,425

SOLD 810 Bitterfield Dr Ballwin, 63011 $375,000

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 19

PENDING 207 TBB Savannah Ridge Ct Fenton, 63026 $374,990

PENDING 2314 TBB Betony Ct Washington, 63090 $373,699

ACTIVE 2007 TBB Wyndgate Meadows Lake St Louis, 63367 $369,990

SOLD 1049 TBB Fairfax Ave Imperial, 63052 $366,940

PENDING 136 TBB Creek Hollow Way Moscow Mills, 63362 $364,990

SOLD 3011 Leesburg Place Imperial, 63052 $364,009

ACTIVE 2999 TBB Halls Green Dr Washington, 63090 $363,823

SOLD 201 TBB Fox Ridge Lane Moscow Mills, 63362 $363,806

ACTIVE 226 TBB Savannah Ridge Ct Fenton, 63026 $362,990

SOLD 237 TBB Fox Ridge Lane Moscow Mills, 63362 $361,800

PENDING 1410 Noyack Dr O'Fallon, 63366 $359,900

PENDING 106 TBB Winter Wheat Trail Pacific, 63069 $356,990

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us! 20 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

PENDING 100 Brookfield Crossing Dr Lake St Louis, 63367 $356,990

PENDING 3012 Provincetown Ct St Louis, 63129 $354,400

SOLD 13342 Amiot Dr St Louis, 63146 $350,000

SOLD 5312 Itaska St St Louis, 63109 $349,900

SOLD 16133 Amber Vista Dr Ballwin, 63021 $349,900

PENDING 1134 William Penn Dr Wentzville, 63385 $347,990

ACTIVE 122 TBB Winter Wheat Trail Pacific, 63069 $346,990

ACTIVE 812 TBB Kingston Hills Ct Fenton, 63026 $345,990

ACTIVE 4565 TBB Annandale Ave Imperial, 63052 $344,990

SOLD 1062 Fairfax Ave Imperial, 63052 $344,050

ACTIVE 721 Grand Teton Dr Troy, MO 63379 $342,990

SOLD 392 Victory Height Dr Wentzville, 63385 $342,739

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 21

SOLD 1137 William Penn Dr Wentzville, 63385 $339,379

SOLD 3010 Leesburg Place Imperial, MO 63052 $338,149

PENDING 8 Crystal Spring Terrace Ct Wentzville, 63385 $337,990

PENDING 3034 TBB Leesburg Place Imperial, 63052 $336,990

PENDING 1061 TBB Fairfax Ave Imperial, 63052 $334,990

SOLD 145 TBB Winter Wheat Trail Pacific, 63069 $334,744

ACTIVE 118 TBB Winter Wheat Trail Pacific, 63069 $332,990

SOLD 235 Barrington Ridge Lane Wentzville, 63385 $330,091

ACTIVE 209 TBB Barrington Ridge Lane Wentzville, 63385 $329,990

SOLD 1118 William Penn Dr Wentzville, 63385 $329,844

PENDING 132 TBB Winter Wheat Trail Pacific, 63069 $327,990

PENDING 131 TBB Winter Wheat Trail Pacific, 63069 $326,990

List with The Rick & Tracy Ellis Team and your home will be featured on all of their radio stations every week! 22 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

List your home with The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team and not only will you find it here, but on both of our radio shows every weekend!

ACTIVE 4554 TBB Annandale Ave Imperial, 63052 $325,990

SOLD 649 Lewiston Dr St Louis, MO 63122 $325,000

ACTIVE 11 TBB Hidden Mill Ct Moscow Mills, 63362 $323,990

ACTIVE 159 TBB Winter Wheat Trail Pacific, 63069 $313,990

SOLD 381 Victory Height Lane Wentzville, 63385 $311,006

PENDING 5 TBB Crystal Spring Ct Wentzville, 63385 $310,990

SOLD 3040 Summerfield Manor Dr St Louis, 63129 $310,000

ACTIVE 382 TBB Victory Heights Lane Wentzville, 63385 $307,990

ACTIVE 248 TBB Fox Ridge Lane Moscow Mills, 63362 $307,990

SOLD 1332 Heritage Pkwy Wentzville, 63385 $306,197

SOLD 121 Riding Crop Lane Wentzville, 63385 $304,567

PENDING 3 Crystal Spring Terrace Ct Wentzville, 63385 $302,990

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 23

PENDING 254 TBB Fox Ridge Lane Moscow Mills, 63362 $299,990

ACTIVE 116 TBB Riding Crop Lane Wentzville, 63385 $299,990

ACTIVE 631 TBB Grand Teton Dr Troy, 63379 $299,990

PENDING 118 TBB Riding Crop Lane Wentzville, 63385 $299,990

ACTIVE 450 TBB Rocky Mountain Dr Troy, 63379 $298,990

SOLD 127 Cedar Heights Festus, 63028 $295,990

SOLD 1000 Allen Ave St Louis, 63104 $295,000

PENDING 711 TBB Grand Teton Dr Troy, 63379 $293,990

ACTIVE 18 TBB Stone Bridge Dr Moscow Mills, 63362 $284,990

PENDING 10 TBB Hidden Mill Ct Moscow Mills, 63362 $284,990

SOLD 4232 Broken Rock Dr Wentzville, 63385 $283,500

ACTIVE 1031 TBB Park Hills Pkwy Troy, 63379 $276,990

Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us! 24 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE

PENDING 1127 William Penn Dr Wentzville, 63385 $274,990

ACTIVE 1800 TBB Oak Dr Festus, 63028 $270,990

PENDING 1824 TBB Cedar Heights Festus, 63028 $270,990

ACTIVE 1820 TBB Oak Dr Festus, 63028 $267,990

PENDING 207 TBB Fox Ridge Lane Moscow Mills, 63362 $266,990

SOLD 364 Victory Height Lane Wentzville, 63385 $266,262

SOLD 5020 Bancroft Ave St Louis, 63109 $265,000

SOLD 7485 Drexel Dr St Louis, 63130 $259,900

PENDING 396 Victory Height Dr Wentzville, 63385 $255,990

PENDING 111 TBB Stone Bridge Dr Moscow Mills, 63362 $254,990

SOLD 168 Hartford Ct Fenton, 63026 $253,950

SOLD 38 Chesterfield Ct Wentzville, 63385 $252,000

Tracy Ellis | 636.299.3702 Rick Ellis | 636.699.2197 TRACY ELLIS: REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE 25

Marketing Approach THE ELLIS TEAM LISTINGS: ✦ *The Ellis’ have professional photographers and feature their listings with HDR photography, aerial and sunset photography along with video when applicable. ✦ The Ellis’ listings are show-cased on, www.rickandtracyellisteam. com, and over 150 additional web sites. The Ellis Team listings also link from and where in one month alone they had almost 20MM hits on their website.

✦ The Rick & Tracy Ellis Team will create a story about your property, not just a paragraph in the MLS.

✦ We have several websites to generate traffic, including our own pages on

✦ Your home could be featured on the cover, but will definitely be in the magazine

✦ The Ellis Team Post and target ads daily on all social networks including Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and LinkedIn.


✦ The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team have had properties featured on Show Me St. Louis and FOX 2 News in the morning.

✦ You will find billboards all over St. Louis promoting The Rick and Tracy Ellis real estate radio shows and stations to bring more attention to all our listings.


✦ The Rick and Tracy Ellis show airs every Saturday at 9 am and Sunday at 10 am on 93.3, 104.3, 107.3, 100.7FM and 1010AM.

✦ Publisher, creator and editor of Tracy Ellis: Real Estate Magazine and Real Talk Radio Network Magazine.

✦ All of our listings are promoted on our weekly radio shows on ALL 5 radio stations.

✦ You will find the magazine in over one hundred businesses in St. Louis, St. Charles, Lincoln, Franklin & Jefferson County along with Illinois.

✦ Rick and Tracy also have a Podcast of all their shows.


✦ The Ellis’ plan social/ charitable events to target the right audience. They planned an event for 150 guests at their listing at 1126 Wings Rd. in St. Albans that benefited MMMF. Tracy Ellis is on the Executive Board of Directors of charities in the area. The Ellis’ helped facilitate an event with Josh Flagg from Million Dollar Listing LA for an event at a $30,000,000 home in Lake St. Louis to benefit Little Patriots Embraced.

NETWORKING: ✦ The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team have received The Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialists (CLHMS) designation. This assures affluent buyers and sellers that real estate professionals have the knowledge, experience, and unique skills to meet their needs ✦ We work with top real estate agents all over the USA and other countries and currently have 60,000 real estate agents in our direct referral network. ✦ The Ellis’ have received the ICON award 3 years in a row From eXp Realty. ✦ In 2020, The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team ranked #3 in St. Charles County and #14 in St. Louis County out of 14,000 real estate Agents in the area. ✦ Tracy Ellis is also on the Board Of Directors for the St. Charles County Real Estate Association.



✦ The Ellis Team have a designer who creates all marketing materials such as post cards, door knockers and brochures.

✦ Rick & Tracy have been in real estate for over twenty-three years. They have hosted weekly radios show for over 10 years and created/ published their own real estate magazine for over 8 years now. You can find the magazine, Tracy Ellis: Real Estate Magazine along with The “Real Talk Magazine” in over one hundred businesses throughout St. Louis area year-round. Rick and Tracy Ellis have sold over $300MM in real estate. The Ellis’ have a passion for marketing and enjoy telling the story of all their clients’ listings. It is important to The Ellis’ to do everything they can make sure their properties are marketed to the largest audience. Each agent on The Ellis Team takes pride in educating their clients about our great city, while helping them find the perfect home.

✦ The Ellis Team has a full time office manager who currently oversees the paperwork on all files, direct contact with all clients and all administrative work. ✦ The Ellis Team has a social media expert to manage all of our social media needs to make sure our client’s homes are receiving maximum exposure. ✦ The Ellis Team has experienced, full-time agents on our team who specialize with both buyers and sellers along with new construction.The Ellis’ have over twenty years of experience with Relocation buyers and have worked with National Relocation companies as well. ✦ The Ellis Team has a terrific, professional designer who creates our magazines and team literature. ✦ The Ellis Team has writers on staff for stories in magazine,MLS and social media.

LOOKING TO BUY, SELL, BUILD OR INVEST? Allow us to help you... Call the Rick & Tracy Ellis Team at 636.699.2197 or 636.299.3702.


Should you Decorate

for Christmas while

Your Home is on the Market?


re you like me? As soon as I start to feel the cooler temps, the leaves start to change and the beautiful pots of mums displayed, I can almost smell my pumpkin spice candles burning throughout our home. I even start to plan the upcoming holiday dinners and can almost smell the turkey roasting in the oven. The mere thought of holiday traditions fills my heart with such joy. Our holiday rituals mark some of the most important moments in our lives and the memories we create with our loved ones. Everyday life can be stressful and full of uncertainty. Having a special time of the year when we know exactly what to do, the way we have always done it, provides a comfortable sense of structure,


control, and stability which we all need more than ever right now. If anyone has listened to our weekly radio shows over the last ten years or read our magazine, you know that I am truly married to Santa Claus. In September Rick had already started listening to his Tony Bennett Christmas music and we are already planning our Christmas theme since he has now added an additional ten nutcrackers to be displayed through out our home. We enjoy decorating our home for the holidays and making it a special time for our boys, while they do not look forward to the week, we must start bringing it all upstairs, it would not feel like Christmas to them if they did not feel like they had arrived at the North Pole. As you will see in the photos displayed of our home decorated last Christmas, it is a lot of work! So, when my clients ask me what they

should do about decorating their home while it is on the market it is always hard to tell them to not go overboard, after all Christmas only comes once a year. Obviously, we do have to scale it back a bit because you want people looking at your home and not your Holiday decorations, but we still want to make sure it feels like Christmas for our clients. So later I’ll be giving you some tips on how to make your home still feel like Christmas while you are on the market trying to get it sold. The fall/winter is one of the best times to have your home on the market because most of the buyers’ touring homes during the holiday are ready to make a purchase. Let’s face it, the holidays are a busy time of year for all of us. Buyers are not going to waste their time going out to look at homes if they are not serious, not to mention as a seller you have even less competition. This holiday season I plan to soak up and enjoy every moment with my family and make even more wonderful memories. Rick and I are forever grateful for each client that has trusted us to come into their home and help them with their largest investment. It is not only an investment, but also the place that you hold dear and make special holiday memories with your family year after year. We do not take that lightly. To every radio listener that reaches out to us with your kind remarks, thank you so much. You have no idea how much it means to us that you take the time to not only listen, but then reach out to us as well. To all our advertisers on our radio stations we cannot thank you enough for your support and

we look forward to having you as a part of our “Freedom Fighters” at Real Talk. To each one of you that picks up our magazine and takes the time to read it, we appreciate you so much. We hope all of you enjoy the holiday photos of our home and we wish each one of you a wonderful holiday season full of love, happiness, health, freedom, and cherished memories made with your loved ones. FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS, MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE RICK & TRACY ELLIS REAL ESTATE TEAM AND REAL TALK RADIO NETWORK, THE VOICE OF FREEDOM. TIPS ON DECORATING YOUR HOME DURING THE HOLIDAYS WHILE YOUR HOME IS ON THE MARKET It is important the design theme appeals to as many different home buyers as possible. The seller’s personal life should not be prominently featured throughout the home. So, you know what that


means, all those ornaments we love so much need to stay packed for the move. As hard as it may be not to bring out the “Best Mom” tree ornaments your kids made in school, the personalized Christmas stockings, all the holiday cards and photos of your kids with Santa through the years, please do not.


Do you live in a neighborhood that looks like a scene straight out of “Christmas with the Kranks”? If so, most buyers are probably aware of your neighborhoods holiday traditions and that could attract like-minded buyers. So, you do not want to be the only house on the block without Christmas decorations, not only will you be your block’s resident Grinch, but a buyer could also get the impression you have an issue with your neighbors. If your neighborhood is festive during the holidays, then a buyer would expect decorations at your home as well. There are some decorations you really should avoid while your home is on the market such as Inflatable snowmen or reindeer on the roof. It is best to stay neutral with the lights, simple clear lights add an elegant touch without overwhelming buyers with a lot of different colors if their taste is different than yours. You are always safe with an elegant wreath on the front door, rather than a “Santa stops here!” sign. This would be a great year to have a real Christmas tree to put the winter pine smell through out your home, but do not go overboard on the size unless you have soaring ceilings and are able to go tall instead of wide. Holiday cards all over your refrigerator or taped to doors and walls in not the look you want when your home is on the market. I would suggest having a basket that all your holiday cards go in after you read them and put them away during showings. I keep all my holiday cards

in a basket my grandma gave me many years ago, and it sits on the bottom step of our staircase every holiday. That makes it easy for me to pick up the basket and look through all the years Christmas cards we have received any time I want. When I am finished the basket goes back on the stair and it is an easy drop off spot after I open my mail and read them all. I would not suggest having your Christmas presents under the tree while your home is on the market. You never know when a child may be present with a parent not paying attention and decide it is time to open gifts or unfortunately when one of your presents could walk away. Rick and I have never put presents under our tree in the thirty-four years we have been together. We always felt it was more exciting for our boys to wake up Christmas morning and see that Santa had finally arrived. The holidays are the perfect time to fill your home with wonderful aromas but be careful to choose neutral scents such as the smell of simmering cider or home baked cookies. You will delight the senses with fresh garlands strung over everything that doesn’t move. I really love a fresh wreath on the front door so that people are feeling like they our entering a home from the moment they walk up to the door. Who does not love a fire? If you can safely light a fire during your showing, a roaring fireplace during a showing always makes a buyer relax and feel invited. Add some simple festive items to your powder rooms: Place winter pine scented soaps and candles in the bathrooms along with a few tasteful, holiday-themed towels. They give the rooms some spirit and interest. Whatever your religious holiday traditions are, celebrate your traditions with color: If you do not want to display your religious symbols throughout your home while it is on the market during the holidays, you should not forsake them altogether. If you celebrate Hanukkah, hang a wreath with shades of blue or decorate with blue. For Christmas, your wreath can be made of evergreen boughs and pinecones. For Kwanzaa, add red berries to a green wreath. I hope some of these suggestions helped all of you to have a little less stress about having your home on the market during the holidays. If you are thinking of buying, selling, investing, or building a home I hope you will give The Rick and Tracy Real Estate Team a call at 636.299.3702. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Kwanza!


Thinking of

Buying a Home for the First Time?


fter being in the real estate business for almost 25 years I’ve heard so much feedback from first time home buyers on things they wish they had done differently when purchasing their 1st home. I thought I’d share a few of those with you if you’ll be shopping for your first home this spring. One of the biggest complaints I hear most from first-time home buyers is that their new homes turned out not to be enough space in a much faster time frame than they originally anticipated. When you’re buying your first home you may be used to living in a small apartment or even still having a room at home with parents, so it’s easy to get ahead of yourself and think you’ll be content with only one bathroom or minimal closets. As expected most first-time home buyers start


their family and or add pets to their home and quickly realize they need more space. Another regret we often hear is that although they bought homes in neighborhoods they could afford at the time, they wish they had purchased a home that didn’t check all the boxes on their wish list thinking this could have allowed them to purchase a home in a better neighborhood. Thinking that this would’ve allowed them to make improvements to their home as their family grew and their income increased and not price themselves out of the neighborhood. Being a first-time home buyer and not used to the cost to upkeep a home, many buyers aren’t prepared for the extra costs unexpectedly added to their budget. Some buyers feel they overspent on their first home and weren’t prepared for home maintenance on top of the

planned updates to their new home. In some cases, first time buyers want the latest and greatest appliances or furniture right after purchasing their new home. They haven’t yet had time to get used to their new home payments with utilities. The incentives offered at some local stores with 0% interest or no payments for a time period can be very enticing, but most buyers wish they had waited at least a year before they made such purchases. Too many times about the time the payments start on their new purchases, home maintenance issues they weren’t anticipating arise such as possibly needing a new roof or installing new furnaces and or air-conditioning systems. In home ownership, we can never anticipate what unexpected repairs might be needed in the future, so it’s important for buyers to have additional funds in their budget for these types of home maintenance. The most common reason why buyers choose their first home is simply that the home fit their budget at that time. Next was of course followed by the property being move-in ready and in a good neighborhood. Of course, we always hear in real estate, location! Some buyers feel it’s more important to be located close to their jobs and in good school districts. Rick and I strongly suggest our Buyers make a list of the “Must Haves” they are looking for in a home and then a list of items that are “negotiable”. We always educate our clients on what we feel are

the most important things when looking for their home. We always advise our clients; you can never change the location and it’s not easy to change the floor plan. You can always make improvements to the home or even add additional sq/ft, but if you don’t want stairs you shouldn’t settle on a 2-story home. In real estate it always comes down to location, location, location! The bottom line is there are many things to take into consideration when purchasing a home and we’d love the opportunity to help guide you through the process. The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team have many years of experience and a team of amazing agents that will work hard for your best interest! THE RICK & TRACY ELLIS TEAM BUYERS AGENTS ARE READY TO ASSIST YOU NOW!

Pat Daffron 314.704.5672

Michael Grace 314.780.4722

Christina Jaromack 618.567.8793

Jane Felkel 636.239.9927

Allison Ann Alvey 636.579.7427

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Listen live by visiting or download the Real Talk App from the Apple or Google Play Store.

Listen 24/7 everywhere you go! By Ellis Broadcasting & Media, LLC

Choosing to Sell Land with an Auction or an Agent?


hoosing the right approach to sell your property is a very important decision. It can make a difference of thousands of dollars. After being in real estate almost twenty-five years, I have seen a lot! I have never understood why so many owners of acreage choose to do an auction on their land compared to testing the real estate market and promoting it to every agent in the surrounding area along with radio ads and print. I look at real estate as an investment and you only get one chance to make the most money you can on your property. Why limit yourself? Is it convenience of one and done? That simply makes no sense to me, especially with land! It is not like you have a lot of people tracking through your home and having to leave all the time, it is land. There are other options of course besides the auctions or the


traditional way of using a real estate agent. Some owners try "For Sale By Owner" (or FSBO) because they think they may have more control over the selling process and feel they are saving themselves money. In my opinion they are leaving thousands of dollars on the table because they did not test the market and use an experienced agent who can open it up to thousands of real estate agents through all our networks, not to mention marketing and advertising. I am always amazed at the calls we receive from someone that hears us talking about a property on our radio shows or commercials that are not even looking to buy, but they hear us describing it and realize that is what they have always wanted. I realize when it comes to land, in some cases it is inherited, and the family members just want it done quickly and feel an auction is simpler. If we were in another type of market I might agree, but they

are not making more land! It is a sought-after commodity and again you are not being inconvenienced by prospects touring the land. So why not take the opportunity to test the market? Imagine this scene – you and your siblings have inherited and maintained ownership of your family’s farmland. Maybe your or your siblings have brought up the idea of selling the farmland and using the proceeds from their ownership interest to enjoy retirement, pay off or down outstanding debt, or help other family members. At the recent family gathering you start talking about what are the next steps you should take. After much thought and discussion everyone decides that it is time to sell the property. Of course, the next questions are usually what is the value of the property? Should we obtain an appraisal? Is not the right time, if not when is the best time? Will any of you owe capital gains? Should we sell the farm ourselves, an auction or hire an experienced real estate agent? The scenario mentioned above is very common and questions that we receive on a regular basis, I am sure resonates with several families that own land. Regardless of what stage of the process you and your family might be in and whether the land will ultimately be sold or remain in the family for a while longer. But, when circumstances lend themselves to the sale of land and the question is asked, “What is the best method to sell our property?” You have several options to consider. Landowners have one chance to sell their property and receive the maximum sale price and that is why it is so important for you to evaluate all your options. Most, if not all, of the farmland and acreage that is marketed and sold in our area takes place via a public auction or a listing the property with a real estate agent. When The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team list a farm or land, it allows the landowners to maintain control of certain aspects of the sales process and negotiate with a Buyer on price, terms, and conditions of a sale. It always seemed so odd to me why the owners of a piece of property that had been a treasure to a family so many years would not want to be more involved in the process compared to an auction. Rick and I would love the opportunity to tour your land and discuss the best way for you to make the most money. Should the property be sold as a single tract or should we sub-divide the property into separate tracts to make even more money on the property. In many cases we promote the property with several options and test the market to see what the best option is for our client. As a seller being involved in the transaction, working closely with your real estate agent gives you more options such as, including in the contract specific terms with the sale of the property that could possibly require a leaseback for a period, specific contract terms that might include farming the land, or a specific closing date. When listing the property, you will likely have a longer timeframe to market the property, this allows for land Buyers who are purchasing a property using 1031 exchange funds or clients looking to make a good investment to have an opportunity as well. Although listing with an agent you do not have a set sale date and set closing date as you would with the auction format, you do have a wider marketing window that potentially allows for a landowner to market to a larger Buyer pool. The approach to selling your land really boils down to the location, the amount of acreage, and the quality of the land for farming or development. Other questions to consider are if the land is in the path of future development or if the property has a higher and better

use, such as a building or acreage site. Regardless of which method is deployed to sell your family’s property, the person or company you engage to work with is much more important than the method itself. Choosing a real estate agent to partner with today is challenging, especially when every company will tout their ability to maximize the sales price of your property through their aggressive marketing strategy, their connections with Buyers, and their market knowledge. As a landowner, ask questions, check credentials, ask to speak with other clients. Regardless of which method is deployed to sell your family’s land, make sure you choose a real estate agent that has experience in getting properties SOLD in your price range. I always say anyone can list a property for sale, but can they get it sold? Rick and I welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the goals for you and your family and discuss with you how we could help you accomplish your goals. When you list your property with The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team, not only will your property be featured on both of our weekly radio shows, but we will also do a custom commercial for your land to be aired on all three of our radio stations throughout the day that cover most of the state of Missouri. It will also be shared on all of our social media; between our real estate agents and our radio stations we have over 70,000 followers on social media. Not only will your property be featured on our real estate website at, but also on our radio stations site at along with our app that can be downloaded on Apple and Google. The property will also be featured in our magazine with a story about the property and the history. We always say every property has a story and we look forward to telling yours. Contact us directly at 636-299-3702 or email at


What is Happening in the St. Louis Real Estate Market?


he question I am asked the most lately is how is the real estate market? In my opinion the housing market is beginning to calm down a bit. Nationally, home sales dropped in July and August from a year ago, breaking month after month of increases. As most of you know the real estate market has been surging over the past year, which for many buyers and real estate agents has been very frustrating. After almost twenty-five years in the real estate industry, I must say I have never seen anything like what we have experienced over the last year. In most cases every property was receiving multiple offers along with homes selling well over list price and in my opinion, many times more than they were even worth. Not to mention all the contingencies removed, often including inspections and appraisals. It has not only been difficult for the buyers, but very overwhelming for real estate agents, especially experienced ones like me who know what the outcome will be later. Our oldest son purchased his first home this year, as his mom and real estate agent I encouraged him to realize when he was ready to move up to a larger home in five years, not only may there not be any equity in the home, but there was a very good chance he could be taking money to closing. Unfortunately, I lost that battle, it is understandable because at the same time what is the option? Go pay a ridiculous amount to rent; something that you do not like and in many cases does not even have a yard. While I have been very happy for my sellers to benefit during this time, I am also glad that it is starting to stabilize and even adjust as we have all expected it would do at some point. Although interest rates have remained incredibly low, which is also a benefit to buyers, but when there is little to no inventory it hurts all parties. The low inventory has been the driving force behind the price increases and the pent-up demand among buyers that have been more than ready for a change after what we have all been through with the mandates during the pandemic. I know our clients were completely ready for a lifestyle change and in many cases their lives had completely changed to a working from home environment. Now that things are currently easing up, but who knows what tomorrow brings with the Biden administration, it seems as if housing is settling down. Is it that or is it the fact


that buyers just got tired of battling and being disappointed with the outcome? The bottom line is we need more inventory and that has been a factor for several years now. I personally think that a lot of sellers have been riding the wave to see just how high the market would go before deciding to jump in. As I have told all our past clients, you better jump now because you may not see a surge like this in home values again for some time. Not to mention interest rates are still exceptional and new favorable loan programs are coming out all the time that make it easier for a buyer to qualify. An article from the NAR stated that sales of existing homes, which include single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums, and co-ops, fell 2% in August from July, and were down 1.5% from a year ago, according to the report. But sales are still above the pre- pandemic rate, said Yun. Sales for 2021 year-to-date are 16% higher than in 2020 and up 12% from 2019. Although home prices continue to rise, the amount of the increase is not as high as the prior year within the last couple of months. It will be interesting to see how the numbers come out this fall and winter, those numbers will give us a better indication of what to expect in the spring. As reported by NAR, “the median home price in August was $356,700, up 14.9% from a year ago, marking 114 straight months of year-over-year gains in home prices. Just to be clear: a 14.9% annual price increase is not normal, Yun said. Around 3% to 5% is a more typical annual bump in price. But compared to the 20%-plus price growth that NAR reported in past months, this lower price jump shows some narrowing of that gap”. “Sales slipped a bit in August as prices rose nationwide,” said Yun. “Potential buyers are out and about searching, but much more measured about their financial limits, and simply waiting for more inventory.” There is not a shortage of buyers, The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team has a huge list of buyers just waiting for a home to come on that meets their criteria so they can pounce, but as always, the inventory is continuing to remain low, this is continuing to push sales down. Once we start having more sellers decide they better take advantage of the high prices before they start to decline, I think our supply of homes on the market will start to slowly increase; this will obviously help the real estate market normalize. The NAR also reported that “the inventory of unsold

homes at the end of August was 1.29 million, down 1.5% from July and down 13.4% from last year, according to NAR. Unsold inventory is at a 2.6-month supply at the current sales pace. A balanced market has roughly a six-month supply”. Clients ask all the time, what do we think 2022 will look like in the real estate market? After reviewing several economists reports and based on what we are experiencing locally, I do think home sales will remain strong going into next year, but I think we will slowly start to see inventory levels continue to trend toward a more normal level. When it comes to home values, I think we will see the numbers trending down 1-2% every quarter. We are even coming into a time when, in some cases sellers are open to contingencies on a sale again and happy that it also allows them time to find out where they are going as well. As for me, speaking from the perspective of a real estate professional, I am looking forward to a balanced market. The things I have witnessed in contracts over this year have absolutely amazed me, in many cases I felt sorry for the other client with the risk they were taking just to get the house. It is hard when you have done this for as long as we have and seen so much. Many have significantly overpaid for homes, waived inspections or even appraisals. I just have to wonder after they get settled into that home, they fought so hard to get the winning bid on, will they have regrets? To waive inspections and appraisals on a home, likely your largest investment is just a huge risk that frankly I witnessed too many taking this year. At the end of the day, it is the client’s choice; all we can do is give them our professional advice. If you are considering doing something like that, I would strongly suggest taking a building inspector with you during your tour of the property for them to look over at least the big-ticket items. It is so important for you to know exactly what you are buying. It is sad to me that so many first-time home buyers felt like they just could not compete and because of that, first-time home buyers purchasing

a home fell to 29% in August, which is the lowest rate since January 2019. It certainly is not for lack of trying and their need for a home likely remains. Many were forced into temporary housing or shortterm leases. I think that we will see a busy spring of first-time home buyer purchases; they are one of my favorite clients to assist. To see the look of pride and accomplishment on a first-time home buyer’s face when you hand them their keys is one of the many reasons we do what we do every single day for almost twenty-five years. If you are thinking of buying or selling a home, please call The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team and let us put our many years of experience to work representing your best interest.


COMMUNITIES FROM ROLWES COMPANY Building on a Rolwes family legacy of homebuyer satisfaction since 1955, St. Louis home builder Rolwes Company has a reputation for delivering innovative floor plans, quality craftsmanship and proactive service.


Price Range: From the low $300’s | Schools: Fox C-6 Location: Imperial, MO Phase III Now Selling! Upon arrival of this “hidden gem” as many call it, you’ll be amazed by the craftsmanship and detail even at the entrance! As a leading home builder In Jefferson County for more than half a century, Rolwes Company is dedicated to offering superior quality at an affordable price. With modern floor plans designed and created by the Rolwes family with livability in mind, we offer private homesites and customizable options to suit your own unique lifestyle whether you are looking for a single, 1.5 or 2 story home. Visit Our Model Home Located at: 1531 Arlington Heights Way | Imperial, MO 63052


Price Range: From the low $300’s | Schools: Meramec Valley R-III Location: Pacific, MO Spacious Wooded Homesites! Rolwes Company is proud to announce its newest community, Bend Ridge Estates. Located off of Hwy N and Indian Trail in Pacific, MO, this stunning new home community is comprised of 40 spacious homesites. Bend Ridge features elegant Ranch, One and a Half Story and 2 Story Homes with convenient floor plans, remarkable value and expert craftsmanship. Each and every component of your new home has been meticulously designed and crafted to meet the expectations we have set over more than half a century. Visit our Model Home Located at:: 101 Winter Wheat Trail | Pacific, MO 63069


Price Range: From the $600’s | Schools: Parkway South Location: Kirkwood, MO Rolwes Company’s exclusive community, Chapelwood Place is tucked in an intimate, privately wooded enclave of 11 homesites just west of 270 in Kirkwood, MO. Chapelwood Place offers gorgeous, oversized, fully-sodded and abundantly landscaped homesites with large, open floor plans and many upgrades included as standard features. Model Home Now Open: 928 Thorn Crown Court | St. Louis, MO 63122



Price Range: From the Mid $300's | Schools: Fox C-6 Location: Fenton, MO Homesites Selling Fast! Rolwes Company is proud to announce our newest community, Kingston Hills located in Fenton. As a locally owned, 3rd generation builder with near perfect referral rating, we are dedicated to giving you the best homebuilding and home-owning experience you can have. Kingston Hills offers a convenient location – minutes from Gravois Bluffs. Save time on your daily commute, with easy access to Highway 141, 30 and 270. Discover the extraordinary livability of a Rolwes home! Visit Our Offsite Sales Center Located at: 1 San Marino Parkway | Fenton, MO 63026


Price Range: From the mid $200’s | Schools: Festus R-VI Location: Festus, MO New Homesites! Scenic View Estates is one of the most sought after locations in Jefferson County and right in the heart of Festus and In the Festus School District, only a few short minutes off of Hwy 55 and the Herculaneum exit. The name of this community didn’t happen by chance -you’ll fall in love with the rolling hills, lush trees, and breath-taking views of the city that span for miles. With a variety of single story, 1.5 story, and 2 story plans to choose from. we are confident that your Rolwes Company home will serve your lifestyle now and for many years to come. Visit Our Model Home Located at: 18 Scenic Bend | Festus, MO 63028


Price Range: From the mid $300’s | Schools: Wentzville R-IV Location: Lake St. Louis, MO Homesites Selling Fast! Located just off of Hwy N in Lake St. Louis, this beautiful community offers well appointed homes, livable floor plans and prime location close to shopping, dining and parks. Each and every component of your new home has been meticulously designed and crafted to meet the expectations we have set over more than half a century! Visit Our Model Home Located at: 2004 Wyndgate Meadows Drive | Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 314.499.6700 |



Price Range: Pricing Coming Soon| Schools: Francis Howell R-III Location: Wentzville, MO Trusted St. Louis new homebuilder, Rolwes Company, is bringing another gorgeous community to highly sought-after St. Charles, MO. Upgrade your home and lifestyle in this exquisite new home community centrally located just minutes from Highway 70 and Highway 364, making a commute into St. Louis County a breeze. Tucked in an intimate, private enclave in St. Charles, MO off Jungs Station and Upper Bottom Road, Gronefeld Manor offers gorgeous oversized homesites, with many backing up to common ground and trees. Gronefeld Manor is also located within the award-winning Francis Howell School District. Rolwes Company is a locally owned, 3rd generation builder, that prides itself on the quality of the homes built. We are absolutely committed to delivering the best home building and home owning experience you can have!


Price Range: From the upper$200’s | Schools: Wentzville R-IV Location: Wentzville, MO Final Phase Selling Fast! Fox Ridge is conveniently located just off Mexico Road, which provides quick access to Interstate 70. Rolwes Company is proud to introduce our Classic Series of homes to this great community, which features open concept ranch floor plans, elegant 3 and 4 bedroom two story plans, and a 1.5 story plan that can’t be beat. Fox Ridge offers fabulous homesites and energy-efficient, low-maintenance, brilliantly livable home designs. Visit Our Model Home Located at: 205 Barrington Ridge Lane | Wentzville, MO 63385


Price Range: From the mid $200’s | Schools: Troy R-III Location: Troy, MO Homesites Selling Fast! Located in Troy MO, Rolwes Company is excited to announce their new community Park Hills! Now offering our Classic Series of homes to this great community, which features open concept ranch floor plans, elegant 3 and 4 bedroom two story plans, and a 1.5 story plan that can’t be beat. Park Hills offers fabulous homesites and energy-efficient, lowmainte-nance, brilliantly livable home designs. Visit Our Offsite Sales Center Located at: 10 Stone Bridge Drive Moscow Mills, MO 63362 314.499.6700 |



Price Range: From the mid $200’s | Schools: Troy R-III Location: Moscow Mills, MO Homesites Selling Fast! Rolwes Company is excited to announce another elegant community in the highly sought after Lincoln County. Now offering our ranch, 1.5 story and 2 story Classic Series homes with a full line of standard features! Visit our Offsite Sales Center located at 10 Stone Bridge Drive Moscow Mills, MO 63362! Visit Our Model Home Located at: 10 Stone Bridge Drive | Moscow Mills, MO 63362



Price Range: From the $200’s Style of homes available: Various to suit every budget Rolwes takes the stress out of building one of our custom designed homes. One of the biggest hurdles to overcome when trying to build a home outside of a traditional community is the construction loan and disbursement process through a title company. Rolwes Company eliminates this process and makes building on your land as simple as building in one of our established communities.

For More information contact: St. Louis & Jefferson County: Carole Gerretsen (314) 332-3377 St. Charles County: Terra Sherman (636) 925-0550 314.499.6700 |


Top Five New Construction Home Myths



f you’re in the market for a new home, one of the most important decisions you’ll be making is whether to buy a newly-built or a previously-owned home. Buyers can encounter several popular myths about real estate such as the notion that new homes are more costly and take too much time to be move-in ready. Another misconception is that builders can be challenging to work with, all their properties are the same or that financing their properties is difficult. It is important to look into these issues so that you can make your choice based on facts and make the best choice for you and your family. Myth #1: New Properties Cost More It is true that the list price of a new house can be higher than that of an older home. But, once you look into the associated costs, you may find that the necessary repairs, updates and upgrades will add up to a far greater price. Previously-owned homes tend to have undergone wear and tear on crucial aspects such as the roof, flooring, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, appliances and other modern amenities. Once you pay to get all of these features up to par, you might realize that everything in a new house is already brand new which justifies the selling price. Myth #2: A New House Takes Forever You may have heard that new home builders can take a long time to finish a house. The truth is that you are ready to buy and move in quickly, all you need to do is work with a reputable company. If you are shopping for new homes in the St. Louis area, Rolwes Company is known throughout as the premier, multi-generation builder with a reputation for ironclad construction and top-tier customer service. We offer move-in ready quick delivery homes designed for families who are ready to buy today and move in as soon as possible. Myth #3: Working with A Builder is Challenging Working with a builder is all about choosing the right company based on reputation and past successes with other people like you. Ideally, a great company will be known for creating and nurturing longterm relationships with customers. Rolwes works with people looking for new homes in the St. Louis region to pinpoint their exact wants and needs — and then strives to meet them. Tested and perfected over


three generations, the company philosophy is based on a comprehensive approach to customer service based on clear communication and the creation of quality homes in family-friendly communities. Myth #4: New Homes are All the Same The truth about new homes, especially when you choose the right builder, is that they can come in dozens of styles and sizes with any configuration of bedrooms, bathrooms and special areas as a buyer could want. Such properties are built according to client specifications and can include numerous options such as hearth room, atrium, guest room, recreation room, bay windows and more. In addition, upgrades and customizations to the owner’s suite, luxury master bath, living room fireplace and walk-in closets are common choices as well. Buyers can fine-tailor their homes to fit every taste and preference down to the exterior finish, interior color scheme, countertops and appliances. Myth #5: New Homes are Harder to Finance The fact is, a previously-owned home which requires substantial repairs can be more of a challenge to finance than a new house. Lenders tend to be more flexible when the property at hand is a newly-built house rather than a “fixer upper.” Plus, new construction companies tend to have a short, effective list of preferred lenders they work with who are familiar with the company, the quality of their work and their goal so they can quickly put buyers into new homes. Discerning truth from myth is important when it comes to buying a new residential property. Contact us for more of the truth about purchasing a new home.

New Construction Home Specialist,

Jane Felkel

Joins The Ellis Team


espite the ongoing challenges associated with the Covid19 pandemic, the residential new construction home industry continues to be in high demand in the Saint Louis area. Jane Felkel, a seasoned new construction sales agent is delighted to join The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team at EXP Realty, as their designated new construction buyer’s agent. Jane brings a wealth of experience and a diverse background of new construction sales from condominiums to townhouses, villas to production and custom homes. “After almost 20 years representing home builders in the Greater Saint Louis area, I am looking forward to being on the other side of the transaction”, says Jane Felkel. “My goal has always been to try and find a balance between maintaining a professional and loyal relationship with any builder I’ve been affiliated with, as well as being an advocate for the buyers”, continues Jane. No longer aligned with a specific builder, Jane is now able to use her decades of experience to assist buyers to purchase any new construction product with any builder within the Greater Saint Louis area. “One of the aspects of new construction I most enjoy”, says Jane, “is assisting clients to customize their build to their individual needs, tastes and wants within a budget that suits their means”. Being able to visualize a 2D floorplan, read a blueprint, walk-through a home under construction and recognize the framing, plumbing, and electrical, HVAC and low voltage rough-ins and to understand the order of the building process is a huge advantage for buyers working with Jane. Jane also brings years of staging and decorating experience to her clients which is a real benefit when helping to select their finishes and to visualize furniture placements within their new space. Being part of The Rick and Tracy Ellis Team will allow Jane to further enhance the buying experience for her clients by being able to co-ordinate the entire process from start to finish. Jane’s focus as a buyer’s advocate is complimented by working on the Ellis Team by being afforded access to a wide range of reputable vendors. For example, a client with a home to sell can easily be paired with vendors available for any repairs

and or selling touches. The Ellis team also offers experienced listing agents who will not only effectively market their home but sell it for top dollar. For clients trying to avoid a double move, Jane can work closely with your listing agent, (hopefully Rick and Tracy Ellis) to ensure the timeline of the build of your new home with the sale of your current home by closely working alongside not only the listing, but also the builder’s sales representative. If buyers do not have a home to sell or have just sold their home, Jane’s knowledge of available new home inventory will allow for a quicker turnaround so that clients can enjoy their new home by bypassing the usual building process. Growing up with both parents being teachers, and having been a prior teacher herself, Jane appreciates the value of education. Jane is looking forward to hosting regular new construction 101 events showcasing a variety of new construction products and builders in the St. Louis area. “This will allow anyone considering building a new home the opportunity to hear and learn about the availability of products in price points and areas that interest them as well meet the builders representing the various options” says Jane. The villa lifestyle is one such new construction product that is becoming increasingly popular with a wide range of age groups. Jane plans to focus her events on certain products, such as villas, throughout the year which will focus on the “what, where and how” to transition from your current living situation to owning a villa for example. Accompanied by a team of experts, including actual villa owners, Jane will provide the tools in a relaxed setting to help simplify and navigate through what can otherwise be seen as an overwhelming process. Jane will be a regular guest on The Rick and Tracy Ellis Show that airs every Saturday at 9AM and Sunday at 10AM on The Ellis’ new radio stations, Real Talk 93.3FM, 104.3FM and 107.3FM. Jane will share tips and helpful information about the residential new home industry. If you are in the market for a home and considering new construction, Jane will be your advocate from start to finish. After all, “the buyer is who the build is for and their happiness and peace of mind throughout the building process is key!”, says Jane.


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