Under 9, 10, 11 & 13
Sunday 10 November 2024

Under 9, 10, 11 & 13
Sunday 10 November 2024
Dear parents, competitors, staff and spectators,
We are delighted to welcome you to Tormead for the IAPS U9, U10, U11 and U13 gymnastics competition. We are proud to host this event and know that we are in for an excellent weekend of outstanding performances celebrating gymnastics. We would like to thank all the competitors, parents, coaches and volunteers for their commitment and dedication to this sport. Without all of your hard work, we know that competitions like this would not be possible.
We wish each and every competitor the very best of luck.
Mr Boyd, Head and Mrs Fry, Head of Prep
First and foremost, sport is about participation and enjoyment. Sport is an incredibly important part of the personal development of children. Thanks to our eager and enthusiastic membership, over 22,000 children take part in the IAPS Sport programme every year.
With 22 sports to choose from and over 170 events organised annually, there are plenty of opportunities for our member schools to get involved in.
Whether this is your first time at an IAPS event, or you have been entering them for many years, we hope you enjoy the competition and good luck!
School Coaches LeotardColour
GeorgiaDoverandSimonKearns Mermaid
Godstowe JoanneVillageandHannahCox Red,BlackandWhite
TaraOxleyandHelenLePage Navy
JoanneCoxandMaisieCox Navy,PinkandSilver
NicolaOwen-Cavaliereand CaitlynnLong PurpleandGreen
NatalieDurantandRosie Berwick BlackandPurple
ChloeBotelleandJamilaMalik Green
Stamford TrudySmith Navy
LyndseyNeyandRebecca Gannon NavyandGold
LindaNorth,ClaireButler Black,RedandWhite
Tormead ScottPatterson TealandBlack
Wellesley KerryCollisson Navy
A huge ‘thank you’ to all our judges without whom there would be no competition.
Sunday 10 November 2024
Head Judge - Verity Boulger
Claire Pocock
Liz Oxborough
U13 Group Order Time on Floor St
U11 Group Order Time on Floor
U10 Group Order Time on Floor Guildford
10.44-10.52am 10.52-11.00am 11.00-11.08am 11.08-11.16am 11.16-11.24am 11.24-11.32am 11.35-11.43am
U9 Group Order Time on Floor
12.07-12.15pm 12.15-12.23pm 12.23-12.31pm 12.31-12.39pm 12.39-12.47pm 12.55-1.03pm
Wewelcomeyoutotakephotographsofyourownchildren.However,please refrainfromtakingphotosofotherpeople’schildrenanddonotuseflash photography.
Refreshmentsareavailableintheatriumwhichcanbelocatedinthecentreof themainschoolbuilding.Pleaserefertothemapsattheendofthisprogramme andsignagearoundtheschool.
LittleStarLeotardsandEliteSportsweararesellingmerchandiseintheatrium cafearea.Pleaseseethemapsattheendofthisprogrammeandsignage aroundtheschool.
Allschoolsareexpectedtoattendwithappropriatelyqualifiedfirstaidersand bringtheirownfirstaidequipment.
Generalwarmupsfor4-piecearescheduledasperthetimetableprovidedin thisprogramme.Therewillbeavailabilitytostretchinaclassroomaheadofthe groupcompetitionbutgymnasticsshouldnotbeperformedintheseareas.
ParkingisavailableatLondonSquarecarparkwhichisa5-minutewalkfrom TormeadSchool.TheaddressisLondonSquare,CrossLanes,GuildfordGU1 1UN.
Thereisalsopublicparkingonthestreetssurroundingtheschool.Pleasenote thatthereisnoparkingonsiteotherthanforjudgesandofficials.
11+SportsScholarshipsareofferedtopupilswhohave demonstratedoutstandingsportingpotentialandan exceptionalcommitmenttoschoolteamsandclubs.This awardincludesa10%reductioninschoolfeesthroughout thescholar’stimeatTormead.Weparticularlyencourage applicationsfrompupilswhoexcelinatleastoneofthe followingsports:gymnastics,hockey,netball,cricket, Sportsscholarsshouldhaveaninnatesportingability, outstandingworkethic,andbereadytoleadbyexample.All sportsscholarsareautomaticallygivenaplaceonour
OurTalentedPerformerProgrammeaimstoinspireourmosttalentedathletesandsupportthemto maximisetheirpotentialacrossoneormoresports.AtTormead,wetakeanathlete-centredapproach todevelopmentandplaceequalimportanceonholisticgrowthandprogressinperformance.To achievethis,athletesreceiveregularmentoringsessions,weeklystrengthandconditioning,andare givenadditionaltrainingtimetoworkdirectlywithourHeadsofSportanddedicatedcoachingstaff.
Theyalsoparticipateinmonthlyworkshopswhichcoverarangeofsportingfields,suchas performanceanalysis,time-management,nutritionandsportspsychology,ledbyexternalspeakers andfirmlyaimedatenhancingtheknowledgeandexpertiseofathletesaspiringtoelitestandards. TheTalentedPerformerProgrammehasbeenuniquelydesignedtoachieveexcellencewithout Applicantswillneedtocompletean11+ScholarshipApplicationForm.Thisshouldbereturnedtothe HeadofAdmissions,alongwithaone-sidedA4SportsCVwhichprovidesinformationontheirsporting achievements.Certificatesshouldnotbeincluded.
ShortlistedcandidateswillbeinvitedtoTormeadforasportsscholarshipassessment.Candidateswill beassessedontheirabilityintheirprincipalsportandundertakeaseriesabaselinedatatesting. Testingwillassesstheendurance,agility,power,strength,speedandco-ordinationofallathletes. FurtherinformationaboutthetrialswillbesenttotheshortlistedcandidatesinDecember.Where applicable,wewillwritetothecandidate’steam,coachorclubtorequestreferencestosupporttheir application.
Ifyouwouldlikefurtherinformationon11+SportsScholarships,thenpleasecontact ourDirectorofSport,GeorgePettitt,ongpettitt@tormeadschool.org.uk
IAPS believes that the welfare and wellbeing of all children (young people under the age of 18) and adults at risk attending an IAPS event is of the highest concern. All such persons have the right to safety and protection and any suspicions, concerns or allegations of harm will be taken seriously and will be dealt with swiftly and
IAPS expects all adults who are engaged with the de events to fully comply with safeguarding procedures IAPS Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, and the KC (these are available on our website: sport.iaps.uk/safeguarding
IAPS expects all coaches present to be DBS checked relevant safeguarding training at their school/club
IAPS expects that all adults attending events have conduct, photo policy and anti bullying policy. The read and download from our website here:
If you have any safeguarding concerns today, please speak to Emily Nunan, Mike Kershaw or a member of t team.
IAPS designated safeguarding officer
Emily Nunan Head of Sport and Pupil Experience
IAPS deputy safeguarding officer
Mike Kershaw Sport and Pupil Experience Manager
Our fantastic team of Tormead parent and staff helpers
Tormead Gymnastics Coaches and P.E. Staff
Scorers – Claire Pocock and Liz Oxborough
Tormead Premises, Catering and Housekeeping staff
Our Head, Mr Boyd and Prep School Head, Mrs Fry
Director of Sport – Mr George Pettitt
On behalf of IAPS, we extend our thanks to Mr Patterson and his colleagues at Tormead School for their tremendous efforts in hosting this year's competition.
We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to all the volunteers, judges and scorers who generously gave their time and expertise to ensure the smooth running of the event.
A special thanks goes to Linda North for her ongoing support, dedication and enthusiasm for the competition throughout the years.
Thank you all once again. We look forward to seeing you next year!