October 1, 2014

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Jim Ziolkowski visits SJU pg. 5

TORCHPHOTO/ Bridget Higgins

4 Theta Phi Alpha members Katelyn Curran and Jacky Alvarado participate in University Service Day this past Saturday

TORCHPHOTO/ Nicole Gubelli

A look at Fashion Week pg. 13


WEEK 2014 Media Relations

Modern Family returns with season 6 pg. 13

20th annual celebration ends with a day of service in honor of St. Vincent de Paul 3 University President Dr. Bobby Gempesaw and his wife Clavel visit with patients at Saint Mary’s Hospital for Children in Bayside during University Service Day.


Marron returns as coach pg. 17

Media Relations

Photo of the Week


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Samantha Albanese, Editor-in-Chief

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Briawnna Jones Entertainment Editor Cheyanne Gonzales Photo Editor Laurice Rawls Online Editor jim baumbach


Talia Tirella News Editor Stephen Zitolo Sports Editor Gina Palermo Art Director Alexa Vagelatos Opinion Editor

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The Torch is the official student newspaper of St. John’s University. The Torch is written, edited, designed and produced by students of the University. All contents are the sole responsibility of the editors and the editorial board and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration, faculty or students of St. John’s University unless specifically stated.

To contact The Torch by mail: The Torch, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY 11439

The Torch is typically published on Wednesdays and publishes approximately 20 issues throughout the academic year. Circulation per issue is 3,500 copies, which are distributed for free on campus and through mail subcriptions.


Dribble for the Cure, a fundraiser sponsored by the basketball program and the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation, took place on Saturday, Sept. 27 in conjunction with University Service Day.

Think Outside...



St. John’s teams with PCRF for Dribble for the Cure Coach Lavin and men’s and women’s basketball teams come out to support and raise money BRIDGET HIGGINS Contributing Writer St. John’s students joined forces with cancer survivors, professionals and advocates for the Dribble for the Cure event during University Service Day in order to raise money for cancer research. Dribble for the Cure is in its fourth year at the University. Participants gathered at a carnival-like celebration outside of Carnesecca Arena. Complete with basketball players and staff, the University Pep Band, cheerleaders, dance team, Qdoba catering and several bouncy houses—this event was definitely hard to miss. “It’s a day for the kids to have fun and forget about their problems,” said Phil Greene IV, a senior guard for the Red Storm. Participants dribbled basketballs around campus, with all proceeds going to the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation (PCRF). PCRF is an organization that has made an enormous difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. In attendance was cancer survivor Daniel Mitchell. He was diagnosed with large B-cell lymphoma after his senior year of high school. Dr. Mitchell Cairo, a leading researcher for PCRF, cured him and saved his life within four months, allowing Mitchell to complete college on time. “I owe him a lot,” Mitchell said of Cairo. “It’s a way to give back.” Mitchell was part of the team dribbling


Johnny Thunderbird came out to support the basketball teams and PCRF.

for Troy Billington. Billington died at age 23, leaving behind two brothers along with a loving family. One of these brothers, Kyle Billington, gathered a group of around 30 cancer survivors, friends and colleagues.

Dribbling for Troy Billington raised over $5,000 for the event. Giving back has exceeding importance every year due to budget shrinking, according to Yanling Liao. Liao, better known to

Career Fair preview: what to do, what not to do VALERIE JUAREZ Staff Writer On Thursday, Oct. 2, St. John’s University will be hosting a career expo and academic internship fair in Taffner Field House. There will be over 130 different companies recruiting. Whether you’re graduating this year and searching for your first job or you’re still early on in your undergraduate years, this is a great opportunity to check out the different tables and network with possible future employers. Below are some quick tips on how to make the most of this career expo and academic internship fair. Make your first impression the best impression. Dress in professional attire. Remember to dress for the job you want, not the job you have. If you have a clean and neat look, recruiters will not be distracted. Make sure you bring a handful of résumés to distribute to potential employers. Bring 10 to be on the safe side. If you want to go the extra mile, prepare packets of your résumé, cover letter and clips, depending on your major. Put them in separate envelopes to give to recruiters. This is a good idea so that when recruiters pack up, your résumé won’t become wrinkled in the pile he or she has received. If you can find out online which employ-

ers are coming beforehand, research the company and take the time to learn more about their mission. Be sure to stop by the Career Center on campus so that an advisor can review and give you positive feedback on your résumé. Your résumé is key in almost every job search, so make sure it stands out and is only one page long. The Career Center is a great resource for other “Follow up with potential employers right away. They meet so many people everyday that there is a large chance they will not remember you unless you stood out...”

tips such as how to dress professionally, and they also provide mock interviews for students. Francesca DiMura, a graduate accounting student, is currently interning with Lacrosse for her second semester and she shared some personal tips. “Follow up with potential employers right away. They meet so many people everyday that there is a large chance they will not remember you unless you stood out. Remember when you introduce yourself, have a good handshake and a good 10-second introduction about yourself,”

DiMura said. Make sure to follow up with employers in a timely matter. If you received someone’s business card or contact information, send him or her a thank you email as soon as you can. It can be short and simple as long as you remind them who you are and the conversation you had with them. Networking is key in many professions so it is important to follow up consistently and develop a professional relationship. Be sure that you do not huddle with your classmates during the internship fair. Your classmates may be your best friends but remember they cannot hire you. Separate for a while and find the tables that best interest everyone. Do not spend time telling recruiters what you do not want to do. No recruiter wants to hear any prospective employee complain or not be open to a potential task. Make sure you spend your time telling and showing recruiters what you can do for them. Make sure you show them your best self. Finally, have a positive mindset and do not conclude that the fair was a waste of time just because recruiters say they have no openings. Usually many companies have a large amount of applications coming in, so recruiters may be taking applications for the following semester. It may be for many months ahead or for openings that are expected even later.

people like Mitchell as a “cell therapy hero,” is a research professor for New York Medical College. According to her, PCRF funding is crucial for pediatric cancer research as funding from other sources shrinks. “We’re very grateful for PCRF,” Liao said. Steve Lavin, head coach of the St. John’s men’s basketball team, also feels deeply connected to Dribble for the Cure. He was sidelined for prostate cancer not long ago. Cancer had also affected numerous members of his family, including his grandmother, mother, father and niece. “It’s a cause worth fighting for,” Lavin said. Lavin wanted to teach his players “to set a powerful example.” He played a large role in the event. As a cancer survivor, Lavin is a leader for both Dribble for the Cure and PCRF. “We want to refuel our purpose and our conviction to find a cure,” Lavin said. Senior guard D’Angelo Harrison said, “It’s a big cause for the university.” Both he and other members of the men’s basketball team reflected on how important the event was because of Lavin. Senior women’s basketball player Daneejah Grant hoped the event would show others how “to take into perspective someone else’s problems.” PCRF felt the support from the Johnnies as they raised thousands of dollars to fund the life-saving cancer research that is becoming exceedingly important to both the St. John’s community and the world.

Oct 24: Presidential inauguration TALIA TIRELLA News Editor

According to a university wide email from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Peter D’Angelo, all St. John’s students are invited to President Conrado Gempesaw’s inauguration on Friday, Oct. 24. The day’s events include: •Mass at 1 p.m. in Carnesecca Arena •Investiture Ceremony at 3:30 p.m. in Carnesecca Arena •Reception to follow in Taffner Field House The email encourages students to RSVP through a link in the email. Students must RSVP by Wednesday, Oct. 8. Any questions about the event can answered by calling 718-990-3118. President Gempesaw is the 17th president of St. John’s, and the first layperson to hold the distinguished role.


United Nations leaders discuss climate change NYC Climate March prompts economic, emission-cutting guidelines and plans VALERIE JUAREZ Staff Writer Last week, the 2014 United Nations Climate Summit framed ambitious environmental and financial guidelines for its member states, including a new coalition that will mobilize $200 billion for financing climate-resilient development, according to the UN. The Summit took place two days after the historic People’s Climate March, the largest climate rally in history with over 400,000 people attending in New York City alone. “Action on climate change is urgent. The more we delay, the more we will pay in lives and money,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the UN News Centre. Leaders committed to a first draft of a universal agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in time for the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) in Lima this December. The final agreement will be presented at COP 21 in 2015 in Paris. At the People’s Climate March, Steve Kretzmann, executive director of Oil Change International said, “When people lead, leaders listen. In fact, it’s the only way to be sure they will. The hundreds of thousands of people in the streets of New York today are only a fraction of the millions around the world who are blocking pipelines, stopping coal plants and building a new clean energy future one solar panel at a time. “An obvious next step would be for governments to stop wasting billions of taxpayer dollars to make the problem worse. ‘Stop Funding Fossils’ should be at the top of every climate leaders’ to do list.” World leaders agreed that climate change is a defining issue of our time and bold action is needed to reverse the effects of climate change. Key agreements between the 900 leaders of state, business and community were laid out. Climate action should lead to the eradication of extreme poverty and promote sustainable development and limit global temperatures to rise less than two degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels. But some community leaders at the People’s Climate March felt that in-


The United Nations General Assembly Chamber, where world leaders meet to discuss issues such as climate change.

cluding leaders of the oil and coal industry and letting them have a vote in this framework was counterintuitive. Patti Lynn, managing director at Corporate Accountability International and a participant of the march, said, “We are taking this momentum right to the climate talks in Lima to demand the perpetrators of the climate crisis — the world’s biggest polluters — are kicked out of the talks permanently. We cannot continue to negotiate for a meaningful, binding climate treaty if those with a financial stake in its failure are at the table. Now is the time to show Big Energy the door.” “Women… are tired of hearing politicians and other development partners give one excuse after another for why the strongest and useful climate mitigation of target of 1.5 degrees is not possible,” said Noelene Nabulivou of Diverse Voices and Action for Equality from Fiji. “Why adaptation measures do not concentrate on gender equality, human

CDC Confirms First Ebola Diagnosis in U.S. AMANDA UMPIERREZ Staff Writer The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first Ebola diagnosis in the United States on Tuesday. In a press conference after the confirmation was released spokesperson Stephen O’Brien said the patient is currently receiving treatment at the Dallas’ Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. The adult patient, whose name has not been identified, developed the virus just days after returning from Liberia. According to Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC, the patient left Liberia on Sept. 19 and arrived in the U.S. on Sept. 20. The patient has been hospitalized and in isolation since Sept. 28. Frieden noted that residents should

not be afraid of an outbreak in the Texas area. “The bottom line here is that I have no doubt that we will control this importation or this case of Ebola so that it does not spread widely in this country,” he said, according to CNN. Friedan also said health officials are currently following a couple of family members and friends of the patient to ensure the virus has not spread. According to the World Health Organization, the Ebola virus has caused more than 3,000 deaths, with an average fatality rate of 50 percent. Symptoms may occur anywhere between two to 21 days, and humans are not infectious until symptoms develop. More information on the Ebola outbreak can be found on www.who.int and www.cdc.gov.

rights and social justice, why there have not been fundamental changes to our global economic and development systems, why climate finance is not easily accessible and a loss and damage mechanism is not yet ready,” Nabulivou said. At the Summit however, leaders agreed that new strategies should balance support for mitigation and adaptation, and the importance of addressing loss and damage. In addition, leaders agreed on a financial framework for climate change worth billions of dollars and expanding well into the future: •The Green Climate Fund was popular among the leaders, who pledged an initial $2.3 billion in capitalization from six countries •The European Union put up a total $21 billion for mitigation initiatives in developing countries between now and 2020 •Leading commercial banks committed to issuing $30 billion of Green Bonds by 2015, and institutional investors will disclose the carbon footprint

of at least $500 billion in investments •The insurance industry said it would create a Climate Risk Investment Framework by 2015. Leaders also agreed on some key emission-cutting guidelines: •Peak greenhouse emissions before 2020, then reduce them thereafter •Leaders and corporations committed to double energy efficiency through vehicle fuel, lighting, appliances, buildings and district energy by 2030 •Producers of palm oil committed to contribute zero net deforestation by 2020, and to work with other community leaders and indigenous people to ensure a sustainable supply chain Ricken Patel, the executive director of Avaaz, an organization that mobilizes citizens of all nations to take action on pressing global and national issues believes the Climate March was effective. “It’s a wakeup call to politicians that climate change is not a green issue anymore, it’s an everybody issue,” he said to Peoplesclimate.org.

Turkey debates involvement with ISIS LAUREN CANDELA Contributing Writer While the Turkish government decides whether or not to engage ISIS in war, both Turkish and Syrian soldiers line the Turkish border. Heavily-armed ISIS militia members cause as many as 150,000 Syrians to flee Kurdistan, Syria towards Turkey. While the U.S. recently targeted ISIS as it approached Kurdistan, it is inexplicit as to how detrimental ISIS airstrikes were and whether or not U.S. interference was beneficial. Leading U.S. senior official explained the lack of American intelligence on the situation was due to lack of troops on the ground and ongoing attempt to spare innocent lives. When asked if America was official-

ly at war with ISIS, President Obama explained, “America must move off of permanent war footing. We are assisting Iraq in a very real battle that’s taking place on their soil, with their troops. But we are providing air support… That’s very different from us having 150,000 troops in Iraq on the ground or 60,000 in Afghanistan.” It is thought that if ISIS takes control over Kurdistan, the Islamic State will have control over as much as 35,000 square miles and continue to generate $3 million daily in the oil industry.

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Jim Ziolkowski visits St. John’s during Founder’s Week His organization buildOn aims to bring about equality through education, reverse poverty and illiteracy cycles TALIA TIRELLA News Editor Would you ever leave a comfortable corporate job to devote your life to others? Jim Ziolkowski did. A native of Jackson, Michigan, Ziolkowski attended Michigan State University and graduated cum laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Finance, according to his Facebook page and the buildOn website, respectively. His first brush with poverty took place while visiting a village in Nepal during a backpacking expedition after graduation. “I passed through a village [in Nepal] where they were celebrating the opening of a school, and it was a twoday celebration,” Ziolkowski said. “I got there on the second day, and it was raining. They were dancing in the rain and the mud, [and] you just got a sense for the hope and the determination they had around education, around the power of education to break that cycle of extreme poverty. “I was moved by that, and at most a seed was planted.” Ziolkowski then took a job at GE working in corporate finance before realizing his calling to work with those who were poverty-stricken. After leaving the corporate world, he began working with schools and buildOn was formed. “I was completely overwhelmed by the injustice of extreme poverty,” Ziolkowski said. “To me, it was insanity and I didn’t know how to deal with it.” Ziolkowski spoke with the Torch about his organization, his methodology and his beliefs in an interview before his standing-room only presentation in Marillac Auditorium last week at St. John’s as part of Founders’ Week. The main focus of buildOn is to bring about equality through education. The organization achieves this by using education to break the poverty and illit-

eracy cycles, as well as the dropout crisis. “We want to get students engaged and pull them out of those cycles,” Ziolkowski said. buildOn uses the same methodology in every country it does work in. “It involves not providing benefits and services, not building schools for the community members… We are not a charity, we are a movement,” Ziolkowski said. buildOn encourages the development of leadership communities that are put in charge of building and maintaining schools. Every time buildOn works with a community, they make sure all members sign a covenant, which is a contract that states their promise to not only supply all labor needed to build and maintain the school, but to also send their daughters.

“I was completely overwhelmed by the injustice of extreme poverty,” Ziolkowski said. “To me, it was insanity and I didn’t know how to deal with it.”

Ziolkowski explained how the covenant with communities works. “They’ll [sign with a] thumbprint, because 90 to 100 percent are completely illiterate. So they sign a covenant committing all the unskilled labor to build the school, and to sending their daughters in equal numbers with their sons. Only after every villager signs that covenant will we break ground,” he said. Ziolkowski believes that the cycle of poverty cannot be broken without equal access to education for all. This is why buildOn’s push to send girls to school in equal numbers with boys is so important to communities overseas. Ziol-

kowski said that many of the countries they work in have gender discriminatory practices in place, such as arranged marriages and female genital mutilation. He sees education as an effective way to break out of the cycle of discrimination and create equality. “We have seen that girls and mothers specifically lift families out of poverty, lift communities out of poverty, not just in West Africa but in the United States,” Ziolkowski said. So far, buildOn has built 660 schools worldwide, and Ziolkowski said that 50% of those attending are female. buildOn was not started with a specific place in mind. Ziolkowski said that living in Harlem and witnessing the cycle of poverty there motivated him to develop buildOn both domestically as well as internationally. Their main goal is to empower youth and build schools, both of which will break the destructive cycles of prison and poverty. He has also found that involving kids in other countries produces a positive impact on both sides. “They feel value, that somebody would come from the other side of the world to spend time living in a mud hut, sleeping on the floor, working side by side with them to build a school, and our kids, it’s completely mind-blowing for them. When they’re in these villages and they see how hard people are working towards education to build schools, they see the value of education, and then they see what they can accomplish, that they have effectively helped change the future of a community by building a school. It changes who they are and they bring it back and it becomes contagious,” Ziolkowski said. When working in communities abroad and in the U.S., buildOn focuses on giving communities the resources and help they need, but does not take complete control of the process. Ziolkowski feels that it is important for communities to set their own guidelines


Jim Ziolkowski, middle, the founder of buildOn. Ziolkowski said that buildOn is not a charity, but a movement, with a focus on education.

in terms of labor used for building, what curriculum to use in the schools and how to design schools. “We strongly believe that it is not our right, or our position, to be developing curriculum for the communities, to be doing teacher trainings… We want it to be completely congruent with their culture, we don’t want to project our standards or our traditions on them, coming from the west,” Ziolkowski said.

“We strongly believe that it is not our right, or our position, to be developing curriculum for the communities, to be doing teacher trainings… We want it to be completely congruent with their culture, we don’t want to project our standards or our traditions on them, coming from the west.”

Ziolkowski said that the organization checks in periodically with the ministries of education, but not to interfere with their work. buildOn always wants to put each individual community at the forefront and empower the community to make changes. “The students lead [in the U.S.], and the community members lead overseas. If we needed to be in those villages helping to sustain those schools, we would’ve made a big mistake. We don’t want to create those dependencies and co-dependencies.” Ziolkowski is a devout Catholic, and said that religion plays an important role in his life. He believes in the pillars of social justice but is also influenced by other religions like Tibetan Buddhism. He’s even spent time with the Dalai Lama. “My faith has definitely gotten me through the toughest, darkest times and it has helped me to understand what I need to do and what I’m responsible for, and it has given me strength to keep going when I’ve wanted to quit and give up,” Ziolkowski said. buildOn involves people of all religions, and Ziolkowski said they all work together because they all have “a very strong conviction that they’ve got to help, and that they’ve got to break the cycle.” If you’re interested in helping buildOn, send an email to chapters@buildon.org and you’ll be connected to the St. John’s chapter. Ziolkowski said that a substantial partnership is being formed between St. John’s and buildOn, and that a vibrant chapter is being established here at the University. Students can become mentors and help out in local communities such as Crown Heights, and even travel overseas to help build schools. “We’d love to have you,” Ziolkowski said. If you’re less inclined to physically participate, you can donate to the buildOn campaign or follow buildOn on Twitter, like them on Facebook or follow them on Instagram. One like equals one dollar, and all of the funds go towards the construction of schools.


Founder’s Week in photos

Guest lectures and Vincentian service highlight the University mission 4 Jim Ziolkowski delivered a lecture about his work with buildOn, a foundation which builds schools and facilitates after-school programs. (Page 5)


3 Among the 2,100 St. John’s-affliated volunteers was University President Dr. Gempesaw, pictured below working with a child at St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital.

4 Torch entertaiment

editor Briawnna Jones and sportswriter Julia Quadrino worked with young children at St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital during University Service Day. PHOTO/MEDIA RELATIONS


4 St. John’s student organizations devoted their Saturday to community service in a variety of locations around the city, including the Queens Botanical Gardens. TORCH PHOTO/NICOLE GUBELLI

Opinion Staff Editorial XCI



Illustrator’s CORNER



When asked about his view on gay priests, Pope Francis’ response was “Who am I to judge?” Now, about a year and a half later, the University has followed suit and developed a fresh outlook of its own. The SPECTRUM Initiative is the first LGBTQ student group to officially be approved through the administration. The group, which kicked off its first semester on campus with a barbecue a few weeks ago, will serve as a campus-wide resource for all students and hold a variety of events that relate to its four pillars: support, education, faith and service. St. John’s has always taken pride in its diverse student body, and therefore we commend the University’s efforts to work towards unifying all different walks of life. As one of the most diverse schools in the country, it is surprising that St. John’s did not have a group for LGBTQ students and allies until this year. Our fellow Vincentian universities, DePaul and Niagara, formed gay-straight alliance organizations in 2003 and 2009 respectively, according to the university websites. This precedent strengthened the case of the student leaders who have been in talks with administration over several years to bring this group to life. In fact, various groups of students and allies at St. John’s University have been working toward making this

group a reality since 1993. By adding a safe zone for LGBTQ students and allies and expanding on its previous programs, Safe Zone and How You Doin’, the University as a whole has taken a huge step forward from just last year, when we were one of only two Big East schools without a formalized gay-straight alliance. This student community advancement must be a great feeling for those who fought for a place on campus and acknowledgement of a formal organization, along with those who need the sanctuary of a safe, welcoming place to go. The formation of the SPECTRUM group should not be looked lightly upon and will prove to enhance campus life and be a benefit to all St. John’s students. Recently the University has made great strides to better serve all students and create a more accepting environment on campus. This editorial board supports the opinions previously expressed in the Flames column by editorial boards from years past. It is high time that the University provided LGBTQ students with a forum to express their opinions, and we applaud this step toward diversity and a more open, inclusive campus for all students and staff.


Editorials are the opinions of the Editorial Board of the T ORCH . Columns are the opinions of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of The T ORCH . Opinions expressed in editori-

als, columns, letters or cartoons are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administrations of St. John’s University.


Mail letters to: The TORCH, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11439 Submit letters via email to: torcheic@gmail.com

All are welcome to contribute to the Torch. Please include your full name, year, and college (or department). Letters have a limit of 500 words and may be edited for content, grammar, or space. Unverifiable or anonymous letters will not be published. All letters are subject to the approval of the Editorial Board of the TORCH.


“Ladies and gentlemen, we are delayed because of train traffic ahead of us.”

Dear Readers,

Letter From The Editor

To every student at St. John’s University reading this sentence: I applaud you. You’ve completed the first thing that this new section is supposed to accomplish, which is grabbing your attention. NOW, don’t stop here. The second thing that this section is supposed to do is make you want to be a part of it! For those of you who aren’t aware, this fabulous Opinion section is a brand new addition to the Torch, of which I have proudly taken the position of developing. I have visions of it becoming one of the more popular and attractive ones of the Torch. It will allow the students – that’s you, the people who keep this campus thriving- to speak your minds. I want this to be the beginning of something great, but I can’t get the ball rolling without you. I know you all have opinions. Everyday, I hear something new coming from either friends or strangers about what they believe the flaws and triumphs of this campus are. Like I said, this is a new section. The new editorial board and I are pushing to create something that will allow you to express yourselves freely. Want to write about an awesome new restaurant you visited in Manhattan this weekend? Go ahead. Want to write about Greek life, or residence life and what you think about it? Write it down. Want to talk about the most recent thing in the news and how it makes you feel? Lay it on me! Chances are, you aren’t the only one thinking and feeling those things. I hope that over time, whether or not it is during mine at the Torch, this section grows to be one of the primary outlets for students. I promise to make it the best and most effective that it can be. I hope that you join me in this mission to become the voice of St. John’s University. Thank you. Sincerely, Alexa Vagelatos Opinion Editor

America’s rape culture


Men, it’s time to man up. JEREMY ASHTON Contributing Writer

Over the last few weeks, a highly-publicized case of NFL player Ray Rice became a flashpoint to address issues of violence against women. However, sexual assault and domestic violence are far from being recent issues. Centers for Disease Control studies from 2007 (to most recently in 2012) indicate that 1 in 5 women experience rape at some point in their lifetimes, with the bulk of the responses reporting it happened in their teens and twenties. With those age statistics in mind,

“As a man, it shows me that our society has subtly programmed all of us to value macho-ism, ego, masculinity and appearing strong over our respect for women.” it makes sense that one of the primary focuses for activist and lawmakers is sexual assault on college campuses. The issue has even reached as far as the White House. President Obama gave an address on Friday, Sept. 19 during which

he explicitly stated, “Campus sexual assault is something we as a nation can no longer turn away from, and say ‘That’s not our problem.’” The President also announced the creation of the “It’s On Us” campaign, reaching out to young men in the process of reporting and preventing violence and sexual assault. (More information of the campaign and taking the pledge at SJU can be found on the St. John’s Central homepage.) The fact that the federal government feels the need to step in and create a program to address this problem speaks loudly to where we are at as men in

fun and exploration, sexuality included. I am not bashing any consensual activities people wish to partake. The key word being consensual, meaning both parties are clear on what they want, and actively agreeing to continue. Getting drunk is not consenting; wearing a sexy outfit is not consenting. Guys, the fact is the majority of you would never be violent or sexually abusive towards a woman. However, by not speaking up when we see certain behaviors go on, by using certain verbiage and letting it slide when your friends do, you are subtly contributing to the culture that allows for that 1-in-5 stat to remain a Photo/St. John’s Central reality. Don’t believe me? Spend one (sober) evening at certain events or at one America today. As a man, it shows me of the lovely establishments near campus that our society has subtly programmed and see what you notice. all of us to value macho-ism, ego, masDo we all, as men, really care about culinity and appearing strong over our our own social standing, not wanting to respect for women. For a lot of young be seen as a jerk, or ruining your friend’s men, it seems their manhood is tied in night more than the potential safety and the number of women they can get with. health of the women around us? If that’s While this is obviously not true for all the case, perhaps you should rethink men, the fact that this idea has been almost universally accepted and portrayed what manhood is. My challenge for you is this; educate yourself on these issues. in our popular culture makes it a rather Sexual assault is not just an issue for startling cultural norm. women; it’s an issue for us all as human Now, I am not condemning havbeings. Check out some of the resources ing fun, as long as everything remains consensual. College is a great time full of listed below and then later, if needed. Be man enough to speak out.

The Top 15 Things To Do In NYC This Fall Alexa Vagelatos Opinion Editor

Summer might have come to an end in New York City, but the fun hasn’t. In fact, a whole new series of events and opportunities to travel are at the fingertips of all New Yorkers, and those who wish to visit during this time of year. The crisp air allows for perfect days to walk through city parks, hot apple cider, pumpkin beer, football and endless events. Here are the top fifteen things you still have time to do (and absolutely should do) before the dark depths of winter start creeping in! 1) Latino Heritage month at SJU. Check out one of the tons of events going on throughout the month of October. 2) Union Square Greenmarket. Expect to find the best apple cider and produce for this season! 3) NYC Wine & Food Festival – Running Oct.

Photo/Wikimedia Commons

17-20, check out their website for listings of seminars, walk-around tastings and parties! 4) Walk, jog, bike-ride or play some ball in all of the city’s majestic parks once the leaves start changing. *Personal favorites include Astoria Park, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Central Park and Prospect Park. 5) Walk along the Brooklyn Bridge on a perfect fall day. 6) Walk across the Highline. On Tuesday nights, participate in the free Stargaze event, with members of the Amateur Astronauts Association of New York to help explain what you’re seeing. Going on until the end of October. 7) Check out the various botanical gardens located throughout 4 of the 5 boroughs! 7) IT’S OKTOBERFEST! Celebrate at the city’s best beer gardens- preferably Bohemian Hall or Studio Square in Astoria. 8) Haunted Houses. Check out the creepiest places to get spooked both in the city and on Long Island.

9) Street festivals. Check your local neighborhood listings, or any neighborhood you’re interested in exploring! 10) Halloween parade in the village. Go and watch, or dress up and participate. Parade starts at 7 pm on Oct. 31on 6th ave. between Spring St. and 16th. 11) Museum hop, or check out some gallery openings! *Personal favorites: The Museum of the Moving Image, the MoMA and the Whitney Museum of American Art. 12) Try a new restaurant before the weather gets cold!!! *Personal favorite neighborhoods are Astoria, Forest Hills and the Lower East Side. 13) Watch and support the NYC Marathon on Nov. 3, and wake up to the Thanksgiving Day parade on Thanksgiving. Two iconic and legendary NYC events! 14) Get out of the city, and go pumpkin- or apple-picking either upstate, or out on Long Island (either the North or South Fork.) 15) Check out the NYC Film Festival, which ends on Oct. 13.

Photo/Wikimedia Commons

Photo/Wikimedia Commons


Think Outside...


behind the stained glass windows VALERIE JUAREZ Staff Writer

Step inside St. Thomas More Church on a clear day and you will see the sun shining through the stained-glass windows into this sacred place of worship. The mosaics sparkle and shine. When the sun goes down, the stained glass windows become dark, but nevertheless they are lit from within. Has it ever crossed your mind who is behind the work of these stained-glass windows? Artist Sylvia Nicolas is the lady behind these beautiful pieces of art. During Nicolas’ visit to St. John’s last Wednesday, Sept. 24, she talked about the stained-glass windows, the history of how she got into the art form, the colors she used and her process. Kat McGill, a sophomore Catholic scholar, described her experience listening to Nicolas’ speech. “I loved seeing her memories kind of flaunt back. I loved how she looked at her stained-glass windows like her child. This is a period of her life that she put so much

energy and love into. I loved seeing this from the creator [herself]”, McGill said. Originally from the Netherlands and a fourth-generation stained-glass artist, Nicolas’ choice of colors, along with the light that shines through, help to bring sacred stories to life. St. John’s Catholic Scholar sophomore Billy Rabold expressed what he felt moving about Nicolas’s speech. “I really love how she opened up with how her dad and the past five generations that have been working on stained-glass windows. She was so happy when she was here and to see how things looked like ten years after the fact,” Rabold said. Nicolas always portrays God in red and white. She also said that she sometimes portrays St. Joseph in red. Since red is the most expensive color, she wanted to keep it for the prime subject. “If you put many dark colors together it cre ates a hard space. It is the hour of the day or where the light is coming through that influences the color. Once you decide on one color, you blend the rest,” Nicolas said. Nicolas’ approach to the stained-glass windows is both spiritual and humanistic. They also range from traditional

to contemporary and are highly symbolic. Another Catholic scholar present at the event where Nicolas spoke, sophomore Montana Allen, described her favorite stained-glass window in St. Thomas More. “I really love the washing of the feet. We are all Catholic scholars, and as a freshman we learned a lot about the servant leadership. This is the last thing we see in church as the priest says ‘go out and serve the Lord.’ The fact that you serve the Lord by serving others is the ultimate example of servant leadership. This is the last image you see and it is really powerful and inspiring for you to go and serve the Lord.” During the question-and-answer session, Montana asked Nicolas herself if the washing of the feet depiction on the stained glass that was towards the exit of the church was to represent the command to go and serve the Lord. Nicolas responded that it was simply fate. Whether visting St. Thomas More Church on the way to class or for Mass, step inside and indulge in the beauty of the art that takes up the space of the interior. The stained-glass windows are a beautiful piece of artwork that depict sacred and meaningful stories.

St. Thomas More Church will celebrate 10 years KYLE FITZGERALD Features Editor As the United States welcomes October and its fall foliage, St. John’s prepares for the 10th anniversary of St. Thomas More Church. The church was constructed in memory of Thomas Brennan, a former student at St. John’s, who was a victim of the attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Construction on St. Thomas More Church first began in Oct. 2002 and was completed two years later, on Nov. 21, 2004, according to the NYC American Guild of Organists. Campus minister Andrea Pinnavaia reflected on the

church’s construction, which took place during her student years at St. John’s. “The celebration of 10 years of St. Thomas More Church is such a blessing for our campus and for me personally,” Pinnavaia said. “The church was dedicated in my sophomore year, and now that I’m a Campus Minister at St. John’s a decade later, I feel like every day I come to work is coming home.” Since its opening, St. Thomas More Church, which seats up to 500 people, holds daily Masses and celebrates student Mass on Sundays. According to Campus Ministry, the 5:30 p.m. Mass is the largest weekly gathering of students on campus. To commemorate St. Thomas More Church’s 10th an-

niversary, Campus Ministry is hosting a series of events relating to the Church. The first event to kick off the celebration occurred on Sept. 24, when Sylvia Nicolas, the artist behind the stained-glass windows, returned to St. John’s where she discussed her vision and the making of the windows with students and staff. Since the first event focused on the stained glass windows, the second event will focus on the pipe organ. On Oct. 15, the church will be hosting an organ concert, sponsored by Peragallo Organ Company. The featured performer will be organist Dr. Jennifer Pascual, the director of music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Fr. John Kettleberger, University Chaplain, shared his

own excitement with the church’s upcoming anniversary. “The anniversary celebrations give our community an opportunity to reflect on the many ways in which the Church has become a vital center for prayer, quiet reflection and solitude here on campus. Everyone can find a ‘home’ in St. Thomas More Church. The University will officially celebrate the 10th anniversary on Nov. 21 at the 12:15 p.m. Mass. The church will also receive a dedication plaque. “I pray that this anniversary year will be an opportunity for all St. John’s students to rediscover their lives of faith and come to a deeper, more faith and come to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God,” Pinnavaia said.

A taste of Italy just around the corner LIVIA PAULA Staff Writer


Italian food is that type of food that is universally known for its good taste and versatility. At St. John’s, a lot of students might want to go out for a nice Italian dinner but have the idea that they would have to go further off campus to do so. If you think you fit into the category, you should check out Acquista Trattoria. Right on the corner of Union Turnpike and 178th street you will find this recently renovated trattoria with a sense of Italian tradition and humble food. The

family owned and operated restaurant has been serving the community for years. The staff recognizes a St. John’s student’s face and they won’t treat you different regardless of looking like a college student who may or may not be able to leave a good tip. The price of each dish ranges range from $7 and $24 dollars. Compared to the popular delivery or pick-up restaurants around the area, it may seem a little expensive, but the food’s quality is much better. If you aren’t up for the walk, though, you can request for them to deliver to your dorm. The menu is quite vast. You will find different choices for appetizers, seafood, pasta, pizza, and more. There’s a lot to choose from in the menu and the portions are pretty filling. I myself ordered the fried calamari from the appetizer menu and it was a good portion if someone wants to share - I could not finish it alone. They are also pretty flexible if you want to substitute a side for your dish. Acquista also provides tasty warm bread with some olives mixed in olive oil. However, if you arrive starving, I’d recommend you to ask the server or the busser to bring it over to the table, as they usually take a few minutes to do so. For those who are usually wondering about space and how long you would wait for a table, there shouldn’t be any worries. It is a relatively big restau-

rant compared to those in the neighborhood. If you have been there before the renovation, you should check it out; it looks much better in terms of decoration and space. It is modern, yet still maintains its traditional Italian features.

The menu is quite vast. You will find different choices for appetizers, seafood, pasta, pizza, and more. There’s a lot to choose from in the menu and the portions are pretty filling.

Those with sweet teeth should try Acquista’s tiramisu. According to their website, the famed Italian dessert accounts for over 80 percent of the dessert sales every week. It’s so popular that on the staff’s uniform “I Love Tiramisu” is written on the back. If you had a long week and are feeling in the mood to treat yourself to a nice dinner that isn’t entirely out of your budget, feel free to visit Acquista.


BRIAWNNA JONES Entertainment Editor


Just like that another Hollywood couple bites the dust. Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose are officially separated after only one year of marriage. The end of their union comes as a surprise for fans. It seemed the two were completely headover-heels with each other, frequently expressing their love on social media. Last Wednesday, many were in shock when news broke that 30-year-old Amber Rose was filing for divorce and seeking physical and full legal custody of the couple’s 1-year-old son, Sebastian. While Rose filed for divorce citing “irreconciable differences,” the cause is still uncertain as countless sources are saying the 27-yearold “Blacc Hollywood” rapper was unfaithful. In an attempt to calm the rumor mill against claims of an alleged affair with her new manager Nick Cannon, Rose took to twitter tweeting “I would never ever ever cheat on my husband in a million years.” Adding fuel to the fire she also tweeted that her “now ex-husband cant say the same.” It left many to believe alleged infidelity is indeed true. While many are hoping that the pair reconcile, Wiz filed a countersuit asking for joint custody of their son. Though TMZ did reveal that the couple had an iron clad 8-page pre-nup, there is no word yet on whether or not Amber will be awarded her requested $1million. Chris Brown is once again making headlines for something other than his music. Releasing his sixth studio album a little over a week ago, it seemed the stars were once again lining up in favor of the 25-year-old pop star. Until, TMZ posted a video of the “New Flame” singer and girlfriend Karreuche

Tran walking through Limelight Houston nightclub where Brown is seen pushing away from a female fan as she tries to kiss him. In the video, it is visible that Brown acted off of his natural reflex, which was to push away the person attacking him. However, TMZ chose to tell the story a different way posting the headline “Chris Brown SHOVES WOMAN- Blocks Her Attempted Kiss.” Brown never one to shy away from posting his feeling took to Instagram to release his frustration calling TMZ founder Harvey Levin, the devil and a “sad little man.” Of course, Brown later deleted the post, but not before it went viral. TMZ has yet to post about the outburst, but Brown definitely has the support of #TeamBreezy and his legal team. Brown’s attorney Mark Geragos, came to his defense telling HollywoodLife.com, “He didn’t shove anyone … I would hope you would watch and see he didn’t do a thing.” Hollywood hunk George Clooney is officially off the market. The 53-year-old movie star married human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin in an intimate wedding ceremony over the weekend at the Aman Canal Grande hotel in Venice, Italy. The 36-year-old bribe stunned in a romantic lace and beaded Oscar de la Renta gown, while the groom stood tall and proud in black Giorgio Armani tuxedo. Guests included family, friends and the “Ocean’s Eleven” actor’s star pals: Matt Damon, Bono and Bill Murray. Philanthropist first and actor second, Clooney decided to sell his wedding photographs to the highest bidder. People magazine won the battle in America, while Eurporean publication Hello won overseas. A source close to the pair told TMZ that “every photo in both magazines will be saving a life.”

English band crosses over with new indie album JON MANARANG Staff Writer Alt-J

This Is All Yours

In the follow-up to their 2012 debut album “An Awesome Wave,” British alternative group alt-J (∆) have returned with “This Is All Yours.” The record centers around three tracks “Arrival in Nara,” “Nara” and “Leaving Nara” all of which are about Nara, Japan. While the lyrics are indecipherable enough to make any remnant of a narrative, together they have connections in

tonality with heavy reverb and an overall mellow sound. As a whole, the album relies more on ambience, rather than cohesiveness, as seen on their previous release. This tactic may be a sign of the group wanting to retain more integrity than we had seen before, however their penchant for pentatonics and cave-like sound structures actually works against them in this record. We have seen them release singles that were both infectious and experimental though “This Is All Yours” delivers more the latter than the former. Even with this mindset of trying to move beyond pop tunes, the group places themselves within these narrow parameters because of their previous success that makes for a far less interesting record. At the very least, it’s commendable that the band decided to reduce the interludes down to one on this album, but by

making the main tracks longer, it feels as though they were written as much shorter songs and stretched to fit time limits. The only true standout track from the album is “Left Hand Free” fraught with enough blues-rock riffs and vocal stylizations to upset Jack White. Released as the second single to the album, the first track released was “Hunger of the Pine.” Featuring layers of soft synthesizers and even a Miley Cyrus vocal sample from “4x4.” The song was the first to be recorded without founding member and bass player Gwil Sainsbury after his departure from the group earlier this year. So far, the only other single released from the album is “Every Other Freckle.” It is distinct with a more electronica feel that the band played more heavily for their debut album. Within the record, the band makes a few allusions to “An Awesome Wave” not only in terms of

sound, but also in lyricism with “Bloodflood Pt. II” which made reference to the lyrical motifs lead singer Joe Newman repeated often. As graduates of Leeds University, the band (aside from Gus Unger-Hamilton) studied art, and brought about this aspect in their music, most notably on the track “Warm Foothills” which play on the element of lyrics as a collage with snippets and bits of words sung by Newman, multiple female vocalists and even Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes. With a minimalist chorus, the song creates this composition that has some sonic value, but not much substance carries it. As a collective piece, “This Is All Yours” sees the band fall into a trap like MGMT and other similar artists. On the record, the band gets more experimental, but is subject to the routine and rush of recording/writing an album while on the road.

‘The Maze Runner’ good book, bad movie


life to save him.This kind of serious rule-breaking did not go unnoticed. Gally, played by Will Poulter has a growing hatred for Thomas throughout the movie. Gally looks to the rules as the foundation of their way of life. Without the rules, they have nothing and for Thomas to go out of his way to


A trapped civilization of young men struggling to survive against the odds whilst escaping imprisonment could be a thrilling piece of moving artwork. The fear of possible death but the willingness to face it regardless of the consequences could be a catalyst for the viewers to really connect with the characters, leaving them at the edges of their seats. But then, a movie like “The Maze Runner” will make you realize how lackluster a plotline like that can really be. “The Maze Runner” follows a boy named Thomas played by Dylan O’Brien (nicknamed Greeny) who is the latest member of a forced civilization. Thomas along with a few dozen young men have been trapped in the center of an enormous maze, and from the very beginning, it is clear that there is no chance of escape. On top of this, everyone’s memories have been erased and no one remembers anything about themselves. After a day or two they remember their names, but other than that, their history begins when they enter the maze. The others have been in the maze throughout a three-year period, but after only three days, Thomas has already disrupted the delicate way of life to which these boys are accustomed.

Primarily, the maze is dangerous and unknown to the civilization therefore, only a small, elite group called Runners are allowed in the maze to search for a way out. However, when Thomas sees his friend unconscious and about to be trapped within the maze, he risks his

Despite raking in 32.5 M opening weekend ‘The Maze Runner’ dissapoints with lackluster acting.

break them doesn’t help anything. Meanwhile, the other boys are beginning to look to Thomas as a leader of sorts. Not only did he brave the maze with two others, he is also ruthlessly determined to find a way out and discover who he really is. This gets Gally even more upset with him, because he feels the others following Thomas will lead to the end of everything they know. In addition, the first and only female, a girl named Teresa (played by Kaya Scodelario) is the next and last to be deposited into the group. She is also the person who seems to have previous memory of Thomas no one else has. This really cements Gally’s hatred for Thomas. This is a really good film overall, however in the 113-minute movie, most if not all, of the first half of the movie takes place at the center of the maze. During this time, there is a strong setting of the scene, and the majority of the character development begins. Most of the action and real adventure of the movie starts about halfway through. This movie may not be so in-depth, but would still attract an audience if it was half an hour shorter. It really takes awhile for things to set up and get going to the point that by the very end of the movie, where things really start to twist and turn, it’s almost as if you’ve waited until the very end to see the sequel.

C a n y o u s a y, “ B l a c k g i r l s r o c k ? ” SHANTAVIA THOMAS Staff Writer It’s officially fall, which means new seasons of your favorite shows and new series starting up. This week showed a trend this season and that’s dramas with black female leads. Normally, the female black character is the spunky sidekick or a character with few lines. However, networks are switching things up and giving these strong women the spotlight. Look forward to your Monday nights being filled by young superheroes and villains before they got their infamous reputations. “Gotham” tells the stories of Batman (a.k.a. Bruce Wayne) and others from the DC comic book series as they grow into their personas before our very eyes. Jada Pinkett-Smith plays Fish Mooney, a no-nonsense gangster who owns a nightclub in town. She mentors and takes young Oswald Cobblepot un-

Jada Pinkett-Smith

der her wing and helps him find himself. Cobblepot will later become the notorious villain the Penguin. Smith influences a few other characters in the show, but we’ll have to tune in to see how she takes them on. Adding to the Monday night line-up is “Sleepy Hollow,” which was renewed by FOX for a second season in 2013. “Sleepy Hollow” is a modern day twist to the 1820’s short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” (by Washington Irving). Leading lady, Nicole Beharie, stars in this supernatural fantasy series as Lieutenant Abbie Mills in Sleepy Hollow, N.Y., who investigates the Headless Horsemen after the phantom figure beheads her mentor and partner, Sheriff August Corbin. As Lt. Mills gets closer to the Horsemen, things start to get weird in the small town. Beharie was nominated for Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series at the NAACP Image Awards for her performance in the series. Throughout the season we will get see how close

Nicole Beharie

she becomes with the Horsemen. Keep your Wednesday nights open for the show critics are praising its cultural relevance. “Black-ish” stars hilariously funny comedian Anthony Anderson and the beautiful Tracee Ellis-Ross as Andre (‘Dre) and Rainbow Johnson. The two are parents of four kids and are trying to raise their children as well-rounded individuals. However, they don’t know how to respond when their eldest son, Andre Jr., asks to have a bar mitzvah because all his friends are having them. The show highlights race, culture and social class with a light-hearted touch of family values. Starting off strong with great ratings, “Black-ish” could potentially give “Modern Family” a run for its money. Get ready to sit on the edge of your seat because Thursdays are bringing the heat! It starts with the now-notorious series “Scandal” starring the talented Kerry Washington as fixer Olivia Pope. In season four, Olivia returns from her

Tracee Ellis Ross

hideaway island after she finds out tbody of her beloved friend and associate, Harrison, is discovered. She reaches out to her fellow Gladiators from her firm, Pope and Associates, but she doesn’t get the warm reception she was expecting. As long as she doesn’t see President Fitzgerald Grant (who is mourning his deceased son and taking care of his depressed wife), things are okay right? However, Liv and her presidential drama have nothing on the new series, “How To Get Away With Murder,” starring the veteran actor Viola Davis. Davis plays Professor Annalise Keating, JD, at Philadelphia University teaching her law students how to win cases and look good doing it. The drama quickly unfolds as each student has their own little storyline leading up to the murder of… no spoilers! Tune in on Thursday nights to keep up with these stressed-out law students and their powerhouse professor.

Kerry Washington

Viola Davis

NYFW brings trends for seasons to come JASMINE HARRIS Staff Writer

Even though most people are looking forward to the upcoming fall season and Instagramming their pumpkin spiced lattes, the fashion world was preoccupied with spring and summer. Earlier this month, New York Fashion Week displayed some new trends to get us through all of winter. One returning trend seen on nearly every runway was flat shoes. Peter Som decked out unusually simple slides in bright metallic silver with tassels and buckles. The DKNY show opted for

sneakers in blue and orange, and sleek, white platform sandals. Rag and Bone showed an impressive variety of footwear including slides, platform sandals and sneakers with Velcro-like closures all in their neutral palette of white, black and a light brown. Another frequent theme among the shows was inspiration from sportswear. The Lacoste show brought a football mentality with oversized hoodies and shirts that resembled jerseys. They also inserted mesh into some of their dresses to give them a more athletic feel. On the other side of the spectrum, Alexander Wang featured a few tennis-like looks. The nearly all-white dresses were

decked out with kelly green collars and flared skirts. Mesh inserts were also featured throughout his show. Tommy Hilfiger brought over a popular trend from overseas. His show’s theme was rock music and the eccentric clothing that the band members tend to wear. The trend has been explored by previous shows in Europe, most notably from Hedi Slimane at Saint Laurent. Hilfiger clearly got his theme across with vibrant military wear, and classic rock-nroll pieces such as vests and flared jeans. The clothes were adorned with metallic, vertical stripes, stars and a touch of leather here and there keeping everything very theatrical and a little edgy.

Other designers stuck to the classic themes of spring and summer. Both Rebecca Minkoff and Band of Outsiders presented nautical-themed clothing. Band of Outsiders honed in on using stripes to shape each piece while Minkoff made each outfit look very relaxed and easy to wear by the windy sea. Both shows also featured wide-brimmed hats, an accessory that became popular in the seasons that just passed. Overall, this fashion week brought a sense of ease and comfort to look forward to when spring rolls around again.


‘Modern Family’ wins big with sixth season opener

NICOLETTE ARIAS Contributing Writer

boasting endlessly about their “amazing summer.” Unfortunately, this all soon comes to an end when their daughter, Alex, returns home from a humanitarian mission.


It is often said that “we can’t choose family.” Until a few years ago, those who harshly perceived their families to be insanely nosy, distasteful and shameful had a sudden change of heart when comical sitcom, “Modern Family” debuted on ABC in 2009. Once everyone was laughing until tears streamed down their face, the meaning of a ‘modern family’ sincerely prevailed. Truth be told, the image of a perfect family is a pure fantasy. Each family possesses their own quirks and uncanny habits, but at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water. The screenwriters of “Modern Family” have proven many fictional perceptions of the ‘perfect American family’ to be false. This sitcom has an intriguing yet hilarious sense of portraying what the meaning of a ‘modern family’ truly is in today’s society. “Modern Family” introduced season six with the amusing episode, “The Long Honeymoon.” The episode commences with Cam and Mitchell announcing their honorary title as newlyweds, as well as describing their amorous honeymoon from which they just returned

home. However, Cam seems to be too in love with the idea of marriage and instead begins to drive Mitchell further away. In the Pritchett household, Gloria and Jay begin expressing to one another

‘Modern Family’ premiered with over 11.8M viewers tuning in.

their stern concerns about each other’s everyday appearance. Gloria begins to go as far as harassing Jay by calling him an “old man.” Meanwhile, in the Dunphy home, Claire and Phil have been

Cam continuously humiliates Mitchell, and soon finds himself expressing his infinite love for Mitchell in front of his new employees and boss. However, when Mitchell confronts

Cam about his over-excessive romantic ways, Cam grows to become bitter. Gloria and Jay are making continuous effort to prove each other’s point. Jay finds Gloria consistently overdressed while Gloria finds Jay always underdressed. Needless to say, finding a happy mindset on each other’s appearance seems to be unattainable. To combat this, Gloria confidently decides to initiate a battle and attends one of Jay’s employee gatherings with a distasteful face, bird nest hair and in pure rags. The final result is the couple finally reaching an agreement on their appearances. In the Dunphy residence, Alex angrily proves her point about being the only “intelligent adult” in the house by saving her family in various circumstances after they expressed their negative thoughts about her return. The family eventually realizes that without Alex, they aren’t a family. The episode concludes by exhibiting to the viewers that no family is perfect. Truth be told, families are flawed, in fact, they all are. However, these imperfections cultivate the true meaning of a quirky, irritating and affectionate modern family. Through these characteristics, the ‘perfect American family’ is built.



‘Black-ish’ comes out on top with hilarious premiere

JASMINE DAVIS Contributing Writer

It was only slightly less than ‘Modern Family’’s 11.8 million viewers. That’s 98.7 percent of ‘Modern Family’’s total viewers.”

In the first episode, Andre Johnson (Anderson), an advertising executive, thought, “that in an effort to make it, black folks dropped a little bit of their

which, according to his mind, meant being in charge of “the black stuff.” While having to be “urban” at work, he comes home to his children express-


Ladies and gentlemen, it’s autumn in New York City.. Summer has made her exit, the leaves are changing and the air is brisk and cool. Fall is here and so are the new and favorite shows. If you love watching comical TV shows that also shine light on important racial issues, you should watch ABC’s new comedy series, “Black-ish.” This scripted series premiered this past Wednesday, Sept. 24. It is about a father, played by Anthony Anderson, who is afraid that his bi-racial wife, played by actress Tracee Ellis Ross, isn’t “black enough” and that his four children are losing their racial identity while his father, Pops, played by Lawrence Fishburne, adds his 2 cents.

culture and the rest of the world is picking it up.”Instead of saying ‘black,’ the rest of the world named it ‘urban,’ which he found offensive.

Critics are calling ABC’s ‘Black-ish’ a modern-day ‘The Cosby Show’.

Andre was anticipating a promotion at his job, Stevens & Lido, as the first African American senior vice president. To Andre’s surprise, he was promoted as the new SVP of their new Urban Division,

ing that they didn’t know or cared about Barack Obama being the first African American president, that his oldest son, Andre Jr., is playing field hockey instead of playing basketball and wants a bar

mitzvah and that his youngest son and daughter, who are twins, don’t identify people by their race. He sets some strict guidelines for his family to “keep it real.”Trying to prove his point with Operation Keepin’ It Real, Andre winds up bombing his first presentation as the SVP of the Urban Division, which puts his job on the line and tries to instill African Heritage into Andre Jr. After talking to his Pops, he soon realizes that he had to do whatever he had to do for his family and that being “‘urban’ can also mean hip, cool and colorful.” “Black-ish” had 10.98 million viewers when it premiered. “It was only slightly less than ‘Modern Family’’s 11.8 million viewers. That’s 98.7 percent of ‘Modern Family’’s total viewers. Since the number of viewers a show retains from the show leading into it is a very important number from a network’s point-of-view, that’s phenomenal for the new show,” according to Kelsey McKinney from vox.com. This show might be compared to “The Cosby Show,” but it is also being called the next “Modern Family.” It is filled with comedy, but it also makes people aware of the experience of an African American family in America today. “Black-ish” has now taken over ABC on Wednesday nights at 9:30 p.m. If you missed the first episode, you can catch it on abc.com.

Reality shows are changing the face of tv

BRIONNA JENKINS Contributing Writer

There was once a time when American families gathered in front of their television screens to watch the newest-scripted shows on primetime television. Then at some point, things changed with a television genre we like to call reality TV. For the ‘80s and ‘90s baby generations, it’s pretty safe to say we were introduced to the genre through MTV’s “The Real World,” however the history of reality television dates back as far as the 1940s. One of the earliest recollections of reality TV, according to TV Guide Magazine, is “An American Family,” which debuted in January of 1973 documenting the lives of the Loud family of Santa Barbara, Calif. The series challenged what a commonplace middle class family in America looked like, showing marital tensions

graced the number eight spot on Nielsen’s Top 10 List for Cable Network TV Viewings for September. Bringing in the fall season with a bang, the newest addition to the VH1 LNHH franchise, “Los Angeles,” debuted with a whopping five million viewers. On the other hand, Bravo’s “Million Dollar Listing” acts as a prime example of the viewership decline experiencing a loss of approximately 350,000 watchers. Senior journalism student Hayden Miller and his friends are totally sold that the genre will soon meet its demise. “I think it kind of hit its height around the ‘Jersey Shore’ time. Most people I know don’t really watch reality TV shows.” Like many people, he and his friends are growing tired of the overwhelming amount of reality shows currently on air. There are, however, some dedicated viewers that still remain. “I feel like there are certain things

that always sell and it’s stupidity and sex. So the crazier it goes, the more people are going to get into it,” remarks senior journalism student Samantha Kennedy. She also made the point that TV acts as an escape for the masses so it’s only right that it is a major deviation from life as we know it. “It’s here to stay as long as there’s an interest in the lives of celebrities and fame. People want what they can’t have and enjoy the drama of people on TV to show that they’re just like us,” says recent SJU grad Hallelujah Lewis. The students here at SJU seem to represent both sides of the love/hate relationship between society and reality television. Be it real, or made up, the genre has been victorious in winning over viewers of all ages and there’s a chance it may continue to do so. Reality TV just may be here to stay.

Duck Dynasty


Real Housewives of Atlanta



Jersey Shore

and alternative lifestyles among certain members of the family. Ten million viewers tuned in to watch the broadcast that changed American television forever. From the 1970s to the more recent demand for all things reality with shows like “Duck Dynasty” and the “Real Housewives” franchise, it leaves one to wonder if the reign of reality TV is simply a prolonged phase or if it is indeed a fixture in American television. Living every day in the real world, you would think viewers have their fair share of reality and wouldn’t need to watch daily drama play out in the lives of strangers. “I don’t really watch reality TV. I have enough reality all day, every day,” says Cara Genovese senior photojournalism student. And yet Americans just can’t seem to get enough of this not-so-real television. VH1’s “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta”



Think Outside...

St. John’s wins on Camara’s goal in final minutes BRANDON MAUK Staff Writer

St. John’s began conference play with a loss and ended non-conference play with a win this week, each match ending in the same exact fashion. On Saturday, the Red Storm dropped a 1-0 decision against Xavier in Cincinnati but won 1-0 on Tuesday at home against Fordham. Each goal was scored within the final five minutes of regulation. Saturday’s match was the first for St. John’s (now 3-4-3) in conference play this season. Despite being outshot 12-6, the Red Storm managed to keep it scoreless until the waning moments, when Xavier’s Matt Vasquenza broke the tie in the 85th minute, giving the Musketeers (6-3) the win. “Typical of BIG EAST competition, this was a tightly-contested game,” head coach Dave Masur told RedStormSports.com “These [conference] games are decided by such a small margin and you need to be able to capitalize on the opportunities that you have. Hopefully, this result teaches our guys some things about what it takes to win on the road in this conference.” The loss ended a four-game winning streak for St. John’s. Despite the loss, keeper Jordan Stagmiller recorded a career high six saves, only relenting on an unfortunate ricochet that Xavier’s Vasquenza cleaned up for the game-winner. “I think it’s more consistency, more discipline in our approach,”Masur said. “More movement of the ball quicker, more awareness, more trust in each other as we begin to build forward.” Tuesday’s match was a complete reversal of fortune.

The Red Storm outshot the Fordham Rams 17 to 8, but still had trouble putting the ball in goal. “Just being in good starting spots when we lose the ball,” senior defender Tim Parker said. “That requires us to be disciplined and sitting in good spots, this way we’re preventing counterattacks, just not losing the ball in bad places on the field.” Parker led a solid St. John’s defense that let up just four shots on goal. Finally, the Red Storm broke through in the 87th minute as Daniel Herrera’s corner kick was knocked in on a header by Gabriel Camara. “It was just one of the plays that we’ve worked on in training, to try to swing a good ball in to land it around the PK spot and Gabe was able to get his head on it and put it in,” Herrera said. It seemed like it was only a matter of time before they got a goal. They put 10 shots on goal, a season high. Jordan Stagmiller also picked up his second shutout of the regular season. He’s also allowed just five goals in the last seven games. Tuesday’s win was the final non-conference match Athletic Communications of the year, as the Big East awaits St. John’s. Their next Gabriel Camara scored the winning goal in the 87th minute. match is on Saturday at home against Butler. “The conference is going to be very tough,” Coach Masur said. “Everybody’s desperate, there’s a lot at stake and we’re going to have to come out with an incredible amount of energy, passion, smarts, and toughness to win the game.” “Obviously, we’re going to be really focused,” said Parker. “The Big East has been our prime objective since the beginning of the year. We want to do well, especially back here at home on Saturday, so we’re expecting a lot of ourselves.”

The Torch on YouTube

Check out the Torch’s highlight video of the game on September 23

Red Storm start Big East season, beat Xavier & Creighton TROY MAURIELLO Staff Writer

The St. John’s women’s soccer team started off Big East play with a bang this week. They shutout both Xavier and Creighton in a pair of tough road games for their first two conference wins. The Red Storm first kicked off conference play on Thursday night, as they traveled to Ohio for a matchup with the Xavier Musketeers. Although St. John’s was able to control much of the first half, outshooting Xavier 7-3, they were unable to push across a goal, and the game would go into the half scoreless. But that would change just minutes into the second, after freshman forward Shea Connors delivered her third goal of the season in the 48th minute to give the Red Storm a 1-0 lead. After the match, Red Storm head coach Ian Stone would have nothing but praise for his spectacular freshman. “Shea is a very talented player and a great finisher. We’re lucky to have her at St. John’s,” Stone said. “I always expected big things from her and am very happy with how she is progressing.”

St. John’s would continue to pressure the Musketeers after taking the lead, eventually culminating with a goal from another freshman, midfielder Allie Moar, in the 70th minute. The 2-0 result would hold for the game’s final 20 minutes, giving the Red Storm their first conference victory of the year. This would be the second straight year that St. John’s has opened up Big East play with a win over Xavier. Coach Stone was very happy with his team’s stellar performance after the game, saying it was “not only a fantastic road win but an excellent, whole team performance on both sides of the ball.” Next in store for St. John’s would be a trip to Omaha, Neb. for a tough Sunday matinee against the Creighton Blue Jays, who came into the game leading the conference with 8 wins. In a game full of action that featured 34 total shots, 18 of them going to Creighton, senior forward Marisa Ammaturo would strike first for the Red Storm in the 36th minute. After taking a 1-0 lead deep into the second half, things would get interesting in the final minute for St. John’s after Creighton had a chance to score off a corner kick. But sophomore goalkeeper Diana Poulin would be able to make the stop, securing the shutout victory.

Poulin would end up making four saves for the Red Storm on her way to her third straight shutout. St. John’s has now gone 293 straight minutes of action without allowing a goal in a streak that goes back all the way to Sept. 14. “Our back four is really coming together nicely,” Stone would reiterate, “Diana

is improving in confidence with every game.”

The two conference wins this week have the Red Storm sitting at the top of the Big East standings so far. They’ll return home to Belson Stadium this Thursday night for a matchup with Marquette.

Athletic Communications

Shea Connors scored her third goal of the season Thursday night versus Xavier.


Behind the


Aleksandra Wachowicz Senior, Volleyball player #17 Aleksandra Wachowicz , a senior outside hitter for the Red Storm Volleball team from Legionowo, Poland, shares some of Caitlyn’s reasoning, choosing to wear the number 17, representing the 17th day of June on which she was born.

Jordan Rouse R.S Senior, Soccer player #23 Jordan Rouse, a red shirt senior defender from Cary, N.C. was quoted as saying that ,“I wear No. 23 because of Michael Jordan. I was named after him and he was my idol growing up. I started wearing his number for club soccer and it stuck with me through high school and up until now.”

Caitlyn McLaughlin Senior, Soccer player #10 Caitlyn McLaughlin, a senior forward on the St. John’s University Women’s soccer team from Fairfax Station, Va., told the Torch that she wears the number 10,because her birthday falls on the 10th that her belief that the combination of digits has


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69 0 39 3 Staff writer David Dressekie talks to three senior athletes about why they chose their jersey numbers.

brought her good fortune is another reason for her affinity for the number 10. of October, or 10/10. McLaughlin went on to explain that her belief that the combination of digits has brought her good fortune is another reason for her affinity for the number 10.

Amy Marron comes back as assisstant coach SAMUEL DIEUDONNE Staff Writer

Former St. John’s starlet Amy Marron has returned to her alma mater, joining the women’s soccer coaching staff after playing professionally for a brief period of time in Iceland. She will be a volunteer assistant coach for the foreseeable future. The entire St. John’s University community is excited to have her back, and very few are more ecstatic than the team’s head coach Ian Stone. When pressed for his thoughts about her return, Stone had this to say: “I am really happy that Amy is volunteering with us this season. She not only bleeds SJU women’s soccer, but is also a great role model having enjoyed a phenomenal career as a student-athlete here, then playing professionally in Europe this past summer. She aspires to be a high-level college coach so the experience she will gain this fall will be invaluable for her future.” Having been on the job for 21 years now, it is certain coach Stone has overseen the development of many players and other members of his coaching staff exceptionally well, so to hear those wonderful words from him must truly be encouraging to Marron. Marron, a three-time All-Big East honoree during her time as a St. John’s student-athlete, played professionally in

Iceland for Afturleding in the summer of 2014, a team that plays in one of the top leagues in Iceland. As someone well accustomed to winning and earning plenty of plaudits, Amy will seek to improve the team further in her new role as assistant coach. “It feels good, it’s nice to come in and know the program and help out, even just in the little ways that I can,” Marron commented upon her return to campus. “It’s good that I know a lot of the girls and it’s exciting to see the potential for this season and beyond.” A commendable defender that also proved versatile by also playing as a forward and midfielder for coach Stone whenever asked. Marron was an important component of the 2013 squad that advanced to the Second Round of the NCAA Tournament, leading the team in assists (7) while finishing second in goals (4) and points (15). Following that season, she earned a spot on the All-Big East Second Team for a second time in her career. She also found a place on the All-Big East Third Team following her junior campaign in 2012. During her St. John’s career as a player, Marron appeared in 70 games, starting all but one, tallying eight goals, 11 assists, 27 points and 121 shots. She is a winner the team will benefit greatly from having around. The Red Storm will Athletic Communications make its first appearance with Marron on the sideline this Thursday, kicking off Big Amy Marron in her final home game on senior night last year at Belson Stadium. East play against Xavier in Cincinnati.

Behind the scences of St. John’s athletic training ANTHONY SCIANNA Staff Writer

Embracing the role of the unsung hero, St. John’s athletic training staff works behind the scenes to keep athletes at peak levels of fitness. Assistant Athletics Director for sports medicine Ron Linfonte oversees athletic training services at St. John’s University. Linfonte is an innovator in the field of sports medicine and his tenure at St. John’s continues with over 31 years of experience. “We try our best to keep proper levels of medical coverage as well as making sure the staff is continually keeping up with the best and current medical practice,” Linfonte said. The sports medicine team is committed to providing essential care athletes need. They administer evaluations, treatments and rehabilitation for each individual student-athlete. All sports are taken into consideration and unique programs are designed to ensure player health. “We open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m., this provides non-stop assistance and keeps players ready to go. We provide

physical therapy after grueling practices and games,” Linfonte said. Taffner Field House and Carnesecca Arena are home to state-of-the-art treatment facilities. It is here that athletic trainers educate student-athletes with respect to injury-prevention, nutrition and psychological support in dealing with injuries. The medical staff carries many responsibilities. They ensure the health and care of 17 NCAA Division I sports here on campus. “We try our best to prevent injury and apply therapeutic treatment for all of our athletes,” Linfonte stated. Overall, the primary goal of the St. John’s sports medicine department is to return the athletes to their status before injury in the safest and most timely manner. This goal is achieved by a team of experts. The entire staff is certified by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association and totals 50 combined years of athletic training experience. Athletic training also partners with the Hospital for Special Surgery, located in New York City. It is here that major surgeries are performed by established physicians such as Osrik King, MD and Answorth Allen, MD. “Arthroscopic surgery has brought athletes back quicker from injuries but

athletes are not as durable as they used to be,” Linfonte added. Also available through St. John’s sports medicine is an additional host of medical consultants, which aid athletes in cardiac, podiatric and chiropractic care. With every


passing year, the medical staff continues to progress and innovate player health. “We like to keep it loose, friendly and upbeat. All the athletes love my new staff and we take pride that they rely on us for 24/7 medical care,” Linfonte said.


Ron Linfonte has been Assistant Athletic Director for sports medicine for over 31 years

Yankees fans say farewell to the Captain Je t e r l e a v e s a l e ga c y t ha t w i l l n e v e r b e f o r g o t t e n Continued from page 20 As Jeter was walking to the plate the clock struck midnight; this was now the first MLB game ever played in the month of November. On the first pitch, Jeter drove the ball into the right field seats for a walk-off homer, garnering him the nickname “Mr. November” and tying the series at 2-2. Jeter is a postseason legend. He is one of the best at performing in the most important games, as he is the all-time leader in postseason hits (200), doubles (32), total bases (302) and games played (158). Jeter always played hard whether it was the playoffs or a regular season game and had his fair share of amazing moments in the regular season as well. On July 1, 2004, the Yankees were playing the Boston Red Sox. In the top of the 12th with the game tied at 3-3, the Red Sox had base runners on second and third with two outs. Boston’s Trot Nixon hit a slicing popup down the left field line. Jeter ran out full speed, caught the popup and was forced to dive head first into the stands to stop himself. Jeter came out of the stands with his face bloodied.. Jeter ended the inning but had to be taken out of the game. Jeter said something to head trainer Gene Monahan that embodies his love of the game: “I’m playing tomorrow.”

On July 10, 2011 the Captain further increased his legendary status. Jeter entered the day with 2,998 hits, two away from the historic 3,000 hit

sixth all-time in the long history of baseball. Jeter has achieved so much more than just being a baseball player. He

“The fans were chanting, ‘Thank you Derek,’ and I thought to myself, thank you for what? I’m just trying to do my job.” Derek Jeter plateau. In his first at-bat against the Tampa Bay Rays’ David Price, Jeter singled to left field. In the bottom of the third he came up against Price and hit a 420-foot homer deep to left field, making him 28th player in MLB history with 3000 hits. Jeter ended that day going 5-for-5 and got the game-winning hit in the eighth inning. After achieving so much in his long career, Sunday, Sept. 28 was Jeter’s last game. Chills ran up my spine as Jeter took his final walk off a Major League Baseball field at Fenway Park. He had done what he has done his whole career in his final at-bat: He got the job done. Jeter hit a high chopper down the third base line with Ichiro Suzuki on third base. Suzuki scored and Jeter hustled down the first base line for an infield single. It was emblematic of Jeter’s whole career; he has always been a hustler. Jeter will retire with 3,465 hits,

has been the face of not only the Yankees, but the game of baseball throughout his career. In an era of baseball where steroids were a huge part of the game and tarnished some of the greats, Jeter stood clear of that, played the game right, and was a role model for future generations of ballplayers. Off the field Jeter embraced the position of being a role model by starting his Turn 2 Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to get kids to turn away from drugs and alcohol and ‘turn 2’ healthy lifestyles. Jeter’s parents instilled these life lessons to stay away from drugs and alcohol in their son and their daughter Sharlee. Jeter’s father, Charles Jeter, is a substance abuse counselor with a Ph.D. in sociology and knows what drugs and alcohol can do to a person’s body. The Jeters also made their children

sign contracts in which it was laid out what the parents expected of their children. If those expectations were not met things would be taken away from Derek and Sharlee. One of those things that could have been taken away from Derek was baseball. Derek never failed to meet the expectations his parents set out for him because he loved the game and couldn’t go without it. One word that Jeter’s parents wouldn’t let him use was ‘can’t’. I guess that’s why Derek has always played so hard, believing that ‘can’t’ was not an option. In his interview after his final game at Yankee Stadium, Jeter said, “The fans were chanting, ‘Thank you Derek,’ and I thought to myself, thank you for what? I’m just trying to do my job.” Mr. Jeter, what the other Yankee fans and myself were thanking you for was being a model of consistency, for being that guy to look up to, for being a first class gentleman on and off the field, for giving your all day in and day out. You have been an inspiration to so many, including myself. Mr. Jeter, you have given everything you have for the last 20 years. So thank you for all the memories, for being the reason I want to be a sports writer, and being my role model— thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Softball looking strong in preseason Lady Johnnies are 5-0-1 in fall tournament

CARMINE CARCIERI Contributing Writer

The St. John’s softball team continued their fall tournament at Red Storm Field this past Sunday with two wins over LIU Brooklyn and Manhattan. Three freshmen, Krystal Puga, Lauren Zink and McKenzie Murray, sparked the Johnnies in their first game of the day against the LIU Blackbirds. Puga finished 2-for-5 with five RBIs, which included a three run bomb to deep center in the top of the 5th inning. Murray shut down the Blackbird hitters as she pitched five scoreless innings and Zink was able to show off her blazing speed. Despite Puga’s tremendous performance, she knows this isn’t just an individual show but about improving as a team. “This is a crucial tournament for us so that we are able to get to know each other’s games,” Puga said. “[...] It’s also a preview of how we put all our fundamentals together as a unit.” Puga is currently

tied for the team lead in batting average with a .500 average. Francesca Carrullo was able to pitch two solid relief innings, giving up one unearned run, while keeping the Johnnies’ lead over the Blackbirds secure. It was truly a team performance in a 4-1 win over the Jaspers in the second game of the day. Hannah Anderson, Monique Landini and Lexi Robles were on fire defensively as they had some highlight plays in the infield. In addition to the lockdown defense, four different batters were able to drive in runs. A quick start and a big 2nd inning was the difference in the game as the Johnnies caught fire with four hits and two runs. Sophomore Grace Kramer was also stllar on the mound as she pitched a shutout for three innings while also striking out three Jasper hitters. The Johnnies were able to bat 10 total players and substitute as many times as possible because there are no set rules for fall games. They are just starting to get a feel for their roster and what they

have for the actual season that will start in the spring. The coaching staff is looking to figure out who fits where and what situations are best for what players. They are also evaluating a freshman class and a pitching staff that seems very impressive right now. “Fall ball gives our players the opportunity to compete for a spot in the lineup and it also gives us the opportunity to develop a necessary chemistry on the field,” head coach Amy Kvilhaug said. This team lost some key players from last year’s squad, who finished second overall in the Big East, but they are certainly not lacking the talent. “I think we should be competing for the Big East Championship this year,” Kvilhaug said. Some of that talent and, more importantly, leadership, is expected to come from senior Erin Burner, who is hitting .500 with a team-high 10 RBIs and a .929 slugging percentage. The Red Storm are now 5-0-1 overall in the fall tournament with two final tune up games coming in mid-October.

Volleyball splits weekend matches at home Head Coach Persico sits a 399 career wins JULIA QUADRINO Staff Writer

It was a tale of two sweeps for the Johnnies (12-6, 1-2), as they dominated DePaul (3-11, 1-1) and were defeated by Marquette (11-3, 2-0) to open 2014 Big East play in Queens. After dropping their first match of Big East play to Villanova earlier in the week by a score of 3-2, the Red Storm picked up its first win of conference play when they returned to Carnesecca Arena Friday night. On Friday, Junior Karin Palgutova once again led the attack, racking up 16 kills to go with a .382 attacking percentage. Senior Aleksandra Wachowicz extended her team lead of service aces to 30, tacking on three in the match against the Blue Demons. Junior Deniz Mutlugil, who according to reports on RedStormSports.com was expected to miss the next couple weeks of play due to injury, was back in action and picked up 33 assists. The first set of the match was a tight race until the score reached 8-8, when the Johnnies took a lead they would not relinquish. Predictably, a Palgutova-spike would put a knife in the match, as they won the set by a score of 25-21. The second set was a much closer contest, however, as there was six lead changes and 11 ties. After DePaul evened the match at 25-

25, the Red Storm answered with backto-back kills coming from Palgutova and freshman Julia Cast to take the set 27-25. The third set was much easier for St. John’s; they would end up winning the set by a score of 25-12 to complete the sweep. It was not as smooth a sailing on Saturday as the Johnnies were defeated in straight sets (25-16, 25-18, 25-21) for the first time in 2014. The Red Storm were run down on all fronts it seemed, as they played their third match in four days and a dominant Marquette team proved to get the best of them. The sweep was led by preseason conference player of the year Autumn Bailey, who notched a double-double with 19 kills and 14 digs. Palgutova saw a streak of 15 straight matches with double-digit kills snapped as the Golden Eagles held the St. John’s star to just eight kills. The Johnnies were again without Deniz Mutlugil due to a re-aggravated injury. St. John’s volleyball head coach Joanne Persico was unavailable for comment after the weekend’s matches due to illness. “It was tough playing three matches in four days, but at this point in the season we are use to it,” Wachowicz said. “Not having Deniz out there tonight (Marquette) really made it hard for us to execute on the offensive end but we will figure it out. Trying really hard to get

coach her 400th victory.” Persico now sits at 399 career victories, and will look to rejuvenate her squad and get her 400th win on Wednesday, Oct. 1 at Seton Hall.



Leavin’ their Mark Diana Poulin earns defensive player of the week honors


St. John’s sophomore goalkeeper Diana Poulin has been on quite a roll of late and has been recognized by the Big East with Defensive Player of the Week honors because of her outstanding play. Poulin has stopped every ball that has come her way in the last three games. Poulin has shutout the Stony Brook University Seawolves, the Xavier Musketeers, and the Creighton Blue Jays. Poulin has not allowed a goal in 293 minutes of action. The last goal Poulin gave up was versus the Dartmouth Big Green on Sept. 14. This is the third time Poulin has by the Big East with a weekly award. She was honored twice last season during her freshman campaign. The weekly honor marks the second straight week that a St. John’s player has been on the Big East Honor Roll. Last week Freshman Shea Connors was named Big East Freshman of the Week. The Red Storm opened Big East play this past week and Poulin registered six saves versus Xavier and Creighton to give the Johnnies a 2-0 record to begin their Big East slate of games. Poulin and Co. will be looking to continue their defensive dominance and extend their Big East winning streak to three on Thursday night when they host the Marquette Golden Eagles at Belson Stadium at 7 pm.

Headin’ this Way Red Storm upcoming schedule

Marquette @ Women’s Soccer Oct. 2nd.

7 PM

Butler @ Women’s Soccer Oct. 5th

1 PM

Butler @ Men’s Soccer Oct. 4th

Athletic Communications

Karin Palgutova and Co. sweep DePaul.

7:30 PM

Providence @ Volleyball Oct. 4

2 PM

Photo/ Steven Verdile

A Tribute to the Captain

There hasn’t been a day in my life that Derek Jeter hasn’t been a New Sports Editor York Yankee. Being a true class act and having the uncanny ability to come through in the clutch have defined Jeter’s career. Everyone in attendance (myself included), watching on TV, and playing in the pinstripes at Yankee Stadium last Thursday knew it was going to be an emotional game. But nobody could ever foresee the fairy tale ending that the night would have. The Yankees were up three runs in the ninth inning over the Baltimore Orioles; Yankee closer David Robertson was in to end Jeter’s final game at home. But Robertson gave up three runs, making it a tie game; the Yankees would have to win in walk off fashion if they wanted the victory. Jeter was due up third in the bottom of the ninth. Rookie Jose Pirella came up first and singled, Brett Gardner bunted Pirella over, and Jeter came up with the winning run on second. I was thinking there was no way Jeter could do it with all of the emotion that had to be running through his body. I was dead wrong. On the first pitch he saw he used that so called “Jeterian” swing and hit a rocket past Orioles first baseman Steve Pearce and won the game for the Yankees. The Stadium exploded with cheers and grown men were crying. Nobody could believe it. Jeter was embraced by his teammates and friends of old were waiting for him by the dugout. Joe Torre, Jorge Posada, Bernie Williams, Gerald Williams, Tino Martinez and Mariano Rivera were there to greet him and


congratulate him on one hell of a game and a 20-year Hall of Fame career. Jeter had to hold back his emotions all game long. “It was sort of an out of body experience,” Jeter said. “It was a weird range of emotions. I was just trying not to cry.” Yankee fans have so much love and respect for the Yankee Captain. Jeter was instrumental in winning five championships (1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, and 2009). Everyday he gave his all on the field. Jeter is known for his postseason heroics and he had his share of jaw-dropping moments. In the 2001 ALDS in Oakland the Yankees were facing elimination from the playoffs. The Yankees were clinging to 1-0 lead when Oakland’s Terrence Long hit a ball down the right field line with Jeremy Giambi on first base. Yankee right fielder Shane Spencer picked up the ball and over threw both cutoff men as Giambi headed home. Jeter came out of nowhere to grab the ball and flip it to Yankees catcher Jorge Posada who tagged out Giambi. Jeter wasn’t supposed to be there but as he said his baseball instincts took over. In the same postseason the Yankees were facing the Arizona Diamondbacks in the World Series. In game five, on Oct. 31, the Yankees were down 3-1 in the bottom of the ninth, and with two outs Tino Martinez hit a two-run homer to tie the game at three. With two outs in the bottom of the 10th Jeter was due up, the game still tied at three. New York and the nation where still hurting from 9/11 and because of that tragic day, the season and postseason were pushed back. Continued on page 15

The Torch on YouTube

Check out the Torch’s tribute to Derek Jeter on YouTube by scanning this QR code.

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