November 4, 2015

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VOL 93: 10 November 4, 2015

The independent student newspaper of St. John’s University

Women’s soccer’s historic season continues


The 2015 regular season campaign, to date, has certainly been the most historic for the St. John’s women’s soccer team. That trend continued on Friday night as the Red Storm took on Providence in the final regular season matchup of the season. Going into the game one fact was certain: a win would clinch the program’s first ever-regular season Big East title, the No. 1 seed in the Big East tourney and a first round bye. A loss or tie would drop the Red Storm to the No. 3 seed in the conference tourney and take away the first round bye. For 89 minutes the game would remain scoreless and the historic achievement looked like it may be slipping away. But in the game’s 89th minute, St. John’s turned to its all-time goal scorer, senior Rachel Daly, and she did just that: score. In the games final minutes the no. 23/19 Red Storm (15-2-1, 7-1-1 Big East) Their 1-0 lead would hold up as they defeated Providence (12-7, 5-4 Big East) and secured two program records, the team’s first ever Big East Regular Season Championship and the most wins in a single season (15). “I’m really proud of the girls because all season they’ve battled hard, they’ve learned lessons and that was not an easy game right there,” Stone said. “To come out on top against a very good Providence team and to win the first-ever Big East Regular Season title is a just reward for the amount of work they’ve put in and the amount of talent we’ve got as a team.” The opportunity for the Daly score developed as a result of a penalty that sophomore Shea Connors drew 30 yards out from the Providence goal. The Red Storm then turned to a little trickery as they had three players, Daly, sophomore Mikhaila Martinov and junior Morgan Tinari, line-up over the ball. Daly and Tinari faked as if they were going to send in the ball and then Martinov shot it towards a streaking Tinari. Tinari crossed the ball with precision towards the front of the net to a charging Daly. Daly headed the cross past the Providence keeper with only 1:09 left in the match to give the Johnnies the 1-0 lead. Continued on page 16

President’s dinner raises $2.1 million 3 President Bobby Gempesaw talks to the Torch during President’s Dinner 3 Men’s basketball head coach and former SJU superstar Chris Mullin makes an appearence

LIVIA PAULA Features Editor

Hosted by President Conrado “Bobby” Gempesaw, the event celebrated the service aspect of St. John’s. The University said the dinner raised $2.1 million, all of which will go towards scholarships for St. John’s students. “This is one of those events from St. John’s that differentiates St. John’s from other institutions of higher education where our alumni come together to celebrate what’s important for our University, which would be to support our students,” Gempesaw said.

All Photos/Meghan Drisoff

The evening also presented the Spirit of Service Award to those individuals that incorporate the Vincentian mission of St. John’s through their actions. The honorees of the night were St. John’s alumni William L. Collins, Lesley H. Collins, Anissa Mitrano Shannon and James J. Shannon. Nobel Prize award nominee and the founder of the Akamasoa Association, Argentinian Reverend Pedro Pablo Opeka, was also a recipient of the Spirit of Service award. Gempesaw hosted the event for the second time, and is honored to be part of this tradition. Gempesaw also said that

some of the honorees came from humble beginnings themselves. “With a St. John’s education they were able to be successful in their professional and personal lives,” Gempesaw said. “They have a very strong feeling of giving back.” As the University’s president, Gempesaw shares the aspirations of the St. John’s students, and he is excited to see where the money is going to go. “It’s not just about one night,” he said. “It’s really about the impact on many of our fellow students.” Continued on page 3





Turkish Volleyball player Deniz Mutlugil continues family legacy Page 15

Film about the 33 Chilean miners to come soon

Debating the new cybersecurity bill

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders talk about pot

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Athletic Communications


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Managing Board XCIII

Jenny Chen & Talia Tirella, Editors-in-Chief Kyle Fitzgerald, Managing Editor Cheyanne Gonzales, General Manager

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jim baumbach


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The Torch is the official student newspaper of St. John’s University. The Torch is written, edited, designed and produced by students of the University. All contents are the sole responsibility of the editors and the editorial board and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration, faculty or students of St. John’s University unless specifically stated.

To contact the Torch by mail:

The Torch, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY 11439

The Torch is typically published on Wednesdays and publishes approximately 20 issues throughout the academic year. Copies are distributed for free on campus and through mail subscriptions.


A beautiful sunset iew from the top, in Bent Hall room 449A overlooking New York City

News 33 News

Journalism panelists give perspective on pope visitation “Pope Francis in N.Y.” gathers mass communications students

tayah page-harper Staff Writer On Oct. 29, the Division of Mass Communications hosted “Pope Francis in N.Y.: The Press and The Pontiff,” an event that brought in a panel of journalists to discuss how they covered Pope Francis’ trip to the United States. Many students were excited for the pope’s visit, as they got a chance to see him in person rather than on TV. The Director of the Journalism Program, Michael Rizzo, said the reason he brought in the panel was because of the student’s response to the visit. “I was seeing how a lot of students were talking about the pope’s visit,” Rizzo said. “They knew about it, they were watching it, they were following it.” The Division of Mass Communications thought it would be a good idea to bring students a perspective different from that of local and national news channels. “What I wanted to do was see how could I bring some of the industry professionals that I know, and have them tell the students about these publications as well as what they did and that was probably a little different than what students read or watched on Channel 2, Channel 4, the New York Times, the New York Post, that type of thing,” Rizzo said.


Panelists from Catholic news organizations spoke to students about their experiences covering Pope Francis’s visit to the United States.

Journalists on the panel included Jon Woods, a St. John’s alumnus and editor-in-chief of Catholic New York, Christie Chicoine, news editor of Catholic New York, Ed Wilkinson, editor of the Tablet (DeSales Media Group) and Katie Breidenbach, reporter for NET-TV (DeSales Media Group). “They were the two Catholic news organizations that were the most involved when the pope came here to New York to visit,” Rizzo said. “I wanted to have them give their perspective on what it was like to cover the pope.” At the event, the panel answered ques-

tions regarding what it was like covering such a national story. With so much going on at one time, it can be difficult keeping up with the news. “The hardest part was staying aware,” Katie Breidenbach said. “Just giving yourself every single second to be aware, be available and in touch with the environment around you.” Students that attended the event, like seniors Megan Murphy and Mikaela Moraeu, said they gained new information about the journalism field and experience. “As a journalism major, I definitely enjoyed learning about the different aspects

about the journalism world, especially such a crazy event like this one,” Moraeu said. “Personally I liked listening to the journalists and how they spoke about their personal experiences when they took off the journalism hat and looked at the pope and all the events as just themselves,” Murphy said. Woods said he enjoyed being able to speak at his alma mater. “It was great to be here,” Woods said. “It certainly brought back a lot of memories of late nights and learning the craft of journalism.”

18th annual dinner celebrates Vincentian service

continued from page 1

William Collins ‘76C and wife Lesley Collins ‘83SVC said they couldn’t think of a better way to show their gratitude with St. John’s. The couple remains involved with the University. “Both of my parents were immigrants,” he said. “We grew up in Astoria and I got a half-academic scholarship to St. John’s and that’s the only way I could’ve gone. Without it, I would’ve gone to one of the city schools,” Collins said. “It’s an opportunity to give back and to allow others to have the same chances we did,” he said. Collins also said that it’s amazing to see how diversified the university became compared to his time as a student and how it keeps changing. Lesley advices the students to “work hard, make the most of it and then give back” when they become successful. James Shannon ’87CBA and Anissa Shannon ‘89SVC, ‘91ED were also honorees for the night. The couple met at St. John’s. Both have attended the event on years past, but this is the first time they went as honorees. “Our school was founded by helping others, and our school was a home to educate the children of immigrants,” James said. “Every school now is trying to focus

on diversity and focus on service, and our school was founded on those two principles so that’s pretty amazing. It’s bred into all of us,” he said. James also said how past St. John’s members were local, and now they’re national and even international. Anissa said she felt like she was back at school. “I’m so happy to be part of this, give back and continue the tradition with my children,” she said. “I don’t know if they’ll go to St. John’s, but hopefully they can carry on a little bit of the giving because it goes a long way.” She would tell those students that are being awarded these scholarships to embrace themselves and be a part of it. Her husband said, “The best college experience is not only for four years, but for your lifetime.” The couple is very involved with the University community, as James is a member of the Board of Trustees. They attend sporting events, trips, etc. Rev. Opeka is not a St. John’s alum, but embodies the University mission. He is the founder of Akamasoa, a non-profit organization in Madagascar. Many recognize his Vincentian work, and although he does not speak English, he was able to express himself and speak about his country with the help of one of the students in the Pres-

ident’s Society, Gabriel Camara. The reverend was surprised with the invitation to receive the award, especially coming from such a poor, faraway place like Madagascar. To be able to travel to New York City and in one of the most prestigious hotels is inexplicable, and he is very thankful that St. John’s recognizes and thinks of the poor. He has been working with those in need for 42 years. Rev. Opeka said that it’s important for us in a first world country and a big city to think about those in need. In Madagascar he was once asked where he was from, and he answered he was from the planet Earth. We are all from the same place and according to him, we should all learn to live in a way that’s fraternal and Vincentian. He said that St. John’s students are blessed to study in a place with such spiritual and humanitarian values. Rev. Opeka also said how hopeful he is in the youth, and that he stores a great amount of faith in them. St. John’s alum and current head coach of the St. John’s basketball team, Chris Mullin, attended the dinner for his first time. Besides being surrounded with a nice group of people and seeing a lot of old friends throughout the evening, Mullin appreciates seeing how the foundation of the Vincentian education sticks with

and influences many people. Mullin said that he was brought up in an Irish, Catholic family and had a Catholic education all his life until college. Experiencing the giving back aspect of his religion his whole life, Mullin believes that as you get older, it becomes even more important. “Sometimes when you’re younger you’re a little more carefree, and it kind of just goes by,” Mullin said. “But when you get older, things go on and there’s no explanation for it. That’s when your faith and belief comes in.” For Mullin, education is a substantial aspect of life, and for those of the current college students’ generation, he left a message. “Education is really the key to opening up doors for yourself, you know,” he said. “Probably the best gift you can give yourself is giving yourself a choice in life and choice in occupation,” Mullin added. “If you can find something you love to do, just do that, and there’s a gift you can give yourself.” “It’s all about taking care of each other and passing on wisdom and network that you have to the people coming up behind you,” Mullin said. “Any time you can share your experiences and make it easier for somebody is kind of your obligation.”

Students sleep on Great Lawn to advocate the homeless Habitat for Humanity and CRS participate in “Red Sleep Out 2015”

Nickool castro Staff Writer Habitat for Humanity Chapter and Catholic Relief Service (CRS) partnered up to host a “RED Sleep Out 2015” on Oct. 27. The event took place on the Great Lawn from Tuesday night until the following Wednesday morning. Those who participated in the event spent the night sleeping in cardboard boxes. “It was very challenging, but at the same time an encouraging event,” said Rafael Rivera, a campus minister for Vincentian Services, in an email interview. Rivera explained that the event’s main focus was to raise awareness about homelessness in New York City. There were around 30 people who participated in the event, the majority of whom stayed the entire night. “We had a lot of support,” said Jules Fernandes, the president for St. John’s Habitat for Humanity chapter. “Most people stayed.” Fernandes explained his experience during the Sleep Out, telling about the times he felt uncomfortable, tired and frustrated. He noted how Campus Ministry provided the participants with sleeping


Students spent their Tuesday night sleeping in cardboard boxes on the Great Lawn in order to raise awareness for the homeless in New York City.

bags, making it more bearable, but still found difficulty sleeping on cardboard while the wind kept hitting his face. “You learn not to be: ‘I need this… I need that…’” Fernandes added. Participants had the opportunity to once again value what they have, but not all the students had the opportunity to be part of this event. Sophomore Ruben Rozo was eager to participate in the “Sleep Out;” however, a mandatory exam that would take place the following day pre-

vented him from doing so. “I spent the entire week talking about it, I was looking so forward to it,” Rozo said. Like many others, what encouraged Rozo to be part of this event was the belief that sometimes you have to be in another person’s shoes to fully understand them. “One of their motivations to participate was their compassion and sympathy for those who suffer the struggle of living on the street,” Rivera said, referring to

those who attended the event. In 2002, Campus Ministry and Phi Beta Sigma hosted the first ever “Sleep Out” at St. John’s as 40 students participated in the event. Ever since, the University has tried to raise awareness about homeless people in NYC. “Most of the students admitted and recognized that participating in this event is not solving the issue, but they have become more conscious about it,” Rivera added.

L.E.A.D. promotes a healthy lifestyle with “Women and Wellness”


Biannual Women and Wellness workshop hosted by L.E.A.D. gave students advice on how to physically and mentally take care of themselves.

Karina castillo Contributing Writer St. John’s L.E.A.D. student leadership program hosted its biannual Women and Wellness workshop in the D’Angelo Center on Nov. 2. In attendance were 36 young women ready to learn the proper ways to take care of themselves and lead well-balanced lives. Christine Vuolo, a psychology graduate student at St. John’s and facilitator of

the workshop, said that women tend to place themselves at the bottom of their lists, focusing on others’ problems before their own. “It’s okay to put yourself first,” Vuolo said. “You need to be the best you to take care of others.” In order to do that, it is important to recognize what the stresses in your life are as college students; the biggest problem that the majority of people face is procrastination.

Putting off work until the last minute has been a problem for junior Emily Goms. “I know that if I didn’t procrastinate I’d be a better student,” Goms said. But breaking the long established habit can be hard to do. “Students convince themselves that they work better under pressure,” Vuolo said. As a result, many tend to turn to unhealthy habits to cope with the added

stress, such as procrastination. Senior Pankti Kadakia finds that procrastination and the stress it causes plague her. “I’m constantly thinking about what I need to do and then stress out because I’m not doing it.” Whether you turn to chocolate, ice cream or pizza, stress eating is one of the main coping mechanisms that people turn to. The problem with stress eating is that often times, instead of reaching for a healthy snack, people tend to go for the unhealthy ones. “Whenever I feel stressed out, I overeat,” said Kadakia. “While you’re doing it you feel great but after you’re done, you realize the damage you’ve done.” “Be kind to yourself,” Vuolo reminded the women. “Taking care of yourself physically helps you mentally.” If going to the gym is not for you, Vuolo urged the women to exercise on their own. “Last year I ran my first 5K and 10K,” Vuolo said. “At one point I hit that runner’s high and I realized I should exercise more.” Deep breathing can also help de-clutter the mind and reduce stress. “You need to harness the power of the subconscious mind,” Vuolo said.


News 5 News


Bernie Sanders talks pot laws to George Mason students


Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders argued for pot regulation to college students on Oct. 28.

Suzanne Ciechalski Opinion Editor Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders appealed for an end to federal prohibition of marijuana as he spoke to college students at George Mason University last week. Focusing on the steep number of arrests that strict marijuana laws have led to, Sanders argued for regulation of pot in the same way that tobacco and alcohol are regulated by the federal government. More than half of all drug related arrests were for marijuana possession in 2014 according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). In relation to these arrests, Sanders also addressed the fact that federal prohibition of marijuana can be affected by racial disparity. According to ACLU, black men and women are four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than white men and women, despite the fact that both use marijuana at the same rate. Although a largely divisive issue, states have slowly begun legalizing the drug for both recreational and medicinal purposes. Sophomore Andrew Klawitter is a large

supporter of the legalization, and believes it can have some great economic benefits. “For supporters, recreational use would become legal and for those against, taxes could be instituted to even drive up cost and possibly pay off debts from the government,” he said. “It seems like a win-win to me.” Sanders is the first major presidential candidate in the 2016 race to openly support the full decriminalization of marijuana in the United States. Fellow Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton expressed that she would like to see the effects of legalization studied in states where it has already been legalized before promoting a plan that would either end federal prohibition or continue it. On the other hand, Martin O’Malley, like Sanders, has said that he would consider “loosening” marijuana restrictions. He has not, however, thrown support behind the movement to fully legalize it. “Instead of locking people away for something that is so common and statistically does not harm people as much as alcohol, Sanders is the only candidate who is smart enough to acknowledge the usefulness of legalization,” Klawiter said.

Chaotic Twitter story rises to fame while questioning accuracy Crystal Grant Contributing Writer Social media has allowed many people their 15 minutes of fame, however Aziah “Zola” King may have more than just that, after her posting of an epic trip to Florida gained her international attention. Her story, told via Twitter, spans 148 tweets and details how a spontaneous weekend trip to strip at high-end clubs turned into an event involving prostitution, kidnapping, murder and attempted suicide. Though the authenticity of her story is in question, King’s story blew up with avid fans demanding to see her story transform into a novel or movie. King revealed to TMZ her intention to capitalize her fame and claims that Hollywood executives and reporters are offering her interviews, books and a movie or television series on her roller coaster ride experience. She also told TMZ her aim to trademark specific phrases used in her tweets, and expects to see people walking around with Zola-quoted t-shirts, beanies and buttons in the near future. With all the immediate widespread attention that arose, Jess—the white strip-

per-turned-prostitute in King’s story—has revealed her own version. She claims that King nearly fabricated the whole story, with only the part about them working at a strip club in Florida being true. Also, she claims that it was King that turned to prostitution in the first place, not her. In her tweets, King accuses Jess of selling her body for sex. In her TMZ interview, King responds to Jess’s allegations by claiming “If I was her character in this whole thing, I would probably say that too.” Since her posting, King has rewritten the story and has changed certain details, such as character names. She disclosed to TMZ that her reasoning for doing so was to protect her story from legal repercussions. Regarding the story, senior Alexis Nunes says, “It’s definitely not made up in my opinion, the craziest stories are often true.” Though many may find King’s tale entertaining, Nunes believes people must use this event as a dialogue to talk more openly about human trafficking. “Even though a lot of people are laughing, it raises awareness about sex trafficking and the maltreatment of women that is not talked about,” he said.

Second controversial scandal pollutes FIFA Irene spezzamonte Staff Writer Scandals throughout FIFA refuse to find any sort of resolution. The revelation of a secret deal aimed to designate the 2022 World Cup to the United States before the official vote arose on Wednesday, when President of FIFA Sepp Blatter delivered an interview with Russian media outlet TASS. During his interview, Blatter explained how the turning table came from cooperation between French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and head of the European football federation UEFA (The Union of European Football Associations) Michel Platini. Blatter said Sarkozy and Platini convinced other European soccer leaders to change their minds and to hand the 2022 World Cup over to Qatar instead of the U.S. “For the World Cups it was agreed that we go to Russia because it’s never been in Russia and for 2022 we go back to America,” Blatter said. “And so we will have the World Cup in the two biggest political powers.”

This scandal serves as the second one in the past year. Over the summer, FIFA suffered another scandal after many officials connected to the organization were arrested and charged on accounts of wire fraud, racketeering and money laundering. According to British newspaper the Independent, Blatter and Platini have been suspended from engaging in any FIFA-related activity for 90 days. The decision to give the World Cup to Qatar has not been seen as the best solution for players. The country is considered to be too hot to perform at high levels. “It is hard for soccer players to express their best under the hot sun.,” said sophomore Andrea Previati. Previati is a member of the women’s soccer team at St. John’s. However, the hostile weather is not the only problem in Qatar. While the country has already started to build the infrastructures for the World Cup, several work deaths have been registered. Human rights and workers advocacy groups have claimed to provide adequate workplace protections to workers.

Staff Editorial board XCIII

TALIA TIRELLA Co-Editor-in-Chief JENNY CHEN Co-Editor-in-Chief KYLE FITZGERALD Managing Editor CHEYANNE GONZALES General Manager AMANDA UMPIERREZ News Editor STEPHEN ZITOLO Sports Editor LIVIA PAULA Features Editor JASMINE IMANI DAVIS Entertainment Editor SUZANNE CIECHALSKI Opinion Editor

Flames of the Torch

On Sunday, the Torch’s very own Managing Editor Kyle ran the New York City Marathon. Many people who’ve endured physical challenges or participated in some athletic event have had some days where their body just refuses to cooperate with them—quite possibly even rebels against them. Kyle woke up Sunday morning hopeful that he’d accomplish his predicted three-hour 45-minute time. If his past races were any indicator, it seemed like a pretty safe guess that he would. His previous half-marathon was a 1:45 and his 18-miler was 2:35. Those are pretty respectable times for a guy prepping for his first marathon. In the beginning stages of the race, he kept true to his plan of attack for the day. He wanted to stay right in front of the four-hour pace group without getting too far ahead. Then he hit the 11th mile and that’s when his body rebelled against him. Kyle felt intense pain in both of his quadriceps. This was the first time he ever experienced this kind of pain in his legs during a long run. Now, as many of you who’ve experienced this unexpected setback, you’ve got to change your gameplan. Kyle quickly abandoned his 3:45 time and switched to a slower pace in order to preserve his legs for the next 15 miles. Less than a mile later he felt what was blood running down the back of his left calf. Not wanting to stop, he scraped what he could and inspected it: a black sludge substance with white ooze. In hindsight, he thinks that a bird defecated on him. Isn’t that supposed to be good luck? His legs screaming, Kyle ran across the Pulaski Bridge at the half-marathon point just after the two-hour mark. Making sure to keep his less-than-expected nine-minute 30-second pace, he braced his legs and his mind for the Queensboro Bridge at Mile 15. Many in

the running community are aware of this one-mile incline—known to shred their quadriceps. Kyle’s, already on fire, felt just as bad then as they did before and he willed himself onto the boisterous First Avenue, where spectators lined 10 people deep to witness him and the other runners, wishing they were at Central Park already (which was just a couple blocks west, but in actuality 11 miles away). He watched the sea of bobbing heads move north on First and into the Bronx before him until it was his turn. Legs still screaming and seeing that his projected time was all but gone, he still willed himself to move one step at a time. Then, after he returned back to Manhattan on Fifth Avenue, things got really bad—as things do when your body retaliates against you. At Mile 21, Kyle’s back began to spasm and he began to grow nauseous, then the trots kicked in. Two miles later, after fighting for more than two hours after the initial pain, Kyle’s body caved as he literally felt his stomach turn 90 degrees. Kyle let the chunks out at Mile 24 in Central Park East. He was forced to walk the remainder of the race as any slight or sudden movement would leave him light-headed and disoriented. It took him nearly an hour to finish the last couple miles, but after five painful hours and 16 minutes, he crossed the finish line at 67th Street and Central Park West. Sometimes we get so fixated on times and results that we forget about the journey that led to them. There’s always a backstory. For anyone who’s ever been in a situation in which their bodies shut down, it’s difficult to continue; difficult to force your body to keep fighting as it screams at you and abandons you. And sometimes that makes finishing the task that much greater—using all of your resounding will and determination to persevere and triumph in spite of all pain.

Implications of CISA: Looking at the adverse effects of the new cybersecurity bill

MATTHEW D’AGUANNO Staff Writer There’s almost a nine out of 10 chance while reading the title of this article that you are unaware of any implications of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act passed on the Senate floor Tuesday evening, or even the fact that it exists. Maybe, acronyms such as SOPA, PIPA or CISPA ring a bell. If not, it’s time to start paying attention to one of the most pertinent issues at stake right now: our cyber privacy. Here’s a quick synopsis of the bill and its intended actions: CISA is a bill allowing companies to “anonymously” share its data with the government for the sake of cyber security. It is from a three-part piece of legislation regarding cyber security being brought to the President to sign once the House of Representatives have passed it. The intent of this bill is to shut down cyber fraud, which has been growing exponentially over the past decade and affected companies such as Home Depot, Anthem and Target. The overall idea is a fantastic selling point and the added measures to prevent “hacking back” and to inform consumers that their information has been illegally shared are excellent additions. Only when the parlance of the bill is broken down does the lack of attention display glaring errors. While the idea is appreciable, the execution would be severely lacking. Craig Newman, an expert on cyber law, calls it “a useless bill.” Imagine a government group keeping up with a malicious, nimble hacker who requires no debate or agreement to commit a crime. The lack of inefficiency would be astounding.

It becomes more of a surveillance bill than a cyber security bill. The government’s attempt to correct this is to keep the terminology broad to compensate for the anticipated growth of technology projected to surpass human intelligence by 2022. Yet again, it is a great idea with lack of execution.

“History has shown the centralization of power and information is a disaster that occurs over and over again.”

There is no definition of how cyber threat information is going to be shared within the private sector or how information will be managed or disseminated. Broad terminology should necessarily equate to strong use restriction to avoid abuse of law. On top of this, the wording of the bill easily allows for the NSA and FBI to overrule the privacy part of this bill and collect personal data without informing you of their actions. This is all based upon perception, but should it even be something perceivable? History has shown the centralization of power and information is a disaster that occurs over and over again. The outline of this bill has great potential, but yet again lacks clarity in several ways. The process for passing a bill should not be a rough sketch of an idea only to work out the kinks later. It needs to be ironclad and if security is what Congress wishes to breach, then they must do better and we must let them know it.

EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials are the opinions of the Editorial Board of the TORCH. Columns are the opinions of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the TORCH.

Opinions expressed in editorials, columns, letters or cartoons are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administrations of St. John’s University.

TO CONTRIBUTE Mail letters to: The TORCH, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11439 Submit letters via email to:

All are welcome to contribute to the Torch. Please include your full name, year and college (or department). Letters have a limit of 500 words and may be edited for content, grammar or space. Unverifiable or anonymous letters will not be published. All letters are subject to the approval of the Editorial Board of the TORCH.


Dabble in Disney By: Diana Colapietro, Photo Editor



5 The song that Cinderella and Prince Charming dance to at the ball 7 Leader of the Jazz Band in The Aristocats 8 This U.S. city inspired the setting for The Princess and the Frog 9 The first Disney princess 10 The first Disney movie to feature an interracial relationship 11 The name Ursula uses when she disguises herself to win over Prince Eric 14 The official number of Disney princesses 15 The name of the vessel that Milo and his friends took to Atlantis 19 The Royal Vizier of Agrabah 20 Last name of the author who wrote Alice in Wonderland 22 Scar's relation to Simba 23 The original voice of Mickey Mouse 25 Aladdin and Abu steal this from the marketplace 26 The first roller coaster attraction at Walt Disney World 27 The famous musician responsible for Tarzan's soundtrack 28 The amount of eggs Gaston says he eats to stay “roughly the size of a barge” 30 The famous musician responsible for original songs in The Lion King 31 The last animated film Walt Disney personally supervised


1 The villain in Tarzan (Hint: It's a leopard) 2 The sound of this Mary Poppins word is something quite atrocious 3 Mulan’s companions dressed up like these when they went to the emperor’s palace 4 A Disney princess based on a real person 6 Area of the Beast’s castle where he keeps the enchanted rose 12 The name of Tarzan’s nervous elephant friend 13 Where Captain Hook lives 16 The city where The Aristocats took place 17 Mistress of all evil 18 The name of the whale in Pinocchio 21 The glass slipper that Cinderella left behind at the ball 24 What Scuttle calls a fork in The Little Mermaid 29 The name of Mulan’s pet dragon

Paul Ryan’s commitment to bipartisanship: COOPER MIQUELI Assistant Opinion Editor

The factor that sets him apart

On Thursday, Oct. 29, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) was elected as the 54th Speaker of the House. Nominated by the House the day before, he was elected by a majority vote of the House of Representatives. Originally, many conservatives were not in favor of Ryan; however, they are now ready to unite the party and create a new legislative agenda. At 45-years-old, Ryan is the youngest speaker of the House since 1869. A fifth generation Wisconsin native, he is a congressman from the first congressional district. Prior to becoming Speaker, Ryan served as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which is responsible for fixing the tax code, holding the IRS accountable, strengthening Medicare and Social Security and making healthcare

more affordable. During the 112th and 113th Congresses, Ryan was a chairman to the House Budget Committee. In 2012, Mitt Romney chose Ryan as his running mate for the presidential election. Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker of the House and current House Minority whip, was there to present Ryan with the gavel. In an emotional speech, Ryan thanked former Speaker John Boehner for his service to the House of Representatives as speaker and as a congressman. In his first speech as Speaker, Ryan spoke very clearly and made his motives known. “We are not solving problems. We are adding to them. And I am not interested in laying blame. We are not settling scores. We are wiping the slate clean,” he said. Ryan expressed wishes to move forward as Speaker and stop the conflicts in the House that end in monotonous, motionless standstills where nothing is accomplished.

What are we here ‘fore’? FR. PATRICK GRIFFIN, C.M. Special to the Torch

When people come to visit St. John’s University, they often mention their surprise at finding such a haven in the midst of the city. They ask about the purpose of the property before it became the Queens’ campus of SJU. Do you know the answer? Well, before it gave rise to an institution of higher learning, our current space contained a golf course. The first location of St. John’s College in 1870 was in a one-room house in Brooklyn. This house is depicted on two tableaus in very public areas of the University. The Vincentian Community bought the golf course in 1936, construction began in 1954 and St. John’s Hall was opened in 1956. In my more imaginative moments, I can see people wandering around our campus calling out “Fore” before they launch their little round missile into the air. Sometimes, I have thought that this single word should be the University cheer. When a golfer uses it, it intends to give warning to anyone within earshot that something is coming their way, so watch out. As we turn you, the SJU student, loose in the world, perhaps we should shout the same: “Look out world, here comes a person with ideas and visions—someone who

is intent on making this a better place.” Or, we could call out “Four.” In this year, over and over, the faculty, staff and administration have heard the need to commit ourselves to four elements which make up our strategic plan for a productive future. These four elements center upon our students: ensuring student success, recruiting, recognizing and retaining the best faculty, staff and administrators, enhancing our teaching and learning environment and expanding global and community partnerships. As we accomplish these goals, we make our University a true center of learning and a boon for our students and community. Or, we could call out “For” as we strive to articulate and achieve the purpose of our University—our Mission. What are we here for? At St. John’s, the answer is key. We intend to be an institution of higher learning, which holds up the Catholic and Vincentian values on which the University was founded. Significantly, we insist that the University did not give rise to the mission, but the mission gave birth to the University. From the very beginning in 1870, the college embraced the stated purpose of “providing the youth of the city with an intellectual and moral education.” That goal endures and with a particular emphasis upon the way in which the marginalized among us may be served as our students or by our students. And so, fore-four-for, the one sound suggests ways in which we can reflect upon the history, ideals and mission of St. John’s.

Ryan said, “We will not always agree— not all of us, not all of the time. But we should not hide our disagreements. We should embrace them. We have nothing to fear from honest differences honestly stated. If you have ideas, let’s hear them.” He is for bipartisanship, which is why some of the more conservative members of the Republican Party are weary of Ryan. However, they did vote for him and are looking toward progress. Ryan, a congressman with great history in different committees, also wishes to have members of congress currently in committees have a greater say and imprint in legislation. He wishes to give the committees the power to write bills, instead of bills just being sent out of the Speaker’s office. I believe that Paul Ryan was the only clear choice for the Republicans, who control the House. Ryan has the experience and is willing to work toward bettering the nation as a whole. Ryan is willing to work with both

parties, something that worries some Republicans. He was the clear choice because he has the experience in very important committees in the house. He has seniority and the backing of the Republican Party to make him a very strong Speaker of the House. Bipartisanship is crucial because it shows that the congressman and women are looking past their own personal benefits and more toward the benefits of the American people. The party purists are also willing to compromise crucial party beliefs to make the country better for the American people they represent. Bipartisanship is the only thing that will “Make America Great Again.” PHOTO/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

Illustrator’s CORNER

“Destroy tradition” By: Nicole Marino

Brandon's Infififfiinite Playlist 1. “Civil War” by Guns N’ Roses (1991)

6. “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac (1975)

Guns N’ Roses was once the baddest band on the planet during the late 80s and early 90s, like the Rolling Stones were in the 60s. They were rebellious and gave zero regard for professionalism. But they were also musically brilliant. This song was written at their absolute peak, from the album “Use Your Illusion II.”

Many great songs are written to reflect on writers’ personal problems. Stevie Nicks, the queen of classic rock, did so in writing this tune. Before going on a successful solo career, she was the frontwoman of the legendary band Fleetwood Mac. Like much of the band’s material, the song describes Nicks’ rocky relationship with her bandmates, particularly with guitarist Lindsey Buckingham. She projected her personal conflicts onto this song, and it became one of the band’s most famous hits.

2. “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica (1991) Metallica was the biggest heavy metal band of all time. Their self-titled breakthrough record, commonly known as “The Black Album,” brought them to the front stage in the music world. This song was written by frontman James Hetfield, who was struggling with being away from his girlfriend while recording this record. Those who are in long distance relationships or are homesick can relate to this song.

7. “Your Time is Gonna Come” by Led Zeppelin (1969)

3. Aerosmith: “Living on the Edge” (1993)

8. “Love Reign O’er Me” by The Who (1973)

Aerosmith became one of the biggest rock bands in the world in the mid-70s with famous hits like “Walk This Way” and “Back in the Saddle.” Then came the fall, as conflict and hard drug abuse drove the band apart in the later part of the decade. After years of healing, they enjoyed a resurgence in the late 80s and early 90s, capped off by their bestselling album “Get a Grip,” where this hit came from. Lead songwriters Joe Perry and Steven Tyler were inspired to write this tune after social issues such as the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.

This is one of the most powerful songs written by the Who’s lead guitarist and main songwriter Pete Townshend. The finale of the band’s second greatest rock opera “Quadrophenia” is the ideal ending and solution to personal conflict. The album’s main character Jimmy is suffering from four split personalities, with each representing a band member. This song represents Townshend’s own personal conflicts.

4. “Sunday Bloody Sunday” by U2 (1983)

The Eagles’ founding member Glenn Frey originally wrote this with his then-neighbor Jackson Browne, and it became the band’s first hit and one of their signature songs. Despite the many complications and difficult relationships in life, it’s a friendly reminder to “Take It Easy,” to lighten up while you still can and to not let these conflicts make you crazy.

U2 may be the most politically involved groups since the heyday of the Beatles. This is of the band’s most politically-charged tunes from the aptly named album “War.” It’s a passionate ballad protesting against the eternal conflict of, you guessed it, war and violence for the sake of differences between people. It was a reflection of the band’s own personal experiences. The members of U2 grew up in a time where the long-standing conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland was at its worst. The lyric “There’s many lost, but tell me who has won?” perfectly describes the consequences of war. 5. “Would?” by Alice in Chains (1992) Alice in Chains is often overshadowed by fellow early 90s Seattle grunge bands Nirvana and Pearl Jam, but their music is just as great, if not better. They’re much heavier and more complex than those two, both melodically and lyrically. This song deals with drug abuse, like so many others hits by Alice in Chains.

This is one of the lesser known but greater Led Zeppelin covers from their debut album. Zeppelin frequently covered old blues songs in their early days, giving their own British-style to it with Jimmy Page on guitar and Robert Plant’s powerful voice on vocals.. This one stresses that unfaithful partners will always get what’s coming to them.

9. “Take It Easy” by The Eagles (1972)

10. “Us and Them” by Pink Floyd (1973) This is by far my favorite song from one of the greatest albums of all-time, “The Dark Side of the Moon.” Every song from Pink Floyd’s most famous record is great, but none of them are as deep. True to their progressive style of rock, Pink Floyd incorporates elements of jazz. It’s a very somber and peaceful tune that I love listening to while trying to fall asleep, not that that is a bad thing. It shows that being different from the rest of the world shouldn’t be a badge of shame, but in fact celebrated. The saxophone solos are amazing as well. BRANDON MAUK

Digital Sports Manager

KeKe Palmer declares adulthood “I Don’t Belong To You” shows Palmer’s erotic side

JASMINE IMANI DAVIS Entertainment Editor

Akeelah who? Lauren “KeKe” Palmer has grown up with no apologies in her new music video. On Monday, Oct. 26, Palmer, 22, released the music video for her new single, on iTunes on Tuesday, Oct. 27, “I Don’t Belong To You,” with appearances from two familiar faces. London On Da Track produced this intense song for her second upcoming album with Island Records, who she announced to have signed a contract with in August, Mia Swier and Jim Swaffield produced the black-and-white visual. PHOTO/BILLBOARD.COM This single, also co-written by PalmLauren “KeKe” Palmer in her new music video for her new single, “I Don’t Belong To You.” er, is for anyone who is or has been fed up with their lover and is putting their in bed, singing: character, she then puts on makeup and happiness first. In the video, which she “I done told you, I done showed you/ lingerie, and continues to sing: also directed, she is moving on from one Now you wanna act like I tricked you/ But “Don’t you act innocent, you own the relationship to an unexpected one. I’m ‘sleep, can’t you see/ There’s a differ- part that you play/ And I’m not interested Throughout the shockingly erotic vid- ence between me, you and these sheets.” in playing your childish games/ No, no, eo, the “Scream Queens” actress shows off She goes on to singing the chorus, “I no, no, I don’t have to keep it real/ But I her figure by wearing a strapless bra and don’t belong to you. Keep it on the down- do because I care ‘bout how you feel.” panty set with a body chain and a sheer low,” as her driver takes her to her crib. After leaving her house, singing the robe to start the video, along with a lingeAfter, there is instantly a shower scene chorus, wearing a fur coat and heels, she rie piece, which is seen later on. where she’s showing bits of skin, which is gets out of the car and heads to the front Palmer starts off by leaving her lover, pretty racy for Palmer. Presumably wash- door while singing the hook: played by “Power’s” Rotimi, while he’s still ing off the past and lost love for Rotimi’s “Don’t take it all so personal/ I just

can’t give you what you want/ Don’t think that you can just keep tryin’ me/ Boy I’ll just leave you alone/ I don’t belong to you.” She knocks on the door, the door opens and it’s model/singer Cassie. Plot twist. Palmer opens up her coat and shows her the lingerie and Cassie instantly bites her lip, takes her hand, brings her in the house and Palmer ends the video looking into the camera as if she’s saying “surprise.” Many of her fans are lost for words, have voiced their opinions on social media and have dished the dirt on Miss Palmer. Apparently in a previous Snapchat post, the “I Don’t Belong To You” singer posted a 10-second video of her and Cassie sharing a kiss on the lips, which as since been deleted. Is this her way of telling the public that she’s “coming out?” Well, Palmer took to Instagram with a “sweatpants, hair tied, chillin’ with no makeup on” selfie with a very cryptic caption, which you can pretty much assume as a response to the reactions of the video, with the hashtags, “#youfeelme #yolo #thatpart #fwm #idontbelongtoyou #nolabels #cantstopwontstop #wheredagurlsattho” Okay, KeKe. We get that you’re growing up, but was this video the right way to drop the alleged bomb? We’re keeping our eyes and ears open.

Family Matters tour blesses NYC

CHRISTIAN MOSHER Contributing Writer

summer. Although everybody was ready for Chance’s verse in fan favorite’s “Heaven Only Knows,” they had to wait a little bit longer for him. Metro Boomin came out after Towkio and was not the only one wanting more after his set, which featured hit after hit that had everyone dancing and singing along with every song. After three strong openers before him Metro was able to take the energy of the crowd to the next level in preparation for the moment everyone had been waiting for. Chance, Peter Cottontale, Stix and Donny Trumpet came out and had one

After quickly selling out a Friday night show at Terminal 5, Chance the Rapper and the Social Experiment added a second stop for their “Family Matters” tour this past Sunday night. Along with opening acts of Hiatus Kaiyote, D.R.A.M., Towkio and Metro Boomin Chance, they put on a memorable show that no one in attendance will be forgetting about anytime soon. Following a strong set by Hiatus, D.R.A.M. came out very excited, just two days after the release of his “Gahdamn!” EP with production help from the Social Experiment crew. After announcing to the crowd his good friend, Allan Kingdom, was here, the Peanut Butter Prince did what he does best and performed his part of “All Day.” Then TDE’s own SZA came out to perform her part of “Caretaker” of the new project. All leading up to Cha Cha, which made Terminal 5 go nuts. By this time, people had filled the venue, making the pushing and shoving to get to the front of the stage an all-time high. Next up was fellow Save Money member Towkio, playing a lot off his newest tape, “Wav Theory,” which was released last

of the most spectacular live performances ever seen. Bringing a good mix of “Acid Rap,” “10 Day Tracks” and very few songs off “Surf,” Chance came out to “Everybody’s Something” and “Pusha Man.” When it was time to play “Lost,” the Queen of Chicago rap and frequent Chance collaborator, No Name Gypsy, came out to deliver her verse to a roaring crowd. But that wasn’t the only surprise Chance had in store for the 12th show of the tour. After going through some of his more popular features from this year,


Chance the Rapper’s “Family Matters Tour” advertisement with the locations and dates.

Chance went back to “10 Days” for all the day-one fans in attendance, playing songs like “14,400 Minutes,” “Family” and “Brain Cells.” The stage presence of Chance and the whole Social Experiment crew was second to none throughout the night. Chance did his signature dance moves, putting Drake’s dance in “Hotline Bling” to shame as he hopped from one side of the stage to another. After blessing the Friday crowd with an appearance from Ja Rule, French Montana came out towards the end of the night to play some of his hits like “Pop That” and “Aint Worried About Nothin.” All eyes were on Chance afterwards and everyone could feel the end of the night coming. Chance slowed things down playing his remake of the “Arthur” theme song to his “Family Business” rework released at the start of the tour. Next came “Sunday Candy,” which is the only single from “Surf ” and perhaps Chance’s most well known song other than “Cocoa Butter Kisses.” Then finally, as confetti rained down over the crowd, Chance performed “Chain Smoker” and practically turned Terminal 5 into a snow globe. Even if you’re not a fan of his music, you could appreciate a good live show. You should definitely check out Chance the next time he comes to New York.

Entertainment 11

“The 33:” A true story

JENNY CHEN Co-Editor-In-Chief


“The 33” will be in theatres Friday, Nov. 13.

Every year, an estimated 12,000 miners around the world die deep below the Earth’s crust in the very tunnels they work. “The 33” is the story about 33 Chilean miners who were buried alive in a mine for over two months before rescue. From Director Patricia Riggen and Producer Michael Medavoy comes the story of courage and triumph of the human spirit. This true survival story that captivated the entire world five years ago

returns in a film to show the never-before-seen actual events that unfolded above and below ground. Set in Copiapó, Chile and the San José Mine, “The 33” begins with a jubilant event amongst several of the Chilean miners and their families. These will be the lives—the joys and loves—from which the miners are torn for nearly 70 days. As they are driven an hour-long ride 200 stories below the Earth, they all know one harrowing fact: there is only one way in and one way out. The film moves quickly to the collapse of the 100-yearold gold and copper mine, rightly so, as this is the story of the miners’ resilience. Viewers already know the story of these 33 miners. Héctor Tobar has already written a critically-acclaimed book, “Deep Down Dark,” off which the movie’s screenplay was based. Yet, we have never been able to see what it is the miners and their families see. From Alcon Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures comes a movie that is equally excellent in its execution of a suspenseful movie unseen as well as faithful in their storytelling. When asked what would make people go see a movie where the ending is already known, Medavoy said that it’s difficult, especially since they are not making a documentary. “What we try to do is to put the best foot forward on a real story, on a true story.”

“We were always very very respectful to the real characters and the real story,” Riggen said. “It makes me very proud to say that 90-95 percent of the movie is true. “It’s very easy as a filmmaker, as a writer, as a director, to just go off and make a movie inspired by an event and then just choose whatever we want to do to make it the most appealing, the most exciting, the most emotional and we didn’t.” In the movie, the phrase “death trap” is uttered about the mine. The frustration and devastation is palpable. If you think you’re not going to cry, you will be proved wrong. Even the original 33 miners who lived the ordeal, upon watching the movie, cried when seeing what their wives and family members went through in order to save them. The movie does a phenomenal job in contrasting the above and the below, the light and the dark. It’s important to understand just how real the movie is in both its production and its cast. “There were no sets in this entire movie,” Patricia Riggen said. “We shot the whole movie inside of a mine. We walked 35 times, 35 days, into a mine— 14 hours a day, six days a week.” Lou Diamond Phillips, who plays the character of Don Lucho, said, “There was no detoxing. This was total immersion. We were living the humble lives of a miner 24/7.” Even though the movie is neither

about the beginning nor the end, rather about the dire story during the time the men are entombed, knowing the movie’s ending does give several people hope. Regarding this true story, Antonio Banderas, who plays the role of de facto leader Mario Sepulveda, said the ordeal had, “A more Hollywood ending than any Hollywood movie.” “If you want a happy ending, it depends of course on when you end your story,” Phillips said, quoting Orson Welles. “This is a very happy ending. […] Their lives went on.” However, the statistic is 12,000 miners. “How many of these stories, […] how many people [have] died that we don’t even know?” Banderas asked. He said we will be surprised by the number of abandoned miners of which these 33 were nearly going to be a part. “It is a miracle.” This brilliant production about the psyches and lives of 33 men fortunate enough to have been saved, defying all odds and attempts to forget about them, is a testament and an affirmation of the human condition. Regardless of your movie preferences, this inspirational film is a must-watch. The movie premieres on Friday, Nov. 13, almost exactly five years after the men emerged from the ruins. “It’s about rebirth and the strength of the human spirit and so much more,” Riggen said.

chef Gordon Ramsay. Ramsay is famous for regularly crossing the line with his rude outbursts to members of his cooking staff on his reality shows, “Hell’s Kitchen” and “Kitchen Nightmares.” Jones has multiple temper tantrums in the film, filled with f-bombs and plenty of dishes being hurled across kitchens. These moments reinforce the notion that beneath the surface of his bravado is an arrogant man-child who has no idea how to communicate with people. Despite the fact that his character is completely unlikable, Cooper’s performance is one of the few components of “Burnt” that never falters. He excels at playing the pariah in the kitchen when the script demands that of him, but he also brings some of his own charisma to the character. There’s one scene where Cooper’s charisma shows in his character, in which Jones brings out a birthday cake for the daughter of one of his cooks. He sits down with her and they both have a playful exchange before he cuts her cake. In that quick moment, he drops the tough guy act just to put a smile on this little girl’s face. It’s one of the rare moments in the film where the charac-

ter displays any vulnerability and Cooper absolutely owns it. Aside from Cooper, the only other actor in this movie who stands out at all is Sienna Miller. The pair worked together on “American Sniper” and their palpable on-screen chemistry from that movie carries over to “Burnt.” Miller’s character despises Jones’ arrogance but reluctantly agrees to be his head cook for the sake of a paycheck. Their complicated dynamic takes a turn that the audience will see coming from a mile away, but kudos to Cooper and Miller for pulling off a believable relationship even when the rest of the film feels inorganic and formulaic. As for the supporting cast, there are quite a few exquisite actors who could have helped make the film more enjoyable than it was, if only they had more screen time. Uma Thurman is in merely two scenes as a harsh food critic and one of Jones’ former lovers, while Emma Thompson is Jones’ therapist and moral compass. However, Thompson’s character offers nothing to the overall story other than motivational monologues. Alicia Vikander, the breakout star of this year’s “Ex Machina,” plays another one

of Jones’ old flames and is merely used as a plot device in the film’s third act to conveniently get Jones out of a difficult predicament. For a film that places such an emphasis on the art of cooking, “Burnt” is the equivalent of a meal that doesn’t taste too bad, but leaves you wanting more in the end. Cooper and Miller have great chemistry, but their admirable performances can’t save a film that feels far too cliché and predictable. Some of the ingredients for a fine dish were present, but “Burnt” is a mostly underwhelming and completely forgettable experience.

New film leaves a“Burnt” taste

DAVID ROSARIO Contributing Writer

Redemption is one of the most attempted themes addressed in all fiction. Directors and screenwriters constantly incorporate this theme into their works because they understand that redemptive character arcs could propel a story to greatness if executed well. The key words there are “if executed well,” and unfortunately, the new film “Burnt” tries but falls short of delivering an emotional and compelling arc for its main protagonist. Bradley Cooper plays Adam Jones, who was one of the most celebrated chefs in all of Paris. After a life of drugs and alcohol catches up to him, Jones loses everything that he worked so hard for in his life. Now disgraced and ready to work hard for the highly sought after third Michelin star, he assembles his own cooking staff and attempts to open a successful restaurant in London. Becoming a three-star chef is Jones’ primary goal in the film and he doesn’t care who he has to step on to make sure that his dream comes true. The character is quite reminiscent of real-life celebrity


Bradley Cooper in advertisement for “Burnt.”

Project gives St. John’s history a voice


Features Editor When St. John’s University was founded back in 1870, its first campus was located in Brooklyn. Over the past 145 years, St. John’s went through various changes such as location, demographics, etc. The Queens campus many people know today was once a golf course, and the idea of expanding the university to Staten Island, or even abroad, was barely a dream. The residence village was inexistent as St. John’s used to be a commuter school. The history of such changes has been documented through various ways such as photos, documents and different archives. In the fall semester of 2010, Dr. Kristin Szylvian began the Oral History Project as part of one of her graduate oral history class with the purpose of recording and collecting memories of the St. John’s community. What started off simply as a class project evolved into something bigger and is now part of the official SJU archives. “We’re trying to get as broad a cross-section and different opinions and views of St. John’s as possible,” Dr. Szylvian said. “From the student perspective, the administrators perspective, maybe a Vincentian priest for example, or someone who views the University in a more secular way. The idea is to collect all different views about St. John’s.” According to Dr. Szylvian, the entire format of the project is based on interviews. She also said that there are interviews with people that graduated as long ago as the 1940s, as well as interviews with famous St. John’s basketball coach Lou Carnesecca and a former student that was part

of the Olympic team back in 1950s. “The ideal is to capture an oral snapshot of the university of certain points in time and it would be valuable for people to be able to do a comparison and look at how the university changes over time, or doesn’t change and remained consistent” she said. “Many of the early interviews talk about when the University was located in Brooklyn,” Dr. Szylvian added. “A lot of these folks, particularly the men, might’ve gone away for World War II. They came back after the war and began their college careers in Brooklyn.” She also said that all women in the early years of the university were enrolled in the education program, which is known now as the School of Education. Dr. Szylvian said that many talk about the move from Brooklyn to Queens, and what was “both gained and lost in that relocation” as well as the changing role that religion and the religious lives of Vincentians played in the University back then and it does now. Other points she stressed included how many years ago, there were

no such things as open talks about drugs, alcohol and sexual assault, which is another huge change in the college life nationwide. “The core of the University mission and values remain unchanged,” she said. However, she believes thwat a lot of things are constantly “renegotiated.” The process isn’t simply interviewing and storing the recording: there’s a significant amount of preparation that the interviewers go though prior to the interview. “We need to create standards for the recording,” she said. “That’s the type of thing that was taught in the class.” She said that once they’re done, they go through the process of properly transcribing the interview. Michael Bartolomeo is the graduate assistant for Dr. Szylvian in the library science and history departments. According to him, there are over 30 interviews recorded so far. Bartolomeo is highly involved in this project as well. He believes that with the technology we have today, a project like this can be helpful in many different ways.


St. John’s Lewis Avenue was the first SJU campus established in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

“Now with the given technologies that are available, these [the oral archives] can easily be documented,” he said. “These can actually be put into the media files and kept by the archives for future research and projects.” Bartolomeo also believes that this project is a great way to not only keep the St. John’s history, but also for people to see how the University is constantly changing, and how much it differs from years past. The interviewees can talk about whatever they wish about their experience at St. John’s. “In that sense, by capturing the oral history, you capture more than just the newspaper articles and the officially documented things. These are more of the personable and personal interactions that happens with St. John’s.” Bartolomeo also expressed that they aren’t looking for all positives, and they do expect some criticism or people that might talk about not only the things changed in the past, but those that still need to change in St. John’s. About finding people to participate in the project, they have different options. They reach out to the St. John’s alumni connection or just word of mouth. Dr. Szylvian said that there’s this “Johnny Family” of people that’s connected to others that worked here, studied here, international students, etc. The graduate class is an elective open for students in many majors, such as library science and history, English, museum administration, education, etc. She would love to open the class for undergraduate students as well. “I think that’s important to have that [the oral history project] because it can offer perspective,” Dr. Szylvian said.

Die-hard Mets fans experienced history Student share the roller coaster of feelings he went through this season


Staff Writer

It is a Tuesday night at the Sodano Coffeehouse in the D’Angelo Center. Fans are patiently waiting for the Mets vs. Royals game to begin. The room is filled with excitement and anxiety. This is the first time in nine years that the Mets will have made an appearance in the playoffs, and the first time in 15 years that they will appear in the World Series. If the Mets win, it will be the first time since 1986 and their third win overall. Freshman Justin Melendez considers himself a die-hard fan. Melendez can recite the Mets National Anthem. “I’ve been going to games since I was a young boy,” Melendez said. “My dad would take me to Shea Stadium [former name of Citi Field] and I would watch the games. He and I would go to games at least twice a year. It was so exciting.” Melendez said he is excited because this is the first time for Mets fans that are his age group to fully understand and experience the Mets making it to the World Series. “The Mets have always been an underdog team,” he said. “Since 2000, they

have had two collapses. They should’ve made it to the playoffs, but they choked and lost their spot.” Melendez said. Melendez said that his best experience as a Mets fan, not counting the moment that they made it to the World Series, was when he and his dad sat front row at Shea Stadium. He was surprised that his dad got them both front row seats. “Tickets at Citi Field right now are selling at $1,500 and that is not even front row,” he said. “I really want to go and watch the home games. However, I may spend $500 and get crappy seats.” “I just really want to experience this and would love to watch them play at home.” Melendez said. His favorite player on the team is the team captain, David Wright. Melendez admires Wright because of his community service and his loyalty to the Mets. “David Wright had the chance to leave the Mets and go play somewhere else, but he chose to stay with his team and look where they are now,” he said. “They could possibly win the World Series and it is the best feeling ever as a fan.” After the game ended, Melendez was upset because the Mets lost. However, he is still hopeful. “I know they have it in

them and I know they can win. If I want to talk realistically, they are both equally good,” he said. “The Mets have the best pitching rotation and the Royals have one of the best contact hitting lineups.”


“If the Mets win, I do not know what I will do, but I know that, emotionally, I will be a wreck. I will probably cry and most likely scream like a maniac,” he said. “It will be worth it because being a Mets fan means being patient and loyal.” 13 Features ? Features

Appetizing Korean food is a subway ride away EVELYN MILLER

Staff Writer

Between 32nd St. and Broadway, there’s a cafeteria catering some of the yummiest Korean food in Manhattan. By taking a quick ride on the E or the F train to Harold Square, you can try many dishes that satisfy a variety of interests and tastes. Although the place might be a little hard to find since it isn’t marked with a large sign, it is still very popular. The official name of the cafeteria is called Food Gallery 32. When you first walk in, you are struck by the number of options at your disposal, as there are three levels of food options. If you’re looking for something traditional, then definitely try the spicy ox tail soup. The dish is a combination of rice and pickled radishes, but be warned: it’s spicy. If you are susceptible to spicy food, be sure to drink plenty of milk or get a cup of Red Mango frozen yogurt. If you love noodles, then try the Jjajangmyeony, which are noodles with black bean sauce. Both come as a large portion, are under $7 and are absolutely delicious.


Food Gallery 32 offers a variety of tasty budget-friendly Korean food, including the curry chicken bun.

There are many other options too and if you were to try anything while you are there, it would have to be the omelette

fried rice. It is the dish that has hooked me to this place. It’s an omelette with vegetable fried

rice in the middle. If you love meat, then get it with fried chicken or pork. For $12, you get the omelette and large pieces of fried meat of your choice as well as salad, miso soup and pickled radishes. Aside from the food, this is a good place to eat out if you are on a budget, but still trying to do something different. The seating area is large enough to house about six of your friends and coincidently is located next to their dessert shop, so after a meal you guys can have quirky strawberry shortcakes that look like flowers. Even better: you can walk down the street and see many of the local sights, like Macy’s. The best thing about going to Food Gallery 32 is that they always leave you wanting to come back for more. For people who want to try new areas and see new places, Food Gallery 32 is a great place to start. Although it’s located outside of Queens, it’s still a part of the New York community and would be a great place to go, even if only once. Also, on your way out, try to stop by the bun shop. They make a great snack for the ride home; I suggest the chicken curry bun.

Savor great music and tasty food at B.B. King’s L o c a t e d i n Ti m e s S q u a r e , B . B . K i n g ’s i s t h e p e r f e c t n i g h t o u t VICTORIA LOHWASSER

Staff Writer

Interested in a night out on the town? Dinner and a show, maybe? If so, B.B. King’s Blues Club & Grill is the place for you! The club opened in 2000, and some of music’s greatest legends have performed on its stage. Some notable performers include Aretha Franklin, the Allman Brothers, Alicia Keys, ZZ Top and Jay Z.

B.B King’s is one of the many Times Sq. gems.

Located on 237 West 42nd St., between Seventh and Eighth Avenues near Times Square, B.B. King’s is sure to excite any crowd. The start times for shows vary, but usually take place around 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. B.B. King’s is open daily from 11 a.m. and the doors open at 6 p.m. for shows. Customers can enjoy lunch, dinner and drinks. Upcoming performances in November include Stephanie Mills, the Yardbirds and Angie Stone with DJ Hakim. Lucille’s Bar & Grill is a separate bar/ restaurant located inside B.B. King’s and is named for B.B. King’s guitar. B.B. King was an American blues singer, songwriter and guitarist. In 2011, Rolling Stone named King number six on the “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time” list. Lucille’s is open on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. and on Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. for lunch, dinner and drinks. Lucille’s also has performances from artists. Events in November include Esnavi, Davina & the Vagabonds and Snake Canyon & Wer, to name a few. Although B.B. King’s is open to all ages, a few late night shows are 21 and over. There is no dress code for either Lucille’s or B.B. King’s, so dressing up or being casual is totally up to you. Seating is on a first-come-first-serve basis; so, if you’re going to a show, be sure to get there well in advance. Some performances are partially seated and others are completely non-seated. The seating is cab-


Swedish singer and songwriter Viktoria Tocca performing at B.B. King’s.

aret style, so guests can be seated with other parties. If you are ordering food, there is a $10 per person food and beverage minimum. The menu is American Continental with a Southern flair and is created by Chef Wenford Patrick Simpson. You can start off with some appetizers like bluesy wings, pit smoked chicken nachos, popcorn shrimp or the soup of the day. You can even make the appetizer your main meal. Try the cajun crawfish fettuccine; you can add grilled chicken, grilled salmon or sautéed shrimp. There are also numerous entrees to choose from, such as the B.B. King’s Burger (lettuce, toma-

to, onions, pickle, fries, cheese, bacon and chili) cajun rib eye, Lucille’s Chicken & Waffles (southern fried chicken with a classic Belgian waffle with fresh maple butter) or even pan seared salmon. If you’re in the mood for dessert, try the key lime pie, New York cheesecake, Mississippi mud pie or the giant chocolate chip cookie à la mode. Want ice cream? Root beer floats and banana splits are available. For those who are 21 and over, the bar is always filled. B.B. King’s is great for a date night or a girls’ night. Get dressed up and prepare for a fun evening. Go out and get your blues on.

Red Storm drops another close one on Senior Night TROY MAURIELLO Assistant Sports Editor

The St. John’s men’s soccer team returned to Belson Stadium on Wednesday night for their final home game of the season against the Villanova Wildcats in a critical matchup for each team’s Big East Tournament hopes. It was Senior Night at a rain-drenched Belson Stadium as defenders Devin Morgan and Gabriel Camara, midfielder Luis Esteves and goalkeeper Jordan Stagmiller were each honored as graduating seniors during a pregame ceremony. “It’s been an honor to have a chance to coach all those kids,” head coach Dave Masur said postgame. “They’re a part of the St. John’s soccer family for life.” Besides the nice ceremony, this game also featured massive Big East Tournament implications for each team. Coming in, the Wildcats and Johnnies each sat on the outside looking in for the upcoming Big East Tournament, in seventh and eighth place in the conference respectively. The Red Storm came out on the attack early, with four corner kicks in the first 10 minutes, putting some early pressure on the Villanova defense. Freshman forward Filippo Ricupati continued the pressure in the 12th minute when he beat the Wildcats goalkeeper with a shot that deflected off the near post and was cleared. Despite the hot start for St. John’s, the Johnnies would find themselves playing from behind once again. A 19th minute

goal from Villanova’s Max Kroschwitz that was rocketed past Stagmiller gave the Wildcats an early 1-0 lead. That would end up being one of just two shots that the Red Storm defense allowed in the first half. Despite their consistent offensive attacks, they would go into halftime trailing 1-0. The St. John’s offense continued to chip away as the second half got going, but still could not find the back of the net. Esteves fired a shot off a free kick that was deflected just over the goal by a defender. Six minutes later, the Red Storm narrowly missed another equalizer. Esteves was back at it again in the 72nd minute, when his shot was blocked right in front of the keeper and sat aimlessly in front of the net before being cleared by a Wildcat defender. This was the second time on the night that the Red Storm could not capitalize off a juicy rebound sitting in front of the goal. The final St. John’s opportunity of the night came on a free kick with just under five minutes left to play. Esteves fired a hard ground ball that made its way to the Villanova goalkeeper; however, it was easily picked up as the threat was averted. The Wildcats would add a late insurance goal on a three-on-one breakaway in the final minute to take a 2-0 lead, one that they would hold on to to steal the huge road victory. “Like we’ve seen so many times, we tired a little bit in the second half,” said Masur.

“We have a lot of new guys in the program that aren’t up to the tempo of the game for 90 minutes.”

With the loss, St. John’s dropped to 3-10-3 and saw their conference record fall to 1-4-2 with two games left in the season.


Jordan Stagmiller was honored with the three others members of the senior class prior to their final game at Belson Stadium.

Prosuk scores beat DePaul Records fall in loss to Xavier DYLAN HORNIK Contributing Writer

Freshman forward Mike Prosuk is a star in the making for the St. John’s University men’s soccer team. Led by Prosuk’s two goals, the Red Storm defeated DePaul 2-0 in their Halloween game at Wish Field in Chicago. In the 35th minute, freshman defenseman Marcus Lindqvist put a spectacular cross into the 18-yard box for Prosuk, who used all of his 6’ 5” frame to outjump the defender and give St. John’s a 1-0 lead late in the first half. The score remained the same late into the second half, when Filippo Ricupati controlled a volley and put a bouncing through-ball in for Prosuk, who slid it past hard-charging goalie Mack Robinson in the 87th minute for his second goal of the game to secure the 2-0 win. Offensively, St. John’s was potent all game long for the Red Storm. Prosuk had a header saved by Robinson in the second minute, the first of 19 shots on goal for the team. Ricupati had a shot deflected over the crossbar, Prosuk again had a shot saved in the 11th minute and Marti Tapia had one saved by Robinson in the 14th. The constant pressure paid off on the team’s 11th shot in the first half with Prosuk’s header. However, he wasn’t the only one providing offensive pressure. Ricupati, Tapia and Luis Esteves all had multiple chances for St. John’s, who earned their first victory since a 1-0 win over Seton

Hall on Oct. 3. The offensive display was noted by head coach Dave Masur. “We’ve battled through a number of tight games and our guys have continued to show their resilience, determination and willingness to keep fighting,” he said. “I thought we set the tone with a good start and then the game really opened up, a bit more than your typical Big East match.” After Saturday’s win, Prosuk is now the top scorer on the team this season with five goals. Lindqvist and Stagmiller were credited with their first assists of the season, and Ricupati tallied his second assist of the year. All that was left for the Red Storm was to continue their stout defensive play. DePaul didn’t get their first chance until the 13th minute and didn’t challenge Stagmiller until he saved back-to-back chances to open up the second half. The Blue Demons outshot St. John’s in the second half, but the confident play of Stagmiller kept the shutout intact. The team held DePaul to just six shots in the first half and nine in the second while most of the game was played in the offensive half of the field. Jordan Stagmiller, helped out by a tough defensive group, recorded six saves to earn his fifth shutout overall and fourth in conference play. After Saturday’s game, St. John’s is now 4-10-3 overall and 2-4-2 in the Big East. The Red Storm finishes their regular season with a road game against Providence on Nov. 5.


The women’s volleyball team lost an in-conference game on Friday night against Big East rival Xavier. Despite the 3-1 loss, there were a few members of the team who set new records. The team did not perform as well as it did the last time it met Xavier, but the teams put on a competitive show for an excited crowd in Carnesecca Arena. Senior Yaidy Santiago earned her second double-double of the season with 12 kills and 19 digs, her career-high. Three other Red Storm players ended the game with a double-double. Both sophomore Julia Cast and junior Mona Karkkainen helped lead the team in scoring by earning 10 kills each. Senior Karin Palgutova earned her ninth double-double of the season and made history by tying the Kristy Mercein’s record for career service aces. Palgutova served two aces on Friday night which brought her to 132 career aces. “I always try to do my best so I know I left everything I have on the court,” Palgutova said. The Johnnies had more digs than the Musketeers (77-65), but after winning the first set 29-27, the Storm lost three sets in a row. The set scores were 29-27, 21-25, 23-25, 21-25, respectively. Both Palgutova and head coach Joanne Persico said blocking was the biggest reason for the tough loss the team suffered.

“We just couldn’t block them as well,” Persico said. “We blocked them well the first time we played them.” On Sept. 25, the last time these teams met, the Storm lost after the game went to a close fifth set. Blocks played a major role in the competitive first matchup of the season. In the first game, St. John’s had a total of 12 team blocks, whereas in Friday’s game they recorded a total of 5.5. Leading the team in blocks was sophomore Danisha Moss and she recorded four more blocks in the September game versus the Musketeers. Last game against Xavier, Palgutova blocked the Musketeers three times. On Friday, she had one successful block. “We had a little bit of trouble stopping their best players, so I think that was our weakness,” Palgutova said. For most of the fourth and final set of the game, the Red Storm was able to keep the Xavier lead from extending beyond two points. The largest difference in the set was when the score reached 16-20 in favor of the Musketeers. The Johnnies went on a 4-2 run to come within one point, but were answered by an Xavier 4-1 run. The Musketeers won the last set 25-21. Looking forward, team has five more games in its regular season. In order to secure a spot in the postseason tournament, the team must finish within the top four of the conference. According to Persico, “We gotta win and keep it going.” After this game St. John’s record dropped to 15-12 overall and 5-7 in conference play.

Sports 15

Five thousand miles from home Mutlugil thrives KATHERINE ACQUAVELLA Staff Writer

Moving away from home for college is difficult for most students. Moving five thousand miles to play a Division I sport is unquestionably difficult. But somehow, St. John’s University women’s volleyball player Deniz Mutlugil made the move from Turkey look easy. Mutlugil, currently a senior on the Red Storm squad is cherishing every game left in her illustrious career where she’s considered one of St. John’s most dominant setters. Mutlugil ranks fourth all-time in assists with 3,281. During her junior year season, she led the Big East and ranked top 50 in the NCAA in assists per set (10.85.) Five thousand miles away from her family and friends, Mutlugil relies on her teammates for motivation. “For me, I would say my motivation is my teammates,” Mutlugil said. “After some time, they start to become your sisters, not just teammates.” When competing in a Big East conference with so much parity the camaraderie between teammates is vital. Especially when just seven games separate the number one seed team from the fifth seeded team. “Big East teams this year are all so close to each other,” Mutlugil said. “The firstranked team can lose to the last-ranked team, it’s so competitive.”

The Red Storm has five conference games left in the season, including regular-season finale against second-ranked Villanova (11-2). “No matter what, we definitely want to go to the Big East Tournament.” Mutlugil did not always plan to play volleyball in college. Her first love was swimming. “I was swimming competitively for six years,” Mutlugil said. “I had gold medals and actually thought that I was in a good place with swimming. But, it turned out another way.” The inspiration to pursue playing collegiate volleyball stems from her parents. “My mom and dad were professional volleyball players,” Mutlugil said. “Deep down, I knew that they would love it if their daughter were to play volleyball.” “I started playing volleyball when I was nine-years-old. When I was 12, I signed with a club team and I played there for six years.” Mutlugil’s desire to study and play abroad began during her senior year of high school. “My English was really good by my senior year of high school,” Mutlugil said. “I took all my high school classes in English so it wasn’t that bad.” With a little help from her old club coach, and the head coach at the University of Florida, the lefty setter from Turkey was beginning to get interest from U.S. college coaches. The first coach to contact her was St.

John’s head coach Joanne Persico. “JoJo was the first one to reply back, saying that she would love to meet with me.” Several Skype sessions later, coach Persico sold Mutlugil on St. John’s. “And then, I just found myself here in the summer of 2012.” Mutlugil didn’t just step outside her

comfort zone. She leaped outside of it. But four seasons later and the Turkey native has made New York her second home. Mutlugil plans to pursue an internship or job opportunity in New York post-graduation. “I want to stay here and get some job experience,” Mutlgil said. “Then we’ll see what happens.”


Deniz Mutlugil has supplanted herself among the greatest to ever step on the floor for the Red Storm as she ranks fourth all-time in assists.

Johnson dominates intrasquad scrimmage CARMINE CARCIERI Assistant Sports Editor

Behind an impressive performance from graduate transfer and former Pittsburgh Panther Durand Johnson, the White team defeated the Red team, 84-72, in the Johnnies’ first Red and White Scrimmage at Carnesecca Arena under new head coach Chris Mullin. Johnson (White) scored 32 points, shot 11-of-17 from the field, knocked down five threes and grabbed five rebounds on Saturday. The 6’6” forward also showed an underrated array of passes and was able to attack the rim, finishing with either hand. His length and hand activity defensively bothered the opposing team, as he was able to create multiple deflections and fast break opportunities. The White team received production from smooth guard Federico Mussini (17 points), the stretch four Darien Williams (11 points) and the high motor of freshman Kassoum Yakwe (eight points and 12 rebounds). The lone returnee on the White squad, shooting guard Felix Balamou, struggled to score before departing with an injury to his arm late in the second half. Four-star recruit Marcus LoVett, who scored 22 points on 8-of-23 shooting, led the Red team with his tremendous vision (eight assists) and lock down defense on Mussini (five steals). LoVett was aggres-

sive, quick and effective in transition, but he must limit his turnovers (four total) and continue to develop a consistent outside jumper in order to match-up with the physical point guards in the Big East Conference. Freshman Yankuba Sima had 15 points, former Missouri State guard Ron Mvouika dropped 16 points and first year talent Malik Ellison put up 14 points for the Red team while their teammate, forward Christian Jones, had a game-high 15 rebounds and was active in the paint for most of the afternoon. But the Red team had no answer for Johnson in the first half as he scored 18 points, on 7-of-8 shooting, and was drilling three pointers from the wing with ease. Overall the White team shot 51 percent from the field in the opening half and played strong defense, holding the Red team to just 34 points and only 26 percent shooting from downtown. Both units played at a fast pace with plenty of quick jump shots, easy baskets at the rim or free throw chances. The Johnnies are expected to carry this NBA style of play and motion offense into the season. The Red and White teams both experimented with a number of different lineups and defenses, including a full court press mid-way through the first half and a heavy dose of aggressive zone defense. At one point, the Red team went big with Mvouika, LoVett, Sima, Jones and sophomore Amar Alibegovic on the floor.

One area for concern is free throw shooting as the White team shot just 73 percent and the Red team finished with 48 percent.

The Red Storm will play two exhibition match-ups this week against St. Thomas Aquinas on Wednesday and Sonoma State on Saturday.


Durand Johnson scored a game-high 32 points to lead the White team to victory in the annual Red and White Scrimmage on Saturday.


Diana Poulin

Anna-Maria Baldursdottir

Lucy Whipp

Big East Goalkeeper of the Year

Big East AllFreshman Team Selection

Big East AllFreshman Team Selection

Ian Stone Big East Coaching Staff of the Year


Stone and his staff were honored with Big East Coaching Staff of the Year accolades. The honor for Stone marked the second such selection of his career. Daly, Poulin and Kearney-Perry all received there respective honors for the second time in their careers. Poulin and Kearney-Perry earned their accolades for the second straight season. Daly and Kearney-Perry were the only unanimous First Team selections in the conference. Emily Cubbage found a spot on the All-Big East Second Team for the second straight season and freshman Anna Maria Baldursdottir and Lucy Whipp were named to the All-Freshman team. Whipp earned a unanimous selection.






The goal for Daly was her 19th on the season and the 50th of her legendary career. In both the men’s and women’s program at St. John’s Daly is only the second player to score 50 career goals. The other was Huey Ferguson on the men’s side. Ferguson was a two-time All-American and Big East Offensive Player of the Year for and recorded 50 goals from 1991-94. What makes Daly’s mark even more impressive is that she has the 50-goal plateau in only three seasons. Tinari’s assist on the Daly score marked her ninth on the season, giving her the most in the Big East. Diana Poulin’s shutout of the Fri-

“Now, obviously, we’ve kind of got to do it all over again,” Stone said. “We have the top seed in the Big East Tournament, but six of those teams that have made it are fantastic teams. We have a tremendous amount of respect for all of them, so now it’s a question of making sure that we recover, regenerate our bodies and then get ready to go again next Friday.” On Tuesday, the Big East announced its yearly awards and St. John’s walked away with an historic amount of postseason accolades. Rachel Daly was a unanimous selection for Big East Offensive Player of the Year. Georgia Kearney-Perry was selected as Big East Defensive Player of the Year, Diana Poulin was named Big East Goalkeeper of the Year and Ian PHOTO/ATHLETIC COMMUNICATIONS

Continued from page 1

ars was the team’s 12th on the season and gave her the 31st win of her career. The win moves her one out of a tie for first in program history with Kristin Russell. “I thought it was a tremendous team performance,” Stone said. “Providence came out flying against us. We were resolute in our defending. “Diana [Poulin] made a couple of big saves in the first half and then I felt we made some adjustments in the second half: got the ball on the ground, possessed it through midfield much better.” The Red Storm’s next game will be in Omaha as the No. 1 seed in the Big East. They will take on the winner of the Butler versus Marquette game on Nov. 6.



November 4, 2015 | VOLUME 93, ISSUE 10 |

Georgia Kearney -Perry

Rachel Daly

Emily Cubbage

Big East Defensive Player of the Year

Big East Offensive Player of the Year

Big East AllSecond Team

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