TOPS in Lexington Magazine, November 2014

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FEATURES 62 68 70 92 95 98 100 105 107 109 112 115 116 120 171 212

Holiday Picks Go Red for Women Feature Section Survivors of Heart Disease A Heartfelt Campaign: The 2014 Go Red for Women Luncheon Portrait in Perseverence: Meet Bonnie St. John When Aches Aren’t Due to Aging—Peripheral Arterial Disease Circle of Red Heart Healthy Recipes Seven Salty Myths Busted Heart Healthy Tips for Eating Out Disco Can Save a Life—Hands Only CPR Why is Chantel Wearing Red? At Home with the Stoops Family TOPS Tour of Homes: The Stoops Family TOPS Cares WOW Wedding: Payal & Jay Kadiwala

TOPS IN EQUINE 147 148 152 156 163 164

Equine Table of Contents Fillies in the Workplace: Layson Griffith Horse Park Happenings The Keeneland Fall Meet JoJo the Horse Racino Roundup






TOPS AROUND TOWN 27 Out & About 28 TOPS October Preview Party 30 LYPA Rising Stars Awards Banquet 32 Pink Tie Gala 34 Bra Day Lex 36 Hot Seat for Hope with Joe B. Hall


38 Komen Race for the Cure 40 2nd Annual Bell Bottoms Boogie Bash I 42 2nd Annual Bell Bottoms Boogie Bash II 44 LexEnd Poverty 194 Evening with John Maxwell Mitchell Foundation 196 Night for the Nest 198 Big in the Bluegrass 200 Black & White Ball 202 Markey Cancer Foundation “The Betsy” 204 23 BLAST Movie Premiere 206 Walk to End Alzheimer’s 208 Keeneland I 210 Keeneland II 226 TOP Shots

202 204 Captions for event photos are typically provided to TOPS by the event organizers. We do our best to check names and spelling…but we are all human and make mistakes. Please contact with any corrections and we will make note of it in the next issue.



IN EVERY ISSUE 48 TOP 5 Dining: Coffee Houses 51 A Taste of Thyme: Thanksgiving Traditions 55 Fitness: Keep it Moving on Thanksgiving 56 Family: Answered Prayers 58 Parties: Reducing Stress with a Thanksgiving Timeline 61 Etiquette & Entertaining: Shortcuts vs. Cut Short 103 Gardening: Gardening for Heart Health 167 Fashion: Hat’s Off! 168 Relationships: Timing is Everything 175 Posh Paws: Keep Your Paws to Yourself 176 Sports: We Don’t Really Know Our Heros 178 What’s New 181 Luxurious Living 216 Weddings: Something Old Options 218 Lesley’s List 221 Up & Coming

51 216

56 The views and comments expressed by the authors are not always that of our editors or publishers. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, TOP Marketing Group accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions or resultant consequences, including any loss or damage arising from the reliance on information in this publication. All images contained in TOPS in Lexington Magazine are subject to copyright of the artist or photographer as named, but not limited thereto. Reproduction of any part of this magazine without prior written permission is prohibited.



TOPS Around Town

SUSAN G KOMEN RACE FOR THE CURE Photos by Alex Orlov The 2014 Komen Race for the Cure took place in Downtown Lexington. The 5K walk or run community event was sponsored by White, Greer and Maggard Orthodontics. The event included a survivor photographer, breakfast, a DJ for non-participating guests, prizes and awards. Komen Lexington’s goal was to attract 8,000 participants and raise $600,000 towards breast cancer research.



Scan here to see all the photos for this event at

Taste of Thyme

Uncle Joey’s Butternut Bisque 2 lbs butternut squash cut up 1 large onion 6 slices diced up bacon 2 Tbsp. garlic crushed 3 large honey crisp apples(if available) salt/pepper to taste 3 Tbsp. coconut oil 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh sage ½ cup white wine (Use Sherry wine if you want a true bisque) ¼ cup honey 6 cups chicken stock Put squash, apple, onion, bacon , garlic, tossed in coconut oil in a dutch oven or oven proof stock pot- roast on 400 degrees for about 40 min or until bacon is somewhat crisp- take out of the oven add the wine to the roasting pan scraping bottom of pan (deglaze)- add chicken broth and fresh sage and honeyadd salt and pepper to taste-mash some of the squash and apples; don’t mash all of it unless you prefer a bisque consistency (in this case use an immersion blender) – I prefer to serve it with a few chunks of whole apple and butternut squash. Fry up lots more bacon, crumble and serve with a few sage sprigs in the middle with a bit of fresh grated smoked Gouda cheeseits souper good!!! Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine cornstarch and sugar together; set aside. Beat the eggs together and then add the cornstarch, sugar mixture to the eggs. Add salt, butter, and milk. Stir completely. Stir corn into mixture. Baked in a casserole dish for 45-50 minutes.

Mae Mae Davis’ Pumpkin Bread 2∕3 cup butter

2 2∕3 cup sugar 4 eggs 2 cups canned pumpkin 2∕3 cups water

3 ½ cup of flour ½ tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. baking soda 1 ½ tsp. salt 2 tsp. nutmeg 2 tsp. cinnamon ½ tsp. cloves 2∕3 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Cream the butter and sugar together then add the eggs and pumpkin mixture and mix until well blended. Add dry ingredients together in separate bowl and then add to the pumpkin mixture in thirds until everything is well combined. Spray two loaf pans and then pour in the batter and fill about ¾ full. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Let cool for 20 minutes and slice and serve.






During a month focused on gratitude, it’s easy to recognize the obvious. But when I look at the dear sweet faces of my children, I’m reminded to be thankful that God answered a prayer in giving me each one—especially the last one. Because sometimes we don’t really know what we are asking for. And God answers prayers in ways we never imagined. Case in point: my fourth child. Because she is six years younger than her next sibling, most people assume that she was our “surprise.” But actually, she was an answer to prayer. I just didn’t know what I was asking for. I don’t remember praying we would be able to conceive. We didn’t have to. Our first two children arrived just like it’s written in the textbooks. They broke us in pretty easily, so we were naïve enough to think we must be doing something right, and actually thought we should have more. Of course, when things are so well balanced—two parents, two kids; a boy, a girl—there doesn’t seem to be a “right” time to add a third child. I started asking friends why they had only two kids, or when they decided to add the third. There were plenty of interesting answers! One friend said, “I just knew, when we sat down to dinner, someone was missing.” Ironically, as I was trying to decide when to have that third child, I realized that what I thought had been a really bad case of stomach flu was really morning sickness. Yup, I was pregnant. Even though I hadn’t planned it. These things happen. Surprise! And then the third child arrived. And nothing was ever the same. I made it to the delivery room two hours after my water broke, just in time for the nurse to scream, “I need a doctor NOW.” Apparently whoever was handling admitting that morning sensed the urgency and told my husband he could fill out paperwork later. So he arrived, breathless, in time to greet our son, cut the cord, and tell me, “Don’t ever do this to me again.” As if I was planning a repeat event. And that’s when the fun began. If you want to call it that. Three kids under the age of five is a stretch for anyone, and when one of the kids is “one of those kids,” it’s enough to make anyone question her sanity on a daily basis.

by Hallie Bandy





Our third child cried louder, slept less, took more risks, and knew how to push everyone’s buttons. He climbed out of his crib before most kids can sit up. And when


he climbed out, he wreaked havoc—or hid. Which meant that, post naptime, I either had to clean up a mess, or locate a baby. Being a Mom can be lonely and desperate at times, particularly when there is still a nap schedule to keep—or deal with when it’s not kept. Everything requires extra effort, the to-do list never ends, and any precious “me time” is often spent asleep. There are certainly intangible rewards and priceless moments of family bonding that I would never trade. But part of the sacrifice of parenting means we lack the time and funds for luxuries that would make up for the long days—and nights—of thankless tasks. I remember thinking a medically induced coma sounded like a vacation. At some point, I stood in my living room, and prayed, aloud, “God, don’t ever let me forget what it is like to have little kids.” Maybe it was the day the bean-bag chair exploded and the electromagnetically charged pellets went everywhere. Or maybe it was another incident with diaper contents. Or the umpteenth call to poison control. I don’t exactly remember the circumstances, but I remember that prayer, feeling alone with a mess, determined that I would do my best to help young mothers once my own kids grew up. But that doesn’t mean I’ve always remembered that prayer. The memory of that day was tucked neatly away with the toys, crib and baby equipment that I was, for some reason, determined to use, just one more time. Trouble was, I didn’t have any cooperation. I would mention a fourth kid, and my husband would say, “You have one who is the equivalent of four. Isn’t that enough?” No birth control is quite as effective as the presence of young children. Anyone’s, really. But especially your own. Someone was missing from our table, though, and I knew it. And, after five years, I managed to wear my husband down. And so we have our youngest. And a fresh reminder that sometimes leaving the house is far more complicated than it should be. That life is messy. That Moms of young children need help and encouragement. A reminder that I asked God not to let me forget.


Reduce Stress with a

Thanksgiving Timeline T

hanksgiving celebrates great food, time with loved ones, and the blessings in our lives. If you are hosting Thanksgiving this year, you will still want to spend the day enjoying these gifts. Whether you’re hosting your very first Thanksgiving dinner or are a seasoned host, the big day will be much less stressful with some advanced planning. The following timeline can help make your Thanksgiving more pleasant. Two to three weeks before It’s important to nail down the guest list, take stock of what items you’ll need, and plan the menu. First, get in touch with all friends and family that are invited to get an approximate count of how many will be attending. After getting a head count, determine if you have enough seating to accommodate everyone or if you will need to borrow folding tables or chairs. You can also take stock of your serving dishes, utensils, and linens. If you are running short on any of these items, now is the time to pick up extras.

Photos & Styling by Mirabelle Creations

Finally, a few weeks before the big day, you can finalize the menu. If you are lucky to have guests that will be bringing dishes to share, find out what items they plan on bringing. Then, you can fill in with any other items. Once you plan the dishes you are making you can also take stock of whether you’ll need any new equipment or serving dishes to make or serve those items. A couple of weeks before the event is a good time to make a cooking plan to address exactly when you will be preparing all the items on your menu. One week before Clean out your refrigerator and freezer. If you have not yet arranged for your turkey, purchase a frozen one so that you can begin to defrost it. You could also make items that can be frozen and thawed the day before the dinner, such as pie dough, cookie dough, chicken stock, and soups. One week before, shop for nonperishable items, such as drinks, baking



ingredients, spices, canned goods, and any decorating items you might be using. A few days before Shop for any perishable goods. Prepare any menu items that can be made ahead, such as cranberry sauce and salad dressings. Preparing as many dishes as possible beforehand will make the day of the dinner much less hectic. Remember to thaw any items that you prepared a few weeks before, so that they will be ready to prepare by Thanksgiving. If you are baking pies for the big event, prepare and cook them the day before Thanksgiving. Purchase any fresh flowers that you need and set your table. If you’ll be hosting kids at your dinner, don’t forget to make a special spot for them with coloring books or other activities to keep them busy. Also, set out any containers or boxes that you can use to package up leftovers. The day of the event Take the turkey out of the refrigerator and let it stand for one hour to come to room temperature before roasting it. You can also begin to chill any drinks that should be chilled beforehand. While the turkey is cooking, finish preparing any side dishes, appetizers, and salads. About 30 minutes before guests are set to arrive, take a few minutes to relax and get dressed. Light candles and enjoy a drink before greeting your guests. And, enjoy your Thanksgivby Deanna Talwalkar ing with friends and family! Party Planner Extraordinaire

Etiquette & Entertaining

Shortcuts vs. Cut Short By this time of year retailers, magazines and media pro-

grams have informed everyone that the holidays are upon us. With this realization, a rush of mixed emotions floods the mind of every hostess. How does one accomplish the necessary and still proclaim this as the “Happiest Time of the Year”? Determined to improve upon last year’s holiday, what can a hostess do differently? The answer is shortcuts! The most obvious shortcut is to plan everything well ahead of time—like Now! Early planning should not be a topic of conversation at the Bridge table or the dinner table. Pre-planning can be most successfully accomplished at a quiet time when your mind is uncluttered. Arm yourself with a tablet, post-it notes and your calendar. Then, proceed with making list, upon list, upon list. Group Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Dinner when thinking of menus. Two things done together take less time. While going through your array of cookbooks, think about both holiday dinners. There is less chance of repetition and more possibility of adding a new creative touch to the meals. Mark the recipes and set the cookbooks aside for further planning. Next, concentrate on the table’s décor for each of the dinners. Determine which linens can be used for which holiday. Check that the linens are clean, ironed and ready. If not, add the linens to an ongoing “To Do List”. Visualize the tables. Consider how creative and interesting napkin rings can be in adding personality to your table setting. Here are some suggestions: • Roll the napkin into a cylinder shape and tie with a wired ribbon in a seasonal color. A wrapped candy cane, sprig of holly or a fresh flower may be tucked into the bow. • Wrap a cutting of Ivy around a folded napkin. • Cut burlap fabric into 1½ inch wide strips about 14” long. Wrap burlap around a folded napkin and tie in a square knot. Set a small pumpkin or a tree ornament on the top of the flat tie.

Place this clever “place card” at each place. Let everyone try to find his or her place. • Put a fresh flower at each place setting with the guest’s name written in metallic on a leaf. • Tie large bows on the back of each chair. Write the guest’s name on one of the streamers. • When preparing a place card for guests, who may not know everyone, write the person’s name on both sides of the card. That way one can see the name of the person sitting across from them as well as those on either side. • Buy reasonably priced wine glasses. Have the guest’s name etched on the glass. • Using votive candle holders, have the guest’s name written on the votive. This serves as a place card, table gift and adds a soft light to the table décor. Continuing with the tablet, list names and gift possibilities, attaching catalogue information or the store location. On the “To Do List”, purchase all wrapping materials. Gifts, then, may be wrapped as soon as purchased and stored. Remember to have several wrapped hostess gifts ready for the upcoming holiday parties. Now that the lists are made, have a special planning calendar. This should be separate from the family event calendar. With lists in hand, allocate certain days for each item on the “To Do Lists”. Write on your calendar in pencil should plans need to be altered. Many time management consultants will attest that writing down an item on a list removes the stress of trying to remember long lists of “Things To Do”. If, at the first of November, this pre-planning is completed, there will be more time available to actually enjoy the holidays. The key to shortcuts is planning ahead so you won’t be ‘cut short’ on being prepared. Happy Planning!

• Tie a napkin with a long string of black and/or red licorice. A complete holiday table should have place cards. Realistically, they minimize the confusion of seating the guests. Also, place cards can double as a table gift. Ideas for place cards could be… • Use a small silver frame. Write the guest’s name in the picture place or have the frame engraved with the guest’s name. • Choose a tree ornament that represents the hobby or profession of each guest. Photos Complements of Juliska

by Sue Ann Truitt Etiquette & Entertaining Consultant



Meet Bonnie St. John

to the attention of the White House, where she joined the National Economic Council as a Director for Human Capital Policy, appointed by President Bill Clinton. Bonnie then applied her unique perspectives and insights to help others as a writer and motivational speaker. Described by NBC “Nightly News” as “one of the most inspiring women in America”, Bonnie has traveled the world over the last twenty years, as a keynote speaker and leadership consultant for over five hundred different companies, non-profits and associations. In live, radio, and web-based appearances, Bonnie continues to inspire leaders at every corporate level to enhance their skills and achieve their fullest potential.

stories show that a purpose larger than oneself is often the catalyst for leadership. Bonnie observes that women frequently have challenges about perfectionism and micromanaging, and recommends that they learn to let go and rely on other people more.

Bonnie frequently donates her free time during travels to schools, community groups, and homeless shelters where she feels that she can make an impact. She has volunteered as a coach for disabled ski racers for the Adaptive Sports Foundation, and recently counseled survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing who were transitioning to new lives with prostheses. In 2010, Bonnie was appointed to the U.S.’s official delegation to the Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver.

With her demanding schedule, Bonnie relates to the day-to-day challenges of living a healthy lifestyle. She stresses the importance of doing small actions consistently, for long-term benefit. With her travel schedule constantly changing, Bonnie proactively plans steps for exercise and healthy eating, traveling with Zumba and yoga routines loaded on her computer, enabling her to continue exercising when she’s on the road. When she and her husband fly, they bring their own food, so that they always have healthy options in the right portions.

“When you try things that don’t work, don’t see them as a series of failures, but a series of learning experiences”, she says. “For example, when it comes to health, everyone has different needs, and you have to continually test out new approaches to find out what’s best for you. It takes effort to learn what habits and behaviors succeed for your lifestyle. What works for you in one phase of your life may no longer work for you in another, so it’s a continuous process.”

When you try things that don’t work, don’t see them as a series of failures, but a series of learning experiences.

Bonnie’s latest book, “How Great Women Lead”, is a series of profiles based on interviews with instrumental female leaders, co-authored with her teenage daughter Darcy. “Exploring leadership through the eyes of strong and vital women from around the world was an especially meaningful experience,” says Bonnie. “Darcy and I learned from each other so much. It was rewarding to work together as mother and daughter. It was a big dream, and we had to solve problems, and approach our goals in different ways. To achieve big goals, you have to be resilient, and to get the results you want, you have to persevere.” The book profiles leaders like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, fashion designer Eileen Fisher, Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg, and many other notable women. Not all of the women are high profile or household names, but each is impactful. “Women lead everywhere, in different styles, it doesn’t have to be a certain way”, Bonnie feels. “They carve their own paths, that is why they are successful. Every woman can bring herself to making a difference in the world.” Bonnie found that though each woman profiled had her own individual experience, they shared a similar authenticity and comfort with their own flaws and strengths, doing things their own way. The



“Everyone has setbacks, no matter the size of your aspirations”, Bonnie notes. “I’d rather play big and have big dreams than limit my options by keeping those dreams small. Life is full of challenges, and we grow as individuals by the way that we meet them.” Bonnie has been a popular guest in both national and international media including: The Today Show, CNN, CBS Morning News, NBC News, PBS, NPR, and The New York Times, as well as People, “O”, and Essence magazines. Learn more about her life, career, and projects by visiting For more on Bonnie and Darcy’s exciting new book, visit

Bonnie’s daughter and co-author, Darcy

Peripheral Arterial Disease

When Aches Aren’t Due to Aging Preventing P.A.D.

by Barbara Meyer


o Red for Women is honored to have Dr. Nezar Falluji, MD as a speaker at their November 14th Luncheon. During the breakout sessions, Dr. Falluji will be sharing his expertise on peripheral arterial disease (P.A.D.), a condition that affects 8-12 million people in the U.S., 12-20% of individuals 60 and older.

Have you been decreasing the nightly walks you’ve always enjoyed due to pesky leg cramps? Dr. Nezar Falluji Do small cuts and sores take forever to heal? Do your feet always feel cold? What you might associate with “bad circulation” may actually be symptoms of P.A.D. P.A.D. can lead to very serious consequences if allowed to continue, such as non-healing wounds, gangrene and amputation. Furthermore, patients with P.A.D are at risk for strokes and heart attacks and therefore early recognition and modification of the disease process is crucial to prevent those complications. What is P.A.D.? P.A.D. is the narrowing or blockage of the inner walls of the arteries that carry oxygen-rich blood to the various organs and tissues of the body. P.A.D. usually develops as a result of atherosclerosis, an inflammatory systemic condition that is characterized by chronic plaque deposits that build up inside artery walls. While healthy arteries are flexible, the plaque accumulation makes them thickened and stiff, and will eventually narrow the arteries, compromising the healthy blood flow to the area affected. Without proper blood flow, major organs and limbs may become damaged. While hardening or narrowing of the arteries is a term that’s commonly known, it’s also common to incorrectly think of it as a natural part of the aging process, instead of a dangerous condition that should be prevented. In the early stages of P.A.D., the symptoms can be subtle and attributed to arthritis or other unspecified muscle pain. “The disease is very insidious and often silent in the early stages,” observes Dr. Falluji. “During that time, lifestyle modifications and risk factors management could lessen the impact of P.A.D.”



As a systemic disease, P.A.D. can manifest itself in various parts of the body. In the lower extremities, the Initial symptoms of P.A.D. are frequently a tight, squeezing pain in the calves, thighs, or buttocks while walking, climbing stairs, or during other forms of exercise, that lessens or stops during rest. Healthy circulation would normally supply enough blood to meet the increased need, but with P.A.D., this is the body’s way of saying that the supply isn’t sufficient. Many wrongly attribute the pain and cramping to arthritis even though it is in their muscles rather than joints, and often diabetics confuse it with neuropathy, a burning or discomfort in the feet. Signs and symptoms of lower extremities P.A.D. include: • Exertional cramping or aching in the calves , thighs or buttocks that improves with rest. • Sores or wounds on the toes, heels or other areas of the feet that don’t heal, or heal very slowly • A lower temperature in one leg compared to the other • A pale or bluish color to the skin • Decreased toenail and hair growth on the legs • Erectile dysfunction, especially among men diagnosed with diabetes. Risk Factors Men and women are equally affected by P.A.D. The top risk factors for developing P.A.D. include age, smoking, diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, inactivity and obesity. What do they have in common? Except for one, aging, all of the biggest risk factors are controllable … by you. If you suspect that you may have P.A.D., your next step should be to partner with your doctor for testing and then work with them to develop a treatment plan based on your results. Diagnosing P.A.D. Your P.A.D. assessment will begin with a thorough overall physical examination, where you’ll also discuss your symptoms, other conditions, diet and exercise levels with your doctor. Blood tests and other non-invasive tests can be done right in your doctor’s office as part of a routine exam, and if needed, there are a number of other procedures, like ultrasounds, CT scans and angiograms, that can be performed in order to attain a conclusive result. You may be referred to another physician who focuses on disorders of the blood vessels (vascular specialist) or one who specializes in the heart and circulatory system (cardiologist). Preventing P.A.D. “Smoking is highly addictive, but smoking cessation is the most important thing you can do to help prevent or lessen the effects of P.A.D., says Dr. Falluji. “The good news is that there are various medications and treatment methods to help the determined patient quit smoking. I will also

Circle of Red

circle of RED

by Matt Rountree photos Ron Morrow


he Circle of Red is a passionate group of women committed to educating other women about the prevention of heart disease in a fun, heart-healthy way. Members have the influence and resources to significantly impact the community by providing a personal commitment to help find a cure for the number one killer of women.

Dr. Sylvia Cerel-Suhl, Julie Coffey, Michelle Landers, Paula Hanson, Dona Ray and Lindy Karns

Each Circle of Red member donates time and treasure to improve the heart health of women and the Central Kentucky community. The American Heart Association’s reputation for scientific excellence is at the core of Go Red For Women’s lifesaving work. Through the Circle of Red, the American Heart Association funds vital research and programs that fuel the development of medications, surgical innovations, treatments, and recommendations for preventing heart disease. Go Red funds allow us to help women directly by offering educational programs that increase understanding of heart disease risks. These funds provide the tools women need to be motivated to reduce their risk. Go Red funds help women indirectly by discovering scientific knowledge about women’s heart health and turning it into materials and tools that healthcare providers can use to help women. To learn more about the Circle of Red and the Go Red For Women movement, contact Mike Turner at 859-317-6878. Circle of Red members, Central Kentucky chapter Linda Ball Sandra Bouzaglou Patty Breeze Jan Cerel Dr. Sylvia Cerel-Suhl

Supporters of the Go Red For Women movement gather for its annual Wear Red Day at Keeneland celebration on Wednesday, October 15.



Julie Coffey Lenore Cole Pamela Gardner Mary Lynn Garrett Adrienne Grizzell

Paula Hanson Sandy Heymann Lindy Karns Michelle Landers Sue Ann Masson

Dona Ray Susan Smyth Ellen Tunnell Cindy Whitehouse


Gardening for Heart Health As we focus on heart disease in this month’s issue it is a reminder of just how many families are impacted by it. My mother suffers from heart disease. As I write this month’s column I am actually doing so from the emergency room, where my mom is being seen once again for chest pains upon recommendation from her cardiologist. Living with someone who has heart disease, I can say it is something that is easy to just “learn to live with.” It should be anything but that, and a trip to the ER is always a sober reminder about the lifestyle changes that must be made. The American Heart Association recommends a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, and fish. Natural goodness for a healthy heart. They also tout the benefits of a vegetarian diet. According to the AHA, vegetarians are less likely to suffer from heart disease than those who eat meat. A diet high in vegetables can lead to a healthier weight, lower blood pressure and less hypertension, three key factors that impact heart disease when out of control. So think about it this way, you only have to look as far as your backyard to release the ingredients to a healthy heart. I have written about the super foods before and the ease of growing them, but it bears repeating. Boosting your immune system with a dose of antioxidants is as simple as popping some blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries. They are among the best of the best and research from the U.S. Department of Agriculture supports that. Kale, spinach, brussels sprouts are winners, too. Living in zone six allows Kentucky gardeners to plant in July and August to harvest crops of broccoli, lettuce, peas, kale, and arugula in November. If the benefits of homegrown fruits and veggies are appealing but you don’t have the time or space to devote to your own garden, the farmer’s market is the next best thing. More awareness is being made about the connection between what we put into our bodies and our health and with that is a new recommendation about the number of servings of fruits and vegetables we should be eating. Many of us grew up with the recommended five servings a day. That’s been bumped up to a suggested nine to thirteen servings a day. I have focused on the obvious, which is the impact of the homegrown food out of the garden on heart disease, but there is something else. Getting exercise and reducing stress are also top on the list of The American Heart Association’s lifestyle recommendations to prevent heart disease. Gardening as stress reliever? Check. Gardening as means of exercise? Check. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found gardening can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke as well as prolong life by 30% for those 60 years old and older.

by Michelle Rauch Gardening Enthusiast

Time spent in the garden can be as low or high impact as you want. It’s up to you. The act of digging, raking, weeding, mulching, watering and potting plants can benefit you with endurance flexibility and strength. Gardening is perfect for those with a fragile heart and is the ultimate mind body soul exercise for everyone.



Meet the Stoops


ith the hands of adoring Big Blue fans stretching toward him, Coach Mark Stoops clutched the hand of his youngest boy with one hand and smacked high-fives with the other as he entered Commonwealth Stadium on Oct. 4. For the University of Kentucky head coach, football and family are inseparable; which is why sons Will, 8, and Zack, 4, often accompany Stoops and his Wildcats during the most pivotal team moments. A confident and visionary leader in a new era in Kentucky football, Stoops has already won the favor of the Kentucky fan base by pushing for upgrades to football facilities, signing high-caliber new recruits and winning games in the dauntingly competitive Southeastern Conference. After springing to Kentucky on a famous notion of “why not?” two years ago, the Stoops family has now settled in a suburban section of Lexington where they find fulfillment in new friendships, a football coaching staff extended family and eager fans all around who believe Stoops can “change the game.”

Chantel Stoops juggles team travel and obligations that come with the role of “coach’s wife”, with baseball games and school carpools as the mom of two boys. A grade school teacher from Wyoming, Chantel met Mark while she was finishing school and working as a waitress at an Italian restaurant. Mark, who coached the defensive secondary for the University of Wyoming at the time, was eating at the restaurant with a group of coaches. Their chance meeting was the beginning of a long-distance relationship, as Chantel had accepted her first teaching job in Denver, Colorado and for the time, Mark was grounded at the University of Wyoming. With frequent moves around the country, Chantel grew weary of keeping up with Stoops as he climbed the ranks of the football industry. But around the time of Mark’s move to Florida, he surprised Chantel in Houston with a diamond engagement ring. Chantel then joined Mark in the football lifestyle. When Mark accepted a position as the Defensive Backs Coach at the University of Miami, the couple enjoyed three years renting a condo on the beach. Mark then took a job as the Defensive Coordinator for the University of Arizona, working with his brother Mike Stoops, the head coach of the team. From 2004 to 2009, Mark built the Arizona defense up to a top-25 overall defensive unit in his final two seasons with the team. Stoops then served as Defensive Coordinator for Florida State University, where he assembled one of the most formidable defensive lines in the country during his three seasons. In the back of his mind, through years turning around programs and bolstering defensive forces, Mark was determined to achieve his goal



Meet the Stoops

transition, Chantel and Mark promised Will a puppy, who turned out to be a cuddly Boston Terrier named Izzy Blue. But the first year, which Chantel refers to as “the lost year,” in Lexington was a difficult adjustment for everyone in the family. Mark was incredibly busy with work and the family was living in a temporary condominium while their home was undergoing renovation. “The city, the university and the

of landing a head coaching position. But although opportunities to take the top job arose, Mark was waiting for the right position to come his way. Then Mark approached Chantel with the question, “What about Kentucky?” “I thought, they are a basketball school,” Chantel said of her first thoughts about Kentucky. And she knew the team was struggling to build its football program—and that was a scary, but at the same time exciting, challenge for the family. “When the opportunity to become the next head coach at the University of Kentucky was presented to me, I knew there would be a lot of hurdles to overcome,” Mark Stoops said. “But even then, I could see the potential that this opportunity would have for myself and my family.”

people of Lexington have far exceeded our expectations,” Mark Stoops said. “We have had an incredible year and a half in Lexington, and we are truly grateful to be here and are also enjoying being a part of the Big Blue Nation.”

On Dec. 2, 2012, Mark Stoops officially accepted the top job at the University of Kentucky. Although Mark is originally from neighboring Ohio, he, Chantel and the boys had never visited Kentucky. Following Mark’s lead, Chantel and the boys flew in from Florida for the head coach announcement press conference. Short on sleep and time to prepare for a trip to Lexington, Chantel was at first apprehensive about her new home. Fortunately, she came across an article on the internet in which talk show host Kelly Ripa raved about the beauty of Lexington. Ripa described the area’s horse country landscape and friendly people.

“It just hasn’t been hard to make friends here,” Chantel said. Chantel and the boys are usually along for the football ride. Chantel said, as the wife of a former Defensive Coordinator, she gets tense during Kentucky’s defensive plays. Unlike the previous football administration, the current UK Football coaching staff comprises mostly young families, with many young children from 15 separate coaches’ families gathering in the indoor practice facility before home games. Chantel and her boys also deliver homemade cookies to the players on Tuesday nights, when all coaches’ families are invited to share a meal with the players.

Chantel said Lexington has the “best Marck with Zack and Will of” Southern and Midwestern hospitality, and plenty of restaurants and entertainment for people in her age group, unlike many college towns.

A committed dad himself, Mark encourages assistant coaches and staff to take their kids to school and spend time with their kids outside of work. Mark has dismissed himself from formal dinners to go watch Will play baseball, a sport that Mark also played and excelled in when he was younger. Chantel said Mark’s busy schedule doesn’t exempt him of carpool duties either. While Chantel drops Will off at school, Mark takes Zach to daycare on his way into the office every morning

One of the Stoops’ first family hurdles in the process of coming to Kentucky was explaining the move to older son Will, who was attached to his neighborhood friends in Tallahassee. To help him get through the

The Stoops family is also embracing their promise to the Big Blue Nation. They think there’s nothing more rewarding than building a football program from the ground up.

“She said it’s the hidden gem in the United States—that they keep it a secret because they don’t want everyone to know how great it is,” Chantel said. Upon flying into Kentucky— even in December – Chantel soon agreed with Ripa’s recommendation.


Now taking a few moments between events, football games and kid activities to refresh in her stylish black and white kitchen, Chantel feels like Kentucky is a step closer to feeling like home. She loves her kids’ schools and her neighborhood. No day is ever predictable—it could involve allergy appointments or committee meetings or football functions. She is grateful for a support system of assistant coaches’ wives who live within walking distance from her home. She has also bonded with new friends, like Heather Couch.


Meet the Stoops

Mark & Chantel’s first Kentucky Derby Chantel’s father, Clifford Saner, walks her down the aisle

Mark with his mother Evelyn (Dee)

Mark with his brothers Bob, Ron and Mike (all football coaches)

Mark’s father Ronald Stoops

Mark and the boys

The Stoops Family




Growing up

Filly in the Workplace: Layson Griffin

on her parents’ horse farm in Nonesuch, Kentucky, Layson Griffin learned at an early age how to care for horses. Her teacher was Annie Hulbert, a farrier who also happens to be her mom. Griffin, along with her three sisters, rode and competed, and belonged to the Keeneland Pony Club. These days she gets to see horses every time she goes to work, because her office is at the Kentucky Horse Park. Griffin is the director of development for Equestrian Events, Inc. (EEI), the nonprofit organization that produces the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event each spring at the Horse Park. Griffin’s little dog, Oscar, also joins her at the office. “I love coming to the Horse Park every single day for work,” Griffin said. “It’s very peaceful. It’s so pretty.” She handles sponsorship sales for EEI and works with the development assistant on program advertising sales. Local marketers can participate on a vendor or sponsorship level, or by advertising in the program. Griffin also helps with the development of new programs and attractions for the event. “We are growing our spectators’ experience,” she said, “not just to come and watch the horse show, but experience everything the event and the Kentucky Horse Park have to offer.” Kentucky Uncovered, for example, was one of the experiences she helped develop for the 2014 Three-Day Event. “It was a new venue we introduced for Kentucky-based companies, essentially nonequine, to showcase what makes Kentucky unique,” Griffin said. “It was a huge success.” Look for the Kentucky Uncovered area to be even bigger during Rolex Kentucky in 2015. Another new to-do in 2014 that’s coming back is the onsite restaurant, Bourbon and Bridle, which also serves as the location for the Maker’s Mark bourbon tastings. “I am always searching for new opportunities to help grow the event,” Griffin said. “In 2014, I assisted with introducing a new aspect to our competition, the Dubarry of Ireland Nations Team

By Kathie Stamps

Challenge, which was a scoreboard competition between the riders and sponsored by Dubarry of Ireland.” By the numbers, more than 78,000 people attended the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event in 2014, and vendors did just over $2 million in product sales in the International Trade Fair, Kentucky Uncovered and Sponsor Village, setting records for both attendance and revenue. Oh, and 2.5 million people watched NBC’s televised broadcast of the event. “It takes us about a month to wrap up the previous year’s event,” Griffin said. “Then we are planning for next year’s event.” Partners for Youth was named the official charity of the 2014 Rolex Kentucky. The Lexington-based nonprofit also had a baggage check at the event so shoppers could check their shopping bags for the day and make a direct donation to them. EEI made a charitable contribution of $10,000 to Partners for Youth shortly after the event. Yes, there will be an official charity named for 2015; the EEI board of directors will make the announcement by the beginning of the year. In October 2014 EEI presented $30,000 in benevolent gifts to a variety of other charities and organizations. For anyone wanting to donate time, EEI always has volunteer opportunities available during the event (hint, hint). You can register online at Griffin has attended the Rolex Kentucky event at the Horse Park since she was a kid. In 2011 she graduated from Transylvania University with a degree in art history. “It’s such a small university, and with it being liberal arts you’re required to take classes in every field to broaden your experience in college,” she said. “It was a wonderful experience.” Starting in January she will serve as co-alumni adviser for Tri Delta at Transy. While she was still in school, Griffin was on staff at the World Equestrian Games. “That’s what really opened my eyes to the equine industry and different jobs,” she said. At WEG, she worked

“I am fortunate to work in an industry that I love and that has had so much influence in my life!”



Layson Griffin (Pictures by Keni Parks)




“I really enjoy and try to take advantage of the downtown scene and everything Lexington has to offer. It’s a great city!” in the Equine Village, where she oversaw the volunteers and accreditation for the venue. After Transy she took a little time off, and then worked for the Kentucky Horse Park Literacy Program and as a competition assistant at EEI for the 2012 Rolex Kentucky. In May 2013 she officially came on board full-time at Equestrian Events, Inc., as director of development. “I am fortunate to work in an industry that I love and that has had so much influence in my life,” she said. “My dad, Bill Griffin, works in downtown Lexington and has always been a supporter of our involvement with horses and in the equine industry.” In her spare time, Griffin loves being outdoors, traveling and trail riding her retired event horse, Copper. He lives at the family farm in Woodford County. She also enjoys hanging out with her sisters.


“I live in downtown Lexington,” she said. “I really enjoy and try to take advantage of the downtown scene and everything Lexington has to offer. It’s a great city!” During the winter months, Griffin continues to volunteer with the Kentucky Horse Park Literacy Program. In summer she gives of her time to other events at the park, including the Midsouth Horse Trials and the North American Junior Young Rider Championships. While there’s always something to see and do at the Horse Park year-round, there’s something a little extra special about the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event. It’s been going on since 1978, which makes the 2015 dates (April 23-26) the 38th annual event. Tickets are already on sale. With plenty of equine athletes and equestrian competition, shopping, tailgating, exhibits, food and music, the four-day Three-Day Event is jam-packed with activities. Or, as Griffin describes it, “It’s the best weekend all year.”

“I am looking forward to getting to work and continuing the Park’s


legacy as the finest equestrian venue in the world.” - Jamie Link, Executive Director of the Kentucky Horse Park

tors to Kentucky,” Gov. Steve Beshear said. “This is an outstanding selection by the commission, and I appreciate their hard work. The Kentucky Horse Park plays a vital role in tourism for the entire state.” Link is currently the deputy chief of staff for Gov. Beshear. A start date will be set later. “The Kentucky Horse Park Commission is very excited about Jamie Link being our next executive director to guide the park forward into the future,” said Alston Kerr, chair of the commission. “His experience in state government, public-private partnerships, along with his equine experience will be great assets as we continue our growth, ensuring the park will be the preeminent equine and tourist facility in the world.” Kerr thanked the members of the search committee, made up of business, tourism and government leaders, along with the Pace Group, the search firm that sought and screened applicants for the position. “Their attention to detail and diligence was exceptional in conducting this international search,” said Kerr. Link has held a number of management positions within state government since joining the Department of Parks in 1985 as a business manager. He also served as the chief executive officer for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in 2010 at the Kentucky Horse Park.Link served as the deputy secretary for the Finance Cabinet and the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet. He was also the deputy executive director of the Kentucky Horse Park in 2006. “I am honored and extremely excited about becoming executive director of the Kentucky Horse Park,” said Link. “I am looking forward to getting to work and continuing the park’s legacy as the finest equestrian venue in the world.” Celebrating the Year of the Horse According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, 2104 is the Year



of the Horse, and what better place to celebrate this auspicious year that symbolizes free-spiritedness and speed than in the Bluegrass, heartland of the horse. To honor this cultural tradition within the Horse Capital of the World, the International Museum of the Horse at the Kentucky Horse Park, in partnership with the University of Kentucky’s Confucius Institute, and UK’s School of Art and Visual Studies, will host a special exhibition of ink horse paintings by Xu Qingping, a Chinese artist from Beijing,Oct. 18, 2014 to Feb. 17, 2015. The masterful Xu Qingping was born in in Beijing in 1946 and earned his doctoral degree in fine arts from the acclaimed University of Paris-Sorbonne. He has held the position of professor of art history as well as being a member of the academic committee of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, China’s premier art school. His current duties include presiding as dean of Xu Beihong Arts Research Academy at Renmin University of China, the deputy curator of the Xu Beihong Museum, the vicechairman of the Chinese Painters and Calligraphers Association, and a council member of the Chinese Artists Association. Xu Qingping was honored as a recipient of the State Council Special Fellowship. Additionally, he is an advisor to doctoral students. Xu Qingping’s body of work represents a melding of the styles of traditional Chinese ink paintings of strong yet simple brushstrokes with Western emphasis of anatomy and structure. The late artist and Xu Qingping’s father Xu Beihong’s methodology, legendary for his black ink strokes on white paper depicting heroic galloping horses leading the way to victory as a means of boosting morale and inflaming patriotism in 1920’s in China, is an especially strong influence seen in Qingping’s efforts. The adding of color and other elementals provides the critical distinguishing factors that sets Qingping’s work apart.


Keeneland’s Fall-Stars Weekend Win and You’re In for the Breeders’ Cup world championships by John C. Engelhardt

The stars were out and the sun was shining on Keeneland’s opening weekend. The stars were both equine and human athletes and the shine not only came off the dappled coats of the best of the breed, but of the national spotlight shining down on this iconic racing oval.

The start of the meet has become to be known as Fallstars Weekend. Over a three-day period, seven races would pit divisional competitors against each other at varying distances and surfaces with the winners guaranteed an invitation to the Breeders’ Cup World Championships. Each day stood on its own, but that first Saturday was particularly strong. It featured the first-ever $1 million dollar race at Keeneland and (drum roll, please) two-time champion turf male, champion older male and Horse of the Year Wise Dan! With Keeneland as his home-base for training he was the darling of the day – but let’s not get ahead of the story line that built throughout the comfortable bright, occasionally cloud filtered afternoon. While not a guaranteed “Win and You’re In” race, the Grade 3 Woodford Stakes presented by Keeneland Select most probably launched a Breeders’ Cup starter who carried a very unique resume into the race. No Nay Never was a $95,000 Keeneland September yearling purchase owned by Susan Magnier, Michael B. Tabor, Derrick Smith and Ice Wine Stable. Trained by former Eclipse Award winning apprentice jockey Wesley Ward, the son of Scat Daddy won at first asking early in his career over Keeneland’s polytrack as a 2-year-old going 4 ½ furlongs.

Royal Ascot and he returned to the place of his triumph with No Nay Never and captured the grassy 5 furlong Group II Norfolk Stakes. Ward elected to stay in Europe with his colt and shipped to France to take the 6 furlong Group I Darley Prix Morny over the greensward at Deauville. With that impressive score he was voted France’s highweighted male of 2013. No Nay Never came into the 5 ½ Woodford on the turf after running second as the favorite in the 7 furlong, Grade 2 Swale Stakes. After that effort, Wes Ward gave his colt time off and put his focus back on sprinting. Under Mike Smith the duo drew clear in the stretch to last over late closer Mongul Bull. The well travelled colt has shown an affinity for the turf, but Ward feels he is more than one dimensional. “No, I think he can do both. This turf course here is just so kind and forgiving. He’s a big, blocky, extremely fast horse – I thought this would be a great spot to bring him back and springboard him back into what we’re going to do. We’re going to sit down and talk with (co-owners) Dave Reid, Frank Antonacci and the boys at Coolmore and see what direction they want to go. He’s equally as good on the dirt. I just wanted to bring him back into this, see how he comes back, and more likely than not (go to) the Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1).” In the very next race, the $200,000 Grade 2 Thoroughbred Club of America, No Nay Never’s connections may have witnessed one of their top competitors in the Breeders’ Cup Sprint. While Leigh Court is a 4-year-old filly, it looks like trainer Josie Carroll, like Wesley Ward, has figured his charge is best sprinting and can handle a surface change. Raced primarily in Canada for owner/breeder Eugene Melnyk, Kentucky-bred Leigh Court won on either polytrack or turf since

Ward was the first North American trainer ever to win a race at $1.6 Million Dollar Baby Carpe Diem breaks from the gate in the Claiborne Farm Breeders Futurity 156 NOVEMBER 2014 | TOPSINLEX.COM


she won her first race on dirt. Like No Nay Never she was turning back from a 7 furlong start in her only 2014 effort. In this “Win and You’re In” effort unlike her wire-to-wire style, regular rider Gary Boulanger saved ground and went four wide to win away by 3 easy lengths.

According to Elliot Walden, President/CEO and Racing Manager of WinStar Farm, “He ran great at Saratoga and then to come here in a Grade 1 like this and put it all together like that around two turns, it’s very exciting. This horse is a beautiful horse, he’s got a great pedigree and we hoping to make a stallion. I think we did that today.

“It’s the first time she’s ever been covered up on me. She’s always been kinda on the lead and doing it easy. Today the dirt broke a little bit away from her, in her face, but it didn’t bother her,” said Boulanger. “She just cruised on up the inside, then I got outside the pocket. She had her ears half-cocked, and I said, ‘Well I have a ton here.’”

As the tote board flashed “minutes to post” for the 9th race, an added sense of excitement flowed through the grandstand and to the large crowd that gathered around the paddock. Necks strained to get a personal look at two-time Horse of the Year Wise Dan as he prepared to take on seven challengers in Keeneland’s first-ever $1 million race. With handlers on each side of him, the 7-year-old gelding oozed confidence and class. When it came time to be saddled he immediately got “on the muscle” and trainer Charlie LoPresti’s team were immediately hands on with him calming him down and ensuring he’d save his energy for when it counted.

It looks like a great Breeders’ Cup match up was born within an hour at Keeneland. The second win, on what would be a phenomenal day for jockey John Velazquez, took place in the $400,000 Grade 1 First Lady at a mile on the turf. Dayatthespa is a New York-bred by Lane’s End stallion City Zip. She’s a turf specialist that captured the Grade 1 Queen Elizabeth Cup at Keeneland in 2012. Trainer Chad Brown took her along slowly this year and his patience has paid off. In only her third start of the season, she appears to be peaking at the right time. Velazquez had her well placed just off the pacesetter and took control in midstretch to win by 1 ¼ lengths after veering out late under a left-handed whip. “She came out of there (starting gate) very well. She broke really well and the other speed went to the front, so it worked well. I was just holding it together and when I let her go at the quarter pole, she was all fresh. She finished unbelievable – really, really good. She started to look around a little bit around the sixteenth pole, so I hit her one time to keep her mind running but she was doing really well.” The millionaire mare added a huge update to her pedigree page as she will be going through the sales ring at the Fasig-Tipton November Sale shortly after the Breeders’ Cup. After her win in the First Lady she sports a record of 17 starts with 10 wins – 9 of them stakes for earnings of $1,188,892. The “Buzz” horse in the press box at Saratoga this summer was Carpe Diem and so far he has lived up to his hype – only time will tell if he will live up to his purchase price. He sold for $550,000 at the Keeneland September Sale and then brought $1.6 million at the Ocala Breeder’s Sale to Northwest Stud and then to Stonestreet Stable and Winstar Farm. The Todd Pletcher trainee debuted at Saratoga at odds-on and pulled away to win by 2 ¼ lengths at 5 ½ furlongs. Carpe Diem stamped himself as something special in the Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity. The Grade 1 race with a $500,000 purse and “Win and You’re In” status would test the son of Giant’s Causeway at 1 1/16 miles in a full field of 12. With John Velazquez guiding him through the reins, they stayed four wide for six furlongs and ran away from the full field to win by an easy 6 ¼ lengths. If you were in the grandstand that Saturday and he repeats such a performance at Santa Anita, you may have witnessed the Kentucky Derby favorite.


Odds are, there was little in the way of riding instructions as LoPresti gave John Velazquez a leg up on the strapping chestnut. There is an old saying about pre-race directions to a jockey – “The good ones don’t need them and the bad ones don’t follow them.” Velazquez is very familiar with Wise Dan, a horse with tactical speed and an amazing turn of foot when asked. Surely in his mind he had a plan for the Shadwell Turf Mile, but he didn’t know until the start of the race that he’d be resorting to Plan B. A millisecond before the gates flew open Wise Dan turned away from the assistant starter and was caught flat-footed, giving the entire field the jump on him. Going into the first turn they were last, and Velazquez was doing his best to restrain Wise Dan from getting into trouble around the turn and in the run down the backstretch. After 6 furlongs of the 8 furlong race they were in front of only one horse. There was an uneasy feeling in the stomach of thousands who came to hail the champion and witness his 23rd lifetime victory. Velazquez started to pick up the pace around the final turn and found a position six-wide into the grassy run to the wire. Momentarily he seemed to stall behind the top three pacesetters in midstretch. Stunned at the start, the champ still had a knock out punch left in him and he unleashed a devastating blow to his challengers with quickened strides in the final yards to pull away by a length with Velazquez grinning from ear to ear. The fans who regularly attend Keeneland have an enthusiastic appreciation for the feats of the equine athletes they get to witness each spring and fall. A robust round of applause is given to each winner as they return after a victory, no matter what the level of the race. Well, that effort of Wise Dan in the Shadwell Turf Mile brought that polite expression of appreciation to a whole new level. While many racegoers were headed to their cars for that evening’s University of Kentucky football game, the tried and true horse lovers remained in the stands to give Wise Dan a standing ovation of colossal proportion. Awaiting his return through the resonance of the crowd, Chuck LoPresti was flanked by his wife Amy and Leona Velazquez. It was a fine line between cheers and tears of joy. In May, Wise Dan was


No Nay Never rears up in the Keeneland paddock - ready to run

Dayatthespa smiles for the camera after her impressive First Lady Victory

Chuck LoPresti holding the wife of Johnny Velazquez, Leona (left) and his wife Amy after Wise Dan’s win in the $1,000,000 million Shadwell Turf Mile

Dayatthespa was in perfect position for the First Lady going past the grandstand the first time

Donna Barton Brothers was part of the CBS Broadcast of the Saturday Fall-Stars presentation



Bringing Back JoJo Gypsy miliar with the healing powers of love. So is JoJo Gypsy, their miracle horse. One of over thirty horses and several dogs rescued last summer after being abandoned on a Bourbon County farm, JoJo was probably in the worst shape of them all, says Jeanne. “The vet told us she was a level one on the Henneke scale, five being a perfect size for a horse.” The Kentucky Equine Humane Center handled the rescue. Karen Gustin, Executive Director of KyEHC, says they ended up taking in 7 horses from the same group JoJo came from. “All were Thoroughbred mares, and one came in with a 3 day old filly. They were very depleted physically, especially the little filly. She’s now 2 months old and thriving, as are the rest of them.” KyEHC, an all-breed rescue organization, takes in abused, neglected, or abandoned horses, or those whose owners can no longer care for them, usually due to physical or financial reasons. Each horse receives all necessary veterinary and farrier care, the ultimate goal being adoption to a new home. KyEHC handles over 100 horses each year, at a cost of about $500/month. Jeanne, who runs her own rescue organization, Our Mims Thoroughbred Retirement farm, first met JoJo while helping relocate the horses. She felt she could help the horse, but had some initial concerns. Because JoJo is only nine years old, she doesn’t qualify to become a permanent resident of Our Mims, who houses only older thoroughbreds, which meant cost for upkeep and vet bills would come out of Jeanne’s pocket. “I told them I’d need help,” she says, “and the horse community in this area couldn’t have been more supportive. People have brought me supplies and hay, and the non-profit group, ‘One Horse at a Time,’ who provide for emergency needs like this, set up a fund for JoJo on their web site. Penny Austin, spokesperson for OHAAT says, “We first became aware of the situation of the abandoned mares via Facebook. Since Jeanne couldn’t take JoJo into her rescue, we voted to step in and help with funds. We raised over $2000 via Facebook and our mailing list. Those funds have been used to pay her medical bills, provide feed, grooming supplies, a blanket, fly boots, and a fly mask. JoJo still has funds available in her ‘account’ with us. Enough to see JoJo’s full recovery.” Another concern for Jeanne was how to explain the condition of this starving animal to her six year granddaughter, Kaylee, who spends time in the barn every day—especially since she didn’t know if JoJo

would pull through.


Jeanne Mirabito and her granddaughter Kaylee Stacy-Mirabito are fa-

“But I was completely upfront with her. I told her even if we lost JoJo, we’d make certain she knew she was safe and loved.” To which Kaylee replied, “She’s going to need a lot of love then.” Kaylee and JoJo have had a special friendship ever since. In fact, JoJo seems to have a soft spot for children and animals, including a particular fondness for Jeanne’s two barn cats. She’ll stop whatever she’s doing to give one or the other of them a nuzzle. Jeanne credits JoJo with having an “exceptional will to survive.” But the love she, Kaylee, and everyone who knows about JoJo have poured out certainly hasn’t hurt either. Bringing a horse back from starvation is a slow process, and has required a special diet and regular monitoring by Jeanne’s vet, Travis Burns. “She was as bad a case as I’ve ever seen,” he says. “But I told Jeanne as long as she was eating and drinking we’d take it one day at a time and see what happened.” Dr. Burns put JoJo on probiotics and a controlled diet, and stopped by once a week to check on JoJo. He says he’s been astounded at how good the horse looks after only six weeks in Jeanne’s care. “She’s gained almost 200 pounds,” according to Jeanne. “She’s still thin and only at about a 2 1/2 on the scale, but her coat looks much thicker and softer, and her movements show a horse whose vitality is returning. Not to mention she’s revealing her own personality.” Dr. Burns recently gave JoJo a thumbs up bill of health, but Jeanne relishes the day when she’ll be able to see her at her best. “You can already see what a beautiful stride she has, not to mention her loving attitude. I think those things will become more defined as she heals.” And how are the Ladies and Elmhurst, permanent residents of Our Mims, dealing with this newcomer and the special treatment she’s getting? Jeanne laughs. “Right now they’re on their best behavior, almost as if they know my attention is needed elsewhere. Once JoJo’s well and strong enough to go out to pasture with them, that’ll be the true test of good behavior. I don’t expect any problems, but when you’re dealing with elderly thoroughbreds, you never know what to expect from one day to the next.” But one thing’s for certain, not only has JoJo found a place to call home, she landed in her own little slice of heaven, with a couple of earthy angels named Jeanne and Kaylee. As for all that love on her lead, well that’s definitely the icing--peppermint flavored of course-on JoJo’s cake! Cate Neilson is an award winning screenwriter and journalist. A native of Texas but now makes Paris Kentucky her home. NOVEMBER 2014 | TOPSINLEX.COM



Hat’s Off!

photos by Kristin Tatem


ackets, scarves, gloves, Hunters. All perfect accessories for the fall and upcoming winter. But one accessory that is quickly becoming my favorite for the cooler months is none other than the hat. Be it beanies, ball caps, or fedoras, the hat is multifunctional and an absolute must for this season. Hands down my favorite is the wool fedora. It is more or less universally flattering on everyone and adds an element of effortlessness to a look. I think what I’m loving most about the fedora is it masks a less than stellar hair day. Toss it on with a jeans & T-shirt look, a blazer and heels, or even a dress, and you’ll immediately feel more pulled together and polished. Urban Outfitters and Sole Society have some of the best selections of Fedoras at wonderful price points. Not to be outdone is the textured ball cap. I am a huge fan of caps year round, but once the temps start to dip, the wool ball cap is a perfect accessory. It, too, will shield a bad hair day. But more importantly, the ball cap will add that tomboy element to a look that I’ve come to love. Don’t be afraid to toss one on with a dressier look! J.Crew has some of my favorite textured caps including the one pictured here. So when looking for accessories to update your fall & winter wardrobes, sure grab yourself some scarves, coats, and such—but definitely don’t forget the hat. When the Bluegrass encounters those oh, so lovely ice storms and snow days, you’ll be super glad you’re equipped!

by Beth Parker Fashion Blogger/Stylist





Timing is Everything

eing in the music business for two hundred and forty three years, I have learned that if I want to “pitch” a song that I have written to an artist, manager, producer or record label… I choose a Friday afternoon meeting. Period. Monday morning would be a disaster because the decision maker is preoccupied with a mound of responsibilities for the week. And in the music business, by Friday afternoon the person is likely to be ready for a Coors Light, thus my chances are exponentially better. The environment is stress free and therefore the person is open to creativity. My baby song might be placed!!! TIMING is everything, so it has been said, and I adamantly believe this is true. Relationships are no different. Recognizing this reality and adhering to a slight tweak in approach could move mountains in the love world as well. However, it does require biting of the tongue and self control because it is human nature to wish to deal with an issue RIGHT NOW! At least for me. I confess this is particularly challenging for me because I am not a “game player” in relationships…nor a “pouter” or a “let me be mad long enough for you to get a clue and let you “figure this out on your own” kinda gal. I prefer dealing with a situation straight forward and have a difficult time faking being peachy when I am not. When I’m not feeling peachy, I’m not peachy. But time after time I have been reminded by the universe that if I wish to get actual results, I should wait for a good time to discuss my issues. Let me display two scenarios as an example: Scenario 1 Mister Man has had a horrid week. Everything at work is haywire, the transmission has gone out in his car and the AC unit in the house needs to be replaced. The dog escaped, he fell off of his



diet and dropped his phone in the…well, a pretty crappy place. He comes home, clearly snarky and VERY stressed out. Before he even changes from his black slacks into his jammies I light in, “So, babe. We really need to talk. This is very important.” Long pause… “Ok, what’s up?” he replies… clearly not wanting to engage but fearful not too. “I think we should have a…BABY!!!” GULP. scenario 2 Mister Man has had a horrid week. Everything at work is haywire, the transmission has gone out in his car and the AC unit in the house needs to be replaced. The dog escaped, he fell off of his diet and dropped his phone in the…well, a pretty crappy place. He comes home, clearly snarky and VERY stressed out. Mister Man and I are having a nice chilled glass of wine on the dock of our friends’ lake houseboat. I am laughing at his goofy jokes and he strokes my hair telling me how beautiful I am and how much he’s missed me while being so busy. I talk to him about his stresses and he makes me feel comforted about mine. I then plop the big one… “I think we should have a….BABY!!!” For the record, we are not having a baby (unless he has one). But regardless, if you are breaking huge news of that gravity, or being irritated by the toilet seat being consistently left up… choose the right time to make your point. It is the loving thing to do. And you are much more likely to get the results you are looking for!

by Buffy Lawson Relationship Veteran

TOPS Cares

The Boy Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my Country, and to obey the Scouts’ law: To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

by Mary Ellen Slone


ere in the Bluegrass, scouting is more than a rite of passage. Dan Koett, (CMO of the Blue Grass Counsel of the Boy Scouts of America) is one of the region’s most enthusiastic cheerleaders for this highly revered organization. He and his entire team know that the scouting experience changes lives and makes for better citizens—involvement makes you aware of the needs of your community, your country, even your world. A SCOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY, LOYAL, HELPFUL, FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS, KIND, OBEDIENT, CHEERFUL, THRIFTY, BRAVE, CLEAN AND REVERENT.

established by Stanley A. Harris. Claiming that name of Boy Scouts of America Troop l, the group in Frankfort is still in existence, and is sponsored by the First Christian Church in that city.

Koett commented, “At a time in their lives when boys and young men need to understand that kindness, patriotism, and commitment to making our world a better place are dependent on their generation and on those which follow, scouting is more relevant than ever before.”


He added, “The Boy Scouts of America rely on volunteers to provide leadership for Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Venturing Crews and Explorer Posts. Our local volunteers are an amazing group, and we’re always open to enlisting more! When you give the gift of your time and talents to scouting, you’ll benefit in many ways; including building relationships that will last long beyond your active scouting years.” The actual concept of Boy Scouting traces its origins to one of two Kentucky initiatives—one in Burnside, in south-central Kentucky, is The Roberts Family often accredited as being the home of the first Boy Scout troop in the United States. In 1908, two years before the Boy Scouts of America was organized, a Mrs. Myra Greeno Bass organized a local troop of 15 boys, using official Boy Scout materials she acquired from a friend in England. A short time later, the Boy Scouts of America Troop #1 in Frankfort, Kentucky was

Here in Lexington, the male members of one remarkable family have been advocating for scouting and living by the Scout Oath and Scout Law for several generations. They are the Roberts family, where, according to Eagle Scout and UK junior John Roberts, loyalty to the scouting program is obviously in the male DNA. Currently, both brothers, Adam and Frank, are Eagles, along with John. These young men are perpetuating the legacies of their father James, their grandfathers, and even great grandfathers. The Roberts boys are all graduates of the Lexington Christian Academy and either currently attend, or have graduated from, the University of Kentucky. Not coincidentally, all have been selected to participate in Kentucky’s prestigious Governor’s Scholars Program. According to John, “It’s a privilege to give back to the scouting program and ‘to pay forward’ the experiences my brothers and I were afforded through scouting. There is so much more to this amazing program than wearing the uniform or walking in parades. Scouting is a way to equip young people to be prepared for so many things-



TOPS Cares

rapelling partner was our very own Mallory Ervin. Mallory was Miss Kentucky 2009 and has been a 3-time contestant on The Amazing Race and television personality. Also joining the Brave the Blue this year was Shawn Johnson. Shawn is a 2008 Olympic Gymnastics Gold and Silver medalist, 2007 World Champion, 2006, 2007, 2008 National Champion, Winner of Season 8 Dancing with the Stars, and New York Times Best Selling author. particularly to be better stewards of the community, and future leaders of our nation in fields ranging from education to aerospace”. A DIFFERENT KIND OF CHALLENGE—BRAVE THE BLUE III Emblematic of what magic can occur when there’s a commitment to raise money for a not-for-profit organization, Lexington’s Blue Grass Council, Boy Scouts of America has recently successfully completed an incredibly fascinating ‘not for the faint of heart’ fund raiser: the dramatic ‘you’ve gotta be kidding!’ type of event which is BRAVE THE BLUE III. The premise is by raising $1,000 for the Blue Grass Council Boy Scouts of America, you’ve earned the right to incrementally rappel down the side of downtown Lexington’s 31 story, “Big Blue Building” while affixed to several tightened ropes, looking toward the heavens, or every once-in-awhile, taking a ‘peek’ at the concrete plaza below where several folks are secretly praying you’ll make it down 1) safely and 2) while still conscious! Participants’ tax-deductible entry fee donation goes to further the mission of the local scouting organization—and the photos that are taken of your descent should back up your claim that you did, indeed, make it back to earth safely!

INFO FROM THE LOCAL TEAM WHICH BROUGHT THE ”BRAVE THE BLUE “ CONCEPT TO LEXINGTON Following a trip to Cincinnati to scope out that citiy’s very similar “Over the Edge” group, which annually puts on a building rappelling event at the downtown Hyatt, Dan Koett and his team embarked on a nearly year-long odyssey to take rappelling from tall buildings to a level never dreamed of, with the intent to bring this event to downtown Lexington. Koett remembers, “Being part of this local team of creative dynamos and boots on the ground leaders like Matt Roberts, James Howard, Ronda Webber, Derek Mallow, Andrew Fore, and Brian Clark, is an awesome experience. These folks are not only experts at marketing and operations, they’re uber conscious of mandating that every aspect of the event totally focuses on safety.” From Woodford Webb, President of the Webb Companies and father of Ford Webb, who, at the age of 11, was the youngest person to Brave the Blue during its three years says, “We were happy to support the Blue Grass Council of the Boy Scouts of America to utilize the Fifth Third Bank tower for the Brave the Blue event. Congratulations to Dan Koett and his BTB team for implementing this literal ‘thinking outside of the box’ idea. The funds raised from this event will stay in our community to support local scouting programs: on behalf of our employees, we were happy to be of assistance in making the Brave the Blue fundraising efforts such a great success!”

What would inspire a person to want to try such a thing? According to CMO Koett, “There are varying reasons for sure. Now that we’ve safely completed year three of BTB, we’ve seen that the challenge resonates with several different All of which begs two questions: types of folks; those that have always been afraid of heights who use the event 1) What would it take for YOU to participate in the Brave the Blue experience as a vehicle to overcome it; those who aren’t next year? yet ready to ski down a steep slope while Keith Yarber and Mallory Ervin Brave the Blue 2) And—is there a young man in your famnot being tethered; and those who take on ily whose formative years would be enhanced the challenge because ‘they think it’s in their by becoming a Boy Scout, and perhaps even DNA’. We’ve been incredibly blessed to work achieving Eagle Scout status? with the very best community leaders on this endeavor with the collective teams from The If so, a representative of the Blue Grass Council Webb Companies, Central Bank, WLEX18, would welcome an opportunity to meet with TOPS in Lex, and Friends of Coal.” him and your family to explain the commitment, the excitement, and the lifelong learnKeith Yarber, TOP Marketing Group’s ing which scouting provides. If someone you President, undertook the BTB challenge this know would benefit from this awesome proyear, and he said that he’d do it again! Keith’s gram contact



TOPS Around Town

KEENELAND Photos by Various Photographers The Lexingtonian’s fall pastime is going to the thoroughbred race track at Keeneland. The fall meet began on Oct. 3rd and ended on Oct. 25th. Patrons are encouraged to wager on the races and delve into incredible food and drinks. During the month of October, Keeneland held a plethora of events for its patrons, those included Make-A-Wish Day, College Scholarship Day, Go Red Day, Jockey Autograph Signing, Heroes Day and SeeBlue Day.



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TOPS Around Town

BIG BLUE MADNESS Photos by Dr. Michael Huang Fans from the Bluegrass gathered in Rupp Arena on October 17th for Big Blue Madness. This big event is the first open practice of the season for both the men and women’s basketball teams at University of Kentucky. All players were introduced one by one. Drake, a hip-hop artist and Wildcat fan, presented Coach Calipari at the event. With all the fans together for the event, the 2014 UK Basketball program will be one for the books!



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WOW Wedding

The bride and groom also enjoyed the baraat, the dramatic moment when the groom’s party first arrived. Once the ceremony was complete and blessings received from the parents and elders, the couple enjoyed playing a game to determine who would “wear the pants” in the family. The priest dropped two coins in a tray of red-colored water and the bride and groom competed to see who could find the coins first. They played best out of three: both the bride and groom claimed a win in the first two games. In the final match, they tied, much to the amusement of their families. During the reception, both sides of the family had fifteen minutes to present a speech or give a performance. Jay’s family danced and his brother gave a heartfelt speech. Payal’s family also performed a group dance, and both her parents and brother gave a speech. Guests enjoyed DJ and Dhol by the groom’s brother, Sanjay Kadiwala. The playlist included Indian/Bollywood music, rap, hip-hop, and techno. The reception colors were as vibrant as the entertainment. Rich blues, purples, and greens paid homage to the bride’s appreciation of peacocks, both in the lighting design as well as the decor. Iridescent tablecloths were topped with centerpieces made from roses and peacock feathers, along with a mix of candles and crystals. Guests enjoyed an open bar, along with Punjabi Indian catered by Masala Indian. Chicken tikka masala was served along with vegetarian options. A tandoor was on-site to cook fresh, handmade naan. The cake was a mini cake with trays of cupcakes, offered in champagne, German chocolate, buttercake, and strawberry shortcake. At the end of the reception, the bride, groom, and guests gathered together for a final, fun moment releasing lit Chinese lanterns into the sky.



WOW Wedding



WOW Wedding

DETAILS Wedding Venue : Cave Hill Vineyard, Eubank, KY | Wedding Photography: Wes Brown Photography, Somerset, KY | Catering: Masala Indian Wedding Planner, Flowers:: Doug Smith Designs | Cake, Cupcakes: Simply Cupcakes, Somerset, KY | Entertainment and MC: DJ Mavi, Cincinnati, OH



Up & Coming


Football: UK vs. Georgia 12p Commonwealth Stadium


An Evening with Lucinda Williams


7p Lexington Opera House


6:30p Carrick House

Women’s Basketball: UK vs. Appalachian State 7p Memorial Coliseum

Men’s Basketball: UK vs. Grand Canyon 8p Rupp Arena

Daughtry with Mike Sanchez

Elf - The Broadway Musical

7:30p EKU Center for the Arts

2p & 8p Lexington Opera House

WoodSongs: Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn


6:30p Lyric Theatre

11 TUESDAY Gov’t Mule

7:30p Lexington Opera House


Friends, Books, & Brews 4p West Sixth Brewery

Elf - The Broadway Musical 2p & 8p Lexington Opera House


Ball Homes Night of Hope

Men’s Basketball: UK vs. Buffalo

11:30a Keeneland Clubhouse

12p Rupp Arena


Elf - The Broadway Musical

9a Heritage Hall


Go Red for Women Luncheon


Seaside Dreams Gala

2p & 8p Lexington Opera House

Ariat Presents Josh Turner

Women’s Basketball: UK vs. Baylor

7:30p EKU Center for the Arts

7p Rupp Arena

Up & Coming

18 TUESDAY An Evening with Garrison Keillor

7:30p EKU Center for the Arts

19 WEDNESDAY Women’s Basketball: UK vs. Morehead State 11a Memorial Coliseum

20 THURSDAY Comedy Mania 2014 7:30p Rupp Arena

Southern Lights Stroll 5p Kentucky Horse Park


Men’s Basketball: UK vs. Boston 7p Rupp Arena

All-In To End Cancer 6p The Livery

Gallery Hop 5p Downtown

The Second City Comedy Troupe 7:30p EKU Center for the Arts


Men’s Basketball: UK vs. Montana State 6p Rupp Arena

25 TUESDAY Men’s Basketball: UK vs. UT Arlington 7p Rupp Arena


Community Thanksgiving Dinner


5p Broadway Christian Church

26 WEDNESDAY Concert & Tree Lighting 2p Triangle Park

30 SUNDAY Men’s Basketball: UK vs. Providence 2p Rupp Arena

22 SATURDAY Slipknot: Prepare For Hell Tour 7p Rupp Arena



Up & Coming


Christmas Parade 7p Main Street

Kenny Loggins & Blue Sky Riders 7p Lyric Theatre




Women’s Basketball: UK vs. Northern Kentucky 7p Memorial Coliseum


Men’s Basketball: UK vs. Texas 7p Rupp Arena

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical 7p EKU Center for the Arts


Pulito: Gala Celebrating Careers dedicated to Children 7p Carrick House

A Charlie Brown Christmas 2p & 6p Lexington Opera House

Wynonna & The Big Noise 8p Norton Center for the Arts



Men’s Basketball: UK vs. EKU 6p Rupp Arena


Men’s Basketball: UK vs. Columbia University 7p Rupp Arena


Trans-Siberian Orchestra 7:30p Rupp Arena


Big Bad VooDoo Daddy 7:30p EKU Center for the Arts

The Nutcracker 7:30p Lexington Opera House

Handel’s Messiah 8p Singletary Center

Women’s Basketball: UK vs. Middle TN State 9p Memorial Coliseum


Men’s Basketball: UK vs. North Carolina 12p Rupp Arena

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