Mot & idée Anglais 1, C. Gosset - Editions Ophrys

Page 10


the human body le corps humain

6 (cont.)




throat tongue palate jaw gum tooth (pl teeth) vocal cords

gorge langue palais mâchoire gencive dent cordes vocales

trunk, torso chest breast back loins backbone, spine, spinal cord vertebra (pl vertebrae) waist hip

tronc poitrine, cage thoracique sein dos reins (partie du dos) colonne vertébrale vertèbre taille hanche

heart rib stomach lung liver kidneys belly navel intestines, bowels genitals vagina ovaries penis testicles

cœur côte estomac poumon foie reins ventre nombril intestins, boyaux organes génitaux vagin ovaire pénis testicules

limbs shoulder arm forearm elbow wrist hand fist fingers knuckle thumb nail leg thigh knee shin calf ankle foot (pl feet) sole toes heel buttocks bottom, butt (fam)

membres épaule bras avant-bras coude poignet main poing doigts jointure (du doigt) pouce ongle jambe cuisse genou tibia mollet cheville pied plante du pied orteils talon fesses derrière, fessier


height weight look, appearance beauty dwarf giant

taille poids apparence beauty nain géant

2 a, b ou c ? 1. The thigh is a part of  a. the trunk.  b. the arm.  c. the leg. 2. The navel is located on  a. the forehead.  b. the belly.  c. the bottom. 3. The ribs are  a. bones.  b. limbs.  c. vertebrae. 4. The thumb is one of the  a. fingers.  b. toes.  c. kidneys. 5. The ankle is a joint between  a. the leg and the foot  b. the forearm and the hand.  c. the jaw and the skull. 6. The buttocks are the part of our body on which we can  a. stand.  b. sit.  c. lie. 7. Bowels are organs inside  a. the brain.  b. the belly.  c. the limbs. 8. Backbone and  a. spine  b. liver  c. elbow  are synonyms. 9. Jaws are bones containing  a. the teeth.  b. the heart.  c. the genitals.


10. The knee is a joint between the thigh and  a. the hand  b. the lower leg  c. the toes.

Mot-et-idee-1-2018.indd 2

23/01/2018 13:42

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