Today's Transitions Fall 2020

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FALL 2020






35 Helpful Resources 38 How to Use


Directories & Facilities by Location

40 Adult Day Care Facilities

41 Aging-in-Place Facilities

45 Assisted Living Facilities

49 Home Health 52 Independent Living 56 Nursing/Rehab Facilities 60 Personal Care Facilities





42 Alzheimer’s Care


14 16

24 26


BOOK CLUB By Vanessa Hutchison



30 32 34 36 37



TECH: NEVER MISS A DOSE By Vanessa Hutchison




By Lucy Pritchett

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By Carrie Vittitoe



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FALL 2020 • VOL. 17 / NO. 3


Show Yourself Some Love


ow more than ever self-care plays an important role in our quality of life. Trying to adjust to a new way of living can be overwhelming, but there are services that can help you take better care of your mind and body — whether you’re experiencing boredom and social isolation or caregiver burnout. Talk to someone. ElderServe is providing companionship to people through its telecare program. Its volunteers call individuals three days a week to talk to them for 15 minutes. Along with friendly conversation, volunteers are able to check up on the client’s well-being. Take a moment of zen. Passionist Earth and Spirit Center offers a mindfulness meditation class called Unpacking the Gift of Aging. The class is divided into two 4-week sessions: part one is a group discussion about the myths of aging while part two uses mindfulness meditation as a method for embracing the aging process and understanding how to live in the moment.


Eat well and be fit. Highland Community Ministries, in collaboration with Meals on Wheels, offers a meal program for older adults who are homebound or get a healthy meal from the J Health Senior Adult Program for a suggested donation of $3 per meal. The program is for people age 60+ and is open to everyone. You can also get in a good workout at the Jeffersontown Senior Center where they show exercise videos daily.


Give yourself a break. If you’re struggling with the responsibilities of caregiving, the University of Louisville Trager Institute and the Republic Bank Foundation Optimal Aging Clinic offer caregiver and dementia support groups. Starting in the fall, the clinic will expand their support groups to focus on cancer and diabetes support and behavioral health.


For more self-care ideas, read Carrie Vittitoe’s feature on how to recover quickly from surgery (p.16), or read about a virtual yoga class that will calm your mind (p.28). Taking these simple steps will keep you healthy, happy, and ready for the next adventure. Be well!

Teri Hickerson Joyce Inman

COVER ARTWORK Kayla Oldham Hammitt Today’s Transitions is published quarterly by: Zion Publications, LLC 9780 Ormsby Station Road, Suite 1400 Louisville, KY 40223 Phone: 502.327.8855 The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher. Today’s Transitions magazine does not endorse or guarantee any advertiser’s product or service. Copyright 2020 by Zion Publications LLC, all rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited without permission from Zion Publications LLC.

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address for 4 quarterly issues of Today’s Transitions.


Today’s Transitions / Fall 2020


SUNDOWNING The problems that occur when the sun goes down

By Carrie Vittitoe


nless you care for or live with a loved one who has dementia, you may not know exactly what sundowning is. “[Sundowning] is a phenomenon where patients with dementia have behavioral disturbances that peak, and seem to get worse, over the course of the day. They get worse in the late afternoon or early evening,” says Norton Neuroscience Institute neuropsychologist Brandon Dennis, PsyD. While it is a common condition amongst dementia patients, it causes both they and their loved ones considerable stress and anxiety.

Pat Scott, a Louisville resident who was a caregiver to her mother Neola Brooks for a decade, coordinates a number of support groups for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. Caregivers report that patients who experience sundowning “can get anxious, they can get mean, they can cry, or they may pace around the house. A lot of the caregivers will say [patients] get really agitated toward the evening,” she says. Alzheimer’s disease and its symptoms are varied based on the person. “If you’ve seen one Alzheimer’s patient, you’ve seen one Alzheimer’s patient,” Pat says, and this is the case when it comes to sundowning. She says some patients want to sit in a dark room in the afternoon or early evening, while others want to get out of the house. Every individual has a circadian rhythm, which is an internal clock of sorts that helps humans regulate when

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When sundowning occurs in a care facility, it may be related to the flurry of activity during staff shift changes or the lack of structured activities in the late afternoon and evening. Staff arriving and leaving may cue some people with Alzheimer’s to want to go home or to check on their children — or other behaviors that were appropriate in the late afternoon in their past. — Jonathan Graff-Radford, M.D.,

they sleep, wake, and do everything in between. Dr. Dennis says normal aging changes a person’s circadian rhythm. “People over time have reduced sleep time, more arousals and awakenings, and they spend more time in lighter sleep,” he says. Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia change circadian rhythms even more to where they become disabling. Sundowning is not a dementia symptom that comes and goes. “It won’t be a spotty behavior,” Dr. Dennis says. Patients are more likely to experience sundowning if they have moderate dementia. While someone with severe dementia may still have sleep disturbances, that person often doesn’t have the motor or verbal abilities to express agitation or restlessness as they once did. The agitation or anxiety associated with sundowning can become a feedback loop between the patient and his or her caregiver. A dementia patient who is agitated may stress out a caregiver, who is tired from a day of tending to the needs of the loved one. This may cause the caregiver to become agitated, which then makes the patient more agitated. Dr. Dennis says many dementia caregivers have full-time jobs and children of their own, which means they are likely tired at the time of day when sundowning behaviors occur. When Pat was caring for her mom, who experienced sundowning, she would use redirection to help reduce agitation for both her mom and herself. “She liked to watch Christian videos or Elvis Presley videos. If she got really upset, I’d say, ‘Come on, let’s watch this.’ It would divert her attention to the TV,” she says. She says it is important for caregivers to have some options in their toolbox to use as a distraction. “You find out what ticks

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their boxes, what things they like to do,” she says. That may be looking through photo albums and reminiscing. It might be reading them a book or listening to music. Pat’s mother was in pretty good physical shape and had enjoyed line dancing prior to her diagnosis. “I could put country music on; she could barely remember her name, but she could remember those steps,” she says. While younger people may take over-the-counter or prescription medications to help them sleep or regulate their sleep-wake cycle, pharmaceuticals can make dementia patients groggy and more confused than they already are. Dr. Dennis recommends increasing physical activity and ensuring meals are eaten at regular times during the day. He says Rozerem, a medication for insomnia, shows some promise, but more studies need to be done, and it may not be as effective as researchers hope for sundowning symptoms. While dementia itself impacts sleep, he says it is always a good idea to go back to basics, ensuring that the room temperature is cool, there are no TV, phone, or pet distractions, and that the mattress and pillow are of good quality. Caregivers whose loved ones experience sundowning may find comfort, support, and resources by contacting the Greater Kentucky and Indiana chapters of the Alzheimer’s Association ( Pat uses her experience as a caregiver to help others understand the disease, tend to their loved ones, and manage their own stressors. “You have to realize the disease is controlling them; they have no control over themselves. Your duty as the caregiver is to try to calm them down and redirect,” she says.

Learning to Grieve


I N A PA N D E M I C By Tonilyn Hornung

y first act as a mother was to hold my newborn. The intense power of that moment solidified my emotional connection to my son. Then when I visited my grandmother in the hospital, my initial instinct was to take her hand in mine like I’d done countless times as a little girl. The act of touch is a powerful form of communication when words aren’t available or when they fail. What happens if those extraordinary

moments of physical connection aren’t allowed — especially for those facing end-of-life experiences with beloved friends and family?

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Today’s Transitions / Fall 2020


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Touch is a fundamental component of human bonding. Studies show that touch demonstrates compassion and offers comfort. The pandemic is asking that people alter this basic truth. With social distancing practices in place, many family members are saying goodbye from a distance. Waving through windows, video chatting, and phone calls are some of the ways loved ones attempt to maintain some level of connection with those in isolation. All of these leave out the closeness and closure that touch brings them. While distancing precautions are installed to protect the healthy, this action has altered the grief process for those losing a loved one. Amy Hill, LCSW executive director of Counseling Services for Hosparus Health in Louisville, says, “I think not having that physical connection at the end really adds to the struggles of grief and loss. There’s something that’s just really not natural about that experience.” Hosparus Health opened its doors in 1978 and is committed to offering planning and counseling services for families and patients that deal with end-of-life situations. This is why the Hosparus organization is taking steps to help individuals cope with this lack of physical contact and the complex grief this can cause. One way to begin to understand personal grief and how it plays a role in the healing process is to talk with a Hosparus grief counselor. “We provide counseling to any patient in our hospice care who’s experiencing grief prior to and after the death of their loved one. We also provide free counseling to anybody in the community,” Amy says. Hosparus counseling sessions are led by licensed professionals. These meetings are designed so those wanting help can get the tools they need to feel supported. Amy says that Hosparus has different types of counseling. “We do individual counseling, but a lot of people really benefit from being around other people who are in the same boat.” All of their group meetings have up to 10 people, and because of social distancing a great many of these counseling sessions are conducted online. Amy says this has been a really effective way to provide care during this time. Speaking our thoughts and feelings aloud to a counselor gives value to our emotional experience. But when it comes to being unable to have the closure a final touch can bring, Amy relays that Hosparus wants to be a supportive resource for people who are dealing with this. “It’s like nothing any of us have ever really dealt with on this level,” she says. This is why they are using different methods to help those experiencing loss to find physical comfort. To help feel that physical connection without physically being there, Hosparus bridges the gap with a Thumbprint Stone. They use this with their hospice patients at the end of their lives. It’s a process that uses 12 Fall 2020 /

“I THINK NOT HAVING THAT PHYSICAL CONNECTION AT THE END REALLY ADDS TO THE STRUGGLES OF GRIEF AND LOSS. THERE’S SOMETHING THAT’S JUST REALLY NOT NATURAL ABOUT THAT EXPERIENCE.” — AMY HILL, HOSPARUS HEALTH clay to make imprints of the patients’ fingerprints. These are baked and become hard and can be carried by the family to keep a physical reminder of that person close. “Having something that you can hold and carry really helps,” Amy says. Another method counselors are employing simulates a hug. Margaret Cox, LMFT and child and adolescent grief counselor with Hosparus in Louisville, says to find an old T-shirt or sweatshirt that belonged to a person’s loved one with their scent still present. Then take this shirt and stuff it with pillows or even place the shirt on a favorite stuffed animal. Now a person can recreate a hug or simulate being held. “To deepen this experience, imagine a time when you felt especially loved and connected with your loved one,” Margaret says. To find more opportunities for physical comfort, Margaret recommends asking the family members with which a person is isolating for hugs or turning everyday tasks such as hand washing into opportunities for nurturing. “When washing your hands imagine infusing love into your hands using your favorite scented soap. Then give yourself a hug for taking a few extra seconds to offer and receive love.” Austin Stethen, LMHCA, grief counselor in Southern Indiana, suggests setting up a space with the belongings of a loved one using blankets, articles of clothing, or other meaningful possessions. It’s important to note that everyone’s journey through grief is different. Amy says anyone working through the grief process needs to take the time to experience this at a pace that best suits them. “Many people put judgment into how they are experiencing their grief, and the answer is that there is no right or wrong way to grieve because it is very personal to that individual.”

Today’s Transitions / Fall 2020


It’s Heck Getting Old!

By Yelena Sapin

Solutions for when our bodies don’t work the way they used to


Diminished Sense of Smell and Taste It’s common to experience temporary loss of smell and taste when sick or suffering from allergies. Congestion and inflammation of the nasal passages can block the flow of scent particles to the olfactory nerves that are responsible for processing the signals, explains Dr. Kevin Potts, an ENT with UofL Physicians. And when we can’t smell food, we can’t enjoy its taste. We may also experience a gradual decline in the overall ability to smell, and subsequently taste, over time. “As we age, olfactory nerve cells don’t regenerate at the rate that they do when we’re young,” Dr. Potts says.

SOLUTION: Address Medical Conditions

There are many medical conditions — and many medications — that could be the cause of loss of smell or taste, Dr. Potts says. Work with your doctor to identify and treat any underlying problems. If there is obstruction to the air flow due to chronic nasal inflammation or nasal polyps, for example, the right treatment can improve or potentially reverse the loss of smell. For loss of taste, your doctor might want to rule out infections such as oral thrush and review any medications you are taking.

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SOLUTION: Exercise Your Senses Regularly engaging the neural pathways for smell and taste can help keep them in condition, stave off degeneration, and even help reverse some sensory loss, Dr. Potts says. To stimulate your olfactory nerves, choose your favorite strong aromas and sniff them several times throughout the day. You can use any pungent items you already have in your kitchen such as ginger, garlic, or lemon, or try essential oils. Similarly, you can exercise your sense of taste with a variety of strongly flavored foods and spices. Make sure to chew your food thoroughly so that you’re distributing the taste molecules to as many taste buds as you can.

Prepare to Recover Quickly From Surgery By Carrie Vittitoe


hile surgery might not be something patients look forward to, in many cases surgery will provide some kind of relief either from pain or disease. There are many different kinds of surgeries, from bariatric to gynecologic to thoracic, and each one comes with its own unique set of preparations. However, this guide offers some suggestions to help patients feel better faster no matter the surgery they have.

Preparing in advance One of the most important things patients can do to help their postoperative recovery is to prepare in advance. Rather than waiting until after surgery to see what they need, it is in every patient’s best interest to ask their surgeons what to expect and prepare their home accordingly. While taking a waitand-see approach can be logical in some instances, patients and their caregivers want to stay at home after surgery and not worry about rushing to acquire items that would make recovery better after the fact.

Resting It is very important to the healing process that patients get ample rest, and this can be difficult to do while in the hospital because of nursing shift changes and vitals checks. However, once a patient returns home, getting adequate rest can also feel tricky due to pain and immobility. PAGE 18>>

Dos and Don’ts of Recovery Scott Jerke of VNA Health at Home and Dr. Nyagon Duany of Norton Orthopedic Institute offer the following dos and don’ts for surgical recovery:

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DO always follow the restrictions that your surgeon gives you. DON’T try to do too much too soon. DO prepare yourself for not just the physical recovery, but the mental and emotional recovery. DON’T handle wounds until you are instructed to.

If you have joint surgery, DON’T fly until recommended by your surgeon due to the risk of blood clots. If you go on a trip and are driving, DO perform periodic ankle pumping exercises while seated in the car and stop every hour to get out and walk.

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Dr. Nyagon Duany, an orthopedic surgeon with Norton Orthopedic Institute who specializes in shoulder and knee surgeries, tells her patients to expect a certain amount of discomfort that will impact their sleep. “You’ll be limited in your position and how you can move. For most kinds of surgeries, you’re going to become a back sleeper,” she says. Depending on the type of shoulder surgery a patient has, they will be in a sling for two to six weeks. The reality, though, is “people weren’t getting good sleep anyway; they could not sleep at night because their shoulder hurt so badly,” Dr. Duany says. Scott Jerke, director of rehabilitation services at VNA Health at Home, says getting on a schedule for pain medicine is something to consider in terms of getting adequate rest. “If you go to bed at 9pm, you wouldn’t necessarily want to be taking your pain pill at 5am,” he says. It may take a few days to figure out the best routine.

Bathing/showering While patients look forward to that first deep clean after surgery, they need to follow their surgeon’s discharge instructions to ensure their wound doesn’t become infected or compromised. When it comes to showering, “most of us [surgeons] say, generically, three days. Keep your wound clean and dry for three days,” Dr. Duany says. “We [also] now have waterproof dressings, which are usually the same color as the flesh.” It isn’t just the wound itself that needs to be considered when it comes to post-surgical showering. “Once you are given that green light [to shower], you want to make sure to have someone there with you to help, especially getting in and out and maybe even more so for people stepping over a tub. That might not seem quite as hard as you think, but if you’re a little unsteady or have had surgery on a lower extremity or back, that can be difficult,” Jerke says. An older adult who knows a surgery is coming may want to invest in having grab bars installed in the bathroom and purchase a non-slip bath mat from a discount medical shop to minimize the likelihood of a fall. A post-surgical patient is tired and sore anyway, so a fall in the shower will only make recovery more difficult (and could result in even more surgery). A handheld showerhead is also a good idea.

Adaptive tools Some surgeries require adaptive tools and devices. For example, individuals who have knee-replacement surgery are nearly always instructed to acquire a walker, and individuals who have shoulder or wrist surgery will have a sling or cast. Patients are encouraged to check with their surgeons to see what tools and devices are recommended. There are sometimes cases in which an adaptive tool may be needed for a special event, even though that tool isn’t therapeutic. For example, using a wheelchair after knee-replacement may not be advisable over the long-term because the patient needs to move and strengthen the knee by walking, but there may be situations for which a wheelchair is temporarily useful. “Let’s say you’ve just had 18 Fall 2020 /

surgery and you’ve got a wedding to go to, a very unique event. In that case, it would make sense to have a wheelchair so that you’re not walking too much for that short period of time,” Jerke says.

Taking medication Post-surgical patients typically go home with at least one prescribed medication from their surgeons. “In orthopedics, there’s not a lot of medications we prescribe. It’s usually pain medication, sometimes anti-nausea medication from the anesthesia, and also anti-constipation medications like Colace or Senna,” Dr. Duany says. She says patients who have joint replacement surgeries are often temporarily prescribed blood thinning medication. While some may be told to take aspirin, others are prescribed coumadin or warfarin, which must be monitored. Jerke says it is important to consider the possible side effects of these medications. “You could be taking new meds that might start affecting you in different ways: constipation, dizziness, or making you need to get up more often to go to the bathroom,” Jerke says. One of the most critical things a patient can do to ensure a safe recovery is to let the surgeon know any and all medications they take, even if they take them only occasionally. Jerke gives the example of a patient who had joint replacement surgery and was taking the physician-prescribed blood thinner. When her pain medication wasn’t as effective as she needed, she began taking aspirin, which is also a blood thinner. Additions of overthe-counter, occasional medications could potentially be deadly. “Don’t just assume that it’s OK, whatever you’ve got in your home, just because you’ve taken it before,” he says.

Increasing activity The amount of activity an individual can do following surgery often depends on the surgical site. For example, a person in a sling from shoulder replacement can still get exercise from walking, while a person who had knee surgery is often limited by pain and won’t jump back into activity. While most patients generally take post-surgical activity slowly, there are some who begin physical therapy and think doing more exercise has to be better than doing just what their therapist recommends, but this is not the case. “For rotator cuff surgery, the rotator cuff has to heal to the bone, which takes on average about six weeks. If you do something in the first six weeks that you’re not supposed to do, you risk that repair and [could] go back to square one. The first six weeks, we do passive range of motion, which means the therapist moves your arm. You’re not reaching and grabbing things,” Dr. Duany says.

COVID-19 concerns Dr. Duany says prior to surgery, patients are given hospitalarranged COVID-19 tests and instructed to quarantine at home between their test and surgery in an effort to minimize risks to both patients and their health care team. Jerke says visiting nurses and other health care providers will don masks and other personal protective gear when coming to patients’ homes to provide therapy and do wound checks.

What Her Day Looks Like


By Yelena Sapin Photos Submitted

ebra Finneran considers herself fortunate to have been able to pursue a life-long career doing what she loves. For over 40 years, Debra has been a passionate advocate for senior health services and long-term care, most recently serving as senior vice president of Health Services for Masonic Homes Kentucky.

Newly retired, Debra Finneran still gets up early like she is going to work and keeps her days busy outside and getting together with family and friends.

Debra knew she would miss many aspects of her work when she retired at the end of last year, but she welcomed the opportunity to make changes and spend more time with family and friends. Embracing the transition to a different lifestyle, Debra moved into a new home, enjoyed a long visit with her mother in Florida, and joined a golf league. The newfound flexibility of retirement has also allowed Debra to see a lot more of her 2-year-old twin grandchildren, who live in Louisville. “It has really been wonderful, and I think my son now appreciates his mother in a way he may not have before,” she jokes. Her plans to stay involved with seniors through volunteer work are currently on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic, but Debra is optimistic for the future. “Like all of us I’ve had to make some adjustments,” she says, “but I’m very confident that I’ll find those opportunities to help.” PAGE 22>>

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Today’s Transitions / Fall 2020


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In My Life Debra Finneran

Debra has been maintaining her pre-retirement routine when it comes to waking up in the morning.

Debra and Debbie Goldberg, her former college roommate and Delta Zeta sorority sister at the University of Kentucky, get together every week for good talks and a favorite glass of wine.

Debra cooks for one of her Sunday family dinners.

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Maintaining Routines I was used to going into an office for so many years, and I’m still waking up at around 6:30 or 6:45 like clockwork. I don’t even need an alarm. I get up and get myself ready for the day, just like I would if I were going to work. I drink my coffee while flipping through my phone and checking emails, try to catch a little news, and read up on what’s happening in the healthcare sector. I don’t eat much breakfast. All those years I was working, I just grabbed my coffee and maybe a piece of toast and out the door I went. I guess I’m still a creature of habit, and that seems to work really well for me. I’m not very happy with myself if I’m not productive, and habits and routines are good for my productivity. Planning the Day I’m a list maker and a get-it-done girl. But for me, the real joy of being retired is being able to plan the day so that there is time for people who are special in my life. I work on getting together at least two or three days a week with close friends, family, or someone I haven’t seen in a while. I might play golf, or pick up some lunch and take it over to a friend’s house. We don’t really go to restaurants right now, but we can sit on the porch together and have lunch or a potluck dinner. And of course I try to see the grandchildren several times a week if I can. I do stay pretty busy socially, so I’m not clocking a lot of couch time. I might catch a little Netflix or TV in the evening, but by 11 I’m usually calling it a night. Family Dinners I make plans to get together every Sunday afternoon with my son and family. They usually come to my house, and we enjoy each other’s company and have dinner. I was never a great cook, but I’m working on that. I find myself watching more cooking shows on KET, and my son even complimented me last week that my cooking is better than it used to be. We really try to keep up that Sunday family tradition, and we also have some friends that join us on occasion.

Book Club

By Vanessa Hutchison

Featuring: Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal


hile the pandemic may continue to force us to social distance, great books will always be able to bring us together and allow us to travel to new places and experience new cultures. That is why the Louisville Book Babes book club hasn’t let the current state of the world derail its mission to devour great literature. Despite the fact that the camaraderie and discussions have moved online, the group is just as lively as ever. And their latest delicious read, Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal, is just the most recent in a long line of books that provide strong female protagonists and windows to the world.

How did the group select this book?

Louisville Book Babes Book Club WHEN: Meets monthly

We are always looking for great new books to read and discuss. At the end of each meeting, the group takes suggestions from our members about the next book, and then tries to reach a consensus on which one to choose. This book appealed to us because it was also on Reese Witherspoon’s book list, which always features well written stories about strong women. In that regard, Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows did not disappoint. What is the book about?

WHERE: Meeting virtually on Zoom If you would like to join one of these book clubs, send an email to for details!

Without giving too much away, the book is about several generations of Sikh women, each of whom navigate the world and their culture in their own way. They are connected through a creative writing class that the main character teaches, and the stories that they write in that class and their relationships with each other have a profound effect

on their lives. Parts of the book are as sexy as the title implies, but most of it is just getting to know these incredible women and their struggles with simultaneously being part of a very traditional culture and living in a modern world. How has your group changed since moving online?

Honestly, the book discussions haven’t changed much. There is less wine, maybe, but we still use Facebook to contact the authors of each book we read. That is a lot of fun. In May, we read Big Sexy Love by Kirsty Greenwood, and the author shared some discussion questions that we used to guide us. And Balli Kaur Jaswal, the author of Erotic Stories, has been great as well. I think these authors actually really like talking to us and seeing that we are reading their books. They often provide great background information and are almost always really responsive.

Catching Up: Here’s what other area clubs are reading next. Carmichael’s Community Book Club The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

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Long Before the End Book Club A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines

Modern Mrs. Darcy The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner

By Lucy M. Pritchett Photo Submitted


Cathy Shannon

Cathy Shannon holds a degree in advertising, marketing, and public relations from the University of Louisville — knowledge that has come in handy now that she works full-time at E&S Gallery. The gallery was founded by her husband Walter Shannon in 1989 and represents works of African-American artists. Cathy is currently working to earn her MFA in Art History and Critical and Curatorial Studies at the University of Louisville.

How do you find the artists you represent?

Sometimes an artist approaches us and other times we approach an artist. Or maybe a client recommends a particular artist. We attend professional organization conferences and conventions and meet other artists that way, too. Typically from March to October we travel to art shows and exhibit maybe 20 of the 60 or 70 artists that we represent. This year, all of the shows were canceled due to the coronavirus. Who do you represent?

We represent Kentucky and national African-American artists — sculptors, quilters, collage artists, painters. Two of our artists paint as one. They are identical twin brothers who paint on the same canvas at the same time. If one paints something the other one doesn’t like it gets painted over so it’s a constant process until they finally agree that the piece is completed and sign it. But, there may be 10 different originals under the finished product. What type of art are you drawn to?

I definitely appreciate a beautiful piece of art. Art can speak to me in different ways. Sometimes it’s the style of the artist, the message or theme of a particular piece, the technique that the artist uses, and sometimes the art and artist come with interesting stories. 26 Fall 2020 /

What do you see as the purpose of art?

To tell a story, capture a moment in time, interpret events, and to bring joy. An inspiring experience?

We represent artist and sculptor Elizabeth Catlett, who at age 16 in the 1930s applied to the School of Fine Arts at Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) and was accepted. When they discovered she was African-American, she was refused admission.

“I DEFINITELY APPRECIATE A BEAUTIFUL PEACE OF ART.” — CATHY SHANNON I recounted this story to a group in Pittsburgh where Carnegie Mellon is located, and someone from the president’s office was in attendance. She related the story to the president, who decided that the injustice needed to be corrected. In 2008, the school gave Elizabeth — she was in her 80s by then — an honorary doctorate degree and a one-woman show. She died four years later.

What is important about public art?

I serve on the Committee for Public Art for the city of Louisville, which offers grants to artists. Beauty and interpretation of events is important, and public art funding and support for the artists enhances our community aesthetic and tells a story. Plans for the future of the gallery?

We plan on being in Louisville for a long time. When you do something you enjoy it makes sense to enjoy it as long as you can.

What were your plans for yourself?

I dreamed of being an advertising rep. I grew up watching Bewitched and that’s what Darrin the husband did. That inspired me. Advice for aspiring artists and business owners?

Be committed to being your best. Take classes to improve your art. In order to run a successful business, know that your reputation is everything. Don’t take any shortcuts and operate with integrity.

By Bobbe Ann Crouch Photo by Bella Dawn Photography


She Tried It:

Virtual Home Yoga During COVID-19 Submitted photo


or years I’ve experienced a deep nagging in my soul to practice yoga. I know the mind, body, and spirit benefits of it, and being an inherently spiritual person, it makes perfect sense for me. However, each time I’ve thought about going to an actual class, I’ve dismissed the idea fearing my lack of coordination would be disruptive to those around me. (The recurring mental picture is one of me either falling onto the person next to me, screaming an expletive because of pain, or some combination of the two.) My reluctance is based on past experience trying to do yoga at home via some type of “Beginners Yoga” CD. Literally every time I’ve tried, I’ve turned it off in the middle, aggravated at not being able to hold the poses being taught. Last time I was so frustrated that I threw out my yoga mat declaring I’d never try again. That is until recently when I decided I am not a quitter (and my doctor suggested I try again to combat the effects of arthritis.) Because of COVID-19 and being unsure of myself, I decided to look for a locally hosted virtual yoga class. I really want and need help with strengthening my core and my flexibility. I decided to try Louisville’s YMCA 360 with Kiesha. I chose “Deep Stretch Yoga Practice,” which lasts a little over 27 minutes. There were many other practices to try, but I opted for this because of the stretching. This practice uses two simple tools: a mat and a strap. I had neither (see above disposal of former yoga mat) so I used a towel and a necktie. I don’t mind admitting that even though I was in the comfort of my own living room, I was nervous to begin. It was tough getting my stiff body on the floor! Kiesha starts out on her knees in “hero’s pose,” which is impossible for me. Thankfully, she immediately mentions to sit in whatever position is comfortable. (This practice can be done seated in a chair if necessary. She offers instruction for this throughout the session). In a very soothing voice, she begins by explaining the importance of breathing and right away, I learned something new. Deep breathing actually stretches the inside of the body, supports the cardiovascular system and calms the mind. Seated upper body stretching poses were first, which I found very doable. Lower body poses were a bit more challenging

Kiesha presents “Deep Stretch Yoga” online for the YMCA.

for me, but I pushed through. I felt encouraged to keep going each time I successfully held a pose even if it wasn’t perfect. Kiesha’s peaceful demeanor and clear instructions helped me want to continue. At times it wasn’t easy, especially the poses that opened the hips, but not once did I feel like quitting. In fact, when I finished, I felt so accomplished and happy, I decided to try it again the following day to see how much my flexibility might have improved. I am happy to report that I have practiced “Deep Stretch Yoga” online for five days in a row. My balance and coordination are improving; my core feels stronger as I am able to hold the poses longer and deeper; my joints feel less tightness; my breathing is improving and best of all, I want to continue. (Hello, new yoga mat. I see you.)

OTHER GYMS OFFERING FREE OR AFFORDABLE LIVE AND VIRTUAL YOGA WORKOUTS: YMCA360.ORG They offer numerous free “Exercise on Demand” yoga videos.

28 Fall 2020 /

JEWISHLOUISVILLE.ORG/ VIRTUALJCC They offer a number of free yoga classes that are taped, not live.

YOGAANYTIME.COM They offer live virtual yoga. There is a free 15-day trial. After this, it’s $18 per month.

YOGAEAST.ORG Virtual live yoga classes at $10 per class or unlimited virtual yoga for $69 per month.

By Lucy M. Pritchett Illustration Dan Kisner


Mike Berry Mike Berry served with the Kentucky Derby Festival for 33 years and retired in 2019 after serving 22 years as its president and CEO. He says he was prepared to start his second career — retirement — when he was asked by then-Governor-elect Andy Beshear to serve as Secretary of the Kentucky Tourism, Arts & Heritage Cabinet. Pre-COVID 19, what were your plans for the cabinet?

My intention was to visit every state park, but that was put on hold, and instead I was tasked with closing the state parks along with the Kentucky Exposition Center (in the middle of a dog show), Kentucky International Convention Center, Kentucky Center for the Arts, and Kentucky Crafted Market. Is this your first job in government?

I worked in the office of Gov. Martha Layne Collins from 1983 to 1987. Gov. Collins was the first to make tourism its own cabinet office. Now there are 13 different agencies that fall under Tourism, Arts & Heritage. What did you plan on doing in retirement?

I thought I would get involved in volunteer activities, spend time in Florida, and have time with my grandchildren. I was hoping to do more traveling, but trips I had planned for 2020 — one to Africa and one to Switzerland — got canceled. What were your early plans for yourself?

I wanted to be in politics. In grade school, I worked as a page for the State Senate when Julian Carroll was lieutenant governor and also when he was governor. Something that’s not on your resume?

I am a theater buff. As recently as five or six 30 Fall 2020 /

years ago, I performed on stage with Music Theatre Louisville in the musical 1776. I also performed in Oliver! and Brigadoon.

Mike Berry

What was your worst job?

As a fundraiser for the fraternity I was in at Georgetown College, we hung tobacco. We had to bring it in from the field, unload the wagon, and hang it in the barn to dry. The leaves would cut you, and I would come home with tobacco gum all over my skin. A defining moment?

It was a bittersweet moment. I was VP managing director of the Derby Festival under CEO Dan Mangeot. In 1997, he died suddenly about 100 days before the festival was to start, and I was offered that position. His death reinforced my belief that people in your life never really leave you if they have imparted their knowledge and courage. They become part of your life and who you are. The best way to get along with people?

There are times when disagreement is the order of the day and you can agree to disagree and not be disagreeable. Communication can be a salve for anything. Pet peeve?

Bigotry of any kind. We’re all in this together, and it takes a lot of different colors and fabrics to make a quilt.

What is on your mind right now?

What’s happening in Louisville — the protests and demonstrations — breaks my heart, but I believe we will come out of it through our collective love of the city. Our neighborhoods make Louisville a great place, but we also have a responsibility for the success of this city as a whole. Best advice you’ve received?

It was from my grandfather: “Always tell the truth, but

just don’t always be telling it.” I use that to keep myself from talking too much. What skills should every man have?

Be able to sew on a button; know how to can fruits and vegetables; and know how to braid a ponytail. My granddaughter got out of the pool one day and wanted her ponytail braided and no one — not her father or her brothers — knew how to do that. I did. That made me her hero.

Caregiver Circle

By Tiffany White

Practical solutions for making caregiving easier.

Outdoors Inside

During these days when it’s too hot to stay outside for long, consider bringing the outdoors to you. Try putting up bird feeders outside the window. A low platform or cardboard lid on the ground, sprinkled with seed, will attract chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits. Consider installing an outdoor microphone that will bring the sounds of the birds, the rain, and other neighborhood activity indoors. —Lisa Smith, director of Social Services and Neighborhood Engagement, Elderserve

Stay Engaged Here are a few suggestions on how to keep your loved ones socially engaged while maintaining social distancing. • Take your loved one out for a drive. • Set up a few social drive-bys with some friends and family so that you can talk with your children, grandchildren, and friends outside. • Get drive-thru ice cream or a meal. • Coordinate an end-of-the-driveway get together. Everyone (your neighbors) bring their own beverages, snacks, and lawn chairs. Invite someone to play music for all to enjoy.

• Book clubs are often fun for seniors. Everyone will read the book on their own and share a chapter a week over the phone with a book club buddy. Rotate discussion buddies. — Kayla Cook, RN/Owner, Caring Excellence Personalized Home Care Service

Let’s Play a Game!

In this COVID-19 transition time, playing games virtually can be helpful and fun! Games are great for brain exercises. Try Yahtzee virtually. It can be a great empowerment tool for the one you are caring for. Also helps improve cognitive issues while conversing and using that brain power in decision making and problem solving. — Katherine Autin, founder/CEO of Visionary Caregivers, LLL and Parkinson Partners, LLC

HOME CARE SUPPORT When my patients require more help at home because of a sudden illness or multiple chronic illnesses, they are often disappointed that their health insurance does not pay for caregiving support. While health insurance benefits might include some personal care services one or two hours per week, they typically do not provide for ongoing custodial care. Custodial care refers to help with activities of daily living, such as preparing meals, bathing, help with dressing, or housekeeping. Most families must pay out of pocket for these services. If you cannot afford home care support or you’re looking for resources to help you choose the right services, I would recommend you visit KIPDA’s Aging and Disability Resource Center at or the National Alliance for Caregiving at — Lori Earnshaw, Senior Hospice and Palliative Medicine physician, Hosparus Health 32 Fall 2020 /

By Vanessa Hutchison


Never Miss a Dose

Med reminders for keeping you on track.


ou already know that the medicine your doctor prescribes will only work if you remember to take it. But life is busy, and remembering to take your medicine is not something you want to have to think about. Luckily, technology offers multiple solutions for this problem, so you can live your best life and minimize the time that you spend thinking about your medicine.

MediSafe ( k It seems like there’s an app for everything, and medicine reminders are no exception. This app allows you to input your own health data or import from your medical provider, and the robust scheduling interface makes it easy to set up alerts on a daily or weekly basis. Furthermore, Medisafe actually includes images of most of the pills that you are prescribed so that you can make sure you take the right medication at the right time, and even includes information about drug interactions between your prescriptions, helping to keep you safe. The free version of Medisafe is a full-featured app for IOS or Android with more features than most people will need, but it does offer a premium subscription for $39.95 a year, which removes ads and allows you to change in-app settings such as the sound of your reminders and the color of the app, as well as allowing you to connect accounts with family members or caretakers.

PillPack ( k If you are the sort of person who has trouble remembering to get prescriptions refilled, then Pillpack may be the solution that you are looking for. Pillpack is an online pharmacy unlike any other. It turns your prescriptions into a subscription that is sent to your home in convenient daily-dosed packages. Owned by online retailer Amazon, Pillpack coordinates with your doctors and insurance providers to gather your prescriptions in one centralized location, organizes your pills into individual packages that are printed with the day and time that you take them, and delivers your pills to your door. Incredibly, Pillpack offers its service for free, with the only cost being what you pay for your medications. To make it even simpler, the service allows you to sign up online or by phone.

TabTime ( k If you prefer a physical container that allows you to sort your medications yourself, TabTime may be right for you. With no app or online interface, the TabTime Vibrating Pill Reminder holds your sorted medications in five separate compartments while allowing you to set multiple timers that vibrate the device when it’s time to take your prescription. Because TabTime is a more low-tech option, it is perfect for those who do not have a smartphone or prefer to have more local control over their prescriptions. The device is reasonably priced at about $55, and may be the solution you need to remember to take your prescriptions on time. 34 Fall 2020 /

Today’s Transitions / Fall 2020


Story by Kym Voorhees Raque Photo by Patti Hartog


A Louisville Leader John-Robert (JR) Curtin moved to Louisville in 1983 to serve as president and CEO at WKPC-TV Louisville’s Public Broadcasting station for what he thought would be a three-year position. He says he always found one reason or another to stay on in Louisville and now, 37 years later, remains an active part of the community.

Although he claims to be semi-retired, JR is author of On Civility: Restorative Reflections, a book of poetry which came out in August, and The Rocks of Connemara, another book of poetry slated to publish next year. He also teaches undergraduate and graduate students in civility and mediation at Indiana University Southeast, the University of Louisville, and Spalding University, and is CEO of Connected Learning Network and director and senior fellow at 4Civility Institute. Despite these commitments, JR also finds time to volunteer with multiple organizations including Leadership Louisville. How did you become involved with Leadership Louisville?

I was a charter member of Leadership Louisville’s Encore Louisville program started in 2014. We’re a group of experienced seniors from various 36 Fall 2020 /

organizations and disciplines available to help nonprofits with strategic planning and advice. We offer highlevel consulting free of charge to nonprofits who may not be able to afford it otherwise. I looked at the other folks interested in participating in Encore and saw there were a whole lot of people I really liked and wanted to hang out with. I thought it was a great idea and that we could really help. For our volunteers these are short-term engagements, which gives us flexibility in our schedules. How has Encore been able to assist non-profits during the pandemic?

In response to the pandemic, Encore created a spin-off group, the Middleton Response Team, to help nonprofits who are struggling to cope with issues related to COVID-19. We went to groups like Metro United Way, Gheens Foundation,

Kosair Charities, and others to help us identify organizations that might need our expertise. These organizations can reach out to us, and we will pull a team together to help evaluate what their needs are and how we can help them move forward. What has been your approach to retirement?

I don’t think of myself as retired in the traditional way. I’m transitioning from things I’ve done before to things I want to do. I was told early on that you need to retire to something, not from something. I always thought about that and wanted to move toward something new — new challenges and opportunities. It’s important to at least be satisfied with what you’re doing. It’s what we really need to give us peace.


Story and photo by Madeleine Dee

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie in Louisville


couple of weeks ago, I wanted to find some amazing Louisville treats to keep my sweet tooth happy and buy local during these trying times. I ended up thinking it would be fun to select the business that bakes the best chocolate chip cookie in the whole city. After many, many samplings, I have my answer: Butchertown Grocery Bakery! While this is quite subjective, I did seek out objective qualifications to make my decision, so it was not a random or careless selection: Size: Gigantic Crisp, golden exterior: Yes Chewy, fully-baked interior: Yes High quality chocolate and butter: OH, YEAH Amount of chocolate: Generous Flavor: 10/10 Perfect amount of salt: Yep! Freshness: 10/10 (Still a little warm!) Appearance: WOW. You may have your own opinion of the best chocolate chip cookie in Louisville, but this is surely mine. I’ll be visiting Butchertown Grocery Bakery regularly for curbside pick-up of the perfect treat. Check out their full menu online, which includes items like coffee, handmade chocolate, cupcakes, bagels, breads, wine, bourbon, and warm meals. You can place orders in two easy ways: call 502.742.8315 and press 2 or visit Now, ogle this sultry cookie photo shoot. When you’re done drooling, place an online order, safely pick it up, and enjoy! You deserve it.

Madeleine Dee declares that Butchertown Grocery Bakery is home to the best chocolate chip cookie in town.

Madeleine Dee (AKA The Seasoned Cynic) is a chef, writer, world traveler, and filmmaker who lives in Louisville. Watch her cooking show, Easy Elegance, on YouTube. Instagram: @TheSeasonedCynic. Website:

Today’s Transitions / Fall 2020


By Megan S. Willman Photos by Patti Hartog


“I love my... photographs.”


—Betty Winston Baye

Betty Winston Baye is well-known in our community for her extensive work at The Courier-Journal, and she has found national acclaim as a published author, motivational speaker, and college lecturer. Her broad base of work covers critical topics such as race and social justice. This year, Betty joined WLKY to work as a columnist and special contributor for Project CommUNITY, which takes a look at these critical issues and their impact in our community, particularly as it connects with the Black Lives Matter movement. Given the passion Betty has for her work, one might expect her to choose a book or special piece of art as her mostloved item. “There are books everywhere in my house. I have old magazines, stuff I really value from the 60s, an extensive collection of African art, but when you ask what I value the most, it is my pictures,” she says. “I look at my photographs and mom, my dad, my husbands, my sweetheart... all of them have passed away now. They represent different phases of my life. If I had to leave and take one thing, it would

64 Fall 2020 /

have to be my photographs.” There are special photos from the Black Journalists Conventions she has attended and other pictures that reflect her work and travels. Very special to her is the collection of pictures from her 50th birthday party, nearly 25 years ago. Betty was worried about having a birthday celebration that year because her mother was in New York and was very ill. Her mother convinced her to have it, reminding Betty that not having the party wouldn’t make her well. In addition to taking a lot of photos that day, they made a videotape for her mother and sent it to New York. “All the cousins and everyone at the party said ‘hi’ to mom on that tape. She watched it over and over again in the months before she died and told me it made her smile every time,” Betty recalls. Betty feels much the same way about those photos from her 50th, thinking fondly of her mom, her family, and her friends and about how quickly time passes. “I didn’t appreciate these things when I was young, but this is my life. I can’t replace 74 years of memories. This is the fruit of the Brown family tree.”

f you’d asked me this question some years ago, my answer would have been different. When I was younger, I would wonder why people have photographs all over their houses. They’re on the walls, on the tables, on the piano. I couldn’t understand it, and now I am one of those people.”

Betty’s new book The Book of David is available on Amazon or on her website,

How to Use These Directories These directories are organized first by this location chart. On the following pages, you’ll find descriptive listings of local facilities in each of the eight categories listed under Contents at right. Larger enhanced listings are listed first and are paid for by the facility. Regular listings follow.

Payment Options: These definitions can help you navigate the payment options in each directory:

CONTENTS Adult Day Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Home Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Aging-in-Place Communities . . 41

Independent Living. . . . . . . . . . 52

Alzheimer’s Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Nursing/Rehab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Assisted Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Personal Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Private – consumer pays out-of-pocket. Private Ins. – could include Medicare supplements or HMOs/health insurance. KIPDA – Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency, which offers subsidies and Medicaid waivers. LTCi – long-term care insurance; helps cover the cost of services for people who have an extended physical illness, extended disability, or cognitive impairment.

VA – Veterans Administration; provides financial assistance to retired veterans needing medical, surgical, and rehabilitative care. Hospice – a facility or service that provides supportive care for terminally ill patients and their families.

Facilities by Location Use this chart and the map at left to quickly view facilities by location. Facilities are organized by zone letters and colors that coordinate with the map. If you are interested in a listing, call 502.327.8855 or email

Christian Care Communities Treyton Oak Towers The Altenheim Eastern Star Home Nazareth Home Twinbrook Assisted Living Nazareth Home – Clifton Sacred Heart Village Apartments I & II ElderServe Adult Day Health Center Sacred Heart Village Apartments III Creekside on Bardstown

38 Fall 2020 /

40203 40203 40204 40204 40205 40205 40206 40206 40211 40216 40218



Zip Code

Ad u

Facility Name

Da yC ar Ag e in gi nP lac e Al zh eim er ’s C ar As e sis te dL ivi In ng Livdep in end g en t Nu rs in g/ Re ha Pe b rs on al Ca re

*Published rates are given by company.


ay Ca re ng in Pl ac e Al zh eim er ’s C ar As e si s te dL i vi ng In d Liv ep in end g en t Nu rs in g/ Re ha Pe b rs on al Ca re



Ag i

Zip Code

Masonic Homes Kentucky – Louisville 40207 (Crescent Grove Memory and Personal Care, Grove Pointe Assisted Living Community, Miralea and Meadow Active Lifestyle Community, Sam Swope Care Center, Village Active Lifestyle Community) Westport Place Health Campus 40207 BeeHive Homes of Lyndon 40222 Dominion Senior Living of Louisville 40222 Everlan by Dominion of Louisville 40222 Magnolia Springs Louisville Senior Living 40222 Anthology of Louisville 40223 Creekside on Whipps Mill 40223 The Forum at Brookside 40243 StoryPoint Middletown 40243 Enclave of East Louisville 40245 Forest Springs Health Campus 40245 Lake Forest Village 40245 The Legacy at English Station 40245 Franciscan Health Care Center 40219 Wesley Manor Retirement Community 40219 (The Aldersgate, Hoskinson House and The Village) The Springs at Stony Brook 40220 BeeHive Homes of Smyrna Parkway 40228 Barton House 40241 Brownsboro Park Retirement Community 40241 Springhurst Pines - (Cornell Trace, Parr’s at 40241 Springhurst, Springhurst Health and Rehab) Fern Creek/Highview United Ministries Adult Day Health Care 40291 Morning Pointe 40291 Traditions at Beaumont 40291 Forest Hills Commons 40299 Glen Ridge Health Campus 40299 Heartsong East Adult Day Health Care 40299 Heartsong Memory Care 40272 Park Terrace Health Campus 40272 Symphony at Valley Farms 40272 Autumn Woods Health Campus 47150 Green Valley Care Center 47150 Southern Indiana Rehab Hospital 47150 The Villages at Historic Silvercrest 47150 BeeHive Homes of Goshen 40026 Green Meadows Health Care Center 40047 Baptist Health La Grange Rehab & Skilled Care 40031 Friendship Health & Rehab 40056 The Grand Senior Living 40059

Ad ul tD

Facility Name
















Today's Transitions / Fall 2020


Adult Day Care Directory

Day program for adults who need to be monitored for safety reasons and/or need nursing care, treatments, incontinence care, and other health services. There are medical Adult Day Care facilities which must be licensed. Adult Day Care facilities that are social cannot provide nursing care. Some offer pickup and delivery services within a radius.

ElderServe Adult Day Health Center

Fern Creek/Highview United Ministries Adult Day Health Care

631 S. 28th St, Louisville, KY 40211 (502) 776-3066 •

Type: medical Hours open: M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost per day: $60 Transportation available: $10 each way Showers available: yes Therapy offered: Special arrangement Special services: Medically supervised by professional staff. Each day filled with a variety of activities specially designed to meet the physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of elderly who are frail, disabled or experiencing memory loss. Owner: ElderServe, Inc. Payment Accepted: private, Medicaid waiver, VA

9300 Beulah Church Rd • Louisville, KY 40291 (502) 762-9612 •

Special services: Providing a structured program balancing physical & cognitive activities designed to help frail older adults function at their highest levels. State licensed medical model providing nursing services, medication administration, personal care, memory care, meals & caregiver respite for over 24 years. Owner: Fern Creek Highview United Ministries Inc. Payment Accepted: Medicaid Waiver, VA, LTCi, private

Heartsong East Adult Day Health Care

Heartsong Memory Care Adult Day Health Care

Type: medical Hours open: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Cost per day: $78 Transportation available: no Showers available: yes Special services: Activities to promote cognitive, physical, social & spiritual well-being in a secure setting. Staff trained for Alzheimer’s/dementia care. Assessments, medication administration and healthcare by licensed nurse. Owner: CJL Group, LLC Payment Accepted: private, LTCi

Type: medical Hours open: M-F 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Cost per day: $66-$74 Transportation available: yes Showers available: yes Therapy offered: PT, OT, ST by arrangement Special services: Activities to promote cognitive, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. Secure indoor and outdoor space to move about freely. Assessments, medication administration, and health care by licensed nurses. Owner: Heartsong Memory Care LLC Payment Accepted: private, Medicaid Waiver, VA

10720 Plantside Dr, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 935-3300 •

9260 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 935-3300 •

Active Day of Louisville - Hikes Point 3403 Breckenridge Ln, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 491-3302 • Cost per day: $50-$72

Active Day of Watterson Park 1920 Goldsmith Ln, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 366-5777 • Cost per day: $50-$72

Alternative Adult Day Health Care Center 147 Wilma Ave, Louisville, KY 40229 (502) 955-1750 • Cost per day: $50 (varies)

CountrySide Meadows 640 Jericho Rd, LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 225-6810 • Cost per day: $75

Exceptional Teens & Adults P.O. Box 1051, Louisville, KY 40201 (502) 290-1585 • Cost per day: $50-$80

Gathering Club 4940 Hazelwood Ave, Louisville, KY 40214 (502) 365-2586 • Cost per day: $67

Ideal Care, Inc. Day Party 1702 Gardiner Ln, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 456-0811 • Cost per day: $100 (Adult Day Program), $150-$200 (Residential)

Just Family Adult Day Center 127 Lees Valley Rd, Shepherdsville, KY 40165 (502) 543-1265 • Cost per day: $61.60

Peggy's Place Adult Life Center 1730 Audubon Dr, Ste 100, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 590-2857 • Cost per day: $75

Providence 4915 Charlestown Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-5350 • Cost per day: $53-$134

RiverSide Meadows 308 E. Chestnut St, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 913-0333 • Cost per day: $55

Tri-County Community Action Agency Adult Day Program 1015 Dispatchers Way, La Grange, KY 40031 (502) 222-1349 • Cost per day: $72 or $9/hr

Help Nonprofits Thrive Senior Care Experts will be celebrating volunteers at their Heroes at Heart event on October 16 from 12-2pm in front of the Olmsted. In adherence to social distancing guidelines, the organization will be providing boxed lunches to the volunteers who help them provide essential services to older adults in the community. Senior Care Experts, an organization that assists clients in living independently at home, will also be one of several organizations participating in the Give for Good Louisville initiative on September 17 which encourages support of local nonprofits. For more details on how you can get involved go to

40 Fall 2020 /

Aging-in-Place Communities Directory

An Aging-in-Place community offers several levels of care on one campus. A resident could move into a retirement facility or assisted living facility, then utilize higher levels of nursing care when needed through personal care or nursing/rehab care. A resident’s room might change, but not his or her address.

The Altenheim

Christian Care Communities – Christian Health Center, Friendship House and Chapel House

936 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 584-7417 •

Levels of care: Independent living, personal care, nursing/rehab, Alzheimer’s care Capacity: independent living-8, personal care-30, nursing/rehab-32 Special services: Enjoy our beautiful Highlands park like setting with updated furnishings no matter your living arrangements – independent, assisted, personal care, Alzheimer’s care, nursing/rehab or short term stay. Our selective menus with salad/cold bar offer a ton of variety. Staffing levels are above expectations and truthfully make us what we are today! Owner: The Altenheim

960 S 4th St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 583-6533 •

Levels of care: Independent Living with Supportive Services, Personal Care, Short Term Skilled Nursing Care, Memory Care, Long Term Care Capacity: Alzheimer’s-92, assisted-103, nursing/rehab-100, senior living-283 Special services: Enhancing the journey of life for older adults since 1884. Newly Remodeled Studio and One Bedroom Apartments, On Site Salon Services, Activity Programming and Transportation, Therapy Services, 24 Hour On- site Security, and Spiritual Care Owner: Christian Care Communities, Inc. (since 1884)

The Forum at Brookside

Masonic Homes Kentucky — Louisville Campus

Levels of care: retirement, personal care, nursing facility Capacity: retirement-240, personal care-24, nursing facility-60 Special services: A beautiful gated community, 24-hr security, chef prepared meals, flexible dining plan, indoor heated pool, new exercise room, recreational activities, pet friendly, a great staff and management team, gorgeous patio homes and apartments, continuum of care. Owner: Five Star Senior Living, Inc.

Levels of care: Independent living, assisted living, personal care, skilled nursing, memory care Capacity: independent living-269 apts/12 patio homes; personal care-84; skilled nursing-126; memory care-56 Special services: Short-stay and outpatient rehab available for all levels of care. On-site dialysis clinic. Region’s only Life Care and Life Plan programs provide discounts on health care services to entry fee residents. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc.

200 Brookside Dr, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 245-3048 •

Miralea and Meadow Active Lifestyle Community

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 259-9627 •

Nazareth Home

2000 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 459-9681 •

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-8927 •

Levels of care: Independent living Capacity: 242 Special services: Upscale apartments with amenities including restaurant-style dining, concierge service, fitness and aquatic center, art studio and gallery, movie theater, spa, underground parking and more. Includes Life Care and a full continuum of care on campus, including assisted living, personal care, memory care and skilled nursing when you need it. 24/7 security. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc.

Levels of care: Alzheimer’s, nursing/rehab, personal care Capacity: Alzheimer’s-48, nursing/rehab-118, personal-50 Special services: Nazareth Home offers rehab and restorative therapy, specializing in dementia care and personal care with an award-winning therapeutic recreation and exercise program. Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc.

Nazareth Home – Clifton

Springhurst Pines

Levels of care: Alzheimer’s, nursing/rehab, personal care Capacity: nursing/rehab-108, personal care-31 Special services: Award-winning staff provides nursing care, short stay and outpatient rehab, activities, dining and transportation. Easy access from I-64 on U.S. 60. Therapeutic recreation and exercise programs. On-site religious services. Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc.

Levels of care: retirement, personal care, health and rehab center Capacity: patio homes-58 units, personal care-79 apts., nursing beds-90 Special services: Springhurst Pines has 3 distinctive senior communities, one great campus: Cornell Trace for independent living, Parr’s at Springhurst for personal care needs and Springhurst Health and Rehab for skilled nursing and rehabilitation. Springhurst Pines is happy to provide outpatient rehab services. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

2120 Payne St, Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-9425 •

3101 N Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 412-3775 •

Eastern Star Home 923 Eastern Star Ct, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 451-3535

Episcopal Church Home 7504 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 736-7800

Green Valley Care Center 3118 Green Valley Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-2341

Masonic Home of Shelbyville 711 Frankfort Rd, Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 633-3486

Morning Pointe of Louisville 4711 S Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40291 (520) 873-3800

New Albany Nursing & Rehabilitation 201 E Elm St, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-9517

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Aging-in-Place Communities Directory << PAGE 41

Treyton Oak Towers


211 W Oak St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 589-3211 •

Levels of care: skilled, retirement, personal care Capacity: retirement-160, skilled-60, personal care-40 Special services: Celebrating over 34 years of gracious retirement living. An elegant yet AFFORDABLE continuum of care community in Old Louisville. Spacious apartments, beautiful dining room, valet parking, spa services, onsite therapy, dentist, bank, and more. Access to the arts and medical community. 2018 Deficiency Free State Survey. Owner: Third & Oak Corporation

Presbyterian Homes of Louisville 2120 & 2116 Buechel Bank Rd, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 499-9383

Search for care options by locations, keywords, and categories. offers comprehensive directories of care communities and resources complete with features, photos, and reviews.

Providence ­— A Diversicare Community 4915 Charlestown Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-5221

Wesley Manor Retirement Community 5012 E Manslick Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 969-3277

Westminster Village 2200 Greentree Blvd N, Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 282-9691

Alzheimer’s Care Directory

Alzheimer’s care is provided at different levels, from assisted living to the skilled care of nursing/rehab. Some facilities accept Alzheimer’s patients into their general care, and others have separate units designed to meet the specific needs of patients with this disease.

The Aldersgate at Wesley Manor

The Altenheim

Number of beds: 28 Separate unit: yes Cost per month: $4755-$5170 all inclusive Special services: Personal Care, including full medication management, licensed nurse on site 24/7, rehab and physician services, geriatric psychiatrist, secure memory garden, daily activities, chapel, beauty salon, satellite TV package, long-tenured staff. Priority placement for short-term rehab and skilled nursing. No long-term contracts, entrance fees or deposits. See Nursing/Rehab directory for advanced Alzheimer’s/dementia care. Owner: Methodist Retirement Homes of Kentucky Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 32 Separate unit: no Cost per day: $100-$313 (depends on level of care) Level of care: nursing/rehab, independent living, personal care Special services: Small, non-profit senior health care community located in the Highlands offering a secure Alzheimer’s unit. Our above average staff to resident ratio provides our residents with the highest quality of care by our skilled team of experts. Part of a continuing care retirement community. Owner: The Altenheim Payment Accepted: private, LTCi

5012 E Manslick Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 969-3277 •

936 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 584-7417 •

Anthology of Louisville

Barton House

Number of beds: 38 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: $150 Level of care: personal care Special services: Our memory care utilizes innovative programs, including IN2L and FITMINDS. The supportive memory care at Anthology is delivered in a kind, compassionate way that is reflective of the resident’s lifestyles, routines and comfort levels. Our care is designed to draw on the resident’s strengths and allow them to maintain existing abilities while filling in the gaps in life skills with an appropriate level of assistance. Owner: Anthology Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, private ins., LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 20 Separate unit: yes (freestanding) Cost per month: $ 6125 (all-inclusive) Level of care: personal care Special services: Designed for Alzheimer’s & memory impairments. Dignified & individualized care, from meals to the activities they participate in, and how their room is decorated. Provides pets to love & care for, frequent meals promoting socialization, tree-filled backyard with a patio and walking path. Staff trained in dementia. Medical care by our nurses, therapists, psychiatrist & doctor. Owner: Goodworks Payment Accepted: private, LTCi

1105 Dorsey Ln, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 966-7077 •

Atria Blankenbaker 903 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 771-2291 • Cost per month: starts at $4850

6830 Overlook Dr, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 423-7177 •

Atria Elizabethtown 133 Heartland Dr, Elizabethtown, KY 42701 (270) 208-4952 • Cost per month: starts at $4850

Atria Springdale 4501 Springdale Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 496-1821 • Cost per month: starts at $4850

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BeeHive Homes of Smyrna Memory Care

Creekside on Bardstown

Number of beds: 20 Separate unit: yes Cost per month: $4800-$5100 Level of care: personal care Special services: Providing state-of-the-art care and surroundings that focuses on the residents’ natural living patterns and cycles, bringing nature into the home, structured yet simple activities designed to gently stimulate each resident while providing them with manageable choices fulfilling daily life. In addition, we offer more subtle and customized amenities, all designed for Alzheimer’s & memory impairments. Owner: Flip Flop Operations Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 49 Separate unit: yes Cost per month: shared apartment: $3500; private apartment: $4300 Level of care: assisted living Special services: Memory support with specialized programming, linen service, housekeeping, transportation, 3 meals with snacks, compassionate caregivers, secured memory neighborhood. Shared and private apartments. Owner: Elmington Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

8802 Smyrna Pky, Louisville, KY 40228 (502) 694-2956 •

3535 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 919-7715 •

Creekside on Whipps Mill

Crescent Grove Memory & Personal Care

Number of beds: 29 Separate unit: yes Cost per month: private studio $4500 Level of care: assisted living Special services: Memory support with specialized programming, secured memory neighborhood, fitness center, transportation, linen service, housekeeping, compassionate caregivers, 3 meals with snacks, engaging activity programming and community events. Owner: Elmington Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 32 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: $194-$235 Level of care: memory care Special services: Residents find fulfilling lives in our memory care community with trained staff providing 24/7 support. Private rooms/ baths, social activities/fitness programs, comfortable and secure environment. New Beginnings and Inspirations programs offer holistic and personalized life enrichment. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc. Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, Hospice, private ins.

9701 Whipps Mill Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 919-8470 •

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-4907 •

Dominion Senior Living of Louisville

Enclave of East Louisville

Number of beds: 20 Separate unit: yes Cost per month: $4990 Level of care: personal care Special services: All-inclusive pricing with no additional levels of care charges. Three homestyle meals served in our beautiful dining room, full-service salon, including manicures/ pedicures, housekeeping and laundry, wifi and cable, transportation assistance, secured outdoor courtyard, wellness services which includes activities of daily living, bathing, dressing, grooming, incontinence management, medication administration and dementia geared activities. Owner: Dominion Senior Living, LLC Payment Accepted: private, private ins., VA

Number of beds: 34 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: $147-$233 Level of care: personal care Special services: Intimate secured memory care neighborhood with private apartments and bathrooms, beautiful landscaped courtyard, enclosed sun-room, and activities rooms. Nurses and caregivers 24 hours/day, medication management. Owner: Compass Pointe Healthcare Payment Accepted: LTCi, VA

6000 Hunting Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 812-1556 •

100 Shelby Station Dr, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 632-5500 •

Forest Hills Commons

The Grand Senior Living

Number of beds: 99 Separate unit: yes Cost per month: starting at $4600 Level of care: personal care Special services: • Personalized support services by licensed nursing staff around the clock • Wide range of specialized social and recreational programs • Enclosed courtyard for outside activities and independence Owner: American Senior Communities Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 24 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: $161-$226 Level of care: personal care Special services: Housekeeping, laundry services, 24/7 nursing staff trained in Dementia care, activity program, secured outdoor courtyard, menu items to delight a variety of tastes, assistance with dining, medications and incontinence management. All-inclusive pricing. Short term stays available. Signature Passion Program with family care services and support groups Owner: Management, Civitas Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

9107 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 499-5533 •

9300 Civic Way, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 310-1542 •

Heartsong Memory Care

The Legacy at English Station

Number of beds: 36 Separate unit: yes (freestanding) Cost per month: $4950-$5250 Level of care: personal care Special services: Private rooms w/private showers; secure courtyards; meals & snacks; activities 7 days/wk; therapies, geriatric psych specialist & primary MD/NP visits on site; meds managed & administered by Licensed Nurses 24 hours/day. SHORT TERM STAYS available. Owner: Heartsong Memory Care, LLC Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA Aid & Attendance

Number of beds: 60 Separate unit: yes (freestanding) Cost per month: $5200 Level of care: personal care Special services: Alzheimer’s and dementia care provided by compassionate, highly trained caregivers; programs and amenities designed to honor unique life stories. Gated courtyards; family style dining; gorgeous surroundings. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private

9260 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 935-3300 •

13700 English Villa Dr, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 254-2361 •

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Magnolia Springs Louisville Senior Living 8225 Whipps Mill Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 716-5160 •

Number of beds: 20 Separate unit: yes Cost per month: $6255-$6360 Level of care: memory care Special services: Home-like setting w/all private apts. Our specialized program, Heartfelt Connections, enhances the lives of our residents by providing a safe, secure, and comfortable environment for your loved one with dementia. Owner: Life Care Services Payment Accepted: LTCi, VA

Morning Pointe of Louisville Lantern Memory Care of Excellence 4701 S Hurstbourne, Louisville, KY 40291 (502) 212-5199 •

Number of beds: 44 in Lantern free-standing community Separate unit: yes (freestanding) Cost per day: starting at $170 Level of care: personal care Special services: Morning Pointe of Louisville offers early, mid and memory care services, all on our South Hurstbourne campus. 24-hour nursing care, personal care plus many services and amenities of the traditional assisted living community with the added safety and security of a specialized Alzheimer’s Center of Excellence. Owner: Independent Healthcare Partners/Morning Pointe Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Nazareth Home

Sam Swope Care Center

Number of beds: 48 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: $256 Level of care: personal care, nursing/rehab Special services: A faith-filled senior neighborhood. Award-winning small neighborhood living design, very caring professional staff, gourmet dining, on-site religious services, secure green spaces, daily activities, beauty shop, rehab services. Open to persons of all faith traditions. Free tours. Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc. Payment Accepted: Private, LTCi, Medicare, Medicaid

Number of beds: 24 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: $320-$360 Level of care: nursing/rehab Special services: Advanced memory care household offers Snoezelen room, secured courtyard, residential kitchen, salon services and community and campus security and monitoring. New Beginnings and Inspirations programs offer holistic and personalized life enrichment. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc. Payment Accepted: Medicare, private, LTCi, Hospice, private ins.

2000 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 459-9681 •

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-4907 •

Symphony at Valley Farms

The Springs at Stony Brook

Number of beds: 34 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: $129-$152 Level of care: assisted living Special services: We offer a unique program called In The Moment, focusing on the individual instead of pre-determined activities. This approach engages your loved one in the moment they are experiencing right now and provides a compassionate and meaningful interaction. Owner: Milestone Retirement Payment Accepted: LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 18 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: starting at $154 Level of care: personal care Special services: Alzheimer’s and dementia care provided by compassionate, highly trained caregivers; programs and amenities designed to honor unique life stories. Gated courtyards; family style dining; gorgeous surroundings. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private

10201 Valley Farms Blvd. Way, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 937-3028 •

2200 Stony Brook Dr, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 491-4692 •

Traditions at Beaumont

Enhanced Listings

10210 Long Home Rd, Louisville, KY 40291 (502) 231-4522 •

Number of beds: 30 Separate unit: yes Cost per day: $173 all inclusive Level of care: assisted living Special services: Intimate, secure environment with trained, caring 24hr support staff. Private apartments with all inclusive rate, daily activities in social, highfunctioning environment. Our Varietas Program alongside AwardWinning BBET Therapy provides individualized therapeutic stimulation for your loved one who suffers from memory loss. Short-term respite stays available! Owner: Traditions Management Payment Accepted: private

Providing fuller descriptions of your location, larger text and color headlines. Four-issue rate is very reasonable $300 each or $100/month. Call 502.327.8855 or email

Atria Stony Brook 3451 S Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 383-1574 • Cost per month: starts at $4850

Autumn Woods Health Campus 2911 Green Valley Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 941-9893 • Cost per day: $244-$279

BeeHive Homes of Goshen/Prospect 12336 US Hwy 42, Goshen, KY 40026 (502) 432-6437 • Cost per day: $125 (respite care stay)

Belmont Village Senior Living Community 4600 Bowling Blvd, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 721-7500 • Cost per day: $105-$224

Christian Health Center - The Meadow 920 S 4th St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 583-6533 • Cost per day: $277-$298

Cooper Trail Senior Living 325 Lincoln Way, Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 572-4329 • Cost per month: starting at $4900

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CountrySide Meadows 640 Jericho Rd, LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 225-6810 • Cost per month: $3350-$4350

Eastern Star Home 923 Eastern Star Ct, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 451-3535 • Cost per day: $160-$180

Elmcroft of Mount Washington 520 Woodlake Drive, Mount Washington, KY 40047 (502) 538-3172 • Cost per month: starts at $3,180

Essex Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 9600 Lamborne Blvd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 935-7284 • Cost per day: $187

Episcopal Church Home Memory Care Center 7504 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 736-7800 • Cost per day: $235

Exceptional Senior Living Prospect 6901 Carslaw Court, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 907-3778 • Cost per month: $4900 all-inclusive

Genesis Regis Woods Homestead 4604 Lowe Rd, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 451-1401 • Cost per day: $275

Green Valley Care Center 3118 Green Valley Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-2341 • Cost per day: $252-$281

Hallmark House 10301 Coneflower Ln, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 290-6706 • Cost per month: $4750-$5050

Hillcrest Centre for Health and Rehabilitation 203 Sparks Ave, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 283-7918 • Cost per day: $200

Indian Creek Health and Rehabilitation Center 240 Beechmont Dr, Corydon, IN 47112 (812) 738-8127 • Cost per day: $155

Kindred Transitional Care & Rehabilitation-Rolling Hills 3625 St. Joseph Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 948-0670 • Cost per day: $212

Louisville East Post-Acute 4200 Browns Ln, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 459-8900 • Cost per day: $253

Lyndon Woods Care and Rehabilitation 1101 Lyndon Ln, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 425-0331 • Cost per month: $7484

Magnolia Springs East Louisville Senior Living 13600 LaGrange Rd, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 855-7500 • Cost per month: $6100-$6310

Park Louisville by Senior Star 10451 Linn Station Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 423-8776 • Cost per month: $4800

Providence — A Diversicare Community 4915 Charlestown Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-5221 • Cost per day: $196

Riverbend Independent & Assisted Living Community 2715 Charlestown Rd, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 248-8465 • Cost per month: $3500-$4500

Rivers Edge Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 6301 Bass Rd, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 228-8359 • Cost per day: priv. $208, semi priv. $202

Sanders Ridge Health Campus 119 E. Sanders Ln, Mt. Washington, KY 40047 (270) 515-3407 • Cost per month: $3298-$5753

Sellersburg Health and Rehabilitation Center 7823 Old State Rd 60, Sellersburg, IN 47172 (812) 246-4272 • Cost per day: $143-$155

Sunrise of Louisville 6700 Overlook Dr, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 425-0820 • Cost per day: $98

The Villas of Guerin Woods 1002 Sister Barbara Way, Georgetown, IN 47122 (502) 951-1878 • Cost per day: priv. $310

Assisted Living Directory Assisted living offers minimal assistance in care, such as providing meals, helping with baths, and offering reminders to take medications. While some residents drive, scheduled transportation may be provided. Daily activities are organized, and there is around-the-clock supervision. No health care is provided, and these facilities are not licensed, but certification is required.

BeeHive Homes of Goshen/Prospect

BeeHive Homes of Lyndon

Number of units: 16 Cost per month: $3900 Transportation available: free scheduled Special services: Your loved one will be safe 24/7 with our trained, caring staff. Our home is small & that makes for an easier transition. With our low resident to staff ratio we get to know your loved one quicker. We assist w/dressing, bathing, toileting, and med reminders. Home-cooked meals, snacks, housekeeping, and laundry. Some of our many activities include professional singers and exercise provided by the YMCA. Hair salon. Free cable TV and WiFi. Call today! Next to Prospect in beautiful Oldham Co. One price/ All Inclusive/ NO level of care increases. Low resident-to-staff ratios (5/6–to 1). Visit our FB page for photos. Owner: Eric and Catherine Sherrard Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of units: 18 Cost per month: $3400-$4000 (all-inclusive) Transportation available: free scheduled transportation Special services: Friendly home-like atmosphere. Home cooked meals, housekeeping/laundry/linen service, variety of activities, free cable TV. Caring and friendly staff. When it comes to care, small is huge! Call today for a tour. Owner: Flip Flop Operations Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

12336 US Hwy 42, Goshen, KY 40026 (502) 432-6437 •

8401 LaGrange Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 650-9994 •

Amber Oaks Assisted Living 156 Haven Hill Rd, Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 647-4546 • Cost per month: studio $1950$2200; 1 BR $2475; 2 BR $2900

Atria Elizabethtown 133 Heartland Dr, Elizabethtown, KY 42701 (270) 208-4952 • Cost per month: starts at $4850

Atria Springdale 4501 Springdale Rd, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 496-1821 • Cost per month: starts at $4850

Atria Stony Brook 3451 S Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 383-1574 • Cost per month: starts at $4850

Atria St. Matthews 120 S Hubbards Ln, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 414-7161 • Cost per month: starts at $4850

Azalea Hills Assisted Living 3700 Lafayette Pkwy, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119 (812) 923-4888 • Cost per month: 1 BR $3375-3625; 2 BR $3875-4125; studio $2625-287; patio home $1825

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BeeHive Homes of Smyrna

Creekside on Bardstown

Number of units: 15 Cost per month: $3400-$4000 (all-inclusive) Transportation available: free scheduled transportation Special services: Friendly home-like atmosphere. Home cooked meals, housekeeping/laundry services, variety of activities, cable TV — all included at no extra cost. Compassionate and friendly staff. Call today for a tour! Owners: Flip Flop Operations Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of units: 24 Cost per month: efficiency $3500 Transportation available: yes Special services: Transportation, linen service, housekeeping, compassionate caregivers, 3 meals with snacks, engaging activity programming and community events. Owners: Elmington Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

8800 Smyrna Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40228 (502) 694-2956 •

3535 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 919-7715 •

Creekside on Whipps Mill

Franciscan Health Care Center

Number of units: 31 Cost per month: 1 BR $4450, Suite $3450 Transportation available: yes Special services: Fitness Center, transportation, linen service, housekeeping, compassionate caregivers, 3 meals with snacks, engaging activity programming and community events. Owners: Elmington Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of units: 52 Cost per month: $2250-$4586 Special services: Compassionate, tenured staff; licensed RNs 24/7; chef-prepared meals; activities designed to nourish the mind, body and spirit; gated courtyard; salon; skilled nursing, short-term care, therapy services onsite. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private, LTCi

9701 Whipps Mill Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 919-8470 •

3625 Fern Valley Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 964-3381 •

Grove Pointe Assisted Living

Hoskinson House at Wesley Manor

Number of units: 48 Cost per month: 1 BR $4395+; 2 BR $6295+ plus services (ala carte); Second person fee for all units $1000 Transportation available: yes Special services: Beautiful 82-acre campus, housekeeping/ linen service, 24 hour on-site staff, on-site Care Clinic, full meal service, spacious showers and walk-in closets, salon, restaurant-style dining, planned activities and social events, medication assistance, includes a full continuum of care on campus (personal care, memory care, skilled nursing). 24/ security. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc. Payment Accepted: private

Number of units: 41 Cost per month: studio $2875; 1BR $3835; 2BR $5105 Transportation available: free for shopping, medical appointments, and outings Special services: Two specialized levels of service, activities, salon, spa, outpatient rehab, chapel, library, ice cream parlor, Wi-Fi, Satellite TV and phone service, medication reminders. 5 floor plans, pets welcome. No long-term contracts, entrance fees or deposits. Respite stays welcome. Owner: Methodist Retirement Homes of KY Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 753-8255 •

5012 E Manslick Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 969-3277 •

Magnolia Springs Louisville Senior Living

StoryPoint Middletown

Number of units: 71 Cost per month: studio $3390-$4445; 1 BR $5350-$5565; 2 BR $6575-$6675 Transportation available: yes, medical appts, shopping and community outings Special services: More than a place to live, Magnolia Springs represents a place to celebrate life with purpose. Specializing in food, family and fun, this campus offers all of the benefits of city living with amenities onsite. Owner: Life Care Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private, VA, LTCi, AL ins.

Number of units: 42 Cost per month: $3400-$4300 Transportation available: yes Special services: From assistance with medication to support with daily activities, coordinating appointments and more, assisted living at StoryPoint offers 24-hour support to provide our residents with the care they need, when they need it. Owner: StoryPoint Senior Living Payment Accepted: Private, LTCi, VA

8225 Whipps Mill Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 716-5160 •

500 Meridian Hills Dr, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 373-6935 •

BeeHive Homes of Brandenburg 103 Commerce Dr, Brandenburg, KY 40108 (502) 694-2956 • Cost per month: $3400-$3600

Bennett Place Senior Living 3928 Horne Ave, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 948-1960 • Cost per month: studio $2400; 1 BR $3000 (prices may vary)

Cooper Trail Senior Living 325 Lincoln Way, Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 572-4329 • Cost per month: starting at $2950

Brookdale Stonestreet 9521 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville 40272 (502) 935-5884 • Cost per month: efficiency $2420; 1 BR $3190; 2 BR $3930

CountrySide Meadows 640 Jericho Rd, LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 225-6810 • Cost per month: private $2350$3350

Crescent Place 148 Allen Dr, Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 633-6622 • Cost per month: studio $2400; alcove $2600; 1 BR $2800; 2 BR $3500

Dominion Senior Living of Louisville 6000 Hunting Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 812-1556 • Cost per month: studio $3275; 1 BR $4550; suite $3990

Elmcroft of Mount Washington 520 Woodlake Dr, Mount Washington, KY 40047 (502) 538-3172 • Cost per month: 1 BR $4420, 2 BR $5200, Suite $3180

Enclave of East Louisville 100 Shelby Station Dr, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 694-7254 • Cost per month: $4441-$7361

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Symphony at Valley Farms

Traditions at Beaumont

Number of units: 31 Cost per day: alcolve $114; 1 BR $122; 2 BR $140 Transportation available: free Special services: Symphony at Valley Farms, located in the south end of Louisville, with a wide range of care for your loved ones. Our residents and their families are at ease knowing they have the care they need. Owner: Milestone Retirement Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, AL ins., VA

Number of units: 80 Cost per month: efficiency $3075, 1BR $3990, 2BR $4700 Transportation available: yes Special services: Upscale, active community in a charming country setting. Enjoy a social life, comfortable surroundings, and as much or as little assistance as you desire. All inclusive rates including meals, housekeeping, utilities, phone, cable, internet, transportation. Amenities: salon, chapel, fitness center, restaurant-style dining, theater, bistro with daily happy hour, and a vibrant activities program. Variety of on-site wellness services, visiting specialists, and personal care plans including assistance with bathing, dressing, hygiene, incontinence, and medication management. Owner: Traditions Management Payment Accepted: private

10201 Valley Farms Blvd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 937-3028 •

10210 Long Home Rd, Louisville, KY 40291 (502) 231-4522 •

Twinbrook Assisted Living

Enhanced Listings

3525 Ephraim McDowell Dr, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 452-6330 •

Number of beds: 60 Cost per month: Studio $2750, 1 BR $3150 Transportation available: free Special services: Private apartments with emergency call cords, planned activities, medication reminders, assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, three meals daily, transportation to shopping, charges for additional services may apply. Staff on duty 24 hours per day. Family owned and operated. Mass six days per week. Owner: Bryan S McCoy, Inc. Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, AL ins., VA

Providing fuller descriptions of your location, larger text and color headlines. Four-issue rate is very reasonable $300 each or $100/month. Call 502.327.8855 or email

Hellenic Senior Living 2632 Grant Line Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 944-9048 • Cost per month: $3600-$3900

Hometown Manor Assisted Living of Bardstown 103 Manor Dr, Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 348-4663 • $2200-$2500 all inclusive

Hometown Manor Assisted Living of Shelbyville 74 Mack Walters Rd, Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 437-0814 • Cost per month: $2000-$2,400 all inclusive

Ideal Care Inc. 1702 Gardiner Ln, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 456-0811 • Cost per month: 1 BR $3900-$5400

Lifestyle Adult Care Home 1610 Blackiston View Dr, Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 258-0818 • Cost per month: $2250-$3750

Magnolia Springs East Louisville Senior Living 13600 LaGrange Rd, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 855-7500 • Cost per month: studios $3615$4295; 1 BR $5275-$5790; 2 BR $6725-$7035

The Mansion on Main 1420 East Main St, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 914-1161 • Cost per month: $3465-$4095

Masonic Home of Shelbyville – The Pillars 711 Frankfort Rd, Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 633-3486 • Cost per month: studio $2174; 1 BR $2282-$2500; 2 BR $2717-$3043

Morning Pointe of Louisville 4711 S Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40291 (502) 873-3800 • Cost per month: $3295-$5945

New Albany Nursing & Rehabilitation 201 E Elm St, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-9517 • Cost per month: $1500-$2400

Oaks Assisted Living 1010 Richwood Way, LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 222-3552 • Cost per month: 1BR $3080, 2BR $3410

Providence 4915 Charlestown Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-5221 • Cost per month: efficiency $3627

Riverbend Assisted Living 2715 Charlestown Pike, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 248-8465 • Cost per month: $2150-$4995

River Terrace Health Campus 120 Presbyterian Ave, Madison, IN 47250 (812) 265-0080 • Cost per month: $2341-$4946

Thornton Terrace Health Campus 188 Thornton Rd, Hanover, IN 47243 (812) 866-8396 • Cost per day: $124-$167

Twin Oaks Assisted Living 98 Adams St, New Castle, KY 40050 (502) 845-4136 • Cost per month: efficiency $1950; 1 BR $2400; handicap/deluxe $2650; 2 BR $3000

Village East, Inc. 11530 Herrick Ln, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 254-1799 • Cost per month: suite $3995-$5895

The Villas of Guerin Woods 1002 Sister Barbara Way, Georgetown, IN 47122 (812) 951-1878 • Cost per day: priv. $120-$138

Westminster Village 2200 Greentree Blvd N, Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 282-9691 • Cost per month: $2875-$3985

Windsor Ridge Assisted Living 2700 Waters Edge Pkwy, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 284-4336 • Cost per month: studio $2850; 1 BR $3250

AT TODAYSTRANSITIONSNOW.COM YOU WILL FIND: • A list of all local caregiving communities: nursing home care, home health care, assisted living, Alzheimer’s care, and retirement living communities • Comprehensive directories of care communities and resources complete with features, photos, and reviews

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Home Health Directory

Home Health Care refers to care provided in a person’s home. Medical Home Health Care is a licensed level of care that provides nursing care and personal care. (These agencies also provide non-medical care.) Non-medical Home Health Care agencies in Kentucky must be certified. Agencies in Indiana must be licensed. They can assist with the self-administration of medications or treatments, provide limited personal care, serve as companions who prepare light meals and tidy homes, and may offer transportation or errand services.

All Best Home Care

All Ways Caring HomeCare, ResCare Inc

Type: non-medical Services: Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care, Parkinson, End of Life Care, transportation, respite care, errands, personal care, homemaker, certified senior case managers provide case management Cost per hour: $20.85-$23.85 Employees’ status: workers comp, bonded, liability, background checked, direct hires, drug tested Min. time required: Flexible up to 24 hours a day Special services: Premier home care services provided by fully trained and reliable caregivers. Cases are covered within 1 hour of your call with Guaranteed Caregivers Computability. Personalized care in home or any facility. Owner: Slava and Galena Burstein Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA, worker’s comp

Services: FREE RN assessments, personal care, homemaker, respite, transportation, Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care Cost per hour: $20-$25, 24-hr care avail. Employees’ status: workers comp, bonded, liability, background checked, direct hires, drug tested, withhold taxes, CPR certified Min. time required: 1 hr up to 24/7 Special services: We specialize in benefits assistance for VA, Medicare, MS, Special Needs, Medicaid, Hospice, & Palliative Care. We pride ourselves in helping to prevent emergency visits and hospital re-admits with early detection and management of symptoms. We are the “eyes and ears” at home with visits by our nurse and trained caregivers. Quality of Life Owner: ResCare Inc/Brightspring Payment Accepted: Medicare, private, Medicaid, private ins., LTCi, VA, other

102 Daventry Ln Unit 7, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 456-CARE (2273) •

806 Stone Creek Pkwy Ste 9, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 423-3991 •

BrightStar Care

CareBuilders at Home

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, homemaker, transportation, errands, Alzheimer’s/dementia care, Parkinson’s, ALS, respite, med reminders, meal prep, end of life care, RN/geriatric case management. Cost per hour: $19-$24 Employees’ status: bonded, liability ins., background check, direct hires,withhold taxes, CPR certified, drug testing Min. time required: 1 hr Special services: Joint Commission Accredited. Compassionate care, excellent service. Non-medical care by skilled and attentive professionals. All care is overseen by a Registered Nurse and is available 1-24 hrs/day with Guaranteed Caregiver Compatibility. Owner: Christian & Leslie McCutcheon Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA, worker’s comp

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, homemaker, transportation, errands Cost per hour: $22-$26 Employees’ status: bonded, worker’s comp, liability ins., background check Min. time required: 3 hrs Special services: Compassionate, customized, coordinated care; State Certified Personal Service Agency, Help at home for independence, post-rehab recovery, Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care, Parkinson’s, respite, sitter service any location; 1-to-1 for med appointments, companion Owner: Laura Curry and Michael Coffey Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA, Medicaid Waiver

406 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Ste G, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 893-4700 •

2210 Goldsmith Ln, Ste 209, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 458-2273 •

Caring Excellence Personalized Home Care Services

ComForCare Home Care Louisville East

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, homemaking, medication reminders, exercise assistance transportation, respite Cost per hour: $18-$20 Employees’ status: exceptionally trained, bonded, liability ins., background check, direct hires, withhold taxes Min. time required: flexible up to 24/7 Special services: Locally owned, Consistent Caregivers, Caregiver Matching and RN Case Management. Senior Care, Parkinson’s Care, Alzheimer’s Care and After-Hospital Care in your home. All care directed by Registered Nurse and Master Level Social Worker. Owner: Kayla Cook, RN, Elisabeth Knight, MSSW Payment Accepted: private, LTCI, VA, Medicaid Waiver

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, dementia care certified, homemaking, transportation, errands Cost per hour: $19-$24 Employees’ status: bonded, liability ins., background check, direct hires, worker’s comp, withhold taxes Min. time required: 4 hrs Special services: Available 24/7. Provide free RN assessment to develop best care plan for client’s needs. Provides care in home, hospital, assisted living, and nursing homes. Our quality caregivers go through a 10-step hiring process and continuous training. Owners are very much hands on and in tune with families and caregivers. Owner: Chris and Julie Prentice Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, workman’s comp.

1169 Eastern Pky, Ste 1134, Louisville, KY 40217 (502) 208-9424 •

308 N. Evergreen Rd, Louisville, Ky 40243 (502) 254-0850 •

Commonwealth Nursing Solutions

Helping Hands Companion Care Services

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, companionship, light housekeeping, meal prep, transportation, errands, medication reminders, Alzheimer’s and dementia care, respite, end of life care at home or in facility setting Cost per hour: starts at $22 Employees’ status: Direct hires, bonded, liability insurance, background check, drug tested, CPR and First Aid Certified Min. time required: 1 hour Special services: Locally owned, State Certified as Personal Service Agency providing non-medical compassionate and excellent service. Convenient on-line scheduling access. 24/7 staff supervision. Owner: Greg Ciliberti, M.D., Alex Moore, M.D., Barbara Newton, Thomas Samuels Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, Veterans, Medicaid (Michelle P. and SCL Waivers)

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, home making, transportation, errands, respite, med. reminders Cost per hour: $21 and up Employees’ status: bonded, liability ins., background check, direct hires, withhold taxes, drug testing Min. time required: Flexible Special services: *Personalized loving care available in home, assisted living, nursing home or hospital *Scheduling up to 24 hours 7 days a week *Trained and experience caregivers *Free assessments *Serving Kentucky and Southern Indiana since 1996. Owner: Terry Graham, RN; Dawn Smithwick, BSW Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

904 Lily Creek Rd, Ste 202, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 814-3111 •

AccessiCare Elder Home Care 708 Highlander Point Dr, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119 (812) 725-3843 • Cost per hour: $11.25-$20

2301 Hurstbourne Village Dr #100, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 426-9783 •

Accurate Healthcare Professionals 2200 Buechel Ave, Ste 101, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 671-0996 • Cost per hour: $14-$17

Advanced Care House Calls 9510 Ormsby Station Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 327-9100 • Cost per visit: $170-$250

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Home Instead Senior Care

Home Instead Senior Care

Type: non-medical Services: Proudly serving seniors for over 20 years; CAREGivers provide personal care, medication help, transportation/errands, post-rehab care, Alzheimer’s/dementia & end of life care. Nurses provide case management for EVERY client. Cost per hour: $22-$25 Employees’ status: CAREGivers are fully bonded, covered by workman’s comp & liability insurance; we conduct ANNUAL background checks & drug screens; taxes withheld; thorough skills training & CPR certification; ongoing classroom and in-home education for all employees. Special services: Our expertise is in supporting the entire family. Services are available 24/7 and we can begin care within 1 hour of your call. Call today for a complimentary consultation. Owner: Becky and Brent Beanblossom Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA, Medicaid HCB Waiver

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, homemaker, transportation, errands Cost per hour: $20-$26.50 Employees’ status: workers comp, bonded, liability ins., background check, direct hires, withhold taxes Min. time required: 1 hour Special services: Trained, experienced and compassionate CAREGivers provide individualized care that positively enhances the quality of life for our seniors and their families. Quality Visits are conducted on a regular basis to ensure customer satisfaction. Office phones are answered 24/7. Locally owned by an RN and serving southern IN since 2001. We are an approved Anthem Medicare Advantage provider. Owner: Colette Hofelich, RN, MBA Payment Accepted: Medicare, private, Medicaid, LTCi, VA

4101 Taylorsville Rd, Ste 200, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 515-9515 •

1401 State St, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 948-9770 •

Homewatch CareGivers

Hosparus Health

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, homemaker, transportation, errands Cost per hour: $22-25 Employees’ status: bonded, liability ins., background check, direct hires, withhold taxes Min. time required: flexible Special services: Fully trained and experienced CNA’s, onstaff Certified Dementia Practitioner, complimentary evaluations, customized care plan, company with 30 years of home care experience, Alzheimer’s/Dementia expertise, Five Star reviews Owner: Steve and Trish Kochersperger Payment Accepted: private, LTCi

Type: medical Services: nursing & physician services, pain mgt, social workers, spiritual care, CNA’s, Grief Counseling Services and Volunteer Programs Cost: Medicare accepted rate Employees’ status: bonded, liability ins., background check, direct hires, withhold taxes Min. time required: N/A Special services: Offering quality hospice and palliative care and grief counseling services to people living with serious and life-limiting illnesses. A not-for-profit hospice organization providing compassionate care. See our ad on back cover. Owner: Hosparus Inc. Payment Accepted: All insurances are accepted - including private pay and sliding scale

13117 Eastpoint Park Blvd, Ste G, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 244-1212 •

3532 Ephraim McDowell Dr, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 456-6200 •

Kindred at Home

Malone Home Care

Type: medical Services: nursing care, physical, occupational, and speech therapy, medical social services Cost per visit: $70-$185 Employees’ status: bonded, liability ins., background check Min. time required: N/A Special services: Certified Medicare Home Health Agency specializing in geriatric care. Our services include specialty programs for Orthopedics, Safe Strides (fall prevention), Parkinson’s Services, and Cardiopulmonary. Great healthcare has come home. Owner: Kindred Payment Accepted: Medicare, private ins.

Type: nursing and personal care Services: Licensed Private Duty Nursing. Nonmedical: Assistance with personal care, meals, housekeeping, transportation. Initial assessment by RN/Certified Case Manager at no cost. Cost per hour: non-medical $22 - $23, nursing $42+, depending on patient acuity. Employees’ status: background check, drug screen, liability ins., workers comp, ongoing education/yearly credentialing, and managed by RN/CCM. Min. time required: flexible Special services: Whether your needs are personal care, or more complex and require the skill of a nurse, we can provide it all in the comfort of your home. Owner: Tim and Terry Malone Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, workers comp, Medicaid, VA

710 Executive Park, Louisville KY 40207 (502) 895-4213 •

4647 Outerloop, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 637-5474 •

Right at Home

Senior Helpers - Louisville/Southern Indiana

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, med reminders, meal prep, errands, transportation, housekeeping, companionship, dementia care, respite Cost per hour: $19-$25 Employees’ status: bonded, insurance, background & drug screened, competency tested, TB tested, taxes withheld Min. time required: flexible Special services: A+ BBB rating, Home Care Pulse certified, Star of 2017, Dementia program: enhanced assessments, personalized care plans & specially trained caregivers to empower the client at their current abilities. Let us help lighten your caregiving load, so you can spend more quality time with your loved one. Owner: RAHCO Kentuckiana Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, Veteran’s, worker’s comp

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, meal prep, housekeeping, transportation/errands, medication reminders, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and end of life care as well as respite care. Cost per hour: $20-$24 Employees’ status: Licensed/Bonded. Caregivers have background check, drug screen, taxes withheld, trained, liability/Worker’s comp ins. Min. time required: flexible Special services: Our agency is focused on client service! We understand what you need and we work hard to deliver a superior service. We want an open line of communication so that we can meet your needs!!! Experts in VA Aid and Attendance pension. Owner: Nancy Galloway Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, EFT, Medicaid Waivers, VA

500 Executive Park, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-0580 •

4043 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 690-2648 •

Visiting Angels

VNA Health at Home

Type: non-medical Services: personal care, housekeeping, meal prep, laundry, errands & transportation, Alzheimer’s care, fall prevention, med reminders, respite, 24-hour care Cost per hour: $17-23 Employees’ status: bonded, liability & worker’s comp insurance, background checked, drug tested, direct hires, state licensed Min. time required: Flexible Special services: Customized Care by reliable, experienced caregivers. Visiting Angels allows you to select your own caregiver and conducts an in-home assessment prior to starting care. Client feedback and family communication are an integral part of our customer service. Owner: Andrew Block, locally owned & operated Payment Accepted: Private, LTCi, Veterans, Medicaid

Type: medical Services: nursing, therapy, social worker, home health aide Cost per visit: $100-$250 Employees’ status: bonded, liability ins. Special services: Providing care to the adult and geriatric populations in Louisville/Jefferson County, Southern Indiana, and surrounding areas. Owner: Catholic Health Initiatives Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private ins.

126 S. Sherrin Ave, Louisville 40207 (502) 897-6547 •

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200 High Rise Dr, Ste 373, Louisville, KY 40213 (502) 584-2456 •

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Home Health Directory << PAGE 50 Affiliated Nursing 1866 Campus Place, Louisville KY 40299 (502) 634-0918 • Cost per hour: $16

Almost Family 4545 Bishop Ln, Ste 201, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 893-1661 • Cost per hour: $16-$18

Always Best Care Senior Services 9900 Corporate Campus Dr, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 265-5848 • Cost per hour: $22-$24

Amada Senior Care 10200 Forest Greene Blvd, Ste 112, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 233-2700 • Cost per hour: $23-$28

Amedisys Home Health Care 9000 Wessex Place, Ste 304 Louisville, KY 40222 Various locations in Louisville and Southern IN (502) 429-4550 • Cost per hour: Medicare Accepted Rate

American Home Health 1035 Wall St, Ste 104-C1, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 282-2218 • Cost per visit: $50-$180

Assurance Home & Convalescent Care 3004 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 479-1906 • Cost per hour: $20-$25

Baptist Health Home Care 6420 Dutchmans Pkwy, Ste 360, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 454-5656 • Cost per visit: $100-$240

Baptist Health Home Care 1915 Bono Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 948-7447 • Cost per visit: $100-$240

Best Choice Home Health 2871 Charlestown Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (502) 727-0085 • Cost per visit: nursing $150; PT eval $200; PT $250

Best In-Home Care 1939 Goldsmith Ln, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 384-1031 • Cost per hour: $16-$19

Bluebird Homecare, Inc. 10200 Forest Green Blvd, Ste 112, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 429-9340 • Cost per hour: $18.95-$21.95

Bluegrass Silver Tree Home Care 10608 Watterson Center Ct, Unit 102, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 240-6464 • Cost per hour: $19.50-$24

BluWell of KY, LLC 8401 Shelbyville Rd, Ste 112, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 742-1758 • Cost per hour: $20-$25

Capacity Care 4033 Taylorsville Rd, Ste 100, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 893-8414 • Cost per hour: $19-$22

Comfort Keepers of Louisville 4113 Oechsli Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 721-0101 • Cost per hour: $24

Comfort Keepers 1417 State St, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 944-5006 • Cost per hour: $14-$17

Dee’s Senior Home Care 4350 Brownsboro Rd, Ste 110, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 893-4596 • Cost per hour: $18-$22

ElderCare 4 Families 2315 Green Valley Rd #200, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 670-3500 • Cost per hour: $18-$25

ElderCare 4 Families 13806 Lake Pointe Circle, Ste 201, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 244-8446 • Cost per hour: $18-$25

Family Support Services, LLC 4010 Dupont Circle, Ste 228, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 213-0892 • Cost per hour: $15-$18

Granny Nannies North 2028 S Hwy 53, Ste #3, LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 454-9134 • Cost per hour: $18-$20

Granny Nannies of Kentucky 3044 Breckenridge Ln, Ste #101, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 454-9134 • Cost per hour: $18-$20

HomeCAREConnections 4010 Dupont Circle, Ste 581, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 721-1090 • Cost per hour: $16-$18

Home Instead Senior Care 2225 Lawrenceburg Rd, Bldg A, Ste 4, Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 352-7272 • Cost per hour: $15-$17.50

Kindred Hospice 391 Quartermaster Ct, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 284-2600 • Cost per hour: Medicare Accepted Rate

Mercy Works Louisville 1312 Pollitt Ct, Louisville KY 40223 (502) 882-3049 • Cost per hour: $15-$18

Personal Options HomeCare P.O. Box 58340, Louisville, KY 40268 (502) 396-3545 • Cost per hour: $19-$28

Premier Caregiver Services 121 Wiltshire Ave, Ste F, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 548-1239 • Cost per hour: $25

Right at Home 603 N. Shore Dr, Ste 106, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 285-9100 • Cost per hour: $19-$25

SeniorCare Experts 145 Thierman Ln, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 896-2316 • Cost per hour: $17-$18

SonBlest Elder Care Inc. 916 E 8th St, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 283-7015 • Cost per hour: $14-$18.50

Visiting Angels - New Albany 1004 East Market, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 670-5959 • Cost per hour: $22 weekday, $24 weekend

VNA Health at Home 516 E. Lewis & Clark Pkwy, Clarksville, IN 47130 (812) 283-9190 • Cost per visit: $100-$250

“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.” — CARL JUNG

Today's Transitions / Fall 2020


Independent Living Directory

Independent Living communities are for those who need no services and are totally independent. Special services are provided, such as meals in a central dining area. Most people drive, but some transportation is usually offered. These communities offer no health care services and are not required to be licensed or certified.

Brownsboro Park Retirement Community

Cornell Trace

Units in facility: 134 Cost per person per month: studio $2095, 1 BR $2575-$2900, 2 BR $3000-$3400 Minimum age: 62 Special services: Family owned & operated since 1986, several spacious floor plans, located on 14 beautiful acres with a park, walking trail and fishing pond. Warm, friendly residents, spacious apartments with great closets, activities to keep your mind entertained and your body in shape, housekeeping, extensive shuttle program that runs 7 days a week and excellent chef-prepared meals. All-inclusive pricing (includes all utilities, phone, cable, internet & personal alert pendant). Owner: Bunker Hill Assoc. III, LLC Payment Accepted: private

Units in facility: 58 Cost: entrance fee $215,000-$265,000; 2 & 3 BR patio homes plus monthly maintenance fee Minimum age: 62 Special services: Exquisite patio homes with enclosed porches and attached garages. All appliances included, security system, no property taxes, no homeowner’s insurance, spacious floor plans, all maintenance inside and out, exercise room and a beautiful clubhouse. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private

2960 Goose Creek, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 429-7700 •

9729 Cornell Trace Rd, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 326-9838 •

Everlan by Dominion of Louisville

Forest Springs Health Campus

Units in facility: 56 Cost per person per month: $2450-$3950 Minimum age: 55 Special services: Known as Everlan of Louisville, Dominion Senior Living’s independent living brand was created for adults 55+ who seek to get the most out of life. Everlan fuses luxury with thoughtful design and allows residents to enjoy beautiful aesthetics and premium amenities without all the upkeep. Everlan provides five-star cuisine, concierge and housekeeping services, tailored wellness programs, cooking, art classes, carefully curated experiences, well crafted designed indoor and outdoor spaces and easy access to retail, restaurant and entertainment choices. Owner: Dominion Senior Living, LLC Payment Accepted: private

Units in facility: 34 Cost per person per month: starting at $2860 Minimum age: 55 Special services: Steps away from our full-continuum of care, villa patio homes offer housekeeping; lawn maintenance; fitness center and clubhouse; a full calendar of activities and excursions; Villa Lifestyle Director; pet-friendly. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private

5900 Hunting Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 512-6834 •

4120 Wooded Acre Ln, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 243-1643 •

The Forum at Brookside

The Grand Senior Living

Units in facility: 240 Cost per person per month: Independent Living Apts $2300-$3800, Independent Living Villas $3000-$4550. Carport or Garage Option Minimum age: 55 Special services: Gorgeous patio homes and apartments, gated community, 24 hr security, indoor heated pool, exercise room, chef prepared meals, flexible dining plan, recreational activities, pet friendly, a great staff and management team, full continuum of care. Owner: Five Star Senior Living, Inc. Payment Accepted: private

Units in facility: 91 Cost per person per month: $3390-$5690 Minimum age: 55 Special services: Resort style living, luxurious apartments, spacious closets, extra storage available, garage & golf cart garage rental, utilities & appliances included, patios/balconies, weekly housekeeping, 24-hour concierge, pet spa, salon & barber shop, fitness center, indoor heated pool, sun deck, putting green, club house, recreational activities, theater, cocktail lounge, shuttle service, continental breakfast, chef prepared gourmet meals, easy access to dining, shopping, entertainment, & health care, Signature Passion Program. Owner: Management, Civitas Senior Living Payment Accepted: private

200 Brookside Dr, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 245-3048 •

Lake Forest Village Retirement Community 2400 Arnold Palmer Blvd, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 340-1909 •

Units in facility: 128 Cost per person per month: starts at $2900 Minimum age: 55 Special services: All apartments have full kitchens, washer/dryer hookups. Our all-inclusive rates cover meals, weekly housekeeping, scheduled transportation, complementary valet services, all utilities, and a 24/7 medical alert system. Room service, concierge service, 150-seat movie theater, happy hours, and resident travel program. No buy-in fees. Live-in Managers. Pet friendly with no additional fees for pets. Owner: Resort Lifestyle Communities Payment Accepted: private

9300 Civic Way, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 310-1542 •

Miralea and Meadow Active Lifestyle Community

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-8927 •

Units in facility: 242/12 patio homes Cost per person per month: 1BR $2569+; 2BR $3688+; Patio home $4024+ Second person fee for all units: $1076+/mo Minimum age: 62 Special services: Offers restaurantstyle dining, concierge, fitness and aquatic center, salon and spa with upscale amenities. Includes Life Care and a full continuum of care on campus (assisted living, personal care, memory care, skilled nursing). 24/7 security. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc. Payment Accepted: private

The Altenheim 936 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 584-7417 • Cost per person/month: $1752; second person $876

Atria Blankenbaker 901 Blakenbaker Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 771-2291 • Cost per person/month: 1 BR apartment starts at $4850

BeeHive Homes of Smyrna Parkway 8800 Smyrna Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40228 (502) 966-9771 • Cost per person/month: 1BR $3300

Christian Care Communities – Chapel House & Friendship House 960 S 4th St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 583-6533 • Cost per person/month: $584-$1026

CountrySide Meadows 640 Jericho Rd, LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 225-6810 • Cost per month: $2350-$3350

Dudley Square Patio Homes at Episcopal Church Home 7504 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 736-7800 • Cost: entrance fee $289,900$329,900, plus monthly maintenance

(income based, utilities included)

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Independent Living Directory

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Sacred Heart Village Apartments

StoryPoint Middletown

Units in facility: 150 Cost per person per month: $0-$618 Minimum age: 62 Special services: Secured 540 sq. ft. 1 BR efficiency units located in both the Clifton & Cane Run Road areas. Dining room, meeting rooms, library and sitting areas and on-site laundry, appliances, walk-in shower, individually controlled heat and A/C, pets accepted with restrictions. Handicapped accessible units if available. Water & electric included. Income limitations apply. Call for details. Owner: Mercy Housing Payment Accepted: private

Units in facility: 120 Cost per person per month: $2995-$3400 Special services: Whatever your ideal retirement looks like, you’ll find it with our independent living offering. From maintenance-free living to convenient amenities and more, everything at StoryPoint is designed to give you peace of mind and help you fully enjoy your retirement. Owner: StoryPoint Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

2110 Payne St, Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-6409 •

500 Meridian Hills Dr, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 373-6935 •

Traditions at Beaumont

Treyton Oak Towers

Units in facility: 32 Cost per person per month: $3200 Minimum age: 55 Special services: Enjoy maintenance-free living with all the comforts of home. Independent living residents enjoy full access to all community amenities! Garden Homes are spacious 1600sqft 2BR 2BA with one car attached garage & sunroom. All utilities included plus phone, cable, internet + 30 meals monthly in our Restaurant-style dining. Have peace of mind knowing there are options to age in place—located on same property as our Assisted Living with 24hr Emergency Response. Owner: Traditions Management Payment Accepted: private

Units in facility: 160 Cost per person per month: 1 BR $3167-$3680, 2 BR $4061-$6260 Minimum age: 62 Special services: Serving Louisvillians for 34 years. AFFORDABLE spacious 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Rooftop deck, greenhouse, art studio, fitness center, masseuse; Fleur de Lis dining room. On site dentist, bank, and salon. All in a safe secure continuum of care community. 2019 Deficiency Free State Survey. Owner: Third and Oak Corporation Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private, private ins., LTCi

10210 Long Home Rd, Louisville, KY 40291 (502) 231-4522 •

211 W. Oak St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 589-3211 •

Village Active Lifestyle Community

The Villages at Historic Silvercrest

Units in facility: 149 Cost per person per month: Market rate: 1BR $713$1294, 2BR $1298-$2187; Affordable housing: Studio $611-$703, 1BR $628-$753, 2BR $753; Life Plan monthly fees: $1464-$2887 Minimum age: 55 (market rate) and 62 (Life Plan) Special services: Remodeled entry fee apartments on 82-acre campus. Offers Life Plan discount on full continuum of care on campus, including personal care, memory care and skilled nursing should you require the additional care. 24/7 security. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc. Payment Accepted: private, affordable housing options

Units in facility: 37 Cost per person per month: $1418-$2363 Minimum age: 55 Special services: Steps away from our full-continuum of care, villa patio homes offer housekeeping; lawn maintenance; fitness center and clubhouse; a full calendar of activities and excursions; Villa Lifestyle Director; pet-friendly. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-8927 •

One Silvercrest Dr, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 542-6720 •

Gaslight Court Apartments 3600 Good Samaritan Way, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 261-1745 • Cost per person/month: 30% of income

Guerin Woods Apartments 8037 Unruh Dr, Georgetown, IN 47122 (812) 951-1878 • Cost per person/month: $460

H. Temple Spears Retirement Community 1515 Cypress St, Louisville, KY 40210 (502) 776-7000 • Cost per person/month: 1 BR $539-$630

Jefferson Crossings 5105 Gemma Way, Louisville, Kentucky 40219 (502) 434-3822 • Cost per person/month: 1BR $975, 2BR $995

Mt. Lebanon Cedars of Lebanon Homes 2223 Magazine St, Louisville, KY 40211 (502) 778-6616 • Cost per person/month: market rent $432, subsidized housing available

Riverbend Independent and Assisted Living Community 2715 Charlestown Pike, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 282-9707 • Cost per person/month: apts $2260$3150; suite $2700-$3750

RiverSide Meadows 308 E Chestnut St, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 913-0333 • Cost per person/month: $1150-$1950

Twinbrook Assisted Living 3525 Ephraim McDowell Dr, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 452-6330 • Cost per person/month: $2500-$2900

The Village at Wesley Manor 5012 E Manslick Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 964-7498 • Cost: entry fee $153,500-$170,730

Village East, Inc. 11530 Herrick Ln, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 254-1799 • Cost per person/month: apt homes $995-$1250, Patio homes $140,000-$289,000

Westminster Village 2200 Greentree Blvd N, Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 282-9691 • Cost per person/month: $1765$2335

“Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy.” — CYNTHIA NELMS

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Today's Transitions / Fall 2020


Nursing/Rehab Directory Nursing homes are facilities that provide beds for around-the-clock intermediate, skilled, and/or rehabilitative care.

The Altenheim

Autumn Woods Health Campus

Number of beds: 32 Cost per day: private $304; semiprivate $225 Special services: Aging in place community in the Highlands offers skilled nursing care, long term care and respite care (7-day minimum). Above average staff to resident ratio allows time for visits with residents as well as necessary care. Our skilled staff offer the highest quality care in a small homelike environment with just 20 residents. Hosparus care supports our staff when requested. Specialized activity programs for memory care residents offered by trained staff and volunteers. Owner: The Altenheim Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 93 Cost per day: private $258; semiprivate $217 Special services: On-site skilled nursing and rehabilitative services including physical, occupational, and speech therapies. Private rooms; state-of-the-art therapy gym; compassionate caregivers and licensed nurses on hand 24/7. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private, private ins., LTCi

936 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 584-7417 •

2911 Green Valley Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 941-9893 •

Baptist Health La Grange Rehab and Skilled Care

Christian Care Communities – Christian Health Center

Number of beds: 24 Cost per day: $332 - all rooms are private. Special services: Ranked 5-star by CMS; Private rooms with bathrooms & adaptive equip; 24/7 RNs; physical, occupational & speech therapy; activities; beauty salon; outdoor area; chaplain; dietitian; housekeeping; personal telephone & cable TV, onsite respiratory therapy, radiology & lab. Owner: Baptist Health Payment Accepted: Medicare, private, Medicaid, private ins., LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 122 Cost per day: $277-$298 Special services: Transitional Care, Long Term Care, Memory Care, State of the Art Therapy Programming, On Site Salon and Spa Services, Specialized Wound Care, Cardiac and Pulmonary Programming Owner: Christian Care Communities, Inc. Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicaid, private

1025 New Moody Ln, La Grange, KY 40031 (502) 222-3376 •

920 S 4th St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 583-6533 •

The Forum at Brookside

Friendship Health & Rehab

Number of beds: 60 Cost per day: private $315; semiprivate $258 Special services: Heartfelt care and skilled staff provide short & long term nursing care and rehab-physical, occupational, and speech for your loved one’s comfort, quality, and engaged lifestyle. Beautifully located in eastern Jefferson County. Owner: Five Star Senior Living, Inc. Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private, Hospice, LTCi, private ins.

Number of beds: 128 Cost per day: private $275-$330; semiprivate $247-$262 Special services: Short and long term care, renovated private rehab suites w/smart televisions, sleeper sofas, free WIFI, 24 hour nursing care, physical, occupational, and speech therapies, remodeled therapy gym with state-of-the-art equipment, wound care physician, personalized treatment plans, activities, hair salon, cable TV, free laundry, and transportation. Norton physicians to oversee your care. Owners: Kevin Badger & Robert Young Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private, private ins, LTCi

200 Brookside Dr, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 245-3048 •

7400 Friendship Dr, Pewee Valley, KY 40056 (502) 241-8821 •

Green Meadows Health Care Center

Green Valley Care Center

Number of beds: 122 Cost per day: private $305, semiprivate $220 Special services: Green Meadows is committed to serving individuals who are in need of rehabilitation and nursing care in a safe and comfortable therapeutic environment. We are committed to meeting the clinical, functional, psychosocial, and emotional needs of our residents. We accomplish this by challenging our caregivers to provide innovative health care services and by pursuing the most effective ways of treating residents. We believe our residents, through personal initiative, professional guidance, and encouragement, can attain the highest quality of life possible. Owner: Bedrock Health Care Payment Accepted: Medicare, private, Medicaid, private ins., LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 141 Cost per day: private $301; semiprivate $251; Garden Terrace private $342; Garden Terrace semiprivate $285 Special services: All rooms include free basic cable, free phone line for local phone calls, and free Wi-Fi. We provide short-term rehab to home, longterm care and have a secured memory care unit. Owner: Life Care Centers of America Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private, private ins., LTCi

310 Boxwood Run Rd, Mt. Washington, KY 40047 (502) 254-5464 •

3118 Green Valley Rd, New Albany IN 47150 (812) 945-2341 •

Health Care Center, Wesley Manor

Nazareth Home

Number of beds: 64 Cost per day: private $320, semiprivate $280 Special services: short-term/inpatient rehab in private rooms; longterm skilled nursing care in semi-private rooms. Physical, occupational and speech therapy in new Therapy Suite. Geriatric physician and psychiatrist on call 24/7. Regularly scheduled podiatry, dental, vision and hearing clinics. Full time chaplain, dietician, social director. Free WiFi, satallite TV and phone service. Sensory stimulation and state of the art virtual reality activities. Life Plan community – see Assisted Living, Personal Care and Independent Living. Owner: Methodist Retirement Home, Inc. Payment Accepted: Medicare, private, Medicaid, private ins., LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 87 Cost per day: Nursing cost: $315 - $325 per day, Rehab $540.00 per day Special services: Skilled and long term nursing care, all private rooms, exercise, social activities, massage and holistic therapy. Fine dining and award winning activity programs. Short stay Medicare recovery program bridging hospital to home. Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc. Payment Accepted: LTCi, Medicare, Medicaid

5012 East Manslick Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 969-3277 •

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2000 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 459-9681 •

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Today's Transitions / Fall 2020


Nursing/Rehab Directory << PAGE 56

Nazareth Home – Clifton

Park Terrace Health Campus

Number of beds: 121 Cost per day: private $296, semiprivate $240 Special services: Skilled and long term nursing care, private and semiprivate rooms, exercise, social activities, massage and holistic therapy. Fine dining and activity programs. Short stay Medicare recovery program bridging hospital to home. Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc. Payment Accepted: LTCi, Medicare, Medicaid

Number of beds: 88 Cost per day: $305 Special services: On-site skilled nursing and secured memory care services delivered by a compassionate, tenured team. Private and semi-private rooms; licensed nurses on hand 24/7. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private, private ins.

2120 Payne St, Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-9425 •

9700 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 995-6600 •

Sam Swope Care Center

Southern Indiana Rehab Hospital

Number of beds: 136 Cost per day: $295-$330 Special services: Area’s largest on-site rehabilitation center and on-site dialysis clinic. Offers hair salon, cafe, library and specialized activities through Inspirations program. Six residential houses promote healing and recovery. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc. Payment Accepted: Medicare, private, LTCi, Hospice, private ins.

Number of beds: acute rehab 38, sub-acute rehab 22 Cost per day: semiprivate $1,688 acute/$403 sub-acute Special services: Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitative services for all ages, serving individuals with illnesses and injuries such as stroke, brain and spinal cord injuries, orthopedic trauma and surgeries, cardia conditions, and pulmonary diseases. Owner: Vibra Healthcare Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private, private ins., VA

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-4907 •

3104 Blackiston Blvd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 941-8300 • vibrahealthcare/southern/Indiana

Springhurst Health and Rehab

Treyton Oak Towers

Number of beds: 90 Cost per day: $295-$450 Special services: All private rooms. Short-term rehab, long-term care, 24-hour skilled nursing and outpatient therapy. Cable, phone, comprehensive program for individual needs, private dining rooms, in-room dining, bistro, activities room, daily housekeeping, extensive therapy and restorative care. Owner: Trilogy Health Services LLC Payment Accepted: Medicare, Medicaid, private, LTCi

Number of beds: 60 Cost per day: private $300-$400; semiprivate $255 Special services: Serving Louisvillians for 33 years; rendering superior nursing care and a wide range of rehabilitative services. Caring, friendly staff providing skilled nursing, short and long term rehabilitation. 8 new short term rehab suites.We are a continuum of care community. 2018 Deficiency Free State Survey. Owner: Third and Oak Corporation Payment Accepted: Private, LTCi, Medicare

3001 Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 426-5531 •

211 W. Oak St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 589-3211 •

Baptist Health Louisville Acute Rehabilitation 4000 Kresge Way, Louisville, KY 40207 502-896-7467 • Cost per day: varies based on insurance coverage

Cherokee Park Rehabilitation 2100 Millvale Rd, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 451-0990 • Cost per day: private $428; semiprivate $257

Clark Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Facility 517 North Little League Blvd, Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 282-8406 • Cost per day: private $275, semiprivate $170

Clifton Oaks Center 446 Mt. Holly Ave, Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 897-1646 • Cost per day: private $239, semiprivate $215

Eastern Star Home in Kentucky 923 Eastern Star Ct, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 451-3535 • Cost per day: private $135-$145, semiprivate $125

Episcopal Church Home 7504 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 736-7800 • Cost per day: private $316, semiprivate $231

Essex Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 9600 Lamborne Blvd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 935-7284 • Cost per day: semiprivate $187

Forest Springs Health Campus 4120 Wooded Acre Ln, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 243-1643 • Cost per day: $272-$303

Franciscan Health Care Center 3625 Fern Valley Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 964-3381 • Cost per day: $240-$318

Genesis Crestview Center 1871 Midland Trail, Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 633-2454 • Cost per day: $245-$270

Genesis Kensington Center 225 St. John Rd, Elizabethtown, KY 42701 (270) 769-3314 • Cost per day: $262-$406

Genesis Klondike Center 3802 Klondike Ln, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 452-1579 • Cost per day: $298-$323

Genesis Regency Center 1550 Raydale Dr, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 968-6600 • Cost per day: $240-$283

Genesis Regis Woods 4604 Lowe Rd, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 451-1401 • Cost per day: $275-$523

Georgetown Manor Nursing and Rehab 900 Gagel Ave, Louisville, KY 40216 (502) 368-5827 • Cost per day: private $211, semiprivate $197

Glen Ridge Health Campus 6415 Calm River Way, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 297-8590 • Cost per day: private $288-$321

Harrison Healthcare Center 150 Beechmont Dr, Corydon, IN 47112 (812) 738-0550 • Cost per day: $245

Helmwood Healthcare 106 Diecks Dr, Elizabethtown, KY 42701 (270) 737-2738 • Cost per day: private $252; semiprivate $218

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Nursing/Rehab Directory << PAGE 58 Highlands Health & Rehabilitation Center 1705 Stevens Ave, Louisville, KY 40205 502-451-7330 • Cost per day: private: $200; semiprivate: $185

Hillcreek Rehabilitation and Care Center 3116 Breckinridge Ln, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 459-9120 • Cost per day: private $280; semiprivate $255

Hillcrest Centre for Health and Rehab 203 Sparks Ave, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 283-7918 • Cost per day: private $189 or $250; semiprivate $159 or $200

Hometown Manor Assisted Living of Bardstown 103 Manor Dr, Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 348-4663 • Cost per month: efficiency $1900$2300

Hometown Manor Assisted Living of Shelbyville 74 Mack Walters Rd, Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 437-0814 • Cost per month: private $2000$2300 (all inclusive)

Indian Creek Healthcare Center 240 Beechmont Dr, Corydon, IN 47112 (812) 738-8127 • Cost per day: $240

Jeffersontown Rehabilitation 3500 Good Samaritan Way, Jeffersontown, KY 40299 (502) 267-7403 • Cost per day: private $253; semiprivate $218

Landmark of Louisville (formerly Parkway) 1155 Eastern Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40217 (502) 636-5241 • Cost per day: private $220, semiprivate $245

Lincoln Hills Health Center 326 Country Club Dr, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 948-1311 • Cost per day: private $214; semiprivate $184

Louisville East Post-Acute 4200 Browns Ln, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 459-8900 • Cost per day: private $290-$358; semiprivate $246-$314

Lyndon Woods Care and Rehabilitation 1101 Lyndon Ln, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 425-0331 • Cost per month: private $7436; semiprivate $6772/ACU $7787

Maple Manor Christian Homes, Inc. 643 West Utica St, Sellersburg, IN 47172 (812) 246-4866 • Cost per day: private $180

Masonic Home of Shelbyville 711 Frankfort Rd, Shelbyville, KY 40065 (502) 633-3486 • Cost per day: private $248-$295; semiprivate $236-$250

New Albany Nursing & Rehabilitation 201 E Elm St, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-9517 • Cost per day: private $220; semiprivate $195

New Castle Nursing & Rehab 50 Adams St, New Castle, KY 40050 (502) 845-2861 • Cost per day: private $217; semiprivate $204

Park Terrace Health Campus 9700 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 995-6600 • Cost per day: $305-$393

Providence – A Diversicare Community 4915 Charlestown Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-5221 • Cost per day: private $219-$276; semiprivate $188

Richwood Nursing & Rehab 1012 Richwood Way, LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 222-3186 • Cost per day: private $233; semiprivate $202

River Terrace Health Campus 120 Presbyterian Ave, Madison, IN 47250 (812) 265-0080 • Cost per day: $205-$331

Rivers Edge Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 6301 Bass Rd, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 228-8359 • Cost per day: private $208; semiprivate $202

Riverview Village 586 Eastern Blvd, Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 282-6663 • Cost per day: private $160; semiprivate $135

Rolling Hills Healthcare Center 3625 St. Joseph Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 948-0670 • Cost per day: $224

Sanders Ridge Health Campus 119 E Sanders Ln, Mt. Washington, KY 40047 (270) 515-3407 • Cost per day: $239-$368

Sellersburg Healthcare Center 7823 Old Hwy 60, Sellersburg, IN 47172 (812) 246-4272 • Cost per day: private $224; semiprivate $241

Seneca Place 3526 Dutchman’s Ln, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 452-6331 • Cost per day: private $242 to $273; semiprivate $231

Signature Healthcare at Jefferson Manor 1801 Lynn Way, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 426-4513 • Cost per day: private $278; semiprivate $255

Signature Healthcare at Jefferson Place 1705 Herr Ln, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 426-5600 • Cost per day: private $295

Signature Healthcare at Rockford Rehab & Wellness Center 4700 Quinn Dr, Louisville, KY 40216 (502) 448-5850 • Cost per day: private $240, semiprivate $223

Signature Healthcare at Summerfield Rehab & Wellness Center 1877 Farnsley Rd, Louisville, KY 40216 (502) 448-8622 • Cost per day: private $266; semiprivate $242

Signature Healthcare of East Louisville 2529 Six Mile Ln, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 491-5560 • Cost per day: private $310; semiprivate $250

Signature Healthcare of South Louisville 1120 Cristland Rd, Louisville, KY 40214 (502) 367-0104 • Cost per day: private $450; semiprivate $240

Signature Healthcare of Elizabethtown 1117 Woodland Dr, Elizabethtown, KY 42701 (270) 769-2363 • Cost per day: private $216, semiprivate $202

Signature Healthcare of Spencer County 625 Taylorsville Rd, Taylorsville, KY 40071 (502) 477-8838 • Cost per day: private $210; semiprivate $190

Signature Healthcare of Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Hospital 1850 Bluegrass Ave, Louisville, KY 40215 (502) 361-6783 • Cost per day: private: $500

Signature Healthcare of Trimble County 50 Shepherd Ln, Bedford, KY 40006 (502) 255-3244 • Cost per day: private $325; semiprivate $200

SpringBridge at Green Valley Care Center 3118 Green Valley Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-2341 • Cost per day: $229

St. Matthews Care Center 227 Browns Ln, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 893-2595 • Cost per day: private $254; semiprivate $214

Sycamore Heights 2141 Sycamore Ave, Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-5417 • Cost per day: private $233-$258, semiprivate $224

Thornton Terrace Health Campus 188 Thornton Rd, Hanover, IN 47243 (812) 866-8396 • Cost per day: $200-$331

UofL Health — Frazier Rehab Institute 200 Abraham Flexner Way, Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 582-7490 • Cost per month: private $1597 and semiprivate

Valhalla Post Acute 300 Shelby Station Dr, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 254-0009 • Cost per day: private $290

The Villas of Guerin Woods 1002 Sister Barbara Way, Georgetown, IN 47122 (812) 951-1878 • Cost per day: priv. $260

The Villages at Historic Silvercrest 1 Silvercrest Dr, New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 542-6720 • Cost per day: $217-$326

Wedgewood Healthcare Center 101 Potters Ln, Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 948-0808 • Cost per day: private $270, semiprivate $221

Westminster Health & Rehab Center 2210 Greentree North, Clarksville, IN 47129 (812) 282-5911 • Cost per day: $210

Westminister Terrace 2116 Buechel Bank Rd, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 499-9383 • Cost per day: private: $284; semiprivate $253

Westport Place Health Campus 4247 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 893-3033 • Cost per day: $278-$321

Today's Transitions / Fall 2020


Personal Care Directory

Personal Care offers residents minimal assistance for bathing, grooming, toileting, and dressing. The resident must be able to move around (even if in a wheelchair or scooter). Some health care is provided and medications are given. These facilities are licensed.

The Aldersgate at Wesley Manor

The Altenheim

Number of beds: 28 Cost per day: $159-$172 all inclusive Special services: Full medication management, licensed nurse on site 24/7, rehab and physician services, geriatric psychiatrist, secure memory garden, daily activities. Priority placement for short-term rehab and skilled nursing. Chapel, satellite TV, beauty salon, long-tenured staff. Located on 35 beautiful acres. No long-term contracts, entrance fees or deposits. See Nursing/Rehab directory for advanced Alzheimer’s/ dementia care. Owner: Methodist Retirement Homes of KY Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 30 Cost per day: Private Rooms/Suites with kitchenette $100 to $160 Special services: Providing the independence of living at home with all the services needed including 24-hour nursing care; medication administration; housekeeping; laundry/linen service; meals and snacks; daily activities with a wide range of choices; fitness, musical entertainment as well as social and educational outings; beauty and barber services. Part of our aging in place community. Owner: The Altenheim Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

5012 E. Manslick Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 969-3277 •

936 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 584-7417 •

Anthology of Louisville

Crescent Grove Memory and Personal Care

Number of beds: 53 Cost per day: starts at $117 Special services: Located at the corner of Hurstbourne and Dorsey Lane, Anthology of Louisville offers a caring and compassionate staff. We provide a spectrum of services tailored for each resident. Our team members are selected for their knowledge and how they value our residents. Visit our website for a virtual tour. Owner: Anthology Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, private ins., LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 84 Cost per day: $155-$204 Special services: Private rooms and couples suites. On-site podiatry, dentistry and optometry. Activities through Inspirations program. 24/7 security. Rehab and dialysis clinic. Salon, theater and restaurants on campus. Owner: Masonic Homes of Kentucky Inc. Payment Accepted: private, private ins.

1105 Dorsey Ln, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 966-7077 •

3701 Frankfort Ave, Louisville KY 40207 (502) 897-4907 •

Dominion Senior Living

Eastern Star Home

Number of beds: 41 Cost per month: studio $3725, 1 BR $4550, suite $3990 Special services: All-inclusive pricing with no additional levels of care charges. Three homestyle meals served restaurant style in our beautiful dining room, full-service salon, including manicures/ pedicures, housekeeping and laundry, wifi and cable, transportation assistance, spacious outdoor courtyard, wellness services which includes activities of daily living, bathing, dressing, grooming, incontinence management, medication administration and wide variety of activities. Owner: Dominion Senior Living, LLC Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 24 Cost per day: $115-$135 Special services: Located in the beautiful Highlands Neighborhood! We are a Person Centered Care Community, that strongly believes our residents and their family should have direct involvement in the decisions of their care. Since 1952 The Eastern Star Home has been dedicated to offering a positive environment while promoting health and social interactions to exceed our resident’s expectations and enrich the lives we have the pleasure to serve in a traditional Home setting. Owner: Order of the Eastern Star Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

6000 Hunting Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 812-1556 •

923 Eastern Star Ct, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 499-5533 •

Enclave of East Louisville

Forest Hills Commons

Number of beds: 56 Cost per day: $146-$242 Special services: Studio, 1 BR & 2 BR apartments with support from nurses and caregivers 24/7. Beautiful courtyards, salon, wellness center, community vehicle & van transportation, social & recreational activities, and meals. Owner: Compass Pointe Healthcare Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 25 Cost per month: starting at $2495 Special services: Variety of floor plans with patio or balcony options: studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom; Personalized support services by licensed nursing staff around the clock; Wide range of engrossing social and recreational programs. Also offering a specialized memory care neighborhood catering to all resident needs. Owner: American Senior Communities Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

100 Shelby Station Dr, Louisville, Ky 40245 (502) 632-5500 •

9107 Taylorsville Rd Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 499-5533 •

Atria Blankenbaker 903 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 771-2291 • Cost per month: 1 BR apartment starts at $4850

Barton House 6830 Overlook Dr, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 423-7177 • Cost per month: $5950

Belmont Village Senior Living Community 4600 Bowling Blvd, St. Matthews, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 721-7500 • Cost per day: $105-$224

Brookdale Stonestreet 9251 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 935-5884 • Cost per month: $2720-$3430

Cooper Trail Senior Living 325 Lincoln Way, Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 572-4329 • Cost per month: starting at $2950

Episcopal Church Home 7504 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 736-7800 • Cost per day: $173-$250

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Personal Care Directory << PAGE 60

Glen Ridge Health Campus

The Grand Senior Living

Number of units: 26 Cost per month: $3145-$3700 Special services: Compassionate, tenured staff; licensed RNs 24/7; chef-prepared meals; activities designed to nourish the mind, body and spirit; gated courtyard; salon; skilled nursing, short-term care, therapy services on-site. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private

Number of units: 62 Cost per month: efficiency $4400, 1 BR $6000, 2 BR $6850 Transportation available: yes Special services: Weekly housekeeping, laundry service, 24/7 staff on site, activity program, fitness center, 3 meals daily, assistance with medications and care services, Signature Passion Program Owner: Management, Civitas Senior Living Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

6415 Calm River Way, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 297-8590 •

9300 Civic Way, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 310-1542 •

Morning Pointe of Louisville

Nazareth Home

Number of beds: 73 Cost per day: starts at $106 Special services: Conveniently located between Watterson Trail and Bardstown Road, a single level, state-of-the-art Senior Living/Personal Care community on nine acres. Comfortable home-like environment. 24-hour licensed nursing and aide staff to assist with clinical needs in addition to personal care services. Newly renovated wing of studio apartments. Owner: Independent Healthcare Partners/Morning Pointe Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 33 Cost per day: $192-$202 Special services: Personal Care program includes apartments and activities designed for independence and choice. All rooms are spacious to promote recovery, privacy and family involvement. Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc. Payment Accepted: private, VA

4711 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40291 (502) 873-3800 •

2000 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 459-9681 •

Nazareth Home – Clifton

Parr’s at Springhurst

Number of beds: 31 Cost per day: $162 Special services: Personal Care program includes apartments and activities designed for independence and choice. All rooms are spacious to promote privacy and family involvement. Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc. Payment Accepted: private

Number of beds: 79 apts Cost per day: $146-$218 Special services: A continuum of care campus. No additional charges for levels of care. Includes medication administration, three restaurant-style meals, daily housekeeping, transportation, beauty salon, ice cream parlor, Bistro, engaging activities and nurses 24 hours/7days per week. Studio, 1 BR and 2 BR floor plans Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private, LTCi

2120 Payne St, Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-9425 •

3101 N Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 412-3775 •

Symphony at Valley Farms

Treyton Oak Towers

Number of beds: 79 Cost per day: $3754-$5330, second occupant $1680 Special services: Located in the south end of Louisville, with new Personal Care services including nurses and caregivers 24/7. Beautiful new apartments include one or two person occupancy. Beautiful courtyard surroundings includes salon, wellness center, community vehicle and transportation. Social and recreational activities plus meals included. Owner: Milestone Retirement Payment Accepted: private, LTCi, VA

Number of beds: 40 Cost per day: $154-$203 Special services: Serving Louisvillians for 34 years; Spacious private apartments; restaurant style dining; daily activities; on site therapy, wellness center, dentist; salon and more; devoted staff uniquely equipped to enhance every stage of life. We are a continuum of care community. 2018 Deficiency Free State Survey. Owner: Third and Oak Corporation Payment Accepted: private, LTCi

10201 Valley Farms Blvd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 937-3028 •

Westport Place Health Campus 4247 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 893-3033 •

Number of beds: 26 Cost per month: $3574-$4366 Special services: Compassionate, tenured staff; licensed RNs 24/7; chefprepared meals; activities designed to nourish the mind, body and spirit; gated courtyard; salon; skilled nursing, short-term care, therapy services on-site. Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC Payment Accepted: private

211 W Oak St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 589-3211 •

A NEW WAY TO FIND CARE OPTIONS Search for care options by locations, keywords, and categories. offers comprehensive directories of care communities and resources complete with features, photos, and reviews.

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62 Fall 2020 /

Personal Care Directory << PAGE 62 Exceptional Senior Living Prospect 6901 Carslaw Ct, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 907-3778 • Cost per month: $3400-$7000 all inclusive

Forest Springs Health Campus 4120 Wooded Acre Ln, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 243-1643 • Cost per month: $3480-$4207

The Forum at Brookside 200 Brookside Dr, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 245-3048 • Cost per day: $204, $236, $284

Hallmark House 10301 Coneflower Ln, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 290-6706 • Cost per month: $4750-$5050

Heartsong Memory Care 9260 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 935-3300 • Cost per month: $4950-$5250

The Legacy at English Station 13700 English Villa Dr, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 309-2190 • Cost per month: starts at $5200

Park Louisville by Senior Star 10451 Linn Station Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 423-8776 • Cost per month: $3500

Riverbend Assisted Living 2715 Charlestown Pike, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 282-9707 • Cost per month: $2150-$4995

Rose Anna Hughes Home at Westminster 2120 Buechel Bank Rd, Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 499-9383 • Cost per day: $65-$134

Sanders Ridge Health Campus 119 E Sanders Ln, Mt. Washington, KY 40047 (270) 515-3407 • Cost per month: $2483-$4362

The Springs at Stony Brook 200 Stony Brook Dr, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 491-4692 • Cost per month: $3490-$4151

Sunrise of Louisville 6700 Overlook Dr, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 425-0820 • Cost per day: $110

Finding Relief from Grief

The danger of crying longer than we should.


By Bob Mueller

ost of us know what it is to groan or to sigh. It is crying without tears. It is expressing your helplessness, your discouragement, your deepest yearnings, your harshest experiences. Many of our sighs stay within our hearts. They strain for expression. They yearn for communion with others, but they are left where they are — at the bottom of our hearts. Sometimes we sigh over the hurts of our children. Some of our sighs come as a result of the injustices of this world. We sigh for things that might have been in our own lives, but never were. We also sigh for things that were but did not have to be. Sometimes we sigh and ask, “Why?” Other times our sigh is, “Why not?” The point is, deep in our hearts there are some feelings that just cannot be expressed in words. No matter what has happened, we should not spend the rest of our lives sighing. Sighs can be turned into songs! In turning our sighs into songs there are several steps we must take. First, it is normal to groan, to sigh, to cry. I sometimes say to people, “Tear up or you will tear up.” Tears are often a preventive of tearing ourselves to pieces. The danger is that we keep on crying longer than we should. There comes a time when we need to start a new

life. We never forget our deep loves of yesterday. In fact we hold them in our hearts the remainder of our lives. We do, however, accept the fact that death is death, that divorce is divorce, that disappointment is disappointment. There is a time to go on and start living. I am not suggesting that we forget, but I am saying that there are new experiences down the road of life. We must reaffirm our belief that there is relief from grief. We need to start again remembering what happiness is and also begin reaching for as much of it as we can. Life is not over for you, and it is possible for you to find some happiness. It may not be the same happiness you have lost, maybe not as much, but at least some. An argument could be made that the word “why?” is the greatest enemy we have. Instead of asking why we have lost something, we should begin to take inventory as to what we have left. There is still some life in you. There are deeds to be done. There are people to be loved. There are things to be enjoyed. You do not need to make yourself feel guilty the next time you laugh. Plant firmly in your mind that you can keep going, no matter what has happened; that you have not lost everything, and that life goes on.

Some years ago Hannah Green wrote a novel entitled I Never Promised You a Rose Garden. Even if she had written nothing but the title, she said a lot. Let each of us ask ourselves the question, “Who has promised me a rose garden?” The truth is that nobody has the right to make that promise. It would be a promise that could not be kept. The more we think about the question “Why?,” the more we might be able to say, “Why not?” Instead of saying, “Why me?,” let us get to the place where we can honestly say, “Why not me?” It may bring the very wonderful results of overcoming in your mind and life the mystery of trouble and grief, and in its stead, give you the power of love and redemption. Bob Mueller is the Mission & Stewardship Officer at Hosparus Health. Today's Transitions / Fall 2020


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