Today's Transitions KINDNESS Summer 2024 Issue

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Light Up Your World




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2 Summer 2024 / 4 I nspiration From the Editor 6 Happenings Passions 8 M ake Memories On A Multigenerational Trip 12 A Visit With... 14 Entertainment 16 People 18 K indness From Friends 20 Volunteer 22 We Love His... Wellness 26 Healing B y Helping Others 30 Food 36 Fitness 38 I nspired Living 40 I t’s Heck Getting Old Lifestyle 42 Welcome 46 Family 48 Things To Do 52 Living Options Directory Caregiver 56 Favorite Spots For A Local Outing 62 B e Kind To Yourself 64 Technology 65 There’s No Place Like Home 66 Home Caregiving Services Directory 68 Care Community Directory 80 Try This! contents SUMMER 2024 22 30 GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? We’d
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A shimmer of hope, a shimmer of care, a shimmer of brighter days...I like the idea of a bubble of kindness floating by at just the right moment for the person in need of it.

In our current world, we tend to worry that a gesture of kindness might feel too intrusive or too personal. But speaking as someone who has needed kindness (and who hasn’t?), I can tell you that a kind text, a kind gift, or a kind word delivered into my world has never been unwelcome. If I stop to think about it, perhaps it is impossible to overstep with kindness, or in our analogy, impossible to blow too many beautiful bubbles toward someone.

I know I have often under-stepped concerning kindness, probably because I have been too preoccupied or too oblivious. Perhaps sometimes I have looked the other way as an excuse to not feel awkward or to avoid the discomfort of not knowing what to do or say.

Hopefully we can brave the weird feelings and not hesitate to send a shimmer of kindness to someone you know well or someone who is just passing through your day.

Today’s Transitions is published quarterly by: Barrett Jacoby Publishing, LLC 8002 New LaGrange Road, Louisville, KY 40222

The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher. Today’s Transitions magazine does not endorse or guarantee any advertiser’s product or service. Copyright 2024 by Barrett Jacoby Publishing, LLC, all rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited without permission from Barrett Jacoby Publishing, LLC.


Anita Oldham

Editor Jessica Alyea

Creative Design Director

Jill Cobb

Office Administrator MacKenzie Kuebler

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Cover Photo Rodion Kutsaiev



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4 Summer 2024 / SUMMER
| VOL. 21 | NO. 2

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These 10 questions will help you discuss care options early and make smoother decisions with your aging parents.


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Bonding Over Birdies

“Golf is so foundational. It teaches responsibility, honesty, hard work, and sportsmanship,” Judy Werst says. Read how she and her sister, Patsy Unclebach, bond over the game.

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Container gardening doesn’t require a lot of space or effort. Take a look at these container and raised garden options.

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Find a directory of options for retirement living on page 52. Care community and home caregiving directories start on page 66. Search our directories online for caregiving and living options in Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio at

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8 Summer 2024 /
12 A Visit With... | 14 Entertainment | 16 People | 18 Kindness From Friends | 20 Volunteer | 22 We Love His... MAKE MEMORIES ON A MULTIGENERATIONAL TRIP
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Historically, multiple generations of families lived much differently than we do now. If extended families didn’t already live together, they often made it a habit to gather for dinner once a week. Typically, the eldest generation hosted the gathering, and the afternoon or evening was spent eating, chatting, and even playing cards or charades.

These days, family units live separately, and the busyness of modern life may make once-a-week dinners difficult. Still, some families have found that sharing a once-a-year or every-other-year vacation together is a fantastic way to create memories and sustain bonds.

My family took its first multigeneration trip in 2005 when we visited Gulf Shores, Alabama. My mother-in-law was newly widowed, so we invited her to come to the beach with my husband, our toddler daughter, my parents, my brother, his wife, and my 6-month-old nephew. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we began to periodically plan multiplegeneration vacations, adding in each new child that came along. Eventually, our vacation party numbered 13 people. Over the years, we’ve visited the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee; Traverse City and the Upper Peninsula in Michigan; Red River Gorge and Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky; and Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.

Dealing With the Cost

So how does one, or should one, plan a multi-generation trip? And why?

The easiest answer might simply be because there are so many wonderful places in the world to explore — and doing it together can create special memories. In 2019, Jennie Currin, her husband Matt, their two children (ages 11 and 8 at the time), her parents, and her brother went to Paris, France. Jennie lived in Paris during graduate school and says she had been back several times, but never with a group.

“My family always does a multigenerational trip to the beach together (we’ve been going to the same place, same house, since I was 10), and my dad and I had been casually talking about doing a trip somewhere over Christmas break,” Jennie says. “He brought it up again, I threw out Paris, and we started to run with it.” That trip became a celebratory adventure to commemorate various milestones: Jennie’s 40th birthday, her dad’s 70th birthday, her and Matt’s 15th wedding anniversary, and her parents’ 45th.

Even if the decision of where to go is relatively easy, the discussion of how to budget for it can be complicated. Sharonda O’Bannon-Morton’s extended multi-generation family of 14 has made it a habit to go on trips together, and they’ve been all over, including Canada, Hawaii, California, and a cruise to Cozumel. As part of the planning, her family has learned the importance of abiding by the two Rs: reality and respect.

The four families that make up the O’Bannon vacation group have their own unique financial situations. “Of course, I’m the poorest one, being the teacher,” Sharonda says with a laugh. “But they’re very respectful of that.” When they first began traveling together, family members sometimes offered Sharonda assistance, but that caused her embarrassment. “Sometimes I don’t want [them] to help me. Really, I’ve got a budget,” she says. Honest conversations helped everyone get on the same page to ensure feelings weren’t hurt.


After selecting a destination and setting a budget comes the nitty-gritty planning of activities and accommodations, which is the stage where personalities, interests, health, and mobility are really taken into account. While togetherness is the goal of a multigenerational trip, it may save everyone’s sanity to break into smaller groups periodically so that everyone gets to see and do things they like.

As Jennie notes, “Most kids tire of museums and want something fun and active; adults might be more interested in sightseeing and don’t want the entire vacation dictated by children.” There may be some activities that everyone does together, while others are based on interests or activity level, which can also help family units maintain their respective budgets. “We did things together that were budget-friendly, but then people went off on their own [to do more expensive activities],” Sharonda says.

When Sharonda’s family traveled to Hawaii, one of their all-time favorite trips, they planned their visit around King Kalakaua’s birthday celebration, which meant there were free events and activities so that everyone could find something to enjoy without breaking anyone’s bank.

Why It’s Worth It

While it can be complicated to plan a trip for so many people, the benefits of multigenerational travel are many. Sarah Segree, her siblings, and their families have gone on many vacations with their parents over the years, including heading out west to Las Vegas, Nevada, this past spring. “Traveling with family bonds us with shared experiences and quality time together,” she says. “My parents enjoy the time with their adult children and grandchildren.” Sarah’s mother, Marilyn James, adds, “The value that traveling with family adds is immeasurable. Seeing the cousins develop close relationships is priceless.”

For most people who do multigenerational vacations, the best part isn’t any one activity, but rather the entire experience of seeing a new place with loved ones. “The highlights [of Paris] were really the daily routines we fell into and the unexpected experiences we had,” Jennie says. “Matt is a morning person, so he would go to his favorite boulangerie/patisserie to get us breakfast and make coffee. There was a Cuban restaurant and bar across the street that we would frequent every night. My dad and I went to a specialty food market for pâté, cheese, bread, and wine almost every night.”

The rewards of traveling with multiple generations can make it a little addictive. My own family is embarking on yet another multigenerational trip this summer to Wisconsin where we plan to eat cheese, drink beer, explore the beauty of Door County, and make memories we will talk about for years to come.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 11
Left: Three generations of writer Carrie Vittitoe’s family went whitewater rafting on a trip to Tennessee. Above: Carrie’s family, her brother’s family, her parents, and her mother-in-law hiked in Traverse City, Michigan.

No Better Magic

When David Garrard’s dad showed him his first magic trick as a child, he couldn’t have imagined the impact it would have on David’s life. For more than 50 years, David has worked as a professional magician, hoping to ignite that spark of joy that has lived within him since his childhood.

“I never dreamed that magic would be such a big part of my life,” David says. “I want people to briefly forget whatever life event might be bringing them down. My hope is for them to laugh, have fun, and leave reality beyond for one hour.”

David’s goal of bringing peace and inspiration to others has deep roots.

After David’s dad quickly ran through his personal repertoire, he introduced David to a friend who took him to the Georgia Magic Club. “I met a 14-year old kid there named Doug who showed me some tricks that blew my mind,” David says. “I was fully hooked at that point. Even later, when I understood how he did it, I still remembered how it made me feel.”

Before becoming a full-time magician, David worked as a minister to children (and continues to do so part-time at St. Matthews Baptist Church in Louisville). His faith is an integral part of who he is, but he makes clear that he is not a “gospel” magician. “I am a Christian. I am an entertainer. I do seek opportunities to connect with people, but my shows are not faith-based, unless I’m specifically hired for that purpose,” he says.

David’s kindness and regard for others is immediately apparent upon meeting him. That’s a legacy that lasts beyond the magic show — and is likely why his career has been so long and rewarding.

any entertainer has amounts to much more than that. David recalls a favorite episode of the show M.A.S.H. where chaplain Father Mulcahy was frustrated that the soldiers were not listening to him. The character Hawkeye, played by Alan Alda, tells Father Mulcahy that he isn’t connecting with the other soldiers because he isn’t on the front lines with them. Once Mulcahy does that, his relationship with the soldiers improves exponentially. He understands more about where they are coming from, and they have seen that he’s willing to literally be in the trenches with them.

David performs tricks ranging from close-up magic with cards and coins to big stage magic like Houdini’s famous trunk trick. He’s working on his second book, a memoir called No Illusion, which he hopes to release this summer.

David and his current assistant of 11 years, Stephanie Bell, have performed for large organizations such as Toyota, Crusade for Children, the Epilepsy Foundation, and Texas Roadhouse. They also enchant audiences in churches, schools, and local nonprofits.

After several years of working at the annual autumn event Pumpkins at Kentucky Kingdom, David was thrilled to get an extra-special invitation for the upcoming holiday season. “This is breaking news!” he says. “We’ve just been invited to perform for the 2024 Kentucky Kingdom’s Christmas. It reminds me of seeing the Rockettes in Nashville years ago; their amazing performance was followed by a Christmas pageant. That’s what this will be — our magic show followed by the Christmas story. Thousands of people are likely to come. It’s my very own Rockette dream.”

David knows that there are magicians the world over who are talented and can put on a terrific show, but the influence

The episode spoke to David so much that he made a commitment to be in the “trenches” in his own life — to be present for others and be a man of service and action. “If you take time to talk to people and learn what’s going on in their lives, it means so much,” he says. “I relish the chance to meet people and show them that I respect them as fellow human beings. People just need to know someone cares for them. Many people have no friends and are so lonely. I want to change that one person at a time.”

David wrote a letter of appreciation to Alan Alda about the episode that shaped his approach to life. He received a personalized letter and autographed photo in return.

“I may only be in the room because I’m a magician and can entertain a crowd, but I can share a smile, a story, and words of encouragement that might make a difference to someone who needs it,” he says.

Respect. Kindness. Positive human regard. There’s no better magic.

12 Summer 2024 /
| Photo by
Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 13

What We’re...


Same As It Ever Was by Claire Lombardo (June 18)

While Same As It Ever Was might be tempting to file away into the genre of family drama, it is much more than that. At its core, the novel seems like a very personal take on the nature of relationships and how they grow and change over time – including the relationship we have with ourselves. Same As It Ever Was follows a complicated character, Julia Ames, who at 58 is still tormented by struggles from her past and is figuring out how to face an uncertain future.

The Next Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine (June 18)

This highly anticipated sequel to the bestselling novel The Last Mrs. Parrish is arriving just in time for some juicy poolside summer reading. Readers will be thrown back into the lives of Daphne and Amber Parrish as a new threat looms on the horizon for the two women. The Next Mrs. Parrish is sure to keep you on your toes with the well-timed twists and turns Liv Constantine has become known for. You won’t be able to put this one down.


Jim Henson: Idea Man (Disney+)

This documentary shares the story of the genius that was Jim Henson, father of The Muppets as well as many other television shows and films that came out of the ‘70s and ‘80s. It features interviews with fans of Henson’s work and people who worked closely with him during his career. It also contains clips from some of his well-known and lesser-known projects.

The Bear Season 3 (June 27, Hulu)

...Listening To

Maya Hawke, Chaos Angel (May 31)

If you haven’t watched the first two seasons of this Emmy-winning show, it’s time to catch up so you can look forward to season 3 along with everyone else you know. The show follows a young, talented chef named Carmy (Jeremy Allan White, Shameless) as he deals with his difficult family and the challenges of running a restaurant. The show is tragic, funny, and cannot be missed.

Hit Man (June 7, Netflix)

Glen Powell (Anyone But You) stars in this comedy that he co-wrote with director Richard Linklater about a college professor who pretends to be a hit man. Loosely based on a true story, the film has Powell’s character assuming a number of fake identities in an effort to entrap criminals for the police.

Highly anticipated since Maya Hawke appeared on The Tonight Show in March, her debut album Chaos Angel releases on May 31. Hawke is the daughter of actors Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, but she’s proven herself to be talented in her own right, starring in the Nexflix show Stranger Things and the recently released film Wildcat about the life and work of author Flannery O’Connor. The album will appeal to fans of female singer-songwriters such as Lana del Rey and Mitski.

Willie Nelson, The Border (May


At 91 years old, Willie Nelson has had one of the longest, most prolific careers of any musical artist. He refuses to rest on his laurels, however, and is releasing yet another set of songs sure to become as classic as his gravelly voice. The Border is Nelson’s 75th studio album and reflects upon life and living in the way only Willie Nelson can.

14 Summer 2024 /

The Goodwill Of Amy Luttrell

Kindness has benefits that reach deep. Kind acts can improve relationships and support others in feeling valued. And ‘random acts of kindness’ such as giving a compliment, helping a neighbor, or holding the door for strangers are contagious — in a good way. When a person experiences this thoughtfulness, they’re likely to pay it forward. This is how Amy Luttrell, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, has lived her life — spreading goodwill to those who need it.

Amy grew up knowing she wanted to help others. It was this passion that led her to 45 years of lifechanging work at Goodwill Industries. “I’ve been fortunate that virtually my whole career has been spent in Goodwill,” Amy begins. “The people you meet are amazing.”

Goodwill was founded in 1902 with the concept of fighting poverty with trade skills. Many know of its familiar stores that accept donations such as gently used clothes, household items, and books. But what you might not realize is that the sale of those donations funds services such as free career counseling, skills training, and help in areas such as housing, transportation, and mental health.

Offering these services leads to a transformative experience for all those involved, and Amy says, “It’s a real privilege to be able to assist the people we meet and be part of their journey. It inspires all of us every day.”

Kindness can be quiet in its doing, but that certainly doesn’t lessen its impact. This distinctive form of kindness is a trait Amy witnessed in her father. “It wasn’t so much in the things that he said, but how he lived his life,” she says. She describes him as “a real role model” — smart, humble, and motivated to do good work for all human beings. Amy says her father didn’t falter when it came to making small acts of kindness a big part of life: “He set a wonderful example for me to follow.”

Giving People a Hand Up

Amy took the compassionate example her dad modeled and brought it into her life’s work. Before returning to Goodwill Industries in her home state of Kentucky in 2014, she worked with Goodwill organizations in states like Tennessee and Ohio.

She sees people from all walks of life in her work, many of whom don’t have any support system and are alone. “That makes it tough to try to move ahead,” Amy says. This is when kindness, coupled with a proven ability to offer solutions, becomes a magical combination at Goodwill.

Goodwill Industries gives a ‘hand up’ to those who enter its doors, providing help for people starting a new career or needing social services. Amy says everyone who enters Goodwill is coming from a different place, and the more we can try to be kind to other people, the fewer big problems we have in society. Goodwill’s kindness shines through here because according to Goodwill’s website, every minute, 70

16 Summer 2024 / PASSIONS PEOPLE By Tonilyn Hornung | Photos submitted

people access Goodwill opportunities to advance their careers. Every 23 seconds of every business day, a person served by Goodwill earns a good job.

Goodwill Industries of Kentucky and partnering organizations recently invested more than $100 million in the Norton Healthcare Goodwill Opportunity Campus in the Parkland neighborhood of West Louisville. Goodwill’s new Opportunity Center on this campus just opened its doors this past March. The center provides services that help people overcome employment barriers such as addiction histories, criminal backgrounds, lack of education, homelessness, and more. Residents in the area can also use the Opportunity Center’s cafe, technology lab, conference rooms and resource center — all of which are in short supply in the nine neighborhoods that make up West Louisville.

Those who work at Goodwill Opportunity Centers, are, well, good at giving a warm welcome and providing a safe space for people. “We want to give people the sense that ‘you saw me’ and help them believe there’s somebody here that cares,” Amy says. This generosity of spirit goes a long way to giving people the momentum they need to reach new goals.

Kindness is a Mindset

While Amy and Goodwill are practiced at this type of generosity, she believes anyone can adopt an outlook of kindness.

“Kindness is a mindset,” Amy says.

“Ask yourself questions like, ‘How can I help this person?’ As we try to notice those little opportunities, we realize they’re all around us.” We often become too busy and just don’t think about little acts of goodness, but making self-inquiries like this can be the beginning of a kindness habit. And according to Psychology Today, it only takes a matter of weeks to incorporate a new habit into your life.

Another way to practice kindness is to volunteer your time with local organizations. “Go out of your way and do something that doesn’t directly benefit you, but benefits greater society,” Amy suggests. Goodwill can always use your help, she adds. Professional mentors and tutors are a couple of needs you might be able to meet. And Goodwill is always accepting donations for its stores.

Big or small, kind acts build trust in relationships and bring communities closer. Research even shows that we increase our own happiness levels when we’re kind to other people. So, why not choose kindness to create a better world for ourselves and those around us? “Kindness smooths all human interactions,” Amy says. “At its best, kindness is rooted in having respect and regard for every person.”

Whether you’re choosing quiet acts of generosity or bigger volunteering deeds, your good efforts won’t be lost, because it’s even in the name. “The meaning of ‘goodwill’ is ‘a disposition to kindness and compassion,’” Amy says.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 17
Goodwill’s new Opportunity Center opened in West Louisville this past March to provide career and social services to the community.

Create A Ripple


We asked writers and friends of Today's Transitions to share about a kindness that caused a wave of impact in their lives.

Hope Through Sharing

About six months after my daughter was born in 2004, I stumbled into a severe period of depression and anxiety. I wasn’t eating; I awoke in the middle of a panic attack most nights when I tried to sleep. While awake, I either cried or sat like a zombie staring into space. It was the worst time of my life so far. A male friend of mine named Erick whom I had worked with in a previous job mailed me a card, and I’ve kept it all these years. He explained that, while not a postpartum condition, he too had suffered from sadness so debilitating that he just laid on the floor. It was an unexpected note and an unexpected moment of solidarity that sustained me.

— Carrie Vittitoe

Light During Darkness

My mother grew ill and passed away while our boys were still quite young. I would drive most days of the week to Evansville to care for her, returning in the evenings to be as present as I could be for our young boys. After she passed, this tradition continued a bit longer, as I became caregiver for my father as well. Many, many friends and family helped us during those years — meals fixed, carpools driven, shoulders to cry on — you name it. One particular moment that pulls at my heart even nearly 20 years later is that my neighbor Christy McDaniel put up Christmas lights on the outside of our house. We have a really tall roof, so she may have been risking life and limb — we were young enough to not know better! As I pulled into the driveway late one night returning from a rough day with Dad, I just sat and cried tears of joy for how beautiful and festive it looked!

— Megan S. Willman

Encouraging Action

If it were not for the kindness of a seminary teacher in Baltimore, I would probably not be writing columns for Today’s Transitions Father Joe was a masterful writer and poet, widely published and well known in the Baltimore community. He kindly took time and caring to encourage me in my writing efforts. That was all I needed, and he provided the inspiration.

— Bob Mueller


Someone to Count On

I met Jessica Alyea when we worked together at Today’s Publications and despite the 16-year age gap (I nicknamed her Baby J), our friendship blossomed. We took weekly walks through E.P. Tom Sawyer State Park, and it was then that I learned I could always count on Jessica for an encouraging word. When I was going through a difficult period in my life, I remember her saying, “You don’t have to be strong all the time,” and for one of my birthday gifts, she gave me a devotional book that I still read whenever I am faced with a challenge. For me, her thoughtfulness and compassion has been the greatest act of kindness.

Totally Unexpected

It’s the unexpected acts of kindness that stick with me. On Mother’s Day this year, my family gave me the traditional card of appreciation and hugs that say: We love you. But when I showed up at work that Sunday, I found a bouquet of flowers waiting for me. There was no card — just the beautiful flowers. I looked around the room and asked my co-workers, “Who are these from?” The other mother in the room smiled and said, “Oh, those are from me.” Her surprise act of kindness made me feel appreciated — through the eyes of another mother — making my Mom’s Day all the more special.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 19

Fulfilling A Passion For The Arts

Scott Rife says that prior to his retirement in the fall of 2019, his volunteer efforts were limited. His busy schedule and the demands of his job as a territory manager for RJ Reynolds didn’t allow much time for volunteering. Since retiring, he has more time to give — and one of the ways he gives back is fueled by a love for theater and the arts.

Born in Medina, New York, just east of Buffalo in 1959, Scott attended Purdue University in Indiana where he met his wife, Veronica. The couple moved to Jeffersonville right after graduation and have made it their home for more than 40 years.

The Rifes donate their time to multiple organizations, including the Center for Lay Ministries Food Pantry and Loaves and Fishes, both in Jeffersonville, and the Kentucky Performing Arts Center (KPA) in Louisville.

What made you choose to volunteer with KPA?

Both Veronica and I enjoy the performing arts and have been Broadway Series subscribers for years. Several people we know who volunteer with KPA suggested we look into it. We applied for a volunteer position, went through the training process, and a few months later we began volunteering. For someone who enjoys the arts, KPA is a great organization to join. As a volunteer, you can apply for which events you want to work, and as a bonus you get to enjoy them for free.

What do you do as a volunteer?

One of the main goals of the KPA volunteers is to help create a welcoming, hospitable, and safe environment for patrons coming to the performances. Ticket-taking, ushering, greeting guests, acting as tour guides, and serving as coat check attendants are some of the primary volunteer responsibilities.

Do you have a favorite volunteer memory?

I was working as an usher one night before a performance of Frozen when I noticed an elderly couple sitting in the lobby with a younger lady. It turned out that the young lady was escorting the couple to make sure they were able to access and use their digital tickets. I was able to assist the couple so the young lady could leave. In talking with them before the show, I learned that they had met on a group trip overseas just a few months earlier and that they were getting married in a few weeks. They were a nice couple, and they really enjoyed the show. Meeting interesting people is a great benefit to volunteering.

What has volunteering done for you?

After I retired, I knew I needed to find something to do, or I would get bored. Volunteering got me out of the house, kept me active, allowed me to meet and work with other great volunteers, and gave me the chance to help others.

20 Summer 2024 / PASSIONS VOLUNTEER By Kym Voorhees Raque | Photo by Shai-ann Vera

Keep The Kindness Flowing

During his long tenure as pastor of Northside Christian Church in New Albany, Indiana, George Ross would regularly take a spray bottle full of M&Ms and offer them to congregants in the lobby.

“I’d come up to people and say, ‘Just a little blood sugar check here,’” George recalls. “To me all that was was just a segue into, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’”

Now a year out of retirement, George is still doing the same thing: Handing out small kindnesses and avenues of connection to everyone he meets. Whether he is picking up Jeff’s Donuts to take to a sick friend in the hospital, mentoring younger lead pastors, or organizing a group to go caroling at a nursing home, for him, the purpose is the same: to extend the kindness of God to others.

“The word I’ve settled on is, ‘alongside.’ You come alongside others,” George says. “My mom died suddenly in 1977. I’m 22. It was very, very difficult. All these years later, I could tell you who was at the visitation. I can tell you today who came alongside, and I can also tell you who wasn’t there… So the language I’ve had in my life is the people God wants me to come alongside are the ones that are on my heart or in my path.”

George’s path began in a small farming community in Illinois, where hospitality across generations was a part of daily life. “My maternal grandmother was in our home as long as I can remember,” he says. “My grandpa died in ‘39, and my mom and dad were very gracious to take care of her. I think that — we talk about things that shape our hearts — that normalized for me that gray hair in the house is normal. I’m very generational in my comfort level, and I think that played out in the life of the church.”

George describes himself as a bit of a moving target after Bible college. He served in churches from Bloomington, Indiana, all the way to Las Vegas, Nevada, before settling in at Northside, where he and his wife, Sue Linn, served the church family and raised their two children.

22 Summer 2024 / PASSIONS WE LOVE HIS...
By Jessica Alyea
Photo by Melissa Donald

“Our kids have been loved through the years by a lot of people in the churches as they’ve grown up, so they’ve got a lot of spiritual aunts and uncles and cousins,” George says. “I’ve just been so thankful to get to do some form of ministry and help encourage people. The goodness of God and the goodness of people has formed, shaped, and blessed our life.”

These days, George has a particular affinity for encouraging older adults in their faith. His son encouraged him to start Finishing Well, a regular event for people 55 and older to connect relationally and spiritually.

“I said OK, but I gotta have desserts and I gotta have a band,” George says.

Said band kicks off the event with a medley of radio tunes from the attendees’ younger years, then shifts into the ‘stainedglass medley,’ as George calls it, featuring classic hymns from growing up in church. Then, people have the chance to discuss questions in small groups.

“Some people haven’t had the chance to sit down at a table with someone for a while. They never have any peer time,” George says. “We’ll have people from 55 to 95, and there’ll be 300 every time. This is fun, and it’s cracking a nerve. People really have a good time, and they’re not invisible.

“We don’t want people to run out of gas. We want them to stay connected with their church and friends, and realize if you ain’t dead, you ain’t done.”

George is also working on an accompanying podcast featuring older adults who are inspiring in their faith and service to others. (Check out for updates on this podcast as well as upcoming events.) It’s those stories of helping, caring,

After being a church pastor for many years, George Ross is now focusing on creating a community for those over age 55. George shows kindness daily by delivering treats, making music, sending texts (“I can cover a lot of ground with texts”), and just being available to “do for one what I wish I could do for all.”

and loving that stir a continuous cascade of kindness — like this memory he recalls.

A man approached George around the holidays and asked if he would consider visiting the man’s mother in a nursing home in Jeffersonville. “It came to my mind that we should go caroling,” George says. He got a group together with a guitar, harmonica, and keyboard. “We’re just saying, ‘yeah, we’d love to do that, and we don’t need a thing for it. We’ll go play and visit,’ and I’ll be doggone, this fellow came up and gave us a Christmas card each with $100 inside.”

When the little band stopped at a coffee shop after the caroling, one member recognized someone she’d gone to high school with. They learned that this former schoolmate drove over from St. Louis every Wednesday to take his two sisters to chemo treatments.

“Automatically, we all knew that that guy had given us $100 apiece so we could give it to this man,” George says. “We’re not the bucket holding onto this; we’re the pipe it’s coming through. That guy could at least have his gas covered for a couple months.”

You don’t always immediately get to know the ‘why’ behind a kind act, George says, but you can keep passing out the M&Ms: “When kindness comes, keep it flowing as much as you can.”

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26 Summer 2024 / wellness 30 Food | 36 Fitness | 38 Inspired Living | 40 It’s Heck Getting Old HEALING BY HELPING OTHERS
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The intense pain of a loss can be allconsuming. Grief, while a natural reaction to loss, can have a tremendous impact. There are stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, sadness and acceptance. While this appears to be a linear model, progressing from one stage to the next, it rarely happens that way. “In reality, life is more messy and complex, and cycling in and out of various stages of grief is very common,” says Kristen Duncan, marriage and family therapist and owner of Anchor of Hope Counseling.

Some people find that giving back to others is immensely helpful in learning to manage grief. “When people can volunteer and find purpose and meaning in their grief, it allows people to make more sense of it,” Kristen says.

Grief is often associated with the loss of a loved one, but there are many reasons a person may grieve. “Divorce, estrangement from a family member or friend, feeling our life has not turned out the way we expected it to, or when a child takes a different direction than we had hoped are all reasons someone may experience grief,” Kristen says. No matter the cause of grief, it can take an immense toll on a person. Helping others may be one way to also help yourself.

Healing and Helping

Ann Kulwicki of Floyds Knobs, Indiana, lost her husband, Chris, after almost 40 years together. The grief was immense, and Ann turned to volunteering as a way to move forward. “Chris was the biggest influence on my attitude,” she says. “He had this little thing on his desk that said ‘Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.’” She decided not long after his death that she wanted to volunteer.

Ann jumped in to serve several organizations. She helped coordinate the Salvation Army Thanksgiving dinner, embraced opportunities at her school to volunteer, led groups at her church, and became actively involved with the Cardinal Ritter House, just to name a few.

Before Chris passed away, he and Ann would volunteer together at a local soup kitchen. Ann continued this work after his passing. “It was very therapeutic for me, especially when I did things that I had done with Chris. I always felt like he was with me,” Ann says.

Volunteering gave Ann a reason to not sit alone in her house outside of her teaching job hours. In addition, she met new friends. “If not for volunteering, I probably never would have met some of these people,” she says. “We attend different churches and are different ages. I have made some very dear friends.”


Continuing the Ripple

Grant’s Giving Foundation was born out of the love of a mom who lost her son too early. “Grant was a huge giver, a huge helper — that was just who he was,” says Carre Tucker, Grant’s mom and founder of Grant’s Giving Foundation. “It was important for me to keep that going, to keep him in the minds and hearts of his friends and family, and continue the ripple of his impact.”

Grant was an athlete, so Carre knew that the foundation should benefit underserved youth by providing sports equipment so all would have access to sports. Since its inception in 2021, the foundation has donated money and sports equipment to more than 30 organizations and individuals. The mission of the foundation has now expanded to support all extracurricular activities and teachers. “We want to support kids to do whatever brings them joy,” Carre says. “I feel more connected to Grant with everything we do.”

Carre also helped found the Louisville chapter of Helping Parents Heal, which has the goal of celebrating the lives of children that have been lost and ultimately helping parents heal as a group. “We help ourselves when we help others, and I just knew that we needed a chapter in Louisville,” Carre says. The group meets in-person the third Sunday of the month.

In memory of her son, Grant, Carre Tucker founded Grant’s Giving Foundation, which provides sports and extracurricular equipment for underserved youth. An annual 5K serves as one of the foundation’s largest fundraisers.

Pick Your Path

Both Ann and Carre have given back in big ways, but even small acts can help you and others. “Volunteering doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment — it can be as simple as volunteering to be a nice person,” Carre says. In any form, volunteering can help connect you with others and combat the isolation of grief. “Volunteering may allow you the opportunity to connect with a community that may understand your experience,” Kristen says. “There is power in doing grief in community.” Explore what options might work for you. Start by doing research on the types of opportunities you could pursue. “Talk to people that are doing the volunteer work and find out what to expect,” Ann advises. Seek opportunities that may help you stay connected to your loved one. “Find something that you know your loved one enjoyed doing or was a part of their soul’s purpose, and be the way that they continue,” Carre says. By listening to yourself and your needs, you will know if volunteering is right — maybe now, maybe later — but your path can be altered by choosing to help others through your grief.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 29

Delivering Love In Every Bite

Kindness can come packaged as something delicious. Delivering food to someone who is going through a tough time is a tangible way to express concern, offer encouragement, or provide an excuse to drop by. We put together some ideas to inspire your next edible delivery of love.

30 Summer 2024 / WELLNESS FOOD
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If you are making a meal for an older friend or individual, small portions are a much better option than a big casserole (otherwise the person has to eat it for several days straight or freeze it). Think in terms of one or two portions at most.

A Snacking Box

Not everyone needs or wants a big meal. Sometimes the best thing is to offer a box of snacks that can serve as a meal.

We filled a cute little box with a variety of sweet and savory items. You can make these for several friends at once, or just make one and enjoy the leftover snacks in your own household. Good places to shop would be specialty markets or Costco.

What we included in our box

• Dried Tart Montmorency cherries

• Undercover Chocolate

Quinoa Crisps

• Har vest Snap Baked Green

Pea Snacks

• RW Garcia Sweet Potato Crackers

• Nature Bakery Fig Bar

• Roasted Mixed Nuts

• Club crackers

• Grapes

• Strawberries

• Blackberries

• Raspberries

• That’s It bar

• Cheese

• Reese's Dark Chocolate Thins

• Dove Dark Chocolate

• Cookies from a local bakery

• Water mixers — LMNT and Liquid IV

32 Summer 2024 / WELLNESS FOOD

Cool Drinks

If your friend is spending some time in and out of hospitals or traveling for treatment, consider gifting a small cooler with some favorite drinks as well as some new ones to try. It saves money and is a thoughtful way to be with them in their time of need.

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All bowls can be customized for allergies or special diets. (l-r) Taco Bowl, Sweet Chili Chicken Bowl, Nashville Hot Chicken Bowl

Meals In A Bowl

Colorful bowl meals make delivery and eating simple. This meal can come from your kitchen, your favorite restaurant, or our choice here, which is Ready Set Prepd, a local meal prep and lunch location. You can take into consideration what your friends like or drop off a taste of something and a gift card for more deliveries (DoorDash is a good option.)

Maybe you’re known for your great chocolate cake, soup, chocolate chip cookies, apple pie, meatballs, or something else. We suggest that if you have a specialty item you make, you focus on spreading that kindness around. The recipients will look forward to it!

34 Summer 2024 / WELLNESS FOOD

Fresh Bread And Butter

We think a homemade loaf of bread or a fresh loaf from the bakery and some specialty butter is a perfect comfort food if you aren’t sure what someone likes. Almost anyone can enjoy a slice of fresh bread with butter. We whipped butter with honey to make it especially sweet. You can always include a gift card for an entree from somewhere.

Need to Send?

Sometimes you can’t deliver, but you can send something, and these options work great.

Groceries: Send some groceries that you shop for through Whole Foods (Amazon), Kroger, or any local grocer to most areas. Shopping for some goodies and treats is a good way to gift someone.

Spoonful of Comfort offers several options, though soup and cookies are a mainstay.

Fruit or Gift Basket: You can send something local to this area. Paul’s Fruit Market is a perfect example of a place that sends out specialty baskets.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 35

Kim Beard, 54

How she started: I have always been active, but when I was raising my children, my fitness dreams were put on the back burner. Once I reached my 40s, my dream was sparked again when my daughter mentioned going to a Zumba class. It was on from there! I began with one class at our local YMCA, which later evolved into multiple classes. I got every certification and license I could.


Her routine: My fitness routine includes six days in the gym with leg days and upper body days. I do not do too much cardio now, unless I am in competition prep. My diet consists of lean foods, lots of protein, some carbs and fats. I do active rest on day seven, like yoga or hiking.

Her advice: For anyone wanting to start working out, just start where you are. We are all on our own journey — just start! Get up and move. Your body will thank you.

Her fitness passion: In 2013, I decided to take a different turn to explore the world of bodybuilding. The results from lifting weights are incredible! As women, we are not going to get big and bulky, but we will get nice muscle definition. My greatest accomplishment is helping other people achieve their goals as an instructor and the membership and healthy living director at the Clark County YMCA. But my own personal accomplishment is stepping onstage at a bodybuilding competition in 2019!

| Photo by Shai-ann Vera
Kim Beard

How To Find The Joy Life

Is Not Meant To Be Endured

As a minister, I have the privilege to officiate some 50 weddings a year. I see the joy in lovers’ eyes as I meet with them to plan their ceremony and as they pledge their love to one another.

As a hospice chaplain, I have the privilege to celebrate many funeral services. I see the families pay tribute to their loved ones and witness their sorrow and their grief.

I have learned from these experiences that the more we allow life — in all its complexity, with all its sorrows and joys — to go through us, the more we grow in depth and dimension, and the greater our capacity to withstand grief and feel profound joy.

Joy is the pure and simple delight in being alive. Joy is our elated response to feelings of happiness, experiences of pleasure, and awareness of abundance. It is also the deep satisfaction we know when we are able to serve others and be glad for their good fortune.

Invite joy into your life by staging celebrations. Host festivities to make transitions and changes in your life. Toast moments of happiness you notice as you go through your day. Dance — jump for joy — as often as possible. Life is not meant to be endured; it is to be enjoyed.

We often see joy and sorrow, happiness and sadness, smiles and tears, ecstasy and agony together. The experience of one intensifies our awareness of the other. Sorrow, for example, may be the price we pay for joy; when we have known great happiness in a relationship, we feel its loss more deeply. Or think of those times when you laugh so hard you cry.

Joy usually will be part of a set of symptoms presenting in your life. The best protocol is to be thankful for the intensity of

these feelings. When you are experiencing sorrow and sadness, when the tears are flowing, remember they can be stepping stones to joy.

Rejoice in the good fortune of someone else. By doing this you overcome the very human tendency to feel that there is a limited supply of happiness and someone else is getting your share. Express your happiness in a note or with a call. Celebrate others’ joy in your prayers by praying for all the people being married right now, all the people welcoming a new child into the family right now, all the people getting a promotion right now, all the people relaxing on vacation right now, and so on.

One of the best ways to feel in your heart and soul the spiritual dimensions of joy is to listen to the finale of Beethoven’s masterful Symphony in D Minor, Opus 125. This choral piece is based on Schiller’s poem Ode to Joy, which affirms the unity of all. The exalted movement pioneers the use of the human voice into the symphonic medium. It also celebrates freedom by incorporating different musical elements — fugue, march, choral, and recitative — to create an unconventional whole. To ride wave after wave of this surging sound is to experience the exhilaration of true spiritual joy and freedom!

Passing a smiling person is my cue to practice joy. Whenever I see people dancing, I am reminded to release the joy that resides in me. Knowing how much pleasure there is in seeing another’s happiness, I vow to make serving others one of the joys of my life.

Bob Mueller is a bishop of the United Catholic Church.

38 Summer 2024 /
By Bob Mueller

Our Mobility Hinges

On Our Knees

We ask a lot of our knees. Our ability to stand, walk and move literally hinges on our knee joints as they bear our body weight. As we age, overuse or trauma to the knee can sometimes lead to osteoarthritis — a condition in which the cartilage in the knee wears away over time, leading to pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility. Physical therapist Linda Scott at Park Terrace Rehabilitation in Louisville has seen many cases of osteoarthritis in her long career working with aging adults. She offers advice for those of us looking to prevent loss of mobility, and those already experiencing it.

Solution 1: Movement

Linda says her best advice for preventing knee joint degeneration is consistent movement and exercise. “If you don’t move it, you lose it,” she explains. Low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, or cycling are ideal to help strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, helping to stabilize the knee and reduce the risk of injury. But Linda adds that even doing simple knee lifts and leg lifts from bed can help provide some protection and prevent more drastic actions down the line. Likewise, it is important to protect the knees from trauma. “People get in car wrecks when they’re 30 and don’t start feeling it until 20 years later,” Linda says. Using proper techniques and protective gear when doing activities that put stress on the knees (pickleball, anyone?) is important.

Solution 2: Surgery

Sometimes, whether from trauma or overuse, knee joints can degenerate to a point where knee replacement surgery is inevitable, Linda says. “People work hard on their joints when they’re young and then don’t realize the damage until they get older and it’s too late.” Determining whether surgery is necessary begins with a conversation with your doctor, who will suggest less invasive treatments such as physical therapy first. If a referral to an orthopedic surgeon is necessary, the most important thing is not to put it off. “I have seen patients who’ve put it off and just lived in pain for 10, 20 years,” Linda says, “just living in pain because they didn’t want to go through it.” Once they get the surgery, she continues, they often feel so much better that they wish they had done it sooner.

40 Summer 2024 /
42 Summer 2024 / lifestyle 46 Family | 48 Things To Do | 52 Living Options Directory WELCOME THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE
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Photos by Kate Leichardt, Lang

The practice of hospitality is a primordial one. The ancient Greeks called it xenia, the generous receiving of guests as decreed by the gods. Offering a place to stay, a meal, or a kindness to another was thought to create a bond deeper than friendship.

When we open our guest room (or our couch) to a visitor today, we continue that ethic of hospitality that’s echoed through the centuries — and maybe we really do experience that special bond that only forms between host and guest.

Sarah Mattingly saw an opportunity for that experience when she and her husband partnered with another couple to buy the buildings that now make up the Bellwether Hotel on Bardstown Road in Louisville.

The Highlands Police Station (established in 1907), BellSouth Switching Station (established in 1917), and Louisville Ballet all once called The Bellwether home, but the buildings had been sitting vacant for more than two decades.

“We had walked past them — we live two blocks away — so seeing these gorgeous buildings, if they hadn’t been so well made, they would have fallen apart,” Sarah says. “They were a dark corner of the neighborhood.”

Sarah says her goal in restoring the buildings was to create an immersive experience, as though guests were stepping back into the buildings’ heyday in the 1920s and ’30s. “That was the goal, to feel like you go back in time but you have all the comforts and amenities of our 21st-century world,” she says.

The Bellwether opened as a boutique hotel and restaurant in fall 2021. “To see our vision really come to life and hear that people are experiencing the space in that way, I really do love,” Sarah says.

44 Summer 2024 / LIFESTYLE WELCOME

Sarah shares some tips on creating a wonderful stay for visitors, whether you’re in the formal hospitality industry or just practicing some everyday xenia: Think a few steps ahead of your guests. The Bellwether is an invisible service and self-check-in hotel, so communication is key. “We try to get people’s needs met before they express they have that need,” Sarah says. “When they arrive, everything’s taken care of. We clearly communicate anything a guest could possibly have questions about.”

The biggest thing is cleanliness. “Always make sure the space is impeccable.”

Experience your space the way a guest would. “You need to stay all night in that space and know the functionality of everything in the room,” Sarah says. “Walking into a room and standing in a room are not the same experience as lying in the bed like the guest would. When you lie in the bed, you see the ceiling fan — does it have dust on it? Are the lightbulbs

too bright? How’s the lighting at night when it’s different from the natural light of day? Are there bedside lamps so we’re not making people get up across the room?” Bring in local touches. One of Sarah’s goals with the Bellwether was to benefit the surrounding businesses of the neighborhood. She uses locally made coffee and cookies for refreshments and sourced much of the hotel’s art from local artists.

Choose quality comforts. Sarah says she gets a lot of positive feedback on the hotel’s high-quality mattresses and organic cotton sheets. And when it comes to furniture, it has to be well-made and able to wear well over time. “White shearling was really popular for a while, but it’s just not a long-term piece after you sit in it a few times,” she says. “Antiques or vintage furniture already have that natural wear to them. And then pillows, we make sure we have two firm and two soft. We can satisfy most people with those options.”

More Guest Room Tips From Our Editors

• Have a nightlight in each space — the guest room, the bathroom, the kitchen — so people can navigate at night without turning on lights.

• You need a bedside table or shelf, and it needs to have a lamp and some access to a plug or extension cord for phones, etc.

• Use warm lightbulbs over cool.

• Consider making a little sign showing your home’s Wifi information.

• Use an end-of-the-bed bench or something similar for guests to put their suitcase on.

• Have a fan or white noise machine available in the room.

• Use blackout curtains.

• O ffer multiple blankets in different heaviness for differing needs.

• Prepare a basket of things that your guest might need in the bathroom.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 45

Flying Along With Your Adult Children

Wouldn’t it be nice if our kids came with parenting instructions? I envision a world where a lengthy manual is included at our baby’s birth detailing everything we need to know from sleep training to first dates. Sure, we can find some parenting insight from trusted websites, articles, or parenting books, but the majority of this information only supports us through the newborn, toddler, and teen phases. What happens when our kids grow up? How can we successfully parent adult kids?

Parenting grown children comes with a different set of responsibilities and challenges than raising little ones. “When your kids are young, you guide them and set boundaries, but parenting adult kids is different,” says Colette Delaney Mattingly, mother to two adult children ages 27 and 37. The biggest difference is that you can no longer instruct them in that same definitive way, she says. “A similar impulse remains as they take their first steps into adulthood, but now I can’t possibly say, ‘You have to do this or you need to do that.’”

Carol Williams, mother to a 49-year-old son, says it can be hard stepping back and not offering automatic parenting words of wisdom. “As a mother, my instinct is to give my opinion whether asked for or not,” she says. Old parenting habits are hard to release, and while we may have the best of intentions to help our grown children through a rough time or give them a different perspective, the tips we offer might be perceived as overstepping. It’s in this space that conflicts can arise and resentments can grow.

When it comes to parenting adult children, the main concern is for parents to understand their role with their child(ren) and how it changes, says Tiffany Keith, family therapist and founder of The

Vine Therapeutic Services. “As children grow, their needs change, yet parents can remain stuck providing things that are no longer required,” Tiffany says. Our grown children have different needs than our little kiddos, and learning what these are can strengthen your relationship.

For starters, Tiffany says it’s a natural part of the growing-up process for “emerging adults” to loosen emotional ties with parents. It can feel uncomfortable, but this is key for your adult child’s emotional development.

When it comes to offering advice, Tiffany suggests waiting for your child to ask you. “What can happen at the offering of advice by parents is that children reject it,” Tiffany says. “It can leave children feeling a sense of inferiority, as the child entertains negative thoughts that their parents do not trust their ability to make good decisions.”

This is why Carol has learned to ask her son this question before offering her input: “Would you like my opinion?” While Carol admits that not giving immediate help can be difficult, asking for permission shows you believe your child is a capable problem solver and you respect their adult boundaries.

Boundary setting between you and your adult children can be tricky, but it’s especially crucial around family times that often come with high expectations, such as family vacations or holiday gatherings. Tiffany suggests parents manage expectations by offering open and honest conversations about what your adult child wants to do. Then make sure to remind yourself that the answers may not line up with your desires, and that’s OK. “The goal of the parent is to honor the autonomy of the adult child,” Tiffany says.

Colette admits she can find herself clinging to holiday traditions, but she

46 Summer 2024 / LIFESTYLE FAMILY By Tonilyn Hornung

knows those change over time. “Because our family is blended, I’ve learned to be flexible,” she says. If you’re not flexible and you hold on, you’re only keeping yourself in pain, she adds.

As parents, we know our kids will always and forever be, well, our kids. Their adult smiles reflect their tiny 2-year-old grins, and it’s not uncommon for stepping back to feel like stepping away. Carol advises to trust that you helped build a good foundation as your child was growing, and Tiffany seconds this sentiment: “Trust what you have put into your children during their early development, and allow your adult child to invite you in.” It’s this foundation that will support you during conflicts and keep your trust intact. And as Colette says, “Let them be who they are and support them in their choices. Love them through all their experiences.”

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 47

Batter Up, Hear That Call On This Indiana Day Trip

There’s no crying in baseball, and my mother and I were all smiles as we spent a day sightseeing in Dubois County, Indiana. From the cute breakfast cafe where we started our day to the grand finale at League Stadium — site of the filming of the 1991 hit movie A League of Their Own — we enjoyed a mother/daughter outing full of experiences that will be fond memories for years to come.

Dubois County is about an hour west of Louisville along I-64 in Indiana, and it encompasses the towns of Ferdinand, Jasper, and Huntingburg, all located to the north of I-64 and on Eastern Time. The same exit 63 will lead you to St. Meinrad Archabbey and Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari, located to the south of I-64 and on Central Time. For our outing, we stuck with new-tome Dubois County, and we were delighted at what we discovered. I recommend checking out the Visitors Center for expert advice on a day that will meet your interests. I’d like to give a special shoutout to Whitney Lubbers, executive director of the Dubois County Visitors Center, who took great care of us.

48 Summer 2024 / LIFESTYLE THINGS TO DO Story and Photos by Patti Hartog
League Stadium
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Jasper City Mill
Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 49


We started our day with a stop at the Cascade Cafe, a family-owned breakfast spot in Ferdinand. Conveniently located about 2 miles off exit 63, the cafe is a favorite morning destination for locals and lucky visitors like us. Open since 2022, it offers everything from traditional hot plates to mouthwatering homemade cinnamon rolls that make for a great take-home treat for anyone who wasn’t able to join you on your outing (to which my granddaughters can attest).

Monastery of Immaculate Conception

Our next stop was the nearby Monastery of Immaculate Conception. Known as the “Castle on the Hill,” the monastery was founded in 1867 and is included on the National Register of Historic Places. This is the home of one of the largest Benedictine communities of women in the United States. Its distinctive Romanesque dome rises over the town of Ferdinand and is visible from great distances. Visitors are able to take a guided tour, attend Mass, and take part in retreats and programs. The monastery grounds include a gift shop with handmade crafts and baked goods from the sisters and other unique spiritual merchandise. Located near the gift shop is Saint Benedict’s Brew Works, an independently operated brewery offering locally brewed and cleverly named craft beers such as Dark Souls and Raising Lazarus IPA, as well as a light food menu and locally made root beer.


Huntingburg’s Historic Fourth Street, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, has been lovingly restored to a charming Victorian downtown. With its brick-paved streets and sidewalks, it is home to locally owned antique and specialty shops and unique eateries. The Huntingburg Merchants Association hosts themed strolling tours throughout the year.

Historic League Stadium was built in 1894 and renovated in 1991 by Colombia Pictures in preparation for filming the 1991 hit movie A League of Their Own, directed by Penny Marshall and starring Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna, and Rosie O’Donnell. The movie was set in the early 1940s during World War II when the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League was formed. League Stadium served as the home stadium for the Rockford Peaches. You can see a replica of the Peaches’ bus in front of the stadium. Original advertisements and the original scoreboard from the movie still remain along the outfield fence of the ballpark. (As an extra treat to ourselves, Mom and I watched the movie when we returned home!) With a seating capacity of 2,800, League Stadium is still a working stadium, home to the Dubois County Bombers, a collegiate Prospect League baseball team, and the Southridge High School Raiders. This summer the stadium will host the inaugural Big League Classic on August 10, featuring former MLB players from the Chicago Cubs, St. Louis Cardinals, and Cincinnati Reds.

Firefly Boutique on Fourth Street Cascade Cafe


Only a 20-minute drive from Ferdinand lies the town of Jasper. We were treated to a tour of The Spirit of Jasper passenger train, which has an exciting fall and summer excursion schedule available on their website. Highlights include trips to Dubois County League Stadium and Bombers Baseball, Chocolate and Wine Ride and Dine, Pizza and Beer Ride and Dine, Strassenfest Rides, and Spirit of Autumn rides. Downtown Jasper is a walkable area that includes the Thyen-Clark Cultural Center, home to numerous galleries, studios, workshops, and a black box theater. Located behind the Thyen Center is the Alexander Schoolhouse, a historic one-room schoolhouse built in 1918 and a popular destination for school field trips. Nearby, the Jasper City Mill, completed in 2009, is the third mill to occupy its current site on the Patoka River, with the earliest mill constructed in 1815. The old mill’s most famous visitor is said to be Abraham Lincoln, who came with his father in 1828 to grind the family’s grain. The current Jasper City Mill incorporates features of the two earlier mills, including a water-powered wheel and grindstones. The mill stones are originally from France and are approximately 200 years old. Visitors can tour the mill and enjoy the peaceful setting on the Patoka River.

When in Jasper, eat at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant! We couldn’t resist lunching at this wellknown eatery, featuring authentic German cuisine along with a gift shop offering German-inspired specialty items such as chocolates, nutcrackers, cuckoo clocks, and more. The restaurant also offers the “Wunderbar” salad bar and other American cuisine. The site of the Schnitzelbank Restaurant was originally a tavern when purchased by the Hanselman family in 1961, but it has grown into a full service restaurant, event venue, and catering business that cooks onsite, serving Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 51
Alexander Schoolhouse The Spirit of Jasper passenger train


If your current living situation isn’t refreshing anymore, then perhaps it’s time to move. These living options allow you to stay active and independent without the regular maintenance of a house. Some communities offer gyms, artistic rooms, and food options. Others might be located in an area that allows for accessibility to the local community. Whether you are actively looking for your next home or making plans for the future, our Living Options directory lists local apartments, condos, independent living communities and other specific living situations available. See more on pages 54 and 55. Also search online at by scanning the QR code.

52 Summer 2024 /
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Looking for a new place to call home? This directory of low-maintenance housing options includes condos, garden apartments, retirement and independent living communities. Find more at All costs are per month.

The Altenheim

The Altenheim has apartment suites for independent living. Apartments have an efficiency kitchenette, full bath with shower. All apartments have emergency call cords and offer emergency pendants. Linen service, housekeeping, personal laundry service and meals are provided at no additional charge. Recreational, educational, social, and religious services are also available.

Cost: $2200

Owner: The Altenheim

936 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204 (502) 584-7417 •

Christian Care Communities — Middletown

Our active seniors live very independently in lovely garden home and spacious apartments. Take advantage of all a senior living community has to offer, including maintenance-free homes, wellness programs, spiritual care and security. Our serene setting is close to shopping and dining, yet offers a private park-like feel in a close-knit community with plenty of delicious food and fun, engaging activities. Assisted Living suites available.

Cost: Prices vary depending on floor plan • Min. Age: 62

Owner: Christian Care Communities, Inc. (since 1884)

11530 Herrick Ln, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 254-1799 •

Everlan of Louisville

Everlan of Louisville combines the perfect balance of modern luxury with southern charm. Strategically designed with abundant recreation space and an impressive array of amenities, you can enjoy an afternoon at the spa, take in a movie in the theater room, or relax in the courtyard while catching up with family and friends – all from the comforts of your new home. Our Boutique Senior Living community was designed to meet your individual needs while providing the freedom and flexibility you desire.

Cost: $3100-$5850

Owner: Everlan by Dominion

5900 Hunting Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 812-1558 •

Brownsboro Park Retirement Community

Family owned & operated since 1986, several spacious floor plans, located on 14 beautiful acres with a park, walking trail and fishing pond. Warm, friendly residents, spacious apartments with great closets, activities to keep your mind entertained and your body in shape, housekeeping, extensive shuttle program that runs 7 days a week and excellent chef-prepared meals. All-inclusive pricing (includes all utilities, phone, cable, internet & personal alert pendant).

Cost: $2300-$3600 • Min. Age: 62

Owner: Bunker Hill Assoc. III, LLC

2960 Goose Creek, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 429-7700 •

Dudley Square Patio Homes at Episcopal Church Home

Enjoy friends next door, nicely landscaped grounds, and medical assistance with a reputation for quality care right on campus, should you need it. Take part in a book club, Bible study, bridge, social hour, exercise group, or dinner and a movie at the neighborhood clubhouse. Or stroll through the neighborhood on our 22-acre campus. Also, see our newest patio homes with open floor plans that are available this Spring!

Min. Age: 65

Owner: Episcopal Retirement Services 7504 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 736-7800 •

Forest Springs Health Campus

Steps away from our full-continuum of care, villa patio homes offer housekeeping; lawn maintenance; fitness center and clubhouse; medical alert pendant, a full calendar of activities and excursions; Villa Lifestyle Director; pet-friendly.

Min. Age: 55

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC 4120 Wooded Acre Ln, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 694-7092 •

54 Summer 2024 /

The Forum at Brookside

Everything you love and need — a beautiful forty acre gated senior living community! People walk into our community feeling a sense of warmth and welcome. A place that feels like home. The Forum at Brookside is about hospitality, and a carefree lifestyle. Amenities include chef prepared meals, room service, housekeeping, social activities,indoor heated pool, pet friendly, transportation, security, an experienced management staff,and support with medical care as needed.

Cost: $2550-$4930 • Min. age: 55

Five Star Senior Living, Inc.

200 Brookside Dr, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 245-3048 •

Sacred Heart Village Apartments

Secured 540 sq. ft. 1 BR efficiency units located in both the Clifton & Cane Run Road areas. Dining room, meeting rooms, library and sitting areas and on-site laundry, appliances, walk-in shower, individually controlled heat and A/C, pets accepted with restrictions. Handicapped accessible units if available. Water & electric included. Income limitations apply. Call for details.

Cost: income based • Min. Age: 62

Owner: Mercy Housing

2110 Payne St, Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-6409 •

The Village at Wesley Manor

Nestled on 35 acres, The Village at Wesley Manor blends traditional living with the harmony of nature and 21st century conveniences. Our community provides two and a half miles of walking trails weaving through mature trees, lawns and natural meadows. Tucked into this picturesque setting, The Village at Wesley Manor offers three floor plans to satisfy your retirement needs and dreams — all with a new, relaxed, carefree independent living lifestyle.

Cost: Approx. $600 monthly maintenance charge upon entrance fee payment • Min. Age: 65

Owner: Methodist Retirement Homes of Kentucky, Inc.

5012 E Manslick Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 964-7498 •

The Grand Senior Living

Resort style living, luxurious apartments, spacious closets, extra storage available, garage & golf cart garage rental, utilities & appliances included, patios/balconies, weekly housekeeping, 24-hour concierge, pet spa, salon & barber shop, fitness center, indoor heated pool, sun deck, putting green, club house, recreational activities, theater, cocktail lounge, terrace, shuttle service, continental breakfast, chef prepared gourmet meals, easy access to dining, shopping, entertainment, & health care, Signature Passion Program.

Cost: Starting at $4010+ • Min. Age: 55

Owner: Management, Civitas Senior Living

9300 Civic Way, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 289-8370 •

Treyton Oak Towers

Retirement is a time to enjoy life to the fullest. For many people, that means setting aside all the duties and responsibilities that come with maintaining a home, and spending time simply enjoying all life has to offer. Choose from 14 different one-, two-or three-bedroom plans, all available with wall-to-wall flooring options, window treatments and completely equipped kitchens. Our comfortable apartments allow residents to find the perfect balance between vibrant community life and a high degree of privacy.

Cost: $3820-$7600 • Min. Age: 62

Owner: Third & Oak Corporation

211 West Oak St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 589-3211 •

We want to help connect your community to people looking to move to a maintenance — free living space.

We have a comprehensive list of Living Options online at

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 55
Search our living options directory online by scanning the QR code.
THIS CAN BE YOUR AD! This is a great space to feature your independent living or condo community.


56 Summer 2024 / caregiver 62 Be Kind To Yourself | 64 Technology | 65 There’s No Place Like Home 66 Home Caregiving Services Directory | 68 Care Community Directory PAGE 58 >> FAVORITE SPOTS
By Staff Writers | Photos by Melissa Donald The Café

Sometimes you are looking for a place to go out for a few hours that is not too taxing on you or the person you are caring for. Or maybe you’re looking for a place to take a friend who needs a little cheer or a parent who wants to spend some one-on-one time with you. We pulled together a list of some of our tried and true local places.

Trips Into History

Locust Grove: This Georgian brick mansion was the last home of General George Rogers Clark from 1809 until his death in 1818. It was the estate of his sister Lucy Clark Croghan and her husband William and family. A tour of the circa-1792 house gives visitors a glimpse into life before Louisville became the noisy metropolis it is today. During the summer there are many special events, concerts, an antique market, and more.

Farmington, finished in 1816, is an 18-acre site that was once the center of a hemp plantation owned by John and Lucy Speed. The 14room, Federal-style brick plantation house is said to be based on a design by Thomas Jefferson and has several Jeffersonian architectural features.

Historic Cave Hill Cemetery might seem an odd place for an outing, but believe us, the peace and beauty found here in the middle of the busy Highlands is, well, heavensent. Visit the ducks at the lake as generations of Louisvillians have done. See the graves of Colonel Sanders, Muhammad Ali, George Rogers Clark, and many other locals whose names you will recognize: Bullitt, Grinstead, Speed. Make sure to drive through the National Cemetery located within Cave Hill, the burial spot of more than 5,500 soldiers killed in the Civil War and other American wars. They also give tours and presentations throughout the year.

A trip into Fleur de Flea Vintage Indoor Market will either be a trip down memory lane or a glimpse into an earlier time — think rotary phones, needlepoint purses, and colorful clothing. In Paristown, close to downtown Louisville, you will find these curated vendor booths that feature just about anything imaginable, from jewelry to furniture to books to plants to art and who knows what else. A veritable feast of Flea!


Kentucky Influenced

Any stop along the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, with the starting point at the Frazier History Museum, can be great fun. Consider the Bulleit Frontier Whiskey Experience at Stitzel-Weller Distillery. It originally opened to the public on Derby Day 1935 and reopened again in 2014. Or try the Rabbit Hole Distillery in the Nulu area.

What’s a cooler way to spend some time in the summer than at Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory at 8th and Main? You can’t miss the huge,120-foot baseball bat out front marking the entrance to this bit of fascinating local history. Take the factory tour and see bats emerge from planks of northern white ash or maple. Touch the Great Wall, which features the signatures of famous Louisville Slugger swingers such as Cal Ripken, Tony Gwynn, or Sparky Anderson. Batter up and take a swing in the indoor batting cage. Through the Muhammad Ali Center’s exhibits, films, and immersive environments, you’ll follow Ali’s journey from his Louisville childhood through the three world heavyweight titles and humanitarian efforts that made him a global icon.

Local Retail Browsing

Red Tree features imported furniture, gifts, and lighting. You can get lost in the many rooms of this multi-storied shop on the corner. Red Tree also gives many local artists a place to feature their skillful work. From hand-blown glass pieces to one-of-a-kind paintings, Red Tree encourages patrons to “shop local,” and these amazing pieces certainly make that an easy decision.

Once inside Digs, you’ll find an array of indoor and outdoor furniture beautifully staged to give you decorating ideas. You’ll also find accessories such as pillows, lamps, outdoor tableware, wall art, and some of the most realistic faux plants. Digs is a favorite place to get inspired.

If you like nature and garden gifts, you will enjoy browsing in the Secret Garden shop, a place to get practical tools, wind chimes, art poles, and fountains as well as fusion mineral paint. Many gifts beyond the garden can be found in this locally owned store. Shopping in Westport Village offers a little bit of everything: food, shopping, and some walking between stores. You can choose your passion, but don’t miss Tunies, Bliss Home, or the Comfy Cow.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 59
Photo by Patti Hartog Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory Photo courtesy of Louisville Slugger Museum
PAGE 60 >>

Immersion Opportunities

People of any age can enjoy pickleball, so a lesson or a drop-in clinic might be a fun, active way to enjoy some time with a friend. There are many new pickleball clubs around the area. One example is the Genesis Blairwood club, which has a weekly clinic that covers a different skill of the game in each class.

Mahonia in the Nulu area is a beautiful plant experience, and it’s fun to stop in to choose the next green growing thing for your home or find the perfect pot. They also have workshops, one of which is a guided sand-art terrarium experience. You don’t have to have experience to enjoy painting — stop at Whet Your Palette to create your own piece of art. Wake up your inner artist in this comfortable, home-like atmosphere. A drop-in fee at Whet Your Palette includes an 8-by-10-inch canvas, paints, an apron, brushes, inspiration cards, and partial guidance.

Stop For Lunch

From athletes to movie stars to political figures — and a racehorse or two thrown in for good measure — half the fun of eating in the historic Jack Fry’s Restaurant is trying to see how many faces you recognize in the photographs on its walls. And of course, the food never fails to please. I cannot resist the shrimp and grits, although I hear that Jack’s burger is delicious and hearty. Any of the lunch entrees from the chicken salad to the cobb salad to the short ribs are sure to please as well. Having a reservation is recommended, and I like to request a booth in the front room with its sophisticated bar and lively atmosphere. Save room for dessert.

Located in an unassuming former manufacturing facility, The Café is known for its chandeliered ceilings, luscious patio, Southernstyle breakfasts, and hearty luncheon fare. Nothing pretentious here. From three-egg omelets as big as the plate to a piled-up chicken salad sandwich, there is much to choose from. My favorite is the demure #3 combination of half a sandwich, a cup of soup, one side, and a cookie.

The art-filled Proof on Main in the 21c Museum Hotel is a delight both for your eyes and your tastebuds. Pick from an array of choices, but consider the weekly inspired Derby City lunch. Quench your thirst with a seasonal soda or Proof Ginger Ale, made with house syrups.

Known for its wood-fired brick oven pizza, Garage Bar is located in the Nulu neighborhood at 700 E. Market St. Garage Bar’s interesting and dramatic exterior display pays tribute to its rich history as a historic saloon and auto service garage. It now provides a wide selection of craft beers, and some of the best pizza in Louisville comes from that woodfired brick oven.

Located right across from Churchill Downs, Wagner’s Pharmacy is an absolute must on your Derby-themed bucket list. Stop in for breakfast or lunch, but don’t come without your latest and greatest knowledge of all things horse racing. Whether you’re in the mood for a burger and fries or your typical country-style breakfast spread, Wagner’s has you covered in the comfort food department.

If you are feeling adventurous, Game offers anything from a kangaroo burger to fried frog legs to some of the best Scotch eggs you’ll ever have. Aside from its specialty exotic meats, the restaurant also serves up one of the best veggie burgers I’ve ever eaten. For out-of-this world flavor, try the grilled corn, poblano, and garbanzo veggie burger and add truffle oil to your side of hand-cut fries.


Be Kind To Yourself And Take A Breath

You have to breathe. That is something everyone can agree on. As a caregiver, you have to look after yourself as a top priority. It might feel self-centered, but it’s just logical.

Yet, we don’t think about our breath at all. We don’t worry about it. That confidence you have in your breath is a good thing. That’s why if you feel overwhelmed or on the edge of panic, focusing on your breathing and relaxing (as much as you can) into that will settle you.

Most of the time, you are not actively controlling your breath. That’s really good too. We have enough to think about. We just make sure nothing gets in the way of the breath doing its thing, and we are good. This attitude is also useful when working with yourself. You can notice what is getting in the way when you don’t appreciate yourself. I’ve certainly not appreciated myself. Things took a turn for the worse, and

62 Summer 2024 / CAREGIVER BE KIND TO YOURSELF By Karen Stobbe

everything was out of my control. I blamed myself intensely. This strategy does not work. Sure, you can force yourself to take certain actions this way. However, putting ourselves through an emotional wringer puts us at odds with ourselves. It’s draining and depressing and will isolate you.

So when things feel overwhelming, focusing on your breath will stabilize the situation. Your breath never has its feelings hurt. Your breath never worries about the future or dwells on the past.

You might ask, “How do I do that?” It can be hard to focus on breathing. It begins easily enough. You pay attention and are aware of the breath going in and then going out in any way you like: Feeling your belly expand and contract as you breathe, noticing the air move in and out of your nose, focusing on the sound of the breath.

It’s not hard to feel the breath or hold it or change it, but it can be hard to focus on it. It can slip away, and you are no longer focused on breathing but thinking about what to do next, what just happened, what you need/want/ fear. You can be 10 items into a to-do list when you recall that you intended to focus on your breath.

Surprisingly, you have not made a mistake. In fact, noticing you have wandered from your intended focus is really good. Once you do notice your focus has shifted, the task is to return your thoughts again to your breath. You will wander again and return again. This develops the habit of dropping our ideas about reality in favor of the experience of reality. It literally puts ‘breathing room’ between you and your problems.

Avoid Regret, and Forgive

Not forgiving yourself is an almost 100% certain way of seeing your trouble return. Forgiving yourself

makes the present clearer because you can see things undistorted by regret. Amazingly, focusing on your breath is also helpful in forgiving yourself. When your mind wanders from focusing on your breath, you have to forgive that “error” so you are able to return to the breath. It’s a tiny forgiveness, yes. However, you repeat it over and over. The trouble with not forgiving yourself is that your focus is placed on yourself. If you are angry at yourself, your focus is on you. It is a terrible way to live, and it makes caregiving impossible.

Practice For Two Minutes

Two minutes is a long time. Try holding your breath that long. Whew! Two minutes compared to the rest of the day is very, very short. If you sit and pay attention to your breathing for two minutes a day every day for six months, you will be given a million dollars.

OK, that’s not true. But if you do pay attention to your breath and relax into it for two minutes a day, every day for six months, you will notice more. You will be less stressed. You will get along better with yourself, and you will worry less. Focus on your breath, and you focus on the magic of being alive. That in itself is appreciation and self-kindness. Both are an essential practice for caregivers to restore themselves.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 63

Tech To Ease The Pain Of Home Maintenance

Thinking about sprucing up around your home? Outdoor home and garden work can often be physically demanding, but here are some tools that make the job a bit easier.

Orbit telescoping gutter cleaning wand, $30

If cleaning the gutters feels like a never-ending battle against the leaves and your ability and desire to climb a ladder, this inexpensive gutter cleaning wand might be a gamechanger. It easily attaches to the end of your hose to angle the spray of water into the gutter with enough pressure to clear out the leaves and debris. But, the best part is that the wand extends up to 60 feet, allowing you to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground while you work.

Ryobi One+ cordless bypass lopper, $111

You don’t realize how badly you need this tool until you get it. This battery-powered lopper easily cuts branches and twigs with the pull of a trigger, making it the ultimate tool for pruning your trees and shrubs. This model is part of the Ryobi One+ collection, which allows you to use the same battery pack for multiple tools. While it doesn’t come with a battery, a battery and charger can be purchased at most hardware stores or on Amazon for about $60.


, $120

Digging in the dirt to plant bulbs can be hard on the hands and wrists, but the Rotoshovel makes it exceptionally easy. Essentially, Rotoshovel is a handheld, batterypowered auger, perfect for creating the deep holes necessary for your plants to thrive. With simple pushbutton activation, the Rotoshovel is convenient and easy to use, making digging holes a breeze.

Greenworks 24-volt 8-in battery pole saw, $149

When you need to cut branches in hard-to-reach areas, a pole saw will be your best friend. This tool is like a small chainsaw at the end of an extendable pole, which allows you to cut tree limbs without climbing a ladder. The tool is fairly lightweight and easy to use, making it a go-to for all your trimming needs.

Ryobi 1900 PSI 1.2 GPM wheeled corded electric pressure washer, $169

This Ryobi pressure washer is not the most powerful one you can buy. Ryobi themselves make a more powerful model. However, when we balance power with portability and value, this one really comes out on top. Its lightweight body means it is easy to store and won’t break your back to move. You’ll find that the pressure it offers is plenty for nearly every home use, making it perfect for keeping your home looking clean and beautiful year-round.


rolling lawn & garden storage cart, $41

If we’re honest, bending over in the garden becomes a little less fun every year. But this cart doesn’t just store your garden gloves — it also saves your back from a lot of pain. It doubles as a small garden seat, and the carry handle makes it extra portable.

64 Summer 2024 / CAREGIVER TECHNOLOGY By Vanessa Hutchison

Can You Trust Your Contractor?

Owning your own home means keeping up with regular maintenance and repairs. Unfortunately, home improvement and repair scams are some of the most prevalent types of cons.

Over the last 15 years, more than 109,000 home improvement scams totaling nearly $207 million in losses to consumers have been reported to the Federal Trade Commission. According to the FTC, scammers target older homeowners because they think they are more trusting, have more money, may have memory or cognition issues that impair decision making, and are less likely to question a bill or service.

Detecting a Scam

Not only can the summer storm season create property damage, it can also attract scammers who come to storm-damaged areas. These scammers will take your money, then never show up to do the work.

Blaine Adams, president of AIC Roofing and Construction, cautions homeowners to always choose a local contractor.

“Local contractors often care more about the outcome of the project and the customer’s overall satisfaction than out-of-towners who are here to just do the job and then leave town,” Blaine says. “Local companies are available to assist you even after the job has been completed.”

Blaine offers some additional tips to help you avoid scams when hiring someone to work on your home.

Get the details in writing.

• Make sure you get a detailed outline of the services being provided and the materials being used, including the product brand.

• Check the warranty details. How long is the warranty and what does it cover?

• Asking for a deposit once a contract has been signed is fair, but never sign over your full insurance check, especially to someone going door-to-door.

Ensure the contractor has insurance.

• Ask to see proof of insurance. If they damage something on your property, you want to make sure they can fix or replace it.

• Make sure they have worker’s comp, general liability and vehicle insurance to cover all potential issues.

Be observant.

• Are they organized, on time, and clean?

• Is scheduling easy or difficult?

• Bad behavior doesn’t improve. If a contractor is disrespectful of your needs and your time while trying to earn your business, it will only get worse.

In addition, the National Council on Aging suggests getting references and consulting online reviews to learn more about the company before you hire them.

If you believe you’ve been scammed, tell someone. You can be sure that if it happened to you, it’s happened to someone else. Report the scammers to the Better Business Bureau and your state attorney general’s office.

Today’s Transitions / Summer 2024 65 By Kym Voorhees Raque CAREGIVER THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME


When you need help caring for someone you love, trust is important — you are trusting the caregiver with someone you hold dear. Whether your loved one needs skilled nursing care or simply companionship, caregivers who have been vetted, trained, and who are backed by a reliable company help bring peace of mind.

Search more directories online at

BrightStar Care

406 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Ste G Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 893-4700

CareBuilders at Home

2210 Goldsmith Ln, Ste 209 Louisville, KY 40218 (502) 458-2273

Search more home caregiving services online by scanning the QR code.

Joint Commission Accredited. High quality skilled & non-skilled in home care for people of all ages. All care is overseen by a Registered Nurse and is available 1-24 hrs/ day with Guaranteed Caregiver Compatibility. Compassionate care, excellent service. Services: personal care, homemaker, transportation, errands, Alzheimer’s/dementia care, Parkinson’s, ALS, respite, med reminders, meal prep, end of life care, RN/geriatric case management, skilled nursing.

Price per hour: $32-$36 | Min. time required: 4 hrs

Type: Non-medical, skilled nursing | Owner: Christian & Leslie McCutcheon

Compassionate, customized, coordinated care; State Certified Personal Service Agency, Help at home for independence, post-rehab recovery, Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care, Parkinson’s, respite, sitter service any location; 1-to-1 for med appointments, companion

Services: personal care, homemaker, transportation, errands

Price per hour: $30-$34 | Min. time required: 3 hrs

Type: Non-medical | Owner: Laura Curry and Michael Coffey

66 Summer 2024 /

Caring Excellence Personalized Home Care Services

1169 Eastern Pky, Ste 1134, Louisville, KY 40217 (502) 208-9424

Hallmark Homecare

9900 Corporate Campus Dr #3000 Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 546-7765

Helping Hands Companion Care Services

2301 Hurstbourne Village Dr #100 Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 426-9783



2001 Stanley Gault Pkwy, Ste C Louisvillle, KY 40223 (502) 244-1212

Hosparus Health

6200 Dutchmans Lane Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 456-6200

Kentuckiana Home Care

126 S. Sherrin Ave Louisville 40207 (502) 897-6547

Locally owned, Consistent Caregivers, Caregiver Matching and RN Case Management. Senior Care, Parkinson’s Care, Alzheimer’s Care and After-Hospital Care in your home. All care directed by Registered Nurse and Master Level Social Worker.

Services: All personal care, all mobility needs, meal preparation, homemaking, medication reminders, exercise assistance, errands, transportation, respite care.

Price per hour: $23-$24 | Min. time required: Flexible up to 24/7 Type: Non-medical | Owner: Kayla Cook, RN, Elisabeth Knight, MSSW

We are a direct referral agency, connecting experienced caregivers with families in need. We aim to bring solutions to the challenges faced by both caregivers and families needing extensive care.

Services: personal care, companion care, homemaking, errands, respite, med reminders

Price per hour: $28-$36 | Min. time required: 4 hours Type: Non-medical | Owner: Shane Sparks

Personalized loving care available in home, assisted living, nursing home or hospital; scheduling up to 24 hours 7 days a week; trained and experience caregivers; free assessments; serving Kentucky and Southern Indiana since 1996.

Services: personal care, home making, transportation, errands, respite, med reminders

Price per hour: $30+ | Min. time required: Flexible Type: Non-medical | Owner: Terry Graham, RN; Dawn Smithwick, BSW

Fully trained and experienced CNA’s/Caregivers, on-staff Certified Dementia Practitioners, complimentary evaluations, customized care plan, company with 30 years of home care experience, Alzheimer’s/Dementia expertise, Five Star reviews

Services: personal care, homemaker, transportation, errands

Price per hour: $27-$32 | Min. time required: 4 consecutive hours

Type: non-medical | Owner: Steve and Trish Kochersperger

For over 45 years Hosparus Health has been helping patients and families dealing with a serious illness to live life to the fullest. Our patient-centered care means a better quality of life.

Services: hospice and palliative services, pain and symptom mgmt, social workers, spiritual care, CNA’s, grief counseling services, and volunteer program

Price: Medicare accepted rate | Min. time required: N/A Type: Medical | Owner: Hosparus Inc.

Customized Care by reliable and experienced caregivers. Total scheduling flexibility and a tailored care plan, including integral client communication. Free assessment!

Services: Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Light Housekeeping, Companionship, Meal Prep, Laundry, Errands & Transportation, Alzheimer’s care, Fall Prevention, Med Reminders, Respite Care for Families, Transitional & Rehab Care, Overnight Care, End-ofLife and Specialized Care

Price per hour: $23-$30 | Min. time required: Flexible Type: Non-medical | Owner: Andy Block, locally owned & operated

Senior HelpersLouisville/Southern Indiana

4043 Taylorsville Rd Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 690-2648

Locally Owned, licensed and insured with excellent service and compassionate caregivers trained how to keep SENIORS SAFE AT HOME! Call today for a FREE Life Profile consultation — the first step in reducing risks and hospital admissions!

Services: Flexible schedules helping with personal care, companionship, transportation, errands, med reminders, meal prep, housekeeping, Dementia care, end of life support. Accepting private pay, LTC ins., VA, ABI and HCB Medicaid Waivers.

Price per hour: $25-$30 | Min. time required: Flexible Type: Non-medical Home Care Services | Owner: Nancy Galloway

Today's Transitions / Summer 2024 67


Today’s Transitions seeks to help you find the right care you need for a loved one whenever you need it. The Care Communities Directory contains both short- and long-term carerelated resources. More details can be found at

For Home Caregiving Directory, see page 66. For retirement Living Options Directory, see page 52.

TYPES OF CARE COMMUNITIES: Adult Day Care programs provide care and companionship to those who need supervision or assistance. Aging-In-Place Communities offer several levels of care on one campus. Assisted Living is residential living for those who need help with daily activities and health services. Hospice provides pain relief for those with a terminal illness and a life expectancy of six months or less. Memory Care residential living is for those with dementia at different care levels. Palliative Care is specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness. Personal Care residential living offers mobile residents minimal assistance for daily activities. Rehabilitation Services is physical treatment in an inpatient or outpatient clinic. Skilled Nursing Care is 24-hour nursing services for residents in a care community Respite Care provides short-term care in order to provide relief for primary caregivers.

Search our care community directory online by scanning the QR code.

Find Help By Location

Search the Location Chart (on the right page) for specific types of care by location. The Map (right) coordinates with the Zone column. More details for all care communities listed in the chart can be found in the full directory listing starting on page 68.

If you are interested in a listing, call 502.327.8855 or email

*Published rates are given by company.

Payment Options: These definitions can help you navigate the payment options in each directory:

Private – consumer pays out-of-pocket.

Private Ins. – could include Medicare supplements or HMOs/health insurance.

LTCi – long-term care insurance; helps cover the cost of services for people who have an extended physical illness, extended disability, or cognitive impairment.

VA – Veterans Administration; provides financial assistance to retired veterans needing medical, surgical, and rehabilitative care.

68 Summer 2024 /
Today's Transitions / Summer 2024 69 Facility Name Zip Code Zone AdultDayCareAging-in-PlaceAssistedLiving PalliativeCarePersonalCareRespiteCareRehabilitation Services SkilledNursing MemoryCareHospiceCare UofL Health – Frazier Rehab Institute 40202 A X X Treyton Oak Towers 40203 A X X X X X X X The Altenheim 40204 A X X X X X Nazareth Home — Highlands Campus 40205 A X X X X X Twinbrook Assisted Living 40205 A X X X Nazareth Home — Clifton Campus 40206 A X X X Creekside on Bardstown 40218 A X X Belmont Village St. Matthews 40207 B X X X Vitality Living St. Matthews 40207 B X Westport Place Health Campus 40207 B X X X X X Dominion Senior Living 40222 B X X X X X X Episcopal Church Home 40222 B X X X X X X X Trilogy Health Services 40222 B X X X X X X X Creekside on Whipps Mill 40223 B X X The Pinnacle of Louisville 40223 B X X Christian Care Communities – Middletown 40243 B X The Forum at Brookside 40243 B X X Forest Springs Health Campus 40245 B X X X X X X The Enclave of East Louisville 40245 B X X X The Legacy at English Station 40245 B X Franciscan Health Care Center 40219 C X X X X X Wesley Manor Retirement Community — 40219 C X X X X X X X X The Aldersgate, Health Care Center, Hoskinson House The Springs at Stony Brook 40220 C X X X X Bar ton House 40241 C X X The Willows at Springhurst 40241 C X X X X X X Vitality Living Springdale 40241 C X X Morning Pointe of Louisville 40291 C X X X X X X Glen Ridge Health Campus 40299 C X X X X X X Harmony at Tucker Station 40299 C X X X X Hear tsong East Adult Day Health Care 40299 C X Spring House at Louisville 40299 C X X X X X X X X Vitality Living Stony Brook 40299 C X X Hear tsong Adult Day Health Care 40272 D X X X Park Terrace Health Campus 40272 D X X X X X BeeHive Homes of Goshen/Prospect 40026 G X The Springs at Oldham Reserve 40031 G X X X X X X The Grand Senior Living 40059 G X X Shelby Farms Senior Living 40065 H X X X Cooper Trail Senior Living 40004 I X X X Sanders Ridge Health Campus 40047 I X X X X X X

The Altenheim

936 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204

(502) 584-7417

Price Per Day: $100-$384

Number of Beds: 32 (N/R), 30 (PC)

Enjoy our beautiful Highlands park-like setting with updated furnishings no matter your living arrangements – independent, assisted, personal care, nursing/rehab or short-term stay. We offer a secure, lockdown building for resident safety. Our selective menus offer a variety of options. Staffing levels are above expectations and truthfully make us what we are today! Our Aging-in-Place community offers an above average staff-to-resident ratio, allowing time for visits with residents as well as necessary care. Hosparus care supports our staff when requested. We specialize in activity programs for residents offered by trained staff and volunteers. Our Personal Care option provides the independence of living at home.

Owner: The Altenheim

Payment: Private, LTCi

Features and Services: 24-Hour Care, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Tours/Trips, Medication Given, Pets

Considered, Chef on Staff, Laundry

Barton House

6830 Overlook Dr, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 423-7177 •

Price Per Month: $7100 all-inclusive

Designed for Alzheimer’s & memory impairments. Dignified & individualized care, from meals to the activities they participate in, and how their room is decorated. Pets to love & care for, frequent meals promoting socialization, tree-filled backyard with a patio and walking path. Staff trained in dementia. Medical care by our nurses, therapists, psychiatrist & doctor.

Owner: Goodworks

Payment: Private, LTCi

Features and Services: Showers, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, Meal Prep, 24-Hr Care, Physical/ Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Chef on Staff

BeeHive Homes of Goshen/Prospect

12336 US Hwy 42, Goshen, KY 40026 (502) 292-3200 •

Price Per Month: $4500

24/7 care, low resident-to-staff ratio, home atmosphere, no care increases

Owner: Eric and Catherine Sherrard

Payment: Private, LTCi, VA

Belmont Village St. Matthews

4600 Bowling Blvd, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 721-7500

Price Per Day: $140-$340

The Community Built for Life – Belmont Village St. Matthews offers a variety of senior living options. Our residents enjoy an environment that allows as much independence or assistance that they may need. Our Community is designed inside and out to complement the style of the area and create a comfortable, familiar space for our residents. Private apartments are available in a variety of floor plans, and as a licensed Personal Care Community, our residents don’t have to move if care needs change and couples with differing care needs can stay together. We have been recognized for our award winning memory care programming, including our Circle of Friends® program designed to address mild to moderate cognitive impairment and varying stages of dementia. Founded in research and developed by experts, our memory care activities are therapeutic and engaging, with attainable goals that allow our residents to stay involved, maintain function and have happy fulfilling days.

Owner: Belmont Village, L.P.

Payment: Private, LTCi, Private Ins.

Features and Services: Chef prepared meals, Transportation, Housekeeping, Laundry, on-site Therapy services, Entertainment and Happy hour, Medication management, Bathing, dressing, toileting assistance, Activities and outings, Pet friendly.

Christian Care Communities – Middletown

11530 Herrick Ln, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 254-1799

Price Per Month: $3750-$4820 All-inclusive. No added fees for care needs.

Assisted living is ideal for those seniors who wish to maintain their independence while benefiting from a little extra help with everyday tasks when needed. Our assisted living services are tailored to the unique needs of each resident, with a goal to balance active independence with trusted support. Dementia and mobile-friendly building, on one floor.

Our loving and dedicated team of caregivers and providers want to help residents live their best lives. Residents enjoy the freedom and flexibility to keep their own schedule, while having access to a 24/7 team ready to assist with daily living activities. Imagine your own private and cozy suite with a community full of fun, friends and fellowship right outside your front door when you want them. Relax in our sundrenched dining room to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals with delightful desserts. Our shared living room areas are well-appointed and designed to promote social interaction.

Owner: Christian Care Communities, Inc.

Payment: Private, VA, LTCi

Features and Services: Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing and Dressing Assistance, Laundry, Meal Prep, 24-Hour Care, Dining Room, Medication Reminders, Open Kitchen, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Pets Allowed, Chef on Staff, Chapel, Beauty Salon

70 Summer 2024 / Adult Day Care Palliative Care Assisted Living Aging-in-Place Communities Hospice Care Memory Care Skilled Nursing Respite Care Personal Care
Rehabilitation Services

Cooper Trail Senior Living

325 Lincoln Way, Bardstown KY 40004

(502) 572-4329 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Compassionate staff, activities, respite & outpatient services on-site.

Operated by: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, LTCi

Creekside on Bardstown

3535 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40218

(502) 919-7715

Price Per Month: $4000-$5500

At Creekside on Bardstown, we are committed to providing the best care and community at affordable, all-inclusive prices. We tailor each individual’s care to their unique abilities and strengths, which as proven to be extremely beneficial for dementia-related illnesses.

Family/home like atmosphere that is all inclusive. We provide scheduled transportation to and from doctor appointments, telephone, cable, wifi, compassionate caregivers to assist with toileting, and more. We also provide 3 home-made meals per day with 3 snacks.

Owner: TDK

Payment: Private, VA, LTCi

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, Meal Prep, Errands, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Pets Allowed, Movie Room, Chef on Staff

Creekside on Whipps Mill

9701 Whipps Mill Rd, Louisville, KY 40223

(502) 919-8470

Price Per Month: $4000-$5500

At Creekside on Whipps Mill, we are committed to the all-inclusive experience at an affordable cost. We take time to provide individual assistance, outstanding therapy, and a family environment unlike any other.

Family/home like atmosphere that is all inclusive. We provide scheduled transportation to and from doctor appointments, telephone, cable, wifi, compassionate caregivers to assist with toileting, and more. We also provide 3 home-made meals per day with 3 snacks.

Owner: TDK

Payment: Private, VA, LTCi

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, Meal Prep, Errands, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/ Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Pets Allowed, Chef on Staff

Dominion Senior Living of Louisville

6000 Hunting Rd , Louisville, KY 40222 (502) 812-1556

Price Per Month: $4600-$5850

We believe our Dominion Lifestyles should enrich the minds, bodies, and souls of our residents. Our person-focused approach allows each resident to choose how they spend their day enjoying our fun activities. Our personal care and memory care lifestyles come with top-notch amenities for residents. From private apartments to home-style meals, assistance with daily living, and housekeeping. It’s covered in our allinclusive pricing.

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Personal care is perfect for seniors who enjoy independence but need help with the activities of daily living and medication management. Our team provides person-centered care that meets the individual needs of each resident. Team members are available 24-hours a day to support residents with activities like dressing, bathing, medication reminders, and coordination of transportation and health services.

Owner: Dominion Senior Living, LLC

Payment: Private, VA, LTCi

Features and Services: Transportation, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Laundry, Meal Prep, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Management, Open Kitchen, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Pets Allowed, Chef on Staff

72 Summer 2024 /
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The Enclave of East Louisville

100 Shelby Station Dr, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 632-5500

Price Per Day: Pricing varies according to level of care

As a two-time U.S. News & World Report award-winning community, The Enclave of East Louisville helps create rewarding lifestyles for all our residents. Expect a warm and welcoming senior living community where residents enjoy support provided by a professional, caring staff.

From delightful and nutritious chef-prepared meals to engaging curated activities and meaningful new friendships, each day brings chances for fun, fitness and real connection. You’ll find everything you need within our stunning grounds and inspired interiors so you can feel confident stepping into your next stage of life. With Personal Care, Memory Care, and Respite Care options, along with round-the-clock expert health services and support, life at The Enclave will always include a sense of serenity, safety, and satisfaction.

Owner: Bridge Senior Living

Payment: Private, LTCi, Private Insurance

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Laundry, Meal Prep, Errands, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Pets Allowed, Movie Room, Chef on Staff

Episcopal Church Home

7504 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40222

(502) 736-7800

Price Per Day: Varies by Level of Care

We provide the options while you make the choices. We offer high-quality support, services, and amenities as you age and your personal care needs change. Experience our spacious patio homes in a neighborhood where your neighbors are your friends. Enjoy our intimate and luxurious dining and life-enrichment spaces, or relax on the outdoor patio and seating areas that overlook our new garden.

Our Personal Care neighborhoods including memory care support provides a place where you can enjoy the highest quality of life possible in a safe, fun, and enriching environment no matter what level of assistance you may need. We have options for those who may only need intermittent support, or offer additional services for those needing more help with their daily routines or health needs. We have on-site nursing care with a high staff-to-resident ratio that can provide peace of mind for you and your family.

Owner: Episcopal Retirement Services

Payment: Private, Medicaid, Medicare, VA, LTCi, Hospice, Private Ins. Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Meal Prep, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Management, Open Kitchen, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Pets Allowed, Chef on Staff

Forest Springs Health Campus

4120 Wooded Acre Ln, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 694-7092 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Full continuum of care, short-term care, therapy services on-site.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, Medicare, Medicaid, LTCi

The Forum at Brookside

200 Brookside Dr, Louisville, KY 40243 (502) 245-3048

Price Per Day: $165-$247

Number of Units: Ambassador Suites, 24 Apts

There are 24 apartments in Personal Care Ambassador Suites. Newly renovated Alcove and One Bedroom residences. Elegant restaurantstyle dining room and a private landscaped courtyard with gazebo. Personal Care is a licensed “step-up” from typical assisted living, since Personal Care permits the administration of medication by licensed professionals.

We partner with Ageility, a national leader in developing specialized rehabilitation and fitness training solutions. Through our onsite Ageility clinic, we provide easy-to-access outpatient rehab and fitness training. If you’re recovering from injury or surgery, you’ll appreciate our physical and occupational therapy that focuses on prevention and wellness.

Owner: Five Star Senior Living, Inc.

Payment: Private, Medicaid, Medicare, LTCi, Hospice, Private Ins.

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Laundry, Meal Prep, Errands, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Water/Aquatic Exercise, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Open Kitchen, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Pets Allowed, Movie Room, Chef on Staff

Franciscan Health Care Center

3625 Fern Valley Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 912-9041 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Full continuum of care, short-term care, therapy services on-site.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, LTCi

Glen Ridge Health Campus

6415 Calm River Way, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 272-4739 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Full continuum of care, short-term care, therapy services on-site.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, Medicare, Medicaid, LCTi

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The Grand Senior Living

9300 Civic Way, Prospect, KY 40059 (502) 289-8370

Price Per Month: $4810+

In house Medical Director, Licensed nurse 7 days a week, 24-7 professional care services, dedicated staff trained in dementia care. Signature Passion Program with family care services and support group.

Restaurant dining with 3 chef prepared meals a day, assistance with all activities of daily living, 24-7 care staff, medication management, emergency pendant system, in-house therapy program with physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, house cleaning and laundry services, transportation, pet friendly, full service salon, indoor heated pool, movie theater, putting green, bocce ball, and walking trails.

Owner: Management, Civitas Senior Living

Payment: Private, LTCi, VA

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, House Cleaning, Bathing and Dressing Assistance, Laundry, Meal Prep, 24-Hour Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Water/Aquatic Exercise, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Pets Allowed, Movie Room, Chef on Staff

Heartsong Adult Day Health Care

9260 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 935-3300 •

Price Per Day: $75-$80 | Type: medical

Activities to promote cognitive, physical, social, and spiritual well-being.

Owner: Heartsong Memory Care, LLC

Payment: Private, Medicaid, VA, LTCi

Heartsong East Adult Day Health Care

10720 Plantside Dr, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 935-3300

Price Per Day: $80 | Type: medical

Activities to promote cognitive, physical, social, and spiritual well-being.

Owner: CJL Group, LLC

Payment: Private, Medicaid, LTCi

The Legacy at English Station

13700 English Villa Dr, Louisville, KY 40245 (502) 495-3276 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Memory care honoring unique life stories, highly trained caregivers.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, LTCi

Nazareth Home – Clifton Campus

2120 Payne St, Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-9425

Price Per Day: $185-$525

Number of Licensed Beds on This Campus: 113

Nazareth Home was established in 1976 as a healthcare ministry sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. Today, Nazareth Home is an award-winning, 5-star rated long-term care and rehabilitation organization that provides person-centered health and wellness services for adults and families. With two campuses in Louisville, Ky., Nazareth Home enriches the lives of its patients through personal care, memory care, recovery to home, and long-term care programs.

Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc.

Payment: Private, LTCi, Medicare, Medicaid

Features and Services: Showers Available, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing Assistance, Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, Meal Prep, 24-Hour Care, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Open Kitchen, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Chef on Staff

2000 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 459-9681

Price Per Day: $215-$595

Number of Licensed Beds on This Campus: 168

Nazareth Home was established in 1976 as a healthcare ministry sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. Today, Nazareth Home is an award-winning, 5-star rated long-term care and rehabilitation organization that provides person-centered health and wellness services for adults and families. With two campuses in Louisville, Ky., Nazareth Home enriches the lives of its patients through personal care, memory care, recovery to home, and long-term care programs.

Owner: Nazareth Home, Inc.

Payment: Private, LTCi, Medicare, Medicaid

Features and Services: Showers Available, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing Assistance, Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, Meal Prep, 24-Hr Care, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Open Kitchen, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Chef on Staff

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Nazareth Home — Highlands Campus

Park Terrace Health Campus

9700 Stonestreet Rd, Louisville, KY 40272 (502) 909-0583 •

Price Per Day: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

On-site skilled nursing, memory care services, private/semi-private.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Medicare, Medicaid, Private, Private Ins.

The Pinnacle of Louisville

10451 Linn Station Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 423-8776

Price Per Month: $4950

As one of Louisville’s first stand-alone memory care communities, our compassion and care sets us apart. There are many advantages to being a stand-alone community — two courtyards, a big backyard, and neighborhoods — our residents have plenty of space to move around. You will find activities and events, commonly found in an assisted living communities, like games, parties and entertainment, right here for your loved ones to enjoy. Our memory care specific activity program provides therapeutic activities that encourage creativity, a sense of community and physical, mental and cognitive stimulation.

With 24/7 licensed nursing care, we provide medication administration, bathing, dressing, grooming and meals (cuing if needed). All meals, housekeeping and activities like our weekly bus outing, are included. Your loved one is also able to visit our salon or take advantage of our on-site therapy.

For immediate residence or respite stays, we offer furnished move-in ready rooms. We believe that The Pinnacle of Louisville is above all else, our resident’s home. Honoring their dignity and individuality is at the core of everything we do. Come see us and feel the difference.

Owner: The Pinnacle of Louisville

Payment: Private

Sanders Ridge Health Campus

119 E Sanders Lane, Mt. Washington KY 40047 (502) 251-4184 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Full continuum of care, short-term care, therapy services on-site.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Medicare, Medicaid, LTCi, Private

Shelby Farms Senior Living

100 Williamsburg Dr, Shelbyville KY 40065 (502) 257-9485 •

Compassionate staff, activities, respite & outpatient services on-site.

Operated by: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, LTCi, EFT

Spring House at Louisville

1760 Plantside Dr, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 452-2664

Price Per Month: $3945-$5395

A remarkable senior community in the Hurstbourne area. We understand senior living can be challenging. Our team works closely with residents and families to ensure a seamless transition.

Independent Living: We offer a wide range of floor plans.

Assisted Living: Services include medication assistance and reminders, assistance with ambulation, transfers, and escorts to and from daily routine activities and social events, assistance with dining, bathing, grooming and personal hygiene, dress, toileting and incontinence management.

Memory Care: A special memory care neighborhood is dedicated to caring for residents with memory impairment. Our Township program is designed with varying stages in mind, and features unique “Neighborhoods” tailored to meet the needs of each resident.

Owner: Canopy Senior Living

Payment: Private, Private Ins., LTCi

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, Meal Prep, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Movie Room

The Springs at Oldham Reserve

2000 East Peak Rd, LaGrange, KY 40031 (502) 516-2824 •

Full continuum of care, meals, activities, gorgeous surroundings.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, Medicare, Medicaid, LTCi

The Springs at Stony Brook

2200 Stony Brook Dr, Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 632-3283 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Full continuum of care, meals, activities, gorgeous surroundings.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private

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Adult Day Care Palliative Care Assisted Living Aging-in-Place Communities Hospice Care Memory Care Skilled Nursing Respite Care Personal Care Rehabilitation Services

Treyton Oak Towers

211 West Oak St, Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 589-3211

Price Per Day: $130-$450

We provide the highest quality of individualized service with dignity and respect while honoring our faith-based tradition.

Everyone’s needs change as the years go by. Treyton Oak Towers is designed specifically to meet those changing needs, so you can continue to live in the same warm, caring environment, regardless of how your circumstances may change.

We provide what is known as a continuum of care — additional levels of care available should the need arise in the future. Our caring staff will make certain you are receiving the appropriate level of care.

Our mission is to plan so that you don’t have to. Dignity, Respect, Faith

Owner: Third & Oak Corporation

Payment: Private, Medicaid, Medicare, VA, LTCi, Hospice, Private Ins.

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, Meal Prep, Errands, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Water/Aquatic Exercise, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Pets Allowed, Movie Room, Chef on Staff

Trilogy Health Services

303 N Hurstbourne Pkwy, Ste 200, Louisville, KY 40222

12 local campuses to serve you (502) 785-9188

Price Per Month: Varies depending on levels of care

Trilogy Health Services offers a full range of senior living options, and with over 12 locations in the Louisville area, you’re sure to find a location near you that meets your needs.

Cooper Trail Senior Living • Forest Springs Health Campus • Franciscan Health Center • Glen Ridge Health Campus • The Legacy at English Station • Park Terrace Health Campus • Sanders Ridge Health Campus • Shelby Farms Senior Living • The Springs at Oldham Reserve • The Springs at Stony Brook • Westport Place Health Campus • The Willows at Springhurst — Learn more about each campus in these directory pages.

Trilogy senior living communities offer luxury Independent Living villas and apartments, compassionate Assisted Living services, a full range of Rehabilitation, Skilled Nursing, and even Memory Care services for those living with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Every level of care we provide, from basic assistance to round-theclock clinical care, is delivered by people who will take the time to learn your story, and who will act in your best interests, always. That’s The Trilogy Difference.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Twinbrook Assisted Living 3525 Ephraim McDowell Dr, Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 452-6330

Price Per Month: $3550-$4700

Private apartments with emergency call system, planned activities, medication reminders, assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, three meals daily, transportation to shopping. Catholic church services six days per week. Charges for additional services may apply. Staff on duty 24 hours. Family owned & operated.

Twinbrook is owned and operated by the McCoy family members who are on site regularly. We are not owned by a large out of state company like most assisted living facilities. You can talk to the owners whenever you have a concern or suggestion. We do not require an endowment or large deposit and rentals are on a month to month basis. We work with families and residents to accommodate their needs and desires.

Owner: Bryan S McCoy, Inc.

Payment: Private, VA, LTCi

Features and Services: Transportation Available, Showers Available, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing Assistance, Dressing Assistance, Laundry, Meal Prep, Errands, 24-Hour Care, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Game Night, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Reminders, Outdoor Spaces, Chef on Staff

UofL Health — Frazier Rehab Institute

200 Abraham Flexner Way, Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 582-7400 •

Price Per Day: $1000

Inpatient/stroke/brain injury/spinal cord injury/cancer rehab; PT/OT/ST.

Owner: UofL Health

Payment: Medicare, Medicaid, Private ins., LTCi, VA

76 Summer 2024 / Adult Day Care Palliative Care Assisted Living Aging-in-Place Communities Hospice Care Memory Care Skilled Nursing Respite Care Personal Care Rehabilitation Services
AT TODAYSTRANSITIONS.COM YOU WILL FIND: • A list of all local caregiving communities: nursing home care, home caregiving, assisted living, memory care, and living options. • Comprehensive directories of care communities and resources complete with features, photos, and reviews.

Vitality Living St. Matthews

120 S Hubbards Ln, Louisville, KY 40207

(502) 896-1759 kentucky/st-matthews/

Price Per Month: $3000-$3600

As the premier independent living and assisted living community in the St. Matthews area, we are conveniently located in the unique St. Matthews neighborhood, with easy access to shopping, dining, festivals and the arts, Vitality Living St. Matthews offers independent living and assisted living in the heart of Louisville, KY. This vibrant senior living community offers all the comforts of home with none of the day-to-day obligations of owning one.

After a morning meditation workshop, enjoy good conversation over breakfast. Take a stroll through the tree-lined streets nearby or meet neighbors for an afternoon shopping spree. At Vitality Living, the choice is always yours.

Whether you are ready now or are just beginning to think about senior living, we invite you to stop by or call to schedule a tour at your convenience. We are here to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Owner: Vitality Senior Living

Payment: Private,LTCi, VA

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, House Cleaning, Laundry, Errands, 24-Hr Care, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Outdoor Spaces, Movie Room, Chef on Staff

Vitality Living Springdale

4501 Springdale Rd , Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 412-0222 kentucky/springdale/

Price Per Month: $3775-$6800


Vitality is your premier choice for senior living in Kentucky. We are committed to ensuring that every service and amenity helps create the enriched, active life you or your loved one deserves.

Vitality Living Springdale specializes in assisted living and memory care that allow adults to experience a lifestyle with vitality at any age.

Owner: Vitality Senior Living

Payment: Private, VA, LTCi

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing Assistance, Laundry, Meal Prep, 24-Hr Care, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Game Night, Happy Hour, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Garden, Pets Allowed, Movie Room, Chef on Staff

Vitality Living Stony Brook

3451 S Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40299

(502) 383-1574 kentucky/stony-brook/

Price Per Month: $2650-$5000

Vitality Living is your premier choice for senior living in Louisville, whether you need assisted living or memory care.

Vitality Living Stony Brook offers independent living, assisted living, and memory care. We support our residents’ needs as well as their interests with a calendar filled with a variety of activities to keep our residents as engaged, social, and independent as possible. Families will find peace of mind by knowing that their family members are well taken care of and enjoying life.

You’ll find plenty of comfortable common spaces to spend time with friends and family, whether it’s in the spacious family room, furnished sitting areas, front/back porches, or the large dining room. Large windows throughout our community give it an open and airy feel.

Owner: Vitality Senior Living

Payment: Private, LTCi, VA Aid & Attendance Benefits

Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, Meal Prep, Errands, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Exercise Facility, Game Night, Tours/Trips, Emergency Assistance, Medication Given, Outdoor Spaces, Movie Room, Chef on Staff

Wesley Manor Retirement Community 5012 E Manslick Rd, Louisville, KY 40219 (502) 969-3277

Price Per Month: Varies depending on level of care.

Wesley Manor offers a Life Plan retirement community (full continuum of care services), including all levels of senior living on one campus: independent living, assisted living, personal care/memory support, skilled nursing and rehabilitation services. This gives seniors the advantages of living in one location, even as their health care needs change over time. This is especially helpful for couples who may have varying levels of needs, yet wish to live on the same campus. For all individuals, it means you only need to move once!

You’ll find a wonderful sense of community felt throughout the 35-acre campus. Located near the Gene Snyder Freeway in Louisville — a city convenience with a country feel. Both residents and family members often speak as being part of an extended family — the Wesley Manor family. Living here feels like home. Wesley Manor is a faith-based, non-profit; independently owned and operated since 1963.

Owner: Methodist Retirement Homes of Kentucky, Inc.

Payment: Private, Medicaid, Medicare, LTCi, Hospice, Private Ins. Features and Services: Transportation, Showers, Separate Units, House Cleaning, Bathing & Dressing Assistance, Eating Help, Laundry, 24-Hr Care, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Dining Room, Game Night, Tours/Trips, Medication Given, Pets Allowed

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Westport Place Health Campus

4247 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 883-7092 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Full continuum of care, short-term care, therapy services on-site.

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, Medicare, Medicaid, LTCi

The Willows at Springhurst

3101 N Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 413-2282 •

Price Per Month: Visit our website or call for current pricing.

Licensed RNs, skilled nursing, short-term care, therapy services on-site

Owner: Trilogy Health Services, LLC

Payment: Private, Medicare, Medicaid, LTCi


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Try This!

Whether you love the great outdoors or prefer to stay in the air conditioning, we’ve got some events and activities for you to add to your social calendar this summer.

Hike at Rose Island

If you want to get away from it all for a while, head to Charlestown State Park in Southern Indiana and get yourself to the Rose Island Loop Trail. You’ll walk along a paved path, cross the Portersville Bridge, and find yourself in the ruins of Rose Island Amusement Park, which had its heyday in the 1920s. Most of the hike is shady, but be sure to bring plenty of water because you’ll want to explore.

Cheers for Beer

Yes, Kentucky is the bourbon capital of the world, but Louisville has been making a name for itself as a beer-brewing mecca. On June 29, craft breweries will be at the Louisville Waterfront Park for the Kentucky Craft Bash

More than 50 local breweries will attend and showcase more than 150 varieties of beer on the menu.

Get Your Putter Ready

Oxmoor Center is now home to Puttshack

Louisville, an indoor upscale miniature golf venue. With food, drinks, and four courses available to play, it would be a perfect place to take friends young or old for a couple of cool hours of fun if a summer storm passes through.

An Evening with the Bard

Spend an evening (or several) watching free Kentucky Shakespeare performances of Romeo & Juliet, The Comedy of Errors, and The Tempest throughout June and July. Food trucks are ready to begin serving visitors at 6pm, and there are pre-show activities and entertainment until the curtain rises (figuratively speaking) at 8pm. Shows are performed at the C. Douglas Ramey Amphitheater in Central Park on South Fourth Street.

Lush Lavender

There are few things prettier than a field full of blooming lavender, and you can see one this summer at Little Mount Lavender in Simpsonville, Kentucky. With a cafe serving chicken chasseur, lavender balsamic red beet salad, freshly made crepes, and more, plus a gift shop selling all kinds of crafts and lavender products, Little Mount Lavender will be a “scentsational” spot for you to spend a couple hours.

80 Summer 2024 /

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