Today's Woman November 2013

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Intro........................ 6 BY ANITA OLDHAM

On the Cover......... 6 BY TIFFANY WHITE




12 Survival Skills BY MARIE BRADBY


16 2 1 Things

32 Discover Gratitude BY LUCY M. PRITCHETT

34 W hat Not to Do When You are in a Mood BY BOB MUELLER

44 The Black Friday Game Plan BY TRICIA HUSSUNG

50 Sky-High Dining BY MELISSA DONALD

54 Passions

36 T he Agenda

56 Hot Happenings

40 Gifts that Give Back

58 Before You Go





42 W ellness Watch BY AMANDA BEAM






Volume 23 8 Number 11


Let the Shopping Begin! For this month’s issue, we’re helping you plan your holiday shopping list with some great ideas on the best places to get your gifts — regardless of the price tag. If you are searching for something more upscale and sophisticated, check out our list of Luxe honorees on page 24. You’ll find out where to go for the trendiest outfits or a piece of glittering jewelry for someone special. Or, if you are on a tight budget, turn to page 40 to read our Gifts that Give Back feature which highlights five inexpensive items that also benefit people in need. Plus, we give you a few tips on how to become a Black Friday expert who will always get the good deals on page 44. Let the fun begin! — Tiffany White




ebecca Russell brings plenty of sparkle to this month’s cover. A junior at the University of Louisville, she plans to pursue a career in clinical psychology. Rebecca lives a simple life, but says if she could buy one luxurious item, it would be an airplane because she “would love to travel around the world.” See more of her in our Go Luxe feature on page 24.


Gucci style Italian earrings, sterling silver gold plated, $270, available at From the Vault, 3720 Frankfort Avenue, 502.893.0900. PHOTO BY MELISSA DONALD HAIR AND MAKEUP BY ISIDRO VALENCIA


Call (502) 327-8855, ext. 10, or email us at with details and specifics. For advertising information in Today’s Woman, call (502) 327-8855. Today’s Woman

is published monthly by:

Zion Publications, LLC 9750 Ormsby Station Road, Suite 307, Louisville, KY 40223 Phone: (502) 327-8855 • Fax: (502) 327-8861

Subscriptions are available by sending $18 to the above address for 12 monthly issues. Today’s Woman magazine is published monthly by Zion Publications LLC and distributed free to the people of metropolitan Louisville and Southern Indiana. Circulation 50,000 guaranteed. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher. Today’s Woman magazine does not endorse or guarantee any advertiser’s product or service. Copyright 2013 by Zion Publications LLC with all rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited without permission from Zion Publications LLC.






This year, our annual Christmastide event at Locust Grove will interpret the year 1816. OLD SCHOOL


Program director at Locust Grove

Mary Beth Williams, 31, program director at Locust Grove • Education: Masters in art history with a concentration in curatorial studies, University of Louisville • On-the-job: 2008 • Neighborhood: Germantown

Interview by LUCY M. PRITCHETT Photography by MELISSA DONALD

I love history. When I was in junior high, I ran across a book called Careers for History Buffs. That is where I learned about jobs in the museum field. Has worked at:

•T he Brennan House •F razier History Museum • F armington •C onrad Caldwell House •K entucky Historical Society, Frankfort •S mithsonian’s Museum of American History, Washington, D.C.

Costumed cast members will portray owners Major William and Lucy Croghan and Lucy’s brother George Rogers Clark. It’s a Christmas party for their friends and relatives. Music and dance will fill the grand parlor. Visitors get a chance to interact with the characters and get an idea of what life was like for a wealthy, landowning family in Louisville at that time.


Locust Grove 561 Blankenbaker Lane December 13, 5:30-9pm & December 14, 4-9pm Adults: $6; Children 6-12: $3 (under 6 free); Family: $18

Happenings around 1816:

What I love about historic home museums is that you can see things as they would have been used. Objects — furnishings, china, artwork — are displayed in their natural environment. It is so much more instructive to see them like that than isolated in a display case.

~ Son George Croghan was celebrating his military successes in the War of 1812.


~P eople were still talking about the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812 which were so severe that the flow of the Mississippi River was temporarily reversed. ~ The weather patterns of 1816 were bizarre. The year was known as the Year Without a Summer. There was frost in New England in July!

My favorite stories about the Croghan family concern son Dr. John Croghan, who helped establish the Louisville Marine Hospital and served as its director. In 1839, he bought Mammoth Cave and turned part of it into a clinic to help tuberculosis patients. It wasn’t too successful, but he continued to use the cave as a tourist attraction and had extensive mapping completed of the underground site. 8



~ James Monroe had just been elected the fifth president of the United States. ~ I ndiana became the 19th state on December 11. ~ Steamboats were starting to be built in Cincinnati.


The Snow Ball is always very energetic and glittery. Enthusiasm fills the room. NEW SCHOOL

KATHY COX, Chair of the 2013 Snow Ball

Interview by LUCY M. PRITCHETT Photography by MELISSA DONALD

I think it is important to volunteer for the community. I was raised that way. I do volunteer work at Kentucky Country Day where my two sons attend school. And I am chair of next year’s Kentucky Derby Museum Gala.

Kathy Cox, 53, chair of the 2013 Snow Ball • Neighborhood: Mockingbird Valley • Household: Husband, Russ Cox, president and COO of Norton Healthcare; sons Christian, 16, and Will, 13.

SNOW BALL Benefiting: the Wendy L. Novak Diabetes Care Center at Kosair Children’s Hospital November 23 Louisville Marriott Downtown 6pm-midnight Silver corporate table for 10: $3,000 Crystal table for 10: $2,800 Individual tickets: $300

A night of cocktails, a gourmet five-course dinner, silent auctions, and dancing.

Another Ball

I used to work for the original Louisville Red Birds. During the summer, you will find me at Louisville Bats games. My brother, Gary Ulmer, is one of the owners of the team. I love being at Slugger Field.

Each year, the money raised from the Snow Ball goes to a different cause within Kosair Children’s Hospital. This year, proceeds will go toward the $12 million Wendy K. Novak Diabetes Care Center for education and treatment of Type 1 diabetes (juvenile diabetes). Honorary Chairs David and Wendy Novak have donated $5 million toward the center from the Lift a Life Foundation they established in 1999. David is chairman and CEO of Yum! Brands, Inc.




I am so confident in the committee and the (Children’s Hospital) foundation folks. Everyone works together so well. We do the job and have fun. Some of the auction items: • Churchill Downs Box for the spring meet. • A house for a week in Southern France. • Round-trip airline tickets to the Caribbean. • Tickets to UofL events, jewelry, spa treatments.

The secret to her success:

• Surround yourself with enthusiastic and energetic workers who can bring new ideas to the table. • Meet often so things don’t fall through the cracks. • Do the best you can; make the best decisions you can. • Give it your all from your heart. TODAY’S WOMAN



On Doing Good the Right Way

Photography by MELISSA DONALD

JACKIE KEATING: Chief Development Officer, Dare To Care Food Bank Cut to the scene in the television hospital ad where a woman — her voice breaking ever so slightly — talks about her profound joy when she gave birth to her son, Henry. The camera closes in on her smile and her infant son’s small fingers curled around hers. The audio records her searching for words to convey her awe. Who is that woman who has shared such a personal experience in such a public way? She’s Jackie Keating, chief development officer for Dare to Care Food Bank, the area’s nonprofit agency that works to combat hunger. Jackie, 31, brings that same passion and tenderness to her work at Dare to Care, re-telling the stories of people who have come to the many food pantries, shelters, and soup kitchens that partner with Dare to Care in 13 counties in the Kentucky-Indiana area. According to its website, Dare to Care and its partners provided more than 13 million meals to more than 192,000 people in the past year. “I would say that I am so fortunate I get to come to work every day and feel like, by the time I go home, I’ve done something good, something worthwhile,” Jackie says.

“The need for assistance has never been greater in (Dare To Care’s) 40-plus-year history,” she adds. “While we have increased food distribution dramatically and are proud of that and proud of community support that has allowed us to grow, need has grown even more dramatically. Demand has grown 67 percent since the economic downturn in 2008. “What surprises me is, we are seeing working families — people who have never needed food assistance before. Some have been donors.” Jackie grew up the eldest of three children in Southern Indiana, surrounded by a large, extended family. After graduating with a degree in art history and business, she moved to Chicago and worked in sales, but the job wasn’t a good fit. Her boss asked her to help plan a fundraiser for a hospital where he was a board member. “I was never happier at work than putting together that fundraiser. It was the first time I put together what I love and what I’m good at.” Shortly after, she got a job as a development officer for Children’s Oncology Services. “We did everything from meeting with the biggest donors to taking out the trash. It gave me a really unique vantage point on how a nonprofit works.” Jackie joined Dare to Care in 2010, and she and her husband, Dan, moved back to Louisville. “Last year, we had over 20,000 individuals in our community who supported our mission through a contribution. Be it big or small, it all adds up. I’m lucky to see those dollars turn into meals that nourish our community.” Here are Jackie’s rules for giving and receiving:

you have. u can with what trib ution to a cause Rule #1. “Do whatofyo con all your time, or a sm

ur ce. For A compliment, an ho make a big dif feren easy to give and can y. You nit mu com close to your heart are the to als can provide four me d one tonight.” just $1, Dare to Care ily, but you could fee fam ERY EV d fee to le might not be ab

Rule #2. “Step ou of your comfort t zone. If I said, ‘no’ to

ever y opportuni ty that scared or intim idated me, I would’ve already missed out on so much joy! I wouldn’t have my son, of course; I wouldn’t be in Louisville; and I wouldn’t work at Dare to Care. If you’r e not a lit tle scared sometim es, you’re not pushing ha rd enough.”

Rule #4. “Practice gratitude oft en.

It is so tempting to compare your self to others. I’ve met families who are facin g their hardest days. There will always be peo ple with more and people with less. Be grateful for who you are and what you have right now .”




Rule #3. “Do something that feels good on the inside, not that looks good on the outside. Feeding

the hungry may not be glamorous, but it sur e feels good to me. Fin d what makes you fee l great! There are so ma ny opportunities to giv e back in this communit y. If something doesn’t light you on fire, loo k for something that does. ”

Rule #5. “Leave the mom-guilt at the door. Working makes me a better mom, and being a mom makes me better at my job. I can empathize so much more with parents who struggle to feed their families now that I have that frame of reference. If you feel deep down that you’re doing your best, that’s what matters.”

Q & BeBrave A DO



Interview by HOLLY GREGOR Photography by MELISSA DONALD

I’m a work in progress, and I always want to be learning.


Was there something that inspired you to paint?

osephine Hardison and I have known each other 10 years. In all that time, I have never seen her more fulfilled.

I started after I lost both my parents and my daughter moved away. Painting gave me joy and peace in a time of turmoil. There was such chaos going on, I needed something to give me that calm.

Why did it take so long for you to find your thing?

I think it was just a matter of having the time. I was a single mom just trying to survive. You don’t have a lot of time to think or know what you want to do. Now that my daughter, Mary Catherine, has graduated from college, my job is done. At least the hard work is done, so now it is time for me to do what I want to do.

Do you wish you had found your “thing” a long time ago?

Financially I could not have done it, but I wasn’t ready either. You reach a certain age and something clicks. You get to the point where what people think of you doesn’t matter as much. You just have to be who you are.

Do you think this is God’s plan?

Were you scared you weren’t going to make it when you were raising Mary Catherine?

I pray every day that God will help me see where it is I’m supposed to be. During the divorce, I would ask God, “Why are you making me go through this pain?” I was probably angry for a while. Then one day it kinda clicked. “OK, I get it now, God.” It took me a while, but you get to the point of realizing there is a reason for going through the pain.

Many times. She gave me the incentive and motivation to get through it. Giving up was not an option. If you can raise a child, you can pretty much do anything.

What has been the scariest part about starting your painting career?

The uncertainty of what lies ahead and the question if I will be able to be financially successful. Because giving it up would be awful.

What have been your milestone markers telling you you’re on the right path? Honest feedback from friends and having




sales. I’ve made a sale almost every month. Seeing my website up and running made it feel real. Also anonymous comments on my website, not from friends, that say, ‘I really like this or that painting.’

Did your past business experiences lead you to this? I’ve got a little bit of business background and a little bit of creativity background. My hope is that I can take a little bit from each, use it, and make it

my own. I don’t want to be just like every person I’ve worked with or just like every artist I see. I want to learn from them and make it my own. It’s a fun process. I’m a work in progress, and I always want to be learning.

To see more of Josephine’s paintings, go to Watch writer Holly Gregor interview Josephine on BeBraveDoYourThing or todayswomanmagazine




Happenings, news, celebrations, and tidbits that caught Today’s Woman’s eye this month. BY ANITA OLDHAM




We know women feel the stress this month, so Today’s Woman is giving you an opportunity to Gift Yourself! Go to to enter for gifts for yourself. (See page 33 for a complete list.)

LEFT: Susan Barry lost 20 pounds in last year’s weight loss challenge.

Are You Serious About Losing Weight? You need dedication and perseverance to see real results in our Ready to Change Your Life weight loss challenge. Three or four chosen readers will receive a personalized food source and trainer for three months, and after achieving at least part of their goal, these readers get a makeover! To enter, send us your personal story (less than 500 words) including your specific goals, age, and current weight. Also include answers to these questions:

Occupational therapist Juliana Holden tests the first patient, Nathan, on his fine motor skills.

1) Are you willing to commit to three months of physical training for four times per month?

Rehabilitation department manager Lara Peyton couldn’t wait for this day to come: the day the Home of the Innocents opened Pediatric Outpatient Rehab to the public. “I’m almost speechless,” Lara says. “This has been my project for many years, and I had dreams of what it would be. We are just in the beginning phase. I still have high hopes and dreams of what this program will become.” Lara and her staff provide occupational and speech therapy to children up to age 18, with physical therapy being added in the near future. 502.596.1040

2) Are you motivated to work out on your own? 3) Are you willing to remove soda and other unhealthy foods from your diet?

Send your essay to by November 15. Put “Ready to Change Your Life” in the subject line.

3. Rehab for Children

On the street... Photos by Melissa Donald

Q: Do you glitter or glow? A: “Glow! I’m attracted to things that glitter, though.” Q: What Christmas gifts can you recommend? A: “Cooking anything. Cooking gifts, a cookbook.”

Q: If I was looking to do something good, what would you suggest I do? A: “Plant a tree… maybe grow a garden.”

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– Ester Johnson


– Sienna Fuller

Q: What Christmas gifts would you recommend? A: “Treasures. Things remembered.”

18 PAGE 16

– Kelly Jordan

Q: If I was looking to do good, where would you suggest I go? A: “The church.”


/ / @todayswomannow







It’s Live!


Thanks to Brown-Forman’s monetary gift, Louisville Ballet’s Nutcracker will have live music for all performances by the Louisville Orchestra from December 7 – 22.


Third Course: Smoked bourbon bacon-wrapped scallops with loaded grits and rosemary lobster cream, served with Pappy Van Winkle 15-year-old bourbon This is just one of the five courses planned for Lilly’s Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon Dinner on November 13. 502.451.0447


Caring for Caregivers In honor of National Caregiving Month, we found some practical suggestions on helping a caregiver from Trish Hughes Kreis, who shares her caregiving experience on

9. Ask what help the caregiver needs.

You may have the best idea, but if it doesn’t work for the caregiver or her loved one, then it’s not a good idea! Ask the caregiver what she needs help with, not what you think she needs help with.

10. Offer to visit with the caree. A

visit doesn’t have to last all day (and, in a lot of cases, that may not be welcome anyway). There are caregivers who are with their loved one all the time. I mean All. The. Time. Offer to visit with the caree for 30 minutes or an hour so the caregiver can run to the store or go to another room and call a friend.

11. Offer to grocery shop.

Call the caregiver and say, “Hey, I’m going to the store. Can I get you some milk/ bread/bananas/chocolate?” The caregiver may take you up on it if they don’t think it’s a special trip you’re making for them.

Happy 21 Years!

12. Learn about the disease. If the

We love celebrating women’s business anniversaries — especially when they started the same year as Today’s Woman! Allegra Marketing celebrates 21 years in business.

13. Be a friend. There is a high rate of



Also for Caregivers: Check out the directories listed on for information on senior communities and caregiving assistance. Also, if you know a caregiver who deserves special recognition, you can nominate him or her for a Caregiver Award! TODAY’S WOMAN


16 18

depression among caregivers, which may lead the caregiver to withdraw from friends and family when he feels overwhelmed. Call to see how the caregiver is doing. Be a friend and visit, but don’t be super sensitive if the call is cut short or complain that he never has time for you anymore. Set aside your ego and keep in mind that the caregiver needs you now more than ever.

20 PAGE 18

RIGHT: Allegra owners Denise Spalding and Jennifer Eberle celebrated by hosting a party that also helps raise money for charity. The Allegra Marketing Services team also has what they call a Footprint Fund, which has allowed them to provide more than $500,000 in free printing and marketing services since 2004.

caregiver cares for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, learn as much as you can about it. The caregiver will appreciate talking with someone who knows what she’s dealing with on a daily basis. But do not presume to know more about the disease than the caregiver because you read a couple of articles about it.





Les Misérables – 2 Places


• The first local production of Les Misérables will be at CenterStage through November 10.

Get Your Dog Under Control

• The first local high school production of Les Misérables will be at Floyd Central High School from Nov 1-Nov 10.

Eight Faces of Aggressive Behavior offers a guide to managing aggression in any dog, at any age by nationally renowned dog trainer Matthew Duffy, who lives in Southern Indiana. As a companion to his new book, Duffy will begin offering real-time, online evaluations of aggressive behavior in family dogs this fall through his website,

16. Arthritis Help Do you have chronic pain caused by arthritis and related diseases? The Arthritis Foundation’s Breaking the Pain Chain educational series runs Saturdays in November from 10am to noon at The Episcopal Church Home. Preregister at 502.909.1414.

On the street... Q: Do you glitter or glow? A: “Glow. Because I use Neutrogena! I [glow] from the inside out — I enjoy living.” – Hannah

+ Q: What Christmas gifts would you recommend? A: “Massage, facial, indulgence… time with your children.”



Betting Singles

On November 9, Single Mingle Louisville guests will have a private cocktail hour at Horseshoe Casino’s new steakhouse and the boat for a one-on-one private poker lesson with Horseshoe dealers in the famous World Series of Poker gaming room.

May your stuffing be tasty, may your turkey be plump. May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious and your pies take the prize. And may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs! – Unknown


– Melinda

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/ / @todayswomannow




Professional Connections


Networking and careerbuilding opportunities for women around town

BPW- Business and Professional Women- New Albany Every 3rd Mon. • 5:30 p.m. Contact for information & reservation. Nadine Wilkinson 502.523.1698

MLWPC - Metropolitan Louisville Women’s Political Caucus Every 4th Mon. • 5:30 p.m. Olmsted Bistro at Masonic Homes 3701 Frankfort Avenue Sherry Conner 502.776.2051

BPW- Business & Professional Women- River City Every 2nd Wed. • Noon Lunch and Program noon-1pm The Bristol-Downtown 614 West Main Street 502.499.4420,

NAWBO - National Association of Women Business Owners Every 3rd Tues.

CBPW - Christian Business & Professional Women Every Second Thursday (Odd months only) • Noon Hurstbourne Country Club 9000 Hurstbourne Club Lane Cathy Scrivner 502.664.4565 EWI - Executive Women International- Kentuckiana Every 3rd Tues. • 5:30 p.m. Contact for information & reservation Dotty Wettig The Heart Link Network Every 1st Wed. • 6:30 p.m. Inverness at Hurstbourne Condos 1200 Club House Drive Barbara Madore 502.377.8625 IAAP - International Association of Administrative ProfessionalsLouisville Every 2nd Thurs. • 6 p.m. Location Varies – See Website for Details. League of Women Voters Every 3rd Mon. • 6 p.m. Lang House, 115 S. Ewing Ave. Pat Murrell 502.895.5218 Legal Secretaries of Louisville Every 3rd Tues. • 11:30 a.m. Bristol Bar & Grille 614 West Main Street Elizabeth Harbolt 502.568.5446

20 22



presented by

National Association of Women MBA November 5 • 5:30 p.m. Quad Café, 103 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville November 20 • 6 p.m. WorkShop, 1205 E. Washington St. #101 Kerry DeMuth National Association of Women in Construction Every 2nd Mon. • 5:30 p.m. Call for meeting location Patty Stewart 812.288.4208 #121 Network Now Every 2nd Fri. • 11:30 a.m. Hurstbourne Country Club 9000 Hurstbourne Club Lane Lee Ann Lyle 502.836.1422 NIA Women’s Roundtable Every 4th Fri. • 8:30 a.m. NIA Center 2900 West Broadway – 3rd floor Suzanne Carter 502.775.2548 Southern Indiana Women’s Networking Group Every 3rd Wed. • 11:30 a.m. Holiday Inn-Lakeview 505 Marriott Drive, Clarksville WIN - Women in Networking Every 2nd Wed. • 11:15 a.m. Oxmoor Country Club 9000 Limehouse Lane WIN - Women in Networking II Every 3rd Wed. • 11:30 a.m. Holiday Inn Louisville East 1325 Hurstbourne Pkwy Kim Fusting 502.267.7066

WIN- Women in Networking III Every 2nd Tues. • 11:30 a.m. Hurstbourne Country Club 9000 Hurstbourne Club Lane Laurel Lee 810.8919 WIN- Women in Networking IV Every 3rd Tues. • 11:30 a.m. Hurstbourne Country Club 9000 Hurstbourne Club Lane Wendy Manganaro 502.310.0025

WIN - Women in Networking V Every 2nd Thurs. • 11:30 a.m. Buca di Beppo 2051 S. Hurstbourne Parkway Lee Ann Lyle 502-836-1422 WOAMTEC - Women On A Mission To Earn Commission Every 2nd & 4th Wed. • 11:30a.m. The Village Anchor 11507 Park Road Charlene Burke 812.951.3177 Women’s Business Center of KY funded in part by a cooperative agreement with the SBA

Every 1st Fri. Roundtable • 8:30a.m. Location – TBA Sharron Johnson 502.566.6076 #104 center.html Women’s Council of Realtors Every 3rd Thurs. • 11:30 a.m. Wildwood Country Club 5000 Bardstown Rd. Lynda Minzenberger 502.552.8768 ZONTA- Advancing The Status of Women Every 1st Thurs. • 6 p.m. Logan’s Steakhouse 5005 Shelbyville Road Joyce Seymour 502.553.9241

Listings are on per month basis. To list your meeting for free, email your meeting date, time, location, contact info and website to advertising@ or call 502.327.8855 ext. 14. Deadline for inclusion in next issue is 11/8. TODAY’S WOMAN WOMAN TODAY’S

/ / @todayswomannow



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We’re showcasing the chosen Luxe honorees as selected by the Today’s Woman’s Luxe Panel. These featured products offer glitz and glamour for your holiday wardrobe or gift giving. Today’s Woman’s Luxe Panel is a group of business people who work or own businesses that specialize in the Luxe industry — boutique owners, jewelry store owners, and other high-end businesses. See a full list of our Luxe Panel at

Royal Jewelers was chosen as the jeweler for Luxe Engagement Rings.


18K white gold Great Gatsby style ring by Diadori, $3,840; 18K white gold fancy yellow radiant cut diamond by Royal Jewelers, $9,950; 18K rose and white gold modern twist engagement ring by Diadori, $3,800; 18K white gold flower diamond band by Hidalgo, $1,630; 18K flower design halo semi-mount ring by Romance, $2,590; 18K rose and white gold double halo engagement ring by Diadori, $3,175; 18K white gold ribbon design band with a princess cut center diamond by Tacori, $4,230.






/ / @todayswomannow




Rodes for Her was chosen as the boutique to find Luxe Classic Clothing.

From The Vault jewelry store was chosen as the jeweler to find Luxe Original Designs.

Kate Spade dress, $398, available at Rodes, 4938 Brownsboro Rd #200, 502.753.7633; Gucci style silver necklace with gold plating Italian convertible, $1,600, available at From the Vault, 3720 Frankfort Avenue, 502.893.0900; Vince Camuto shoes, $110, available at Dillard’s, Mall St. Matthews, 5000 Shelbyville Road, 502.893.4400; Skull purse, $93, available at Olivia & Co., 4903 Brownsboro Road, 502.426.4046. MODEL: Allison Smith, Relay

for Life Specialist, The American Cancer Society.






/ / @todayswomannow




Glasscock was chosen as the boutique to find Luxe Special Occasion Clothing.

Seng Jewelers was chosen as the Luxe Jewelry Gift store.

Chakra dress, $3,450, available at Glasscock, 153 Chenoweth Lane, 502.895.0212; Stuart Weitzman Daisy shoes, $275, available at H.J. Redmon Exclusive Footware, Inc., 3933 Chenoweth Square, 502.894.9800. 18K bracelet with Pave’ Set Diamonds, $23,500; Diamond earrings in 18K with Black Rhodium, $7,000; Pave’ Diamond Band, $11,000; Black Diamond necklace, $3,000 available at Seng Jewelers, 453 Fourth Street, 502.585.5109. MODEL: Nicki Hartlage, Office Manager, Physical Therapy Plus







/ / @todayswomannow




Clodhoppers was chosen as the boutique for Luxe Trendy Fashions.

Olivia & Co. was chosen as the boutique for Luxe Accessories.

Button purse, $96; gold clutch evening bag, $45; belt, $59, available at Olivia and Co., 4903 Brownsboro Road, 502.426.4046.

Milly jacket, $575, Milly dress, $495; earrings by Coquettish Designs, $78, available at Clodhoppers, 3725 Lexington Road, 502.891.0079; Antonio Melani shoes, $98, available at Dillard’s, Mall St. Matthews, 5000 Shelbyville Road, 502.893.4400; MODEL: Rebecca Russell,

student, University of Louisville





/ / @todayswomannow





DISCOVER GRATITUDE THIS MONTH On Thanksgiving morning, I get up early, sit quietly with a cup of coffee, and write an ABC gratitude list in my journal. I note the A-B-Cs down the side of the page and then quickly fill in with something that I am grateful for.

Apples, Baseball, Coffee, Dandelions For instance, from last year’s list, November 21, 2012:

Elvis, Friends, Goats And, an oldie from almost 25 years ago, November 23, 1989:

Hope, Intuition, Joy, Kindness If you love lists like I do, you’ve got to love making a gratitude list. I think the ABC list is carefree and casual and spontaneous. I simply write whatever pops into my mind and sometimes surprise myself. I remember another type of gratitude list. Many years ago, I was in a job that I didn’t really fit into any longer, but at the time I could not see how to get out of it. A friend suggested that each night for a month I make a list of six things about that job for which I was grateful. Some nights it was difficult to come of with even one thing for the list, but I made myself come up with at least the required six. Making the lists did not necessarily make it easier to go to work, but it did help change my attitude a bit toward my days there.

Lemonade, Magic, Nightingales, Ohio River, Paris You could also use the ABCs to guide your list to include only foods or animals or people. One year I listed authors. Or you could go for a list of totally non-material things:

Quiet, Reading, Starlight, Today Or how about a non-gratitude list if you are really in a bad mood? Even a nongratitude list will give you gratitude if you can just flip the list around. For example, I may not be grateful for floods, plagues or pestilence, but I am grateful that I am not experiencing any of those right now. I may not be grateful for all the torn-up streets in Louisville — construction, utility company updates, repaving, bridges — but just think how grateful we will all be when eventually the streets are clear and smooth.

Umbrellas, Vegetables, Writing It seems to me that having a grateful heart wards off resentment, envy, self-pity, and despair. Gratitude is the cornerstone of a spiritual life. And the only way I know to foster gratitude is to say “thank you” often. Say ‘”thank you” out loud. Whisper it before falling asleep. Say it to your family and friends. Wave to the stranger who lets you out in traffic. Write thank you every morning in your journal. Buy a small black book to keep by your bedside and every evening record those people, places, events, and things that you are grateful for.

eXcellence, Yellow, Zinnias. 32




What Not To Do When You Are In A Mood (And you don’t even need a mood ring.) BY BOB MUELLER

Moods affect all aspects of our intimate relationships: how we communicate, resolve conflict, make decisions, and experience intimacy. These fluctuations in the quality of our moment-tomoment thinking are a natural and unavoidable part of life.


When you are in a low mood, take your perceptions of other people with a grain of salt. In low moods, we tend to be serious, judgmental, critical, bothered, impatient, and irritated. We see others as less attractive and as uncooperative, and we attribute ulterior motives to their actions. If we recognize that our thinking is responsible for these perceptions, we can see the need to make an adjustment in our attitude. It is almost comical, in hindsight, when we look at the other end of a low mood. Seeing our perception in a low mood as questionable is a lot like looking into the passenger side mirror of an automobile — the one that says “objects may be closer than they appear.” We make a quick mental/ perceptual adjustment to take into account the distortion in our thinking. When we recognize that we are in a low mood, it may be helpful to warn

other people in close proximity that a low mood has arrived and that they should not take it personally. Don’t take other people’s low moods personally. Instead of being defensive, judgmental, or frightened of their moods, try to have some compassion. Being patient with another’s moods isn’t something you can think your way into. You have to see that your mate is just off; no big deal — it happens to the best of us. Wait a few minutes or hours, and you’ll be in a low mood, too! Then perhaps you’ll appreciate someone else’s patience and understanding. Try to see another’s negativity as impersonal, even when it is directed at you, personally. Understanding this protects us from catching someone else’s low mood. In truth, other people’s low moods have absolutely nothing to do with us; they are a product of their thinking.


nderstanding our moods is as important to people in relationships as understanding weather is to an airplane pilot. As we gain a deeper understanding of our moods and the moods of people around us, we are protected from their adverse effects by an emotional umbrella that shelters us from the rain. Understanding moods protects us from taking our significant other’s interaction seriously when she or he is in a low mood. It also helps us know when to keep our mouths shut and when to warn others that our internal weather forecaster sees a storm brewing. There are several guidelines to handle our moods and the moods of others that I have found helpful:



Don’t try to make decisions or communicate about difficult or important subjects when either you or your partner is in a low mood. We often feel a sense of urgency and seriousness when we’re in a low mood, but we should be wary of making any decisions, talking about important matters, and having any kind of important discussion when we’re in a negative frame of mind. Know that this feeling of urgency is an emotional signal to alert us that we are out-of-the-moment and have stepped onto Caught-Up Avenue. Wait until the emotional weather clears and you are both walking on Serenity Lane instead.

BOB MUELLER is senior director of mission & stewardship at Hosparus, the community hospices of Louisville, Southern Indiana, and Central Kentucky. He has three books available: Look Forward Hopefully, The Gentle Art of Caring, and his latest, Create a Better World. Find Bob online at and email him at





Take some time for yourself this season and enter our

Gift Yourself contests during November and December.

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Go to to find daily updated information on things to do and people you should know.

The Agenda

November 5

Take your mom, grandmother, or neighbor to Senior Day Out from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on November 5 at the Downtown Convention Center. Now in its 13th year, this annual event features something for every senior, including health screenings, tons of exhibitors, music, and Bingo. or 502.574.5092.


Gearing Up for the Holidays We’re moving into high gear with activities involving not only Today’s Woman, but also sister publications Today’s Transitions and Today’s Family. There’s something for everyone in the family.

r go, rs a ! T hei t a e t e y o i 0 m r y 1 id of Ma r atea w t r n ce s a g et ed ow ass can’t ow nt cellen g , and p x D eE m hey n ides nci mo t the c my Now r 9 at r man er, da t prov r n . e 9 i a n e o erthere wthhe boarNdovemrbfor PeErfnjoy diiznationttshand t.he b was ned la is ente lit y. gan t ien 4117 vepm r us r, I joi w Ga new C n faci ing or ice pa 2.719. o a N Hos n afte e Glo their ucatio amaz hosp or 50 800 soo andl por t d ed this and ua l C o sup ing an elping e than spa r u t r ann p.m. t ra in hile h to mo a. Ho t s w on 6 re r t a a a he- em s s i n ou r t t a i f p i o t ion c om a y auc and ver y d e e ca r ilies fa m

November 15-17

If you have a child, then you won’t want to miss the annual Children’s Hospital Foundation’s Festival of Trees and Lights from November 15-17, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., at Louisville Slugger Field. Get up early on November 16 or 17 and have breakfast with Santa at 8 a.m., then participate in arts and crafts and face painting. My favorite part is looking at (and often purchasing one of) the hundreds of wreaths and Christmas trees of all sizes that are designed by local individuals and organizations. A couple tips: Get there early to buy the best tree or wreath, and schedule the building of the gingerbread house as the last thing before you leave. You won’t believe how hard it is to carry a gingerbread house through crowds of people! or 502-629.8060.

Novem ber


23 Withou Foundati t a doubt, the Ko on’s Sno sa ir C h il w d fash iona ble holid Ball is the mos ren’s t elega nt, ay pa rt y moment in y by Lou is ou wa lk in the do Lou isv il le. From v il le Ba ll th et Snow fl or a nd a re g reete e mag ica l. d ak T Ma rr iott h is yea r’s event is es, the even ing is o Kosa irch n November 23, at the Dow ntow n be ild rensho spita g inn ing at 6 p.m . or 502-62 9.8060.



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“Customer service is my passion, and I enjoy assisting everyone,” she says.

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Have you lent your beautiful face to our magazines lately? You can order the photos we use in our magazines through our SmugMug account. Go to and click on “Order Photos.”

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Let Boutique Serendipity’s personal shoppers fit you in the leading fashion designers — Alice & Trixie, Hale Bob, Nicole Miller and more. We can help you uncover your own individual style. Find more than the expected in style and service at Boutique Serendipity. Westport Village 1301 Herr Lane 423.0058 ALICE & TRIXIE

A Taste of Kentucky Now open in the Shelbyville Road Plaza, our newest store is filled with the latest creations by Jeaneen Barnhart, Jason Cohen, and many others. See you there! Shelbyville Road Plaza By Quest Outdoors & HomeRun Burgers 4600 Shelbyville Road • 895-2777

John Seelye Furs $50 Holiday Special, includes color cut and style 20+ years Master Stylist Tony Renfro can give you that glamorous holiday look this season. Schedule early and get going with your holiday pizzazz! Located In Sola Salons (corner of Hurstbourne & Westport) 2809 N. Hurstbourne Parkway • 40223 502.426.3363 Offer expires January 1, 2014

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From The Vault

Holiday Halls 2013 Arts & Crafts Show Holiday Halls 2013 Arts & Crafts Show Save the Date: December 7 & 8 Save the Date: December 1 & 2 Over 150170 juried crafters presented Over juried crafters presented by by Ballard Baseball Boosters. ThisThis Ballard Baseball Boosters. marks the 26th year for this event. marks the 25th year for this event.

Frederic Duclos Silver Extraordinaire lariat necklace with black and white pearls

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Stitches for Sisterhood t

COST: Quilt $198; Scarves vary by style BENEFITS: provides alternative careers in textiles to commercial sex workers in India

These beautiful textiles are both one-of-a-kind and handmade. They are sold through Anchal Project, a company that provides alternative careers in textile and design to women in India that have been targeted by the sex trade. A variety of textile items can be purchased online from the Anchal Project website. Made in India from vintage saris that have been layered together, these stunning scarves and quilts have a widespread, positive impact on the lives of the artisans who design and make them.

Gifts That Gi Me Back


Make a World of Difference


‘Tis the season of gift-giving, but why should presents only give once? This year, make the most of your holiday shopping by purchasing gifts that are socially conscious, too. We’ve put together a list of great, local items that not only make perfect holiday gifts, but also benefit worthy causes. Help give back this season with presents that pay it forward.

This clever T-shirt is just one of the many items available at Regalo stores, which specialize in items that are unique to Louisville and Southern Indiana. A great gift for anyone with local pride, this tee features Louisville’s signature fleur de lis and is available in all of Regalo’s Louisville locations.

t COST: $25 BENEFITS: 40% of profits go to the Coalition for the Homeless

Give the Gift of Hope These bracelets are made from head scarves that have been donated to Hope Scarves, a Louisville organization which provides scarves and stories of hope for women who are undergoing cancer treatment. Pieces of scarves are woven through the chain, which features a “hope” charm. The bracelets are available in many different colors and make for a beautiful and meaningful gift. To purchase, visit the Hope Scarves offices on Sherrin Avenue.


We M Regalo

This beautiful vase is made of recycled materials by artisans in Hebron, a city in the West Bank region of Western Asia. In addition to the vase, the product line also includes goblets and candleholders. The vase is available at Just Creations, a Louisville fair trade retail store that markets products for low-income artisans COST: $69 throughout the BENEFITS: Continued developing world. employment Just Creations offers a opportunities for Hebron artisans wide variety of items, from home décor to clothing to chocolate and specialty coffee.

COST: $30 BENEFITS: Supports the Hope Scarves organization 502.333.9715

Cookies for a Cause





COST: $25 BENEFITS: Supports Maryhurst’s various youth programs or 502.271.4523

This decorative tin holds three dozen delicious cookies in three delicious flavors: chocolatedipped chocolate chip, buttery raspberry thumbprint, and oatmeal raisin. The cookies are sold by Maryhurst, a residential treatment facility for girls from across the state of Kentucky who have experienced abuse and neglect. The recipe for the cookies comes from Sister Grace, one of the founders of Maryhurst in 1843. Cookie tins can be ordered and shipped anywhere in the country. TODAY’S WOMAN

/ / @todayswomannow







Post-Traumatic Stress The Ohio River became a kind of sanctuary for Mary Southerland. From Pittsburg, Pa., to Cairo, Mo., the 35-year-old Louisville native kayaked a total of 981 miles to raise awareness for veterans and contractors who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At the same time, the two-month journey also became therapy for Mary and her fight with the stigmatized illness. “I’m not well. It’s After returning from two either advocate or tours as a contractor in warbe in a basement, torn Iraq, she was diagnosed with PTSD. A person who has stuck, or worse.” PTSD cannot control fear or stress in everyday life. “I’m not well. It’s either advocate Flashbacks, frightening or be in a basement, stuck, or worse,” thoughts, irrational fear, increased she says in regard to how some have worry, and being easily startled are a called her a hero. Mary wasn’t few of the symptoms. without assistance for her two-month “It’s like a mental injury — a trip, which included a stop in the scar,” Mary says. “It’s not something Louisville area. A team of two friends you were born with.” and her service dog, Henry, followed Mary realized she needed to take her progress from the banks. Along measures to cope with her injury. This the way, Mary spoke to church year alone, three people she knew while congregations about her experiences serving in Iraq have killed themselves. and met with others suffering from On average, 22 veterans commit suicide the effects of being in combat every day. situations. “There’s no better therapy Determined to survive and not than talking with other people… end up as a statistic, Mary began her regardless of their trauma,” she says. trip down the Ohio.

Proximity to the television isn’t the problem. People who watch the tube for longer periods of times may be taking years off their life, according to a 2011 Harvard School of Public Health study. For every • the risk • the risk • the risk 42


two hours of TV watching: of diabetes increases by 20% of cardiovascular disease rises by 15% of mortality due to any cause increases by 13%


PERCENT The number of sexually abused children who develop PTSD

National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Looking for a great place to walk, run, or bike? Check out the Louisville Metro Park website at outdoors/exercisepaths.htm to find one of the 40 miles of paved exercise paths. TODAY’S WOMAN

/ / @todayswomannow






Every year, just after Thanksgiving dinner is finished, serious shoppers everywhere gear up for the biggest retail day in the country. Three Black Friday veterans share their plans of attack and the tips and tricks you’ll need to make the most of your shopping that day. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER SALE

Start HERE

Amanda Stemler, a 26-year-old mom from Sellersburg, does her research before she leaves the house to shop. “I always go with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and beforehand we go through all of the ads, make a list, and circle everything. We make a list of everything we need to get for Christmas presents, and then make a list of all the stores,” she says. She also waits to start her research until she has the most up-to-date information: “We stick to the ads that come out actually on Thanksgiving Day because they tend to be more accurate than the things that come out beforehand.”

TARGET: Toys-R-Us GO BIG OR GO HOME “It’s important for us to gear our day toward big-ticket items,” Amanda says. “That’s why we hit Toys-R-Us first, since we’re usually shopping for our kids.” To avoid the biggest rush, however, she waits until stores have already been open for a time. “If you wait maybe an hour and a half after stores open, it’s less crowded and they’re really well-stocked, so it’s not like they’re going to run out," she says. "We usually get everything we want, plus more.”

GET INTO THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT Last year, Amanda says she was out shopping for almost 24 hours. “We left at 9 p.m. on Thanksgiving and stayed out until past 4 p.m. the next day,” she says. Despite how exhausting the day can be, she says it is part of the fun of the season. “I like the adrenaline rush that comes with actually getting out into it rather than doing it online. It gets you into the spirit of Christmas. It’s become a family tradition and something that we all look forward to,” she says. PAGE 44 46







/ / @todayswomannow







Maria Giacalone, nurse at Clark Memorial Hospital, mother of two from Charlestown, and annual Black Friday shopper, starts to plan when the newspaper sale ads come out on Thanksgiving Day. “I look through the paper to see who has the most amazing deals on the items I need to get," she says. "I talk to my husband and decide who’s going to wait in line, who’s going to do what at each place.” Maria also makes a detailed list of her plan for the day: “I have a list of where I’m going and in what order and what specific things I’m looking for. I also have a list of how long I expect to be in which place, how much each item costs, and where items are in each store.” This allows her to get through her shopping as quickly as possible without forgetting anything.




Maria first hits the largest stores on her list, such as Target and Kohl's. “Those stores have the most people in them usually, so we get those out of the way first,” she says. Though the day is mostly spent buying Christmas presents for her children, Maria takes the time to treat herself as well: “I wait all year so I can use the day to get things for myself and for the house, too.”

O O Ois









TEAMWORK Maria then coordinates with her fellow nurses at Clark Memorial Hospital to make sure she has all her bases covered. She and her coworkers purchase items for each other at stores where they’ll already be shopping. “The goal is to go to as few stores as possible that day, so working with each other to get things crossed off our lists is a great way to do that,” she says. “Since we’re shopping all night, we want to get it over with as fast as possible and get to bed.”






Maria says one advantage she has over other shoppers is that she doesn’t get wrapped up in the chaos of the day while she shops. “Wal-Mart usually has the best deals, but there are hordes and hordes of people there, sometimes hours in advance,” she says. “It’s not worth it to me to wait in line for five hours just to save a few dollars.” PAGE 48 46

6 44




/ / @todayswomannow




PPING PRE-SHO SNACKS: Coffee! Bananas rs Energy ba

REMEMBER: ENERGY IS EVERYTHING Lauren Stuteman is a speech therapist from Southern Indiana who shops from Friday night until Sunday — with breaks, of course. She knows that if she’s going to make it through the rush, she needs to keep her energy up. “We have to eat and take breaks because we’re all physically exhausted,” she says. “We never stop for a really long period of time, but it’s definitely important to stop because otherwise, we’d all crash.”

Motivation: SLEE P (and $avings!)


e Tim

-o ut

for Food!

Lauren’s stops include mall food courts or restaurant drive-thrus. “Usually at around 3 a.m., we grab something before stores open at 4,” she says. She then stops for breakfast between 5 and 6 a.m., usually at the Panera Bread in Oxmoor Mall. She takes another break in the late morning as well, usually for coffee: “I think last year the Starbucks at Oxmoor was open all night.”

SAY NO TO BYO Lauren says bringing your own snacks and drinks is an option, but because shoppers already have so much to keep track of in terms of purchases and plans, it is much easier to buy snacks and coffee while you’re out. She says there are always lots of options for hungry and tired shoppers: “I remember one year being exhausted and sitting at the Mall St. Matthews food court. We were all eating Tumbleweed at 10:30 in the morning, and it was packed. Every single restaurant in the food court was open.”

8 46



MORE Coffee!

Sky-High Dining


, It s time for high-class dining up in the sky overlooking the Ohio River and downtown Louisville. Chef Dustin Willett’s culinary skills match Rivue’s highclass style. Enjoy your meal in one of two circular dining areas, situated on revolving platforms that turn slowly during your stay, offering 360º dining views right from your table. Seasoned Chef Willett is the new head chef of Rivue. He boasts more than 10 years of professional experience, having started working at age 15 in the restaurant business. PAGE 52





Start with the seared scallops served on a Garnet yam puree and dotted with roasted mushrooms and crispy bacon. TODAY’S WOMAN

/ / @todayswomannow




continued from PAGE 50


The food is exquisite, delicious, and elegantly presented. Starting the week after Thanksgiving, Rivue will be open for lunch Wednesday-Friday from December 4-20.

For the main course, try the bone-in ribeye with a broiled finish of butter, thyme, and smoked bourbon sea salt served with a smoked tomato jus, broccolini, and oven-dried tomatoes.

RIVUE RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Galt House 140 N. Fourth Street 502.568.4239


Monday-Thursday Lounge: 5-10pm Dinner: 5:30-10pm Late Night: 10pm-1am Friday & Saturday Lounge: 5pm-1am Dinner: 5:30-10pm Late Night: 10pm-1am

This chocolate espresso cake is finished with vanilla bean whipped cream and surrounded by a raspberry chambord coulis and candied nuts.





In relationships play community


Teen Creates Facebook Page for Lupus Awareness Since age 2, Georgetown, Ind. resident Savannah Robinson has faced a different type of reality. At that time, Savannah’s mother Jamie was diagnosed with lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease. Now 16 years old, Savannah has made it her mission to educate others about the devastating illness through, among other things, social media. More than a year ago, Savannah created the Facebook page “My mom has lupus.” Close to 600 people follow Savannah’s efforts to raise both money and awareness for the disease. The site provides links to current research and other articles about lupus and ways to donate to help find a cure. “One-point-five million people in America actually have lupus. There is no known cause for it. Nobody knows where it came from, and there is no cure,” Savannah says. “It can do anything to your body. It’s really specific to the person.” Savannah’s mother has systematic lupus, which attacks her entire body. Women account for more than 90 percent of those with the disease. No easy tests exist to diagnose lupus. Generally, a series of criteria must be met before a conclusion by a physician can be made.

Gift Yourself!

Win prizes at Through her daughter’s efforts, Jaime has realized she’s not alone in her fight against the illness. She says people seek out her daughter for information and support. “Here I thought it was this rare, unknown disease, and the fact is, nobody talks about it,” Jamie says. Although busy with ballet, 4-H, and other activities, Savannah shows no signs of slowing down in her universal undertaking. In fact, next June, in collaboration with the Muhammad Ali Center, the teenager will throw a huge event called the Champs Ball: A night to float like a butterfly for a disease that stings like a bee. All money raised from the event will go toward lupus research. “I think there just needs to be more awareness about lupus, and we need to find a cure,” Savannah says. “So many people have lupus. There’s just not much known about it.”


This girl is fighting for her mother!





To: M e!


“One of the very first things I figured out about life is that it’s better to be a grateful person than a grumpy one because you have to live in the same world either way, and if you’re grateful, you have more fun.” — Barbara Kingsolver

— Amanda Beam

“I’m in my third year of a relationship and am not sure it’s where I want to be. He is a wonderful man. He’s kind and

generous with his time and money. He pays attention to my needs and makes me feel special. I sense he is going to pop the question, but I don’t think I feel a lifetime connection with him. Perhaps I don’t know what I want, since I have never felt that ‘wow’ sensation with any man. At 35 years old, should I settle for someone I may not love?”

Find the A: at TODAY’S WOMAN

/ / @todayswomannow




s g n i n e p p a H


what’s going on in the month of November.



Martina McBride: The Joy of Christmas

One of the best contemporary female singers out there, the lovely four-time CMA Female Vocalist of the Year and threetime ACM Top Female Artist is well-known for her charttopping hits that celebrate women, such as Independence Day and This One’s For the Girls. The mother of three daughters is also not afraid to conquer complicated topics such as love and relationships with songs like Wild Angels and Teenage Girls. WHEN ~ November 30 @ 8pm ouisville Palace WHERE ~ L 49.50/$59.50 TICKETS ~ $

CONTACT ~ t he box office, Ticketmaster

outlets, or




m Motown in Black and White


Prepare to be transported back to the 1960s and ‘70s while viewing clothing, albums, and never-before-seen photos from the personal collection of Al Abrams, the founding publicist of Motown and its public relations director during the record label’s glory years. “They made music their passion; they made Civil Rights history together without even realizing it. And that is how Motown achieved its crossover sound, sold vinyl, and became a successful record label,” remarks Abrams about the artists featured, such as Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, and The Supremes. “Motown was not obsessed with skin color, but rather with making one sound for one world,” he adds.


The Eye of Napoleon


Featuring more than 200 treasures, this exhibit is living proof that the infamous and ruthless emperor of France, who was brought to power in March of 1804, was a complex man. Visitors will see many of the paintings and sculptures Napoleon commissioned from France’s renowned 19th century artists, as well as the royal family’s decadent jewels, furniture, rare china, and custom-made period clothing, including one of the conqueror’s world-famous military hats.

Ira Levin’s play, which debuted on Broadway in 1978 and went on to earn a Tony nomination for Best Play, also holds the record for the longest running comedy-thriller on Broadway due to its four-year run. The story concerns a successful murder mystery writer who has run out of creative ideas and who will do anything to have another hit…even murder! When the 1982 film version starring Michael Caine, Christopher Reeve, and Dyan Cannon was released, New York Times film critic Janet Maslin wrote: “There hasn’t been a stylish, sneaky, cat-and-mouse movie like Deathtrap since (1972’s) Sleuth.” WHEN ~ t hrough November 10,

various performances

erby Dinner Playhouse, WHERE ~ D


35-$44 per person; includes TICKETS ~ $

buffet dinner

CONTACT ~ 812.288.8281 or

WHEN ~ through February 9, 2014

razier History Museum WHERE ~ F

CONTACT ~ 502.753.5663 or

WHEN ~ t hrough November 10.

*Museum closed Mondays

uhammad Ali Center WHERE ~ M

dults $9, Seniors (65+) TICKETS ~ A

$8, children (4-12) $4. Special rates for groups of 20 or more. CONTACT ~ 502.584.9254 or


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Keith Tennill

CertaPro Painters of Louisville

Lou-Metro & S. IN 502.290.6636 Lou East & Oldham Co. 502.326.4148

R. Thomas Noel, M.D. Plastic Surgeon


R. Thomas Noel, M.D.

4001 Kresge Way, Ste 220, Louisville, KY 40207 502.895.5466 •



Jessica Moreland, 36

JOB: Owner, Sassy Fox Upscale Consignment LIVES IN: St. Matthews

Jessica works long hours, but interacting with people and immersing herself in fashion is her big payoff as owner of Sassy Fox Upscale Consignment. “If I schedule a day off, chances are I will pop into the store before the end of the day,” she says. Jessica adds that the most rewarding part of her job is seeing the joy her customers feel when they have found an outfit they love. She keeps her inventory diverse with conservative and fashion-forward styles. “I carry well-tailored classic pieces that you could wear for years, but that also don’t look like they’ve been worn for many years.” FASHION I’M WEARING:

Before I Go... I have my cup of coffee. I like a really dark roast, and sometimes I put a little splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk in it.”

“I am a huge obsessor of Marc Jacobs. Whenever I get a shipment of Marc Jacobs clothing, I can usually spot it at 20 paces away, and I am all over it.” BEAUTY PRODUCT I’M LOVING: “Tarte

Cosmetics. They have great cheek stains and lip stains that are moisturizing.” LATEST PURCHASE I’M PRAISING: “My short-

sleeved lace overlay Marc Jacobs jacket. You can wear it in the fall or summer.” 58




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