Trinity Oaks Chrisitan Academy Annual Report 2013-2014

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Trinity Oaks Christian Academy

2013-2014 Annual Report “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)



Head of School Report


H.O.P.E. Report


Financial Report


Huskie Circle


Board of Directors



Board of Trustees Report Mr. Scott Cufr - Board Chair As we look back on this past school year, the theme that has resonated all year with the Board of Trustees has been Focused Growth and Sustainability for Trinity Oaks Christian Academy. The permanent school home God provided us in 2012 continues to be a great blessing for both Trinity Oaks Christian Academy and the community at large. As a board, we are striving to fill the building with students who will benefit and grow in this unique learning environment. We remain committed to being the premier preschool thorugh 12th grade Christian school in McHenry County. This past year the Board of Trustees focused mainly on one of our seven key initiatives, self-sufficiency. This initiative is the one that provides the foundation for our school, and this initiative must be firmly established for the school to flourish. We are excited to share some of the strategies we have implemented this past year to help push self-sufficiency forward.

Self-Sufficiency Trinity Oaks Christian Academy continues to be challenged to become selfsufficient. Our school community still feels the effects of the economic slow-down that has plagued our country the last few years. Despite some of the economic improvements that took place in 2013, we have not seen these improvements in our local community. Our families are working hard to make Trinity Oaks Christian Academy an option for their children. They are committed to a Christ-centered environment for their children to learn. Despite this commitment, our enrollment was down this past year. Enrollment continues to be the key factor that will drive selfsufficiency. Trinity Oaks is not alone in this enrollment challenge. According to the latest ACSI data, 80% of private Christian schools experienced a downturn in their enrollment this past year. We continue to pray, strategize, and seek God’s direction on how we can grow our enrollment. One way we have continued to maintain our enrollment is to offer tuition assistance to both existing and new families. This assistance program has continued to be offset by the generous gifts of our committed donors. Unfortunately since the population that needed tuition assistance rose to 25% this past year, our annual donations are no


Board of Trustees Report - continued Mr. Scott Cufr - Board Chair longer able to fund both the ongoing sustainability of the school and tuition assistance. Years ago, the Board of Trustees made the conscious decision to charge less than the cost of the education at Trinity Oaks so more families could afford to send their children to our school. To date, there remains this offset in tuition charged versus actual cost. As revenue is a challenging issue, the Board of Trustees continues to consider this decision as we set the tuition schedule and plan the budget on an annual basis. A key enrollment activity for the Board of Trustees in 2013-14 was current school family retention. As a result, we focused this past year on internal marketing. Family retention has always remained strong at Trinity Oaks Christian Academy, but we cannot afford to lose even one student or family. As a result, we made the strategic decision not to raise tuition this past school year, so it would be easier for families to return. We also implemented a loyalty/incentive tuition credit for both 1st grade and 9th grade for the 2014-15 school year. The goal of this program is to retain many of the students going into 1st and 9th grade. These grade levels are historically an age when we typically see a fall-off in our enrollment into the home school environment or into the public schools. Unfortunately, we did not see much impact from this new incentive program during the 2014-15 registration process. We are hopeful the program will help drive retention this year as families take advantage of this significant savings opportunity. We want to continue to thank the families that have participated in the Building a Legacy Campaign. Many have continued to pray for the school and have given their committed pledge on an annual basis. For those who have not had the chance to join this campaign, we encourage you to prayerfully consider what God would have you commit to the Building a Legacy Campaign. Our goal is to see 100% of our school families participating in this campaign challenge.


Board of Trustees Report - continued Mr. Scott Cufr - Board Chair Self-sufficiency will remain a focus for the board in the 2014-15 school year. Selfsufficiency is the foundation that Christian schools need to be successful, meet the needs of their students, and position the school for a strong future. The Board of Trustees realizes we cannot gain the financial support needed from our internal school families alone. As a result, we continue to reach out for support into the community and to those in our network who are committed to seeing a strong Christian school in this community. Many future church and ministry leaders will be educated in a Christian school; it is a primary source for future leadership. The Board of Trustees also remains committed to increasing our enrollment this next school year. As enrollment increases the reliance on donations goes down significantly. 2013-14 was another wonderful year at Trinity Oaks Christian Academy. God’s hand remains on the school, and we look forward to what He is going to do in the coming 2014-15 school year. Thank you for entrusting Trinity Oaks Christian Academy with your children! We remain committed to equipping further generations with wisdom, knowledge, and character in order to impact their world for Christ with servants’ hearts.


Head of School Report Dr. Paul Wrobbel As we reflect on the state of Trinity Oaks Christian Academy as represented in this annual report, we rejoice in God’s faithfulness to Trinity Oaks. We are so thankful for our families who partner with us, our faculty and staff, the board of trustees, and donors and friends of Trinity Oaks who have helped make the school the God-honoring place that it is. We serve an awesome God who has uniquely designed each of us. This year we focused on being “His Workmanship” based on Ephesians 2:10. We desire that each of our students recognizes that God has created and designed them in His image and that He loves them and cares for them. Our faculty continues to interact in professional learning communities to develop and enhance our school’s learning community. We invested time in curriculum documentation as well as content alignment at and between grade levels and with national learning standards. We also focused on the implementation of a new math series in the elementary grades. Many of our teachers also took advantage of professional development opportunities to increase their content knowledge and enhance their teaching practices. We continue to work toward ACSI accreditation, a nationally recognized model for Christian schools, and continue on track to attain accreditation by June 2015. The faculty continues to scrutinize and document our academic programs to ensure they conform to current standards and remain consistent with God’s Word. This year’s Terra Nova 3 achievement test scores, a test used by many ACSI schools, demonstrated high levels of achievement in comparison to our peers on the national level. The average score for our school (2nd through 8th grades) was at the 89th percentile. Much time was spent in analyzing these test results to help inform classroom instruction. We will continue to focus attention on language, math computation and spelling. There is always room for improvement and we are working to do this, but these are results that we would like to celebrate. We find that a Trinity Oaks Christian Academy education not only prepares students to excel academically but also to impact their world for Christ. This was evident as several of our elementary classes developed relationships with the residents of a local assisted-living facility, visiting them monthly and sharing their faith and joy of life with them.


Head of School Report—continued Dr. Paul Wrobbel Once again, our students showed their interest and aptitude for science, with nine students qualifying for the IJAS (Illinois Junior Academy of Science) Regional Science Fair, and one of these students qualifying to compete at the state level. We seek the best for each and every one of our students. Some find academics more of a challenge and struggle to learn. Through psychological testing and partnering together we are able to provide accommodations to help students be successful in their studies. This year 27 students have been involved in our TEACH and NILD programs. We have been blessed with three outstanding NILD therapists to work with these students, their parents and teachers. We also have an excellent relationship with Cary District 26 to help provide additional services for our students. This year we welcomed 20 new families and 40 new students as we began the school year. Five new teachers joined our school community, as well. Our greater community continued to experience difficult economic times during this school year which resulted in several families leaving, but God continued to provide new families and students and we saw our enrollment rise to 180 students by the end of the school year. We continued to see God’s hand of provision on this school.


Head of School Report—continued Dr. Paul Wrobbel Implementing an effective marketing plan continued to be one of our paramount efforts focused on both internal and external communities. Parent-to-parent referrals are by far our strongest recruitment tool; however, the internet and social media proved to be equally valuable. To increase Trinity Oaks’ visibility on various search engines, we consulted with NEXT!Ad Agency who provided us with ongoing feedback regarding our online presence and placement as well as various internet reviews – all of which have been extremely positive. Month after month, our Facebook page adds new friends reaching over 1,000 people on a weekly basis while sharing all of the wonderful happenings at Trinity Oaks. Concerted efforts continue with our advertising by incorporating a variety of campaigns such as targeted direct mail pieces, electronic signs, mobile billboards otherwise known as “Spirited Car Window Decorating,” yard sign displays and three separate mailers to over 10,000 homes within our community. Stronger relationships continue to be built with area churches and preschool directors allowing us yet another avenue to advertise our school by distributing postcards/literature to Christian families within these school and church communities. Aside from being a source of fun for both our current and prospective families, our story time hours serve as a great way to experience the preschool/pre-kindergarten teachers and classrooms firsthand, this also allows our Huskies in Action the opportunity to develop skills in the areas of leadership and serving. “Flash Forward February” proved to be a fun activity for our Huskies this year and invitations to parents and friends will be extended for next year. However, even with our many marketing and advertising strategies, our families, friends and alumni play an integral part in the overall recruitment process. Please consider ways you can help - reach out to families who could benefit from a quality, Christian education, post a review on Google or, “Like Us” on Facebook and get connected to TOCA for the many opportunities to serve and fellowship with one other. We continue to be awed by God’s provision of such an amazing facility for us to call home, being blessed by the additional classroom space has allowed the teachers to better meet the needs of all of their students. The gym continues to get lots of use both by our teams and community groups as well.

Dr. Paul Wrobbel The additional space allowed us to host the ACSI Regional Spelling Bee, sports tournaments, our Annual Banquet and graduation. We are also very appreciative of all of the people who have helped with maintenance and handyman projects to keep the building running smoothly.

potential to lead Christian lives according to biblical standards.

To partner with the Christian home and church in the training of children, maximizing their

Mission Statement


Head of School Report—continued

We are blessed to be able to offer a variety of co-curricular activities to our students through the efforts of teachers and parents. We are very thankful to the many who volunteer their time to coach and mentor our students on the court, in the classroom, or on the prairie. Our students are able to discover and sharpen their God-given academic, musical, scientific, and athletic gifts and abilities and it is exciting to see them learning and exploring the world that God has created for them to enjoy. We have also been blessed by the financial generosity of our school community and friends. Tuition and fees only covers about 85% of our annual budget. Through the generous gifts of our current and past parents and grandparents, faculty and staff, and friends of the school we were able to raise $300,000 this past year. We continue to see God’s hand of provision. We rely on all of our current and past families to continue to support this ministry and have been humbled to see the power of the widow’s mite. We would ask that you join us in prayer asking God for His provision for the ministry of Trinity Oaks.


Head of School Report—continued Dr. Paul Wrobbel As a school, we could not accomplish all that we do without the many parents and others who volunteer. Your joyful and sacrificial giving of your time and resources is greatly appreciated. Thank you for the many ways that you give of yourselves to enhance the ministry of Trinity Oaks. Whether it is driving on a field trip, serving in the lunchroom, listening to students recite Bible verses, stuffing envelopes, or reading to students, your contributions are a source of blessing and encouragement to the faculty and staff and help to enrich the experience of each and every child at Trinity Oaks. I am very thankful for this privilege and opportunity to partner with you in training up and nurturing your children to impact their world for Christ! I covet your prayers and support of the ministry that takes place every day at Trinity Oaks Christian Academy.


H.O.P.E. (Husky Organization of Parents and Educators) HOPE@TOCA is a ministry of Trinity Oaks Christian Academy that exists to build community among our school families. HOPE@TOCA is led by a Steering Committee comprised of parents that are committed not only to our children’s education, but also to making our school community a “family”. HOPE@TOCA plans and hosts a variety of events each school year such as New Parent Coffees, the annual Back to School Picnic, Stade’s Farm Family Outing, Family Game Nights, the Winter Carnival and other family events. We also support our teachers by facilitating teacher appreciation through organizing room parents, weekly teacher treats and the annual Faculty Christmas Luncheon. We also provide some financial support for the school through our fundraising efforts. HOPE@TOCA hosts monthly Dine and Share events at local restaurants in addition to TRIP, Box Tops, Campbell’s Soup labels and Market Day. Our largest fund raiser is our annual Race for Education held each May. The monies raised during the 20132014 school year were used to purchase two Smart Boards for the 2nd grade and Spanish classrooms. H.O.P.E. BUDGET 2013/2014 Income Projected Fundraising Projected Program Revenue

Expenses Projected Program(s) Projected Fundraising Projected Teacher/Staff Projected TOCA donation

Surplus / (Deficit)

$ $ $

34,900.00 2,000.00 36,900.00

$ $ $ $ $

6,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 25,000.00 36,500.00

$ H.O.P.E. STATEMENT of FUNDS as of 6/30/2014


Beginning Balance 7/1/2013 Revenue Expenses Ending Balance

$ $ $ $

1,194.05 15,769.01 10,747.00 6,216.06

Checking Balance (6/30/2014)




Financial Report

We have a history of being good stewards with the resources the Lord has blessed us with. Our net cash balance ended the year below the level at the beginning of the year primarily due to unearned tuition. Assets (as of 6/30/13) Cash and Cash Equivalents Marketable Securities Accounts Recivable Property & Equipment Prepaid Expenses Other Assets Total Assets



14,284 13,036 62,655 60,520 1,650 14,698 166,843

Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Other Liabilities

33,803 65,768 31,530

Unearned Tuition


Notes Payable Total Liabilities

100,000 360,686


Revenue & Contributions Tuition and fees make up the lion’s share of our income stream. Tuition is priced below actual cost, allowing us to attract and retain more families. Beyond tuition and fees, we rely heavily on the generosity of our donors, primarily school families. This year is no exception to the annual commitment our community has in balancing the budget of Trinity Oaks Christian Academy.

2013 / 2014 Revenue Tuition & Fees

Donations 3%





Financial Report

2013 - 2014 Budget

2013 / 2014 Actual

1,164,232 202,500 25,955 1,392,687

1,155,097 312,934 47,496 1,515,527

1,126,299 262,500 48,800 1,437,599

869,231 869,231

882,189 882,189

936,817 936,817

128,438 59,000 67,200 33,000 287,638

128,438 91,250 62,804 28,868 311,360

133,471 68,000 59,800 36,500 297,771

27,250 16,200 46,396 89,846

20,699 14,796 43,307 78,802

23,300 17,200 35,400 75,900

46,600 38,000 13,850 25,000 11,850 600 8,250 144,150

94,827 38,111 9,371 30,894 10,665 1,561 7,355 192,784

90,530 28,000 13,150 54,200 10,800 1,600 8,250 206,530

16,000 22,100 9,500 47,600

27,129 20,867 10,747 58,743

19,500 20,500 9,500 49,500

1,438,465 (45,778)

1,523,878 (8,351)

1,566,518 (128,919)

Revenue Tuition & Fees Donations Miscellaneous Total Revenue Expense Compensation Salaries & Benefits Total Compensation Facilities Building Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Janitorial Insurance & Taxes Total Facilities Administration Office Supplies/Equipment Professional Services Interest Expense Miscellaneous Total Administration Education Tuition Assistance Curriculum Classroom Supplies Athletics/Curricular/Co-Curricular Food Services School Events Miscellaneous Total Education Marketing & Development Marketing Development H.O.P.E. Total Marketing & Development Total Expenses Surplus / (Deficit)

2014 / 2015 Budget


Financial Report


OUR VISION "Equipping the next generation

We feel people are our greatest asset. The staff is well-qualified and committed to ministering to the hearts and minds of our students. The majority of our expenses are expended in compensating staff and building and operating costs.

2013 / 2014 Expenses Total Compenstation

Total Facilities

Total Administration

Total Education

Total Marketing & Development



wisdom, knowledge and character in order to impact their world for Christ with servants’


13% 5%




Trinity Oaks Christian Academy HUSKIE CIRCLE Huskie Circle

Trinity Oaks Christian Academy gratefully acknowledges the support of the following individuals and organizations (those who have given $1,000 or more) during 2013-2014 fiscal year.

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Boldt

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morrison

Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Conti

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morrissey

Mr. and Mrs. Luke Corning

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mueller

Ms. Amy Cosler

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pruiett

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cufr

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Richards

Mr. and Mrs. Dalyn Dye

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rzany

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Freeman

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Salmi

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gast

Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart

Ms. Susan Grosser

Mr. and Mrs. Rosario Terracciano

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Haslow

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walkiewicz

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Junge

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Warren

Mr. and Mrs. Kim Klockenga

Ms. Lisa Weninger

Mr. Randall and Dr. Robin Kohl

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Worrell

Mr. and Mrs. Norm Lagerquist

Dr. Paul and Dr. Karen Wrobbel

Mr. and Mrs. Art Lazlo

Envelopes Only

Ms. Grazina Liautaud

H. R. Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Liautaud

IDEX Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCarthy

Sage Products

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller

Strategic Procurement

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell


Trinity Oaks Christian Academy BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Scott Cufr, Chair Brian Dorn, Secretary Joy Conti Dave Curtis Nate Freeman Shelly McCarthy Mark Morrison Dorothy Murdock Bill Walkiewicz Paul Wrobbel ADMINISTRATION Dr. Paul Wrobbel—Head of School Mrs. Susie Noe—Director of Admissions

For we are his workmanship ...

Trinity Oaks Christian Academy 233 Trinity Oaks Way Cary, IL 60013 (847)462-5971 WWW.TRINITY-OAKS.ORG

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