The Oak Leaf ~ Fall 2013

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A Quarterly Publication of Trinity Oaks Christian Academy


Fall 2013

Equipping future generations with wisdom, knowledge and c h a r a c t e r t o i m p a c t t h e i r w o r l d f o r C h r i s t w i t h s e r v a n t s ’ h e a r t s.

Fall/Winter Calendar

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 – 2013/2014 Year Verse

Thanksgiving Recess November 27 - 29 Christmas Concert Grades 3-5 December 5 Christmas Gift Chapel December 20 Christmas Break December 23 – January 5

leading the way News from in & around our school and community

We serve a truly amazing God and continue to see His hand of blessing all over Trinity Oaks. More and more personal touches are being added throughout our permanent school home and we are thrilled to see that 22 new families are committed to our mission of partnering with the home in the training of children to lead Christian lives; in all 42 new students enrolled this year. Joining these new families are five new faculty members whose stories I would encourage you to read in this issue of the Oak Leaf. Your prayers and your financial support of the ministry of Trinity Oaks Christian Academy continues to help us anchor our students’ lives on biblical principles in order to impact the world for Christ. Thank you for coming alongside us to train this next generation with wisdom, knowledge and character to serve Him. As Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10, “we are His worksmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.” I ask you to join me in praying that our students will learn and understand that our unique abilities and experiences are all part of His divine tapestry as we are wonderfully made for His purpose!

Dr. Paul Wrobbel Head of School

First Day of School Smiles

An incredible start to a new school year as laughter and lots of smiles filled the hallways and classrooms on the first day of school.

HONORABLE MENTION Meet Rebecca Boyle A native North Dakotan, who loves her Starbucks, Miss Boyle is a graduate of Trinity International University. Her family - comprising of three sisters, one brother and four “wonderful nieces” – all live in the area with the exception of her youngest sister & family now living in Alaska. She began her teaching career at Bartlett Christian Academy and has worked with high school students at Schaumburg High in the math and reading remediation program. Sharing her passion for teaching, Miss Boyle joins the faculty at Trinity Oaks preparing and teaching our 5th grade students to maximize their infinite potential. Attending Harvest Bible Chapel Rolling Meadows and serving in the 20’s ministry for the past five years, Miss Boyle claims 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 as her favorite verse, “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances….” We are indeed thankful for her partnership in equipping the next generation to impact their world for Chirst – welcome Miss Boyle!

Meet Christy Anderson Add 1 part imagination with 2 parts creativity and you have a “recipe” for a lot of fun in art and cooking classes with Mrs. Anderson! Having grown up in this area since she was ten years old, Mrs. Anderson’s journey has circled back to Cary after attending Moody Bible Institute and getting married. She is now teaching in the very same building where she graduated from junior high school! When not in the classroom, Mrs. Anderson works in the paper crafts industry and enjoys doing anything “that lets her be creative” whether it is teaching paper crafts or baking and decorating cupcakes and cookies. Married to her husband, Brett, for twelve years and a TOCA mom herself of two little Huskies, Mia (2nd) and Madison (PK), Mrs. Anderson is actively involved at her church, Living Grace, where she also serves as a preschool Sunday school teacher. She clings to her favorite Bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11, a reminder that God promises “a hope and future” even in the midst of difficult times. Welcome Mrs. Anderson – we are thankful God has directed your path to Trinity Oaks!

Meet Elisabeth Fojtik Studying abroad in England last summer and loving anything British from tea to Doctor Who and yes, even rainy weather, Miss Fojtik is absolutely thrilled to be teaching our high school students this year at Trinity Oaks. Having earned her degree in secondary education and English from Wheaton College, she is looking forward to sharing with her students what it means to be God’s workmanship. During her spare time, Miss Fojtik loves to paint, read and simply wander around outside with her dog, a large labradoodle, named Pip. She has two younger brothers, both in college, and has traveled much around the United States with her family on road trips. Loving the truths and promises shared in the Psalms, Miss Fojtik also treasures Ecclesiastes 3:11. Although we “may not find out the work that God does from beginning to end”, Trinity Oaks is very grateful that Miss Fojtik is joining our school community this year.

HONORABLE MENTION Meet Susanne Johnson She’s back – to her alma mater that is! Alumna (Class of 2004) Miss Johnson loves looking around our new school home seeing some familiar faces and witnessing how God has immensely blessed and provided for Trinity Oaks over the years. She has since graduated from Taylor University where she had the privilege to travel to Israel and study the Holy Land and also experienced firsthand what teaching was like in the Philippines and the inner city of Los Angeles. Passionate about ministry and missions, especially in Honduras, she spent her first year teaching 7th and 8th grade science overseas in the capital city, Tegucigalpa while also serving with mission organizations including World Gospel Outreach and La Casa de Ester. Sharing in this passion for missions is her family whom she loves and one that is growing in number with a 2 ½ year old nephew, a 12-week old niece….and another nephew on the way! And what keeps Miss Johnson grounded, Jeremiah 29:11-13. A heartfelt welcome back to Miss Johnson – we are indeed looking forward to the “the hope and a future” that God has in store for you here at Trinity Oaks!

Meet Ernest Quigel It has been said that great teachers can surely shape and impact the future of their students. Ask Mr. Quigel – once a high school student who absolutely despised science, who graduated with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in science from Wheaton College and Seattle University respectively, who retired twice after teaching chemistry over forty-three years in public and private schools and who chose to continue sharing his passion for chemistry with our high school students here at Trinity Oaks! Married to Rosemary for forty-two years (and counting), Mr. Quigel and his wife have three children, all of whom are married and live close by giving them the opportunity to enjoy their two and soon-to-be three, grandchildren. In his free time, Mr. Quigel continues to coach tennis at Crystal Lake South and teaches private piano lessons. Welcome Mr. Quigel!

Planting Seeds of Excellence On October 26, 2013, the value of Christian education with its biblical foundation as well as academic excellence was echoed throughout our 23rd annual Fall Banquet. A wonderful evening of fellowship followed by the testimonies of alumna, Kristen Dzialo and TOCA parents, Nate & Laura Freeman along with the message shared by our special guest, Dr. Derek Keenan with ACSI, only reaffirmed that Trinity Oaks is indeed planting “trees of righteousness so that the LORD may be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:3)


We are His workmanship Once again, our junior high and high school students started off the school year by laying a strong foundation for the upcoming year – a time to grow closer to the Lord and to one another while enjoying fun, team building activities and taking in God’s beautiful landscape of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

See You at the Pole “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed” Mark 1:35. Following Jesus’ example, our junior high and high school students joined other students around the nation in prayer on September 25th - praying for their schools, friends, teachers and government.

Shades of Autumn Fun Friends, family & fellowship made for another great, fall afternoon at this year’s Stade’s Farm Outing sponsored by H.O.P.E. More treasured memories to last a lifetime!

Grandparents Day

Each year, Trinity Oaks Christian Academy sets aside a very special day to honor our grandparents and their wonderful legacies in Christ. It was a beautiful day filled with song, classroom visits and even a bookfair! Thank you grandparents (and surrogates too) for the many handprints you leave on the hearts of your grandchildren.



233 Trinity Oaks Way, Cary, IL 60013


Trinity Oaks Christian Academy


847-462-5971 |

Find us on Facebook Our Mission: A Community of Believers The mission of Trinity Oaks Christian Academy is to partner with the Christian home and church in the training of children, maximizing their potential to lead Christian lives according to biblical standards.

Board of Trustees Joy Conti Scott Cufr, Board President David Curtis Brian Dorn Paul Wrobbel, Head of School

Shelly McCarthy Mark Morrison Dorothy Murdock Bill Walkiewicz

Secret Keeper Girl – Crazy Hair Tour

Imagine this – our gymnasium filled with over 425 moms and daughters digging into God’s Word about biblical modesty and His definition of true beauty! What an amazing sight and such an incredible evening filled with music, laughter, cheers and even some tears as the crew from Secret Keeper Girl and 1Girl Nation shared God’s love for His daughters.

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