TMM - The NZ Mortgage Mag Issue 4 2016

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A taste of conference for mortgage advisers With over 35 industry partners and more than 600 delegates expected, the National Advisers Conference (July 28/29) networking and business development opportunity should not be missed. And for our mortgage advisers, we have many sessions designed to deliver practical take-aways for your business. Here are just five of many sessions to whet the appetite:

Building strong relationships – Dr Alan Fayter There’s plenty of business to go round when the housing market is full-steam, but what happens when the heat dies down? Exceptional customer relationships are not only good business, they are key to sustainability in quieter times and to building a strong business based on referrals. Dr Fayter delivers a blueprint for building customer relationships for business success; an essential tool for mortgage advisers focused on growing through referral and repeat business.

SMART. FASTER. CHEAPER. BETTER - DEBBIE MAYO-SMITH TOGETHER IN A NEW WORLD – DR OLIVER HARTWICH Housing affordability is a big concern for many regions in New Zealand, particularly when you ask, “What happens when interest rates rise?” Dr Hartwich looks at the waning “rock star economy” and the need to address housing affordability while the sun still shines.

SPOTLIGHT ON LENDING – CHRISTINE GREER As a nation of SMEs, helping self-employed Kiwis with their personal lending is an important service offered by mortgage advisers. But it can be complex and requires a different set of skills than when dealing with salaried clients.


In this two-hour session, Christine gets into the detail of understanding the balance sheet and business trends of clients; a refresher on best practice loan application submission; and the factors that may affect client’s affordability.

WORKING TOGETHER TOWARDS THE FUTURE – AMANDA BRADLEY AND ANDREW WATKINS As a mortgage adviser, you’re helping your clients with what is potentially the biggest asset they will ever own. Using real life example, this seminar includes a brief overview of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976, the consequences of inappropriate ownership structure, and how to identify when to refer to clients to a specialist.

The life of a mortgage adviser is the opposite of a desk-bound 9 to 5 existence. Appointments in the evening and weekends; short turnaround times to meet pre-approval for auctions, or quick settlements. Without the right support structures the role can play havoc with time management and productivity, not to mention that elusive work/life balance. In this session Debbie delivers a cornucopia of 15 technology tips that will easily give you more time, more income and delighted clients. ✚

Book today for the adviser event of the year – July 28/29, 2016. View the Conference programme, session outlines and more at www.

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