Manila Standard - 2018 December 30 - Sunday

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VOL. XXXII • NO. 318 • 4 SECTIONS 16 PAGES • P18 • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2018 • •

OIL PRICE ROLLBACK: P1.9/LITER RIZAL AS ICON IN PERFORMING ARTS By Dr. Felicidad Galang-Pereña [The original academic paper, “Jose Rizal, Pride of the Malay Race, Reified In Philippine Performing Arts,” was presented at the Malay World International Conference at the Manila Hotel and De La Salle University last July. Galang-Pereña is a professor of the Faculty of Arts and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas.] HAILED by historians as the Pride of the Malay Race, José Rizal, a Filipino patriot and polymath, who became a leading light of the propaganda movement that advocated for reforms during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines, is an iconic subject in the performing arts—stage, television and cinema. His works, in particular the incendiary novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, have been interpreted in different genres of theater, music and dance. Though no law has been enacted as yet explicitly proclaiming him as national hero, the study of Rizal’s life has a legal mandate in the educational system of the Philippines and honoring him emanates from its officially empaneled National Heroes Committee.

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'RODY'S VERY GOOD RATING BELIES BAD RAP' By Vito Barcelo MALACAÑANG on Saturday welcomed the result of the Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey which showed President Rodrigo Duterte got a “very good” satisfaction rate, saying critics and detractors of the Chief Executive should now stop with their baseless accusations. In a statement, Palace Spokesperson Salvador Panelo said the consistent satisfaction rating of President Duterte put a lie to critics and detractors who find nothing good in his style of governance. Turn to A2



Rizal Monument in Daet, Camarines Norte, which has been standing—all of 20 feet—for the past 120 years, is the first slab built to honor Jose Rizal and the oldest surviving such monument. The three-tiered stone pylon has a cube for a base, a threesided pyramid in the middle, and a triangular pyramid which tapers off to a point at the top. Pinned on top is an eight-ray sun and on each of the three sides (middle) is a bas-relief of a golden star.

A 6.9-MAGNITUDE earthquake struck off Mindanao before noon on Saturday, triggering a tsunami warning, which was lifted nearly three hours later at 3 p.m. by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. Phivolcs said in its final tsunami warning that wave heights had returned to the “normal tide level” at 3 p.m. It said while no damage had been reported thus far, aftershocks were expected. From Malacañang, Presidential Spokesman Salvador Panelo said in a statement: “The Palace urges local government units in Mindanao to closely monitor their respective areas of jurisdiction and take precautionary measures, particularly those in the coastal areas, in view of possible aftershocks, tsunami or both as a result of this morning’s earthquake with epicenter located 162 Turn to A2 MlaStandard ManilaStandardPH


By Alena Mae S. Flores


IL companies cut pump prices by as much as P1.90 per liter effective Saturday to reflect the movement of world oil prices in the domestic market. The oil firms cut the price of kerosene by P1.90 per liter, diesel by P1.80 per liter and gasoline by P1.30 per liter. Seaoil Philippines, PetroGazz and Phoenix Petroleum Philippines announced their respective price cuts. “To provide motorists with cheaper fuels going into the New Year, Phoenix Petroleum Philippines will decrease the prices of gasoline by P1.30 per liter and diesel by P1.80 per liter effective 6 a.m. of 29 December 2018,” Phoenix Petroleum said. Turn to A2

US SPACECRAFT CLOSES IN ON FLYBY TARGET TAMPA, United States—NASA’s unmanned New Horizons spacecraft is closing in on its historic New Year’s flyby target, the most distant world ever studied, a frozen relic of the solar system some 6.4 billion kilometers away. Turn to A2

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FVR GUEST AT SAF 44 MUSEUM By Ben Cal FORMER President Fidel Ramos was the guest of honor and speaker at the inauguration of the Special Action Force Museum, SAF 44 Memorial and Black Beret Monument held in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig, Metro Manila on Dec. 17. Ramos founded the SAF when he was still the chief of the Philippine Constabulary, now the Philippine National Police. He paid tribute to the 44 SAF troopers killed in a gun battle with Islamic terrorists in Mamasapano, Maguindanao on Jan. 25, 2015. He cited the bravery of the SAF troopers, who were outnumbered and pinned down during the fierce firefight that lasted for hours that also killed 18 of the terrorists, including Zulkifli Abdhir, a Malaysian terrorist bomb maker. Five innocent civilians, however, were also killed in the crossfire. As the founder of SAF, Ramos was shocked and saddened when news broke out about the killing of 44 young SAF troopers. Ramos, former chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and later Defense Secretary before he was elected as the 12th President of the Philippines, organized the SAF as an elite force of the PC, trained to fight in the jungle and in urban areas. Despite his age at 90, Ramos still has the stamina to play golf, visit friends, and attend social functions. His memory remains sharp as ever. PNA



HE Manila International Airport Authority is hiring more people to beef up its security personnel following the recent recommendations made by the US Transportation Security Administration for additional security measures at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

“Yes, we will be hiring additional people. Kulang po tayo sa numero,” said MIAA general manager Eddie Monreal in a press conference at NAIA Terminal 1. Monreal said its current 1,345 security personnel is not enough to man the airport so they decided to hire at least 176 more. He added that the present security personnel will be placed under a re-training program. The hiring of additional personnel and re-training were among the 16 recommendations made by a sevenman team from the US Department


Oil prices declined due to the strengthening of the peso, oversupply concerns and US stock market, an industry source said earlier. Last Dec. 22, the oil firms also cut the price of gasoline and diesel by P1 per liter and on Dec. 18, the oil companies also implemented a price cut of P0.10 to P0.15 per liter for gasoline, P0.25 per liter for kerosene and P0.25 to P0.35 per liter for diesel. According to the Department of Energy, the US Energy Information Administration forecasts world oil prices to average at about $54 to $61 per barrel. DoE said the EIA expected the price declines coupled with the production cuts of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries would bring next year’s supply and demand numbers into balance. US oil production is forecasted at an average of 12.06 million barrels per day next year but the uncertainties in the global economy from the US-China trade war could impact consumption thus affecting oil prices.


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kilometers southwest of the municipality of Governor Generoso in Davao Oriental province. “We ask everyone to be alert and cooperate as we pray for the safety of all,” Panelo added. The quake, with initial small waves expected to hit other coastal areas of Mindanao and Indonesia, struck southeast of Davao City at a depth of 59 kilometers, the US Geological Survey said, a week after a volcano-triggered tsunami killed more than 400 people in Indonesia. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said “hazardous tsunami waves from this earthquake are possible”along the coasts of Indonesia and the Philippines. However, waves were forecast to be less than 30 cm high, it said, while Philippine monitors warned that “minor sea level disturbances” were to be expected. “People are advised to stay away from the beach and not to go to the coast fronting the Philippine Sea,”for about two hours, the Philippines’ government seismology office said in its tsunami warning. It said cities in the south of the country felt “moderately strong” shaking but civil defense offices in the affected areas said they had no immediate reports of damage or casualties from the quake. According to the USGS, there was a low likelihood of casualties and damage, although it warned recent earthquakes in the area had caused landslides. The Philippines and Indonesia lie on the so-called Ring of Fire, a vast Pacific Ocean region where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. The most recent major quake disaster to strike the Philippines was in 2013 when a 7.1-magnitude quake left more than 220 people dead and destroyed historic churches in the central islands. Indonesia has been hit by two major tsunamis this year. AFP

to be, conducted to instill in every personnel the need to be consistent in every aspect of security. “More importantly, we see this as an opportunity to further pursue our campaign for culture change among our stakeholders and other airport users in NAIA,” said Monreal. Since Monday, tight security measures were being implemented at the airport. All vehicles going to the arrival and departure area and those going to the restricted area are thoroughly inspected using extended mirror for chasis checking while the compartment are required to be opened by security. Monreal reminded the head of security to ensure the pre-deployment briefing be strictly implemented for all security agencies under contract with MIAA. “We therefore strongly appeal to all, to cooperate with security enhancements that we are now undertaking and submit themselves to security inspection when warranted,” he said.


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of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration who visited the airport last September and earlier this month to conduct an assessment on NAIA’s security protocol. Meanwhile, Monreal clarified to members of the media that “they did not pass security protocol.” “There is no such thing. There is no downgrading and we want also to clarify that the safety of passengers is not the issue on this matter because the TSA concerns only the security and the safety concern is for ICAO

(International Civil Aviation Organization),” he said. Monreal said the recommendations of the TSA also include the installation of new equipment such as X-ray machines, walk-through metal detectors, and alarm systems. Another recommendation was the conduct of new background check procedures for newly hired airport personnel, which will include neighborhood and NICA (National Intelligence Coordinating Agency) checks for those implementing security control, and submission of new National Bureau of Investigation clearances for all MIAA access pass holders. “We sent the NBI to help us here for the access pass holders for their clearances,” said Monreal. The TSA also recommended a change in the “security culture” among long-time NAIA personnel in the area of consistent implementation and observance of strict security procedures. In this regard, re-trainings have been, and continue

PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte called on the Filipino people, particularly the youth, to take inspiration from Rizal’s life story and emulate the principles that made him the country’s greatest hero. The President made the statement as the Philippines would mark the 122nd anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal’s martyrdom today. Duterte will commemorate the death anniversary of Rizal in Davao City’s Rizal Park. In his statement, the President said the Filipino people reminisce and honor the martyrdom of Dr. Jose Rizal, whose ultimate sacrifice awakened the entire Filipino race from its peonage to a colonial master for more than 30 decades. “The legacy of Rizal’s life and death is a walking testament to a person’s magnificent and consuming love for

his country that sparked a leap for freedom and an assertion of national dignity. More than one century has passed since his execution in Bagumbayan, but his influence on our nation’s evolution remains relevant today as it was 122 years ago,” Duterte said. In commemorating Rizal’s death anniversary, Duterte asked the people, to take a leaf from one of his immortal legacies and a truism that it is a useless life that is not consecrated to a vision and fulfillment of a great ideal. “In these challenging and crucial times, we need equally courageous and principled Filipinos, stripped of apathy and selfishness, to become modern-day heroes to sustain our fight for freedom from all the ills of society,” he said “Jose Rizal’s martyrdom should propel us to rise to the challenge of the times and unchain ourselves from our stupor of indifference and race to

'RODY'S... From A1 “The support of the Filipinos for our Chief Executive also sends a strong message to foreign human rights groups and foreign governments to put a stop to their baseless and unkind accusations on his war on drugs,” said Panelo, also the Presidential Legal Counsel. The SWS survey conducted from Dec. 16-19, 2018 revealed that 74 percent of adult Filipinos were satisfied with the performance of President Duterte, which is 4 percent higher than the September figure of 70 percent. These results registered an uptick in all socio-economic classes. The Palace spokesman said the survey result was a slap on the faces of Duterte’s foreign critics, for their outrageous intrusion

RIZAL... From A1 In the post-colonial discourse, Filipino historians disagree on how worthy Rizal is of the reverence accorded to him in comparison with the fiery revolutionary Andres Bonifacio. While generations of Filipinos who grew up with his monuments in town plazas and school grounds idolize him to the extent that cults have proliferated in his worship, the philosopher Miguel de Unamono saw him as a man of contradictions: “A soul that dreads the revolution although deep down desires it.” This paper seeks a critical inquiry into how the performing arts have constructed and deconstructed Rizal through the decades, from the American commonwealth period to the present. Through the lens of Phenomenology, using archival materials and informant interviews, it will analyze the films, documentaries, operas and ballet suites which have rendered his biography and fictional narratives in spectacular media, hoping to surface a reification, in order

the finish line of genuine change and prosperity,” the President said. Elsewhere in the country, in the Camarines Norte capital of Daet, continues to celebrate Rizal’s anniversary of martyrdom, with its distinction as the first town to unveil the first Rizal Monument in the republic on Dec. 30, 1898. Situated at a river park, construction of the 20-foot stone pylon began on Oct. 30, 1898, way ahead of the decree issued by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on Dec. 20 declaring Rizal’s death anniversary as “a national day of mourning” for the hero and other victims of Spanish rule. With Bernarnd The monument was built through the financial contributions of the townsfolk of Daet and neighboring towns, led by Lt. Colonels Antonio Sanz and Ildefonso Alegre of the revolutionary army under Gen. Vicente Lukban’s command. Composed of a three-tiered stone pylon, its square base surmounted by

on the sovereignty of the Philippines. “The approbation of a great majority of our people only encourages the country’s Chief Executive to continue waging battles against all forms of criminality and corruption,” Panelo said. The Palace also said the Duterte administration would further pursue the unrelenting fight to dismantle drug apparatus and destruction of the drug syndicate. While Mindanao is still under Martial Law, the Palace official said the government would continue to crush the Muslim rebellion, communist insurgency and terrorism in the country. “The scorecard on the President’s performance rating similarly shows the correct foreign policy he has embarked,” he said. Malacañang also thanked the Filipino people for their continued support for the President which Panelo said would motivate the government to unceasingly work harder and serve the people better for the best for the Philippines and its people.

to flesh out the man and his legacy in the collective memory making of a nation, contextualized in history and aesthetics. Public memory The study of public memory is a fascinating area cutting across disciplines from communication studies to history, political science and sociology. Sadly, we live in a time when memory seems to be losing its hold on communities, but it remains central to personal, communal and national identities (Greg Dickinson 2010). Popular and public discourses from speeches to the performing arts are rich repositories of a sense of the past that needs inquiry and evaluation to acquire relevance for the future. Public memory, according to French sociologist Pierre Nora, operates through sites “where memory crystallizes and secretes itself” (Nora 1989). The cultural theorist Stuart Hall contended that mediated sites such as films act as important cultural spaces that help construct narrative trajectories imbued with national or global meaning. Scholars must thus consider the “whole way of struggle” over a culture’s dominant collective narratives (Dech-

a two-level triangle, with the last one tapering off to an apex. On top is an eight-rayed sun, a five-pointed star and the dedicatory phrase “A Jose Rizal”. But unlike other later landmarks built in his honor, it does not bear his statue. Based on historical accounts, the base contains a time capsule containing the list of contributors to the construction of the monument. Inscribed on the square podium are Rizal’s popular novels—Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, and Morga, an annotation of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, an authoritative book on the early history on Spanish colonization. In a unique twist of fate, the monument used coral stones taken from the old prison where hundreds of Filipino freedom fighters were tortured and executed by the Spaniards in the aftermath of the Daet Revolt in April 1898. With Bernard Supetran


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The cosmic object, known as Ultima Thule, is about the size of the US capital, Washington, and orbits in the dark and frigid Kuiper Belt about a billion miles beyond the dwarf planet, Pluto. The spacecraft’s closest approach to this primitive space rock comes Jan. 1 at 12:33 am ET (0533 GMT). Until then, what it looks like, and what it is made of, remain a mystery. “This is a time capsule that is going to take us back four and a half billion years to the birth of the solar system,” said Alan Stern, the principal investigator on the project at the Southwest Research Institute, during a press briefing Friday. A camera on board the New Horizons spacecraft is currently zooming in on Ultima Thule, so scientists can get a better sense of its shape and configuration—whether it is one object or several. “We’ve never been to a type of object like this before,” said Kelsi Singer, New Horizons co-investigator at the Southwest Research Institute. About a day prior, “we will start to see what the actual shape of the object is,” she said. AFP

erney 2016). Within the framework of the cultural studies tradition, this paper aims to study public memory in the reification of a national hero as a socially constructed phenomenon with ideological implications (Kitch 2005). Though there is no law, executive order or proclamation yet enacted or officially issued proclaiming any Filipino historical figure as a national hero, Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, by popular acclamation, has always enjoyed this singular distinction in the pantheon of patriots during the Spanish colonial period of the Philippines. An ophthalmologist who studied medicine in Europe by profession, and a writer who was prolific in both prose and poetry by passion, Rizal spearheaded the Propaganda Movement which advocated for political reforms in his country and was executed by the Spanish colonial government for the crime of rebellion after the outbreak of the revolution that eventually led to independence. In his biographical book written by Rafael Palma, Rizal was called the Pride of the Malay Race (Palma 1949).

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has also recognized Rizal as the “greatest Malayan,” calling him an “Asian Renaissance Man” (Raul Bonoan 1998). In the turbulent milieu of the 1970s with the impending Marcos Dictatorship perceived by activists as sponsored by the USA, who was also considered an antagonist in the Vietnam War, the historian Renato Constantino questioned this stature from a revisionist lens, arguing that he is an American-sponsored hero, who repudiated the revolution in an article titled “Veneration Without Understanding.” Constantino’s claim was that US Governor General Howard Taft endorsed Rizal as he was a pacifist over Bonifacio, a firebrand who resorted to violence (Constantino 1972). Portrayals of Rizal Rizal ‘s portrayal on stage in time for his birth and death anniversaries is mostly a glossy depiction of an ilustrado, who was a conscious hero, as theorized by the eminent historian Teodoro Agoncillo, “whose sympathy for the people was academic, confined to the depiction of the social conditions of his time” (Agoncillo 1996).





FOR LUCK. Lucky charms for the year of the Earth Pig for 2019 are now on sale along the busy stretch of Ongpin Street at Manila’s Chinatown in Binondo. Ey Acasio



HERE should be no talk of partisanship or politicking in the cases filed by the Department of the Interior and Local Government against Iloilo 1st District Rep. Richard Garin and his father, Guimbal Mayor Oscar Garin, for allegedly mauling a police officer, Secretary Eduardo Año said.

“Ang gusto nating ipakita dito (What we want to show here is that) no one is above the law. Kahit anong posisyon mo sa government (Whatever Y our position is in government), whether you are a small ordinary citizen or you are a high-level government official, pare-parehas lang tayo sa batas (we are all the same in the eyes of the law),” Año said in a press conference on the side-

lines of the 2018 National Anti-Drug Abuse Council Performance Award, held at the Manila Hotel Friday. He said the DILG has already filed criminal cases of direct assault, grave coercion, grave threats, physical injuries, slander by deed, alarm and scandal, and serious illegal detention against the Garins. Administrative cases have also been filed at the Ombudsman for grave mis-


Hundreds of passengers stranded by Typhoon ‘Usman’ wait for their rides at the Araneta bus station in Cubao, Quezon City. Manny Palmero

conduct, oppression, abuse of authority, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the public, he added. “We will not tolerate that kind of abuse of authority and arrogance on display of power. Kung may pagkakamali man ang police officer (If the policeman committed any wrongdoing), there are so many bodies that can investigate the policeman but you do not beat up and humiliate a police officer in front of the public,” Año said. The National Police Commission, he said, is also discussing the removal of Mayor Garin’s authority over the local police. “We cannot entrust [in] his hand the PNP [Philippine National Police] unit. We cannot be sure of his actuations and behavior,” Año said. PNA

43 INJURED 3 DAYS INTO NEW YEAR, SAYS DOH By Rio N. Araja and Joel E. Zurbano THREE days into the New Year, the Health department have already recorded at least 43 firecrackerrelated injuries. The department said 38 of the 43 were injured due to blasts burns and eye injuries, five had to be amputate, while two ingested firecrackers. It added that 91 percent of injuries or 39 victims were male aged between 2 and 69 years old. Half of the number of victims, meanwhile, were injured after using illegal fireworks such as boga and piccolo, the report said. The number, however, is 51 percent lower compared to the same period last year. Health Secretary Francisco Duque III earlier called on parents to check their children’s rooms and belongings for fireworks they may be hiding and to supervise minors during the New Year revelry next week. Meanwhile, Camarines Sur Rep. Luis Ray Villafuerte is batting for the passage of a law limiting the sale of firecrackers and other pyrotechnics to a maximum of P5,000 for a single-receipt purchase by individuals and local government units identify designated zones where the devices could be used. In filing House Bill No, 8085, the lawmaker said such stringent measures are necessary to prevent injuries and tragedies arising from the irresponsible use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices, especially during the Christmas and New Year’s Day festivities.


By Vito Barcelo

THE Department of Public Works and Highways said it has opened a new alternate road and a bridge in the province of La Union, the Aringay-Tubao Alternate Road and Anduyan Bridge, which will provide a better and faster road network for motorists going to Benguet and Baguio City. The new alternate road is a 14.24 kilometers road section along AringayTubao, La Union which will facilitate a scenic travel to Asin Hotspring in Tuba, Benguet and Baguio City. “This alternate route will lessen travel time from Tuba, La Union to Benguet from 2 hours to 35 minutes and will cut travel time from 2 hours to just 1 hour going to Baguio City,” Public Works Secretary Mark Villar said. The DPWH said the Anduyan bridge will serve a fast, safe and convenient travel to the motorists and to the people of Barangay Rizal and Alog East in Tubao, La Union. “They will no longer use small boats to cross the Aringay river. With the new bridge, they can now transport their goods to the market safe and faster,” he said. “Another impact of this project is that it will decongest traffic along Marcos Highway. Particularly the landslide-prone Kennon Road,” Villar added.

GIFTS FOR THE INMATES. Female inmates wait as they line up for their Christmas gifts, a gift-giving sponsored by the city government of Manila at the Manila City Jail in Sta. Cruz. Norman Cruz

ENVIRONMENTALIST group Ecowaste Coalition on Saturday appealed to the management of Okada Manila Hotel and Casino and Cove Manila in Parañaque City to reconsider its plan of dropping 130,000 balloons on New Year’s Eve. In its Dec. 19 post on social media, Cove Manila invited its guests to “Be part of a record-breaking welcome to 2019 at Cove Manila this Dec. 31 as they set a new world record for the largest balloon drop of all-time!” “When midnight rolls in, The Dome will be showered with 130,000 balloons in an epic New Year’s Eve Countdown Party led by international dance music icon Pete Tong!”, the social media post stated. But Ecowaste, in an open letter to Cove Manila director Heathcliff Motorga, raised its concern with the “environmental soundness of inflating and discarding 130,000 balloons for a few minutes of merriment of your highly privileged 3,000 guests, which, after the event, will likely be disposed of at a place where poor people live and work.” “We write to express our utmost concern regarding the upcoming indoor balloon drop at Cove Manila on Dec. 31 as part of Okada Manila’s grand countdown to 2019. As you have announced, you plan to drop 130,000 balloons in an attempt to break the current Guinness Book of World Records of 109,000 for the largest indoor balloon drop,” said Aileen Lucero, Ecowaste national coordinator. “Considering the colossal volume of trash that our country generates, estimated at over 40,000 tons per day, we cannot help but question the propriety of wasteful events such as the balloon drop that Cove Manila is set to do on New Year’s Eve,” Lucero said. Ecowaste said that the 130,000 balloons to be dropped will have to go somewhere and “we wonder what your plans are for their management or disposal soon after the revelry.” “We fear that Okada Manila will not only smash the current Guinness World Record for the largest indoor balloon drop, but also establish a new world record for the most number of used balloons sent to the dump from a single event.” “While our wish may be next to impossible, we still beg you to call off the balloon dropping event for the sake of the environment,” it added.

SOLON PUSHES MEASURE ON MALAMPAYA AID AS THE Anti-Powerlines Disturbance Bill advances to Senate second reading for plenary deliberation in January 2019, the House energy committee tackles in the same month the draft consolidated bill authorizing the Malampaya Fund subsidy of the NPC stranded debts and stranded contract costs of electricity. “There could be a 60 to 80-centavo cut in electricity billings when the Malampaya subsidy becomes effective. The technical working group has completed its task, so the House energy can work on the draft as early as next month when Congress resumes session next month,” said 1-CARE Partylist Rep. Carlos Roma Uybarreta said. The TWG consolidated three House bills: HB 8082, HB 8327, and HB 8352. “None of the energy sectors they consulted posed any objection to the Malampaya Fund subsidy. They were all in favor of it. That made the TWG’s work easier,” Uybarreta added. According to the EPIRA Law, “stranded contract costs of NPC or distribution utility” refer to the excess of the contracted cost of electricity under eligible contracts over the actual selling price of the contracted energy output of such contracts in the market. In electricity billings, the stranded cost is part of the universal charges. The same law also defines stranded debts of NPC as “any unpaid financial obligations of NPC which have not been liquidated by the proceeds from the sales and privatization of NPC assets.” “Over at the Senate, we have been informed that following committee approval of the Anti-Powerlines Disturbance Bill, the senators can deliberate on the same bill also in January. If all goes well, Congress can have these two energy bills ready for signature of President Duterte by May 2019,” Uybarreta said. Rio N. Araja



Adelle Chua, Editor






HE Philippines today pauses yet again to observe the martyrdom of Jose Rizal, whose persecution and nationalism in the 19th century highlighted the raising of the tricolors and wreath-laying rites in various national and urban parks. As the nation marks Rizal Day—the 122nd anniversary of his execution at what is now called Luneta by the often restful Manila Bay —against the backdrop of current problems confronting majority of the 106 million people, questions have risen whether Rizal, born Jose

Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, remains relevant. Observance of this date in the country’s Gregorian calendar dates back to the decree issued by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on Dec. 20, 1898 declaring Dec. 30 as the anniversary of the death of Rizal at 35 years old as a “national day of mourning” for him and other victims of the Spanish dominion throughout its 377 years rule. We join the rest of this multi-ethnic, multilingual country in taking this occasion, a regular public holiday, to recognize once more Rizal’s nonpareil sacrifice. We join other Filipinos, from Tawi-Tawi up to Batanes, in reflecting on his patriotism as, with the government’s lead, we continue to build a more united, more peaceful and more

the Leon Ma. Guerrero translation.] Tinola (ginger chicken stew) is served to the guests at Capitan Tiago’s party, and a Spanish friar is annoyed at the meagerness of his serving: “Whether by oversight or otherwise, Father Damaso’s portion turned out to be composed of a lot of squash and broth with barely a chicken neck and wing, while his fellow guests were eating chicken legs and chicken breasts, and Ibarra had the luck of drawing the giblets. The Franciscan, seeing this, mashed the squash violently, took a few spoonfuls of broth, and then loudly dropped his spoon and pushed his plate away.” Also memorable is the “chocolate” scene in Ch. 11, ‘The Bosses’: “So you’re going to the parish house to visit Father Wouldn’t-Hurt-A-Fly {Fr. Salvi]! Look out! If he offers you chocolate, which I doubt, but anyway if he does offer it, keep your ears open. If he calls the servant and tells him, ‘Soand-so, make a pot of chocolate, eh’, then you can rest easy; but if he says, ‘So-and-so, make a pot of chocolate, ah’, then you’d better pick up your hat and get away at a run.” Both Noli and Fili were written in Spanish; the joke Rizal makes here is that ‘eh’ and ‘ah’ are Salvi’s codewords for the quality of the chocolate to be served to guests, the former meaning ‘espeso’—thick, and the latter ‘aguada’, watery.


prosperous Land of the Morning. During the Spanish colonization of this Perla del Mar de Oriente, the writings of Rizal, a multi-talented author, scholar, man of letters and learned man of medicine, acted as light that led the ancestors of today’s generation in the fight for true equality and independence. With his pen, he scrawled—for the colonizers and his countrymen—his censure of the corruption, greed and other social ills that, in the eyes of many political and social observers, continue to infest our society. That Rizal fought for reforms, social equality and freedom, far above the possibility of a longer life, should continue to inspire the generations of Filipinos. That remains his relevance.

Jose Rizal, the foodie JOSE Rizal was a keen observer of culinary methods and techniques, and his interest in food found its way into some of his writings. My favorite scenes in books often involve feasts and meals, and some of the most unforgettable scenes in Rizal’s novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo describe the preparation and eating of various dishes from Filipino, Chinese, and Spanish colonial cuisine. Rizal himself was well-fed as a boy growing up in Calamba, according to Felice Sta. Maria in her book The Foods of Jose Rizal (2012). ‘Moy,’ as he was known to his family as a boy, ate fried rice, meat, and fish as a toddler; to this diet were added fruits and vegetables to make him healthier. When Rizal’s mother went shopping, she made sure to stock up on “chorizos de Bilbao, cheese, and butter.” Their cook, Valentina Sanchez, recalled that “the family fare included relleno, adobo, estofado, puchero, tinola, and fried chicken.” Rizal, she says, liked pansit, but his favorite dish was “carneng asada, or beefsteak with sauce.” He loved champorado; there was a time he asked the cook to give him some am (watery rice), which he mixed with tablea chocolate and sugar and ate with relish. Noli Me Tangere, Rizal’s first novel, was published in 1887. One of its famous scenes is in Chapter 3, ‘At Dinner’. [All quotes below from Noli and Fili are from


AS WE prepare to enter a new year, now is a good time to reflect on the decisions we have made this year, and to think about how we can make better decisions in the coming year. As the first month of the New Year rolls in, many of us will once again make New Year’s resolutions. In the past, many of us failed at our resolutions. This year, what can we change to help us stick to our commitments to living better? What does the science say about making better life decisions? First for the short answer. Willpower and self-control are usually upheld as crucial in making better decisions, whether they be about our health, finances, or relationships. However, science is beginning to vindicate some ancient wisdom about human nature —that we are beings of habit. This means that making good decisions is not about having better self-control, but about building good habits. In fact, self-control might not be enough, and relying on it might lead you to fail at your goal. Before expounding on that, it is worth noting that if you have made or are planning to make a New Year’s resolution soon, then good on you. According to one study published in the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology, simply making a resolution might already make you 10 times more likely to achieve your goal. Polls show that the most common New Year’s resolutions are: exercise more, lose weight, eat more healthily, learn a new skill or hobby, stop smoking, drink less alcohol, read more, and save more money. Notice that a lot of the most common resolutions are about a permanent change to one’s life. In other words, they are about habits. Many approaches to achieving them focus on self-control and willpower. However, the evidence suggests this might not be the best way in achieving them. One reason this might be so is because our brains are composed of several units, each with their own ways to influence our decisions and behavior. In this view of the human mind, known as dual process theory, there are two systems called System 1 and System 2. The former is fast, unconscious, and intuitive. The second is slower, more deliberative, and more “rational.” When we think about what kinds of actions will lead to better outcomes for our health and wellness in the long term, we use System 2. When we come up with new year’s resolutions, we use System 2. However, System 2 is often slower and more effortful. It is not our default process in coming with everyday decisions. In his book Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow, the famous behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman describes these systems as follows: “Systems 1 and 2 are both active whenever we are awake. System 1 runs automatically and System 2 is normally in a comfortably low-effort mode, in which only a fraction of its capacity is engaged.” As such, when we are suddenly presented with “temptations” to break our resolutions, the faster, more pleasure-driven System 1 takes over and makes us reach for that extra slice of cake, or makes us give in to a friend’s offer of a cigarette. Given the advantage of System 1 over System 2, how do we make the rational decisions made by the latter win over the inthe-moment decisions made by the former? One solution might be to change your surroundings so that you are subjected to fewer temptations. In one study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers found that the people who self-rated as having the best self-control were also the ones who reported fewer temptations throughout the study period. In other words, the people who said they were good at self-control barely used it at all. A more recent study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science backs this up. In the study, the participants who exerted more selfcontrol were not more successful in accomplishing their goals. Instead, it was the participants who experienced fewer temptations who achieved their goals. Furthermore, the students who were subjected to more temptations also reported feeling more depleted. What all this tells us is that if we want to achieve our New Year’s resolutions, we should not rely on willpower. Rather, we should change our surroundings so that making the right decision becomes easier. This also tells us that sometimes, there are circumstances that make the necessary changes harder to accomplish. For example, genetic predisposition plays a very strong role in what counts as very tempting. Meanwhile, poverty limits the options of many people in changing their surroundings. This reminds us that we should be more forgiving of ourselves and of others in our attempts to become better people. We should help where we can to help others help themselves.


In Noli’s Ch. 23, some of the characters spend a playful day of music and flirting at a fishpond, where the women cook up the bounties of farm and river: “Andeng…prepared rice water, tomatoes, and kamias [for the sinigang broth]…the other girls peeled squash, shucked peas, or cut spring onions into pieces the size of cigarettes… Aunt Isabel…assigned the various kinds of fish to different native dishes: ‘The ayungin is good for the sinigang. Leave the biya for the escabeche. The dalag and the buan-buan for the pesa, the dalag will last longer. Put them in the net so they can stay in the water. The lobsters to the frying pan! The banak is to be roasted, wrapped in banana leaves, and stuffed with tomatoes.’” In the ‘pansiteria’ scene in Fili (1891), part of Ch. 25, ‘Laughter and Tears’, fourteen rowdy college students hold a dinner at the Macao ‘Good Taste’ Restaurant to “mark the decision taken on the teaching of Spanish”: “’Gentlemen,’ announced Makaraig, ‘noodles lang-lang make the soup without compare! is made with mushrooms, prawns or shrimps, beaten egg, rice noodles, chicken, and God knows what else.’” He enumerates the other dishes he ordered: Chinese lumpia with pork, crab omelette, and stewed noodles. All the dishes Rizal mentioned are still part of our cuisine today.

JENNY ORTUOSTE Noli and Fili were written and published abroad; both caused a stir in the Philippines and provoked the Spanish government to declare them subversive material. Rizal was later exiled to Dapitan, where he customarily broke his fast on “tea, pastry, cheese, sweets, etc.,” as he recounted in a letter to his Austrian friend Ferdinand Blumentritt. Rizal did not eat his last breakfast; Sta. Maria says this story comes from “Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrada who was Rizal’s defense counsel.” At dawn on Dec. 30, 1896, Wednesday, at Fort Santiago, Rizal was given “a plate with three soft-boiled eggs.” He put the plate in a corner of his cell, saying, “Let the mice have their fiesta, too.” Rizal then walked with Andrada to the execution grounds at Bagumbayan, where a firing squad took his life, his face upturned to the sky. Rizal was a curious, intelligent man, and his interest in food and cooking was only one of his many facets that made him the fascinating, intriguing man that we still love to read and speculate about today. Dr. Ortuoste on Rizal: “Idol ko talaga siya.” FB and Twitter: @DrJennyO

Rolando G. Estabillo Publisher ManilaStandard

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BOMB KILLS 3 VIET TOURISTS, GUIDE NEAR PYRAMIDS GIZA, Egypt—Three Vietnamese holidaymakers and an Egyptian tour guide were killed Friday when a roadside bomb blast hit their bus as it travelled close to the Giza pyramids outside Cairo, officials said. A statement by the public prosecutor’s office said 11 other tourists from Vietnam and an Egyptian bus driver were wounded when the homemade device exploded. The improvised explosive device was placed near a wall along the Mariyutiya Street in Al-Haram district near the Giza Pyramids, it said. The bus was carrying a total of 16 people including 14 Vietnamese tourists, an Egyptian driver and a tour guide, according to the statement. Armed security personnel quickly deployed to the site and cordoned off the area for inspection. The white tourist bus could be seen with its windows shattered and surrounded by soot-covered debris. Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli visited the injured tourists in hospital, where he announced that the tour guide had died from his wounds. AFP


WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump threatened Friday to seal the US-Mexico border “entirely” if Congress does not approve billions of dollars in funding for a wall. In a burst of early morning tweets, the president said the alternative to funding his controversial wall project would be total separation from Mexico -- including making US car companies pull out their factories based on the other side of the frontier. The threat yet again upped the ante in a political row that has led to a partial shutdown of the US government and seems set to dominate the start to the third year of Trump’s presidency. “We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall,” Trump tweeted. Trump said he would then take USMexican relations back to the days before the NAFTA agreement opened free trade across Canada, Mexico and the United States. That would “bring our car industry back into the United States where it belongs,” he said. It was not clear how separating the two huge neighbors would work. Bilateral trade totaled an estimated $615.9 billion in 2017, according to US government figures. AFP

‘FULL’UKRAINE CEASEFIRE URGED AHEAD OF TRUCE PARIS—The leaders of France and Germany on Friday reiterated their call for a “solid, full and permanent ceasefire” in Ukraine’s conflict-torn east ahead of a planned cessation of hostilities. Their remarks came a day after representatives from Ukraine, Russia and the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) announced that a fresh ceasefire would start Saturday morning. More than 10,000 people have been killed since the Moscow-backed insurgency broke out in eastern Donetsk and Lugansk regions in April 2014 following Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. The 2015 Minsk summit laid out a ceasefire and international monitoring in eastern Ukraine, but a pro-Russian insurgency has persisted. In a joint statement, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the latest ceasefire announcement. “The approach of the New Year’s and Orthodox Christmas holidays must serve as an opportunity for the stakeholders in the conflict in eastern Ukraine to focus on the needs of civilians, who have suffered all too long as a result of this conflict and its consequences,” the leaders said. “The guarantee of a safe and secure environment should enable the implementation of crucial humanitarian measures. We now call on the parties to assume their full responsibilities, especially with regard to civilians in the area.” On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced the end of martial law in the country’s border regions, which was introduced last month after Russia’s seizure of three of Kiev’s navy vessels in the Sea of Azov. AFP

Cesar Barrioquinto, Editor / Jimbo Gulle, Issue Editor



ASHINGTON—Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg said Friday the world’s biggest social network has “fundamentally” changed to focus on securing its systems against manipulation and misinformation. Capping a tumultuous year marked by data protection scandals and government probes, Zuckerberg said he was “proud of the progress we’ve made” in addressing Facebook’s problems. “For 2018, my personal challenge has been to focus on addressing some of the most important issues facing our community—whether that’s preventing election interference, stopping the spread of hate speech and misinformation, making sure people have control of their

information, and ensuring our services improve people’s well-being,” he wrote on his Facebook page. “We’re a very different company today than we were in 2016, or even a year ago. We’ve fundamentally altered our DNA to focus more on preventing harm in all our services, and we’ve systematically shifted a large portion of our company to work on preventing harm.” He said Facebook now has more than 30,000 people “working on safety” and invests billions of dollars in security. Zuckerberg’s comments come at the close of a year when Facebook was roiled by revelations about the misuse of personal data by the political consultancy Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 US election and on data sharing with business partners. But he said the questions around Facebook are “more than a one-year challenge” and that the California giant was in the process of “multiyear plans to overhaul our systems.”

“In the past we didn’t focus as much on these issues as we needed to, but we’re now much more proactive,” he said. The comments follow a message from Zuckerberg in January, before many of Facebook’s troubles emerged, when he outlined his goals of stemming abuse and hate and foreign interference, among other things, on the network used by more than two billion people. “My personal challenge for 2018 is to focus on fixing these important issues,” Zuckerberg said in January. In Friday’s message, Zuckerberg enumerated a series of steps taken over the past year, including fact-checking partnerships, advertising transparency and artificial intelligence to remove harmful content. He added that Facebook’s systems were also being retooled with the aim of helping “improve people’s well-being,” based on research it conducted. AFP

POLL PROTEST. Protesters gesture in front of a police platoon near the electoral commission in Beni during a demonstration against the postponement of elections in the territory of the Beni and the city of Butembo in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Thursday (see story below). AFP

UN EXPERTS ACCUSE DR CONGO WARLORD OF MASS RAPE UNITED NATIONS—UN experts are accusing a warlord in the Democratic Republic of Congo of leading horrific gang rapes in South Kivu during which women were held captive in a cave and treated like sex slaves, according to a confidential report obtained by AFP on Friday. The group of experts on the DR Congo said in the report to the Security Council that the overall situation was “volatile” as the country heads toward elections to be held on Sunday.

“While the upcoming elections have continued to raise security concerns, the group has not found evidence of direct involvement of armed actors in the electoral process,” said the 61-page report sent to the council earlier this month. Based on interviews with victims, a witness, local authorities and other sources, the experts found that the Raia Mutomboki Kokodikoko faction had gang-raped 17 women in September and subjected them to torture and sexual slavery.

“The group concluded that Masudi Alimasi Kokodikoko, leader of a Raia Mutomboki faction in Shabunda territory, was a lead perpetrator of the gang rapes of at least 17 women in September 2018,” said the report. The armed group abducted the women, aged between 15 and 70, during raids on villages in the Lubila region of South Kivu on September 8-9, the report said. The women and girls were held captive in “a big stone cave” in the forest and repeatedly raped during

four days by the Raia Mutomboki fighters, it said. “They also introduced various tools into the vaginas of several of the women, severely injuring some. Women who had resisted being assaulted were additionally mistreated,” said the report. “Raia Mutomboki elements shouting ‘Tchai!Tchai!’ (Tea!Tea!) usually announced the beginning of the rapes.” Rebels would then dance and sing songs “described as full of insults” and praising their chief. AFP


HELPLESS LOOK. A Syrian boy looks through the glass window of a bus carrying him and others to the Abu Duhur checkpoint, separating rebel-held areas and regime-held territories in the northern Idlib province of war-torn Syria on Thursday. AFP

RIYADH—Saudi Arabia’s new foreign minister struck a note of defiance Friday in the face of international outrage over critic Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, denying the kingdom was in crisis and that his predecessor had been demoted. Ibrahim al-Assaf, a former veteran finance minister who was briefly detained last year in what Riyadh said was an anti-corruption sweep, replaced Adel al-Jubeir as foreign minister in a major government shake-up on Thursday ordered by King Salman. The surprise reshuffle was seen partly as an attempt to elevate the kingdom’s marginalized old guard, adding a veneer of checks and balances to the policy decisions of 33-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed

bin Salman, who faces intense global scrutiny over the October 2 murder of journalist Khashoggi. But speaking to AFP in his first interview since his appointment, Assaf insisted the restructuring was motivated not by the Khashoggi affair, but the need to make the government machinery more efficient. “The issue of Jamal Khashoggi... really saddened us, all of us,” Assaf told AFP at his residence in Riyadh, adorned with mahogany furniture, a wall-mounted elephant tusk and other hunting trophies. “But all in all, we are not going through a crisis, we are going through a transformation,” he added, referring to social and economic reforms spearheaded by the crown prince. AFP



INNOCENT FUN. Children play at the foot of statues of the diorama at Rizal Park in Manila that dramatizes the execution of national hero Jose Rizal on Friday. The nation commemorates Dec. 30 of each year as Rizal Day, and the statues attract hundreds of park visitors. Diana Noche



TSUNAMI SURVIVORS. Children play on donated clothing at a relief center after being evacuated from Sebesi Island in Kalianda, Lampung province on Thursday, following the Dec. 22 tsunami—caused by activity at a volcano known as the ‘child’ of Krakatoa—hit the west coast of Indonesia’s Java island. Indonesia raised the danger alert level for an erupting volcano that sparked a killer tsunami at the weekend, after previously warning that fresh activity at the crater threatened to trigger another deadly wave. AFP

HORNS APLENTY. A vendor proudly displays her varieties of horns or ‘torotot’ for sale at her stall at the Divisoria market in Manila on Friday. In recent years, buyers have turned to horns instead of fireworks as their preferred noisemakers for the New Year, a tradition that is believed to drive away evil spirits for the rest of the year. Norman Cruz

BIG WINNERS. Gloria Romero thanks the crowd as she accepts her trophy for Best Actress for the movie ‘Rainbow’s Sunset’ at the Metro Manila Film Festival on Friday. Joining her in the winner’s circle are her co-stars Tony Mabesa (Best Supporting Actor), Aiko Melendez (Best Supporting Actress), Eddie Garcia and Max Collins (special jury prizes), and director Joel Lamangan (Best Director). Photos courtesy of MMFF

PRIME COMMODITY. An elderly vendor arranges his stock of coconuts for sale at a stall in Manila on Friday, as he confirmed he raised the price of the fruit from P25 to P30 per piece. Coconut is a staple for fruit salads served on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Andrew Rabulan



Riera U. Mallari, Editor




HE University of the Philippines Lady Maroons made headlines last week with a hard-earned victory to rule the 2018 Philippine Superliga Collegiate Grand Slam at the Filoil Flying V Arena in San Juan. The team beat the UST Golden Tigresses in four hard-fought sets to claim the crown. Head coach Godfrey Okumu said the squad not only prepared hard, but prepared smart. They maximized use of their practice time which they had to fit into the busy schedule of their student-athletes. “How did I prepare my players? We believe in the principle of hard work and as we all know hard work always gives positive results. We work hard, but not for many hours. We still have to give our players time to study. We believe more in quality rather than quantity,” he said. UP displayed not only skill but also mental toughness and resilience in pulling out the victory. The Lady Maroons trailed 0-4 and then 2-8 early in the fourth set against UST but managed to rally thanks to Nicole Magsarile’s efforts from the service line. UP is formidable in large part because of its style of play which relies on speed and pace rather than just sheer power. Other teams have found it hard to defend against. “We rely on the Japanese style, which is very fast paced type of play, with power and accuracy. To say the truth, we as a team have yet to reach there. We are still working on our passing, which really needs polishing. The other thing that we

Coach Godfrey Okumu and the UP Lady Maroons are on their way to another practice session. Preparation has been key for the squad which annexed two pre-season championships ahead of the UAAP volleyball tournament.

are still working on that can be borrowed from the Japanese, is both the net and floor defense which we are still working on,” said coach Okumu. The team is not a finished product. But they are on their way. In the meantime, players have stepped up for the squad making key plays that resulted in the victory. Arianne Layug’s drop shop brought UP to the championship point. She followed that with a spike down the middle to seal the title for the Lady Maroons. Because of the victory in the prestigious tournament, even with powerhouse squads like Ateneo and La Salle, UP is considered one of the favor-

ites in the coming University Athletic Association of the Philippines season. Okumu confessed this is a welcome though unexpected honor. “Wow, that is something new for me. All the teams in UAAP are good teams that should not be underrated. UP Women’s Volleyball Team is showing great signs of improvement, and like all the UAAP teams, we have a chance to be great. None of our players graduated, so perhaps that is the reason why some people believe that we are the most favorable team,” said Okumu. Whether coach Ukumu likes the pressure or not, UP is considered one of the favorites now. This is UP’s

second preseason championship after they captured a Premier Volleyball League title last September. The UP mentor said he considered the squad to be a champion team for several years now. It was just a matter of time before the public found out. “We as the UPWVT expect to perform better than last year and if possible bring the championship home. My other expectation is the team’s growth and also individual growth. We know what is at stake. I still believe that it will not be an easy season because our opponents are also strong and it will be just a game of minds,” said coach Okumu.

PAGDANGANAN, DY CRUISE TO 7-SHOT ROMP BIANCA Pagdanganan and Jed Dy combined superbly in foursome, coming through with a two-under 66 and turning what was expected to be a fierce, down-to-the-wire finish into a runaway seven-shot triumph in the National Doubles Amateur Golf Championship at the Camp Aguinaldo Golf Club in QC. Just one-up on Jet Hernandez and Josh Jorge after the aggregate play Friday, Pagdanganan and Dy stayed ahead with a birdie-bogey stint at the front then broke a run of pars with an eagle on the par-5 18th, their closing 31 in the rain capping a triumphant first-ever team-up between an Asian Games bronze medalist and a former Junior World champion. With their 63 in four-ball and 140 in aggregate formats, Pagdanganan and Dy finished with a 269 total, beating the Hernandez-Jorge pair by seven for the overall crown in the season-ending

tournament of the National Golf Association of the Philippines and sponsored by the MVP Sports Foundation. “It was a team effort and we just complemented with each other. But ate Bianca is really a good player,” said Dy of her partner, who won the bronze in the recnet Asian Games and helped anchor the Phl romp in team play. The victory also augured well for the winning tandem heading to the 2019 Philippine Amateur Open Golf Championship beginning Jan. 3 at Riviera’s Langer course in Silang, Cavite. Hernandez and Jorge kept it close with an opening 36 but they fumbled with three bogeys in the first five holes at the back and limped with another 36 for a 72 and a 276. They settled for the Group I diadem. Don Petil and JR Salahug combined for a 71 for a 281 then nipped the Paqo Barro-Jeff Jung pair, which also shot a

71, in the countback for third place overall in the event held as part of the PLDT Group National Amateur Golf Tour and backed by Cignal and Metro Pacific. Lanz Uy and Ryan Monsalve carded a 76 for 282 while Sean Ramos and Gabby Macalaguim hobbled with a 78 for 284 followed by Kristine Torralba and Santino Laurel (75-285), Manfred and David Guangko (75-286), Sam Martirez-Diana Araneta (72-289) and Masaichi OtakeRald Sarmiento (75-293). Meanwhile, Miguel Roque and Santino Diokno struggled with a 78 but held on to capture the Group II crown with a 307, edging Franco Rivera and Ciaran O’Driscoll, who rallied with a 75-310, by three, while Louie Aguinaldo and Beleran Col also survived a faltering windup to clinch the Group III plum with a 298 after an 82, two shots ahead of Vic Se and Mon Capistrano, who shot a 76.

Jed Dy and Bianca Pagdanganan study the line of their putt on No. 18.

DAVIS LIFTS PELICANS PAST MAVS LOS ANGELES—Anthony Davis delivered a season-high 48 points and 17 rebounds as the New Orleans Pelicans snapped a five-game losing skid with a 114-112 win over the Dallas Mavericks on Friday. Davis made the go-ahead jumper with 43 seconds remaining and the Mavericks failed to get off a shot on the final possession with four seconds left. “We came out in the second half with a lot more energy on the defensive end and were able to come up with the win,” said Davis, who had 45 points and 15 rebounds in the same game for the ninth time in his NBA career. Luka Doncic scored 34 points and hit seven of 10 from beyond the arc, and Harrison Barnes had 21 points for the Mavericks. The Pelicans dominated in the paint, scoring 70 points, including 22 from Julius Randle. Dallas outscored the Pelicans from long range in the first half, cruising to a 66-55 lead. But Davis kept the Pelicans within striking distance with 22 first-half points on nine-of-15 shooting. The Pelicans continued to chip away, outscoring Dallas 31-22 in the third quarter to pull within 88-86. The Pelicans took their first lead since late in the first quarter on Frank Jackson’s three-pointer, which made it 99-96 with just under eight minutes left. Elsewhere, Nikola Vucevic tallied 30 points and 20 rebounds as the Orlando Magic swatted the Toronto Raptors off their lofty perch with a 116-87 victory. The Raptors came into the game with the best record in the NBA but dropped to 26-11 on the season to fall a couple percentage points back of the Milwaukee Bucks. The Magic led by as many as 31 points in the third quarter as they outscored Toronto 51-16 in a 16-minute span that began in the second. D.J. Augustin had 17 points and six assists for Orlando, who snapped a five-game losing skid to the Raptors. The Magic finished with five players in double figure scoring and outrebounded Toronto 60-41. “It’s a strange one. I think if it started that way you would think ‘Oh, you didn’t come ready to play,’ but we were really sharp and moving the ball and popping it around and had a nice lead and probably should have had a bigger lead if we would have made more of our opportunities,” Raptors head coach Nick Nurse said. “And then the thing just turned and we never really could get stops and we couldn’t finish at the rim very well. Just was a really poor night for all of us.” Kawhi Leonard scored 21 points for the Raptors, who suffered their most lopsided defeat of the season. Toronto played their second game without injured all-star Kyle Lowry. He has played only once since December 12 due to a back injury. AFP


Bigger international races are scheduled in 2019 for the Go For Gold continental cycling team to send a Filipino cyclist to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

FILIPINO athletes under the Go For Gold program are gearing up for peak performance in time for the 30th Southeast Asian Games. Nikko Huelgas, the reigning twotime men’s triathlon SEA Games champion, is leaving no stone unturned after getting a feedback that his challengers will come out stronger in the 11-nation meet scheduled here in the Philippines on Nov. 30 to Dec. 11. Asian Games champion Margielyn Didal has decided to push herself to the limit as the Cebuana skateboarding idol competes in an Olympic qualifying tournament in Brazil a week from now, while Go For Gold cyclists, led by Jonel Carcueva and Rex Krog, are ready for more punishing races ahead. “Our athletes have produced good results this year and with continued support, I believe they can perform better in the SEA Games,’’ said Go For Gold godfather Jeremy Go.

Also expected to deliver next year are the dragonboat team of the Philippine Canoe Kayak Dragonboat Federation, which gained worldwide success after winning five gold medals in the world championships in the United States four months ago. The national sepak takraw squad is focused on improving its craft following a one-gold, three-bronze medal haul in the recent world championships held in Thailand, while Filipino wrestlers will gain more foreign exposures as needed to keep up with the best grapplers in the region. “There are still many things our program needs to improve on, including the selection of tournaments where our athletes are bound to compete,’’ said Go For Gold project director Ednalyn Hualda. According to Go, Team Go For Gold will also take care of the training and foreign exposure of junior cyclists in the national team in partnership with Phil-

Cycling to produce a Filipino Olympian in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. That’s apart from the Go For Gold continental team that was recently launched featuring Filipino riders who will get the chance to race against the most battle-ready road cyclists on the planet. “Different types of sports have a wide variety of needs. The Go For Gold program is trying to fulfill those needs to make the athletes perform at their best,’’ said Hualda. Aside from helping national athletes in cycling, dragonboat and sepak takraw, Go For Gold has been lending its hand for the success of the men’s triathlon squad, the skateboarding team and elite Filipino wrestlers. “I wouldn’t have won two gold medals (in the SEA Games) if not for support of Go For Gold. They supported me throughout my journey in the past two SEA Games,’’ said Huelgas.




Ray S. Eñano, Editor / Roderick dela Cruz, Issue Editor


POPULAR DENTIST GETS AWARD FOR TOP ENTREPRENEUR T H E founder and chief executive of Gan Advanced Osseointegration Center or Gaoc was recognized in the Outstanding Category of the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2018. Dr. Steve Mark Gan, who gained fame as ‘Dentist to the Stars’, built Gaoc to become the leader among dental clinics in the Philippines and one of the best in Southeast Asia. The prestigious Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards is a regional award recognition program recognizing entrepreneurial excellence, honoring business leaders and organizations who have shown outstanding per formance and tenacity in developing successful businesses, while not neglecting the social responsibilities that come with leadership.

The LexMeet team is headed by (from left) president and founder Marlon Valderama, vice president of design Redg Fernandez, vice president of development Gino Carlo Cortez and vice president of marketing Mel Jamero.


FILIPINO lawyer, who pioneered virtual or e-lawyering in the Philippines, has recently launched a mobile app with video-chat features to link clients and lawyers. “It is the first of its kind in the Philippines,” says LexMeet Inc. president Marlon Valderama, who is also the managing partner of Valderama Law Office. LexMeet is a wordplay on the Latin word for ‘law’ and workplace verbatim for setting office meetings. “Lexmeet is an online legal consultation platform where lawyers and clients meet to solve legal problems. It is also a marketplace for legal products and services,” says Valderama, who passed the Bar exam in 2001. Valderama describes the LexMeet app as the Uber of lawyers, where clients can seek legal advice by a mere click. “Instead of an Uber vehicle matching with the nearest rider, LexMeet is where client’s legal problem is matched with the lawyer’s expertise, location and language and we serve as a bridge for them to meet via video or call conference,” he says. He says the mobile app provides a convenient means to access legal services at affordable cost. “The traditional consultation is costly, while this is affordable. Starting with P500, you will be able to talk to a lawyer. Whereas in the traditional, consultation alone costs P2,000 to P3,000. It is also convenient. You don’t have to leave the comforts of your home. If you have Internet, you could talk to them via video conference or voice call inside LexMeet,” says Valderama. LexMeet allows clients to register their personal details for free, and they can purchase credits for as low as P500 via Paypal, Dragonpay, and later on Google Pay payment gateways. Clients can initiate a legal consultation request where LexMeet will match their legal problem with a lawyer specialist that meets their requirements. Valderama says he launched LexMeet as an expansion of E-Lawyers Online which he introduced in 2010 and to provide other lawyers with online avenues to offer their legal services to more clients. He says the LexMeet app employs a unique algorithm that helps clients choose the right lawyer for their specific legal problems. Clients are given a list of lawyers who have expertise in different fields. The lawyer’s location and dialect are also shown to clients to guide them in the selection process. “LexMeet works as a communication platform as well as a matching platform. Clients sign up, register and load credits. After that, they submit their legal problems in advance and they would be able to select the lawyers,” he says. “LexMeet does not only provide lawyers, but also matches with legal problems so that when a client has a legal problem in his property, he will be matched with a lawyer with specialization in property law,” says Valderama. “For example, if a client has a problem with a condominium unit and he is a Cebuano, he could get a Cebuano lawyer specializing in property law and speaking in Cebuano,” he says. The platform allows clients to request the date and time of the online legal consultation with the lawyer. Through LexMeet’s own video chat consultation platform, they could directly ask questions and make clarifications. “If you want a legal document, you can also get it from LexMeet,” says Valderama, who served as an senior associate lawyer of Florentino & Esmaquel Law Office before establishing his online business. He says the ultimate plan is to provide full legal services through LexMeet. “If you want to

tap full services, you may meet them personally. But later on, we will have a product where all the services will be done inside LexMeet,” says Valderama. LexMeet now has 7,500 clients and 250 lawyers. “We usually recruit lawyers through friends. It started with my friends, then friends of friends, but we asked them to submit a copy of their IBP ID. Then we check their identification with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines to ensure they are duly licensed,” says Valderama. Valderama says LexMeet also protects clients’ personal and financial information by securing its app and website with Secure Socket Layer or SSL certificate. LexMeet earns from its share in legal consultations. “Our business model is that we collect from the platform. Every time the client speaks to the lawyer, the lawyer earns, but we also earn per minute basis,” he says. Clients’ credits are automatically paid to their matched lawyer after the meeting ends. Ratings and feedback mechanism help ensure that LexMeet’s crowdsourced network of 250 lawyers provide quality advice. Valderama also expects LexMeet to be the online go-to-place for overseas Filipino workers and entrepreneurs. “The Philippines has more than 10.23 million migrant workers scattered all over the world. With Filipino diaspora, there is a demand for legal services for the legal issues left behind by our migrant workers such as marriage, support and custody issues, inheritance, investments, among others. Also, we have so many SMEs, almost 1 million now, who are needing legal guidance from lawyers. The lack of online facility to help our OFWs and SMEs in solving their legal problems is our prime motivation in establishing a primary hub of e-lawyering, ” says Valderama. LexMeet was awarded as the ‘Best Life Helper’ in the 2018 Asean Rice Bowl Startup Awards. Roderick T. dela Cruz

Gaoc founder and chief executive Dr. Steve Mark Gan (center) with Dato’ William Ng, president of Enterprise Asia (left) and Trade Undersecretary Zenaida Cuison Maglaya at the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards at Manila Marriott Hotel.

APEA recognized Gan’s contributions to the field of dentistry and dental implantology in the Philippines. Specifically, the honor was bestowed on Gan for his “uniquely personal triumph in search for excellence”; and his “steel-willed determination and vision amid unspeakable challenges.” Additionally, the G aoc Group of Companies received the Corporate Excellence Award, in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology category, for “having established a mark for upgrading, humanizing and even glamorizing the practice of dentistry.” “I’m truly humbled by this recognition,” said Gan. ”More than anything, it serves as an inspiration for me to strive harder in the advancement not only of GAOC, but of the whole field of dentistry in the country as well.” Gaoc owns and manages 10 state-of-the art dental clinics and is at the forefront of innovation through the utilization of digital dentistry, the latest global trend in the field today.

SMART RECOGNIZED FOR PROGRAMS THAT EMPOWER FILIPINOS For advocating and implementing programs that uplift the lives of Filipinos, PLDT wireless unit Smart Communications garnered accolades in 2018, both here and abroad. Top of the list is the Telecoms Transformation Award at the Global Telecoms Awards in London for Smart’s network transformation program. Smart had accelerated the deployment of Long Term Evolution, LTE-Advanced and carrier aggregation technology across the Philippines to meet the growing mobile data demands of Filipinos. Both PLDT and Smart committed historic levels of resources

to support network transformation, with capital expenditures reaching $1.1 billion in 2018 alone. As a result, PLDT-Smart fulfilled its commitment of making mobile data service available in 90 percent of the country’s cities and municipalities. Mobile analytics firm OpenSignal also recognized Smart for running the country’s fastest LTE network, bestowing on the company the following citations: best in 4G LTE download speed; best in overall download speed; best 4G latency performance, and best 3G latency performance.

Students and their teacher explore the gadgets inside a Smart School-in-a-Bag, which has been donated by Rotary Club of Cebu to elementary schools on Bantayan Island.

PLDT and Smart were also cited for being the country’s fastest fixed and mobile networks for the first and second quarters of 2018, respectively, by Ookla, the global leader in internet testing and analysis. But more than awardwinning speeds, Smart’s network transformation helped transform the lives of customers who relied on it. In areas where Smart rolled out LTE, LTE-A and carrier aggregation, small business owners and Smart retailerpartners had reported an increase in earnings, boosted by improved mobile Turn to C2




SMART... From C1 internet experience in their area. No learner left behind The Smart School-in-a-Bag, a portable set of digital learning tools deployed in remote and underserved areas without electricity, received two Social Contribution Awards. The trophies were given during the Asia Communication Awards in Singapore and at the World Communication Awards in London by Total Telecom, a platform that delivers information and organizes events for the global telecommunications industry. The School-in-a-Bag is a backpack that contains a laptop, tablets preloaded with educational apps, TV, pocket Wi-Fi, solar panel with battery and activity sheets for the use of both teachers and students. With the help of donors, the School-in-a-Bag has benefited around 30,000 students in more than 30 provinces. Disaster preparedness With their agility and technological know-how, the youth is best suited to prepare for, respond to and mobilize their families and communities during calamities. Recognizing the role the youth can play in these times, Smart developed a disaster preparedness program for college-level students. This program, called Tropang Ready, won in the Community Engagement category at the prestigious Golden World Awards. Presented by the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), the GWA recognizes public relations practices that meet international standards of excellence. Promoted under PLDT-Smart’s T N T b r a n d , t h e T N T Tr o p a n g Ready program tours colleges and universities nationwide to conduct disaster preparedness trainings for students, who in turn will cascade their learnings to their schools’ extension communities. Since 2016, the program has trained around 10,000 students in more than 10 state colleges and universities all over the Philippines. Tropang Ready is part of Smart’s commitment to a #SafePH, which aims to ensure the reliability of network services and offer communications as relief, especially in times of distress. Outstanding public relations On the local front, Smart continued its winning streak at the Anvil Awards, receiving top honors for the third straight year at the Oscars of public relations in the Philippines. Smart won the Grand Prix Award for having the highest number of Gold Anvils this year. The company bagged 6 Gold and 12 Silver Anvils. It also got the Grand Anvil recognition for SHINE OS+ (Secured Health Information Network and Exchange), an electronic medical record system that enables health facilities to provide faster and better service to their patients. The Grand Anvil is given to the most outstanding public relations program of the year. The Anvil Awards has been conducted annually for 53 years by the Public Relations Society of the Philippines. Smart also emerged anew as one of the top winners of the Philippine Quill Awards, receiving a total of 15 trophies. Smart’s winning programs sought to make the mobile internet experience more accessible, affordable and meaningful to Filipinos; use technology to enhance education, disaster preparedness, health services, and customer experience, and transform the workplace to support the company’s digital pivot. The Philippine Quill Awards i s o rg a n i z e d a n n u a l l y b y t h e International Association of Business Communicators–Philippines to recognize excellence in professional communication.


Endeavor Philippines mentor Jaime Zobel de Ayala welcomes the Endeavor network to an evening discussing the entrepreneurship network’s four years of the multiplier effect.


N the celebration of Endeavor’s fourth year of operations in the country, the local chapter of the global entrepreneurship network shared how it has enabled the local start-up community to thrive, and how it intends to continue doing so in the years to come. Endeavor has been leading the high-impact entrepreneurship movement in the country since 2015. Since it was founded, 20 entrepreneurs from 16 companies across various industries have become part of the local network. Having received support from global and local business mentors, access to professional services, and growth capital, these companies have truly scaled. After joining the Endeavor network, the entrepreneurs have created over 1,700 jobs, and have increased their annual revenues by P3.6

Endeavor Philippines managing director Manny Ayala discusses four years of the multiplier effect through Endeavor Philippines’ first Impact Report.

billion leading to over P6.3 billion in revenues generated as of 2017. “Since we started in the Philippines in 2015, we have been steadfast in fulfilling our mission of creating an economic multiplier effect by accelerating the growth of high-impact entrepreneurs. We are also proud to have a diverse mix of companies in our network as we have a range of tech companies and those that follow traditional brick and mortar format. This is a testament to how even traditional businesses are able to prove their high-impact in today’s tech-driven society,” says Endeavor Philippines managing director Manny Ayala. Paying it forward Endeavor has been successful in fostering the growth of the local entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country as the network abides by a “pay it forward” philosophy. “We recognize the importance of sharing our knowledge and resources with other local businesses to be able to aid in the growth of both the entrepreneurs and their businesses. Our members have been able to do this by mentoring, personally investing in companies,

and connecting them to industry contacts in a bid to help them scale, and eventually, pay it forward as well.” Endeavor Entrepreneurs themselves have invested in and mentored over 50 local companies, and have taken seats at several advisory boards of these businesses. At the same time, most of the Endeavor entrepreneurs have been sought after thought leaders in their respective industries being invited to speak in conferences locally and internationally. Endeavor continues to welcome more highimpact entrepreneurs into the network in order to fulfill its mission of catalyzing economic growth. Endeavor entrepreneurs receive support from global and local business mentors from Fortune 500 consulting firms, access to worldclass professional and customized services, and growth capital. In the Philippines, Endeavor’s board members include chairman Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, vice chairman Jasen Ko, Cezar Consing, Anton Huang, Eugenio Lopez III, Roberto Panlilio, Edgar “Injap” Sia II, Wilfred Steven Uytengsu and Julio Sy Jr.

ABOITIZ SCHOLARS MASTER WORKPLACE EQ FIFTY-FOUR Cebu college scholars supported by the Aboitiz Foundation and Aboitiz units Cebu Private Power Corporation, East Asia Utilities Corp., Therma Visayas Inc. and Visayan Electric Co. Inc. learned more about emotional intelligence in the workplace at the first Aboitiz College Scholars Learning Series on Dece. 21. The event, facilitated by Dr. Shiela Marie Hocson, former president of the Philippine Guidance and Counselling Association, tackled identifying one’s personality types and tendencies, personality assessment, and techniques and methods in coping up with emotionally stressful situations and environment. The Aboitiz College Scholars Learning Series is an initiative by the Aboitiz Foundation in its pursuit of scaling up projects by developing the soft skills of its scholars to equip them with the essential skills needed in the corporate world. It is part of the Aboitiz Foundation College Scholarship Program, which has already supported 2,208 scholars, including 243 current scholars, in its thrust to advance business and communities by co-creating safe, empowered and sustainable communities. The Aboitiz Foundation is the corporate foundation of the Aboitiz Group that was established in 1988. Its purpose is to drive change for a better world by advancing business and communities through programs in education, enterprise development and the environment. Since its inception in 1988, the foundation’s

corporate social responsibility interventions have evolved from one-time donations to carefully designed programs that empower its beneficiaries to pursue their aspirations. Today, the Aboitiz Foundation, through the Aboitiz business units, develops and implements

“CSR 2.0” projects that aim to co-create safe, empowered and sustainable communities. These CSR 2.0 projects are aligned with the group’s core competencies, are scalable nationwide, and create deeper social impact on the communities and beneficiaries they serve.

ECONOMIC PLANNING SECRETARY OPTIMISTIC ON 2019 THE government’s economic chief is optimistic about the performance of the economy in 2019, following the successes and setbacks in 2018. “Overall, 2018 is not the kind of year that we have initially expected,” said Economic Planning Secretary and National Economic and Development Authority director-general Ernesto Pernia. “You know there will always be more than two sides in a story. One group will view the glass as half empty, while the others half full. We choose to be on the latter’s side. But our hope and optimism is strengthened by grounded objectivity and unstoppable determination and hard work,” Pernia said in his year-end briefing. “Despite external and domestic headwinds in 2018, the Philippine economy became stronger and even more resilient than ever,” said Pernia. He said despite the challenges, the economy still grew by more than 6 percent in 2018. “The economy has been on a roll. It has been growing at least 6 percent for 14 consecutive quarters now. This is the strongest economic growth we have seen since the mid-1970s. And, I am proud to say that the Philippines’ economic growth is sustained and uninterrupted. While the yearto-date real GDP growth is at 6.3 percent and it is slower than the 6.8 percent growth recorded

in the same period last year, the Philippines continues to be among the best performing economies in the region,” he said. Pernia, however, agreed that there is still much work to do. “Among the factors in the slowing down of the overall economic growth in the first three quarters of 2018 are lower agricultural output and softened household consumption, mainly on the back of accelerated increase in prices, particularly food. This reflects less optimistic consumer sentiment despite strong labor data,” he said.

“Next, we have all felt the pinch of a faster inflation rate in the past few months. This has been a cause for concern for the whole economic team. And so, we have made sure that we are quick and on point in implementing our anti-inflationary measures. The president issuing Administrative Order 13 was crucial in our efforts to bring down the prices of key agricultural commodities, such as rice, fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits, which have significantly contributed to overall inflation in the past,” he said. “We are optimistic that increases in consumer prices have already peaked and we expect inflation to normalize in the medium term,” said Pernia. He said the recent passage of the Rice Tariffication bill was expected to reduce rice prices by up to P7 per kilo. “Notwithstanding, the positive development in the global oil market will also help in tempering consumer prices further over the near term, particularly of energy-related items,” he said. Pernia said Neda continued to work closely with the entire economic team, especially the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, which takes the lead in tightening monetary policy to curb inflationary pressures especially on the demand side. The BSP projects inflation to average 5.2 percent in 2018, before easing in 2019 to 3.2 percent. Pernia said the signing into law of the Ease of

Doing Business Act or Republic Act No. 11032 will also boost economic activities, as the measure aims to simplify the requirements and streamlines procedures in starting and opening a business in our country. “This hopefully will result in enhanced business competitiveness, lessened bureaucracy, and reduced opportunities for corruption, while more foreign businesses are attracted to invest in the country,” he said. Pernia said the signing of Executive Order No. 65 promulgating the Eleventh Regular Foreign Investment Negative List or RFINL is also a boost to the country’s business competitiveness. “Liberalizing more sectors for foreign investment in the country will open the country for new technology and innovation,” said Pernia. The Neda chief said the Philippine labor market continued to improve overall. “Unemployment is down to 5.3 percent, which is within the target for the year. Labor force participation of women improved to 47 percent, although it remains behind target. Discouraged jobseekers also declined to 11.5 percent, which was better than the target. Youth not in employment nor education likewise declined to 19.9 percent, well within the target,” he said.





Department of Finance-Department of HealthBureau of Internal Revenue-Food and Drug Administration JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO . IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES ON THE VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT) EXEMPTION OF THE SALE OF DRUGS PRESCRIBED FOR DIABETES, HIGH CHOLESTEROL AND HYPERTENSION UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8424 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1997, AS AMENDED BY REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10963 Pursuant to Section 109 (AA) of Republic Act No. 8424, otherwise known as the “National Internal Revenue Code of 1997”, as amended by Republic Act No. 10963, otherwise known as “Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law”, the sale of drugs prescribed for diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension shall be exempt from VAT beginning January 1, 2019. In relation to this, the Department of Health (DOH), under Republic Act No. 9502 otherwise known as the “Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008”, is mandated to ensure the affordability and accessibility of medicines to promote the health and well-being of Filipinos. Specifically, the DOH is tasked to institute a drug price monitoring and regulation system under Chapter V, Rule 26 of the Implementing Rules and Regulation of the said Act. To implement the above provisions, the Secretaries of the Department of Finance (DOF) and the DOH, in coordination with the Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Director-General of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), hereby promulgate the following guidelines: I.

OBJECTIVES These implementing guidelines are being issued to achieve the following objectives:



To establish the general guidelines in the implementation of the VAT exemption of the sale of drugs prescribed for diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension; and


To delineate the roles of the DOF, DOH, BIR and FDA for the proper implementation of the above.


These implementing guidelines shall apply to the sale by manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers of drugs prescribed for diabetes, high-cholesterol and hypertension in its final form. The VAT exemption granted to persons under Republic Act No. 7432, otherwise known as the “Senior Citizens Act of 1992”, as amended, and Republic Act No. 7277, otherwise known as the “Magna Carta for Persons with Disability”, as amended, on the VAT exempt sales of drugs to senior citizens and persons with disabilities, respectively, shall not be covered by this issuance. III.


For purposes of this implementing guidelines, the following terms are defined as follows: 1. Diabetes Mellitus refers to a group of chronic metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels) resulting from defects in either insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Diagnosis done with any of the following tests: (1) Fasting Blood Glucose of ≥ 126mg/dL (7.0 mmoI/L); and (2) Random Plastma Glucose with classic symptoms of diabetes or Two-hour Oral Glucose Tolerance Test of ≥ 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmoI/L). 2. Distributor or Wholesaler means any establishment that purchases drugs prescribed for the treatment of diabetes, high-cholesterol and hypertension, in its final form, for wholesale distribution to other establishments or outlets. 3. Drugs refer to pharmaceutical products that pertain to chemical compounds or biological substance, other than food, intended for use in the treatment of diabetes, high-cholesterol and hypertension, as approved and identified by the FDA. 4. Electronic Drug Price Monitoring System (EDPMS) - is a computer/web base solution with functionalities to capture, process, store and generates reports on drugs and inventories from drug establishments (Manufacturers, Distributor/Importer/Exporter) and drug outlets. 5. High Cholesterol refers to the elevation or above normal value of total cholesterol (normal is < 200 mg/dl). Total cholesterol includes high density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good cholesterol” and low density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad cholesterol”. People with high cholesterol is at risk of coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke among others. 6. Hypertension refers to a cardiovascular disease and defined as a blood pressure of ≥ 140/90 mm Hg taken on two separate occasions. 7. Manufacturer refers to any establishment engaged in any and all operations involved in the production of drugs prescribed for the treatment of diabetes, high-cholesterol and hypertension including preparation, processing, compounding, formulating, filling, packaging, repackaging, altering, ornamenting, finishing and labeling with the end in view of its storage, sale or distribution: Provided, That the term shall not apply to the compounding and filling of prescriptions in drugstores and hospital pharmacies. 8. Retailer refers to any establishment that procures drugs prescribed for the treatment of diabetes, high-cholesterol and hypertension, in its final form, and licensed by the FDA to carry on the retail business of sale of drugs directly to the general public. IV.

GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. The sale by manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers of drugs prescribed for the treatment of diabetes, high-cholesterol and hypertension in its final form shall be exempt from VAT imposed under Section 106 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended. The importation of the abovedescribed drugs shall be subject to VAT under Section 107 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended; 2. The sale of drugs not included in the “List of VAT-exempt Diabetes, High-Cholesterol and Hypertension Drugs” published by the FDA shall not be exempt from VAT; 3. In addition to the current list of drugs that the DOH is monitoring through the Electronic Drug Price Monitoring System (EDPMS), all drugs included in the VAT exemption list should also be reported by all manufacturers, distributors and retailers in the EDPMS in accordance with existing DOH guidelines; and 4. Within 60 days upon the effectivity of these guidelines, all manufacturers, distributors and retailers shall submit to the DOH a sworn statement (Annex A) containing the wholesale price, suggested retail price and actual retail price prior to and after the effectivity of these guidelines.



For purposes of the full implementation of Section 109 (AA) of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended, apart from the inherent functions in their charters, the following government agencies are mandated to perform the following roles and responsibilities: A.

Department of Health 1.

Provide technical guidance for the proper implementation of the subject provision;


Disseminate the “List of VAT-exempt Diabetes, High-Cholesterol and Hypertension Drugs” provided by FDA;






Through the Pharmaceutical Division: a.

Monitor and study the impact of the VAT exemption of drugs for diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension on the affordability and access of medicines for patients;


Update the list of drugs in the EDPMS regularly based on the list of drugs submitted by the FDA;


For the DOH, oversee and manage the overall implementation of these guidelines; and


Coordinate with the relevant agencies for the proper implementation of the guidelines.

Department of Finance 1.

Provide for policy guidance on the implementation of the VAT exemption of drugs for diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension; and


Monitor the revenue impact of the VAT exemption.

Food and Drug Administration 1.

Identify the drugs which are specifically prescribed for the treatment and/or prevention of diabetes, high-cholesterol and hypertension to be included in the “List of VAT-exempt Diabetes, High-Cholesterol and Hypertension Drugs”;


Regularly update the “List of VAT-exempt Diabetes, High-Cholesterol and Hypertension Drugs”, when drugs are registered or de-registered;


Provide the DOH and the BIR the “List of VAT-exempt Diabetes, High-Cholesterol and Hypertension Drugs” and any update thereto thirty (30) days prior the beginning of every quarter;


Require the posting of the “List of VAT-exempt Diabetes, High-Cholesterol and Hypertension Drugs” conspicuously in the place of business of manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers of the VAT-exempt drugs, hospital pharmacies and other FDA-licensed establishments; and


Address issues relating to the “List of VAT-exempt Diabetes, High-Cholesterol and Hypertension Drugs” and the proper dispensation of medicines under Republic Act No. 9711 otherwise known as the “Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009,” Republic Act No.1 0918 otherwise known as “Philippine Pharmacy Act,” and other applicable laws.

Bureau of Internal Revenue 1.

Formulate the appropriate revenue issuance to implement the availment of the VAT exemption;


For the information of taxpayers, publish the “List of VAT-exempt Diabetes, HighCholesterol and Hypertension Drugs” and any updates thereto through the issuance of a revenue memorandum circular;


Provide revenue data to the Department of Finance; and


Address complaints on violation of invoicing requirements and other VAT-related issues in the availment of the exemption.


The applicable penalties under the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended, and other laws shall apply. VII. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE In the event that any provision or part of this implementing guidelines is declared unenforceable or rendered invalid by any court of law or competent authority, those provisions not affected by such declaration shall remain valid and effective. VIII. REPEALING CLAUSE All administrative issuance, circulars and memorandum inconsistent with this implementing guidelines are hereby withdrawn, repealed and/or revoked accordingly. IX.


These guidelines shall take effect on January 1, 2019 following its complete publication in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation. Adopted this 21st day of December, 2018 in Manila, Philippines.

Implementing guidelines on the VAT exemption of the sale of drugs prescribed for diabetes, high-cholesterol and hypertension under RA 8424, as amended by RA 10963 (MS-DEC. 30, 2018)





TECH & Gadgets SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2018 Riera U. Mallari, Editor


N A bid to deliver the latest technology to its customers in the Philippines, Lenovo, a global leader in PC and smart devices development, is announcing the launch of a portfolio of devices featuring Intel® Optane™ memory technology. It is designed to bring greater efficiency and a more powerful experience to all Filipinos customers.

Intel® Optane™ is a system acceleration solu- tel® Optane™ devices; its abilities allow HDD tion found in 8th Generation (or newer) Intel® (Hard Drive Disk) systems to run nearly as fast Core™ Processors that boosts a computer’s as devices with expensive SSDs (Solid-state responsiveness to end-user requests, including Drive), removing the need for users to upgrade. launching applications, finding and moving The technology is now available on Lenovo’s large files, and even loading levels in video games. latest product range that runs on Intel’s 8th It is designed to store commonly used data and Generation processors and upwards, inprograms closer to the processor. The system can cluding the following: access information more quickly with improved • Legion Y530-15ICH—with 8th Gen Intel® overall system responsiveness. Core™ i7-8750H processor; P78,995 Official benchmarking results have shown the • IdeaPad 330technology to be delivering up to 65 percent faster 17ICH—with 8th Gen gameplay and up to 5x faster web browsing. Intel® Core™ i7-8750H “With the new range of devices that features processor; P64,995 Intel Optane technology, Lenovo users can now • IdeaPad 330S-15IKB— complete tasks significantly faster with 8th Gen Intel® with shorter wait time than Core™ i7-8550U processor; before. This is a huge boost in P55,995 work efficiency and will allow • IdeaPad 330S-15IKB—with students as well as working pro8th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-8250U fessionals greater productivity to processor; P42,995 achieve much more. In addition, Continuing innovation the technology provides gamThe release of Intel® Optane™ers a near-uninterruptible gampowered devices is just part of ing experience, allowing them Lenovo’s objectives in bringing to fully immerse into their innovative technology to the games,” said Lenovo Philmarket. This partnership with ippines Country General Intel is specifically aimed at Manager Michael Ngan. providing end users across Ngan also notes the demographics with powerLegion Y530 Notebook Hero cost-effectiveness of Inful devices that deliver high Front facing forward

IDEAPAD 330 Hero Close up

performance in every task. Lenovo is expected to release other products across its consumer, commercial, and enterprise lineups with Intel® Optane™ to make the technology’s benefits more accessible to the public. “Be it at work or play, slow loading time can impact user experience. In more serious cases, it can lead to decreased productivity and revenue loss for businesses. Our partnership with Intel aims to help users avoid these unnecessary problems, by providing a seamless and near-uninterruptible experience to all Lenovo users,” said Ngan. Intel® Optane™-powered Lenovo devices are available in major electronics stores.


By Ram Christian and Agustin Lorraine Alberto

ACER Academy, Acer Philippines’ exclusive client program headlining educational advocacies, held this year’s 6th iteration of the Acer Academy Summit bearing the theme “The immersive wonders of VR and MR in today’s learning,”attended by over 130 partner schools around the country at the Manila Hotel recently. “Immersive learning could only be possible through the guidance of someone, who understands how to maximize technology available to them,” said Managing Director of Acer Philippines Manuel Wong. “It’s both the role and the challenge of educators to maximize technology in maintaining contact with their tech-savvy students.” With the use of a headset, a compatible Windows PC and an advanced pair of motion controllers primed for an inexpensive and uncomplicated immersive experience, the system called Acer Windows Mixed Reality Solutions will

With the use of a headset, a compatible Windows PC and an advanced pair of motion controllers primed for an inexpensive and uncomplicated immersive experience, the system called Acer Windows Mixed Reality Solutions will project a simulated environment. Lorraine Alberto

project a simulated environment that will revolutionize the way students perceive education and conduct learning. “It’s important to integrate mixed reality solutions with our educational system to help educators understand how using VR (virtual reality) and MR (mixed

reality) can make learning more fun and engaging for their students,” said Wong. Last year, Acer Academy highlighted the information technology (IT) industry and education sectors on data privacy and education modernization, while this year, the summit was graced by Microsoft PH,

PLDT GLOBAL, KKday INK PACT the additional effort of having to text keywords to activate and load up the card. “Through this partnership with KKday, visitors coming from Asia and all over the world will find it easier to stay online while they enjoy exploring the wonderful destinations in the Philippines,” said PLDT Global Corp. first vice president and business development head Albert V. Villa-Real. “Our main goal is to provide the essentials to our guests—these include mobile services and strong data connection. We know for a fact that PLDT and Smart can provide these services to them,” said KKday country manager Joey Yusingco. KKday Southeast Asia business development manager Mike Valera explained that visitors can simply go to or download the app on their iOS or Android devices, search for the Philippines and look for tours and other services available to them. “Anywhere in the world, wherever they’re coming from, we’re accessible,” Valera said. PLDT Global Corp. is the international marketing, sales and operations arm of the PLDT Group. PGC’s partnership with KKday is part of its efforts to provide innovative telecommunications solutions and relevant consumer services to Filipinos overseas and visitors coming to the Philippines. Photo shows PGC assistant vice president and international Representatives of PLDT retail business head Artemio C. Quiamas Jr. and first vice Global Corp. and KKday pose president and business development head Albert V. Villafor a photo after signing the Real, and KKday country manager Joey Yusingco and SE Asia agreement. business development manager Mike Valera.

TRAVELERS going to the Philippines can now avail of the mobile communication services of PLDT and wireless unit Smart Communications following a recent partnership between PLDT Global Corp. and KKday, which enables visitors to book authentic local tours and activities using an e-commerce platform. Under the partnership, travelers may purchase Smart Travel SIMs right from the KKday website or app. The LTE-enabled SIMs can be delivered to their homes before their flight to the Philippines, or they have the option to get it at designated pickup sites upon their arrival in the country. The SIMs are ready to use and preloaded with 1 GB of data per day valid for 7 days, eliminating

IAmCardboard PH, Quiddity and Mobext, who gave insights on immersive technology’s role in global development and educational utilization. “Every year we make it a point to create something new to them, very relevant to the education sector. We don’t want to just present our product, we always want to make it a point that there’s something for them to learn,” said Carren Garcia, Senior Manager for Commercial Sales Acer PH. “The technology right now is very fast, we need to keep up with the technology. We need to break the barrier with the people and then the technology,” added Senior Product Manager for Commercial Product Acer PH Christian Caoagas. “It’s all about immersing into learning.” Acer Academy has been a strong force behind the adaptation of the digital classroom innovation concept in the country by digitizing teaching tools and helping educators utilize effective teaching methods since 2012.


PAYPAL recently launched Xoom, its international money transfer service in Canada. This new service enables Filipinos living in Canada to use Xoom to quickly and securely send money, pay bills and reload phones fast for loved ones living in the Philippines. Those who have relatives in Canada can also request money, bill payments and mobile reloads with just the email address of their contact. On receiving the request, their contact in Canada can fulfill it through Xoom’s mobile app or website. If they don’t have a Xoom account, they can create one easily. Xoom is one of the easiest and fastest ways for family living abroad to send money to Southeast Asian countries at competitive rates. Canadian immigrants can now send up to $12,500 CAD in a single transaction[1] to over 130 countries including India, China and the Philippines. “At Xoom, we are constantly innovating to provide the best possible money transfer service to families spread across the globe. Remittances serve as a critical lifeline for many people and are used to pay for food, housing, healthcare, education and utility bills to support family members in another country, said Julian King, Xoom’s Vice President and General Manager. “With Xoom, we are making it easier for people living in Canada to provide financial assistance to loved ones back home.” Filipino Canadians now have many options to take care of their family back home with Xoom. Cash pickup is available 24/7 at over 10,000 locations in the Philippines—where cash is usually available instantly. Xoom also offers a door-to-door delivery service with no additional fees and delivery times under six hours to Metro Manila when sent before 3 p.m. (Metro Manila time) and one to two days in most provinces. Xoom transfers can be tracked quickly and easily via text updates, email notifications or directly from the mobile app and website. More details of the request feature can be found on this link: The global remittance market is an estimated $600 billion industry with Canadians remitting nearly $24 billion annually[1]. Canada is one of the world’s most diverse countries and is home to nearly 7.5 million foreignborn people from more than 200 places of birth[2]. Introducing PayPal’s Xoom will benefit more than one in five people living in Canada—many of whom support family members overseas for things like medical bills, education, utility bills, and other financial needs back home in the Philippines.


By Angelica Villanueva

DELIVERING goods and services, with a heart “While we’re making a profit and delivering services, we’re also helping,” said WeeXpress President Michael Maranan during the media launch of the mobile app of the newest logistics services courier, WeeXpress. Created by Filipino developers with vast experiences in shipping and transportation, WeeXpress aims to provide the delivery needs of its users in the cheapest and fastest way. With the fast-growing number of delivery mobile apps in the Philippines, transporting documents and goods from one place to another becomes more accessible nowadays specially with the current situation of traffic in the metro. Delivery service has never been so easy and affordable. Right at your fingertips, transporting and delivering goods whether it is a document, parcel, or packed food, is easy as WeeXpress got you covered. WeeXpress Operations Manager Arvin Lasala shared that they had been planning to start this logistics services courier way back in 2012 and decided to softlaunch the mobile app two years ago. With a total of 130 operating motorcycle and bicycle riders, as of writing, WeeXpress has started to operate in the Metro Manila area and will soon operate in provinces like Batangas, Cavite, Cebu, and Davao. Present riders operate from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The base rate is at P50.00 for the roadside pick up and P60.00 for the door-to-door deliveries within the first three kilometers. Succeeding distance would be charged P12.00 per kilometer. Customers also do not need to worry about their parcels for in every delivery is equivalent to a recipient code that will help them secure their packages. As bikers themselves, Lasala and Maranan were inspired to push through with WeeXpress to promote

Allan Villanueva, General Manager; Michael Maranan, President and Arvin Lasala, Operations Manager of WeeXpress Charles Dantes

biking while earning. More than that, opting for a pollution-free transportation is a better way to help in preserving the environment. “We are the first logistics services courier to push bicycles as an alternative mode of transporting parcels and deliveries in the Philippines. We want this to be the mainstream mode of transporting small goods here in our country due to its pro-environment advantages,” added Marana. However, what WeeXpress is proud of and makes them different from others is that their official riders need not have to have finished a four-year course as they want to give chance to the unemployed, who are willing to make deliveries on bicycles and motorcycles, given that they have the required government clearances. Moreover, in every delivery, P2.00 is donated to the My Superhero Friends, a local and non-profit organization, which gives financial assistance to patients suffering from cancer and other rare forms of diseases.

Destinations D1


Bernadette Lunas, Issue Editor



WELCOME 2019 WITH A BANG End 2018 on a high note at Cove Manila.

A feast for the senses at Okada Manila Premier leisure and entertainment destination Okada Manila lights up with the brightest lights and beams shooting up straight to the skies. A Legendary Countdown Concert, complete with music, food, and free-flowing drinks, is happening at the Grand Ballroom on Dec. 31. This special dinner buffet and entertainment countdown treats guests to performances by OPM legends Hajji Alejandro, Marco Sison, and Rey Valera, as well as Hazel Faith and the Manila Sound Project. Call (02) 555-5799 for tickets. The Crystal Corridor is all decked out for the party with two entertainment stages for live music from Mayonnaise and the Okada Manila Entertainment Group, while the newly opened Coral Lounge has a consumable package for as low as P2,000 per head for groups of 15. Party-goers can dance the night away at Cove Manila as LA-based English DJ Pete Tong spins dope beats from the booth. Because no countdown parties will be complete without fireworks display, Okada Manila will have not one, but two simultaneous fireworks displays on its property. The Fountain presents a special New Year edition of Okada Manila’s famous water shows, and as the New Year draws closer, guests can count down the last seconds of 2018 to a mesmerizing fireworks display. Call (02) 800-8080 for inquiries.


BOOSTING SPORTS TOURISM ACCORDING to the United Enter the Philippine Nations World Tourism Sports Tourism Awards, Organization, tourism and the country’s first-ever sports are two social pheaward-giving body that nomena in the 21st centurecognizes stakeholders ry that mobilize millions of who have made outstandpeople all the world, reping contributions to our resenting the most powercountry’s sports tourism MERCURY RISING industry. The awards are ful economic driving force BY BOB ZOZOBRADO of society today. meant to highlight the This is the reason why, significant economic benin 2004, the Sports Tourefits of sports tourism to ism Forum, founded by my visionary friend our country’s coffers. Charles Lim, gathered together a group Aside from its economic gains, the of tourism, sports events management, awards also banner the inspiring synergy destination, and sports marketing experts, between our athletes, local government including corporate sponsors and sports units and private organizations that chammedia, to go around the country and en- pion different sports programs. courage cities and venues to organize Made possible by Selrahco Management, sports events. which is the same group behind Sports The first forum was held that year in Cebu, Tourism Forum, this annual event is supafter which it was brought to Subic, Laoag, ported by PAGCOR, Philippine Sports ComDavao, Bacolod, Clark, Manila, Cagayan de mission and the Department of Tourism. It Oro, and Puerto Princesa. Thanks to this is aimed at encouraging more participation initiative, the number of destinations that in the Industry, towards further developing have established themselves as top-notch its potential as a contributing force to nahosts for sports events here in the country tional development. has significantly increased. Turn to D2

The evening’s various winners led by Dumaguete Mayor Felipe Remollo (seated, leftmost) and Philippine Sports Tourism Awards founder Charles Lim (seated, second from right).

ND 2018 the right way by welcoming 2019 in a festive style. Here’s a list of parties where you can ring in the new year with friends and family.

An ‘80s kind of party at Crimson Hotel

Crimson Hotel welcomes 2019 with the 'Totally '80s New Year's Eve Countdown Party.'

Muntinlupa City-based hotel Crimson invites guests to dazzle with their glow in the dark oversized shirts, colorful tulle skirts, high-top sneakers, or other ‘80s fancy dress for its party on Dec. 31 at 9:00 p.m. at the Grand Ballroom. Ticket prices for the Totally ‘80s New Year’s Eve Countdown Party are P2,800 nett for adults and P1,800 nett for kids. The package includes a sumptuous buffet dinner, traditional balloon drop, live entertainment, ‘80s New Year treats, and a chance to win raffle prizes. Call (02)863-2222 for inquiries. Turn to D2





From D1


From D1

Some of the awards presentors (from left): Region 7 tourist director Shalimar Tamano, Primetime’s Pauland Dungao, Ms. Scuba International Cindy Madduma, and PSTA founder Charles Lim.

This year’s glittering 2nd Sports Tourism Awards took place at the new Savoy Hotel in Newport City, and the evening program was hosted by Migs Bustos of ABS-CBN S+A, with musical entertainment provided by Acapellago. The awards given out were: Event Sponsor of the Year which went to Century Tuna. The Hotel of the Year trophy was given to Shangri-La Mactan Resort and Spa, while the Charity Event of the Year award was bestowed on Fundlife International. The Philippine Football Federation was proclaimed the National Sports Association of the Year, while the trophy for the Destination Marketing of the Year went to Cebu Pacific-Siargao. The award for Domestic Event of the Year went to the Visit Davao Summer Festival, while the International Event of the Year was Ironman 70.3 Asia Pacific Championship. As expected, Airline of the Year is Philippine Airlines, and Private Organizer of the Year is Sunrise Events, Inc.

YOUR WEEKEND CHUCKLE Q: What do you call a child who doesn’t believe in Santa? A: A Rebel Without A Claus Hailed as Local Government Unit Organizer of the Year is Dumaguete City, and the award was claimed by a large group of government officials led by Mayor Felipe Remollo. But the trophy for Destination of the Year went to Subic Bay Freeport. With such a stellar list of winners, the awards-giving body promises an even bigger event next year, which will include more categories, to honor those who have unselfishly devoted time and effort to stage sports events that will help boost tourism throughout the country. As early as now, the Sports Tourism Forum has already issued its call for nominations of deserving sports personalities and organizations for next year’s awards. These suggested names may be sent to More details on the Philippine Sports Tourism Awards may be obtained from (032) 415-5951. With sports’ steadily becoming a major preoccupation for our countrymen, it should be easy to suggest names of stakeholders that have helped make sports tourism a major contributor to our country’s finances. Send in your nominations now and help boost sports tourism in our country. For feedback, I’m at

F1 Hotel's countdown party is filled with unlimited drinks.

The Garage at City of Dreams Manila offers great food, live music, and thrilling games.

Colorful blast at F1 Hotel

Food, music, and prizes at City of Dreams Manila

A colorful countdown party is happening tomorrow at F1 Hotel Manila in Bonifacio Global City. In partnership with Color Manila, the Color Blast New Year’s Countdown, from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. will be filled with music and unlimited drinks from Stella Artois and Jack Daniels. The New Year’s Toast will be hosted by May Sparkling Wine. Ticket is priced at P1,988 nett per head. Call (02) 908-7888 for inquiries.

City of Dreams Manila ushers in a sparkling 2019 with a grand New Year’s Eve countdown celebration at two of its thrilling entertainment venues—The Garage and CenterPlay. Families and friends can enjoy Ice Bucket’s live performance while they savor a wide selection of food and drinks from the 10 food trucks and trailers and challenge each other at the VR Zone activities at The Garage. Revelers at The Garage may also opt to avail of the special New Year’s Eve promo that includes crudités platter that comes with free flowing red, white, and sparkling house wines and draft beers at P1,500 nett per person. Guests at CenterPlay can delight in a superb lineup of local performers, including Silk, Moranos, and Higher Ground, for the countdown event, and at the same time avail of party packages with food and beverage, from 6:00 p.m. to 12 midnight. Go to for more information.

Delicious treats at Diamond Hotel Diamond Hotel’s in-house restaurants serve sumptuous dishes New Year’s Eve revelers can enjoy. Corniche Buffet offers a New Year’s Eve dinner, complete with a glass of champagne, entertainment, and a chance to win roundtrip airline tickets for two to Bohol, for P3,880 nett per person. Yurakuen, meanwhile, has a mouthwatering Japanese Dinner Set Menu to welcome 2019 priced at P7,890 nett for four persons and at P10,880 for six. Lobby Lounge has a lunch and dinner set menu with a glass of sparkling wine for P1,680 nett per person, and a Midnight Pica Pica Diamond Hotel's restaurants serve Buffet spread during the count- sumptuous treats for NYE revelers. down party from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. for P980 nett per person. The Mezzanine Area also serves a midnight buffet spread for P980 nett per person. While Bar 27 serves up live entertainment and cocktails with a side of magnificent view for P1,280 nett. Call (02) 528-3000 ext. 1121 for inquiries.

Get-togethers at Richmonde Hotel Ortigas Gather the family and friends at the Richmonde Café and reminisce fond memories from the past year over a lavish New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., priced at P1,680 nett. Richmonde Hotel Ortigas' New Year's Eve After dinner, head over gala dinner and countdown party come with to the hotel lobby for Rich- delectable treats. monde’s New Year’s Eve Countdown Party. Guests can groove to dazzling beats of the live band and fill out their New Year’s resolution list, as they fill up their tummies with bites from the delectable cocktail buffet with choice of three drinks. The countdown party ticket, priced at P840 nett, is also inclusive of a glass of a glass of sparkling wine. The New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner and Countdown Party bundle is priced at P2,045 nett. Call (02) 638-7777 for inquiries.

Straight up party at Seda BGC The New Year’s Eve festivities at Seda Hotel in BGC starts with a special dinner buffet that includes barbecue, authentic Italian pizza, pastas, salads, desserts, and unlimited house wines and local beers at Straight Up roof deck bar. Party music plays throughout, livening up the night before the fireworks display when the clock strikes 12. Tickets to the Dinner and New Year Countdown Party are available at Straight Up or at Seda BGC’s front desk at P5,000 nett each. Call (02) 945-8888 for inquiries. Marco Polo Ortigas' scenic countdown party at Vu's Sky Bar and Lounge.

Celebrate the high life at Marco Polo Ortigas Merry-making at Marco Polo Ortigas begins at Continental Club Lounge, where guests can partake of a dinner spread for P3,000 per person. Dinner at the lounge starts at 8:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. The Royal Countdown, happening at Vu’s Sky Bar and Lounge, features gastronomic dishes with a wide array of drinks and the crowd-favorite Real Groove Band for P1,500 per person. Call (02) 720-7777 for inquiries.

Seda BGC's Straight Up Bar serves a special New Year's Eve dinner buffet.


THE province of Isabela will celebrate its economic, social, political, and cultural victories during its week-long Bambanti Festival in January next year. The much-awaited festival, happening on Jan. 21-26, will feature the Northern Luzon province’s community life, history, and heritage, as well as its various indigenous world-class products, lifestyle merchandise items, and cuisine in keeping with the theme “Victory of Isabela Spirit” (Tagumpay ng Pusong Isabela). Hyping up the merry-making are entertaining programs and competitions such as Giant Bambanti Showcase, Bambanti Streetdance and Showdown Competition, Search for Bambanti Festival King and Queen, Bambanti Village, and Isabela’s Master Kusinero Cooking Competition. Bambanti is the Ilocano word for scarecrow, which the province considers as protection despite the common notion that it rouses fear. It serves as the festival's mascot. In last year's festivities, with the theme “Isabela, My Beloved Land” (Isabela Kong Mahal), Isabeleños showcased their love for the land of their birth by sharing with visitors how their family-inherited traits contributed to the fast-growing devel-

Bambanti Festival 2018's Best Street Dance contingent from Alicia.

opment of the province. Aliw Award after winning for three The Bambanti Festival has been consecutive years, from 2015 to 2017. Go to to named Hall of Famer for Best Festival Practices and Performance in the 2018 know more about the festival.

Naguilian took home Bambanti 2018's Best Agri-Ecotourism Booth award.




Nickie Wang, Issue Editor



Kiana V

By Nickie Wang


APUSO star Dennis Trillo won the coveted Best Actor award at the 2018 Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) Gabi ng Parangal, held Thursday night at Thetare at Solaire.

Dennis won the award for his convincing performance in One Great Love, Regal Entertainment, Inc.’s entry to the MMFF 2018. The film was also awarded 3rd Best Picture and Best Musical Score by Miguel Mendoza. On Instagram, Dennis expressed his gratitude to Regal’s matriarch, Mother Lily Monteverde, for giving him another opportunity to showcase his acting skills. The actor also thanked his co-stars Kim Chiu, JC de Vera, Marlo Mortel, and Miles Ocampo for putting all their hearts to the movie. The 37-year-old actor also thanked the film’s director Eric Quizon, for the guidance. “Labing apat na taon mula noong ako’y unang nakatanggap ng ganitong parangal, para sa pelikulang Aishite Imasu 1941 directed by Joel Lamangan, na siya ring pinaka una kong pelikulang nagawa sa buong buhay ko. Salamat po Mother Lily sa pagtitiwala noon pa man, hindi hindi ko po yun makakalimutan,” he wrote in his Instagram post. “Taos puso din ang aking pasasalamat kay Miss Kim Chiu, JC de Vera, Marlo Mortel, at Miles Ocampo. Lahat ay magagaling at seryoso sa trabaho, mapalad at proud akong nakagawa ng proyekto kasama kayo,” he continued. The Regal Entertainment MMFF entry also earned a number of nominations for this year’s fest including Best Actress for Kim Chiu, Best Director for Eric Quizon, Best Supporting Actor for JC de Vera, Best Supporting Actress for Mile Ocampo, Best Sound Design, Best Original Theme song TJ Monterde, Best Cinematography and Best Screenplay. One Great Love is still showing in cinemas nationwide. Graded B by the Cinema Evaluation Board and Rated PG by the MTRCB. Meanwhile, Rainbow’s Sunset, about a gay elderly couple starring Eddie Garcia, Tony Mabesa and Gloria Romero, was the big winner at the Gabi ng Parangal. The Joel Lamangan-directed feature won a total of 10 awards, including best director and best picture. Aurora, from Viva Films, won five awards including the 2nd Best Picture trophy, Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Design, and Best Child Performer for Phoebe Villamor.

Dennis with co-star Kim Chiu in a scene from the Regal Entertainment MMFF 2018 entry

In 'One Great Love,' Dennis plays Ian, a doctor who falls in love with his best friend played by Kim Chiu.


Reese Linsangan IT’S that most wonderful time of the year once again, and most noticeably, Christmas songs are played practically everywhere. This year, Globe is giving customers a chance to create new traditions with their favorite holiday music, while supporting a good cause. Three young local artists — Karencitta, Kiana V, and Reese Lansangan — place their own twist on caroling by reinventing classic Christmas songs complete with music videos. And just like caroling here in the Philippines, viewers can give “aguinaldo” in the form of donations to Smile Train, an international children’s charity for kids with cleft lip and palate, via Globe Rewards or GCash. 17 million views on YouTube for her viral hit song, ”Cebuana,” and rising to international stardom, Karencitta takes her signature style and mixes it with the timeless, “Ang Pasko ay Sumapit.” True to the message of creating new traditions, Kiana V adds a contemporary twist to the iconic “Pasko Na Sinta Ko,” popularized by her dad, Mr. Pure Energy himself, Gary Valenciano. Popular recording artist from Elements Music Camp, Reese Lansangan, takes on a more indie pop approach to the beloved, fun classic, “Kumukutikutitap.” In the spirit of sharing and giving this holiday season, Globe is counting on your generous hearts to help the kids of Smile Train. Donations of any amount can be made via Globe Rewards and GCash. To donate using points, download the Globe Rewards app and select DONATE at the home screen. Choose from the following denominations: 2, 10, 50, and 100 points. Each point is equivalent to P1. Meanwhile, GCash users can donate by downloading the app, choosing the Pay QR option on the home screen, scanning the QR code, and entering their preferred amount. These blessings will help give kids with cleft lip and palate a merrier Christmas and a brighter future. Founded in 1999, Smile Train has grown into the world’s leading cleft charity. They advance a sustainable solution and scalable global health model for cleft treatment, drastically improving children’s lives, including their ability to eat, breathe, speak, and ultimately thrive. Since 2001, they have provided over 50,000 surgeries in the Philippines. Every year, they support 6,000+ cleft treatments for Filipinos. Create new traditions and make this holiday season truly wonderful for you and the kids of Smile Train. For more information, visit or followGlobe on Facebook.

STARS GRACE KENDALL + KYLIE FASHION LINE MANILA LAUNCH KENDALL + Kylie, by none other than the social media moguls and reality TV stars, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, dropped in the Philippines and the grand launch was attended by a few celebrities including Barbie Imperial, Ylona Garcia, Brett Jackson, Donnalyn Bartolome, and Raine Salamante. Kendall and Kylie have been handling their own contemporary clothing line since 2015. It all started back in 2012 when Kendall + Kylie had a collaboration with Pacsun – a California-based lifestyle brand, which sprouted multiple follow-up seasons and created a larger fan base for both sisters. Three years later, the Jenner sisters had another collaboration with British-born retailer, Topshop. Since then, Kendall + Jenner, both sisters and brand, progressed incredibly fast.

The line incorporates Kendall’s feminine and classic style as well as Kylie’s edgy streetwear. Confident, stylish, on-trend and in charge is how the siblings would describe their brand. On top of the mostly casual style - crop tops, jeans, dress, jackets, they also offer swimwear and bags. The main style highlights are sports luxe and athleisure with sports luxe comprising mostly of popper trousers, cold shoulder tops, and crop tops. Athleisure, on the other hand, has A-line mini-skirts, wide leg trousers, off-shoulders, woven blouses, and puff sleeves. The palette is mostly black and white with a pop of red, yellow, orange, and hot pink. “Kendall and Kylie reflects the easy and stylish lifestyle of the sisters. Sophisticated and strong! Together with Kendall and Kylie, we are excited

that it has finally reached the stylish Filipinos,” said Manolette Tizon, Kendall + Kylie’s Brand Director in the Philippines. He added, “What is great about the line is that it is very affordable and very NOW. Fans would be pleased. Not to say very exclusive but drops are limited, so do keep an eye.” Given Kendall and Kylie’s social media reach and fashion influence, it is a nice early Christmas treat for the fans of Jenner sisters to be able to wear the type of clothes the millennials sisters wear. Kendall +Kylie dropped initially at Case Study at Bonifacio High Street Central, Taguig on Dec. 7 and 8 and became available at the The Rail stores on Dec. 10. Price starts at P899. The collection was limited so make sure to get first dibs on ‘em.

Raine Salamante, Ylona Garcia and Barbie Imperial pose for the cameras during the initial launch of Kendall +Kylie fashion line at Case Study at Bonifacio High Street early this month.




Desiree Carlos, Editor




THIS corner features pets of animal lovers every week. We hope new owners and those thinking of getting a pet will be encouraged to be responsible “furparents” through these features. We also hope more people will be moved to be kind to animals when they read about the great relationship that can be created between humans and animals. For contributions, please email to and put My Furry Bestie as subject. Roxan Juan has two dogs who are both sweet and lovable.

VERY year, we make promises to ourselves that we will do this and change that. But we seldom include our pets in our list.

Is there someing the hot PET TALES thing about months), carBY DESIREE CARLOS your pet in your rots, and pears list of “to do’s” (no core and in 2019? no skin). You May we suggest you include can also give the stalk of celery to any or all of the following? Please your dogs. You can give these vegwrite in your list: gies once a week. 1. I will avoid food or treats with b. You can steep cauliflower or food coloring and preservatives, broccoli (just the flower) in hot waand salt in it. I will look at the list ter, and depending on the size of of ingredients before I buy any your dog and the age (if they still treat or food for my pet. have teeth), give to your dog either Note: The first three items in the whole so they can bite it or in small list of ingredients are the ones that pieces if your dog is very small. You have the most amount included in alone can determine the size. Make your pet’s food or treat. sure your dog will not choke given 2. I will try to give natural treats the size you have decided on. to my pets as often as I can, inc. Prepare the rosemary meatstead of processed treats. ball treat for dogs. The recipe was Here are some suggestions: posted in this page two Sundays a. Dogs love crunchy food. You ago. Please search for it in Manila can cut apple (no core and no Standard online. skin), singkamas (given only durd. Cats love boiled or broiled Natural treats—a thin slice of apple and a thin slice of pear (no skin or core)—make shih tzus very happy indeed.

Rescued beagle ELLA gets a car ride with Save ALL admin Tani Benedito.

fish with crushed or powdered malunggay leaves. 3. I will spend more quality time with my pet. I will hug my pet EVERY DAY. I will just lie down on the sofa or bed with my pet as often as I can. 4. I will walk my dog everyday. This is healthy for my dog and for me. 5. I will give my dogs a lot of time to roam freely in the house or garden, or I will bring him or her out for car rides and visits to other places. 6. I will make sure my dog or cat is vaccinated yearly for rabies and against illnesses. Remember, prevention is less costly than actual treatment. Aside from the fact that you do not want your pet to suffer or worse, die. 7. I will make sure I will have my dog or cat undergo the standard blood test to check her or his overall health. 8. For my senior pet, I will follow the vet’s advice to do a complete check-up every six months to ensure she or he is enjoying quality life. 9. I will be active in preventing dis-

eases by providing anti-tick and flea preventives, heart worm prevention and I will deworm my dog or my cat every six months at most. I will discuss this with my vet. 10. I will provide the appropriate food for the age and physical health of my dog or cat by consulting my vet and a nutritionist for a dog or cat with special needs. 11. I will always watch out for any change in behavior or eating habits of my dog or cat. I will immediately bring my dog or cat to the vet when I notice blood in the urine and poop, when my dog or cat suddenly has no appetite or is weak, or starts to be aggressive, among others. 12. I will read more about how to take good care of my pet at different stages of his or her life. 13. If I have more love to give and a space for a rescued animal, I will visit the shelter or pound and adopt a dog or a cat. But I will bring the adopted pet to the clinic first to find out if he or she is healthy or needs medical help. I will bring him or her home once he is cleared of any illnesses. This is important as I do not want to bring any illness to my home which can affect my other pets. Here’s claiming a blessingsfilled New Year to all pet owners and their pets, and help for all animals in need in 2019. Blessed be!

Paolo Salgado bonds with senior dog Summer just by lying on the bed with this cute doggo. Simple things like sleeping together and hugging make any doggo happy.

ANXIETY BUSTERS FOR DOGS DURING NEW YEAR’S EVE EVERY year, we remind pet owners to keep their dogs calm during New Year’s eve as the noise caused by fireworks and pyrotechnics can be very disturbing to dogs. Some dogs may have a seizure, and if this happens, call a vet immediately. Better yet, ask your vet in advance what you can do if this happens. Some vets will give a medicine to stop the seizure or will tell you what to do during seizures, and give you tips on how to calm down your pet. To lessen the sound for your dogs who hear sounds 1,000 times more than a human, here are some tips: 1. Put a body wrap. Use a bandage to wrap your dog to make him feel he or she is being hugged and not alone. 2. Put on a shirt or a dress. This too also makes the dog feels he or she is being held by a human. The softer the cloth, the better. 3. Play soothing or calming music like baby songs and instrumental music. Increase the volume a little. Adjust the volume depending on the noise around your property. This will not only calm the dogs and cats but will also drown out the sound coming from the firecrackers. 4. Feed your dogs early on the eve of Dec. 31 so that the dogs can digest the food properly before the “merry making” and will not vomit the food.

9. For special needs dogs, or dogs who quiver in fear, please ask your vet in advance what you can do to calm him or her down. 10. To prevent your pets from inhaling the fumes from the firecrackers, please close all windows and doors. Keep a window that is farthest from the road open if you do not have an aircon. But keep your pet away from this place. You only need some ventilation. Some owners have aircon units and keep this switched on until the sound dies down. This also drowns the sound. 11. Wet the curtains with water to absorb the fumes. 12. Some owners open their television sets but do choose a channel for dogs and cats that they like or calms them like cartoons or your dog or cat’s favorite show. 13. Some pets need more water during Stuffed toys calm down Summer, a 13-yearold shih tzu.

5. Keep her/his favorite stuffed toy or toy near her/him. 6. For dogs who can be overly anxious, put a chew toy near him. He needs to release his anxiety by chewing or biting on something. 7. Hold your pet and hug him or her as often as you can during the “merry making.” Nacho loves his bed. Please give your pet his 8. Keep his or her favorite bed near. favorite bed or toy during New Year's eve.

DIEGO is a mix of lhasa apso and a poodle. “He is alert and clingy. He would bark when he sees a stranger, and is sensitive enough to feel if someone’s knocking on our gate. Yes, he is firm, but loving. He likes to cuddle with the whole family! He looks like a teddy bear when he is full of fur,” Roxan says.

DOUG is a beagle but Roxan fondly says he is also known as the “stuffed dog.” “He likes to sleep all day and only wakes up when he hears the timer of the microwave and the sounds of pots and plates; he knows when it is “eating time”. Despite of sleeping the whole day, his furdad would always give him a walk every morning because his furdad believes that he needs a diet” Roxan says. “Funny, after years of walking everyday, nothing changed. He is still cute, lovable, and a fat furbaby,” says Roxan.

this time. Keep a bowl of water nearby. Allow us to also urge you to help stray dogs and cats who have no place to go, specially during this time. Please 1. Give them food and water before the “ merry making” starts. 2. Put carton boxes for cats to hide in near your property or where you think your neighbors will not light or throw firecrackers 3. If you have a big property, please allow stray dogs to come in for the night for their safety. It is best, of course, not to light firecrackers during the New Year. Please do not get tired of convincing others to stop lighting firecrackers and wasting their money on something that will simply literally burn for a night. There are a lot of ways to make sounds and drive away evil as many believe will happen if you make a loud noise on New Year’s Eve. You can: 1. Sing! Rent a videoke machine and enjoy singing with your loved ones and friends. 2. If you have drums, tap them and make good music. 3. Use pots and pans. 4. Use torotot or horns. DC

DOUG AND DIEGO would always fight but in a rare moment captured on cam, the two kissed each other. This made Roxan simply ecstatic. Editor's note: These stories were compiled by admin Miks Lim of Save Animals of Love and Light (Save ALL), a SEC-registered animal welfare group that helps animals in need, and encourages and promotes responsible pet ownership, adoption of rescued dogs and cats from fosters, shelters and pounds, and spaying and neutering of pets to control animal population in the country, among others.

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