Annual Report of Giving 2022-2023

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Ian S. Shrank ’71, Chair

E. Lori Halivopoulos ’78, P’23, Vice Chair

Katie Procter P’22, ’26, Treasurer

Stuart M. Lederman ’78, Secretary

Denise M. Grant P’23, Assistant Secretary Trustees

Chip Baird ’89, P’21

Melissa Bartoli P’24, ’26, President of the PSPA

Janice C. Beckmen P’15, ’19, ’19

Douglas Bookbinder ’98

Jiayi Chen P’32, ’35

Kevin Eng P’24, ’26, ’31

Lincoln Germain P’26

Joshua Kalafer P’27, ’29

Allen Kim P’29

Steven M. Lipper ’79, P’09, ’12, ’14

N. Gregory Mankiw ’76

Cookie Mason P’21, ’24

Twinkle Morgan P’23, ’26, ’27

Melissa Moriarty ’87, P’23

Michael Nitabach ’84

Maggie O'Toole ’05

Laura Overdeck P’21, ’23, ’26

Grace Park P’23, ’26

Adam J. Plotkin ’94

Prashanth Reddy P’28

Margaret Santana P’22, ’24

Kevin Schmidt ’98, President of the PAA

Anju Thomas P’19, ’22

Jonathan Z. Wilf ’02, P’33, ’34

Honorary Trustees

Edward S. Atwater IV ’63

John B. Brescher, Jr. ’65, P’99

Victoria Brooks, P’02, ’04

Jeff Edwards ’78, P’12, ’14, ’18

William V. Engel ’67

John W. Holman, Jr. ’55, P’79, GP’09, ’11, ’14

John W. Holman III ’79, P’09, ’11, ’14

Kathleen M. Hugin P’11, ’13

Stephan F. Newhouse ’65, P’95, ’97, ’99

F. Helmut Weymar ’54


The mission of The Pingry School is to foster in students a lifelong commitment to intellectual exploration, individual growth, and social responsibility by inspiring and supporting them to strive for academic and personal excellence within an ethical framework that places the highest value on honor and respect for others.


David Fahey ’99, P’33, ’34

Director of Institutional Advancement

908-647-555, ext. 1234

Jane Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Director of Development

908-647-5555, ext. 1222

Holland Sunyak ’02

Director of Principal Gifts and Campaigns

908-647-5555, ext. 1284

CONTENTS 3 Reflections on Giving from the Head of School 4 Operating Budget and Philanthropic Support 7 Pingry at Our Core 8 People of Pingry 11 Annual Giving 12 1861 Leadership Society Giving 15 Blue and White Club Giving 16 People of Pingry 18 Alumni by Class Giving 22 People of Pingry 24 Current Parent Giving 29 Parents of Alumni Giving 30 Grandparents Giving 31 Faculty and Staff Giving 33 Foundations and Corporations Giving 34 True Blue Society Giving 40 C.B. Newton Society 42 Honor and Memorial Giving 43 Endowment, Capital, and Special Projects Giving Special Projects Giving


My earliest recollection of the word “benefactor” came courtesy of reading Charles Dickens and Great Expectations. This classic novel was published in 1861 the very same year in which Pingry was founded. We have always had great expectations for Pingry, and the generosity of our donors and benefactors makes it possible for our school to continue dreaming big.

Here are just some of the highlights from Pingry’s most recent 2022-23 fiscal year:

• Total gifts and pledges exceeded $6.4MM

• The Pingry Fund surpassed $3MM for the third consecutive year

• Parent participation in The Pingry Fund reached 64% (up from 54% in FY18)

• Alumni giving to The Pingry Fund crossed the $1MM level

• Tuition assistance provided $7.8MM of support for 217 students

During my years as a Pingry teacher and administrator, I always understood the importance of supporting our school financially. But it is only since becoming Head of School that I’ve learned to fully appreciate and be awed by the transformative impact that philanthropy has on our students and employees. It provides for the margin of excellence that is the hallmark of a Pingry education. It reminds us that no one truly succeeds on their own. And as we continue asking how we can make Pingry both the best place to go to school and the best place to work, the generosity of our community is what makes these goals and aspirations possible.

While this annual report of giving shines the spotlight on one important measure of community support dollars raised and participation metrics it does not tell every chapter of the story. What else is there? The students and alumni whose lives are forever changed because of tuition assistance and the impact of one special teacher. The countless hours parents spend volunteering and driving their children anywhere and everywhere. And the web of lifelong relationships forged simply by our connection to Pingry.

We are a proud community. We show up and step up for one another. We help each other to succeed. Thanks to your support, the wind is at our backs as we develop our new strategic plan and chart the course for Pingry’s future. By virtually every admissions, enrollment, and financial benchmark, Pingry has never been stronger. Our Honor Code and motto “the greatest respect is due students” have never been more relevant.

Thank you for making it possible for us to continue setting great expectations for ourselves and for Pingry.

With gratitude,


















$3+ million

Donated to The Pingry Fund over each of the last three consecutive years

1,500 Annual donors


Donors have given at least five years in a row

$ 38,077,526




*annual operating surplus transfered to comprehensive reserves for future investment in capital
AS OF JUNE 30, 2023
OPERATING BUDGET AND PHILANTHROPIC SUPPORT 5 PINGRY FUND SUPPORT BY CONSTITUENCY ALUMNI PARENTS PARENTS OF ALUMNI GRANDPARENTS $1,111,640 $749,454 $78,671 $1,952,954 GIFTS BY PURPOSE $3,137,008 $3,025,175 ENDOWMENT PINGRY FUND AND UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENT PERFORMANCE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 TOTAL ENDOWMENT (ALL FIGURES IN MILLIONS) $51.4 $56.4 $68.9 $71.2 $80.4 $86.9 $87.2 $87.8 $93.1 $90.2 $96.8 $88.4 $123.9 $103.1 $104.7 CAPITAL RESTRICTED $222,373 $18,010 *some gifts count in multiple constituencies


1. Our Honor Code is the soul of Pingry. We care about where you’re going—but we care more about how you get there. Are you acting with compassion and integrity? Are you seeing beyond yourself and showing concern for others? That’s why our student-written Honor Code is a treasured part of our history and a moral compass for today’s Pingry community.

2. We strike an inspiring balance. We’re exceptionally attuned to the well-being of our students. We want them to take pleasure and pride in everything they do, even when (perhaps especially when) they struggle or stumble. We help them broaden their experience— exploring the arts, athletics, service, and more—and deepen their sense of stability and possibility.

3. We’re rooted in relationships. Our motto is “Greatest respect is due students.” Our education is rooted in dynamic, often life-changing connections between students and teachers. We learn from our students, listen closely to them, and support them with a network of nourishing relationships. Families work in partnership with teachers and staff members; coaches and advisers guide and inspire students; graduates mentor new generations of students. Every day, in every corner of our community, we cheer one another on and build one another up.

4. Our academic program looks ahead. Our approach to education is forwardlooking and research-driven. Thoughtfully, intentionally, we apply new practices in the classroom, develop new programs, and explore new opportunities that meet the needs of our students and the demands of the wider world.

5. We strengthen the Pingry culture together.

We’re home to families from 90 different communities, including a significant number of first-generation independent school families. We’re a leader in developing—and supporting—programs that build an inclusive, equitable community. The result is a school culture strengthened every year by smart, enterprising people from a broad range of backgrounds.

6. We support bright, promising students regardless of their financial circumstances.

A Pingry education makes an immediate impact and has lifelong value. We want that education to be accessible to families from a broad range of backgrounds. That’s why we offer a generous tuition assistance program to support students and families with financial need.

7. We graduate good people. Our highest ambition is to prepare students to be good people—people who think critically and work collaboratively, who speak clearly and listen with compassion, who adapt to new information and anticipate new conditions, who attend to their health and to the health of their communities. Our graduates enroll in colleges and universities that meet their ambitions— and they have the courage, the character, and the skills to cultivate a better world.





If someone shouts your name in the hallway, chances are, it’s Alex Wong ’25. Having joined the Pingry community in Kindergarten, Alex is one of the friendliest faces on campus, a one-man welcoming committee, the de facto Mayor around town. With his uncanny ability to remember anyone’s name, Alex is always hollering hello to the delight of surprised acquaintances and amused friends. “I just like saying hi to people in the hallways,” he admits.

Ask him to tell you about his interests and he’ll rattle off a list so varied it will make your head spin. He is the leader of the Taiko drumming club; is concertmaster in the orchestra (having played violin since Kindergarten and piano since he was three years old). He is co-Editor in Chief of the School’s current affairs magazine, Vital Signs; is a member of the Athletics Media Club, for which he conducts sideline interviews; participates in Math Club (“It’s challenging but it’s also great fun.”); and is part of the School’s Independent Research Team (IRT) that studies accelerated molecular dynamics. Oh—and he’s played on the Varsity Water Polo Team since he was a freshman. Alex knows a lot about a lot, something he attributes to the many opportunities Pingry offers for the curious. Of Pingry’s classes, clubs, and sports, Alex is thoughtful. “High school is where you find who you are— what you believe in, and what you stand for,” he says. “You are not only understanding more about a subject here, but you are understanding more about yourself. You are crafting your identity.”

It doesn’t matter if you are new to Pingry or a “lifer” like Alex—there is something for everyone here. Comparing the Pingry community to Goldilocks (“We’re not too small that we get bored of the people we see, and we’re not too big that there are some people you will never meet.”), Alex enjoys the way there is always something new to explore, allowing students to find their niche. “It’s big enough that there’s always someone new to meet and something new to try,” he enthuses. “But still small enough that you can really hone in and find your inner circle.” And the particular brand of Pingry excellence is encountered in every part of campus—clubs, athletics, and, of course, inside the classroom. “I have never seen a Pingry student back down from a challenge,” he says. “Ever.”

Whether it’s your first day or just another day, Alex Wong is here to call out your name with a welcoming hello. As Alex says, “At Pingry, there’s always space for you. Regardless of where you come from, and regardless of where you are going. There is always space for you.”


The Pingry Fund, our annual giving program is the primary vehicle for financial support, which enables the School to attract, support, and retain its most valuable assets: students and faculty members. In addition, gifts to the Fund allow Pingry to invest in new technologies, develop curricular programming, provide resources for the arts and athletics, and offer tuition assistance to eligible students. Year in and year out, members of the Pingry community generously support the Fund. Their gifts represent a high level of confidence in the School and are an important component of each student’s success.

The Pingry Fund operates from July 1June 30, plays a critical role in supporting the School’s annual operating budget and is immediately used during the school year.

The School relies on the entire Pingry community to make a gift each and every year, and measures parent and alumni participation through gifts to The Pingry Fund. In addition to financial support, community members give something just as valuable–their time. We have a number of opportunities for volunteers to get involved with varying time commitments.



The Pingry School 1861 Society recognizes and celebrates annual leadership giving to the School. 1861 Society members are some of Pingry's most devoted alumni, parents, and friends. The Society recognizes its members for their generosity and provides them with opportunities to develop a closer relationship with the School.

Members of the Pingry community who contribute $1,861 or more to The Pingry Fund in a given year are recognized at the 1861 Reception annually and listed in the Annual Report. Recognition is based on the total amount of gifts and pledge payments made in the fiscal year starting July 1 and running through June 30.

The Head of School’s Circle

$25,000 and above


Haoning Ding and Jiayi Chen P’32, ’35

Lois Fitton and W. Christopher Draper, Jr. P’26

Cindy and Jeff Edwards ’78, P’12, ’14, ’18

Un Hae Song and Kevin Eng P’24, ’26, ’31

William V. Engel ’67

Barbara and Amos Hostetter, Jr. ’54

Elizabeth and Brett Houghton P’22, ’22, ’25

Anju Thomas and Dev Ittycheria P’19, ’22

Rachel and Joshua Kalafer P’27, ’29

Christina and Allen Kim P’29

Ryan and Erin Blute ’95

Christian Leone

Jeffrey Leone

Nancy Leone P’95, ’01

Tara Leone

Bruce and Courtney MacKenzie ’01

Amy and Daniel Neu P’26, ’32

Judith and Stephan F. Newhouse ’65, P’95, ’97, ’99

Heather Cruz and Michael Nitabach ’84

Laura Overdeck P’21, ’23, ’26

Sarah Shore and Walter Prahl P’27, ’27

Katie Procter and William Lewis P’22, ’26

Sara and Tyler Reeder P’27, ’29

Alexandra Logue and Ian Shrank ’71

Jennifer and David Thomas P’23, ’25

Audrey and Zygmunt Wilf P’02, ’04, ’13, GP’33, ’33, ’34, ’34

Rachel and Jonathan Wilf ’02, P’33, ’34

Abigail and Neil Wolitzer P’28, ’31

Lili Zhu and Xinkai Wu P’26


John F. Pingry Society

$20,000 – $24,999

Sinead and Christopher Bennett P’31, ’34

Xiaoyan & Chaoyang Chen Family

Lisa Butler and Robert Kelly P’24

Karen and William LaCorte ’66

Rita and Jonathan Roustelli ’90, P’25

Margaret and Christopher Santana P’22, ’24

Debolina and Partho Sanyal P’22, ’24

The Master’s Circle

$15,000 – $19,999


Nitika and Nikhil Barai P’26, ’29

Anne DeLaney ’79 and Chip Carver, Jr. ’77, P’09, ’11, ’14, ’14

Monica and Michael Foley P’25, ’27, ’29

Paige and Matthew Guest P’20, ’23, ’29

Cheryl and Matthew Karch P’23, ’25

Ann Marie and Steven Lipper ’79, P’09, ’12, ’14

Karen and David Mandelbaum P’94, GP’19, ’25, ’26, ’29

Deborah and N. Greg Mankiw ’76

Grace and Dave Park P’23, ’26

Danisha and Manish Patel P’22, ’25, ’25

Meaghan and Carsten Schwarting P’27, ’29, ’32

Caroline and Glenn Stevens P’14, ’24

Rachel Liao and Yi Zhang P’31, ’34

The Reverentia Associates

$10,000 – $14,999

Melissa and Jeff Bartoli P’24, ’26

Elizabeth Ehrlich and Douglas Bookbinder ’98

Frances and Reymundo Calcaño P’33

Patrick Pierce and Anne Della Rosa Pierce ’01

Jorge Martinez and Angelica Diaz-Martinez ’88, P’25, ’26

Jeanine Kim and Paul Donohue P’23

Gayla and Lincoln Germain P’26

Anne and Richard Grissinger P’23

Barbara Almeida and Gregg Grunstra P’25, ’29

Brian Szepkouski and E. Lori Halivopoulos ’78, P’23

Jeffrey Hiller ’00

Tracy McNamara and Todd Hirsch ’92

Cindy Chi and Dezhe Jin P’26, ’27

Nancy and Robert King, Jr. ’79, P’07, ’12

Stephanie and James Link P’25

W. Radford Lovett II ’78

Lopa Patel and Saurabh Mahajan P’32

Elizabeth and Michael Maher P’28, ’28

Talia and Jeffrey Mandelbaum ’94, P’25, ’26, ’29

Cookie and Mark Mason Sr. P’21, ’24

Charlotte and Jeremy McGuire P’20, ’23

Sofia Mortada and Peter Blanchard III ’70*

Rita and Arjun Murti P’21, ’24

Laurie Newhouse

Leslie and Brian O’Toole ’08

Maggie O’Toole ’05

Paula and Terence O’Toole P’05, ’08

Carol and Souren Ouzounian P’23

Binal and Samir Patel P’26, ’25

Fang Zhang and Yunchang Qiu P’29

Kirti and Prashanth Reddy P’28

Susan and Michael Santomassimo P’24, ’26

Peter Schweitzer ’56

Lori and Frank Scrudato P’22, ’24

Melissa and Mark Simon P’24

Hong Qiu and Ying Wang P’29

Cori and Jason Wilf P’33, ’34

Deborah and Peter Woodbury P’23, ’25

Eileen and Jason Young P’35

Ruidan Luo and Xin Zhou P’34


The Honor Council

$5,000 – $9,999


Naheed and Faisal Abbasi P’26, ’29

Ann Abdi ’89 and Jabbar Abdi P’23, ’26

Jaqueline and Scott Alfieri P’24, ’24

Hitika Tanwar-Anand and Abhinav Anand P’29, ’33

Edward S. Atwater IV ’63

Jing Xia and Hanxue Bai P’32

Janice and Jeffrey Beckmen P’15, ’19, ’19

Besma and Mazen Bedri P’30, ’33

Niki and Darren Blumberg ’88, P’26, ’28, ’32

Peter T. Buchanan ’52*

Tina and Joseph Cassanelli P’26

Becky and Daniel Chen P’25, ’26

Kelly Cleary and Sean Britain P’27

Michelle and Andrew Cowan P’31

Elizabeth Kardos and David Cowen P’19, ’25

Tiffany and Brian Crosby ’89, P’23, ’25, ’26

Michelle and Steven DeCillis P’26

Lucy Hughes and Sean Devlin P’26, ’28

Dina and Patrick Dibre P’25

Steven Elmendorf ’78

Lisa Richardson and Jerzy Gadkowski P’33, ’35

Anna and Gregory Geppel P’26

Tania and Michael Gonnella P’32, ’34

Meridith and John Goyanes P’27, ’30, ’30

Kathy and Mark Grier P’19

Christina and Riaz Haidri P’22, ’24, ’26

Lauren and Joseph Hand P’28

Mary Hou and Michael Henriques P’19, ’22, ’24

Jonathan A. Hill ’70

James Houston ’98

Jane Houston P’98, ’98, ’00

Liz and Andrew Houston ’00

Meghan and William Houston ’98

Lauren and Giuseppe Incitti P’35

Song Zhang and Tingli Kang P’30, ’32

Gail Kellogg P’84, ’87, GP’21, ’23

Adrienne and Jason Lowenstein P’29, ’33

Minh-Dang and Christopher Lvoff P’29, ’31

Mary and William Lycan ’62

Polly Palumbo and Lex Maultsby, Jr. P’19, ’21, ’24

Twinkle Morgan and Robert McDonald P’23, ’26, ’27

Cindy Xu and Kevin Mei P’30, ’31

Meghan and Chris Mutter P’33, ’35

Jill Rathyen and George Naseef III P’24, ’27, ’30

Amanda and Brett Newman P’30, ’32

Daniela and Justin Nortillo P’25, ’28

David and Katharine Outcalt ’87

Heather and Samuel Partridge ’92

Matthew Peacock ’17

Adam Abrahams and Adam Plotkin ’94

Beth and Kevin Proudfoot P’18, ’22, ’25

Allie and Thomas Rooke ’74, P’02, ’04

Anne and Robert Rooke ’70

Jacquelin and Thomas Rooke, Jr. ’02

Matthew Rooke ’04

Natalie Rooke P’70, ’74 GP’02, ’04

Robert Rooke ’43, P’70, ’74 GP’02, ’04

Sonny Saksena and J. Alison Little ’82, P’22, ’25

Cynthia and Manuel Sampedro P’21, ’23, ’25

Marci and Michael Schoenbach P’11

Kendra Rose and Daniel Segel P’26, ’28, ’31

Namrata and Dhiraj Shah P’24, ’27, ’33

Payal and Mitul Shah P’26, ’28

Jerry Shaw

Jyoti and Kumar Sinha P’24, ’27, ’31

Lisa and Richard Soultanian P’28

Doug Steiner P’08, ’12

Alan Tamarelli ’88

Lei Chen and Jing Wang P’20

Winnie and Eddie Wen P’20, ’23, ’31, ’31

Jane and Mark Wilf ’80

Elizabeth Winterbottom ’87, P’21, ’23

Stephanie Wright and Larry Wise P’34

Rosalind and Rudy Wong P’27, ’31, ’33

Mary Anne and Raymond Wood P’14, ’18, ’21

Liang Huan and David Wu P’31, ’31

Emily and William Young P’24, ’25, ’27, ’29, ’32

Xiaofei Li and Hang Yu P’30, ’35

Xiaocheng Li and Xingang Yu P’32

Susan and Marco Zarbin P’22, ’24, ’24

Yuanhui Zhang and Xinyi Wu P’24

Junling Ji and Ping Zhu P’32

The Magistri Fellows

$2,500 – $4,999

Stephanie and Brian Abrahams P’28

Caroline and Steven Angel P’25

Julia and Christopher Bartlett P’35,’ 35

Elizabeth and Brian Bedner P’27

Lisa and Jonathan Betz P’25

Toni and Jack Brescher, Jr. ’65, P’99

Anne and E. Freeman Bunn ’53, P’78, ’80, ’82, ’83

Jing Zeng and Yi Cao P’33

Lin Lin and Yingxi Chen P’27

Arlyn Davich ’99

Juliet and Michael Davis P’25

Deborah Nungester and Michael de Asla P’22, ’24

Elisa Della Pello ’88, P’22, ’28

Jane Zhang and Albert Ding P’31

Catrin and Gregg Edell P’26

Paul and Sandra Edgerley ’80

Lynn and Gavin Evans P’24

Dongling Wang and Yu Feng P’26, ’28

Darby and Alan Finkelstein P’25, ’28

Elizabeth and H. Williamson Ghriskey, Jr. ’62

Yana and Gene Gorbach P’26, ’29

Sarah and David Greig ’98

Ning Zhang and Vincent Guo P’14, ’22

Michelle and Elias Habayeb P’24

Stella Mellas and Scott Hadfield P’29

James Hall ’68

Joy Zhang and Alex Hao P’28, ’32

Michael and Edward Hauser ’56, P’86

Tong Gao and Taosong He P’19, ’25

Jane Hoffman ’94 and Christian Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Carolyn and William Hoffman P’94, GP’26, ’27, ’28

Amy and Ih-Ping Huang P’21, ’26

Celeste and Richard Ill ’61

Yan Wang and Zhigen Jiang P’15, ’23

Jenn Joel '94

Melissa and Darren Jones P’23, ’25

Nancy Malik and Pankaj Khandelwal P’31, ’35

Stuart M. Lederman ’78

Jenny Xun and Michael Li P’30

Kimberly and Randolph Lizardo ’95

Thomas MacMahon GP’28

Debra and Jess Marzak ’68

Marta and Lee Meyer P’31

Saba and Nadeem Nisar P’20, ’26

Agnes Claye and Dalmir Pasini P’23, ’26

Purvi and Ketan Patel ’93, P’28

Saryu and Nimesh Patel P’21, ’23

David and Ashley Pertsemlidis ’89, P’25

Caroline and Robert Pfundstein P’23

Reshema Kemps-Polanco and Rey Polanco P’26, ’30

Dwight and Kirsten Poler ’84

Gail and Steven Pollard P’21, ’23

Lisa and Daniel Price P’29

Jennifer and Noah Puntus P’23

Maria and Richard Ruffer, Jr. P’26

DeAlva and Augustus J. Rush, Jr. ’60

Jeff and Frederique Schachter ’96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Kevin Schmidt ’98

Gerald Scully ’88

Lauren and Peter Seminara P’28

Dipanwita Das and Raja Sengupta P’26, ’29

Kristin and Daniel Shea P’25, ’27

Kinjal and Jay Sheth P’28, ’33

Victoria and Andrew Solomon P’25

Seema and Bobby Sood P’27, ’28

Debra Spicehandler P’08, ’11

Umesh Subramanian P’24, ’26

Roy Sykes, Jr. ’66

Eva and Kai Talarek P’20, ’24

Christine and Trevor Topf ’08

Donna and Alan Tyson P’04, ’06, ’11, ’12

Hallie and Mitchell Ulman P’27, ’31

Elizabeth and Luis Vilarin P’21, ’24

Jamie and Jack Wade P’29

Yang Yu and Jiakou Wang P’30

Sara and Bob Weissman ’64

Wen Wang and Zhongshan Wen P’33

Mary and John Wight ’62, P’03

Irene and Apollo Wong P’22, ’25

Wei Zheng and Zhengyu Xin P’33, ’35, ’35

Shipra and Ajay Yadav P’25

Monila Reheman and Kai Yin P’26

Hui Zhang

Yi Chen and Yifeng Zheng P’31

Jenny Yan and William Zhong P’24

Meilee Zheng and Chaopeng Zhou ’26, ’27

The Founder’s Society

$1,861 – $2,499

Vanessa and Matthew Alexander ’97

Nelson Ambrogio and Mariana De Lucas Arbiza P’25

Baljeet Purewal and Joseph Arampulikan P’29, ’33

Paula and Guillermo Argote P’25, ’30

Payal and Karanjit Arora P’32

Marie Celeste and Jeffrey Atienza

Onabia Minto and Ahmed Attia P’23, ’26, ’29, ’33

Janeene and Serge Balmir P’27, ’28



Kiva and Neil Barr P’22, ’25

Sondra and Adam Barrison P’20, ’23

Joanne and Christopher Bartlett II ’79

Kenna and Alix Baudin P’28

Michelle and Jeffrey Bergman P’23

Rebecca and Eric Black P’31, ’35

Marilyn and Edward Blackwell III ’58

Olaf Weckesser and Suzanne Bober ’88, P’25

John Boffa, Jr. ’72

Andrea and Hans Bonn ’68

Qing Yan and Yin Chan P’25, ’29

Jie and Erjun Chen P’26

Jerry Chen

Qing Li and Jiawei Chen P’30, ’32

Mark Chen ’96

Cynthia and Paul Ciancimino GP’29, ’33

Michelle and Seth Flowerman ’04

Christine and J. Matthew Collins P’21, ’23

Aimee Lenar and Morgan Crooks P’30

Barbara and Mitchell Davich P’99, ’02

Mary Ann and Matthew Del Vento P’26

Melissa and Thomas DiTosto P’26, ’29, ’33

Priya and Ananth Doraswamy P’19, ’22

Michele and Robert Dragert P’27, ’28

Jiajia Liu and Le Duan P’30

Joshua Dunn ’99

Matthew and Xiaoni P’33, ’34

Cory and Richard Frear P’27, ’29

Ashu Das and Vijay Gautam P’28

Heather and Michael Goldberg ’92

Veronica Goldberg P’84, ’88, ’92

Jeanne and Marshall Gordon P’28

Denise Grant and Colin Ralph P’23

Kristin and John Green ’60

Kelly Lu and Yan Gu P’20, ’22

Reeti and Vijay Gupta P’32

Yanping Fang and Jinli Hao P’27, ’28

Colleen and Christopher Harris P’25, ’27, ’30

Jessica and S. Alexander Haverstick II P’97, ’00 ’03, ’07

Laura and Christopher Henry P’21, ’23, ’25

Steven Henry ’81

Sharon and William Hillbrant ’48

Sarah and John Holman III ’79, P’09, ’11, ’14

Grace Qiu and Sam Huang P’28, ’30

Adam Yarnold and Laura Hunt ’98

Sonia and Ed Jay P’19, ’22, ’24

Georgia and Hilton Jervey ’57, P’78, ’82

Priya Narasimhan and Manish Jha P’20, ’22

Yan Xiong and Yulong Jin P’31

Rosalie and Ralph Joel P’94, ’97

Shefali and Puneet Kakar P’24, ’28

Amelia and Laith Kalamchi P’33

Eagen and Jason Kane P’29

Divya Vashishtha and Akshay Kashyap P’29

Pradeepa Gokina and Uday Kolli P’28, ’32

Brad and Anne Kotlewski P’25

Laura Kulkarni ’98 and Sean Kulkarni ’98, P’33, ’35

Caitlin Koles ’07

Suzanne and Eugene Lear P’92, ’92, ’96, GP’25, ’27, ’27, ’30, ’30, ’33

Eleanor and Timothy Lear ’92, P’25, ’27, ’30

Joshua Leight ’05

Olga and Jay Lewis P’27, ’29, ’32, ’33

Michael Lewis ’67

Natalie Sung and Bing Li P’21, ’23

Ian Lindsay ’95

Sabrina De Stefano and Paul Littman P’24

Yi Yu and Jingyuan Liu P’21, ’24

Jude Escaño and Therese Lizardo-Escaño ’98, P’29

Juan Lorenzo P’23

Jun Luo P’26

Pamela and Scott Mahoney P’20, ’24

Jianping Mao

Michelle and David Margolis ’95, P’30

Jason and Megan Marine P’24

Rebecca and Daniel Marshall ’86

Terrence and Elizabeth Martin P’10, ’12, ’17

Rachel Altaman and Peter Mattson P’26

Sharon Li and James Mau P’23, ’26

Maureen McLaughlin ’80 and Michael McLaughlin ’80, P’12, ’15

Yan Meng P’24

Patrick Aanstoots and Ida Miguelino ’86, P’18, ’19, ’23

Bruce Morrison ’64

John Norton, Jr. ’62

Jenna and Kevin O’Keefe P’33

Bensu and Alim Ozbilge P’29

Heather and Bradley Pyne P’18, ’23

Bingxin Xu and Zijian Qi P’33

Yi Zhu and Bin Qu P’31

Michael Roberts ’99

Pallavi Verma and Sunil Sachan P’26, ’29

Peter and Kathryn Sartorius ’92, P’22, ’25, ’29

Robyn and Kevin Schmidt P’31

Meredith Schnur P’25, ’26

Frederic Schumann, Jr. ’60

Swati Sharma and Sapan Shah P’28, ’28

Nancy and Mitchell Shivers P’94, GP’26, ’27, ’28

Catherine Roure and Abhinov Singh P’23, ’25

Aneeka and Sourav Sinha P’32, ’34

Wesley Shum and Theresa Sohn-Shum ’86, P’21, ’23

Meng Ru and Jian Song P’30

Anette and Ryan Spook P’29, ’31

Rajamathangi and Ramesh Srinivas P’22, ’27

Gregory Stevens ’97

Phil and Amy Stone ’94

Christine Susko P’97, ’02

Doug and Hilary Tabish P’25

Anne and Evan Tager ’78

Lauren Tanenbaum ’05

Angela and Guy Taylor P’19, ’20, ’23

Amy and Steven Temares P’10, ’13, ’16

Melissa and Patrick Travers P’23, ’25

Sophia Chadda and Konstantine Trichas P’18, ’19, ’28

Candace and Brendan Troy P’25, ’27

Nidhi and Rama Variankaval P’24

Ania and Navneet Virk P’30

April and Wei Wang P’21, ’23

Nan Li and Xiaoming Wang P’34

Jie Chen and Yu Wang P’22

Steven Kosowsky and Amy Warner ’78

Lara and Michael Watzky P’23

Michele Weeden GP’24

Ginny Welch P’79, ’82, ’84, ’88, ’90, GP’06, ’09, ’11, ’13

Gavin and Cheryl Werbeloff ’99, P’34

Kyle and Jacquelynn Wolff ’93

Bing Wu

Weiwei Wu and Yuchang Tan P’29

Colleen and Antonio Yanez P’22, ’24

Julie Melik and Oleg Yatvitskiy P’21

Kelly Ju and Zhaoou Yu P’27

Huyan Fang and Richard Zhang

Hui Li and Qingsheng Zhou P’24, ’27

Ying Zhao and Moming Zhou P’25, ’30

The name of the 1861 Society stems from Pingry's founding year, and the vision of our founder— John Pingry—to not only build a school that would challenge students intellectually, but to build a school that would instill in each student honor, responsibility, and a commitment to the greater good.

The 1861 Society exemplifies the selfless leadership, commitment, and dedication of those who have built Pingry into the outstanding institution it is today, and those who want to preserve and continue its mission for tomorrow. This steadfast support of the School is perpetuated annually through 1861 Society membership.

We are truly grateful for the leadership and loyalty of these outstanding Pingry supporters!



Established in 2019, the Pingry Blue and White Club recognizes young alumni leaders of the 1861 Society. We celebrate the following alumni who demonstrate their Pingry pride and early leadership through their philanthropic support with gifts of: $18.61+ (years 1 – 4 after graduation) or $120+ (years 5 – 15 after graduation).

Dorian Allen ’13

Naiyah Atulomah ’18

Colleen and Andrew Babbitt ’09

Samantha Barr ’22

Sarah Beckmen ’15

Andrew Beckmen ’19

Abigail Beckmen ’19

Justin Chae ’16

Jonathan Chen ’19

Brooke Conti Trousdale ’09 and Patrick

Trousdale ’08

Alexandra de Asla ’22

Corbey Ellison ’20

William Evenson ’10

Darlene Fung ’19

Jack Gambello ’19

John Grier ’19

John Guiffre ’08

Christine Guo ’22

Meghan Hager ’10

Madeline Higgins ’12

Felicia Ho ’19

Ashley Hough ’12

Emmet Houghton ’22

James Houghton ’22

Derek Hsue ’14

Eric Hynes ’08

Brian Kaplan ’19

Alexandra Kerr Wubben ’08

William Chouraqui and Johanna Kreisbuch ’10

Lauren Kronthal ’08

Daniel Kronthal ’11

Julian Lee ’21

Bozhena Lisko ’10

Matthew Mandel ’21

Kathryn Mattern ’09

Connor McLaughlin ’12

Jeffrey Michels ’09

Louis Monteagudo ’14

Leslie and Brian O’Toole ’08

Steven Palazzolo ’11

Matthew Peacock ’17

Rohan Prabhu ’22

Colleen Roberts ’11

Julia Saksena ’22

Thomas Santana ’22

Alexandra Sartorius ’22

Caroline Schuessler ’20

Carson Shilts ’21

Joseph Shilts ’19

Meredith Skiba ’08

Tyler Smith ’10

Madeline Temares ’16

Christine and Trevor Topf ’08

Taylor Voiro ’10

TanTan Wang ’16

Caroline Wargo ’20

Andrew Wong ’22

Jeffrey Xiao ’19

Katherine Xie ’22

Jonathan Younghans ’20

Christopher Zachary ’19

“So much of who I am was developed in Martinsville. I credit the amazing teachers and staff for teaching me to write eloquently, speak confidently, and express a view persuasively. I also value the lifelong and impactful relationships I forged during my six years here. I want to do my small part to ensure that Pingry continues to have the financial strength to provide a meaningful experience (like I was fortunate enough to receive) to students for years to come.”



If Hana Finkelstein ’29 was punctuation, she would be an exclamation mark. She can’t simply tell you something, she must exclaim it. She is brimming with joy.

A Middle School student with a passion for ping pong—“I belong to the ping pong club!”—Hana is making the most of her Middle School years. Sports? She’s got that covered, playing in no fewer than three of them. Or, as she tells it, “I play soccer, lacrosse, and basketball!”

English is her favorite subject, of course. (“I love to write!”) After all, you can’t find an exclamation point in algebra.

Hana estimates she wins two ping pong matches each day, and spends roughly one hour singing loudly per day, though, presumably, not at the same time.

Her favorite experience at Pingry—besides all those countless ping pong matches won, no doubt—has been the Middle School dance. “It was so fun and the music was awesome!!” When pressed for the thing she loves most about school, she points to “the amount of freedom” students are given.

Could you beat Hana Finkelstein, with all her infectious enthusiasm, at ping pong? Definitely not. Not to put too fine a point on it. Exclamation point, that is.




Robert Rooke ’43


Fielding Lamason ’44


Lawrence Oxley ’45


Elwood Phares ’47*

Edward Thomas ’47*


William Hillbrant ’48

Alfred Strickler, Jr. ’48

John Unkles, Jr. ’48


Duane St. John ’50


William Burks ’51

J. Maucher ’51

Frank Mountcastle, Jr. ’51


Peter T. Buchanan ’52*

Miller Bugliari ’52, P’86, ’90, ’97, GP’20, ’24

W. McClelland ’52


E. Freeman Bunn ’53, P’78, ’80, ’82, ’83

Richard Feleppa ’53

W. Freeston ’53


R. Chamberlin ’54

Robert Champlin ’54

Thomas Cochran ’54

Robert Hall ’54, P’79, ’79

Barbara and Amos Hostetter, Jr. ’54

Guy Leedom ’54

Bernie Peckman ’54*

Richard Phares ’54

Willam Stanger ’54

Peter Stollery ’54


Joseph Brescher, Jr. ’55

Charles Martin ’55

Fred Rollenhagen ’55

Douglas Trabilcy ’55

John Welsh ’55

Edward Wronsky, Jr. ’55


Robert Burks ’56

George Champlin ’56

Charles Collins ’56

Mark Forrester ’56

Richard Goldberg ’56

McClure Hall ’56

Edward Hauser ’56, P’86

Walker Lockett, Jr. ’56

Robert Long, Jr. ’56, P’87

Robert Murphy ’56

James Palmer ’56

Robert M. Pyle, Jr. ’56, P’91

Louis Ruprecht ’56, P’79, ’82, ’87

Peter Schweitzer ’56

Stanley Stevinson ’56


John Anderson ’57

I. J. Angell ’57, P’90, GP’23

J. R. Campbell, Jr. ’57, P’86

Franklin Fort ’57

Lawrence Holden, Jr. ’57

Hilton Jervey ’57, P’78, ’82

John Leathers ’57

Raymond Londa ’57, P’88, ’91

Claus Mueller ’57

Robert Rettig ’57

Gordon Stevenson, Jr. ’57

James Urner ’57*


Paul Baiter ’58

Peter Behr ’58

Edward Blackwell III ’58

Thomas Corbin ’58*

Donald McCulloch ’58

Gregory McNab, Jr. ’58

Rodney Parsons ’58

Peter Rummel ’58

James Smith ’58

John Voorhees ’58

H. Christensen ’58


Stone Coxhead ’59

Richard duBusc ’59, P’87, ’00

Joel Gelber ’59

David Hilyard ’59

Jan Kennedy ’59

James Ludlow II ’59

James Stuart ’59

David Wilson ’59


William Ellis Jr. ’60

Henry English ’60

Robert Gibby, Jr. ’60, P’87

John Green ’60

Peter Johannsen ’60

Ernest May ’60

Augustus J. Rush, Jr. ’60

Frederic Schumann, Jr. ’60

Arthur Scutro ’60

John Sloboda ’60


Frederick Beinecke II ’61

Peter Benedict ’61

Joseph Helyar ’61

Richard Ill ’61

Douglas Leavens ’61

William Morgensen ’61

Eric Neilsen ’61

George Relyea ’61

Gordon Sulcer ’61, P’95

Frank Walter ’61

Paul Yuckman ’61


Richard Bates, Jr. ’62*

Thomas Curtiss, Jr. ’62

John Geddes ’62, P’95

H. Williamson Ghriskey, Jr. ’62

George Gibson ’62

William Lycan ’62

Martin McLean ’62

John Meyer ’62

Douglas Morrison ’62

Harry Moser ’62

John Norton, Jr. ’62

Peter Rogers ’62

Robert Scott, Jr. ’62

John Wight ’62, P’03


Albert Accettola ’63

Edward S. Atwater IV ’63

Gary Baum ’63

Theodore Corwin, Jr. ’63

John E. Klein ’63

Curtis Martin ’63

Henry Pitt ’63

Mark Poster ’63

John Ratichek ’63

Stephen Roehm ’63

Gregory Serbe ’63

Peter Somers ’63

Edward Stavenick ’63

Christopher Westcott ’63


Rik Alexanderson ’64, P’02

John Beinecke ’64

Robert Ill ’64

Douglas Johnson ’64

Howard Kroop ’64

Bruce Laing ’64

Bruce Morrison ’64

Paul Smith ’64

John Stearns ’64

Kenneth Strassner ’64

Charles Tracy ’64

Kenneth Wachter ’64

Bob Weissman ’64


Ira Berkower ’65

Jack Brescher, Jr. ’65, P’99

Ferdinand Brewer ’65

John Cali ’65

Michael Cooley ’65

Edwin Layng III ’65, P’02, ’06

William McCandless ’65

Peter Meyer ’65

Christopher Milton ’65

John Murray ’65, P’91

Stephan F. Newhouse ’65, P’95, ’97, ’99

L. Runyon ’65

Percy Young III ’65


David Budd ’66

John Cornwall ’66

Peter Cowen ’66

Alan Gibby ’66

Robert Gibson ’66

Richard Hadley, Jr. ’66

William LaCorte ’66

Donald Roberts, Jr. ’66

Bruce Schundler ’66

William Sterns ’66

Roy Sykes, Jr. ’66

Arthur Vedder ’66

Arthur Weissman ’66


William V. Engel ’67

Christopher Haig ’67

Brian Hughes ’67

Warren Leiden ’67

Michael Lewis ’67

Lawrence McClure ’67

Carlos Monroy ’67

Stephen Naylon ’67

Desmond O’Callaghan ’67

Vic Pfeiffer, Jr. ’67

John Plum ’67

Michael Prior ’67

R. Clayton Seaman, Jr. ’67

George Ways ’67

Aaron Welt ’67, P’06

H. Stewart Wheller III ’67


Fred Bartenstein ’68

Hans Bonn ’68

Stuart Conway ’68, P’94, ’95

Michael Dee ’68, P’99, ’02, GP’32, ’35

Christopher Downs ’68

Charles Forbes ’68

James Hall ’68

Stuart Leigh ’68

Jess Marzak ’68

D. Bruce Merrifield ’68

W. Metz ’68

Samuel Tolley ’68

Richard Tomlinson, Jr. ’68


Claus Hamann ’69

Fermo Jaeckle ’69, P’97

Robert McLellan ’69


Bruce Smith ’69

William Strong ’69

John Winslow, Jr. ’69

John Zoephel ’69, P’03, ’04, ’08


Alan Berkower ’70

Peter Blanchard III ’70*

Robert Engel ’70

Richard Engel ’70

John Ford ’70

Jonathan A. Hill ’70

Richard Kurtz ’70

Richard Lowish ’70

Robert Rooke ’70

Donald Szerlip ’70


Oliver Buckley ’71

Sherman English ’71, P’89, ’91

Jonathan Grover ’71

E.R. Nightingale III ’71

Ian Shrank ’71

Howard Tomlinson ’71


Ian Alexander ’72

Christopher Benbow ’72

John Boffa, Jr. ’72

Paul Ciszak ’72

Steven Holland ’72

Craig Johnson ’72

John Maher ’72

Stewart Mehlman ’72


Richard Brekus ’73

Charles Cuttic ’73

John Gianis, Jr. ’73, P’03, ’06, ’09

James Gibby ’73

John Hover ’73

Thomas Kendall ’73

Edward Knauer ’73

Christopher Naughton ’73

Mark Salisbury ’73

Frank Slugaski ’73*

Sumner White ’73

Richard Williams ’73


Scott Biedron ’74

Thomas Gindin ’74

John Hanson ’74

Peter Martin ’74

Prior Parker ’74

Thomas Rooke ’74

Jonathan Shelby ’74

Lee Shelley ’74


Andrew Faber ’75

Lewis Gasorek ’75

Peter Hiscano ’75

Philip Hoch ’75

Sean O’Donnell ’75, P’05, ’10

Jeffrey Pribor ’75

Roderick Raabe '75

David Rapson ’75

Christopher Walsh ’75

Stephen Wasserman ’75

Kurt Winkler ’75


Richard Bosland ’76

Andrew Corwin ’76

Barry Kulick ’76

N. Greg Mankiw ’76

J. Connor Seabrook ’76

Thomas Ward III ’76

Robert Williams ’76, P’06, ’08, ’12


Neil Bercow ’77

Chip Carver, Jr. ’77, P’09, ’11, ’14, ’14

Philip Haselton ’77, P’12

Susan Klinger ’77

Stephen McCarthy ’77

Francis Schefer ’77

Michael Schneider ’77

Ulysses Smith, Jr. ’77, P’19, ’22, ’28

Scott Ward ’77

Kyle Warendorf ’77

Edus Warren III ’77


Jennifer Beimfohr ’78

Douglas Beimfohr ’78

John Brady ’78

Michelle Brot ’78

Scott Brown ’78

H. Clarke’78

Charles Dooley III ’78

Jeff Edwards ’78, P’12, ’14, ’18

Steven Elmendorf ’78

E. Lori Halivopoulos ’78, P’23

Robin Hetrick ’78

Nicholas King ’78

Stuart M. Lederman ’78

W. Radford Lovett II ’78

Henry Ogden ’78, P’10, ’12

Arnold Paglia ’78

Charles Pepe ’78

Frederick Rollenhagen ’78

Evan Tager ’78

Malcolm Talcott ’78

Frederick Ulshafer ’78

Edward von der Linde ’78

Amy Warner ’78

John Witte ’78

Frederic Yeomans ’78


Christopher Bartlett II ’79

Barbara Busharis ’79

Anne DeLaney ’79, P’09, ’11, ’14, ’14

John Holman III ’79, P’09, ’11, ’14

Genesia Kamen ’79, P’11, P’13

Robert King, Jr. ’79, P’07, ’12

Steven Lipper ’79, P’09, ’12, ’14

Christine Neely ’79

Thomas Trynin ’79


Steven Barg ’80

John Bent III ’80

Scott Corwin ’80

Sandra Edgerley ’80

Joshua Gradwohl ’80

J. Gregory Hockman ’80

Maureen McLaughlin ’80, P’12, ’15

Michael McLaughlin ’80, P’12, ’15

Peter Quinn ’80

Lynn Tetrault ’80

James Ware ’80

Mark Wilf ’80


Melanie Boteler ’81

Marcy Coen Smith ’81

Flavia Cummins ’81

John Curtis ’81

Steven Henry ’81

Jay Lasser ’81

Elizabeth Simmons ’81


George Kline ’82

Donald McMinn ’82

J. Alison Little ’82, P’22

Randall Seabrook ’82


Thomas Broder ’83

Hilary Lafferty ’83*

Richard LeBuhn ’83

Mark McLaughlin ’83

Daniel Slater ’83

Peter Warlick ’83

Elena Zazanis ’83


Martha Graff ’84, P’15, ’17, ’20

Michael Nitabach ’84

Derek Goldberg Pew ’84

Wendy Goldberg Pew ’84

Kirsten Poler ’84

Elizabeth Vreeland ’84, P’11, ’12, ’15

John Wood ’84


Michelle Cunningham ’85

Denise Lionetti ’85

John Skowronski ’85

Janine Tramontana ’85

Robin Feman Trynin ’85

Jack Youngelson ’85


John Campbell III ’86

Reed Kean ’86 P’29, ’32

Daniel Marshall ’86

Ida Miguelino ’86, P’18, ’19, ’23

Theresa Sohn-Shum ’86, P’21, ’23

Christopher Solmssen ’86


Edward Benedict ’87

Seth Braunstein ’87

Harold Colton-Max ’87

Melissa Moriarty ’87, P’23

Timothy Moriarty ’87, P’23

Katharine Outcalt ’87

Elizabeth Rexford ’87

Elizabeth Winterbottom ’87, P’21, ’23


Kenneth Blau ’88

Darren Blumberg ’88, P’26, ’28, ’32

Suzanne Bober ’88, P’25

Elisa Della Pello ’88, P’22, ’28

Angelica Diaz-Martinez ’88, P’25, ’26

Cynthia Fitzmaurice ’88

Sarah Guettinger ’88

Emmy Hamilton ’88

Ravi Jhaveri ’88

Cathleen Pace Lazor ’88

Gerald Scully ’88

Jody Seibert ’88

Alan Tamarelli ’88

Greg Thomas ’88

Jennifer Winell ’88, P’27, ’29 1989

Ann Abdi ’89, P’23, ’26

Chip Baird III ’89 P’21

Gloria Bevill ’89

Curtis Brinkman ’89

L. Chamberlain ’89

Gregory Chernack ’89

Brian Crosby ’89, P’23, ’25, ’26

Tanya Fickenscher Leonard ’89

Hugo Hilgendorff ’89

Jennifer Wagner ’89

Charles Iacuzzo ’89

Ezra Jennings ’89

Peter Korn, Jr. ’89, P’21, ’21, ’23

Gretchen Oatman ’89, P’20, ’20, ’23, ’23

Michael Pence ’89

Elizabeth Perkins ’89

Ashley Pertsemlidis ’89

Laura Tseng ’89


I. J. Angell III ’90, P’23

Amy Brody ’90

Anthony Bugliari, ’90, P’20, ’24

Amy Cooperman ’90, P’23

Christine Hughes ’90

Michael Levine ’90

Ann Myers ’90

Jonathan Roustelli ’90, P’25

Richard Schneider ’90

Sarah Thomas ’90



D. Beatty Hubbard ’91

Horace Corbin IV ’91

Mara Kanner ’91

Terry Kung ’91

Jan Upalakalin ’91


Jonathan Alford ’92

David Baird ’92

Michael Breheney ’92

Khari Dougan ’92

Priscilla Elms ’92

Sara Farber ’92



Michael Gerstein ’92

Michael Goldberg ’92

Andrew Goldstein ’92

Timothy Lear ’92, P’25, ’27, ’30

Danielle Naldi ’92

Samuel Partridge ’92

Kathryn Sartorius ’92, P’22, ’25, ’29

Lori Sartorius ’92

Alexandra Strong ’92

Corby Thomas ’92


Alexander Baydin ’93, P’26, ’29

Steven Engler ’93

Nathan Hewette-Guyton ’93, P’27

Robert Knott III ’93

Graham Macmillan III ’93, P’29, ’29

Sunil Mirchandani ’93, P’28, ’31

Jay Murnick ’93, P’25, ’27, ’29

Ketan Patel ’93, P’28

David Sobel ’93

Kristin Sostowski ’93

Christopher Ulz ’93

Michael Ulz ’93

Jacquelynn Wolff ’93

Jay Yook ’93

Emily Yorke ’93


Elizabeth Conway ’94

Theodore Corvino ’94

Mark Franklin ’94

Christian Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Jane Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Noel Howe ’94

Jennifer Joel ’94

Jeffrey Mandelbaum ’94, P’25, ’26, ’29

Lorrie Meyercord ’94

Adam Plotkin ’94

Richard Puleo ’94, P’27, ’30

Radhika Rible ’94

Christopher Shahidi ’94

Amy Stone ’94

Christine Treveloni ’94

Rebecca Ulz ’94


Peter Blanchard ’95

John Flack ’95

Alan Huska ’95

Neal Karnovsky ’95

Erin Leone Blute ’95

Ian Lindsay ’95

Randolph Lizardo ’95

Kathy Manara ’95

Kevin Manara ’95

David Margolis ’95, P’30

Gwyneth Murray-Nolan ’95

Jennifer Nahvi-Sickles ’95, P’28

Drew Pinkin ’95


Michael Blanchard ’96

Mark Chen ’96

Alexandra Conway ’96

Lauren Diemar ’96, P’24

Thomas Diemar ’96, P’24

Christopher Franklin ’96

Adam Keil ’96

Ian McGuire ’96

Bess Oransky ’96

Christopher Parliman ’96

Daniel Pincus ’96

Frederique Schachter ’96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Hilary Ulz ’96

Rahul Vinnakota ’96

Gregory Waxberg ’96

Gregory Whalen ’96


Omar Alam ’97

Matthew Alexander ’97

Alexandra Braunstein ’97

Robert Corvino ’97

Joseph Essenfeld ’97, P’33, ’35

Ellen Gittes ’97

Adam L. Gittes ’97

Brian Hirsch ’97

Kaushal Kulkarni ’97

Frank Morano ’97

Dipali Ottaviani ’97

Catherine Pfaffenroth ’97

Patrick Reid ’97

Aimee Sostowski ’97

Matthew Speiser ’97

Gregory Stevens ’97

Emily Umbdenstock ’97

Tyler Umbdenstock ’97


Michael Ames ’98

Andrew Baird ’98

Douglas Bookbinder ’98

Vanessa Chandis ’98

Michelle Comstock ’98, P’29, ’33

Orianne Dutka ’98

Amy Finegold ’98, P’28, ’32

David Greig ’98

James Houston ’98

William Houston ’98

Laura Hunt ’98

Laura Kulkarni ’98, P’33, ’35

Sean Kulkarni ’98, P’33, ’35

Therese Lizardo-Escaño ’98, P’29

Kimberly McLean ’98

Marshall McClean ’98

David Rothschild ’98

Peter Ryan ’98

Kevin Schmidt ’98

Elizabeth Watson ’98

Anupama Yerramalli ’98


Dan Buell ’99

Sarah Chernoff ’99

Michael Chernoff ’99

Arlyn Davich ’99

Jessica Dee Sawyer ’99, P’32, ’35

Lindsey Dickman ’99

Joshua Dunn ’99

David Fahey ’99, P’33, ’34

Courtney Farkas ’99

Meryl Harrell ’99

Allison Harwood ’99

Lindsay Holmes-Glogower ’99, P’33

Wyatt Kasserman ’99, P’29, ’33

Sarah Kleinman ’99

Lisa Kothari ’99

Emilie Lanthier ’99

Benjamin Lehrhoff ’99

Vanessa Loy ’99

Michael Roberts ’99

Katherine Scott Old ’99

Roland Vetter ’99

Cheryl Werbeloff ’99

Lindsey Whalen ’99

Caroline Diemar ’99


Christopher Carey II ’00

Elliot DeSanto ’00

Lauren Doliner ’00

Michael Gillim ’00

Benjamin Golden ’00

Lauren Greig ’00

Andrew Greig ’00

Jeffrey Hiller ’00

Andrew Houston ’00

Gordon Hunt ’00

Kristin Koernig ’00

George Kottas ’00

Lauren Kovacs ’00

Richard Myers ’00

Austin Saypol ’00

Kathryn Smith ’00

Edward Smith ’00

Donald Tansey ’00


Anne Della Rosa Pierce ’01

Lauren Holland ’01

Andrew Holland ’01

Margaret Kelleher ’01

Courtney MacKenzie ’01

Lindsay Moyer Stempniak ’01

Theodore Roxbury ’01


Christine Aschwald ’02

Elizabeth Dee ’02

Amanda Kavanaugh ’02

Steven Krawitz ’02, P’35

Michelle Lampert ’02

Timothy Moyer ’02

Thomas Rooke, Jr. ’02

Evan Shore ’02

Holland Sunyak ’02

Jonathan Wilf ’02, P’33, ’34


Rachel Askin ’03

Buzzy Cohen ’03

David Cronheim ’03

Brian Doliner ’03

Ari Marciscano ’03

Eric Meder ’03

David Salz ’03

Liz Wight Seigel ’03

Stephanie Swanicke ’03

Christin Gianis Willis ’03


Seth Flowerman ’04

Liam Griff ’04

Melissa Kronthal ’04

Jill Law ’04

Matthew Rooke ’04

Sumeet Shah ’04

August Ventura ’04


Julie Ann Aueron ’05

Abigail Conger ’05

John Fechter ’05

Pamela Golding ’05

Casey Huser ’05

Brittney Jordan ’05

Caton Lee ’05

Joshua Leight ’05

Amanda McCarthy ’05

William Munger ’05

Maggie O’Toole ’05

Margaret Porges ’05

Julie Johnson ’05

Bess Rowen ’05

Eric Schonberg ’05

Jeffrey Shaffer ’05

Michael Silber ’05

Christopher Svoboda ’05

Lauren Tanenbaum ’05

Dana Van Brunt ’05


Alexandra Budd ’06

Frances Callaghan ’06

Peter Cipriano ’06

August du Pont ’06

Margot Mooney ’06

Katherine O’Connor ’06

Bard Ricciardi ’06

Lauren Salz ’06

Julianne Smith ’06, P’35

Park Smith III ’06, P’35

Thomas Strackhouse ’06

Charlotte Williams ’06


Gabriel Fernando ’07

Sandra Masselink ’07

Caitlin Koles ’07

Melissa Loewiger ’07

Brian Murphy ’07

Quinn Portfolio ’07

Stephanie Naratil ’07

Valerie Naratil ’07

Ajay Tungare ’07


John Guiffre ’08

Eric Hynes ’08

Alexandra Kerr Wubben ’08

Lauren Kronthal ’08


Samantha Melligon ’08

Leslie O’Toole ’08

Brian O’Toole ’08

Darina Shtrakhman ’08

Caroline Siegel ’08

Meredith Skiba ’08

Trevor Topf ’08

Patrick Trousdale ’08


Maya Artis ’09

Andrew Babbitt ’09

Brooke Conti Trousdale ’09

Michael Fernando ’09

Marlow Johnson ’09

Catherine Lipper ’09

Kathryn Mattern ’09

Jeffrey Michels ’09

Timothy Naratil ’09

Cassandra Osterman ’09

William Stamatis ’09

Colleen Tapen ’09


Sofia Barrionuevo ’10

Ezra Bristow ’10

Carina Chan ’10

Claeson Dillon ’10

William Evenson ’10

Samuel Fisher ’10

Robert Fowler ’10

Elizabeth Garcia ’10

Meghan Hager ’10

Courtney Hulse ’10

Randall Jordan ’10

Johanna Kreisbuch ’10

Bozhena Lisko ’10

Peter Martin ’10

Elisse Park ’10

Frederick Porges ’10

Bennett Rosenbach ’10

Tyler Smith ’10

Taylor Voiro ’10


Brian Weiniger ’11

Daniel Kronthal ’11

Alexandra Logerfo ’11

Steven Palazzolo ’11

Colleen Roberts ’11

Harrison Yu ’11


Corey DeLaney ’12

Madeline Higgins ’12

Ashley Hough ’12

Eleanor Johnson ’12


Logan McGowan ’13

Connor McLaughlin ’12

Katarina Underwood ’12

Marisa Werner ’12

Sarah Williams ’13

Dorian Allen ’13

Johanna Beattie ’13

Matthew Composto ’13

Emily Kamen ’13

Michael Patrizio ’13

Stephen Rienzi ’13


Rachel Corboz ’14

Jennifer Guo ’14

Derek Hsue ’14

Stephanie Lipper ’14

Louis Monteagudo ’14

Louis Zachary ’14


Sarah Beckmen ’15

Thomas Foreman ’15

Lily Graff ’15

Annelise Kinney ’15

Andrew Verdesca ’15

Alex Wolfson ’15


Keileh Atulomah ’16

Justin Chae ’16

Caroline Kellogg ’16

Jonathan Lee ’16

Abigail Ren ’16

Madeline Temares ’16

TanTan Wang ’16

Lloyd Willis ’16

Phillip Zachary ’16


Allyson Bisgay ’17

Andrew Brosie ’17

Amy Kaplan ’17

Zachary Keller ’17

Gregory Naratil ’17


Madeleine Shilts ’18

Naiyah Atulomah ’18

Jennifer Coyne ’18

Mitchell Flugstad-Clarke ’18

Brooke Murphy ’18

Vineil Reddy ’18

John Schuessler ’18

Melissa Tungare ’18

Alison Verdesca ’18

Andrew Weaver ’18

Jason Weiss ’18


Abigail Beckmen ’19

Andrew Beckmen ’19

Jonathan Chen ’19

Darlene Fung ’19

Jack Gambello ’19

John Grier ’19

Felicia Ho ’19

Brian Kaplan ’19

Joseph Shilts ’19

Jeffrey Xiao ’19


Corbey Ellison ’20

Anne Oatman ’20

Katherine Oatman ’20

Caroline Schuessler ’20

Caroline Wargo ’20

Jonathan Younghans ’20

Christopher Zachary ’20


Julian Lee ’21

Matthew Mandel ’21

Carson Shilts ’21


Samantha Barr ’22

Alexandra de Asla ’22

Christine Guo ’22

Emmet Houghton ’22

James Houghton ’22

Rohan Prabhu ’22

Julia Saksena ’22

Thomas Santana ’22

Alexandra Sartorius ’22

Andrew Wong ’22

Katherine Xie ’22

“Pingry was and is, a place of education with intent. The small classes, taught by teachers who are also coaches and advisors make a positive impact in the lives of every student. As a former staff member in the early 90s, I also learned how Pingry adapts to the changing needs of its students, families and faculty. When I became a Pingry parent, I valued the continued attention to writing and critical thinking, as well as the focus on ethical behavior. I want Pingry to continue to strive and thrive.”



The first thing you notice about Jada Watson is the speed at which she talks. Ask her a question and the answers will bubble out of her. Ask for her opinion and she’ll give you three or four. It’s as if the ideas have been percolating inside her mind, just waiting to burst out, waiting for the speed at which she can explain things to catch up to the speed at which her ideas come to her. If you are having a bad day, go see Jada Watson. You’ll forget about your troubles and quickly find yourself laughing, wondering, and getting involved. Jada Watson will keep you busy.

As Pingry’s newest Student Body President, Jada is already busy fielding questions on what activities will be planned: can this or that be added to campus; what, exactly, can be done. Can a refrigerator be added to the senior area? Jada promises to look into it (though she wonders who will clean it). Can the senior area have speakers playing music for them to relax to? Jada checks with Julia Dunbar (Form V/VI Dean of Student Life) and gets a yes—as long as the seniors promise to check in before pressing play. Students are already coming to her with questions about Senior Prank Day—Jada keeps these details vague, but it’s clear the early planning will lead to something epic.

Jada has been involved in Student Government off and on since Grade 5. “I love it because it gives me a place to grow. I’ve learned what it’s like to be a leader,” she says. As Junior Class President, she felt it only made sense to run for Student Body President. And, of course, she had ideas. A lot of them.

She is determined to amplify community-building activities to strengthen connections between students, faculty, and the wider community as a whole. What does she have in mind, specifically? “Fun,” says Jada, emphatically. Yes, that’s right. Fun.

It bothers Jada that people outside of Pingry perceive it to be a pressure cooker. “A lot of the time, people look at Pingry and think (at this, she

gives an exaggerated sigh), ‘Ugh! Pressure cooker! Everyone’s tired! And stressed! They have so much work to do!’” She drops the stern voice and laughs. “Yes, we work really hard. Pingry is a very academically rigorous school. But at the same time, we know how to have fun.”

Jada considers fun to be a key ingredient to success—not the side dish, not the dessert, and certainly not the seasoning on top. It’s the secret sauce. The magic that elevates the otherwise mundane. Jada is convinced that when people are having fun, they are trying harder, and when they are trying harder, they are excelling. They are having a blast challenging themselves. How dare anyone misinterpret that as a pressure cooker?

“Play clears the mind,” she says firmly.

On her lacrosse team, Jada describes with some reverence a phenomenon called Benergy—short for “bench energy”—whereby players on the field play significantly better when the players on the bench are cheering and rooting for them with the force of such enthusiastic energy it changes the momentum of the game. It’s this positive momentum that Jada is bringing with her as Student Body President. She is bringing more than a platform with a list of prudent activities. Jada Watson is bringing a vibe. A mindset. An attitude. Benergy.

Lacrosse Coach Carter Abbott has observed Jada’s enthusiasm firsthand and praises her for her “can-do attitude” and the way she has grown as a defender. “More importantly,” Coach Abbott notes, “her leadership and contribution to our famous ‘benergy’ or ‘bench energy’ is unmatched. She embodies what we hope for in all our PLAX players.”

As Student Body President, Jada is bringing a wave of positive momentum, the way her particular brand of enthusiasm and confidence was meant to, and the way only seniors can when they realize the


end of their high school days are fast approaching. She is at Morning Meetings, going over various announcements, and setting the tone by playing her chosen “song of the week” at each assembly. Tone? Really, it’s a vibe.

She is looking forward to making the most of it—for her friends, for the seniors, and for strengthening all those connections in the Pingry community. She knows how special it all is. “Pingry is a place where you don’t have to be one thing,” she says. “You can be many things at once.”

In life, sometimes you are on the field making the plays. And sometimes you are on the bench. Wherever you find yourself, from one moment to the next, Jada Watson has a reminder for you:

Bring. The. Benergy.

It truly makes all the difference.




Payal and Karanjit Arora P’32, ’35

Sandhya Gomadam and Praveen Atreya P’32, ’35

Julia and Christopher Bartlett P’35, ’35

Rebecca and Eric Black P’31, ’35

Jing Zeng and Yi Cao P’33, ’35

Haoning Ding and Jiayi Chen P’32, ’35

Carrie and Joseph Essenfeld ’97, P’33, ’35

Jean Gaffney and Daniel Fried P’35

Lisa Richardson and Jerzy Gadkowski P’33, ’35

Sunny Sun and Keng He P’33, ’35

Lauren and Giuseppe Incitti P’35

Nancy Malik and Pankaj Khandelwal P’31, ’35

Jennifer and Steven Krawitz ’02, P’35

Laura and Sean Kulkarni ’98, P’33, ’35

Sharon and Paul LeVasseur P’33, ’35

Lu Wang and Ji Li P’35

Qinfang Che and Yasi Li P’30, ’35

Adrienne and Jason Lowenstein P’29, ’33, ’35

Kelly Noto and Jonathan Meyers P’33, ’35

Nadezhda and Brendan Mims P’33, ’35

Meghan and Chris Mutter P’33, ’35

Latha and Arun Radhakrishnan P’32, ’35

Anna Savina and Denis Savin P’33, ’35

Donald Sawyer and Jessica Dee Sawyer ’99, P’32, ’35

Zarina and Hassen Sayeed P’31, ’35

Asale Harris-Smith and Hopeton Smith P’29, ’33, ’35

Julianne and Park Smith ’06 P’35

Danielle Rosenthal and Ashley Summer P’32, ’35

Wen Zhu and Ping Xia P’35

Wei Zheng and Zhengyu Xin P’33, ’35, ’35

Eileen and Jason Young P’35

Xiaofei Li and Hang Yu P’30, ’35

Grade 1

Marisa and Justin Amador P’34

Uma and Roland Aviles P’31, ’34

Sinead and Christopher Bennett P’31, ’34

Nancy and Todd Burach P’34

Erin and Elliot DeSanto ’00 P’34

Stephanie Adam and Michael Dyszler P’32, ’34

Jennifer and Jean Anderson Eloy P’31, ’34

Allison and David Fahey ’99, P’33, ’34

Sara and Jared Fertman P’34

Megan and Carl Frye P’34

Neetika and Amit Gandhi P’31, ’34

Tania and Michael Gonnella P’32, ’34

Amanda and Christopher Good P’34

Jill Chanes and Martin Jarocki P’32, ’34

Melissa and Michael Nagelberg P’34

Sergei Satchkov and Han Nguyen P’30, ’34

Ruby and Vipul Pal P’30, ’34

Laurie and Brett Reeder P’34

Meghan and Daniel Schorr P’34

Aneeka and Sourav Sinha P’32, ’34

Anila and Sanjay Venkat P’32, ’34

Nan Li and Xiaoming Wang P’34

Gavin and Cheryl Werbeloff ’99, P’34

Cori and Jason Wilf P’33, ’34

Rachel and Jonathan Wilf ’02 P’33, ’34

Stephanie Wright and Larry Wise P’34

Rachel Liao and Yi Zhang P’31, ’34

Ruidan Luo and Xin Zhou P’34

Grade 2

Mitzie Albowicz P’32, ’33

Hina and Haider Ali P’33

Farina Manji and Munem Alidina P’33

Hitika Tanwar-Anand and Abhinav Anand P’29, ’33

Baljeet Purewal and Joseph Arampulikan P’29, ’33

Onabia Minto and Ahmed Attia P’23, ’29, ’33

Besma and Mazen Bedri P’30, ’33

Frances Adkins and Reymundo Calcaño P’33

Jing Zeng and Yi Cao P’33, ’35

Shaoli Lu and David Chang P’31, ’33

Laura Lei and Edward Chow P’28, ’33

Henry and Michelle Comstock ’98, P’29, ’33

Melissa and Thomas DiTosto P’26, ’29, ’33

Jill and Sean Driscoll P’30, ’33

Carrie and Joseph Essenfeld ’97, P’33, ’35

Allison and David Fahey ’99, P’33, ’34

Xiaoni Niu and Matthew Fish P’33

Lisa Richardson and Jerzy Gadkowski P’33, ’35

Yaniva and Kevin Guidicipietro P’33

Sunny Sun and Keng He P’33, ’35

Daniel Glogower and Lindsay Holmes-Glogower ’99 P’33

Di Chen and Daqian Huang P’30, ’33

Amelia and Laith Kalamchi P’33

Elizabeth and Wyatt Kasserman ’99, P’29, ’33

Laura ’98 and Sean Kulkarni ’98, P’33, ’35

Lidiya Tornyova and Anton Kuzmanov P’25, ’33

Catharine and Edward LaPuma P’29, ’31, ’33

Sharon and Paul LeVasseur P’33, ’35

Olga and Jay Lewis P’27, ’29, ’32, ’33

Adrienne and Jason Lowenstein P’29, ’33, ’35

Kelly Noto and Jonathan Meyers P’33, ’35 Nadezhda and Brendan Mims P’33, ’35

Meghan and Chris Mutter P’33, ’35

Jamie and Alex Nanfara P’33

Sylvia and Samuel Nkansah P’25, ’26, ’33

Jenna and Kevin O’Keefe P’33

Amy and Gilberto Olvera P’29, ’33

Min Dong and Chok Ooi P’28, ’33

Baljeet Purewal and Joseph Arampulikan P’29, ’33

Bingxin Xu and Zijian Qi P’33

Sandra and Bruce Richardson P’33

Anna Savina and Denis Savin P’33, ’35

Jeffrey and Frederique Schachter ’96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Namrata and Dhiraj Shah P’24, ’27, ’33

Kinjal and Jay Sheth P’28, ’33

Asale Harris-Smith and Hopeton Smith P’29, ’33, ’35

Anette and Ryan Spoon P’29, ’31, ’33

Wen Wang and Zhongshan Wen P’33

Cori and Jason Wilf P’33, ’34

Rachel and Jonathan Wilf ’02, P’33, ’34

Rosalind and Rudy Wong P’27, ’31, ’33

Wei Zheng and Zhengyu Xin P’33, ’35, ’35

Tricia and Wilbert Yeung P’28, ’28, ’33

Grade 3

Mitzie Albowicz P’32, ’33

Payal and Karanjit Arora P’32, ’35

Sandhya Gomadam and Praveen Atreya P’32, ’35

Jing Xia and Hanxue Bai P’32

Niki and Darren Blumberg ’88, P’26, ’28, ’32

Haoning Ding and Jiayi Chen P’32, ’35

Cecilia and Stephen Chiang P’29, ’32

Alisha Davlin and Joseph Liberti P’32

Stephanie Adam and Michael Dyszler P’32, ’34

Todd and Amy Finegold ’98, P’28, ’32

Tania and Michael Gonnella P’32, ’34

Judy and John Goodwin P’30, ’32

Elisabeth and Jason Gordon P’32

Reeti and Vijay Gupta P’32

Joy Zhang and Alex Hao P’28, ’32

Jill Chanes and Martin Jarocki P’32, ’34

Rong Cui and Xiaowei Jiang P’29, ’32

Song Zhang and Tingli Kang P’30, ’32

Michelle and Reed Kean ’86, P’29, ’32

Pradeepa and Uday Kolli P’28, ’32

Jennifer Konadu P’32

Ying and Jonathan Krissel P’30, ’32

Elizabeth Minton and Brian Lariviere P’32

Olga and Jay Lewis P’27, ’29, ’32, ’33

Lopa Patel and Saurabh Mahajan P’32

Sheila and Hari Nadiminti P’31, ’32

Amy and Daniel Neu P’26, ’32

Amanda and Brett Newman P’30, ’32

Holly and Jeffrey Palker P’32

Deana and Kevin Pearly P’29, ’32

Latha and Arun Radhakrishnan P’32, ’35

Donald Sawyer and Jessica Dee Sawyer ’99, P’32, ’35

Meaghan and Carsten Schwarting P’27, ’29, ’32

Jenna and Eric Siegel P’32

Aneeka and Sourav Sinha P’32, ’34

Danielle Rosenthal and Ashley Summer P’32, ’35

Tania and Philip Taylor P’32

Brenda and Marc Titus P’28, ’32

Anila and Sanjay Venkat P’32, ’34

Angela Li and Timothy Wu P’32

Emily and William Young P’24, ’25, ’27, ’29, ’32

Xiaocheng Li and Xingang Yu P’32

Junling Ji and Ping Zhu P’32

Grade 4

Tania Shehzad and Shehzad Ajmal P’28, ’31

Uma and Roland Aviles P’31, ’34

Sinead and Christopher Bennett P’31, ’34

Rebecca and Eric Black P’31, ’35

Margherita and David Cardello P’31

Shaoli Lu and David Chang P’31, ’33

Kanmi Mao and Rui Chen P’31

Wei Wei and Xu Chen P’31

Michelle and Andrew Cowan P’31


Zhihua Zhang and Guofu Ding P’31

Jennifer and Jean Anderson Eloy P’31, ’34

Un Hae Song and Kevin Eng P’24, ’26, ’31

Betty and Jose Galvan P’25, ’29, ’31

Neetika and Amit Gandhi P’31, ’34

Jessica Li Guild and David Guild P’26, ’31

Iyndia and Wayne Jackson P’28, ’31

Yan Xiong and Yulong Jin P’31

Nancy Malik and Pankaj Khandelwal P’31, ’35

Christine and Peter Koranyi P’28, ’31

Elizabeth Hantman and Konstantinos

Koulogiannis P’31

Catharine and Edward LaPuma P’29, ’31, ’33

Shauna and John Marc Leffler P’31

Lei Qian and Zhiyu Li P’31

Dongyan Mu and Le Li P’31

Minh-Dang and Christopher Lvoff P’29, ’31

Zhiying Xu and Yin Mei P’30, ’31

Marta and Lee Meyer P’31

Leslie and Kelly Miller P’29, ’31

Giulia Paone and Emiliano Miluzzo P’31

Mona and Sunil Mirchandani ’93, P’28, ’31

Sheila and Hari Nadiminti P’31, ’32

Yi Zhu and Bin Qu P’31

Zarina and Hassen Sayeed P’31, ’35

Robyn and Kevin Schmidt P’31

Kendra Rose and Daniel Segel P’26, ’28, ’31

Jyoti and Kumar Sinha P’24, ’27, ’31

Anette and Ryan Spoon P’29, ’31, ’33

Sarada Gurubhagavatula and Sandeep Swadia P’27, ’31

Hallie and Mitchell Ulman P’27, ’31

Winnie and Eddie Wen P’20, ’23, ’31, ’31

Abigail and Neil Wolitzer P’31

Rosalind and Rudy Wong P’27, ’31, ’33

Liang Huan and David Wu P’31, ’31

Chenxuan Shi and Linpei Zhang P’31

Rachel Liao and Yi Zhang P’31, ’34

Mengjun Cao and Yue Zhang P’31

Yi Chen and Yifeng Zheng P’31

Qijun Shi and Zheng Zhou P’31

Grade 5

Marcella and Mark Addison P’30

Paula and Guillermo Argote P’25, ’30

Marie Celeste and Jeffrey Atienza P’27, ’30

Besma and Mazen Bedri P’30, ’33

Marina Monitto and Riccardo Canevari P’28, ’30

Miberly Cardenas P’30

Qing Li and Jiawei Chen P’30

Xin Wang and Randell Clevenger P’27, ’30

Aimee Lenar and Morgan Crooks P’30

Melissa Zegar and James Daily P’30

Jill and Sean Driscoll P’30, ’33

Jiajia Liu and Le Duan P’30

Christina and Jean Daniel Eloy P’30, ’34

Cindy and Brian Gallagher P’30

Jenna Goldberg-Garrett and Matthew Garrett P’30

Judy and John Goodwin P’30, ’32

Meridith and John Goyanes P’27, ’30, ’30

Di Chen and Daqian Huang P’30, ’33

Grace Qiu and Sam Huang P’28, ’30

Song Zhang and Tingli Kang P’30, ’32

Monica and Alex Khalil P’26, ’28, ’30

Crishelle Lytle and Nathaniel Kinlaw P’30

Ying and Jonathan Krissel P’30, ’32

Eleanor and Timothy Lear ’92, P’25, ’27, ’30

Qiong Chen P’27, ’30

Jenny Xun and Michael Li P’30

Qinfang Che and Yasi Li P’30, ’35

Wei Jiang and Hai Lin P’30

Mary and Ian McNaugher P’27, ’30

Zhiying Xu and Yin Mei P’30, ’31

Jill Rathyen and George Naseef P’24, ’27, ’30

Amanda and Brett Newman P’30, ’32

Sergei Satchkov and Han Nguyen P’30, ’34

Rupal and Ridwan Obaray P’27, ’30

Ruby and Vipul Pal P’30, ’34

Preeti and Niket Patankar P’30

Reshema Kemps-Polanco and Rey Polanco P’26, ’30

Holly and Richard Puleo ’94, P’27, ’30

Daphne Kailas and Avi Rosenblatt P’27, ’30

Alissa and Casey Rust P’27, ’30

Jeffrey and Frederique Schachter ’96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Meng Ru and Jian Song P’30

Shimul Shah and Atul Subbiah P’26, ’30

Neena and Saju Thomas P’30

Flora Nanda and Sambit Tripathy P’30

Sonali and Ashish Varshneya P’30

Ania and Navneet Virk P’30

Yang Yu and Jiakou Wang P’30

Xiaofei Li and Hang Yu P’30, ’35

Grade 6

Naheed and Faisal Abbasi P’26, ’29

Laura DiLorenzo and Sameer Agarwal P’29

Carla Collao and Allin Allariez P’27, ’29

Hitika Tanwar-Anand and Abhinav Anand P’29, ’33

Baljeet Purewal and Joseph Arampulikan P’29, ’33

Onabia Minto and Ahmed Attia P’23, ’29, ’33

Yi Sun and Daniel Bai P’29

Nitika Goyal Barai and Nikhil Barai P’26, ’29

Lindsay and Alexander Baydin ’93, P’26, ’29

Sonal and Nitin Bhat P’20, ’23, ’29

Qing Yan and Yin Chan P’25, ’29

Cecilia and Stephen Chiang P’29, ’32

Henry and Michelle Comstock ’98 P’29, ’33

Karim Del Pozo and Jonathan Hall P’29

Melissa and Thomas DiTosto P’26, ’29, ’33

Meredith and Daniel Finkelstein P’29

Monica and Michael Foley P’25, ’27, ’29

Cory and Richard Frear P’27, ’29

Betty and Jose Galvan P’25, ’29, ’31

Svetlana and Jonathan Glacken P’29

Yana and Gene Gorbach P’26, ’29

Vivian and Collins Graham P’28, ’29

Barbara Almeida and Gregg Grunstra P’25, ’29

Paige and Matthew Guest P’20, ’23, ’29

Stella Mellas and Scott Hadfield P’29

Charnea White and Rashon Hasan P’29

Hillary and Greg Irwin P’27, ’29

Prachi Badjate and Nitin Jain P’29

Rong Cui and Xiaowei Jiang P’29, ’32

Rachel and Joshua Kalafer P’27, ’29

Eagen and Jason Kane P’29

Divya Vashishtha and Akshay Kashyap P’29

Elizabeth and Wyatt Kasserman ’99, P’29, ’33

Michelle and Reed Kean ’86, P’29, ’32

Christina and Allen Kim P’29

Catharine and Edward LaPuma P’29, ’31, ’33

Olga and Jay Lewis P’27, ’29, ’32, ’33

Yuria Omi and Xiao Liao P’29

Cindy Cui and Sean Lin P’26, ’29

Jude Escano and Therese Lizardo-Escano ’98, P’29

Adrienne and Jason Lowenstein P’29, ’33, ’35

Minh-Dang and Christopher Lvoff P’29, ’31

Megan and Graham Macmillan ’93, P’29, ’29

Christine and Daniel Maloney P’27, ’29

Talia and Jeffrey Mandelbaum ’94, P’25, ’26, ’29

Cynthia and William McArthur P’29

Aditi and Sujoy Menon P’25, ’29

Leslie and Kelly Miller P’29, ’31

Jodi and Jay Murnick ’93, P’25, ’27, ’29

Pooja Krishna and Krishna Nacha P’29

Amy and Gilberto Olvera P’29, ’33

Cui Yang and Cunmao Ouyang P’29

Bensu and Alim Ozbilge P’29

Payal and Ty Patel P’26, ’29

Deana and Kevin Pearly P’29, ’32

Lisa and Daniel Price P’29

Fang Zhang and Yunchang Qiu P’29

Sara and Tyler Reeder P’27, ’29

Pallavi Verma and Sunil Sachan P’26, ’29

Peter and Kathryn Sartorius ’92, P’22, ’25, ’29

Meaghan and Carsten Schwarting P’27, ’29, ’32

Dipanwita Das and Raja Sengupta P’26, ’29

Manisha Sethi and Chintan Gandhi P’29

Sona and Vishal Shah P’27, ’29

Anjali and Abhijeet Shekdar P’24, ’29

Asale Harris-Smith and Hopeton Smith P’29, ’33, ’35

Anette and Ryan Spoon P’29, ’31, ’33

Shevata and Aravind Tula P’29

Jamie and Jack Wade P’29

Hong Qiu and Ying Wang P’29

Thomas Keating and Jennifer Winell ’88, P’27, ’29

Weiwei Wu and Yuchang Tan P’29

Emily and William Young P’24, ’25, ’27, ’29, ’32

Form I

Stephanie and Brian Abrahams P’28

Ebele and Ikenna Ajegbo P’28

Tania Shehzad and Shehzad Ajmal P’28, ’31

Janeene and Serge Balmir P’27, ’28

Kenna and Alix Baudin P’28

Niki and Darren Blumberg ’88, P’26, ’28, ’32

Jennifer and Jorge Cabezudo P’24, ’28

Rukiyatu Campbell P’19, ’28

Soroya and Shawn Campbell P’28, ’28

Marina Monitto and Riccardo Canevari P’28, ’30

Laura Lei and Edward Chow P’28, ’33

Elisa Della Pello ’88 P’22, ’28

Lucy Hughes and Sean Devlin P’26, ’28

Caroline and Robert Dicks P’25, ’25, ’28

Michele and Robert Dragert P’27, ’28

Dongling Wang and Yu Feng P’26, ’28

Todd and Amy Finegold’98, P’28, ’32

Darby and Alan Finkelstein P’25, ’28

Cassandra Flanagan P’28

Katherine and Jonathan Foster P’26, ’28

Ye Sun and Yongqin Gao P’28

Ashu Das and Vijay Gautam P’28

Jeanne and Marshall Gordon P’28

Vivian and Collins Graham P’28, ’29

Lauren and Joseph Hand P’28

Joy Zhang and Alex Hao P’28, ’32



Yanping Fang and Jinli Hao P’27, ’28

Karen and Matthew Hefner P’28

Jane Hoffman ’94 and Christian Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Grace Qiu and Sam Huang P’28, ’30

Kathleen and Glenn Hunzinger P’28

Iyndia and Wayne Jackson P’28, ’31

Shefali and Puneet Kakar P’24, ’28

Monica and Alex Khalil P’26, ’28, ’30

Pradeepa and Uday Kolli P’28, ’32

Christine and Peter Koranyi P’28, ’31

Verna and Gene Lange P’23, ’24, ’26, ’28

Shannon and Justin Llewellyn-Jones P’28

Elizabeth and Michael Maher P’28, ’28

Nicole and Thomas McGrath P’27, ’28

Lisa and Eyrique Miller P’23, ’28

Mona and Sunil Mirchandani ’93, P’28, ’31

Bashiru Mohammed P’19, ’28

William Sickles and Jennifer Nahvi-Sickles ’95, P’28

Daniela and Justin Nortillo P’25, ’28

Ibiyo Lawrence and Olumide Olawoye P’23, ’28

Min Dong and Chok Ooi P’28, ’33

Purvi and Ketan Patel ’93, P’28

Anne Kulasingham and John Ramesh P’28

Kirti and Prashanth Reddy P’28

Nadja Kapellen and Rene Rensch P’28

Reshma and Abhinav Saksena P’27, ’28

Kendra Rose and Daniel Segel P’26, ’28, ’31

Lauren and Peter Seminara P’28

Payal and Mitul Shah P’26, ’28

Swati Sharma and Sapan Shah P’28, ’28

Kinjal and Jay Sheth P’28, ’33

Ulysses Smith ’77 P’19, ’22, ’28

Seema and Bobby Sood P’27, ’28

Lisa and Richard Soultanian P’28

Zareen and Saulat Sultan P’28

Kimberly and Christopher Tarpley P’27, ’28

Brenda and Marc Titus P’28, ’32

Sophia Chadda and Konstantine Trichas P’18, ’19, ’28

Tricia and Wilbert Yeung P’28, ’28, ’33

Form II

Carla Collao and Allin Allariez P’27, ’29

Marie Celeste and Jeffrey Atienza P’27, ’30

Janeene and Serge Balmir P’27, ’28

Elizabeth and Brian Bedner P’27

Lin Lin and Yingxi Chen P’27

Qiong Chen P’27, ’30

Kelly Cleary and Sean Britain P’27

Xin Wang and Randell Clevenger P’27, ’30

Ayanna and Kevin Clunis P’23, ’27

Michele and Robert Dragert P’27, ’28

Monica and Michael Foley P’25, ’27, ’29

Cory and Richard Frear P’27, ’29

Anu and Arnab Ghatak P’25, ’27

Meridith and John Goyanes P’27, ’30, ’30

Jenna and Mark Griffith P’27

Yanping Fang and Jinli Hao P’27, ’28

Colleen and Christopher Harris P’25, ’27

Sarah Taylor P’27 and Nathan Hewette-Guyton ’93 P’27

Jane Hoffman ’94 and Christian Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Hillary and Greg Irwin P’27, ’29

Cindy Chi and Dezhe Jin P’26, ’27

Rachel and Joshua Kalafer P’27, ’29

Eleanor and Timothy Lear ’92, P’25, ’27, ’30

Olga and Jay Lewis P’27, ’29, ’32, ’33

Christine and Daniel Maloney P’27, ’29

Hilda Mera and Jose Masache P’24, ’27

Twinkle Morgan and Robert McDonald P’23, ’26, ’27

Nicole and Thomas McGrath P’27, ’28

Mary and Ian McNaugher P’27, ’30

Jodi and Jay Murnick ’93, P’25, ’27, ’29

Jill Rathyen and George Naseef P’24, ’27, ’30

Rupal and Ridwan Obaray P’27, ’30

RoseMaria Russo and Richard Peña P’27

Jamie and Sergio Pereira P’27

Sarah Shore and Walter Prahl P’27, ’27

Holly and Richard Puleo ’94, P’27, ’30

Sara and Tyler Reeder P’27, ’29

Natalie and David Reichman P’27

Daphne Kailas and Avi Rosenblatt P’27, ’30

Elizabeth Frank and Dan Rozenblatt P’25, ’27

Alissa and Casey Rust P’27, ’30

Reshma and Abhinav Saksena P’27, ’28

Subha Korapaty and Jay Sappidi P’27

Jeffrey and Frederique Schachter ’96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Meaghan and Carsten Schwarting P’27, ’29, ’32

Namrata and Dhiraj Shah P’24, ’27, ’33

Sona and Vishal Shah P’27, ’29

Kristin and Daniel Shea P’25, ’27

Kira and Denis Shmuler P’23, ’27

Jyoti and Kumar Sinha P’24, ’27, ’31

Seema and Bobby Sood P’27, ’28

Rajamathangi and Ramesh Srinivas P’22, ’27

Sarada Gurubhagavatula and Sandeep Swadia P’27, ’31

Kimberly and Christopher Tarpley P’27, ’28

Candace and Brendan Troy P’25, ’27

Veronica and Justin Ucko P’23, ’24, ’27

Hallie and Mitchell Ulman P’27, ’31

Ying Tang and Yijun Wang P’27

Mandy and Michael Webster P’24, ’27, ’27

Thomas Keating and Jennifer Winell ’88, P’27, ’29

Rosalind and Rudy Wong P’27, ’31, ’33

Na Li and Honggang Wu P’27

Emily and William Young P’24, ’25, ’27, ’29, ’32

Kelly Ju and Zhaoou Yu P’27

Elissa and Kenneth Zaslow P’27

Hui Li and Qingsheng Zhou P’24, ’27

Meilee Zheng and Chaopeng Zhou P’26, ’27

Form III

Naheed and Faisal Abbasi P’26, ’29

Jabbar and Ann Abdi ’89, P’23, ’26

Nitika Goyal Barai and Nikhil Barai P’26, ’29

Melissa and Jeff Bartoli P’24, ’26

Lindsay and Alexander Baydin ’93, P’26, ’29

Niki and Darren Blumberg ’88, P’26, ’28, ’32

Jhanice Domingo and Terence Calulo P’26

Tina and Joseph Cassanelli P’26

Shunhua Jin and Xiaofeng Chen P’25, ’26

Jie and Erjun Chen P’26

Jing Zhu and Song Chen P’26

Anne Collins-Lemanski and Bill Lemanski P’26

Tiffany and Brian Crosby ’89, P’23, ’25, ’26

Michelle and Steven DeCillis P’26

Mary Ann and Matthew Del Vento P’26

Colleen Sellers and David DeLorenzo P’26

Lucy Hughes and Sean Devlin P’26, ’28

Jorge Martinz and Angelica Diaz-Martinez ’88, P’25, ’26

Melissa and Thomas DiTosto P’26, ’29, ’33

Lois Fitton and W. Christopher Draper P’26

Catrin and Gregg Edell P’26

Un Hae Song and Kevin Eng P’24, ’26, ’31

Dongling Wang and Yu Feng P’26, ’28

Lauren and Vincent Ferraro P’26

Felicia and Patrick Flanigan P’26

Katherine and Jonathan Foster P’26, ’28

Paulette Frank and Scott Burns P’23, ’26

Yang Song and Renyuan Gao P’22, ’24, ’26

Anna and Gregory Geppel P’26

Gayla and Lincoln Germain P’26

Larisa Golub and Sergiy Sirichenko P’26

Yana and Gene Gorbach P’26, ’29

Ashley and Charles Gray P’26

Jessica Li Guild and David Guild P’26, ’31

Christina and Riaz Haidri P’22, ’24, ’26

Nordia and Daniel Hall P’26

Jane Hoffman ’94 and Christian Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Amy and Ih-Ping Huang P’21, ’26

Dipali and Sudhir Jain P’26

Cindy Chi and Dezhe Jin P’26, ’27

Monica and Alex Khalil P’26, ’28, ’30

Nilda Lanao P’25, ’26

Verna and Gene Lange P’23, ’24, ’26, ’28

Lily and Jeff Lee P’20, ’26

Cindy Cui and Sean Lin P’26, ’29

HsiuChuan Sandy Chin and Feng Luo P’25, ’26

Kerry and William MacIntosh P’26

Rachel Altman and Peter Mattson P’26

Sharon Li and James Mau P’23, ’26

Twinkle Morgan and Robert McDonald P’23, ’26, ’27

Anupama and Viju Menon P’26

Nuria Sagarra and Giovanni Migliaccio P’26

Maria and Michael Moye P’25, ’26

Amy and Daniel Neu P’26, ’32

Saba and Nadeem Nisar P’20, ’26

Sylvia and Samuel Nkansah P’25, ’26, ’33

Nehama and Ilya Novofastovsky P’25, ’26

Laura Overdeck P’21, ’23, ’26

Grace and Dave Park P’23, ’26

Agnes Claye and Dalmir Pasini P’23, ’26

Binal and Samir Patel P’25, ’26

Payal and Ty Patel P’26, ’29

Kelly and Jeffrey Patten P’24, ’26

Reshema Kemps-Polanco and Rey Polanco P’26, ’30

Katie Procter and William Lewis P’22, ’26

Jessica and Eric Purcell P’26

Jun Luo P’26

Ellen and Dan Ronnen P’26

Maria and Richard Ruffer P’26


Pallavi Verma and Sunil Sachan P’26, ’29

Susan and Michael Santomassimo P’24, ’26

Meredith Schnur P’25, ’26

Kendra Rose and Daniel Segel P’26, ’28, ’31

Julia and Shurjo Sen P’26

Dipanwita Das and Raja Sengupta P’26, ’29

Payal and Mitul Shah P’26, ’28

Claudia DiGiacomo and Daniel Shapiro P’26

Sara and Michael Sherman P’26

Sarah and Colin Smith P’26

Shimul Shah and Atul Subbiah P’26, ’30

Umesh Subramanian P’24, ’26

Ritu Chandra and Michael Terpstra P’26

Ingrid Tierens and Grant Caldis P’26

Bansari Patel P’26

Kate and Chris Truncale P’26

Amy and David Ventura P’22, ’22, ’26

Melissa and Scott Waterstredt P’26

Julie Creswell and Kenneth Worthington P’26

Lili Zhu and Xinkai Wu P’26

Shi-Min Qian and Alex Xie P’22, ’26

Monila Reheman and Kai Yin P’26

Weiwei Yu and Yue Zhang P’26

Tricia Stern Zelkowicz and Stephen Zelkowicz P’26

Evelyn and Ilias Zervos P’26

Meilee Zheng and Chaopeng Zhou P’26, ’27

Lisa and Dotan Ziv P’24, ’26

Form IV

Mariana De Lucas Arbiza and Edgardo Nelson

Ambrogio P’25

Caroline and Steven Angel P’25

Paula and Guillermo Argote P’25, ’30

Kiva and Neil Barr P’22, ’25

Lisa and Jonathan Betz P’25

Gina Choi-Blekicki and Douglas Blekicki P’25

Olaf Weckesser and Suzanne Bober ’88, P’25

Nancy Lombardo P’25

La Tonyia and Ricardo Cameron P’25

Susan Barasch and David Carrieri P’25

Qing Yan and Yin Chan P’25, ’29

Shunhua Jin and Xiaofeng Chen P’25, ’26

Jean and Daniel Chung P’18, ’22, ’25

Roxane and Nathaniel Collins P’23, ’25

Elizabeth Kardos and David Cowen P’19, ’25

Tiffany and Brian Crosby ’89, P’23, ’25, ’26

Laura and Alex Davidkhanian P’25

Juliet and Michael Davis P’25

Shacara and Jorge Delgado P’25

Jorge Martinez and Angelica Diaz-Martinez ’88, P’25, ’26

Dina and Patrick Dibre P’25

Caroline and Robert Dicks P’25, ’25, ’28

Manie Fahey P’21, ’25

Diane and Samir Fahmy P’25

Darby and Alan Finkelstein P’25, ’28

Monica and Michael Foley P’25, ’27, ’29

Susan and Paul Francis P’23, ’25, ’25

Betty and Jose Galvan P’25, ’29, ’31

Anu and Arnab Ghatak P’25, ’27

Tolaina and Aaron Goodwin P’25

Barbara Almeida and Gregg Grunstra P’25, ’29

Noel and Edward Hannon P’25

Colleen and Christopher Harris P’25, ’27

Tong Gao and Taosong He P’19, ’25

Laura and Christopher Henry P’21, ’23, ’25

Elizabeth and Brett Houghton P’22, ’22, ’25

Belina Huey and Jianping Huang P’25

Melissa and Darren Jones P’23, ’25

Cheryl and Matthew Karch P’23, ’25

Tracy and Brian Katt P’25

Renee and Stephen Kelly P’25

Anne Rivera-Kotlewski and Brad Kotlewski P’25

Lidiya Tornyova and Anton Kuzmanov P’25, ’33

Nilda Lanao P’25, ’26

Eleanor and Timothy Lear ’92, P’25, ’27, ’30

Stacey Levine P’25

Stephanie and James Link, P’25

Sonny Saksena and Joyce Little ’82, P’22, ’25

Daye Yang and Song Liu P’25

Nancy Lombardo P’25

HsiuChuan Sandy Chin and Feng Luo P’25, ’26

Talia and Jeffrey Mandelbaum ’94, P’25, ’26, ’29

Melissa and Justin McKeon P’25

Aditi and Sujoy Menon P’25, ’29

Gina Mitchell P’25

Maria and Michael Moye P’25, ’26

Jodi and Jay Murnick ’93, P’25, ’27, ’29

Sylvia and Samuel Nkansah P’25, ’26, ’33

Daniela and Justin Nortillo P’25, ’28

Nehama and Ilya Novofastovsky P’25, ’26

Oksana Sokolovsky and Andrew Oussenko P’25

Danisha and Manish Patel P’22, ’25, ’25

Binal and Samir Patel P’25, ’26

David and Ashley Pertsemlidis ’89, P’25

Beth and Kevin Proudfoot P’18, ’22, ’25

Michelle Lesperance and Michael Reinhardt P’25

Aparna Murthy and Eric Riener P’25

Rita and Jonathan Robustelli ’90, P’25

Elizabeth Frank and Dan Rozenblatt P’25, ’27

Beralia Briceno and Wilber Ruiz P’25

Cynthia and Manuel Sampedro P’21, ’23, ’25

Peter and Kathryn Sartorius ’92, P’22, ’25, ’29

Meredith Schnur P’25, ’26

Usha and Deneb Shah P’25

Priyanka and Deven Shah P’25

Kristin and Daniel Shea P’25, ’27

Catherine Roure and Abhinov Singh P’23, ’25

Laura and Scott Sinins P’25

Victoria and Andrew Solomon P’25

Rakhee and Aayush Sonthalia P’25

Rossana and William Stevenson P’25

Hilary and Doug Tabish P’25

Katyayani Guduri and Ramesh Tallapragada P’25

Jennifer and David Thomas P’23, ’25

Melissa and Patrick Travers P’23, ’25

Candace and Brendan Troy P’25, ’27

Irene and Apollo Wong P’22, ’25

Deborah and Peter Woodbury P’23, ’25

Shipra and Ajay Yadav P’25

Emily and William Young P’24, ’25, ’27, ’29, ’32

Ying Zhao and Moming Zhou P’25

Form V

Ramee Lee and Joe Ahn P’24

Jennifer and Andrew Amorosi P’24

Melissa and Jeff Bartoli P’24, ’26

Anya and Mikhail Boroditsky P’24

Katie and Anthony Bugliari ’90, P’20, ’24

Jennifer and Jorge Cabezudo P’24, ’28

Laura Fiske and Frank Caratzola P’24

Miriam and Jeffrey Cohen P’21, ’24

Deborah Nungester and Michael de Asla P’22, ’24

Angela and Daniel Deeney P’24

Heather and Ronald DeMyers P’24

Lauren and Thomas Diemar ’96 P’24

Rania and Mahmoud Elassir P’24

Un Hae Song and Kevin Eng P’24, ’26, ’31

Lynn and Gavin Evans P’24

Holly Fields P’18, ’24

Yang Song and Renyuan Gao P’22, ’24, ’26

Karen and William Goydan P’24

Shiyao Xu and Fengrui Gu P’24

Shalu and Neer Gupta P’24

Michelle and Elias Habayeb P’24

Christina and Riaz Haidri P’22, ’24, ’26

Mary Hou and Michael Henriques P’19, ’22, ’24

Sonia and Ed Jay P’19, ’22, ’24

Shefali and Puneet Kakar P’24, ’28

Lisa Butler and Robert Kelly P’24

Miyuru Amarapala and Adrian Kilcoyne P’24

Mark Kirschner and Niv Miyasato P’24

Verna and Gene Lange P’23, ’24, ’26, ’28

Yan Meng P’24

Sabrina De Stefano and Paul Littman P’24

Yi Yu and Jingyuan Liu P’21, ’24

Pamela and Scott Mahoney P’24

Megan and Jason Marine P’24

Hilda Mera and Jose Masache P’24, ’27

Cookie and Mark Mason P’21, ’24

Polly Palumbo and Lex Maultsby P’19, ’21, ’24

Jennifer and James Meyer P’24

Rita and Arjun Murti P’21, ’24

Jill Rathyen and George Naseef P’24, ’27, ’30

Shakirat and Yomi Odunsi P’24

Alexandra Wood and James Oldham P’24

Kelly and Jeffrey Patten P’24, ’26

Rachel and Sandy Payne P’24

Le Wu and Song Peng P’24

Nicole and Brad Poprik P’24, ’24

Michelle Quinn and William Rudnik P’24

Ana and Frank Salvatore P’23, ’24

Margaret and Christopher Santana P’22, ’24

Susan and Michael Santomassimo P’24, ’26

Debolina and Partho Sanyal P’22, ’24

Lori and Frank Scrudato P’22, ’24

Namrata and Dhiraj Shah P’24, ’27, ’33

Anjali and Abhijeet Shekdar P’24, ’29

Suzanne and Neil Sherman P’24

Catherine Hamm and Christopher Shilts P’17, ’19, ’21, ’24

Melissa and Mark Simon P’24

Thu Thai-Simon and Richard Simon P’20, ’24

Jyoti and Kumar Sinha P’24, ’27, ’31

Tina Smith P’24

Caroline and Glenn Stevens P’14, ’24

Umesh Subramanian P’24, ’26



Nicole and Jason Swain P’24

Eva and Kai Talarek P’20, ’24

Veronica and Justin Ucko P’23, ’24, ’27

Nidhi and Rama Variankaval P’24

Elizabeth and Luis Vilarin P’21, ’24

Margaret and Geoffrey von der Linden P’24

Sue Fan and David Wang P’24

Jie Chen and Yu Wang P’22, ’24

Mandy and Michael Webster P’24, ’27, ’27

Deena Wilson P’24

Lixia Jiao and Feng Xie P’24

Colleen and Antonio Yanez P’22, ’24

Emily and William Young P’24, ’25, ’27, ’29, ’32

Susan and Marco Zarbin P’22, ’24, ’24

Julia Liao and Hao Zhang P’24

Yuanhui Zhang and Xinyi Wu P’24

Jenny Yan and William Zhong P’24

Hui Li and Qingsheng Zhou P’24, ’27

Lisa and Dotan Ziv P’24, ’26

Form VI

Jabbar and Ann Abdi ’89, P’23, ’26

Katie and I. J. Angell III ’90, P’23

Kate and Craig Annis P’23

Onabia Minto and Ahmed Attia P’23, ’29, ’33

Sondra and Adam Barrison P’20, ’23

Michelle and Jeffrey Bergman P’23

Sonal and Nitin Bhat P’20, ’23, ’29

Lisa Clark Burns and Lawrence Burns P’23

Ayanna and Kevin Clunis P’23, ’27

Christine and J. Matthew Collins P’21, ’23

Roxane and Nathaniel Collins P’23, ’25

Ken and Amy Cooperman ’90, P’23

Teresa and James Covello P’23

Tiffany and Brian Crosby ’89, P’23, ’25, ’26

Jeanine Kim and Paul Donohue P’23

Katherine Fitzsimmons P’21, ’23

Susan and Paul Francis P’23, ’25, ’25

Paulette Frank and Scott Burns P’23, ’26

Denise Grant and Colin Ralph P’23

Anne and Richard Grissinger P’23

Paige and Matthew Guest P’20, ’23, ’29

Brian Szepkouski and E. Lori Halivopoulos ’78, P’23

Janina Scheytt Hecht and Adam Hecht P’23

Laura and Christopher Henry P’21, ’23, ’25

Christine and Benjamin Humphreys P’23

Grace and Kendrick Jahng P’19, ’23

Yan Wang and Zhigen Jiang P’15, ’23

Melissa and Darren Jones P’23, ’25

Cheryl and Matthew Karch P’23, ’25

Sandra Cheng and Joseph Kim P’23

Kara and Peter Korn ’89, P’21, ’21, ’23

Verna and Gene Lange P’23, ’24, ’26, ’28

Natalie Sung and Bing Li P’21, ’23

Rachel and Jay Lin P’21, ’23

Meng Qi and Jiang Liu P’19, ’23

Juan Lorenzo P’23

MyraJane and William Loss P’23

Patti and Morgan Lytle P’23

Hong Li and Lei Ma P’23

Maureen and Thomas Matthias P’17, ’19, ’23

Sharon Li and James Mau P’23, ’26

Twinkle Morgan and Robert McDonald P’23, ’26, ’27

Charlotte and Jeremy McGuire P’20, ’23

Patrick Aanstoots and Ida Miguelino ’86 P’18, ’19, ’23

Lisa and Eyrique Miller P’23, ’28

Melissa Moriarty '87 and Timothy Moriarty ’87, P’23

Christine and John Nugent P’20, ’21, ’23

Tom and Gretchen Oatman ’89, P’20, ’20, ’23, ’23

Ibiyo Lawrence and Olumide Olawoye P’23, ’28

Carol and Souren Ouzounian P’23

Laura and John Overdeck P’21, ’23, ’26

Grace and Dave Park P’23, ’26

Agnes Claye and Dalmir Pasini P’23, ’26

Saryu and Nimesh Patel P’21, ’23

Rose Perez P’23

Caroline and Robert Pfundstein P’23

Gail and Steven Pollard P’21, ’23

Michelle Finney-Powell and Carl Powell P’23

Jennifer and Noah Puntus P’23

Heather and Bradley Pyne P’18, ’23

Karen Stewart-Ramos and Edward Ramos P’23

Ana and Frank Salvatore P’23, ’24

Cynthia and Manuel Sampedro P’21, ’23, ’25

Kira and Denis Shmuler P’23, ’27

Catherine Roure and Abhinov Singh P’23, ’25

Wesley Shum and Theresa Sohn-Shum ’86, P’21, ’23

Angela and Guy Taylor P’19, ’20, ’23

Jennifer and David Thomas P’23, ’25

Melissa and Patrick Travers P’23, ’25

Veronica and Justin Ucko P’23, ’24, ’27

April and Wei Wang P’21, ’23

Lara and Michael Watzky P’23

Elaine and Eric Weaver P’18, ’23

Mary and Norbert Weldon ’91, P’23

Winnie and Eddie Wen P’20, ’23, ’31, ’31

Amy and James Williamson P’23

Elizabeth Winterbottom ’87 P’21, ’23

Deborah and Peter Woodbury P’23, ’25

Nan Feng and Yang Xu P’23

Emily Yorke ’93, P’23

Sandra Zavala P’23

Mindy and David Zhang P’17, ’23

K GRADE 1 GRADE 2 GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 FORM I FORM II FORM III FORM IV FORM V FORM VI 92% 78% 95% 78% 67% 65% 74% 71% 73% 61% 60% 57% 54%



Donna and Paul Abbott P’14, ’16

Linda and Rik Alexanderson ’64, P’02

Lea and I. J. Angell ’57, P’90, GP’23

Tracy and Tharien Arnold P’16, ’20

Tressa and Chip Baird III ’89 P’21

Kiva and Neil Barr P’22, ’25

Sondra and Adam Barrison P’20, ’23

Janice and Jeffrey Beckmen P’15, ’19, ’19

Holly Gehrie and Jay Bernstein P’06, ’09

Sonal and Nitin Bhat P’20, ’23, ’29

Doreen and Darrell Bishop P’00

Kathryn and Harold Blackstone P’96

Deborah Blum P’06

Dawn and William Bourne P’08

Joan Myers P’00, ’02 and Thomas Boyer P’96, ’98

Toni and Jack Brescher, Jr. ’65, P’99

Denise Brown-Allen and Douglas Allen P’13

Janice and Christopher Browne P’16

Amy and Kennedy Buckley P’16

Katie and Anthony Bugliari ’90, P’20, ’24

Elizabeth and Miller Bugliari ’52, P’86, ’90, ’97, GP’20, ’24

Anne and E. Freeman Bunn ’53, P’78, ’80, ’82, ’83

Margaret and Dennis Cahill P’13

Eileen Cameron P’90, ’93

Cheryl and J. R. Campbell, Jr. ’57, P’86

Rukiyatu Campbell P’19, ’28

Anne DeLaney ’79 and Chip Carver, Jr. ’77, P’09, ’11, ’14, ’14

Gail and Ronald Castaldo P’00

Jean and Daniel Chung P’18, ’22, ’25

Kathleen and Thomas Clingan P’97, ’03

Sharon and Charles Coe P’88

Miriam and Jeffrey Cohen P’21, ’24

Christine and J. Matthew Collins P’21, ’23

Julie and Stuart Conway ’68, P’94, ’95

Elizabeth Kardos and David Cowen P’19, ’25

Betsy and John Crosby P’96

Cynthia and Luther Cuffie P’04, ’07

Tracy and Kenneth Curran P’12, ’14

Barbara and Mitchell Davich P’99, ’02

Deborah Nungester and Michael de Asla P’22, ’24

Marilyn and Michael Dee ’68, P’99, ’02, GP’32, ’35

Elisa Della Pello ’88, P’22, ’28

Susan and Elia DeSanto P’00, ’03, GP’34

Amy and Harvey Doliner P’99, ’03, ’09, GP’34

George Donohue P’83, ’86, ’90

Priya and Ananth Doraswamy P’19, ’22

Nancy and Richard duBusc ’59, P’87

Cindy and Jeff Edwards ’78, P’12, ’14, ’18

Caroline and Michael Ellison P’20, ’22

Uwaoma and Solomon Emeghara P’19

Kay J. English and Sherman English ’71, P’89, ’91

Janet and Arthur Eschenlauer P’77, ’80

Manie Fahey P’21, ’25

Deborah and Arthur Feldman P’03, ’05, ’09, GP’04

Holly and Dave Fields P’18, ’24

Lynn and Mark Filipski P’02, ’05

Katherine Fitzsimmons P’21, ’23

Jody and Bruce Friedman P’04, ’06, ’10

Yang Song and Renyuan Gao P’22, ’24, ’26

Sue and John Geddes ’62, P’95

Elizabeth and H. Williamson Ghriskey, Jr. ’62

Elizabeth and John Gianis, Jr. ’73, P’03, ’06, ’09

Robert Gibby, Jr. ’60, P’87

Elizabeth and George Gibson ’62, P’87, ’88, ’93

Kathleen and James Gilbert P’20

Susan and Peter Gillim P’00

Veronica Goldberg P’84, ’88, ’92

Amy and Andrew Gole P’01, ’05, ’10

Guido and Martha Graff ’84, P’15, ’17, ’20

Timothy and Victoria Grant P’03, ’06

Kathy and Mark Grier P’19

Kelly Lu and Yan Gu P’20, ’22

Paige and Matthew Guest P’20, ’23, ’29

Nancy and Craig Guiffre P’08, ’10

Ning Zhang and Vincent Guo P’14, ’22

Christina and Riaz Haidri P’22, ’24, ’26

Robert Hall ’54, P’79, ’79

Hartkopf Family

Kerry and Philip Haselton ’77, P’12

Michael and Edward Hauser ’56, P’86

Jessica and S. Alexander Haverstick II P’97, ’00, ’03, ’07

Tong Gao and Taosong He P’19, ’25

Mary Hou and Michael Henriques P’19, ’22, ’24

Laura and Christopher Henry P’21, ’23, ’25

Robin and Walter Hetrick ’78, P’06

Carolyn and William Hoffman P’94, GP’26, ’27, ’28

Sarah and John Holman III ’79, P’09, ’11, ’14

Elizabeth and Brett Houghton P’22, ’22, ’25

Jane Houston P’98, ’98, ’00

Amy and Ih-Ping Huang P’21, ’26

Anju Thomas and Dev Ittycheria P’19, ’22

Jacqueline Jabara and William Robinson P’20

Fermo Jaeckle ’69, P’97

Grace and Kendrick Jahng P’19, ’23

Sonia and Ed Jay P’19, ’22, ’24

Georgia and Hilton Jervey ’57, P’78, ’82

Priya Narasimhan and Manish Jha P’20, ’22

Yan Wang and Zhigen Jiang P’15, ’23

Rosalie and Ralph Joel P’94, ’97

Martha and R. Sidney Jones, Jr. P’90

Steven and Genesia Kamen ’79, P’11, P’13

Gail Kellogg P’84, ’87, GP’21, ’23

C. Kellogg, Jr. P’16

Nancy and Robert King, Jr. ’79, P’07, ’12

Susan and Joseph Kinney P’15, ’18

Kara and Peter Korn, Jr. ’89, P’21, ’21, ’23

Leah and Jeff Kronthal P’04, ’08, ’11

Diane ad Jeffrey Laurent P’17

Patricia and Edwin Layng III P’02, ’06

Suzanne and Eugene Lear P’92, ’92, ’96, GP’25, ’27, ’27, ’30, ’30, ’33

Lily and Jeff Lee P’20, ’26

Natalie Sung and Bing Li P’21, ’23

Rachel and Jay Lin P’21, ’23

Ann Marie and Steven Lipper ’79, P’09, ’12, ’14

Michael Lipper P’79, GP’09, ’12, ’14 and Ruth Lipper GP’09, ’12,’14

Meng Qi and Jiang Liu P’19, ’23

Yi Yu and Jingyuan Liu P’21, ’24

Mary Claude Reyna and Raymond Londa ’57, P’88, ’91

Robert Long, Jr. ’56, P’87

Nancy and Steven Magee P’02, ’04, ’06, ’10

Elizabeth and Terrence Martin P’10, ’12, ’17

Cookie and Mark Mason Sr. P’21, ’24

Maureen and Thomas Matthias P’16, ’17, ’19, ’23

Polly Palumbo and Lex Maultsby, Jr. P’19, ’21, ’24

Janine Jamieson and Mitchell Mayer P’ 17

Charlotte and Jeremy McGuire P’20, ’23

Kathy and John McKinnon P’18

Maureen McLaughlin ’80 and Michael McLaughlin ’80, P’12, ’15

Eric Meder P’03, ’05

Leesing Pang and Wayne Menke P’05

Patrick Aanstoots and Ida Miguelino ’86, P’18, ’19, ’23

Bashiru Mohammed P’19, ’28

Nancy and Laurence Moss P’20

Crystal and Donald Mullins, Jr. P’15, ’20

John Murray ’65, P’91

Rita and Arjun Murti P’21, ’24

Wendy and Thomas Naratil P’07, ’07, ’09, ’14, ’17

Judith and Stephan F. Newhouse ’65, P’95, ’97, ’99

Saba and Nadeem Nisar P’20, ’26

Mimi and Sean O’Donnell ’75, P’05, ’10

Deirdre and Gerald O’Mara P’17, ’19, ’21

Polly and Terence O’Toole P’05, ’08

Tom and Gretchen Oatman ’89, P’20, ’20, ’23, ’23

Patricia and Anthony Obst P’92, ’95, ’02, ’07

Mary and Henry Ogden ’78, P’10, ’12

Roberta and Walter Orth, Jr. P’91

Laura and John Overdeck P’21, ’23, ’26

Danisha and Manish Patel P’22, ’25, ’25

Saryu and Nimesh Patel P’21, ’23

Harriet Perlmutter-Pilchik P’76, ’79, ’80, GP’11, ’13

Wendy Goldberg Pew ’84

Prudence and William Pigott P’13

Carol and Mark Pollard GP’21, ’23

Gail and Steven Pollard P’21, ’23

Susan and Douglas Present P’17, ’19

Katie Procter and William Lewis P’22, ’26

Beth and Kevin Proudfoot P’18, ’22, ’25

Holly and Richard Puleo ’94, P’27, ’30

Robert M. Pyle, Jr. ’56, P’91

Heather and Bradley Pyne P’18, ’23

Aparna Murthy and Eric Riener P’20, ’25

Debra Rienzi P’01, ’13

Fred Rollenhagen ’55, P’88

Nancy and Andrew Romano P’19

Allie and Thomas Rooke ’74, P’02, ’04

Natalie Rooke P’70, ’74 GP’02, ’04

Robert Rooke ’43, P’70, ’74, GP’02, ’04

Kevin Rooney P’94

Paula and John Runnells III P’95

Judy Wahrenberger and Louis Ruprecht ’56, P’79, ’82, ’87

Sonny Saksena and J. Alison Little ’82, P’22, ’25

Cynthia and Manuel Sampedro P’21, ’23, ’25

Margaret and Christopher Santana P’22, ’24


Debolina and Partho Sanyal P’22, ’24

Peter and Kathryn Sartorius ’92, P’22, ’25, ’29

Barbara and Peter Sartorius P’92, GP’22, ’25, ’29

Marci and Michael Schoenbach P’11

Stacy Schuessler P’18, ’20

Lori and Frank Scrudato P’22, ’24

Suzanne and Jonathan ’74, P’08, ’11, ’19

Lauren Shepard P’11, ’16

Catherine Hamm and Christopher Shilts P’17, ’19, ’21,’ 24

Nancy and Mitchell Shivers P’94, GP’26, ’27, ’28

Ian and Francine Shore P’02

Irina and Alexander Shtrakhman P’08, ’16

Xin and Ping P’16, ’19

Thu Thai-Simon and Richard Simon P’20, ’24

Ulysses Smith, Jr. ’77, P’19, ’22, ’28

Heather Smith and Stephen Willis P’16

Wesley Shum and Theresa Sohn-Shum ’86, P’21, ’23

Sally and Hans Solmssen P’86, ’90

Barbara Wang and Douglas Soo Hoo P’06, ’08, ’08

Debra Spicehandler P’08, ’11

Rajamathangi and Ramesh Srinivas P’22, ’27

Alice and Willam Stanger ’54, P’88

Doug Steiner P’08, ’12

Caroline and Glenn Stevens P’14, ’24

Linda and James Streicher P’15, ’17

Barbara and Gordon Sulcer ’61, P’95

Christine Susko P’97, ’02

Eva and Kai Talarek P’20, ’24

Angela and Guy Taylor P’19, ’20, ’23

Amy and Steven Temares P’10, ’13, ’16

Donna and Peter Thau P’17, ’20

Mary Anna and Emanuel Tramontana P’85, ’87

Sophia Chadda and Konstantine Trichas P’18, ’19, ’28

Donna and Alan Tyson P’04, ’06, ’11, ’12

Kelly and Gerald Vanasse P’14, ’20

Amy and David Ventura P’22, ’22, ’26

Michael Ventura P’04

Patricia Durner and Stephen Verdesca P’15, ’18

Elizabeth and Luis Vilarin P’21, ’24

Garret and Elizabeth Vreeland ’84, P’11, ’12, ’15

Lei Chen and Jing Wang P’20

Karen Fang and Jinsong Wang P’15,’20

April and Wei Wang P’21, ’23

Li-Pin Hu and Wei-Sheng Wang P’12, ’16

Jie Chen and Yu Wang P’22, ’24


Lea and I. J. Angell ’57, P’90

Grandparents of Brooke Angell ’23

Elizabeth and Miller Bugliari ’52, P’86, ’90, ’97, Grandparents of William Bugliari P’20 and Anthony Bugliari ’24

Addie Butler

Grandparent of Temilayo Butler ’13

Cynthia and Paul Ciancimino

Grandparents of Wells Kasserman ’29 and Eleanor Kasserman ’33

Marilyn and Michael Dee ’68, P’99, ’02

Grandparents of Madeleine Sawyer ’32 and Theodore Sawyer ’35

Susan and Elia DeSanto P’00, ’03 Grandparents of Millie DeSanto ’34

Amy and Harvey Doliner P’99, ’03, ’09 Grandparents of Jordan Doliner ’34

Deborah and Arthur Feldman P’03, ’05, ’09 Grandparents of Denis Malkov ’04

Carolyn and William Hoffman P’94

Grandparents of Avery Hoffman ’26, Claire Hoffman ’27, and Blythe Hoffman ’28

Geneva Jackson

Grandparent of Kennedy Jackson ’28 and Peyton Jackson ’31

Gail Kellogg P’84, ’87

Grandparent of Augusta Winterbottom ’21, and Penelope Winterbottom ’23

Suzanne and Eugene Lear P’92, ’92, ’96

Grandparents of Hyla Lear ’25, James Lear ’27, Sophie Schachter ’27, Landon Schachter ’30, Tighe Lear ’30, and Delphine Schachter ’33

Michael Lipper P’79 and Ruth Lipper

Grandparents of Catherine Lipper ’09, Matthew Lipper ’12, and Stephanie Lipper ’14

Elizabeth MacIntosh

Grandparent of William MacIntosh ’26

Thomas MacMahon

Grandparent of Madelyn Hand ’28

Peg and Russ Matthias

Grandparents of Katharine Matthias ’17, Allison Matthias ’19, and Asher Matthias ’23

Marlene and Thomas Naratil

Grandparents of Stephanie Naratil ’07, Valerie Naratil ’07, Timothy Naratil ’09, Melanie Naratil ’14, and Gregory Naratil ’17

Harriet Perlmutter-Pilchik P’76, ’79, ’80

Grandparents of Anna Kamen ’11 and Emily Kamen ’13

Elizabeth and Henry Pitt ’63

Grandparents of Connor Pitt ’26

Anne and Keith Wargo P’20

Elaine and Eric Weaver P’18, ’23

Judy and David Weiniger P’08, ’10, ’15

Ginny Welch P’79, ’82, ’84, ’88, ’90, GP’06, ’09, ’11, ’13

Aaron Welt ’67, P’06

Rose Mary and Karl Werner P’12, ’14, ’16

Mary and John Wight ’62, P’03

Audrey and Zygmunt Wilf P’02, ’04, ’13, GP’33, ’33, ’34, ’34

Susan and Robert Williams ’76, P’06, ’08, ’12

Elizabeth Winterbottom ’87, P’21, ’23

Jane and Charles Wittmann P’93

Irene and Apollo Wong P’22, ’25

Mary Anne and Raymond Wood P’14, ’18, ’21

Shi-Min Qian and Alex Xie P’22, ’26

Colleen and Antonio Yanez P’22, ’24

Julie Melik and Oleg Yatvitskiy P’21

Susan and Marco Zarbin P’22, ’24, ’24

Mindy and David Zhang P’17, ’23

Kay and John Zoephel ’69, P’03, ’04, ’08

Nancy Zurowski P’11, ’16

Carol and Mark Pollard

Grandparents of Harper Cohen P’21 and Talia Cohen ’23

Max Salvatore

Grandparent of John Paul Salvatore ’23 and Sebastian Salvatore ’24

Barbara and Peter Sartorius P’92

Grandparents of Alexandra Sartorius ’22, Claire Sartorius ’25, and Mae Sartorius ’29

Nancy Schachter

Grandparent of Sophie ’27, Landon ’30, and Delphine ’33

Nancy and Mitchell Shivers P’94

Grandparents of Avery Hoffman ’26, Claire Hoffman ’27, and Blythe Hoffman ’28

Michele Weeden

Grandparent of Mason Vance ’24

Ginny Welch P’79, ’82, ’84, ’88, ’90

Granparent of Katrina Welch P’06, Natasha Ferrell ’09, Tanya Welch ’11, and Alexandra Welch ’13

Audrey and Zygmunt Wilf P’02, ’04, ’13

Grandparents of Logan Wilf ’33, Miles Wilf ’33, Claire Wilf ’34, and Harper Wilf ’34



Rik Alexanderson ’64, P’02

Tyler Amelio

Tina Atkinson

Uma Aviles P’31

David Azar

Felicia Ballard

Erin Barnes

Stephen Barnes

Davidson Barr

Lindsay Baydin P’26, ’29

Gabriel Behringer

Steven Benoit

Erin Boccher

Anne Bonnefoi

Sara Borden

William Bourne P’08

Miles Boyd

Simeon Brasowski

Andrew Brown

Kennedy Buckley P’16

Miller Bugliari ’52, P’86, ’90, ’97, GP’20, ’24

Breanna Bundschuh

Brian Burkhart

Nicole Cabral

Soroya Campbell P’28, ’28

Erin Carannante

Tiffany Chan

Shengjie Chen

Barbara and John Chilmonik

Russell Christian

Charles Coe P’88

Jeffrey Cohen P’21, ’24

Marcy Cohen

Matthew Composto ’13

Emily Cooke

Amy Cooperman ’90, P’23

Hope Coppinger

Theodore Corvino ’94

Reid Cottingham

Morgan D’Ausilio

Ann D’Innocenzo

Kendall Davies

Alisha Davlin P’32

Yan Davydov

Hannah Decatur and Matthew Horesta

Karim Del Pozo P’29

Jill Driscoll P’30, ’33

Julia Dunbar

Thomas Eichler

Lori Esmond

Bradley Fadem

Allison and David Fahey ’99, P’33, ’34

Jeff Feinberg

Meghan Finegan

Meredith Finkelstein P’29

Cait Finneran

Paula Fischer

Steven Frantz

Daniel Fried

Carl Frye P’34

Bryanna Gallagher

Joaquin Garcia

Katherine Gardner

Scott Garrow

Sandhya Ghanta

Jessica Gonzalez

Timothy Grant P’03, ’06

Noelle Gray

Lisa Hartmann

Shelley Hartz

Jim Hetherington

Megan Hilliard

Jessica and Robert Hoepfl

Jane Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Lindsay Holmes-Glogower ’99, P’33

Anna Marie Hope

Erik Hove

Tony Hutchins

Lisa Ievers

Maritza Irizarry

Timothy Jaqua

Jeffrey Jenkins

Alyssa Johns

Lisa Longo Johnston

Marie-Pierre Jolly

Megan Jones

Alexander Joujan

Brad Kane

Libby Kasserman P’29, ’33

Thomas Keating P’27, ’29

Margaret Kelleher ’01

Aaron Kellner

Susan and Joseph Kinney P’15, ’18

Kara Korn P’21, ’21, ’23

Verna Lange P’23, ’24, ’26, ’28

Alexandra Lasevich and Nadine


Jill Law ’04

Ellen Lazovick

Eleanor and Timothy Lear ’92, P’25, ’27, ’30

Judith Lebowitz

Shauna Leffler P’31

Christofer Leone

Denise Lionetti ’85

Emma Liu

Pamela Longo

Kerry MacIntosh P’26

Maureen Maher

Carol Mahida

Coleen Martin

Kelly Mauger

David Maxwell

Sean McAnally

Cynthia and William McArthur P’29

Mary McNaugher P’27, ’30

Frances Mecartty

Viju Menon P’26

Jean Milfort

Leslie Miller P’29, ’31

Nadezhda Mims P’33, ’35

Amrita Minhas

Eric Moore

Lorian Morales

Thu-Nga Morris

Bruce Morrison ’64

Helena Moseman

Cecily Moyer

Jason Murdock

James Murray

Jamie and Alex Nanfara P’33

Karsten Niehues

Taylor Noonan

Edwin Núñez

Deirdre O’Mara P’17, ’19, ’21

Julie O’Rourke

Gilberto Olvera P’29, ’33

Meghan Paizis

Joseph Parent

Shalini Parikh

Jeffrey Patten P’24, ’26

Karen Peake

Robert Pierce

Laurie Piette

Brad Poprik P’24, ’24

Judith Previti

Madison Randall

Lisa Reichart

Gabriela Reyes

Debra Rienzi P’01, ’13

Jeffrey Roberts

Stephanie Romankow

Nancy Romano P’19

Alissa Rust P’27, ’30

Stephanie Sa

Mary Anne Sacco

Vinod Sahani

Azadeh Samadani

Kevin Sampson

Cynthia Santiago P’32

Michael Saraceno

Mary Sartorio

Frederique Schachter ’96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Stacy Schuessler P’18, ’20

Tamara Schurdak

Milloni Shah

Alicia Sharma

Derrick Shearer

Dana Sherman

Christopher Shilts P’17, ’19, ’21, ’24

Mona Sinclair

Jared Slaymaker

Jennifer Slotwinski

Darlyn Smith

Deanna Smith

Heather Smith P’16

Walker Smith

Kelsey Smits

Stephen Spezio

Taunita Stephenson

Rebecca Sullivan

Holland Sunyak ’02

Paul Sykes

Debra Tambor

Olivia Tandon

William Tharp

Donna Thau P’17, ’20

Allen Thomas

Maurisa Thomas

Aye Thuzar

Emanuel Tramontana P’85, ’87

Karly Trimble

Sue Tummarello

Theresa Vaccaro

Alan Van Antwerp

Gerald Vanasse P’14, ’20

Ramsay Vehslage, Jr.

Homa Watts

Gregory Waxberg ’96

Michael Webster P’24, ’27, ’27

Olaf Weckesser P’25

Jessica Weinberger

Jason Weiss ’18

Christy Welborne

Jay Winston

Maryann Woods-Murphy

Robert Wulff

Yifan Xu

Weiwei Yu P’23, ’26

Alana Zussman



Acorn Alcinda Foundation, Inc.

Amazon Smiles

American Endowment Foundation

Arsenal Capital Partners

Arthur & Veronica Goldberg Foundation

Ayco Charitable Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund


Benedict-Miller Foundation

Bristol Myers Squibb

Bucks Creek Foundation

CAF Charities Aid Foundation

Carver/DeLaney Families Foundation, Inc.

Charles Foundation, Inc.

Chen-Men East Broadway Dental Center LLP

Chevron Corporation

Chevron Matching Employee Funds

Chubb Charitable Foundation

Clara Luella Day Jeffrey Charitable Residuary


Colgate-Palmolive Company

Columbia University

Community Foundation of New Jersey

Deutsche Bank

E. J. Grassmann Trust

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

FJC A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds

Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs Gives


J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

Jaguar Land Rover Princeton

Jesco, Inc.

Jewish Communal Fund

Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven

Johnson & Johnson

JPMorgan Chase

Kronthal Family Foundation, Inc.

Leone Family Foundation

Lord Abbett

MacMahon Family Charitable Foundation

Mark and Jane Wilf Family Foundation, Inc.

Marsh and McLennan

Merck Foundation

Michael K. Henriques and Mary A. Hou Trust

Moody’s Corporation

Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.

MRB Foundation, Inc.

Neu Foundation of California

New York Life

NextEra Energy

Novartis US Foundation

N. R. Leavitt Foundation




QualComm Matching Gift Company

Ralph S. French Charitable Foundation Trust

Richard and Lisa Soultanian Foundation

Schwab Charitable

Standish Foundation

The Edgerley Family Foundation

The Helen Clay Frick Foundation

The Hiller Family Foundation, Inc.

The Houston Family Foundation

The Howard S. Bunn Foundation

The James & Virginia Welch Foundation

The Kean Foundation

The Kirk Kellogg Foundation

The Linda Sue Pfarrer Nortillo Charitable Foundation

The Lipper Family Charitable Foundation

The O’Toole Family Foundation

The Prospect Hill Foundation

Tungare Manohar Family Foundation

Union Foundation

Unitrust for the Pingry Corporation

Vanguard Charitable Verizon

Voya Financial

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

Wilf Family Foundations

Wilson Family Foundation

Zakaria Family Foundation

Zygmunt & Audrey Wilf Foundation

“Pingry pushed me to figure out what the best version of myself was, academically, artistically, and athletically. My teachers and advisors constantly challenged me to put in the work to reach my goals—especially during times of self-doubt—all the while supporting me, no matter what. Further, my coaches (soccer, basketball, and softball) taught me the power of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. I am braver, stronger, and more adaptable throughout the ups and downs of life because of the ever-present confidence Pingry instilled in me throughout my time as a student.” – RACHEL ASKIN ’03


The True Blue Society recognizes donor loyalty to The Pingry School. True Blue members, a collective that is more than 900 strong, make up a special community of donors with deep roots and strong commitment. Your gifts are making a sustained difference across all facets of the School — from creative and outstanding teaching and student tuition assistance, to program enhancement and maintaining our buildings and grounds.

The True Blue Society celebrates our loyal donors who have given to The Pingry School for three or more consecutive years.

Anonymous (6)

Naheed and Faisal Abbasi P’26, ’29

Donna and Paul Abbott P’14, ’16

Stephanie and Brian Abrahams P’28

Tania Shehzad and Shehzad Ajmal P’28, ’31

Omar Alam ’97

Susan and Ian Alexander ’72

Vanessa and Matthew Alexander ’97

Linda and Rik Alexanderson ’64, P’02

Jaqueline and Scott Alfieri P’24, ’24

Hilary and Jonathan Alford ’92

Dorian Allen ’13

Jennifer and Andrew Amorosi P’24

Hitika Tanwar-Anand and Abhinav Anand P’29, ’33

Lea and I. J. Angell ’57, P’90, GP’23

Katie and I. J. Angell III ’90 P’23

Kate and Craig Annis P’23

Baljeet Purewal and Joseph Arampulikan P’29, ’33

Paula and Guillermo Argote P’25, ’30

Tracy and Tharien Arnold P’16, ’20

Payal and Karanjit Arora P’32, ’35

Maya Artis ’09

Eric and Christine Aschwald ’02

Rachel Askin ’03

Keileh Atulomah ’16

Anne Atwater

Edward S. Atwater IV ’63

Uma and Roland Aviles P’31, ’34

David Azar

Tressa and Chip Baird III ’89, P’21

Geraldine and Paul Baiter ’58

Felicia Ballard

Nitika and Nikhil Barai P’26, ’29

Erin Barnes

Davidson Barr

Kiva and Neil Barr P’22, ’25

Joanne and Christopher Bartlett II ’79

Melissa and Jeff Bartoli P’24, ’26

Ruthann and Richard Bates, Jr. ’62*

Kenna and Alix Baudin P’28

Susanna and Gary Baum ’63

Lindsay and Alexander Baydin ’93, P’26, ’29

Abigail Beckmen ’19

Andrew Beckmen ’19

Janice and Jeffrey Beckmen P’15, ’19, ’19

Sarah Beckmen ’15

Elizabeth and Brian Bedner P’27

Gaily and John Beinecke ’64

Candace and Frederick Beinecke II ’61

Nancy Myers and Christopher Benbow ’72

Annetta and Peter Benedict ’61

Steven Benoit

Rebecca Rivers Bent and John Bent III ’80

Michelle and Jeffrey Bergman P’23

Prescy and Alan Berkower ’70

Holly Gehrie and Jay Bernstein P’06, ’09

Sonal and Nitin Bhat P’20, ’23, ’29

Tracey Ann and Scott Biedron ’74

Marilyn and Edward Blackwell III ’58

Sarah and Michael Blanchard ’96

Kenneth Blau ’88

Deborah Blum P’06

Niki and Darren Blumberg ’88, P’26, ’28, ’32

Olaf Weckesser and Suzanne Bober ’88, P’25

Judy Boehlert

John Boffa, Jr. ’72

Andrea and Hans Bonn ’68

Elizabeth Ehrlich and Douglas Bookbinder ’98

Anya and Mikhail Boroditsky P’24

Susan and Richard Bosland ’76

Gregory and Melanie Boteler ’81

Lori and Miles Boyd

Joan Myers and Thomas Boyer P’96, ’98, GP’00, ’02

John Brady ’78

Simeon Brasowski

Brendan O’Connor and Alexandra Braunstein ’97

Seth Braunstein ’87

Sheryne and Richard Brekus ’73

Toni and Jack Brescher, Jr. ’65, P’99

Sara Lee and Joseph Brescher, Jr. ’55

Kathryn Brintnall

Ezra Bristow ’10

Denise Brown-Allen and Douglas Allen P’13

Lisa and Scott Brown ’78

Janice and Christopher Browne P’16

Peter T. Buchanan ’52*

Amy and Kennedy Buckley P’16

Lynne Layton and Oliver Buckley ’71

Alexandra Budd ’06

Miller Bugliari ’52, P’86, ’90, ’97, GP’20, ’24

Anne and E. Freeman Bunn ’53, P’78, ’80, ’82, ’83

Brian Burkhart

Judy and William Burks ’51

Lisa Clark Burns and Lawrence Burns P’23

Addie Butler GP’13

Jennifer and Jorge Cabezudo, Jr.

Nicole Cabral

Margaret and Dennis Cahill P’13

Amanda and John Cali ’65

Carolyn and John Campbell III ’86

Cheryl and J. R. Campbell, Jr. ’57, P’86

Rukiyatu Campbell P’19, ’28

Soroya and Shawn Campbell P’28, ’28

Marina Monitto and Riccardo Canevari P’28, ’30

Jing Zeng and Yi Cao P’33, ’35

Erin Carannante

Laura Fiske and Frank Caratzola P’24

Margherita and David Cardello P’31

Anne DeLaney ’79 and Chip Carver, Jr. ’77, P’09, ’11, ’14, ’14

Gail and Ronald Castaldo P’00

Martha and R. Chamberlin ’54

Qing Yan and Yin Chan P’25, ’29

Vanessa Chandis ’98

Shaoli Lu and David Chang P’31, ’33

Becky and Daniel Chen P’25, ’26

Qing Li and Jiawei Chen P’30, ’32

Haoning Ding and Jiayi Chen P’32, ’35

Lin Lin and Yingxi Chen P’27

Qiong Chen and Changyu Li* P’27, ’30

Jing Zhu and Song Chen P’26

Andra and Gregory Chernack ’89

Sarah Chernoff ’99 and Michael Chernoff ’99

Cecilia and Stephen Chiang P’29, ’32

Barbara and John Chilmonik

Russell Christian

Pamela and Paul Ciszak ’72

Catherine and H. Clarke ’78

Kelly Cleary and Sean Britain P’27

Xin Wang and Randell Clevenger P’27, ’30

Kathleen and Thomas Clingan P’97, ’03

Sharon and Charles Coe P’88


Hunter and Marcy Coen Smith ’81

Buzzy Cohen ’03

Miriam and Jeffrey Cohen P’21, ’24

Marcy Cohen

Michelle and Seth Flowerman ’04

Charles Collins ’56

Roxane and Nathaniel Collins P’23, ’25

Nomi and Harold Colton-Max ’87

Matthew Composto ’13

Henry and Michelle Comstock ’98, P’29, ’33

Elizabeth Conway ’94

Julie and Stuart Conway ’68, P’94, ’95

Michael Cooley ’65

Ken and Amy Cooperman ’90, P’23

Rachel Corboz ’14

John and Judith Cornwall ’66

Robert Corvino ’97

Mary-Joan Marron-Corwin and Andrew Corwin ’76

Margaret and Scott Corwin ’80

Lucy and Theodore Corwin, Jr. ’63

Reid Cottingham

Teresa and James Covello P’23

Elizabeth Kardos and David Cowen P’19, ’25

Stone Coxhead ’59

Jennifer Coyne ’18

David Cronheim ’03

Tiffany and Brian Crosby ’89, P’23, ’25, ’26

Flavia Cummins ’81

Helma and Thomas Curtiss, Jr. ’62

Nancy and Charles Cuttic ’73

Morgan and Chris D’Ausilio

Ann and David D’Innocenzo

Arlyn Davich ’99

Barbara and Mitchell Davich P’99, ’02

Kendall Davies

Deborah Nungester and Michael de Asla P’22, ’24

Donald Sawyer and Jessica Dee Sawyer ’99, P’32, ’35

Nick Garin and Elizabeth Dee ’02

Marilyn and Michael Dee ’68, P’99, ’02, GP’32, ’35

Angela and Daniel Deeney P’24

Karim and Jonathan P’29

Elisa Della Pello ’88, P’22, ’28

Patrick Pierce and Anne Della Rosa Pierce ’01

Heather and Ronald DeMyers Sr. P’24

Susan and Elia DeSanto P’00, ’03, GP’34

Erin and Elliot DeSanto ’00, P’34

Lucy Hughes and Sean Devlin P’26, ’28

Jorge Martinez and Angelica Diaz-Martinez ’88, P’25, ’26

Josh and Lindsey Dickman ’99

Caroline and Robert Dicks P’25, ’25, ’28

Claeson Dillon ’10

Lauren Doliner ’00

George Donohue P’83, ’86, ’90

Jeanine Kim and Paul Donohue P’23

Paula and Charles Dooley III ’78

Priya and Ananth Doraswamy P’19, ’22

Paula and Christopher Downs ’68

Michele and Robert Dragert P’27, ’28

Lois Fitton and W. Christopher Draper, Jr. P’26

Jill and Sean Driscoll P’30, ’33

August du Pont ’06

Orianne Dutka ’98

Paul and Sandra Edgerley ’80

Cindy and Jeff Edwards ’78, P’12, ’14, ’18

Rania and Mahmoud Elassir P’24

William Ellis Jr. ’60

Caroline and Michael Ellison P’20, ’22

Corbey Ellison ’20

Steven Elmendorf ’78

Jennifer and Jean Anderson Eloy P’31, P’34

Un Hae Song and Kevin Eng P’24, ’26, ’31

William V. Engel ’67

Richard Engel ’70

Patricia and Robert Engel ’70

Lisa and Steven Engler ’93

Marquis and Henry English ’60

Kay J. English and Sherman English ’71, P’89, ’91

Janet and Arthur Eschenlauer P’77, ’80

Lori Esmond

Lynn and Gavin Evans P’24

Barbera and Andrew Faber ’75

Bradley Fadem

Allison and David Fahey ’99, P’33, ’34

Manie Fahey P’21, ’25

Robert and Courtney Farkas ’99

Jeff Feinberg

Deborah and Arthur Feldman P’03, ’05, ’09, GP’04

Michael Fernando ’09

Meghan and Connor Finegan

Meredith Finkelstein P ’29

Catherine Finneran

Katherine Fitzsimmons P’21, ’23

Amy and John Flack ’95

Monica and Michael Foley P’25, ’27, ’29

Charles Forbes ’68

John Ford ’70

Mark Forrester ’56

Susan and Franklin Fort ’57

Robert Fowler ’10

Susan and Paul Francis P’23, ’25, ’25

Paulette Frank and Scott Burns P’23, ’26

Maggie and Christopher Franklin ’96

Mark Franklin ’94

Laura and Steven Frantz P’30

Jody and Bruce Friedman P’04, ’06, ’10

Megan and Carl Frye P’34

Darlene Fung ’19

Lisa Richardson and Jerzy Gadkowski P’33, ’35

Ye Sun and Yongqin Gao P’28

Joaquin Garcia

Scott Garrow

Doretta and Lewis Gasorek ’75

Ashu Das and Vijay Gautam P’28

Sue and John Geddes ’62, P’95

Kyoko Inouye and Joel Gelber ’59

Anna and Gregory Geppel P’26

Gayla and Lincoln Germain P’20, ’26

Elizabeth and John Gianis, Jr. ’73, P’03, ’06, ’09

Elizabeth and Alan Gibby ’66

James Gibby ’73

Robert Gibby, Jr. ’60, P’87

Barbara and Robert Gibson ’66

Kathleen and James Gilbert P’20

Susan and Peter Gillim P’00

Thomas Gindin ’74

Mr. Adam L. Gittes and Ellen Pellino Gittes

Elizabeth and Richard Goldberg ’56

Molly and Benjamin Golden ’00

Chris and Pamela Golding ’05

Amy and Andrew Gole P’01, ’05, ’10

Larisa Golub and Sergiy Sirichenko P’26

Tania and Michael Gonnella P’32, ’34

Jessica Gonzalez

Amanda and Christopher Good P’34

Tolaina and Aaron Goodwin P’25

Yana and Gene Gorbach P’26, ’29

Elisabeth and Jason Gordon P’32

Meridith and John Goyanes P’27, ’30, ’30

Guido and Martha Graff ’84, P’15, ’17, ’20

Kristin and John Green ’60

Sarah and David Greig ’98

Lauren Greig ’00 and Andrew Greig ’00

John Grier ’19

Liam Griff ’04

Jenna and Mark Griffith P’27

Anne and Richard Grissinger P’23

Jonathan Grover ’71

Barbara Almeida and Gregg Grunstra P’25, ’29

Shiyao Xu and Fengrui Gu P’24

Kelly Lu and Yan Gu P’20, ’22

Paige and Matthew Guest P’20, ’23, ’29

Nancy and Craig Guiffre P’08, ’10

John Guiffre ’08

Jessica Li Guild and David Guild P’26, ’31

Jennifer Guo ’14

Ning Zhang and Vincent Guo P’14, ’22

Richard Hadley, Jr. ’66

Meghan Hager ’10

Christina and Riaz Haidri P’22, ’24, ’26

Brian Szepkouski and E. Lori Halivopoulos ’78, P’23

Kathleen and John Hanson ’74

Joy Zhang and Alex Hao P’28, ’32

Yanping Fang and Jinli Hao P’27, ’28

Meryl Harrell ’99

Colleen and Christopher Harris P’25, ’27

Lisa Hartmann

Shelley Hartz and Richard Sugam

Christopher and Allison Harwood ’99

Charnea White and Rashon Hasan P’29

Kerry and Philip Haselton ’77, P’12

Jessica and S. Alexander Haverstick II P’97, ’00, ’03, ’07

Sunny Sun and Keng He P’33, ’35

Tong Gao and Taosong He P’19, ’25

Joseph Helyar ’61

Mary Hou and Michael Henriques P’19, ’22, ’24

Sharon and William Hillbrant ’48

Jeffrey Hiller ’00

Sue and Philip Hoch ’75

Jessica and Robert Hoepfl

Jane Hoffman ’94 and Christian Hoffman ’94, P’26, ’27, ’28

Carolyn and William Hoffman P’94, GP’26, ’27, ’28

Lauren and Andrew Holland ’01

Sarah and John Holman III ’79, P’09, ’11, ’14

Janet Hostetter Wilson

Barbara and Amos Hostetter, Jr. ’54

Sandra Masselink ’07

Hannah Decatur and Matthew Horesta

Elizabeth and Brett Houghton P’22, ’22, ’25

James Houston ’98

Jane Houston P’98, ’98, ’00

Liz and Andrew Houston ’00

Meghan and William Houston ’98

Amy and Ih-Ping Huang P’21, ’26

Brian Hughes ’67

Christine Hughes ’90

Christine and Benjamin Humphreys P’23

Kelly and Gordon Hunt ’00

Casey Huser ’05

Eric Hynes ’08

Celeste and Richard Ill ’61

Deborah Proctor and Robert Ill ’64



Nancy Irenas

Anju Thomas and Dev Ittycheria P’19, ’22

Geneva Jackson GP’28, ’31

Iyndia and Wayne Jackson P’28, ’31

Dipali and Sudhir Jain P’26

Margaret and Timothy Jaqua

Jill Chanes and Martin Jarocki P’32, ’34

Sonia and Ed Jay P’19, ’22, ’24

Jeffrey Jenkins

Georgia and Hilton Jervey ’57, P’78, ’82

Priya Narasimhan and Manish Jha P’20, ’22

Caren Mangarelli and Ravi Jhaveri ’88

Yan Wang and Zhigen Jiang P’15, ’23

Rong Cui and Xiaowei Jiang P’29, ’32

Cindy Chi and Dezhe Jin P’26, ’27

Rosalie and Ralph Joel P’94, ’97

Marion and Peter Johannsen ’60

Alyssa Johns

Eleanor Johnson ’12

Lisa Longo Johnston

Melissa and Darren Jones P’23, ’25

Megan Jones

Martha and R. Sidney Jones, Jr. P’90

Brittney Jordan ’05

Lauren and Alexander Joujan

Shefali and Puneet Kakar P’24, ’28

Rachel and Joshua Kalafer P’27, ’29

Amelia and Laith Kalamchi P’33

Steven and Genesia Kamen ’79, P’11, P’13

Amy Kaplan ’17

Cheryl and Matthew Karch P’23, ’25

Kristina and Neal Karnovsky ’95

Libby and Wyatt Kasserman ’99, P’29, ’33

Tracy and Brian Katt P’25

Michelle and Reed Kean ’86, P’29, ’32

Elizabeth and Adam Keil ’96

Aaron Kellner

Gail Kellogg P’84, ’87, GP’21, ’23

Lisa Butler and Robert Kelly P’24

Susan and Thomas Kendall ’73

Claire and Jan Kennedy ’59

Alexandra Kerr ’08

Monica and Alex Khalil P’26, ’28, ’30

Miyuru Amarapala and Adrian Kilcoyne P’24

Nancy and Robert King, Jr. ’79, P’07, ’12

Annelise Kinney ’15

Mark Kirschner and Niv Miyasato P’24

John Klein ’63

Edward Knauer ’73

Robert Knott III ’93

Kristin Koernig ’00

Pradeepa Gokina and Uday Kolli P’28, ’32

Kara and Peter Korn, Jr. ’89, P’21, ’21, ’23

Elizabeth Hantman and Konstantinos

Koulogiannis P’31

Aaron Salsbury and Melissa Kronthal ’04

Deborah and Howard Kroop ’64

Miriam and Barry Kulick ’76

Laura Kulkarni ’98 and Sean Kulkarni ’98, P’33, ’35

Lidiya Tornyova and Anton Kuzmanov P’25, ’33

Caitlin Koles ’07

Marilyn and Bruce Laing ’64

Nancy and Fielding Lamason ’44*

Michelle Lampert ’02

Verna and Gene Lange P’23, ’24, ’26, ’28

Joel Lanthier and Emilie Lanthier ’99

Catharine and Edward LaPuma P’29, ’31, ’33

Elizabeth Minton and Brian Lariviere P’32

Alexandra Lasevich and Nadine Gano

Pam and Jay Lasser ’81

Patricia and Edwin Layng III P’02, ’06

Ellen and Rob Lazovick

Suzanne and Eugene Lear P’92, ’92, ’96, GP’25, ’27, ’27, ’30, ’30, ’33

Eleanor and Timothy Lear ’92, P’25, ’27, ’30

Della and John Leathers ’57

Gail LeBow

Judith Lebowitz and Drew Berry

Stuart M. Lederman ’78

Shauna and John Marc Leffler P’31

Stephanie and Benjamin Lehrhoff ’99

Tiana Wimmer and Warren Leiden ’67

Christofer Leone

Stacey Levine P’25

Olga and Jay Lewis P’27, ’29, ’32, ’33

Linda Lewis

Michael Lewis ’67

Natalie Sung and Bing Li P’21, ’23

Lei Qian and Zhiyu Li P’31

Jenny Xun and Michael Li P’30

Yuria Omi and Xiao Liao P’29

Rachel and Jay Lin P’21, ’23

Cindy Cui and Sean Lin P’26, ’29

Ian Lindsay ’95

Stephanie and James Link P’25

Denise Lionetti ’85

Ann Marie and Steven Lipper ’79, P’09, ’12, ’14

Sabrina De Stefano and Paul Littman P’24

Emma Liu

Meng Qi and Jiang Liu P’19, ’23

Yi Yu and Jingyuan Liu P’21, ’24

Jude Escaño and Therese Lizardo-Escaño ’98, P’29

Kimberly and Randolph Lizardo ’95

Suzanne and Walker Lockett, Jr. ’56

Nancy Lombardo P’25

Mary Claude Reyna and Raymond Londa ’57, P’88, ’91

Robert Long, Jr. ’56, P’87

Pamela Longo

Juan Lorenzo P’23

MyraJane and William Loss P’23

Adrienne and Jason Lowenstein P’29, ’33, ’35

Susanne and Richard Lowish ’70

James Ludlow II ’59

Jun Luo P’26

Mary and William Lycan ’62

Patti and Morgan Lytle P’23

Hong Li and Lei Ma P’23

William and Kerry MacIntosh P’26

Bruce and Courtney MacKenzie ’01

Megan and Graham Macmillan III ’93, P’29, ’29

Nancy and Steven Magee P’02, ’04, ’06, ’10

Maureen Maher

Elizabeth and Michael Maher P’28, ’28

Carol and Jaydip Mahida

Kathy Manara ’95 and Kevin Manara ’95, P’23

Deborah and N. Greg Mankiw ’76

Ari Marciscano ’03

Rebecca and Daniel Marshall ’86

Ann and Charles Martin ’55

Curtis Martin ’63

Deirdre and Peter Martin ’74

Debra and Jess Marzak ’68

Hilda Mera and Jose Masache P’24, ’27

Cookie and Mark Mason, Sr. P’21, ’24

Kathryn Parsels ’09

Maureen and Thomas Matthias P’17, ’19, ’23

Peg and Russ Matthias GP’17, ’19, ’23

Sharon Li and James Mau P’23, ’26

J. Maucher ’51

Polly Palumbo and Lex Maultsby, Jr. P’19, ’21, ’24

Krista and David Maxwell

Cynthia and William McArthur P’29

Helen and William McCandless ’65

Judy and Lawrence McClure ’67

Margaret and Donald McCulloch ’58

Twinkle Morgan and Robert McDonald P’23, ’26, ’27

Nicole and Thomas McGrath, Sr. P’27, ’28

Julie and Ian McGuire ’96

Charlotte and Jeremy McGuire P’20, ’23

Kathy and John McKinnon P’18

Connor McLaughlin ’12

Maureen McLaughlin ’80 and Michael McLaughlin ’80, P’12, ’15

Judith and Martin McLean ’62

Lucy Westgate Heath McLellan and Robert McLellan ’69

Harv Lester and Donald McMinn ’82

Gregory McNab, Jr. ’58

Mary and Ian McNaugher P’27, ’30

Frances Mecartty

Eric Meder ’03

Yan Meng P’24

Leesing Pang and Wayne Menke P’05

Jennifer and James Meyer P’24

John Meyer ’62

Karen Nystrom-Meyer and Peter Meyer ’65

Patrick Aanstoots and Ida Miguelino ’86, P’18, ’19, ’23

Dyna and Jean Milfort

Lisa and Eyrique Miller, Jr. P’23, ’28

Kelly and Leslie Miller P’29, ’31

Catherine and Christopher Milton ’65

Giulia Paone and Emiliano Miluzzo P’31

Mona and Sunil Mirchandani ’93, P’28, ’31

Amparo and Carlos Monroy ’67

Louis Monteagudo ’14

Brendan and Margot Mooney ’06

Lorian Morales

Frank Morano ’97

Thu-Nga and Benjamin Morris

Bruce Morrison ’64

Francine and Douglas Morrison ’62

Nancy and Laurence Moss P’20

Deane and Frank Mountcastle, Jr. ’51

Cecily Moyer

Liz and Claus Mueller ’57

Claire and William Munger ’05

Jason Murdock

Robert Murphy ’56

James Murray

John Murray ’65, P’91

Rita and Arjun Murti P’21, ’24

Meghan and Chris Mutter P’33, ’35

Grace and Richard Myers ’00

Jamie and Alex Nanfara P’33


Gregory Naratil ’17

Stephanie Naratil ’07

Timothy Naratil ’09

Wendy and Thomas Naratil P’07, ’07, ’09, ’14, ’17

Valerie Naratil ’07

Jill Rathyen and George Naseef III P’24, ’27, ’30

Stephen Naylon ’67

Christine Neely ’79

Eric Neilsen ’61

Laurie Newhouse

Judith and Stephan F. Newhouse ’65, P’95, ’97, ’99

Sergei Satchkov and Han Nguyen P’30, ’34

Sabine Warschburger and Karsten Niehues

E.R. Nightingale III ’71

Saba and Nadeem Nisar P’20, ’26

Heather Cruz and Michael Nitabach ’84

Sylvia and Samuel Nkansah P’25, ’26, ’33

John Norton, Jr. ’62

Katherine O’Connor ’06

Mimi O’Donnell P’05, ’10

Deirdre and Gerald O’Mara P’17, ’19, ’21

Julie O’Rourke

Leslie and Brian O’Toole ’08

Maggie O’Toole ’05

Paula and Terence O’Toole P’05, ’08

Tom and Gretchen Oatman ’89, P’20, ’20, ’23, ’23

Rupal and Ridwan Obaray P’27, ’30

Patricia and Anthony Obst P’92, ’95, ’02, ’07

Shakirat and Yomi Odunsi P’24

Mary and Henry Ogden ’78, P’10, ’12

Amy and Gilberto Olvera P’29, ’33

Craig deLaurier and Bess Oransky ’96

Cassandra Osterman ’09

Dipali Ottaviani ’97

David and Katharine Outcalt ’87

Carol and Souren Ouzounian P’23

Laura Overdeck P’21, ’23, ’26

Marion and Lawrence Oxley ’45

Bensu and Alim Ozbilge P’29

Meghan and Chris Paizis

Ruby and Vipul Pal P’30, ’34

Joseph Parent

Shalini Parikh and Kunal Chothani

Grace and Dave Park P’23, ’26

Elisse Park ’10

Prior Parker ’74

Lauren and Christopher Parliman ’96

Rodney Parsons ’58

Heather and Samuel Partridge ’92

Agnes Claye and Dalmir Pasini P’23, ’26

Purvi and Ketan Patel ’93

Danisha and Manish Patel P’22, ’25, ’25

Saryu and Nimesh Patel P’21, ’23

Kelly and Jeffrey Patten P’24, ’26

Rachel and Sandy Payne P’24

Karen Peake

Deana and Kevin Pearly P’29

Lea and MIchael Pence ’89

Kim Redgrave-Pepe and Charles Pepe ’78

Jamie and Sergio Pereira P’27

Harriet Perlmutter-Pilchik P’76, ’79, ’80, GP’11, ’13

David and Ashley Pertsemlidis ’89, P’25

Wendy Goldberg Pew ’84

Catherine Pfaffenroth ’97

Vic Pfeiffer, Jr. ’67

Karen and Jeffrey Pfister

Laurie Piette

Daniel Pincus ’96

Caroline and Drew Pinkin ’95

Elizabeth and Henry Pitt ’63, GP’26

Adam Abrahams and Adam Plotkin ’94

Mimi and John Plum ’67

Reshema Kemps-Polanco and Rey Polanco P’26, ’30

Dwight and Kirsten Poler ’84

Carol and Mark Pollard GP’21, ’23

Gail and Steven Pollard P’21, ’23

Nicole and Brad Poprik P’24, ’24

Michelle Finney-Powell and Carl Powell P’23

Sarah Shore and Walter Prahl P’27, ’27

Susan and Douglas Present P’17, ’19

Judith and James Previti

Susan and Jeffrey Pribor ’75

Lisa and Daniel Price P’29

Michael Prior ’67

Katie Procter and William Lewis P’22, ’26

Beth and Kevin Proudfoot P’18, ’22, ’25

Holly and Richard Puleo ’94, P’27, ’30

Jennifer and Noah Puntus P’23

Jessica and Eric Purcell P’26

Robert M. Pyle, Jr. ’56, P’91

Heather and Bradley Pyne P’18, ’23

Bingxin Xu and Zijian Qi P’33

Fang Zhang and Yunchang Qiu P’29

Yi Zhu and Bin Qu P’31

Peter Quinn ’80

Latha and Arun Radhakrishnan P’32, ’35

Karen Stewart-Ramos and Edward Ramos P’23

Ann and David Rapson ’75

Kirti and Prashanth Reddy P’28

Sara and Tyler Reeder P’27, ’29

Lisa Reichart

Natalie and David Reichman P’27

Susan and George Relyea ’61

Robert Rettig ’57

Stephen and Elizabeth Rexford ’87

Gabriela Reyes

Radhika Rible ’94

Julia Dunbar and Bard Ricciardi ’06

Sandra and Bruce Richardson P’33

Aparna Murthy and Eric Riener P’20, ’25

Elizabeth and Donald Roberts, Jr. ’66

Julie Johnson ’05

Michael Roberts ’99

Peter Rogers ’62

Nancy and Andrew Romano P’19

Allie and Thomas Rooke ’74, P’02, ’04

Anne and Robert Rooke ’70

Jacquelin and Thomas Rooke, Jr. ’02

Matthew Rooke ’04

Natalie Rooke P’70, ’74 GP’02, ’04

Robert Rooke ’43, P’70, ’74 GP’02, ’04

Kevin Rooney P’94

Bennett Rosenbach ’10

Elizabeth Frank and Dan Rozenblatt P’25, ’27

Maria and Richard Ruffer, Jr. P’26

Beralia Briceno and Wilber Ruiz P’25

Carolyn and Peter Rummel ’58

Paula and John Runnells III P’95

Judy Wahrenberger and Louis Ruprecht ’56, P’79, ’82, ’87

DeAlva and Augustus J. Rush, Jr. ’60

Alissa and Casey Rust P’27, ’30

Kristi and Peter Ryan ’98

Reshma and Abhinav Saksena P’27, ’28

Sonny Saksena and J. Alison Little ’82, P’22, ’25

Linda and James Salisbury

Ana and Frank Salvatore P’23, ’24

Lauren Salz ’06

Azadeh Samadani

Margaret and Christopher Santana P’22, ’24

Susan and Michael Santomassimo P’24, ’26

Debolina and Partho Sanyal P’22, ’24

Mary Sartorio

Peter and Kathryn Sartorius ’92, P’22, ’25, ’29

Anna Savina and Denis Savin P’33, ’35

Zarina and Hassen Sayeed P’31

Elizabeth and Austin Saypol ’00

Jeff and Frederique Schachter ’96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Nancy Schachter GP’27, ’30, ’33

Kevin Schmidt ’98

Robyn and Kevin Schmidt P’31

Marci and Michael Schoenbach P’11

Caroline Schuessler ’20

John Schuessler ’18

Stacy Schuessler P’18, ’20

Frederic Schumann, Jr. ’60

Sara and Bruce Schundler ’66

Meaghan and Carsten Schwarting P’27, ’29, ’32

Peter Schweitzer ’56

Katherine Scott Old ’99

Linda and Robert Scott, Jr. ’62

Lori and Frank Scrudato P’22, ’24

Martha and J. Connor Seabrook ’76

Nancy and R. Clayton Seaman, Jr. ’67

Kendra Rose and Daniel Segel P’26, ’28, ’31

Liz Wight Seigel ’03

Dipanwita Das and Raja Sengupta P’26, ’29

Geraldine and Gregory Serbe ’63

Jeffrey Shaffer ’05

Namrata and Dhiraj Shah P’24, ’27, ’33

Swati Sharma and Sapan Shah P’28, ’28

Nitasha Mehta and Sumeet Shah ’04

Claudia DiGiacomo and Daniel Shapiro P’26

Kristin and Daniel Shea P’25, ’27

Jessica and Derrick Shearer

Anjali and Abhijeet Shekdar P’24, ’29

Midge Shepard

Dana Sherman

Suzanne and Neil Sherman P’24

Kinjal and Jay Sheth P’28, ’33

Catherine Hamm and Christopher Shilts P’17, ’19, ’21, ’24

Nancy and Mitchell Shivers P’94, GP’26, ’27, ’28

Kira and Denis Shmuler P’23, ’27

Rachel and Evan Shore ’02

Alexandra Logue and Ian Shrank ’71

Alexander Shtrakhman GP’08, ’16

Caroline Siegel ’08

Jenna and Eric Siegel P’32

Sekhar Chivukula and Elizabeth Simmons ’81

Melissa and Mark Simon P’24

Thu Thai-Simon and Richard Simon P’20, ’24

Mona Sinclair

Jyoti and Kumar Sinha P’24, ’27, ’31

Laura and Scott Sinins P’25



Kerry Mooney and John Skowronski ’85

Stephanie Swanicke ’03

John Sloboda ’60

Susan and Bruce Smith ’69

Tina and Christopher Smith P’24

Darlyn Smith

Rebecca Gonzalez and Paul Smith ’64

Ulysses Smith, Jr. ’77, P’19, ’22, ’28

Heather Smith and Stephen Willis P’16

Asale Harris-Smith and Hopeton Smith P’29, ’33, ’35

Kathryn Smith ’00 and Edward Smith ’00

Julianne Smith ’06 and Park Smith III ’06, P’35, ’36

Kelsey Smits

Melissa Chaika and David Sobel ’93

Wesley Shum and Theresa Sohn-Shum ’86, P’21, ’23

Sally and Hans Solmssen P’86, ’90

Rakhee and Aayush Sonthalia P’25

Barbara Wang and Douglas Soo Hoo P’06, ’08, ’08

Seema and Bobby Sood P’27, ’28

Dominik Zurakowski and Aimee Sostowski ’97

Stephen and Kristin Sostowski ’93

Jessica and Stephen Spezio

Rajamathangi and Ramesh Srinivas P’22, ’27

Nancy and Duane St. John ’50

William Stamatis ’09

Alice and Willam Stanger ’54

Janice and Edward Stavenick ’63

Evelyn* and John Stearns ’64

Doug Steiner P’08, ’12

Caroline and Glenn Stevens P’14, ’24

Elizabeth and Gordon Stevenson, Jr. ’57

Karen and Stanley Stevinson ’56

Peter Stollery ’54

Margaret and Kenneth Strassner ’64

Alfred Strickler, Jr. ’48

Benjamin and Alexandra Strong ’92

Umesh Subramanian P’24, ’26

Barbara and Gordon Sulcer ’61, P’95

Rebecca and Andrew Sullivan

Danielle Rosenthal and Ashley Summer P’32, ’35

Holland Sunyak ’02

Christine Susko P’97, ’02

Christopher Svoboda ’05

Sarada Gurubhagavatula and Sandeep Swadia P’27, ’31

Nicole and Jason Swain P’24

Roy Sykes, Jr. ’66

Anne and Evan Tager ’78

Eva and Kai Talarek P’20, ’24

Malcolm Talcott ’78

Debra Tambor

Olivia Tandon

Lauren Tanenbaum ’05

Colleen Tapen ’09

Kimberly and Christopher Tarpley P’27, ’28

Angela and Guy Taylor P’19, ’20, ’23

Tania and Philip Taylor P’32

Amy and Steven Temares P’10, ’13, ’16

Madeline Temares ’16

Donna and Peter Thau P’17, ’20

Erin and Allen Thomas

Stephanie Donahue and Greg Thomas ’88

Jennifer and David Thomas P’23, ’25

Aye Thuzar and Aung Nay

Brenda and Marc Titus P’28, ’32

Kathrin Poole and Howard Tomlinson ’71

Iris and Douglas Trabilcy ’55

Janine Tramontana ’85

Mary Anna and Emanuel Tramontana P’85, ’87

Melissa and Patrick Travers P’23, ’25

Dave Reidenbach and Christine Treveloni ’94

Brooke Conti Trousdale ’09 and Patrick Trousdale ’08

Candace and Brendan Troy P’25, ’27

Robin Feman Trynin ’85 and Thomas Trynin ’79

Laura Tseng ’89

Sue Tummarello

Ajay Tungare ’07

Melissa Tungare ’18

Veronica and Justin Ucko P’23, ’24, ’27

Frederick Ulshafer ’78

Rebecca Ulz ’94 and Michael Ulz ’93

Hilary Sunyak Ulz ’96 and Christopher Ulz ’93

Emily Umbdenstock ’97 and Tyler Umbdenstock ’97

Jane and John Unkles, Jr. ’48

Jan Upalakalin ’91

Sherry and James Urner ’57*

Theresa Vaccaro

Alan Van Antwerp

Kelly and Gerald Vanasse P’14, ’20

Nidhi and Rama Variankaval P’24

Louise and Arthur Vedder ’66

Ramsay Vehslage, Jr.

Amy and David Ventura P’22, ’22, ’26

Alison Verdesca ’18

Andrew Verdesca ’15

Patricia Durner and Stephen Verdesca P’15, ’18

Roland Vetter ’99

Elizabeth and Luis Vilarin P’21, ’24

Kim Davis and Rahul Vinnakota ’96

Danice Von Feldt and Quoc Vo

Taylor Guiffre ’10

Margaret and Geoffrey von der Linden P’24

Garret and Elizabeth Vreeland ’84, P’11, ’12, ’15

Bernadette Bell-Wachter and Kenneth Wachter ’64

Ming Hui Chen and Christopher Walsh ’75

Delores and Frank Walter ’61

Ying Tang and Yijun Wang P’27

Sue Fan and David Wang P’24

Yang Yu and Jiakou Wang P’30

Hong Qiu and Ying Wang P’29

Jie Chen and Yu Wang P’22, ’24

Scott Ward ’77

Katherine Babbott and Thomas Ward III ’76

Kyle Warendorf ’77

Sally and Peter Warlick ’83

Linda and Edus Warren III ’77

Homa Watts

Lara and Michael Watzky P’23

HeatherAnn and Gregory Waxberg ’96

Nancy and George Ways ’67

Elaine and Eric Weaver P’18, ’23

Mandy and Michael Webster P’24, ’27, ’27

Jessica and Brad Weinberger

Arthur Weissman ’66

Sara and Bob Weissman ’64

Aaron Welt ’67, P’06

Winnie and Eddie Wen P’20, ’23, ’31, ’31

Gavin and Cheryl Werbeloff ’99

Marisa Werner ’12

Karen and Christopher Westcott ’63

Gregory Whalen ’96

Lindsey Whalen ’99

Patricia Cullen and H. Stewart Wheller III ’67

Audrey and Zygmunt Wilf P’02, ’04, ’13, GP’33, ’33, ’34, ’34

Cori and Jason Wilf P’33, ’34

Rachel and Jonathan Wilf ’02, P’33, ’34

Jane and Mark Wilf ’80

Charlotte Williams ’06

Susan and Robert Williams ’76, P’06, ’08, ’12

Edith and Thomas Williams

Amy and James Williamson P’23

Christin Gianis Willis ’03

Martha and David Wilson ’59

Kurt Winkler ’75

John Winslow, Jr. ’69

Jay Winston

Elizabeth Winterbottom ’87, P’21, ’23

Alex Wolfson ’15

Abigail and Neil Wolitzer P’28, ’31

Irene and Apollo Wong P’22, ’25

Rosalind and Rudy Wong P’27, ’31, ’33

M. Hannah Lauck and John Wood ’84

Mary Anne and Raymond Wood P’14, ’18, ’21

Deborah and Peter Woodbury P’23, ’25

Caroline Diemar ’99

Julie Creswell and Kenneth Worthington P’26

Roy Bartolomei and Edward Wronsky, Jr. ’55

Nan Li and Honggang Wu P’27

Weiwei Wu and Yuchang Tan P’29

Heather and Robert Wulff

Shi-Min Qian and Alex Xie P’22

Lixia Jiao and Feng Xie P’24

Colleen and Antonio Yanez P’22, ’24

Julie Melik and Oleg Yatvitskiy P’21

Anupama Yerramalli ’98

Tricia and Wilbert Yeung P’28, ’28, ’33

Jay Yook ’93

Emily and William Young P’24, ’25, ’27, ’29, ’32

Percy Young III ’65

Justine Harris and Jack Youngelson ’85

Harrison Yu ’11

Xiaocheng Li and Xingang Yu P’32

Weiwei Yu and Yue Zhang P’23, ’26

MaryAnn Janosik and Paul Yuckman ’61

Susan and Marco Zarbin P’22, ’24, ’24

Sandra Zavala P’23

Tricia Stern Zelkowicz and Stephen Zelkowicz P’26

Mindy and David Zhang P’17, ’23

Julia and Hao Zhang P’24

Chenxuan Shi and Linpei Zhang P’31

Rachel Liao and Yi Zhang P’31, ’34

Yuanhui Zhang and Xinyi Wu P’24

Mengjun Cao and Yue Zhang P’31

Jenny Yan and William Zhong P’24

Hui Li and Qingsheng Zhou P’24, ’27

Meilee Zheng and Chaopeng Zhou P’26, ’27

Ruidan Luo and Xin Zhou P’34

Lisa and Dotan Ziv P’24

Kay and John Zoephel ’69, P’03, ’04, ’08

Nancy Zurowski P’11, ’16

Alana Zussman



Named in honor of Pingry's beloved Headmaster, Charles Bertram Newton (Headmaster 1920-1936), The C.B. Newton Society recognizes all individuals who have demonstrated their dedication to The Pingry School and its mission through deferred gift commitments, which help to ensure the School’s continuing success.

Anonymous (2)

Rozana Alam P’97, ’02, ’03, ’06

Anna and John Anderson ’57

Eric Hall Anderson ’55

Edward S. Atwater IV ’63

Ryan Boehner ’98

John Boffa, Jr. ’72

Andrea and Hans Bonn ’68

Elizabeth Ehrlich and Douglas Bookbinder ’98

Robert Brenner, Jr.

Toni and Jack Brescher, Jr. ’65, P’99

Lynn Brody ’81 and Daniel Markovitz ’81

Victoria Brooks and David Lawrence P’02, ’04

Patricia Anthony and Maurice Brown P’01

Jack Bryan ’54*

Peter T. Buchanan ’52*

Miller Bugliari ’52, P’86, ’90, ’97, GP’20, ’24

Judy and William Burks ’51

Todd and Sarah Burrows ’90

Anne DeLaney ’79 and Chip Carver, Jr. ’77, P’09, ’11, ’14, ’14

Charles Collins ’56

William Conger P’89, ’05

Yolanda and Joseph Constabile ’72

Joan and John Crosby P’87, ’89, ’90, GP’23, ’25

Helma and Thomas Curtiss, Jr. ’62

Lauren Diemar ’96 and Thomas Diemar ’96, P’23

JoAnne and Richard Dzina ’52*

Cindy and Jeff Edwards ’78, P’12, ’14, ’18

Heather and Palmer Emmitt ’94

William V. Engel ’67


Allison and David Fahey ’99, P’33, ’34

Lynn and Mark Filipski P’02, ’05

Robert and Lindsay Forness ’80, P’11

James Froggatt ’58

Stephen and Laura Fromm ’82, P ’15

Robert Gibby, Jr. ’60, P’87

Kristin and John Green ’60

Sarah and David Greig ’98

Jonathan Grover ’71

Claus Hamann ’69

Clare Gesualdo Harrington

Ginny and David Hilyard ’59

Sue and Philip Hoch ’75

Joyce and John Holaman ’55, P’79, GP’09, ’11, ’14

Alix and Ezra Jennings ’89

Georgia and Hilton Jervey ’57, P’78, ’82

W. Jones ’65

Steven and Genesia Kamen ’79, P’11, P’13

Claire and Jan Kennedy ’59

Marilyn and Bruce Laing ’64

Della and John Leathers ’57

Stuart M. Lederman ’78

Stephanie and Benjamin Lehrhoff ’99

Mary Claude Reyna and Raymond Londa ’57, P’88, ’91

Julie and Douglas Macrae ’77

Sharon and Steven Magid P’05

Breanne Matloff

Robert Meyer ’56, P’88

Christopher Milton ’65

Robin and Peter Mindnich ’71

Frank Morano ’97

Deane and Frank Mountcastle, Jr. ’51

Roger Nye ’59

Jane Sarkin O’Connor ’77 and Martin B. O’Connor II ’77, P’11, ’14

Sena and Richard O’Connor ’73

Meredith and Roger Parsons ’55, P ’94, ’97

Susan and Henry Paulsen ’53

Robert M. Pyle, Jr. ’56, P’91

Robert Rettig ’57

Isabel Roach and Shawn Bernardo P’08, ’09, ’11

Susanne and Douglas Robinson P’16, ’17, ’19, ’22

Kevin Rooney P’94

Lauren and Day Rosenberg ’90

Linda and James Salisbury

Elisabeth and Charles Schaefer ’80

Jonathan Shelby ’74

Alexandra Logue and Ian Shrank ’71

Susan and Bruce Smith ’69

Sally and Hans Solmssen P’86, ’90

Nancy and Duane St. John ’50

Scott Talcott ’80

Bernadette Bell-Wachter and Kenneth Wachter ’64

Delores and Frank Walter ’61

Caroline and Helmut Weymar ’54

Donald Wiss '68

Bruce Woodger

Roy Bartolomei and Edward Wronsky, Jr. ’55

“In the classroom, Pingry students have distinguished themselves from other students I have taught, not because they are naturally more gifted, but because they are driven to learn. They trust adults around them and will take feedback to heart in order to become the best students they can be. Pingry Middle School is a truly special place to work.”



Edward S. Atwater IV ’63

Susan and Peter Gillim P’00

Robert Blackstone ’96

Harold Blackstone P’96

Kathryn Blackstone P’96

Miller Bugliari ’52, P’86, ’90, ’97, GP’20, ’24

Susan and George Relyea ’61

Samuel Chen ’31

Wei Wei and Xu Chen P’31

Class of 1958

Barbara and James Smith ’58

Class of 1963

John E. Klein ’63

Susan Klein

Class of 1965

Helen and William McCandless ’65

Class of 2002

Rachel and Evan Shore ’02

Class of 2025

Beralia Briceno and Wilber Ruiz P’25

Class of 2031

Yi Zhu and Bin Qu P’31

Class of 2035

Amber Dawkins and Dimitrios Gavritsas

Karen Eschenlauer ’77 and Arthur C. Eschenlauer ’80

Janet and Arthur Eschenlauer P’77, ’80

Emma Essenfled ’33 and Jackson Essenfled ’35

Carrie and Joseph Essenfeld ’97, P’33,’35

Rayee Feng ’26 and Rayhao Feng ’28

Dongling Wang and Yu Feng P’26, ’28

Henry Fish ’23

Xiaoni Niu and Matthew Fish P’33

Tilak Raj Kakar

Shefali and Puneet Kakar P’24, ’28

David Lawrence ’02

The Lipper Family Charitable Foundation

Suzanne and Eugene Lear P’92, ’92, ’96, GP’25, ’27, ’30, ’30, ’33

Jeffrey and Frederique Schachter 96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Adele Li ’35

Dongyan Mu and Le Li P’31

Joanna Li ’35

Lu Wang and Ji Li P’35

Katie Lin ’23

Rachel and Jay Lin P’21, ’23

Penelope Maher ’28 and Lucas Maher ’28

Elizabeth and Michael Maher P’28, ’28

Joe Passaro

Heather and Bradley Pyne P’18, ’23

JP Salvatore ’23 and Sebastian Salvatore ’24

Ana and Frank Salvatore P’23, ’24


Stuart Alford ’95

Sarah and Michael Blanchard ’96

Megs and Peter Thomas ’92

Joan Bender

Bender Family

Bill Brawley ’48


Peter T. Buchanan ’52

Kathryn Faber

Alice and W. McClelland ’52

Hilary Eddy Lafferty ’83

Wayne Lafferty

Evan Robinson ’48


Ernest Shawcross P’64, ’67

Carol Ann and James Stuart ’59

Evelyn Stearns

John Stearns ’64

Ed Scott Kerry Mooney and John Skowronski ’85

Nathan Shapiro ’26

Emily and William Young P’24, ’25, ’27, ’29, ’32

Evan Shore ’02

Francine and Ian Shore P’02

Deven Sood ’27 and Annika Sood ’28

Seema and Bobby Sood P’27, ’28

The Arts Programs

Tina and Aaron Atkinson

Aadya Tripathy ’34

Flora Nanda and Sambit Tripathy P’30

Keira Troy ’25 and Bridget Troy ’27

Candace and Brendan Troy P’25, ’27

Kyle Wang ’24

Sue Fan and David Wang P’24

Max Watzky ’23

Lara and Michael Watzky P’23

Ryan Wen ’33

Wen Wang and Zhongshan Wen P’33

Sarah Yu ’27

Kelly Ju and Zhaoou Yu P’27

Jeremy Yu ’32

Xiaocheng Li and Xingang Yu P’32

Yunqi Zhang ’31

Chenxuan Shi and Linpei Zhang P’31



Anonymous (2)

Becky and Daniel Chen P’25, ’26

Cindy and Jeff Edwards ’78, P’12, ’14, ’18

William V. Engel ’67

Katie and Steven Gold ’95

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Johnson P’83 and Dr.

Katherine Johnson Lewandowski

Elizabeth and Stephen Knight ’78

Jude Escaño and Therese Lizardo-Escaño ’98, P’29

Kimberly and Randolph Lizardo ’95

Spencer Marsh III and Elizabeth Marsh P’89, GP’25

Sarah Porter Bell

Carl Porter

Allie and Thomas Rooke ’74, P’02, ’04

Anne and Robert Rooke’70

Jacquelin and Thomas Rooke, Jr. ’02

Matthew Rooke ’04

Natalie Rooke P’70, ’74 GP’02, ’04

Robert Rooke ’43, P’70, ’74 GP’02, ’04

Henry G. Stifel III ’83

Umesh Subramanian P’24, ’26

Rachel and Jonathan Wilf ’02, P’33, ’34

Xiaoyan & Chaoyang Chen Family P’34

Jubb Corbet ’50, P ’77, ’78

Cynthia and Manuel Sampedro P ’21, ’23, ’25

Teresa and James Covello P’23

Laura and Scott Sinins P’25


Pingry Alumni Association


Kevin Schmidt ’98

Vice President

Liz Wight Seigel ’03

Vice President

Kristin Sostowski ’93

Pingry School

Parents’ Association


Lois Fitton P’26

First Vice President

Melissa Bartoli P’24, ’26

Second Vice President

Hillary Irwin P’27, ’29

VP of Communications

Jennifer Thomas P’23, ’25


Debbie Nungester P’22, ’24


Amy Cuiffo P’25, ’27, ’29

Volunteer Coordinator

Samantha Fang P’27, ’28

Lower School Volunteer Coordinator

Michelle Comstock ’98 P’29, ’33

Form V-VI Rep

Chris Watson P’24, ’30, ’30

Form III-IV Rep

Melissa Travers P’23, ’25

Middle School Rep

Shefali Kakar P’24, ’28

Grade 4-5 Rep

Iyndia Jackson P’28, ’31

Grade 2-3 Rep

Namrata Shah P’24, ’27, ’33

Grade K-1 Rep

Amanda Fisher P’32, ’34

Reunion Committee & Volunteers

5th Reunion

Class of 2018

Brooke Murphy ’18

Owen Wolfson ’18

10th Reunion

Class of 2013

Michael Beck ’13

Brigid Bruno ’13

Stephanie Wilf Kahn ’13

David Soled ’13

Katherine Thomas ’13

15th Reunion

Class of 2008

Aly Kerr Wubben ’08

20th Reunion

Class of 2003

Rachel Askin ’03

Jennifer Zoephel ’03

25th Reunion

Class of 1998

Vanessa Chandis ’98

Amy Ruth Finegold ’98, P’28, ’32

Marshall McLean ’98

Therese Lizardo-Escaño ’98, P’29

30th Reunion

Class of 1993

Heather Steinman ’93

35th Reunion

Class of 1988

Darren Blumberg ’88, P’26, ’28, ’32

Jennifer Guss ’88

Kate Hammond ’88

Angelica Diaz-Martinez ’88, P’25, ’26

Shachi Mody ’88

Jennifer Winell ’88, P’27, ’29

40th Reunion

Class of 1983

Buffy Cave ’83

Patricia Fernandez Witte ’83

Ilene Goldman ’83

Mark McLaughlin ’83

Ed Meyercord ’83

Dudley Ryan ’83

45th Reunion

Class of 1978

Jeff Edwards ’78, P’12, ’14, ’18

E. Lori Halivopoulos ’78, P’23

Stuart M. Lederman ’78

Mary Lee Trousdale ’78

Chip Yeomans ’78

50th Reunion

Class of 1973

Charles Cuttic ’73

Rob Kurz ’73, P’01, ’03

Christopher Naughton ’73

Frank Slugaski ’73*

Sandy White ’73

55th Reunion

Class of 1968

Hans Bonn ’68

60th Reunion

Class of 1963

Henry Pitt ’63, GP’26

Howard Zatkowsky ’63

65th Reunion

Class of 1958

Francis Richards ’58

Pingry Fund Volunteers


Jiayi Chen P’32, ’35


Margaret Santana P’22, ’24

Marie Celeste Atienza P’27, ’30

Tina Atkinson

Melissa Bartoli P’24, ’26

William Bourne P’08

Kennedy Buckley P’16

Soroya Campbell P’28, ’28

Dipanwita Das P’26, ’29

Amanda Fisher P’32, ’34

Gayla Germain P’26

Susan Kinney P’15, ’18

Alexandra Lasevich

Jill Law ’04

Adrienne Lowenstein P’29, ’33

Cynthia McArthur P’29

Elizabeth Minton P’32

Shaveta Misri P’34

Kelly Noto P’33, ’35

Madison Randall

Michael Saraceno

Kathryn Sartorius ’92, P’22, ’25, ’29

Frederique Schacter ’96, P’27, ’30, ’33

Robyn Schmidt P’31

Rajamathangi Srinivas P’22, ’27

Sunny Sun P’33, ’35

Angela Taylor P’19, ’20, ’23

Lidiya Tornyova P’25, ’33

Ramsay Vehslage, Jr.

Jamie Wade P’29

Abigail Wolitzer

Ying Zhao P’25, ’30



Every effort has been made to give proper credit to all who have made contributions to The Pingry School during the 2022-2023 fiscal year (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023). Great care was taken in the preparation of this report. If an error has been made, please accept our apologies and notify Jane Hoffman, ’94, Director of Development, at or 908-647-5555, ext. 1222.

The Pingry School

Basking Ridge Campus, Middle & Upper Schools

Short Hills Campus, Lower School

Pottersville Campus, K-12 Experiential Education

131 Martinsville Road

Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

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