June 6, 2024

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Back then he was about as scared as a young kid can be. Today, he has shaken the hand of President Barack Obama, met First Lady, Michelle Obama, is honored by the people of Normandy, France, indeed, the village of St. Pois has taken him into their bosom as one of their own as an honorary citizen . . . he has met the great, the wealthy, the powerful.

But back in the day, he was just one more scared GI, about to head across the English Channel and participate in D-Day.

Today, he travels to France on board an Air France jetliner, and is treated like royalty. Back then, he was in a LCI (Landing Craft, Infantry) with about 100 other solidiers, many of whom became seasick during the choppy crossing. He didn’t become seasick. He had fished a great deal in the ocean off of California’s coast and never once has been seasick a day in his life. “It’s true what they say,” he says, “when you get really, really seasick, you turn green. I saw many a soldier on board our LCI that turned green.”

He’s 89 years old today, but doesn’t look it. Nor does he feel it. He plays tennis two the three times a week and works out daily in a gym.

He is Jack Port, the pride of Escondido, and now, Oceanside.

Many folks in Escondido know Jack as the genial proprietor of Port’s Men’s Wear in Escondido, the store his father founded and he continued to operate at 214 East Grand until finally closing the store in 1975. A lot of folks do not realize that he was one of those heroic young men who participated in D-Day, hitting Utah Beach with his comrades in arms, and watching many die.

Many strange twists in Jack Port’s life, not the least of which is the fact that his father, originally from Estonia, was strict and absolutely forbade guns in the house. “You don’t shoot, you don’t kill,” his father had said.

And now here he was, M-1 rifle cradled in his arms, aboard an LCI, bound for a place called Utah Beach, in France - about to take on

Top right, Order National de La Legion D ‘ Honneur..... given to Jack Port by France; next photo down, soldiers leaving sea wall and advancing inland, middle left, an aerial view of the Utah Beach invasion, bottom right, soldiers wading ashore at Utah Beach on D-Day. Left, Jack Port, as he is today (photo taken while in France for D-Day ceremonies)

Volume 54 - No. 23 June 6, 2024 Jack Port See Page 2 The Paper • 760.747.7119 online: www.TheCommunityPaper.com email: thepaper@cox.net

Jack Port from page 1

the German military in just one of many memorable battles he was to experience.

“I was absolutely, totally scared,” he said. “From the time we embarked from England, all during the voyage over, when we hit the beaches, during our campaign inland, throughout France, Germany, and Belgium. I was never not scared.

Omaha Beach caught hell. We were fired upon and had some casualties, but there was relatively light resistance. That didn’t take away the fear. We established our beach-head and rolled to the right, heading for our first mission, Cherbourg, France.”

Another of those strange twists in Jack Port’s life:

“The Army took this punk kid and turned him into a combat ready soldier. I was inducted into the Army at San Pedro. After my basic training at Camp Roberts in Paso Robles, California, it was well known that everyone was headed for the Pacific Theatre of War Operations. Suddenly, a levy came down that set up a separate ship-

Give Us This Day Our Daily


getting his bite wound bandaged.

The running trail gets shut down for 6 months while Fish & Game conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous animals.

This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!

The Governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a “coyote awareness program” for residents of the area.

The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.

The buzzards eat the dead coyote.

And that, my friends, is why California is broke and Texas is not.

New words from Mensa

The Washington Post’s Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are the winners:

ment to Camp Shanks in New York. We don’t know why we were going to New York, of all places, when we were already in California. We soon found out. We were going to Europe to fight the Germans.”

What would have happened if Jack Port had been sent to the Pacific instead of Europe? We’ll never know. We do know what happened to him in the European Theatre . . . and that he returned to live a wonderful life in his beloved homeland of America.

Arriving in England, he was assigned to the 4th Infantry Division. Before leaving stateside, he was supposed to qualify with the M-1 rifle. He had to try four times before an exasperated instructor finally passed him, even though he had only reached 137 instead of the required score of 140. “I don’t want to have to bring you back here again,” he said, “137 is close enough to 140. I’m gonna mark you down as ‘passed’. When he got to England he was then supposed to qualify on the carbine. He never did qualify on the carbine.

“We landed in Scotland,” Jack says. “Then they shipped us by train to ‘The Moors,’ in England;

The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor’s dog, then bites the Governor.

The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie “He calls animal control. Animal Control captures the coyote and bills the state $200 testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.

He calls a veterinarian The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases.

The Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and on

The Governor’s security agent is fired for not stopping the attack. The state spends $150,000 to hire and train a new agent with additional special training for the nature of coyotes.

PETA protests the coyote’s relocation and files a $5 million suit against the state.


The Governor of Texas is jogging along with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks his dog.

The Governor shoots the coyote with his state-issued pistol and keeps jogging. The Governor has spent $.50 on a .45 ACP hollow point cartridge.

Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn’t get it.

Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

Karmageddon: It’s like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it’s like, a serious bummer.

Decafalon (n): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

Glibido: All talk and no action.

Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you’ve accidentally walked through a spider web.

Jack Port continued on page 3 They Coyote Principal California vs Texas California

Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you’re eating.

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.

Old is when.... You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of the police.

The Paper • Page 2 • June 6, 2024
Chuckles continued on page 5
Jack Port at Brum, Germany

Jack Port from page 3

the shades were pulled on the train so we had no idea where we were going. Upon arrival, we were housed in pup tents for about 60 days while we trained. It was cold, windy, rainy, very uncomfortable.

There was no talk of ‘D-Day.’ I was a simple buck private so knew very little. We all knew we were going somewhere but we didn’t know where until about 2-3 weeks prior when we learned we were going to be part of ‘an invasion.’ But the location of this ‘invasion’ was not known to us until about a week before the actual event. Right away we noticed a heavy increase in activity as people and equipment were mobilized. We knew something was up and whatever it was, was big. Really big.”

Here I was, this young lad who was not allowed to have a gun in the house, now laden with my M-1, with two bandoliers of ammunition, and four hand grenades strapped to my gear. I had only thrown one hand grenade in Basic Training. But I was now trained and equipped for war.

We boarded our LCI. I always used to call them LCT’s but that, I found,means Landing Craft, Tanks. We were on board Landing Craft, Infantry. There was no food on board, but lots of coffee. We all had K-rations, but very few of us ate during the voyage across the Channel.

Even then, we still didn’t know how big this was, or that this was to be “D-Day.” All we knew was, we were ordered to go on this invasion and we went and did what we were told.

Clearly, it was big. Not only a lot of personnel and equipment . . .but supplies. I can tell you there were millions and millions of cigarettes on board those ships and LCI’s. And millions and millions of condoms, very few of which were to be used for their original purpose. Instead, they were used to protect K-rations from the weather, to put over the ends of rifle barrels to protect the weapon from the rain.”

Jack paused to reflect a moment: “There are only two of us left today from my unit. Of those that made it home, there were no drug problems, no PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). We came back and Uncle Sam, bless his heart, gave us $20 a month for 52 weeks, plus one month of college for every month in the military, plus VA home loans. The government took pretty good care of us. At least those of us who made it back home. A lot of good men didn’t.”

Our D-Day was not nearly as disastrous as Omaha Beach was. They absolutely caught hell. That’s where the cemetery is today. I’ve been there a number of times and, over the years, have built some very strong and solid friendships with the French people who live there.

To the right of Utah Beach was Pointe d’Hoc. That’s where the rangers were. That was a critical point to take because the German guns could fire up and down the coast at will and hit both Utah Beach and Omaha Beach. The Rangers paid a heavy price, but they took Pointe d’Hoc.

We landed two miles away from where we were supposed to. Maybe that’s why we had such light resistance. We drew enough fire, however, that I immediately did what I was trained to do. I hit the beach, flat on my belly, with my rifle in front of me. Though we had fairly light resistance, the fear never did leave me . . . never. Not until the war was finally over.

Our force included three Regiments. The 8th Regiment landed at about 6:30 or 7am, the 22nd, landed a little later, and my regiment, the 12th, landed at about 10am. From there we wheeled right, toward Cherbourg. The Germans had flooded the plains to slow us down so we were restricted to using the local roadways.

Our objective was to take Cherbourg. Cherbour had a large harbor that the Allies needed. We hit the beach on June 6th, we took Cherbourg on June 25th. There was a lot of hedgerow fighting but we did it. Mission accomplished. At least the first mission.

In that short time my buddy, Jim, and I had learned a lot. Like how to dig foxholes. A foxhole only needs to be about 12” deep. We dug all night and Jim said if we dug much more we’d wind up in China. Come morning time, we had a dickens of a time crawing out of our way-too-deep foxhole, probably 6 or 7’ deep. But, we were scared. And we were still alive.

We were involved in some firefights en route to Cherbourg. A sniper had sent about 6 or 7 rounds our way and one finally caught me. Right in the butt. Shot in the fanny! They sent me back to a Field Hospital for treatment. I was hoping to be shipped back to England, but no such luck.

Besides his ‘shot in the fanny,’ Jack had a number of other close calls:

“One time a piece of shrapnel

Jack Port continued on page 5


Looking for things to do? Places to go?

Check out Oodles every week for listing of civic and service club meetings, and more! Have an event you need publicized?

Email it to: Lisa.ThePaper@gmail.com

The Paper goes to print on Tuesday morning. You are more likely to get published if you:

• Submit your press release by the previous Friday.

• Keep It Simple: who, what, where, when, why.

• Send us something we can copy/paste. Please no brochures or flyers.

• Send photos as attachments, not embeded in the document.

Escondido Chess Club

Looking for New Players

Chess players of all skill levels are welcome every Wednesday in the shuffleboard building from Noon – 3 p.m. Large boards and pieces provided. Follow the signs or ask at the front desk for directions. Chess at Park Avenue Community Center

Home of Escondido Senior Center 210 Park Avenue, Escondido 760-839-4688

Senior Services & Activities

Gloria McClellan Senior Center 1400 Vale Terrace Drive • Vista

The Gloria McClellan Senior Center in Vista offers many activities and services throughout the year which includes a nutrition program and transportation programs. The transportation program provides ADA transportation for grocery shopping shuttles on Mondays & Wednesdays. They also provide transportation to eligible Vista residents for in-town medical appointments on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays from 9am-1:30pm.

Listed below are just a few of many events planned for June.

June 6 - Music Bingo

June 13- Live Music by Lou Rosgen

June 14 - Father’s Day Celebration with North Star

June 17 - Movie Monday “Dauntless”

June 20 - Summer Solstice with Sunset Strummers

June 21 - Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch Reveal

June 26 - Birthday & Anniversary Celebration

June 27 - Over 90 Party celebrating our 90+ year old seniors

To view the June newsletter, visit https://www.cityofvista.com/cityservices/recreation-comm-services/senior-services/monthly-newsletter.

Center hours are Monday-Friday 8am-3:30pm, closed on holidays.

Music Men Chorus Seeking Guys who Love Singing

The Music Men Chorus is a North County men’s a cappella chorus that performs four-part, close harmony songs arranged in Barbershop style, known for its “ringing”chords. We are affiliated with the non-profit International Barbershop Harmony Society, which is dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of this style of singing.

We are recruiting men, middle school age and older, who enjoy singing, who are curious about singing a cappella music, and who would enjoy the camaraderie of likeminded men working to achieve beautiful “ringing” chords. Previous musical experience is helpful, but is not a requirement. We can provide audio learning tracks to aid you in learning your part. And other members in your vocal part provide assistance as well.

We are looking for prospective singers for all vocal parts - Lead, Bass, Tenor, and Baritone.

We have open rehearsals on most Tuesday evenings from 7-9:30 pm at San Marcos Lutheran Church, 3419 Grand Avenue, in the Luther Hall.

For more information about singing with the Music Men, call Joe Pascucci at (760) 845-3593. You

continued on page 14

The Paper • Page 3 • June 6, 2024

County Ramps Up for Mosquito Season

San Diego County began ramping up its proactive treatment of mosquito breeding sites in waterways around the county. The goal is to reduce these pests and their risk for spreading diseases, such as West Nile virus.

Every year in spring, the County’s Vector Control Program applies a safe, eco-friendly larvicide by helicopter to treat nearly 1,400 acres of hard-to-reach areas where mosquitoes breed. This year, locations in the Tijuana River Valley with stagnant water are also being treated to protect people living or visiting in that area.

The larvicide does not hurt people or pets, but kills mosquito larvae before they can grow into adult biting mosquitoes.

Larvicide drops, during the mosquito season (usually April-October), are just one part of Vector Control’s Integrated Vector Management Strategy. County Vector Control monitors over 1,600 potential mosquito-breeding areas each year and applies larvicide through a variety of techniques— aerial drops, boats, trucks, and hand-crews. It also gives out free mosquito-eating fish to the public, tracks down and treats neglected swimming pools, tests dead birds for West Nile virus, and monitors mosquito populations for potential mosquito-borne illnesses.

Want to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Follow the County’s “Prevent, Protect, Report” guidelines.

Man About Town

This week’s cover story is a reprint of a story we did back in 2011, featuring the remarkable story of Jack Port . . . one of the many who took part in D-Day.

Jack is gone now . . . but what a life he lived! And what more appropriate story to feature than his . . . as this week we remember all of the brave souls who stormed the beaches to begin the march to victory!

Prevent Mosquito Breeding

Dump out or remove any items inside and outside of homes that can hold water, such as plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, garbage cans, toys, old tires, and wheelbarrows. Mosquito fish, available for free at locations throughout the county, may be used to control mosquito breeding in backyard standing water sources, such as unmaintained swimming pools, ponds, fountains, and horse troughs.

Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites

Protect yourself from mosquitoborne illnesses by wearing long sleeves and pants or use insect repellent when outdoors. Use insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. Make sure screens on windows and doors are in good condition and secured to keep insects out.

Report Increased Mosquito Activity and Dead Birds

Report increased mosquito activity, or stagnant, unmaintained swimming pools, and other mosquito-breeding sources, as well as dead birds — dead crows, ravens, jays, hawks and owls — to the County Department of Environmental Health and Quality’s Vector Control Program by calling (858) 694-2888 or emailing vector@sdcounty.ca.gov.

If you have checked around your home for standing water and are

That’s what Traveling Nurses were paid by Kaiser Permanente during the Pandemic.

(A Traveling Nurse is hired by hospitals for a 3 month, 6 month or longer contract to supplement existing nursing staff; typically a traveling nurse is single, with no major attachments).

One nurse told me a buddy of his, a traveling nurse, took home $450,000 after the pandemic. Pretty good pay.

I had occasion to go to the Kaiser Emergency Room recently. My blood sugar was sky-high . . . 423 that morning and 400 later in the afternoon and that’s after having taken two injections of 10 units each of Novalog FlexPen insulin, supposedly a fast acting insulin . . . it didn’t seem to work.

Someone, I think it was Mary, (who has memory problems) threw out at least one, possibly two boxes of Novalin N, my normal insulin. So I was without it for three days.

still experiencing mosquito issues, you can request an educational mosquito inspection by contacting the Vector Control Program at (858) 694-2888.

For more information about mosquito-borne illnesses go to San Diego County’s “Fight the Bite” website at https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/deh/pests/ mosquitoes.html. Here are some tips to help you keep your yard from becoming a mosquito breeding ground.

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Life can be challenging enough living with diabetes. The last thing patients like me need is to fight against the profit-driven policies of insurers, Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), and even hospitals

above is dangerous and you are told to go to the ER when that happens. We finally were discharged and we are, once again, home.

which are undermining access and increasing out-of-pocket costs.

That made it even more frustrating last year when Congress failed to pass PBM reform, despite there being a groundswell of support on both sides of the aisle. For the good of patients here in California and across the country, lawmakers should keep working with their colleagues to pass meaningful PBM reform during this Congress.

PBMs control roughly 80% of the prescription drug marketplace today. Instead of using that power for good, these groups use it to control when and where patients can access the life-saving medications they need. Broken PBM policies can also force patients to pay higher out-of-pocket expenses.

As someone who’s followed this issue closely for a while now, I was extremely disappointed that Congress failed to pass PBM reform legislation like the DRUG Act last year. However, there is still time to finish the job during this legislative session. Policymakers should lead on this issue and help pass the DRUG Act to rein in and reform harmful PBM practices that threaten patients as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Mary Thompson, San Diego ***

To submit a letter to the editor, please email thepaper@cox.net. Please limit your letter to a maximum of 300 words and include your full name, e-mail address, town, and a valid phone number where you can be reached. Letters will not be published anonymously. Letters are subject to editing. Please no hand written letters.

$136 per hour! Plus a $1500 per week stipend that is non-taxable!

Long story short . . . normal blood sugar range is 80 to 120 . . .400 and

A few months back, Supervisor Jim Desmond reached out to us regarding the State of California’s ill-conceived plan to charge electricity based on income. Thanks to our collective outcry, that proposal was rightfully defeated. However, Desmond points out, our voices were not heard loud enough, as the state has now introduced a similar flawed scheme.

The California Public Utilities Commission has approved an additional $24 monthly charge on most electricity bills, amounting to a staggering $288 in new fees annually. This imposition will hit working-class families hardest, exacerbating the already challenging task of affording life in our state.

As Californians, we already bear one of the nation’s highest electricity price tags, and this new directive only means more of our hard-earned money flowing into state coffers.

Here’s the breakdown: households with one or two individuals earning below $39,440 will see a $6 monthly increase; those earning between $39,440 and $62,150 will face a $12 monthly charge, while individuals making $62,150 or more will be saddled with a monthly fee of $24.50.

It’s essential to note that these charges are irrespective of whether you have solar panels, making solar investments less economical. This approach also disincentivizes energy conservation, as consumers will now bear a fixed monthly cost on top of their usage.

Also, California electricity prices have risen 50% since 2017 and are now double the national average.

I’ve always advocated for a fair principle: the more you use, the more you pay. Electric companies already offer programs to aid those in need, but this new fee structure, tied to income and disincentivizing conservation, is not the solution.

The Paper • Page 4 • June 6, 2024 Local News
continued on page 5
Man About Town

Jack Port from page 3

entered my mess-kit and rattled around inside that; another time I had fallen face first into the ground, with my rifle in front of me, just the way they train you to do. A piece of shrapnel went right through the stock of my rifle; another time, we were sitting down, taking a break. My buddy, Jim, said, “Jack, you’d better get down here in this fox hole. I no sooner had gotten into the foxhole when a large piece of shrapnel hit right where I had been sitting.”

It was in Cherbourg where Jack received his first promotion. He went from buck private to Private First Class and immediately went from abut $19 per month to a whopping $21 per month in pay.

That wasn’t all. While in Cherbourg he had his first shower in about four weeks. I said then that if and when I got back home I’d shower every day. I’ve done that. Sometimes I shower twice a day. It’s rough living out in the field. Not only no showers but sanitation is tough. The simple task of going to the bathroom can be a dicey experience. You’d catch an occasional shave by applying a blow torch to your canteen to heat the water, then lather up and shave. All the tanks had blow torches . . . but that’s a hard way to take a nice refreshing shave. Your hands were filthy dirty but you went ahead and ate your K-rations. War is not a

Man About Town from page 4

It’s time to take action. I urge each of you to contact your state representatives and demand a reversal of this decision. Together, we can ensure that Californians are not burdened unfairly and that our electricity policies promote fairness and sustainability.

Brian Jones State Senator - 40th District (858) 547-3818

Marie Waldron

Assembly - 75th District (858) 566-7538

Brian Maienschein

Contact Me - Assemblymember

Brian Maienschein

Assembly - 76th District (858) 675-0760

It’s no secret that we are big admirers of Supervisor Desmond. We think it is likely that he will one day become Governor of California . . . and he’ll be one of the great ones! Jim Desmond is they type of elected leader we need! Constantly looking out for the people . . . and ensuring we all get a fair shake

clean, tidy place to be. You really appreciate things like showers.

Normandy had lots of gardens so we’d often grab vegetables and enjoy those as a supplement to our K-rations. They also had lots of apples. We loved ‘em.

Our next mission was to liberate St. Lo. But there was a little obstacle in the way. General Montgomery, of the British military, had boasted he’d take Caen in three days. Well, he didn’t. We had to help the Brits liberate Caen. Once we had done that, then we proceeded to St. Lo . . . but we were fighting all the way . . . to Caen . . . and to St. Lo.

Chuckles from page 2

In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, ‘I think I’ll squeeze these dangly things and drink whatever comes out’? Hmmmmm, How about eggs ? . . .

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?

Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?

Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

To this day, we can still get a rise out of the Brits by asking them, ‘did you liberate Caen yet?’

Once we liberated St. Lo, we would begin preparations for our campaign to liberate Paris. This was to become known as ‘the big breakout.’

It was during this campaign that Allied B-24’s conducted bombing raids with an estimated 1500 to 1800 bombers flying in formation and dropping bombs, attempting to bomb the Germans into submission, or, at a minimum, to make the forward movement of Allied ground troops easier.

Unfortunately, disaster struck. Allied bombers killed an estimated 400 to 500 Allied soldiers in a major ‘friendly fire’ incident. The only General killed during this campaign, General McNary, was killed by friendly fire during one of these bombing raids.

The only General I ever saw on the front lines was General Eisenhower.

After the bombing raids we took off and on July 25th we liberated St. Lo. In spite of the cleared land, thanks to the bombing raids, the Germans still put up a tremendous fight . . . but, now, Patton’s tanks entered into the equation. With the open country, his tanks could move quickly. We had big firefights until we got to Mortain . . . we were no longer fighting in the hedgerow country . . then Patton’s tanks really moved.

I am persuaded to this day, however, that if the Germans had not had a second front to fight in Russia, we would still be fighting there. They were ferocious scrappers and we were fortunate to make the progress we did.

Jack was asked the age-old question every interviewer asks every military man who was in combat: “Did you ever kill one of the enemy?”

“Yes,” he said, “everyone does ask

30 Year Sentence for Armed Robber

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan announced that a 22-year-old man was sentenced on Thursday to 30 years in prison for shooting an Oceanside AM/PM store clerk in the abdomen during a robbery and a separate shooting in Escondido. Hans Nanduca, who was on probation, pleaded guilty to assault with a semi-automatic firearm, admitted that he personally used a firearm, and admitted a prior strike when entering guilty pleas last month. In the Escondido case, Nanduca also pled guilty to assault with a semi-automatic firearm and attempted robbery while vicariously armed with a firearm.

The AM/PM store clerk fortunately survived his injuries, but the defendant— who was wearing a mask— was not apprehended immediately. Two weeks later, Nanduca was an accomplice in another robbery at a local business in Escondido where a gun was fired. The firearm, which turned out to be an untraceable ghost gun found on scene was eventually connected to Nanduca when the cartridge casings from the Oceanside

and Escondido shootings were matched to the firearm. That link led to charges and the successful prosecution of the AM/PM shooting. At the time of the crimes, Nanduca was on probation for carjacking while armed with a knife and reckless driving.

“This defendant’s violent crimes nearly took the lives of innocent people who were working hard at local businesses. The fact that defendant used a ghost gun made the investigation more difficult, but Oceanside and Escondido police detectives persisted in solving these crimes and our office brought a successful prosecution to end the defendant’s crime spree,” said DA Summer Stephan. “This lengthy and well-deserved sentence brings a measure of relief for the victims and businesses and we stand ready to support them with specialized services to process the trauma they suffered.”

This case was prosecuted by Deputy District Attorney Daniel Gochnour, who is assigned to the DA’s North County Branch in Vista.

The Paper • Page 5 • June 6, 2024
Jack Port continued on page 12 Utah Beach

Bipartisan Legislation Advances

This year, the “House of Origin Deadline” was May 24th, the final day for bills to pass the house in which they were first introducedeither the Assembly or the Senate. Any bills that failed to pass by the 24th have died.

Bipartisan bills that benefit all Californians often receive little press attention. This year, these include my bill, AB 1819 (Waldron), authorizing the establishment of Infrastructure Financing Districts in high fire severity zones to finance heavy equipment used for brush clearance, firebreaks, undergrounding utilities and other measures that reduce the threat of wildfires. Another bill, AB 2538 (Grayson) will allow Cal Fire to employ seasonal firefighters longer than 9 months -- the current limit, if staffing levels are insufficient to meet existing conditions.

In an attempt to reduce Sexually Violent Predator placement in rural areas (including rural San Diego County), I have co-authored SB 1074 with Senator Brian Jones, which makes public safety the highest criteria for housing SVPs in any area.

Health-related legislation includes

AB 1975 (Bonta) which requires Medi-Cal to cover special diets used to treat chronic conditions that respond to food-based treatments. I also supported AB 3059 (Weber) allowing hospitals to store and distribute human milk obtained from a mothers’ milk bank for use in Neonatal Intensive Care Units.

And I supported AB 2074 (Muratsuchi & Alvarez) which makes the state’s plan to implement the “California English Learner Roadmap” a priority so that teaching English to non-English speakers can be coordinated and enhanced throughout the state.

These bills all passed their House of Origin without opposition prior to the deadline, which should mean prospects are bright for final legislative approval. As always, the Governor will have the final say.

Assemblymember Marie Waldron, R- Valley Center, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the cities of Poway, Santee, portions of the City of San Diego, and most of rural eastern and northern San Diego County.

5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond

Update on Efforts to Safely Remove Spent Nuclear Fuel

I wanted to update you on our critical efforts to ensure the safe removal and responsible management of spent nuclear fuel from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).

The importance of this cannot be overstated. Safe and responsible management of spent nuclear fuel is essential for protecting public health, safeguarding our environment, and ensuring a secure future for future generations. While the spent nuclear fuel at SONGS is currently being stored safely, this is only a temporary solution. We need a permanent and secure location for its disposal.

As your County Supervisor, I am actively involved in this process through my roles on the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Community Engagement Panel and the Spent Fuel Solutions Solutions CoalitionBoard. Last week, I traveled to Washington, D.C., to advocate for the urgent need to find a permanent solution for this nuclear waste. Our meetings with

Problem Solved

federal leaders were productive, and we are pushing for progress.

Despite nearly 30 bills being introduced to address the spent fuel problem in recent years, none have gained the necessary support for passage and enactment. However, I firmly believe that we can achieve a long-overdue legislative solution with persistent efforts from Congress, current and future administrations, informed and engaged communities, and other stakeholders.

I am committed to continuing this fight and will update you on our progress. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement on this vital issue.

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond, 1600 Pacific Highway, #335, San Diego, CA 92101, United States http:// www.supervisorjimdesmond.com/

AT&T canceled my phone by accident. Can you help me get back my trade-in credits?

When AT&T cancels Jacob Flores’ phone by mistake, he loses his trade-in credits. Now, he can’t get them back. What should he do?

Q: AT&T canceled my phone by mistake, and I’ve lost my tradein credits. The company fixed the problem and ended up crediting me for the full amount of the phone that had to be paid off.

But I ended up paying off the balance of another phone. After all of this, the representative who helped me assured me that I would not lose my monthly trade-in credit as long as I didn’t cancel or upgrade the phone, which I have not. I just didn’t want my monthly bill to go up.

But two statement cycles later, it did just that. I stopped receiving my monthly trade-in credit of $22 even though a representative confirmed that I still had 32 credit cycles remaining.

I reached out again via chat and attempted to speak with the same rep-

resentative. I was told he was not available. I spoke to several people and the last person I spoke with offered to credit me one time rather than as a monthly credit. I called AT&T and spoke with someone who promised a manager would reach out to me within a couple of days. I never heard back from anyone. Can you help me get my credits back? ~ Jacob Flores, Harker Heights, Texas

A: AT&T offered you a credit when you traded in your phone. But when AT&T canceled your phone, it eliminated all of the credits, which effectively raised your phone bill. AT&T should have seen that and restored your credits, as it promised.

I’ve dealt with similar problems with wireless carriers, and unfortunately, their systems are designed to zero out any bonuses or incentives. They also make it difficult for an employee to add the credits back. Usually, it takes the specialized knowledge or a supervisor’s access level to do that. In other words, someone couldn’t just flip a switch to fix this.

I have a question before continuing with the resolution of your issue. Many readers are probably wondering how AT&T canceled your phone by mistake. It looks like you called to cancel one of your lines, but a representative misunderstood you and canceled the wrong one. That can happen, and there’s very little you could have done to prevent it, except maybe ask the representative to repeat the phone number of the line that would be canceled.

I see that your first two attempts to resolve this problem were by chat. Good call! You had a terrific paper trail that proves AT&T tried to help you. But then a representative suggested that you call the company. Unfortunately, when you do that, there’s no evidence of the conversation (unless you record the call, which may or may not be legal). Always get everything in writing. You can reach out to one of the AT&T customer service managers by email. I publish the names, numbers and email addresses of

the AT&T executives on my consumer advocacy site, Elliott.org.

There’s another lesson here: If you get credits or have some other incentive or bonus for your phone, you don’t want to make any changes. AT&T and other phone companies have systems that will reset your bill without any discount. These systems are designed to ensure the carrier is always charging full price for their services -- in other words, they’re helping the company make more money.

I contacted AT&T on your behalf. A representative reached out to you and acknowledged that AT&T had previously given you incorrect information. AT&T credited you for the missing months.

“The representative was thorough and very knowledgeable and took a great length of time to make sure she addressed any issues I had,” you reported.

© 2024 Christopher Elliott.

The Paper • Page 6 • June 6, 2024

For Western movie buffs the many “legends” put on celluloid about frontier marshal Wyatt Earp are too numerous, too erroneous and too tough to die.

This scribe is not the first to write about the Iowa-born lawman, and I hope I’ve been honest enough to point out a few of the flaws Hollywood didn’t catch in 10 of the Earp portrayals filmmakers have made.

Of the ten known films, the one movie critics consider the least popular ironically is probably the most accurate. Director Lawrence Kasan’s 1994 production of “Wyatt Earp,” starring Kevin Costner, is at the bottom of the list of ten Earp legends, however it is the only film that deals with the lawman’s early life. For those of us wanting to know more, that movie goes the extra hour in telling the Earp story.

The film at the top of the list is the least accurate. In John Ford’s 1946 production of “My Darling Clemen-

Historically Speaking

A Western Legend Too Tough to Die!

tine,” Doc Holiday played by Victor Mature, is an M.D., not a dentist. While Henry Fonda does a credible job as Wyatt, the film goes astray with the younger brother Morgan Earp played by Tim Holt is not killed in a billiards parlor, but by a new character obviously written in for veteran actor Walter Brennan, who plays the Clanton patriarch. Director Ford filmed the movie in Arizona’s picturesque Monument Valley, albeit a location some 400 miles north of the real town of Tombstone.

In a 1979 newspaper interview Mature told me the film “My Darling Clementine” was his favorite of the more than 70 he made during his long career. It was his first film Mature made after being discharged from U.S. Coast Guard duty during World War II.

No. 2 on the film critics’ Wyatt Earp list is the 1993 production of “Tombstone,” starring Kurt Russell as Earp and Val Kilmer as Holiday.

No. 3: “Wichita” (1955) starring Joel McCrea. I haven’t seen this one, but reportedly it is very good.

No. 4: “The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral,” (1957) starring Burt Lancaster and Kurt Douglas. This was my first encounter with the Earp legend, and I loved it.

No. 5: “Hour of the Gun,” (1967) starring James Garner as Earp and Jason Robards, Jr., as Holiday. In 1969, I interviewed Robards while he was in Arizona filming “The Ballad of Cable Hogue” near Apache Junction. At that time, I was an Associated Press writer based in Phoenix.

Wyatt (left) and friend Bat Masterson, town marshals in 1876

Robards told me he hadn’t bothered to see “Hour of the Gun,” which was made two years earlier. I thought he did a credible job and recommended

Historically Speaking continued on page 12

Pros and Cons of Repeating a Vacation

Want to start an argument? Just ask a random family member where to take your next vacation. Specifically, should you play it safe by returning to the same place -- or try something new?

But it’s an argument worth having now. Here’s why: The top destinations for the summer of 2024 are ridiculously familiar. Orlando, London and Cancun, according to the latest Allianz Partners survey. All those farflung revenge travel destinations from after the pandemic are history. People want something safe and familiar.

Experts say there’s a reason that this is such a heated debate.

“Typically, when people return to the same spot over and over again, they want predictability,” says Thomas Plante, a psychology professor at Santa Clara University. “They know exactly what they are getting and how it works for them. This differs from those who want the unexpected by going to a new place each time they vacation.”

Let me acknowledge my bias upfront: I’m part of the second group. I don’t have a permanent residence and, as a travel writer, I get restless after being in one place for more than a week. So I had to ask an expert to explain our fondness for sameness.

“When a traveler finds a place that they like, there’s a risk to going anywhere else,” says Jeff Galak, who teaches marketing at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business. “We’ve all experienced bad vacations, so when we find one that just works, it’s hard to leave it behind.”

I’m going to hand the mic to both sides of this argument in a minute. But first, let me tell you who is right: Yes, you can go back to the same place -but not in the way you think.

Why Repeat Vacations are Great

Travelers have their reasons for coming back to the same place again and again. Shirleigh Brannon, a retired librarian from Marin

County in Northern California, travels to Anaheim, Calif., twice a year to visit Disneyland.

Her love of Disney vacations goes back three decades, when she brought her son to the Magic Kingdom for the first time. Experiencing the Jungle Cruise or Alice in Wonderland through the eyes of a four-year-old was special.

“Lots of fond memories,” she says.

Even though she knows every inch of the park by now, it’s those special memories that keep her coming back again and again.

Another reason to repeat is because your friends and family will be there. Janet Ruth Heller returns to Elkhart Lake, Wis., every summer with her extended family.

“We have good memories,” says Heller, a retired college professor. “Elkhart Lake has many activities for families, and it is conveniently

located for our relatives.”

There’s also a comfort level. Bernard Nash, a medical school professor from New York, likes to explore the world. But he also has a timeshare in Aruba that he goes back to every year. He loves hanging out by the pool, taking long walks along the white-sand beaches, and dining in his favorite restaurants. And from time to time, he runs into people he knows, who are also there on vacation.

“It’s the perfect place to go and just chill out,” he says.

So comfort, friends and family and special memories -- those are all great reasons to repeat your vacation.

But I have to warn you: You’re missing out.

Other travelers would never repeat a trip. Marcy Schackne is one of them.

The Paper • Page 7 • June 6, 2024
John ‘Doc’ Holiday
Vacation continued on page 8
Victor Mature and a movie fan.

Vacation from page 7

“When it comes to travel,” she says, “It’s one and done.”

Schackne, a marketing executive for a healthcare company in South Florida, has been to all seven continents and is part of the exclusive century club, having visited more than 120 countries.

“There’s too much world to see to go back and repeat a Groundhog Day experience,” says Schackne, who is off to Greenland in July.

“Going to the same place every year would be boring,” says Kathleen Panek, who owns a bed and breakfast in Shinnston, W. Va. “There are so many things to see and do.”

There’s one more reason to get out there and travel: it changes your perspective. And in a highly polarizing election year, getting outside your comfort zone can make a real difference. Research suggests that travel can alter your point of view, although there’s no evidence that it will make you more liberal or conservative -- just that it will change how you see the world.

So to sum up, trying a new destination broadens your horizons and makes your life more exciting--and maybe even more interesting.

But saying you should take each

vacation in a new place would be wrong.

How to Find a New Place to Visit

Ask a friend. A word-of-mouth recommendation is always the best way to find a new place to visit because it comes from someone who knows you. Ask a friend or family member for a new place to visit. The answer might surprise you.

Try the random trips button. Almost every online travel site has a function that lets you choose a random place to visit. For example, Google Flights has a “suggested trips” function that will recommend inexpensive places to visit.

Consult an expert. A qualified trav-

el advisor can help you find a new place to visit. If you don’t have a travel agent, you can find one through the American Society of Travel Advisors.

Where should you go this summer?

So should you go to the same place this summer or try something new?

Laurel Barton has the correct answer. She lives in Forest Grove, Ore., but loves the Jungfrau region of Switzerland. Barton and her husband spend at least a week there every year.

“We know how to get around, where to go, what to do, options for inclement weather, where to shop,”

she says. “No maps required.”

But Barton also loves to explore. This summer, she’s headed to Iceland and Rome to make new memories.

Kristiana Capati-Choquet, a luxury travel advisor at Embark Beyond, sees that duality in her clients, too.

“Seeing the same people in the same destinations contributes to the basic human need of wanting to belong,” she says. “On the other side of the spectrum, there are those who can’t stand to repeat vacations and have a true adventurer side.”

It’s OK to visit a favorite place this summer. I have many. I love Paris in July and Seattle in August. Utah is my go-to spot in September -- maybe one of Mighty Five national parks.

But try something new, for goodness’ sake. You have no idea what you’re missing.

Christopher Elliott is an author, consumer advocate, and journalist. He founded Elliott Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that helps solve consumer problems. He publishes Elliott Confidential, a travel newsletter, and the Elliott Report, a news site about customer service. If you need help with a consumer problem, you can email him at chris@elliott.org.

The Paper • Page 8 • June 6, 2024
Illustration by Dustin Elliott

Nine Things You Can Do at the County Library

Almost everybody knows the County Library is the place to go to get books, information and entertainment; all for free.

But you may not know about all the things you can do at the County Library and with your library card. Here are some things you might not know you can do at a County library.

Graduate High School

You can earn your diploma through the County Library. Library High School offers adults 19 years old and older the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and a career certificate for free through an 18-credit curriculum.

Adults who are interested in the program can join at any time. Go to https://www.sdcl.org/libraryhighschool/. All you need to start is take an online readiness survey and complete any needed prerequisites. Then, attend, complete and graduate.

Get Ready to Become a Citizen

You can take citizenship classes and prepare to take the U.S. citizenship test for free. The County Library works regularly with the nonprofit Jewish Family Service of San Di-

ego to give 10-week-long free citizenship classes. Summer day and evening classes are scheduled to start June 18 and run to August 22 at four library branches. Registration is required. Please call or text (858) 637-3282 or (619) 753-1630, or email rudyf@jfssd.org to enroll. Here’s the summer schedule:

• El Cajon: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesdays: El Cajon Library, 201 E. Douglas Ave., El Cajon.

• Imperial Beach: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Thursdays: Imperial Beach Library, 810 Imperial Beach Blvd., Imperial Beach.

• San Marcos: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Thursdays: San Marcos Library, 2 Civic Center Dr., San Marcos.

• Spring Valley: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesdays: Spring Valley Library, 836 Kempton St., Spring Valley.

Discover & Go

Your County Library card is also your ticket into local museums, sporting events and recreational activities with free passes and discounts through the Discover & Go program. To browse what’s available and reserve passes, use

Library continued on page 15

The Paper • Page 9 • June 6, 2024

The Pastor Says . . .

I Love You

The Three most important words anyone could ever hear are “I love you.” I know there are other significant words, and most of us would like to listen to them, such as, “You won,” “You are rich,” “You are healed,” “You will get better,” and even “You will live.” Each of these, and many other positive statements, can make us feel good. All of us enjoy having our spirits lifted and being encouraged. And yet, no words can precede “I love you.”

Recently, these words were the last words of a hundred-year-old woman. She spoke these words to members of her family who came to visit her in her last days of life. Of everything that family members said about the woman, these words left more of an impact than all the stories, gifts, accomplishments, and her number of survivors. She left what we all need, LOVE.

I think of this age of materialism, wealth, and even achievement. We are encouraged to be successful and, when achieved, to leave a legacy. The legacy can include an inheritance, heirlooms, treasures, and money. Many families wait for such distributions. When an attorney reads a will or administers a trust, the feeling of worth, satisfaction, or dissatisfaction is often felt. It is usually then that some, though not all, feel their worth was measured by the deceased.

What would we instead hear from the lips, read from the pen, or learn from the lawyer of one who is about to die or die?

The simple words, “I love you,” don’t do much for our bank account or even a valuation of what we have meant to someone. However, what more extraordinary gift, expression, feeling, or value could anyone give us than “I love you.” God is our prime example. He is often thought of as the giver of every perfect gift. Many look to Him to provide this world’s treasures. Prosperity preaching is popular today. But the true and only gift that means anything from God is found in the words, “I love you.” We hear these words in Christ’s blessing: “For God so loved the world that He gives Himself. Simply put, “I Love You” says it all.

Madden is Rancho Coastal Humane Society’s pet of the week. She’s a 2-year-old, 8-pound, female, Domestic Short Hair cat with a Blue and White coat.

Madden was taken to a local shelter with a litter of kittens. The kittens went into foster care. Madden was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS.) She’s confident and friendly. When she’s happy, she struts.

The $100 adoption fee for Madden includes medical exam, spay, up to date vaccinations, and registered microchip.

Visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society in Encinitas or log on to www. SDpets.org. Open 11 to 4, Thursday through Monday, and by appointment Wednesday.

San Diego Humane Society is supporting families and their pets who need a little extra help.

Through the Community Pet Pantry, anyone can visit our campuses to pick up a bag of dog or cat food, and other supplies, as available.

No appointment is needed for this service. Hours are Tuesday-Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

El Cajon 373 N. Marshall Ave.

Escondido 3500 Burnet Drive

Oceanside 572 Airport Road

San Diego 5480 Gaines Street

Pet of the Week


Meet Maddie! This beautiful wallflower is waiting for just the right person to come along to help her live her best life. Maddie came to the shelter as a stray and is understandably wary of new people and places. She’ll need some time to decompress and adjust to her new home, and our behavior experts are ready to help make that transition as smooth as possible for both of you! With time, understanding and love, you’ll this stunning feline and her affectionate nature shine! Maddie (901899) is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Dr. In honor of the first California Adopt-a-Pet Day, adoption fees are waived for every pet on Saturday, June 1! If you have questions about the adoption process, you can visit sdhumane.org/adopt or call 619-299-7012.

Online profile: https://www.sdhumane.org/adopt/available-pets/animal-single.html?petId=901899

The Paper • Page 10 • June 6, 2024 Pet Parade Madden
Pastor Huls

845 W. San Marcos Blvd. 760-744-4315 thecomputerfactory.net

Those of us living in 2024 find it difficult to imagine what life was like in 19 th century America before there were cars, phones and electricity. Today we take those things for granted. During the 20 th century radio, television, air conditioning, nuclear power, computers, space travel, antibiotics, airplanes, Internet and zippers are among a long list of technologies that quietly changed our lives. Technological innovation continues its ever accelerating pace affecting all areas of human activity. In the past 25 years we’ve witnessed stunning new developments in information technology like block chain, smart phones, quantum computing, the IW (Intelligent Web), biometric authentication and AI (artificial

When you get a pet, you need a plan. Not, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” You need to plan how you’re going to handle daily expenses, medical treatment, and lifestyle.

Adopt from a reputable shelter or rescue. In most cases, your new pet will come with up-to-date vaccinations and a recent medical exam. In San Diego County a pet must be spayed or neutered before it can leave a shelter.

Most shelter pets have a microchip. I heard about a shelter that brags

intelligence), which have brought unprecedented changes to the way we conduct our lives. The earliest adopters of new technology are the younger generations, AKA DNs (Digital Natives), who grow up with the new technology. Older generations AKA DIs (Digital Immigrants) are slower to incorporate technological advances tending to cling to older more familiar technology. As the pace of technological change accelerates, the difference in assimilation rates between older and younger age groups stokes a growing “generations gap.”

Today the IoT (Internet of Things) links human knowledge with AI (Artificial Intelligence) to form the IW (Intelligent Web).

For the first time since our ancestors climbed down from the trees four million years ago, any properly equipped person can have instantaneous access to virtually the entire spectrum of human history and knowledge. The vast connected store of human knowledge available through the Internet is abetted with the ever improving power of AI. Folks over forty grew to adulthood prior to the birth of the IW in the 21 st century. DIs embrace the IW and utilize some of its assets to conduct their daily lives. The three commonly used devices to maintain general purpose IW access are, smart phones, smart speakers and PCs.

“Smart phones’ became available in 2007. Today 90% of American adults use one. They provide mo-

bile telephone service and continuous mobile access to the IW. The smart phone costs about $500. Mobile Internet/telephone service typically costs about $25/ month.

Smart speakers are used in 35% of homes today. Amazon (Echo), Google (Nest) and Apple (Home pod) are the major brands. We use Amazon’s (Alexa) and Google’s (hey Google) at home and (Alexa) at the store. They cost between $50 and $100 to purchase and there is no additional monthly cost because they utilize the Wi-Fi capability of your existing Internet connection. The smart speaker can answer virtually any question as long as you ask it correctly. It’s even better than having the World’s smartest person sitting right next to you, because (Alexa) never farts. The home PC workstation is the last component in our three part IW set-

up. The PC can be a desktop/tower, laptop, All-in One or a Micro. Comfort is the key. It should have a big enough screen, a decent sound system and a wireless keyboard and mouse. A printer/copier/scanner and comfortable chair round out the home workstation requirements. While a PC with an Windows 10 or older operating system may function, Microsoft will end support for Windows 10 in 2025. We recommend using a PC with Windows 11. Most PCs built after mid-2017 support a Windows 11 upgrade.

Here at The Computer Factory we stock Amazon and Google smart speakers and nearly everything related to Windows PC systems, components and service. Our Windows 11 PCs are priced from $450-$650 and “smart speakers” $75-100.

Have questions? Give us a call.

“All our pets come with a microchip.” Then you pay the adoption fee, and they slip in an extra charge for the chip and even more to have it registered. A chip that isn’t registered is useless.

One rescue assured a couple that vaccinations were up to date for the dog they were adopting. Two weeks later they took their dog to meet their veterinarian and learned that the vaccinations expired that week. Be sure to ask when your pet will need vaccinations.

Make a vet appointment within two weeks after you adopt. Most vets offer that initial exam at no cost if you show them your adoption papers.

Regular veterinary exams can save you money by detecting problems

early. Healthy pets can also take advantage of low-cost vaccination clinics.

Your pet’s health checks should include dental exams. At home, you can use a child’s toothbrush and baking soda for regular brush-

ings to help avoid dental problems.

Don’t be a tightwad when it comes to your pet’s food. Buy high quality food and feed according to directions. But peanut butter is peanut butter to your dog. You don’t need to buy expensive stuff.

Exercise. Turn off your cell phone and take your dog for a walk or to a dog park. Need motivation? Join a meet-up group.

Buy Pet Health Insurance BEFORE you need it.

And you need a written plan for what will happen to your pet if you can’t care for it. Include it in your existing will or estate plan, or visit freewill.com to create your own will, with plans for your pet.

The Paper • Page 11 • June 6, 2024 Cutting Cost Without Cutting Corners John Van Zante’s Critter Corner Do you have what you need to stay “connected”? Windows 10/11 “Refurbs” Notebooks • Towers/Desktops • All-In-Ones • Micros ENTERPRISE GRADE’ 8-16GB RAM, NEW SSDs, Web cams, MS Office Pro, Chrome and more The Computer Factory
845 W. SAN MARCOS BLVD. 760-744-4315 www.thecomputerfactory.net

Jack Port from page 5

that. And the answer is: you just never know. Even when I manned the machine gun during the big breakout . . . I never knew if I hit anyone. I fired a lot of rounds at a lot of targets, a lot of hedgerows, a lot of trees . . . but did I ever kill an enemy? I honestly don’t know.”

Before long, Jack and his comrades in arms would liberate Paris. They had to march 10-15 miles per day to get there, but some were able to catch a ride on tanks and 2 1/2 ton trucks; they had become mechanized!

Patton’s tanks led the way and wiped out the remaining resistance. OnAugust 25th, it happened. Paris was liberated.

“It took us four weeks, but we got there. We were strafed by the Luftwaffe four or five times . . .but we kept moving. I saw the movie “Private Ryan,” and it was a pretty good depiction of what was happening . . . but a couple areas they were way off. They would show a group of soldiers sitting around talking. That seldom happened. We never gathered in groups. We kept dispersed. Even on a march we stayed about 10 yards away from each other.

But right when we were on the outskirts of Paris, in a suburb known as Nozay, we received orders to stop. Our Captain John Gorn radioed back, “Why do you want us to stop? We’re right on the outskirts of Paris?!”

He was told that General LeClerc, the famous French General, wanted the honor of marching into a liberated Paris, so the Americans should wait until he accomplished that.

‘That’s a bunch of BS, we’re going in!’ . . . said Captain Gorn, and so we did. We were the first Allied troops to liberate Paris.

After the third day of being in Paris they moved us to Vincennes Park, which reminded me a lot of Balboa Park in San Diego. The German’s bombed the hell out of us but we didn’t have any casualties.”

Jack told of another interesting tidbit about wartime and the liberation of Paris.

“All military units had a chaplain within their unit. Ours happened to be a Catholic priest. Father Fraes ordered all the men in our unit who were Catholic to stay behind so they could attend mass at Notre Dame Cathedral. This was a big deal to the Catholic soldiers. After our three days in Paris, the rest of us moved on to San Quentin, then on into Belgium.

We hit the Siegfreid Line and we

had Patton’s tanks with us. We cracked the line in three or four places.

We then got involved in what I think was the hardest fighting of all our combats. Hurtgen Forest. The worst battles ever. You had to keep your head down all the time or you were a goner. Frostbite got a lot of us. The firefights were unbelievable. You literally risked your life when you tried to take a bathroom break.

It was in the Hurtgen Forest where I got my next promotion. They jumped me up to Staff Sergeant. They offered me a battlefield commission but I declined it. I didn’t want to be a 2nd Lieutenant. I just wanted to get out of the war alive. I had a great deal of respect for 1st Lieutenants but damned little for anyone at the level of Captain or greater. All they seemed interested in was nominating themselves for medals.

We had about 180-200 men in our unit when the combat began in the Hurtgen Forest. We had about 90 at the end, a great many of them lost to frostbite. I had frostbite on my right hand and I remember this buddy of mine took my hand and placed it under his armpit to warm my hand. He was killed the next day.

It’s really hard to know and understand war unless and until you’ve been in the thick of it. I’ve seen close buddies die, some with their guts streaming out of their bodies; others just disappeared; some lost arms, some lost legs; we all lost something out there. We’d see one of our buddies get hit, we’d call for a Medic, and we’d move on. There was no other choice.

Jack and his unit was finally relieved. They were moved to Luxembourg for rest, relaxation, and recuperation. Fresh clothes, showers, and they had been moved by truck! No more long marches. Or so it seemed.

“We woke up one morning to find the town of Eupen had been re-

Historically Speaking from page 7

he see it. That particular film is one of the better telling of the Earp/Holiday legend and the first to deal with Earp’s so called “vendetta ride.” The film introduced Warren Earp, the youngest of the five Earp brothers.

No. 6: “Tombstone: The Town Too Tough to Die,” (1942), starring Richard Dix. This is a good telling of the gunfight story but basically a re-telling of the 1939 Randolph Scott film.

No. 7: “Frontier Marshal,” (1939), starring Randolph Scott as Wyatt Earp and Cesear Romero as Doc Holiday. An enjoyable Saturday afternoon shoot ‘em up Western movie.

taken by the Germans. They were only 30 kilometers from us . . . and were behind us! Some rest and recuperation! We were cut off from our other units and I manned a machine gun for five days!

Bastogne was near us as well and they were going through hell. Finally, the weather cleared and our Air Corps came in and saved the day.

While we were in France the Germans bombed the hell out of the cities, towns and villages. They didn’t care how much damage they did. Later, however, when we finally entered Germany, they moved away from the towns and villages and took to the hills because they didn’t want us to destroy their towns and villages.

While on this campaign we fought with the 442nd Regiment, an all Japanese Volunteer Unit; one of the finest units we ever fought with. Strange. We fought with the Japanese volunteer unit . . .but there were no African Americans allowed to be in combat. They were restricted to menial jobs . . . as hospital orderlies, or kitchen help. And today our Commander in Chief is African-American.”

We continued on into the German town of Prun . . .then we liberated Munich. There was lots of open country so the tanks moved freely. We liberated two concentration camps, though I didn’t particpate in that action, nor did I ever enter a camp.

We were just outside of Austria when the war ended in May of 1945.

I remember a ‘Willie and Joe’ cartoon in the Stars and Stripes newspaper. It showed these two sadsack soldiers with one saying . . . “If every person had to do one day

continued on page 13

No. 8: “Frontier Marshal” (1934), a first attempt but a long forgotten telling of the Earp legend. It was retold in 1939 and again in 1942, with “Tombstone: The Town Too Tough to Die.”

No. 9: “Doc” (1971), starring Stacy Keech as Holiday. I’m surprised this one made the list because it is not very good.

No. 10: “Wyatt Earp,” (1994). I don’t agree with the critics. Lots of biographic info presented by Kevin Costner, plus Dennis Quaid turns in a very good portrayal of an ailing Holiday, but so does Val Kilmer in “Tombstone.” Earp aficionados should enjoy both films. I’ve lost count of my personal screenings of “Tombstone.”

The former gunfighter Wyatt Earp, the real-life character, died in 1929, in Los Angeles at the age of 80. During the last years of his life Earp ingratiated himself with Hollywood filmmakers, becoming a respected technical adviser on western folklore. Author Stuart Lake wrote Earp’s biography in 1931, which has been used numerous times down through the years in telling the “true” story, whatever that is.

Which Hollywood film is the best or better? In my opinion there’s something enjoyable in nearly all of them. Which film story comes closest to truth? Certainly not Ford’s “Clementine.” The only thing true in that film is the gunfight at O.K. Corral. But it is one of John Ford’s classic western films and is a joy to watch. As for the portrayal of Wyatt Earp, that is credibly done by actors Kevin Costner, Kurt Russell, and James Garner. The best portrayal of Doc Holiday? Probably Dennis Quaid, although Val Kilmer is the most enjoyable to watch. As for Victor Mature, he did a very good job playing John “Doc” Holiday, but little of that portrayal is true.

All in all, “Darlin’ Clementine” is a classic Ford production to watch; “Tombstone” is a great all-around movie; “Wyatt Earp” is probably closest to the truth … whatever that was.

The Paper • Page 12 • June 6, 2024
Jack Port Jack Port later in years.


Jack Port from page 12

of combat, there’d never be another war.’

That was right on target. It hit home with all of us.

It was time to go home. The Army had come up with a plan to determine who went home first. It as a point system. You got five points for each medal. Jack had a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, the DDay Landing medal . . .there’s 15 points. You got one point for every month of service. Jack had been in for almost two years . . .but others had been in four, five years. Jack wasn’t scheduled to go home under the point system but, remember those strange twists of fate in Jack’s military career?

It happened again.

Those soldiers who had less than 110 points were to be shipped back stateside to undergo jungle training, and then be shipped to the Pacific Theatre of War.

“At that point I had it,” said Jack. “I had been in contact with the enemy for 199 straight days and I was fed up with war. I was not going to the Pacific. I’ve had it!”

So Jack came home to North Carolina for jungle training. And then a funny thing happened. Another one of those twists of fate.

The war in Japan ended.

Jack was given a 30 day furlough and came home to Escondido, then returned to North Carolina to get his discharge. He cheefully became an ordinary citizen again.

Jack has never gone back to England. He has way too many friends in France to spend valuable time in England. Friends who have become like family. He has gone back a number of times to visit Normany, the beaches . . . Omaha, Utah, as well as the British and Canadian beaches - he has stood on a podium at Normandy with Senator John Kerry. He has town Mayors and its citizens who treat him as though he were King. They’ve held parades in his honor.

“The French love the Americans,” he says. “And they love me . . . and I love them right back. It’s always a treat to go back and visit my ‘familes’ in France.”

Remember earlier, when we talked a bit about medals? Jack accumulated quite a few. We only touched on several. How’s this for a list of medals:

Order National de La Legion D ‘ Honneur.

Belgium Fourrgere Medal

Libertee Medal of Bayeux European Campaign Medal ...5 Campaigns

D Day Landing Medal

Bronze Star Medal

Purple Heart


Victory Medal

France Overlord Medal

WW IIAmerican Campaign Medal


European Occupation Medal Presidential Citation Medal

“This past June I was invited by the Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg to receive their Legion Of Honneur. Be their guest for one week but was unable to because I already had made commitments to be part of the D Day ceremonies the first week of June..... Their ceremony was to be the last week of June and there was no way I could spend 10 days or two weeks over there to wait for that ceremony.”

Quite a story for a young kid who was born in Los Angeles, but moved to Escondido around 1927 or 1928 at the tender young age of 4 or 5.

His family came from humble beginnings, living briefly in Mexicali before his mom said, ‘no, I can’t raise my family here. We are going to move.” They drove into Southern California and approached Lake Hodges. When they saw Escondido, that was going to become their home. They had $14 and three kids.

There were only about 1100 people in the valley at that time. It was a financial struggle at first but, one day, after several other jobs, Jack’s dad bought six Chambray shirts. He sold them at a profit to a number of migrant workers and other farm workers . . . and bought more. Eventually, Jack’s dad opened Port’s Men’s Wear, at 214 East Grand Avenue, in downtowna Escondido, an upscale mens cloth-

ing store. After the war, young Jack went to work there and stayed there till he closed the store and retired in 1975.

Before the war, Jack had worked at Consolidated Aircraft, later to become Convair. He kept getting deferments from the draft. He was safe. But he didn’t like the deferment. A war was on and he felt it was his patriotic duty to be part of it. So, he volunteered for the draft and, well, the rest is history.

Jack will tell you he’s no hero. He’s just another soldier who did his duty.


But a lot of us, knowing what he’s been through, knowing the sights, the sounds, the horrible smells, the terrible physical and emotional pain he’s experienced, join his many French admirers, offer up a salute, tip our hats and say, “well done, Jack.”

Jack Port, longtime Escondido resident and businessman, with his wife, Elaine, now living in Oceanside, one of the few surviving members of the D-Day invasion on Utah Beach, and a veteran to whom North San Diego County residents say a simple “thanks for your service. Thanks for your sacrifice.”

(Editor’s Note; This story was first published on August 11, 2011; Sadly, Jack Port has since passed away)

The Paper • Page 13 • June 6, 2024 Let Maria and Margarita Make your house spotless and your windows shine. Yes, we do windows. Excellent references. Call Maria cell 760-613-7482
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To Advertise in The Paper call 760 747-7119

Oodles from page 3

can also visit our website, www. musicmenchorus.org.

Escondido Library Events

2nd Saturday Concert Gregory Page Saturday, June 8 • 3:00-4:30 pm Adults

Gregory Page is an eclectic, prolific London-born, genre-bending songwriter, balladeer, international touring and recording artist, filmmaker, art activist, music producer, and published poet. Learn more about Gregory at his website: https://www.gregorypage.com

Summer Reading Challenge Begins Monday, June 17 All Ages

Join the Escondido Public Library Summer Reading Program and embark on an exciting journey of discovery and fun for all ages!

From June 17 to August 4, dive into a world of books and events designed to inspire and entertain. Whether you’re a child, teen, or adult, there’s something for everyone. Read your favorite books, attend engaging events, and connect with fellow book lovers in our community.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enrich your summer with the joy of reading and learning. Sign up today and let the adventure begin!

Exploring the World of San Diego Real Estate Saturday, June 22 • 1:00-2:00 pm Adults

Are you finding it challenging to navigate the real estate market? Does the prospect of buying a house seem bewildering and daunting? Join us for an educational session with San Diego Broker Farima Tabrizi, where she’ll empower you with essential knowledge about purchasing your first home.

Historic Look at the Escondido Public Library’s Neighborhood Thursday, June 27 • 6:00-7:00 pm


An informative look at the history and architectural designs of the Escondido Public Library’s neighborhood homes and buildings. The talk will include historical photographs of the historic homes and buildings of the west part of the Library’s neighborhood.

Walking Tour of the Library’s Historic Neighborhood

Saturday, June 29 • 11:00 am12:30 pm

Adults • All Ages

Join us for a leisurely walking tour of Escondido Public Library’s neighborhood to learn about its homes and buildings’ history and architectural styles. The route will start from the Pioneer Room, head west on 3rd Avenue to Maple Street, and end at the Pioneer Room.

½ Price Sale • Friends Bookshop June 28 & 29

All items in the store are 50% OFF marked price (25¢ minimum). Only cash payment is accepted.

All events generously sponsored by the Friends of the Escondido Public Library

LIFE at MiraCosta College A Lifelong Learning Group

Meetings will be held in person at the MiraCosta College, Oceanside Campus, at 1:00 pm in Classroom 5313 in the Kinesiology Building next to the new gymnasium, and by the Internet Application ZOOM.

June 7 1:00 A Look at the History of Vista Jack Larimer, Vista Historical Society

This lifelong Vistan will tell us the origins of Vista and how it grew from farms to a city when water was added to the mix.

June 7 2:30 Elementary Science Institute (EIS) in San Diego Annie Petersen, Elementary Science Institute

The EIS is a nonprofit organization committed to increasing lifelong opportunities for students of southeast San Diego through STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education.

June 14 1:00 San Diego Visual Network Patricia Frischer, Founder/Coordinator

Learn about the new county-wide Arts Commission and advocacy issues from an insider. Hear about current art exhibitions not to be missed this summer.

June 14 2:30 Strategies for Aging in Place in the Home Jacqueline Silverman, Certified SeniorAdvisor/Aging in Place Specialist Age-in-place with confidence. From lifestyle to home modifications, learn essential strategies for safety, comfort, style, and independence. Explore simple fixes and practical remodeling projects to create a secure

environment for aging well in the home you love.

June 21 1:00 Earthquakes Tim Rockwell, Paleoseismologist So. Cal Earthquake Center

Dr. Rockwell will give us a look at earthquake activity and how it has, and may again, impact our area. Should we be nervous? Ask the expert.

June 21 2:30 Political Science Topic Carl Luna Ph.D., Visiting Professor, University of San Diego Hear an overview of the November election, both local and national. Learn about the challenges democracy faces in the US and around the world.

June 28 1:00 The Doolittle Raid— America’s Daring First Strike Against Japan Rafe Arnott Retired Navy Captain, Midway Docent

The Raid was executed by 80 Brave Americans led by Jimmy Doolittle. Sixteen Army Air Force B-25 bombers launched from the Aircraft Carrier USS Hornet and bombed Tokyo. This was the first time in history Japan was successfully attacked by an outside enemy force.

June 28 2:30 Spring Flowers Barbara Weiler, Master Flower Show Judge Barbara Weiler will educate us on the National Flower Shows structure and will do a live flower arrangement at the end of her talk.

To join a Zoom meeting, LIFE must have your email address in order for you to receive the invite link. Meetings will start at 12:45 pm (you can join 15 minutes earlier) and the speaker will start at 1:00 pm.

Email: life.miracosta@gmail.com

To Donate to the LIFE Scholarship Fund: Write a check to MiraCosta College Foundation; Mail it to: One Barnard Dr., MS 7; Oceanside, CA 92056. In the memo area put: LIFE Scholarship Fund. OR use the QR code provided to fill out scholarship gift information. The donation will be credited to the LIFE Scholarship Fund. * Speaker has books or CDs for sale.

El Camino Quilters Guild Meeting June 11 • 9:30am

El Camino Quilters Guild meets at 9:30 am on Tuesday June 11, 2024 at El Corazon Senior Center, 3302 Senior Center Dr. Oceanside 92056. Guest fee: $10.

Our June guest speaker is Dora Cary of Orange Dot Quilts www.

orangedotquilts.com. She will do a lecture entitled “From the Iron Curtain to Cotton Quilts”. Her workshop, “Intro to Free Motion Quilting on Your Home Sewing Machine” will be June 12 and again June 13. Workshop fee: $55.

For more information elcaminoquilters.com or email info@elcaminoquilters.com.

El Camino Quilters is a non-profit group. We donate hundreds of quilts and other handmade items to a variety of groups including Rady Children’s Hospital, Senior centers, hospitals, police and military groups.

Oceanside Independence Parade June 29 • 10am

On Saturday, June 29, the 28th Annual Oceanside Independence Parade will honor local leaders and community members. This years’ parade theme is “Celebrating Our Heritage,” highlighting our community’s cultural roots. Sponsors of the parade include the City of Oceanside, County of San Diego Community Enhancement Grant, and Genentech. The parade will start at 10 a.m. at the intersection of North Coast Highway and Wisconsin Avenue and travel north on Coast Highway to Civic Center Drive. More than 100 parade entries are expected to march, roll, walk and drive down historic Highway 101.

Oceanside Independence Parade participant applications are now open! Participants can sign up to walk their party or drive their float down Coast Highway. We are accepting businesses, community organizations, nonprofits, car/motorcycle clubs, elected officials, and more.

Three Hometown Heroes will be recognized during this year’s Oceanside Independence Parade. There will also be a ceremony awarding the floats embracing our theme most. This year will focus on cultural impacts within our Oceanside community. We are asking our community to nominate three community members that deserve to be named “Hometown Heroes.”

A local tradition since 1892, the Oceanside Independence Parade is made possible by the assistance of over 100 volunteers. To participate or volunteer in the parade, complete the parade or volunteer application at www.oceansideparade.com.

https://www.mainstreetoceanside. com/independence- parade

The Paper • Page 14 • June 6, 2024



STATEMENT 2024-9009100

The name of the business: Todd Travis Design Group, Travis Design Group, located at 1930 W. San Marcos Blvd., #153, San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant Travis Ultravisions Inc., 1930 W. San Marcos Blvd., #153, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Todd Travis, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/26/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024



STATEMENT 2024-9008536

The name of the business: J&C Cleaning Service, located at 1260 Borden #17, Escondido, CA 92026. Registrant Victoria Vergara, 1260 Borden Rd. #17, Escondido, CA 92026. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Victoria Vergara with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 4/18/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024



STATEMENT 2024-9009440

The name of the business: Suspension Plus, located at 322 El Camino Real Suite E, Bonsall, CA 92024. Registrant Investment LLC, PO Box 500783, San Diego, CA 92150. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Efren G. Abrego, General Partner with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/2/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024



STATEMENT 2024-9008692

The name of the business: Valle Verde Social Club, Valle Verde Residents Activity Club, located at 1286 Discovery St., San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant Frank Hampton Johnson, 1286 Discovery St., Spc 29, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First

Library from page 9

day of business: 1/1/2024

/s/ Frank Hampton Johnson with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/22/2024 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


The name of the business: Destination Yoga, located at 3428 Cameo Dr., #54, Oceanside, CA 92056. Registrant Diana Stein, 3428 Cameo Dr., #54, Oceanside, CA 92056, Erich Stein, 3428 Cameo Dr., #54, Oceanside, CA 92056. This business is operated by a Joint Venture. First day of business: 4/26/2024 /s/ Diana Stein with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 4/26/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


The name of the business: Kindness Janitorial Services LLC, located at 5915 Rio Valle Dr., Bonsall, CA 92003. Registrant Kindness janitorial Services LLC, 5915 Rio Valle Dr., Bonsall, CA 92003. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 5/8/2024

/s/ Alejandro R. Perez, Manager with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/8/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


The name of the business: Morgan’s World, located at 305 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008. Registrant Morgans World LLC, 305 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Morgan Gardiner, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/8/2024 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


your Library card number and password (last five digits of your registered phone) to log in to sdcl. discoverandgo.net. Make a reservation, print your pass(es) and enjoy your visit.

Read on the Go in Multiple Languages

Read or listen when you’re on the go, with the help of the free Libby app and the County’s eLibrary. The County Library has access to more than 200,000 electronic books, magazines, newspapers and audiobooks. The Libby app also allows readers to read their material in any one of 15 languages. The app should automatically change text to the language on the reader’s iPhone, iPad or other Apple devices.

Learn About Your Family History

You can discover, share and preserve your family history for free by using your County Library card to access My Heritage Library edi-


In The Cut Barber & Beauty Lounge, located at 918 Mission Ave., Ste 115, Oceanside, CA 92054. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 4/11/2023 and assigned file no. 2023-9007985.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Kristy Rogers, 29538 Major League, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, Tatyanna Lackritz, Heath Ct., Carlsbad, CA 92011. This business is conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000).

/s/Kristy Rogers, General Partner This statement was filed with the San Diego Recorder/County clerk on 4/26/2024. 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


The name of the business: North County Pro Cleaning, located at 583 Golf Glen Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant Saul Magadan Lara, 583 Golf Glen Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Saul Magadan Lara with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/6/2024 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Anoint For Wellness, located at 960 Postal Way #2976, Vista, CA 92085. Registrant Donna L. Weber, 960 Postal Way #2976, Vista, CA 92085. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 3/11/2019 /s/ Donna L. Weber with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 5/1/2024

tion, either through the computers at your branch library or online. My Heritage has access to more than 5 billion historical records from 48 countries and 42 languages, from photos to public records, family trees and military records. Records run from birth, death and marriage records, to mentions in newspapers and even school yearbooks.

Learn a New Language for Free Through Rosetta Stone

You can use one of the most popular language-learning apps, Rosetta Stone, free of charge, to learn a new language with your County Library card. First, download the Rosetta Stone mobile app—but DON’T launch it. Now, set yourself up to use the app through the County Library. Open your phone or computer’s browser, go to the County Library’s e-library page, then select Rosetta Stone from there. Enter your library card number and sign in. Select “Learn a Language—Rosetta Stone Library Solution,” enter your email address in the username field, choose a password and then a language to

5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: EcoWater Systems of San Diego, located at 2241 La Mirada Drive, Vista, CA 92081. Registrant Yanchewski & Wardell Enterprises, Inc., 2241 La Mirada Drive, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 1/1/2024

/s/ Glenn P. Kiehl, Corporate Secretary with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/16/2024

5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Coastal Care Home Health, located at 14619 Woodhue Ln., Poway, CA 92064. Registrant Sacks Investment Group, 14619 Woodhue Ln., Poway, CA 92064. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Kenneth I. Sacks, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/10/2024

5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Socal Auto Care, located at 711 S. Santa Fe, Vista, CA 92083. Registrant Socal Auto Care LLC, 711 S. Santa Fe, Vista, CA 92083. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 4/18/2024 /s/ Jessie Olivas, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/18/2024 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Sprouts & Blooms, located at 1447 San Pablo Dr., San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant Stephanie Spiteri Edwards, 1447 San Pablo, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First

day of business: 5/16/2024

/s/ Stephanie Spiteri Edwards with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/17/2024

5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Westek Electronics, loated at 1390 Aspen Way, Vista, CA 92081. Registrant Tempo Communications, Inc., 1390 Aspen Way, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 4/30/2024

/s/ John Parlzek, Chief Financial Officer with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/14/2024 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Vbrows Esthetics, located at 1116 Sycamore Ave. Ste B, Vista, CA 92081. Registrant Vanessa Padilla, 1116 Sycamore Ave. Ste B, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 6/15/2019

/s/ Vanessa Padilla with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 5/6/2024 5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20/2024


The name of the business: Al’s Power Washing, located at 378 Mainsail Rd., Oceanside, CA 92054. Registrant Al’s Powerwashing LLC, 378 Mainsail Rd., Oceanside, CA 92054. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Allan Marquez Tamayo, Managing Member with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 5/6/2024 5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20/2024

STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: 2024-9010887 J&S Cleaning Services, located at 31909 Del Cielo Este

learn. That gets you set up. Now, select “sign in,” and then “Launch Rosetta Stone Foundations.” The learning program will launch.

For mobile users, please remember, you’ll need to use the link the County Library link each time you use Rosetta Stone to use it for free through your library card.

Grow Your Garden with the “Seed Library”

Eleven County branch libraries offer starter seeds through the County’s Seeds and Sustainability program to promote gardening and access to home-grown food. People can take home seeds for native California plants and bee-and-pollinator helping flowers, and also to grow food—from melons, to squash, tomatoes, carrots and peppers. The 11 branch libraries that carry seeds include the Alpine Library, El Cajon Library, Fallbrook Library, Julian Library, La Mesa Library, Lemon Grove Library, Lincoln Acres Library, Rancho Santa Fe Library, San Marcos Library, Valley Center Library and

Unit 2, Bonsall, CA 92003. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 4/26/2023 and assigned file no. 2023-9009240.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Juan Antonio Gonzalez & Sandra Gonzalez, 31909 Del Cielo Este Unit 2, Bonsall, CA 92003. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/Juan Antonio Gonzalez This statement was filed with the San Diego Recorder/County clerk on 5/22/2024. 5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20/2024


The name of the business: Carlsbad Essence PhotographyWeddings & Events, located at 1489 Turquoise Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92011. Registrant Samapti Biswas Roy, 1489 Turquoise Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92011. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 4/23/2024 /s/ Samapti Biswas Roy with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/25/2024

5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Alma’s Joyful Living Home Care, located at 802 Orla Street, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant Aileen Joy Parel, 802 Orla Street, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 9/17/2021 /s/ Aileen Joy Parel with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 5/9/2024

6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27/2024

the Vista Library.

Experience Different Cultures

The County’s 33 branch libraries feature hundreds of events and programs, including cultural events and arts programs. Learn how to play American or Chinese Mah Jongg, a game of skill and chance. Take a Spanish class, experience a Friendship Club, learn how to play a ukelele, listen to the sounds of traditional Japanese music, learn Ballet Folklórico Dance, take Black-ink painting classes or enjoy an arts display.


The library also offers lots of opportunities to volunteer—for adults and teens. If you’re interested, you can check with your local branch. Adults interested will undergo background checks, then meet with library staff to match their interests with available opportunities.

For more information about the County Library, go to their website at https://www.sdcl.org/

The Paper • Page 15 • June 6, 2024
The Paper • Page 16 • June 6, 2024

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