Retail Beauty 71 Autumn 2022

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My Journey Bahar Etminan is a renowned business thinker, innovator, highly regarded author, mentor, speaker, podcaster and digital publisher. The Persian beauty shares with Michelle Ruzzene the crucial lessons she has learned during her impressive career journey, from candy bar girl to female entrepreneur shaking up the beauty landscape. WHERE DID YOU GROW UP?

I have lived in so many different countries and cities. I was born in France and moved to Iran when I was three. We landed in Australia when I was seven- we first moved to Perth where I learned English, before moving to Canberra when I was nine. At 16, I moved the US and completed Year 12 in Atlanta, Georgia. I went to university in Queensland and then moved to Sydney. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST JOB? WHAT LESSONS DID YOU LEARN?

I started work as soon as I was legally able to, at 14 and nine months old! I was the candy bar girl on weekends at the local movie theatre. I absolutely loved the hectic pace. I learned about teamwork, navigating work place politics, and most importantly I learned about the psychology of sales. We were paid minimum wage but incentivised for commission on our candy bar sales, so I learned very quickly how to upsell the guy who was on an awkward date to impress his girl. I also became utterly addicted to popcorn from that time on. WHAT’S ONE THING YOU WISH YOU HAD KNOWN WHEN YOU BEGAN YOUR CAREER?

Sometimes it’s better to wait for the doors of opportunity to be opened when the time is right rather than always breaking through the glass. IF YOU COULD TURN BACK TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU TELL YOUR 18-YEAR-OLD SELF?

You are going to be tested in life. You will have the highest highs and the lowest lows in your career and it will still all be worth it. Some people are liars and some people are angels who will support you in ways that you can’t imagine. Learn to know the difference quickly. Say thank you often, pay it forward and don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. WHAT DOES A TYPICAL WEEKDAY LOOK LIKE TO YOU?

Like the rest of the world, work from home, lockdowns and home schooling changed the rhythm of everything. I spend far too much 74| RETAIL BEAUTY AUTUMN 2022

time behind a screen than attending meetings, pitches, travelling and launches which I love so much. I’m really looking forward to in-person collaborations, recording my podcasts in a studio and working on the magazine with a team that are not behind a screen. WHAT DO YOU DO ON THE WEEKENDS?

I spend one day of the weekend with my daughter and the other day I devote entirely to leisure and fun. I don’t work on weekends. I really try to unplug and reset. TELL US ABOUT YOUR LATEST LAUNCH, AGELESS BY RESCU?

I had this idea that Australia was ready to really explore the science of beauty and rejuvenation. I could never find a comprehensive platform that covered everything that I was increasingly more interested in. New beauty, cellular wellness, bio hacking and modern rejuvenation innovations in products, surgery and clinical treatments. There were good industry publications but nothing consumer focused. I launched the podcast first and then a quarterly digital magazine that’s entirely devoted to these pillars. The feedback has been wonderful and I’m so happy I took the leap and moved Rescu into a new era. I was bored and coasting and Ageless by Rescu is everything that inspires me. YOU PREVIOUSLY WORKED AT ESTÉE LAUDER

I was brand GM for Bobbi Brown and Origins - they were considered the niche brands of the company. It was a mix of stand alone stores and department store. Pre-digital and before Mecca and Sephora. Can you even imagine?

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