2021 Green Vale Magazine

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The Green Vale School 2020-2021 Board of Trustees President Christopher L. Garcia

Vice Presidents Todd Edgar Kearney H. Staniford

Treasurer Jeffrey L. Busconi

Secretary Sharon L. Crane James M. Beard Christoph Cushman ‘88 Kate Doerge Gwendolyn M. Gillies Michelle Elliott Gokey John A. Koski Duo Liu (Emma Qin) Melissa A. Meister William W. Morton, Jr. ‘84 Valerie Ohrstrom Brendan O’Brien Catherine B. O’Neill Emily R. Pidot Hari R. Rajan Konrad P. Schwarz Julia T. Weidinger Joanna G. S. Wriedt

Ex Officio Jesse N. Dougherty Ed.D. Arianne O’Kane

Green Vale Magazine is published annually for families, alumni and friends of The Green Vale School.

Contents The Artistic Process in Early Childhood Music Department Adapts Creatively to COVID 6th-8th at GVS: The Middle School that is Upper School DEI Update: Actions Support the Commitment Sent to Mrs. Gardiner’s Office...for a Quick Recap of 43 Years GVS Vaccine Angels: When One Good Deed Becomes 1000+ Student Accomplishments Faculty News Development and PA Events Alumni Spotlight Alumni Books and Films Milestones In Memoriam Class Notes GVS Connects Then and Now

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Open & Safe, Continuous Learning, and Living our Values Dear Green Vale Community, The year began with an extremely purposeful, cautious re-opening. Our ability to be “Open & Safe” resulted from the hard work of countless people who firmly believed that in-person learning — tempered with extensive safety measures — was worth the Herculean effort and significant expense. COVID-related tasks did not compromise momentum, driven by the Board, toward making our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) more tangible and evident throughout school culture. You’ll learn more in these pages about the specific progress made this year. The educational disruption for many families in other schools led them to seek a new environment. Applications to Green Vale have accelerated as a result, leading to one of our strongest admissions seasons in years. The new families who joined Green Vale this year have expressed tremendous satisfaction with their decision, despite compromises to our normal offerings. I commend them for adjusting smoothly in the absence of our usual community building opportunities. Finally, this year marked Linda Gardiner’s decision to retire after 43 years of true devotion to Green Vale, its teachers, students, and families. We have proudly made her our “cover girl”, and will continue to celebrate and honor her immeasurable legacy. Sincerely yours,

Jesse Dougherty, Ed. D. Head of School

Green Vale Magazine

We parents often display our young children’s art on the refrigerator. Just as often, we guiltily toss a project or two into the trash. After all, what is that scribble supposed to be, anyway? Isn’t that just a bit of stale pasta glued to a piece of paper? Even when we proudly display or even frame a piece, many parents focus on the end result: what did my child make?

The Artistic Process in Early Childhood

Early Childhood Director Kelly Flink explains that the primary purpose behind artistic activities in the classroom is the process. The final product, whether impressive or forgettable, is secondary. The teachers motivate kids through various materials requiring different techniques and skills to manipulate.

Teachers are developing the following skills when they devise creative hands-on projects: • A sense of agency when faced with a blank paper • Ability to develop a plan and make decisions • Exploration of cause and effect • Self-expression and imagination • Exposure to different approaches by peers • Problem-solving • Self-control • Fine-motor skills (proper grip and control of scissors, brushes, pens, glue)


Math fundamentals are explored as children count, measure, compare, and anticipate use of space. Literacy skills are seeded with the movement of a brush from left to right. Children go from asking teachers to label their work through their own dictation to labeling their own drawings as their earliest writing practice. Rather than asking your child, “What is that?”, Flink encourages parents to use a different lens. Just as their teachers do, ask the student: How were you feeling? What were you thinking about? What did you do first? I love the colors you chose. Art also functions in the service of social emotional learning. It offers children a chance to take risks and to believe in themselves, especially following failure. When they see their work displayed on the wall for everyone to admire, they see themselves individually and as part of a group. This confidence in their own ideas will extend to other creative endeavors in 1st and 2nd Grades and beyond. The discovery of two different colors

Age Two

mixing to make a new color is magic.

Age Three The child applies abstract thought to what he has done.

Age Four This depicts an active four-yearold learner. This child makes large beads out of clay. He exercises patience as he lets them dry. He practices math foundations as he invents and executes a pattern: alternating seven small beads and one large bead. In the process, beads fall off and he has to remain calm and start again.

Age Five This is evidence of a mind on fire with ideas. Pattern is clearly mastered with three different ways to alternate red and white. The use of multiple materials reflects planning and ambition. This artist demonstrated a growing attention span, working on this for quite a while. The stick and the white tape is also a process. The child shows an understanding of measurement to make the stripes the same height.


Music Department

Adapts Creatively to COVID The impact of COVID on teaching, curriculum, and pedagogy has been profound in all grades and all departments. Music, however, faced some of the greatest obstacles. No singing indoors. No woodwind instruments. State requirements of 12 foot spacing rather than six. What’s a school that takes the benefits of music education seriously to do?

These young children still had an opportunity to create a "performance" by recording a song that was shared with parents to celebrate December holidays (Early Childhood) and Halloween & Lunar New Year (1st Grade).

Pre-Nursery through 1st Grade New to Green Vale but not new to teaching music to young children, Jessica Beja has leaned into what is allowed: singing outside, distanced and masked, long into the mild fall and as soon as warm weather arrived in March. Green Vale’s vast amphitheater was uncannily helpful in providing outdoor seating and even acoustics right outside the door of the usual music classroom.

2nd & 3rd Grades Green Vale’s recently renovated chorus room is spacious, but not so much that spacing of 12 feet between masked singers is feasible. Therefore, Ms. Chen has seized the opportunity to offer a rich program of music appreciation and literacy. In particular, 2nd and 3rd graders have done many activities involving rhythmic poems and instruments. Ms. Chen's students can be heard singing outside as well.

4th-8th Grade Music Theory & Composition During class periods normally devoted to instrument instruction, small groups analyzed performances and demonstrations to become more familiar with the nuances of different instruments offered in GVS’ band and orchestra. Next, they moved on to music theory, note-reading and basic composition. Using Google’s “Flat”, a music notation program, students learned to write short pieces of music on their Chromebooks. They then took turns projecting their pieces on the big screen and having faculty musicians play them. Students are learning how to read and write notes in 3 different clefs: Many of the traditional components of early music instruction involve shared soft materials, hand-holding and partner clapping games, or other activities that are too risky or impossible due to distancing. During the colder months, children instead used materials that were easier to clean, including hand drums, rhythm sticks, triangles, and maracas, exploring the timbres of different instruments and their contribution to a song or style of music. Lessons also added body percussion and unique movement to songs. Speaking or chanting folk songs and traditional nursery rhymes was a safe alternative to singing while still engaging with rhythm. Often, Mrs. Beja would sing or play a song and students would engage through movement and instruments. In this way, they still continued to work on expression, sound differentiation, following instructions, and synchronizing with peers.


The Return of Instruments New state guidance and new equipment allowed instrument lessons to resume in March for 5th-8th Grades. Wind musicians are spaced 12 feet apart, wear special “flap” masks, and use nylon bell coverings for certain instruments. String and percussion students remain masked and six feet apart. For safety, the full ensemble does not practice together. During those scheduled periods they continue to focus on theory and composition. With home practice teachers are recommending, students should be back on track and ready to perform choral, ensemble, and band concerts again next year.

treble, alto and bass. They even practiced adding a harmony note to a melody. While they worked mostly in C major at the beginning, older students began to explore other key signatures and time signatures, as well as some more complex rhythmic ideas. This allows them to be creative while learning additional fundamental skills that will help them better read and understand music as they return to playing their instruments.

4th-8th Grade Music Appreciation & Literacy Each grade level received exposure to music and famous performers or composers from different regions or cultures corresponding to their social studies or history curriculum. For example: 5th Grade studied classical Indian music, 6th Grade learned about music of the Middle Ages, and students of US history covered the evolution of American jazz and rock and roll. Music from China, the Middle East, Africa, Cuba, and Latin America was presented as well.

Take a Listen… The music faculty — featuring Broadway and other professional musicians — performed live concerts for students and faculty.

Hear the full concert on GVS’ YouTube channel.


6th-8th at GVS

The Middle School that is

In most schools, 6th-8th grades are part of ‘middle school’. Even the term itself can connote awkward, forgettable years; a mere pass-through between elementary and high school. After all, when there are high school kids towering above you with all their experience and coolness, it’s hard to fully inhabit the potential for growth, confidence, and self-discovery that is possible from age 12-14.

Upper School

At Green Vale, these years represent a proud culmination where young adolescents become respected school leaders. At an age when young people are often inclined to recede from novelty and challenge, our students pursue and discover interests, take risks, and shine in the process.

Removed from the shadow of high school, we have more space to prepare for it.

Academics Students juggle five demanding courses, or six if they opt for Latin. The level of instruction leads to advanced (10th grade or higher) math and language placement for most of our students. In addition, GVS 8th Grade science is now a Regents-level lab course, meaning that it qualifies as a high school science credit in public and parochial schools. Strong written communication depends on strong comprehension of grammar. This is reinforced throughout English, world language, and Latin classes. Unlike many middle school programs, Green Vale teaches research paper skills. Each Upper School grade writes an extensive research paper, with autonomy increasing each year. Locating, evaluating, and citing sources, note-taking and organization, thesis development, and content presentation are emphasized. In English, challenging classic works are balanced with newer authors. Discussion-based classes around a Harkness table require students to consider multiple perspectives. Visual art, wellness, technology & info., chorus, and instrument instruction for ensemble/band complement the core academic subjects. These additional subjects ensure that students are challenged both in and out of their comfort zones, allowing for classmates to shine in different ways.


Clubs & Sports Upper School clubs are student-driven and faculty supervised, allowing students to express themselves and interact with peers in other grades based on common interests. Leadership skills grow naturally in the club context. In many cases, club selection is a chance for students to channel a strong interest in current events and the outside world. Community service and social justice are as popular as novelties like cooking or ukelele. Interscholastic sports each season for all students becomes yet another form of collaboration, challenge, and healthy discovery of strengths and weaknesses.

Social Emotional Development Emphasis on social emotional learning in middle school contributes to our graduates’ maturity and comfort with adults. A long tradition of a handshake at day’s end endures, although modified by COVID. A public speaking course in 8th Grade teaches poise, confidence, and self-awareness. Kindness and respect for one another guide social interactions both in and out of the classroom. Any lapses in this realm are taken seriously. Executive functioning skills, including time management, communication, organization, goal-setting, self-advocacy and self-reliance, are ongoing topics in homeroom and advisory groups.

Being New in Upper School Attending Green Vale since pre-school is not the only way that families and children access this transformational middle school experience. New students enter GVS at all grade levels, and almost invariably, appreciate its advantages right away.

“Green Vale is an incredible place, especially during the middle school years. Our daughter started in 6th Grade as the only new student and her classmates were welcoming and supportive. She is having an amazing experience in which she is challenged, heard, inspired, and driven to do her best and develop her passions.”

“The teachers are very nice and they’re also funny. And everything is clean. The education is better.”

Leo, joined in 6th from Port Washington (Sousa Elementary)

Becky & David Schamis, 7th Grade parents from Sands Point (Port Washington district)

“I really like it here. It’s a great campus and all the teachers are amazing. The curriculum is a lot harder than my old school, and they prepare you for stuff, like the SSAT. Everyone is really welcoming, so it was kind of easy coming in.”

“We are delighted with the GVS community. The faculty is amazing in getting to know our children and making sure the transition went smoothly. The students are positive and engaged and the cool kids are the academics as well as athletes.”

Hélène Comfort, parent of new 6th, 7th, 8th Graders from NYC (Buckley, Lycée Français)

Alastriona, joined in 6th from NYC (Sacred Heart)

“Academic excellence is of the utmost importance to us. That is achieved at Green Vale with a very balanced approach combining sports, arts, fun and friends.”

Eileen & Jonathan Otto, 7th Grade parents who entered in 6th from Old Brookville (Long Island School for the Gifted) 7

DEI Board Task Force

Narinder Bhalla Associate Head of School Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

External DEI Consultants

DEI Committee*


Vision for Strategic Plan


Professional Practices


Religious/Cultural Observances and Celebrations


Diverse Book Project



*The DEI Committee consists of 20 faculty and administrators across divisions.

DEI Update

This school year has seen significant momentum in all realms of the School toward building structures and mindsets needed to achieve our goal of better aligning practice and mission. The work can be classified into Leadership, Faculty Development, and Curriculum.

Actions Support the Commitment School Leadership “I believe that Green Vale is the best K-8th school in the country. But it is of this country. It is not impervious to the social forces and realities at work beyond the borders of our halcyon campus. These forces and realities are rooted in history and have a real impact on how our children of all colors, races and creeds experience the world today, including on our campus.” — Christopher Garcia, Board President

• The Board added Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion to Narinder Bhalla’s title, officially establishing a permanent administrative role.

• A consulting group with extensive independent school experience conducted workshops with the Board and with the senior administrative team to encourage collective and individual reflection, and to establish a common understanding of terminology.

• A DEI-focused task force composed of trustees was established and is already active under Chair Sharon Crane.

• During summer 2020, a faculty DEI Committee formed with 21 volunteer teachers and administrators. The purpose of this committee is to establish strategies and to seed best practices to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. This committee further serves as a place for non-committee members to provide ideas or express concerns. The group has divided into sub-committee groups to examine each of the following: cultural observances, school policy, and classroom library collections, and DEI as it relates to strategic planning and the school mission.

• Two division directors and Associate Head Narinder Bhalla attended the Annual National Association of Independent Schools People of Color Conference (held virtually). Keynote speaker Eddie Glaude Jr. underscored the critical importance of weaving diversity, equity and inclusion into the very fabric of a school’s culture.

“I see a renewed emphasis on DEI as a way to ensure we fulfill the School’s long-standing mission and live our stated values.” — Sharon Crane, Head of DEI Task Force


“There were a lot of fruitful conversations and I look forward to furthering those conversations.” — Laura Sabo, 2nd Grade

Faculty Development The short-term DEI theme for faculty development has been building capacity to recognize, consider, and effectively discuss race topics.

• The 2020 all-faculty summer reading selections were White Fragility, Just Mercy, and Behold the Dreamers.

• In January, the entire faculty participated in a seminar run by author and leading thinker on race Ibram X. Kendi, “How to be an Anti-Racist School”.

• In March and April, the faculty completed a two-part workshop moderated by The Center for Racial Justice in Education. Part I emphasized talking about race, understanding how racism affects children, and recognizing how racism manifests in schools. Part II led teachers through applying a racial equity lens to case studies from real classrooms and presented concrete strategies for creating equity and combating bias.

“It was very helpful to learn more about the historical background of racism in America, as it allowed me to reflect on how it still affects curriculum, teaching, and learning. This is collective work that can raise greater awareness in our students and enable us to be more inclusive educators.” — Patty Kim, 1st Grade

Zoom with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi

Curriculum School-wide, there is ongoing focus on diverse representation in literature so that students have both “windows” (views outside themselves) and “mirrors” (reflections of themselves).

• Early Childhood’s specific divisional goal has been: "How do our practices support young children’s understanding of identity as it pertains to themselves and others?"

• In addition to book selection, classrooms will all feature dolls and toys of varying skin tones if they do not already.

• Lower School teachers attended two workshops on diversity in children’s literature and have added multicultural literature to classroom libraries. Teachers have also selected DEI-themed books to read aloud and spark discussion.

• Upper School advisory groups introduced community norms for brave and safe conversations. Guiding statements include:

• “I see the value in all members of my community and admit diverse perspectives can improve my own. I respect the ideas, experiences, and opinions of others.”

• “As a listener, I assume positive intent. As a speaker, I take responsibility for my words and their impact. I don’t attempt to dominate the discussion.”


Sent to

In March, Linda Gardiner announced her retirement from Green Vale after 43 years, most of it as director of Lower School. Her impact on children, teachers, and parents by the hundreds helped solidify the continuity of Green Vale’s spirit through changing times. Her calming presence and quiet wisdom smoothed difficult times and showed many that most hardships are temporary, and that being part of raising good people is noble and worthwhile.

Mrs. Gardiner’s Office “Linda has lived consistently by the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Whether lending a sympathetic ear, writing a thoughtful note, or hosting a special event, Linda has shown empathy, consideration and graciousness toward everyone who has entered her life.” — Carol Rausch, colleague of 41 years

...for a Quick Recap of Q

Tell us about the beginning. How did it all start?

I was hired by then Headmaster Carl Coash as a 4th Grade teacher. Mike Mattia started the same year as did Lisa Moran who is a close friend to this day.


What other roles did you hold at GVS?

After five years in 4th Grade, I ran an enrichment program for supposedly gifted children. We used to do IQ tests with all students. I then moved over to head admissions, where Michael Gulden had been managing both admissions and the business office. We would hold a version of open houses at LIU Post along with other local private schools. I gave tours to both Susan Lucci and the Cohen brothers. For a few years, I did admissions and served as Lower School Director while the division was just 1st-3rd grades. With the arrival of Stephen Watters as Head, Lower School became 1st-5th and Anne Watters took over admissions. Of course I also had the role of Green Vale parent, which was humbling when I had to give my own boys the stink-eye if they ever misbehaved during assembly or in the hallways. To this day, two of my adult sons count Green Vale classmates among their closest friends.


What are some trivia that would surprise people?

For the longest time there was no sign with the school name out front. People thought it would cheapen the school’s image to have publicity. There was a very tall slide placed over asphalt that, looking back, was pretty dangerous! Plays used to happen at the homeroom level rather than grade-wide. There was something called “The Green Vale List” where students marked for good behavior all year would get a trip to Jones Beach. One year, the crafts teacher rejiggered the 5th Grade boat design and once in the water, they all capsized. A parent ran out to get styrofoam for ballast!


What was your favorite part of the job?

I have loved listening to kids, parents, colleagues, and helping to problem-solve. I love that the connections here are broad and real. Members of the kitchen and grounds crew all have a place in the kids’ lives. It’s testimony to this being a community. I also love that I work at such a beautiful place. Walking past that magnificent cupola above the Cheryl Webb Gym, the magnolia tree in the front circle, the grassy bits filled with happy, noisy children.


43 Years

“I have spent 23 years working with Linda and there has not been a single day that I did not feel encouraged, supported, and appreciated by her. Linda considers us all part of her family and that makes her a wonderful leader and friend.” — Janine Murray


What makes you most proud?

I am so proud of the teachers and the powerful work they do. And I’m proud that, for the most part, I’ve tried to give 110%.


What advice do you have for parents?

It’s a hard job being a parent. I give parents a lot of credit. I would say foster independence from an early age. Take the long view: for better or for worse, what’s happening now is no predictor of the future. Competence and success is not 100 on your spelling test. It’s what you do when you don’t get 100. I also tell parents: “Don’t interview for pain.” If you nose around for negativity, you’ll get it. Also, trust the School and be appreciative of teachers.


What other wisdom has been helpful?

Life outside of school impacts kids. Be careful not to generalize — different students have different challenges. In many cases, Green Vale has been the predictable part of a child’s life during hard times otherwise. We take that seriously. It is critical to recognize that both nature and nurture have a role in every child. Parents and schools can provide a lot of guidance and encouragement, or nurturing, but a child’s inherent nature must always be respected in the process. The Lower School experience is about individuals finding and exceeding their own challenge point, but it’s also about everyone moving forward as a group. The sooner we learn “it’s not all about you”, the better. The diversity of experiences that makes up an average day allows kids to explore who they are and to understand and appreciate the talents of their peers.


What will retirement look like?

I can’t picture not working yet. Maybe I’ll get a van.


What will you not miss?

The flushing toilet in the boys’ bathroom on the other side of my office wall.

“Some of the characteristics I most appreciate about Linda are her spontaneity, and the mischievous streak she keeps fairly well hidden. A favorite memory of mine took place during a faculty end-of-the-year party, and involves a joy ride in a GVS golf cart.” — Valerie Field, colleague of 25 years

When the 5th Grade Boat Race was held in a murky pond, Linda would keep a smile as she rescued struggling boats.


When Heather Neilsen’s parents became eligible for the COVID vaccine, Heather, like many sons and daughters, joined the effort of near-constant monitoring of websites for available appointments. After securing appointments for her parents and other older family members, others began to ask for help. Her husband, Nick, joined the effort, and together, they learned shortcuts and began to recognize patterns in availability. Upon learning that a vaccine-eligible teacher at Green Vale was struggling to obtain an appointment, the Neilsens helped her book a vaccination. So began a husband-wife marathon collaboration of near-constant website monitoring, resulting in 125 GVS teachers, parents, and family members receiving vaccines by the end of February. According to Heather: “It was clear that teachers could not sit and refresh a website all day, and Nick and I believed it was a way to protect the community and alleviate some of the stress felt by our teachers and staff who have gone above and beyond to give our children a “normal” year of education. They have put their own health at risk on a daily basis.”

GVS Vaccine Angels When One Good Deed Becomes 1000+ “Nick and I are so thankful for the work of the GVS staff and how they’ve gone above and beyond to make this year a great one for our kids. They are just as happy at school now as they were before the pandemic started.” — Heather Neilsen

After booking appointments for the GVS community, the Nielsens targeted vaccine inequity by focusing efforts on working people and those with less tech access or tech savvy. They specifically sought out those they believed might need extra assistance. Vaccines were successfully booked for the staff of The INN food pantry and shelter in Hempstead, employees of a local grocery store, residents of a rehab facility, and the volunteers of their local fire department and their families. Tragically, a person on the Neilsen appointment list died of COVID a few days before his vaccine, reinforcing the urgency of the service they were providing. “It’s been very rewarding to feel like there is actually something I can do to help to stop the pandemic and to reduce the stress in other people’s lives.” By early April, the couple had made over 1,000 vaccine appointments, and the requests continue. Heather hopes that an increase in vaccine supply will make appointments more accessible. The couple has been showered with flowers, gifts, and notes. They even invited the newly vaccinated to show their gratitude with a gift to The INN. Incredibly, the Nielsens generated over $50,000 of thank-you donations, many from the GVS community, and raised over $200,000 overall for COVID relief. The magnitude of Heather Neilsen’s generosity impressed the highest level of New York State government. State Senator Kevin Thomas awarded Heather the 6th District’s New York State Senate Women of Distinction Award.


Student Accomplishments 4th Grader Kaito Cavallo earned first place in the National Sumdog Mathematics Competition by answering 999 questions out of 1,000 correctly over a seven-day period. Technically he tied for first, among a field of 5,966 participants. Under the guidance of Mrs. Noga, most students in 1st-5th Grades choose to participate each year as a form of camaraderie, school spirit, and math practice. Students spend time solving problems both during school and at home.

Kaito Cavallo, 4th, #1 in the USA

Sumdog is an online math program in which students are assessed and then challenged in all aspects of mathematics: numbers and operations, measurement, geometry, data/ statistics and algebra. During one day of the contest, Green Vale students answered the most questions correctly, earning first place for the day in the United States!

In addition, Green Vale had six students place in the top 50 nationwide. Combining math speak and her trademark energy, Mrs. Noga simply commented: “INCREDIBLE STATS!” In April 2020, Kaito and his 6th Grade brother Kento (left) each made the finals for the International Math Test sponsored by the Russian School of Mathematics. Also last spring, Kento scored in the top 2% nationwide in the Math Olympiads.

What to do with too many hours at home during quarantine last spring? We heard of many children baking, playing board games and puzzles, learning to enjoy plain old walks with Mom and Dad, and of course — screen time. Adetola Babatunde, in 3rd Grade at the time, took to writing, and eventually published a book.

Adetola Babatunde, 4th, Published Author

An avid reader, Adetola had finished every book available in the house. So she decided to create her own. To encourage her, and not necessarily believing she would have to follow through, her mother Julie said that if Adetola completed a book, she would look into having it published. Two days later, the manuscript was complete. The story, called Penny’s Sweet Visit to Fairyland, involves a dream-like world of fairies, unicorns, and lots and lots of candy. Julie believes that the book was motivated by a desire to release a lot of internalized stress from the pandemic. The colorful and sweet world she created on the page was the perfect escape. Julie Babatunde says: “I didn’t know the magnitude of publishing the book until people started reaching out to us... everyone is amazed about an 8-year-old author.” Julie learned the hard way just how expensive it is to self-publish, “but I wanted Adetola to know that I would keep to my word.” Adetola enjoyed the process of explaining her vision for each page, going through several rounds of revisions with an illustrator provided by Tellwell Publishing. Adetola continues to write stories, but her mother is in no rush to foot the next publishing bill. “Someday I hope to publish it for her. Certainly, she will continue to write as long as she enjoys it and when it’s no longer fun, she can explore something else.” “My second book is about a girl who wants to be an artist and meets an elf who helps her,” she says. “This illustration took the longest to get right.”


Faculty News Steve Heithaus Retires (16 Years) Steve Heithaus will retire in June from his role as Director of Facilities and Security. He was hired 16 years ago to oversee buildings and grounds; the security component was added in 2014. Heithaus’ background in enforcement with the Coast Guard made for a smooth transition. During his tenure, Heithaus oversaw a number of transformative projects on campus. He served as in-house project manager for the Watters Center construction. Then came renovations to Lower School East/Auerbach, the Iselin Center, the kitchen, Lower School/main building, and finally the Bacon-Biondi building. Heithaus initiated the conversion of campus fuel supply to natural gas, saving more than $2 million in cumulative fuel expenses. He helped design the current security infrastructure and operations (gates, cameras, guards, training), deemed the strongest of our peer schools. “At the time each of these projects was huge. Now I take it for granted. You just do the work every day, so it’s second nature.” Among the biggest challenges he and the School faced were Hurricane Sandy and no power for two weeks, the major flood in the Iselin Center during the recent construction, often plowing snow at 2:00 AM, and most tragically, the COVID-19 crisis and the death of Hector, a beloved facilities team member.

Alexandra Shaheen Joins Columbia Faculty Five years after earning a master’s degree in Nonprofit Management from Columbia University, Shaheen has been invited back to Columbia as an adjunct associate professor. On a part-time basis, she will be teaching “Fundraising Fundamentals for Nonprofits” to graduate students. Her colleagues on the Advancement Team can rest assured that she will continue in her role at Green Vale while she moonlights at Columbia. “I’m looking forward to giving back to and learning from an educational institution and students with vision. Above all, I know I will gain an even deeper appreciation for Green Vale’s unparalleled teachers and what they are able to do in their classrooms.”

Harvey Bass Combines Several Passions Applying his skills as an educator, a sailor, and an engineering hobbyist, Bass founded the Rangers Sailing Foundation, an organization that finances sailing and boat building summer experiences for disadvantaged youth. Bass oversees the fundraising as well as the hands-on instruction of 3-5 teens each summer in conjunction with the Sea Cliff Yacht Club’s junior sailing program. Two of his past participants have gone on to become sailing instructors. Meanwhile, he has also been working toward a PhD. in his spare time, and is nearing completion of his dissertation. The topic is an exploration of using heart rate variability to anticipate extreme behavioral incidents in autistic children. Working with a psychologist at Queens College, Bass’ theory is that reducing disruptive behaviors will lead to improved scholastic outcomes for those whose intelligence should not limit them from mainstream education.

“I’ll miss the people the most,” says Heithaus. “I especially want to thank Kelly Doerlfein; I couldn’t have done it without her. I left her in charge for two weeks when she first started and I was called to Coast Guard reserve duty.” His parting thought connects his work, his values, and the GVS community: “The feeling that I have for my three kids helps me to appreciate what’s happening at Green Vale.” Prior to Green Vale, Heithaus completed a 22-year career in the Coast Guard Reserve and a 10-year stint managing 63 branch library facilities in Queens. His wife, Teresa, has recently retired as a nursing professor at LIU Post. This summer, they will move to their lake house in Maine, and plan frequent visits with their grandchildren.


Dee Dee Copp Retires (34 Years) Copp’s original murals grace the Early Childhood lobby.

“All art asks questions. What does the artist want us to see and feel? What is its purpose? Its historical context? Do I even like it? In the same way, your own close observations and investigations of the real world will lead you to ask questions. Deeper questions that Siri and Alexa cannot answer.” — Dee Dee Copp, 2018 Graduation Address

Mrs. Copp has been an art teacher at Green Vale for 34 years, primarily for 4th-8th Grades although over the years she covered every grade level, including crafts. “I was constantly learning,” says Copp. “That’s why I stayed so long.” Visual arts have always been a hallmark of a Green Vale education, and vitally important for artistic and non-artistic students alike. Familiarity with the creative process, with the choices an artist makes, with the forms self-expression can take, and with the role of art in world cultures are part of the well-rounded Green Vale graduate. Although with less class time than she would prefer, Mrs. Copp has managed to instill these skills in her students. She was always committed to a broad-based, process-oriented approach. The spring art show is always a grand and beautifully executed event. Over the years Dee Dee’s talents have also produced magical sets and backdrops for student plays. Head of School Jesse Dougherty says: “Beyond helping inspire upwards of 2,000 graduation tiles, Dee Dee Copp inspires kids to appreciate the world through an artistic lens.” When asked about what has changed and what has remained the same, Mrs. Copp had the following takes:

• Technology changed everything. I had reference material at my fingertips rather than ordering postcards or running down to the library.

• Kids have the same sense of humor, and take the same delight in different materials. They are not as strong with their hands; they want to go straight to the computer for answers.

• The new art gallery allows for much more extensive display. Display is so important.

“Leaf Bowls”: One of Copp’s favorite projects

“I’ll miss the time in the classroom. That’s the best time. You never get tired of that,” she says. “Green Vale is huge in our family. My kids loved coming here and loved having me here. All their friends to this day are Green Vale kids.”

In retirement, Mrs. Copp plans to spend more time on her own art, something she has always pursued in her spare time. She has been working on a collection of small oil paintings, but also has a vision of exploring ceramics.

Lorraine Campbell Engages Deeper with Online Learning Lorraine is part of a group of teachers participating in a weekly idea exchange linked to the book Connecting with Students Online: Strategies for Remote Teaching & Learning by New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Serravallo. Georgie Marley of the Teacher Center of Central Westchester facilitates this exploration into a strange new pedagogy that looks like it’s here to stay in some contexts or circumstances. Each meeting ends with an assignment to apply a new strategy or technique from the book. As an example, they were asked to choose a reading or writing lesson and revise it for hybrid/virtual learning. “I have loved the camaraderie with a diverse group of professional educators who are eager to examine and adopt new solutions that best serve students during this unprecedented time.”


Connection Collection One of the most valuable tenets of the Parents Association is community, and COVID certainly presented a challenge since in-person gatherings could not happen. With that in mind, the PA orchestrated a series of online events designed to enable people to engage with one another and with the School in valuable ways. Connection Collection events included: Candlelit Yin Yoga Mt. Sinai Presents "COVID’s Impact on the Brain" #GVSfit Peloton Rides Mr. Quinlan Discusses his Dissertation Virtual Beer Tasting Executive Functioning Pointers for Parents Campus Walk & Talks Cinco de Mayo Mixology End of Year Meditation (June 3)

Development and PA Events A KNIGHT at the Drive-Thru After a spring term spent off campus and learning online, the return to school in September, in the context of very new routines, might have presented a bit of culture shock or at least apprehension. After all, for young students, six months away from Green Vale was an eternity. In that vein, the PA and Development Office collaborated to plan a festive “Welcome Back” event in the form of a slow drive through campus. There were waving teachers and signage along the route, as well as eager parents safely handing out give-aways.


Think Big, Shop Small Think Big, Shop Small is a new fundraising initiative launched in November 2020. With so many small businesses impacted by the pandemic, we aimed to support them by encouraging the extended GVS community to “shop small”. The program offers 15%-20% discounts at independently owned retailers, restaurants, and other businesses to anyone who purchases an access card for a flat fee. The discounts benefit the shopper; Green Vale earns the proceeds from the cards. The month-long program was very successful in its inaugural year, raising over $20,000. Green Vale is proud to continue its longstanding tradition of community partnership through this program. Among the 50+ online and in-person vendors who participated in “Think Big, Shop Small” were over a dozen businesses owned by alumni or current parents.

A Smile is Contagious Lauren Brenner Eisenberg P ’28 Any Baby Sachin Bhargava ’00 Barbara Prey Studio Barbara Prey P ’05 ’07 Beautycounter with Alana Brock Alana Brock P ’22 ’24 ’28 Charlotte Brody Jennifer Argenti P ’23 ’26 Findlay Galleries Stephanie and Frederick Clark P ’27 ’31 Iolina Nina E. Fagiola ’99 Jabbour Linens Anita Jabbour G ’21 ’22 ’23 ’23 Kempton & Co. Fiona Kempton-Dafaa P’27 Locust Valley Bookstore Lisa Scully P ’10 ’12 ’14 Ooh La Shoppe Aileen Gumprecht P ’28 ’31 Victoria Rose Events Jenelle Robinson P ’23 ’29 Whitely Gahee Ban P ’28 If you own a small business or would like to recommend one for inclusion next year, please contact development@greenvaleschool.org.

"This year’s goal was to provide unique programming in a safe and accessible way, and we were thrilled to see different faces from event to event. We are so grateful to the small business owners, volunteer speakers and, in particular, to the Green Vale faculty members who participated.” — Arianne O’Kane, PA President 17

Alumni Spotlight Victor Arcelus ’89, Dean of Students at Connecticut College, has been leading the COVID-19 response team this year. He and his team have been praised for the college’s success in keeping students on campus and case counts relatively low. He established a robust testing program where all students and staff have been tested twice weekly since the September re-opening. As a result, over 50,000 tests have been done through Broad Institute’s lab, with a positivity rate that is often below 1%.

Victor J. Arcelus ’89, College Dean

“It just became part of everybody’s week to go down to the testing center twice a week,” said Victor Arcelus, the dean of students at Connecticut College. “Knowing what the positivity rate was on our campus at any given time, it enabled us to hold in-person classes, it enabled us to have student clubs.”

A specialist in holistic learning, Arcelus oversees residential life, student engagement and leadership development, health and counseling services, campus safety, sexual violence prevention, student wellness, new student orientation, and the College’s student conduct process. With a doctorate in higher education from Pennsylvania State, he has also worked in student life at Gettysburg College and Bucknell University. He is passionate about fostering collaboration between academic and student affairs departments to create learning-centered campuses. “Quite frankly, I could not be where I am today without my Green Vale education,” Victor concludes.

This fall,Cat Colella-Graham ’85 was named one of the Top Women in PR 2020 by PR News. She is the Founder and Chief Employee Experience Officer of Cheer Partners, an award-winning employee experience agency that helps companies cultivate a more connected and engaged workforce. Cheer clients include Johnson & Johnson, Juniper Networks, and Aetna health insurance.

Cat Colella-Graham ’85, Employee Experience Expert A leading authority on the future of work, Colella-Graham’s expertise was highly sought as workplaces scattered into employees’ homes when the pandemic struck. A regular contributor to Forbes Magazine, Colella-Graham has long been a believer in flexible and remote work arrangements and their impact on organizational efficacy. She is also the co-founder of the Diversity Marketing Consortium, frequently guest lectures at Georgetown and NYU, and is a volunteer TED translator. After Green Vale, Colella-Graham attended Aiglon College (a secondary school) in Switzerland, Boston College, and Cornell graduate school. “My years at Green Vale remain vivid memories: from getting our boarding school acceptances to the holistic approach to learning in the outdoor amphitheater, hands-on art, and sports. With Green Vale as my home for 10 years, I was well prepared, resilient and able to accept the future fearlessly. A special thanks to Mr. Zaloom who inspired curiosity as a way of life in me.”


Will Ahmed ’05 is the founder and CEO of WHOOP, a membership service that uses a wrist band to collect physiological data related to strain, sleep, and recovery in the user’s body. More than a standard fitness tracker, the WHOOP Strap is useful for comprehensive insight into daily activity and health, with personalized guidance for training and sleep. WHOOP calculates post-exercise recovery based on four key physiological markers: heart rate variability, resting heart rate, sleep, and respiratory rate. These metrics are calibrated to each user’s baseline, which means recovery is personalized each day.

William L. F. Ahmed ’05, Tech & Healthcare Entrepreneur Recently, the brand’s profile skyrocketed when two PGA golfers, Nick Watney and Scott Stallings, detected coronavirus indicators and sought testing based solely on data from their WHOOP devices. The PGA Tour then provided WHOOP bands for all golfers and caddies. Subsequent partnerships include Major League Baseball, the NFL Players Association, the University of Tennessee’s 600 athletes, as well as fashion mogul Tory Burch who provided straps to 700 employees as a pandemic wellness initiative.

“It was an incredibly rigorous education in the best way. Things stay with you from Green Vale for the rest of your life.”

The origins of WHOOP are tied to Ahmed’s experience as a college squash player and double-major. He excelled at fitness, but often overtrained and faced burnout. His research into better understanding his body, including an original paper on his findings, became the business plan for WHOOP. The Boston-based company has raised $200 million from top investors including NFL quarterbacks Patrick Mahones and Eli Manning for a valuation of over $1 billion. After Green Vale, Ahmed attended St. Paul’s School and Harvard, where he captained the varsity squash team and was named a 2011 Harvard College Scholar for finishing in the top 10% of his class. He has also been named to the 2020 Fortune 40 Under 40 Healthcare list, Boston Business Journal’s 40 Under 40, and Forbes 30 Under 30. In 2018, as part of comments to commemorate Green Vale’s 95th Anniversary, Ahmed recalled: “It was an incredibly rigorous education in the best way. Things stay with you from Green Vale for the rest of your life.”

PGA golfer Rory McIlroy wears his WHOOP strap on tour.


Until recently, Malcolm Boyd ’87 served as Chief People Officer at the Memphis Zoo. Responsible for culture and communication, he led the launch of a new mission, vision, and values bearing in mind the needs of 300 employees, 4,500 animals, and 10,000 daily visitors. When COVID hit, the zoo closed for six weeks. They had to lay off half the staff and quickly establish protocols to care for the animals and grounds.

Malcolm D. Boyd ’87, Human Resources Executive In order to reopen, Boyd devised employee training that included CDC and Health Department guidelines as well as how to respond to visitors who questioned or violated the new guidelines. “It was A LOT of work and sleepless nights, but it was all critical for the Zoo’s survival,” says Boyd. He has since taken a job as HR Business Partner with Spartan Nash, a grocery distributor and retailer throughout the midwest. Other stops in a long HR career have included Amazon, Advance Auto Parts, and Home Depot. After Green Vale, Boyd attended Pomfret School and Cornell University. “Great times at Green Vale,” says Boyd. “I still speak regularly to Brendan Higgins and Paul Lui. They are going to give me a bunch of grief for this.”

A brand new restaurant opening successfully during COVID? Not impossible. Chef Hunter Wells ’04 opened Hunter Restaurant in East Norwich, NY in November 2020 to great acclaim. In a stunning space designed by Bentel & Bentel of Locust Valley, Wells has created a French-inspired upscale bistro that focuses on classics prepared with French technique and Mediterranean flavors. The COVID environment meant building in safety measures throughout the restaurant, including acrylic table barriers, an outdoor heated tent, MERV filters in the ventilation system, and cross-training of staff to do multiple jobs assuming there would be absences due to quarantines.

Hunter Wells ’04, Chef & Restaurateur

It’s exactly what diners of the COVID era are looking for: comfortable cuisine, presented thoughtfully, in a safe environment. After all, it’s a restaurant with a mission: “To serve and delight guests, by respecting yet transforming high quality ingredients into classic dishes, with integrity.” Hunter is a graduate of the French Culinary Institute in New York City. After Green Vale, Hunter attended Friends Academy and University of South Carolina.


Sixth of June (documentary short) Rylan Soref ’01, Producer | Colton Soref ’05 Co-Producer & AC Tribeca Film Festival 2020 Official Selection Winner of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival Sixth of June is a documentary short about Sainte Mere-Eglise, France, ground zero on D-Day. Inspired by an urgency to hear from some of the last living veterans, the film is the story of why we remember and what we lose if we forget.

Alumni Books and Films In With Flynn: The Boss Behind the President (non-fiction) Malcolm MacKay ’55, Author

Rats in the White House (children’s book) Judith Tabler Cook ’62, Author Rats in the White House follows President Theodore Roosevelt’s family of six children as they arrive at the White House with 43 pets. They find their new home infested with rats who won’t leave...until a 44th pet arrives. Goodreads says: “Meticulously researched and accompanied by charming, period illustrations, Rats in the White House will delight both animal lovers and history lovers.” Cook’s career as a teacher has spanned elementary schools, the Folger Shakespeare Library, and two local universities. She has penned magazine articles, two picture books, and five non-fiction books. Says Cook: “At Green Vale, I enjoyed writing stories in Mrs. Whitmore’s third grade class. She was generous with her praise for my complicated tales about animals, which I could never figure out how to end. My preferred wrap-up was ‘then they ate rocks and died.’ (My brother William B. Tabler ’57 can vouch for me on this.)”

Malcolm MacKay’s new political biography of Edward J. Flynn is a lively and extremely relevant study of politics in New York State from the 1920’s through the 1940’s, which illuminates the critical interplay of statesmanship and politics in New York State, and throughout the New Deal in Washington. Ed Flynn was the longtime political boss of the Bronx and a key supporter and aide to Franklin Roosevelt. Flynn excelled at promoting cooperation among voters of different interests and embraced non-zero-sum interactions. McKay’s first book was Impeccable Connections: The Rise and Fall of Richard Whitney. “My Green Vale education was a privilege. The respect it gave me for books, history and grammar has stayed with me. The 8th Grade trip to the Civil War battlegrounds was one of my best educational experiences. The School was a welcoming and supportive community. Many of the teachers — including Miss. Brower in 3rd Grade, Mr. Wagner in 8th, and Mr. Julian in athletics — were dedicated, caring and just plain good at what they did. I am left with only one question about my time at Green Vale: why were we separated from the girls after 4th Grade? After GV I attended St. Paul’s, Princeton and Harvard Law School. After a brief time at a large New York law firm, I worked in Governor Rockefeller’s administration. For twenty years before retiring I was a headhunter finding heads of foundations, universities, museums, schools and other not-for-profits.”

You’re Not a Monkey (children’s book) Christina Holmes McKeon ’94, Author This story of friendship, acceptance, and kindness is a perfect complement to Early Childhood’s curriculum of social emotional learning through literature. An author reading and/or virtual visit with students is being planned. “Having attended GVS 1982-1994, I consider it my ‘other family.’ [My mother] Linda Holmes was the woodworking teacher there creating the classic nutcracker and boat races! My brother, father, and various aunts, uncles and at least 10 cousins also attended GVS. I went into teaching and coached lacrosse for 18 years. This is my first book.”


Milestones Marriages Crystal A. Lynch ’04 Gregory Ewoldt December 31, 2020 Margaret “Maggie” V. Remsen ’06 Chris Sachvie July 31, 2020 Christopher “C.J.” Smith ’09 Emmie Murphy September 19, 2020 Grace S. Lafaire ’11 Matt Goldstein June 19, 2020

Births Evan W. Uhlick ’97 Wesley Abbot Uhlick July 10, 2020 Florence Danforth Meyer ’99 Bates Buchanan Meyer May 22, 2020

Garett M. Vassel ’00 Grey Maclaren Vassel November 11, 2020 Victoria “Vicky” Pool Holm ’01 Alison Payson Holm July 29, 2020 Katherine Baker ’02 William Belden Siarnacki March 27, 2020 Fionna Sciame Elliot ’02 MacLean Elliot August 7, 2020 Megan Forlines Bostock ’04 Eleanor Falcon Bostock November 28, 2020 Alejandro S. Canet ’04 Nicolas Tilford Canet May 28, 2020 Pierce I. R. McCully ’04 Fionnghuala “Finn” McCully June 10, 2020


Cordelia Reid McCuaig ’50 February 12, 2020

Henry “Harry” H. Anderson, Jr. ’33 May 11, 2020

Julie Hattersley Righter ’50 December 4, 2020

Ellen M. Violett ’35 February 13, 2020

John Willock ’50 November 4, 2020

Dolly Dingee Gahagan ’42 April 17, 2020

Richard Fahnestock ’51 October 10, 2020

George H. Rose ’42 March 16, 2020

Marguerite “Meg” Doubleday Buck ’52 January 3, 2021

Shirley Aldrich Daiger ’44 November 14, 2020 Marshall P. Keating ’44 February 29, 2020 Helen Batten Robinson ’46 January 13, 2020 Arthur E. Pew, III ’47 October 2, 2020 William R. Scoble, Jr. ’48 June 24, 2020 Marcia “Mussy” McCuaig Geer ’50 November 30, 2020 Harold W. Janeway ’50 August 20, 2020

Donald B. Stott ’52 December 25, 2020 Philip C. Iglehart ’53 September 5, 2020 Martha “Muffy” Moffitt Carlstrom ’54 November 21, 2020 R. Peter Sullivan III ’55 August 6, 2020 Samuel D. Warriner II ’55 May 14, 2020 John B. Brock ’57 April 28, 2020

Congratulations to the GVS Class of 2021! Our 8th Graders were accepted into the following secondary schools: Avon Old Farms Berkshire School Chaminade High School Deerfield Academy Dominican Academy Friends Academy Holy Trinity High School The Hotchkiss School Kellenberg Memorial High School The Lawrenceville School Middlesex School


Millbrook School Pomfret School Portledge School Salisbury School St. Anthony’s High School St. George’s School St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School Taft School Westminster School Woodbury Forest School

In Memoriam Henry “Harry” H. Anderson ’33 Harry Anderson died May 11, 2020 at age 98. Referred to by the New York Times as “the M.V.P. of American sailing,” Anderson was one of the most influential figures in the sport, helping to develop the modern rules and regulations of racing, defending the America’s Cup, and creating a national governing body for sailing. He served as commodore of two influential yacht clubs: Seawanhaka Corinthian and New York Yacht Club. He served as an America’s Cup race official for 20 years. He was an early believer in developing collegiate sailing programs in order to groom American sailors for the Olympics. In 2014, Anderson was inducted into the National Sailing Hall of Fame. A biography of Anderson, The Strenuous Life of Harry Anderson, was published in 2013. After Green Vale, Harry attended Ransom Everglades School, Yale University, and Columbia Law School. He served in World War II as a field artillery captain in Patton’s Third Army, receiving a bronze star. He is survived by his brother David N. Anderson ’39 and 45 nephews, nieces, great-nephews, and great-nieces.

Ellen “Pucky” McCarter Violett ’35 Pucky Violett died February 13, 2020 at age 94. She had a long and successful career as a writer and television dramatist that began at age 17 with the publication of a short story in Harper’s Bazaar. Her work includes “The Lottery”, episodes of “The Defenders”, “The Experiment”, “Go Ask Alice”, and “Big Blonde” for PBS’s Great Performance series. Her 1977 novel, Double Take, is a murder mystery set in a television studio.

North Fork Women, a civic organization near her home in Southold, described Pucky as follows: “Pucky’s life, individually and with Tommy, was one of quiet and consistent advocacy for equality and freedom. Fabulously and glamorously out, Pucky and Tommy served as an example to us all.” She was a lifelong political activist and generous philanthropist, supporting women’s causes, the arts, and human rights. She is survived by her sister Neltje ’49, six nieces, and one nephew. She was predeceased by her spouse, Mary “Tommy” Thomas, and her step-brother Nelson Doubleday ’47.

H. Livingston “Sandy” Schwartz, III ’50 We recently learned of the death of Sandy Livingston on June 11, 2019 at age 83. A long-time reporter for The Associated Press, Schwartz is best known for co-authoring an exclusive story linking Richard Nixon’s re-election committee to the Watergate break-in. In 1973, The Washingtonian named Schwartz among the best investigative reporters in Washington, on a list that included Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, and Seymour Hirsch. Later, he was a reporter, editor, and publisher at newspapers all over the country. In 1980, Schwartz and his wife Sara Cavanagh Schwartz ’53 founded The Horse in the Delaware Valley which grew to be one of the largest and most influential equestrian publications in America.

After Green Vale, Schwartz attended St. Paul’s School, Pomfret School, Williams College, and Ursinus College. He served in the United States Marine Corps from 1955 to 1959, rising to sergeant. He is survived by his wife, son, brother, two stepsons, and one grandchild. He was predeceased by one son.


Class Notes The Alumni Office recently learned of Cynthia’s death on November 24, 2019. After Green Vale, she graduated from The Chapin School. She is survived by three children, two granddaughters, and three stepdaughters. She was predeceased by her brother Guy F. Cary, Jr. ’34 and half sister.

had a long career as a floor trader at the New York Stock Exchange. A former Governor of the Exchange, he was a partner at George Robinson & Co., White, Weld & Company and Lazard Freres. George is survived by his wife, his son James K. Rose ’76, his daughter Jennifer Rose Parkinson ’79, his son Peter, three stepchildren, five grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren.



’34 Cynthia Cary Russell

Coleman “Bill” W. Hoyt The Alumni Office recently learned of Bill’s death on October 9, 2019; he was 93 years old. After Green Vale, he graduated from Groton School and Tufts University with a degree in naval science. After serving as an officer on the USS Duluth, Bill attended Yale University and graduated with a degree in industrial administration. Bill began his career at Reader’s Digest where he was employed for forty years. He is survived by his wife, two sons, and five grandchildren. He was predeceased by his three brothers and one son.

’42 Dolly Dingee Gahagan It is with regret that we share the news of Dolly’s death on April 17, 2020; she was 92 years old. She is survived by many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband.

Pamela Marr More The Alumni Office recently learned of Pamela’s death on November 3, 2019; she was 92 years old. Pamela is survived by her husband, her daughters Alison More Davies ’75 and Robin More Eddy ’71, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

George H. Rose It is with regret that we share the news of George’s death on March 16, 2020; he was 87 years old. After Green Vale, George attended St. Paul’s School, Phillips Exeter Academy, and Harvard University. He went on to serve in the Army during the Korean War. George


Shirley Aldrich Daiger It is with regret that we share the news of Shirley’s death on November 14, 2020. After Green Vale, Shirley attended Garrison Forest School and Vassar College. She was an active member of her church, museums, and other societies. Shirley was predeceased by her sister Joan Aldrich Knowlton ’40, her brother Malcolm P. Aldrich, Jr. ’47, and her first son. She is survived by one son, three grandchildren, and her extended family.

Marshall P. Keating It is with regret that we share the news of Marshall’s death on February 29, 2020. After Green Vale, he graduated from Deerfield Academy, Princeton University, and Columbia Law School. Marshall was an active member in multiple professional, business, charitable, and social organizations. He is survived by his three daughters, seven grandchildren, and one greatgrandchild. He was predeceased by two wives and siblings.

’46 Helen Batten Robinson It is with regret that we share the news of Helen’s death on January 13, 2020; she was 89 years old. After Green Vale, she graduated from Oberlin College in

1953 with a degree in sociology. Helen settled in Connecticut with her husband where she was an active member of her community. After spending three decades in Connecticut, Helen moved to New Hampshire to take over the management of her parent’s Camp which she continued for nearly forty years. Helen spearheaded the creation of the New Hampshire Traumatic Brain Injury Association support network as her third son Andrew was traumatically brain injured in an auto accident. She was an active conservationist and longtime supporter of the Newfound Lake Regional Association. Helen is survived by two sons, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband and two sons.

’47 Arthur E. Pew, III It is with regret that we share the news of Arthur’s death on October 2, 2020; he was 87 years old. After Green Vale, Arthur attended The Hotchkiss School and Princeton University. He enjoyed a long career in the railroad industry as a systems analyst and purchasing director. Arthur served on the boards of the Minnesota Transportation Museum and Downeast Rail Heritage Preservation Trust. He is survived by his brother R. Anderson Pew ’50, four children, ten grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife.

’48 William R. Scoble, Jr. It is with regret that we share the news of William’s death on June 24, 2020. After Green Vale, William graduated from Rutgers University with a master’s degree in electrical engineering

and Doctor of Philosophy in materials science. William is a veteran of the United States Army. As an employee of Lockheed Martin, he developed microelectronics used inside satellites. In retirement, he was a member of Kiwanis and tutored at San Jose schools. He is survived by his wife, three sons, and four grandchildren.

’50 Mary-Lenore Blair “I adored my time at GVS.”

Marcia “Mussy” McCuaig Geer It is with regret that we share the news of Mussy’s death on November 30, 2020. After Green Vale, Mussy graduated from Westover School in 1953 and Radcliffe College in 1957. She received her master’s degree in education from Northeastern University and was certified in Montessori education in Chicago. Mussy began her teaching career at Miss Fines School in Princeton, New Jersey. She founded the Lower School at Providence St. Mel’s in Chicago. She was predeceased by her daughter Katie and her sister Natalie McCuaig May ’46. She is survived by her husband, three daughters, brother Victor C. McCuaig, Jr. ’43, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and extended family.

Harold W. Janeway It is with regret that we share the news of Harold’s death on August 20, 2020. After Green Vale, he graduated from Milton Academy and Yale University in 1958. After serving for two years in the Navy, he joined the investment banking firm of White, Weld and Co. in New York City. He worked as a security analyst and became head of the firm’s Research Department. Harold moved to New Hampshire and formed White Mountain Investment. In 2006, he retired from investment management and was elected to the state Senate. He was active in the Nature Conservancy, the Forest Society, and other environmental protection groups. Harold is survived by his wife, five children, and a large

extended family. He was predeceased by siblings Edward “Ed” G. Janeway, Jr. ’46, Priscilla Janeway Sherwood ’44, Elsie Janeway Apthorp ’42, Ted, and Betsy.

Cordelia Reid McCuaig It is with regret that we share the news of Cordy’s death on February 12, 2020. After Green Vale, Cordy graduated from Miss Porter’s School and Briarcliff College. Cordy owned and operated multiple successful businesses, including Hamilton Gardens and The Hummingbird Boutique. She was affiliated with The Heart Association, numerous garden clubs, book groups, churches, and humane societies. She is survived by her husband Victor C. McCuaig, Jr. ’43, her sister Pamela Reid Trippe ’54, children, grandchildren, and a large extended family. She was predeceased by her son Michael and five siblings.

Julie Hattersley Righter It is with regret that we share the news of Julie’s death on December 4, 2020. Beloved wife of Brewster A. Righter ’49, she is survived by her sister Melissa Hattersley Schnirring ’57, daughters Amy Soutter Oxford ’75, Lindsay Soutter Boyer ’73, Lucy, Nina, and Lisa, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

John Willock It is with regret that we share the news of John’s death on November 4, 2020. After Green Vale, John graduated from The Hill School and Cornell University. In the military, John was a nuclear instructor at Sandia Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. John was predeceased by his brother Norman A. Willock ’52 and his two cousins. He is survived by his wife, two children, two grandchildren, nephew, and niece.

’51 Dorothy W. Buck The Alumni Office recently learned of Dorothy’s death on February 4, 2019. She is survived by three children.

Richard S. Fahnestock


It is with regret that we share the news of Richard’s death on October 10, 2020. He served in the United States Marine Corps for two years and then attended Tulane University. Richard worked in sales at TIME Magazine, Bunker Ramo, and Wall Street Concepts. He owned a used car dealership in Connecticut and was the Chairman of Iberia Investment Corporation. Richard was predeceased by his brother. He is survived by his wife, three children, and nine grandchildren.

Henry S. Reeder, Jr.: hreeder@arcusa.com

Theodore H. Myer ’51 Ted will be moving to Concord, Massachusetts in the spring with his wife Mary Jean.

’52 Anthony S. Hoyt: tabloidman@gmail.com

Marguerite “Meg” Doubleday Buck It is with regret that we share the news of Meg’s death on January 3, 2021; she was 84 years old. After Green Vale, Meg graduated from Ethel Walker School and New York School of Interior Design. Meg and her husband raised their children in New Jersey, where Meg pursued her passions of painting, interior design, and horticulture. Meg is survived by her sister Dorothy Doubleday Massey ’53, three children, and seven grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband and sister Mary Pat Doubleday Irons ’49.

Anthony S. Hoyt “I lived and worked in California from 1973 until 1990 in the magazine business. I returned to New York in 1990 to work for Hearst Magazines where I ran such titles as House Beautiful, Redbook, and Cosmopolitan. After a colorful stint with The National Enquirer/Star, during the OJ Trial, I retired. I’m the father of two children, Betsy and Bobby (now miraculously in their early 50s) and grandfather of two wonderful granddaughters who live and work in San Francisco. I’m happily married and live in Palm Springs, California where I play golf and enjoy life.”

Lucile Walker Hays Pictured: Left to right: Charles E. Hoyt ’51, Anthony S. Hoyt ’52, and William W. Hoyt ’54

Donald B. Stott It is with regret that we share the news of Donald’s death on December 25, 2020; he was 81 years old. After Green Vale, Donald graduated from The Taft School and Princeton University. He went on to receive his Master of Business Administration from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating from The Wharton School, Donald joined Wagner, Stott & Company. He went on to serve as a director of the New York Futures Exchange and was a former governor and director of the New York Stock Exchange. Donald is survived by his nephews, stepson, step-grandchildren, and extended family. He was predeceased by his brother and stepson.

Cornelius W. Wickersham, III “I have now been fully retired from the practice of internal medicine since 2016. I got married in 1970, and we have three children. After Green Vale, I graduated from Millbrook School and then from Hobart College in 1960. Then, I went on to Albany Medical College and spent two years in Philadelphia for further training, and then the draft got me. I spent one year in Vietnam and a year in South Carolina. By then I moved to Hartford, finished training and married the cutest nurse I could find, and then settled down to practice internal medicine in Manchester, Connecticut.”

“I was married to William H. Hays III from Greenwich for 45 wonderful years. In 1974, we moved to Nantucket where he was a lawyer until he retired in 1995. We then built a house at Spring Island, South Carolina, between Beaufort and Hilton Head. As I am now a widow, I really enjoy visitors, so please come see Spring Island! I am there from December through April.”

Philip C. Iglehart It is with regret that we share the news of Philip’s death on September 5, 2020; he was 81 years old. After Green Vale, he graduated from St. Paul’s School. Philip started as a junior salesman for W.C. Pinkard & Co. and went on to excel in the industry at Pinkard, RREEF Funds, Cushman Wakefield, Alex. Brown Realty Advisors, and Cassidy Turley. Philip was a hunter of waterfowl who understood the importance of wildlife conservation. He led the restoration of wetlands on his grandfather’s Florida cattle ranch and transformed it into the Bluefield Ranch Mitigation. He is survived by his wife, brother David C. Iglehart ’61, three children, and six grandchildren. He was predeceased by his sister Anita Iglehart Swatkovsky ’52. Classmate Henry “Dusty” S. Reeder, Jr. ’53 writes, “Sadly I write to report the death of our friend and classmate, Philip Iglehart. He died at home early Saturday night, September 5th, surrounded by a loving family, his faithful dog and on a beautiful summer night. Philip had defied the odds, fighting both lung and brain cancer for the last three years. I had hunted with him in January, as I have for the last 12 consecutive years, and he was in fine shape. The cancer, which resurfaced in March, did not respond to extensive treatment in the spring and summer. Philip and I grew up together in Old Westbury, and we both look back on those days with great happiness and are pleased we survived all the mischievous things we did together. Green Vale was an important part of


Francis “Timmy” M. Weld “I retired from cardiology practice on Nantucket at the end of 2020, at age 81. Nantucket has the best goose hunting ever anywhere, and I still love getting out into the field, although my marksmanship is degrading year by year due to age-related macular degeneration. A new adventure is cannabis farming (The Pass) in western Massachusetts. Very odd to know that endeavor is now legal!”

’54 Mimi Colgate Kirk: oaklea2@aol.com

Friends of Philip C. Iglehart his life and he had fond memories of all of you and spoke often of the events and people in school with him. Philip was a great people-person and he will be missed by a long list of admiring friends, such as us.” (above)

Anita Lihme Keefe “I worked for two New York City ad agencies – J. Walter Thompson and Doyle Dane Bernbach. I moved to Europe as International Sales Promotion Manager for Polaroid, then I moved back to the United States and started my own mail order skin care business. Along the way, I got married, had two sons, four grandchildren (two went to GVS), became a widow, and remarried. I currently live in Greenwich, Connecticut with my husband and I’m a trustee of the Greenwich Land Trust and President of the Greenwich Riding and Trails Association. I have two horses and two dogs in my backyard.”

Judith Sperry MacEwan “I have lunch with Anita Lihme Keefe ’53 every week and have kept up with Jill Galston Walsh ’53. I’ve kept up a bit with Dorothy Doubleday Massey ’53, Frances Gillmore Pratt ’53, Lucile Walker Hays ’53, Harriet “Happy” Delafield Smith ’53, and Virginia “Gigi” Pearson Smithers ’53. I have three children and seven grandchildren, two of which are in London. My husband, Nigel, and I lived a great deal in Maine for 25 years, and did 10 years of long distance sailing. Now I’m in New Canaan and had my second shot yesterday!”

Virginia “Gigi” Pearson Smithers “Kip ’51 and I decided to simplify our lives by selling our condo on Cape Cod and staying in Vero Beach full time! Not sure how we will weather the summers here with the ramp up in number and intensity of hurricanes. Since COVID-19, I’ve been working


on digital albums for my children Robert B. Smithers ’76 and Sabrina Smithers DiMiceli ’78, and all the grandkids – our two great-grandkids – the newest one being the brightest light in 2020 (born on December 11th)! Jill Galston Walsh ’53, Judith Sperry MacEwan ’53, and Lucile Walker Hays ’53 were my bridesmaids when we were married in 1959. I’ve stayed in touch with Lucy since she lives in Nantucket!”

Martha “Muffy” Moffitt Carlstrom It is with regret that we share the news of Muffy’s death on November 21, 2020. After Green Vale, Muffy graduated from Chatham Hall and Wheaton College. She was passionate about volunteering and spent 35 years on the Huntington Hospital Board of Trustees. She is survived by her two children and three grandchildren. She was predeceased by her second husband.

man of Southampton Hospital, generous philanthropist, and Wall Street investor. He is survived by his wife, sister, and three nephews.

Samuel D. Warriner, II It is with regret that we share the news of Sam’s death on May 14, 2020. After Green Vale, he graduated from St. Paul’s School and the University of Pennsylvania. Sam worked in the insurance business for several years, in both Philadelphia and New York City. Sam was the Hood Sailmaker’s representative for the Long Island Sound while he was living in Syosset. He was predeceased by his first wife Gail. He is survived by his wife Linda, sisters Elizabeth D. Warriner ’54 and Sarah, brother John, three children, and two granddaughters.

’56 Peter J. Pell Sr.

Elizabeth D. Warriner Pictured: Virginia “Gigi” Pearson Smithers ’53 (front right), Francis “Kip” C. Smithers ’51 (front left), Sabrina Smithers DiMiceli ’78 (middle row second in from left), and Robert B. Smithers ’76 (back row far right)

Jill Galston Walsh “For over 38 years, life in Los Angeles has suited the Walshes so well that we have stayed and moved from our beloved log cabin in Rustic Canyon to a wonderful apartment in Westwood. Pre-pandemic, every year we spent several months in New Haven as John was teaching in the art gallery and often delivering lectures. Being on the east coast enabled us to connect with family and friends. A couple of years ago, I had a delightful lunch with Anita Lihme Keefe ’53 and Judith Sperry MacEwan ’53 in New Haven. I am also in touch with Henry E. Schniewind, Jr. ’52 who’s doing well and lives in Cambridge. In the summer, we see Mimi Colgate Kirk ’54 and Robert M. Olmsted ’54 in the Adirondacks.”

“Weekly family gatherings – by Zoom. Weekly church services – on YouTube. Volunteer projects – virtual. Political discussions – by Zoom. Board meetings – online. Talking with friends – by phone. Greeting neighbors as I walk my dog – with the distance dance. Walking with my daughters – masked. I have never felt more intentionally connected!”

’55 W. Gavin Gilmor “Living at the Devonshire in Palm Beach Gardens from October through May, then Wenham, Massachusetts. Sorry to see that we lost Samuel D. Warriner, II and R. Peter Sullivan. Hi to those still hanging in there.”

R. Peter Sullivan It is with regret that we share the news of Peter’s death on August 6, 2020. Peter was a Marine, former chair-

Pictured: Peter and Romalda Whiton Clark ’57 at Romalda’s brother-inlaw’s house in South Hamilton, Massachusetts.

Margaret “Meg” Holmes Robbins “A Happy 80th Birthday year and a congratulatory hug to the girls of ’56 and the boys of ’55! We certainly weren’t thinking of this day back then, but didn’t we have fun! May all your birthday wishes continue to come true.” Meg fondly remembers, “the teachers who broadened our minds and the bus drivers of the 1950’s who got us home safely despite our antics.”

’57 John B. Brock It is with regret that we share the news of John’s death on April 28, 2020. After Green Vale, he graduated from Salisbury School and the University of Pennsylvania in 1965. John entered the Marine Corps and served as a

tank commander in Vietnam. On his return, he attended Harvard Business School. After a career in the Central Intelligence Agency, John pursued financial ventures. Throughout his life, John was an active supporter of Veterans’ groups. John attended the 55th reunion with his Green Vale classmates. He is survived by his brother Horace Brock ’59, sister Hope Brock Winthrop ’64, and two sons.

Magdelaine Anthony Smith “Last June, I moved to Gainesville, Virginia to be 15 minutes from the grandchildren! Gated community. Playing golf if there is no snow on the ground and playing lots of pickleball!”

’60 M.R.E. Theodore Baehr “My son, Marine Corp. Major James Baehr, SPS ’01, got engaged to Jasmine Marani at the White House Christmas party on December 1, 2020, and will have a Gala wedding in New Orleans on October 2, 2021. My wife, Lili Baehr, has been on chemo drugs and infusions for 25 years, with major operations every few months, but retains her zest for life. She is building out a cottage on our property (she is an architect), finishing her parenting book, shooting a TV series for UPtv, preparing mercies for each of our four children, cooking, traveling, and enjoying her 14 grandchildren. Meanwhile, I have more work than ever with the phenomenal growth of MOVIEGUIDE® to millions across all of our platforms, including preparing our next virtual Gala for a big TV network, revising two of my books, and writing two other books. Every day is a miraculous blessing.”

’61 Michael M.X. Buchet After Green Vale, Michael attended high school, New York University, Trinity College, University of Connecticut, Loyola Law School, and ’University of Science Music and Culture.’ He served as a Sergeant Major for the United States Marine Corps, was a Senior Safety and Health Specialist at the United States Department of Labor,

a lawyer, and a union carpenter. He’s now retired, and his current titles are Pop Pop, Dad, and Dear. He lives in Annapolis where the Chesapeake collects silt from Pennsylvania and Delaware and is constantly reminded of how clean the Long Island Sound was.

James W.W. Wilmerding “After a rewarding ’Headmastering’ career, we moved to Maine and I have just completed a second career of 25 years as a paramedic level EMS provider and participant in numerous international medical missions over the years. COVID-19 arrived, and last fall, I decided it was time to give up my stethoscope and snowblower! We have moved back to my wife Marsha’s lovely family home in southern Mississippi. Though I have stopped being ’in the back of the bus,’ I continue to teach emergency medical services licensing and health-related programs here locally. We have three grown sons and two granddaughters (one entering teenage) spread out from coast to coast.”

’62 Judith Tabler Cook: judithtabler@gmail.com

Peter T. Hovey Peter retired from structured finance ten years ago and started making old English fireplace benches for fun. He was inspired by the benches that he first saw in the homes of his Green Vale classmates. Peter works from a home office and virtually connects with his artistic team of craftsmen and customers. He also notes, “I live in New Canaan with my wife Patricia. I have three kids who are living in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and San Francisco. I also have two grandchildren.”

Susan Hadden Lawrence After living in Washington, D.C., Houston, New York, and Beijing, Susie moved to Boston more than 20 years ago, making this the place her family has lived the longest. They now live just outside Boston, in Chestnut Hill, splitting their time between here and their home in Maine on the island of Vinalhaven in Penobscot Bay.

Michal Colby Wadsworth “Greetings to all from sunny Sarasota. What a year this has been! My husband, Jim, and I fled Sarasota a year ago, thinking we’d rather be quarantined in our cottage in Michigan than spend a summer in Florida. So there we were, cozily ensconced in the north woods.

We actually enjoyed ourselves quite a bit, and after observing strict safety protocols, we’re able to spend lots of time with my daughters (from Chicago and nearby Michigan) and grandchildren. By mid-January, we both began our vaccinations, and after the second one, and the two-week wait, we felt safe to travel. And this just in – it seems New York State has lifted its quarantine restrictions, so it looks as if we can finally go home to Buffalo! So, so far we are safe and well and certainly hope the same can be said of all of you who are reading this.”

’69 Marian E. Lindberg: mel1@optonline.net Michael v. S. Ward: michael.ward@maps.com

Alexandra S. Danforth Alexandra is still riding both horses and bikes, the former professionally, the latter for fun. While cycling in the northwestern Catskills she found a cabin where she is now parking her bike regularly when not using it to take on the challenge of the area’s hills, which she happens to enjoy.

Suzanne Dean “This year my non-profit organization, Artists for Wildlife Conservation, was able to have two online fundraisers. Over the summer, we raised funds for both the International Fund for Animal Welfare, and Greater Boston Food Bank. More recently, we had a hugely successful online fundraiser/auction for Rainforest Action Network, and raised almost $10,000. We were also able to happily donate some of these funds to the Center for Rehabilitation of Wildlife, in Durban, South Africa. I have been co-writing songs with an old friend and attempted my first multi screen recording with a Bluegrass song and synced it to a video called “Shelter at My Place.” A couple of months later, we managed to record a Bluegrass song and synced it with a video called “Shenandoah Girl.” We are currently working on a song called “Long and Low,” Americana/pop/rock, or something. And if everyone in our band is vaccinated by the end of April, we get to record in an actual studio

which would be awesome. I got to see my daughter at Christmas for the first time in over a year.”

Marian E. Lindberg Marian managed a book tour from her living room for her 2020 release of Scandal on Plum Island: A Commander Becomes the Accused about the unlikely role Plum Island, off Orient Point, played in early federal action to enforce heterosexual norms. She works for The Nature Conservancy handling land protection projects throughout New York State, including the effort to create a preserve on Plum Island.

Katherine P. Marshall “I relocated to Boston with my two sons at the end of January 2020; new state, new town, new schools mid-year with temporary quarters the size of a mouse house. Little did any of us know that within six to eight weeks, all schools would be dismissed and we’d be under orders to ’quarantine in place’. A teenager’s nightmare; being dropped from silver bird into a shoebox with no friends, no family, no school, nor any other activities whatsoever and your mom! Yikes! Happy to say we’re still here, in a new apartment and school on hybrid. Charles and Payson grew a foot taller, mustaches, and huge feet! Now, 14-year-old young men. We’re all stir-crazy, and I just had my vaccine. So, ready to hit the road (and feeling very blessed). Cheers to us all!

Deirdre Pennoyer Nadai “The last few days I have been thinking of our parents. I am thankful for these memorable years they gave us together. This week our family is gathering during the passing of my mother.

This photo is of my mother, Cecily, at age 93 and I sharing moments of happiness together.

Tacie Balliett Saltonstall Tacie spent the winter on Oahu, Hawaii where one of her daughters is a coral reef scientist. Among the perks were orchids, a newborn grandson, and a granddaughter who just started walking. Tacie and her husband own a winery in


the Finger Lakes, which had to make a few changes during COVID-19 – no more music, but many encores for their food to go. She has also been painting quite a bit.

Darcy Bell Symes

focus is helping my oldest kids find their first jobs, find their first apartment, and get settled into adult life. Great fun!”

’73 Nancy Toher Hawkins: nthawkins123@aol.com

Lee Cushing DiPietro

Darcy is a longtime resident of Alabama’s gulf coast. She raised two children, now in their 30s, with her late husband John Symes, a beloved veterinarian and pioneer in “food intolerance in pets and their people.” Darcy has recently launched a resonance biofeedback practice and conducts frequency healing sessions remotely, addressing numerous areas of “stress disturbances” falling under the headings of body, mind, and biofield. A partner in Boudreaux’s Cajun Grill, an award-winning restaurant situated directly on Mobile Bay, Darcy welcomes GVS alumni passing through to look her up and rendezvous on the deck for food, drink, and a possible alligator sighting.

Suzanne Clifton Walsh

“I am proud to say I am now the author of my second book, Beneath The Stars on Kilimanjaro, self-published on Amazon this past summer. It is the sequel to my first book, Against The Wind. Both books are memoirs, the first recounting a difficult time for our family when facing unimaginable life-threatening situations, followed by the next book recounting our trek up Kilimanjaro as a testament to resilience.”

Mimi T. French: mimif3@gmail.com

Harold W. Bost, II: hbost2@alumni.duke.edu

Elena Thornton Kissel Elena continues to enjoy her hobby of woodworking, after being introduced to it as a student at Green Vale.

Dina Cathey Solomon

India R. Howell “I am still living in Tanzania and working my way towards retirement. However, since you can never retire from being a ‘mom,’ I do plan to continue living in Tanzania. At the moment, my big


“The installation features a life-size school of mirrored salmon-like forms, sculpted from molten glass by concerned individuals from around the world, as well as first-hand video accounts from renowned scientists, artists, and indigenous peoples.”


Helen Michalis Bonebrake: hmbonebrake@gmail.com


Joseph G. Rossano Joseph is an artist in the Pacific Northwest who is passionate about integrating technology and science with his art to analyze humankind’s impact on the environment. Joseph spent his childhood exploring the North Shore of Long Island which was formative in his decision to create environmental awareness through art. Joseph continues to do work on SCHOOL: The Joseph Rossano Salmon Project. School is a traveling art performance and exhibition that informs viewers about the diminished state of global salmon populations.



Suzanne became a grandparent in August with the birth of Finnan to her son Conor and his wife Emma. Suzanne’s daughter Alice will be married in August 2021. Unfortunately, Coogans, the restaurant co-owned by Suzanne’s husband Peter, closed in March 2020.


“ I have been living in Greenwich, Connecticut for 15 years. My husband Robert and I moved to a condominium in downtown Greenwich in 2015, and were joined soon after by our Norwich Terrier, Pimm. My son and daughter live in New York City. I see Suzan Laidlaw Malloch ’76 and Helen Michalis Bonebrake ’76 often. In the years before the pandemic, Suzy, Helen, Lucie Wing Meyer ’76, Evelyn Van Ingen Fell ’76, and I would get together several times a year for fun lunches. We enjoyed laughing and reliving our years at Green Vale. Suzy, Lucie, Cora Michalis Thomas ’74, and I celebrated Helen’s birthday in November. We missed you, Evelyn! During the last few years we have rented houses in Charleston, New Orleans, and Little Compton. We can’t wait for the pandemic to end and start traveling again.”

Jeffrey L. Fell “Hey! I have been on the West Coast for 25 years (whoa) and am eyeing Boulder, Colorado as a future home. I love Colorado and look forward to reuniting with friends who live there and, of course, a gorgeous change of scenery.”

’85 John R. Humphrey, IV John and his wife, Michelle, are enjoying life in San Diego. John is building his first golf entertainment facility in the Phoenix, Arizona area and will be expanding throughout the

United States. His son, John Robert, is now 10 years old and loves video games. His wife, Michelle, is loving her career in business development and coaching. John’s family is also crazy for Pickleball.

’88 Whitney D. Pidot, Jr.: wpidot@usa.net John Fredericks: johnnoblefredericks@gmail.com

Dylan P. Ade

“I am currently living in Wellesley, Massachusetts with my wife Allyson, two teenage boys, two dogs, and three cats. About a year ago, I started working with Chad Doerge ’89 at Aiera, a fintech SaaS startup. If anyone from the Class of 1988 ever comes by my area, please reach out: dylanade5@gmail.com.”

Meegan B. Byers “I’m out in Southern California. Yoga therapy has been a long-term endeavor and occupation. Recently, I’ve been doing some artwork and I also have a young child. I’m pretty interested in environmental issues, animal rights, and plant-based nutrition. Occasionally I make it back East but it’s been so long since I’ve frequented the Northeast or have been reminded of the wonders of our times at Green Vale.”

David A. Caplan “All is thankfully well here. I’m still living in New York City with my wife Catherine and our two kids (ages seven and nine). My wife and I are still working in children’s publishing, which has been fun for the kids to see what we do all day ‘at the office.’ We finally have a captive focus group of two. Looking forward to spring, the vaccine, and seeing everyone in person one day soon.”

Matthew H. Catapano “After living abroad for many years, I have returned home to Sea Cliff and I am happy not to be in a far away land during these pandemic times.”

Joan Fiore Collins “We’re in Atlanta, safe and sound, and open for business. We have three children, ages 17, 14, and 11. Time flies when you’re having fun!”

John C. Cuddeback “Until three years ago, I was in LI with three kids at Green Vale but decided to relocate down to the Philadelphia area in 2018. Kids are Jack (age 16), Whitney (age 14), and Cole (age 10), and I’m pretty certain they are not up to the same shenanigans this group was up to at that age.”

Christoph Cushman “I live a mile away from my parents’ old place, so I didn’t get very far. My wife Paula and I have four kids, all teenagers. Three of them have flown the coop and are away at school, so the house is getting eerily quiet. We have a couple of dogs in the mix plus chickens. Our kids all went to GVS, and all managed to have Mr. Zaloom, who retired last year. He is one of the all-time greats. Basically, all good on my front.“

Philip A. DeCicco, Jr. “I still live on Long Island in Garden City with my wife and two kids - the oldest is headed to college next fall. I work as a lawyer in the energy field.”

W. Scott Essex III “I live in New Canaan, Connecticut, after stints in Washington D.C., London, and Switzerland. I’m married with three kids (ages 19, 17, and 14) and work for a Swiss-based investment firm. Fortunately, I see a handful of GVS folks every now and again. Dylan P. Ade ’88, John N. Fredericks ’88, Ashley Gilmor Myles ’88, Thomas W. Grant, Jr. ’89, Gilbert L. Rotchford, Jr. ’89, and I recently played an ‘LIstrong’ paddle tennis match.”

John N. Fredericks “I have four girls (ages 7, 10, 12, and 14). Two at Green Vale and two at Locust Valley.”

Nina McShane Gardiner “I have lived in Sun Valley, Idaho for almost 20 years. My husband and I have three kids (ages 15, 13, and 5). We love the mountain lifestyle and are grateful to live in such a beautiful place. I work from home for Beautycounter. Ironically, Head of School Jesse Dougherty was my classmate at Kenyon College. He was, and I am sure still is, a really great human being!”

Sharone Ostrow Gilbert “I have a high school senior and triplets who are 14 years old and in public school. I didn’t get very far and live around the corner from where I grew up.”

Jenny Funk Levy “I’m living in Hanover, New Hampshire, we’ve been in the area for 19 years. I’ve got a husband (Campbell), a 16year-old (Mack) and a 14-year-old (Kate). I work at an employee-owned global industrial manufacturer based here and I love it, although a pandemic is not a great time to also run HR for a global company. I get to do a ton of outdoorsiness up here, which is a lucky joy.”

Marisa Marcantonio “After 20+ great years in New York City, I recently moved to Southport, Connecticut, where my family moved back in 1985. Hello leafy suburbs, I am very happy to be here! Life is good – I am at an e-commerce startup for home decor called Chairish. I just love it and many Green Vale alumni are interior designers, and luckily, I run into them all the time! Linda Gardiner was one of my favorite teachers, and it’s amazing to think about how many children she’s inspired and encouraged along the way. ”

Alexandra B. Mummery “After graduating from Columbia, where I was an NCAA All American in fencing, I competed for the New York Athletic Club/United States of America for a number of years at national and international competitions. I followed a relationship out to the Bay Area in California, and I’ve been living here for about 20 years. I have no kids (phew!), two cats, and a partner, Mike. Before COVID-19, I was playing soccer at least five days per week, but that has ground to a halt. I work in book publishing as a managing editor.”

Whitney D. Pidot, Jr. “All is well in Minneapolis. The notion of having outdoor sports start right after spring break doesn’t work so well when it’s still snowing. I hear a lot about Green Vale these days since I have three nephews there. I am jealous of the fully in-person classes which GVS students are enjoying this year. My 7th Grade daughter here only has in-person school two days a week, and two of the at-home days are completely non-interactive.”

Daisy Phipps Pulito “I live in Lexington, Kentucky. I’m married and have two sons, ages 9 and 10. I’m

a two-time breast cancer survivor – all healthy now. I manage my family’s racing stable. We have lived here about 12 years and love it.”

Katherine Davidson Soter “I live here in Los Angeles with my husband and two kids (ages 14 and 11). We’ve been out here for about 16 years and love it - other than during wildfire season which got a little too close for comfort this year. I’m a social worker, currently trying to be a writer. I’m also a full time travel sports mom – which is insane.”

’94 Eliza Geddes Franson: eliza@elizageddes.com

Christina Holmes McKeon “Having attended GVS from 1982 to 1994, I consider it my ‘other family.’ Linda Holmes was the shop or woodworking teacher there creating the classic nutcracker and boat races!

Meredith B. Spink “After living all around the world I’m back on Long Island living in Glen Cove. I’m a Medical Esthetician doing all skincare and Lymphatic Drainage Massages, extremely happy in my career.”

William “Ben” Tabler III Ben, his wife (Emily), and their 3-yearold daughter (Tessa) recently moved back to Locust Valley where Ben telecommutes as IP counsel for a Silicon Valley company.

Ethan Vickery “My wife, 3-year-old (Oli), and I are in Manhattan where I have been for the last 20+ years, not much family left in Locust Valley so make it out maybe once a year, but would definitely make the trip for a reunion once life returns to normal.”

Andrew Vitrano “I live in Bronxville, New York with my wife, Margaret, our two boys, Emery (age 13) and Knox (age 11), and our Rhodesian Ridgeback, Bourbon (age four). I bump into Head of School Jesse Dougherty on occasion because our boys play on the United States junior squash circuit. Margaret, Bourbon, and I will be spending more time in Florida as the boys attempt junior boarding school at Eaglebrook in Deerfield, Massachusetts this fall. As for career, I am a corporate and securities lawyer but more recently started a software company that helps manage the affairs of corporate boards.”

Faisel M. Zaman “Texas is nuts right now. Thankfully my family and most friends are safe.”

Sam J. Zarou, Jr. “We have three kids, Sammy age 14, Davis (girl) age 12, and Taylor (boy) age 12 – they are twins. Twins are at GVS and Sammy is at Buckley.”

My brother, father, and various aunts, uncles, and at least 10 cousins also attended GVS. I went into teaching and coached lacrosse for 18 years.”

’97 Lily M. Gray: lilygray@gmail.com Heidi A. O’Connell

Evan W. Uhlick “Ashton and I are delighted to announce the arrival of our son, Wesley Abbot Uhlick, on July 10, 2020 at 2:22 a.m., weighing in at just under eight pounds and 21 inches in length.”

’99 David Knott: dmknott@gmail.com Elizabeth Robinson Duryea: leelee.duryea@gmail.com

Willet V. H. Hossfeld “After 10 years of living in Washington, D.C., my wife and I moved back to Long Island in December.”

Florence Danforth Meyer Florence and her husband Seth welcomed Bates Buchanan Meyer on May 22, 2020.

’00 Garett M. Vassel: garett.vassel@gmail.com

Garett M. Vassel Garett is the Founding President of Optima Durant Group, a fully integrated real estate company that focuses on development, construction, design, and property management. The name stems from Green Vale’s motto, Optima Durant, which translates to The Best Endures. The meaning has


resonated with Garett since he was a student at Green Vale. He continues to draw inspiration from the name by reminding himself to think long-term, stay connected to what is important, and think creatively when approaching challenges. Garett’s daughter Sloan, age eight, is currently in 2nd Grade at Marymount School in New York City. He welcomed his son, Grey Maclaren Vassel, on November 11, 2020.

’01 Rylan Soref: rylan.soref@gmail.com Victoria Pool Holm: vickymholm@gmail.com

Andrew D. Abbott Andrew is engaged and started working at Reddit as Global Agency Lead in February of 2020. He is enjoying his new job.

Victoria Pool Holm Vicky and her husband Owen welcomed their second baby girl on July 29, 2020, Alison Payson Holm. She was 8 pounds 5 ounces, 21.5 inches long and arrived with a full head of hair. Charlotte, age two, is a proud big sister. They have moved out to Locust Valley for the school year, and Charlotte started Pre-Nursery at Green Vale in September.

’02 Meagan Lesko Smiles: meg.p.smiles@gmail.com

Fionna Sciame Elliot Fionna and her husband Michael welcomed their son, MacLean, on August 7, 2020. “He is a dream boy.” Fionna and Michael’s son, Michael “Fitz”


with True World Foods, one of the largest Asian sushi and sashimi-grade seafood distributors in North America, and designs hats and face masks under the brand sushigang.

Ariana DiLorenzo

Elliot ’30, is in Pre-K and their daughter, Pippa Elliot ’32, is in Pre-Nursery at Green Vale.

Gregory J. McWhir “I am an emergency medicine physician and just completed my residency at New York Medical College. After battling the pandemic in New York City, my wife and I decided on a change of scenery and moved to North Carolina.”

Ariana lives in Brooklyn and is a musician and songwriter. Ariana writes for other artists and her own project, Ariana and the Rose. She started an immersive music event called Light + Space while living in London, and now the project is a residency at House of Yes, a venue in Brooklyn.

Kathryn M. Dissinger Katy got engaged and is living in Hartford, Connecticut and coaching lacrosse at Trinity College.

Chloe S. LaBranche


Chloe is producing a YouTube show called “News 4 Women” and performing stand up in New York City.

Peter B. Wilson: pbwilson1@gmail.com J. Cryder Bancroft: james.c.bancroft@gmail.com Carly P. Postal: carlypostal1@gmail.com Nicholas C. Remsen: nicholasremsen@gmail.com

Raymond L. Penzi Raymond is currently living in Maryland, working as a Vice President for a financial, insurance, and benefits consulting firm. His wife, Lauren, is currently in her final year of her dermatology residency program at Johns Hopkins. They have a 16-month-old son, Leo.

Pictured: Chloe headlining a comedy show.

Crystal A. Lynch

ing far too many masks out in Berkeley, California.

Alessandro Santorelli Alessandro is living and working in Italy, splitting his time between Milan and Padova.

Kathleen M. Taylor Kate moved to London two years ago and has been loving it so far (even in lockdown, somehow). She’s been working in tech and spends most of her free time traveling and sampling pints around London. She’s planning to connect with Pierce I. R. McCully ’04, and is looking to visit his new hotel in Venice when the world opens again.

Laura A. Van Igen Laura rescued a dog named Lola about a year and a half ago and is working and living in Manhattan.

’06 Alison G. Browne: alisongbrowne@gmail.com Ripley D. Hartmeyer: rhartmeyer7@gmail.com Lauren E. Russo: lerusso15@gmail.com

Alison G. Browne Alison is currently working as an Academic Dean at DREAM Charter School in East Harlem. Last year, she got engaged to Samuel Schloss, who she met while living in New York City through a friend and Green Vale Alum, Anthony D. Russo ’08.

Ripley D. Hartmeyer


Ripley lives in San Francisco, making frequent visits back to Long Island, and is Head of Talent and Community at Canvas Ventures.

Constance “Lily” Haydock Sanders: lily.haydock@gmail.com Zachary P. Remsen: zachremsen@gmail.com

Margaret V. Remsen Sachvie

Megan Forlines Bostock Megan welcomed her daughter, Eleanor Falcon Bostock, on November 28, 2020.

Julia W. Browne Julia recently bought a house in North Carolina.

Alejandro S. Canet Alex welcomed his son, Nicolas Tilford Canet, on May 28, 2020.

Joan A. Choremi Joanie recently got engaged to Benjamin Goldfarb and they live in New York City together. She partners

Maggie married Chris Sachvie on July 31, 2020. Crystal married Gregory Ewoldt on December 31, 2020. She is working at Highline Capital in New York, where she met her husband. She is pursuing her passion for hiking in the Catskills as she and Greg just purchased a home in Phoenicia, New York.

Pierce I. R. McCully Pierce and his wife Megan welcomed their daughter, Fionnghuala “Finn,” on June 10, 2020. They have recently purchased a villa near Venice, Italy which they plan to operate as an inn.

Nicholas J. Noreña Nick recently got engaged. Aside from work, he is playing music and collect-

’07 George M. Wheatley: gmw4@mac.com Lilly H. Havens: lilly.havens@gmail.com

Arielle N. Roberts Arielle is a fourth year medical student at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She will be receiving her medical degree in May 2021. After graduation, she will be pursuing her residency in general surgery.


Ellen V. Dorrian

Ava Silverstein

Marielle R. Lafaire: mlafaire@gmail.com

Austen E. Flink: austenflink@gmail.com

Mason R. Leonard: masonleonard@gmail.com

James C. Yarian: jc.yarian@gmail.com

Last summer, Elle started volunteering at NOSH, an emergency food delivery service formed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Elle worked at NOSH headquarters as the office manager, assisting delivery drivers with their items, organizing paperwork, sorting food, and putting NOSH bags together. She noted how great it feels to be doing something helpful for other people.

Ava and Serena Saad ’19 were involved with the Witness Project 2020 film, a year-long collaborative process between the Witness Project students and Holocaust survivors. The Witness Project empowers students to give life to the stories of Holocaust survivors so that we never forget the tragedies that took place. Ava and Serena were able to form valuable relationships with the survivors and helped share their stories throughout their time working on the project. They both remain active members of the program. Ava notes that “by telling the stories to younger generations, the survivors are creating witnesses who make sure that their stories live on. The program emphasizes that we understand what hate can do if we do not try to combat it.”


Marielle R. Lafaire Marielle recently got engaged to Alex Walker-Drennan. They live in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania where Marielle works in telecommunications for Teal Communications.

Ella J. Barry: ellabarry1010@gmail.com Christopher A. Lall: Chrislall611@gmail.com

Leo E. Deng

Christopher “C.J.” Smith

C.J. married Emmie Murphy on September 19, 2020.

’11 Grace Lafaire Goldstein: gslafaire@gmail.com

Grace Lafaire Goldstein Grace married Matt Goldstein on June 19, 2020.

’13 William J. Shea “I graduated from University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in English and started working in finance in New York City.”

Rebecca L. Viener “I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin and started teaching in New York City in the fall.”

’15 Molly Ann MacCormick “I’m having fun in Los Angeles as a sophomore at University of Southern California.”

Andrew C. Shea “I started attending University of Colorado Boulder in the fall.”

’16 Kathryn Grace Foley, Carleanna G. Mirante, Layla C. Saad and Sasha A. Smithie visited with each other while home from college recently.

Leo, his brother James E. Deng ’18, and their family generously donated 10,000 disposable three-ply face masks to Green Vale this past summer. Leo wrote that he hopes the masks “help the staff, faculty, and students at Green Vale.”

Christopher A. Lall Christopher committed to run Division I track and field at Elon University.

Madison K. Poll Madison was recently featured in Cove Living for her volunteer work at The ELIJA in Levittown. She has spent the past few summers volunteering at ELIJA, a non-profit organization that provides programming and services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Madison noted that she started volunteering at ELIJA in 2017 through a community outreach program at Green Vale, and she continues to volunteer at ELIJA every summer. For her commitment to the program, the ELIJA staff honored Madison with the 2019 “Champion of Hope Community Service Award.”

Pictured: Elle, on the right, and current Green Vale Student Cecilia Saad ’21 working at NOSH.

’19 Samuel A. Winkler: Princetontiger1@outlook.com Serena C. Saad: saadserena66@gmail.com

Pictured: Serena with one of the survivors, Pearl Friend.

Briana Sparacino Briana, a senior at Syosset High School, edited and produced an Independent Study Project titled, “We Shall Overcome.” Briana navigated the audio and video components of this project while capturing some of the historic challenges the United States has faced.

’18 Daniella L. Burke: dlburke726@gmail.com Eric S. D. Suh: jentris13@gmail.com Isabella Zhang: bellaezhang21@gmail.com John K. Jervis: jkjerv@gmail.com Tomas H. Cushman: tomas.cushman@gmail.com

Planned Giving is a lasting expression of love for Green Vale. For more information on how to designate a planned gift to The Green Vale School, please contact Alexandra Shaheen, Director of Development, at (516) 628-5197 or ashaheen@greenvaleschool.org.


As alumni navigate their education and career paths, the Alumni Office is now able to connect them with other GVS graduates from a variety of schools and industries. Mentors from each of the following secondary schools, colleges, graduate schools, and industries are excited to serve as a resource.


Please email alumni@greenvaleschool.org or call 516-628-5197 if you would like the Alumni Office to facilitate an introduction or if you are willing to volunteer as a GVS Connects mentor.

Secondary Schools Brooks School

Groton School

Chaminade High School

Kent School

Choate Rosemary Hall

Miss Porter’s School

Cold Spring Harbor High School

North Shore High School

Deerfield Academy

Phillips Academy (Andover)

Friends Academy

St. Andrew’s School

Colleges Amherst College Bucknell University Colgate University College of Charleston Columbia College Drew University Fairfield University Harvard College Haverford College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Lynn University Middlebury College

St. George’s School St. Mark’s School St. Paul’s School Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart The Hotchkiss School The Taft School

Graduate Schools New England College

École Hôtelière de Lausanne

New York University

Harvard Business School

St. Lawrence University

Lesley University

Trinity College

New York Law School

United States Naval Academy

New York University

University of Florida

The College of William and Mary

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania University of Richmond University of Virginia Wellesley College



Computer & Network Security


Medical Practice

Education Management

Hospital and Health Care



Individual and Family Services

Non-Profit Organization Management

Events Services


Project Management

Financial Services

Investment Management


Government Administration

Law Practice

Real Estate

Government Contracting

Marketing and Advertising

Venture Capital & Private Equity

Then and Now Augusta Read Thomas ’79 For Augusta “Gusty” Read Thomas ’79, Green Vale served as a music conservatory. She is now one of the leading composers working in America today. A composer featured on a Grammy-winning CD and Pulitzer Prize finalist, the American Academy of Arts and Letters described Thomas as “one of the most recognizable and widely loved figures in American music" as she was inducted into the prestigious honor society in 2009.

(above) Gusty plays at GVS with mentor Mike Mattia in 1978 (right) Graduation tile featuring a 1/4 note and an upside down 1/8 note

She is a professor of music composition at the University of Chicago where she founded the Center for Contemporary Composition. She has served as composer-in-residence with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Eugene Symphony Orchestra, and the New Haven Symphony. Her discography includes 88 commercially recorded CDs. In 2019, she was commissioned to write original music for the Martha Graham Dance Company. She has received countless awards and fellowships.

"The reason I compose music is to express gratitude." — Augusta Read Thomas Music critic Edward Reichel writes: “Augusta Read Thomas has secured for herself a permanent place in the pantheon of American composers of the 20th and 21st centuries.” In a recent email to Green Vale’s long-time band conductor Mike Mattia, Gusty wrote: “I remember so fondly and GRATEFULLY every music lesson you gave me, every band rehearsal, every musical experience I had under your leadership… The reason I’m an active composer all these decades later is in large part thanks to you.” After Green Vale, Gusty attended St. Paul’s School and earned degrees from Northwestern University, Yale, and the Royal Academy of Music.

Will you

Rise to the Occasion in support of Green Vale?

The 2020-2021 Annual Fund closes June 30. Visit www.greenvaleschool.org/support or call the Development Office (516) 628-5197.


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