The Grass Lake Times February 27th, 2020 Vol 153 Issue 9

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GRASS LAKE, MI PERMIT NO. 46 February 27, 2020

© Vol. 153, Issue 9 First published in 1863

Toll-free: 844.GLTIMES

(844) 458-4637

Weekend Weather Fri









Farmers Insurance Stakes its claim In Grass Lake


Coverage for the things you care for. Raymond Tucker Cordani

What is going on? Farmers Insurance has moved into Grass Lake. In fact, Farmers Insurance has set up headquarter around the corner where Reynolds Agency, Inc. a private enterprise that pulled out within the past few years. Farmers has opened its office in the Grass Lake “Mall” at 131 North Lake Street, unit six. The Insurance Game isn’t for everybody. This I discovered this summer when offered a position as a field agent. It seemed so promising, and it could have been if only I could have passed the State License Exam... at least for now.

Keith Dysinger serves the insurance needs of Grass Lakers. “I help customers identify the insurance coverage that fits them best!” Dysinger has been in the insurance business for more than seven years. “I followed my daughter into the business,” Dysinger said. “My motto: ‘Keep clients. Gain new clients. Build their trust. Coverage for the things you care for.’ It’s a good approach for me,” Dysinger said. “Nothing ventured nothing gained.”

Dysinger has a simple way of ensuring that clients will be happy by helping them choose the right products for families and their future. Farmers Insurance 131 North Lake Street, unit six Grass Lake Michigan 49240 Phone: (517) 938-8440


The scalpel falls fast and true...

100 Years Ago See page 3

See page 5

See page 6

See page 6

See page 7

Blood Drive

Monday, February28th, 2020 9:00 AM -3:00 PM

Chelsea Wellness Center Chelsea, MI

Raymond Tucker Cordani

It was Sunday morning in America and I was going to die. I couldn’t think; I couldn’t walk. I only knew that I missed Church. Where was the One who could make the lame walk, raise the dead? They say that God helps those who help themselves. I dialed 911. Angels of Mercy, Grass Lake Fire Chief Greg Jones, arrived in an ambulance, its diesel engine curdling in the driveway. I was asked by the GLT publisher to gauge the effect of rescues day and night from HQ on Michigan Avenue, a mission needing more funding its operations. I can testify that that’s one of the best decisions the Township Board have made since I became a permanent GL resident. The last time I rode in an ambulance was when I was 18, got stomped by skinheads at a Metallica concert. Now I was being transported to Henry Ford Allegiance Health, looked out the window at unfamiliar streets, while paramedics checked my vital statistics, gave me a car-sick bag, which I clung to it as if it was a book deal. The last thing I remember was being wheeled into the inner sanctum of the hospital and strapped in a flying saucer—a CT scan. After discharge another assignment came my way. The Jackson Community Ambulance gave a presentation to the Board of Trustees, talked about Community Paramedics utilized in Jackson County. The initiative allows medics to treat patients at home rather than transferring them to the ER. Missed it by that much ...

Soon I connected with Marc Breckenridge, of He is a former Washtenaw County Sherriff’s Deputy, and he told me that the Jackson Community Ambulance has been in service for more than 20 years, with 15 ambulances and 95 licensed medics for Greater Jackson region. Thousands and thousands of people have been saved by this system. Emergent Health is a stable operation with regional substations, paramedics at the ready when the call comes in. I live in a quiet place. Had I not picked up what felt like a 10,000 pound telephone—I held out as long as possible—I wouldn’t be writing this story... Flat on my back on the gurney seemed like an eternity. The rescuers walked through the door before I realized that I had called them. Even in a country setting doctors don’t make house calls anymore. Rather, they send for the paramedic pros. Because my hospital stay was interminable, I lost count of the days, supine on the creaking gurney, my inner arms bloodied and raw from constant blood work. I was less concerned about myself—because I was delirious—than I was about my kittens. It seems silly, but the thought of them sustained me. My priest administrated Viaticum, a special Church sacrament generally reserved for the dying. Based on his spot diagnosis it was the right call.... Life on the ward for eight days exposed me to the tales of rumrunners and ruin. Incommunicado as I was, my employers thought I jumped ship. The doctor in his turban flatly refused my

requests for discharge, recommended the Executive Suite on some floor at the high rise overlooking the Jackson skyline, but the bustling robots, nurses, and aides were so noisy it hardly yielded to sleep. Eventually I did walk off the ward. I missed my books, my typewriters, my Grateful Dead collection, and my cats. My contact lenses. Every silver lining has a touch of gray. Breckenridge’s outfit can do blood tests in the field. I don’t think that would have deterred the phlebotomists. Blood work never hurt so good. Upon discharge the hospital called me a cab... After all that happened I was still too proud to ask for a ride. The back alley ambience of Villa Cordani looked like bedlam. I had 175 emails in my cue, dozens of voice mails from bewildered family members, the college, and no food in the refrigerator, lost 15 pounds. I had to admit, the doctor was right. My stay in the hospital was the closest I’d had to a vacation in three years. The entire health scare was no laughing matter but I can laugh about it now because it’s over -- a distant speck in life’s rear view mirror.

Pure Homiletics

Fancy this-- It’s all Greek to me... Raymond Tucker Cordani

February 25, 2004. I was teaching English at the University of Central Florida in the Diocese of Disney, lecturing on “Ash Wednesday,” T.S. Eliot’s famous poem. Before me sat several students with ashes smudged across their foreheads in the shape of a cross ... Ash Wednesday. How apropos. ... Eliot wrote “Ash Wednesday” after his 1927 conversion. Published in 1930, the work addresses the struggle of one who lacks faith but years for God. That night after class I entered a Church for the first time in 20 years and began my spiritual journey through the desert of sin to the mountain of grace that is the Resurrection. What a ride. The origin of Lent, 40 days and 40 nights, are so mysterious that the Church doesn’t know when it began. “Lent” is an Anglo-Saxon word that means “spring.” Spring brings renewal. The outgrowth is beautiful. Think of the Easter lilies on the Great Sunday. In the Bible good things happen in threes. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Faith, hope, and love, “these three.” During Lent it’s almsgiving (work), fasting (temperance), and prayer (petition). The prophet Joel admonishes: “Rend your heart, not your garments.” The Trinitarian solution to a fruitful and spiritual Lent is fasting, weeping, and mourning. “Why should nonbelievers jeer and say, ‘Where is your God?’” the prophet cries fullthroated the clarion of salvation. Ashes are a sign of that faith; shows nonbelievers that we are Christians. They certainly worked for me. I knew what they were and what they meant and I wanted Christianity again, wanted the ride to take me as far as possible. T’is the season to stay hungry. Prayer, scripture, and sacraments ensure our spiritual needs are met, even as we mortify the flesh. Lent is spiritual training camp; how devoutly we participate determines how we live in Christendom. The interior penance of the Christian is expressed

Friends of Grass Lake Music Bingo Winners!

το πρώτο είναι το μέσον και το τέλος. in various ways but the Church and her saints insist on fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. Peter Chrysologus, a fifthcentury priest, wrote, “Prayer knocks; fasting obtains; mercy receives. Let no one try to separate them; they cannot be separated.” Robert Herrick, a 17thcetury cleric and poet, wrote of Lent concretely. “Is it to quit the dish of flesh yet pile high the platter of fish? Lent is a fast from strife, debate, and above all, hate. To pray from a heart rent with sorrow, to starve away the sin: that’s how we keep the faith in Lent.” The first thing you notice is the parking lot full to capacity and a sizable amount of people hurrying toward the parish hall. Inside you wait 20 minutes to pay for tickets, a mêlée not unlike Disneyworld but there are no preferred passes. A fine kettle of fish. Where these people came from I don’t know but there are a lot of them on Friday evening. Members of the Knights of Columbus, who man the pans of steaming fish and French fries, don’t stint, pile the main course onto paper plates. Digging in you sense the surge of the blood sugar rising from the batter and the cornbread. Then you go back for seconds. Saint Jacob Church also celebrates Lent as preparation for Easter. For Ash Wednesday members of the congregation decorate the church with a Lenten banner, a wooden cross and violet garments, said Pastor Kurt Uhlenbrauck. “While our congregation does not offer the imposition of ashes, the ancient custom of placing ashes on each worshiper’s forehead, some of the churches in our synod do. St. Jacob does offer the Lord's Supper on that Wednesday,” Uhlenbrauk said. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving; let these be undertaken in the view of our Heavenly Father who sees and repays in secret but also that the world will know that we are Christians.

We're starting a new teen group called the Teen Building Workshop. This is a teen group whose vision is to design and build solutions that will aid those in need. Those are just my words, we’ll need to put a vision statement together when we start meeting. So you may be thinking, sounds great, but I don’t know how to design or build solutions. No problem, we’ll learn that along the way. Actually here’s some of the things we’ll spend time on: • Engineering Design Process • Fundraising • Teamwork • Finance • Computer Aided Design (3D CAD) • Woodworking & Shop Practices • Habits (self mastery & teamwork) • Marketing • How things work • Others needs – where we can help and serve • Time management This will be a fun group with team building games, learning, building, and serving! Open to 6th thru 12th graders. We’ll meet every other Saturday morning at Our Savior Lutheran Church, from 9:00 to 11:00am. Our first meeting will be March 7th. When we start producing parts and learning shop practices we’ll meet at my shop.

Jeff Henderson of the DJ Trivia Affiliate of JacksonCounty (left) and the winners of the prizes, Marissa Dueweke who won the 50/50 Drawing and Eric Dueweke who won the bingo prize. There were also 12 other winners during the night. Thank you for all your support!

Dexter Library - Magic Carpet Theatre

Children of all ages are invited to experience their favorite stories via live theater performances and audience participation. Enjoy “Where the Wild Things Are,” “The Sneeches” and other children’s books while role-playing, creating sound effects and making rhythms along with the Magic Carpet performers. The focus of the Magic Carpet Theatre performance is to encourage children to use their imaginations so they will become better readers. The presentation is fast-paced with lots of humor and audience involvement. Performance begins at promptly at 11:00 am, refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome. Saturday at 11 AM – 12 PM Dexter District Library 3255 Alpine Street, Dexter, Michigan 48130 373 LAKESIDE DRIVE P.O. BOX 216 GRASS LAKE, MICHIGAN 49240 Phone: (517) 522-8464 Fax: (517) 522-4955 e-mail:

Grass Lake Charter Township Notice of Public Accuracy Test of Voting Equipment February 25, 2020 To the qualified electors of Grass Lake Charter Township, Jackson County, State of Michigan. Notice is hereby given that a Public Accuracy Test for the electronic equipment that will be used in Precinct 1, 2 and 3 for the March 10, 2020 Presidential Primary Election is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. at the Grass Lake Charter Township Hall, 373 Lakeside Drive, Grass Lake, Michigan. The Public Accuracy test is conducted to demonstrate that the computer programming used to tabulate the votes cast at the election meets the requirements of Michigan election law. Catherine Zenz, Clerk Grass Lake Charter Township Our first project is to design a collapsible school desk. There’s a lot of places where school is a single room used for many different things including sleeping. So a desk that collapses and stows away will be very useful. We’ll team up with organizations like Project 418 and Love Like You Mean It, to find those in need. Once we identified those in need and designed the desks they need, we’ll raise money to build them and ship the desks to them. So if you're interested in design, building, and helping others, come join us as we learn, grow, and serve! If you have any questions please contact me. Paul Hedding Our Savior Lutheran Church Chelsea, MI 48118

The Grass Lake Times

A weekly publication of The Grass Lake Times P.O. Box 189, Grass Lake, Michigan 49240

Phone: 844-458-4637 Email: Published by The Grass Lake Times, a Michigan NonProfit Corporation. Editor and Chairman: Raymond Tucker Cordani Published every Thursday and delivered to homes via the USPS. $40.00 per year home delivery (in Grass Lake) and .75 for Single Copy Always online at Let us hear from you! Your ideas, events, feedback, and story ideas. Your Town - Your Paper

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toll-free 844.458.4637

© February 27, 2020

The Next Chapter . . . • Issue 134 •

March 2020

March Birthdays Celebration Friday, March 13, noon Help us celebrate March birthdays! Enjoy a tasty lunch and birthday cake. Thank you Silver Maples of Chelsea Retirement Neighborhood for hosting. R em em ber to call 734.475.9242 to sign up for lunch. Travelogue Kissed by an Irish Pony Tuesday, March 17, 12:30 pm Hear stories and see photos from Charlotte Wyche’s recent trip to magical, mystical Ireland. Please RSVP. This travelogue was initially scheduled for January but was postponed due to a snow day closure.

• Published Monthly •

Membership $25/year

Healthy Cooking for One-New series Mondays, March 16, 23, 30, 1-2 pm Join St. Joseph’s Chelsea Registered Dietitian, Cassy Rivard, for Healthy Cooking for One. This 3-session series aims to provide basic cooking skills and nutrition knowledge to those cooking for one. Session 1: Healthy eating basics: stocking your freezer, pantry, and fridge; Session 2: Food safety, cooking techniques, reading and adapting recipes; Session 3: Meal planning and advanced cooking methods including a cooking demo. Call or stop in at the Center to register.

Stained glass class still meets on Mondays.  Reflexology is on hiatus.  Supper Club is back! See page 2.  The Center IS OPEN during Chelsea’s Spring Break.  Gentle Yoga with Maggie starts again on May 12.  Thank you to everyone who has saved brown paper bags for meals on wheels. Please know that we are no longer collecting them. 

Senior Services Information Thursday, March 26, 10 am-noon Have you ever wondered what Area Agency on Aging (AAA1B), A head of the Curve from Catholic Social Services (CSS), and the Center’s own Chelsea Community Senior Services (C2S2) and Rural Older Adults in Motion (ROAM) can do for you? Stop by our information booth on Thursday, March 26 between 10 am and noon. We will answer questions and connect you to local resources and programs. We will also have emergency alert cards available as supplies last. Plan to stop in.

Wednesday, March 25, 1-3 pm, at CSC Culinary Herbs and spices are fundamental to healthy flavorful cooking as well as a superb way to add interest to food without salt. Join Jim and Mary Randolph and Merrill Crockett as they incorporate a sampling of common and not-socommon herbs in a host of tasty dishes. $5 supply fee donation requested. Call the Chelsea Senior Center to register.

Eddy Discovery Center – Waterloo Recreation Area

Happy Hour Friday, March 27, 4-6 pm Jet’s Pizza Chelsea. Call the Center to RSVP.

Cooking With Herbs: Spice Up Everyday Meals

In partnership with Adult Learner’s Institute

Come Discover Your Natural World!!!

 The CADDY Quilters donated 106 quilts last year to the Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at U of M.

 Our sewing groups, meeting at the Chelsea and

Grass Lake Senior Centers, donated 525 dresses, 100+ skirts, 30+ shorts, and 1000 feminine pads/kits in 2018-2019 for youth in need in Africa.

Thank you VOLUNTEERS for your time and talent!

▪ Chelsea Senior Center ▪ 512 Washington Street ▪ Chelsea, MI ▪ 48118 ▪ 734.475.9242 ▪ ▪

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St. Mary Manchester Lenten Fish Fries

St. Mary Catholic Church served over 4500 dinners at its famous Lenten fish fries last year. We invite you and your readers to come and enjoy a delicious fish dinner each Friday in Lent (with the exception of Good Friday) from February 28 through April 3 from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary Parish Center, 108 Madison Street (behind the Marathon gas station on Main Street in the Village of Manchester). The menu includes fried and baked Pacific cod, French fries, baked potatoes, spicy little potatoes, homemade macaroni and cheese, a huge salad bar, and delicious desserts. The popular drive-thru take-out is FAST. Just follow the signs to the back of St. Mary Parish Center. Prices range from $12 for adults for a dine-in, all-you-can-eat dinner, $11 for seniors, $10 for take-outs, and $6 for children ages 6 to 10. There is no charge for children five and under. Last year, the people's choice on MILive voted the Lenten Fish Fries at St. Mary, Manchester, the best in the Ann Arbor area. We hope to see you there! Betty Cummings, Publicity

ARK ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Sunday, March 1. Join us for a fun and educational afternoon with Rebecca Barrett and her delightful live animals. Everyone will have the opportunity for a special hands-on experience with each of these creatures while learning about their lifestyles and characteristics. Because of the hands-on nature of this program, seating is limited, and advanced registration is required at 734-475-3170. Cost: $2/person or $5/family. Gerald E. Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Rd. in the Waterloo Recreation Area near Chelsea. SPIDERS AND THEIR KIN: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Sunday, March 8. Dr. Cara Shillington will introduce you to live spiders, tarantulas, scorpions and other intriguing invertebrates. Learn about poisonous spiders in Michigan, where they hang out, and how to avoid them. Cost: $2/person or $5/family. Gerald E. Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Rd. in the Waterloo Recreation Area near Chelsea. Advance registration requested at 734-475-3170.

100 Years Ago From the Archives TO “CONQUER AND DESTROY USA”

U. S. Socialists CALL FOR LABOR REVOLT Extracts from “Manifesto and Program— Constitution—Report to the Communist Socialist Party of America Published February 26, 1920 Socialism does not propose to ‘capture’ the hour for parliamentary state, but to conquer and destroy it. As long as the bourgeoisie state prevails, the capitalist class can baffle the will of the proletariat. In those countries in which historical development has furnished the opportunity, the working class has utilized the regime of political democracy for its organization against Capitalism. The older unionism was based on the craft divisions of small industry. The unions consisted primarily of skilled workers whose skill is itself a form of property. The unions were not organs of the militant class struggle. Today the dominant unionism is actually a bulwark of Capitalism, merging of Imperialism and accepting State Capitalism. The proletarian revolution comes at the moment of crisis in Capitalism of a collapse of the old order. Under the impulse of the crisis, the proletariat acts for the conquest of power, by means of mass action. Mass action concentrates and mobilizes the forces of the proletariat, organized and unorganized it acts equally against the bourgeois state and the conservative organizations of the working class. Strikes of protest develop into general political strikes and then into revolutionary

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mass action for the conquest of the power of the state. Mass action becomes political in purpose while extra-parliamentary in form: it is equally a process of revolution and the revolution itself in operation. The Socialist Party is the conscious expression of the class struggle of the workers against capitalism. Its aim is to direct this struggle to the conquest of political power, the overthrow of capitalism and the destruction of the state. The Socialist Party prepares itself for the revolution in the measure that it develops a program of immediate action, expressing the mass struggles of the proletariat. These struggles must he inspired with revolutionary spirit and purposes. The Socialist Party is fundamentally a party of action. It brings to the workers a consciousness of their oppression, of the impossibility of improving their conditions under capitalism. The Socialist Party directs the workers' struggle against capitalism, developing fuller forms and purposes in this struggle, culminating in the mass action o£ the revolution. The Socialist Party shall make the great industrial struggles of the working class its major campaigns, in order to develop an understanding of the strike in relation to the overthrow of capitalism. (a) The Socialist Party shall participate in mass strikes, not only to achieve the immediate purposes of the strike, but to develop the revolutionary implications of the mass strike. (b) Mass strike are motivating factors in the process out of which develops the workers’ understanding and action for the conquest of power. (c) In mass strikes under conditions of

concentrated capitalism there is the tendency toward the general mass strike, which takes on a political character and manifests the impulse toward proletarian dictatorship. In these general mass strikes the Socialist Party shall emphasize the necessity of maintaining industry and the taking over of social functions usually discharged by the capitalists and the institutions of capitalism. The strike must cease being isolated and passive; it must become positive, general and aggressive, preparing the workers for the complete assumption of industrial and social control. (a) Every local and district organization of the Party shall establish contact with industrial units in its territory, the shops, mills and mines and direct its agitation accordingly. (b) Shop Committees shall be organized wherever possible for the purpose of Socialist agitation in a particular shop or industry by the workers employed there. Those committees shall he united with each other and with the Socialist Party, so that the party shall have actual contact with the workers and mobilize them for action against capitalism. The Socialist Party must engage actively in the struggle to revolutionize the trade unions. As against the unionism of the American Federation of Labor, the Socialist Party propagandizes industrial unionism and industrial union organization, emphasizing their revolutionary implications. Industrial Unionism is not simply a means for the everyday struggle against capitalism; its ultimate purpose is revolutionary, implying the necessity of ending the capitalist constitutional state. Industrial Unionism is a factor in the final mass action for the conquest of power, as it will constitute the basis for the Industrial administration of the Socialist Commonwealth.

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(a) The Socialist Party recognizes that the A. F. of L. is reactionary and a bulwark of capitalism. (b) Councils of workers shall be organized in the shops as circumstance allow, for the purpose of carrying on the industrial union struggle in the old unions, uniting and'mobilizing the militant elements; these councils to be unified in a Central Council wherever possible. (c) It shall be a major task of the Socialist Party to agitate for the construction of a general industrial union organization, embracing the I.W.W., W. I. L. U., independent and secession unions, militant unions of the A. F. of L., and the unorganized workers, on the basis of the revolutionary class struggle. TheSocialist Party shall encourage movements of the workers in the shops seeking to realize workers’ control of industry, while indicating their limitations under capitalism; concretely, any movement analogous to the Shop Stewards of England. These movements (equally directed against the union bureaucracy) should be related to the Socialist Party. The unorganized unskilled workers (including the agricultural proletariat) constitute the bulk of the working class. The Socialist Party shall directly and systematically agitate among these workers, awakening them to industrial union organization and action.

100 Years Ago is sponsored each week on behalf of: © February 27, 2020

Pay It Forward project

Gummy Bears and Kindness Can Do So Much

Weekend Retreats for Men and Women at

Brenda Cooper

St. Francis Retreat Center

River of


It’s already the end of the month Grass Lake! I can’t believe how fast this winter season has gone by! I am ready for the smell of lilacs and to be serenaded with the sweet songs of birds this spring! Some of my friends in Texas have already started to plant their gardens and I have to admit I am totally jealous!

Join us to explore the roles of Priest, Prophet, and Servant King! Over 15 weekend options offered between September 2019 and April 2020

Flowing from our Baptism

View more information & schedule at

I was talking with my mother-in-law this past weekend and she told me a story about a woman that was in the checkout line at her local grocery store with her 5 year old son waiting for their turn to checkout. The little boy asked his mom if he could get some gummy bears that were hanging on the peg near the register and his mom leaned over and said “Sorry sweetie, but your dad just lost his job and we can’t afford that right now�. The man standing in line behind them heard her say this so he quietly reached into his wallet, pulled out a $50 bill and passed it to the little boy and said “Oh it looks like you dropped this� (insert picture here of me ugly crying).

or call St. Francis at 517-669-8321

St. Francis Retreat Center | 703 E. Main Street | DeWitt, MI 48820

I imagine the mom and the stranger went back and forth about the $50 and she finally took the money and was so grateful. This story has so much power in it for me. Every single day, you and I have the power to change someone’s day. We have the power in us to spread kindness, to pay it forward to others, and to make a difference to someone else. It does not need to cost $50. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t need to cost a dime. This week, I want to encourage you all to spread kindness around like confetti. Do something; anything that will make a difference and have a positive impact on another human being. Bake a cake for a co-worker that is struggling. Wave hi and smile to a stranger. Buy the gummy bears for a child. Hold the door for a mom pushing a stroller. Call a neighbor to check in. Tell someone how much you appreciate them. Give something to someone you know that needs help. We all have the power within us to help others. You never know if God is using you to answer someone else’s prayer so go out this week and make a difference.

Ever consider hosting a foreign student? We are currently looking for loving families to open their home to an international high school student for the 2020-2021 school year. We have qualified students from Denmark, Italy, Findland, Austria and more searching for the opportunity to attend one year of high school in America. Learn more by sending me a personal message on Facebook or email me at Susan McCahey Clausen



Together, we can change the world!

Cash Grab


cash machine! Page 4


toll-free 844.458.4637



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Š February 27, 2020

Heart and Vascular Expo SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29 | 8 AM – 1 PM JAXNAZ CHURCH 3905 CLINTON ROAD | JACKSON, MI Free shuttle service from Westwood Mall parking lot (by Finley’s/Michigan Ave)

Join us for this FREE community event and learn how to keep your heart healthy at any age. Enjoy exhibits, a physician forum and heart-healthy snacks. Inspiring keynote speaker Eliz Greene will teach techniques to control stress. Registered Yoga Teacher Kate Burns shows how yoga helps you to relax. Plus, it’s fun! Free health screenings available on a walk-in basis: • Balance

• Obstructive sleep apnea

• Stroke risk

• Blood pressure

• Pulse oximetry

• Total cholesterol

• Body mass index (BMI)

Keep prescription drugs out of the wrong hands. Bring prescription and over the counter pills you no longer need to our Unused Medications Table and we will safely dispose of them. (We do NOT accept needles, liquids, patches or inhalers.)

To register for arterial vascular screenings or learn more, call (844) 765-8272, or visit Passionate heart health advocate Eliz Greene is ridiculously excited about stress. Surviving a heart attack at age 35 while pregnant with twins, Eliz now leads others on a well-researched, proven path to lower stress. Visit

Cascades Humane Society

Pet of the Week

1515 Carmen Drive Jackson, MI 49202 (517) 787-7387 Monday: Closed

Tuesday-Saturday: 12-6 p.m. Sunday: Closed

Connecting animals in need with people who care.


The Family Worship Center & Federated Churches of Grass Lake Community are joining together in a Night of Worship. Taking place Saturday Night, February 29th at 6 pm located at The Federated Church Campus 519 W. Michigan Ave Grass Lake. We are inviting anyone and everyone to come and join in with the band and team as they lead in songs you may hear on Smile FM 88.1 or Family Life radio 96.7, Including "O, Praise The Name" "Here I am To Worship" "Good, Good Father" "Way Maker" "God Of All My Days" "Jesus" "Stand In Your Love" Come ready to participant by sharing a scripture that has been speaking to you lately or giving Testimony of God's wondrous love in your life. Help us bring our Community of Faith together in "Raising A Hallelujah"

Donna was transferred here with two other cats from another shelter. She’s 10 years old and a sweet, loving girl. Clearly she gets along with other cats. She has been spayed, is now current on her vaccines and has tested negative for both FIV and FeLV. All she’s looking for is a soft landing and a warm bed. This girl still has lots of life left and would make anyone a great companion. If you’re looking for an older, settled cat to snuggle with check out Donna. She might just be a good fit for your family. Her adoption fee is $40.

Grass Lake Times is as close as your smartphone


Missy is a very energetic, 5-year-old, tricolor Coonhound/Foxhound mix. She doesn’t care for toys, but she loves walks and just being outside. Barking is one of her favorite things to do as well. Can’t help it! Hey, Missy is a hound; it’s in her blood. This girl has some separation anxiety, so she would do best in a home where someone was with her a good deal of the time. Missy has been spayed, microchipped, brought up-to-date on vaccines and tested negative for Heartworm. Her adoption fee is $150.

Bookmark us at

Please note: sometimes animals featured in the newspaper may have been adopted by the time the newspaper reaches the stand, but, at CHS, we always have more! You can check our website for up-todate available We’re open 12-6pm, Tuesday through Saturday.

THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS! Mar c h331:50%Of fAl l Book s&Medi a Mar c h37:50%Of fF r a me dAr t , Mi r r or s , Wa l l Dec or , F r a me s

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© February 27, 2020

The Recipe Exchange Dear Lynn, I love sticky buns and would love to try making some at home. Does anyone have a favorite tried-and-true recipe? Evelyn from McBain Pat from Adrian sent in her simple and tasty recipe for Hamburger Casserole. Tim from Coldwater says it’s the soy sauce that adds zing to his Oriental Hamburger Casserole. Marge from Pinconning likes to make her Hamburger Pot Pie Casserole. It’s one of her favorite recipes. Please stop by my blog Lynn’s Musings From a Deep Well at Send recipes and requests to The Recipe Exchange at HAMBURGER CASSEROLE 5 potatoes 2 lbs ground beef 2-10 1/2 oz cans cream of 1 1/2 c milk mushroom soup 1 1/2 c shredded Co-Jack Salt and pepper to taste cheese DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brown hamburger, drain and set aside. Slice potatoes thin. Combine mushroom soup, milk, salt and pepper in a bowl, mixing well. Spray a 9x13 inch baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Layer half of the potatoes, ground beef and soup mixture in the pan. Top with half of the cheese. Make a second layer, ending with cheese. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Remove foil and bake another 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Allow to sit for 10 minutes. Cut and serve. Note: This recipe can be halved and baked in an 8x8 inch pan. ORIENTAL HAMBURGER CASSEROLE

1 lb ground beef 2 medium onions, chopped 1 c chopped celery fine

Euchre Friday night at the Wolf Lake Yacht Club, 357 Highland Dr, Jackson 49201. Game starts at 7:00. $5 to play and 25 cents a euchre. You don’t have to be a Club Member to play euchre. Bring a snack to share and BYOB. Euchre is every other Friday night.

1-10 1/2 oz can cream of 1-10 1/2 oz can cream of mushroom soup chicken soup 1 c water 1/2 c uncooked rice 1 T soy sauce 1/4 t pepper 1-5 oz can chow mein noodles DIRECTIONS: Brown ground beef with onions and celery in a skillet. Drain grease then place mixture in a casserole dish. In a medium sized bowl, mix together cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, water, rice, soy sauce, pepper and chow mein noodles. Pour over meat and mix all together. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 to 60 minutes, until heated through. HAMBURGER POT PIE CASSEROLE 1 lb ground beef 2 T butter 2 T flour 1 c beef broth 1/4 t Tabasco sauce 1-15 oz can mixed vegetables, 1/2 t salt drained 1 deep dish pie crust 1 c grated cheddar cheese 1 egg 2 T milk DIRECTIONS: Cook ground beef, breaking up clumps, in a skillet until no longer pink. Drain and set aside. Melt butter in a separate skillet. Stir in flour. Slowly add beef broth and Tabasco sauce, stirring constantly. Heat until mixture thickens and comes to a boil. Remove from heat. Add mixed vegetables, ground beef and salt. Mix well. Place pie crust in a pie tin and pierce bottom several times with a fork. Bake at 400 degrees for 5 minutes. Pour meat mixture into pie crust. Mix together cheddar cheese, egg and milk. Pour over top and carefully spread out evenly. Bake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees until lightly browned.


Grass Lake Community Schools are in need of two permanent bus drivers. Please consider the following before you discount the thought... 1. Be on your kids' school schedule, and driving a bus can offer extra income for retirees, or occupations with flexible schedules. 2. Take your kids on your bus with you. 3. Have your own route. 4. Go to your kids' events for free and make money while you are there. 5. Make $180-$200 per week of take home pay with vision insurance. 6. Working hours are generally 6:15 AM-7:45 AM, and 2:45 PM-4:15 PM. 7. Take advantage of free training that will result in a Class B Commercial License. 8. Work with a tremendous, supportive team of professional drivers made up of mothers, grandmothers, business owners, farmers, veterans and retirees. 9. Tell your friends that you are a successful team member with Grass Lake Community Schools.

Let's talk! 517-867-5544

Fill in the blanks, using the numbers from one to nine only once in each 3x3 cell and puzzle row and column. Thanks for reading the

Grass Lake Times

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© February 27, 2020


Al-Anon meeting 10:30 am. 12 step program for anyone afflicted by another’s alcoholism. Location: First Presbyterian Church in Jackson. 517937-9503.


Road Runners meet every Saturday at Roaming Goat at 7:50 a.m. Check out their Facebook page @GLRoadRunners for more information. Lost Railway Museum meets on the second Saturday of each month. Open to the public; volunteers welcome.


Jazzercise is scheduled to be held from 8:00 a.m. To 9:00 a.m. At grass lake community schools. For more

information contact Laura Kulwicki at laura.kulwicki@grasslakeschools. com.

Grass Lake Charter Township meets the second Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Township Hall.

Grass Lake Lions Club meets first and third Monday at seven p.m. at 216 W. Michigan Ave.

American Legion Post 252 meets at Ryan’s Restaurant on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m.

Grass Lake Yoga Intermediate Flow 6:30-7:30PM at Grass Lake Medical Center. $5 donation goes to GL Farmer's Market.


Zumba with Alicia 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. at George Long Elementary School in the small gym.


Friday, February 21, 2020 3:30 PM

Its was senior night for the Warrior and these 5 guys bowled awesome. Jack Schultz, Drew Thompson, Ryan Cicalo, Bradlee Ramsey, and Jack "Bones" Stapleton fired a 222 1st baker game followed by 211 2nd baker game. Ryan Cicalo led the Warriors with games of 215 and 235, Bradlee Ramsey shot 233 and 191, Drew Thompson shot 216 and 157, Jack Stapelton shot 201, and Jack Shultz shot 191. by Jeffrey Wyers Girls Varsity Bowling beat Michigan Center High School 18-12 Friday, February 21, 2020 3:30 PM

Warrior Girls Bowling had a big win against cross town rivals Michigan Center. Handing sole possession of the Cascade Girls Bowling Conference Title to Hanover Horton. Senior Chloe Kyer 160, 167 for 327, Taylor Mosher 177, 143 for 320, Cierra Chapo 144,157 for 301, Ce Ce Evans 154,147 for 301, and Lillian Uebrick 124,149 for 273 (Lillian had a big tenth frame with two strikes and 8 to help secure first game win). Warrior end season with two wins. Big shout out to Jeff Wyers and the Boys Varsity program 17-0 season. Great Day for Warrior bowling program. by Shawn Thomas

Teen Center at Christ Lutheran Church, 4250 Page Avenue in Michigan Center. Games and activities. Thursday 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and

Alcoholics Anonymous Grass Lake Group meets weekly at 7:30 p.m. at Grass Lake Federated Church 519 E. Michigan Ave.

Upcoming Events

Grass Lake High School Winterfest Dance. Saturday February 8th from 8:00 - 11:00pm. Location: Grass Lake High school at 11500 Warrior Trail.

Grass Lake Masonic Lodge meets the first Wednesday of the month at Village office building - 119 Lake Street

Boys Varsity Basketball beat Addison High School 39-32 Friday, February 21, 2020 7:30 PM

In a slow and deliberate game Grass Lake prevailed 39-32. Trae Ruggles led the way with 15 points and Brennen Bargesser followed with 6 points and 7 rebounds. Xavier Bargesser left the game early in the 1st quarter with an ankle sprain and did not return, still finished with 4 points. The Warriors improved to 11-5 and 8-3 in the conference. Grass Lake next plays Vandercook at home on Wednesday February 26 at 7pm. by David Bargesser

Grass Lake Senior Center

Located at Grass Lake Charter Township building 373 Lakeside Drive Grass Lake, MI 49240 We are open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and have game night each Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Ping Pong Night the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.

Coed Varsity Wrestling beat Whitmore Lake High School 1-0

Saturday, February 22, 2020 9:26 AM

March 6th and 7th Trenton will be wrestling at Ford Field trying to accomplish his goal of becoming a state champion! by Corey Viegelahn

KBS Hair Designs 517-522-8060

131 N. Lake Street Grass Lake, MI

Grass Lake's Gabrielle Lutchka (32) goes up for three over Michigan Center's Shealyn Tripp (23) during the fourth quarter, Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 in Michigan Center. Photo: Nikos Frazier

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Grass Lake sophomore Gabrielle Lutchka (center) holds up a '58' while celebrating with her teammates after her state-record 16 made 3-pointers in a single against Manchester on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020. Photo courtesy: Andrea Cabana

Page 7

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10194 meets on the third Thursday of the month at Grass Lake United Methodist Church. 449 E Michigan Avenue.

Grass Lake Village Council meets the first and third Tuesdays at 119 N. Lake Street at 7:00 p.m.

Grass lake Warriors Sports update Boys Varsity Bowling beat Michigan Center High School 28-2


email or call 1.844.458.4637 Check us out on Facebook! toll-free 844.GLTIMES © February 27, 2020

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February 27, 2020

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