MEKANISMO (October 2018)

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October 2018 Issue Volume 58 No. 9 ISSN 1656 - 8699


The Official Magazine of The Gears Publication Laguna State Polytechnic University Sta. Cruz Campus

October 2018



Lakbay Journey begins with a thrust

October 2018



EDITOR'S NOTE Everyone’s journey is a roller coaster. It is embarked with ups and downs which make the wholeness of our mind and soul. All we need is to keep these as your lessons and strengths that will guide you as you move forward in life with determination and courage. This year, we want to push everyone to their limits. Once you think you can do it, you can do it. Despite losses and failures, all you need to do is to strive harder, grow stronger. We have to fight, we have to be patient, because life isn’t easy. W Just always be reminded that you have to stand up straight and keep your feet on the ground. You have to set your mind towards your goals because there will be always long run waiting for you. Bon Voyage! JOSHUA D. AQUINO Editor-in-Chief

We live in a world where a man's greatest question lies in the purpose of his life. We are eched with the same, universal doubt that exist within us despite our differences in skin color, mother tongues and religious practices. "Lakbay" the Tagalog word which translates to "journey" is one unifying factor of humans that either shadows, or gives light to our deepest confusions. We are all unique; unique in our roots and culture and yet, similar in the fact that we are all faced with a perilous journey that is called life. Even though the obstacles that obstruct our paths may be different to each, we are united in our fight to overcome life's unforgiving predicaments. But the ball does not roll without a push; our fight cannot begin without an urge to overcome. And it is in this fight where we truly discover the strength that is hidden within each and everyone of us. It is within this journey where we are enlightened of our true purpose in life.


October 2018



October 2018







NEWS PAGE strengthens global COMPETENCY








DEVCOMM PAGE more for less from nickel to steel


SPORTS PAGE match point scc claims futsal title 9 years of excellence


October 2018

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October 2018





Towards Quality Consistently realize what the certificate represents. This October, TUV Rheinland auditors presented Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) as International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 Certified, which means the university passed the standards stated in the said certification which particularly focuses on management system. It’s a good thing that the university submitted itself under this international-based evaluation since it assesses the overall context of LSPU to define who is affected by their work and what they expect from the university. Audit results which garnered 23 positive feedbacks, 43 opportunities for improvement, and three non-conformities can serve as guide to LSPU to improve its current system since associated risks were now identified and can be addressed. Moreover, when properly utilized, success can be achieved in the form of attracting opportunities and stakeholders or in the form of having a blueprint for internal efficiency. There are ever-changing demands from today’s wider society that have stronger voice than ever before. This action of the university to meet global standards can help it to operate more complex services than they did in the past since they underwent an audit that stress on continual improvement of a quality management system. This is a valuable step to remain relevant in terms or ever-changing standards when it comes to quality service. ISO 9001:2015 requires LSPU to understand and respond to the needs and expectations of the stakeholders which includes the students. However, based on last month’s survey, 52% of the students aren’t informed about this quest of the university to improve its system. A large portion of this percentage know the term ISO yet doesn’t know what it means and how they will be affected. Student involvement must be realized. They are the primary receiver of the university’s services anyways. Commitment of the administrative council with effective students and other stakeholders’ involvement is the key to realize this continual improvement. Though at the end of the day, it’s not the certificate that is important but the fact that the university improve the way of giving services. Certificate may label the university as having quality management system but still, consistently meeting its customers’ needs and enhancing their satisfaction is a more significant label.

mekanismo October 2018



October 2018


LAST SHOT This is it. This will be my last shot. It’s been almost five years since I entered this university. I am still thinking about those “what ifs” in my mind. Right after my high school graduation, I am still frustrated for not passing the UPCAT. I am one of those students who are considered as “UP or nothing”. Well, maybe there will be a better path for me. Time passed, PUPCET results had been released. Yes, I passed. But still, there’s still no contentment in me. I’m still finding for something.



Joshua Aquino Editor-in-Chief @PritongPotato

I don’t know what’s special on this university but my heart and mind wanted to be here.

Joshua is the Editor-in-Chief of The Gears Publication and is an Electronic Engineering student. His patience is one of his good characteristics that helped him to grow as a good leader.

As we went to the Capitol of Laguna to apply for scholarship, that was my first time to visit Sta. Cruz (except that I was born here and never been here again). We are on our way when we passed by to a university where I can see the whole field, library and the administration building facing to the main road. My heart beats quickly. It feels like I fell in love for the first time. I don’t know what’s special on this university but my heart and mind wanted to be here. And that’s it. I passed my application and now, I’m on my last year and almost making it. My life here is more than just a student. Being part of the university publication made more colors in my college life. Back then, (sorry for this) I joined the publication when I was in high school just to gain higher grades and bonus extra-curricular points. It is really kind of funny but I know I am selfish or should I say, grade-conscious that time. On my first to fourth year in the publication, still I am just benefiting on what the organization gave on me. At that time, I am just slightly committed to the pub. I have more time for my friends and classmates as well as in our gimmicks and playing computer games. Until Aldous’ editorial board was about to end. Honestly, I never imagined myself being an Editor-in-Chief. Back then, I know I am not really good in writing especially in English. Also, don’t have any idea how to manage things in the publication especially in processing letters. I also don’t know where and who are the officials in the different offices in our university. I am also not good in terms of communicating with other people especially those who are in high position in the university. What comes to my mind is that, I need to be careful for what actions and words I should say because it may offend them. I truly envy those people who can communicate well and get along with other people. Until, the time came. It’s a mixture of

excitement and nervousness on how will this year turns out. I am weak. I am still an immature one. I don’t know how to handle stress. I am a procrastinator. I am always lazy. But as time goes by, myself changing little by little. All of the mention above just disappeared in the span of months. I also got to the point to question myself. “Is this really me?” After, couple of weeks and months. Seminar-workshop, team building and universitywide. All of these are done with really great success. And guess what? What really makes me proud is that, once again, we’ve topped the Uwide and that is not for me. It is for those who worked really hard and it is for the legacy of the publication. And now, as I write this column, I am here in our publication with 38 sleepless hours doing our things in preparation for the upcoming regionals. Right now, we are all still in pressure since there is only few hours left for our folio and magazine as the printing press will get the softcopy of our outputs. Am I ready? Still, no. However, our confidence is growing as our outputs are continuously improving and nearly to finish. The publication really changed my personality. I got a lot of patience, I got more matured. I also learned to understand things especially when there is a problem. I can also control my emotions and feelings. Just a few months from now, I am about to leave the publication. I am about to leave the university. I will enter the real world as I continue to grow as a human. But no matter how many years will passed, the memories with the editors and staffs, and the learnings from the ups and downs inside the publication will always be remained in my heart.

Students urge to post when they feel inconvenient, they confess about their professors who are guessing their grades and professors who are always absent. For me, even if we confess nothing will change, even if we protest or rebel against those people it will not become effective and if we drop names we destroy one’s life. Bullying and Rants has been the language of the people. One of the example is the grammar nazi that became famous because she confidently corrects the pronunciation of receipt she confesses that the correct pronunciation is “Resip” not “resit”. This confession became viral all over the facebook. In the end she experience being bullied because of her post. Such page opens the door for other student to see what is happening in their campus, with 15,000 followers it is possible for the page to influence thousands of people and every post has a big impact, not only to the university but also to an individual. LSPU main campus Stolen Shots and Confession is an example of confession pages wherein students have a power to share their opinion and concerns about a certain issue. But with its power it cross beyond the limits and cross the boundaries. Let us say that the admin of the page is not part of the university but the name of the page reflects the school and the content inside the page can be label as cybercrime. According to Republic Act 10175, also known as Cybercrime


Prevention Act of 2012, where in the unethical use of gadgets and internet are punishable by law.


Facebook pages like FEU confession, Laguna University Secret files and Confessions, UST secret files, LSPU main campus Stolen Shots and Confession and many more has become the platform for the student to have a strong voice. Especially, when their professor and the function/process of the school offices do not meet their expectation. They tend to use social media to rant about irate personnel, slow process of transaction, unfair professor, and different issues in the campus.

Student’s now is very different they are influenced using social media to attack individuals, they are like scavengers, searching for the meal to attack. LSPU main campus stolen shot and confession must focus on the sensible topics that can use for educational purposes, not on love, crushes, sexual experiences or random thoughts that have no sense at all because if we want to change the process of the school we must focus on the real problem. They must strengthen the capability to think of the students and engage in self-development. They can also share their opinions about the certain problem of the university and allow the student to act towards improvement but this thing is not happening because of the polluted social media. We prioritize funny ones over sensible discussion. We are the one who is liable on what we post. If this thing will happen many students will have a wise discussion and even those individual who visits the page. We are given freedom to say what we want, we must use our freedom to make a difference and distinction to the people who see our post. We must help the schools to become center of excellence. Let us help the community of learners and educators to use social media as a tool that will serves as a knowledge injector in their minds. We must learn how to protect the image of our alma mater and avoid misunderstanding and miscommunication, that leads to destruction of a certain department. Let us not stir up conflict, because we cannot resolve conflict over conflict. The confession must stay but let us change the atmosphere, the content, and the way we post. For we must build campuses to change the nation let us become hero of the digital age who focus on the potential and the outcomes of every student and educators.


Social media's design is to connect people and bridge the gap of this society. Every day, we use technology or gadgets for many purpose, to entertain, to earn, to make ease of life, and to update our status. We use facebook to share and compile memories, and one of the feature of facebook is group and pages that you can interact.

October 2018

Confessions of a Millennial



Students now are very different. they are influenced using social media to attack individuals. Andrew is the Associate Editor and is an Information Technology student. His passion to capture moments brought him to explore the world of creative writing.

October 2018


Perks of being a Student


“I feel infinite..”


Basically the most famous and memorable quote in the book, this quote is first said by Charlie to Patrick and Sam after they listen to music they like while driving in Sam's pickup truck. This quote can have different meanings due to how simple yet vague it is, but it means to feel like you can do anything, the possibilities you can do are endless.

SHULAMAE CASTRO Managing Editor @shulamaexoxo

All of us have struggles, burdens, and adversities that we need to carry through the finish line but some didn’t want to finish and some didn’t succeed. Shula is the Managing Editor of the group and is currently taking up Office Administration. Her great mind and love for the environment is hidden by her innocent face.

Well, I may say that my life in college was extremely unforgettable unlike in my high school days, my life is kind of bland. I didn’t have enough time to enjoy things what I wanted maybe that’s why I’m always seeking on something that is adventurous. But then, I realized that college is very stressful in an alarming way. I get to the point where I wanted to cut off the string between me and my precious life. I got tired, useless, and hopeless just like Charlie from the book that I mentioned earlier. Since, the Perks of being a Wallflower is one of my favorite books of all. When I read Stephen Chbosky’s book summer after I graduated high school, I felt different. I’ve been able to relate to many books, but this one somehow hit close to home. My life is very different from Charlie’s. I haven’t gone through the things he went through, but I still managed to find a connection to him and a few of the other characters. Somehow, it gave me hope that life is not easy at all and I know I am not the only one who is feeling this way. All of us have struggles, burdens, and adversities that we need to carry through the finish line but some didn’t want to finish and some didn’t succeed. In relation to this, anxiety and depression rates have been rising, according to the study, which found three out of every four college students reporting at least one stressful life event within the past year — involving everything from social relationships to personal appearance to problems with family. Twenty percent said they experienced greater than five stressful life events within that same time frame. For an enduring academic tradition such as pen-and-paper exams, there is no doubt that generations have surpassed it but not without resistance. These days, the stakes may be higher. When Cindy Liu, PhD, a psychologist and a lead author of the study conducted by surveying over 67,000 college students from over 100 college campuses about their stress, anxiety and depression. They

were also asked directly if they’d had suicidal thoughts or made attempts to harm themselves. One in five students said they had thought of suicide, while about one in 10 actually attempted it. In college students, stress can contribute to compromised mental health, unrealized potential, and in extreme cases, loss of life. We must not compromise the students to be like that. We have the most power to change these cultural norms around mental health and suicide. Moreover, stress experiences among graduating students experienced academic difficulty of subject matter, workload due to subjects, time management because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one’s own, and time management because of both subjects and organizations. What stresses me out the most is not being able to do so many things at once. I, myself admit that I feel pressure in juggling academics with organization responsibilities and I know, I’m not the only one who worry about realworld problems and feel pressure from everyone and everywhere. Sometimes, I thought what if I didn’t involve myself in any other organizations maybe I can enjoy my free time with myself or with my friends or maybe I will not feel this kind of stress and anxiety that are engulfing my whole existence. But then, I thought what if I didn’t participate to any organizations it will feel just like my high school days, it might be boring again so I guess I will just take this opportunity as a challenge to prepare myself in the future as well as to you my reader. We can choose where we are going to go in the future. Do not let yourself down in times of sorrow maybe God is preparing you to a big blessing that may come to your way. Let us always remember, that everything has a purpose. And I hope someday, you and I can finally say, “I feel infinite.” Before I end this, my last column, I would like to leave a quote from the book saying.. “So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.“- The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I first heard the word “massacre” during the Martial Law era. It was the Jabidah massacre, or the killing of Moros, committed by members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines on March 18, 1968. It was also known as the Corregidor massacre as it took place on Corregidor Island. We create noise, bombard their emotions even we attack them physically, but they are seemed painless – our attacks, the commotions that we did. The shout to not to kill the Farmers where no longer noise, I now considered them as a silent voice. We are being fed of the toxicity of this community, where your own countrymen are killing themselves for it will benefit of their own good. And that’s really why the society makes me cringe, as if they’re worthy of the chills. Hopes of being a great nation are now in the abyss of nothingness, so why would I care? Some of my friends’ parents are farmers, some of them are being treated equally and majority are not and talking to them made me question myself, “How can I contribute to my fellow Filipinos?” I highly paid them respect, seeing them working hard for the belly of the humans are really the true heroes ever since. So, what made the armed men kill them? According to Negros Federation of Sugar Workers (NFSW) said that the incident occurred on the first night of "bungkalan" activity — wherein farmers occupy idle lands and collectively cultivate to make them productive. Police report said that it was a conflict of the land as the motive for them to kill and incinerate three of the farmers. The armed men arrived at the hacienda on foot and because of the remoteness of the area, the farmers did not notice them, using the chance to exterminate their target. Th victims were said to be land reform beneficiaries and linked to ‘New People’s Army’ claiming that NFSW was a "legal front" of the NPA but didn’t have a concrete proof to do so that the farmers


instantly denied that they are not part of the said organization. And somehow, it creates chaos to different union of Farmers around the Philippines alarmed that their co-farmer has been killed.


Then a lopsided event happened, it only lasted 10 minutes for their lives to be taken away, including three women and four men, and three of them were burned after they were killed.

They did not kill only innocent farmers, but they also killed innocent children. But it was then announced that multiple murder charges were filed to the killers. I have a little brother who’s now in five years old. Sometimes, out of the blue, he told me “Kuya, I love you” or “Kuya, ‘wag ka na matulog ulit sa school, dito ka nalang (Brother, don’t sleep again in the school, just stay here with us). In his age, he told me once that he wanted to be an engineer or a doctor someday, although he’s afraid to them, it was nice to hear that in their age they are starting to build their own dreams. What more if they can now think clearly and can decide by themselves. And sad to say, the dreams that will be made by one of the victims, a two-year old child, was stolen mercilessly. Even though he can’t fight them back, they still decided to kill him in the arms of his family. I came up with the thought that maybe our written laws will stay as written. It will not hold them back to stop doing crimes, thus they will still continue to use the bloody way. And even if the authorities will give justice to their death, it will take years to put them in bars – permanently. Well, it has been a traumatic experience to the community that bombard the inner system of every farmers that trigger their natural response – to riot, to seek for justice, and to seek for equality that they have been finding for so long. Killers which were identified as recruiter of NFSW, upon examination of the statements of the witnesses, the recruiters deceived the victims and enticed them to join (NFSW) by promising them a parcel of land once their cause succeed, causing to make a conflict that lead to kill them. This is just one of the issues and crimes that had had happened. This is another history, yet will still occur if proper procedures won’t applied.


It would be a happy Christmas for the two children from Sagay, Negros Occidental.

October 2018

Salient Night, Unhomely Night

WESTLHEY CANONIGO Circulation Manager @totustit

We are being fed of the toxicity of this community, where your own countrymen are killing themselves for it will benefit of their own good Westlhey is the Circulation Manager of the publication. Despite having a roller coaster past, his will to write for the youth has never stopped, making him a better person than before.

October 2018


Bring Back the Chivalry



VANESSA MAE ANTONY Features Editor @vanmaeantony

In fact, gender equality is more than just that; it is more than just attaining public transport privileges Vanessa is the Features Editor and is currently taking up BS Biology. Despite being a Science major, her heart for literature has motivated her to be a writer for the publication as well.

As a child, I had always been a fan of classical Disney movies, especially the ones with princesses. There was nothing quite like the feeling of watching a beautiful damsel in distress being rescued by a handsome prince on a shiny, white horse. It is now I realize how silly those kinds of scenarios were. So one Saturday evening, as I was scrolling through my facebook feed out of boredom, I encountered the ‘damsel in distress’ scenario as a particular post caught my eye. Basically, it was the rant of one man towards a woman who did not get a seat inside the jeepney and so, sat at the entrance steps of the jeep. After a while, according to the post, she suddenly burst out saying “Wala man lang sa inyong gentlemen.” Now, the post of this man stated that he had asked her if she was pregnant, a senior citizen or a Person With Disability (PWD). Obviously not, the woman replied with, “Hindi, pero babae ako!” This heated argument was then ended with the man’s reply, “Equality ang tawag diyan, ate.” Quite an interesting story, isn’t it? And it isn’t the first one either; two years ago, one woman shamed a man by uploading his photo on facebook as he had refused to give up his seat in MRT. Both of these cases are similar to each other and are both problematic. But going back to the first case, the one with the man ranting on social media, what caught my attention was the fact that the man’s idea of Gender Equality seemed to be misplaced. Defining it, Gender Equality is when men and women enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making. In fact, gender equality is more than just that; it is more than just attaining public transport privileges. It has been a problem then and it is still a problem now. Now, the woman herself was wrong on her part. She obviously had no right to complain given the fact that she was neither pregnant, a senior or a PWD. And the man himself had every right to refuse his seat. But what I’m pointing out here is

not just about Gender Equality but rather, chivalry. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, ‘Chivalry’ is defined as gallantry or courtesy, an honorable and polite way of behaving especially toward women. Chivalry has roots going back to the medieval ages where being chivalrous was a standard that was to be practiced by medieval knights. But now that we’re in 2018, things have changed. Now, acts of chivalry are not as common as before. Women, who were once deemed as fragile and incapable are no longer considered as such. Women, now, have a voice for themselves and unlike before, a place in the professional world. Although prejudice against women still exists, we’ve come a long way since before in terms of Gender Equality. So why don’t we make it the norm to be chivalrous to our peers regardless of our gender? Just because you’re a man, does not necessarily mean you need to be a gentleman all the time. But it doesn’t hurt to show courtesy to people, regardless again, of their gender. The same goes for women. Women can be chivalrous to both men and fellow women alike. Small acts of kindness such as opening the door, giving up your seat to someone in need or helping someone carry heavy items are acts that should not be exclusively done by the male population. And going back to the woman who was the whole reason behind the social media rant, we, women are not entitled and should not demand acts of chivalry from men just because we are ‘women’. We are no longer living in the past; we have proven ourselves capable enough. Chivalry should be done out of genuine sincerity, not because it is demanded by an entitled opposite sex. Moreover, these two terms should not be confused with each other as gender equality does not equate to anti-chivalry nor is it synonymous to it. But what we need to do is promote Gender Equality and practice small acts of chivalry wherever and whenever we can, regardless of our gender.

With voices in your surroundings, with all the negativities that can surround you, and all the judgements that you can hear in a second can greatly affect the way you decide for yourself. The way the Filipinos decide for the better can be sometimes confusing, right? We all wanted peace, harmony and financial stability, but all we had these days are nothing but pieces of negative outcomes. As the months and years pass by with our president on the throne, does his government can be concluded as an impulsive decision or just a risky decision that everyone has to suffer. We can say that the majority is really desperate for change, for all they know, change is in disguise of blood and death and nothing but reaping flesh among the citizens. Throughout the year, the blood had stopped drenching from the streets. Maybe because criminals had their knees shaking for their lives. A ceasefire? Maybe. But after the criminals had their hands up, now there is a new target that is also shaking—the citizens. With rising inflation, who can never have themselves shaking with anger? Even the transportation fee had gone up to ten pesos and that is something to shake the administrations’ head with. One can only be a student but he already has to pay half of their allowance only for transportation. The same principle applies to all needs and necessities of the country to survive. Everything has gone to the roof especially the prices for commodities. Maybe the toll of death had stopped but the toll for prices in continually growing. This could be alarming because even though how much the government removes taxes, which could be a good thing for minimum wage earners, it is still voided for the taxes removed is only equal to the additional they have to pay to survive every day. Some may think it can be considered as a wrong decision. Okay, let’s look on a brighter aspect. The country can be considered now as a drug-free


Even though how much you think for better things that the government has made, there is still a lot of things that the government has their leaks. Throughout the years, can we still be living or just pretending to live in order to survive in our everyday lives? Now, can you now answer if we still had the right decision? Yes. There could be a lot of things that the country had received but tell me the same thing after you pay for your fare later that was only six to seven pesos the same date last year. Now, we have to live at the moment. Hear me on a sarcastically tone. This could be the one of the decisions we should have thought as frequent as we had to breathe that moment. Now we have to survive the very least until the administration does something. Or do we have to wait until we do something to make change? It depends, think about it.


In this life, we have always made least to many decisions in order to get what we really wanted. Just to see in everyday lives, we cannot live a day without making thousands of decisions. These only proves that minds are that powerful that we can decide for the best version of ourselves and to perceive their outcomes. But sometimes, having to decide abruptly can result to unforeseen outcomes.

country (almost). But do you think the country is a journalist-safe country? The Philippines is now bumping its way to the top dangerous country for mass media journalist since their staking their lives for public information.


For in the last moments, you have to decide at the least, to push yourself to the limits, and to risk everything.

October 2018

Think About It

ROMEL BRIAN FLORENDO Devcomm Editor @bryflorendo

We all wanted peace, harmony and financial stability, but all we had these days are nothing but pieces of negative outcomes. Brian is the DevComm Editor and currently studying Electronics Engineering. He has wide space for writing and communication in his heart and working hard for his love for hosting.

October 2018


Staringatwhat isn't there


Emotional or physical tension because of a demand.


I’m sure you also experienced, is experiencing, or will experience that feeling. Since we are living in a broken world, almost everything becomes a source of stress. Have you experience feeling lonely after you spent an hour in social media?

JENNY MELICIO News Editor @jennymelicio

Next time anxiety begins to crowd your space, step back and start counting your many blessings — not generally, but specifically Jenny is the News Editor and is a Science Education student. Her shyness is her trademark but it did not hold her back to have a heart for the youth and write for the name of the university.

I started using Facebook when I was in my third year of high school just so I would be informed about our projects or assignments and have a little conversation with my classmates. But nowadays, Facebook has various and diverse functions; it is not anymore limited to easily contact a friend and play games but is now a platform for freedom of expression, business, electronic learning, and even posting one’s every action, outfit, and adventures. Social media had been a huge part in this changing world. Most users became confident on using it as their diary. What alarms me is that, unlike before, I keep on seeing sad posts rom my friends, sharing their burdens. There are even pages which I don’t support at all because it as if promoting how broken is the world, some talks about suicide and depression, and so most users unconsciously absorb the content and feel that brokenness that eventually decreases any the positivity in their lives. Social media is just one of the sources of stress when used too much. I’ve been affected, I’ve been there feeling lonely as if mental pressures drown my sanity and my drive to live. I forgot that I have control over my thoughts, over my actions, over my words. Have you been there too? Let me introduce to you, Hurry and Worry. Err… you probably already met them, they are just very friendly. Evil kind of friendly, I must say. Hurry makes you missed important things because you’re too focused on having something that you’re not even sure of if that will make you happy. It gives stress in the sense that you’ll give your effort not realizing you are sacrificing things that really matters just so you could have it. Worry, on the other hand, is when you put too much attention to a certain event that stops you to move forward. Both ends with regret since along the way, there are many wasted opportunities. During the process, you unconsciously stress yourself. Social media, when not dealt appropriately demand hurry and worry. Speed creates stress. Crowd within it, if

you let them control you by following and submitting on their ideas, is the source of it. It’s the satisfaction of pleasing other people, it sacrifices your own art, your own thoughts that really matters. They make you or label you and, in that process, you involuntarily open the door for stress to come in. Another source of stress is the fact that, today, more choices are offered for us to decide on. You may think it's more freeing, since there are many to choose from to but the reality is it is not more liberating but it's actually it's more paralyzing. These choices, at some point, you would want to have them all. And this my friend is the gateway of stress. Because as you try to grab all of it, instead of having just what you need, you’ll end up less value from it. All of the ideas mentioned above, I learned it the hard way. I am only nineteen. I’m not proud of my mistakes but I’m proud of what I learned from it. I learned how to be a filter, and not a sponge. From a girl that sees only her flaws and one that does things because of the expectation of others, I learned and is currently in the process of appreciating more what I actually do have than what I do not have. It’s tiring to be wrapped up with anxiety! And so, I just focused on what I can do and how it can help myself and people around me. Mistakes are part of life. Every one of us faces crossroads upon crossroads, fear not to fail because at the end of the day, we are living in a broken world, we are fallible, we are imperfect. Our experiences will always have a lesson. Each day, seek to be more knowledgeable not only because of the lessons you acquired at school but because of the uniqueness that happened to you after another 24 hours of seeing God’s creation. Each day, seek to be richer not because of the money you may have throughout the day but because of the events, the people, and the truths behind them that enrich your views in life. Sometimes, I kept a copy of what I read that inspires. I want to share this one for you: Next time anxiety begins to crowd your space, step back and start counting your many blessings — not generally, but specifically. Name them, one by one. Let your mind dwell upon the massive benefits which the Lord has downloaded into your life. You’ll find in no time that by looking at what is really there, your imagination will no longer drift into the darkness of what is not there.

He was nothing but this speck of dust in the lives of people during his time, a nuisance even, an art dealer who would soon go crazy with depression after getting sent off to London. His artistic creativity was nothing close to what people considered good at the time and nobody appreciated his artistry due to the madness he had. The man was indeed crazy. A crazy, raging alcoholic, who never ate properly despite his worry of his growing insanity. You can definitely expect him to cut off his ear like a mad man—which he did. In a blind rage of fury, his friendship with one of his friends, ended through this, the separation of his left outer ear from his head. You’d probably think he was mad enough to cut off his own head but alas, he is not much of a megalomaniac towards himself. Albeit not being as mad as he was, I like to think I’m some sort of mad man myself. Having went through some mentally scarring experiences has definitely done some damage, if not for the people around my controlling my impulses. Had I not have anyone, maybe my filters would go off and make the most bizarre things out of my life, and maybe even take it, have I the will to do so. Yet despite the growing insanity in me, I write the most mundane of things only going as far as imaginative as the fantasy genre can be. An artist isn’t defined by what he does,


it is what he makes. An artist by definition, is somebody who makes art, and art is not restricted to painting; art is expression. Therefore, I am an artist. Writing is my form of expression. I am not very good but maybe like Van Gogh, I will shine in a different time, hopefully before I am dead or before I commit suicide but that is not the point. Writing a suicide note is not my lesson here but the connection of the artist and the art. I like to write things from another person’s point of view, as if I were living their life. Vicariously, through these characters and pieces that I make I escape from the boredom and agony of life. I might like to describe all the feelings that I have felt through words and the feelings that I want to feel but even so these words do not define me for who I am. So does Starry Night Over the Rhone do not define just how mad Van Gogh is. An artist’s art should not be judged for the artist’s name but for the artist’s creation. So don’t judge someone’s work just because they’re the one who made it. Nobody gave Van Gogh’s art any chance at all before because he was mad but we’re living in 2018. Just like how unrelated my works are to my character, the only attachment that a creator has on their content is emotional, not personal. An unpopular opinion but artworks would never defy the artist. It is only ever so easy to see through the eyes of someone else, figure them out, mimic them, it is far too easy for just about anyone to do if they had the will to do so.


There are many artists with such intricate art, but I like him the most. He died with a bang, literally. He died shooting himself with a revolver to his chest, only to die of his injuries two days later. I admire his courage actually, I have seen many people so brave and so loving of their selves, just enough so that they can end it all. I’ve tried many times to end it all but I do not have the courage and the love to do that. So here I am, writing everything that could be realized after that. After death.


Vincent Van Gogh was a madman and a failure during his lifetime. It was only until recently did he got recognized for his paintings; the vibrant colors, the motion, the dramatic, expressive, and impulsive brush strokes and what would soon contribute to the foundations of modern art.

October 2018

An Artist's Personality in Art

CHAELLY ALLYSON BALITACTAC Senior Staff Writer @scillafroy

You’d probably think he was mad enough to cut off his own head but alas, he is not much of a megalomaniac towards himself Chaelly is one of the senior staff writer and a HUMMS student. She’s a girl that goes along with small circle of people but excels in layouting, dancing and journalistic writing for her purpose.

October 2018




strengthenED global competency LSPU transitions from ISO 9001:2008 to 2015 Words | Jenny Melicio Photo | Joseph Andrew Algarne and Shien Rhoel Moral

"Ito po ay nagpapatunay na tayo ay tama ang ginagawa kaya ipagpatuloy natin ang ating mga commitment lalo na, una sa ating kasamahan, pangalawa, sa community and other organizations." University President Nestor M. De Vera, Ph. D. said expressing his appreciation as TUV Rheinland auditors presented Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) as International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 Certified, October 23.

LSPU has been ISO 9001 certified since February and has transitioned to the latest version, ISO 9001:2015, standards which give additional momentum to the continuous and systematic improvement of processes within the university. LSPU submitted to the latest version since ISO 9001:2008 certification which the university received on February 9 became obsolete last September. While ISO 9001:2008 pertains to Process-based Quality Management System, ISO 9001:2015 have stress on risk-based thinking wherein there is risk analysis in order to decide which challenges is in the management of the university. Moreover, ISO 9001:2015 emphasize more on measuring and properly assessing the input and output of processes where one closely monitors which articles, information and specifications are involved in the university processes as well as clearly checking whether good articles come out of those processes. Furthermore, it requires greater involvement of the administrative body placing more emphasis on leadership and management commitment.

A LOOKBACK IN LSPU ISO 9001 JOURNEY University President, Dr. Nestor M. De Vera at the helm, commenced its ISO Journey, August 24, 2015 with a symposium attended by all members of the Administrative Council held at the Splash Mountain Hotel and Resorts. Preparation for the international standardization of the university includes rigid exercises, meetings and workshops to make necessary adjustments in each campus. ISO 9001:2008 Certification started after Stage I audit took place on December 8, 2017 and revealed commendable results followed by Stage II audit conducted on February 8-9, the same day LSPU received its first ISO 9001 certification. Moreover, TUV Rheinland auditors Edna Castillo, Ramoncito Puyat, Rolando Remitar, and Jogina Mendiola led by John Francis Faustorilla Jr. issued ISO 9001:2015 certification to the university last October.

FOCUS ON MEETING NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS ISO 9001:2015 requires LSPU to take into account the needs and expectations of its customers as well as to evaluate and deal with internal and external strategic questions which mean the university needs to understand and respond to the expectations of the stakeholders which includes the students. “Maigi ito sapagkat mapapabilis nito ang pagkatanggap sakin sa trabaho dahil isinasaad nito na galling ako sa isang institusyong mayroong certificate ng ISO, kung saan base sa international standards,” Rica Cabañeros from College of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA) shared. FOCUS ON MEETING NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS “Great things happen when the world agrees.” Attaining ISO 9001 certification makes a difference because ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized standard, it has become the basis for creating a quality management system around the world. By looking at the audit results of the said certification, LSPU will be able to more easily find improvements in efficiency which can help it to have better process integration. This means the univeristy will apply evidence-based decision making. There will be an audit each year to see how much improvement has happened based on the data. This is part of the univeristy's vision, continual improvent year after year for continuing benefits to the community.





LSPU only needs to accomplish grass-root analysis on the areas labelled as Non-Conformity (NC) within two weeks for the issuance of the said certification. These NCs includes classroom instruction, healthcare services, and resources (tools and equipment) maintenance observed in the different campuses, Santa Cruz, San Pablo, Los Baños, and Siniloan.

Lead auditor John Francis Faustorilla Jr. emphasized during the opening program that the positive feedbacks, opportunities for improvement and NCs observed during the two-day audit would be able to help the university in providing services that are of international standard. After the audit in the four campuses, LSPU was observed having 23 positive feedbacks and 43 opportunities for improvement in different areas on the university. “Those findings that were reflected, both the positive and the opportunities for improvements will serve as our guide to improve our system,” De Vera said. This ISO 9001:2015, the world’s most popular management system standard provides a framework for consistent performance, reliable service and long-term continuous improvement for the university. Submitting to ISO 9001:2015 standards is part of the university’s aim to provide quality education since it support innovation and provides solutions to global challenges. Specifically, it helps LSPU to be more efficient and improve its service for the satisfaction of its students and other stakeholders.

October 2018


October 2018




Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) hosted the 4th Southern Tagalog Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (STRASUC) Culture and Arts Festival, October 3-5. BATSU HAILED AS OVERALL CHAMPION Batangas State University was hailed as this year’s overall champion besting eleven participating State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Regions IV-A and IV-B. Different events happened as they reached to the top to represent the Region IV in the nationals such as Pop Solo, Vocal Duet, Dagliang Talumpati, Extemporaneous Speech, Painting, Pencil Rendering, Poster Making, Charcoal Rendering, Story Telling, Live Band, Chorale and Quiz Bowl. In addition to this Instrumental Soloists were given the chance to execute their piece in Piano, Violin, Guitar, Banduria and Kundiman. Beauty and Composure were also given the chance to represent from different universities crowning the new King and Queen both from BatSU. Red Spartans bagged the gold medal in essay writing, on the spot poster making, pencil rendering, choir classic, vocal solokundiman, short & sweet play- musical, and festival king and queen categories. Moreover, the BatSU also took home the silver medal in quiz bowl, instrumental solo-banduria, contemporary dance, short & sweet play- dialogue, and third place in charcoal rendering, on the spot painting, vocal solo- pop, vocal duet, and folk dance. On the other hand, Southern Luzon State University (SLSU) earned the overall second place while Palawan State University (PSU) landed on the third place, Cavite State University (CavSU) finished as fourth, and University of Rizal System (URS) had the fifth place. After passing the crown to Laguna State of Polytechnic University from the former host, Marinduque State University, this year’s 4th Southern Tagalog Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (STRASUC) Cultural and Arts Festival has been a successful event, October 3. Although four years is too young to improve and promote of how diverse the Culture of the Filipinos, creating a big impact to every spirit of students of different SUCs, awakening their passion of being locally and globally competitive. The event took the audience through Philippine Culture and history, kicking off the 5-day event with a dynamic performance number. Dressed in colorful attires representing each category. From there performers showcased traditional songs, dances that were came from different places, the competition also incorporated urban and contemporary elements Despite being a newbie in the regionals, LSPU Santa Cruz Campus (SCC) representative, Colleene Esquibel took home the gold in Instrumental Solo- Banduria category, making her the first SCC contestant to advance in National competition. NOVICE MAKES HISTORY The 4th STRASUC Cultural and Arts Festival has been a successful event. Although four years is too young to improve and promote of how diverse the Culture of the Filipinos, creating a big impact to every spirit of students of different SUCs, awakening their passion of being locally and globally competitive. The event took the audience through Philippine Culture and history, kicking off the 5-day event with a dynamic performance number. Dressed in colorful attires representing each category. From there performers showcased traditional songs, dances that were came from different places, the competition also incorporated urban and contemporary elements Despite being a newbie in the regionals, LSPU Santa Cruz Campus (SCC) representative, Colleene Esquibel took home the gold in Instrumental Solo- Banduria category, making her the first SCC contestant to advance in National competition.

JOURNEY TO THE NATIONALS Esquibel overcome eleven contestants from the different SUCs in Region IV making her the region’s representative at the 10th Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) Culture and Arts Festival slated on November 27-30 at the University of Southern Philippines in Davao City. Moreover, Esquibel claimed the fourth place in Instrumental Solo- Banduria in the said national competition. Esquibel shared that this was her best experience in her eight years of being a musician, having started when she was in her first year of high school. “One of my best experiences as a musician is to represent Region IV to the 10th PASUC Cultural and arts competition dahil lahat ng hirap ko in my 8 years na natugtog ng banduria ay naipakita ko sa buong Pilipinas ang talento ko at ito din ay inaalay ko sa mama ko na nasa heaven na. I continue my life with the music that we enjoyed together when she was still by my side,” Esquibel said. Furthermore, Esquibel also shared her preparations indicating that she was challenged that time about the technique or strategy to showcased her art. “Isa sa mga challenge na naharap ko is ano pa ba ung technique or stategy kung paano ko isho-showcase ang pagtugtog ko, yung bang bago ba sa paningin. So ayun nga I performed na nasa likod ang banduria ko,” she said. She also shared that it was Dr. Liza Bartolome, Chairperson of Sports and Development, that saw her potential and gave her the chance to represent LSPU. “Binigyan nya po ako ng malaking opportunity dahil na-discover po niya na marunong ako magbanduria in my last stay here sa LSPU-SCC and I’im so blessed na isa ito sa mga big achievements ko lalo na at ga-graduate na ako,” she stated. Furthermore, she also shared the importance of this competition for students like her, saying it is an opportunity for them to be knowledgeable and experience the ever-resilient culture and arts of the country as well as it being an opportunity to support and contribute to the preservation and promotion of Philippine culture and arts.


October 2018



LSPU hosts 4th Regional Culture and Arts Fest Words | Westlhey Canonigo & Jenny Melicio Photo | Technology Advocate

October 2018





TGP hailed as Best Contigent Publication Words | Shien Rhoel Moral

Bagging 12 gold, 3 silver and 7 bronze medals, The Gears Publication was hailed as Best Contingent Publication during the 9th Universitywide Press Conference held at Rockpoint Hotel and Resort, Pansol, Calamba City.


October 2018



With the theme, “Empowering Campus Journalist through Social and Moral Awareness”, The Gears dominated the press conference beating the other LSPU campuses, Siniloan, San Pablo, and Los Banos, the host campus. STOP 8TH BY 7 The Gears succeeded to dethroned the seven-time defending champion, Technology Advocate of San Pablo Campus with the margin of 7 gold medals. It’s been 3-yearseries since The Gears Publication got the first title of being the best contingent publication under the leadership of Glessa Rose Janolino last 2014. “I am really grateful kay Lord kase we feel so blessed and at the same time, sobrang proud sa lahat ng part ng LACJ lalong lalo na syempre sa The Gears for doing their best. Halos lahat sila, first and last Uwide kaya alam kong pinaghandaan talaga nila,” said Joshua Aquino, Editor-in-Chief of the publication. REACH THE HIGHEST Competing with the other Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) campuses, Vanessa Mae Antony, Features Editor took lead in the medal count for The Gears making her First Place Highest Pointer in the said press conference garnering 3 gold medals in Column Writing, Poetry Writing and Feature Writing. All are in English category. "I did not expect it but I feel blessed and thankful. Blessed because of the people who helped me achieve this success and thankful sa experience, dahil nakasama ko ang fellow student journs sa first and last UWIDE namin",

Antony said. Moreover, Joyce Ann Fabula, Sports editor and Shulamae Castro, Managing Editor ranked as Third Highest Pointer winning two first place awards in their category. Fabula topped Sports Writing and Column Writing in Filipino categories. On the other hand, Castro won in News Writing and Developmental Communication Writing, Filipino categories. “Syempre laging Family and God. Lagi naman silang kasama sa mga journey ko pero iniisip ko talaga that time, yung at least ma-prove ko yung sarili ko na kaya ko pa ring magsulat lalo na dun sa Devcom, ang hirap po kasi talaga,” said Castro after asked about her inspiration in her achievement. She also added that her experience being the Development Communication editor to bring out the best in her as well her potential. FALL SHORT Chief Graphic Artist Bea Javier didn’t manage to reach the set of highest pointers for her last year in the conference despite of bagging 1 gold and 2 silvers from her competing categories: Editorial Cartooning, Graphics Illustration and Comics Stripping. “Sayang lang since nakadalawang silver ako noong una, feeling ko ayaw talaga ibigay sakin yung gold, buti na lang nakakuha pa ng gold at sa pinakaayaw ko pang category,” Javier shared. GO AND WIN Aside from those winners, other participants also contributed to total medal count of the publication. Christopher John Kabigting, Senior Photojournalists and Joseph Andrew Algarne,

Associate Editor reigned in Photojournalism for both English and Filipino as they won First Place. In addition, two-time regional First Placer, Romel Brian Florendo, also proved that he is the pride of The Gears in Copyreading and Headline Writing – English category. On the other hand, Westlhey Canonigo ranked Second Place in Feature Writing – Filipino. Meanwhile, the following editors won bronze medals on their respective category: Kabigting on Sports Writing – English; Jenny Melicio on News Writing – English and Copyreading and Headline Writing – Filipino; and Adrian Cada on Comics Writing and Graphics Illustration both Filipino. READY FOR REGIONALS The annual Universitywide Press Conference is not just all about competition between all student journalist in LSPU system, but to prepare all of them for the upcoming conferences such as Regional Higher Education Press Conference and Luzonwide Higher Education Press Conference. With this year’s title, The Gears Publication still need to focus for their outputs to maintain its ranked as 4th Top Performing School Publication in CALABARZON. “Sa huling taon ko para sa publication, gusto ko maging maganda ang mga huling laban ko. Sulat lang ng sulat at subok lang ng subok hanggang sa maging handa na kami para sa darating na Regionals. Puro kami graduating kaya we want to experience our best exit sa press conference,” said Fabula talking about her last university conference and preparation for the upcoming contests.

October 2018


To address TomatoES' SURPLUS


DOST IV-A provides Techno Training 22 on Tomato Processing Text | Apolonio Estrella Photo | Shien Rhoel Moral

Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Provincial Science and Technology Center-Laguna in cooperation with Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) and the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Kalayaan, Laguna conducted a Techno Training on Tomato Processing that offered assistance to farmers to address their problem on oversupply of tomatoes, October 18.

TONS OF ROTTEN TOMATOES More than 10 tons of tomatoes were thrown away in Kalayaan, Laguna in the first week of October, due to an oversupply despite its low demand, resulting to a price drop. During the previous harvest, traders offered to buy a box (21 kilos) of tomatoes for P500, however, the recent oversupply forced the price down to only P100 per box until traders had to refuse the excesses. Moreover, farmers were forced to sell tomatoes 2.50-5.00 pesos only per kilo just so they could regain some of the money invested for their product production Tomato production costs around P200,000 per hectare. About 40 to 50 hectares of land are planted to tomatoes in the town. Furthermore, the farmers even decided to dump those excess tomatoes in an empty area at Barangay San Antonio, the farming capital of the town.

UTILIZATION OF TOMATO-BASED PRODUCTS Ms. Thessalonica S. Manguiat, Mr. Reynado Magpantay Jr., and Ms. Julieta V. Alipio, trainers from the College of Information Technology (CIT) of LSPU San Pablo Campus, taught the LGU representatives on the different production process of different tomato-based products such as Pickled Tomatoes, Tomato Puree, Tomato Jam, and Sweetened Tomatoes. Moreover, farmers were offered to utilize the spray dryer, a food processing equipment used to dry liquids and slurry and turn them into dry powder, in the CALABARZON Food Solutions Hub (C-Fosh) located in LSPU Santa Cruz Campus. Production of powdered tomato and Tomato Coffee were done and was showcased in the Laguna Trade Fair from October 22-25.


Text | Joyce Ann Fabula Photo | Kit Bernard Vasquez

October 2018

CHED advocates for Federalism, explains possible effects on institutions


News Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Commissioner Prospero De Vera supported Federalism on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as he became part of Information, Education, Communication (IEC) and Advocacy on Federalism to Higher Education Stakeholders in Region IV-A, Batangas State University (BSU), October 26.

As part of their movement to disseminate accurate information about Philippine Higher Education goals from the Federalism Government the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) invited students and faculties from the different State Colleges and Universities (SUCs) across Region IV – A including Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU). CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE Federalism promised to break the monopolies of power in our country such as dynasties and economic power of elites as Atty. Susan Ordinario reviewed the 1987 Constitution. It requires academic degree for aspiring politicians, disallows a president to run for candidacy again and empowers federated regions. Ordinario said that President Rodrigo Duterte would step down from his position upon approval of federalism, where six months of transition will happen through election. “The youth has a vital role about

federalism because we are the largest number of voters. We should educate the members of the society to contribute ideas and actions that will lead to the betterment of the Philippines.” said by Giovanni Nava, CBMA Organization President of LSPU SCC.

With the distribution of Public HEIs in Federal States there will be 108 SUCs, 99 Local Universities and Colleges and 14 Other Government Sevices all over the country as for the clustering based on industry sectors and economic potentials of the regions.

FEDERALISM IN HIGHER EDUCATION De Vera stated Higher Education challenges and opportunities together with visions of Federal government indicating that the latter will provide national development for policy and strategy on higher education, qualifications framework, quality assurance, professional standards, research and teaching as well as assessment of the performance of educational systems and crafting policies for internalizations. Moreover, when it comes to division of resources, federalism will deliver general principle that the resources must follow functions such as ensure that each state will be able to give uniform levels of public services.

IDENTIFICATION OF HEIs IN REGION IV-A To further understand the numbers of Higher Education Institution recognized by Federal government in CALABARZON, Atty. Joselito Alisuag shared the profiling of Region IV-A. There will be 340 HEIs composed of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) and Private Higher Education Institutions. Moreover, the identified HEIs will be given public investments in order to strengthen their teaching, research and extension services. On the other hand, an open forum was conducted to clarify and answer the questions of the participating schools regarding the said topic.

October 2018




ME studes attends PSME meet, ranks 10th in Machine Design Words | Jenny Melicio Photo | Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers

Selected students of Laguna State Polytechnic University- Santa Cruz Campus took part in the 8th Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineering (PSME) Student Conference, wherein representatives on Machine Design Contest landed 10th place out of 24 participating schools. This conference is one of the 66th National Convention (NATCON) highlights that this year, aims to uphold the mechanical engineering profession towards global excellence, held at SMX Convention, Pasay City, October 17-20. Darius Jean H. Matienzo, Kurt Glenard Cunanan, Sweet Rho-Anne R. Canlas, and Jan Brix Legisma, the Machine Design Team, presented a garbage-scraper machine prototype that can be compared to a backhoe, as required in the convention. However, Gerry N. Toledo, Coline Faith A. Agus, Angelica Medina, and Angel Malayo led by their team captain Janelli G. Ardeza failed to secure a spot in Quiz Bee from 52 teams. Last year, LSPU Quiz Team made a 9th place finish out of 55 contenders. Attendees described their experience as motivating, inspiring, and challenging after messages from the speakers on how to be successful in making an innovation. “Yung talk ng mga speakers, it moved us. They told us that we, future mechanical engineers should not settle for less, we should push ourselves to our limitation and always give our best shot,” Deo Ubaldo shared.

✓ Prepare to fail. In life there are no mistakes, just lessons. ✓ Solve to innovate ✓ Make a Difference Dont make money. Make a difderence. ✓ Execute for Results


October 2018



CAS conducts HAPS Seminar,

engages freshmen on public speaking Words | Vanessa Mae Antony Photo | College of Arts and Sciences Organization

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) organized its first-ever Hosting and Public Speaking Seminar (HAPS) with the aim of encouraging and producing students with better communication skills, held at the CHMT Function Hall, October 4. With the theme “Step Up: Engaging Students to Speak Up”, 55 freshmen students pursuing Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting, Bachelor of Science in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Mathematics took part in the said event. “The main objective of the seminar was to enhance the skills of the students and of course it would be an avenue for opportunities and for the students to rediscover themselves,” Aila Marie D. Ilustre, CAS President stated. Student leaders Daisy D. Cayos, Aila Marie D. Ilustre and Joyce Ann B. Fabula centered their lectures on the importance of good public communication skills and the essence of

personality development of being a public speaker. Cayos, a graduate of BA in Communication Arts of University of the Philippines – Los Baños gave a lecture on ‘L.I.F.E’S LEADERSHIP’ which dealt with the fundamentals of speech and on the how’s of making a good speech. Moreover, Ilustre, CAS President, focused her discussion about “Turn Your Scars Into Stars” on personality development and the building of strong character. On the other hand, Fabula shared the essentials of event hosting, the ways of hosting an event and the methods of overcoming possible hosting-related problems stressing on the importance of having confidence whilst being an event host through providing tips based on personal experience. Aside from this, the event was filled with competitions such as hosting, script-writing and group production presentations where Camille R. Elacion, an AB Broadcasting was hailed as the Best Female Host while Xyle Yvan H. Cruzada of BS Psychology earned the title of Best Male Host. Furthermore, Glen C. Cuya, also of AB Broadcasting, was awarded as the Best Script Writer. “Engaging to public speaking helps someone to build confidence and enables them to stand for their voices inside. Mahalaga talaga saakin ang mga seminars, kasi dun talaga matututo yung mga students hindi lang sa technical aspect pero sa values na din,” Ilustre shared.

October 2018


Cover Story


Words | Vanessa Mae Antony Photo | Shien Rhoel Moral


e are all made of stardust. No, not in the poetical and metaphorical sense but in its scientific, literal sense. Billions of years ago, when the earth was in its stages of formation, stars exploded, depositing its remains of essential elements such as hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen on our planet earth. Fast forward to billion years later, and those elements have been through uncountable cycles of being converted into another form, to reside, eventually and astoundingly – in you. The stars had made its billion-years adventure through the universe to make you, so what will your adventure be?

A Dream From Above Is a dream really considered a dream if it is not as high as the sky? Yes, whether it is as high as an attempt to reach for the stars, a dream is still considered a dream even when it is something as simple as placing your hands on the warm soil below. A dream is unique to everyone; some have grand dreams of becoming doctors or even millionaires, and some have simple dreams of wanting to acquire, say, a small farm land. The difference between the two is a large gap, but nonetheless, dreams wishing to be acquire.

But the question here is, how do you know which dream is truly for you? How do you know which pathway you are destined to take? When you are faced with a dilemma of such, the best way to understand your dream is to look directly above, beyond the heavens and beyond the stars, to the giver himself of dreams. Without Him, to dream itself is an incapability. But with Him, you are enlightened of your purpose in this world and it is then you truly realize what your dream from above is meant to be.


October 2018


Cover Story

A Mount From Below But when you dream, never forget to place your feet firmly on the ground. Your dream is a kite, it moves with the wind, tugging to be let go when the wind of confidence gets stronger. And a kite that flies freely is bound to crash. Never forget to mount yourself to the ground. Never forget where you came from, who have helped you along your voyage and never forget the reason of why you started your tedious journey in the first

place. The people who believe in you are your true supporters. Let them serve as a reminder, as they are the ones who will mount you from below. It does not matter how many supporters you have. If you have only one supporter, two hands is more than enough to hold on to your kite. But if you have none, then be the one who will mount yourself before you set your kite to fly.

A Thrust From Within It is normal for one to sometimes be overcome with feelings of negativity when you are hit with the realizations of your dreams and the sacrifices you must make to achieve it. Not all dreams are as scary, but if your dream is, then keep going. After all, if your grand dream does not scare you, does not give you a feeling of nervousness in your stomach, then the moment you achieve it will not leave an imprinting memory in your memory.

And at the end of the day, no one will push you to

achieve your dream if in the first place, you do not push yourself. That thrust for success comes from within, it comes from you. You may have a million supporters rooting for you but it does not really matter if you do not break free from the shackles of your self-doubt. Believe that you can and you will. Trust yourself and trust the process. That is the first step to breaking the barriers of negative emotions that hinders you from reaching towards your goal.

Remember, you are made of stars and you have the energy of the universe pumping inside of you. You are the master of your life and you are the author of your novel, so what will your adventure be?

October 2018




Words | Vanessa Mae Antony Photo | Shien Rhoel Moral


October 2018


Cover Story

scilla froy


here will come a day when you will wake up from a cold bed, hours before the sun has started its daily ascent. You will rise to prepare your clothes, cook your own breakfast and sit at an empty table you have come to be so used to. You will leave your small quarters, only to return when the sun is asleep once more. Just like you have so many times before, as you sit inside a jeepney filled with unfamiliar, sleepy faces each consumed with a cycle of routines of their own, you will realize that you are tired. Tired of the monotonous cycle of your life and tired of being an adult. It is then you are filled with thoughts of nostalgia; it is then you will miss your childhood.

you because in the first place, you are not even aware of it. But as we grow older, we become sensitive to the way the world really works. Our eyes are opened to the faults in our society. Now everywhere you look, you will notice details that you never saw as a child, you will see poverty, you will see drug addiction, you will see natural calamities, you will see social exclusion, you will see political injustice and you will witness deaths of people, swatted away like flies from society. And it is then we are awaken to the true condition of our community, our country and our world. You will realize that the hopeful world you once held to your heart, is now hopeless.

When we were younger, we had days where we dreamed of being an adult. We were always fascinated by the lives of grownups, never aware of the consequence that came with it; wisdom. Wisdom, in the form of being able to look at the world in a realistic perspective. There is a saying that ‘Ignorance is bliss’. And in fact, when you think about it, it is true. What you don’t know cannot hurt

When we start to see the tarnished side of something we were curious about as a child, there can only be two outcomes; one, to succumb and accept the harsh reality of life, continuing our daily routines or two, to hold on to our essence of youth and look into the brighter side. More easier said than done, the latter is not as common or as easy, especially in the broken world we live in today.

As a child, everything amused us. Everything was a thing worth of wonder and appreciation. But as we grow older, we lose that childhood wonder. We lose the ability to look for answers as we are so caught up in our own lives, we lose the ability to find joy in simplest of things. Being an adult steals a lot from our childhood. It steals our heart of a child. Being an adult usually means there is no more room for youthfulness as responsibilities takes it place. But, why can’t it be both? Why can’t we retain our childhood wonder while being aware of the issues around us today? Isn’t that curiosity what usually drives people to change? Because the only way for us to become aware is to be curios. There is power in holding on to our childish wonder. There is power in preserving our childish joy and there is power in retaining our childhood positivity. Hold on to your essence of youth because it gives us a chance to stay positive in a world filled with negativity.


a g M g n a t IBa I I z o P October 2018








us f o y t i v siti

The po

as a e r u t l u pop c

"As years passed, the age bracket of the infected

forirm t a l p l socia s | Carlo V iĂąa

groups becomes younger and younger, and most cases came from the urban portion of the country





Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a viral infection that attacks and slowly destroys the immune system of the infected host and will lead to “immune deficiency”. It is continuous, begetting the infected body into lack of body defence to different kinds of infections even those that are not normally being acquired by man and unfortunately can lead to vulnerability to cancer.

sex with men multiplied by 10 times since the year 2010.

Our country, the Philippines has one of the lowest rates of HIV cases yet is one with the fastest growing number of cases worldwide.

As years passed, the age bracket of the infected groups becomes younger and younger, and most cases came from the urban portion of the country.

Most cases of the virus include men having sex with men followed by women sex workers. HIV cases among men who have




The infection can be transferred when an infected person has sexual intercourse with another person and this phenomenon largely happens among the youth. Also, the use of medical apparatus such as a needle that was used by an infected human is another means of transmission.


Recently, a book entitled “Mga Batang Poz” by acclaimed and best-selling author Segundo Matias Jr. tells a story of four young people namely Luis, Enzo, Gab and Chuchay who happened to have Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This book made waves as this Young Adult novel is the first of its kind in the Philippines. The word “Poz” is a slang word for HIV-positive. The book is the first Young-Adult novel about HIV-AIDS in the Philippines.

Pathos grows in the story of the four young poz as they reveal parts of their life right through their journey of being ill, discovering comfort and lessons from each other’s tormenting experiences and finally, together they realize the value of life and friendship beneath the miseries.

The book is a great way of influencing all types of readers of the travails experienced by the world’s poz and a path to breaking the stigma that revolves around it. “Sumulat pa tayo ng maraming ganito dahil napakakonserbatibo ng Pilipinas, ni hindi masabi ang salitang condom sa loob ng tahanan. Magsimula na tayo.” Matias stated, during the launch of his book.




According to Matias, he considers his book as a personal way of advocacy to educate, to understand and to give awareness to every single reader that we must not give shame, disgrace and discrimination against people suffering from HIV-AIDS.

Popular Culture can be simply defined as “Modern Popular Culture transmitted via mass media and aimed particularly by young people” and includes art, entertainment and lifestyle to name a few. It is a boundless approach to reach the youth and to influence them of different phenomenon the world is undergoing.

One of the first and most rudimentary effects of pop culture is to bind and intensify connections with people of the same group or same kind of interest. On a more personal perspective, pop culture develops understanding and growing of people and helps to be more open to diverse instances of the world.

With the advent of social media, awareness on HIV-AIDS can spread widely in just a few clicks. It plays an extremely significant role in providing information about, whom, why, how HIV can be acquired.

But pop culture is not just for pure entertainment; there is no doubt that this platform is one of the most effective ways of enlightening the society of the issues nowadays.

HIV is one of the fast growing and sensitive issue of the society. It needs to be understood, studied and carefully learned. Using pop culture, it gives netizens definite and concrete information that HIV and brings realization that this is a serious matter that needs acceptance, sympathy and comfort. And just like Mr. Matias

piece of work, pop culture can be used in different aspects to bring spotlight to any kind of issue. Whether it be in a film or in a song, the relevance of pop culture can exceed its bounds of being purely entertainment; as it can also be the most modern and effective platform for pressing societal issues.





According to a 2018 report by Rappler, 32 Filipinos test positive for HIV-AIDS daily. This number is truly quite alarming, as the numbers increase year after year.

Anyone can acquire HIV, regardless of age or sexuality; everyone can be a victim to this deadly disease. As this social issue continues to rise, we must be aware of the consequences of this serious problem. There are a lot of approaches we can make to provide an understanding to our fellow countrymen about this raging matter and it may not need to be in the conventional way. Say, through pop culture.

October 2018



ositive – you may be glad upon hearing this word. Positive vibes, positive attitudes and positive feedbacks are all statements that, once applied, help us live a better and happier life. But what if the word ‘positive’ refers to HIV? Would you be ecstatic knowing you’re an HIV positive? Of course not!

October 2018





Vintage Memories

The 2018 craze of bringing back a golden era Words | Jasmine Therese de Jesus


October 2018



Dungarees Also known as jumpers or rompers, the last time you probably wore something like this must have been ten years ago. Be it short or long, dungarees, if styled well, are the cutest piece of clothing you can wear, with its youthful and nostalgic vibe of the past. More than just overalls, stars like Bella Hadid are rocking them, adding a touch of sexy to it.

Mommy Jeans The millennial’s are all sulking about this, and do not relate to the excitement around the revival of the mommy jeans. The mommy jeans slowly disappeared from the nineties fashion wardrobe, malls and brands. The style guides suddenly stopped mentioning these, and became extinct. A mommy jeans were just a pair of airy, comfortable, cotton denim pants that sat beautifully at the waist and were out near the thighs. There are a lot of variations but this breathable pair of trousers is something we can all appreciate for its recovery.

Denim Denim, whether it be in the form of a skirt or a jacket, let’s just be glad for this grunge era look’s return. From the flower printed ones to the front slit, buttoned, A-line, distressed, midi and polka dots. One good thing about the denim skirts was the fact that it would suit anyone irrespective of the age, personality, or body type. I can’t remember what went wrong back then, but they were taken away just like that. But we are all thankful that these are coming back. Moreover, anyone that will make a list of essentials for a wardrobe, the denim jacket will make it to the list. They were once considered dated, but they have been back. It goes with everything and anything, works perfectly for layering, and you can use it almost throughout the year. Sleeveless, waistcoat, or full hands, each of them has a charm and style.

fashion styles from our past. And so you see, Old School Fashion or Retro Fashion has a way of coming back and may continue to do so in the following years. Now retro is not merely “clothing” but is also apparent in our accessories and even in hair styles that is “in” today. So here are some of the retro fashion that made its comeback in this 2018:

Round Glasses

What was once considered goofy and nerdy, has now made a radical comeback. It first hit the sunglasses segment and is now a rage with prescription glasses too. If you want to slowly get into the 90’s groove, without being too out there, then you should try the round glasses look.

Combat Boots or The Doc Martens Shoes There were times in fashion that men and women dress similarly, more like the fashion grunge movement. And that is how the heavy duty combat boots or the doctor marten shoes came into existence and swept the fashion world. Millennials can relate to the Doctor Marten shoes, as they wear it with lip dresses, skirts or jeans. But if you can carry it off the way it should be, you will look funky, chic and still be comfortable.

Loose Shirt Over the last decade or so, you are known to be stylish only when you wear clothes that are tight and body hugging. It was not the case if you rewind ten years, say the 90s. Loose shirts and boyfriend’s T-shirt were so comfortable and stylish. Fast forward to now; it’s an in thing again.

Crop Tops Like they say fashion changes, but style endures. The crop top is one of those trends that found its way from where it started and this time it’s gotten better. Wear them with jeans, shorts, maxi skirts, tracks, and everything you can think of pairing them with. From the run way to everyday wear, it is approved.

Most of us think retro fashion to be very cool, especially with today’s technology and comfortable fabrics, these designs can be showy and casual at the same time. Then why is retro fashion coming back? Some of us would say we are merely trying to claim a past that never really existed for us. Others would say they are trying to extract the best things out of the past. I suppose it is inherent that retro fashion was brought into today because we never really brought all the bad memories with it. So retro fashion’s existence is either due to grasping the beautiful past or it is simply a shrewd metaphor for selective amnesia. Whatever the reason may be, it is never a bad idea to go through your grandmother’s old clothes, who knows what treasure you just might find.


e can all remember the Jeproks and Kikay styles of our past and you can assure that fashion trends have definitely come a long way. While fashion of today are definitely more of a combination of practicality while retaining its aesthetic appeal, cringing, we would not dare look back into our past. But whether you are pleased to see it happen, we will be and are experiencing a revival of the popular

October 2018


colour story



: N W O D H T I W P U T I LIVING GING PERSPECTIVE N A H C E E TH M O R D N Y S S ’ N W O D T U O AB Words | Darryl Penaredondo Art | Bea Javier

They share some common features, but naturally the individuals will more closely resemble their immediate family members.

their outlook has changed drastically over the past few decades.

In the Philippines, one in every 800 babies born has Down syndrome or around 1,875 cases a year in a population of 1.5-million live births. This was revealed by the Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines Inc. (DSAPI) saying that more than 100,000 families in the country are living with a person with Down syndrome.

Getting the experience of being with them, one may find them quite challenging to deal with numbers and letters on pages as their memory seemed limited, or they find it frustrating to try to do precision dexterity tasks or difficulty in monitoring food intake .

A Closer Look at DS According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Down syndrome is a type of mental retardation caused by an extra genetic material in chromosome 21. This can be due to a process called non-disjunction in which genetic materials fail to separate during a crucial part of the formation resulting in an extra chromosome called trisomy 21resulting to developmental delays and physical features, typical of the disorder.

The cause of the non-disjunction is still unknown although it has been linked to a woman’s age as studies have shown that the chances of having a child with Down syndrome increases as a woman gets older especially after the age of 35. Moreover, it is important that people are aware that Down syndrome is not related to race, nationality, religion nor socio economic status.

The Old Nightmare Life for DS people before the 1980’s was completely bleak . Then, even professionals considered it impossible for them to learn how to speak properly, let alone read and write or participate in sports. They were considered unable to dress up , feed or take care of themselves, and were considered a burden to a marriage, siblings and a family. They weren’t allowed to attend public schools , movie theaters, malls or parks.

In the past, people with Down’s syndrome suffered by being abandoned, ostracized and even killed by society. In the 19th century, it was common for these individuals to be institutionalized without receiving proper care for the associated medical complications such as heart disorders, vision defects and intestinal problems. Therefore, many children with Down’s syndrome used to die during infancy or early adulthood.

Navigating the Uncharted Waters However, things have dramatically changed for people with DS in the last 3 decades. Their IQs have increased 20 points and the overwhelming majority learns how to read and write. Most are attending public school and some are graduating with a typical degree. There are a handful who have gone on to achieve college degrees. More and more are now part of the labor force. Many people with Down syndrome can now work and enjoy independence. In the early 1900s, a person with Down syndrome was expected to live fewer than 10 years. Today, many people with the genetic

disorder live to their fifties and sixties. Lots of efforts are evident to navigate the uncharted waters to give hope to persons with DS like the See and Learn Language and Reading - a structured teaching program that is designed to teach children with Down syndrome to talk and to read. The program is evidence-based and easy to use at home and at school and available as apps or printed kits.

The Battle Continues Though, families and persons with Down syndrome continue to face discrimination and exclusion, they are now protected with laws before as well as after birth. To pro-life group, abortion of a child with Down syndrome is unjust discrimination. Unborn children with DS are bona fide human beings but are being discriminated against because they have a characteristic that some people believe disqualifies them from being valuable and protected.

In our country, abortion is an act criminalized by Philippine law. Articles 256, 258 and 259 of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines mandate imprisonment for women who undergo abortion, as well as for any person who assists in the procedure. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception. This goes with the protection of an unborn child diagnosed with DS.

A Better Tomorrow

Today, organizations such as DSAPI defend and protect the rights of people born with Down’s syndrome. The Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines, Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Makati City that was formed in 1991 by a group of dedicated and committed parents as well as concerned physicians.

DSAPI aims to offer support to families with a member of Down’s Syndrome and to initiate, develop, promote, educate and encourage

projects and programs concerning Down’s Syndrome. DSAPI believes that with the proper knowledge and understanding, new parents with an initial reaction of disappointment, guilt, sorrow and confusion can be replaced with positive attitudes of warmth, love, understanding and hope.



Yes, they are those who are called DS – persons with Down Syndrome and


o you see those almond –shaped eyes with skin that covers the inner eye, small nose and mouth in a round face with a flat profile , a small head that's somewhat flat in the back and a short neck?

October 2018


October 2018





y m o t y g e l E n A s n o m e D g n i y D e r u t r o T s u o r e m u N , f o o One R

Words | Westlhey B. Canonigo Art | Bea Javier

They say that blood is thicker than water. But nobody ever mentions that the demons that live inside of us are nothing liquid like blood nor water; they are solid, real and sometimes, they are capable of taking over our consciousness. They control our actions, guiding us into acts of sin. Now, what do you do when you realize that you are living under the same roof with a man to whom you are connected by blood, being controlled by his despicable demons? The moment I stepped in that house, I realized I had to live with it.

There are ups and downs that we need to face, moments that we need to accept in order to move forward in our life. But yet, I am so thankful that God has given me this problem to face, to realize what is beyond my comfort zone. Being a Social Science student, it is my nature to unfold and dig deep into our society’s unending problems – poverty, killings, the aftermath of natural catastrophes, and the list goes on that seem natural but are barely given notice of the mourning that comes along with them.

The first three days were peaceful. We mourned, we had our “pa-siyam na araw.” Tita had two sons and one daughter; her son, Kuya Hacky, was residing at the time in Quezon City, standing as a temporary breadwinner of the family despite being the ‘bunso’ in the house. Her daughter lived separated from the house as she already had a husband and three sons just a few meters away, living in the same compound. The fourth night, at 3 o’clock in the morning, someone knocked on our bedroom door. The blows were continuous as if the person was trying to open the door by force. It turned out that it was Kuya Jun, one of tita’s son. His voice was groggy, asking for money and I thought that it was okay to provide what he was asking for that night; after all his father left some money for each of his children because of his service credit he earned while he was working in the government. But I was shocked to learn that he was asking for a big amount of money, 1,000 pesos to be exact and I didn’t have a clue where he will use the money for. “(curse) naman Jun, saan mo na naman gagamitin ‘yung pera? Hindi ka pa matulog, kung anu-ano na naman ginagawa mo doon sa kabilang bahay.” “Nay, penge na last na naman ito eh.” He replied, nonetheless of his mother cursing him. She just shrugged and got up, reaching for the table where she kept her money. I wonder what made her give that big amount of money to him. As she was handing him the money, I overheard; “P.I. pandodroga mo na naman ‘to. Sinasabi ko sa’yo Junjun paparade ko na ‘yang bahay na ‘yan.” I was feeling uneasy – from being a good figure to my eyes, Kuya Jun instantly turned into greedy, money-lusting man. That night was just the start of the torture, of consecutive sleepless nights as he continued to push against the doors, slamming it with his fists. There were moments that we would place a small piece of wood to hold back the door from opening even though force was applied. And sometimes, we hid a piece of a metal in case he barged into the bedroom. Anxiety filled us thinking that he might kill us using an icepick that he always carries with him. There was a time that he used the vases in the living room, throwing it directly at the door, small pieces of sharp glass shattering. And nights were no longer normal for me, sleep wasn’t an activity for night anymore. Savings of my aunt was on a downfall, continuously providing her son’s needs when it comes to buying drugs.

But when we reached the hall, there were no Barangay Tanods. We rushed to the next driver, driving us directly to the police office, wanting her own son to be arrested by them. But when we reached the station, the police said we needed to first have a medicolegal just to legally pursue her son. Because with the presence of writ of habeas corpus, they were powerless. That event was repeated multiple times during my nine months of stay. To my surprise, Kuya Hacky was not an exemption; he too, was a drug addict and was in fact, much worse. There were nights that we experienced running as he chased us, drunk, because, according to Tita, “iba ang tama niya kapag nakakainom”. After being treated depressingly, I decided to set my feet off from that house – and go back to my family. I didn’t mention anything to my parents when I got back, still shocked from the depressing and agonizing months of what I had experienced there in that house. Tranquilly approaching my thoughts during night, staring at the four walls of my bedroom in my own house thinking to end myself, to hang myself. I feel deep remorse towards them, leaving their demons to creep in my thoughts. Maybe it is the cause of why I’m having trouble sleeping at night, staying up late recalling those moments. And believe me, God was and is still with me to fight the demons as I try vanish them forever. Creating dreams, filling up with a hope that they will soon realize that God is better than money, or drugs, or even your personal greediness.



And I realized, it was the decision I will regret for my entire life.

He went rigid, he closed his eyes and pushed us to go outside, fighting his own mother with a small piece of long wood. Pinning her on the wall, with eyes full of rage, he beat his mother, targeting her right arm with the wood in his hand. As he pushed his mother completely out of the house, we decided to run and call for a tricycle to assist us to the Barangay hall, but a few seconds later, the doors of the house opened and the figure of Kuya Jun was revealed, chasing us as he desperately tried to get what he wanted from his mother – money. Adrenaline and fear was making us move faster, alerting the driver to start immediately as we saw her son’s figure again with the wood that he used to beat his own mother.


When my mom asked me if I wanted to live with them, I did not hesitate to say yes. That time, we were experiencing a drought in our family. The only solution for me was to lessen the burden by beingn with my aunt who can afford my needs.

When Kuya Jun can’t force his mother to give him money, he threated her to sell his phone just to have what he wanted. And it was the nightmare that came into reality. When he sold his phone one night, Tita could not bear the constant abuse she was receiving from her own son. When she decided to turn away from his pleading remarks, it resulted in an unexpected moment.

October 2018

I just happened to realize that these things are unexpected, the life that I had before seems silent as usual and that nothing bad will happen. I thought I was not an exemption. It was the start of 2017 when my aunt’s husband’s death broke out to our family, it was especially hard for them as he is the only provider of their needs.

October 2018





Words | Vanessa Mae Antony Art | Bea Javier

The Plastic Problem

In the world, our country is the 3rd biggest contributor of plastic waste to the world’s oceans, the top two being China and Indonesia. With plastic being a non-biodegradable material, most consumers don’t realize that the single-use of their plastics can last more than a lifetime and it ends up being discarded in landfills or in our oceans. What most consumers don’t realize is that, the one-time use of their plastic is a lifetime struggle, especially for our marine life, that sadly, are the ones who end up being the victim to the problem that was initiated by humans.

Why Bamboo? With the rise of knowledge on the said issue, many companies such as Bambuhay and Kaway Bamboo Straw have taken action by turning towards alternatives that are capable of biodegrading; bamboo. Today, more and more people are turning to this plant as the material for their drinking straws. But you may be wondering, why bamboo? For one, it is one of Earth’s fastest growing plants, which makes it a very sustainable material. Two, bamboo is strong and durable. So strong, in fact, that you could build a house out of it! Three, bamboo is tough and super kid-friendly. It has no rough or sharp edges, just simply toss it into your bag without the fear of it breaking and you’re good to go. And lastly, now this is the best part, it is biodegradable, making it easier to comfortably sip tea without the guilt of harming our marine life.

Small Steps, Big Impact In the bigger picture, we’ve got a long way to go before we can completely say that our plastic problem is dealt with, in fact, the use of plastic straws is just a small part of it. But like the old saying goes, small steps done continuously make the biggest differences. Sure, we’ve become dependent on plastic for our daily needs. Every single day, from our first cup of coffee to the face cream we apply at night, we have made plastic an indispensable part of our lives. But avoiding it wherever and whenever we can by turning to alternatives will be a small step with big impacts towards saving our marine life. So if you want to make a change, the next time you decide to drink milk tea, just remember where your cup and straw might end up. And if that changes your mind, if turtles could speak, they would say ‘thank you’.



Recently, videos on social media that display the consequences of using plastic to marine life, such as plastic straws stuck in the noses of turtles and dead whales washing ashore with plastic being found in its stomach has been making waves and attracting the attention of social media users.


in the Philippines, the demand of a specific kind of drink: milk tea, has seen a steady rise since its boom way back in 2014. And yet, with the goodness and satisfaction of products like milk tea, comes the heartbreak of watching our marine life choke with the ignorance of our own doing.

October 2018


verybody loves a good, refreshing drink. Starbucks, milk tea and what not, more than its delicious flavors, its aesthetic appeal has been appreciated by many millenials today and it is evident by its occurrence in the feeds of social media of many young people. Especially

Silence of a Street Walker October 2018





Shedding Light on a Dark Issue:

An analysis of the PH’s prostitution and sex trade Words | Vanessa Mae Antony


e call them by different names. We judge them for what they do. In daylight conversations, we casually pass off the words that seemingly befit them; call girl, whore, wench. In Tagalog, it is not as kinder; kalapating mababa ang lipad, masamang babae or the most familiar one: puta. Little do we know that, in the Philippines, it is not just women involved in the sex trade. An estimate has been made that over 500,000 to 800,000 men, women and even children are involved in this line of work. Sex tourism is mainly clustered within the major cities

deep rooted culture stolen innocence

but its effect can be felt countrywide as women and children alike are stripped away from their rural homes and forced to participate in prostitution. The Philippines Republic Act No. 10158, passed in 2012, maintains that prostitution is a crime. Although, selling or paying for sex is technically illegal in the Philippines, its illegality is merely on paper as it is openly practiced. Sex workers are still employed under a number of different roles labeled as ‘Entertainment’. What makes the matter worse is that even legal enforcement turns a blind eye, they themselves accepting sex as a sort of bribe in order for their continued compliance in the industry.

The sex trade in the Philippines goes as back as the 1500’s. Within this time, a prosperous slave trade has been established between the Philippines, Spain and the Caribbean. Filipino women were labeled as “exotic sex objects” and were sent off to work in European brothels. In 1591, even when slavery was outlawed in the Philippines, it did not stop the Spanish colonists from their exploitation. In the last century, a boom in the sex trade was observed during the World War II and the Vietnam War. During WWII, specifically during 1941 to 1944, the Japanese Imperial Army

There are women who are involved in the sex trade who engage in consensual sex work and then there are children who, without consent, are forced into the line of work. Unicef estimates that over 60,00080,000 children in the Philippines are involved in the sex industry while Child Protection in the Philippines states that half of those working in the sex trade are underage. There are many factors that contribute to the involvement of children in the industry, the most common reason being due to poverty. In fact, generations are continuously being involved in the industry since they are unable to withdraw from the poverty cycle. Surveys done show that prostitutes working as massage therapists indicate that

forced women to act as “Comfort Girls” to the Japanese soldiers who were stationed in the Philippines. In the 1990’s, these women were compensated for the suffering and humiliation they faced at the hands of the Japanese soldiers. However, when the United States liberated the Philippines from the Japanese Rule in 1945, the sex tourism yet continued between the American soldiers and Filipino women, their offspring suffering as these children were ostracized from society. With these children living on the borders of society, the trend continued; mothers going into prostitution to survive and their daughters falling into the same fate.

38% stated that they were in the industry to support their parents while 8%, to support their siblings. This level of poverty means children can be forced in the line of work at a very early age to support their families. A darker side of the story reveals that children are forced away from their rural homes to work in the city as sex workers. The Philippines, being a naturally prone disaster area, is hit with frequent natural disasters, leaving areas in ruins and some children orphaned. There have been reports where these orphaned girls are targeted by traffickers, luring them by promising them food, shelter and a better life only to be brought into the city as a sex worker.

brighter days from a dark night

Being a sex worker in the Philippines does not gain you respect, but somehow, it is tolerated by society despite it being illegal. Local men contribute greatly to the industry by paying for sex. Over a third of sex workers have reported that they have been treated violently or harassed not just by customers but by police, city officials and gangsters as well. This goes to show that despite it being tolerated, sex workers in the Philippines are not protected because they are individuals that are not valued by society. In 2005, the government set up a bureau to bring together several government agencies, local charities and legal authorities to tackle the issue. Although there is a long way to go, awareness campaigns and work

Smaller urban centers has also been an area for the spread of this kind of prostitution due to the favorable factors of simple equipment for the cybersex joint and the feeling of virtual reality. Today, work in a cybersex joint can be seen as a practical mean, a temporary and discreet way to earn some cash, quickly and quietly, without the knowledge of the parents.

by organizations have made some progress on the issue. Philippine Sex Workers Collective is an organization that serves to break free the deprivation of human rights of sex workers. Another organization, End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT) guarantees shelter, advice and training to young girls to protect them from traffickers. There are still thousands and thousands of women and girls stuck in the industry, and it is unlikely to change overnight. What it first requires is a change in societal attitude to sex work and exploitation before any of these programs can gain momentum.



In impoverished places, inside small bamboo huts and brick houses, children are

forced by either their neighbors or povertystricken parents to perform sexual acts in front of web cameras which are broadcasted live on the Internet. These are ordered and paid for by pedophiles around the world.


The sex trade in the Philippines began to grow in the 20th century and was modernized in the 21st century due to the birth of the Internet. The Internet meant women and underage girls could perform webcam sex in Internet cafes in exchange for money from people all over the world. It is common to see Internet cafes with private rooms where the women and underage girls alike could perform and work from, most of their clienteles being American or European men.

October 2018

modernizing to “virtual prostitution�

October 2018





Attaining Global Competency

A Students Guide: Everything you need to know about LSPU’s journey en route ISO certification Words | Darryl Penaredondo & Joseph Andrew Algarne Laguna State Polytechnic University has proven itself to be made up of incredibly determined leaders and subordinates as they tenaciously worked together to obtain ISO 9001:2015 – a worldwide standard for quality administered by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), based in Switzerland and currently in use by over one million organizations around the world! Obtaining ISO 9001 certification is one great leap for LSPU – a milestone in its history!


October 2018



Commencing the Journey Eager to pursue his wish for ISO Certification before he retires, LSPU University President, Dr. Nestor M. De Vera started gearing up LSPU’s ISO Journey during a symposium attended by all members of the Administrative Council held at the Splash Mountain Hotel and Resorts last

August 24, 2015. This was followed by various ISO Awareness seminars and related activities conducted in the four LSPU campuses along with a series of meetings and workshops spearheaded by Engr. Helen A.

Evalle who was tasked to be the consultant. Internal Quality Auditors (IQA) were taken from faculty members, personnel, and staff who were trained and were given lesser teaching loads to attend frequent meetings and reconciled documents from the Documents Control Officer in January 2017.

A Rough Hewn Path It wasn’t an easy path to trudge LSPU’s chase for ISO Certification as it started to conduct internal audits held simultaneously in the four campuses in February 2017. Each one needed to collaborate to achieve desired results which were presented for approval to the deans and associate deans as they convened to address the recommendations. Quality objectives were clarified and agreed on for final utilization. Each campus patiently

conducted mock audits which were continuously held from March–November 2017 until finally, documents were submitted to TUVR for review. The Stage 1 audit took place on December 8, 2017 when TUVR Auditors arrived . It was walking through a very narrow, rough and thorny path wherein every pebble was checked by auditors from TUV RHEINLAND

such as classrooms, laboratories, instruction, curriculum, facilities, management and various offices. Though the TUVR‘s auditors findings revealed commendable results, problems as to non-conformities were clearly identified and recommendations and suggestions for improvements were laid out before LSPU Top Management for Stage 2 Audit.

Behind the Curtains Stage 1 ISO Audit inspired everyone to pursue their quest for Stage 2 ISO 9001:2015. Details of the audit and the areas to be closely monitored were then explained followed immediately with interviews about the Management System, Safety, Infrastructure and Budget Disbursement . People behind LSPU’s success could not have been possible without Curriculum Instruction Development and Quality Assurance (CIDQA) Director Dr. Zenaida O. Vitasa who was also interviewed regarding

the accreditation status, the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) standardized syllabi being used, and the licensure performance of the University and the internal quality audit processes conducted by LSPU respectively. Campus Director, Engr. Joseph M. Cabiente proved to have the ability to manage, direct, control, implement and monitor all aspects of university operations and so was Mr. Ronald Maglapuz, regarding security and safety. In the presence of the top management

and internal auditors and faculty and guests, the results were announced. The long wait was over as the TUVR Auditing team, after carefully scrutinizing every detail, finally made their pronouncement that LSPU achieved the title of being ISO 9001:20018 certified institution. This announcement made the crowd shed tears of happiness as they applauded for the tedious journey in their quest for excellence to be an ISO Certified institution.

Defining Excellence ISO Certification is a seal of approval from a 3rd party body like TUVRheinland that LSPU runs to one of the internationally recognised ISO management systems. The certification can be used as a proof of the university’s credibility in the field of education, it being way to ensure LSPU management stays focused. ISO 9001 certification requires that the

the university periodically audit its quality processes. Regular process audits and asneeded audits, when done correctly, provide the objective feedback needed to correct any deviations from the quality path and keep the LSPU focused on its goals of providing quality education. It’s Real! A quality management system standard is all about quality so, of course, one

result of ISO is an improved level of quality for the entire LSPU. It will put LSPU on the Road to Quality and Global Competitiveness! LSPU’s journey for excellence is not yet over as it gets its ISO Certification. The road is wide for a university who seeks to fulfill a great mission towards improvement!

October 2018





Words | Vanessa Mae V. Antony Photos | Joseph Andrew Algarne


hey say it is not the destination that matters the most; it is the journey. The journey of life comes in various stories. Plot twists and unexpected scenarios are bound to happen at any time you least expect. In fact, that is true for one man who is thoroughly well-known in our university. Every single student of LSPU is familiar with his face. From the way he dresses to the way he walks, he can be recognized even from a far distance. If you chance upon inside the campus once in a while, you may catch a glimpse of him casually strolling, picking

up chatter with a few students or so: LSPU’s very own university’s president, Sir Nestor M. De Vera. His white pressed shirt and bespectacled face might give off a timid character, but his journey from a young boy to the president of the only state university in the province of Laguna is nothing close to timid. A tale of a hardworking man, let us take a glimpse into the personality of the face we see so often yet truly know very little about.

A Simple Childhood Dream

His goal as a young man was never something grand, it was something as simple as making his family proud. Unlike most people, he never had dreams of being something noble like a doctor or a teacher. “Makapag-excel lang ako sa pamilya namin.” Sir Nestor stated, that being his only childhood goal.

De Vera never imagined that he would be in the position he is right now; the president of LSPU. In fact, he never imagined finishing a masteral degree, let alone a Ph.D. He never even dreamed that he would end up in Laguna. His journey took place in slow transitions, but indeed, it was an unexpected one.

education as a life-long learning, he did not stop there. He finished his Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences at Dela SalleAraneta University in 2006 and by then was already eligible in the Professional Board Exam for teachers (PBET) and the Career Service Professional (CS).

After finishing his college degree, he was brought to Laguna by a friend and worked as a Livestock Inspector that that included injecting and healing animals. After a while, he was able to secure a job in LSPU – Siniloan and was also able to finish his masteral degree in Animal Husbandry in 1982 at Gregorio Araneta University Foundation, Malabon, Manila. But as a man who considers

“I did not ever dream that I will become what I am now.” Sir De Vera took bites of life one spoon at a time, accepting every challenge that comes along his way until he built the person he is now.

Leader With A Purpose When Sir De Vera was asked to run for presidency, he truly never planned about it since it was not something he dreamed of. He was overcome by the possibilities of him not performing well as a president. But Sir De Vera believed there is always an opportunity to do new things. Although hesitant at first, he was able to secure the position against seven other prospects. And the rest is history. Under his administration, he was able to elevate LSPU into the Level Three SUC and even achieved to make LSPU ISO certified, which means that LSPU is now comparable in terms of quality management and system. What started as a dream of making LSPU a center of excellence began with his vision of making it first,

a center of development. He even pushed for LSPU to be accredited by outsiders. Although he describes the transition period from the old administration to his as being difficult, he still managed to overcome. “Yun ang isa sa pinakamagandang nangyare sa buhay natin ditto sa LSPU… na dalhin ang LSPU sa mataas na level o antas. Natupad ko yun.” Sir De Vera had stated. Now, LSPU is on track to being a center of excellence. No wonder he has no regrets at all in his life.

Behind The Façade Sir De Vera has much more to offer than his accomplishments as a president. He has his quirks, a side that not many people are aware of; a side of being family-oriented, determined, hardworking and down to earth. A father of one, his family and he are currently residing in Pila, Laguna. With his background in agriculture, he enjoys gardening and even animal raising as he shared that he has quite a lot of chickens and goose in his home.

You may see him as a man of strong character but he admitted his weakness to being sensitive and sentimental to the woes of others. But his ability to deal well with people is what he considers as his strengths. He shares that the best part of being a president was the ability to gain people’s trust; to be able to gain it with confidence in the fact that it will be put to good use was something incomparable and in the knowledge that he was president for two terms, or eight years, is fact enough of his good interpersonal skills.

A Man of Wise Words At some point, a student will always be faced with a difficulty when it comes to his/her studies. Take it from the man who was able to graduate with high degrees despite the circumstances, his advice to struggling students is to always do the best that you can do. “Wala silang gagawin kundi struggle the best that you can do. Study well. Focus on your studies. Wala na kayong iintindihin.” With the tuition of students now being free, Sir De Vera encourages each and every student to do their best by focusing on their academics and just like him when he was young, to not be influenced by peers. He believes that in everything you do, every predicament you are

faced with, you will always have a choice in your actions. Sir De Vera was just a simple farm boy with the most simplest of dreams, and yet through his unexpected journey, he revealed himself as a leader guided by a purpose with a heart of providing a good environment to and for his people. Behind his character of a career-oriented man, he is truly just a simple man who finds joy in the simplest of things. And as a man of wise words, he holds to his heart a statement of that portrays the man he truly is; “Treat every day as the last day… tomorrow is another day.”



An Unexpected, Fruitful Journey


De Vera was never an exceptional student. He was average, although his value for education was evident in his performance that resulted in him being part of the top ten students in his class. He did his secondary and tertiary education in Camarines State

Agricultural College, taking up Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education, Major in Husbandry and graduated in the year of 1980. It was the choice he made after coming from a family that had a background in agriculture.

October 2018

In the quiet, agricultural town of Pili, located in the province of Camarines Sur, Sir De Vera grew up with a large family that consisted of his parents and seven siblings. Born on May 15th in the year of 1959, he hailed from a simple and humble lifestyle that was financially dependent on the luck of harvest of their agricultural land. “Sahod-ulan” as he described their way of living, meant that the rain determined their fortune.

October 2018





Dare to Dream the untold stories of LSPU’s board passers


Words | Joyce Ann Fabula

ass or fail; this will not define your story of success.

Examinations are one of the biggest challenges of every student. During the examination week you will see students having group studies, reading reviewers while riding on a jeep and many more. All students strive to pass the test. However, the most anticipated exam that students have prepared for 4 years or more is the board examination. Passing this will take them to another level of their profession and it

will open numerous doors of opportunities to them.

Once they passed the exam, you cannot blame them for having dramatic reactions and long captions in their pictures that they upload on social media because this exam is not just a test of true or false, matching type or enumeration. This is the fruit of all the failures, worries, hard works and prayers. Behind every tarpaulin and graduation photo, there is always an untold story.

But the reality of his dreams was after achieving his license. Even though having the PRC card is not enough to be his gate pass to enter the world of his field. Frustrations were one of his struggles when he was unable to acquire a job after a few months of passing. Doors were closed for him when he was repeatedly rejected in the different companies in Laguna but a window opened when he was hired in Makati. “From then on I just realized that it’s just the beginning of life as a professional and being a board passer is just like an initial key to opening more doors

He worked as a probationary engineer and studied at the same time to be certified as an IBM engineer and Unix System Administrator to secure the job. He molded his skills for Questronix Corporation, an IBM business partner, managing servers, hardware, unix operating system and other machines such as ibm storage and networking. These experiences led him to unexpected situations that turned him upside down. After moving to Singapore and worked for DBS a local bank for a year, he shifted to another local bank namely United Overseas bank (UOB) as Assistant Vice President. His battle continues but Barcelon was strengthened by his experience of rejection. “For more than 10 years of my professional career, I can say that I’ve encountered a lot as a professional and as a person. Some might say that I already accomplished so much but still there’s a lot more to learn and achieve.” said by Barcelon.

A Story of Faith He once eyed to be an engineer but his fate brought him to be a teacher. The 25 year old was one of this year’s board passer of the LET Examination, Rannel Rabanzo. His journey was a stop-and-move-forward story. When he entered college, he enrolled in an engineering course but suddenly stopped for some reason. After a while, he went back on track and began again. From admiring numbers and equations, he became involved in studying history, economics and social issues as he became part of Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in Social Science. “Yung mga gurong astig na gusto kong gayahin nung nag aaral ako, yung mga gurong iniisip ko nung mga time na nag-aaral ako eh gusto kong maging

kagaya nila.” It wasn’t easy for him to handle his work while attending reviews. This caused him to think that he was not yet ready to do the exam. But his faith is his greatest foundation; the reason to his victory of passing the Licensure Examination for Teacher’s. “Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa. Nanalangin ako at humingi ng himala, humingi talaga ako ng Divine Intervention at syempere nag-aral din ako.” he said. A new character was molded for him, better versions of himself. Teacher Rannel Rabanzo is currently working in Capitol View Christian School and is much happier because of his plot twist of 2018.

A Story of Love “Balang araw makikita ko din yung mukha ko diyan.” That was the promise of Jan Marinie Escosura in front of a Nursing Licensure Examination board passers tarpaulin four years ago. She was driven by her love for her grandmother to be a nurse. Nanay Precy was blind and weak she was not able to witness her granddaughter take care of her. But this did not become a barrier for Escosura to continue her passion. She was fired up and began to believe that even if her Lola will not see her effort, she will be able to feel her genuine care and love. “Syempre gusto ko din na kaysa iba pang tao magaalaga sa kanya ako nalang.” Escosura expressed. During her days in college, her mind was filled with doubts, a negative thinker – she proclaimed that it was

because of a lack of self-trust. But a deep and strong prayer was Escosura’s greatest preparation for the exam a night before, which she and her friends did. Her faith to Lord is where she gained confidence and boldness. “Sobrang na feel namin lahat sa puso namin yung presence ni God, after nun sobrang gumaan yung pakiramdam ko nawala yung kaba at takot sakin.” she said. Even if the nursing course was her grandmother’s choice, she has strong belief that at the age of 20 she will be a registered nurse and indeed, it finally came true. From a simple wish to see her face in the banner, now, she’s ready to face the real world.



Before encountering major subjects, an early licensure exam review was undertaken by Jayar Barcelon from batch 2007 which was his way of preparing himself ahead in college. He had a strong willingness to pass the exam in one-take in order to fulfill his dreams of being a registered electronics engineer.

to numerous possibilities.” he shared.


Even a determined and prepared person can experience rejection.

October 2018

A Story of Rejection

October 2018





Pakil: Hidden Gem of Laguna A trip down to a small town of rich culture


Words | Shulamae Castro Photos | Google Images

o you want to try the grandest nomadic experience of a lifetime, where you’ll spot a treasury of rich culture and history? Well, Pakil is the best place for you, your friends,you’re your family.

Señora de los Dolores or the Virgen de Turumba was enshrined in 1788. The Feast of Turumba is said to be the longest festival in the Philippines as it lasts for seven months.

Pakil is a 5th class urban municipality in the province of Laguna and has 13 barangays. According to the 2007 census, it has a population of 20,242 people in 3,698 households.

Despite being a small town, Pakil is rich in huge culture and history that will lead you to a feeling of a ‘curiosity killed the cat’ but satisfaction brought it back for visiting this quiet town will surely leave you with a craving of coming back.

Pakil is popularly known as the home of the St. Peter of Alcantara Parish Church where the Nuestra

Living the Devoted Spirit When you first arrive at Pakil, the first thing that will catch your eyes is the church located at their plaza town. They call it the ‘Saint Peter of Alcantara Parish Church’ but the original name was ‘Our Lady of Sorrows of Turumba’. It stands as a fine example of colonial baroque architecture. The church’s stonework and cherubs on the facade is enough to fascinate us. But when you step inside, amazing paintings and other artworks including the sculptures of the 14 saints and their own niches displayed at the altar will leave you mesmerized. One fascinating story is an oil painting that is quite small, almost bond paper in size and depicts Mary in pain as a dagger pierces through her heart. It was said that the image was found by fishermen from the boat of shipwrecked missionaries crossing the Laguna de Bay, the icon, however, was unable to

be lifted by the local folks. The parish priest, notified the incident then gathered his people to fetch the image and as they began lifting, the people started singing and dancing. The Turumba Festival is one of the main tourist attractions in the town. In align to the celebration, their covered court notes the paintings on the wall depicting the Virgen de Turumba made by the local people of Pakil. Surely, the residents of Pakil are truly devoted as they have a variety of ways to show their devotion or love when it comes to their faithful catholic religion. Your spirit of devotion will come along the way and prevail as you are enticed on how they really preserve their culture.


October 2018



The Little Town’s Musicians The religious nature of the locals brings out the tradition of singing and dancing of the town. The musical tradition in Pakil was initiated in 1856 by San Pedro Bautista, the Guardian of the Franciscan Order. He established the only Music Academy in the Philippines at that time. Since then, the people of Pakil involved themselves in teaching the youth to sing and play instruments. The quiet town of Pakil is filled with powerful musicians. The prominent Pakil musicians are proudly mentioned by the municipal officers; they are Johnny Valero who plays the trombone and Nemesio Regalado who plays the clarinet; Jun Regalado who was crowned "The Best Drummer in Asia"; Janette Basco, a popular Filipino singer; Professors Paulino Cadsawan, Julian Balita and Agapito Celis who are

esteemed music teachers; Ceferino Pasang, Luis Vito and Rhea Regalado Yusi who are renowned pianists; Anne Asinas, a world-renowned violinist; and Prof. Marcelo Q. Adonay, known as the Philippines’ “Prince of Church Music.” At present, the Pakil Music Program based in the United States of America helps in promoting the rich musical heritage of Pakil by supporting the music education of elementary school students in Pakil. It is truly satisfying to learn that they still keep and preserve their musical heritage despite the technological advancements in today’s music. And this is because every one of them is a musician who's not only been around music long enough to witness it evolve, but who's been a part of it their entire life.

For The Love of Art If you are looking for a restaurant to satisfy your cravings, then there is a café located right at the smack of San Pedro de Alcantara Church. While food nourishes the body, art feeds the senses. We experienced this perfect combination of good food and great art at Vista’s Art Space and Café. This quaint café serves mouthwatering rice toppings, sandwiches, and pasta. The owner of this café is a homegrown artist from Pakil, Laguna, and he is Bernard Vista. The employees of the café said that he has dedicated the art space as a venue where the artists of Pakil can display their works. Most of the paintings highlight the Filipino values for hard work and simplicity in life like the fisher folks and man

playing the guitar. The place is really artsy to the point some of the furniture are recycled such as using salvaged wood and even sewing machines to make a table. Another artist from Pakil is Danilo Dalena, a famous visual artist who has won several prestigious art contests in the country. He built his small art gallery which is called "House of Paintings," located at Burgos Street just across the Pakil church and town plaza. His paintings and sketches usually depict religious themes. According to the caretaker of the house, students usually visit here to observe the techniques employed in producing the various works of art.

October 2018




What would I do? Ian Jordan

I found myself lying on a bed of roses. It felt like I was in haven, safe and sound. Vines wrapped around my naked skin and hide every imperfection that I have. Torns made me realized that even you're broken, you feel pain still. Leaves caressed my very core to feel the love, I think I deserved. Days and months passed by. It's Autumn. Roses are slowly dying and petals are falling . I can't do anything but to cry. I guess, it's time to be like them.

Fallen Angel Westlhey Canonigo

Maybe, you're just afraid to know things beyond your limit. It's okay darling, sometimes too much happiness will bring too much hatred. Once you've been fooled, you won't take the risks again. And I know, someday if you fall to someone's trap and there are no options to escape from it, you'll regret the very first day you knocked on your limiter door.

But I can't. Maybe I will just let the roses die and see them the epitome of animosity. I knew to that even when I'm covered with roses, they'll still mocked me with their keen eyes. — People always has something to say.


Memoirs of Last Spring Darius Razzle Paciente

"Memories — it's a lover's treasure and broken's torture. They are the reason to live, and they are also the reason for you to die slowly on the inside. I've once recollected my own memories, remembering them each-by-each and all felt like cherry blossoms in spring and getting prickled by a thousand rose thorns in the latter. Really, it's a CD you've kept for a long time, treasuring it for years, only for it to get scratched horribly — but the upside to this is that you're left to choose what would that CD show when you play it: a scene of rays of sunshine under a cherry blossom tree, or a scene where you pluck out those thorns painfully, one-byone."

Hanahaki Alex Ramirez

There were never butterflies-Only white-hot pain And crimson stains Bursting from within my ribs From where vines had gripped, Pulled and seized, My airways ‘Til I can no longer breathe. There was never chest fluttering-But mad’ning floral scents, Bloody petals spent Hacking, coughing, clawing out From tickling my throat ‘Cause of a fleeting thought, An otiose hope-A real pitiful joke. There were never meant for something to bloom-Anything, but this Repulsive vile in my mouth Bitter and never sweet; Had me crushing sunflowers, Had me watering them blood, What lies behind the beauty of spring, Is the taste of one-sided love.

This house needs an ambulance of coffee, Or hot tea, or hot boiling water may be. So that it can appear its true colors Better than a blood donor. If I were a grand millionaire and my debts are paid, I’ll help this mournful owner, its sadness to fade.

I’ll buy its worthy happiness, and joy More than a present, a gift or a toy. And as I went by, there was a man standing at its front door, Seemingly knocking for hope or for more. I was curiously watching over, but it turns out, No one opened, not shout. Then the man initiately opened it, He shouted with a loud voice, making a big hit When he got out of the house, He lifted his children and wife, Hopeless, without flesh, without life. So whenever I go along the Suffer street, I can’t stop looking back onto it. Yet it hurts me to look at crumbling walls and torn apart Specially that man from abroad, arriving with a broken heart.

ATTEMPTS Those Days Dawn Dawn

It was one of those summer afternoons, two boys in skateboards whizzed by in an almost empty road. Passersby watched as they paid no mind to the world. Back in those days, there were no internet and screens. Kids hung out with their friends, told stories, drank sodas and smoked cigarettes They brought their boomboxes with them, listening to cassette tapes and the radio, Contemplating about the world and its problems, Wishing to get out of their small towns and dreaming their big dreams.


Zoe Pangalangan I used to loathe flowers, not because I don't find them beautiful, but because I'm afraid to watch it die. You get attracted, admire its exquisite beauty, and get sad when it withers. I later realized it was the same thought I used to have with the idea of you and me getting attached to you and your pulchritude, and fear of reaching the end of our little perfection. But I learned that every rose will wither, and every summer will soon get its winter, but not the love we planted on the garden of our hearts. We will never shrivel.

Your ring on Summer Keziah Belmoro

You're walking down the aisle. Wearing that beautiful dress I've seen in my mind. Holding a bouquet of tulips that its fragrance lingers like a summer bloom. Painted in your face is a smile that you always wear every time you see... him You stopped beside me. Murmurs your endless 'thankyous' as I stay through thick and thins. Hug me so tight like you never want to let me go. How I wish, and I hold on. But, it will never be like I wanted. You continued walking and passed through me. I said that I'll always be there. Be the best man that you'll ever have, but I became weak.

I became a coward. I never had the guts to say that you're more than just a friend. You're the best woman that I'll ever have. As you walk down through the aisle, Tears start pouring into my eyes. It's not a tear of joy, ... It's a tear of pain. Pain of seeing you with him being bonded by the power of the Lord. I still smile at you when you look again. Now is the time I lost my chance. I lost the best woman in my life. I know that you're the one for me. But for you? ...I'll always be your best friend.



I was wond’ring if it is a haunted house, But it’s impossible! There is a waiting Santa Claus. I know this house isn’t haunted, For it wish it were, so that I can never get doubted.

Bless Chavez


Whenever I walk along the Suffer street, I passed by a frozen house, icy yet concrete. And it’s always visible during December, As the leaves fall after September.

October 2018

White Night

October 2018





More for Less

Make way for more data.

The Philippines, anchored bottom with the countries with the slowest internet connection, is now set to modernize with the 5G connection, spearheaded by the biggest Telecommunications company in the country. With this plan, it engraves in the future a faster and reliable internet for the consumers—and that is a statement with a question mark. This innovation could be a milestone in the field of technology here in the country but as the pages goes, all good things come with a cost. For a few swipes, and posts, a consumer needs to pay the price in order to see the world of internet. Buffering, loading, and crashing pages are the major problems of internet users in the Philippines. Thousands upon thousands of complaints are being sent towards different telecommunications company yet the changes are none. In order to have a faster post, faster tweet or faster buffer, one needs to upgrade and all upgrades comes with a slash in the pocket and that is not a reason to smile for most of the Filipino people who needs a stable internet connection to rely on. Bigger, better, and even stronger. That is what the 5G innovation promises to quench the thirst of the country in terms of internet reliability with Clark as the first target area to provide and soon to spread throughout Luzon on 2019. These companies have already put up several fiber connections throughout the country, another investment that will soon be felt by everyone’s wallet. The 5G infrastracture will pave through an avenue where consumers need to upgrade more to feel something, wherein they already deserve in the first place. This is something the company places in between with the push and pull of human need and need of money to invest more. The main reason the country never places itself to be more reliable for it citizen in terms of technology. A few posts and swipes, and that’s a plus to the bill. Internet is a breakthrough in science and technology that aims to elevate the need of human to survive. The real picture here is, they stash plenty for a speed slower than ten blinks of an eye. Set aside needs, for everything is business, indeed.

mekanismo October 2018




October 2018


Beyond the Neglected PH Tropical Diseases



Words | Christian Carlo Viriña Art | Bea Javier


t is never an issue to be neglected – these diseases cause unbearable living and death among Filipinos especially those who are incapable of providing themselves a proper sanitation and are forced by poverty to live devouring close contact to infectious vectors. Philippines, known to be a still progressing country, discovered to have group of individuals developing rare illnesses called Tropical Diseases. Among these diseases are Leprosy, Rabies, Soil-transmitted Helminthiasis, Filariasis, Schistosomiasis, and Food and Water-borne Diseases according to Philippine Information Agency.

Leprosy Leprosy, an engrained but meekly communicable disease which came from an acid-fast, rod-shaped bacillus called mycobacterium leprae. In terms of new cases detected for this disease, Philippines remains as the highest among the Regions of the Western Pacific for 8 years. Leprosy largely affects the skin, creating deformities on the hand and feet, as well as the peripheral nerves, the eyes and the mucosa of the upper respiratory track, causing blindness and kidney failure. If left untreated, leprosy leads to permanent damage to the nerves of the infected part of the body such as the fingers, hand, feet, and toes, which affects a person’s ability to feel pain and temperature that lead to different accidents like burn, cut or hurt yourself.

Rabies Philippines ranked as 4th with the highest cases of rabies worldwide and still increasing despite of the government promises to get rid of the problem in the country by the year 2020. Rabies is a highly fatal disease which commonly came from cats and dogs. “Many people still believe that infections were only transmitted from stray dogs, but in fact 88% of rabies cases came from pet dogs and 2% came from pet cats”, according to Dr. Luningning ElioVilla. This tropical disease primarily affects the central nervous system,


October 2018


10000 dogs believed to be infected each year and there are only 42000 doses of vaccines in the country. There is no cure for rabies, once a bitten person exhibit symptoms, he/she usually dies.

Filariasis Filariasis is also known as Elephantiasis, a parasitic infection caused by the Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori nematode worms transmitted to humans through the bite of infected Aedes, Culex, Anopheles, and Mansonia mosquitoes. The infection mainly targets the lymphatic system of the body. The infectious microscopic larvae develop in the vector mosquitoes and are transmitted to humans in the blood when bitten by an infectious mosquito. The larvae reproduce and mature inside the human host for a year and remain in the body for approximately 4-6 years. The hatched larvae in human are absorbed by feeding mosquitoes that serves as the transferring agent of the disease to another human host. Majority of the cases for this disease are asymptomatic – the infected persons do not establish symptoms – the worms continue to damage the body, especially the kidneys and lymph nodes for a long period of time without signs of illness that leads to swelling in the genitals, breasts, arms and legs and may progress to lung disease.

Soil-transmitted Helminthiasis

Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis is a snail-borne neglected tropical disease. Three species are highly pathogenic to man including Schistosoma Japonicum, S. Mansoni and S. Haematobium. In the Philippines, S. Japonicum is the most common species to which 2.5 million Filipinos are directly exposed. The disease came from larvae forms of parasites that are released by freshwater snails that penetrate the skin when in contact with infected water. In the body, the larvae develop into adult schistosomes which live in the blood vessels where the female releases eggs. Others are trapped in the tissue, causing immune reactions and progressive damage to organs. According to Regional Schistosomiasis Advisory Teams, 655,124 are the estimated cases among the 3,961,000 exposed populations.

Food and Water-Borne Diseases Food and Water-Borne Diseases includes Typhoid fever, Cholera, Leptospirosis and Hepatitis A. Cholera is a rapidly deadly disease, an infection caused by indigestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio Cholerae. A healthy individual may die in two to three hours if no medications were applied. Leptospirosis came from rat’s urine. Infections were transmitted by indigestion of food or water contaminated by the urine. Also, an open wound on the skin, when exposed to floodwater, results to contamination of the disease.

Soil-transmitted Helminths are the most common parasitic infections in impoverished communities, most commonly among children.

Hepatitis A is an infectious disease caused by Hepatitis a virus. The most common transmission is through the intake of contaminated food with human waste and urine of a person with Hepatitis A.

The disease is caused by parasitic worms which can live and replicate in the gastrointestinal system. These soil-transmitted helminths such as hookworms, roundworms and whipworms are transferred through the fecal-oral route, a result of poor sanitary practices.

The only way to avoid such illness is to ensure the quality of the food you’re eating and the water you’re drinking.

These infections are mainly found on low resource locale and can result to intellectual impairment and inhibiting of growth in children. In the Philippines, the current control is a nationwide semi-annual school based mass drug administration (MDA) aiming pre-elementary and grades 1 to 6 children in all public schools since 2007 by the Department of Education (DepEd) in partnership with the Department of Health (DOH) through its Integrated Helminth Control Program.


the brain. Symptoms arise 2-8 weeks after bite, and when symptoms develop, death will follow in 7-10 days. Department of Health (DOH) estimates that there are 100000 Filipinos treated for dog bites and among that numbers, 200-300 people die from rabies annually. Onethird (1/3) of these deaths are among children below 15 years old.

October 2018



Dev Comm


From Nickel to Steel:

BSP New Generation Coins Words | lexandra Labutap and Lenin Osio

Art | Bea Javier

“Everything in the Philippines is just falling apart, isn’t it? Kahit di mo dapat problemahin nagiging problema… Bakit silver lahat ng coins?” -Wayne | Economix Every problem turns out to be a new challenge for an optimistic mind, a normal scenario into the Filipino culture. Unexpectedly, something happens that we should accept. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. The old series of coins have a high content of nickel and foreign entities ship them out of the country to melt and extract this valuable nickel while the other contents was then recycled for industrial purposes. Foreign entities illegally exported one-peso coins because nickel is highly resistant to corrosion and, as such, is a key element for making stainless steel alloy. With these, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) had an option to resolve this issue. The BSP introduced a new

series of coins to prevent foreign entities from stealing these valuable metals. The New Generation Currency (NGC) issued by the BSP in the present year introduced the newest designs for the coins used as of now. The NGC has enhanced features using the latest minting and laser technology to avoid corrosion and coin counterfeiting that was experienced on the past design of the coins. Another reason why they did this because BSP is discouraging the illegal extraction of valuable metal content found in the coins. In addition, NGC Coin Series also contributes to improve wear capabilities. The coins are made of nickel-plated steel, that is why they appear as metallic silver. The change in the plating technologies address concerns on the discoloration, which was the problem with brass and coppercoated coins. The new series consists of the 10-peso, 5-peso, 1-peso,


October 2018



25-centimo, 5-centimo, and 1-centimo. The 5-peso coin was first released on December 2017 to commemorate the 120th anniversary and 154th birthday of Gat. Andres Bonifacio on November 30. It was also intended for the greater demand for coins during christmas season. Instead of a full support, the Filipinos ended up into being confused into the design of the new coins since they argue they all look the same. Citizens disagreed to this kind of innovation because they want to consider persons with disabilities. The thing is, people starts to gain confusion into the coins because of its similar appearance. Due to this confusion people keeps on giving negative feedbacks on the new generation coins. On the other hand, BSP continues to conduct a nationwide information campaign to educate Filipinos in order to help them distinguish the NGC coins. With this, NGC will be able to gain popularity, as well as to lessen confusion while being used on a

daily basis. But, Diwa Guinigundo, the BSP’s Deputy Governor for the Monetary Stability Sector defended the new designs and said that they are the result of a two-year study so the public shouldn’t be confused if they only look at the denomination. The BSP will develop the design so it will lessen the “confusion or undistinguishable” appearance of the NGC coin series. The BSP continuous to conduct a nationwide information campaign to educate the general public to allow them to easily distinguish the NGC coin series. With increased usage over time, the NGC coins with its features will gain popularity. The changes that has been made must be learned as if they’ll be part of the daily transaction and daily life. The coins are not just a part of the citizens but also the country. They may be hard to recognize at first, but later on, it’ll be easier for everyone to distinguish the NGC coin series.

October 2018





Universal Health Care System:

Making Filipinos Health Wealthier The fight for true universal healthcare continues. Words | Gaudy San Jose Art | Bea Javier

Out of 582,183 registered death in the Philippines from the year 2016, which PSA just announced early this year, 52.9% or 342,705 of those deaths were not able to consult any doctors, meaning, there are just 40.2% dead Filipinos who can afford medical bills in that year. At present, PhilHealth only pays mostly for curative and some secondary preventive health services, such as diagnostic and laboratory services. While one of the aims of the pending UHC bill is to further expand enrollment and coverage Government’s said solution to this is their Senate Bill 1986 or most commonly known as “Universal Health Care Bill” which extends PhilHealth’s coverage in any aspect, from who to what. Universal Health Care (UHC), also referred to as Kalusugan Pangkalahatan (KP), is the “provision to every Filipino of the highest possible quality of health care that is accessible, efficient, equitably distributed, adequately funded, fairly financed, and appropriately used by an informed and empowered public”. One objective of this measure is to make check-ups, x-rays, and laboratory tests, including mental health consultations, cancer risk screenings, and even certain medicines free for all Filipinos. By making such services readily accessible, we hope to induce a change in attitudes among our people — who only go to see a doctor when their sicknesses are already very grave or at advanced stages. Universal Health Care Law promises every citizen of the Philippines, living in the country and even the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW), to receive the needed medication, whenever and where ever. “Financial issues will no longer to be a burden to our countrymen when it comes to healthcare.” Senator JV Ejercito said. The law will also seek to improve doctor-to-patient and bed-to-patient ratios, to guarantee satisfaction whenever medical attention is needed. Universal health coverage is a step in the right direction for promoting public health. But it works best in combination with other measures that deserve equally urgent attention from the government. Their first big step was to provide every Filipino a reliable healthcare, no matter how rich or how poor you are. This will be a most welcome measure for the millions who live below the poverty line.



Six out of ten deaths in the Philippines for the past years, according to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), are not medically-attended, happening for just a single reason, can’t afford the bills.


The Universal Health Care System must be the awaited answer for the rising amount of deaths due to inadequate health-care system we have now.

October 2018


he country has a historic opportunity these days to transform its health system — from one that is inequitable, narrow and fragmented to one that is based on human rights, where no one is left behind, and is comprehensive and integrative in content, scope and approach.

October 2018





Words | Christopher John R. Kabigting


TA. CRUZ, Laguna ― Laguna, although still on its process of transforming into a modernized and an industrialized area of Southern Tagalog still has its ways of balancing the topographical benefits together with the technological state of the province. This is due to massive increase in practitioners and agribusiness-workers, and agronomists of organic agriculture. As the list of businesses relating to fishery

and farming keeps on multiplying in numbers, the Field Agriculture Extension Services-Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (FAES-OPAg) together with the Provincial Government of Laguna settled, conducted and officially commenced the Fifth Laguna Organic Agriculture and Second Agri-fishery Congress at the Time Plaza and Cultural Center of the Provincial Capitol Ground, Santa Cruz, Laguna, October 22 – 26.

PROMOTING LOCAL ADVOCACY This event includes different activities showcasing the agricultural and fishery products, technologies and services of each and every municipality of Laguna province, such as trade fair and exhibits, techno clinic, market linkages, organic convention, Gawad Parangal and Youth development contest which promotes a variety of advocates pertaining to the organic agricultural products, methods, and techniques.

Aside from showcasing agricultural products and the like, this congress also caters information, knowledge and skills through seminars to those who are willing to learn and improve their chosen agricultural profession such as farmers and fishermen and giving them a chance to enact their own capabilities to enhance global competitiveness and to improve the status of the Laguna province when it comes to agriculture.

province of Laguna.

CONSIDERING THE CONSEQUENCES Organized events such as Organic Agriculture and Agrifishery Congress is very essential, people these days were not properly informed of the right ways of farming and fishing, some fishermen were using dynamites to garner a massive amount of fish, others were using semipermeable nets capturing all the fishes including the small ones; In terms of farming, some of the farmers were not aware of the harmful effects of using chemical based fertilizers, it eventually causes the destruction of soil, thus severely destroying

the growth of the crops by using it instead of the organic made fertilizers. In this profession, you being a hardworking person is great, but being knowledgeable and properly oriented of the right ways on how to handle an agricultural work is even greater, because every single detail and information is very important which helps you become self-sufficient when it comes to food resources, allknowing about the technology related on the latest developments on farm mechanization, fish farming, and aquaculture.

INTEGRATION THROUGH LEGAL ACTION The goal is to empower and to ensure the development of the agriculture and fisheries sectors in accordance with poverty alleviation and social equity, food security assuring the availability, adequacy, and accessibility of food supplies to all at all times, enhancing the competitiveness of both sectors, and promoting sustainable development compatible with the preservation of the ecosystem in areas where both activities are carried out in order to attain long term sustainability, all according to the Republic Act No. 8435 also known as "Agriculture and Fisheries

Modernization Act of 1997." Furthermore, this congress was also established in accordance to the Republic Act No. 10068 also known as “Organic Agriculture Act of 2010� promoting, propagating, developing further and implementing the practice of organic agriculture, increasing productivity of farms, reducing pollution and destruction of the environment, and preventing the depletion of natural resources, benefiting not only the people but the ecosystem and environment as well.



More so, they also feature the ceremonial launching of the Green Revolution for Laguna Household annually where each and every barangay were given different types of crop seeds and an organic fertilizers and also taught how to utilized those materials in such a manner; fishery forum and fish processing hands-on demo was also featured for those who wanted to


This congress is also a way to raise awareness amongst the youth, the practitioners and the agri-preneurs on the advantages and on all the benefit that they would acquire from pursuing this profession such as food security and a good and stable income by encouraging them to take agricultural courses to support local agricultural works and businesses, aiming to achieve food security, end hunger, poverty, and malnutrition in the whole

October 2018


October 2018





That’s it?

Everyone is in fuss; Philippines 30th SEA Games logo was criticized by netizens after being presented in the 37th Olympic Council of Asia General Assembly last August 2018 by the Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano as the country hosting the 2019 Sea Games. Despite of the outraging technology the world has, the simplicity approach of the logo didn’t satisfy the Filipinos after seeing the symbol. A lot of criticism hits the planned logo and numerous redesign spread on social media by different graphic designers incorporating the Philippine Eagle, Sarimanok, the 3 Stars and a Sun and even the Alibata. There’s a lot of graphic design approach they can use to create an outstanding logo for the Philippines not just using 11 plain circles with plain colors that looks like bubbles forming the shape of the Philippines. Netizens even say that it seems to be created by a 5-year old kid. "Our logo will be the 11 circles representing the 11 countries bound together in the shape of the Philippines to symbolize that wherever and whenever the games are played, we are one and we win as one," Cayetano explained. The idea behind the blasted design of the 11 countries being one is a great concept for the 2019 SEA games but the representation does not, and can still be represented by other meaningful symbols other than circles, which totally disapproved by almost everyone. The utilization of plain circles as a logo seems to be effortless, an effortless logo, it doesn’t showcase a critical thinking and a creative approach base on how simple and basic the execution of the design is. The logo will be representing the annual game and the host country, it is important that it must have that excellent look that will surely be remembered when seen, but looking at the projected emblem, even Filipinos aren’t amazed. Even without the official announcement of the logo to be used, the construction of the first design started its construction in Pampanga and photos were immediately reached social media platforms. The mascot presented doesn’t also satisfy many; one even said that it is from a lowbudget cartoon. It is a great privilege to be hosting the prestigious 30th SEA Games, but it isn’t a pleasure to have a laughed and criticized logo just because of an effortless exploit. The Government must be giving pride to the country, not just a disgusting kid-like creation.

mekanismo October 2018



October 2018


Match Point My game is about to end now. I’ve never dream to be part of sports because it’s out of my comfort zone and interest. But looking back to my journey this college, like wow! Sports change my life. But oops! I did not turned to be an athlete.



When I was in grade school, I joined a badminton competition. During my match, I was about to hit the shuttlecock but I accidently stepped on my pants and out of balance. I lose the game and embarrassed myself, it wasn’t a good experience.

JOYCE ANN FABULA Sports Editor @IamJajaFabula

I may be the regional champion for sports writing but that recognition will just turn into a history Jaja is the Sports Editor and a BSEd major in Social Science student. She always believed that she is fearfully and wonderfully made. Despite being the youngest in her socialites her matured personality marked to the lives of many.

After that I never joined any sports competition I just focused on academics and other extra-curricular activities. I’ll watch a game if there’s a friend playing for the certain team or if La Salle and Ateneo is competing for women’s volleyball but still rarely watch sports competition. It’s out of my interest; I lose my heart for sports. For so many times, I was not aware that I’m doing things that I’m not comfortable with. I enrolled an education course because of my parent’s decision but I want to be a theater actress. I became part of the university’s official publication but I’m not really knowledgeable of what journalism is. Then I was included in the editorial board, from News Editor to Sports Editor. Seriously, sports? However, from all these unexpected twist in my life I’m still grateful because it helped me to go deeper about my life. There are so many doubts and worries about how am I going to overcome everything. Well, I survived little by little. I developed my love for teaching and influencing the youth. I earned a family in college because of The Gears and I am able to understand the significance of journalism in the society. Most of all, I gained back my heart for sports. I may be the regional champion for sports writing but that recognition will just turn into a history. However, I am much blessed because I witnessed the different scenarios of athletes’ stories. Some of them are cheers of victory from the winning teams, losing team’s tears and comfort for each other, knowing their back story of how they struggle a lot to pursue their passion and getting to know even more about their genuine heart for sports. Maybe I’m not the person inside the court because I’m one of the people you might see beside the committee, walking around and talking to the players and coaches. For those athletes out there, we don’t share the competition but we share the same path and message. Step out of your comfort zone; break your limits for

your own good. The real competition is not within your borders, it’s always beyond. Meanwhile, I read a post on facebook a tweet from @JeffyingGravity, “You know what’s scary about pursuing your passion? Finding out that you’re not really good at it and realizing that all this time you’re chasing something that isn’t meant for you.” It’s a sad truth but I tried to look on the other angle. Our passion is something connected with our dream. It will always give us realizations that might go against our belief about ourselves. Knowing that you’re not good at it and it’s not for you is okay. Accepting it is part of your growth, don’t be a victim, be a warrior instead. We always have to trust the process because it’s more important to win something because you prepared for it with your body, heart and soul. You are molded for a purpose, to be a champion. Don’t settle for just being part of Team B or C, work hard until you lead the Team A. Strive for more and grow. Both an athlete and a writer plays vital role in each other’s’ area. Players play the game and writers write the story. We both love sports but in different ways. I lose a game before and left my sports interest somewhere but going beyond my limits brought it back and gave honor to me. It will always be a continues game, my level 4 is coming to an end but even through my ups and downs I never lose because my journey is my greatest trophy. I am a Champion!

"Winning or Losing doesn't matter"

My team mates, co-players and I worked very hard every competition. Some were winning days, others were not. All the while, we tried to help each other work together–to do the best that each of us could and to achieve, as a player of our university, with championships as the goal. On a very hot afternoon of November 18, I ended up covering the opening parade and ceremony of Southern Tagalog Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (STRASUC) 2018, a regional sports Olympics that was recently hosted by LSPU, it is where the twelve State Universities and Colleges (SUC) including BatSU, CvSU, MSU, RSU, UPLB, URS, LSPU, MinSCAT, WPU, OMSC, SLSU, and PSU go all out with their best of the best selected players and athletes. The parade started a little too late, the sun was smiling directly at us, though as I am taking photos of those players from twelve different universities, all you can see is the joy in their faces and the excitement that the STRASUC has brought them including the fact that they needed to walk their way from LSPU up to Laguna sports complex. The first three days of STRASUC Olympics at first glance doesn’t amaze me, it’s just that for me, it is like a plain sports event that I recently participated into, but, after observing closely, seeing those players’ faces determined to win the game to advance into the championship without losing their hearts? It makes me want to cheer for them, to extent where I kind of felt like I belong to their team. Well, STRASUC 2018 seems like a distant afterthought until all of the sports, and athletics’ games heads on to the finals, even though they were all tired and exhausted from the long run of the Olympics, they were ready to take their seats onto the throne of victory, you can clearly see that into their very eyes, the passion and determination, the love for their sports, and the pride that they will bring to their dearest university by lending


their hands into the gold plated medals, it is all incomparable and a stunning moment. On the other hand, some players were emotional and upset after a fall short of winning, but there is this one team, specifically in softball, who had caught my attention, they were overjoyed and would have assumed that they had just won the championship. I am wondering why? So, my co-student-journalists and I personally asked their team coach why they are still thankful after taking the second place. Their coach responded: “We did our best, we gave our all, those long training days were finally paid off, and this is the best we had ever done and so we are very proud!” After witnessing this very rare moment, it prompted me to reflect on sportsmanship that is happening in the world of sports nowadays, we end up in such dismay with a second place awards and finishes, thus, we don’t get excited and we certainly don’t celebrate because it is a SHAME for us to LOSE, we tend to only recognize the success but not as much likely to recognize people who fall on second place or even third, and so on… and that’s the way the society have taught us to react, an erroneous way of thinking it is I must say. Sports is not only about winning and losing, it is about the hard work and not being afraid while facing challenges in front of you, and growing up dealing with our own selves by embracing your weakness and turning it into strength. Sports for me is a battle of mentality not only with whom you are competing with but also a battle within ourselves, if you can’t surpass your own capability, you’ll tend to fall on the losing side, but if you are determined to win, you should do better than anyone else does with a calm mind and an overwhelming spirit. Do the best that you can do without losing your heart and not showing any signs of remorse. That is all there is to it, so long, Adieu!


When I first played lawn tennis in the mid of my school years here in Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) Sta. Cruz Campus, we don’t have a coach to teach us the right ways and to guide us on our trainings which made it very clear in my mind that I need to do my very best to earn my position for the right to represent our university in annual sports fest.


October 2018


CHRISTOPHER JOHN KABIGTING Senior Photojournalist @crimsonranger

Sports is not only about winning and losing, it is about the hard work and not being afraid while facing challenges in front of you Christopher is the Senior Photojournalist and earning a degree in Chemistry. He’s always eager to pursue his passion for photography, sports, music and journalism.

October 2018




Main Campus overpowers LB in football finals Words | Yra Bautista and Jonas Salvatierra Photos | Christopher John Kabigting

Ground breaking victory for the players of LSPU Santa Cruz Campus after crushed the offense play of Los Banos Campus as they win the championship title of the football competition, 10-0. Unstoppable kicks from SCC right wing player Roel Clarito and left wing player Romeo Endiape hindered Los Banos players as the two kicked a back to back goal after the 10 mins kick off of the second round of the game resulting to 3 added scores they gathered in the first round. Even with an intense blocking defense of their opponent, SCC players battered their way to the goalfield as the los baĂąos campus received a penalty because of encroachment. Prevailing over the Los BaĂąos campus, Roger Valmoja, Chrismel Caybyab a midfield player, David Baldeo and Khel Garce as the captainball of the team; made a strategized passing of the ball namely "Lateral" wherein players backwardly kick the ball to their teammates and pass it infront, that made

them score efficiently throughout the game. This made it hard for the Los Banos campus to gain strength which made victory for Sta Cruz. Santa Cruz striker Rhonn Aligarbes kicked his best on the ground field and scored another goal on the last minutes of the second round and ended the game with 10-0. After the constant win against Los Banos Campus and San Pablo Campus with 10-0 and 6-0 respectively, SCC was declared champion in the said competition. "Our boys really pay their juice, talagang sobrang tindi nila magpractice, ang tindi nila magtraining, they did their best. Actually, di pa nga nila naaabot yung full potential nila. Yung mga players talaga natin (is) they give their best talaga to train. Kasi mas mahirap

yung training kaysa sa game. So i give all the credits to the players, our players because they are relentless in attacking." said by Coach Paul Allan Lustre, SCC. He also mentioned how he trained his team in every battle they will face, "I usually call our training day as suicide kasi para silang nagpapakamatay to do the training. Mahirap kasi talaga to do the training, but nevertheless, based on what i see we have punchers chance to somehow be a placer or somehow get a medal. Inspired din yung mga players natin dahil dito gagawin sa bahay natin, dito gaganapin sa Laguna that is why, you know, they are excited and i hope that you know, God will favor us this time around."


October 2018



SCC claims Futsal title over SPCC, 2-1 Words | Ranz Irizh Enriquez and Rodjun Gally Villanueva Photos | Christopher John Kabigting

Santa Cruz Campus (SCC) spikers snatched futsal championship from San Pablo City Campus (SPCC) as they showcased solid kicks to end game with 2-1, Inter-Campus Sports Fest, LSPU – SCC. Combined strength of Trixie Nicole Gonzales and Apple Paytaren brought the team and bagged the title as they contributed to the final score of SCC. SPCC edged the score against SCC in a head-to-head game. SPCC’s Gallo made a score after releasing a direct kick in the side against their opponent’s defense and pulled their first score in the last 9 minutes. Meanwhile, the flame of the game burnt when Gonzales executed their first free kick and tied the score at 1-1 on the second set at 10 minutes and 43 seconds of the game. SCC squad didn’t take long before they could score its goal as Paytaren attack with a low strike to put her team on top as they finish the championship match with a win. The team was fired up and driven to win the match with Gonzales’ “If there is a time, there is a hope” statement before the game.

October 2018




s t r o p S h g u o r h y T t i y d i r e m i v T o c s ’ s e i n d O f l g e n i S t a g e f n i e d D f o Fin e g len l a h C The


ec Joy R e i v r g ia & A Austr n Kabigtin . M e l h l o e r J h r ne Lit ophe | Jha to | Christ Text Pho

When she started college, new opportunities and

pamela’s journey

As what a lyric says, “And I can do anything. Everything that I dream I can be,” her unexpected twist in her college days made her ways really shine out and the most memorable one. She started her career as an athlete when she was in 1st year college and was influenced to play taekwondo as her sport by her co-varsities in High School. She started to compete way back in 2014 in a gym in Sta. Cruz, Laguna. But unfortunately, she stopped competing after her first competition because of her work. Then, she started to compete once again during the LSPU Sport Fests that gave way for her to compete in different LSPU campuses during Inter-Campus competitions.

On her following years as an athlete, she qualified to represent LSPU in Southern Tagalog Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (STRASUC) in Tanay, Rizal on 2016 which gave her the opportunity to compete in the Nationals or State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) in Batangas where she won. She also added that if she will be given an opportunity, she will compete in Davao. Aside from that, she also mentioned that she was also a dance sport player back in high school but she pursued taekwondo in college and one of her main reason is because of her past relationships; she doesn’t want to be treated as a weak and fragile person.

discovering confidence amidst shyness “Find out what you're about and just shout "Here I Am" as she slays every match with happiness and contentment. Thinking that everything has its end. She gives her very best to everything and try to managed her dish as she fills it up with everything very precious for her. Despite having this kind of happiness, doubt also came in her way with the feeling that everything might break her down and sets her ground to littlest portion it can be. “Yung down moments ay yung hard training yung talagang idodown ka ng coach mo para malaman mo yung level mo na walang wala ka pa.” One of the downing moments of an athlete is when they are forced to bring the best out of them not considering their feelings. It’s so hard for them to be

the best when people around them don’t trust their capabilities as a player. Also, as a player, its so hard to balance your academic life and your responsibility as a player so she faced quite a lot of struggles through her career. “Palaban palagi. Kailangan kami laging mas matapang sa feelings namin.” But, instead of putting herself down, she forced her struggles to become her motivation. And because of that, she made her way to show the world that she is not just an ordinary and weak girl but an aspiring and a very strong person that is always ready to defeat not just her opponents but also her own flaw obstructing her success in life.

strength in taekwondo “Always keep on dreaming, believing and achieving despite the sticks and stones and you won’t be defeated”, just as Leah Guest’s line, her games and dreams of a victor became her positive mindset and strength throughout all of her adventure in matts. “Kung walang taekwondo isa akong patay na bata yung mag isa room ganon.”

Whenever Pamela is playing Taekwondo, she doesn’t feel weak anymore. It helped her to build not just her talent in that sport but also, it helped her to build her self-confidence. She claims to find her strength in taekwondo, not just physically, but mentally and emotional as well. Taekwondo has molded her and she thanks this sport for making her the person she is today.



With determination and a goal to improve herself, Pamela managed to improve her self-esteem by engaging in the sport of taekwondo. She also achieved to boost her self confidence in her career as an athlete. In taekwondo, athletes must have courage to be strong and Pamela being a shy person, used this sport to be able to show her braveness within, finding self-discovery through her favorite sport.


As a child, growing up from fairytales and happy endings, Pamela thought that growing up would be always easy. It became her weakness that it swallowed her to death and feared that everything will bring her down.

chances faced her which opened a new chapter for her to dive in and didn’t even hesitated to grab it in. That’s when destiny introduced her to Taekwondo, which unexpectedly, made it possible for her to step right out on pressures and fear of people.

October 2018


hrough everything, we’ve experienced there’s always a ground for ourselves that we’ll always come back with because that’s where an individual feel safe. As days go by, we often face challenge with the mindset of winning and overcoming everything through a little dash of passion, pint of determination and a spoonful of enjoyment. “There's millions of chameleons blending in all around, sometimes I wanna be found”, just like the songs from Barbie movies, people like us always wanted to stand out no matter the situation is.

October 2018




s i n r A o t y a W g Pavin Philippines t n e s e r p e r o t nic pattern


Text | Christian Carandang and Vince Villanueva Art | Mikaela Angela Millabangco

Every little thing has a story, even the ball you picked up yesterday or the trash you thrown away, and these stories might have a good lesson to learn. And event the games that the Filipino are known that bested with, there are history behind it that should be know by the Filipino youth The concept of Martial Arts of Eskrima or also known as Arnis started when Ferdinand Magelland used weapons to chase Raja Lapu-Lapu in the fight resulted the latter to be killed by Magellan on 1521. The word arnis came from the Spanish term “arnes” meaning

Armor or protection.

Even though, the use of this kind of Martial Arts was forbidden to use before, they don’t take it as a hindrance to continue using it and preserving it by the use of dance rituals, and even in the mock battles were present. And because of its origin on where it came from, it was declare as national game under Republic Act 9850 that was signed by the former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on December 11, 2011.

We Believe in Arnis!

In terms of playing the Arnis, it has continuously rendering its nature flowing to new millennium of the society. The system of the New Filipino Martial Arts was established and empowered by Remy Presas that has a goal to a counterpart of injury that mostly cost by human, he trained people to submerged themselves to know and practice Arnis for protection and defense in the new age. He was born in the Philippines but stayed in the Amerika afterwards when he pursues teaching the disciplines of Martial Arts through seminars. In the year 1982, he received the title “Black Belt Hall of Fame” as the Instructor of the Year that were only received by those people who are veterans in the field, and it pave

way to him to become the “Father of Modern Arnis.” In fact, he worked as an Elective Physical Education Subject in different elementary and secondary schools of which has the goal to give knowledge on the student to have a firm physical attribute and can defend, protect and secured itself from the world who will try to hurt them Ordered by the Department of Education, National Commission for Cultrue and Arts and Philippine Sports Commission to established a firm foundation, mold and implement the rules and regulations base on the Republic Act 9850.

Serves as Defense Mechanism

We learn to depend ourselves on our capabilities to the people who have desire to hurt us. In other words, it is not only for protection but also for a response when you need to use it in the means of offense.

Therefore, this kind of Martial Arts is molding the physical attributes, choosing the right path and letting go of the vices that the society is having a hard time to deal with.

In addition to this, it helps the students particular to the athletes because they will be given financial assistance of their school for the higher level of competition. Students are collecting money from the money that they got from their allowance in order to save it, helping their family in financial aids.

However, self-discipline and the lesson that you learned in Martial arts can be a big impact on today’s youth that will surely engraved in their mind, heart soul that will surely never fade away.

It also helps to maintain their condition when it comes of improving their physical strength because it also serves as an exercise to the people who loves to play Arnis. On the other hand, it deduces fats in the body leading the human to be an active and physically fit.

It has a beautiful effect on playing this game and no one can replace the greatness that has given to us, even the money. We are now far on reaching the journey that we settled to achieve before, and even Arnis has continuously developing in today’s generation, providing us the strength to depend ourselves using the principles of this Martial Art.



Birth of Arnis From Felipe


Despite of these occurrences, there are still youth that are reviving the culture using the Sports Arnis. One of the proofs is Cielo San Juan, 15 years old and student of Laguna State Polytechnic University – Santa Cruz Campus that experienced bullying, this happened to be her inspiration to protect herself by training to know more about Arnis.

October 2018

One of the things that has been forgotten of the youth is the different national symbols of the Filipino, the true essence of it and how it proclaimed as a national icon; maybe because of the continuous development of the technology eradicating the culture that’s been practicing of the Filipino. One of them is Arnis, in the sports of the Filipino the essence of this game has been depleting through the invasion of new culture in the new chapter of the Filipino life.

October 2018




9 Years of Excellence: College of Engineering Sports Legacy Text | Jonas Salvatierra and Jerome Landig Win once is great, win twice is outstanding, but win 9 consecutive years in a sports competition is nothing but complete excellence. Coming to a huge and prominent university such as LSPU has opened our eyes for a bigger environment. Eyes open wide as we take sight of different buildings engraved with the history of the campus. With different uniforms proudly representing their respective courses, one college that amazed us in the field sports is the College of Engineering (COE) as they accumulated 76 gold medals in the Sports

Fest 2018 retaining their crown. College of Engineering would be perhaps one of the busiest colleges inside the Laguna State Polytechnic University. But it sure would surprise anyone after knowing that they also excel in sports. Winning the campus' intrams for nine consecutive years would be one great legacy anyone from the COE should surely be proud of. Well we can say that sports is something they don't consider as a game rather than a battle.

the foothold of the legacy Team work doesn't only happen during a game, but it also happens with the support coming from every faculty. There are people who support the team without the spotlight. "Contributory yan, yung unang administration hanggang sa pangalawa at hanggang makarating sakin, it's a joined effort. Three management and administration, hindi mo naman masasabing walang [panglaban], this is my first [year] although yung first administration kasama na ko 'don." said by Mary Erlyn Eroles, COE Dean. One hardship and victory passed onto another. From the different deans and organization presidents who hold

the college they all have the same goal, to continue the legacy of COE. “There are so much pressure, it was already the 7th year when I became the President and I don't want it to end during my time but I am confident that we can have it until the 10th year.� shared by Ma. Xena Bautista, Former President of Engineering Society. But what the deans have in common is the pride and honor they give to each player. They appreciate every player's talent and want all representatives to just enjoy the game as they pursue their passion in the different field of sports.

firm support leads to firm triumph passion towards pride

“It was so fulfilling witnessing the winning streak of the College especially knowing that all the students and teachers work hard to win and defend the throne.” said by Bautista.

She also stated that student- athletes have strong minds and bodies and that is also their edge. Another thing is they have the highest population in LSPU-SCC, they don't only have the participants but we have a lot of cheerers that boost the confidence of their athletes. “Nakakaproud. Kasi kahit na mahirap ang engineering nangunguna pa din tayo sa sports. Nakaka enjoy kasi kahit na madaming gawain, nagkakaroon ng activity. Bonus pa na laging panalo. Competitive din kasi ang engineering.” said by Florelaine Tobias, Track and Field 4x4, 4x1, champion.

continue the fight Eager to push for the 10th win of the COE. The goal is not to count how many times they've won, but it is to continue the legacy one has started. "On the 10th year, kineclaim ko na rin yun. Ang sabi ko nga, hindi pwedeng bumaba and not on my time. So ang gusto ko, ma-maintain. Continue to fight. " Eroles expressed. The College of Engineering has sure proven a lot not only in academics but also in sports. They are considered as the unbeatable and remarkable. As passion of sport and action grows into the heart of every engineering player, victory and success will only foster and continue. “Masaya kasi naipamalas ko ang aking taglay na talento at at naibahagi at nakaambag ako sa patuloy na pagiging modelo ng engineering sa larangan ng palaro at

sa 9 na taong pagiging ginto ng engineering limang taon akong nakaambag dito kaya lubos akong papasalamat sa college of engineering for giving me a chance na ipamalas ang aking talento sa larangan ng chess.” Allyssa de Castro of ECE5A said. How about you? Are you one of the flag bearers of COE or are you one of those who wish to defeat them? Always hope but never forget that the question will never be "when will COE be defeated" cause it has always been "are you brave and strong enough to beat them?".



Puttingemphasis on each player's passion and eagerness to pay sports, it was like each player was passionate enough to beat all odds just to pursue their goal, but still finishing all their requirements and responsibilities. Truly, discipline plays as a vital role to achieve one's goal.


Simple acts like showing care and concern can boost both the confidence and eagerness of each player to win the game. But former Dean Gabinete advices players to play but more importantly, enjoy. He shows full support and overseas each players with zero percent of pressure.

October 2018

Former Dean and now Campus Director Engr. Joseph Gabinete, shows full support for the College's players, "Hundred percent support ng dean binibigay namin noon. [we make sure] meron silang tubig na mainom, meron silang makain kahit tinapay. "

October 2018





A Lagunense hero "Rizal's" past time sport Text | Vince Villanueva and Samuel Nathaniel Aringo


hey say that, "Pen is mightier than the sword"- but not at the time when Dr. Jose Rizal tried to vanquish his opponents with a sword. He didn't use a pen nor a paper that time, but instead, he preferred to utilize a metallic tool toward his rival to win the battle.

He won, without any stain of blood. He won not only because of being armed. Rather, he won because he had his strategy in the field of fencing - a sport which he brought in our country. Yet, Laguna was known as one of the historical places in our country because this is where our National Hero originated. This proved why the tallest 26 feet height statue of Rizal was located in Laguna Sports Complex at Sta. Cruz Laguna holding a sword in fencing that described him not as an intellectual hero but a sportsman.

Statue of Inspiration A 26 foot height or 7.9 meter bronze statue and unveil during the opening of 2014 Palarong Pambansa. In fact, the Laguna Provincial Government spent at least P6 million for the construction and conceptualization of the structure. “Many may not know that Rizal is a great sportsman,” said last Laguna Governor ER Ejercito disclosed, “ for

he is a fencer, boxer and also an expert in anis, judo and jiu-jitsu" based to Below the statue was a library and museum dedicated to showcased the story of Rizal beyond what we knew. Rizal build his skill on fencing while he was a student before at Madrid practicing with the

In toning the spirit of hero’s defense

Rizal got his first orientation on Martial Arts from his Uncle Manuel who taught him the art of buno,

a Filipino style wrestling before. Aside from Rizal, some Philippine revolutionaries and Illustrados like the Luna brothers, Juan and Antonio, were known for being fencers. This sport was introduced during the Spanish Colonial Era. This martial art even arnis, does not just aim to enhance capabilities and strength. He also recognized the study of wrestling and judo which turns him to be a bodybuilder.

Fencing to the heart of the Philippines In fact, there’s a lot of Filipino culture in terms of sports. They are tending to always play the specific sports like basketball, volleyball, badminton and chess because it is really affordable and accessible for all. They can play it everywhere and in different situations. Filipino “barangay liga” is one of the proofs why we love basketball. And yet easy to play and a self-taught sport, that’s we really want. Separately, it also got recognized as sport in the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) that paved way for most popular universities

to offer scholarships for fencers that enable typical students to become athlete-scholars. Meanwhile, one of the misconceptions of fencing is thinking that it is only taught and can be done by the elite or rich Filipino. But this is proven that we already excel in this sport because of bagging a past gold medal in 2005 South East Asian Games by Mr. Richard Gomez. Continually developed by establishing the Republic Fencing Philippines, one of the training hubs for those who have a will in fencing.

“Filipino style” fencing In accordance, fencing is yet more like to compare to arnis, a Filipino style and recognized here in the Philippines as “National Game”. One of the historical figure in the world was Richard Sentillas, who represent our country in last Arnis World Competition. He said that fencing is just like arnis, because it is also using gear for protection and weapon to make your defense or offense stronger. Fencing over Arnis or Arnis over fencing, choosing having an option is quite easy, but if you are selecting in almost the same choices given that is what hard to pick. Finding the differences between arnis and fencing is just like finding the differences

between the use of "WHEN" and "IF". Judging it by first impression is easy, but if you will think and criticize it, they almost the same but they have differences also. National Game, arnis, is now part of a different competition, even in a small sports competition like in school based, arnis are always present. In Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU), it is one of their focus, they don’t even have players know how to fencing, what does it means, it is about of the lack of influence here in Sta. Cruz, Laguna or it is simply tell that it can’t afford by an athlete, not like basketball.

Unlock the lack The art of this martial art is indeed not being prioritized by some local sports competition in the Philippines. One of the example was the Southern Tagalog Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (STRASUC), that even it is regional competition, there’s no event related to fencing. In fact, enhancing good and excellent athletes must always start in too small to gain foundation itself, but sadly, this is the reality of this sport. Its lack of influence and players is also due to the cost of the material needed to start playing and also proper training that only rich can afford. Sports are doing not just to enjoy but to release stress and Everything started in its history and now leaving a legacy for everyone. Nowadays, fencing influences starting to spread knowing that this sport is not just even a typical sport to be played, enjoyed and loved by someone. Not all swords are meant to be splattered by

become their reliever. Aside from being happy they also learn how to balance their time and also to escapes school works. “Maybe, Fencing is not a filipino-thing. Why choose fencing, if we have our very own Arnis-more traditional and a Filipino identity. Another point is that few students are interested with fencing and also few Filipinos know this kind of sports. Besides, it's a costly and rare could afford it. Playing basketball, volleyball or badminton is more convenient. You can play it on the streets while fencing needs facilities to play this sport” stated by Xyle Yvan Hilwano, currently in 1st year College student of LSPU. blood. A proof was Dr. Jose Rizal’s sword that he used to gain strength for him to develop a sport. But the more crucial thing is that sports fencing played big part in our culture. It is a good point to reflect and reminisce in our history that our heroes also had fun in playing sports aside from devoting and sacrificing their life to gain our country’s sovereignty.



Now, how does fencing relates to Rizal? When he chooses to stay in Europe, he tends to associate and play the sport of fencing. Similar to a natural Lagunense athletes aiming to grow their skills and strength, Rizal also played the sport in belief that it will help him develop his agility and immunity.


athletes to do their best as they equipped it with love. "This is a good way of showing the world that Laguna is not only a sports destination but a tourist destination too,” Abarquez added.

October 2018

Aside, according to Michael Delto Abarquez, Laguna tourism chief and committee chair of the national sports competition, this another creation of Rizal monument not just meant to attract tourists and to be popular but to "more inspire" the young


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Editor-in-Chief Joshua Aquino Associate Editor Joseph Andrew Algarne Managing Editor Shulamae Castro

Senior Staff Writers Arvie Joy Recto Jhane Austria Chaelly Allyson Balitactac Alexandra Ramirez Senior Artist Princess Plebescite Danica Villanueva

Staff Writers Apolonio Estrella Annie Jane Bernardino Aira Denise Depatillo Mark Carlo Gahon Christian Carlo Virina Esteven Combalicer Kirsten Faith Flores Rodjun Villanueva Alfred Nean Canovas Ranz Irizh Enriquez Alvin Cuevas Elexandra Labutap Jonas Salvatierra Jaylyn Esquibel Allysa Jane Montiero Christian Ray Carandang Koji Magano Aubrey Rivera Elvin Mejos Lenin Osio April Lian Albong Darryl Penarendondo Rhonna Mae Aligarbes Kaye Ezra Divinagracia Anna Luisa Flores Lyka Jasmine Pandacan Jerome Landig Nina Bless Chavez Maria Isabela Gabion Gaudy Michael San Jose Ivy Ambrocio Jasmine Therese De Jesus Shane Kieth Doria Jane Marie Cabrera Richelle Ann Pabilona Vince Villanueva Ezekhyna Naval Hopwa Delicando Nicole Espino Arvee Anillo

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Mekanismo is the official magazine of The Gears Publication , the official student publication of Laguna State Polytechnic University - Sta. Cruz Campus. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form or by means without the permission of the writers, artists and the publication. Connect us at The Gears Publication Office, Laguna State Polytechnic University - Sta. Cruz Campus.

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Editorial Board 2018 - 2019

October 2018

The Gears

October 2018



Lakbay | Journey begins with a thrust


The Official Magazine of The Gears Publication Copyright Š 2018

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