2023 Fall Forman Letter

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FALL 2023

Head of School: Adam K. Man P’15 Associate Head of School: E. Michael Kowalchick Director of the Annual Fund: Sean Maguire ’89, P’22, P’23 Director of Development Operations: Ben Nadeau Director of Parent and Alumni Programs: Heather Ford Address Corrections & Class Notes: alumni@formanschool.org

Editors: Director of Marketing and Communications Kerry Conroy and Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications Kaitlyn Dupré Writer: Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications Kaitlyn Dupré Photo Editor: Marketing and Communications Office Class Notes Editor: Advancement Office Designer: Julie Hammill, Hammill Design Photography: Forman School Community

Mission Statement Forman School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory school for boarding and day students with identified learning differences. Forman develops the whole student, based on his or her unique learning profile, so that every graduate becomes an educated, confident, self-advocate throughout life.

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Head of School Letter Adam K. Man: A Visionary Leader Q&A with Adam and Beth Man Accomplishments What Do You LOVE About Forman? Around the Green Around the Globe

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History Became a Reality Campus News Lions’ Pride Alumna Profile: Rachel Hafer ’11 Alumnus Profile: Ken Dara ’88 2023 Commencement A New Hub for Cognition and Learning Events

57 59 67 68

Shining a Light on Forman Summer Program Counselors Class Notes Faculty & Staff Notes In Memoriam

Forman School Board of Trustees President of the Board Eric R. Ebbert P’16 Vice President Barbara Chace ’87 Treasurer John D. Finnerty, Ph.D., P’11 Secretary Michael L. Cook P’15 At-Large Gregory M. Loss P’22 Anne Q. Buckley P’13, P’20 Elizabeth Garber Daniels ’93 L. Laird Davis Michael C. Gluck ’06 Annette R. Jenner-Matthews, Ph.D., ’87 Preethi Krishna P’16 David Langan P’22, P’25 Adam K. Man P’15, Head of School Cameron Sherrill P'22 David H. White ’71 Timothy B. Wills ’85, P’21 Michael B. Yormark ’09 Trustees Emeriti Cecelia J. Johnson P’91 Diane F. Kessenich P’86, Chairman Emerita Kenneth R. Latham ’48 Frederick M. Lione Jr., P’91 John A. Meyers P’84

This page: Head of School Adam K. Man P’15

Peter L. Phillips ’65, Chairman Emeritus

Cover: Head of School Adam K. Man P’15 and Beth Man P’15 with their dogs, Fen and Louis

Scott M. Sutherland ’69, P’93


Last Times

Seniors gather for dinner at the Head’s House

We have a tradition at Forman in which small groups of seniors join Beth and me for dinner at our home. We do this at the beginning of every school year to set the stage for the coming year. This is my 16th year holding these dinners, and it is something I always look forward to. On a table in my office, I have a photo of the first group of seniors who had dinner with us in my first year at Forman. There are 15 boys in the photo, all laughing and full of smiles. During that evening, they shared wonderful stories of their early years at Forman. They talked of the minor pranks they pulled on each other, sentimental moments of bonding, embarrassing experiences from their past, and their hopes for the future. They also talked about how special Forman was for each of them, what they were grateful for, and about the teachers who had made a difference in their lives. I asked the boys a series of questions about their time at Forman. As someone new to the community, I wanted to gather 2

further insight into this new school I had joined. One of my questions asked them to think about what they hoped would stay exactly the same in the future for Forman. One boy blurted out that he hoped Mr. McCarty would still be coaching soccer, which prompted a number of the other boys to heartily agree. Then they started to mention other teachers they hoped would still be here when they returned for their 20th reunion. They shared their reasons why and told stories of how this person or that person had truly been invaluable. Finally, one student summed it up by telling me that what really needed to stay the same was the relationship between the teachers and students. No other school they had attended could come close to the amount of care and investment our teachers made in them as students. Every year, I have asked this same question with every group coming to dinner. Their answer is always the same: they hope the relationship between the teachers and students

never changes. They may mention different names of teachers as being important to them, but the sentiment is always the same. As I write this, tonight will be my last dinner with my last group of seniors. I will ask the question again, knowing full well I will receive the same answer. Hearing their answer and the stories that always accompany the answer is not so very important to me anymore as I am not trying to gain new insight into our community. What is important is allowing the students, as they start their last year at Forman, the opportunity to reflect on what is important to them. They have an opportunity to tell their story and set their course for the year ahead. Hopefully, this process of self-reflection inspires them to take full advantage of every opportunity in the year ahead. As I head into my final year at Forman, like our seniors, I also think about taking full advantage of every opportunity. It is not so much the big moments that I am looking forward to, but rather all the small moments. It will be the last opportunity to spend time with our incredible teachers and students. The daily interactions I will miss most. As the year has begun, it has struck me that this year will be filled with many “last times.” I will have a last-time ice cream social, a last-time cheering on our Girls’ Soccer team, a last-time Community Lunch, and a last-time Open Mic Night. Thinking about these last times makes me feel very sentimental, but it is not my intention to be overly sappy. Rather, I want to stress the value of the countless little things that occur at Forman that make it so special. Helping students become better readers, writers, and mathematicians is incredibly important, but it is not the most important thing we do. Helping our students truly understand themselves as both learners and individuals, helping them grow in their confidence and develop a strong moral compass, and helping them advocate for what they truly need to be their very best selves is what is most important. These traits are fostered through all the little moments that happen daily at Forman, and I am most proud of having played some role in these things in my time here. Every Monday and Friday, the school community assembles in the Jake Cloobeck ’16 Theater. Much like the Senior Dinners, the Assemblies have given me incredible insight into our community. Mondays are reflective community meetings, a time for student speeches, recognition of important holidays and traditions, and a time for more contemplative presentations. Fridays are utilized to share the news, celebrate sports

victories, make general announcements, and promote weekend activities. These are busy, active meetings filled with laughter, cheers, and energy. They provide a quick read on student morale and frequently lighten my day. These two Assemblies bookend our week, and both play an important role in the life of the school. While Fridays are about the school as a whole, Mondays are about the individual student. Every Monday, the community hears from three to four students. They have an opportunity to talk about what matters to them. They can talk about almost anything, and I have heard incredibly moving speeches over the years. Students have shared their stories about the loss of a parent, how they overcame a lifethreatening illness, the development of their spirituality or religious faith, service projects in which they have made the world a better place, and, at times, their most private hopes and dreams. The most common topic, though, is for students to share their own educational journey. They talk about their dyslexia, their ADHD, their struggles, and how they often felt like giving up on school before coming to Forman. I have felt heartbroken countless times as a member of our community talked about their treatment by a teacher from earlier years who made them feel small and ashamed. They also share their transformation. They talk of how their interest in learning was rekindled, how they found a passion, and how they recognized that those past teachers were wrong. How, since coming to Forman, they realized they were capable of accomplishing almost anything they put their mind to. They tell the Forman story. It is a story that stretches back to the 1930s and is still alive and well today. I have considered myself a steward of that story. As I reflect on my time at Forman and the buildings that have been built, the programs developed, the traditions started, and the initiatives undertaken, it has all been in service to preserving that story. I do not think we have built anything or created any program that we could not directly relate to furthering the success of each student and reinforcing the transformative power of Forman. I have been honored to be a steward of that story, to have played a positive role in the lives of our students, and to be surrounded by talented colleagues and brilliant students. I look forward to the Forman story stretching long into the future.

Adam K. Man P’15 Head of School 3

Adam K. Man: A Visionary Leader 4



Adam K. Man P’15 joined Forman School as the ninth Head of School in 2008. Adam and his wife, Beth, and their two children, Madeline and Sam ’15, quickly immersed themselves into Forman’s community, one they now consider their family.

The Beginning Adam never imagined becoming a head of school, as his initial goal was to study and teach anthropology. Though, after meeting Beth and their relationship progressed, he enrolled at the University of New Hampshire and earned his M.Ed. In the same state where they had met, Adam and Beth started their family—and careers. “I first started working in a public school and then moved to a boarding school where I worked, and that’s where our kids grew up when they were young. Pretty quickly, I moved up to junior administration,” says Adam. “We made the decision that we loved where we lived, but as our kids got older, we wanted them to have more outlets for cultural activities.” The Mans moved to Baltimore, MD, continuing to work at boarding schools. As Adam continued to grow within schools, he discovered he wanted to make a more significant impact. “I had worked in a number of different schools, and I had an idea that I had something to share, and I could probably share that most capably as a head of school,” he says. “I thought I would stay five to ten years in education and do something different. But it was at that point I said, you know I have something of value that I could offer as a head.” Adam knew he wanted to become a head of school at an institution with a clear mission—one that set out to do one thing really well. “The clarity of Forman’s mission certainly


resonated with me intellectually. I knew what it was about, but it also resonated with me emotionally,” he notes. “I could understand what that meant as a parent.” Adam was familiar with the challenges an individual with dyslexia faces, as his son, as well as his sister and uncle, all have dyslexia. After his first visit to Forman’s campus in 2007, Adam found what he was looking for. “I was talking to Beth and said I really love this school, and I was so impressed with everything that I saw, and I would love to work here,” he recalls. “The students at Forman asked the toughest questions of any student group that I had met with at any of the other schools I interviewed at,” Adam adds. “That really convinced me because I thought that any group of students who takes it this seriously who their next Head of School is going to be, tells me that they’re really invested in the school. If they’re really invested in the school, this is a place I want to be.”


“I thought that any group of students who takes it this seriously who their next Head of School is going to be, tells me that they’re really invested in the school. If they’re really invested in the school, this is a place I want to be.” —HEAD OF SCHOOL ADAM K. MAN P’15

Looking Ahead

Focusing on the Students

Adam valued input from students, faculty, and staff upon starting at Forman. He listened to what people loved about the school, what they wanted to remain the same, and what they wanted to improve. “I really took the first year to take it all in and think about what was working and what could be improved,” he says. “I finished that first year, and I realized there were so many things that were going really, really well at Forman, yet there was this untapped potential.” Adam, working alongside the Board of Trustees, developed a set of goals and documented a vision for Forman’s future. Prior to announcing his retirement, Adam reflected on what he initially set out to achieve. “About two years ago, when the pandemic was winding down, and I was thinking about my tenure here, I looked back at that document and thought, we accomplished almost everything on it, and the things we didn’t, I would say it’s because we pivoted,” he says. Adam went on to spearhead many projects, advancing Forman for future success. “When I came here, one of the things I noticed was we had a really talented student body and a really talented faculty,” he says. “Yet, we didn’t have the facilities to do some of the things they wanted to do.” The campus, now expanded by 25 acres, was improved with new and renovated buildings, including the Science Center, Visual and Performing Arts Center, and the Malcolm G. Chace Student Center. “Being able to provide the facilities for what we were doing really well or were trying to do really well and were held back by the building, that I feel very proud of,” says Adam.

Once hired, Adam ensured that he would have the opportunity to teach a course at least every other year. He says it was important to him to balance teaching with the travel and tasks associated with being the Head of School. “I went into this job because I like working with kids and the process of learning,” he shares. “It’s really easy to become removed from that if you don’t keep doing it. When you sit in a class and have time with the students and hear their thoughts and watch that process, it reminds you what you’re doing and what is really important.” Over the years, he has taught several classes, including Anthropology, European History, and Film and Philosophy. He has also led many Winterims, including his most recent trip to Japan focused on Zen and the Art of Photography. The Winterim program was initiated early in Adam’s tenure to provide students with sufficient time for experiential learning opportunities. “We looked at this idea that we would shut down all of our normal classes for two weeks and give students the opportunity to study something they probably would never get to study in high school,” Adam says. “It’s been very successful. We’ve had a lot of students who have said Winterim was one of their favorite experiences at Forman.” Other signature programs, including the Promethean Program and Culinary Arts Program, have been established under Adam’s guidance. Forman’s diverse curriculum provides students with endless hands-on experiences at their fingertips. Both in and out of the classroom, students harness their creativity and learn new things they never thought possible.



Tradition and Innovation “Tradition binds us together,” Adam says. “Beth and I have really tried to reinforce the traditions that build community, as well as start some new ones during our time here, like the Senior Dinners at our house.” Though traditions exist in everyday life at Forman, innovation flows through classrooms, flagship programs, and the way students learn. “You can be very innovative and still honor the traditions of what came before,” he adds. “You can be incredibly innovative in the classroom and on the leading edge of how people learn, but that doesn’t mean we can’t also recognize Community Lunch and sharing a meal with people you normally wouldn’t get to the chance to know.” A simple yet meaningful tradition Adam started was shaking the hands of students, faculty, and staff as they enter weekly All-School Assemblies. “I know it seems formal, the idea of a handshake, but there is something really valuable about that,” he says. “At least twice a week, you’re there with the community, connecting with each student. It doesn’t matter that it’s very brief. I’m welcoming you in and being part of this larger community. That is something that I did from the moment I arrived.”


Forman’s Legacy Adam has immense gratitude for John and Julie Forman for founding Forman School, a place that has changed the lives of so many. “I would thank them for starting a school that served this group of students in 1930,” Adam shares when asked what he would say to the couple today. “They didn’t know the idea of dyslexia. John would say he was working with kids who were bright but just weren’t achieving their potential and wanted to create a school for them. He then sought out people who knew a lot more about that, and they surrounded themselves with those people . . . He said I’m creating the very best school and delivering the best program for kids.” Forman School was formed during an era of uncertainty, yet John and Julie were steadfast in their desire to create an environment where students who had difficulty learning could thrive. Now in his final year as Head of School, Adam has kept that mission at the forefront of his work—ensuring stateof-the-art facilities and resources for students to learn, unique and diverse programs to tap into undiscovered potential and talents, resources to support learning differences, and a dedicated team of teachers. He has been ambitious, just as John and Julie Forman once were. Adam has carried on the legacy of the Formans and created his own, for which the Forman School community is most grateful.


Adam came in with a pretty good headstart on taking the school to the next level. He was easy to work with, and he understood kids with LDs. We had a good working relationship—between the Board and him— and we did everything we could do to give him what he needed. He took it and ran with it, and the rest is kind of history. That’s what I think of Adam and his career at Forman, which is just spectacular. I had been involved in the hiring of the Heads before Adam, and I always tried to find a head of school that reminded me of John Forman. John was an educator, he was patient, he was a very smart guy, and he understood how to help kids find themselves. I think Adam took that and kept running with it. I could see him working with the kids, and I’m sure the kids respected him and talked to him as their father away from home kind of thing. Same with Beth—Beth is just as much involved with the success of the school.”

Peter Phillips ’65



He has done a fabulous job bringing the school to a new level of excellence, for both the finances and the physical campus. I hear great things about Forman from friends or family who know the school.” Mark Perkins P’01


Mr. Man embodies the spirit of Forman School. He encourages the faculty to focus on the student first and foremost. He has created a team that encourages robust instruction in creating dynamic opportunities for students to engage, problem-solve, and create ideas that promote excellence in education. On a personal level, Mr. Man challenged me to utilize cutting-edge practices in the classroom, which inspired high expectations for all students with learning differences. It was a privilege to support this important work at Forman during Mr. Man’s tenure.” Sara Reilly




When you think of “the Forman story,” of course the rich history of the school comes to mind, all the way back to the legendary John and Julie Forman. Another aspect of “the Forman story” is the beautiful campus with the new VPAC and renovated Malcolm G. Chace Student Center. But the Forman story that matters most, and the one Adam Man deserves the most credit for, is the story of individual students’ growth during their time at the school. The real Forman story is how Adam Man has fostered in Forman students a birth of confidence, the development of a stronger sense of self, and an enhanced ability to communicate. Every day Adam has been on this campus, he has put student growth first, before, during, and after COVID. Forman is about so much more than academics. I remember one early December day when morale was low—popular students had left school, the weather had been terrible—and Adam began to address the student body with a grim look on his face at Assembly. Everybody expected a dressing down of some sort, but Adam simply handed an envelope to the class officers and stepped away from the mic. One of the officers opened the envelope and read the enclosed letter announcing the Green Box surprise. Every day until Winter Break, a green box was left for students to find announcing a special treat, such as donuts for breakfast, an evening food truck, or a dress-down day. Enjoying one day’s surprise knowing another one would happen the next day changed the mood of the whole school. This brilliant piece of leadership on Adam’s part is emblematic of his approach. I saw many heads of school in my 40 years of teaching before coming to Forman and never encountered one who was even close to matching Adam’s ability to inspire trust from all around him.”

Adam is going to be truly missed. He is a phenomenal educator. He has made people better here in their jobs. He is kind and warm. He is bright and intelligent. I always keep telling him he has to write a book. He has been a good leader, and he has made our school better.” Scott McCarty ’76, P’02, P’05 MA J O R G I F T S O F F I C E R




I had a very interesting relationship with Adam Man as a student, but in a good way. He was great. His first year was my second year. When he came in, he literally turned things around in a very positive way. The thing that I always respected about him, which ironically, I probably didn’t see until I got older, was he really tried to get to know each of the students on somewhat of a personal level. He really loves that school, and he loves all the students that come through it. When I think of Forman, outside of my personal experiences and friends, he’s the first person I think of, and I was there for two headmasters. I think his impact, the fact that he cares so much, will live on, if not forever, for a very, very long time.” Ben Ferguson ’11

Working with Adam inside the classroom provided me wonderful examples of how to engage and meet students in subjects that remain relevant through all stages of life. Throughout our class together, he facilitated forwardthinking, problem-solving, critical examination and thought, and independent decision-making in our students. These valuable skills push students into the citizens that Kant has explored in various papers—‘active citizens.’ In Philosophy Through Film, Adam set an example of what is possible and how to set goals of success in being an ‘active citizen’ and thinker, giving our students another tool to add to their repertoire for the future.” Peter Cholnoky




I was lucky enough to meet Adam and Beth first as a parent of a freshman, and later, I worked as a staff member at Forman. My daughter and the Mans arrived on campus the same year. From the beginning, it was clear that Adam put the students first—before anyone and anything, as it should be. His message to the students during Assembly seemed to be personalized to each student, and his concern and care were clear and sincere. Never was it more evident as during COVID-19. I often thought of Adam and the weighty role he had as he worked to take care of every detail to ensure as much normalcy as possible to keep students not only safe but happy. After the students, came the faculty. It isn’t easy being Forman faculty; the hours are long and most likely seemingly endless, and they have many roles to play. His support of them was always strong. Adam and Beth exude warmth on campus that really made us feel like a family. I felt it as a parent and again when I was lucky enough to be part of the staff. They will be missed immensely and are a hard act to follow.”

Liz Funk P’12


Throughout your time at Forman School, you and Beth have stood as unwavering pillars of strength and unwavering support, shaping the foundation of our educational community. From the very first day when my children stepped foot onto Forman, they were embraced with confidence and equipped with the necessary tools to thrive. Under your guidance, they were not only prepared for success but also motivated to consistently give their best. Your dedication and leadership, Adam and Beth, have been nothing short of exceptional, leaving an indelible mark on Forman School’s legacy. As you step into this new chapter of your lives, embracing a well-deserved retirement, please know that your absence will be deeply felt. The impact you’ve had on countless students, parents, and colleagues is immeasurable. May your retirement be filled with happiness, good health, and the fulfillment of all your aspirations.” Robert Altamirano P’25, P’26



I want to thank the Mans for everything they have done for me, even though I was a little rebel kid during my days at Forman. The one thing I’m always going to be grateful for until I die is that I never thought after I graduated, I was going to go back to Forman just because it was going to be difficult for me to travel back and visit. But a couple of days before I graduated, they gave me my graduation gift. They gave me a pair of keys, and I was a little bit confused about it. I was like, what the heck am I going to do with these keys? Then they told me that they wanted to take me into their family and that was the day it kind of changed my life. Ever since and after going to college in the U.S., they always kept in touch with me. They always picked me up from school, they always made sure I got to school, we celebrate all the small holidays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and they bring me on family vacations. So I'm always going to be grateful for that. They’re the best parents I could ever ask for.” Dylan Thambirasa ’17



My first teaching job out of college was at Forman School, and while I’d worked with kids before in different settings, being the main classroom teacher was different. With a number of young new hires that year, Adam’s professional development initiative for teaching was in its first year and helped to calm nerves, prepare for success, and ultimately help me feel at ease with how the year would start. The other benefit of this time was Adam was able to get a good sense of the group. He allowed and encouraged the faculty to be ourselves and develop into positions that matched our skills and interests. Of that group of new faculty that year, most have become administrators or school leaders at Forman or other independent schools. Being given this space to grow professionally, with a guiding framework, is a sign of a great teacher and leader to me and something I will always look back fondly on.”

From the moment I stepped into my role in the Academics Department, Adam has been an invaluable mentor. His guidance and genuine interest in my career goals as well as my scholarly pursuits has been critical in my career development during my time at Forman thus far. From providing me with opportunities to expand my knowledge around independent schools, to supporting my goals in my role at Forman, Adam has truly helped me as I have developed as the Associate Director of Academics. We also share a similar interest and appreciation for certain literature, culture, and travel. When I began formulating my Winterim trip to study film and worldbuilding in New Zealand, the person who came to mind to help me execute this vision for experiential learning was Adam. I am looking forward to our Winterim trip, and I am truly lucky to have learned and grown as an administrator with Adam’s guidance.” Dr. Stephanie Weaver


James Pinkham





with Adam and Beth Man What have you enjoyed most about working at Forman?

What will you miss the most about Forman?

Adam My greatest experience has really been working with the students and getting to know them.

Adam Commencement is an incredible moment of joy. You get to see kids and families really at their finest. I will very much miss that event.

Beth I’ve seen so much of my role here as stewarding traditions, and I’ve really enjoyed that, especially the Senior Dinners, the Commencement events, and all the faculty events and parties. What are you most proud of during your time at Forman?

Adam Being able to provide the facilities (Science Center, Visual and Performing Arts Center, Malcolm G. Chace Student Center, etc.) for what we were doing really well or were trying to do really well but were held back by the building, that I feel very proud of. Beth I’m proud to have started and grown the Health and Wellness Program because we didn’t have one before. I would also say that I am proud of my family. When we came here, Sam was starting 6th grade, Maddie was starting high school, and Adam was just starting a new career. We came to this town and watched Sam and Maddie grow up and become part of this community and become a part of the fabric of the school.


Beth The Forman community feels very much like a family to me, so I will miss the daily interactions with everyone. What is one of your favorite memories you have from your time at Forman?

Adam There are lots of memories that stand out. There was a time in Winterim when we were with the kids in Thailand, and we were out on a boat. We had been out all day, the kids had been diving all day, and the sun was setting as we were coming in. Then, one of the kids plugged their phone into the sound system on the boat, and they all just started dancing together. It was this moment when they were just kids and having fun with each other. Beth In my first year, I happened to be walking with a student across campus from Henderson. I asked her how things were going so far. She shared with me her story about what she had been through before coming to Forman and what it had been like for her now at Forman to be in classrooms where teachers really care. I just remember that moment of being so impressed by this young woman who had this amazing experience and such gratitude. She was

proud of herself. I think it was the first time when I really realized how rewarding it is to be at a school that has such a profound impact on the lives of students. What is the most important mark you hope to leave at Forman?

Adam One of the things that I found interesting when I first arrived here was the kids wouldn’t wear Formanbranded stuff off the campus because they were embarrassed and they were afraid of what people might say to them about it. The bookstore didn’t do robust sales and things that were branded with Forman. If they did, the kids just tended to wear it here, not necessarily into town. That has completely changed. I think there’s much more of a pride in the sense of wearing Forman gear out and about—and around the world. This pride of who they are and the school they attend. I wouldn’t attribute that to something I did; I think I was part of many people who helped create a campus and a community where kids could feel proud of who they are and what they do. Beth This school has such an amazing history. When I first got here, there was no archive. Things were just everywhere, and most of what would be archival material was in a basement molding. I’m really happy that the material for the school is now remediated, and it has its own space.




Accomplishments Forman School’s campus, culture, programs, and finances were enhanced, improved, and strengthened under the leadership of Head of School Adam K. Man P’15. In his final year at Forman, Adam is serving as the longest-standing Head of School in the Housatonic Thirteen, which is an association of long-standing boarding schools in the northwest corner of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. The following outlines Adam’s many accomplishments. Campus n New faculty housing was built on campus and acquired in the local area.

the Jake Cloobeck ’16 Theater, was built.

n Ropes and Climbing Outdoor Adventure Course was built.

n Carriage House was converted to a dorm.

n Dobbins Dorm re-opened as a result of increased enrollment.

n Faculty townhomes were built.

n Newton Dorm was expanded.

n Sustainability initiatives were introduced.

n Baseball fields were renovated.

n Peirce Dining Hall, including the School Store and Senior

n The Environmental Hut was built.

Lounge, was renovated.

n The Head of School’s house was acquired.

n Malcolm G. Chace Student Center was renovated.

n Cedars Dorm was acquired during the purchase

n Four tennis courts were upgraded.

of the Head of School’s house.

n Science Center was built. n Promethean Lab was built. n Risley Gymnasium was renovated. n Baillie, Giles, and Morris dorms were renovated. n Strive House was renovated.


n Visual and Performing Arts Center, including

n A seasonal ice rink in front of the Henderson Administrative Building was added.

n Eighty percent of the campus can now run on generators.

n Plans are in place for the construction of the Cognition and Learning Building and Diagnostic Center.



Curriculum and Culture

n Winterim program was launched.

n Research-based teaching strategies were adopted.

n Community service requirements were expanded.

n A project-based learning model was adopted.

n Junior and senior curriculums were revamped.

n Forman actively works with researchers and leaders in

n iPads, apps, and other assistive technology were integrated into classrooms.

n John Forman and Citizen Scholars Award were created. n The Institute for Cognition and Learning was created. n On-campus psychoeducational testing was started. n The fellowship program was launched. n Robotics Program and Robotics Lab were launched.

neurodivergent learning.

n Forman was a leader in establishing safety protocols during COVID-19, in conjunction with Yale University, CAIS, NAIS, and the Housatonic Thirteen.

n Annual Senior Dinners at the Head of School’s house were introduced.

n Color Wars were started.

n Summer Program was re-launched.


n Promethean Program (formerly known as Ingenuity

n Annual Fund doubled since 2008-2009.

Program) was created.

n Health, Wellness, and Leadership Program was created. n Forman Diagnostic Center was established. n Ingenuity Year, a gap year program, was established.

n Endowment doubled since 2008-2009. n Enrollment has grown 35% since 2008.


What Do You LOVE About Forman? We asked our community to share what they love about Forman. Here are some responses.

I love the relationships I have with colleagues and students. I love watching students mature and gain confidence in the time they are at Forman. Charlene Halloran P’05, P’07, Director of Counseling

I love that when you step foot on campus, you no longer feel alone. Forman makes you feel included and supported beyond measure. Each faculty and staff are there for YOU and want to help you succeed in life.

I love the community and the friendly people to talk to. Gianna Lovallo ’25

Shelby Marie LaSalle, Summer Program ’19, ’21


I love the great teachers and community. Carter Gouaux ’24

Rudy Kelly ’25

I love my friends, and the faculty really care and are amazing. Some of the best teachers I’ve had are from Forman. Sammy Rosenfeld ’23



I love the friendships I make and how living with people can make you grow as a person.


I love that the students feel valued and heard. The smaller class sizes [and] the longer class times allow for intellectually stimulating discussions where the students get an opportunity to practice critical thinking.

Becky Stull, Cognition and Learning Teacher

Krystin Downes P’18, P’24

Ari Bloomstein ’25

I love the people and how nice they are. I love my friends and spending time with them, and I love talking to the teachers. Chelsea Altamirano ’25

I love the strong sense of community I feel with my colleagues and students. We feel like a close family. I also love that each faculty member puts in 100% effort toward their teaching goals. Cecelia Cannavo, World Language Teacher


I appreciate how Forman applies the wisdom of its past to help the students of today. Forman is at once timeless and contemporary. Duncan Marshall ’67, Major Gifts Officer

I love it because when you are upset, there are always people to make you laugh or just make you feel good about yourself. Darin Armstrong ’25

I love that there are great programs of all kinds for the students. Qeiva Grant ’25










1 Andrew Specter ’23 rides a smoothie bike 2 Catherine Murphy ’23, Jessa Martin ’24, Jorie Welshans ’24, and Celia LaConti ’23

(front seated) perform in the spring play Midsummer/Jersey 3 Students play games at a Green and Gold event 4 The Class of 2023 celebrates Forman’s annual Decision Day 5

Ezra McNally ’24, Abby Everett ’24, Qeiva Grant ’25, Alia Berger ’23, Cognition and Learning Teacher Becky Stull, and Ishie Craig ’23 on Prom day










6 Sam Fettig ’24, Gideon Jacob ’24, Tim Downes ’24, AJ Jimeno ’24, and

Cannon Alsobrook '24 on the 2023-24 Student Leader Registration Day 7 Tim Downes ’24 plays guitar 8

Mason Lockowitz ’23 poses with his mom, Victoria Maguire P’22, P’23, College Counseling Coordinator, during the 2022 Spirit Week


Penelope Jackson ’24 participates in the Earth Day TReK

10 Ava Levine ’25 and Mariée Voss ’24 at the Winter Festival of the Arts










Students and trip leaders during the Forman Makes a Documentary: Patagonia Winterim

2 Eunice Duan ’25 practices calligraphy during the Chinese Calligraphy and Poetry Winterim 3 Students and trip leaders stand in front of the infamous Hollywood sign during the Lights Camera, Tinseltown! Los Angeles, CA Winterim 4 Students take a cooking class during the Cultural Immersion in Spain Winterim









1 9

5 Molly Brooks ’23, Matthew Fisher ’24, and Aidan Hallsworth ’23 during the Forman Rainforest Project Winterim in Costa Rica 6 Gideon Jacob ’24 practices his metalworking skills during the Riddle of Steel Winterim 7 Will Dupont ’24 and Ian Dugan ’24 during the Enchanted Islands: Galapagos Winterim 8 Students visit Graceland during the Great American Music Tour Winterim in Tennessee 9 Students and trip leaders have their cameras ready during the Zen and the Art of Photography: An Odyssey in Japan Winterim




History Became a Reality Erika Della Calce, Chair of the History and Social Sciences Department Erika (Prince) Della Calce recalls playing school with her cousins as a child—always led by her as the teacher. “I always liked school, and I knew I wanted to keep doing this.” When Della Calce was a high school student herself, her ninth-grade world history teacher helped her discover the subject she wanted to teach one day. “I still use some of his activities and lesson styles because they were so enjoyable and effective,” she says. “That was a really positive influence and pushed me along the history path.” Della Calce earned her B.A. in History and Secondary Education from Wheaton College in Massachusetts. As she neared graduation, she was encouraged to explore a Fulbright Scholarship and landed an English Teaching Assistantship position in Turkey. “I was at Ankara Social Science University, a graduate school in the capitol, and ended up working with governors candidates, which are like mayors for them, but they get appointed instead of elected,” she says. “I was teaching English to the future mayors of the provinces of Turkey.” Her position in Turkey allowed her time to travel, which she took advantage of. One trip to Germany 26

Erika Della Calce and Eva Diggins ’23

and Austria served as the inspiration behind her latest Winterim, in which she and Mathematics Teacher Tyler Christie led a group of students to several castles and notable architectural sites through Bavaria. Toward the end of her Fulbright, Della Calce sought teaching opportunities stateside. She accepted a position in the Teaching Fellowship Program at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA. There, she became fond of teaching



“I always liked school, and I knew I wanted to keep doing this.”

in a private school environment, which led her to Forman in 2017 following her fellowship. Today, Della Calce is the Chair of the History and Social Sciences Department. She previously held roles as Model UN Advisor, Weekend Activities Coordinator, and Cross Country and Ultimate Frisbee Coach. Della Calce has taught various history classes throughout her time at Forman and appreciates the

opportunity to offer students electives that are focused on particular topics. “Twentieth-century fascism is a current favorite,” she says. “I am very excited about my Fourteenth Amendment course, and I really enjoyed it when we were running the Cambridge International course. That was really special. I saw those kids every single day.” Since joining Forman, Della Calce has adapted



P R O F I L E Left: Erika Della Calce (pictured on right) on the 2019 Winterim trip to Thailand and Cambodia Below: Original art by Erika Della Calce

her teaching style to effectively educate students with learning differences. She says learning to do so made her a better educator. “You have to be really intentional with what you’re actually trying to do, how you communicate the information and teach the content,” she says. “It was a great challenge for me coming from a very rigorous high level of readiness boarding school to totally readapting the supports that I was providing—breaking down the structures of my assignments. It was great for me as a teacher to examine what I’m actually doing.” Throughout her courses, she likes to diversify her assessment styles—acknowledging that different assessments may work better for different students. “I like to present different opportunities for students to show what they know,” she says. “Within a single course, I give students the opportunity to practice a skill over time and reapply it … Writing an essay is a valuable skill for them to have, but there are also other ways to use evidence to prove an argument, whether that is doing a debate or creating a piece of art.” She has received positive feedback from students, with some taking as many classes with her as they can. “I have had students share with me that they like the approach of how I teach them the material,” she says. “Especially the students who are coming from public schools and are seeing a more individualized approach, beyond the slideshow-as-the-crutch technique.” Outside of the classroom, Della Calce relishes in Forman’s annual events and activities. “I always like Strawberry Fest because there is beautiful weather, things are wrapping up, and everyone has a


good time. I enjoy the first Green and Gold competition of the year; energy is high in a totally different way,” she says, smiling at the thought. “I also like attending the theater performances in particular because they are such evident spectacles of what our kids can do and the dedication of our faculty involved in all of that.” Della Calce is a Primary Houseparent in Hopkins Dorm, where she lives with her husband, Anthony, and her daughter, Allegra. She has lived on campus since starting at Forman and says she likes supporting students as they navigate living at a boarding school. “Getting to know students more than just in the bounds of the academic day is really unique and special,” she notes. “It allows you to have a greater influence, positively shaping young minds.” Living in dorms has also allowed Della Calce to express her creativity with her students. “I’m a crafty gal, and I like painting,” she says. “I have turned my dorms into my personal galleries a little bit and hung my paintings around. That is something I like to do to destress and have fun.” She adds that hiking with her family in the local area helps her recharge. As she looks ahead toward the future of Forman and her teaching career, she says she is excited. “I remember my interview day, the [Visual and Performing Arts Center] was still covered in the Tyvek® siding. It wasn’t operational yet,” she says. “Thinking about being here so far for the life span of that building and about what we’re building physically and growing metaphorically is a lot of fun.”



New Look Forman School is proud and excited to have launched a new website design in May. The refreshed site elevates Forman’s brand with new imagery, updated content, enhanced architecture, and a user-friendly experience. The design invites prospective families just starting to explore Forman to learn more, keeps current families in-the-know, and encourages alumni to stay upto-date on events and initiatives. The website highlights Forman’s community—past and present. It embraces the foundation set by our founders, John and Julie Forman, and highlights the Forman of today and tomorrow. The site’s images and content showcase who we are and what we do in a way that is exciting and easy to navigate. The website redesign coincided with updated admission materials that reflect the new look and feel. The content now offers prospective families with a deeper understanding of Forman, including our mission, academic curriculum, opportunities in the arts, athletic offerings, student life, and more. The materials also feature testimonials from current students, parents, and alumni whose voices lend a first-hand look at the transformational experience that Forman provides. Forman’s logo was also updated through the redesign to be more legible for smaller uses. The school’s primary color palette now consists of slightly deeper hues of green and gold, as well as black and white. Secondary colors incorporate various shades of green, gold, blue, red, and gray. The process also involved contemporizing the typography used on the site and in digital and printed materials.




Setting the Tone for the School Year

Every school year, the Forman community focuses on a chosen theme—participating in activities, discussions, and more. “When we look towards a new school year, it’s an opportunity for all of us to redefine ourselves. That’s the beautiful, cyclical nature of schools!” says Dr. Catherine Stines, Dean of Faculty. “We get to set the intention as a community to look inward and think to ourselves how we can develop both internally and externally. It’s not in every job nor career you get to do that; it’s a special thing that schools own: a theme, a direction, a purpose, and one year to capitalize on that intention. The research we do have on year-long themes tells us that the power and potential of using school-wide themes build school spirit, morale, camaraderie, and test scores.” When we think about preparing our students for the 21st century, we think of all the events that have encompassed a young person’s experience up to this point. How do we help them build resilience in an unfamiliar world at an early age? Our students’ neurodiverse profiles are their biggest asset. They are large-scale problem-solvers and creative thinkers who can look at the world in big,


malleable ways. This generation is asking, “Why?” and “What is our purpose?” It’s our job to inspire them to convert their questions into actions. This was the foundation of the 2022-2023 academic year theme: Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges. Throughout the year, faculty helped students dissolve the prior notions of their limitations and inspired them to lead our communities and others with their intrinsic abilities. Faculty guided students through breaking down barriers within themselves and encouraged them to build upon their strengths to make the connection between rigor and purpose. Level Up! is Forman’s 2023-2024 school year theme. The theme encompasses what we know to be true: our students are the key to solving the world’s future challenges. Colleges, companies, and organizations are looking for bright young people who are highly creative, enthusiastic, altruistic, and think outside the box. These are the intrinsic qualities of a Forman student and what we believe will help them continue to “Level Up!” long after they graduate. The Level Up! theme invites the entire Forman community to challenge themselves and others around them.

Lions’ Pride 2022-2023 Athletic Recaps


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Fall The fall athletic season kicked off at the start of the school year and continued through November. Although all our teams saw success, some went above and beyond with their individual and team achievements. The Girls’ Varsity Volleyball team finished with a 10-4 record and finished second in the Housatonic Valley Athletic League (HVAL) and third in New Englands. Several student-athletes from the Girls’ Varsity Soccer team, which finished the season 11-4-1, and the formidable Cross Country team received individual, league, and New England honors. In addition to our traditional athletic and recreational offerings, the fall season featured a new activity to meet the varied interests of students: Mindful Meditation and Movement. In this program, students practiced yoga, went on nature walks, and participated in numerous calming and stress-reducing activities.

Cross Country All-HVAL Honors Darin Armstrong ’25 Seamus Cleary ’25 Wright Morris ’23 Elyse Potts ’25 Will Shafer ’25 All-New England All-Star Honors Seamus Cleary ’25 Will Shafer ’25

Boys’ Soccer CSCA Class Prep Small-Medium All-State Team Emerson Day ’23 Henry Dransfield ’24 All-HVAL Honors Mason Lockowitz ’23 Chris Mora ’24 All-New England All-Star Honors Emerson Day ’23 Henry Dransfield ’24 Mason Lockowitz ’23

All-HVAL Honors Kat Bridges ’24 Sophie Hoppe ’25 Maddie Smok ’23 All-NEPSAC Kat Bridges ’24 All-NEPSAC Honorable Mention Sophie Hoppe ’25

Girls’ Soccer

8-Player Football

All HVAL Honors Anna Cassidy ’24 Nicole Clarke ’24 Farrin Paglia ’25 Daisy Stewart ’25

All-NEPSAC Trey Carbone ’25

All-New England All-Star Honors Nicole Clarke ’24 Farrin Paglia ’25 All-NEPSAC Farrin Paglia ’25 All-NEPSAC Honorable Mention Nicole Clarke ’24


Girls’ Volleyball

All-NEPSAC Honorable Mention Will Dupont ’24

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Winter The Forman Lions saw tremendous success in the winter season. In the New England Championships, the Boys’ Alpine Ski team finished first, and the Girls’ Alpine Ski team finished third. The Varsity Hockey team and both the Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball teams saw incredibly tough competition but improved exponentially. With tremendous senior leadership, the Varsity Wrestling team competed in both the Western New Englands and the New England Tournament. The winter season featured the new High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) class, focusing on increased cardio fitness and strength as well as improved mental health and focus. The Boatbuilding team spent the season working on a crew shell, sailboat, cocktail racer, and solar-powered fishing boat, and the chefs of our Culinary Program learned cooking techniques and produced delicious meals. Music Program participants worked on their vocal talents and orchestrated a successful open mic performance. Students showcased their talents in the winter musical, Chicago, which received rave reviews. The Recreational Skiing team had a lot of fun at Mohawk Mountain, despite the minimal amounts of naturally occurring snow.

Alpine Ski Team

Boys’ Basketball

All-NEPSAC Class C Alex Puchner ’26

All-HVAL Honors Will Dupont ’24 Theo Seremetis ’23

All-NEPSAC Darin Armstrong ’25 Alex Puchner ’26 Lila Sweetland ’25 All-NEPSAC Honorable Mention Liam Christian ’26 Jeannette Orio ’25


Girls’ Basketball All-HVAL Honors Grace Dotson ’24

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Spring Student-athletes excelled in their respective sports in the spring season. The Varsity Golf team won the HVAL Championship. Emerson Day ’23 finished first, and Eunice Duan ’25 finished second overall. The Boys’ Lacrosse team advanced to the semi-finals and the Boys’ Varsity Tennis team placed second in the league. The spring season featured the new after-school program CrossFit. Local CrossFit instructors came to campus four days a week, and students traveled to a local facility two days a week.


Girls’ Lacrosse

HVAL All-League Aidan Hallsworth ’23 Joey Morgan ’23 Gavin Sutley ’23

HVAL All-League Maddie Smok ’23 Daisy Stewart ’25

All-NEPSAC Aidan Hallsworth ’23

Boys’ Lacrosse New England D3 Academic All-American: Mason Lockowitz ’23 Defensive Player of the Year: Trey Carbone ’25 HVAL All-League Trey Carbone ’25 Wright Morris ’23

Western New England All-Stars Maddie Smok ’23 Daisy Stewart ’25 All-NEPSAC Honorable Mention Maddie Smok ’23

Boys’ Tennis HVAL All-League Ethan Amsterdam ’23 Theo Geary ’23 Jack Patalino ’23

Girls’ Tennis HVAL All-League Alice Lever ’25




Never Give Up Rachel Hafer ’11 Rachel Hafer ’11 is a data analyst at Arizona State University’s (ASU) Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Now a highly-educated individual with multiple degrees, Hafer never thought she could have accomplished all she has.

Rachel Hafer ’11 on a visit to Forman’s campus

“Forman definitely improved my confidence in both myself and in school,” Hafer says. Hafer, who grew up in Washington before her family moved to Hawaii when she was a teenager, has dyscalculia, ADD, and auditory processing disorder. She recalls her struggles with math, which nearly held her back from advancing to the next grade. “[I was] in an individualized learning program before we moved to Hawaii so


I could finish my middle school classes,” she says. “I would go to one school during the first part of my day, and then I would go to the personalized learning program for the second part of my day for math and history.” She adds, “I don’t remember [having to go to the personalized learning program as] being difficult because it was my normal, but I do remember struggling a lot and being bullied.” Following her parents’ search for a

school that would better support her learning differences, Hafer started at Forman in 10th grade. “I was really [looking forward to going] to Forman,” she recalls. “I was not kicking and screaming about going to boarding school … I was so excited.” Hafer says attending a school where everyone had a learning difference changed her perspective about her future. “That was the best part of it,” she says. “I was [around] people who were exactly like me.” She succeeded at Forman—serving as a dorm prefect and always trying new activities. She was involved in dance, hockey, theater, volleyball, and whitewater kayaking, which was her favorite. “[Whitewater kayaking] was terrifying, but (Science Teacher and Whitewater Kayaking Coach) Wendy (Welshans P’24) taught me that I could do it,” she says. “It was awesome.” Hafer keeps in touch with several of her dorm parents and teachers, including Cognition and Learning Teacher Tammy Diehl P’19, former Dean of Faculty Francey Fenton, and Cognition and Learning Teacher Missi Boyer P’16, P’18. She embraced Forman’s tight-knit community and has fond memories of


barbeques on sunny days and snow days with her friends. “I love going back to Forman, seeing how much the campus has built up,” she says, noting how much she admired the Promethean Lab on her last visit with Alana Kurfist ’13. After Forman, Hafer attended Roanoke College. However, in her junior year, she was denied the academic accommodations she needed for a statistics class. She persevered and worked through her struggles, attending every tutoring session and extra credit lecture. Though she passed that class, it took a toll on her. She decided to take a year off from college and later transferred to ASU. “[ASU] gave me my accommodations immediately, and I started getting A’s,” she says. “It really shows that once you’re in the right school, it works.” During Forman’s virtual alumni panel in 2022, Hafer did not hold back when she shared her undergraduate experience with students.

Rachel Hafer ’11 at her graduation from Arizona State University, where she graduated Cum Laude

“I remember someone asked me, ‘How do you balance your time when you get to college?’ and I said honestly, you don’t balance your time,” she says. “You get there, and you screw up, and you learn pretty quickly that you also have to do school. I was upfront with them, and I think they enjoyed hearing that.” Looking back on her own experiences, she advises students to take advantage of the support around them and stay focused. “Don’t give up and keep moving. There are definitely going to be times when you run into stuff, and you’re like, ‘I can’t face this; it’s not going to work,’” she says. “I had to take a year off of college for my mental health to regroup. Don’t be afraid to get help if you need counseling. College is hard; seek out help just like you did at Forman.” At ASU, Hafer started getting involved, volunteering, and connecting with the community—something she learned the importance of at Forman. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, an international women’s fraternity; Student Event Planners Association (SEPA); Order of Omega, an honor society for the top 5% of the Greek community; and Phi Upsilon Omicron, a family and consumer sciences honor society. Hafer not only earned a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies focusing on Recreation Management and Event Planning, but she also completed a master’s program in higher education in 2021. She is now pursuing a graduate certificate in technical communication and may continue further to earn a


second master’s degree. She says, “Not only did I leave Roanoke to transfer to ASU and feel empowered, I realized I was doing well enough to keep going.” In her first year at Forman, Hafer was intrigued by the role of former Dean of Students Annie Crawford. She progressed toward becoming a dean of students herself—eventually working in student affairs in higher education. Her goals evolved throughout her career, and she now has her eyes set on thriving in the technology industry. “I think I always wanted to go into technology. It just took me a while to feel empowered enough,” Hafer says. “It doesn’t matter that I don’t understand numbers. You don’t necessarily need to understand numbers to go into tech or science, so that was a really nice realization.” “I remember being good at biology at Forman and really enjoying it,” she adds. “That class, combined with my previous job as an academic coach for multiple academic centers across three campuses, where [I ran] technology orientations on how to use your iPad for college, made me realize tech is what I am passionate about and what I love. Getting [my current] position, which is even further into tech, made me realize I can keep doing this.” Today, Hafer designs and develops data infrastructure to support learning, business, and operation systems at ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. She is excited about advancing her career in technology and plans to stay in Arizona.




Finding the Right Place Ken Dara ’88 Ken Dara ’88 credits his mother for ensuring he had opportunities for success as an adult. Dara, raised in New Jersey, has dyslexia and remembers how his elementary and junior high schools expected him to learn like every other child. “Growing up, I learned differently, and in the 70s and 80s, dyslexia wasn’t really thought of as what it is today,” he says. As a young student, school for Dara was a “disaster.” Though he liked subjects like music and art and got along well with teachers, he struggled academically. “When I got to junior high, it was sink or swim. That’s when my mother knew we had to change something,” he says. After seeing his low grades, his mother hired a consultant to assist in finding a school that would provide more support for his learning difference. She fought for her son to have a better chance at learning. At age 12, Dara enrolled at The Kildonan School in Amenia, NY, an all-boys school where he attended and boarded for two years. “I used to love riding—and still do. [Kildonan] had a pretty good sports and horseback riding program,” he shares. “Then, I decided I liked being in a more coed situation. That’s when I made the move to Forman.” It was at Kildonan that he started to recognize his potential. This continued at Forman, where he began in ninth grade. “The way [Forman] taught children


Ken Dara ’88

was really an eye-opener for me,” Dara says. “Your self-worth and self-esteem really go down the tubes when you’re in the wrong environment, but when I came to Forman, it was completely different. There were kids like me, teachers who understood, and the education was geared toward students who had learning differences. [Being in the right environment] gives you a sense of worth and really picks up your confidence. That is what I was really lacking in a public school setting.” At Forman, Dara was an avid crosscountry runner, serving as captain of the team as a junior and senior. He also enjoyed composing music for the FTV (Film and Television) program. As

a senior, Dara lived in Strive House, which was an unsupervised dorm and a privilege given to just four students. To this day, he remains in touch with his roommate of four years, Knut Cutter ’88, as well as classmates Rich Henkels ’88 and Ed McKeown ’88. One thing that stood out to Dara was the school’s advanced use of technology. He says he was amazed when he would hand in school papers on discs. “To have a Mac lab that early was pretty insane, and to be able to learn using a computer was really cool,” he says. “Forman was definitely ahead of the curve when it came to using technology to help people with learning differences.”


Forman has always embraced assistive technology. In 1986, Forman developed one of the first computer-aided writing courses in the country. Around this time, Apple Computer deferred to the school as an authority on the use of computers for individuals with learning differences. Dara was the first Forman student to receive the Richard G. Peirce Award, recognizing his leadership. Students today continue to receive this award, named in honor of Richard Peirce, who served as Head of School from 1979-1986. Peirce believed that there is a kind of leadership, which embodies an inner vision of community, a firm sense of integrity, and, most importantly, an understanding of the humor to be found in human relationships. Forman prepared Dara for college in many ways, from his academics to living in the dorms. More importantly, he adds, “It gave me the confidence to go out into the world.” Dara attended Bradford College, a small, liberal arts college in Massachusetts, which later closed in 2000. There, he majored in business and minored in music. “Everyone at [Bradford] was very supportive [of my learning difference],” he says. “That’s what I liked about Forman, too—you could always go to your teacher and ask for help when you didn’t understand something. Being on campus, I would just walk over to the dorm they were in, and they could help me with my homework.” Dara spent his summers off from school working with his mother, who was a highpowered real estate agent in New Jersey and worked with international clients seeking to relocate to the U.S. Prior to selling real estate himself, he traveled and

trained real estate agents in productivity software for 35 weeks out of the year. After years of extensive travel, he started his own tech training company out of Boston called Real Tech. He later lived for a short while in Europe before moving to California, where his journey in selling real estate began. “I always told my mother that I saw how hard she worked in real estate, and I’m never going to do that. And, of course, what happened—I got into real estate,” he says. “I started selling and realized I’m actually good at it.” Today, Dara is a Global Real Estate Advisor with Engel & Völkers, serving luxury clientele throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Marin County in California. He is also a member of Engel & Völkers’ exclusive Private Office Advisor Network, which provides the level of expertise and discretion that their high-net-worth client base demands. “I’m probably one of the most connected real estate agents in the


country,” he says. “Within Engel & Völkers’ global network, I am able to work with clients not just in the U.S. but also throughout Europe and Asia. It’s been a lot of fun to have that global presence.” Dara says he finds his career in real estate rewarding. “Every day is different. Every transaction is different,” he notes. “It’s about meeting people and learning about their lives and what they do and what they love and me being able to educate and share and get them into the home of their dreams.” He adds, “It’s a good career, but you have to work really hard.” Dara advises current Forman students, “Always be true to yourself and don’t let others dictate what’s best for you. Only you know what’s best for you. Find the right garden to grow in.” Amid launching his real estate career in California, Dara married his wife, Maria, and started a family. They live in Tiburon/ Belvedere and have two daughters: Kaia and Alessandra.

Ken Dara ’88 with wife, Maria (second from left), and daughters, Kaia (left) and Alessandra (right)


Alia Berger ’23


Congratulations to the

Class of 2023 Forman celebrated the Class of 2023 during a beautiful Commencement ceremony on June 3. Fifty-nine students graduated.

Alec Chorches ’86, an entertainment industry executive, delivered the 2023 Commencement Address. Chorches produces the number-one-rated television series FBI and FBI International on CBS. He previously produced shows for Netflix and Amazon and worked at New Line Cinema. Chorches began his career working behind the scenes of music videos by artists including Michael Jackson, Snoop Dog, and Dr. Dre. In his Commencement Address, Chorches shared his journey to Forman, the hard work it took to get where he is today, and the people who supported him along the way. He shared with students words of encouragement, including, “Take the lessons that Forman has taught you on your next adventure. Know that the world is a much more entertaining and beautiful place for those who color outside the lines.” 2023 Commencement Speaker Alec Chorches ’86

“Wherever your journey takes you after Forman, be open-minded. That’s the beauty of learning, you never know where your interests will lie, and interests will take you.” —ALEC CHORCHES ’86






1 Kalli Schwartz, Lori Schwartz P’23, Reuben Schwartz ’23, David Schwartz P’23 2 Joey Morgan ’23 3 Catherine Murphy ’23, Head of School Adam Man P’15 4 Theo Geary ’23, Leslie Geary P’23 5 Members of the Class of 2023 6 Kai Huguet ’23, Head of School Adam K. Man P’15




2 02 3 AWA R D R E C I P I E NTS






















Athletic Award Joey Morgan ’23 (16) Maddie Smok ’23 (20) English Award Sammy Rosenfeld ’23 (18) Mark B. Perkins Mathematics Award Miles Fischman ’23 (8) History and Social Sciences Award Theo Geary ’23 (9) Petrek-Halloran Science Award Aidan Hallsworth ’23 (11) Arts Awards Visual: Ishie Craig ’23 (7) Music: El Mollica ’23 (15) Theater: Zia Sandefer ’23 (19)

World Languages Award Gia Catalan ’23 (5)

Head of School Award Abby Brooks ’23 (3)

E.D. Hale Award Ellliot Clark ’25 (6)

John Rogers Reinicke ’86 Award Jason Bucciarelli ’23 (4)

Peirce Merit Scholarship Award 9th: Renny Rana ’26 (17) 10th: Elliot Clark ’25 (6) 11th: Mariée Voss ’24 (21)

Richard G. Peirce Award Mason Lockowitz ’23 (13)

Seniors’ Choice Award Addie Brayton ’24 (2)

Julie Ripley Forman Award Jeanine Blakeman ’23 (1) John N. Forman Award Aidan Hallsworth ’23 (11)

Jay W. Gilmore ’61 Award AJ Jimeno ’24 (12) Avis Halsey Award Jack Mayhew ’25 (14) Carter Gouaux ’24 (10)

John N. Forman Award for Excellence in Education Dr. Stephanie Weaver Jon Davis

Anne R. Talcott Book Award Mariée Voss ’24 (21)


Class of 2023 College Acceptances Adelphi University Alaska Pacific University Albertus Magnus College Alfred State College American University Arizona State University Baldwin Wallace University Bard College Barry University Belmont University Bemidji State University Bennington University Bentley University Bryant University Bucknell University Cal Poly Humboldt California State University - Chico Central Connecticut State University Central Michigan University Champlain College Chatham University Clark University


Clemson University Coastal Carolina University Colby-Sawyer College College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross Colorado Mesa University Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University Columbia College Columbia College Chicago Connecticut College Culinary Institute of America Curry College Dean College Denison University DePaul University Dickinson College Drake University Drew University Drexel University Eastern Connecticut State University

Eastern Oregon University Eckerd College Elon University Emerson College Emmanuel College Endicott College Fairfield University Fashion Institute of Technology Flagler College Florida Southern College Fordham University Franklin and Marshall College Full Sail University Guilford College High Point University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hofstra University Indiana University Iona University Iowa State University Ithaca College James Madison University

Johnson & Wales University Kansas State University Keene State College Kent State University Lafayette College Lake Forest College Lake Superior State University Landmark College Lasell University Loyola University New Orleans Lynn University Manhattanville College Marist College Marymount Manhattan College Massachusetts College of Art and Design Merrimack College Miami University, Oxford Michigan State University Michigan Technological University Missouri State University Mitchell College

Monmouth University Montana Technological University Mount Saint Mary College Muhlenberg College New England Institute of Technology New York University Nichols College North Dakota State University Northeastern University Northern Michigan University Northland College Oregon State University Otis College of Art and Design Pace University Pennsylvania College of Technology Providence College Purdue University Quinnipiac University Radford University Rhodes College Ringling College of Art & Design Roanoke College Rochester Institute of Technology Roger Williams University Rollins College

Rutgers University Sacred Heart University Salve Regina University Samford University Sarah Lawrence College Savannah College of Art and Design School of the Art Institute of Chicago Seton Hall University Siena College Simmons College Skidmore College Southern Connecticut State University Southern Methodist University Southern Utah University Springfield College St. Lawrence University Stockton University Stonehill College Suffolk University SUNY Cortland SUNY Delhi SUNY Morrisville SUNY Oneonta SUNY Oswego

Susquehanna University Syracuse University Texas Christian University The Catholic University of America The University of Tampa Trinity College Tulane University Union College (NY) University at Albany University of Arizona University of California Santa Cruz University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado Denver University of Connecticut University of Delaware University of Denver University of Hartford University of Kansas University of Maine University of Maine at Farmington University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Boston University of Minnesota Crookston University of Minnesota Duluth University of Minnesota Morris University of Minnesota Twin Cities

University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) University of Montana University of Nevada University of New England University of New Hampshire University of New Haven University of Oregon University of Rhode Island University of Rochester University of San Francisco University of Scranton University of South Carolina University of the South University of Vermont Valparaiso University Washington College Washington State University West Virginia University Western Connecticut State University Western New England University Wheaton College (Massachusetts) Woodbury University



A New Hub for Cognition and Learning



Forman School’s newest building, set to break ground later this year, will house the Cognition and Learning Department and Diagnostic Center.



Dear Forman Family, It is with great excitement and joy that I announce our latest capital initiative: the new Cognition and Learning Building. The Cognition and Learning (C&L) Building has been an identified need in our strategic plan and will provide appropriate and flexible world-class educational space for neurodivergent learners. Set to break ground later this year, the C&L Building will be rooted in the latest research and cutting-edge technologies and will run off geothermal energy toward a zero carbon footprint goal. This building will be over 10,500 square feet and will be located just north of the Henderson Administrative Building, enclosing our academic quad. It will serve as a pillar in the educational ethos of our school both pedagogically and as a physical presence. In further supporting our students and faculty in 21st-century learning, the C&L Building will house the Forman Diagnostic Center, which has grown out of demand for offering educational testing throughout the entire Forman family and beyond. Moreover, it will serve as a hub for research in our continued and expanding partnerships with leading universities and organizations around the world. Throughout the history of Forman, we have worked to lead in educating students, families, and our society in furthering our understanding of how young people learn. This building is at the core of what Forman stands for and all that we do. I hope you all will join me in supporting this monumental initiative in the history of Forman and the world of education. As always, we welcome connecting with our entire Forman community, as we are always just a visit or call away. Respectfully,

E. Michael Kowalchick Associate Head of School, Advancement and Alumni Office mike.kowalchick@formanschool.org | 860.567.1846



J&J Building Dedication

Head of School Adam K. Man P’15, Science Teacher and Director of the Outdoor Leadership and Rainforest Project Wendy Welshans P’24, and Board of Trustees President Eric Ebbert P’16

Head of School Adam K. Man P’15, Ben Weberman ’23, Stacy Quinn ’69, P’08, L Johnson ’25, Molly Brooks ’23, and Associate Head of School Mike Kowalchick at the J&J Building dedication ceremony

Forman School proudly unveiled the new name of building that houses the Robotics and Promethean Labs on May 5. Thanks to the generosity of Stacy Quinn ’69, P’08, it is now known as the J&J Building in honor of the school’s founders, John and Julie Forman. The Formans were committed to utilizing the best available resources and the latest research-driven techniques to address the learning differences of their students—a tradition that continues today. Quinn was a student during John and Julie’s tenure, and she carries warm memories of the couple, especially her time of being invited to their home for tea and a conversation. Her Forman experience encouraged her to give back in a way that ensures that today’s students can explore and develop new ideas.

“We are very grateful to Stacy for her generous gift. It is our hope that this building keeps her memory of John and Julie Forman alive and continues to foster opportunities for creativity and exploration.” — HEAD OF SCHOOL ADAM K. MAN P’15

Frederick M. Lione Distinguished Service Award Forman School presented the 2023 Frederick M. Lione Distinguished Service Award to Science Teacher and Director of the Outdoor Leadership and Rainforest Project Wendy Welshans P’24. Board of Trustees Secretary Michael Cook P’15 presented the award to Welshans during a ceremony on April 14. Welshans has served Forman with extraordinary distinction as a teacher, coach, and houseparent for more than 30 years. She has led students in whitewater kayaking, boatbuilding, robotics, and scientific research, fostering independence, problem-solving capabilities, and confidence. Her positive influence has impacted generations of students who enter the world beyond Forman with a multitude of increased skills for success. The award is given annually to honor the legacy of Frederick Michael Lione Jr., P’91, a Forman Trustee for three decades who passed away in 2022. The award is presented to a member of the Forman faculty, administration, staff, or Forman Trustee for outstanding, dedicated service to the school over a period of years. Read more about Fred's life and legacy on page 68.



Country Club of Darien Reception Hosted by Douglas and Kelly Dupont P’24 at the Country Club of Darien, CT, on November 2, 2022.

Assistant Head of School for Internal Affairs Allie Maxwell, Brendan and Brigid Rogers P’26, Gemma Francino Batlle P’24, and Dean of Faculty Dr. Catherine Stines

Kathya Bendek P’22 and Maryann Fiebach P’21

Beth Man P’15 and Head of School Adam K. Man P’15 with hosts Kelly and Douglas Dupont P’24

Michelle Wheeler ’83, John Warburg P’24, and Sarah Karlson P’24

Scott and Amy Rompala P’23, Director of the Promethean Program Jeoff Langill, and Doodle Funk ’12

Black-Eyed Sally’s Social Hosted by Dara Cerritelli Varano ’88, who owns Black-Eyed Sally’s Southern Kitchen & Bar in Hartford, CT, on December 8, 2022. Chris Birk ’85, Major Gifts Officer Scott McCarty ’76, P’02, P’05, Paul Dowd ’87, Matthew Bonzagni ’01, Sarah Majidy ’01, Director of Annual Fund Sean Maguire ’89, P’22, P’23, Doodle Funk ’12, Michelle Wheeler ’83, Leith Sharp ’01, Rob Tarantino ’91, JohnCharles Nowosadko ’11, Nicole Crockett, Eric Opperman ’11, Danny Vasile ’19 and host Dara Cerritelli Varano ’88

Doodle Funk ’12, JohnCharles Nowosadko ’11 and guest Nicole Crockett, and Eric Opperman ’11


Leith Sharp ’01, Major Gifts Officer Scott McCarty ’76, P’02, P’05, and Sarah Majidy ’01

Liz Funk P’12, Director of the Annual Fund Sean Maguire ‘89, P’22, P’23, Jane Funk, and College Counseling Coordinator Victoria Maguire P’22, P’23


Alumni Basketball Game

Hartford Wolf Pack Game

January 6, 2023 in the Risley Gymnasium

January 25, 2023 in Hartford, CT

Gallaghers Steakhouse Reception Hosted by James Poll ’16 with Dean and Linda Poll P’16 at Gallaghers Steakhouse in New York City on February 1, 2023.

Host James Poll ’16, Ben Kubie ’15, Nate Winalski ’18, David Buckley ’13, and Brendan Wilson ’18

Head of School Adam K. Man P’15, Camdyn Carter ’19, and Lilly Berretta ’18

Mike Bauer P’21, Sonja Jasienowski P’21, and Kim Haslinger P’21

Trustee Anne Buckley P'13, P'20, Tom Buckley P'13, P'20, and Board of Trustees President Eric Ebbert P’16

Kevin Smallwood ’03 and Jim White P’22




2022 Fall Parents’ Weekend

2023 Spring Family Weekend

Noma Dumezweni P’25 and Qeiva Grant ’25

Connie Langan P’22, P’25, Phoebe Langan ’25, and Trustee David Langan P’22, P’25

Director of Town Funding and Cognition & Learning Teacher Missi Boyer P’16, P’18, Kim Johnson P’25, and Scott Johnson P’25

Steve Anderson P’20, P’23, Camille Anderson ’20, Brielle Anderson ’23, and Anne Anderson P’20, P’23

Sara Hannan P’26, Verity Hannan ’26, and Ian Hannan P’26

Gabe Shoffman ’24 and Kristin Lathrop P’24

Terrie Harris P’24, Ellis Harris ’24, and Henry Harris ’86, P’24

Marco Napoleone ’25 and Ruthie Napoleone P’25


2022 Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day

Jessica Sit ’26 with Susan Davies Sit and Don Sit Renny Rana ’26 (center) with NS Rana P’26, Ranveer Rathore, Madhu Rathore, and Suneeta Rana P’26

Patrick Faughnan ’24 with Jeanne Faughnan and Joseph Faughnan

Anders Domke ’24 with Todd Domke and Susan Domke

Tate Jacobs ’25 with Mary Lou Cobb and Mike Cobb

Palm Beach Reception

Hosted by Jason Regalbuto ’91, P’20 and Wilder Regalbuto P’20 at their home in Palm Beach, FL, on March 30, 2023.

Louise and Trustee John Finnerty P’11, guest Allison Acello, Tommy Gramando ’16, and Associate Head of School Mike Kowalchick

Guest Chris Rindos, Michael Kernan ’90, David Gedney P’22, guest Johnny Scanlon, Danielle Magloire ’10, and guest Dominique Allen

Director of the Annual Fund Sean Maguire ’89, P’22, P’23 with Rich Couto ’90 and guest

Olivia Lutz ’13 and Laura Baldini ’92

Head of School Adam K. Man P’15 with hosts Wilder Regalbuto P’20, Walker Regalbuto ’20, and Jason Regalbuto ’91, P’20





1 2

Alumni Weekend kicked off on the morning of May 5. Alumni who had participated in the Rainforest Project as students returned for Dissertation Day to watch the 2023 group present their scientific research. More alumni joined the festivities Friday evening for a cocktail reception at the Head of School’s house. They later cheered on 2023 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee Scott McCarty ’76, P’02, P’05 as he threw the first pitch at the Forman Varsity Baseball game. On Saturday, alumni participated in a Golf Scramble, Golden Lions enjoyed a celebratory luncheon, and many attended athletic events and competitions. The Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Dinner took place in the evening at the Torrington Country Club. The weekend concluded with a Memorial Gathering on Sunday. We remembered alumni who passed away in the last year, as well as Frederick Michael Lione Jr., P’91, Trustee Emeritus.









1 Will Kolligian ’17, Kamryn Smith ’17, Head of School Adam K. Man P’15, and Caroline Herdje ’16 2 Kyle Budlow ’15, Leni Palazesi ’16, Tommy Nelson ’16, and Danny Vasile ’19 3 Joan Bielizna ’73, Jim Merriman ’73, Susan Cheney Carney ’76, Carter Finnell ’76, Barb Beecher Masterson ’76, and Executive Functioning Coach Jane Benson 4 Jason Knight ’93 and Meredith McClean Fontaine ’94 5 Major Gifts Officer Duncan Marshall ’67, Buck Pryor ’65, Larry Culleton ’65, Peter Hayes ’65, Jim Merriman ’73, Joan Bielizna ’73, Les Steele ’62, Barbara Stuve, Stephen Wasley ’67, Ace Body Jr., ’63, and Fritz Gohl ’65 6 Matt Berman ’01 and Dayna Saywack 7 David Buckley ’13 and Kevin DeJesus 8 Justin Collins ’94, Doug Rosenblum ’93, Brian Eisenburg ’92, Meredith McClean Fontaine ’94, Jon Hanf ’92, Jon Rosenfield ’95, and Jason Knight ’93








1 2022 Hall of Fame inductee Lindsey Watkins with her parents, Alan and Sue Watkins, and her husband, Richard Stankye 2 Dara Cerritelli Varano ’88, Jen Winkler Balzi ’90, Dana Stein Willinger ’90, and Bridget Cerilli Vander Veen ’88 3 Will Kolligian ’17 and Head of School Adam K. Man P’15 4 Jon Hastings ’99, Brian Hastings ’99, Karen Brady, and History Teacher Scott Brady ’84 5 Ella Cox ’14, Isabel Rollo ’10, Rebecca Domal Purtell ’09, Matt Sherman ’17, and Julian Collot ’17 6 Arts Teacher Tammy Grella, Major Gifts Officer and 2023 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee Scott McCarty ’76, P’02, P’05, Head of School Adam K. Man P’15, and Beth Man P’15

2023 HALL OF FAME CEREMONY More than 150 alumni, faculty, former faculty, and guests attended the Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Dinner to celebrate Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee Scott McCarty ’76, P’02, P’05. The impressive turnout reflected just how impactful Scott was in his roles as Athletic Director, Coach, and player. Scott has been a longtime member of the Forman community. He transitioned into the Advancement Office in 2021, after serving as Athletic Director for decades. His passion for soccer translated into his exceptional ability to coach and mentor students on the soccer field for many years. His dedication to Forman’s student-athletes was and remains remarkable, and utmost deserving of his induction into the Athletic Hall of Fame.


Scott kicked off the ceremony by presenting his former player, Lindsey E. Watkins ’11, Induction Class 2022, with her award as she was unable to attend last year. Head of School Adam K. Man P’15, Jenn Winkler Balzi ’90, and History Teacher Scott Brady ’84 shared many kind words for Scott during the ceremony. Scott Brady presented Scott McCarty with a varsity letter jacket and reminisced on their relationship spanning more than four decades. Scott Brady shared stories of the integral role Scott McCarty has played in his life—and to many present at the ceremony—as a coach, teacher, mentor, and Athletic Director. “Thank you, Scotty, for everything you’ve done over the past 52 years to bring great pride and honor to Forman Athletics. Welcome to the Hall of Fame,” said Scott Brady ’84.

Shining a Light

on Forman Summer Program Counselors Every summer, Forman welcomes back alumni to serve as Summer Program Counselors. In July, ten alumni returned to campus, where they led and participated in activities and supported students in many ways.

Julie to-do...

Back row: Mikey Ferris ’22, Duncan Mugford ’21, Doug Baker ’22, Schuy Jasienowski ’21, Enzo Conti ’21 Front row: Susha Fiebach ’21, Lauren Russell ’22, Laura Milde ’22, Dasha Fiebach ’21, and Grace Cirimele ’21


We asked the alumni the following questions when they were on campus in July.

How do you feel Forman prepared you for college and life after high school?

Doug Baker ’22: “Forman prepared me for college by teaching me self-advocacy and by helping me achieve a level of academic confidence.” Grace Cirimele ’21: “Thanks to Forman, going into college, I felt very prepared to advocate for myself and my needs. I also understood how I learned best and was able to use techniques taught to me by Forman to thrive in my college classes.” Mikey Ferris ’22: “[Forman] helped me to be prepared for difficult situations and make me more accountable for myself.” Dasha Fiebach ’21: “While at Forman, I learned how to organize my work and time,” she says. “Forman also taught me how to advocate for myself, which helped me immensely in and out of college.” Susha Fiebach ’21: “Time spent [at Forman] helps kids grow socially and emotionally by receiving more independence than you would typically at home.” Lauren Russell ’22: “Forman prepared me for college by teaching me how important it is to attend office hours. Putting that extra effort in goes a long way.”

What did you learn from being a counselor last year? Enzo Conti ’21: “I learned how impactful it is on young minds to have positive role models.” Schuy Jasienowski ’21: “I learned the importance of being an effective leader and role model.”


Why did you want to become a Forman Summer Program counselor? Doug Baker ’22: “I wanted to be a Forman Summer Program counselor because of how much Forman impacted me as a student and a person. I wanted to give people the same incredible experience that I had when I was a student here.” Grace Cirimele ’21: “The Forman Summer Program and school really helped me take control of my LD and helped me become confident in my academics. I wanted to work at the Forman Summer Program because I wanted to help create a welcoming community for students just like me.” Enzo Conti ’21: “I wanted to make sure everyone had a fun summer!” Mikey Ferris ’22: “I wanted a chance to show kids the same great experience I got when I was here. I am looking forward to returning to the school that brought me many great memories and creating new ones.” Dasha Fiebach ’21: “I did the Summer Program as a student, and I really enjoyed it. I loved how I got the educational support I needed while also getting a fun camp experience.” Susha Fiebach ’21: “[I wanted] to be a role model for younger kids with learning differences.” Schuy Jasienowski ’21: “[I wanted to return] to be a positive role model for the kids and because it’s a fun experience.” Lauren Russell ’22: “Forman became a second home to me [and] I wanted to show other kids how special this place is. When I was a camper at the Forman Summer Program, I enjoyed being in an environment where I felt loved and cared for.”



S. Sherman Clark Jr.





th reunion

Edward T. Marks senecaFLX@gmail.com _______________________________

Mary Anne (Madsen) Tolan celebrated her 84th birthday this year and is still living independently in Richardson, TX. Mary Anne looks back with fondness on her years at Forman and deeply appreciates the opportunities it provided her.

Thomas Greeley ’62 recently finished building this car in sunny southern California.

Eric “Rick” Williams is a founding board member of the Oliver Hazard Perry tall ship in Newport, RI. The ship provides innovative and empowering education at sea programs to promote personal and professional growth.

Associate Head of School Mike Kowalchick and Rick Williams ’62


Alfred C. Body Jr. skibumal43@gmail.com

Mary Anne (Madsen) Tolland (pictured third from the left) as a Forman student in 1956

Sara L. Fliess sally@amsystemsllc.net Jeffrey T. Whipple jtwhip55@gmail.com

Michael N. Cohen





th reunion

Eric D. Murray rickydmu@gmail.com


Bartow S. Curtis Jr. bart_curtis65@yahoo.com Debora Gould Petersen


Duncan L. Marshall Jr. dlmarshall@optonline.net _______________________________

Ann Pemberton Mallory shared that she and her husband, Bill Mallory ’65, moved to Damariscotta, ME, on the Damariscotta River after 22 years in Kennebunk, ME. She says, “Beautiful view and making lots of new friends! Our best to all.”


Nancy Walton Marikar rakiram@aol.com



th reunion

Davis A. Dewey Scott M. Sutherland jms208@aol.com


Susan Spadone Holmes






Andrew Y. Covert andrewycovert@gmail.com

Craig J. Hanson craigjhanson007@gmail.com


Andrew Krens Jr. drew_krens@yahoo.com


Peter M. Ahlfeld pahlfeld@vermontacademy.com Scott A. Brady scott.brady@formanschool.org

Peter J. Jackowitz peter.j.jackowitz@gmail.com


Christopher D. Gaynor cdgaynor@gmail.com

Joan G. Bielizna joanrealtor@snet.net


50th reunion

Paula Nichols-Dille


Diana Curtis Price Dcprice2000@aol.com


Peter G.M. Roberts pgmroberts@hotmail.com Kendra R. Van Pelt sassyk105@gmail.com _______________________________

Scott McCarty P’02, P’05, Major Gifts Officer, received the Connecticut High School Coaches Association Lifetime Achievement Award in January. Scott, who has been the Prep School Representative of the Connecticut Soccer Coaches Association for decades, says he was humbled to be this year’s award recipient. “It was a big surprise when I was told I was going to get it because 60


th reunion

Scott McCarty ’76, P’02, P’05, Major Gifts Officer

there are so many other people in the state of Connecticut who deserve to,” he says. “It means a lot. I’m certainly there to help kids, but I think the biggest thing I’ve done is put the preps on the CSCA’s radar.”

79 81


th reunion


Jennie Alexandre Bono William L. Freeman freeman.will@gmail.com


Lisa Richardson Palmer larfal@aol.com _______________________________

In January, Eric Abramson shared that he had been working a lot on the wildfires around the west and responded with a Colorado team to Sanibel Island in Florida for Hurricane Ian.

Hilary L. Taylor 336merlin@gmail.com


Nancy Robinson Swift nancysunnyswift@yahoo.com

Matthew L. LaFlamme matt_laflamme@msn.com



Save the Date • May 3-5, 2024



Holly Jones Weisenburger holly@theweisenburgers.com _______________________________




th reunion

Sean P. Maguire sean.maguire@formanschool.org Curt F. Pfannenstiehl curtpfann@gmail.com W. David Thorn Jr. dthorn30@yahoo.com _______________________________

Steve Carberry ’87 and his wife, Donnella

Steve Carberry is a Quality Manager at Chemted LLC in Rio Vista, TX. Steve says, “I am in charge of the quality program managing the fabrication, welding, and testing of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) pressure vessels, specifically for Power Generation, Oil and Gas, and Food Service.” He enjoys working on his ranch, which includes 26 cows, one bull, and, at last count, seven calves. Steve shares that he and his wife, Donnella, have celebrated 13 years of marriage. Their son, Joshua, recently graduated with a B.S. in Engineering; their son, Tanner, is a blackjack dealer at a casino in southern California; and their daughter, Mia, is in high school. Steve says, “Life is good, and I hope to make it to our 40th reunion in 2027.”


Neesha Nicks Allen

Eileen Prime Gouin ’89

Eileen Prime Gouin was featured in her local newspaper, The Valley Breeze, for her quilting business. Eileen creates memorial quilts made from a late loved one’s clothing.


Jennifer Winkler Balzi jenrwink@gmail.com Karine Opdyke Lawrence karinelawrence@yahoo.com


Amy Owen Stettner aostett@hotmail.com Rob P. Tarantino robptarantino@gmail.com Jenny Virgopia jennyvirgopia@aol.com _______________________________

Amy Stettner shared that her son, Henry, participated in the Forman Summer Program. She says, “I had

Director of the Annual Fund Sean Maguire ’89, P’22, P’23, Jessica Horvath Stewart ’91, P’23, and Amy Stettner ’91

the pleasure of both dropping him off and picking him up. It was truly wonderful to revisit the campus and reconnect with old friends, such as Director of the Annual Fund Sean Maguire ’89, P’22, P’23, and Jessica Horvath Stewart ’91, P’23. Throughout the month of July, my son had a great experience!”


Brian A. Eisenberg brianadam11@comcast.net


Kenneth I. Deane kenneth.deane@gmail.com Kimberly B. Ertag Gilah E. Gersten gilahg@gmail.com Amy E. Love alove0410@comcast.net



th reunion

Meredith McClean Fontaine mmfontaine12@gmail.com Christopher D. Kellogg christopher.kellogg@icloud.com Brooke Labriola Shepard brooke@monogrammary.com







Allison Herron Gsell allison_herron@hotmail.com

Leith T. Sharp leithal29@gmail.com _______________________________

Elizabeth A. Monroe

Christina E. Bodine-Aysseh ChristinaBodine@msn.com

Matthew A. Bonzagni mattbonzagni232@charter.net

Elizabeth G. Thomas lizgthomas@yahoo.com

Marikay Geib marikaygeib212@msn.com Lauren Cuticelli Patton lauren@cuticelli.com

97 98

Susan A. Schonfeld suzy195954@aol.com



th reunion

Elizabeth Hanway Johnson ehjohnson100@gmail.com Jessica Davis Raitz jessica.raitz@gmail.com


Jesse J. E. Resnick jesse.res@gmail.com


Arts Teacher Tammy Grella, Alex Daubert ’01, History Teacher Scott Brady ’84, and Lock Roberts ’83

Alex Daubert and his uncle, Lock Roberts ’83, visited campus with their family in late summer.

Abbie Graham Durkin abbiedurkin@gmail.com

Kevin T. Smallwood smallwkt@gmail.com _______________________________

Joel Bandeian moved to Griffin, GA, in 2017 and works for Caterpillar Inc. Joel is married and has a beautiful daughter.


Tyler Renn tylerrenn@rennwealth.com

Chelsea E. Kinsella squidmail@aol.com

Over the summer, Stacy Tessler shared that she was getting married on October 7, 2023! Her maid of honor is her best friend, Shana Hayward ’01. Stacy says, “We met at Forman and also were partners in the Rainforest Project.”


Mark M. Roscio gradywhaler@gmail.com



th reunion

Kathryn John Blume john.katie@gmail.com Laura J. Goodkind ljgoodkind@msn.com James J. Hamilton jhamilton8492@yahoo.com


Pearse P. Matthews pearse.matthews@gmail.com Cyril P. Thornton thorntcp@gmail.com


Luke R. Bornheimer lukebornheimer@gmail.com Ian C. Hayward


Charles A. Phillips



Parker W. S. Beard pwsb87@sbcglobal.net Shannon W. Hallenbeck shannon.hallenbeck@gmail.com Audrey Stout Micca micca.audrey@gmail.com


Hannah Dodd Morton hmorton1008@gmail.com



th reunion

Justin W. DeCausey

Kenneth P. Reid _______________________________

Candice R. Earlington wacky_candy@hotmail.com

Parker Beard says he has returned to work at the Durham Convention Center after initially losing his job during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parker is happy to be back and working full-time for the company he loves. He also shares that he went to the Coca-Cola 600 NASCAR race at the Charlotte Motor Speedway with his friend, Sam, in May 2022. Parker says, “While I was at the race, I reflected back on how much the pandemic did to me at the time mentally. Being at the race was my relief to tell myself that nothing can get in my way! I’m honored to have my life back and be able to cross things off my life-long bucket list!”

Kelly Solk ksolk90@gmail.com _______________________________


WoodenBoat Show in Mystic, CT. Krit was running maritime workshops at the boat show.


Cameron S. Billik csbillik@gmail.com Gretchen G. Conyers gretchc23@gmail.com Dayne J. Price dayneprice@gmail.com


Rachel C. Hafer rcatharinee@gmail.com Nicholas V. Manzella nv.manzella@gmail.com

Tom D’Amato ’09

Tom D’Amato works at First Light Boatworks in Chatham, MA, where he builds and maintains fine wooden boats. Tom says his passion for handson, experiential learning came from Forman’s Geometry & Design class with former teacher Chris Ford. On a recent flight, Tom spotted someone wearing a Forman sweatshirt and connected with a new alumnus, Mason Lockowitz ’23.

Michael D. Satalic msatalic@saic.edu _______________________________

Ben Ferguson and his band, The Amatory Murder, performed on campus in the Malcolm G. Chace Student Center in April. Ben and The Amatory Murder spent the summer on tour with musician Tim Skold in cities across the country.

Krit Singh stopped by and paid Forman School a visit at the

Parker Beard ’07

Associate Head of School Mike Kowalchick and Krit Singh ’09

Ben Ferguson ’11





James C. Clancy Lauren A. Morrow lauren.morrow1993@gmail.com Shelby L. Pierce shelby.pierce93@gmail.com


Sarah E. Auch sarahauch@aol.com Emily C. Cross emilycross9@gmail.com David N. Shaw davidshaw1213@gmail.com

Daniel S. Southerland Dominic L. Weir domweir@gmail.com _______________________________


David R. Buckley davidb21@gmail.com Francis R. Fiore fffiore27@gmail.com

Michael Davis got married last year and won a New England Emmy. Michael works for Phantom Gourmet as an assistant editor and videographer.

Mark A. Malburg _______________________________

Justin Kronemer got engaged in April. Justin lives in Raleigh, NC. He says, “Happy to say I still see my old friends from Forman, and they are a huge part of my life today.”


Associate Head of School Mike Kowalchick, Mark Marlburg ’13, and Head of School Adam K. Man P’15 in Los Angeles



th reunion

Natalie R. Canterbury nataliecanterbury386@yahoo.com

We want to hear from you!

Grant A. Oslan grant.oslan@comcast.net

Email your news to our

Logan C. Rice Logan.Rice96@Yahoo.com

Director of Parent and Alumni Programs Heather Ford at

Jacob H. Sussman jacob.sussman33@gmail.com Coleman C. Walker Cole.walker1995@gmail.com


Justin Kronemer ’15 and his fiancée


Michael Davis ’15 and his wife, Laura Davis, on their wedding day



real estate license in Washington, D.C., and the surrounding areas with a desire to start a career in residential real estate.

Davis W. Ebbert davisebbert@outlook.com Allison C. Herdje aherdje@gmail.com Lacey O. McCaw lmccaw03@gmail.com _______________________________

Tyler Dunn is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Occupational Therapy degree at Quinnipiac University. Tyler’s doctoral capstone project is aimed at combating social media addiction in adolescents.


Parker D. Broadnax parkerbroadnax@gmail.com Mee Mee B. Filan filanmeemee@gmail.com Emma M. Forrester Forresterem@clarkson.edu


Annabelle Ford-Rippolone afordripp@gmail.com Sophia H. Gadsden sophiahgadsden@gmail.com


Head of School Adam K. Man P’15 visited Alex Becker ’18 in California.


Harriet Insley graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Photographic Sciences from Rochester Institute of Technology in May. Harriet is currently working with a photographer in Manhattan while searching for a position in microscopy. She says, “Thanks, Forman, I couldn’t have done it without you.”


th reunion

Jackson G. Beers jacksonbeers99@gmail.com Garret N. Grier garret.grier@gmail.com Caitlin C. Lorenz CaitlinCathrynLorenz@gmail.com Harriet Insley ’19

Odessa M. Slauson Odessa1221@gmail.com _______________________________

Garret Grier graduated from Loyola University Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in May. Garrett credits his academic success to his family and Forman. He plans to get a

Samantha J. Novick samchop1031@me.com

Ike Silberman enjoyed lunch with Associate Head of School Mike Kowalchick and Director of Athletics John Strawson in New York City. Ike graduated from Quinnipiac University in the spring. He spent his summer serving in a leadership role at a camp that he previously attended during many of his younger years.


Brendan A. Wilson Brendan.Wilson.A@gmail.com _______________________________

Olivia S. Minor osquiersminor@gmail.com Benjamin C. Reilly reillyb@umich.edu

Mae Sharpless ’18 graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in May 2022.

Celia L. Tucker Cltucker09@gmail.com Garrett Grier ’19





Leanna T. Caracappa Leanna.caracappa@gmail.com


Helen G. Cirimele grace.cirimele@gmail.com Florence L. Colantino colantino425@flagler.edu _______________________________

Val Bauer and Leonard Welsh started a fishing business called Juxon Central Park Fishing in New York City. Val and Leonard specialize in guided fishing excursions primarily around Central Park.

Leonard Welsh ’21 (back) and Val Bauer ’21 (right)


Stephania N. Bendek stephaniab1111@icloud.com Henry W. White Hankwhite1515@gmail.com _______________________________

Doug Baker and Lauren Russell had an unexpected encounter with Torie Huddleston ’94 in Burlington, VT. Torie recognized Doug’s Forman Hockey pants and expressed her astonishment, saying it was the first time she had crossed paths with fellow Forman alumni since graduating. Doug shared that it was also the first time he and Lauren ran into a Forman alum “in the wild.” 66

Head of School Adam K. Man P’15 visited Henry White ’21 at Lafayette College

Stephania Bendek is pursuing a degree in Fashion Design with a minor in Merchandising at Marist College. Stephania says she thinks back fondly on her time at Forman. She recently co-founded a brand that fosters connections and shares love through intricately handwoven bags called Mootts with her mom and sister. The brand can be found on Instagram @mootts_style.


Gia Catalan giacatalan@icloud.com Julian Schnitt Jasbholdings@gmail.com _______________________________

Julian Schnitt is attending New York University this fall and is happy to connect with alumni in Manhattan.

ALUMNI CLASS AGENTS NEEDED Class Agents are needed for the following classes: 1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1961, 1962, 1977, 1978, 1979, and 1980 Please contact Heather Ford in the Alumni Office at heather.ford@formanschool.org.

Thursday, December 7 Social at Black-Eyed Sally’s in Hartford, CT, hosted by Dara Cerritelli Varano ’88 Thursday, January 25 Colorado Reception, hosted by Amy Owen Stettner ’91 Friday, February 2– Sunday, February 4 Florida Event, hosted by Rich Couto ’90 Thursday, March 28 Palm Beach Reception, hosted by Jason Regalbuto ’91, P’20 and Wilder Regalbuto P’20 Friday, May 3 Dissertation Day and Rainforest Reunion Friday, May 3–Sunday, May 5 Alumni Weekend Saturday, June 1 Commencement






Erika Della Calce, History and Social Sciences Department Chair, welcomed her daughter, Allegra Gardner Della Calce, on May 23.

Jaime Feinman, Director of Admission, welcomed her son, Charles David Saunders Feinman, on March 23.

Hayley McGovern, World Languages Department Chair, welcomed her son, Maximus Gregory McGovern, on March 4. Kaitlyn Dupré, Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications, welcomed her son, Declan Oliver Dupré, on March 27.

Dr. Kelli Miller, School Psychologist, welcomed her daughter, Annalise Maryn Miller, on January 8.

Paul Opperman, Director of Housekeeping, married his wife, Karen, on July 22.

Felicity Byrne, Assistant College Counselor, married her husband, Timothy, in Long Island, NY, on September 1.

Dr. Maryellen Ruth, Director of the Forman Diagnostic Center, welcomed her daughter, Adeline Ellen Ruth, on August 8.




Trustee Emeritus Fred Lione P’91 at the Visual and Performing Arts Center ribbon cutting.

Frederick Michael Lione Jr., P’91 Trustee Emeritus Forman School is privileged to have counted Frederick Lione P’91 as a dedicated supporter and friend for over 30 years. Fred first came to Forman as a parent of Sarah Lione ’91 and served on the Board of Trustees from 1991 to 2020. He passed away on October 25, 2022. “It is difficult to put into words what Fred meant to me and to the school and everybody he touched,” says David White ’71, Board of Trustees member. “Fred had a passion for Forman up until the very end … He was an inspirational role model, devoted, wise, smart, savvy, charming, humble, caring, and reliable.” During his tenure on the Board, Fred chaired the Buildings and Grounds Committee and served on the Finance Committee. He made countless contributions to the campus, including the Science Center and the Visual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC). In 2019, the Board 68

acknowledged his contributions to the design of the VPAC by naming the building’s west entrance in his honor. “Fred Lione was a terrific friend and supporter of Forman,” says Head of School Adam K. Man P’15. “His leadership and guidance were instrumental in developing our facilities master plan and in the growth and development of many of our buildings and infrastructure. He was kind and generous in his spirit and truly a joy to be around.” In recognition of his long-term commitment to Forman upon his retirement in 2020, the Board awarded Fred the title of Trustee Emeritus and established the Frederick M. Lione Distinguished Service Award, which is presented annually to a member of staff, administration, or trustee who has contributed significantly to the school over a period of years. In 2021, Fred nominated Director of Operations Marty Bozak P’07, P’10 for the first award.


Trustee Emeritus Fred Lione P’91 and Vice President of the Board of Trustees Barbara Chace ’87


Trustee Emeritus Fred Lione P’91, Head of School Adam K. Man P’15, and Trustee Emeritus Scott Sutherland ’69, P’93

“The award that I got from Fred means more to me right now than any other accomplishment in my life. I’ve had two yearbook dedications and quite a few awards over the years since I’ve been here, but that one is the most meaningful to me,” Marty says. “It was a pleasure working with Fred. The school was very lucky. He was the most knowledgeable man that I have ever met in regard to construction,” continues Marty. “He just had a presence about him. He was a great storyteller, and he could make everyone in the room laugh. I’m very sad to have lost him.” David, now the Buildings and Grounds Committee Chairman, says Fred was generous in sharing his institutional knowledge. “I learned so much more from working with him at Forman in the short eight years [I knew him] than I learned in the last 25 at my own business,” adds David. “Fred was one of the great leaders who truly understood people matter, especially the children he served while engaged at Forman.” “His guidance and vision for Forman were outstanding and remarkable,” David continues. “I try to do my best to do what Fred would do, and that would be to add the elegance back into construction.” A lifelong resident of Connecticut, Fred was born and raised in Stamford and lived in Norwalk. In addition to a successful career in the construction business and being an involved father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, he also offered his talents and leadership to numerous local nonprofit organizations.

Fred graduated from King School in Stamford as valedictorian in 1951 and Dartmouth College in 1955 with a Bachelor of Arts in History. He then served in the United States Army and Army Reserves from 1955 to 1961, which included time in the 3rd Armored Division headquartered at Ft. Knox. He then entered the family-held business of Vuono-Lione Inc., a commercial, industrial, and institutional construction company in Stamford. He became President and CEO in 1968 and led the company until he closed it in 1980, overseeing significant building projects for corporations including Pitney Bowes and American Cyanamid. In 1981, Fred joined the Rockefeller Center Development Corporation in New York. He retired in 1998 as Vice President for Construction, managing projects throughout the United States. His professional career culminated as a Project Manager for the high-profile major new building addition and renovation of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Fred is survived by his wife, Nancy, and children, Sarah ’91, David, and John. His daughter, Kendall, predeceased him, as did his first wife, Salianne. Forman is deeply grateful for Fred’s long dedicated leadership, wise counsel, inspiring presence, and valued friendship. “Fred was a man who knew everyone, and all those who have worked with him considered him a great friend. It really didn’t matter how long you knew him,” adds David. “I think he was the most remarkable person I ever met.”




Noël “Noëy” Robbins Congdon ’46 passed away peacefully at home on July 7, 2023. She was surrounded by family, wrapped in songs, stories, and tender embrace. Driven by a determined vision of a thriving and just community, Noëy gave her time and energy to programs, people, and institutions we all enjoy. Take a walk around Denver or Aspen, and you will see Noël Congdon’s enduring contributions to the performing and fine arts, education, community development, and political leadership. Never one to seek or claim the credit, Noëy’s lifetime of keen leadership was celebrated by colleagues and friends at “Tea with Noëy” at the Denver Art Museum. Noëy arrived in Denver in 1959, the new bride of Thomas E. Congdon. Along with Tom, she plunged into helping grow the fledgling Denver Art Museum. In later years, she helped found the Alliance for Contemporary Art to build the Contemporary Art collection at the Museum. In the 1990s and 2000s, Noëy chaired the Mayor’s Commission on Arts, Culture, and Film under Mayor Wellington Webb and Mayor John Hickenlooper. She helped transition the Colorado Council on the Arts to the State Economic Development Office, making Colorado the first state to secure reliable funding for arts and culture. Her career in community development began in the 1970s. Fresh out of a master’s program in community planning, Noëy linked arms with leaders at the Westside Action Center and NEWSED on Denver’s westside to restore and revitalize the neighborhood blighted by the development of the Auraria campus. She was a founder of Electing Women, offering her wisdom


to nurture the political careers of finerising leaders. As a donor with Tom to the Denver Scholarship Foundation, Noël relished hours spent in counseling centers with aspiring college students, advising them on the challenges and successes that lay ahead. Noëy’s enduring contributions beyond Denver extend to her transformative leadership at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School in Carbondale and the Aspen Music Festival and School. Noëy deeply enjoyed time with family, world travel, summers of music, winters of skiing in Aspen, and sailing near her family home in Stonington, CT. She was equally thrilled hiking alpine meadows above Aspen as she was taking in the sea air and maritime bounty on eastern and western shores. Her gift at the piano filled homes and delighted hearts. Other artistic pursuits yielded a bounty of watercolor paintings and pencil sketches. Noël Robbins was born in New York City in 1928. She spent her early years traveling between New York City, England, and France with her two beloved sisters, Chelsea and Judy. With her parents, Stanton Robbins and Hilda Bergner Robbins, working in the travel business, home was a moving target until she settled in Denver. Noëy cherished her high school years at Forman School. She received her Bachelor’s in Religious Studies from Mount Holyoke College in 1950. Noëy Congdon was the adoring and adored mother of three daughters, Chelsea (Brundige), Natasha (d. 1978), and Lucy (Hanson). She was a trusted friend and inspiration to four grandchildren, Tashi and Miles Brundige and Harper and Lark Hanson, and two sons-in-law, Charlie Hanson and James Brundige. She

was preceded in death by her husband, Tom, her two sisters, Chelsea and Judy, daughter, Natasha, and grandson, Miles. Original obituary published in The Aspen Times. Jeffrey Unsworth Dana Sr., ’65, of Baldwinville, MA, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on December 21, 2022. Jeff was born June 4, 1946, in Hartford, CT, to Edward Dana and Doris Unsworth Dana. Throughout his life, Jeff was never afraid of a new challenge. By the age of ten, he started woodworking and created complex model railroads. He began racing sailboats at 11, became one the best in the fleet by 14, and competed several times in the Duster Class Nationals. Jeff began his first job at 16, working for a small builder. He graduated from Forman School, where he was captain of the soccer team, and attended Delhi College to study building construction. In 1967, Jeff married Lynn Brocklehurst in Wyckoff, NJ, and they moved to Sussex County, NJ, where he had an antique furniture restoration business. Within a few years, Jeff and Lynn’s love of antiques—both houses and furniture—brought them to New England, where they restored their first antique home. After a few years, they became residents in Rindge, NH. He was a champion sailor and an active member of the Sailing Association at Lake Monomonac. Jeff became an active member of the Rindge Recreation Department, and his sons were actively involved in sports. Jeff was subsequently drawn to another antique house in Hardwick, MA, which the family rescued, restored, and made their home for over 30 years. He was a skilled, self-taught craftsman who made cabinets and reproduction


furniture with his wife and two sons. In the family business, J Dana Design, his primary role was to meet with customers to draw up their ideas to understand their dreams and draft CAD renderings of whatever the project may have entailed. Often, his customers became friends because of his passion for his profession and because he was a genuine people person. Two of his last projects were helping design kitchens for his son and daughter. This brought him great joy to do this for his family. Jeffrey is survived by his two sons, Jeffrey U. Dana Jr. (Amy) and Justin Dana (Suzi); daughter, Blythe Clark (Sean); grandchildren, Tyler, Kyle, Wyatt, and Ayla Clark; stepgrandchildren, Zachary, Tyler, and Kaylee; and brother, Craig Dana (Mandy). He also leaves behind his treasured German Shepherd, Gretchen. Jeffrey was predeceased by his beloved wife of 51 years, Lynn B. Dana, and his parents. Eric Jorgensen ’73, of Fayetteville, AR, passed away on July 29, 2023, with his loved ones by his side. Eric was born August 28, 1954, in Englewood, NJ, to the late Harald and Harriet Jorgensen. After attending Forman School, he went on to graduate from Fayetteville High School. Eric attended the University of Arkansas and the Water and Wastewater Technical College in Missouri. He obtained his Water/ Wastewater certifications in Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. Eric was a certified scuba diver and had his EPA Certification for underwater sampling and diving. He was also a member of the Water Pollution Control Federation. Eric enjoyed baseball and received

the Green Bat Award while at Forman School. He went on to play American Legion baseball. Earning a blue belt in Judo, he was successful in several Judo competitions. Eric also loved to draw and ride his motorcycle. He is survived by his sister, Nan Ginger, and her partner, Michael Moyer; his niece and nephew, Cassidy and Will Ginger; and his faithful cousin, Teri (Tom) Veatch. Elizabeth Louise Vreeland ’77, of Lemoyne, PA, passed away peacefully at the age of 63 on May 10, 2022. She was born on August 7, 1958, in Far Hills, NJ, to the late James M. and Ellen Hummel Vreeland. Elizabeth adored and respected her parents tremendously. Elizabeth was also preceded in death by her sister, Diana. As a young woman, Elizabeth was known for her equestrian skills as a pony club member. She once successfully raced against a junior field that included John John Kennedy riding his dapple pony Macaroni. Later, as a teenager, she fox hunted and won many ribbons at regional horse shows. Elizabeth always had an eye for fashion. She majored in fashion merchandising and studied fashion retailing in London. Returning to the U.S., she worked at Bonwit Teller, Altman’s, and Neiman Marcus, all department store powerhouses of the times. This is also where her fondness for the royal family originated. Living within easy reach of New York City, she was able to experience some of the notable places and people of the 1980s disco world. She partied at Studio 54, the Palladium nightclub, among others. In a chance encounter one night, she met Andy Warhol and


had him autograph the current edition of his magazine. Elizabeth was married for ten years and lived in Alabama and Texas before moving back to New Jersey to become a faithful companion to her mother, along with her faithful companion, Freon, the cat. Elizabeth remained warm-hearted and curious in later years, even as physical infirmities took their toll. For the last four years of her life, she lived at the Essex House, a wonderful independent living facility. She participated in many activities and won several costume awards. She was always ready for a quick laugh and interesting conversation, and she loved reminiscing but avoided anyone who was a social downer. Surviving her are her brothers, James M. Vreeland Jr. (Titi) and C. Curtis Vreeland (Lynn); five nieces and nephews, Elizabeth Vreeland, Schuyler Vreeland, Gabriella Vreeland, James Vreeland III, and Sally Cadoux; step-nephew, Jesse Prall; and four great nieces and nephews, Facundo, Florencia, Megan, and Ian. George E. Jason Mueller III, ’93 passed away on November 16, 2020. Jason had developed a severe lung condition, which shut down his organs, and passed away while awaiting a liver transplant. After attending Forman School, Jason graduated from Naples High School in Naples, FL, and then studied at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, GA. In October 2001, he joined the United States Navy, where he served as a computer specialist on the AWACS aircraft. Jason was permanently stationed




in Virginia and served several tours on major aircraft carriers. He was always very proud of his service and accomplishments in the Navy. Following his discharge from the Navy in 2005, Jason acquired his Florida Insurance License, Florida Real Estate Brokers License, and Assisted Living Administrators License. He worked for the Mueller Development Group for several years before founding his own senior housing management firm, where he acted as the Regional Administrator over four assisted living facilities. He loved boating and fishing and was a member of the Useppa Island Club and Palm Beach Yacht Club. He also supported several charities, including Planned Parenthood and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Jason always spoke fondly of his experience at Forman, which greatly helped him. He is truly missed by his family. Shannon Gray ’96, of Hilton Head Island, SC, passed away at her home on May 15, 2023. Shannon was born on November 21, 1976, on Hilton Head Island to Susan P. Crast and Glenn Gray. She attended Hilton Head Prep and graduated from Forman School She was the owner of Vanity Fur Pet Grooming Salon for 21 years. Her love of dogs brought many loyal dog owners and clients that became friends. Shannon is survived by her two daughters, Cameron Lynn Flathers and Phoebe Gray Flathers; her mother, Susan; stepfather, Ken Crast; grandmother, Gwen Gray; and Uncle William and Aunt Wendy Palladino. She was preceded in death by her father, Glenn Gray, and grandmother, Emmy Lou Palladino.


Lauren Fitzsimmons ’99 passed away from a glioblastoma brain tumor at the age of 42 on February 21, 2023. Lauren was born on July 6, 1980, in New Hartford, NY, to Debbie (Traves) Brown and John J. Fitzsimmons Jr. After 13 years of classical ballet training, Lauren attended Forman School and earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Scenic Design for Theatre at the Conservatory for Theatre Arts & Film at SUNY Purchase College. Upon graduating in 2004, Lauren launched her 19-year career, first as an Art Director, then as a Production Designer for TV and film in NYC and Hollywood, CA. She was a proud member of United Scenic Artists Local 829 IATSE and the Art Directors Guild and was represented by the Gersh Agency. Based in LA since 2013, Lauren loved living under the Hollywood sign with her loving partner, Andris Kasparovics, and their two cats, Hi and Lo Contrast. She was known by her friends and colleagues for her generous spirit, joyful laughter, and unwavering commitment to her craft. Lauren will be dearly missed by her brother, Travis Fitzsimmons, her sister-in-law, Melise Ozkardesler, and her aunts, uncles, and cousins. She was predeceased by her grandparents, Pat and Romilly Traves and Rita and John Fitzsimmons Sr.

Coed • Boarding & Day • Grades 7–11 The Forman Summer Program is a four-week, coed boarding and day camp that takes place on the Forman School campus during the month of July. This program is open to any students entering grades 7-11 who want to benefit from our individualized approach to learning and provides students insight into our innovative teaching techniques. During the Forman Summer Program, students learn independence, self-advocacy, and academic strategies that they can apply in the classroom and beyond.

For more information, please visit formanschool.org/summer or email admission@formanschool.org.

Forman School, 12 Norfolk Road, P.O. Box 80 Litchfield, CT 06759-0080 Change Service Requested

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