The City Magazine El Paso February 2019

Page 83

February, 2019


even years ago I sat down with editor-

In terms of sexual selection, biologists

Today, the process by which journeys end and

in-chief-extraordinaire, Shelley Mozelle,

suggest that our senses help us to quickly vet

lovers meet has transcended to the digital

to talk about kissing. What makes a

a potential mate through our senses of smell

sphere, complicating the act of courtship

good kiss? Is it the person? The atmosphere?

and taste. Humans respond to olfactory cues

and sexual selection. The rise of hook-up

Fate? While all of these factors contribute

that help assess the reproductive potential of

culture through apps like Tinder, Bumble,

to a kiss that makes you weak in the knees

a mate. This is the reason women are drawn

and others connects people through their

and your friends utterly delighted by your

to the scent produced by a sweaty man.

devices, and often produces a long-ish cycle

happiness, it turns out science is the greatest

Biological cues operate below the threshold

of correspondence before meeting the person

determinant of whether a prospective couple

of our consciousness that inform us whether

face-to-face, which are basically detours and

has the biological chops to survive the

the person has a high level of hormones like

speed bumps to making out. This delays

process of evolution.

testosterone, which is sexually desirable and

the moment a person will be able to receive

suggests future reproductive success. Similarly,

olfactory or other sensory cues to suggest

Have you ever had a crush on someone

evidence has suggested that properties in our

histocompatibility. Technological advances and

and once you kiss it just feels ... wrong?

saliva help us to determine compatibility.

hook-up culture have affected the trajectory that leads to those foot-popping kisses many

Like you’re kissing a family member? Scientists believe this occurs because of

When two people with sufficiently dissimilar

hold as a high standard of romance, or the

the presence of the major histocompatibility

histocompatibility kiss it creates a chemical

unfortunate cringe-de-la-cringe confirmation

complex (MHC), a collection of proteins

reaction that quite literally causes a spark,

that kissing a certain person feels like kissing

that are essential for the immune system to

then kickstarts the pleasure and reward

your cousin. Imagine spending days or weeks

recognize foreign properties that contribute

seeking systems in our brains to pursue. The

exchanging flirty messages with someone

to histocompatibility, or the compatibility of

first time I kissed my boyfriend of two and

only to discover you have no attraction to

the two partners’ tissues. If a couple’s genes

a half years, I felt a spark that sent tingles

them in person, or are in fact repulsed.

are too similar, then their potential offspring

down my spine, through my toes, and made

are at a biological disadvantage because the

its way back to my brain. It was a kiss that

So how are modern lovers supposed to find

parents’ immune systems do not allow for the

shocked me on many levels; most significant

their true loves amidst the smorgasbord

offspring to have a robust immune system that

was the realization that I had never been

of options and technological channels of

can defend against a multitude of ailments. If

kissed like that before. I wouldn’t be dumb

communication? In person interaction—

you’re going to war, you want to rally allies

enough to screw whatever we had up


who have different resources than you do

because in my marrow I felt that I couldn’t

in consensual intimacy to find that life-

in order to optimize chances of survival. Our

not be kissed like that every day for the rest

altering, heart-swelling spark that leaves

biology drives us to seek partners who will

of my life. Shakespeare writes that “journeys

you speechless at first, and then eager to

help ensure our bloodline continues.

end in lovers meeting,” and I’d like to add

share your good fortune with anyone willing

that a very significant landmark of these

to listen. You know we love a good game of

journeys requires an open-mouthed lip lock.

kiss and tell.





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