THECITY Magazine El Paso • Best of 2013

Page 166

December/January, 2014



he power of the trailer! Nothing can

screenwriting helm, “The Counselor,” has to

be more thrilling than those three

be at the top of the heap this year. Let us

and a half minutes of non-stop action

throw in something even more spectacular

whereby every other big name in motion

for film lovers in the southwest. The film

pictures or “people to watch,” are part of the

takes place in El Paso!

equation: Brad Pitt, Javier Bardem, Penelope The first buzz kill was that only “pick up” scenes were shot here. That means scenes of roadway signs, some scenery, what in the news business we would refer to as “your basic b-roll.” When Brad Pitt makes a reference to the El Paso Times, it is certainly easy enough to make that work in a film. So, it’s a film about El Paso that is shot predominantly in Europe. With that cast, and the talent behind the cameras, of course this has to be a “shoo-in” for awards season. This is awards season, and strangely enough I have a suspicion that this film, despite outstanding cinematography, good performances, especially from Cameron Diaz, and the stunning prose of McCarthy, will slip through the cracks. Cruz, Cameron Diaz, and Michael Fassbender.


Kaboom! Blast! Pow! Holy Oscar Batman,

The story is basically about an attorney

this is going to be a good one! All of that

(Michael Fassbender) who is shady at

coupled with Director Ridley Scott, and

best, and after proposing to his girlfriend

compelling author Cormac McCarthy at the

(Penelope Cruz) he realizes he needs some

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