The Carer Digital - Issue #186

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W W W T H E C A R E R U K C O M THECARERUK THECARERUK Issue 186 THECARER UK F O R N U R S I N G A N D R E S I D E N T I A L C A R E H O M E S Successive Government Inaction Leaves Social Care Struggling... …As Social Care Requests Hit “Record High” The next government has been urged to make social care a priority after years of reform being “consistently dodged or delayed” according to a newly released report In its annual social care report titled Social Care 360 published by The King s Fund, it was stated that adult social care support continues to stagnate following a lack of action to reform the sector by successive governments Social Care 360 highlights that adult requests for social care have hit a record high of two million and that across the sector the key measures all point towards a social care system that is under intense pressure (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )

Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital!

Once again, the UK's adult social care sector finds itself on the periphery of governmental attention, with Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's recent Spring Budget making glaring omissions and exacerbating the sector's chronic underfunding

Despite fervent calls for support from sector spokespeople and organizations the government's silence on this crucial issue really does speak volumes

Sector spokespeople and organisations were quick to condemn the government s lack of support with one spokesperson rightly asserting that social care is the loser once again

It s a sentiment echoed by many who are witnessing the government s failure to address the pressing needs of the sector Despite promises to fix social care within the next five years, the budget's glaring oversight suggests a sad disregard for the welfare of vulnerable adults and those who care for them

The government's decision to shift from a proposed plan to increase National Insurance contributions to fund a dedicated health and social care levy to instead reducing National Insurance by 4p is particularly perplexing

This move not only fails to address the urgent funding requirements of social care but also contradicts Chancellor Hunt's own prior statements As former chair of the Health and Social Care Committee Hunt himself emphasized the necessity of an annual increase of £7 billion for social care labelling it as a starting point and calling for sustained investment

Today March 13 a new report by The King s Fund which is our lead story further underscores the dire situation facing the social care sector The report highlights how the lack of government action leaves social care struggling to meet the needs of those it serves It s a damning indictment of the government s inertia and highlights the urgent need for decisive action

To be fair it is not only citing the lack of government support but successive government support

The ramifications of neglecting adult social care are profound and far-reaching Without adequate funding and support the sector will continue to grapple with insufficient resources overstretched staff and compromised care quality The human cost of such neglect cannot be overstated

As advocates for the vulnerable, it is imperative that we hold the government to account for its failure to prioritize adult social care

Whichever government we have next must heed the calls of sector experts allocate the necessary funding and honour its commitment to fixing social care without delay and as we lead into the next election with some pundits highlighting may or October we really do need a clear and unambiguous party policy highlighting what their intentions are to support the sector

We would also take this opportunity once again to remind you that we here at THE CARER are media partners and are exhibiting at UK Care Week at Birmingham NEC next month (March 20-21) we are on stand F16

Trade events for the adult social care sector provide all in my opinion definite diary dates, they are a platform with industry-defining content, live product demonstrations and interactive features set to support and equip those in the sector with the skills and knowledge to improve the lives of those they care for

We are working closely with the organisers who we have been media partners with four many years now and this year s show features include the CQC Inspector Hub and the Virtual Dementia Tour which provides an immersive interactive experience for social care business owners and management teams The show will have hundreds of suppliers speakers and like-minded professionals are also on hand to engage with visitors and share their visions and solutions for overcoming the challenges care home businesses are facing

So if you own a UK care business have influence on key decisions in a care home or home care business, or are looking to expand your existing carebusiness then UK Care Week is the place to be, and please do stop by and say are hello, feedback is very important and we always welcome your views!

Once again we have this week had some wonderful uplifting and heartwarming stories from care homes throughout the UK, so please do keep them coming

This last week saw celebrations of both World Book Day and International Women's Day and features on both showing how the sector commemorated the events can be found in this week's issue

I can always be contacted at editor@thecareruk com

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PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd 3 Carlton Mount 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BR TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 (6 lines) Fax: 01202 552666 Email: sales@thecareruk com WEBSITE: www thecareruk com EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox The Carer is pub ished by RBC Pub ishing Ltd, 3 Carlton Mount, 2 Cranborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH2 5BR Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom A l rights reser ved, reproduction s forbidden un ess wr tten permiss on is obtained All material is assumed copyr ght free unless otherwise advised PAGE 2 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186

Successive Government Inaction Leaves Social Care Struggling...

…As Social Care Requests Hit “Record High”


The trends for 2022/23 show that:

Financial eligibility continues to tighten with financial thresholds for help with the costs of care not having changed since 2010/11

The cost to local authorities of purchasing care continues to increase faster than inflation – since 2015/16 the average weekly fee for working-age adults increased from £1,400 to £1,540 the average weekly fee paid for older people increased from £670 to £840 and the average hourly rate for home care increased from £17 50 to £20 60 (in real terms – taking inflation into account)

The social care workforce vacancy rate is still at its second highest-ever level despite the arrival of around 70 000 overseas workers

There are approximately 19 000 fewer unpaid carers receiving direct support than in 2015/16 and 21 000 fewer people receiving respite care, over the same period

The report s authors note that while the latest data does show a slight increase in the number of adults receiving publicly funded social care support compared to 2021/22, this upturn is likely largely due to a ‘correction after the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic

Compared to 2015/16 there are still 11% more people asking for support and 2% fewer people receiving it


Equally although the number of social care vacancies fell from the historic high of 165 000 in 2021/22 to 152 000 in 2022/23 this was driven by a sharp increase in the number of overseas staff recruited to work in adult social care

Since then the government has announced a tightening of the rules affecting overseas care workers meaning they will not be allowed to bring dependents with them to the UK

The King’s Fund argues that if the next government wants to ‘fix’ social care it will need to increase funding to enable care providers to attract retain and train staff and implement reforms to make the system fairer and improve quality and outcomes for the users of services and their carers


Simon Bottery Senior Fellow at The King’s Fund and lead author said: For decades social care reform has been promised by governments but consistently dodged or delayed The latest figures make clear that the sector is showing little sign of improvement, leaving thousands of people without the support they need There are severe financial pressures on local authorities who fund adult social care and no sign that national government will step in to help Nor is there a credible longer-term plan to recruit and retain the staff needed

At a time when adult social care has never faced more profound problems, with record numbers of people requesting support this is surely the time for the next government whatever colour it may be to make social care a priority


llr Kaya Comer-Schwartz adult social care spokesperson for the Local Government Association said:

This important annual report highlight the perilous state of adult social care It is disappointing and concerning that the Budget provided no new money for these under pressure services, despite an increased demand for them

“We need to see further urgent investment in adult social care and a boost to the workforce to ensure the best possible care for those that draw on it


UNISON head of social care Gavin Edwards said: Care has gone into a tailspin on this government s watch A litany of broken promises and a complete absence of action best sums up ministers appalling neglect of the sector

“Cash-strapped local authorities have been pushed ever closer to the edge by spiralling care costs

The blame for the crisis in care lies entirely with the government Ministers have failed to ensure council funding bears any relation to the harsh economic reality

The sector simply doesn t have the staff to meet growing demands Care workers are quitting for betterpaid jobs on the high street, leaving employers increasingly reliant on staff from overseas

“The next government must make care the priority it’s never been Labour has promised a national care service and crucially a fair pay agreement in care

Raising wages in this way won t solve all the sector s problems But it will be an important first step that employers staff and those being supported will all be able to get behind

Fully Committed

The Department of Health and Social Care said it is “fully committed” to improving the social care system, adding that it had made up to £8 6 billion in additional funding available this financial year and next A spokesperson said: Additionally we are investing up to £700 million to accelerate digital transformation and rolling out digital care records as well as funding home adaptations to help elderly and disabled people to be more independent at home

“We are also helping to attract and retain care workers, including by supporting their career development through a range of new funded training schemes and for the first time a clear career path through a new accredited qualification


Invest In Technology For Social Care For A Whole System Impact

in the adult social care sector by 2035 These staggering numbers highlight the need for long-term reforms to sustainably address the


Investing in better pay and conditions for care workers is of course essential but

technology that shifts the UK from a reactive to a proactive care model It is not about technology for technology s sake but solving an urgent problem that currently cannot be fixed through recruitment alone, with proven solutions that bridge this gap between capacity and demand Falls detection technology is a key example of where proactive solutions for care homes can have a direct impact on the NHS and in ICBs Falls are a major problem in care homes and it is estimated one in two elderly people will have a fall this year and that 1 6 million elderly people have at least one fall every year One in five of these falls experienced by over 80-year-olds will result in a hospital admissionii which means they put significant and frequent pressure on the service including on ambulance and emergency services not to mention health decline for the residents When someone falls every hour spent on the floor correlates to an extra day in hospital This costs the

public health service a minimum of £500 per day Yet currently many care homes need to rely on intrusive night time checks to see if their residents have fallen Not only does this equate to thousands of hours spent unneccessarily on checks each year, but it also means falls are often not detected as quickly as they could be, leading to longer hospital stays which impacts both the resident and the wider healthcare system

Falls detection technology is available now that provides instant alerts and reduces the need for night time checks With a wider roll-out this could have a transformative impact addressing capacity constraints effectively and leading to shorter hospital stays better outcomes and less likelihood of a readmission

Moreover having access to more comprehensive falls data can pre-emptively inform care strategies mitigating risks and promoting resident safety It can support care homes to optimise resource utilisation, reducing associated costs while upholding residents' privacy and dignity

With the significant daily cost of hospital stays and the average stay of an 85 year old being 12 5 days it would seem prudent for ICBs to consider this when allocating funding for falls prevention across the system and to identify where funds can have the biggest positive knock-on impact on the whole health ecosystem

In addition to financial investment and technological advancements, there’s a critical need for a positive reframing of the social care sector, emphasising its inherent value and worthiness of investment alongside the NHS While everyone understands funding for the NHS as it is first person relevant social care has always been one step removed for everyone who funds it so it is less connectable or palatable from a political policy perspective

Positive storytelling not only celebrates the dedicated professionals and caregivers within the sector but also showcases the tangible benefits of investing in social care such as less pressure on the ambulances, less bedblocking, improved health outcomes, enhanced quality of life, and strengthened social cohesion By reframing social care as a cornerstone of a well-oiled sustainable NHS we can foster a culture of investment and innovation that ensures the sector s future and resilience in the face of evolving challenges As the budget discussions unfold it s imperative to recognise the symbiotic relationship between social care investment and the NHS By prioritising technology across both areas of the system policymakers can lay the groundwork for a more resilient, efficient, and person-centred care ecosystem capable of meeting the evolving needs of an ageing population

Riverside House’s Richard Dobinson

Recognised With ‘Champions Of Care’ Award

interests and hobbies but also on helping them achieve their aspirations reconnect with their passions and most importantly have

St James Community Hall in Morpeth attended by the mayor and 100 local people The choir s success has led to invitations to perform at various local events further cementing their place within the community

Tony Stein, chief executive of

PAGE 4 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 Are you employing or looking to recruit foreign workers to plug a skills gap or address staff shortages within your organisation? Would you like to know more about the current challenges and changes relating to sponsorship that affect the care sector – and importantly how to best manage these? In this webinar Fozia Iqbal Senior Business Immigration Solicitor at Harper James will cover the following issues – all in the context of the care sector: An introduction to recruitment and staffing of foreign workers Sponsored Skilled Worker visas – key challenges and developments in the care sector • Immigration rule changes in 2024 – including changes regarding dependants CQC requirements shortage list exceptions salary thresholds increased fees and penalties • UKVI scrutiny – increase in compliance audits, documentary evidence requests and delays Best practice to manage sponsorship in this climate and stay compliant This webinar will help owners managers HR and recruitment professionals directors and C-suite in the care home sector better understand the current challenges and upcoming changes relating to employing overseas workers There will also be a chance for Q&A at the end of the session Please click here for more information and to register for our free webinar Webinar: The Challenges of Employing Foreign Workers in the Care Sector Date & time: Tuesday 19 March 2024 | 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM GMT The social care system is in crisis and investment is urgently needed - yet unfortunately not materialising - to support not only the sector itself but also the wider healthcare system While the digitisation of the NHS through the “productivity plan” as outlined in the spring budget is welcome these technological advancements need to be mirrored within the social care sector to have a real impact: neglecting social care simply exacerbates existing challenges As the impending general election looms, there has never been a more pressing time to reframe the narrative recognising social care as a cornerstone of a healthy ecosystem and call for more investment in transformative proactive technologies for social care too To meet the demands of a rapidly ageing population, Skills for Care estimate that there will be a need to fill 480,000 additional job posts
growing demand for care
also critical
Riverside House Care Home in Morpeth is celebrating more award success for its activities coordinator, Richard Dobinson He has been honoured with a Champions of Care award
Difference” category
annual Champions of Care awards which celebrate the outstanding contributions of individuals within the social care sector The awards aim to recognise those who go above and beyond to enhance the quality of care and make a significant impact on the lives of those they support Richard who was named as ‘1st Runner Up’ has been instrumental in transforming the activities programme at Riverside House bringing creativity, passion, and a deep commitment to enriching the lives of residents Under his guidance activities at the home have not only focused on catering to the residents’
in the Making a
This accolade is part of the
the musically inclined
former school music teacher, leading to the choir’s dream performance at
One of Richard s most notable initiatives has been the formation of “The Forget Me Not Choir ” inspired by
BBC TV series featuring Vicky McClure This initiative particularly resonated with
Healthcare Management Solutions, which operates Riverside House said:
work exemplifies the very essence of what it means to make a difference in the lives of our residents His dedication to creating meaningful engaging and enjoyable activities has not only enriched their lives but has also fostered a strong sense of community both within and outside our home Richard added: “I am deeply honoured to receive a Champions of Care Award This recognition is not just for me but for the entire team at Riverside House, who share the same passion and commitment to enhancing the lives of our residents Our work is about bringing joy fostering a sense of community and helping our residents to connect with their interests and dreams even in their later years “Seeing the positive impact of our activities like the unforgettable journey with ‘The Forget Me Not Choir reaffirms the belief that we can make a significant difference through creativity dedication and love I am grateful for this accolade ”

Lords Voices Concerns On Impact of Health and Social Care Visa Restriction

A cross-party House of Lords scrutiny committee has raised concerns over restrictions to health and social care visas

The changes which come into force on 11 March include prohibiting health and care workers bringing dependants to the UK and narrowing visa eligibility from all posts in the care sector to only those where the sponsor is registered with the CQC

The Committee has called on the Government to provide more information about the effect of these changes which took effect in February 2024

The report comes after the Committee considered the Home Office’s latest Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (HC 556) (the Statement)

The changes remove the provision for most dependants to accompany or join workers coming to the UK to work in the health and care sectors The Statement also narrows the range of jobs in England for which migrant workers can be sponsored reducing it from all posts in the care sector to only those where the sponsor is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The Home Office told the Committee that the measures banning dependants from joining migrant workers would reduce the number of dependants coming to the UK by 120,000 per year but would have no effect on the numbers of workers themselves

The reasons provided by the Department to support this assertion included the fact that there was already a high level of global labour supply; that workers were seeking to come to the UK without their dependants; and that there was a reduction in demand because of the CQC policy change However no evidence was provided by the Department in support of these claims

In addition the Home Office did not conduct a consultation before introducing these changes The lack of such a step meant that any benefits from gathering the views of those in the care sector and the

general public as to the potential impact of the changes was lost

The Statement also includes a separate set of policies that alters the schemes that allow those fleeing the war in Ukraine to enter the UK These changes also suffered from poor supporting material, meaning that explanations of the policy its context or its rationale were inadequate or unconvincing

Baroness Randerson Member of the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee, said:

We recognise that these changes are intended to address concerns about levels of legal migration However, there is alarm among social care providers about the impact of these changes the care sector is already struggling to recruit sufficient workers and is worried these measures could make things worse

“The Government says that the dependant ban will not reduce the number of immigrant workers but it has not provided evidence to back this up This means it is impossible for Parliament to assess the effects of the changes properly and the sector is also left in the dark

Whenever the Government lays legislation which has the potential to affect the effectiveness of a sector and has real world consequences for the public at large it must provide information on the impact This is a principle the Government has accepted but does not always observe in practice and we are writing to the Home Office to ask for further details

“We will continue to highlight examples where departments fall short of their obligations to provide information to Parliament and the public thereby hindering our ability to effectively scrutinise secondary legislation”


How Can We Help International Nurses And Carers Succeed?

Sally Bibb leads the Strengths Practice at PA Consulting and is the author of three best- selling books on strengths Debbie Whitaker is a strengths expert at PA Consulting, where she leads strengths projects across the public and private sectors

New analysis shows that three in 10 NHS nurses now come from overseas For more than a decade hospital trusts, GPs and the wider care sector have been attempting to address the labour shortfall by recruiting international nurses Roughly half of new nursing registrants in England in 2022/23 were trained abroad However this brings practical and cultural challenges which mean that recruits do not always move into more senior posts and surgeries care centres and trusts do not make the most of their skills For example a third of University Hospitals of Leicester s (UHL s) 3 000 nurses are international recruits mostly from India and the Philippines Well-qualified and highly experienced, they are attracted by the opportunity for professional development and progression Yet settling into UK life can be tough In addition to getting to grips with UK clinical, community and care practices, nurses are faced with a different culture and language Despite being highly qualified it can be a challenge to progress to more senior levels

UHL aimed to help these nurses adjust by setting up a pastoral team of nurses with similar backgrounds to their overseas colleagues to support them in navigating this new world This includes an education team

who help them through OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) to assess clinical competence and provide access to support networks English lessons also helped their nurses pick up the local dialect so that they re better able to understand and connect with their patients How else could they work out that duck’ is a Midlands term of endearment?

However despite this support some of their most capable international nurses were not progressing as quickly as UHL hoped Why? Moving to an environment with very different ways of doing things knocked their confidence Some didn’t believe they were capable of undertaking more senior roles This is where a strengths-based approach comes in

Having heard about the impact of a strengths-based method Eleanor Meldrum Deputy Chief Nurse and Head of UHL’s School of Nursing and Midwifery Practice decided to adopt this approach to career development with a view to helping these nurses thrive and developing them to take on roles like Ward Leaders and clinical specialists The programme sought to encourage international nurses to think differently about their development and career options The goal was to help them gain a deep understanding of their unique strengths and motivators – what they love doing are good at and what energises them – and identify the roles where these strengths would help them flourish

This has brought a shift in the way participants see opportunities instead of looking at career development through a narrow lens of clinical skills and qualifications 94% of participants reported that the programme would help nurses value their strengths and increase their confidence Similarly 94% said that it would help them understand how they can use their strengths to have a positive impact and to develop their career in a way that’s right for them By December 2023, 200 people had already benefitted, with several members of the education team promoted after seeing how their strengths fit in new roles and gaining the confidence to apply for them

One example was Thenmozhi Kaliyaperumal, who successfully applied for an Emergency Department nurse role after going through the programme She shared how she feels more confident talking to senior clinicians than she would have in India and is using her strengths to guide less confident colleagues UHL are now rolling the initiative out to all their nursing workforce from Health Care Assistants and Trainee Nursing Associates up to the most senior levels as they realise it will benefit everyone and not only those trained abroad

These positive outcomes can be achieved by other care centres general practices and hospital trusts if they adopt a strength-based approach to development which helps people gain deep insights into how they do their best work If nurses – particularly the rising number of international nurses – know what strengths they bring what they re valued for and how they ll thrive it will help them work out what this means for their future progression and help clinics health centres and care hospitals get the right people in the right roles

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Government Unveils Increased 2024 Funding For Nursing In Care Homes

NHS-funded nursing care rates provided to care homes for the nursing needs of their residents are rising in April

The rate paid to care homes for NHS-funded nursing care will increase by 7 4% for 2024 to 2025 And the standard weekly rate per person eligible for NHS-funded nursing care will increase from £219 71 to £235 88 from 1 April 2024

Increased funding for care homes providing nursing will, the government says support tens of thousands of care home residents with nursing needs, following confirmation that the government will increase the rate by 7 4% for 2024 to 2025

The standard weekly rate per person provided for NHS-funded nursing care will increase by 7 4% from £219 71 to £235 88 from 1 April 2024 with funding paid by the NHS directly to care homes who provide nursing care For the higher rate it will increase from £302 25 to £324 50 This allows eligible care home residents with specific nursing needs to benefit from NHS-funded nursing care Registered nurses provide support to people eligible for NHSfunded nursing care with a variety of needs including people with

learning disabilities those living with enduring physical or mental health needs and various conditions associated with old age This type of nursing requires a range of skills and training with the extra funding supporting this important role

The NHS-funded nursing care rate helps cover the costs of nursing care, ensuring the vital provision can continue to support the needs of residents within nursing homes The uplift for the 2024 to 2025 financial year is based on adult social care data which is quality assured and

independently verified and cost collection data submitted by adult social care providers which has been quality assured Providing this nursing care also helps reduce the pressure on hospitals, ensuring the government’s record funding can be used to help discharge medically fit patients into social care settings This care eases pressure on the NHS and delivers on the government s plan to cut waiting lists The government has a 10-year vision for adult social care To support that vision the government has made available up to £8 6 billion over this financial year and next for adult social care and discharge This funding will enable local authorities to buy more care packages, help people leave hospital in a timely way improve workforce recruitment and retention and reduce waiting times for care Patients get the care they need more quickly The government is additionally investing up to £700 million to make major improvements to the adult social care system THESE INCLUDE: improving care workers skills and supporting career progression • investing in technology innovation and digitisation and adapting people s homes to allow them to live independently

Social Care Hiring Solutions!

Introducing The Carer
Your Premier Destination for A dult
We are thrilled to announce the launch of THE CARER Recruitment, the latest addition to our growing portfolio! As the leading UK residential and nursing care/adult social care publication we understand the pressing need for effective recruitment solutions in the face of ongoing challenges within the sector WHY THE CARER RECRUITMENT? Unparalleled Reach: THE CARER stands as the UK s popular and must read adult social care publication boasting a vast offline and online readership With our new recruitment platform, we extend our reach even further, ensuring your vacancies are seen by a targeted audience consistently across print digital website and social media channels Tailored Solutions: Say goodbye to recruitment headaches! Our userfriendly platform offers cost-effective solutions tailored to meet your hiring needs Whether you're a small care home or a large healthcare organization, we ve got you covered Seamless Interaction: At THE CARER we pride ourselves on our exceptional relationship with our readership With THE CARER Recruitment expect seamless interaction and support throughout the hiring process ensuring a smooth and efficient recruitment journey for both employers and candidates alike In the face of the ongoing crisis in adult social care recruitment The Carer offers a streamlined and cost effective solution to meet your staffing needs Join us in revolutionizing the way you hire in the adult social care sector! Visit our website now to learn more and get started Together let s shape the future of adult social care recruitment! Warm regards The Carer Team recruitment thecareruk com Windward House a care home located in South Brent offering residential dementia and respite care services hosted a heartwarming Mother s Day celebration on Sunday 10th March Part of Centrum Care Group Windward House welcomed families into their conservatory from 2-4PM for a special cream tea buffet marking the day with a profound sense of unity and warmth The event saw the participation of five families totalling 36 attendees, and the home was adorned with festive decorations, balloons and elegant tableware early in the morning setting the stage for a day filled with happiness and togetherness
and guests indulged in an array of treats including scones, jam, cream, biscuits, miniature pasties, sausage rolls, cakes fruits and sandwiches The afternoon was further enriched with laughter conversations and the shared delight of traditional games like quoits and skittles One resident Joyce Brooker aged 88 said: “The event was very enjoyable it was a wonderful afternoon Nigel and Janet family members of resident Shirley Bowen aged 87 said “The Conservatory was beautifully decorated the tea was delicious The team worked really hard to make sure everyone had a great time celebrating a special day Nicholas Hill Registered Manager at Windward House commented: What a lovely day it was - there was a real sense of family and team spirit all round, and we cannot wait until our next event ”
Windward House Care Home Celebrates Mother's Day with Heartfelt Festivities








Sector Dismay to Chancellor’s Budget “Social Care the Loser Once Again”

Social care providers have warned that a lack of extra funding for the sector in today s budget will undermine efforts to help the NHS

The provider organisation The Independent Care Group (ICG) had urged the Chancellor to improve funding to ease the crisis in the care of older and vulnerable adults

But social care was not even mentioned when Jeremy Hunt delivered his budget this afternoon, leaving carers dismayed

There was no support offered for social care was in the Spring Budget as chancellor Jeremy Hunt concentrated on tax cuts and providing more money for the NHS

Measures announced included a 2p cut in National Insurance and a £3 4 billion fully funded NHS productivity plan focused on digital transformation, but there was no new money for social care

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: Once again hundreds of thousands of people who currently can’t get care and the many thousands who work tirelessly delivering care have been cruelly betrayed

Here was an opportunity to improve funding for social care address the 1 6m people who can’t get care, the 152,000 staff vacancies and the ever-growing list of providers cutting back or exiting the market

“But that opportunity was again ignored and the delivery of social care will be the loser once again

“A lack of measures to help social care will undermine and potentially destroy the actions announced today to support the NHS as one cannot function properly without the other

“Today there was an opportunity to be bold and go down as the Chancellor who acted on the crisis in social care and began the process of creating a National Care Service for the country “Instead, the sector was ignored once again and the crisis will deepen letting down thousands of older and vulnerable adults and damaging our ability to work hand in hand with the NHS to create cradle-to-the-grave help and support

Professor Martin Green OBE Chief Executive Officer of Care England says: This year s Spring Budget made it clear that the government has no intention to make good on its 5-year-old promise to ‘fix social care While financial support was given to the child social care system which was recognised as broken, no such lifeline was given to adult social care Our sector continues to move ever closer to a cliff edge We all want good quality care for our loved ones – now we need those in Government to care ”

The focus of the Spring Budget was on reducing personal taxation despite consistent polling from Ipsos showing that healthcare is the primary issue that will decide the public s vote at the next election –ahead of inflation and the wider economic situation

The Chancellor confirmed a landmark public sector productivity

plan” which will create a more productive NHS Whilst Care England welcomes this move the relationship between health and social care has been overlooked Investing in social care will allow people to have their needs met in the place they call home and reduce pressure on the NHS

Following the Spring Budget the adult social care sector will face another challenging year on top of a situation where 43% of adult social care providers have closed services or handed back contracts to the Local Authority as a result of financial pressure according to research from Care England and the national learning disability charity, Hft

Professor Martin Green continues: “Adult social care is an essential service to the public The cries of our sector have fallen on deaf ears A stable adult social care system is vital to the health of the NHS but this relationship is clearly not appreciated Care services are vital to local economies and employment opportunities but this has also been overlooked This was the Government’s last chance saloon to deliver on its promise but with no long-term commitment to funding the system the situation grows increasingly perilous ”

Vic Rayner CEO of NCF said: This budget is yet another demonstration of this government undermining its pledges to deliver adult social care reform We are struck that we have gone from a position where there was a dedicated Health and Social Care Levy to fix social care once and for all” in 2021, to one where National Insurance has been cut by 4p in the space of a year There is very little regard to the long-term sustainability of public services in this budget and it is therefore disappointing but not unexpected that there are no new announcements for adult social care The cost of delivering these pre-election tax cuts will constrain public spending for several years

It is clear the Chancellor has missed a key opportunity to address the huge funding pressures on local government and social care providers alike – these pressures are leading to multiple councils from across the political spectrum declaring bankruptcy due to the spiralling costs of social care For the thousands of people who are waiting for assessments and care packages, this budget does nothing to improve the accessibility or availability of care Additionally for the organisations providing care and support it does nothing to address the ongoing workforce and recruitment challenges ”

We are calling for the government to take a long-term strategic approach to investment in adult social care as a key part of the nation’s infrastructure Adult social care is a public service which unlocks economic growth, enables people to return to work, reduces demand on other public services and leads to more social cohesion

Sam Monaghan CEO of MHA said: “As expected the Chancellor has failed to address the current crisis facing the social care sector during the Spring Budget

“Our ask is that ahead of the next General Election all political parties present a credible sustainable plan that resolves the current gap between government funding and the cost of providing care After decades of successive governments dodging this question there are

now nearly half a million people waiting just for a social care assessment This cannot continue

“We also need to see a long-term strategy that tackles the estimated 152 000 staff vacancies in the sector and makes social care a stronger career choice for young people This is why we’ve been calling on Government to commit to the creation of a Social Care Council which would value the sector and act as an independent body examining issues such as pay scales working hours and recruitment on an ongoing basis

“Solving current issues will require significant investment and any funding needs to be introduced in an affordable and manageable way At the very least, we expect all political parties to understand and listen to the sector s needs – and show their commitment to tackle challenges head on ”

Rebecca Young Director of External Affairs at Revitalise said: As the incumbent Chancellor of the Exchequer delivers what could well be the Conservative Party’s final fiscal commitment before the country heads to polling booths national charity Revitalise calls on all MPs to take heed of the critical state of affairs in the social care sector In particular the significant fall in access to respite support

"As the leading provider of breaks and holidays for disabled people and their carers in the UK Revitalise offers crucial respite care and safeguards against individuals with disabilities and their caregivers reaching breaking point

Yet years of austerity the pandemic and the cost of living crisis has seemingly turned vital respite care into a luxury – with ONS Data reported by Channel 4 suggesting that of the 4 7 million unpaid carers in England, only one in 129 received respite funding This is a 37% drop from 2015

Hunt has emphasised the Conservative Party s desire for better productivity and a higher quality of public services mentioning also that it was one of his great privileges to be Health Secretary Once again however, we must strongly urge the Government to consider how we go about meeting the surging demand for social care services after more than a decade of slashing budgets and a failure to protect the most vulnerable in our society As always social care has been forgotten

Our guests their families and their peers speak of being abandoned by those with decision making powers The current situation as it stands, means carers are forced to breaking point before respite is offered

"It is essential that respite services are fully funded and protected It is deeply concerning that successive governments have failed to address the enormous deficit in supply over demand in the social care sector and how we go about funding these services

When Jeremy Hunt was Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee he said social care needed an extra £7bn a year just to stand still


The Road to Outstanding Care


innovation 24/7 commitment and strong teamwork which together create magic! I always think you can feel an Outstanding home as soon as you walk through the door – there s a wonderful warmth and buzz So how can we help our homes achieve this?


Providing Outstanding care to our residents starts with supporting our people to be at their best Careers in our sector can be hugely rewarding but they also need wellrounded support Caring for people s mental and physical health through tailor-made benefits schemes should be a priority as well as supporting their financial health with schemes like

loans, early access to wages or financial advice

Setting Outstanding culture comes from the top It s important to empower every person at the home whatever their


Outstanding care This means encouraging people to come forward with their

implementing new initiatives These don’t need to be complicated every

something special Once the team starts to see the impact of

reward people for delivering Outstanding care This can be vouchers treats or par-


or whole teams for their Outstanding experiences A simple thank you in recognition of great work also goes a long way


When creating an Outstanding environment delivering person-centred care supporting independence and honouring choice should be the aim

This means getting to know our residents like friends and family and working closely with their loved ones to uncover their passions history life and personality outside of the home

Every day I hear wonderful examples of our people helping our residents live full lives This might be taking them to the pub, garden centre or café to enjoy activities they’ve always loved, to creating a shoe shop for a resident who used to work in one, organising a birthday message from Ed Sheeran for a super fan or becoming a Defra-registered home to keep pigs so that a lifelong farmer feels at home


At Bupa we’re undergoing an ambitious digital transformation, driven by our people They told us that they wanted to spend their time caring By replacing time-consuming paperwork with digital notes that can be updated on the go we re freeing them up to deliver Outstanding care

Adoption of digital tools for care planning compliance and assurance underpins our ability to provide Outstanding care Technology gives us information about a resident’s history, medication or interests at the tap of a button and helps us communicate with relatives health professionals safeguarding and local authorities swiftly and easily It makes us agile in how we provide care adapt to change and gather data so we can predict future needs

It also supports us in evidencing our Outstanding care to our regulators when it comes to inspections and to share learnings with our colleagues so that we can all improve

Sharing the caring

Once teams are in an Outstanding mindset they are constantly on the lookout for new ideas Again technology can support with this On our intranet our 10 000 people share ideas and best practice and learn from each other It’s wonderful to see them inspiring each other, and it helps us all provide high quality care and experiences for our residents whichever home they’re in

Sharing best practice more widely is also a key part of achieving an Outstanding rating through contributing to scientific research And when it comes to inspections sharing learnings across homes can be really helpful so that everyone can benefit, and consider where improvements could be made

Ultimately an Outstanding CQC rating is entirely reachable by working together to provide Outstanding care every day By helping our residents to live their best lives our people thrive in their careers too

‘I’d Do it All Again Next Week!’: World of Fun as Winchester Care Home Celebrates Cultural Diversity


Team members from a dozen countries have helped a Winchester care home celebrate cultural diversity Colleagues from Europe Africa and Asia partied with residents at Colten Care s Abbotts Barton on a vibrant day of multicultural festivities

The fun featured music dancing national costumes traditional culinary treats and displays highlighting different regions and customs

Countries represented among the team at the Worthy Road home include Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines Togo Ghana Nigeria Morocco South Africa Ukraine Poland and Estonia

Abbotts Barton Home Manager Dee Lovewell said: “Our staff are of many different nationalities and we wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate that with our residents

“Across both clinical and non-clinical roles our team s experience skills

and knowledge informed by their mix of backgrounds truly enriches our home and our standards of care for residents and their families

“The day started with presentations from Poland and Ukraine followed by a gala display in the afternoon

We had traditional music and dancing from Nepal and India and food from all nations to sample Residents toured the room looking at the displays for each country They even got up to dance with staff when we played traditional South African music

“Everyone was still buzzing from all the excitement the following day

One of those who attended George Smith said: “The colours of the team’s dresses were so vibrant and the styles unique ”

Fellow resident Mary Bulbeck said: “I would be happy to do that all again next week!

Health and Safety Matters

PAGE 12 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 The National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services (NASHiCS) focuses on all Health and Safety matters affecting the social care sector The association has gone from strength to strength since its inception and has a growing membership across many care providers and organisations covering the UK Keeping up to date regarding Health and Safety matters is vital The more you know, the more you can plan and the more you plan, the less you are susceptible in turbulent times to both internal and external risks Through the association you can Network with colleagues responsible for Health and Safety share your own best practice experiences and hear how others have overcome challenges Source dedicated events on health and safety in the sector and participate in national and local Networkers Conferences Seminars in-person or virtual webinars Advertise job vacancies and benefit from favourable member offers and rates from suppliers of goods services and equipment Receive regular update emails covering latest developments and safety alerts/news; while giving access to current information links on key safety topics; and monthly our highly praised e-News Matters covered range from fire safety, training, infection control, lone working falls prevention first aid to stress legionella case law regulation people moving people and mock courts to mention just a few See our website for information on past, as well as future events – www nashics org We have developed national links with other organisations, government bodies, regulators and enforcement agencies Our aim is to promote and improve safety and health in care practice by providing a sharing and networking forum for debate and discussion Joining NASHiCS is a great and easy way to keep informed and aware Health and Safety is an essential element in the workplace and matters to everyone involved with social care now and in the future Find out more – administrator@nashics org www nashics org 07840 160 030
At Bupa Care Services providing Outstanding care to our residents is always our goal At each of our 120+ care homes and retirement villages our people work tirelessly to provide the best quality care for residents
achieve an Outstanding CQC rating it requires continuous
role to
care on the residents, the momentum
ties, to
a ‘can do’
builds It s also important

Fulcrum Care Launches ‘Pivotal People’ Inter view Series, Spotlighting Leaders in the Care Sector

Fulcrum Care a respected name in the care sector has launched its latest endeavour:

Pivotal People an interview series dedicated to highlighting influential figures within the industry

This series offers a platform for open dialogue learning and inspiration providing viewers with insights into the minds and experiences of those shaping the future of care

In an industry constantly evolving to meet society's changing needs recognising the contributions of trailblazers is of particular importance ‘Pivotal People’ aims to do just that by spotlighting leaders from various domains, including care home management and healthcare investment

Through in-depth interviews, viewers can expect to gain valuable insights into the challenges triumphs and future directions of the care industry The series strives to deepen understanding of the sector and foster collaboration and innovation among professionals

Tony Thiru CEO of Fulcrum Care shared his perspective about the launch of ‘Pivotal People : We are delighted to introduce Pivotal People to

the care community and beyond This series offers an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the individuals driving positive change within the care sector By providing a platform for their stories and experiences we hope to inspire others and contribute to the ongoing dialogue within the industry ‘Pivotal People’ premiered on Sunday 18 February with an interview with Ernie Graham of the Graham Care Group Subsequent episodes have been released every Sunday thereafter The series can be viewed on Fulcrum Care s YouTube channel, or on

Fulcrum s LinkedIn page:

https //www linkedin com/company/fulcrumcare

About Fulcrum Care: Fulcrum Care Consultancy is a leading provider of expert guidance and support in the health and social care sector With a dedicated team of professionals they specialise in regulatory compliance operational efficiency and staff training for care homes and organisations Their client-centred approach and commitment to excellence ensure sustainable growth and success for their clients www fulcrumcareconsulting com

Maintain and encourage healthy living and a good quality of life.

Violet Home Care are an established domiciliary care agency in the UK.

We understand that many individuals would prefer to receive care in the comfort of their own homes, rather than moving into a care facility.

That's why we offer a range of home care services, tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each client.

At Violet Home Care we aim to provide quality health care service, to enable people stay in their homes.

We recognize that everyone has different needs and hence require personalized care

Some of the many services that we can provide:

• Live in Care

• Overnight Care

• Sleep Patterns Evaluation

• Shopping e.g. grocery or personal

• Help with medication

• Meal Preparation

• Washing & Ironing

• Outings to friends, family, and walks

• Cleaning the home


Class Of 2023 Graduate From The Barchester Chef Academy

hospitality team it is Mervyn’s job to ensure that the food being produced in all of Barchester s 258 care homes and private hospitals for residents and patients meets Barchester’s very high standards in terms of quality taste nutrition and presentation and that dishes are being prepared to the exact requirements of our individual residents

The Barchester Chef Academy helps chefs to both hone their skills and learn new ones covering many different modules including cooking for residents living with dementia budgeting balancing flavours minimising wastage, presentation skills and so much more The 20 chefs who completed this year’s course were full of praise for all they had learned; the chance to perfect new techniques and recipes share hints

and tips to network and make new contacts and to expand their skill set Back in their divisions, these chefs will help to train the hospitality teams in their sister homes

Speaking about the Academy’s success Mervyn Knights commented: “I am absolutely delighted at how well the Academy has been received by everyone who attended the course it has been such a positive experience for all involved We have already started work with the Academy’s new Class of 2024 who are really enjoying the programme so far and who I know will go on to achieve great things ”

Dr Pete Calveley CEO of Barchester Healthcare added: I am a huge fan of the Academy, not least because I have had the pleasure of sampling some of the fantastic dishes produced by our talented chefs I am impressed by the high standard of cooking and by how beautifully everything is presented I am incredibly proud of all of the chefs that took part in the Academy this year I know they produce wonderful food for our residents and patients cooked to their individual preferences every single day I am also exceptionally proud of Mervyn and all that he has achieved with the Academy it is a brilliant initiative and one that I know will go from strength to strength under his leadership

Meet Industr y Experts at CleanEx 2024

excitement is building as CleanEx2024 – the only UK exhibition dedicated to the laundry and textile care industry – looks to set records when the doors open at Ascot Racecourse on Sunday 28
Monday 29 April
encompasses every facet of the industry and since its inception in 2012 the biennial event has grown enormously New equipment launched machinery demonstrations – in fact everything from detergents to large washers dryers to bed linen can be seen and compared
exhibition includes the biggest names in the sector alongside newer entrants keen to show off their ingenuity and showcase products This year sustainability and products which save time and energy are expected to draw a wide audience CleanEx 2024 like its successful predecessors attracts visitors from across the UK and the rest of the world Virtually all attendees have buyer power within their organisation and are looking to make the most of this valuable opportunity Organiser Mark Gleed says I am very excited for the sixth edition of CleanEx and know from the massive interest that the 2024 exhibition is going to see deals done and create talking points in the years to come We can t wait – and neither can those attending as exhibitors or visitors ” It’s very easy to register for Cleanex 2024 Just go to https://cleanex ecreg uk/ where you can download an information pack Ascot Racecourse, the prestigious venue, is ideally placed for visitors It’s close to Ascot train station and just a short distance from central London and major road networks linking the rest of the UK We look forward to seeing you there!
April and
expert guidance from Barchester s Hospitality Development and Standards Manager, Mervyn Knights, 20 talented head chefs – the Class of 2023 – have just completed a year s training and graduated from the Barchester Chef Academy The Academy is the brainchild of Knights who joined Barchester 21 years ago as a Kitchen Assistant and worked his way up through the ranks to head chef and then to his current position as part of the team overseeing hospitality training across the whole of Barchester Along with the rest of the

Aerial Shots Show Innovative Development

As Langtree Care Home approaches its Autumn 2024 completion an exciting aerial photo has captured the development which is set to revolutionise care in the North West Langtree Care Home is a 52-bed EMI care home that will meet an increasing demand for high-need dementia care beds in the region

The home has been commissioned by Millennium Care a family-run award-winning care provider with five homes in Greater Manchester and Lancashire A pandemic-proof build the home has been designed with dementia in mind by Alessandro Caruso Architects, who specialise in healthcare builds which aim to improve quality of life

Alessandro Caruso, Founder at Alessandro Caruso Architects said: Empathic design is at the heart of every decision taken to enhance the well-being and quality of life for the residents of this new care home It s been a great journey to share our specialist knowledge with the team at Millennium Care and learn from so much feedback relatable to existing residents’ experiences to design a holistic new experience for people suffering from dementia

“The proposed new care home will provide an environment that can: alleviate stress and simplify residents movement; provide a choice of rooms and landscaped sensory gardens; maximise exposure to natural light to improve residents mood and circadian rhythms ”

Langtree Care Home will also finalise the Standish Care Village, an innovative care community that will provide the ultimate level of care continuity

The site based on Chorley Road in Standish will cater for respite residential nursing dementia and EMI care which will enable residents to stay in the same familiar setting as their needs change

On the development, Stacey Astin Regional Manager at Millennium Care said:

“As Langtree nears completion we re so excited to provide an extra level of care to those in our local community The need for EMI care is growing and Langtree will help meet that need which is only going to increase

“Having three differing homes at the Standish Care Village will provide residents and their families the peace of mind we all want when thinking about our loved ones

“Langtree as well as Worthington Lake is purpose-built to provide the best level of care Both taking on board the latest research in dementia design while utilising our exceptional location by harnessing nature; a key part of Millennium nonpharmacological approach to care ”


Overcoming Recruitment Challenges In Residential Care

From acute staff shortages and low retention rates through to resourcing from overseas and frankly, a perception problem recruitment is a daily issue that residential care employers must navigate The reasons behind the care recruitment and retention crisis are well-documented including historic and extremely low pay compounded by the cost-of-living crisis a lack of career development and training opportunities as well as poor staff morale often matched by long hours and burn-out

So where do care home employers start when it comes to redressing their recruitment strategies?


It’s easy to say “recruit carefully and slowly” when you’re not faced with a consistent staffing challenge impacting the quality of care and service you can offer But by tackling your recruitment strategy over the longer-term you will be able to remove immediate pressures on your talent pipeline

Taking the longer- term view and hiring the right person for your business – from culture and personality fit perspective – can save you time further down the line This can be as simple as ensuring you have a thorough background check system in place to guide your hiring decisions as well as increasing retention rates

Look at your visa compliance checks It might seem obvious but – when recruiting overseas staff - right to work checks should be done before the individual starts work EU workers will need to show they have either pre-settled or settled status and those with a temporary right to work will need to have their visa status checked From April 2022 all visas must be checked digitally via https://www gov uk/check-job-applicant-right-to-work

If you employ any staff on student visas make sure they’re not exceeding their maximum permitted hours of 20hours / week during term times Any more than this is a breach of their visa conditions Overtime

sleeping nights and on-call hours (if at the place of work or sufficiently restrictive) will count towards their total weekly hours We recommend requesting a copy of their university term dates at the start of each academic year to enable compliance

With modern slavery a very real and alarming feature of care homes today, ensure you have also implemented a watertight policy for this including relevant identity checks as well as training of staff


Alongside the ethics of being a good employer there s a commercial advantage too – in a competitive marketplace, care homes with strong employer brands will attract the best talent, which means they can deliver the best care for their residents and their families All this fuels your reputation – in a market where reputation is a challenge

In an industry where staff are often treated as disposable developing a culture of appreciation is also vital: showing people they are valued supports engagement productivity and loyalty And this needs to be cascaded across all levels – from carers to catering and cleaning teams as much as management and leadership


Again a powerful way to recruit people is through culture a place where people can thrive at work Make sure your employees take their full holiday allowance to both protect staff health wellbeing and work-life balance

Ensure staff get sufficient Breaks: they should comply with Working Time Regulation 1998 (WTR) requirements or if this is not possible offer sufficient compensatory rest instead Employers should check that staff who are working for other employers are still getting sufficient rest breaks between roles and not exceeding the maximum permitted amount of night working Remember sleeping nights and on-call shifts will count as working for WTR purposes (if at the place of work or sufficiently restrictive)!

In a market where training and career development are under-valued and hard to access prioritise professional development for your teams

An effective recruitment strategy in today’s care sector requires that employers ensure they prioritise the things that potential staff truly want – a positive workplace where people are valued can thrive and perform to the best of their ability – safely and fairly



Westland Horticulture home to brands such as Big Tom Boost Resolva Unwins and Kent & Stowe is excited to announce the New Horizon Fund that will support community garden projects across the UK and Ireland in 2024 Is your local care home s outdoor space in need of some love and care to help ensure its accessible to all? At Westland we believe everyone deserves to get closer to nature and a thriving garden has a vast array of physical and therapeutic benefits whatever your level of mobility From awakening the senses of touch sight and smell with an abundance of thriving plants and flowers, to simply sitting in the fresh air surrounded by beauty and wildlife everyone deserves to enjoy an outdoor space The New Horizon Fund aims to create a greener future for all and will support community garden projects from schools allotments hospices and care homes across the UK and Ireland The funding will comprise of a collection of gardening essentials from Westland from compost seeds tools plant feed and much more to the value of £1,000 or Euro equivalent Each prize bundle will be individually created based on the project s needs to help them transform their space HOW TO GET YOUR LOCAL CARE HOME INVOLVED
your local care home could benefit from receiving a donation from Westland s New Horizon Fund to help its outdoor space thrive, nominate them at www gardenhealth com/new-horizon-fund There will be multiple prize draws throughout the year in March June and September with at least five bundles being awarded at each stage so there’s plenty of opportunities for your local care home to be gifted a bundle The sooner you enter, the better chance you have The final closing date will be 1st September 2024
media which includes composts is the No 1 consumed gardening product With every bag sold of Westland s New Horizon peat free compost, the fund grows and grows Every time you buy a bag of New Horizon you ll know you’re contributing to community projects that will greatly benefit from an improved outdoor space NEW HORIZON PEAT FREE ORGANIC ALL PLANT COMPOST Success in gardening all starts with compost, and with Westland’s New Horizon compost, you can be sure it is great for the garden and great for the planet Our relentless pursuit of excellence in ingredients processes and quality has resulted in our most environmentally friendly and highest performance compost range ever It provides everything plants require for optimal growth and health The New Horizon compost is our most sustainable variety and is the leading sustainable brand in our growing media category It’s naturally peat free, it’s 100% sustainably sourced, and helps all plants and nature thrive New Horizon has been specially created to be the perfect blend for vegetables, fruits, and flowers The ingredients start to nourish plants immediately and continue to feed for up to 6 weeks Win A Gardening Bundle For Your Local Care Home Or Hospice With Westland Celebrations have been in full swing at Hethersett Hall as one of its residents reaches her 103rd birthday in style Betty was joined by staff, relatives, friends and other residents as she received lots of cards and well wishes to mark another landmark birthday A champagne breakfast was held at the home and guests enjoyed a special birthday cake Betty then enjoyed an amazing afternoon tea at Park Farm accompanied by friends and staff from Hethersett Hall The birthday girl said when asked ‘what is the secret to living such a long and healthy life Betty s said I can t tell you all the secrets but laughing and singing are two of them ’ Elena Sandu General Manager of Barchester Hethersett Hall added: We re delighted to be celebrating a truly remarkable woman as she reaches another amazing milestone Betty is such a popular resident who always has an interesting tale to tell and sings a song and we look forward to hearing many more Betty Celebrates 103rd Birthday Lets Us Know Her Secret

Overseas Workers In The Care Sector – A

Vital Workforce Operating In A Legal Minefield

For employers in the UK care sector who continue to weather a long-running recruitment crisis, the importance of overseas workers for their survival cannot be overstated

Without the thousands of foreign workers who have taken up positions at care homes and other institutions many facilities would not be able to provide the vital service upon which so many depend

Many of those employed as care workers have been granted permission to work in the UK under the Health and Care Worker visa scheme which was introduced by the Government in August 2020 due to the unprecedented challenges being experienced at the time

The restriction on free movement following Brexit followed closely by the Covid-19 pandemic placed unsustainable demands on workforce recruitment within the sector at a time of intense pressure

These problems were exacerbated by existing difficulties faced by the sector in recruiting from the resident population and with the retention of care sector employees

Faced with such formidable challenges the Government also added key care sector roles to the shortage occupation list

Put together these measures enabled care managers to recruit from overseas at reduced salary rates when compared with standard visa applications and with reduced visa fees and no immigration health surcharge

Unsurprisingly, this raft of changes to regulations has had a significant impact

In the year ending June 2023 the Government estimates that grants under the Health and Care visa routes rose by over two and a half times to around 120 000 compared to the previous year

Yet this has resulted in a relatively low decrease in overall vacancy numbers of only around 11 000

High turnover in the sector meant that there were approximately 390 000 leavers in 2022/2023 a disparity which has drawn considerable attention Skills for Care estimate there are still over 150,000 vacancies, in addition to over 100 000 NHS vacancies

Consequently, overseas recruitment remains vital to sustaining recruitment levels and easing the current staffing crisis

Home Office concern about the significant growth in Skilled Worker visa holders however means it is likely to encounter intense scrutiny

In the wake of the recruitment surge the Home Office indicated that significant concerns have emerged about high levels of non-compliance worker exploitation and abuse within the adult social care sector par-

ticularly for overseas workers employed within care occupations

As such they have started to significantly increase scrutiny of certificate applications made by care sector employees These now trigger extensive further enquiries raised by the Home Office, leading to delays for care sector employers

In addition to these extra stresses placed upon employers the Home Office has also indicated that it will channel additional enforcement action to the care sector

For example we have already seen an increase in right to work enforcement with several civil penalties of over £100 000 being issued by the Home Office to care sector employers These penalties were issued before the civil penalties tripled at the beginning of February and would be much higher if they had been issued today

If the Home Office does take enforcement action it can also lead to the suspension and revocation of a sponsor licence For a care home business this would be catastrophic All sponsored workers would face the cancellation of their visas and would need to leave employment, and, most likely, leave the UK too

Seen in this context it is essential to note that while abuse and exploitation in the care sector must be identified and eliminated the Home Office s current approach will be harmful to the sector overall

The severity of the enforcement action will slow down essential recruitment and penalise businesses that have found the complex immigration system difficult to navigate rather than intentionally breaching the rules

Against this backdrop companies need to prepare well for anticipated future measures and ensure they are operating within the appropriate parameters, so they can be confident they do not lose their Skilled

Worker Sponsor Licences

Care sector employers should pay particular attention to whether sponsored workers are undertaking the role for which they have been sponsored, and that sponsored employees are being paid the correct amount

They also need to be vigilant in ensuring that overseas nationals are not being employed in breach of the conditions of their visa particularly when employing overseas students who have additional restrictions on their right to work

Another consideration is making sure that overseas nationals who are supposed to be sponsored by a different sponsor are still engaged in that employment If they are not they are not permitted to work in the UK

Of equal importance is checking that overseas nationals are not having excessive deductions taken from their pay to cover immigration costs or for example working excessive hours in breach of Working Time


More generally, employers who rely on a valuable migrant workforce absolutely must prepare for recruitment with sufficient time

It has never been more important to double-check the most up-to-date version of sponsor guidance right-to-work guidance and salary requirements

Kingston Care Home Residents Take A Trip Back To The Church Where They Married, To Celebrate Their 64th Wedding

and Patrick was a vacuum cleaner salesman Peggy remembers telling Patrick: “I would love to marry you” just a few weeks after they met They married just 6 months later and had their reception at Peggy’s parent’s house nearby They have 3 daughters and a son 3 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren

Shannon said: “Peggy and Patrick have lived together at Kingston Care Home for nearly a year now and it s been wonderful getting to know them and hearing all about their life together Being back at the church for the first time since their wedding brought back so many memories for them Peggy was quite emotional when she remembered her father walking her down the aisle but they told me how touched they were and happy that they got the chance to visit the church again, 64 years after they got married there ”

couple living at Kingston Care Home in Kingston upon Thames have celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary by taking a trip back to the church they got married in Peggy and Patrick Brogan had been telling the care home s Magic Moments Coordinator Shannon Couchman all about their wedding day and she suggested a visit to Holy Trinity Church in Hammersmith on their anniversary for a romantic trip down memory lane Peggy and Patrick were both born in Ireland but moved to London in their teens and met at the Garryowen Irish dance hall in Hammersmith Patrick said: “I took to her instantly but didn't know if she would like me ” Peggy laughed: He looked very handsome but my sister asked: Where did you find him? Patrick drove Peggy and her friend home from the dance and remembers “We locked eyes in the rearview mirror” Peggy worked as a shorthand typist at Richmond International College
Anniversar y UK Care Week has announced their surprise guest for the 20th & 21st March at the NEC Birmingham Helen Whately Minister of State in the Department for Health and Social Care will deliver a keynote address set to ignite discussions on the current state of the care sector Appointed as Minister of State in the Department for Health and Social Care on 26 October 2022, Helen Whately brings a wealth of experience and a passion for driving positive change in the healthcare landscape Her dedication to public service is evident in her previous roles where she served as Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury and as Minister of State (Minister for Care) at the Department of Health and Social Care Notably, Helen Whately also contributed significantly as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport Her diverse background reflects a deep commitment to enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities Key takeaways will include insights into the future of health and social care policies, innovative strategies for improving the quality of care and delivery of the government’s vision for the care sector This addition to the programme makes UK Care Week 2024 an event not to be missed! Across the 2 days care professionals have the opportunity to dive into the latest innovations learn from industry leaders, and celebrate the collective efforts to enhance the quality of care Tickets are free to register or for more information visit ukcareweek com Minister of State in the Department for Health and Social Care to Address Care Community at UK Care Week in March

Parklands' Year of Achievement

on dealing with the outbreak and learning how the previous company ran things I needed to figure out their methods so I could smoothly transition Weston View into a fully operational Parklands home

I am a very systematic, organised person, so my first priority was to ensure that the care provided to the residents was not compromised during the period of transition I also had to get to know 40 new residents and their families and reassure them that Parklands had their best interests at heart

At Parklands, we use digital technology to update care records in real time At Weston View everything was logged on paper so we began the painstaking – but necessary – process of transferring the

paper-based care records from the previous operator onto our electronic systems

This was a mammoth task lasting several months but fortunately I was supported by the staff team who knew their residents very well

This was a turning point I felt marking the start of a new relationship based on trust The care team saw that we listened to them all, took on board their views and valued their expertise

When I arrived the staff were in a quite despondent mood not surprising given the fluid situation Nobody had seen the process of administration coming They didn t know if they still had jobs They also had to undergo a huge transition, suddenly working with a new operator with its own set of standards and values

Identifying the permanent staffing team and managing the rota proved tricky at first because of the paper-based systems in place Using our new electronic systems staff can now easily access their rotas It might sound like a minor detail but it gives our employees greater certainty and allows them to plan their home life more effectively We firmly belief in a work-life balance

One of the reasons the previous company went into administration was because of high agency costs From day one, we were determined to reduce the home s reliance on agency workers This means we can invest more in our own people and ensures continuity of care for residents

Weston View is home to 40 residents and we want it to look its best Decluttering the home proved a big task We filled 18 skips and at times I felt that I was a property development manager!

But now we have a beautiful, newly decorated home with new carpets throughout a new lounge and dining rooms and a medication room fit for purpose Seeing the end results of our labour has given everyone a sense of pride in the home

There are more ambitious plans to come but changing the fabric of the building is only part of the challenge A care home is only as good as the people who work in it and the values they espouse Parklands is proud of its four key values – respect and trust, professionalism working together and a good place to work Through supervision and training events, we’ve worked hard to ensure that all staff live and breathe

those values

Communication has been a key factor in how we have been able to turn the home around - being honest having regular meetings acting on queries, requests, and information, and the recognition that every role at Weston View is equal in importance

Our latest Care Inspectorate report suggests we ve made tremendous progress embedding our values

In February the Care Inspectorate carried out a routine inspection at Weston View grading us on five key criteria: support for residents wellbeing quality of leadership performance of the staff team the home’s setting, and the effectiveness of care and support planning

It was our first inspection since the transition to Parklands and I couldn’t be more delighted with the outcome - in three categories, Weston View was graded 5 (very good); and grade 4 (good) in two others These grades are a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone at Weston View and represent a quite dramatic turnaround To put this report into context Weston View was previously rated 3 (adequate) for leadership whereas today it is rated 5

In my over 10 years at Parklands I have never seen such a transformation It shows that by investing in and developing senior staff and giving them the autonomy to lead we have been able to unlock their full potential

I feel very humbled that in my 38th year of working in the NHS and social care I have the privilege to lead such a dedicated professional team and that we have fostered a learning environment that allows staff to develop their skills learn reflect and thrive professionally

Every member of the Weston View team should be proud of the Care Inspectorate report and see it as recognition of their hard work After a difficult period of transition and uncertainty it means we can all move forward together knowing that we have the skills knowledge and experience to deliver the best outcomes for our residents

In a career spanning four decades I thought I’d seen it all The past year has been one of most challenging but rewarding of my career There have been tears of laughter and tears of frustration but, in the end we can be proud of what we have achieved together through teamwork

88 Year Old Great Yarmouth Care Home Resident Finds A New

M-Resourcing are delighted to announce the appointment of Dan Ashenden to lead our M-Resourcing service with effect from 1 December 2023

M-Resourcing offers a multi-faceted approach to solving complexresourcing problems facing the care sector Whether you facespiralling staffing costs and pressures, or simply require a newapproach to managing this critical area for your organisation, ourcomprehensive resourcing solution reduces costs brings controland allows you to plan for the future with confidence

We knowfrom talking to our clients that managing their resourcing costs isstill a key priority and this important appointment underlines ourcontinuing commitment to the sector Christoph Marr CEO of Marr Procurement Dan is a highly-capable leader and has incredibly valuable experiencefrom his years in the care sector managing and delivering complex temporary labour

agency programmes We areexcited to bring that experience to our clients ”

Dan spent 6 years at Priory Group During my rewarding six-year tenure at Priory, I had the privilege of beingappointed as the inaugural UK Agency Manager where I honed my skills in enhancing their PSL offering Thisexperience has provided invaluable insights into the principles of effective temporary agency management reduction and control Now, as the Head of M-Resourcing at Marr Procurement I aim to leverage this knowledge tointroduce innovative strategies for temp agency reduction to benefit our clients My goal is to ensure

the delivery ofa cost-effective and compliant offering, especially in the face of increasing sector costs With a rising demand andour commitment to fairness, our offering at Marr Procurement is poised to become even more beneficial Marr Procurement is a professional procurement organisation serving the care sector and founded on the values ofIntegrity Fairness and Quality In everything we do we believe in doing things better ensuring fairness for clientsand suppliers alike and always doing the right thing Marr Procurement was set up in 2008 and has since servedmore than 50 care clients in delivering savings through sourcing over £1bn of spend Christoph Marr CEO Marr Procurement: At Marr Procurement we believe in seeking to level the playing field forclients ensuring they have equal access to the best procurement services and outcomes This is what drives us everyday in serving our clients The team I have built are each highly capable leaders in their speciality but importantly,they all share a common belief in fairness and transparency This means they are always seeking the right solutionfor our clients where trust is at the forefront Dan is a great fit for our business and for our clients and I amdelighted to welcome him to the team ” Find out more at www marrprocurement com/m-resourcing/ Marr Procurement: Continuing to Invest In Resourcing Solutions for the Care Sector Introducing Dan Ashenden our new head of M-Resourcing An 88 year old resident in a Great Yarmouth care home is finding a new lease of life by joining the gym at the Marina Centre in the town Michael Childs moved into Black Swan s Park House care home in March 2020 during the early months of the COVID pandemic to combat the risk of loneliness on the elderly during lockdown Michael takes great pride in helping those around him, and is often found keeping himself busy at the home maintaining the home’s garden area often visiting garden centres to buy new plants and helping Clive the home s Maintenance Operative to keep the home presentable He also helps to set the dining room tables for his fellow residents for their mealtimes After a deterioration in his physical health and the loss of his wife, Michael expressed to Juliana the home s Activities Coordinator how he wanted to do something to get himself fit again Juliana described how the newly opened Marina Centre on the sea front a short distance from the care home, had helped her with different classes and invited him to join her at her weekly gym sessions The team at the Marina Centre welcomed him with open arms and he now takes part in exercise classes gentle weight exercises and mobility sessions supported by Rachel Lacey from the Marina Centre gym Michael explained his new lease of life “Since joining the gym, I feel like I’ve become physically fitter but also have gained many new friendships from other adults in the local community They don t believe me when I say I live at a care home so I like to recommend Park House as a place to stay to everyone I meet! As well as his weekly sessions at the Marina Centre Michael likes to practice his exercises at the care home The team at Park House have supported Michael in purchasing a foot pedal system and some weights and even created a chart to track his progress
Lease Of Life
It was the job offer I never expected In early March 2023 Parklands MD Ron Taylor called to offer me a transfer from Grantown to Keith We re taking over the management of a home in Keith The owners have just gone into administration I know it’s short notice but we need to help if we can I’ve worked for Parklands for over a decade in a variety of roles and locations, but I was nervous about the prospect of taking charge of an existing care home with an already established team I was being asked to run a home that our company didn t own - at that stage, our role was simply to manage the home on behalf of the administrators - and follow very different managerial procedures and systems It was a new experience for me and for my colleagues in Cullen where Parklands had also taken over the management of Wakefield House I arrived at Weston View on a snowy day in March in the midst of a Covid outbreak Initially my focus was
At The Marina Centre

Experts Share Why Nutrition is Important for Older Adults – And How Carers Can Help

essary nutrients our body needs - and in the correct amounts -can lead to a range of physical effects and health complications This is due to the risk of sarcopenia, a muscle-wasting disorder, which is a key contributing factor to many diseases and health complications

“Poor nutrition can contribute to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and lack of energy which are common symptoms of depression; inadequate intake of essential nutrients can impair cognitive function and therefore increase the risk of cognitive decline and neurological disorders such as dementia


“If you’re looking after someone at home, ensure they have the support they need to be able to buy fresh food says Greta Hoxha chef at the care home Heatherton House “Make sure they have the right equipment to cook meals safely and have the correct glassware to stay hydrated You can also support with cooking batch meals as they are easier to then reheat for an older adult ”

At Danforth we ensure that our menus are nutritionally well balanced”, says Greta “We look at everything from protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and even colour so they have a visual appeal

“It can also help to create meal plans around what your loved one likes to eat adds Louise Brown head chef at Old Norse Lodge care home “We hold monthly nutrition meetings with the residents which allows them to give new ideas for menus and foods they wish to see on these



“For those living with dementia who may not be able to express their likes and dislikes we seek support and information from families to help us with this information ”


year, and just in time for the care home s dedicated Mother s Day event Mum grandma and great-grandmother Joan Rose marked her milestone birthday on Saturday 9th March with her grandson David who had had his Tottenham Hotspur shirt specially personalised in her honour The inspiring woman then had the chance to celebrate again in the Enfield care home as staff organised a Mother s Day afternoon tea for their residents

Joan was born on 9th March 1918 when the world was still entrenched in the Great War and still had eight months to run Born and raised in London as an only child, the great-grandmother has now celebrated her 106th

“Dehydration can impair cognitive functions such as memory focus and alertness, which in turn can affect daily life and overall well-being ” warns Dr Ispoglou

Hospitalisations medical complications and an increased risk of kidney and metabolic diseases are further consequences of not staying properly hydrated and symptoms such as headaches fatigue and mood changes can disrupt daily activities ”

“However, it is also important not to overlook the risks of overhydration which can also have serious consequences Overhydration can also affect cognitive function causing confusion disorientation and in severe cases seizures or coma


To prevent dehydration and underhydration for older adults the British Dietetic Association (BDA) recommends a daily water intake from drinks of about 1600 ml (approximately 6-7 cups) for women and 2000 ml (about 8-9 cups) for men ” says Dr Ispoglou

While these recommendations relate to fluids consumed through drinks it is important to note that about 20-30% of our hydration needs can be met through the consumption of water-rich foods such as soups, stews, fruits, and vegetables Hence achieving proper hydration in older individuals should involve a balanced intake of both water from drinks and water-rich foods adds Dr Ispoglou

If you re looking after a loved one at home to ensure they stay hydrated ensure a minimum of two drinks are offered with each meal and offer tea and cold drinks throughout the day Make sure they have access to a drink at all times and record the amount they have consumed recommends Chef Louise Brown

A former nurse has turned undercover boss in an attempt to improve quality and standards in care homes

Sathi Raghavan who worked as a registered nurse and midwife in both India and the UK before establishing her own business in the sector works shifts in homes to check care quality and suggest improvements The founder of Millennium Staffing which supplies staff to care homes hospitals and other healthcare settings across the West Midlands joins care home teams and works alongside her staff who are oblivious she s their boss

Sathi said: It all started when I was working as a nurse in a care home and got fed up with agency staff coming in many of whom refused to carry out the tasks they were needed to do to provide the best care That s what led me to set up my own specialist employment business And when I got my very first call from a care home asking for shift cover that evening I rang the small team I d recruited and no-one was free “So, I put on a uniform and turned up and worked the shift It gave me the opportunity to really understand the home how the team works their procedures and care levels so it’s something I’ve done ever since “I spend one or two days with all


And last month Sathi joined a care home night shift at 1am with agreement from the manager to shadow the team and watch her

train my staff to meet the exact needs
home layout
the full variety
tasks they should be willing and able to
new homes so I can prepare and
home everything from the
staff perform through the night and into handover She said: “I love it and it’s really inciteful Not just as a way of seeing the team first hand but also at bringing an outside perspective and a chance to suggest ways for a home to improve its care and safeguarding And her undercover missions have led to improvements across multiple homes including improved CQC inspection outcomes and using her medical background to improve care plans She has also suggested changes to staffing levels to improve care quality even if this means her staff are no longer needed Sathi added: “As a nurse I want to deliver the best care possible, so I m personally invested in every care home and every resident And that extends to my team ” Now providing nurses care and kitchen assistants social workers and other staff to care homes hospitals and social care providers Millennium staffing has grown from Sathi on that first shift to almost 400 employees in under three years For further information visit www millenniumstaffing co uk Former Nurse Turns ‘Undercover Boss’ In Efforts To Improve Care Quality For older adults (65+), especially those with less mobility and cognitive function it can be harder to produce healthy and nutritious meals regularly And not getting the right nutritional intake can have a big impact on the body and mind To raise awareness of this issue Danforth Care Group (https://danforthcarehomes co uk/) have collaborated with Dr Theocharis Ispoglou a Leeds Beckett University Reader specialising in nutrition to discuss the importance of a highly nutritious diet especially in older adults Danforth’s chefs also share how you can help if you’re looking after someone at home to produce healthy and nutritious meals THE IMPORTANCE OF NUTRITION
older adults, prioritising a nutrient-rich diet is crucial,”
Ispoglou As with anyone older adults who do not consume the nec-
nutrition contributes to prolonging
your life, says
resident at Bullsmoor Lodge in Enfield has received a very special 106th birthday present from her grandson this
birthday at Bullsmoor Lodge The inspiring resident’s birthday came at the same time as Bullsmoor Lodge arranged for its mums to have a private Mother s Day tea with their families Lisa Coombs, Bullsmoor Lodge Registered Manager, said “To be able to mark Joan s 106th birthday and Mother s Day in the same weekend has been wonderful We ve all had a great time and it s been fantastic to see so many families and friends visiting Bullsmoor Lodge is part of AgeCare UK and Director of Care Jo Mason is thrilled to hear about the care home’s double celebration She said: “At Bullsmoor Lodge, we foster a family approach, focussing on enabling residents to live well It’s always wonderful to hear how much fun they are having ” 106-year-old Joan Rose moved into Bullsmoor Lodge in August 2021 She vows that daily exercise and a healthy lifestyle are the reason she is still fit and healthy and she walks around the care home s garden every morning She spends a lot of her time in her room, making her own bed and wanting to keep it clean herself Joan worked in the City of London for Lloyds Insurance company and always had a love for needle and artwork as well as dogs Lisa added: Joan is truly amazing It s been brilliant to be able to celebrate yet another birthday with her here Enfield Resident’s 106th Birthday Honoured With Grandson’s Personalised Football Shirt

Care Homes Residents and Staff Celebrate International Women's Day

International Women’s Day: The Resilient, Industrious ‘International Women’ Now Living at Royal Star & Garter

Day takes place today (Friday, 8 March), and


both married to servicemen living overseas, and made great sacrifices to be with their husbands when they were posted abroad raising young children away from their own families, and having to make friends and build new family homes each time their partners were deployed to another corner of the world Sacrifices such as these as well as putting their own careers on hold in order to support their spouse’s service are common among the partners of Armed Forces personnel

Ann is a resident at the charity’s Home in Solihull She was married to Paul who served in the Navy for over 30 years During that time she lived with her husband overseas, and each of her three daughters was born in different countries – Malta England and New Zealand

in the D-Day landings The couple married in 1945 and had two sons

Ann and Felicia live in Royal Star & Garter s Solihull and High Wycombe Homes respectively They were

The couple had met in their late teens through Ann’s brother who knew Paul in the Navy They were based in America between 1969 and 1972 when Paul was attached to the British Embassy in Washington DC The couple lived in nearby Arlington During summer holidays Ann would help organise road trips with their children embracing their adopted country and educating the children as they travelled

Felicia lives with dementia at Royal Star & Garter in High Wycombe She was born in the South American country of Guyana which at the time was a British colony known as British Guiana

In 1951 she married Earnest, who was also from Guyana, and had joined the RAF in 1944 They went on to have four children and as the family followed Earnest on his postings around the world including West Germany England and Singapore Felicia had to juggle the demands and challenges of being an RAF wife in foreign countries and raising a young family while her husband served

Sadly Earnest died in 1974 three years after demobbing and aged just 52 As a working mum Felicia managed to raise her four children, with financial help and support from the RAF Benevolent Fund

These remarkable women have in very different ways helped support the Armed Forces

Oldbur y Care Homes Inspires Inclusion on International Women’s Day

Newbury Manor Care Home and Portway House in Oldbury proudly celebrate International Women s Day incorporating this year’s theme of ‘Inspire Inclusion ’

On this important day the home recognises the invaluable contributions of women working within its home and worldwide while emphasising the importance of inclusivity and diversity in all aspects of life International Women s Day serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing pursuit of gender equality and the empowerment of women and staff at both care homes on Newbury Lane are dedicated to fostering an environment where every individual feels valued respected and included

As part of the celebration, the home is highlighting the remarkable achievements of its female staff members who play integral roles in providing compassionate care and support to residents

These women represent diverse backgrounds and experiences each bringing unique perspectives and talents to their roles

Kam Kaur home manager of Newbury Manor says: “We are committed to celebrating the strength

resilience, and achievements of women, not just on International Women s Day but every day

Faye Gailey home manager at Portway House says “This year’s theme of ‘Inspire Inclusion’ resonates deeply with our values as we strive to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and respected

In addition to honouring the contributions of women Newbury Manor and Portway House recognise the dedication and hard work of all its staff members From carers to administrative staff every individual plays a crucial part in ensuring the wellbeing and happiness of residents

We believe in recognising and appreciating the efforts of all our staff members, regardless of gender added Faye

“Their unwavering dedication and commitment to providing exceptional care deserve to be celebrated ” Newbury Manor Care Home and Portway House remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting inclusivity diversity and gender equality within its community and beyond As the world marks International Women’s Day the home reaffirms its dedication to creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all

Elizabeth House Resident Shares Inspirational


role Kathleen said: They said I had to be good with numbers for the job but I said I wasn’t The reply was ‘Oh well You have common sense so you ll be good at it

Reflecting on her time as a Wren, Kathleen said: “I loved it We were all together and we did all of the rotten jobs together whether that was carrying the coal or stoking the fire ready for the cook who we called ‘Cookie’ to make our breakfast ” Kathleen left the Wrens in July 1946 where she was presented with her Wrens employment certificate On it she

International Women’s
Royal Star & Garter is celebrating the dedication
our female residents throughout their lives
and hard work of
partners living
Homes in Solihull Surbiton and High Wycombe
launched new services reaching out into the community
mark International Women’s Day, the charity is turning the spotlight on residents who have lived international lives but now call Royal Star & Garter their home
of these remarkable women include a WWII nurse who trained in North America before caring for badly injured RAF aircrew and the wives of men who set up home for their families all over the world while their husbands served Janet 101 was born in Shanghai China where her father worked at a bank returning to England aged eight She now lives at Royal Star & Garter in Surbiton When war broke out in 1939 she wanted to train as a nurse at Great Ormond Street Hospital, but instead moved to New York, where her father was based Desperate to fulfil her ambitions she applied for nurse training in Montreal Canada in 1941 Once fully qualified, she returned to England in 1944, where she worked with Sir Archibald McIndoe at Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead Under Sir Archibald Janet and the team at the hospital pioneered new reconstruction techniques for RAF servicemen and victims of German air raids who had suffered horrific burns Janet met Pat in 1938 He served in the Navy during WWII and took part
provides loving compassionate care to veterans and their
It has also
Poole care home resident has shared the inspiring story of her time in the Wrens in honour of International Women s Day Kathleen, who lives at Elizabeth House care home in Dolbery Road, has talked about joining the Women s Royal Naval Service more commonly known as the Wrens, at the age of 18 in June 1944, ahead of International Women’s Day on Friday 8 March
was given the role of a bomb range marker, which involved sitting in a drogue hut monitoring targets and charting each drogue parachute as it was released from a plane Speaking about being given the
was described as ‘Intelligent and cheerful proving to be a willing and accurate bomb range marker A co-operative and loyal Wren ’ From there she met her husband Peter who flew in a Blenheim Bomber during the Second World War, and moved in with his grandmother in Upton, Poole They later welcomed their son Tim and Kathleen went on to work in retail Elouise Powell, Home Manager at Elizabeth House, said “Kathleen has some incredible stories to tell about her time in the Wrens and it is a joy to learn all about her life before she came to the care home At Care South, we get to know every resident as an individual and they have all led such interesting and varied lives Our aim is to ensure they continue to lead rich and fulfilling lives and continue to pursue their interests ” Originally formed in 1917 during the First World War the Wrens were disbanded in 1919, before being reformed in 1939 at the beginning of the Second World War The service was fully disbanded in 1993 when it became integrated into the Royal Navy Elizabeth House, which is part of the Care South family of care homes, provides specialist residential and respite care It features a dedicated activities team who organise a daily programme of events to bring residents together to socialise and build friendships
Stor y on International Women’s Day PAGE 24 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186

Gibraltar Nursing Home Honours Former RAF Member on International Women’s Day

Celebrating International Women’s Day, Gibraltar Nursing Home honours one of its cherished residents fondly referred to as family members for her service in the Royal Air Force (RAF)

Born Doreen Mary Payne in 1932 in the picturesque seaside town of Paignton, South Devon and one of 6 siblings – Doreen never particularly had an interest in education she enjoyed sporting activities such as running and swimming After leaving school she ventured into the hospitality industry working either as a waitress or as part of the domestic team in local hotels Doreen joined the Women’s Royal Air Force (WRAF) aged 18 after her eldest brother had joined the Army several years earlier Doreen chose to join the military to escape the small-town life and during her time at the WRAF she served in the Catering Corp and worked in the Officers Mess – a familiar environment and one of which she enjoyed reaching the rank of Corporal RAF life for Doreen was organised and disciplined which she loved The friendship among the WRAF was fun and mischievous

and Doreen had made many friends during her time there Doreen later met her husband who was an RAF Policeman at the RAF Filton in Bristol, where she was posted and was married on 2nd December 1954 aged 22 years old About a year later in 1955 Doreen left the WRAF after they were transferred to RAF Stanbridge in Bedfordshire After leaving the two had to move out of the married quarters and moved to Edlesborough Bedfordshire where she then later found employment in a local factory

Beyond her military service Doreen carried the invaluable skills and discipline she had learnt into civilian life – an extremely tidy person and strong disciplinarian Doreen who now lives with a Dementia resides at Gibraltar Nursing Home who’s ethos is a continuation of life and supports Doreen s independence The daily activities that Doreen enjoys the most is helping out in the kitchen washing up making coffee and engaging in friendly conversations with fellow residents during mealtimes

Boulters Lock in Maidenhead the staff and residents are celebrating Jennifer Butler a qualified nurse who changed career to become an air stewardess In 1961 on a flight from Barbados to London a passenger went into labour; Jennifer safely delivered the baby and was rewarded with a certificate from the British Overseas Airways Corporation for meritorious service

At West Cliff Hall in Hythe, Alma has looked back on her first job at 15 years old; she worked in the very same building she now resides in when it was a hotel Alma s role involved washing the steps and preparing the front entrance each morning before putting on her uni-

This International Women’s Day, Hartford Care is celebrating the adventures and successes of the inspirational female residents across its care homes Over at Inver House in Bembridge on the Isle of Wight 95-year-old Heather has been looking back on her career with the care home staff and fellow residents Heather started working in nursing; her mother Marjorie had always encouraged her to find a career in a time when women were assigned to stereotypical roles in the workplace Aged 22 while travelling on a train Heather was scouted by a modelling agent and began working in London modelling for Dior and travelling with designer Sybil Connolly to Honolulu Australia and New York before a move to Paris and working for Yves Saint Laurent and Givenchy In her late 30s Heather returned to her first career in nursing, before retiring in her mid-50s Pamela Pulfer a resident at Bethel House Barton on Sea, founded the New Milton stroke group in 1991, creating a social space for stroke survivors; over the years – with Pamela as chair – the group provided practical support and motivation to hundreds of members, as well as talks, entertainment and programmes to stimulate mind and body At
form and waitressing Ina Hall a resident of Malden House in Sidmouth was a member of the RAF from 1949 to 1953 when she started her family She has been Lady President of Royal Aircraft Establishment Bowls Club and continues to play bowls today! Sally Stephens another resident at Malden House is the care home’s adventurer; she has visited almost every continent; she s zip-wired in Costa Rica ridden a camel in Australia and travelled to the Cook Islands Kevin Shaw, Chief Executive of Hartford Care comments: “Our ethos is rooted in creating communities that welcome everyone and celebrate individuality To listen to the incredible stories of the women who live in our care homes truly illustrates the diversity of our residents’ backgrounds It’s an honour and an inspiration to celebrate the fantastic lives of our residents this International Women s Day – and every day ” Hartford Care Celebrates its Inspirational Residents This International Women’s Day Keep yourself busy advises Glenys House, a 98-year-old care home resident to mark International Women s Day Glenys lives at RMBI Care Co Home Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court in Porthcawl “This is also my secret to a long life!” she adds Glenys was born as Glenys Violet Hemmings in Abercan, South Wales, on 13th July 1925 only seven years after the end of the First World War She became a Brownie when she was just a child and, when the Second World War broke out she joined the RAF as a nurse Glenys had the rank of Leading Aircraft Woman (LAC) and tended soldiers that have been prisoners of war in Japan Commenting on this experience with the troops she says: “It wasn’t very nice what they had done to our boys! Then she met her husband Fred who was also in the military They got married in 1946 and celebrated their golden wedding anniversary 50 years later in 1996 They had four children although sadly two passed away Glenys has grandchildren and greatgrandchildren who travel from Birmingham to visit her, she says There are too many to keep count of now ” Glenys will turn 100 in July next year but she remains active “I’ve always kept myself busy and I do enjoy walking!” she remarks “Glenys is a lovely lady ” says Nicola Osborne one of the Home’s Activities Coordinators “She spends many hours still walking throughout the Home chatting to people on the way! She enjoys attending activities and sitting having a cuppa and a biscuit “Keep Yourself Busy!” Advises Former WW2 Nurse and Porthcawl Care Home Resident to Mark International Women’s Day

“Don’t Be Shy to Tr y New Things,” says South Croydon Care Home Resident and Former Tiller



on International Women’s Day

great sense of humour and even compares the service at her care home to Buckingham Palace! Reflecting on her life achievements she encourages younger generations to practice self-care: Look after yourself eat sensible and go for walks ”

Friends Of The Elderly’s Head Of Day Care Ser vices Supports International Women’s Day

Shirley Bradley, Friends of the Elderly s Head of Day Care Services has worked for the Charity for nearly 19 years and to support this year s International Women s Day, which celebrates the achievements of women Shirley has been sharing her own care career journey her passion for caring and her inspiration for inclusivity for all her clients and team members

Friends of the Elderly runs day care services in Malvern and Kidderminster in Worcestershire and in Woking and Wallington in Surrey All the services care for and support older people who are living with dementia and a range of

2005 a friend suggested I apply for a job in the day centre and as my skills in the hotel industry were easily transferable, I went along for an interview The rest as they say is History as I realised that I loved working with and supporting older people Shirley continued Shirley s first care role was as a Bank Day Care Assistant for two different day care clubs specifically for people living with dementia and one for older people living alone in the community In 2006 she became the Manager of the two services

In 2015 Shirley became the Manager of Friends of the Elderly’s Malvern and Kidderminster Day Care Services and in 2019 took on the role of Interim Engagement Manager for a year at the Malvern Site Most recently in November 2021, Shirley was promoted to Head of Day Care Services, line managing the Malvern and Kidderminster Day Care Services and also Friends of the Elderly s Wallington and Woking Day Care Services

“Throughout all of Friends of the Elderly s Day Care Services each member of the team always makes sure that our clients are involved in decisions about their care We ask for a life history before clients join us as we find this so useful to get to know them a little bit before they start That way we can tailor support to meet their individual needs and include some of the things that they have told us they like to do,” continued Shirley

Everyone has a different story to tell and I find them so inspiring ” Shirley added “We have regular client meetings to make sure we are constantly delivering the type of engaging and stimulating activities our clients want to take part in They tell us what they like or dislike and what they would like to see included in the Service or if we are missing anything Whether it is about our menu or the kinds of activities they would like – we listen and take everything onboard

However client inclusion doesn’t stop there “For example if we are redecorating or buying blinds or furniture we always include our clients in the choices we make

It is important that our clients feel included and that their opinions matter

When it comes to including and motivating her team, Shirley agrees there’s no ‘I in team “I would never expect anyone to do something that I wouldn t do myself said Shirley

“I encourage and support everyone to be the best they can be I don’t micromanage but am always available if anyone needs my help I genuinely feel that I could not do what I do without my Teams support

“Friends of the Elderly doesn’t just talk about its values that underpin the care we give to our clients; it includes and upholds them for staff too I am encouraged to be the best I can be too and like everyone at the Charity I have access to training support and receive recognition I am treated with respect and above all they care about my safety

I love working for Friends of the Elderly and am so lucky to work with the best bunch of colleagues and support a wonderful group of clients I am passionate about the care we provide and it makes me so proud to be able to be to contribute even a little bit in ensuring that the time our clients spend with us in the day centres is as happy and fulfilling as possible,” concluded Shirley

Care UK Celebrates International Women’s Day

Care UK is celebrating International Women s Day today Friday 8th March, by sharing stories of the inspirational colleagues who help us the provide the best care possible

It is estimated that approximately 80% of all social care jobs in the UK are performed by women and at Care UK we are dedicated to supporting our colleagues through training and development programmes and career progression, whilst giving them the freedom to work flexibly, whether that s through part-time contracts or bank roles

The theme of this year s International Women’s Day is Inspire Inclusion, so we are profiling a colleague who does just that Not only does she know what it’s like to rebuild a completely new career but she also works to encourage and support colleagues in her region every day Operations Support Manager Edith Rushden s role is dedicated to supporting Care UK’s homes in South-West London Her passion to deliver the highest standards of care to residents includes suggesting improvements in all aspects of the home s operations She also puts the wellbeing of her colleagues at the heart of all she does Edith originally trained as a teacher in Zimbabwe After the civil war ended there the call went out to support education and health in rural communities A city girl Edith dropped everything to go and help in areas

where there were no schools or health facilities Her experience led her to focus on family therapy, working with a UK-based organisation, and eventually she became their primary trainer for the whole of Africa Arriving in the

all trades” but her colleagues would say she is, in fact, the master of everything that comes her way Edith says The journey from where I started to where I am now has been a journey of dedication commitment, and perseverance I found enablers, listeners and supporters who encouraged me along the way The transition from Zimbabwe to the UK took some adjusting to but I will always be grateful to

UK she sought work in the professional areas she knew but was unsuccessful She knew that she wanted to care for people so she secured a job as a care assistant Although this was several rungs down from her previous professional standing, it allowed her to focus on creating a new life for her and her family whilst still caring for people in need Having worked her way up through the care sector, Edith joined Care UK seven years ago Her role as Operations Support Manager sees her offer practical and real-time assistance to home managers and their teams across the SouthWest London region Ever self-deprecating she says this makes her a jack of
the support that I received from my colleagues ”
care home resident Pamela Griffiths has shared her life advice to mark International Women’s Day “Don’t be shy to try new things; follow what you want to do says Pamela who lives at RMBI Care Co Home James Terry Court in South Croydon Pamela known as Pam to her family and friends was born in Kew Richmond in September 1925 Here she lived with her family until the age of eight when they moved to Ealing London During the Second World War, Pam was a professional dancer, working as a Tiller Girl one of the world s longest running dance groups Pam performed at the London Palladium and in popular venues all over the UK Pam and fellow Tiller Girl Jackie B’nay went on to become a duo act ‘Ray and B nay ’ again touring around the UK and entertaining troops across Germany in Berlin Düsseldorf and Hamburg After this Jackie married and moved to Australia whilst Pam became a make-up artist She married at the age of 39 and went on to have a daughter Aside from dance, Pam loved travelling and enjoyed a worldwide adventure, starting in America Some people thought it was quite an undertaking to travel around on my own like that – but as long as you re organised and have somewhere to stay,” says Pam Pam still has her
age-related conditions “I used to live in South Africa and when
the Care Sector wasn t something I had even thought
it wasn’t something the Careers Advisor even mentioned,” said Shirley “I worked in the Hotel Industry and my last job before leaving South Africa was as General Manager of a 63 bedroom hotel In August 1999 my Husband my three young children and I moved briefly to an island off the coast of Kenya to run an exclusive resort before moving lock stock and barrel to England in December 1999 As our children were so young – and childcare was expensive – I was only able to take small part time jobs whilst the children were at nursery and school, so I worked in a supermarket and well-known high street shops However in
I finished school at the
of 18, working in
about as I didn t know anybody that needed it and


Residents and staff at Austen House in Lower Earley Reading marked International Women s Day (IWD) on March 8th by spending the day celebrating the achievements of wonderful trail-blazing women throughout history

IWD takes place on March 8 every year to celebrate women’s rights and inspire people to fight for gender equality A United Nations-sanctioned global holiday IWD celebrates women s contributions to society raises awareness about the fight for gender parity and inspires support for organisations that support women globally

Residents took part in discussions about the role of the many different women who have shaped history from Cleopatra and Boudica to Florence Nightingale and Marie Curie right through to Queen Elizabeth II and Mrs Thatcher They talked about the important women in their own lives and celebrated the achievements of their fellow residents Also the staff arranged a tea party flowers and gifts for our beautiful ladies and we all had a wonderful time

Simona Cioinac, General Manager at Austen House said: “We’ve all had a really interesting day thinking

about the very many brilliant women who have had such an impact on our lives whether that was an historic figure or people in our own family It was good to share our experiences take stock and reflect on how much society has changed over the years ”

Resident Frances commented It is amazing to think how much things have changed just in my lifetime when I was younger there were so many things it was deemed inappropriate for women to do It is wonderful that women have so many more opportunities these days and days like this are so important to make sure we keep going in the right direction ”

Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active, and provides a daily choice of engaging physical mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities

Austen House is run by Barchester Healthcare one of the UK’s largest care providers which is committed to delivering high-quality

International Women’s Day in the Spotlight: Meet Award

Winning Margaret Vaile, a Pioneer in Empowering Women

Margaret Vaile is a resident at MHA Handsworth in Altrincham but her life wasn’t always as mellow and calm as it is now

For International Women s Day we wanted to share with you her story and how she supported fellow women in a foreign country by learning their language and teaching them life lessons

Margaret is an ordained minister and spent several years working in Peru supporting and educating women

She identified women in tribal areas as illiterate and struggled with basic knowledge on nutrition, reading and family planning

In 2015 Margaret was presented with an award for her services by the Peruvian government for her work with the women in the country

She met her husband Aldo Vaile whilst living out there and had to move back to the UK with her children in the 1980 s following the Peruvian conflict

Once coming back to the UK she was a minister for two churches one in Bradford and another in East London

She did however go back once the dust had settled to be with her husband and on her return was appointed as a teacher to support and prepare new ministers

She returned back to the UK and moved into MHA Handsworth 12 months ago following the death of her husband

Margaret is also a trained teacher and spent seven years studying art She is an inspiration to us all and we wish her all the best

members impacted by the menopause

The next phase will see Nellsar create a closed forum where team members can have access to further information and updates

Leni Wood Head of Nutrition and Wellness at Nellsar Care Homes said “In recent years workplaces worldwide have increasingly recognised the importance of supporting women's health and well-being

However, an aspect that has often been overlooked is perimenopause and menopause; although a natural biological process that affects women typically between the ages of 45 and 55, it has been relatively unspoken about until recent years

“By understanding the menopause journey we can

care across its care homes and hospitals Austen House provides nursing care residential care, and respite care
Make sure you enjoy life,” advises Vera Dunn, an 82-year-old care home resident to mark International Women s Day Vera lives at RMBI Care Co Home The Tithebarn, in the historic town of Crosby, Liverpool Vera was born in November 1942 during the Second World War Because of that she stayed at home as a toddler and even spent some time in a bunker Vera played netball in school and years later married her husband Kenneth in 1963 They had two children and now Vera has four grandchildren Vera has enjoyed football for many years When asked what her favourite football team was, she said right away: “Liverpool, of course!” Reflecting on her life experiences her piece of advice for younger generations is: “Be careful and think about what you are doing yes but make sure you enjoy life She smiles and adds Take life as it comes! “Make Sure You Enjoy Life,” Advises Liverpool Care Home Resident To Honour International Women’s Day A family-run care home group is launching a webpage focused on educating its team members on the perimenopause and menopause with the intention of starting an open conversation around the topic, on Friday 8th March in time for International Women s Day Menopause can bring about a multitude of physical and emotional challenges which can impact women s health and well-being and overall experience in the workplace Symptoms can be challenging and leaving some people to feel out of their depth when knowing how to access help To address this gap Nellsar Care Homes has created a three-stage plan starting with a dedicated webpage that highlights some of the common symptoms related to the perimenopause and menopause Nellsar aims to empower all team members by sharing insights and advice around the menopause journey and tools to navigate the significant life transition effectively Nellsar Care Homes has also committed to the Menopause Workplace Pledge which calls on employers to take positive action and support everyone affected by the menopause In signing the pledge Nellsar is committed to: recognising that the menopause is an issue in the workplace and women need support; talking openly, positively and respectfully about the menopause; and actively supporting and informing all team
House Celebrates International Women’s Day
help break down the barriers that make those affected by it feel isolated stressed or embarrassed The webpage s primary objective is to educate all of our workforce inclusively about menopause and by making information around the subject available, we hope to open up communication within the workplace The webpage will give team members access to an employee counselling service along with informative featured articles and regular of the moment news blogs with helpful links to online resources Visitors to the page can learn about the physical and emotional changes associated with perimenopause and menopause and understand how these changes may impact their professional lives Leni continued: Ultimately this webpage represents a significant step forward in addressing the oftenoverlooked issue of menopause in the workplace By providing our team members with valuable knowledge and support we hope it helps everyone affected to navigate this life transition with confidence empowering them to thrive both personally and professionally Moreover by promoting dialogue and understanding between employers and employees this step contributes to the creation of more inclusive and supportive work environments for women of all ages As the conversation around women s health in the workplace continues to evolve innovations like this webpage will play a crucial role in driving positive change and fostering greater equality and well-being for all ” For more information on Nellsar please visit: https://www nellsar com/ Empowering Women In The Workplace: South East Care Group Launches Educational Webpage As Part Of Raising Awareness Around Perimenopause And Menopause

Never A Cross-Word At New Copford Place

Care Home’s Residents Are Definitely Not Clue -Less When It Comes To Their Daily Puzzles

favourite puzzles,” added Chelsey Leather, New Copford Place’s Activities Coordinator “ After having a chat, the residents decided that they had more than a top three Their favourites – in no particular order – are Word Searches, Scrabble, Number Puzzles, Matching Puzzles and Memory Puzzles,” Chelsey continued When it comes to a classic traditional jigsaw some of our residents enjoy doing the Relish Jigsaws which have been created for those living with dementia They are designed to stimulate minds and evoke happy memories which are inspired by real experiences and are full of vibrant colours

“Also a couple of our residents really enjoy tackling more challenging jigsaws I m so impressed with how brilliantly they complete them; I certainly couldn’t do as well as they do added Chelsey

“Puzzles are a very good pastime for our residents as they can improve mental speed and thought processes – and they are also a positive activity for improving short-term memory They can, of course be an individual activity but they are also a great group activity which creates opportunities for engaging with others chatting and conversations and making friends,” Daniel continued

Other benefits of puzzles include helping relaxation as by immersing yourself in a puzzle it can serve as an exercise in mindfulness and help to relieve stress For the elderly in particular the act of picking up puzzle pieces, turning them over and fitting them together can sometimes but quite a challenge However puzzles are a great way to exercise the small muscles in fingers and eyes

“One of our residents told me that jigsaws can be traced back to the 18th Century when European map makers put their maps on to wood and cut them into small pieces They did this to create learning tools to teach geography – so really, interactive puzzles have been around for quite a few hundred years,” Daniel continued I really do learn something new from our residents every day

“Our interactive Tiny Tablet is another example of our commitment to provide exceptional standards of quality care through person-centred care as all our residents can join in and take part in the group activities or use it on their own It’s up to them – they can do what they want to do when they want to do it ” Chelsey concluded

Memor y Makers Bring Cracking Conversations To Care Home

spark conversations about specific themes in this case Easter

Set up around a decade ago, Memory Makers consists of a team of four volunteers who visit care homes and day care centres in the Spey Valley and West Lothian, offering a blend of reminiscence therapy and creative expression to enhance the well-being of older people This was the first of three planned visits to the home by the charity this spring

Jasmin Mathew activities coordinator at Lynemore care home said: Our residents really enjoy speaking with Rona and Janet It s a chance to

reminisce, speak about our interests and channel that into a crafty, creative avenue

Volunteer Rona Smith said: “It s an honour and a privilege to come in and work with the residents Everybody has a story to tell It s amazing some of the things that you actually hear them talk about, and we just hope they enjoy the experience, whether it’s making things or talking or singing

“It’s about reminiscence and overcoming a lack of self-confidence because a lot of people feel I can t do that but if you sit with someone and they have success then success breeds success It’s all about improving the person’s skills as well as reminiscing


At Friend of the Elderly’s Colchester-based residential care home New Copford Place residents have been celebrating this year’s National Puzzle Day by talking about and engaging with their favourite traditional and application puzzles Whether it’s number puzzles word searches Scrabble matching and memory puzzles or giant classic Jigsaws residents enjoy a range of daily brain teasers Puzzles are part of New Copford Place s wide and varied daily activities “We tailor all our activities to meet each individual s likes preferences hobbies and interests, and puzzles are a firm favourite,”
Daniel Sabau the Registered Manager at New Copford Place Our residents thoroughly enjoy all types of puzzles; whether they are played in groups individually on our large electronic interactive Tiny Tablet or sat comfortably around a table, there’s always some puzzling puzzle mystery taking place New Copford Place’s interactive activity Tiny Tablet enables residents to enjoy, experience and benefit from a wide catalogue of engaging applications It is a large easy to use device with a touchscreen not too dissimilar to an iPad or smart phone but on a much larger scale The ‘Tiny Tablet’ is fully mobile and accessible and can be moved to a standing upright position or turned flat into a table top style For National Puzzle Day we thought it would be fun to find out our residents top three all time
care group has launched an innovative initiative to help its colleagues develop exceptional leadership skills business prowess and empower future changemakers Aria Care Group has launched its ‘Inspiring Leaders’ development programme to support staff members committed to becoming high-impact leaders The programme aims to foster engagement, build strong relationships and drive business success Having launched in February 12 delegates - including home managers and regional directors - are already working towards improving their leadership qualities Kelly Howell chief people officer at Aria said We are absolutely delighted to launch our very first ‘Inspiring Leaders’ programme At Aria we are committed to developing and nurturing our colleagues and such we’ve launched this programme to inspire and enable our leaders of the future “The programme covers a wide variety of topics which will enhance knowledge, build confidence and truly inspire our future leaders to be the best versions of themselves Through a series of interactive workshops - a number of which are delivered by in-sector experts of their field - delegates will be given the opportunity to embark on a transformative journey and gain the skills for effective communication, strong business and commercial acumen as well as regulatory knowhow In addition to business knowledge those taking part will learn how to reflect on their own practice identifying factors like the strengths and challenges of their unique leadership style and the impact that they may have on others Innovative Leadership Initiative Creates The Care Industr y’s Future Changemakers Chorleywood Manor Care Home Team Celebrates Grand Opening of Residential Suite On Saturday 17th February staff and residents at Chorleywood Manor Care Home in Rickmansworth celebrated the grand opening of their newly refurbished residential suite – High Trees Loved ones and local community members joined the welcoming care community for the occasion enjoying a delicious selection of complimentary canapés and refreshments, before taking a guided tour of the residential suite Also in attendance on the day was HM Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Robert Voss who performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony to declare the suite officially open Staff and residents recently welcomed local professionals for a well-attended breakfast in the newly refurbished suite Speaking of the grand opening Client Liaison Manager Tracy Moore stated This was a wonderful event We are proud to offer a range of first-class residential dementia and respite care services at Chorleywood Manor and are looking forward to welcoming new residents to our home Grantown care home residents had a cracking time reminiscing about Easter with volunteers from a local charity Lynemore Care Home played host to Memory Makers whose volunteers use props music dance and poetry to

New Qualification To Boost Care Sector

A new accredited qualification for care workers will help to improve perceptions of the sector and will boost retention

That s the opinion of a Lesley O Connor Head of Strategic Development at Realise a leading training provider which offers numerous qualifications in the sector

Lesley welcomed the Government’s £75m investment to help people progress in their Heath & Social Care careers

The Government recently set out plans for a new accredited qualification and a national career structure for the adult social care workforce

It says the qualification will benefit around 37 000 workers within the sector while the defined career pathway will help people plan their future progression

But Lesley said while the funding package would make adult social care a more attractive proposition it would likely only make a small difference to the 152 000 vacancies within the sector

“This Government investment to add accreditation to the Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate is very welcome and it will give the qualification additional value said Lesley

“A clearly defined career pathway is also something I have championed for a long time and it offers people a clear route to progress their careers

“It will also help to improve perceptions of adult social care as a whole People still think of adult social care as looking after old people and everything that goes with that but the opportunities are far more varied

including helping young people with disabilities and assisting with treatment and recovery from addiction

“I hope it will encourage school leavers to consider adult social care as a viable skilled career with progression opportunities rather than a stop-gap It will undoubtedly help to

Norman The Poodle Highlights The

Of Pets As Therapy For Care Home Residents


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raise the profile of the sector and will give people with limited qualifications the chance to build their skills “It’s well-known that people stay longer at places where training is available ” People in adult social care jobs will be able to enrol on the new Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate qualification between June this year and March 2025 There will be other training initiatives available including a new digital leadership qualification to help managers in the sector with the implementation of technology But Lesley warned that this funding must be followed up with decisive Government action to plug the gap in care sector vacancies She said: “There is a bigger conversation to be had at a time when there are 152 000 vacancies within adult social care It is predicted we will need 440 000 care workers by 2035 “While this is a good starting point the Government must pledge future funding to support the long-term sustainability of the sector to attract many more people into roles at all levels If decisive action is not taken soon we could be facing unimaginable consequences over the next decade Valuing the current workforce and giving them opportunities to upskill is important but ultimately pay and conditions need to improve to attract new blood into the sector rather than going into retail or hospitality Realise is one of the country s leading training providers working with more than 1 000 employers and more than 10 000 learners a year throughout apprenticeships and adult education courses For more information, visit https://bit ly/realisetraining
The staff and residents at Elm Bank care home in Kettering embrace Norman the poodle a PAT dog with his owner Sandy in to their home on a regular basis, and the smiles on everyone’s faces is amazing We all know what the companionship of an animal can have on a person s health and mental wellbeing The residents at Elm Bank are thrilled to have Norman a beloved Pets as Therapy dog visit on a regular basis Normans owner, Sandy, has been coming to the home putting smiles on the faces of all the residents for over a month Sandy has had Norman since he was a puppy saying I remember the time when he was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand Marvellous Bindura, General Manager said, "The work Pets as Therapy do, is amazing, to see the residents smile when they see Norman is so rewarding, Sandy is a volunteer that takes time out of her own day to come in and make us all happy We as a home embrace volunteers and Sandy and Norman are a pair that we are very lucky to have” Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active and provides a daily choice of engaging physical mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents interests and abilities Elm Bank care home is run by Barchester Healthcare one of the UK s largest care providers which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals Elm Bank provides residential and dementia care for residents from respite care to long term stays Wippet For Care Wippet For Care is the simplest and most versatile way to procure everything you need for your care home Wippet is your gateway to fair prices from known and trusted suppliers Wippet is not a supplier we have sourced many different suppliers onto our platform Any healthcare business, small or large, can buy from Wippet At Wippet our purpose is to provide fair market prices to all care operators So we have pre-negotiated prices from known and trusted suppliers to the care sector giving instant savings across your purchases Our platform and 3 unique services designed by care procurement specialists, Club, Partner and Fuse are adaptable to the smallest and largest care operators - All suppliers routinely independently checked and vetted - Care procurement specialists negotiating with suppliers on behalf of our customers - Bolt-on functionality and additional services as you need them - More than 50 suppliers and 50,000 products and services already available - One login one basket one invoice - with streamlined supplier payments WIPPET CLUB Wippet Club is our core service offer we provide the power and technology to make extraordinary prices accessible to all our registered and approved customers Our ongoing commitment to work with suppliers negotiating fair prices for you is what we do best WIPPET PARTNER Through Wippet Partner you will turbo-charge your procurement with support from our care procurement experts as and when you need it From simple benchmarking via our range of suppliers and partner affiliations to multiple category tenders Using the Wippet platform technology to manage your procurement projects more efficiently allowing you to focus more time on other areas of your business Wippet Fuse Wippet Fuse is the simplest yet most powerful, purchasing platform for care Take your procurement to the next level with powerful technology that brings you P2P functionality at a fraction of the cost Register to gain access to our 3 services and improve all aspects of your
Lovett Care Introduces Alfred – The New Robotic Team Member at their Flagship Home - Fairfax Manor Growing Northwest care provider Lovett Care (www lovettcare co uk) has collaborated with Bear Robotics and introduced Servi+ to their new home in Harrogate The innovative robot helps support residents with maintaining independence and providing an additional “team member” in a fun and interactive environment Alfred, as named by the home, can be seen weaving his way through the home s Orangery or Dining areas where residents and team members can return cups and plates back to another part of the home or even send a cup of tea to a bedroom Recent visitors to the home have received a demonstration of this cutting-edge technology and the home has shared the benefits of how this will enhance resident s time in the home Chief Operating Officer Debbie Baker said “As a forward-thinking organisation, we remain committed to continuously enhancing our services through the adoption of innovative technologies that improve the quality of care and support for our residents” Head of Sales Emea for Bear Robotics Malachy Ryan said “We understand the importance of helping care home residents live their lives to the fullest That is why we have worked so hard in developing smart solutions to enhance the quality of communal senior living experiences a Servi + is our state-of-the-art foodservice solution to help make any dining experience exceptional” Fairfax Manor in Harrogate acquired from Angela Swift Developments in 2023 and will shortly be open to new residents The home has been thoughtfully designed to offer an exceptional living environment with a range of outstanding facilities The newly recruited team are in place ready to warmly welcome new residents Lovett Care also has homes under construction in St Helen s South Manchester and Kent With the growing demand for quality elderly care these will all be welcome additions to their local communities For further information visit www lovettcare co uk or www bearrobotics ai

so they can receive the input they need and to stay safe Before this can happen however, the law says a process called the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) must be followed by the local authority DoLS provides a set of checks to ensure that the deprivation of liberty is in the person’s best interests, is necessary to prevent harm to them and is a proportionate response to the likelihood and seriousness of that harm

The Charity says that DoLS is a crucial safeguard for older people and others who lack, or are perceived to lack mental capacity It means that people who by definition find it difficult or impossible to advocate for themselves, cannot simply have their right to liberty removed without any checks to ensure this is best for them – a humane and civilized response

But despite the paramount importance that we attach to upholding personal liberty in our country and the existence of these protections DoLS is not working well in practice and for an alarming number of older people is not working at all Chronic under-funding by central Government has led to serious problems in its local administration leading to an ever-growing backlog that is now so vast it can probably never be eradicated

Since 2015/16 the estimated number of incomplete DoLS applications has remained at over 100 000 and in 2022/23 126,100 applications went uncompleted Where applications were completed, in 2022/23 it took an average of 156 days for a standard authorization – vastly longer than the statutory timeframe of 21 days In many cases the decision to constrain the individual s freedom for their own good would have probably fulfilled the DoLS criteria but within such a huge number there must be a risk of injustice for some individuals, whose lawful right to liberty will have been inappropriately denied The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has also identified instances where local authorities have effectively adopted a policy of not even trying to deal with large numbers of low and medium priority applications

The problems with DoLS particularly affect older people – 84% of people subject to a DoLS application in 2022/23 were aged 65 years or over

Shockingly in 2022/23 49 325 people died while waiting for their DOLS application to be dealt with Age UK says that the problems with DoLS are part of a wider story of policy neglect and underfunding impacting social care The current social care staffing crisis means care homes often do not have enough staff to deliver care in a way that properly reflects the human rights principles set out by the DoLS and the Mental Capacity Act

Care home managers may lack the resources to provide person-centred care and this means that care practices can be more restrictive than they ought to be and that the minimal restrictions specified in DoLS authorisations are not always adhered to or reviewed For example older people may be locked up for long periods in their room in a care home or not supported to go outside or to leave at all due to lack of staff to accompany them There are also concerns that in some instances restless residents are sedated to keep them quiet

In addition to worries about resource issues there has been significant criticism of DoLS since their introduction in 2009 most notably in a 2014 House of Lords report It concluded that the ‘legislation is not fit for purpose Others have highlighted a widespread lack of knowledge of the principles of the Mental Capacity

Act among care professionals, a lack of training and inadequate support for individuals or families who want to challenge DoLS decisions

In response to these and other criticisms of DoLS, the Government planned to replace them with a new framework known as the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) as set out in the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 These plans for LPS were not universally welcomed within social care, partly because of concerns about the lack of resources in care settings and local authorities to implement them However in any case despite plans to introduce the LPS framework in October 2020, the Government announced a new implementation date of April 2022 Then that date was pushed back pending consultation until finally in April 2023, the Government announced that implementation of the LPS would be delayed beyond the current Parliament – effectively kicking the issue into the long grass

Meanwhile, the Government has made no extra funding available to enable local authorities to meet their statutory responsibilities under DoLS and there is no policy in place to tackle the enormous DoLS backlog

In its new report, Age UK sets out the results of qualitative research carried out with care home staff, representatives of local authority DoLS teams and families of those affected by DoLS

This research found a marked lack of concern from some professionals and others caught up in the system about the absence of proper DoLS processes being followed on the basis that what really mattered was that the individuals in question were safe This is understandable, given our beleaguered system of social care and health services but the Charity believes it is important to challenge this narrative as infringing liberty can be a ‘slippery slope’ and freedom is such a fundamental right in our society

Caroline Abrahams CBE Age UK Charity Director said: Personal liberty is part of our birthright and central to our understanding of what it means to live in a democracy, so it is profoundly shocking that so many older people with diminished capacity are living and dying without the proper legal protections for limiting their freedoms being in place

As a result we risk the nightmare scenario that somewhere there s an older person locked in their room in a care home, supposedly in their own best interests when, in practice, an objective assessment by a trained social worker would have found this not to be justified at all We have also heard of cases in which a care home is reluctant to constrain the movements of an older person with dementia who is clearly at risk because they wander without an order saying that this is legally okay

“It is shameful that more than ten years after a House of Lords report said the system for protecting older people with diminished capacity was not fit for purpose no decisive Government action has been taken to reform it A waiting list that now stands at over 100 000 cases means that today the system is in complete disarray Almost fifty thousand older people have already died without the legal protections in place to authorise the deprivation of their liberty and unless something changes those numbers are certain to keep going up

“The failure of successive governments to grasp the nettle of ensuring there’s a functioning system for safeguarding older people s liberty if they lose their mental capacity is symptomatic of their broader failure to reform and refinance social care At Age UK we support reform of the current system via the replacement scheme the Government proposed a few years ago but then subsequently shelved – provided it delivers effective human rights protections for older people In the meantime we believe it is essential that the Government properly funds the system that is in place until reform can happen It should also give local authorities the resources to begin to tackle the backlog

“Older people’s personal freedoms are too important for the system designed to safeguard them to be left to rot with the prospect of reform constantly being kicked into the long grass ”

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Care Home Residents and Staff Celebrate World Book Day 2024

Chartwell House Brings Generations Together On World Book Day

As the world celebrated the joy of reading on World Book Day Chartwell House by Boutique Care Homes opened its doors to a heartwarming gathering of young and old alike Nestled in the picturesque town of Broadstairs Thanet this charming community hub welcomed visitors from near and far for a day of storytelling laughter and shared camaraderie Ahead of the event the community rallied together to collect over 100 children’s books from generous donors in the area ensuring that children who walked through the door would have a literary adventure awaiting them

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the heartfelt exchanges between residents and their young visitors From sharing favourite stories to colouring in bookmarks together each moment was imbued with the magic of connection and shared experience Resident Gerald with a twinkle in his eye captivated the audience with tales from his beloved book ‘Just William , imparting wisdom and laughter in equal measure

Amidst the laughter and chatter the Chartwell House team added an extra touch of whimsy with their colourful costumes transforming into beloved book characters that delighted both young and old alike From the mischievous antics of Where’s Wally to the timeless elegance of Mary Poppins each costume

was a testament to the enduring magic of storytelling

Another highlight of the day was when Jude Coveney Admissions Manager guided the children on a literary adventure through the pages of The Wonky Donkey Resident Patricia Sansby brimming with joy remarked “I thought it was a really special day!” Indeed World Book Day at Chartwell House was more than just an event – it was a celebration of community connection, and the timeless joy of reading

As the day drew to a close and the children bid farewell their hearts full of stories and their minds ablaze with imagination, the spirit of World Book Day lingered on at Chartwell House In a world where stories have the power to unite us all this annual celebration serves as a poignant reminder of the magic that lies within the pages of a good book and the bonds that connect us across generations Diane Collins Home Manager of Chartwell House said:

“Today was about

Elm Bank Care Home Residents Celebrate World Book Day

fostering connections nurturing
beauty of shared moments We are grateful to everyone who made this
possible and look forward to many more adventures in the pages that lie ahead
than just books It was about
imaginations and celebrating the
Bookshelves are bulging at Elm Bank care home in Kettering where book worm residents were keen to get involved in World Book Day Staff and residents at Elm Bank care home had a fun packed day with staff dressed in some amazing costumes, hosting a discussion about the residents’ favourite books as well a quiz on famous books The residents were delighted to have children from St Thomas More School come and join them in reading their favourite books The children were dressed in wonderful costumes that put smiles on everyone s faces Tina the Activities Co-ordinator at the home commented: “Many of residents our residents love to read and to discuss their favourite books so World Book Day is a fantastic opportunity for us all to spend the day with our noses in our favourite books We also had a great time testing our knowledge on famous books All the residents were delighted to see the children in their wonderful costumes reading their favourite stories Marvellous Bindura General Manager at the home said: It has been a brilliant day and we have all enjoyed swapping our must-reads Our residents loved seeing the children in their costumes and having the children read to them was simply amazing

Doncaster Care Home Residents Enjoy A Tasty Treat To Mark World Book Day

Bookshelves are bulging at Hickathrift

House care home in Marshland St James Wisbech, where bookworm residents were keen to get involved in World Book Day Staff and residents at Hickathrift House care home decided to host a discussion about residents’ favourite books dress as characters from their favourite books visit the local Wisbech Library and launch their monthly book trolley

Intergenerational Fun For World Book Day

Dressing up costumes chosen with World Book Day (7 March) in mind and worn by preschoolers from Bridgwater s Little Montessori House were a great hit with their neighbours who live in the town’s Avalon Nursing Home

The youngsters all arrived at Avalon dressed as their favourite characters from their favourite books

Once they’d shown their costumes off they were treated to story time with the residents listening to the story of the Three Little Pigs

Lisa Priddice, activities co-ordinator for Avalon said: Residents were smiling and interacting with the children, holding their hands and talking about all

their favourite stories when they were young ” Old and young also enjoyed some colouring activities together and played with various toys as well as making time for cuddles with William, Avalon’s resident rabbit

Before they left, the children handed out cakes and jam tarts to the residents which also went down very well with everyone

The children are regular guests at the home and will be returning for their next visit at the beginning of April Their visits form part of a full and varied programme of activities organised for the enjoyment of residents at the home

too old to enjoy a good book and seeing the residents read with the children really was lovely Ashlands Manor resident, Barbara Hampson, aged 85, comments: I have always loved books and still enjoy reading so it was a real joy to see the school children today "

Ann Tonge aged 86 also a resident at Ashlands Manor adds: It was wonderful to learn about the children s favourite books and characters they dressed up as today I really enjoyed sharing some popular stories with them

Zoe Bowring from Back to the Garden Childcare adds: "We place a huge focus on reading within the nursery with the aim of instilling a lifelong love of books and stories with all of our children World Book Day is a great opportunity to celebrate everything that we love about reading and to be able to share it with the residents at Ashlands Manor made it all the more special proving that reading is for everyone whatever your age

It s the day when thousands of people join in a worldwide celebration of books and reading To mark Book Day 2024 residents and staff at RMBI Care Co Home Harry Priestley House, in Thorne, Doncaster enjoyed dressing up as characters from Roald Dahl s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory To complete the sweet-filled theme, staff decorated the Home with colourful candy treats including lollipops chocolates and nostalgic pictures from the original film in 1971 There was even a chocolate cake with a winning golden ticket “Our residents and staff absolutely love celebrating World Book Day and look forward to it every year We have great fun preparing our costumes talking about our favourite books and, on this occasion, memorable moments from the classic film says Anne Stobart Home Manager at Harry Priestley House
To celebrate World Book Day, children from Back to the Garden Childcare on Sinderland Road in Altrincham visited residents at Ashlands Manor Care Centre in Sale for an intergenerational afternoon of fun and storytelling Dressed as characters from their favourite books, the children along with two members of staff from the nursery brought a selection of books to read with the residents The residents at Ashlands Manor gathered in the lounge to greet the children proving that age is no obstacle when it comes to a love for books The afternoon was great fun for all; with residents enthralling the children with readings from their favourite books and sharing memories of their childhood and some of the children reading snippets and looking at pictures from their favourite texts Michaela O'Brien registered manager at Ashlands Manor says: "World Book Day is such a fun day for children as they dress up as their favourite characters and celebrate the beauty of reading books Many of our residents still love to read and were delighted to share stories with the local children "With Back to the Garden Childcare a sister company to New Care both part of the McGoff Group World Book Day provided the perfect reason to invite the children to the home Intergenerational activities such as these have such a positive impact not only on the wellbeing of our residents but also for the children You are never
Kat Colangelo the Head of Activities at the home commented: “Our residents all love to read and to discuss their favourite books so World Book Day is a fantastic opportunity for us all to spend the day with our noses in our favourite books We also had a great game of guessing the famous novel through images and short descriptions,” Paula Colman General Manager at the home said: “It has been a brilliant day, and we have all enjoyed swapping our must-reads with our new book trolley and dressing up as our favourite characters The residents love getting lost in a good book, so they very much enjoyed reading excerpts from their favourite novels and discussing what they love about them There are so many wonderful books to discover everyone enjoyed finding out about new titles to put on their reading lists from our local library Hickthirft House Care Home Residents Celebrate World Book Day THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 | PAGE 33 Sale Care Home Residents Share Stories With Local Children

Westgate Healthcare With Two New Care Homes In Hertfordshire

Westgate Healthcare has announced a strategic expansion initiative aimed at meeting the increasing demand for high-quality and compassionate care for seniors

The expansion plan includes the development and opening of two new care homes in Hertfordshire, reinforcing our commitment to excellence in senior living

Meadowbrook combines modern design with a warm and welcoming atmosphere Boasting 75 private

Plans for the construction of a contemporary 80-bed care home in the heart of Cheshunt are underway This significant development further marks Westgate Healthcare s commitment to providing premium care services to the Hertfordshire community Sanjiv Patel, CEO, expressed excitement about the expansion stating Our commitment to providing exceptional senior care remains unwavering The expansion is a strategic response to the growing needs of our aging population We are excited to bring our expertise and

impact on the lives of

rooms and luxurious communal spaces this facility is tailored to meet the
tranquil and secure environment
unique needs of residents in a
dedication to new communities and continue making a positive
Curam (www curamcare com) the largest care worker marketplace and home-care technology platform in the UK today announces a strategic partnership with Doctify (www doctify com/uk), the leading global platform for patient reviews of health and social care to power enhanced trust and transparency in the UK care sector through patient verified reviews when choosing carers The partnership will address the critical need to improve patient experiences where only 14% of households are satisfied with care services Providing more choice confidence and quality of care for patients and their families is therefore essential – and that’s exactly the goal of the Curam and Doctify partnership Doctify gives patients quick access to genuine independent and verified reviews of carers to find the best carer to suit their needs for athome care These are anonymised based on the experiences of other patients and cover aspects such as the quality of specialists their services and treatments Patients can then click through to Curam to connect with the carers with the expertise and availability that they need in real time Not only does this ensure that patients have complete control over their carer selection, and the opportunity to form consistent, trusting relationships, but Curam s self-employed carers are also able to earn around 50% more than they would in traditional care agencies Patrick Wallace director of Curam said The cornerstone of care is the patient But the UK’s care sector currently doesn’t reflect that, with the demand for fast high-quality care far outweighing the supply We re on a mission to transform care into a sector that s truly patient-centric and offers more rewarding careers for carers too With our partnership with Doctify we are providing even more transparency and confidence to patients and their families that they are receiving quality personalised care “Patient experience expectations continue to rise in the care sector The sector must prioritise trust and transparency by putting the patient at the centre We work with 32,000 healthcare providers to achieve this and are delighted to join forces with Curam Through our partnership we ensure that carers have access to meaningful feedback, strengthening their understanding of patient needs and improving their experiences while patients can find carers they feel confident in ” said Subhash Mishra VP Business Development at Doctify Contact client@curamcare com or 01387 730 766 Curam Forges New Partnership with Doctify to Advance Patient-centric Feedback in the UK Care Market A 92-year-old resident who lived at a care home in Colchester fulfilled a bucket list item of watching a musical, thanks to The Wishing Washing Line initiative by FaNs network in Essex Edwina Parker attended Philip Morant School and College’s production of Matilda and had a “magical” evening She was welcomed with flowers and was also mentioned by name at the end of the performance as a special guest Edwina said: I had the most wonderful time watching Matilda The performance was fantastic, and it brought back many happy memories from my childhood The Wishing Washing Line initiative is aimed at communities engaging with care home residents with interests that are important to them Paulina home manager at Crouched Friars said: Edwina was so excited to see the musical and the students performance was absolutely phenomenal Thank you to the Philip Morant school for having us and the Wishing Washing line for giving Edwina and our other residents so much joy ” Edwina has sadly passed away since Since last year Paulina and her team have kept up their Dignity Action Day promise, which encourages care providers to provide more dignified outcomes for the elderly to grant wishes for the care home residents She said: “It gives us great pleasure to see our residents fulfil their dreams and make lifelong memories at Crouched Friars Last year Crouched Friars care home granted wishes like flying a plane getting a tattoo going to a Sir Tom Jones concert being treated to favourite meals and learning how to jive Colchester Care Home Resident Enchanted By Musical By Local School Students

MasterChef Winner Leads Gastronomic Adventure At Local Care Home

Signature at Highgate hosted an exclusive cookery class and Q&A featuring renowned MasterChef winner Jane Devonshire The live cooking demonstration for Signature at Highgate residents and members of the local community was a delightful culinary experience showcasing innovative techniques to elevate traditional dishes Celebrity chef Jane took centre stage sharing her expertise on transforming the humble roast dinner into a luxurious and inclusive dining experience The event focused on breaking down culinary barriers and introducing residents to the art of gastronomy

The highlight of the event was the live demonstration where Jane showcased clever cooking techniques emphasising the importance of elevating food beyond the ordinary From transforming a simple stuffing ball into a culinary masterpiece to utilising leftover bits creatively the session provided valuable insights into enhancing culinary standards

Jane addressed crucial topics during the event including food wastage and sustainable culinary practices, as well as answering questions about her time on BBC MasterChef Residents learned how to utilise every part of ingredients from using leftover carcasses to creating flavourful gravies to turning carrot skins

into a rich stock Attendees were treated to a tasting experience that showcased the depth of flavours created through sustainable and innovative cooking

Whilst the live demonstration was a one-off event Signature at Highgate residents enjoy Jane’s dishes every day of the week as she has co-designed the seasonal menus and recipes that are served at every Signature home throughout the year

Jane Devonshire MasterChef winner and guest chef at Signature at Highgate said: I ve had a lovely time cooking for the residents at the home and chatting to them One of my favourite parts of my job is being able to showcase my craft and especially in today s climate, showing how to maximise resources and be as sustainable as possible when cooking at home I hope Signature at Highgate s residents enjoyed themselves as much as I did!”

A resident at Signature at Highgate shared:“The session with Jane was so fun and insightful! I ve never before had the opportunity of participating in a cookery class like this before, and I felt like I really learnt something There’s definitely a lot I m going to be able to take away from that

Liverpool Care Home Celebrates The Spirit Of Nursing With A Special Day For A Resident

unique initiative: “We’re deeply moved by the enthusiasm and spirit of Teresa It was a joy to see her light up wearing her tunic and being part of the team This experience not only brought immense joy to her but also inspired our staff and other residents It’s a beautiful reminder of the

histories our residents bring to our home This initiative is part of Walton Manor’s broader approach to resident care which focuses on individuality dignity and the celebration of each resident s life story

Mother’s Day Happiness Shared At Elm Bank Care Home

Residents at Elm Bank care home, in Kettering, celebrated Mother’s Day in style, with visits and video calls from family members near and far The home was also beautifully decorated with balloons and bunting for the occasion

Residents, family members and staff at Elm Bank care home all enjoyed a spectacular mother’s day concert, performed live by singer Clare Care Joy was in the air, the home was filled with the sounds of music and laughter, with feet tapping and hands clapping Chef, Sophie prepared a spectacular table of refreshments for the live entertainment along with an afternoon tea for all to enjoy

General Manager, Marvellous Bindura said: “We’ve all had a really lovely day It has been so good to see family members who were able to visit in person and to have video calls with those who are further away Our residents enjoyed a fantas-

tic live performance that put smiles on all faces, and a delicious afternoon tea prepared by our brilliant chef Days like these are so special ” Maureen a resident at Elm Bank care home, commented: “she was very good, I enjoyed that, it was lovely to see the dancing and that made me smile, she made me happy, the wine was very nice as well”

Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active, and provides a daily choice of engaging physical, mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities

Elm Bank care home is run by Barchester Healthcare one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals Elm Bank provides residential and dementia care for residents from respite care to long term stays

Walton Manor Care Home in Liverpool recently celebrated one of its own residents a former nurse by granting her wish to don her nursing tunic once more and be part of the caregiving team for a day Teresa who dedicated many years to the nursing profession expressed her desire to assist the care team daily In response, the team at Walton Manor always looking for innovative ways to enhance their residents lives provided her with a spare tunic and allowed her to engage in a variety of non-clinical supportive tasks alongside the staff Toni Stirrup, the home manager at Walton Manor, shared her thoughts on this
backgrounds and
An 89-year-old resident at Minchenden Lodge in Southgate North London has been keeping her passion for music alive by regularly playing the piano for others at the residential care home Valerie Ash who was born in Cardiff in 1934 started playing piano at the age of just six years old and has always had a love for music She studied singing at the Welsh National College of Music at Cardiff castle has been a member of four local operatic societies and played the piano for local pantomimes where she claimed the nickname Auntie Val Interestingly, the musical performer has also played in residential care homes in her time including Minchenden Lodge where she is now a resident Determined to keep showcasing her talent the inspiring woman who will turn 90 on the 20th of March often entertains residents and staff at the Southgate care home with her piano playing Home Manager, Rahima Mulindwa, said: “Valerie’s love for music has remained a constant in her life and it s always lovely to see her play It’s also great to see how much she enjoys the musical activities we arrange here for everyone at Minchenden Lodge Minchenden Lodge is part of AgeCare and Director of Care Jo Mason is pleased to hear that Valerie is continuing to embrace her passion She said: “To hear that Valerie has been entertaining everyone with her piano playing is amazing At Minchenden Lodge we foster a family approach focussing on enabling residents to live well It’s always lovely to hear how much fun they are having Piano Playing 89-Year-Old Keeps Musical Passion Alive At North London Care Home

Millard House Care Home Celebrates Hydration and Nutrition Week

educate people on the value of food and drink in maintaining health and wellbeing Nutrition and Hydration Week serves as an opportunity to educate promote healthy practices and nutrition habits for overall health and quality of life in our care home environment and Millard House has introduced weekly themes!

Mocktail Monday

Tasting Tuesday

Water Wednesday

Thirsty Thursday

Fruity Friday

Smoothie Saturday

St Patrick day Sunday

The proof of the pudding really was in the eating and drinking with residents commenting :

“ I really enjoyed trying out the different juices , its a great way to stay hydrated and refreshed

“I Loved the tasting sessions the variety of drinks and snacks provided was fantastic

“ I appreciate the effort put into promoting this event “

Registered Home Manager Mishell Perez said: “It’s wonderful to see our Residents embracing Nutrition and Hydration Week trying out and enjoying healthy foods, we will continue to explore more healthier lifestyle choices here at Millard House

Longueville Court Care Home

A Bradford residential service which supports individuals with learning disabilities has been announced as the winner of a national Social Care Interior Design Competition

Beacon House in Wibsey Bradford is a 16-bed specialist residential service supporting individuals with learning disabilities complex needs and behaviours that may challenge

Cygnet Social Care launched an interior design competition last year encouraging social care services to enhance and improve their environment for the residents

All 50 services taking part received a budget of £1 000 with an open design brief giving them the opportunity to spend the funds on anything from soft furnishings and murals, to sensory room equipment and interaction based tools

The residents at Beacon House decided on an Under the Sea sensory room to uplift the annex as they often visit Sea Life in Blackpool or The Deep in Hull

Beacon House Home Manager Jeff Firth explained: “As the theme of ‘Under the Sea’ was chosen we wanted to ensure the area was as interactive as possible An example of this came from the Beacon team who had the idea of ship wheels that residents could interact with and that would turn when attached the wall We obtained ship wheels and Antony our onsite maintenance col-

league got on with working out how we could make them turn

Residents are really enjoying their life Under the Sea at Beacon House To find out we had been chosen as the national overall winner the team and residents of Beacon House were triumphantly happy and celebrated

“I couldn’t be prouder of the hard work our maintenance the residents and staff team put into making this project happen However for me the biggest prize was seeing how a person-centred environment such as our residents chosen Under the Sea sensory area honours our residents’ identity whilst supporting their quality of life and wellbeing

Gareth Williams, CEO of Cygnet Social Care, said: We wanted this to be seen as an opportunity for staff and residents to work together on a fun and engaging activity and to take pleasure in being creative with the space they share Our services are residents homes and we want residents to put their own personal signature on their homes

There were regional prizes of £200 for

3rd, £250 for 2nd and £300 for 1st placed services in each region As the overall national champion, Beacon House received an additional £500 prize money The prizes will be used to further enhance the spaces at Bradford Care Ser vice Named Winner of Interior Design Competition Samantha at Longueville Court in Orton has been raising money for the Little Princess Trust for the second time Samantha Breagan, a kitchen assistant at Longueville Court has been raising money for this amazing cause for 6 months and growing her hair for the last 2 years It costs The Little Princess Trust £700 to provide one child or young person with a real hair wig and they currently help more than 2 000 children every year The Little Princess Trust also funds childhood cancer research and since 2016 has supported 128 projects searching for kinder and more effective treatments Residents, their relatives and staff were all very supportive and were there to cheer on the participants as they began the fundraising challenge Krzysztof Krzysztofiak at Longueville Court Care Home, said: “Staff and residents at the home have been behind her all the way It s for such an important cause I’m very glad to be able to do my bit to raise further awareness and money for charity
Hair Cut Off For Little Princess Trust RECRUITMENT.THECARERUK.COM ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO FILL YOUR VACANCY? WE CAN HELP! MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO PEOPLE'S LIVES WITH A CAREER IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE WELCOME TO THE NEW CARER RECRUITMENT WEBSITE USER-FRIENDLY AFFORDABLE FAST & EFFICIENT PAGE 38 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 Millard House Care Home is marking Nutrition and Hydration Week with a range of fun activities including tastings, cocktail/mocktail of the day to teach residents and raise awareness about their own nutrition and hydration The primary goal is to emphasise the significance of proper hydration and nutrition in maintaining overall wellbeing with a key emphasis on increasing awareness and embracing to the idea that “We are what we eat and drink and how a healthy diet of food and drinks can have a positive benefit on your body, mind and mood With approximately three million people in the UK at risk of malnutrition supporting this awareness week is vitally important to


The Jolly Journey creates a familiar

prefabricated packaged plant rooms also provide for better use of the spaces that already exist, without the need to undertake expensive and disruptive building projects This is especially valid as demands for larger accommodation space comes at a premium Adveco can help achieve emission reduction targets With more than 50 years of specialised expertise in designing supplying and servicing hot water systems for residential healthcare Adveco is the single resource you need for independent expert technical guidance on choosing pre-sized or bespoke sustainable applications today to get you on the right path towards net zero operation www adveco

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are natural drug-free topical cold therapy gels for muscular and joint pain, chronic arthritic pain postactivity muscle tension, general aches and overuse disorders Easy to use and fast acting BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling without drugs and drug-related side-effects BIOFROST® Gels BIOFROST® Relief Cold Gel for pain relieving cold therapy BIOFROST® Active Dual-Action Cold Gel with Heat Sensation combining cold with natural heat effects to treat back pain BIOFROST® Relief provides instant pain relief and activates body’s own healing through an optimal combination of natural ingredients including ethanol menthol eucalyptus peppermint and MSM Reported benefits of BIOFROST® Relief include lasting pain relief improved joint movements comfort during sleep fewer cramps calmed nerve pain reduced joint and muscle discomfort and faster post-activity recoveries BIOFROST® Active is a dual-action fast-acting cold gel with heat sensation for effective relief of muscular and joint pain Containing 10 natural herbal extracts (i e Arnica Burdock Roman Chamomile, Garlic, Watercress Ivy White Nettle Pine, Rosemary, Menthol) BIOFROST® Active relieves chronic pain, releases muscular tension loosens stiff joints and effectively treats back pain Benefits of BIOFROST® Active include easier joint movements, effective pain relief in treated areas discomfort-free sleep fewer cramps and reduced post-activity muscular and joint fatigue BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are usable standalone or alongside other pain relieving therapies (i e medication physiotherapy etc ) BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are suitable for people of any age including elderly and disabled people living independently or in nursing care Made in Finland by Viking Lab Oy BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels are Class 1 Medical Devices registered with MHRA Win Health Medical is the UKRP for BIOFROST® products T: 01835 864864866 / E: info@win-health com / W: www win-health com See the advert on page 3 and the front cover of this issue for more products BIOFROST® Cold Therapy Gels for Drug-Free Pain Relief C&S Seating Ltd C&S Seating Ltd have provided postural control equipment to residential homes, hospices, medical equipment services and NHS trust hospitals nationwide since 1991 With 9 different sizes of T-Rolls and Log Rolls in a removable and machine washable Waterproof Titex or Soft Knit material These rolls are used to control posture and position of the body in either sup ne or side lying Our Knee & Leg support wedges are available in 2 sizes C&S Seating Ltd is the sole manufacturer of the Alternative Positioning Support – also available in two sizes which has removable side cushions and middle pommel for when more control of the abducted lower limb is required Our popular and vibrant range of Soft Knit covers in a choice of 5 colours provide a softer alternative ideal for the colder seasons and are designed to fit snug over our waterproof rolls for maximum protection and comfort Contact us on 01424 853331 or v sit www cands-seating co uk to request or download a brochure pricelist or order form request an individualised quotation speak to an advisor or to place an order See the advert on page 6
Medical BARON MEDICAL in Bredhurst Kent & WESTERN EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES in Bristol have provided a wide range of services to the Care Industry both at home and abroad since the mid-eighties So with a combined 60+years’ service to the Care Sector we are probably two of the oldest supply companies in the UK which enables us to have unique purchasing arrangements with various trade and public bodies within the industry We have close links to the NHS, giving back much needed revenue, whilst also working with diverse clientele at home and abroad to countries less fortunate than ours Understanding the financial constraints often faced by care organisations and individuals, we offer flexible pricing options As a Trade Customer, whether you re looking to purchase just one or many beds, for hire or purchase, we can offer generous discounts to help cash flow Our current range of Alerta Beds is a testimonial to those savings whilst current stocks last but we can always deliver on value Prices are INCLUSIVE of VAT to ease your financial burden along with subsidised delivery Call 0800 954 8801 - Text 07768 800 188 Or email: Maureen (or) Brian@BaronMedical co uk www hospitalbedsuk co uk See the advert on page 15 for further information on how Baron can help your business
designed to simulate an old-fashioned travel carriage featuring real wood panelled wall brass luggage racks ornate wall lights and table lamp opposite-facing seating for four including cushions First Class antimacassars and period memorabilia
Jolly Journey from Little Islands is
and stimulating environment for ‘passengers’ to return to their fondest memories sparking conversations of time gone by Reminisce about travel and holidays with loved ones and friends over afternoon tea in your exclusive cabin, then maybe top it off with a jolly good Sing Song’ on the way home Our Journeys begin with Steam Train rides through Britain with other destinations being planned as the World opens up again Bespoke Journeys can also be created just let us have your ideas and we ll see if we can fit them in with our filming schedule In just one day our Little Islands Team can efficiently install and furnish your opulent ‘First Class Carriage pod’ with all accessories and footage All we require is 2 5M of clear wall space a power socket and good access to create your very own Jolly Journey For more information please contact Little Islands 01828 869802 or see the advert on the front cover The New “Jolly Journey” from Little Islands Oxford Up Joerns Healthcare s Oxford Up is an active manual stand aid supporting assisted standing seated transfers and patient rehabilitation Suitable for clients who require some assistance when standing but are able to participate and contribute effort to the process the Up can also be deployed as a useful rehabilitation aid With a safe working load rating of 200kg (31st) the Up quickly and conveniently disassembles into three separate components significantly easing storage and onward transportation, making it truly portable Reassembly takes a matter of seconds and its ready for use again An over-sized multi-point push handle eases manoeuvrability for the caregiver and the foot push pad provides a means of generating forward momentum when moving a patient Optimum positioning of the swing-away seat pads and knee support help ensure comfort for the patient Adjustable leg opening allows closer access around furniture, promoting improved patient positioning and general ease of use Where additional seated support is required the Oxford Deluxe Standing sling (With Clips) is fully compatible with the Up and available in three standard sizes: small medium and large The Oxford Up is available to order now with a standard 5 year warranty for peace of mind! For more information contact Joerns Healthcare on 0344 811 1158 send an email to info@joerns co uk or visit our website at www joerns co uk See the advert on page 7 Watch your resident s eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroservice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell personal care products to residents How about a delicious snack/pastry trolley or even a drinks trolley for that afternoon tipple? Your lovely trolley could do so much for you and your residents! Visit the website at www euroservice-uk com to see the full range Or see the advert on page 17 Ser ve Afternoon Tea in Style with Euroser vice To help achieve climate-neutral building stock by 2050 the care sector is being challenged to reduce operational energy use By increasing the use of renewable energy supply and prioritising on-site renewable energy sources the hope it to reduce both harmful carbon emissions and operational costs There is no doubt that being more sustainable comes at a cost Whether in the form of new build projects or the refurbishment of existing, yet ageing facilities, understanding the necessary capital investment, operational savings and payback periods is key to developing a workable sustainability strategy Because of ubiquitous need for hot water, from basins to baths and showers catering and wash down addressing how this resource is secured is one of the best ways of making active carbon savings today Addressing the efficiency of domestic hot water (DHW) systems - whether through the implementation of heat pumps solar thermal direct electric water heating or even simple modernisation of existing gas appliances - helps properties meet sustainability goals in a practical and cost-effective manner It also delivers improved year-round conditions for residents and staff providing spaces better suited to delivering quality care For buildings already on gas and that rely on large amounts of DHW silent solar preheat is the preferable option For new build properties the expectation is for specification to default to a mixture of heat pumps and direct electric afterheat New system approaches including
co See the advert on page 5 Where To Start Caring For The Environment Consort Claudgen s innovation in the electric heating industry takes another leap forward by introducing Wi-Fi-enabled heaters to their low surface temperature (LST) range These cutting-edge heaters offer unparalleled convenience and efficiency The heaters connect directly to Wi-Fi, enabling users to control heating through the digital control panel on the heater or via the Consort Connect app With a comprehensive 7-day timer which allows 24 individual heating periods per day and features such as a lock function open window detection and custom automation users can tailor their heating needs to their preferences Adding to the ease of use users can view the energy consumption statistics of all connected heaters, providing insights into usage patterns and potential savings The LST heaters with Wi-Fi and occupancy sensors have a selflearning control ability They utilise in-built occupancy sensors to detect and learn a user s weekly presence in a room creating an intuitive heating schedule When the space is unoccupied the heater conserves energy by switching to a setback temperature or frost protection mode BIM (Building Information Modelling) objects for the heaters are available for download from Consort’s website 01646 692172 | sales@consortepl com | www consortepl com See the advert on page 7 Consort Claudgen Introduces Wi-Fi Enabled Heaters to LST Range THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 | PAGE 39

rate up and down the steps- and beyond AAT visited Phil and Mel to assess the situation that the S-Max Sella would safely deal with the steps and that Mel and Phil were both comfortable using it Phil was so impressed he ordered one on the spot AAT delivered it set it up to their personal preference and trained Phil in how to use the equipment correctly and safely

Under Phil’s control with its integral seat and battery-powered kinematic climbing capability S-Max Sella safely gets Mel around her home again It gets her out of the house and into town It really is a fantastic piece of kit says Phil

Encanto and Cuba – Fabrics for Well-designed Contract Interiors

for any contract interiors whether office education care or high-end hospitality and cruise interiors Along with many other Skopos upholstery fabrics this collection comes under the Skopos Protect+ banner Perfect for flagship interiors with colours that compliment Skopos

drapery and bedding designs view the full palette on-line and order a shade-card The collection meets the requirements for Flame Retardancy standards across the UK and Europe and meets IMO standards with the added benefit of the MED wheelmark confirming suitability for marine/cruise-line interiors Available immediately with short lead-times for larger order quantities Skopos are pleased to add this collection into their Accents range For a copy of our Encanto shade-card pls contact our customer service team: sales@skopos co uk or for free samples of our collections visit our web-

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies including hand hygiene cleaning training and the adoption of new technologies to tackle the problem As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market including antimicrobial technology Angloplas range of dispensers are produced in the world s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella Salmonella and mould by up to 99 99% For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to www angloplas co uk HYGIENE & INFECTION CONTROL PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES LeisureBench Ltd is proud to introduce its new sister company SGM Recycled Plastics Ltd Made from 100% recycled plastic, our new ranges are designed and manufactured at our new premises in Granthan using the latest technology From picnic tables to planters the growing range of products are ergonomically designed for the commercial sector at affordable prices and most items come with a 25-year construction guarantee Introducing our new stylish side chairs available in several colours they are both comfortable and at a starting price of just £99 45 +vat in black they represent excellent value for money Our new website www sgmrecycledplastics com has automated muti-buy discounting Discounts start from as little as two of the same product for exceptional value We believe we are the most competitive in the market Our in-house design team can design bespoke products for our clients and no job is too small or too big Customer service is key to our success We welcome visitors to our factory showroom at Old Wharf Road Grantham Notts NG31 7AA SGM T: 0333 0112314 Calls charged at local rate E: support@sgmrecycledplastics com SGM W: www sgmrecycledplastics com LeisureBench W: www leisurebench co uk We all want to see less waste plastic and sustainability; our products are a small but not insignificant step in right direction Thank you See page 10 for details LeisureBench Ltd is Proud to Introduce its New Sister Company SGM Recycled Plastics Ltd S-Max has restored the freedom to get out and about for Mel and Phil Sanderson after months of being confined to living in their basement In 2022, Mel lost much of her mobility Unable to cope with stairs, she and her husband Phil ended up living in the basement of their three-storey home in Hull town centre With no internal staircase only a narrow turning flight of stone steps outside and strict building/alteration constraints (the property is Grade II listed) it became nigh on impossible for the couple to get out- whether for daily essentials or leisure- nor to socialise at home with friends and family Phil was having to physically lift Mel up and down the stone steps putting them both in danger of falling Phil was determined to find an answer His research led him to AAT and its top-selling S-Max Sella stairclimber Under the control of the care-giver the mobile battery powered unit transfers its passenger safely and at a consistent
Before we got the S-Max we were basically trapped in the basement Once trained it is very simple to use Now we can go out for leisure and appointments after months of being stuck inside It even means we can have family occasions upstairs as we used to with ease! I would recommend the S-Max for anyone who needs help getting up and down stairs S-Max is the UK s top-selling stairclimber with an impeccable safety record built up over 20+ years for the thousands of units in use nationwide Class 1 Medical Device certified the S-Max executes over 300 steps from a single charge Its unique ComfortStep feature delivers a smooth comfortable climb or descent automatically adjusting to variation in riser height and gently braking on the edge of each riser to facilitate the process for the operator The standard S-Max unit attaches to most wheelchair models to enable them to be safely moved up down almost any flight of steps The S-Max Sella features an integral seat for people who are not confined to a wheelchair AAT has developed a Universal Back for the units to achieve optimal flexible safety and physical support for the passenger AAT offers a comprehensive support service, including free no obligation assessment, setting up of the S-Max training of its users plus ongoing service & maintenance Full details including videos of the Sella stairclimber can be found @ www aatgb com/s-max-sella
Family Gatherings Restored! S-Max liberates Mel and Phil Adding to the family of impervious contract upholstery solutions from Skopos Encanto provides a burst of colour and texture into commercial spaces Marrying the key attributes: antimicrobial impervious soil and stain resist the 3 designs offer amazing performance without compromising on style Following in the footsteps of Chamonix Moritz and most recently Chamonix Deuxième
choice within the collection is designed to compliment a range of different interior choices With 38 new Skus each design works beautifully alone or in combination to create simple contemporary and stylish contract furniture pieces The fractured herringbone
familiar yet unique texture alongside a flexible small-scale check
our familiar Cuba linen design The palette provides
classical neutrals
5 Flame Retardant backing
No More Stuck
The Basement,
pops of colour or a choice of
The three designs are provided are Halogen-free Oeke-tex 100 compliant with Crib
000 Martindale rubs offering a beautiful
site: skoposfabrics com Skopos are looking to become a Carbon Neutral organisation in 2023 working towards PAS2060 status as part of our drive towards a more sustainable future For further information please visit our website Skopos is an ISO9001 accredited company and has more than 50 years’ specialist experience in the design and manufacture of high-performance FR contract fabrics for the hospitality sector Images show Marmotte Magenta and Slalom Olive/ Orelle Elm provided by Barons Furniture


Skin Health and Surface Hygiene Expert, GOJO Urges


To Be Prepared This Germ Season

Skin health and surface hygiene expert GOJO urges organisations to be prepared this germ season

GOJO, THE INVENTORS OF PURELL™, and the hand sanitiser category itself is advising organisations particularly those in the care sector that look after the elderly and the vulnerable, to take steps to lessen the impact of seasonal viruses this winter

Preparedness can save lives – last year’s influenza programme prevented around 25 000 hospitalisations in England This autumn and winter COVID-19 flu and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are likely to be co-circulating which, according to Dr Marc-Alain Widdowson, who leads WHO's High-threat Pathogen team would increase the risk to vulnerable populations and put further pressure on health services ’

Whilst flu vaccines are a powerful weapon good hand hygiene is a critical measure in the battle against winter infections For healthcare and long-term care settings which support vulnerable patients GOJO recommends paying extra attention to their specific needs Chris Wakefield V P European Marketing and Managing Director UK & Ireland GOJO Industries-Europe

Ltd comments: ‘As a founder member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Private Organizations for Patient Safety group GOJO is a strong advocate of making hand hygiene second nature to everyone Hospitals and care homes need to ensure that the protection solutions they select are suitable for everyone with a facility – staff visitors, and patients alike

For example consider touch-free dispensers that are easier for the elderly and infirm to operate and ensure that the formulations are suitable too They must not only have proven efficacy against germs but should be gentle enough to care for resident s delicate skin as well as that of busy healthcare workers, who clean their hands repeatedly during a shift ’

Widely used in the NHS PURELL® is a trusted brand in healthcare facilities around the world Its solutions encompass fast-acting, effective formulas that care for skin state of the art dispensers and dedicated support such as the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) accredited training

For a tailored effective total solution for your setting or for more information on the benefits of partnering with GOJO please call +44 (0)1908

588444 email CustomerExperienceUK@GOJO com or visit www gojo eu/uk

We do


Swiftclean is a family-run business which has been established for over 40 years Formed to provide specialist compliance cleaning services for ventilation system hygiene Swiftclean is now one of the UK s foremost providers of kitchen extract fire safety cleaning legionella control services fire damper testing indoor air quality monitoring and ventilation system cleaning WHY SWIFTCLEAN?
the job properly, giving you peace of mind:
tackle many new projects where dirt or grease has been allowed to build up - all our ventilation cleans are carried out to comply with BESA TR19® or TR19® Grease Our legionella control services provide clean water:
provide legionella control services to ensure L8 regulations compliance preventing legionella outbreaks and maintaining a healthy water supply
help safeguard your insurance: Our unique cloud-based digital delivery system produces detailed compliance documentation to help safeguard your insurance preserve your business and protect your brand reputation We save you time and money: By using us for both ductwork and water hygiene services you can make the best use of your budget as well as your valuable time We’re big enough to reach you, small enough to care: We provide nationwide coverage in England Wales and Scotland through one team with the same exemplary high standards We re highly experienced, we know what we re doing: Our expertise has been built up over more than four decades and we’re at the cutting edge of industry progress Our Managing Director is directly involved with BESA and we re an award-winning ISO registered company We re experienced and reliable; you can count on us to do the job properly We would love to hear from you Please feel welcome to contact one of our team members on 0800 243 471 option 1 www swiftclean co uk Swiftclean Puts Your Care Home in Control of Grease and Legionella

Christina Larkin is JLA s Chief Data and Marketing Officer shaping the organisation s decision-making through analytics and insight As ESG lead Christina also inspires JLA s teams to put customer and sustainability-focused thinking at the heart of their actions As managers across the UK s care sector continue to navigate the triple challenge of infection control rising utility costs and the drive for greater energy efficiency what innovations and practices can be adopted to help future-proof care homes protect residents and staff and still enable organisations to meet their short and longerrange sustainability targets? In this piece on finding the balance JLA’s Chief Data & Marketing Officer, Christina Larkin shares her thoughts on an increasingly pressing question


The Covid-19 pandemic has rightly seen the care industry – and the Care Quality Commission – place renewed focus on infection control From the laundry room to the kitchen care home hygiene and safety are rightly non-negotiable while compliance and residents safety remain everyone s top priority

At the same time initiatives to drive efficiency reduce waste and decarbonise the sector continue to gather pace with net-zero targets and more accessible alternative technologies allowing organisations to reduce their carbon footprint without compromising care standards The good news then is that energy savings are still highly achievable in care settings and can even help to demonstrate to your residents (and their families) that you are taking steps to becoming a more sustainable business which in turn enhances your reputation

Of course practically meeting these expectations will usually mean adopting a range of measures These could be as simple as switching to more sustainable everyday consumables and reducing waste sent to landfill It could mean upgrading boilers and associated heating equipment to more efficient hydrogen-ready units Or it could mean investing in more energy-efficient washing machine systems, which, thanks to technological innovations, will use considerably less electricity and hot water to disinfect a laundry load, and actually lower your day-to-day running costs

Whatever the path you take, improving sustainability brings a myriad of benefits – and not only in operational efficiencies or cost savings In fact, it s increasingly the case that committing to sustainability means investing in your people s wellbeing as well By making positive changes and working on sustainability together you can help to improve morale and reduce staff turnover which allows residents to build even deeper relationships

with your care team You ll also be a more attractive proposition to talent across the industry which further drives up standards

And as more and more families begin to consider the environmental impact of facilities while making crucial care decisions such a commitment to sustainability could well become the key difference between you and your competition


With commercial energy costs at record highs we often hear of care homes seeking cheaper domestic washing machines for their laundry rooms However research shows that this can be a false economy For one, domestic machines are much less robust, needing more regular repairs, while their smaller load capacities add up to needing more washes, at greater expense More importantly, it is unlikely that they can achieve and maintain the thermal temperatures required to keep you compliant with the requirements of HTM 01-04 A commercial washing machine is far more likely to control temperatures effectively, as well as providing the correct holding time to achieve the full penetration of a load for disinfection Alternatives to thermal laundry infection are becoming increasingly widespread too One example is ozone disinfection technology which uses the power of natural ozone gas to eliminate infection from laundry loads on an energy-saving cool wash During a study with Leicester s De Montfort University JLA s own ozone disinfection system OTEX was found to completely remove the coronavirus It also helped to cut hot water usage by up to 80% and electricity by 60%

As expected regular servicing and proactive maintenance are more likely to extend the working life of your equipment But when washers dryers and other appliances reach the end of their life it is always worth considering the latest developments to understand what they could save you in time energy and money This is because the most up-to-date technologies are likely to come with enhanced energy-saving features and help you spread savings across the year

Further utility savings can also be achieved through comparatively lowcost investments such as swapping double-headed taps for single-lever taps to help control hot water consumption installing showerheads that use aeration to save water adding reflective heat film to your windows to reduce energy loss and – a classic – powering down any unused appliances


As technology for the care sector continues to evolve embracing it will be key to staying ahead Enabled by internet connectivity and state-ofthe-art sensors remote monitoring systems are now allowing providers to keep a watchful eye on your equipment spotting issues early and dealing with them before they can cause disruptive downtime Similarly customers are getting fresh insights into the way their laundry rooms are running; from one dashboard managers can easily view real-time data

without having to be on site By creating a fuller picture of a laundry room s daily use these systems offer a smart way to plan resources save time and make decisions that reduce energy use And as this technology expands we expect to see more and more use cases opening up JLA s own Connect service offers always-on monitoring for compatible laundry equipment Some of its features include improving efficiency by estimating the amount of energy and water machines use, in addition to suggesting better times to run them for maximum savings On top of that, JLA Connect offers a handy way to quantify and potentially reduce environmental impact with estimates of CO2 emissions

JLA has also introduced its own Energy Smart Hub, which combines practical tips, data-driven insight and actionable advice that is already helping customers tackle rising energy costs and stay energy smart We view this

hub as a crucial resource offering honest comparisons between products while ensuring customers have the full picture on costs and benefits when they come to explore or invest in more energy-efficient equipment Our recently published sustainability report – a first in the commercial equipment industry – expands this transparent approach The report not only explains the steps we ve taken to save our customers 8 million kWh in electricity and 276 million litres of water through OTEX but formalises our sustainability strategy We believe it is vital to outline our future goals as we continue to support thousands of organisations like yours that are the bedrock of the UK s social infrastructure It is our hope that by adopting best practices embracing new innovations and sharing inspirational success stories the sector can navigate today’s challenges while working towards a future of excellence in care and environmental responsibility
Robust Infection Control While Driving Sustainability? Article by Christina Larkin, JLA's Chief Data and Marketing Officer (Website: www jla com Email: etagg@jla com Phone: 0800 591 903) LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS In the realm of national care maintaining an unwavering standard of service is of paramount importance The key to achieving this lies in forging partnerships with trusted service providers Established in 1926, Forbes Professional offers a cutting-edge solution that helps both small care homes and national care groups establish a streamlined process for all on-going service and account management At the core of Forbes Professional s offering is a nationwide delivery model with a localised response; fortified by the security and dependability that comes with being a well-established company Our extensive network of depots and field engineers ensures a highly responsive service and maintenance capability, activated seamlessly through a dedicated hotline at our headquarters Collaborating closely with clients, we customise solutions aligned with their unique requirements Our approach involves comprehensive site surveys detailed CAD designs and the meticulous selection of industrycompliant Miele laundry appliances Recognising the paramount importance of hygiene in the care sector, our commercial laundry equipment strictly adheres to WRAS and CQC guidelines for infection control For those in the care sector Forbes Professional offers flexibility in acquiring laundry equipment through rental, lease, or purchase options all accompanied by comprehensive maintenance services Our Complete Care rental solution stands out by providing access to premium equipment without upfront capital investment coupled with a commitment to cover all repair or replacement expenses throughout the contract s duration National care groups partnering with Forbes Professional are assigned a dedicated account manager, streamlining all aspects of account management for a highly efficient and simplified process This approach ensures a seamless experience for procurement teams and care management staff, reinforcing Forbes Professional's commitment to elevating the standards of care provision in the national landscape www forbespro co uk | info@forbes-professional co uk | 0345 070 2335 Forbes Delivers a Streamlined Solution for National Care Groups Chester based Laundry professionals Lavamac Ltd, official distributor of Lavamac industrial laundry equipment has received the prestigious Bronze Sustaibnability award in recognition of their policies and procedures based commitment to maintain a sustainable business for ourselves or customers and the environment The three main points Lavamac have been recognised for are: 1 Air source heat pump dryers connected load 3kw as opposed to 30Kw for a 16kg electric dryer and 25-30 kw for Gas clean efficient and saving the planet available from £10995 fully refurbished to £16995 00 new both with 24 months parts and labour warranty and the option to extend and cost effective annual premium ? 2 Refurbished Equipment we completely rebuild any current model of Primus Lavamac or Ipso washers dryers and ironers I full ground up restoration leaves these machines as good ( if not better than ) New ! sold rented of leased these machines are between 40-50% of cost of their new equivalent with a warranty as new 24 months parts and labour ( see attached literature on our product range ) 3 Intelligent washings machines ( In conjunction with our partners www countrywidehealthcare co uk ) we can potentially reduce chemical usage by up to 35% and labour by 30 % A delighted Jeremy Hartigan CEO of Lavamac Ltd said: I am extremely proud to announce that Lavamac have been awarded a prestigious Bronze Sustainability Award by the UK Groundworks Trust This award demonstrates our commitment to promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility within the sector This award is renowned for honouring businesses that demonstrate exceptional dedication and innovation and we are thrilled to be recognised for our resolute focus on offering sustainable products and services while raising awareness about the importance of environmental concerns within the sector See the advert later in this feature further information on Lavamac Laundr y Specialists Lavamac Receive Sustainability Award MAG Laundr y Detergents Maintaining cleanliness and comfort in care homes and nursing homes requires selecting the right laundry products That s why many UK care homes trust MAG Laundry Detergents for their laundry needs MAG s specially formulated commercial laundry detergents stain removers and fabric softeners are designed to address the most common soils found in senior care facilities MAG s laundry solutions stand out in ensuring that your laundry and linen remain clean bright and soft By washing with the high-quality laundry products available at www maglaundrydetergents co uk you can offer your residents the freshness and cleanliness they deserve helping you uphold the highest standards of care for your organisation To explore how MAG can support your care home contact them at 01353 883025 or visit www maglaundryequipment co uk
How Can The Care Sector Maintain
LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS PAGE 44 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 Cash s Apparel Solutions has been at the forefront of manufacturing woven nametapes for over a century, serving the nursing home sector and beyond Their nametapes have become synonymous with preserving identity, preventing lost garments, and delivering personalised identity items and gifts Preserving dignity Cash s woven nametapes provide a simple yet effective solution to labelling clothing in nursing homes minimising distress caused by lost garments, fostering an environment where residents are seen and respected for who they are Cash s has earned a global reputation for reliability and quality Their woven nametapes are sold and utilised worldwide serving as a testament to their effectiveness In addition Cash s Apparel Solutions goes beyond their renowned nametapes Their expertise in weaving and personalisation allows them to create a diverse range of identity items and gifts From personalized badges to custom keyrings and promotional products Cash s demonstrates their versatility in meeting unique customer needs By offering tailored solutions, they celebrate individuality, making a significant contribution to the spirit of personalisation and fostering a sense of belonging A Century of Excellence Cash s century-long presence in the industry showcases their enduring commitment to excellence They have adapted and innovated, embracing modern technology and evolving customer demands Cash s unwavering dedication to their craft and the nursing home sector demonstrates their genuine concern for residents well-being and comfort In conclusion, Cash s has established itself as a leader in manufacturing woven nametapes personalised identity items and gifts With their century-long legacy of quality reliability and attention to detail Cash s continues to make a significant impact in the nursing home sector and beyond By preserving identity preventing loss and embracing personalisation Cash s Apparel Solutions truly embodies their commitment to enhancing safety dignity and individuality in care facilities worldwide Visit www cashslabels com Preser ving Identity and Preventing Loss: Cash's Apparel Solutions' Centur y-Long Legacy PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING Washing Machines for Residential Care Homes MAG Laundry Equipment the award-winning supplier of commercial washing machines and tumble dryers takes pride in its extensive support to over 10,000 care homes nationwide Maintaining clean laundry and bedding is of utmost importance for care homes, hospices, nursing homes, hospitals, and various healthcare organisations MAG Laundry Equipment s nationwide team of accredited engineers has successfully served thousands of care homes with their products services information and support MAG s comprehensive product range encompasses commercial washing machines tumble dryers ironers presses and detergents With quality products dating back to 1922 MAG has continuously developed and enhanced its equipment making them some of the most reliable energy-efficient and cost-effective machines in the market Care homes benefit from the peace of mind that their laundry machines can be promptly maintained and repaired, as MAG Laundry Equipment supplies, installs and services equipment across England Scotland and Wales For those seeking high-quality wash results capable of removing stubborn stains MAG is the go-to choice Their washing machines for nursing homes feature complete thermal disinfection as standard To explore how MAG can support your care home contact them at 01353 883025 or visit www maglaundryequipment co uk

Accessible Bathing in Nursing and Care Environments

Accessible bathing requires the use of specific equipment and aids to assist residents These may include handrails shower chairs bath hoists and walk-in baths It is vital to ensure that the equipment is regularly maintained and that staff are trained in its correct use

Technology can play a significant role in accessible bathing with innovations such as digital showers and temperature-controlled taps providing increased comfort and safety for residents For example some taps can automatically turn off if the water temperature gets too high reducing the risk of scalds

Residents' dignity and privacy should be respected at all times during accessible bathing Staff should ensure that residents are treated with respect and that their dignity is maintained throughout the bathing process Residents should also be given guidance on how to use the facilities and any equipment to ensure that they feel comfortable and safe

and timing of bathing the use of aids and equipment and the involvement of family or caregivers

Accessible bathing is an essential aspect of providing quality care to residents in UK care and nursing homes Health and safety risk assessment training injuries aids and equipment technology flooring infection control, and patient dignity and guidance are all crucial considerations when designing and maintaining accessible bathing facilities By prioritizing these aspects care and nursing homes can ensure that residents receive safe comfortable and respectful care during the bathing process

ages with different needs and abilities to share facilities

“We launched Omnicare Digital for this type of application, further strengthening our collection of thermostatic care showers The new model helps users with reduced mobility and can be specified in wet room applications, while still offering all the safety features that are included across our Omnicare range ” British Electrotechnical Approvals Board (BEAB) Care Mark approved all models in the Omnicare range have a maximum temperature setting of 43 C and are equipped with thermostatic temperature control to prevent scalding and sudden drops in water temperature regulating within +/-1 C Additionally to help users of all abilities wash easily and safely Omnicare products are Royal National Institute for Blind (RNIB) accredited and included audible feedback and tactile controls such as a looped lever handle and soft press start/stop button There are additional accessories that can be paired with the Omnicare range to mitigate against slips trips and falls including multi-purpose grab riser rail kits and remote start/stop controls

Triton s Omnicare Digital shows the manufacturer’s continued commitment to sustainable showering solutions In Triton’s latest research it found that an electric shower can cost nearly a third less than a mixer

Ashley added: “We’re always looking at impact on the planet, whether that’s from our own manufacturing processes or changing the behaviour of those using our products

For more information about Triton’s Omnicare range, please visit

www tritonshowers co uk/care-showers

in multi-generational households whether due to a shortage in housing stock cost-of-living crisis or the population living longer Therefore properties must be adapted accordingly allowing people of varying

Contact details: Call: 02476 324 776

Email: specification@tritonshowers

Triton has unveiled its new Omnicare Digital solution designed for safer showering in level access bathrooms Expanding its industry-leading collection of Omnicare electric care showers, the latest launch from Britain’s leading shower manufacturer has Bluetooth compatibility, enabling it to automatically pair with a Whale Instant Match pump, evacuating wastewater from showers where gravity cannot do so Ideal for both new build and retrofit applications the product joins Triton’s existing Omnicare Omnicare Ultra and Omnicare Design products to form a complete range of inclusive thermostatic showering solutions Packed with innovative features the Omnicare Digital switches off instantly if power to the pump is cut for any reason preventing flooding Quiet in operation the unit controls the pump s speed based on flow rates so gulley suction noise is minimised With a small footprint the pump can be installed in various locations including bathrooms airing cupboards and other accessible locations – making it easier and faster for contractors to fit and maintain A 7m pairing distance through Bluetooth wireless technology also offers flexibility for the pump to be sited outside the bathroom area Triton’s latest launch has been developed to support the continuing trend of multi-generational living amid an ageing demographic Last year, CBRE found that 1 8m UK households now contain two or more adult generations Ashley Cooper Marketing Director at Triton Showers said: “An increasing number of people are living
co uk NEW: Omnicare Digital Shower for Level Access Bathrooms Accessible bathing in UK care and nursing homes is essential to provide residents with the best possible care It is vital to ensure that the bathing experience is safe comfortable and respectful of their dignity and privacy In this article, we will explore various aspects of accessible bathing in care and nursing homes, including health and safety risk assessment training injuries aids and equipment technology flooring infection control and patient dignity and guidance Bathing is a routine activity that most people take for granted However for people with mobility or sensory impairments bathing can pose significant risks of falls, injury, and other complications Therefore, it is essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment of each resident s bathing needs and capabilities to identify potential hazards and develop appropriate care plans The risk assessment should take into account the resident s physical and cognitive abilities, mobility, sensory impairments medical conditions medication and history of falls or injuries The assessment should also consider the design and layout of the bathing facilities including the type of bath or shower flooring lighting, temperature, water pressure, and grab rails Based on the assessment, the care team can develop a care plan that addresses the resident's individual needs and preferences such as the frequency

Is a Sustainable Diet a Nutritious and Healthy

“In the most general terms as a population our current diet is not sustainable or healthy The most recent UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) data shows our intakes of saturated fat, sugar and salt are above the Government recommended levels Whereas intakes of fibre, fruit, vegetables, and oily fish are too low

In the UK the Eatwell Guide provides a model for a healthy varied diet It is estimated that if everyone adopted this diet nationally it would lead to reductions in associated GHGE (-45%) and land use (-49%) It includes eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day wholegrain and higher-fibre starchy foods, and diversifying protein intake more towards plant sources such as beans and other pulses as well as plant-based meat alternatives

A recent study found increased adherence to the recommendation on reducing red and processed meat consumption was associated with the largest decrease in environmental impacts and carbon footprints

This same study found if everyone in the UK consumed a diet in line with these recommendations it would lead to significantly less type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, strokes and cancer

All the evidence shows moving to a more plant-based diet means a positive impact on our health whilst meeting nutritional requirements and sustainable eating can absolutely include small amounts of meat fish and diary

Is this suitable for older adults? Aside from specific requirements if it is healthy safe and appropriate for the individual this is all very relevant for over 80s wanting to support the planet David Attenborough is a good example!

Learn more by watching allmanhall s interview with ITN:


co uk/ References https //www carbontrust com/our-work-and-impact/guides-reports-and-tools/theeatwell-guide-a-more-susta nable-d et https //bmjopen bm com/content/10/8/e037554
Tess Warnes, Dietitian at food procurement experts allmanhall (www allmanhall co uk), explains THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 | PAGE 47
AND HYDRATION Müller is now making the trademark taste accessible to flexitarians and those following a plant based diet, even when away from home The move highlights how Müller is investing to expand and optimise its portfolio of products to help foodservice operators meet the needs and desires of the out-of-home customer 15% of customers now expect venues to offer dairy alternatives on their menus signalling a growing shift towards plant based choices With 8% of the UK population following a lactose-free diet there is more demand for foodservice operators to provide the products guest love in plant based alternatives Jason Reed Head of Food Service and Convenience at Müller UK & Ireland, said: " Making the nation’s favourite dairy brand accessible to more people both in and out of home is an exciting and natural move This marks a significant step for Müller embracing evolving consumer preferences With the launch of our bestselling varieties and a NEW flavour launch of Strawberry & Pomegranate Fruit Corner into our growing foodservice portfolio following the success of the range launching into retail in July 2023 " The need for plant-based to be offered alongside dairy products is becoming increasingly important especially around the breakfast occasion 17 million more Brits are now opting for plant based yogurt alternatives for breakfast so our range offers a real solution for caterers in the hotel workplace education and healthcare sectors Featuring coconut milk as a base the line-up now features popular classics, with Müller Rice & Müller Corner available in four exciting new flavour variations Müller Fruit Corner Plant Based Strawberry & Pomegranate and Müller Crunch Corner Plant Based (now with Dark chocolate-coated cereal balls) are both offered in straight cases of 6x136g, while Müller Rice Plant Based Vanilla or Chocolate is available in straight cases of 6x170g To explore Müller's plant based offerings visit www mullerforcaterers co uk or reach out to the Müller for Caterers team via OOHQueries@muller co uk Müller Brand Favourites, now Plant Based
and Is It Appropriate for Older Adults?


How to Approach Patient Handling In A Disability Care Setting

changing needs to maintain a person-centred approach


When undertaking patient handling tasks there are a multitude of potential risks for both carers and clients For example both parties could experience

be a part of the community they live in To avoid this care providers should always work in partnership and communicate with other healthcare professionals such as social workers doctors and dentists to minimise this risk and ensure that clients receive the best possible care

Another risk to consider is understaffing and busy workloads for carers who are trained in patient handling This must be avoided at all costs as the quality of client care is greatly compromised if people rush tasks or can’t complete them at all due to not having capacity To minimise this care providers should have good rota planning to ensure the right staff are always in place, as well as ensuring that patient handling training is provided to the necessary people



In a disability care setting carers should be aware that they are expected to follow the policies and protocols of patient handling for safety purposes This includes carrying out risk assessments and a responsibility to follow support plans for individual clients so everyone receives personalised care

In addition carers have a responsibility to communicate with clients and explain what they are about to do even if they are non-verbal and

Prevent and Treat Pressure Ulcers with Levabo

To find out more about the range of pressure ulcer prevention and

products from Levabo visit the Algeos websiteat www algeos com or call

0151 448 1228

unable to respond as this maintains the client’s respect and dignity Carers also need to make sure the correct equipment is always used –not only to reduce risks but to make the job easier People should be able to properly use equipment such as hoists slings standing aids shower chairs grab rails slide sheets and wheelchairs – to name a few


The best approach for moving and handling training is through practical lessons It s a very hands-on element of personal care so giving people practical experience will allow them to become familiar with the correct processes and methods – something that is vital to ensure they pass the training Not only this but in-person training allows learners to get immediate clarification on any questions they might have Compliance with patient handling training should also be monitored through practical assessments and regular on the job training as well as through reviews and client feedback forms

Patient handling is such an important element of care giving – it promotes the safety dignity and wellbeing of individuals with disabilities at the same time as safeguarding the physical health and professional wellbeing of caregivers

The Pressure Problem

Unfortunately, the physical strain of moving patients can significantly impact staffing levels, with back and musculoskeletal problems accounting for 17% of staff sickness days in the NHS Physical repositioning also deprives patients of sleep impacting recovery as sleep is vital for maintaining healing and is essential for quality hospital experiences

Encouragingly implementing sufficient prevention can reduce pressure ulcers by up to 87% with a cost saving of £513 000 and a 362-day reduction in the number of bed days per centre This reduces the impact on staff while addressing overall quality of life

At Wellell we re dedicated to raising societal and healthcare quality Our range of air mattresses prevent pressure ulcers while decreasing caregiver workload automating labour-intensive procedures and complex therapy workflows

Our Optima Turn turning mattress one of our Optima Series products provides automatic and timer-controlled turning up to 30 supported by alternating pressure multiple pressure relief therapy options and manually deflatable air cells for heel relief care, all easily accessible through the intuitive pump interface, streamlining patient handling and caregiver workload

Contact us to learn more about this innovative pressure injury solution Let’s work together to provide better treatment uk wellell com

Shockingly pressure ulcers cost the NHS more than £3 8m every day; 1% of the total NHS spend in 2022/3 Moreover the NHS paid out £23 5m in associated litigation damages in 2021/22 Pressure ulcers are blisters or open wounds forming when pressure is applied to the same area of skin for a period of time Annually around 700 000 people in the UK will develop a pressure ulcer As older people are a distinct risk group they have a particular impact in community care settings where individuals aged 65 and over make up 82 1% of the population They also result in longer hospital stays by 5 to 8 days This is especially detrimental for elderly patients, leading to an increased risk of falling, sleep deprivation, infections, and even mental and physical deconditioning Overall, pressure ulcers are regarded as a measure of care quality However, prevention education is minimal, care is time consuming, and suffers from staff shortages, which negatively impacts staff morale Fortunately SSKIN is embedded in the NHS for pressure ulcer prevention In particular at risk individuals should be repositioned every 4 to 6 hours Many care settings are therefore required to manage repositioning schedules and provide advice and assistance to those at risk
Leading lower limb and pressure care distributors Algeos has announced the launch of a new, innovative automatic lateral turning system, The Turn All Designed and manufactured by Danish pressure care experts, Levabo, The Turn All was developed to support clinicians and carers in the regular turning of primary immobile patients with minimal disruption to the individual The new system fits between any standard care bed and mattress is easy to install and can be set to 30 60 or 90minute increments across a 24-hour period to suit the service-users needs Supporting the body along its entire length the Turn All utilises a 30-degree lateral positioning – as recommended by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel guidelines – to relieve tissue compression and restoring blood flow Furthermore a 5-degree lift on the opposite side of the Turn All counteracts shear a tissue injury that can occur when the tissue between the bone and subfloor is displaced
Turn All system is the latest product to join the Levabo range at Algeos Other products include the Heel Up the Seat All and the All Up all made from soft flexible heat and moisture absorbent non-woven material that stimulates the microcirculation of the skin
nurses and backed
Developed with Danish wound-care
by a plethora of European data
of the Levabo products is single-patient use, machine-washable up to 60 degrees and can be reused for six to eight weeks, making them a cost-effective solution for the treatment and
tion of pressure ulcers
Moving and handling is a complex and sensitive element of care giving requiring care providers to be as knowledgeable and thorough as possible to get it right This applies in all settings but even more so in disability settings when clients are often vulnerable and non-verbal When it comes to patient handling care providers must respect their clients dignity – a fundamental aspect of quality care –and have the ability to adapt to clients
the additional risk
physical harm such as skin tissue or ligament damage if
aren t
aren t carried out with
there is
that without successful patient
in their homes or rooms unable to
Select Lifestyles (www selectlifestyles co uk) THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 | PAGE 49
By Nick Horton,

Taking Control of Time and Attendance

Social Care

TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE The social care industry faces unique challenges when it comes to managing time and attendance Ensuring that the right skilled care worker is in the right place, while also juggling staff absences, can be a daunting task However there is a solution that can streamline these processes and give you greater control over absence management: Advanced Time and Attendance software One of the key features of time and attendance software is skills mapping In social care it s not always possible to simply roster in another employee to cover a shift With skills mapping you have the ability to set parameters that ensure the replacement staff member has the necessary skills for the specific client So when a care worker calls in sick or can t make it to their next client you can seamlessly find and allocate another staff member with the right skillset Shift swapping is another valuable tool offered by our time and attendance software If a care worker is unable to fulfil their shift or make it to their client visit the shift can be easily swapped with another equally qualified care worker This ensures continuity of care without disrupting the rest of the schedule Additionally team members may even be able to trade shifts between themselves with approval reducing the administrative burden on care coordinators To make the management of schedules and absences more efficient time and attendance software offers self-service capabilities Employees can access cloud-based software at any time to manage their schedules, sickness and annual leave This empowers them to take ownership of their own time and reduces the time and effort required for managers to keep tabs on who is where when and for how long Managing rosters, absence, and payroll in the social care industry can be complex but it doesn t have to be complicated With Advanced Time & Attendance solution you can efficiently configure your rotas update shifts and track absences The software provides real-time data and productivity insights helping you make informed decisions and optimise your workforce Taking control of absences in social care is crucial for maintaining the quality of care provided to clients Advanced s Time and Attendance software offers the tools and capabilities needed to streamline processes allocate skilled staff members, and empower employees to manage their own schedules By implementing a Time & Attendance solution you can prioritise client needs while ensuring efficient and effective workforce management For more information on Advanced Time and Attendance you can visit our website www oneadvanced com or call 0330 311 6077 See the advert on the back cover of this issue for details
SFIncS r/3 - A Fee Income System especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes Designed to deliver simplicity and ease of use coupled with speed flexibility and accuracy SFIncS r/3 (Simple Fee Income System release 3) has a proven track record of over 12 years in use Originally developed and prototyped as an MS Access database since 2017 SFIncS r/3 has lived entirely on the cloud so is available 24/7 from anywhere in the world As a completely bespoke package born of necessity and collaboration between seasoned software consultants with ties to the care industry, SFIncS r/3 offers innovations and capabilities not found in any other system Separation of sponsor and service user responsibilities permits unlimited sponsor/service user relationships and as any number of charge codes may be defined, this allows complete flexibility of service user/sponsor /charge code definition Its unique continuous billing function is the most efficient means possible of defining recurring charges (an entry is only required when a change occurs) and both an ad hoc charge function and a cashbox module are available for incidental expenses (either or both can be used) Use of the balance forward accounting principle (which makes unnecessary invoice matching a thing of the past - though invoicing is included) plus super quick receipts entry using just ‘six clicks makes SFIncS r/3 almost effortless to use Paula who owns and operates Monkstone House Residential Home in Porthcawl testifies to it s incredible prowess: “With 41 partly private and partly sponsored service users some of whom are multiply funded it takes me only 30 to 40 minutes per week to keep both my accounts and fee income up to date! More importantly I never need to worry about underpaid or overpaid fees - everything is always spot on And the invoices and statements produced let me present the polished and professional image I need ” SFIncS r/3 integrates easily with any accounting package can be used by any type of care home and by single or multiple home operators alike For more information email benjones@intracare co SFIncS r/3 - A Fee Income System Especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes Better by Design: A Fee Income System especially for Residential and Nursing Care Homes SFIncS r/3 is the ultimate fee income management and control system. • Unlimited sponsor and charge code assignments allow complete flexibility of service user billing profiles Perfect for all types of care homes - Nursing Residential Mixed Specialist • Unique continuous billing functionality provides the most efficient charge definition possible Only charge start points need to be maintained and all sponsor charges for each service user (including historic) are shown on just one screen • Completely flexible invoicing Invoice any sponsor at any time for any charges for any service user for any period of time • Super fast receipt entry including ‘Six clicks’ copy functionality • Balance forward accounting means you can forget laborious invoice matching • Ad hoc charges functionality Cashbox module included • Works for multiple or single home operators • Integrates with any accounting system • Plus all the reports views and graphs you’ll ever need • In use for over 12 years Free training and help with system set up • Historic data loading option available (charges may apply) • 30 day free trial For a demo, free trial or for further information please email or visit We've analysed every aspect of fee income processing to the nth degree and developed a bespoke solution that delivers simplicity and ease of use coupled with speed, flexibility and accuracy – all in one outstanding application package PAGE 50 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186
Mainteno is a complete cost-effective CAFM software solution designed to simplify the day-to-day maintenance of any organization Whether you re managing planned maintenance or dealing with fault repairs Mainteno streamlines every aspect of the maintenance management process saving you time and money With Mainteno you can keep everyone in the loop and archive all your communications and documentation in one place allowing for total control of your organization s assets The software also seamlessly incorporates asset management and tracking for added convenience Mainteno s interface was designed with practicality in mind allowing basic operation to be learned in minutes and making it easy to become a power user in just one afternoon Despite its elegant usability Mainteno is surprisingly affordable with no set-up fee or lengthy contracts Mainteno adapts to any organization s maintenance needs and offers a FREE TRIAL so you can see how it can benefit your organization before committing Try Mainteno now and experience the time and cost savings it can provide for your facilities management With Mainteno you can enjoy a complete CAFM software solution that simplifies your maintenance processes and saves you money all while providing the flexibility and ease-of-use you need to stay productive Visit www mainteno com TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE PASS supports over 1 000 care providers every day giving them access to market leading care management tools hand in hand with unlimited 24/7/365 support from our dedicated and friendly PASS team Assured by NHS Transformation Directorate PASS provides a secure platform that allows you to plan record and evidence the care you deliver The only assured solution built specifically for the home care sector it provides comprehensive real-time functionality and allows you to share progress against outcomes with customisable exportable reports CARE PLANNING AND ROSTERING FROM A SINGLE PLATFORM To meet the wider needs of the PASS community All-in-one PASS has recently been launched , bringing advanced rostering functionality to our established digital care planning platform As a result advanced staff scheduling payroll and invoicing functionality is now seamlessly linked with care planning and reporting reducing the technical complexity risk and overhead associated with integrating two separate systems As a result PASS now provides an all-in-one suite of digital care management tools available from a single platform designed to: • Save you time Increase the efficiency of your teams Improve the quality of care Deliver better outcomes INTEGRATED HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Our commitment to the continual evolution of PASS is further illustrated by the addition of GP Connect The first product of its type to offer this feature PASS is still one of only a handful of digital care management solutions to have completed this NHS Digital integration and is the only one offering it to the home care market PASS GP Connect provides authorised social care staff with realtime access to their client s GP records It makes medical information available when and where it is needed, leading to improvements in both care safety and outcomes: Visibility of allergies, vaccinations and medications, especially useful for clients unable to reliably share their personal information Using medical information to inform care planning Ensuring that the right medication is delivered to the right person in the timeliest manner In one case this allowed the administration of ant biotics on a Friday evening aiding the service user’s swift recovery from infection Available to all PASS users at no additional cost PASS GP Connect is significantly more efficient than waiting for a GP response It s also a positive step forward on the path to the DHSC s goal for widespread digitally enabled care and is in full alignment with their ambition for joined up care for everyone Get in touch www everylifetechnologies com hello@everylifetechnoloiges com Pass Profile 2023 Mainteno - Award-Winning Maintenance Management Software PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 | PAGE 51

Can AI Ease Loneliness For Adults In Care?

vital role in providing not only basic physical care but also emotional support and understanding This is especially important for individuals with disabilities who may feel isolated due to their condition, or those with cognitive challenges and degenerative conditions such as Dementia

Chatbots are not suitable for everyone And in such cases human empathy is necessary to interpret the needs and communicate effectively with the patient


The use of technologies such as AI in care must be evaluated to ensure it complements and enhances human connection rather than replacing it This means there must be careful consideration when proposing how

into the roles of those who may be the people patients see and talk to most as well as how it can be used to make the care journey better for patients

Although chatbots cannot replace human carers, a combined approach of AI and other technologies can help care providers and facilitators

For example, currently, a typical caring schedule often includes three in-person visits per day for each patient However, due to time constraints, caregivers may have to rush these visits In this case, we would argue, that technology can be used to allow carers to perform a more thorough in-person visit and follow up with two video check-ins based on the patient's needs (these video care calls can even of course be instigated from overseas)

Remote intelligent monitoring and predictive analytics can also be used by carers to capture an accurate overall picture of a patient s well-being to design better care programmes in advance rather than spending too much time during an in-person appointment on data capture

As well as improving patient-centricity AI has the potential to streamline services for care facilitators by taking on mundane tasks and freeing up the caregiver s time and talent for creativity and innovation For example the administrative work involved in the daily operation of care providers and facilitators AI can handle emails user inquiries and information requests enabling users to access information quickly so management can focus on solving more complex issues efficiently


Ultimately the current care system is dealing with legacy and complex technology which has held back much-needed innovation While AI can be a potential solution many care providers see AI as a cost-cutting solution without first addressing the underlying issue of an inadequate care model

Digital transformation within the care sector should instead prioritise the needs of patients and carers rather than simply implementing technology for the sake of it Technology should add value to the care journey for example making it safer by vetting carers ID and training documents with banking-standard technology or reducing the time carers spend doing admin so they can focus on their vocation Similarly it should enable patients to access care easily and quickly so that they aren t stuck in the hospital and have better care outcomes


The successful implementation of AI in the care sector requires careful consideration of how it can meet the needs of patients And for that reason it s not an effective way of combatting the loneliness of people in care AI cannot replace the crucial interpersonal relationships between carers and patients that build trust safety and companionship

However it can help ensure carers have more time to put the needs of patients at the heart of their work

The key to successful AI implementation in the care sector is putting the patient first

TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE PAGE 52 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 With reports revealing up to 85% of care workers experience abuse each year and thousands of serious attacks on carers recorded the need for reliable, efficient staff attack systems in care settings has never been greater Protecting care workers is vital for staff morale and productivity but also patient care and long-term treatment outcomes Choosing the right staff alarm system therefore requires careful consideration, and the weighing up of the following factors EFFICIENCY & SPEED Quick intervention is crucial when preventing a violent attack In care settings patients may become aggressive suddenly with little to no warning The most effective staff attack systems work rapidly allowing employees to summon assistance quickly and easily should they face abusive behaviour from a service user PRECISE Equally the accuracy of a staff safety system is a key consideration When an alarm is triggered the response team should be informed of the exact location of the call – allowing for rapid intervention and thus prevention of harm This is particularly true for large facilities with multiple floors and rooms and in cases where multiple alarms have been activated simultaneously Pinpoint’s latest P2 Graphical Display Unit for example clearly demonstrates the call level and precise location of incidents on rotation enabling responders to allocate support as required USER-FRIENDLY Staff alarm systems for care workers should be simple-to-use and easily accessible In the face of hostility or violence carers should be able to activate their personal alarm quickly and without alerting the aggressor This was a key factor in the development of Pinpoint s new P2 System which benefits from a more sophisticated, discreet design Worn on the staff member s uniform the P2 personal alarm is lightweight and easy to use Employees simply press a button on the device to call for assistance and in more high-risk situations where a service user is becoming aggressive, the worker pulls a pin from the bottom of the device to sound an emergency alarm ROBUSTNESS Vandalism of safety systems is not uncommon in high-risk work settings as service users can tamper with or abuse the devices out of frustration Choosing a robust safety system is therefore an important and cost-effective measure for care homes FOLLOW UP SUPPORT When looking into staff attack systems, it’s wise to consider how much follow-up support is offered by the provider the length of the warranty period available and whether repairs or assistance with maintenance issues is available Doing this from the outset will prevent problems later down the line! As rates of violence toward staff in Care settings increase so too does the need for powerful efficient staff safety systems Choosing the right system will depend on the environment in question the security needs of the staff and the threat posed by service users Keeping the above factors in mind will serve as useful guidance for facilities looking to make the best choice for the safety of their employees Interested in learning more about Pinpoint s P2 System? Visit www pinpoint ltd uk/staff-safety-system See the advert on page 13 What To Consider When Choosing A Staff Attack System For Care Settings By 2030 one in six people in the world will be aged over 60 (including me!) The WHO now outlines loneliness as a key risk factor for the wellbeing of people in later life As a potential solution we re increasingly seeing AI companions championed for being virtual friends who will listen and talk to individuals With loneliness and feelings of isolation rife amongst the elderly and vulnerable, it begs the question could AI chatbots be beneficial in care? In short, we would argue no Here’s why INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS ARE KEY Complex issues such as loneliness cannot be solved by technology alone AI chatbots may seem like a promising solution, but they cannot replace the human element of companionship and care that is so essential especially for those who are vulnerable and have complex needs Carers play a
fit technology

Silent Running - Tranquility in Care Homes

the whole building Alarms can be particularly disconcerting as they may encourage the person with dementia to respond or investigate what the matter is At the very least the loss of sleep will compromise a person s ability to concentrate It can affect their attention levels and capacity to cope, as well as being detrimental to their overall state of wellbeing Personal paging systems are preferable to bells and buzzers Modern Nurse Call systems can incorporate a number of methods to reduce their impact in a care home These include zoning whereby there are separate alarm types used depending upon

the location of the call In these circumstances, dementia sufferers and those vulnerable to noise can be located in one zone whist less vulnerable residents live in an alternative “zone” Each “zone” can operate different call tones, warning lights or other methods to alert when help is required

Reducing noise levels is essential to create a tranquil environment for residents Pagers have been around for many years are a relatively simple and cost-effective measure in reducing the levels of noise and can be added to most Nurse Call systems Smart Mobile Devices are now becoming more commonplace for care home staff and hold a variety of apps for care planning e-medication etc Many Courtney Thorne clients are now utilising the “Go” app with their Nurse Call system With the Go app nurse call alarms are delivered immediately and silently straight to the handsets alerting the individual carers to all Nurse call alarms without creating any general alarm sound and rarely disturbing the rest of the residents in the home

Calmer residents ultimately means that staff are less stressed also this creates a happier workplace where morale is greatly improved staff are retained and CQC ratings improve Clearly the positive ramifications of a quiet Care Home run deep Get in touch today to find out how we can help your home become a quieter calmer and more tranquil environment

For more information email us at: info@c-t co uk or see the advert below

THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 | PAGE 53 NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Earzz Limited is a British business making AI-powered acoustic monitoring solutions that help the vulnerable and those who care for them Built with a deep commitment to enhancing the well-being of residents, ‘Earzz’ listens, recognises, and alerts for critical sounds, making it an invaluable addition to residential homes and supported living facilities The advanced system monitors residents at night, alerting staff and users to critical sounds for prompt care With cutting-edge AI prioritising privacy no speech recognition no recordings Earzz also keeps digital records of important sounds in resident rooms - like coughing gasping and thuds from falls that help track trends in resident health and enable easier handover for staff and record referencing Earzz also offers Routine-based Audible Sound DetectionSends alerts for any audible sounds at specific times as set by staff/carer/manager, especially valuable for night-time care for vulnerable residents helping to reduce chances of falls Call +44(0)2038380090 to book a demo! Visit www earzz com Or see the advert on page 19 Ear zz Elevates Night-time Care! Quiet and calm care homes ensure that residents are able to live in a more relaxing and pleasant home environment Similarly carers and staff find that they too benefit from reduced stress when working in a home where noise levels are kept to a minimum There are many environmental factors that can affect those sensitive to their surroundings particularly those suffering from dementia these can be fluctuations in ambient temperature light and of course noise Repetitive and high levels of noise can originate from a number of internal and external sources, for example, telephones ringing, loud conversations in corridors, and call bells sounding often one of the largest contributors to increasing the levels of stress and discomfort in residents A published study by the University of Stirling stated that unanswered Nurse Call (Call Bell) alarms can be one of the most common causes of stress in dementia sufferers The University recommends “fitting call alarms which alert nurses but do not resonate throughout
NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING ARQUELLA a leading care technology provider offers solutions to enhance the quality of care in nursing and residential homes across the United Kingdom Arquella is passionate about making a difference in the quality of care provided to nursing and residential homes across the United Kingdom Through the power of technology we have developed cutting-edge solutions that are accessible and supportive putting people at the forefront As part of a nationwide initiative driven by a £25m UK government funding pledge to enhance the quality of care and support individuals’ independence Arquella is proud to be at the forefront of the digital transformation in the care sector Falls in care homes are a significant concern in the UK, with residents three times more likely to fall than older people living in their own homes Arquella s innovative solution Arquella Sense utilising sensorbased technology and Arquella Call a digital nurse call system will improve reactive care and reduce risk Arquella Sense uses discreet wall or ceiling-mounted sensors to monitor fall risk behaviour 24 hours daily alerting carers via mobile handsets The technology aims to intervene before falls occur increasing safety and providing a cost-effective solution to cumbersome mats Arquella Call is an app-based digital nurse call system that delivers in-depth digital records and future-proof functionality It integrates seamlessly with other software applications offering actionable data to help shape care delivery and adjust staffing levels Arquella is at the forefront of a digital transformation revolution in the care sector
0333 242 7505 or visit
website at www arquella co uk or the advert on the facing
- Connected
Ally an AI-powered resident monitoring system is revolutionising night-time care with its immediate advantages for care home owners staff and residents Ally uses a wall-mounted sensor easily retrofitted into rooms which send alerts to the Ally app The AI processes sound and motion signals to notify staff when attention is required for example if resident s call out in pain panic or are moving The result is enhanced safety reduced disruptive checks and improved sleep and well-being for residents In collaboration with NHS Digital ICB’s and customer feedback Ally demonstrates remarkable results: 40% increase in night staff efficiency 55% reduction in resident falls 20% drop in hospital visits This leads to a substantial 9x return on investment primarily achieved by affording staff more time for personalised care Customer testimonials echo Ally s transformative impact Ally s Resident Monitor solution exemplifies how technology can deliver personalised remote monitoring that is proactive rather than reactive to incidents ultimately enhancing the well-being of residents ” Melanie Dawson Home Manager at The Lawns “The first indicator of a resident who contracted Covid was Ally picked up that she was coughing a lot in the night She still had Covid we still had to manage that situation but because we were aware of it a little bit earlier it helped us to feel more in control of the situation " Robin Hall at Oaklands Care Home The Care Quality Commission (CQC) recognises Ally's positive impact on care stating in their State of Health Care and Adult Social Care in England 2016/17 report “Acoustic monitoring enabled staff to respond more promptly and appropriately to people s support needs during the night ” Ally enhances care outcomes but also positions care homes using this as preferred choices for new admissions and staff Join the revolution in night-time care, visit https://www allycares com/ and follow us on LinkedIn at https //www linkedin com/company/ally-smart-care/ Prevent 55% of Night-Time Falls with Ally PAGE 54 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 Blaucomm s Nurse Call Messaging Service (NMS) is the market leading solution to remove the dependency on noisy nurse call panels and pagers through its intelligent software which delivers the alerts straight to the care staff who need them Care homes are rapidly introducing smartphones for digital care planning and eMar - now the same devices can be used to receive the nurse call alerts they need for the residents under their care Furthermore, Blaucomm NMS is deeply linked into Person Centred Software MCM so call bell data is linked straight to care plans This unlocks a huge benefit to care homes to enhance the staff performance with how they accept and respond to residents which ultimately promotes better response times and visibility for management to audit their performance The best part is that Blaucomm NMS links into your existing nurse call system - we work with all major brands such as Aidcall ARM Courtney Thorne C-TEC ENS Intercall Medicare SAS and TeleAlarm Care operators are constantly recognising Blaucomm NMS for its reliability and dependability to their care operations, which is why we’ve been chosen time and time again over other solutions Head of IT Trudi Harrow at WCS Care had this to say about Blaucomm NMS: We find Blaucomm is a genuinely fantastic company with a reliable product We would highly recommend this to anybody who wants to replace expensive pagers and silence those annoyingly loud nurse call screens! To find out more about Blaucomm NMS visit www blaucomm co uk/healthcare See the advert on the front cover for more details Blaucomm LtdTelecommunications & Networks
Technology is more important than ever in providing insights and actionable data to inform decisions and improve lives For more information about Arquella s products and how they can
your care home please call
page Arquella
Technology, Connected Care

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions

Medpage Advanced Domestic and Commercial Fall Prevention Systems

NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Fall Savers® are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years FALL SAVERS ® WIRELESS MONITOR Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers® The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad This results in less work for nursing staff, improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices BENEFITS INCLUDE: Safer for patients; less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works with two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems A variety of options, including: Call button Pager Floor sensor mat Wireless door/window exit alerts TREADNOUGHT ®FLOOR SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors FEATURES INCLUDE: Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacterial Floor Sensor Pad Large Size Pad: Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately) Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit www fallsavers co uk
PAGE 56 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 Medpage Limited has manufactured care aid technologies for 40 years and our brand is widely used in hospitals and commercial care establishments We supply fall prevention and detection systems to suit most requirements to ensure patient safety and regulation compliance We are a major contributor and supplier of equipment to the hospital patient discharge project, where Assistive Technology items are issued to aid independent living and keep people safer at home We offer expert technical advice support and product guidance for customers unsure of their requirements Our reputation for delivering quality services quality products competitive pricing and our passionate commitment to developing new and improved technologies is acknowledged by the majority of Local Authorities in the UK Our latest fall prevention system based around our MPCSA11 sensor controller was successfully tested in Cardiff Royal Infirmary Enfield and Barnet NHS Potters Bar Edgeware and is now adopted and implemented as part of their falls management programmes The CSA11WBCK system is unique in that it allows a patient with mobility to freely transfer from bed to chair and into a monitored area such as the washroom, without causing an alarm so long as the patient is detected by a sensor, bed chair or movement If the patient fails to return to their bed or chair the alarm outputs become active alerting radio pagers nurse call trigger or dispersed alarm dialler To find out more about Medpage fall prevention systems visit www easylinkuk co uk Professional-wandering-falls
NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 | PAGE 57 Technology has made people more connected with the world around them and the revolution in assistive care devices has made it possible for the elderly to spend their last years in a comfortable and familiar environment These devices have also made it easier for home carers to provide quality care for their loved ones while managing their own lives They allow you to care for your elderly whether they are travelling in the city for errands staying alone at home or staying in the same home as you They are also helping nursing homes provide better care for them with discrete monitoring and quick responses to emergencies If you re looking for these kinds of assistive care devices for your loved ones or nursing home Frequency Precision produce some of the best systems available to help you with elderly care and mobility monitoring ranging from bed chair and floor sensor mats through fall monitoring and GPS tracking to fully integrated nurse call plug or wireless systems Phone: 01837 810590 Email: contact@frequencyprecision com Website www frequencyprecision com Frequency PrecisionSensors and Pressure Mats to Monitor Those in Care PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING

First Free E-Learning Resource on Data Security and Protection for Care Staff Launched


Speaking about the


assessment covering topics from all four modules Staff can complete the modules in any order and over the course of several days

Care managers, trainers and staff can access the course and corresponding user guides at www digitalcarehub co uk/elearning

The course modules are:

Module 1: Data protection rights and responsibilities covers the importance of data security and protection in the care system and staff s personal responsibility to handle data safely

Module 2: Keeping data secure covers the importance of keeping data secure through good record keeping and data disposal and how to share confidential data securely

Module 3: Threats to data security looks at the threats to data security that employees might encounter, including common types of fraud and scams and how to safely use and keep digital and paper records

Module 4: Data breaches explains what data breaches are, the causes of data breaches and what to do in the event of a breach

Assessment quiz: The assessment includes 20 questions relating to all four modules Trainees are required to get 80% or more correct in order to download the certificate

The course which was developed and tested in partnership with care providers has been welcomed by the sector

Dr Jane Townson Chair of the Care Provider Alliance representing the 10 national care provider trade associations encourages members to use the course saying:

“Care providers are increasingly aware of how important it is to train their staff on good data and cyber security practice But until now there hasn t been anything really tailored to the specific needs and circumstances faced by our sector s staff

“This new elearning course from Better Security Better Care is the missing piece of the puzzle – and it complies with the training requirements in the Data Security and Protection Toolkit

The Care Provider Alliance encourages all care providers to use the resource to improve and assess their staff’s knowledge ”

Tom Rottinghuis Data Protection Officer at The Forward Trust who was on the Working Group that developed the course said:

“Our safeguarding manag-

er and two of our counsellors were particularly pleased to see that there is a focus on the need to share – as well as the need to protect – people’s information and it really shows that data protection is not the enemy of safeguarding and care, but a crucial part of it You can and must share information in order to ensure people get the support they need

“One of the most valuable aspects of the new resources is that they are short Given the pressure our staff are under and the high turnover it is so valuable to have something that is clear straightforward and flexible to use

Care staff who were involved in testing the course fed back:

This will help train all staff easily and at no cost Very clear and easy I look forward to using these modules for our staff!”

I think it is really digestible and has managed to strike the balance of including all relevant and necessary information whilst the training does not feeling too info heavy to digest

“These modules are tailored to the social care context and reflect real situations that a diverse variety of care workers face in different settings It’s visual and in plain English so it is very accessible to a wide range of staff including those with English as a second language Visit www digitalcarehub co uk/elearning

The delivery of safe care is the paramount responsibility of social care providers Central to achieving this is the governance framework adopted by service providers And at the core of this framework are policies and procedures These enable the provider to comply – and evidence compliance – with relevant legislation and regulations as well as facilitating best practices supporting business needs and assisting in recognising and managing risks Good governance care itself is an integral part of health and social regulation Regulation 17 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 stipulates that care providers must have systems and processes in place that ensure they can meet the requirements of Regulations 4 to 20A Policies and procedures not only ensure that providers are compliant with this regulation and working within the law; they also enable providers to drive improvement and protect the people who access services and receive care Providers also have a legal duty of care to the people they employ Policies and procedures should provide clear guidelines to staff on how the organisation operates as well as informing them of best practices and processes to be followed Policies should be reviewed annually as a minimum to ensure they are still fit for purpose and align with legal and regulatory requirements They should be reviewed not only by employees of the business but also by experts in various subject matters (e g infection control or medicines management) For many small- to medium-sized providers there may not be the in-house skills knowledge and experience to complete such a robust annual review Many choose instead to purchase their policies and procedures from a reputable provider like W&P Compliance & Training who will also complete reviews and ensure their policies and
from best practice policies and procedures that provide a solid foundation for safe working practices and – ultimately – protect and support service users and staff Ben Erskine – Director at W&P Compliance & Training www wandptraining co uk | Tel: 01305 767104 See the advert on page 2 for further information
Policies and Procedures Within Social Care
procedures remain up to date
way a
not only ensures they remain compliant; they also benefit
developed the course in response to a gap in the market
providers can now improve and assess their staff s knowledge of data security and protection using a new elearning resource specifically designed for the care sector Better Security Better Care
the national programme supporting adult care providers with data security - has
new course, Michelle Corrigan Programme
of Better Security
Care, said: Care providers told us that they struggle to access relevant training for their staff on data protection and cyber security Our course content reflects all care settings and staff roles – from home care and residential services, to frontline care workers and administrators There are lots of videos case studies and interactive elements which enable staff to understand their role in keeping both print and digital data safe Care providers also said that it can be challenging to meet the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) requirement to train at least 95 per cent of staff on data protection in the previous 12 months This course has been specifically designed to meet that requirement
have made the course completely open access without any need to register or login because we want to maximise the number of people using it – especially staff in small care services But it is also available as a SCORM compliant resource for providers who have a Learning Management System
course which reinforces the Data Security Standards and the Care Certificate includes four modules and one online assessment Each module takes around 10 – 20 minutes to complete and there is one single
In the complex world of healthcare the backbone of any healthcare facility is its dedicated team of nurses healthcare assistants support workers and many others The quality of care provided to patients hinges on the expertise and commitment of these professionals At Meridale, we understand this fundamental truth and have made it our mission to revolutionize how healthcare recruitment is handled EXCEPTIONAL RECRUITMENT SERVICES
stands at the forefront of healthcare staffing because we recognize that the heart of healthcare lies in the people who provide it Our commitment to excellence extends beyond mere lip service; it’s embedded in every facet of our recruitment services We specialize in connecting healthcare facilities with the finest talent available UNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDS We understand that every healthcare facility has unique needs and constraints Meridale takes the time to listen comprehend and collaborate with you to find solutions that align with your budget and meet your specific requirements Our commitment to tailoring our services ensures that the candidates we recommend are highly skilled and a cultural fit for your institution FULFILLING STAFFING GAPS EFFICIENTLY In healthcare time is of the essence Staffing gaps can disrupt operations and impact patient care With Meridale s extensive network of healthcare professionals we can swiftly and adeptly fill these gaps Our goal is to ensure that your facility operates seamlessly and that your patients receive nothing short of the best care possible In these challenging times, when the healthcare industry faces unprecedented demands having a reliable and dedicated team is not a luxury it’s a necessity Meridale stands ready to support healthcare facilities in their mission to deliver exceptional care We are more than a recruitment agency; we are your partner in elevating the standards of healthcare staffing Contact 01902 240019 or see the advert below for details Elevating Healthcare Staffing with Meridale At Caring People Recruitment we specialise exclusively in finding the RIGHT PEOPLE to work on permanent contracts in the UK healthcare industry RECRUIT OVERSEAS: For companies with a sponsors license we can provide the highest calibre English speaking candidates You can choose to recruit face to face in the Caribbean (in Jamaica or St Lucia for example) or via video call from your own office We offer free flights and hotels for our clients for all overseas bulk recruitment drives Candidates are all FULLY QUALIFIED in the care sector with a minimum of 2 years PROFESSIONAL care experience Retention rates of above 98% RECRUIT LOCALLY: If it s local staff that you are looking for then look no further Our team can assist to fill your vacancies fast and reduce those agency costs We recruit from top to bottom; regional managers, care home managers, nurses, carers chefs kitchen staff and cleaners We are a family business committed to providing our valued clients with a complete and personal service We guarantee that our candidates will enhance the levels of care that being provided by your business CONTACT US NOW: Email: Ben livermore@caringpeople com TEL : 0785 24 29 294 See the advert on page 9 for further details Do You Need Permanent and Reliable Care Staff? PROFESSIONAL, TRAINING & RECRUITMENT PAGE 58 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186

Grey Matter Learning Set To Support Over 180 Care Leaders Thanks To Skills For Care Funding

We have seen a huge

JJ Recruitment has the large database of well qualified applicants with experience in the health-care industry such as health care assistants senior carers and nurses from overseas We also have an expert team of solicitors for the necessary legal proceedings and advices WHY JJ? • We have very minimal processing fees We assist you to get a sponsorship license Qualified and experienced candidates from overseas Tel: 01704 808227 www jjcarerecruitment co uk admin@jjrecruitment co uk In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A Nurse? Multi award winning eLearning provider Grey Matter Learning has kicked 2024 off with a bang after receiving funding from Skills for Care to deliver their suite of leadership and management online courses to over 180 care leaders The funding which has been awarded by Skills for Care will enable the training provider to offer their courses free of charge to social care professionals in leadership roles to support their career development and overall standard of care Their Lead to Succeed Well Led and Leading Change Improving Care (LCIC) courses will run between January – March 2024 across a multitude of cohorts with the first having already kicked-off Talking of the initiative Commercial Director of Grey Matter Learning Phil Hitchcox commented “Normally, care providers must pay upfront for these Skills for Care courses, and we then support them to claim back the costs through the Workforce Development Fund But, this year Skills for Care have taken a slightly different approach and released pots of
money to enable training providers like ours to deliver this training at no
to the
training with no upfront costs We all know the struggles facing the social care sector right now and the cost-of-living crisis has hit this sector like all others meaning budgets are stretched
Care taking this approach has been really well received by the sector and I hope to see such initiatives again in the future With an average turn-over rate of 28 3% and circa 152 000 vacant posts (Skills for Care) developing and retaining existing talent is key for the success of the social care sector Only be showing clear career progression and opportunities will the sector attract and retain professionals Phil went on to say that It s alarming to read in a recent report published by EveryLIFE Leaders of Tomorrow that of those leaders they surveyed a staggering 31% are not aware of any leadership training but 58% cite recruiting skilled/experienced staff as the biggest challenge faced by care leaders That’s why we are so passionate about initiative such as these as they are helping to tackle these issues head on ” Through their online delivery model Grey Matter Learning can offer care leaders the opportunity to access sector specific professional development but in a way that works around their busy schedules and other commitments With over 3 000 social care managers having successfully completed the Lead to Succeed programme alone, the training provider is no stranger to delivering high volumes of training at scale and pace Grey Matter Learning is a leading eLearning provider for social care, supporting thousands of care professionals annually to gain new knowledge and skills to help drive quality of care in the sector Working with care providers and local authorities Grey Matter Learning pride themselves on delivering a suite of courses that address the pain points within the sector as well as equipping professionals with the knowledge skills and behaviours they need More can be found here https://greymatterlearning co uk/ Skills for Care is the strategic workforce development and planning body for adult social care in England https://www skillsforcare org uk/Home aspx
for these
mainly, we suspect, due to the ability to
It can be tempting to think that once the Care Certificate has been achieved it’s the end of training The Care Certificate can demonstrate that staff have the minimum level of required training Training to Level 2 and beyond will therefore improve abilities to cope with the challenges presented by working in a difficult sector Obviously one of the most significant challenges was dealing with Covid but there will be new and different challenges ahead However, it is the clients who will benefit from the improvement that additional training will bring Whilst these may include advances in the treatment of dementia or changes to the legislative framework there will undoubtedly be any number of other issues that will create new and complex problems that need to be dealt with So if you think the Care Certificate completes all the training it might be time to think again So why choose Step Up Training and Care? We provide training services that will build implicit trust, leading to confidence by clients looking to use your services At Step Up Training and Care, we know people are busy work long hours and that a set 95 timetable will not work for most care homes and providers We can tailor our learning programmes to meet individual needs time our training to meet business commitments, working shift patterns and around family life Zoom Boom is here to stay, and we can accommodate teaching and learning through blended learning such as classroom, remote, assessor based one to one training sessions Our trainers have personal experiences of working in the health and social care sector hence our flexible approach We empower people to learn Training beyond the Care Certificate - Can you afford not to? T : 0121 794 1532 or 07384 698553 W : www stepuptrainingandcare co uk E : info@stepuptrainingandcare co uk See the advert on page 11 PROFESSIONAL, TRAINING & RECRUITMENT Why Train Beyond the Care Certificate? THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 | PAGE 59

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

How you can help your clients pay for care? Lifetimemortgages info is a trading style of The Later L fe Lending Network which is an Appointed Representat ve of The Right Mortgage Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Registered in England and Wales no 09832887 Registered address 70 St Johns Close, Knowle, Solihull West Midlands B93 0NH If they are over 55 and a homeowner then a lifetime mortgage might be the answer to paying for care It can release cash from their homes and use it to pay for care They could have extra visits or services they can’t presently afford, or install stair-lifts, hoists, wet-rooms etc to make life easier Ideally suited to domicillary care but can be used to fund the needs of one party living in care Best of all clients keep ownership of their home What’s in it for you? More money! More services, longer care periods To find out if it could work for you contact: 07789 885611 or e-mail Global assists clients throughout the U K who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase development and refinance We have organised over £1 8bn for clients in the past 30 years providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt ease cashflow and develop businesses further From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we assist at every stage of your business expansion Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at enquiries@globalbusinessfinance net
Care recruiting is currently challenging So, why is CVMinder ATS a great choice for Care Providers? Stuart Haddow, MD, suggests that its Ambassador Customers make the biggest difference Ambassadors include senior HR leaders from the Care sector They have proven to be great at overcoming recruiting headwinds” says Stuart CVMinder s Ambassador Customers also guide CVMinder product improvement programme Using that great guidance delivers a competitive advantage for all CVMinder Care customers Jack Morgan of Local Solutions agrees “CVMinder has made the process as smooth and as streamlined as possible That s is critical when recruiting in a demanding sector like care It gives us central control of everything and the management information we generate from CVMinder has helped to improve our recruiting approach Without CVMinder our recruiting costs would be much higher and good candidates would be lost in the administration clutter Donna Newell of The Kent Autistic Trust says CVMinder ensures that we are being responsive to applicants and the demands of our managers Having a one stop shop means that we can post and update jobs at the touch of a button Receiving all applications online and using filter questions enables our recruiters to shortlist batches of applicants swiftly T: 01634 202 101 E: enquiries@cvminder co uk W: cvminder co uk/care Recruiting Success with CVMinder ATS PROFESSIONAL, TRAINING & RECRUITMENT PAGE 60 | THE CARER DIGITAL | ISSUE 186 PLEASE MENTION THE CARER WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISING

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