The Brown Report Newspaper

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Covering Cleveland WARD 1, 4 Garfield, Maple Heights, Warrensville and Surrounding Areas



a Doveside Promotions LLC Publication

Volume 1, Issue 210

Our Area City News Source


The Only Newspaper in Town "SaSSy" Enough to have an Attitude Kimberly F. Brown Chief Administrator


Jae Williams General Manager WOVU 95.9fm

Vote Reali Domestic Relations Court Judge

All Black Lives Matter



Industry Thrives Vote Groves 8th District Court of Appeals


ACCEL Schools Ready to Move Forward

Cuyahoga County. ACCEL Schools in Maple Hts., Ohio College Prep at 21100 Southgate Park Blvd. and STEAM Academy at 4700 Richmond Rd. welcomes students back for the new school year. The school year opens with three learning options for all students including Traditional, Hybrid, or Online classes. The safety and protection of all students and staff following state guidelines is the top priority at all ACCEL Schools.

Join Us Every Thursday on WOVU 95.9FM "NO GOSSIP, All Talk; AND JUST A LITTLE BIT OF DRAMA"


“We’re a community school, and it was important to us to consider the needs of our community as we began making our plans to reopen for the 20-21 school year,” says Dr. Sheila L. Sherman, Principal of East Academy in Collinwood & Superintendent of multiple schools in Cleveland. “Not every family’s

circumstances allow for at-home learning, and likewise, not every student is successful learning online 100% of the time, so we had to get creative with options for families. We will follow government safety guidelines and requisite operating restrictions, but as long as we are given the flexibility, we want to pass that along to families by providing as many learning options as possible.” "Last spring as schools began closing, we began hearing from parents who begged for our schools to remain open. Like other schools, we had to close when face-to-face instruction was (continue page 4)

Traditional, Hybrid or Online Classes

Enroll Your Child Today (216) 750-1200


Making History; Standing up for What is RIGHT. The Black Women Commission of Cuyahoga County by Brown, Letter & Thompson

Cleveland, OH. America is in an uproar. There is a forthcoming Presidential election and folks are acting crazy. We are dealing with COVID 19, and folks are no longer motivated. They are angry, hungry and worried because they don't know how they are going to keep the lights on or where their next meal is coming from. To add injury, businesses and some major corporations are caving in, and throwing in the towel. Elected officials are in a chaotic situation fearing the backlash and ridicule for every wrong or right decision being made. Unemployment compensation is a farce. It appears as though the folks who qualified were denied benefits while the folks who did not qualify were given a pass. This issue of what is going on is a heartfelt - knee jerking - tragedy. Some of us can barely stand, let alone put gas in our tank. Then. Then. Then. - we have the protest - daily protest that ignited following the death of George Floyd. America is outraged. The Blue is fighting the Black. The Black is fighting the Blue. The White has jumped in. This mess looks as if it will never end. Businesses - innocent businesses are being burned to the ground all because of the racial divide and turmoil of ignorance and assumption of white privilege. To make matters worst, we have had many casualties of war. As people are fighting for their constitutional rights, their human rights and civil rights are being shattered. What is really despicable is to have mainstream media brainwash onlookers and seat fillers to believe - their black life does not matter unless their black life was taken by a man or woman in a Blue Suit. This my readers, is some HOGWASH! Let's be clear, "ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER".

Delaney was viciously killed in the area of the King Kennedy Estates located 55th and Woodland in Cleveland, OH on April 19, 1990. "Following the attack, media outlets referred to Delaney as a social worker and friend of the poor. Robbery was the motive, according to the reports, and Delaney's camera and wallet had been stolen. It was reported later, that that was not the case because Delaney's wallet was present. The coroner ruled Delaney died of multiple blows to the head and body. His was cracked and his ribs were broken. Mr. Delaney suffered a savaged beating, and two young men were charged and convicted". (Cleveland Magazine Jeff Hedrich 8/1/1990) The Catholic Community was outraged as they demanded justice. They commanded the complete attention of CMHA's administrators, Cleveland City Council and Mayor Michael R. White. When the Catholic Community spoke, others listened and not one - not one person stood in the way of what the Catholic Community wanted. It was not about whether black folks wanted to remember the tragedy that took place on April 19, 1990. It was expected. Blacks would always remember the legacy of Mr. Ralph Delaney. Delaney was a man - a white man - a Catholic man who was killed in an area composed mainly of Blacks - the same folks of which he vowed to help. In honor of Delaney's legacy, CMHA in partnership with the City of Cleveland renamed King Kennedy to "The

Village". His life mattered!

You will never tell grieving parents, their child does not matter unless they are killed by Blue. We dare you. We double dare you.

Let Us Never Forget:

Do you remember a social worker by the name of Ralph Delaney. His name is Ralph Delaney. For years, we have thought about the work of Ralph Delaney. Cleveland nor Cuyahoga Metropolitian Housing Authority will never allow us to forget this man. It's history. It's their tragic history, and they are not ashamed - nor were they ashamed to ask for what they wanted. They wanted justice. They got it. They want a memorial. They got a village!

Delaney is said to have organized and directed the Collinwood Arts Center, teaching classes in drama, video production, writing, poetry, art therapy, art education, photography, mathematics, and philosophy. He organized and directed the Gandhi-King Peace Center, was assistant chaplain at the Cuyahoga County Jail, participated in the Catholic Worker Movement and worked at the Rainey Institute.

Hearing about Delaney in 1990, has always sent chills through us. What would make anyone want to hurt innocent people or brutally beat anyone for that matter. Since this incident, there has been many other senseless killings - from police brutality to black on black, white on white/black on white/white on black senseless crimes. While Delaney got justice and cooperation from mainstream media, city council, the CMHA and Mayor Michael R. White, black victims struggle daily with getting a call from the police, cooperation from detectives, the prosecutors office, assistance from the victims advocate program, judges and city council. This is shameful on every account!

Delaney Got a Village Named in Honor of his Legacy. It was a Respectful Movement by CMHA and Cleveland City Officials

As we look at some of the tragic moments in the City of Cleveland, we understand why issues of racial divide exist. If Black leaders don't believe black people are important, why should anyone else. At some point, black leaders must "Stand Up" and command the same meal if not more than their counter part.

"Delaney was a social activist who dedicated his life to serving the poor and the homeless. Born in Cleveland to Ralph and Ann (Yaniko) Delaney, Ralph attended Cathedral Latin High School. In 1949 he joined the Marianist Order in Cincinnati where he became a teaching brother. Delaney graduated from the University of Dayton and received his Master's from CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY


As the Metro Park Rangers, closed this case, it was the work of the Black Women Commission that got Jalen's case reopened - back in the media. The white adult male is currently facing charges. After all the work to get the case reopened, it is a Black Female Judge that reduced the bond from $50,000 to $10,000. The white male is being charged with 6 counts of child endangerment and involuntary manslaughter. He is out on bail.

On June 20, 2018, a nine year-old girl was shot and killed by a stray bullet while sitting in the back seat of her mom's car eating ice-cream as her older sister sat in the front seat. Mom parked in front of the former DNA Boxing Club to pick up her son. Within two minute of exiting her car, gun On April 19, 1990, as Delaney was videotaping evidence of dilapidated fire erupted on the street of Lee Road and Cloverside in living conditions at CMHA apartments, he was robbed and savagely beaten. Cleveland WARD ONE. One of the bullets was said to have He died from massive head injuries several days later at SAINT VINCENT penetrated mom's car and struck 9 year-old Saniyah CHARITY HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER. More than 1,200 mourners, including Cleveland Mayor Michael White." (Information taken Nicholson. Several Black women groups petitioned the City of Cleveland to place a street sign in honor of Saniyah but from Case Western Reserve the Black Councilman of Cleveland WARD ONE and the The announcement of what happened to Delaney was heartfelt throughout the White Council President purposely blocked the effort. city. There were rumors that Delaney had been robbed. Witnesses were said How Do We Honor Them? to be changing their stories about the motive but one thing is for certain,

On or about July 1, 2017 - 15 year old boy was found dead by horseback riders in the Bedford Metro Park Tinker's Creek area. He was said to have been taken to the park by an adult white male without his mom's permission. The adult was also accompanied by his children and others. The boy could not swim. Witnesses reported the boy looked terrified. They heard a splash - the boy's body was being swallowed by the current and thrust into the black tunnel. His name is Jalen Wise.

December 16, 2019 - a 26 year old young woman was driving in a predominantly black neighborhood. A 52 year old black male was said to have been driving 55mph in a 35mph zone swerving in and out of traffic. The man's car struck the woman's vehicle head-on. As a result, the 26 year-old black woman suffered an untimely death. Her name is Shamonte Eldridge No parent wants to bury their child especially when the death appears to be caused by the action of someone's mean spirited reckless behavior. All Black Lives Matter! All Lives deserve to be honored and respected by city officials irregardless of the color of their skin or title. When humans learn to be human only then will Black Lives Matter and our nation will begin to heal. Jalen, Saniyah, Shamonte and Tazhon deserves to be remembered as well!

TheBrownReport Creating History, One Article at a Time!

Frederica Mayes-Gates

Not showing up in mid-terms allowed Mitch McConnell to be able to deny laws from being passed that would make life better for the majority of Americans. It just like when we won championships with Lebron, things happened because he had teammates helping to meet the goal. This is the same example of leadership on any level of government. Don’t let your abusers or sellouts convince you not to exercise your RIGHT TO VOTE. Republicans come up with tea party and any other insane name they want to brand themselves. They are still the same racist party that care nothing about the average everyday person

Shut Up Freddie! What Will You Do; Election 2020 As the election approaches, we have nearly 170,000 people dead from COVID., We are experiencing civil unrest from the long-standing racist policies of this country, police brutality, and high unemployment rates. Poverty is at a greater level, and crime continues to ravage our communities. The question is what will you do? Will you allow the same tactics by the republicans to make you question your own common sense? Will you allow yourself to be distracted? If you say voting does not make a difference that’s equivalent to you speaking for your abuser. Stop saying that the Democrats have done nothing for you in the past 50 years. Just think about the length of time we have had the right to vote and at every turn, they have been trying to make it harder. If you agree with that statement, you are in agreement with your abuser. Let’s not forget blacks were not the party of the Democrats or Republicans. We belonged nowhere. We had no rights. We had nothing. When Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act the diehard Republicans were the Democrats, and they left the party because of their true hatred and disdain for blacks or anyone considered non-white. These are the same angry ass white folks that are now die-hard Republicans. They not mad at the Republicans but they want you to be mad at the Democrats. The hate went nowhere. It simply migrated more to the Republicans. Let not be fooled into believing this is the party of small government of pro-life and fiscal responsibility. They are none of that. They exploit the government every time they are in power believing the bull of trickle-down economics and privatization of everything. They have given tax cuts again and again to the rich and corporations. May I ask has it trickled down to you yet? The question is what are you going to do? The same $600 a week you were given that kept you afloat because the Democrats pushed it through is the same funds the Republicans are denying you yet they continue to feed big corporations and Wall Street. Stop letting them act like they are doing you some damn favor. We deserve that and so much more. My question is what will you do ? If your souls can be bought for a tax cut or judges, you yourself are part of the problem. To believe a party who accepts a treasonous traitor as their leader - one who will sale this country out for his own selfishness needs does not deserve to be in power. You can’t claim to be pro-life and stand with a candidate and party that does everything to be counterproductive. You can’t be pro-life and pro death. You can’t be pro-life and support separating children from their parents. You can’t be pro-life when a baby is in the womb but cut programs that would help during and after the baby is born. If you are pro-life that means not finding reasons to justify police brutality. Pro- life is from beginning to end. The policies they put forward are detrimental to your quality of life. The question is what will you do? If you want to say Lincoln was a Republican and freed the slaves, my question is “what have you done lately? That was 1865 so why are you still allowing folks to use that to mislead you. All elections matter, and black folks have to learn to demand what they want after they vote. Politicians are employees so once they are hired make sure they do their job. If you are not seeing consistent improvement and growth in your community then ask yourself why. If you or I were not productive at our job we would be FIRED. The same rules apply to elected officials. You can’t work one day and think that’s enough. Your check would be short. You can’t vote one time and think change will automatically happen. The only reason we have Obamacare is because he had control of the house and senate. We voted him in in 2008 then fell flat at mid-terms.

Let’s be clear, black folks don’t have the luxury of saying I don’t vote. I hear that from my white coworkers. That’s the white privilege that’s unseen to them. They will be ok either way. We on the other hand will not. Our forefathers and mothers knew. They knew education was key, and having the right to vote was essential to our survival and ability to thrive. I get why some folks were attracted to the Republicans. They felt like the country offered endless possibilities. If you worked hard, you could live the American Dream. They were allowed to come to this country and take full advantage of all America had to offer. Yet we as blacks who been here, and built this country with our blood sweat and tears and freedom for 400 years were denied the same opportunity. So, to my black people -poor people - middle class people, we need to show up and show out like never before, and take our rightful place in this country. Me and mines are voting in this election and everyone one after that. My question again is what will you do?

137th Shots, Councilman Kevin Conwell Directive Bring Threat to Democratic OHIO Supreme Court Judicial Candidate Cleveland, Ohio. Just as some folks forgot about the incident, a Cleveland Councilman remembers the tragic occurrence in 2012. Councilman Kevin Conwell of WARD 9 is making folks remember about one story that rocked the city of Cleveland We know the story, we heard the cries, and we have yet to understand the outcome of the subject matter. Recently, Conwell, Bishop Eugene Ward and several community activist held an informative rally in Cleveland WARD 9 pleading with attendees to reject the candidacy of Judge John P. O'Donnell for Judge for the Ohio Supreme Court. Judge O'Donnell. O'Donnell is endorsed by the Democratic party. According to Conwell, the Democratic party should have not endorsed Judge O'Donnell because of the way he Bishop Eugene Ward handled the case of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams aka 137 shots. Let's recap. In 2012, 13 cops fired nearly 137 bullets into a car occupied by two unarmed black people, Among the fired cops was Michael Brelo, the only officer criminally charged for the shooting, who was acquitted by a court of two counts of voluntary manslaughter. Brelo came under fire and deep rooted criticism for his wild wild west theatrics. After other police officers stopped shooting at Terry and Malissa, Brelo who is white was said to have stood on the hood of the car and fired 15 additional shots through the windshield claiming he felt threatened by the two unarmed black people. In total, Brelo is was said to have fired 49 shots. Even though Cuyahoga CountyCommon Pleas Judge John P. O' Donnell determined that Brelo fired shots at both Russell and Williams that would have killed them, he did not find that Brelo alone was responsible for their death which is the basis for voluntary manslaughter. He stated that the prosecutors did not prove their case. O"Donnell concluded that prosecutors failed to prove that Brelo shots were the ones that ultimately killed Russell and Williams. As a result Brelo walked.

Judge John O'Donnell

Both Conwell and Bishop Ward tells us the Democratic Party is wrong for endorsing O'Donnell. Black folks are being sold out to the highest bidder. "TheDems take us for granted while the Republicans don't give a hoot about us,"added Al Porter Jr. of Black on Black Crime.

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Out of fairness, The Brown Report reached out to the O'Donnell camp for a response. In return, the camp's campaign manager, Bill DeMora sent us a press release that was three weeks old of which had nothing to do with the issue of discussion.

TheBrownReport TheBrownReport

Is Home School a Real Option? ACCEL Schools Could Be the Better Choice State of Ohio. As young people are returning to school, parents are making some hard decisions. Some parents are undecided about whether to send their children to school, find an online program or home school. The question is - is home school a real and viable option? Are parents qualified to teach their children at home? Will parents be able to meet the basic requirements? If the answer is no, maybe continue from page 1

ACCEL Schools Reopen with a Full Array of Learning Options for 2020 -21 School Year

an ACCEL School is the best option. (216) 750-1200 suspended across the state. As the situation unfolded, we noticed a shift by early summer where additional parents were asking for online options for the new school year,” says Dr. Rodney Bly, Superintendent of the Hope Academies in Cleveland and Case Preparatory Academy in Akron. “We responded by surveying all of our parents the first week of July asking for their thoughts and comfort level with multiple learning scenarios. We were very interested to see an even split between the three options—one-third wanted Traditional, one-third Online, and one-third Hybrid. We felt very compelled to respond to the needs of our families in a comprehensive way.”

ACCEL Schools Reopen with a Full Array of Learning Options for 2020-21 School Year As a charter school management organization that operates over 50 brick-and-mortar, hybrid, and virtual schools in five states, ACCEL Schools is uniquely positioned to support the full array of options with its internal expertise and resources. Regardless of learning model, all students will follow the same curricular scope and sequence each week to achieve mastery of Ohio Learning Standards organized in the proprietary ACCEL Management Platform© (AMP).

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Newly Found Women Commission for Education and Training to Host Ice-Cream Social Fun-Raiser

Cleveland, OH. Established in May 2020, The not for profit Women Commission for Education and Training will host it's second fundraiser September 13, 2020 from 4pm to 7pm at First Place Event Center located 16536 Broadway Avenue Maple Heights 44137. The fundraiser will feature cold crafted delights by members of the organization who are mostly business owners and community leaders. These women have joined together as one to promote unity, sisterhood, self-help through sister-help and mentoring. Each one of the women have something to offer to another as they all have a proven competitive edge and an unique front move advantage which makes their individual business separate from the crowd. As the ladies of WCET prepare for this cool treat event, they have developed their own special delight to win the craving of a yearning soul for one or several delicious cold treats.

b Kim

As this is a private but publicly supported event, customers and well wishers will be able to support their Hometown Favorite WCET Woman by donating $5 - $7 for a treat. Here are some examples from the drop mouth watering menu: The Mayor Blackwell Second Term Caramel Delight, Brown on Cleveland Underground Railroad Banana Boat, Mama Pam's Three Scoops and a Dazzle, DMT'S Lipstick and Leadership Fudge Parfait, Frederica's Root Beer Get Out to VOTE", Mikki' Strawberry Shortcake, Rhodes Old Fashion IceCream Sandwich, Reliable Heart and so much more.


WCET ladies will be present and most will be serving up a scoop or more. Remember, Sunday, September 13, 2020 from 4pm to 7pm for the WCET's First Annual Ice Cream FUN-Raiser Networking Social. All roads will lead to the First Place Event Center 16536 Broadway Maple Heights 44137 All proceeds to benefit the WCET not for profit organization

Join WCET Sunday, September 13th 4pm - 7pm





TheBrownReport Bold Enough to Write It; Strong Enough to Stand By It!

Former State Senator Nina Turner Weigh In On Kamala Harris as Enter any information and Foolery Shows Jealousy where the story

Story Title or

By Billy Thompson & Karen Letter

can be found.

National News. It was history in the making. It was

historical. While some folks had COVID 19 on their mind, others were celebrating the breaking news about the first woman of color to serve as the Vice-President of the United States Nominee backed by a major political party. As some folks were debating if the VP nominee is black enough, others were in the stage of warmth, happiness and discernment. Oh, of course we had our temper tantrums from folks who complained only to complain because they can. We certainly won't mention those who have an envy - spiteful - jealous spirit that is shown through rage of their own insecurities and hidden agenda(s). They have what we call the PHD - "Player Hater Disease".It is sad to say, since that day - the very day President Candidate Joe Biden announced Harris as his Vice President running mate, Harris has felt the measures of many burns. As this is expected of some in politics, one would want to believe that black women in leadership positions would embrace this historic movement, and use this moment to seize the opportunity to celebrate the abilities of all women as this ceiling of the old-boys club is being shattered piece by piece.

Recently, Former State Senator Nina Turner had an

interview with Hills TV. They were discussing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. When they asked Turner about Harris Turner was quick to criticize Harris.

Jealousy is Vicious Among Women "Turner, the former co-chair of Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign, said Thursday the historic nature of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as the Democrat’s vice presidential nominee should be commemorated, but she was also critical of the choice and its impact on progressive voters. “You know, salute the history, absolutely. No doubt that Senator Harris is making history and building on the history of other Black women that have gone before her,” Turner said on The Hill.TV’s “Rising.” But she added that voters, especially younger voters, Millennials and Generation Z, want to know “whose side you’re standing on.”

Let's look at the phrase "Standing On". Who has Turner ever stood up for? What black woman has she stood by and supported? As we reflect on the last Cleveland city council election, Turner did not stand up for any black women. She stood along side males and one Hispanic female. As we go down memory lane, Turner's record is proven. Turner will stand for a "Do nothing" male and walk right by a "Do right" female. Shame on Turner! Turner should leave Harris alone. We

are more than sure Harris could careless about the likes of Turner. Turner appears to be sour grapes. She wanted to be the VP nominee but Bernie lost. Rather than attempt to criticize Harris, Turner should focus on what doors will turn for her as the democratic party appears to have their locks on her; it's quite obvious that there is no room in the Dems Inn - not for the likes of Good Ole Nina Turner. Maybe this is the reason why Turner is trying to stir the pot because Harris won't let her sit at the table to eat!

City of Cleveland Homicide Rate Increase as Family Await Answers for Tazhon Greenwood by Kimberly F Brown and Billy Thompson

Cleveland OH. As the country is beating down doors shouting "Black Lives Matter" most won't even think about the untimely death of others who are shot and killed daily by people who look like them. Daily, hundreds of Blacks are killed at the hand of other blacks. As a death is a death, folks will raise an eyebrow as if you are wrong to address the destructive behaviors within our own community. Most folks will turn a blind eye to ill elements unless the illness reigns in blue. It must be BLUE!

Hoodwinked by Mass Media. Narratives are Created as Distractions As the Black Women Commission of Cuyahoga County continue the plight to help families who have lost young folks at no fault of their own, we constantly find fault in police work and advocacy systems. We especially frown upon investigative procedures as well as a lagging process for a simple public records request. It is unfortunate that we continue to deal with broken systems until professionals are crafty enough to face the challenge. Meanwhile, as the district detectives and others try to figure things out, families are hurting looking for an outlet - a resolve to commence the healing process. On or about June 7, 2020 a young man by the name of Tazhon Greenwood was identified by Cleveland officials as the teen who was killed during a party on the city’s East Side. From our understanding, the Cleveland Police was dispatched to the 500 block of E.109th. There appeared to be a party. While the police were on the scene, there was a shooting on 108th street - one block over from 109th. When the police arrived, they found Tazhon. He was lying on the ground with a bullet to the chest. According to media outlets, 18 year old Tazhon died at the hospital

City of Cleveland Police is Silent. Public Records Request was Submitted - And Still We Wait

Tazhon was born in Cleveland, OH and suffered an untimely death in Cleveland, OH. "Hewas going to welding school at Lincoln Electric and continue his education at Tri-C. He was in honor classes. He was a very smart kid. He was good at basketball and baseball. He played for the city league. His nick name was Strong because he played a strong forward in basketball. Many people who knew him would say that he was known for having a good heart. He was lovable and would help anybody," stated his mom Janetta Burkes. Since the untimely death of Tazhon, the family has been seeking answers from the Cleveland Police Department. To date, there has been very little information given to the family regarding what happened on the night of June 7th at about 11:30pm. What happened to Tazhon? What really happened on this evening? Did anyone see anything? If so, are you willing to speak out? Crime stoppers is offering an award for any information leading to the arrest of the shooter. The BWCCC is seeking answers. We will start asking the hard questions. Why haven't Cleveland detectives responded to this family. Do they not have a right to seek justice for their family member? Tazhon's life mattered. All lives matter! It is less than human to ignore the cry of a family wanting results after a tragic mishap. Black Lives Matter is more than cops shooting black men, it also mean police officers purposely ignoring issues of blacks as black are seeking justice for black when black is the color and subject matter. The family deserve answers. The City of Cleveland Safety Chair should be asking tough questions of Chief Calvin Williams who is black. Residents, business owners and stakeholders should be concerned. The city of Cleveland should give these families just as much attention (if not more) as they gave white business owners on Euclid Ave who loss property that can be replaced. Where is the outraged?

Supported by Councilwoman Anderson and Councilman Trojanski

TheBrownReport Our Community, Our Swag, Our Narratives, Our News!

Talks of reparations should include more than just Patterson slavery Dave Sr. Contributor When the discussion of reparations typically initiates, the dialog is normally grounded in the debate as to whether or not black people should be compensated for the nearly two and a half centuries of labor they provided, as well as various other mis-treatments they endured during slavery. This has always been a curiosity since the abuse, vilification, and inequality black people have endured through numerous systems put in place post-slavery have always served to maintain suppression of the Black community in America. Aside from the fact that the Emancipation Proclamation was effectuated in 1863 and slaves in Texas didn’t know for over two years, the structures erected after slavery to maintain the socioeconomic and legal constraints on black people have been exceedingly effective. From debt peonage and convict leasing, to Jim Crow, redlining, and the new Jim Crow, America has modified a myriad of paradigms designed to eliminate the ability of the black masses to achieve success particularly at the level of whites. This in effect prompts the question, why is the subject of reparations consistently relegated to slavery especially given the fact that slavery was in essence revised rather than eliminated? Absent the theft of labor without recompense, where are the significant differences between what is now and what was then? The facts are that even though Blacks are now paid wages for work, for most of us that compensation is almost always significantly lower than that of whites. Deliberately inferior education in black communities invariably equates to a considerably tougher road to employment. Adequate housing and especially home ownership are major challenges for most and because of this, living with environmental toxicity often becomes the norm. Police brutality and the murder rate of black people by “law enforcement” is not shocking when one considers the actual concept of police was an outgrowth of slave patrols. Yes there is Black on Black crime but there is also White on White crime, Indigenous on Indigenous crime, Asian on Asian, and all are within the same approximate range of occurrence however the media’s job is not to show equivalence, one of its prime directives is to maintain self-loathing, despair, and desolation in the black community. Naysayers will always contend that these are just excuses for lack of drive and effort, but reverse psychology has always been implemented by whites. Privileged slaveowners would sit on their wraparound porches drinking mint juleps under shade provided by their parasols calling blacks lazy because they took a moment to wipe their brow while toiling all day under the relentless southern heat. Yes, it’s true that we have an obligation not to harm our own but let’s be a bit introspective here, only indigenous people in America have as much reason to be angry as Black people with limited outlets to diffuse that anger. We have had wages and land stolen from us for centuries and multiple generations preceding us discussed these things amongst themselves ad nauseum while children, often covertly, ingested these vile injustices and became soiled by these realities well before they reached adulthood. These youngsters then ventured out into the world and experienced the same inferior educations . and meager job prospects. Racism caused mental and psychological hardship for many creating low self-esteem. Many became alcoholics and drug addicts while some resorted to crime to support these addictions. Those who escaped the aforementioned addictions fell prey to other vices like gambling, prostitution, and various criminal enterprises. This tends to happen when a community is purposefully targeted for genocide and stripped of the opportunity to support themselves and their families the way the preferred do.

Maple Heights Council Members Dana Anderson and Richard Trojanski Orchestrate Community Clean -Up in District 4 & 6

Councilwoman Anderson D4

Councilman Trojanski D6

Maple Heights, OH. Just like most cities and suburbs, Maple Heights has it's issues -some larger than most and some much smaller than your average neighboring suburbs. One thing is for certain, we have folks in various communities who have no idea of what a trash can is. Some of these folks may not know that there is an invention called a trash bag. Better yet, most of them can't tell you when garbage collection day is for their city or their particular street. Rather than inquire, some folks make a wrongful decision and decide to litter. As they littler, they are not thinking about the stench, the rodent (rodents) or the environment of which they live. They have no idea that every time someone litters, it affects the fabric of the neighborhood and it could be seen as a community that does not care. If the latter is the general assumption by outsiders, these same people will seek ways to cause chaos, conflict, crime and confusion. The city will began to operate under the direction of the "Broken Window" theory. The broken windows theory is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes. For example, in 1994, Rudy Giuliani was elected as the mayor of New York. ... He had broken windows repaired and graffiti removed nightly. As a direct result, the overall crime rate dropped sharply (Broken Window Theory Understanding this theory while making sure District 4 and 6 are free of trash and debris, Anderson and Trojanski is beginning a process to encourage residents, business owners and stakeholders to be a good neighbor by keeping their store front and yard clean. "Weare Maple Heights - one city working together to help all of us. We are joining forces to clean up District 4 and District 6. We have invited everyone to pitch in to help clean up our city",says Councilwoman Anderson. Trojanski who is the safety chair clearly understands the consequences of untidy neighborhoods. "Wewill do whatever it takes to send a message to all regarding our expectations. We are one community, and we want to provide the quality of life where all residents are proud to call Maple Heights their home",stated Trojanski

Maple Heights District 4 and District 6 First Annual Neighborhood Clean-up Saturday, October 10th @ 10am Contact Councilman Trojanski or Councilwoman Anderson for more information (216) 316-8822 or (440) 447-0742

Within the last couple generations Black America also saw the prison industrial complex supplant the cotton fields as slavery’s latest mutation. We experienced the crack epidemic destroying men, women, and children with not only the drug itself, but with purposeful differences in sentencing between powder cocaine and crack. Throw in the routinely ignored lead-based paint, leaded fuel deposits in soil (that will never go away) and other toxins we’re exposed to and the aggression level is through the roof. Despite this history we are not disheartened but exceedingly mindful that black on black crime and other disorders affecting black communities frequently have underpinnings we didn’t initiate. We can expediently right this ship as a people by both seizing the tremendous opportunities currently before us, and casting aside self-loathing which negates our ability to love ourselves and each other.

Stop Taking Us for Granted!

Jeff Mixon, Guest Contributor President of Black Lives Matter in Cuyahoga County

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether the grassroots organizations and unions that make up Cuyahoga County's Democratic coalition are evil, stupid or both. So, let me make this clear, In the near future, organizations that make a habit of repeatedly endorsing the judges and prosecutors that comprise the machinery of mass incarceration in Cuyahoga County's will be named soon - after BLMCC completes a thorough review of endorsement histories. These organizations will be prosecuted in the court of public opinion as minority communities continue to demand that organizations whose candidates depend on the majority votes stop taking the minority vote for granted. We don't want a repeat of 2016. But, John P. O'Donnell spit in the face of the Black Lives Matter Movement by siding with Michael Brelo over the family of Tamir Rice. These same organizations refuse to see the immorality of mass incarceration. These same incarceration of minorities - a tradition put on steroids by the 1994 Crime Bill - continues to devastate minority communities economically, politically and psychologically. Maybe that truth doesn't bother you. But if your

organization invests time and money in Democratic candidates, you should be bothered by the vote suppressing effect of police brutality and mass incarceration. The effects grows each year as we observe Democratic candidates, we helped put in office - betray us repeatedly with their silence. In the end, the same House Negroes that white unions and grassroots organizations prop up as minority leaders - men and women too self-serving and obedient to speak truth to power on our behalf of their communities - will eventually become your downfall! This is our last warning before we start calling out names and start voting against endorsed candidates by these organizations!

TheBrownReport Black Owned; We Create Our Own Narratives


North Shore High School "Wows" the Garfield Community and Connecting Suburbs by The Brown Report Staff

Are you 21? Do you want your high school diploma? Enroll at North Shore

Garfield Heights, OH. Joe Palmer and Heartland "Wows" the Garfield Heights community and surrounding suburbs with a new high school specializing in credit recovery. Palmer is the superintendent.

Serving young people between the age of 15 - 21, Palmer has pledged to leave no child behind. """" This is a school where everyone is welcomed".We want young people to know, we have not given up on them",says Palmer. If young people and their parents are looking for a school with smaller student-teacher ratio, caring staff and a school that caters to their child's individual needs, then North Shore High School would be the place for them. We are flexible. We are fast. We are free. We offer both online and traditional classroom instructions. Even while dealing with Covid 19, North Shore High School operates in a very small setting, and they are spacious enough to practice social distancing. North Shore High School is situated on the beautiful campus of the St Peter St Paul Catholic Church facility. North Shore High School is located in the old St Peter St Paul High School 4750 Turney Road Garfield Heights, OH. The school is run by Joe Kilbane, Campus Director. Interested students and parents can visit the school for a tour and they can also enroll online at NSHIGHSCHOOL.COM. They can also call Ms. Brown at (216) 862 -9719. Joe Palmer is a lifelong educator who has developed numerous schools across the state of Ohio. He holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and a Master’s Degree in Special Education from the University of Akron. Prior to founding North Shore High School, Mr. Palmer taught as a special education teacher and was the principal of schools in Cleveland and Columbus. He resides in Mogadore, Ohio with his wife and three children.



CALL (216) 862-9719 We Offer: Chrome Note Books, Online Classes, Traditional Instructions, Small Classes, Student Lounge, Mentors, Job Bulletin Board, Community Resources, Transportation and so much more

Councilman Michael Dudley Sr. Early Pitch for Garfield Heights Read more about Dudley in every edition of The Brown Mayor Election 2021 This is a special announcement from The Brown Report.

Report Newspaper. Meet Garfield Heights WARD ONE Councilman Michael Dudley Sr. Dudley is seeking the November 2021 nomination for Mayor, City of Garfield Heights. Currently, He is serving his 7th of 2-year term. He is the Senior ranking member on Council. He has served 14 years as an elected public official. He has chaired and served on several committees including the Safety, Ways and Means, Recreation, and Finance and Audit committees. Currently, He is the Council Liaison of Garfield Schools for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District since 2007. Moving to WARD ONE in 1995, it was evident that change needed to happen. Safety has always been one of his top priorities. After being elected in 2007, He worked tirelessly to rid WARD ONE of some of the most condemned eyesore homes/property within Garfield. As a result, children could walk without the fear of being assaulted within the community, including to and from school. Safety in WARD ONE was a big problem prior to being elected. Also, there was no business district within WARD ONE, nothing like they have now. In 2008, WARD ONE, Won the Garfield Heights Beautification Award.

The Deadly Destruction of COVID; As Most Give, It Keeps by Kimberly F. Brownon Taking Cleveland, OH. March 2020 will always be a month and year to remember. One day is everything appears to be great. the next day it is full of unwarranted disaster. Mainstream media began to talk about this thing called "Corona". At first glance, some people thought this was all about the Corona Beer. You know the "Corona" that people drink to get a buzz and a tad bit intoxicated - maybe a little high - or as they say - a little feel good as they are just chillin. Although I am not a drinking woman, in this case drink would have not been all that bad. You see with Corona Beer, anytime you drink and you are not feeling well all you would of had to do was walk it off or sleep it off. Poof - it would have been gone. You would get up the next day - go to work - return - and start your day over again. That was the only Corona most folks knew. Unfortunately, as many of us were not and are not drinkers of alcohol, we ignored Corona until it started knocking at our jobs. This Corona is so unmanageable, it has destroyed both small and large businesses. It's so powerful, it shut the United State of America down! The Corona took family, friends and enemies. Corona repossessed vehicles, caused evictions and perpetuated homelessness. Heck, Corona even cause some folks to lose their home. Corona proved to be worse than a scorn woman. Corona is deadly. One thing is for sure, Corona refuses to discriminate. Corona will take from all of us and no amount of money can sway the deadly actions of which can be imposed. To be clear, Corona will cause the untimely death of anyone at anytime with or without a reason or a motive. Corona will take your life, your wife, your husband and your kids without an explanation and there is nothing you can do about it. As long as some of us refuse to follow the guidelines on how to fight Corona to stay alive, we will lose every time. The directives are simple; wash your hands, cover your nose and mouth, if you feel sick - stay home, refrain from large gatherings, practice social distancing and most importantly wear a mask.

Unlike Corona, Unemployment Can Pick and Chose. As some of us are worried about why we must wear a mask, maybe we should be more concerned about why the people in close proximity to us want to stay alive. Maybe just maybe if we had a little bit of concerned for others, we would not need to be concerned about what we are going to wear to the next funeral for the next service maybe ours. Bottom line, If we don't give to Corona, Corona will have nothing to take from us! .

The Safety of those Living, Working and visiting Garfield is his primary focus. Dudley personally knocked on the doors of bullies. Dudley went to homes known to be a nuisance to the community. To protect the city and maintain order, If elected, Dudley will start holding people accountable for their actions. As Mayor, a primary focus will be to bring new business ventures to our city. He wants to help strengthen our business support base including small business structures and the Mom & Pop family businesses. "Itis crucial to the survival of Garfield Heights Economy that we provide great customer service and support to our residents, business owners and stakeholders,"stated Dudley. Dudley loves the city of Garfield Heights. Dudley have and always will continue to work hard for the people regardless of race, creed, nationality, religion, or political affiliation. He will do whatever it takes in good faith to move Garfield Heights forward. His name is Michael Dudley Sr, and he wants to be Garfield Hts next mayor!

Karen Letter, Managing Partner Kimberly F. Brown Chief Administrator Michelle Rhodes, Marketing Dave Patterson, Sr. Contributor Billie Thompson, Investigative Reporter Frederica Mayes-Gates Contributor KeKe Little - Intern

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