The Brown Report Newspaper - The Only Newspaper in Town "SaSSY" Enough to have an Attitude

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Covering Cleveland WARD 1, 4 Garfield, Maple Heights, Warrensville and Surrounding Areas



a Doveside Promotions LLC Publication

Volume 1, Issue 211


Our Area City News Source


The Only Newspaper in Town "SaSSy" Enough to have an Attitude

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We support Judge Sharon Kennedy, for OH Supreme Court

The Race for the 11th Congressional District

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We Support Emanuella Groves for the 8th District Court of Appeals

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We support Colleen Reali for the Domestic Relations Court

Laverne Gore versus

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Kimberly F. Brown Chief Administrator

Industry Thrives

Marcia Fudge

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Congresswoman Marcia L Fudge challenged by former City of Cleveland Mayoral Laverne Jones -Gore 11th Congressional District - Election 2020 is a big election in Cuyahoga and Summit County. When we talk about the 11th congressional district, we are talking about an old guard being challenged by an old guard within a different political swag. Could this be the race to watch? Let us take you back. Had it not been for the untimely death of the late Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones there would "probably" not be a congresswoman by the name of Marcia L. Fudge. A member of the democratic party, Fudge was appointed to this seat in 2008 following Mrs. Tubbs-Jones. Since this time, Fudge has yet to have a real challenger. In 2011, former State Senator Nina Turner was going to challenge Fudge. Turner did not have the support of old guards, but she carried the weight of the young

people who would have done whatever it took to assure Turner's success. Due to the political powers to be, Turner dropped out of the race. It was rumored she had received many threats and backlash about her splitting the democratic party. Turner eventually stepped down from the party and garnered her independence. Now, here is Laverne Jones-Gore. Gore is the product of a military family. According to her resume, Gore is extremely political savvy and well connected. Gore carries several degrees. She was educated in Cleveland Public Schools and graduated from John Adams High School. She later went on to earn her Bachelor’s degree in Economics, and Organizational Development from Pitzer College, one of the Claremont Colleges in California. Her late husband Larry, was a Marine Corps veteran, and an engineer with Lockheed Martin, which afforded her and the family the opportunity to live abroad, experiencing Europe, the Middle East, and Northern and Western Africa.

While simultaneously working, and raising a family, Gore continued her education earning Master’s degrees in Adult Education (M.Ed.) from Cleveland State University and in Public Health (M.P.H.) from the Northeast Ohio Medical University.

"Ohio’sDistrict 11 is the second poorest congressional district in the nation, but with your support for this effort, we can spark the potential and turn it into one of the best!" Whether Fudge has something to worry about, we really don't know. We know this is the first year, the 11th Congressional Labor Day Parade did not take place. We also know the congresswoman recently championed the CROWN ACT. Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair (CROWN) Act. Republican Rep. Jim Jordan argued against it. He argued that Congress should instead focus its attention on addressing “violence and civil unrest in the streets of our cities rather than “federalizing hairstyles.” Hairstyle or not, Gore is challenging Fudge. May the lady with the best Afro Puff, Braids, Cornrows and plan for the district become victorious.

THE BROWN REPORT Creating History, One Article at a Time! Catching Up with Councilman Michael Dudley Sr. Candidate for Mayor, Garfield Heights, OH Garfield Heights, OHIO. It's very important as a city, we bring to an end the divisiveness and division, that continues to divide Garfield Heights. This divisiveness has continued to hold our city from moving forward. A lack of understanding of cultural differences is one of the many problems plaguing our community. This can be healed through good leadership. I strongly believe it's vital that we unify our city and bring to an end the division that holds Garfield Heights back. The majority of the people don't like the chaos and confusion. They want peace and promises kept; to know that someone's serving in their best interests. If we're to make Garfield Height a place where young professionals want to move and raise families, we must give them a reason to want to come. We must get rid of youth loitering on corners, and in front of businesses. We must give our residents safe places to shop and have fun. We can build a great recreational family facility. This can be done. All of our young people need a place to go during non-school hours. We can't afford to continue to push them from one corner to another. Good schools, great recreation and safe neighborhoods are vital to our growth and stability.

"Iwould like to see Police Officers not just work in Garfield, but want to live here and raise their families in Garfield Heights".

Dudley is the Councilman of Garfield WARD ONE. He is the Senior Councilperson of Garfield Heights. He is a Mayoral Candidate for Election 2021. Monthly you can read about Candidate's Dudley plans for Garfield Heights. Join Team Dudley and get on board to WIN!

We have to bring and strengthen the business industry and retail within the city of Garfield Hts. This will relieve some of the tax burden off of the homeowners and families. We must strengthen the mom and pop businesses. This is vital to the community growth. I want the Business districts to become family oriented. We should see families walking, talking, shopping and spending time together. I can remember when Garfield Heights WARD ONE, was referred to as the Cleveland part of Garfield, the other side and more. We worked hard to change the perception, and built a strong viable community, which we have today. It was done through good leadership, and working together. I believe when you're elected to represent and serve the people, it means everyone regardless of their "Race, Religion, Nationality, Creed, Gender, rather they Vote or not. We should be one big family, you take the good with the bad, and you do what is right and what is necessary to benefit the collective whole. His name is Michael Dudley Sr. He wants to be your next Mayor, Garfield Heights.

Local Mothers Form "She Raised HER Voice" Support Project to Combat Gun Violence and Reckless Behavior Cuyahoga County. Three local mothers have come together to form a unit project to combat gun violence, vehicle recklessness and road rage. It's the new avenue of Mothers of the SRHV Movement. Founded by Marshawnette Daniels, Jeanetta Burkes and Sabia Hardy, the putpose of the SRHV is to speak out against gun violence, cold cases, vehicular homicide and law enforcement injustice(s). The SRHV will serve as a support system and voice for all families who have lost their child(ren) at no fault of their own due to someone's reckless and ill-willed behavior.

SHUT UP FREDDIE! Why Do I VOTE? by Freddie Mayes

As the election draws near, I see all the engagement on social media which is great as long as it produces actual action at the polls. I also see the misguided, the ignorance, the lies, and the hypocrisy enough to make you want to give up. At times, I have asked myself why even try - people don’t get it. My people don’t care. I get tired and say I give up; this battle is too big to be won. I have been preaching about voting for years; passion has been tested by this thing we call life. None of us are immune to it. Yet through my own trials and tribulations, I still could not walk away from trying to serve my people. I have learned over the years to pick and choose my battles. I have learned that I have power to impact my orbit - meaning the folks in my world. I did not give up. I redirected my energy to those I could directly impact. Then I came across this post that spoke to my spirit. I was reminded why I vote, why I care, and why I should never forget.

Never forget what our Forefathers and Mothers endured. I have to quote this verbatim. The post had a picture of an elderly black woman sitting in a chair staring at it. It read: “She Wasn’t Smart Enough to Vote Because She Couldn’t Pass A Simple Voters Registration Test, For Example: *How Many Bubbles Is in A Bar of Soap, *How Many Drops of Water Is in a Cup, *How Long Does It Take A Ray of Sun Light to Reach the Surface of the Earth. *Are You Smart Enough to Pass This Voters Registration Test?" *This Is Why I Vote. The History of Black Treatment in America." This spoke to me. This spoke to my spirit to never forget. Never forget what they endured, the humiliation, the dehumanization, and endless atrocities they endured we could never imagine. Never forget they saw no end to the many storms they were in. This lasted generation after generation. 246 Years of Slavery 1619-1865 Never Forget! 99 Years of Jim Crow Laws 1865-1964 Never Forget! 86 Years of Lynching 1882-1986 Never Forget! 14 Years of Fighting for Civil Rights 1954-1968 Never Forget! 400 Years of Oppression that this reverberates through our community today. So for me, I will never forget! How can we forget about the pain? How can we have the audacity to turn our nose up at voting? Heck yes, people died to give you access to VOTE! I hear folks say we need a new system. No new system coming, it was not built for us but we do have the power to make it work for us. Let's be clear - VOTE! VOTING is our power to change those things against us! To protest and not cast your VOTE is useless. You can BEMAD, but what the heck are you doing about your madness? Do you want to be mad? Do you had a reason to be mad? BEMAD about the injustice we face today BEMAD about the inequality BEMAD because you care

Darn it BEMAD enough to VOTE!

The SRHV will "RaiseHER VOICE"to command seats at decision-making tables to generate and help create policies, legislation and command "parental accountability and responsibility". The ladies will also work with stakeholders and public officials to engage in conversations regarding peace parks and memorials to honor their loved ones. They will also research and review Parental Responsibility legislation, openly call for changes in the Victim Services and Advocacy Programs and advocate for the implementation of a "Time Span Clause" mandating police officers and detectives to follow up with victim's immediate family member(s) per 30 days following a fatality. "Tonot have any information about the investigation of the lost of your child causes more hurt. Family members seeking justice must know that their loved one is not forsaken or forgotten about by systems that are here to protect and serve. Families want answers. We deserve answers",says Ms. Janetta Burkes. Burkes is the mother of TazHon Greenwood. Greenwood was murdered July 2020 by gunfire after leaving a neighborhood party. Marshawnette Daniels daughter, Saniyah was killed by gunfire June 20, 2018

Ms. Janetta Burkes and TazHon

Ms. Marshawnette Daniels & Saniyah

as she sat in her mom's car eating ice-cream and Sabia Hardy's daughter, Shamonte was killed by a reckless driver. All three victims was killed in Cleveland, OH. The SRHV is speaking to adjust and change systems impacting families in crisis.

Early Voting Begins October 6th

Freddie of the CEO of the Black Empowerment Movement

Shamonte & Ms. Sabia Hardy

Election 2020 Colleen Reali for Domestic Relations Court Judge Judge Emanuella Groves for 8th District Court of Appeals ReElect Sharon Kennedy for OHIO Supreme Court Laverne Gore for Congress 11th Congressional seat

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TheBrownReport Our Community, Our Swag, Our Narratives, Our News!

Three Black Council Members Block Propose Legislation Declaring Racism as Public Health Crisis by Brown, Letter and Thompson

Maple Heights, OH. As the country is in turmoil regarding race relations, a small southeastern suburb called Maple Heights is in denial. Several elected officials are on the fence about whether blacks in Maple Heights deserve to be treated fair as well as engage in equitable treatment. As the Brown Report deeply probe, it is with great sorrow and disappointment those questioning if racism should be considered a public health crisis are those of African descent. They are black. Out of four black councilpersons, Councilwoman Dana Anderson of District 4 is the only black councilperson in Maple Heights who understand the plight of Black America in a little city called Maple Heights.

When we fail to recognize how we can help our own, there is no way in the world, we can help others. How do you feed the family next door when you don't have the means to place food on your own table? Or, could this be a flashback of Harriet Tubman? They asked Tubman, how many slaves did you free. Tubman responded, "I could have free thousands more, if they only knew they were slaves. Maybe

the three black councilperson are still slaves and they did not get the memo that they are free. They are FREE! It's not their fault. This fault lies at the feet of voters - every black voter - every voter in Maple Heights who understands that Lady Justice should work for all of us no matter the race, creed, or color. We must live by the human mantra "Justicefor All". Councilwoman Anderson with the support of Councilman Richard Trojanski District 6 introduced the legislation. As the vote moved on the floor, district 2 and district 3 councilpersons moved for passage (both district 2 and 3 council members are white). In order for passage, Anderson needed one more vote off the floor from one of the black council members and she was denied - pushed back as this is an insult to the entire Black population within the United States of America! They should be shame - but ignorance has no shame. It simply wears a badge of INEPTITUDE!

Let's Look at Maple Heights Track Record with Race Relations -- Let's Take a Close Look

Councilwoman Anderson D4

Maple Heights appears to be a pleasant little city that is situated on the outskirt of the City of Cleveland's WARD ONE community. It is connected to Warrensville Heights, Bedford, Bedford Heights and Garfield Heights. According to, the population of Maple Heights is a little less than 23,000 residents. also notes that Maple Heights is 70% black, 24% white and 6% other. Let's be clear, the city of Maple Heights is 70% African American. Not to mention, Maple Heights Chief Executive Officer is Annette M. Blackwell. Blackwell is the first African American Woman to hold the highest office in Maple Heights following 100 years of white males serving in this position of mayor. One would would think as one could believe, this city called Maple Heights would have no problem with introducing and passing legislation that would have a positive impact on black residents as well as the collective whole.

The Issue, The Story, The Outcome, The Black Embarrassment

The question was and remain as many BLACKS and folks of color are subjected to force - was force necessary to sustain Williams. Williams was said to be a frail - very frail black man. He appeared very weak and vulnerable. It is reported, the officers literally dragged Williams across the sidewalk. The Brown Report recently met with Williams sister. "Everytime, I think about this, I get upset"stated, Williams sister. Williams sued the city of Maple Heights in federal court and was victorious. Incidents of such has happened in Maple Heights. Maple is not immune nor are they protected. Just as other cities are being proactive with establishing precautionary measures to prevent a reoccurrence, Maple should follow suit. It is obvious the three black council members don't know any better. It's not their fault, Unless the city leaders will openly share in the remembrance of what occurred the afternoon of November 4, 2008 - this issue of race - police brutality - tall tales is destined to repeat itself. Maybe the next time it maybe their brother or son of one of the three black council members who refuse to see the light until the darkness knock on their door.

Several weeks ago, Councilwoman Anderson met with approximately 25 Black Women elected officials and community activist. Collectively, they joined together to design a proposal to address systemic racism, immediately following the George Floyd Councilman Trojanski D6 situation-factor that exploded across the world. The untimely death of Floyd caused ( is still causing) civil unrest so alarming that most states have had to use the National Guards to control and combat protesters. As a result, cities as close as Cleveland, OH suffered millions of dollars in property damage following several protest. Folks got angry - real angry. Still to this day, several cities in America are currently feeling a backlash because of the killing - downright murder (as it is alleged) of Floyd by a white police officer who placed his knee on Floyd's neck which is said to have contributed to if not caused his death. Taken from Jun 03, 2020 article, "The medical examiner’s office in Minnesota released the report, which said his official cause of death is listed as “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restrain, and neck compression”, which in plain english of course means the knee pressing into his neck resulted in cardiac arrest." Other cases such as Breonna Taylor also played a major part with designing this piece of legislation. As an immediate result, Cuyahoga County Council, The City of Cleveland, Fairview Park, Orange Village, Akron, Columbus and many others passed this legislation without hesitation.

Wait - Hold Up-Hold Up one Darn Minute! Fairview Park and Orange - they both have an all white council..., so What is wrong with the three Black Council members in Maple Heights? This declaration, is intended to help address systemic racism that results in shorter life expectancies, poorer health conditions, lower incomes and other adverse effects that disproportionately affect Black people. This appears to be on point.

What's the problem? To the three black councilpersons defense, maybe they don't know any better. Maybe they are not familiar with black history. Maybe they live in a bubble. Maybe they have no sense of blackness and the black struggles of black America. Honestly it is not their fault. Although most of us know, education matters, maybe they are not cognizant of the struggles of what blacks have gone through for more than 400 years in this country. In reality, it's sad, they sit in a decision making position and are purely ignorant to what's happening in America as blacks continue to suffer from discrimination, inequities on the job - while in school and in the court room. The legal system is not blind - it sees black America without a magnifying glass. It looks down upon us and measures us with plea deals, ultimatums, threat, brutal beating, verbal abuse, disparities and at times blatant disrespect. It does not matter how many times we tell ourselves "my Black is BEAUTIFUL"or say it "LOUD I AM BLACK and I AM PROUD" there is someone there to literally put us down.

Sometimes Blacks, We can be our own worse enemy"

Maple Heights has had their own measure of police brutality and injustice. In November 2008, a Maple Heights resident, Abram Williams - a black man - suffered a beating by a white Maple Heights police officer. It is reported, Williams was driving his car - he allegedly failed to use his turning signal. As a result, a Maple Heights police officer pulled him over - an altercation erupted - Williams suffered lacerations to his kidney and a broken rib. Williams accused the police officer of beating him after he failed to immediately stop. It was reported by the officer that Williams refused to show his hands. This was a concern to the officer. The officer (as it is reported) he was concerned if Williams had a gun. The officer stated he feared for his life.

Maple Heights Council Members Dana Anderson and Richard Trojanski Orchestrate Community Clean -Up in District 4 & 6 Maple Heights, OH. Just like most cities and suburbs, Maple Heights has it's issues -some larger than most and some much smaller than your average neighboring suburbs. One thing is for certain, we have folks in various communities who have no idea of what a trash can is. Some of these folks may not know that there is an invention called a trash bag. Better yet, most of them can't tell you when garbage collection day is for their city or their particular street. Rather than inquire, some folks make a wrongful decision and decide to litter. As they littler, they are not thinking about the stench, the rodent (rodents) or the environment of which they live. They have no idea that every time someone litters, it affects the fabric of the neighborhood and it could be seen as a community that does not care. If the latter is the general assumption by outsiders, these same people will seek ways to cause chaos, conflict, crime and confusion. The city will began to operate under the direction of the "Broken Window" theory. The broken windows theory is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes. For example, in 1994, Rudy Giuliani was elected as the mayor of New York. ... He had broken windows repaired and graffiti removed nightly. As a direct result, the overall crime rate dropped sharply (Broken Window Theory Understanding this theory while making sure District 4 and 6 are free of trash and debris, Anderson and Trojanski is beginning a process to encourage residents, business owners and stakeholders to be a good neighbor by keeping their store front and yard clean. "Weare Maple Heights - one city working together to help all of us. We are joining forces to clean up District 4 and District 6. We have invited everyone to pitch in to help clean up our city",says Councilwoman Anderson. Contact Councilman Trojanski Trojanski who is the safety chair clearly understands the consequences of untidy neighborhoods. "Wewill do whatever it takes to send a message to all regarding our expectations. We are one community, and we want to provide the quality of life where all residents are proud to call Maple Heights their home",stated Trojanski

or Councilwoman Anderson for more information (216) 316-8822 or (440) 447-0742

Maple Heights District 4 and District 6 First Annual Neighborhood Clean-up Saturday, October 10th @ 10am

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Community Schools Reopen with Options for Student Safety & Achievement

Mr. Shawn Crosby joins STEAM Academy of Warrensville Heights as principal with over 15 years of experience working in education and youth development. Born in Cleveland, Mr. Crosby is an alumnus of Morehouse College and Emory University in Atlanta and New York City. STEAM Academy reopened on August 24th with three learning options for families; Traditional (5 days at school), Online (5 days at home), and HYBRID. About one-third of students are attending traditionally and observing guidelines by the Ohio Department of Health such as daily temperature checks, mandatory facemasks, frequent handwashing, bringing their own water bottle, and more. Ashley Hall - Green returns as principal of Ohio College Preparatory School in Maple Heights where school began September 8th and will be Online for the first nine weeks of the school year. Students log-in daily to classes where they meet with teachers with classmates, and complete additional assignments through independent study. The school is customizing Special Education ad Counseling services for students in-person or online depending on needs, and additionally hosting events such as Trunk or Treat, a seasonal community celebration, on October 2, from 4-6pm. Both schools are loaning Chromebooks to students and recently announced an Internet Reimbursement Policy. "Grab & Go" breakfast and lunch will be free for pick up as part of the National School Lunch Program.

TheBrownReport Bold Enough to Write It; Strong Enough to Stand By It!

Dave Patterson Sr. Writer

AMERICANS ARE WORKING Enter any HARDER AND information and where the story EARNING LESS can be found.

The United States of America. In case you hadn’t noticed, many in America have been hoodwinked into believing that we are actually doing much better financially under “Don John” than we have in decades. Someone sold the masses (primarily working whites) on the notion that if the rich are making tons more money under this Administration, the whole country is experiencing prosperity. Who said common sense was common The Brookings Institution, one of America’s top research organizations which has been gleaning pertinent information from collected data for over a century, recently stated that nearly half (44%) of this country’s work force between the ages of 18 and 64 are low wage employees, this according to a CBS News Money Watch Report by journalist Aimee Picchi. This is a frightening statistic. We are not talking about teen agers working after school to buy a used car or stay at home moms earning a few extra dollars to finance gambling trips, this study references to a large degree American workers actually taking care of families on exceedingly meager wages. With the median wage being in the neighborhood of $10.20 hr., the con job is a number’s game conservatives have been utilizing off and on for decades. In this instance on one hand they transfix you by stating that unemployment is at its lowest point in 50 years, which on the surface is true, however the de-evolution of both employment wages and benefits is a large part of the capitalistic mechanism that creates the magic trick. At the same time the status quo is selling you on the “everybody’s working” shtick, these charlatans are working feverishly to ensure that social programs like food stamps and government healthcare are significantly curtailed so as to redirect government funding to projects of the elites choosing. These are the word games that are used to label social programs as wasted tax dollars for lazy (black) people while tax money diverted to the rich to “create jobs” never actually does, or enables the puppeteers to saddle the poor with menial low paying jobs absent benefits which tends to put indigent families, and often single mothers, in worse predicaments than the ones they encountered on public assistance. The erosion of labor unions played a major role in undermining the economy of working people, stemming largely from union “leaders” forming cozy partnerships with management to the detriment of the employees. Couple that with corporate America’s increased reliance on free prison labor over the last three decades and the rationale for why we are where we are is much clearer. What I have found a bit disturbing however is that many of our college educated youth have adopted an adverse conservative viewpoint as it relates to their take on labor unions not realizing that many of their non-college educated parents utilized those good paying union jobs to put a lot of them through the very colleges that provided them those coveted degrees

Renters, Renters. Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come for You?

by Kimberly F. Brown

Cleveland, OHIO. The housing situation in the United States of America is frightening since the crisis of COVID-19. The American people are running scared as their time is running short. The clock is ticking. As many people suffered and are suffering from unemployment, many of these folks are on the verge of losing everything including their home. When the coronavirus hit the country and caused a whirl spin of confusion, states began to shut down, employers closed their businesses and corporations began to fold. As an instant result, those living paycheck to paycheck tried extremely hard to stay afloat as others instantly drowned because they could not survive the crisis.

Where is the Government? Recently, there has been lots of articles written in main stream media regarding a moratorium for renters. President Trump stated renters could not be evicted by their landlord. The Trump administration will help millions avoid eviction but at the same time put many landlords in a bad financial situation. The order was announced several weeks ago by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The order forbids evictions through Dec. 31 for many tenants who are unable to pay rent. The main concern with this order is that the administration did not attach any money to offset the landlords’ lost of income due to a failure to pay by a renter. Most sad, many renters really have no understanding of what this reality mean. If a renter cannot pay their rent. It a renter fail to pay their rent, come December 31st as we head to a new year, renters who failed to pay will owe their landlords thousands of dollars in one big balloon payment. The landlords will want

Story Title or

Brookings noted that approximately 30 million American workers have what could be considered a good job (employment with a livable wage and benefits.) Not surprisingly; most of the workers that comprise that number have attained college degrees. Conversely, the number of adults in the U.S. working low wage jobs between the ages of 25 and 64, and mind you this age range is considered the prime earning years, totaled a whopping 53 million Americans! We wonder why black communities nationwide live in polluted neighborhoods, many of which are now classified as food deserts. While it is true some white neighborhoods are getting poorer, blacks always occupy the lowest rungs on the socioeconomic ladder and it’s getting worse. We are the primary

laborers in the (not so) New Jim Crow “prison labor for pennies” initiative and our youth are sadly helping to feed the machine. Our youth must keep themselves out of environments that make them easy pickings for a law enforcement and judicial system that has been crafted to destroy them. We must develop young people who learn to think before they act,who learn to communicate and reason by developing life-saving coping skills. By fighting and shooting each other you give the white elite just what they want, a genocide where you do their work for them by killing one other and your reward is the opportunity to provide more free labor to make them even richer after they bury you in their prisons. While we enjoy this holiday season, let us refocus our efforts to fight the real enemies and not continue to destroy each other.

all monies owed in one lump sum. In reality, folks who can't pay will end up in eviction court due to a virus of which they had no control of. Quiet as it is kept, the same rules apply to homeowners who are not able to pay their monthly mortgage.

Will a Second Stimulus Help? Several months ago, millions of Americans received a stimulus check to assist with bills and food. The mere $1,200.00 to every household was helpful, but clearly it was not enough. The $1200 did not touch the surface of some folks monthly bills. While congress thought they had done something grand and great, Americans dwindled further in debt. As some waited weeks on getting answers from unemployment only to be denied, others dipped in their 401k, retirement savings, stocks and bonds. It's so bad, some people have had to rely on the Food Banks only to get food almost rotted and spoiled. The state of America is real. The experience of what we are enduring is stressful and trying. Being able to count the days to homelessness is a family worst nightmare. While some of us can't sleep at night because of this primal fear, those in Washington are snoring, eating and burping as if they don't have a care in the world for they have not lost one penny. Their collective gains are financially rewarding. They continue to sit in the White House fighting about the second stimulus package that will probably never come to our collective aid. It will never come, nor will it be enough to save the roof over your head.

Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come for You?

She is at the APL

TheBrownReport By Popular Demand 2nd run


Making History; Standing up for What is RIGHT. The Black Women Commission of Cuyahoga County by Brown, Letter & Thompson

Cleveland, OH. America is in an uproar. There is a forthcoming Presidential election and folks are acting crazy. We are dealing with COVID 19, and folks are no longer motivated. They are angry, hungry and worried because they don't know how they are going to keep the lights on or where their next meal is coming from. To add injury, businesses and some major corporations are caving in, and throwing in the towel. Elected officials are in a chaotic situation fearing the backlash and ridicule for every wrong or right decision being made. Unemployment compensation is a farce. It appears as though the folks who qualified were denied benefits while the folks who did not qualify were given a pass. This issue of what is going on is a heartfelt - knee jerking - tragedy. Some of us can barely stand, let alone put gas in our tank. Then. Then. Then. - we have the protest - daily protest that ignited following the death of George Floyd. America is outraged. The Blue is fighting the Black. The Black is fighting the Blue. The White has jumped in. This mess looks as if it will never end. Businesses - innocent businesses are being burned to the ground all because of the racial divide and turmoil of ignorance and assumption of white privilege. To make matters worst, we have had many casualties of war. As people are fighting for their constitutional rights, their human rights and civil rights are being shattered. What is really despicable is to have mainstream media brainwash onlookers and seat fillers to believe - their black life does not matter unless their black life was taken by a man or woman in a Blue Suit. This my readers, is some HOGWASH! Let's be clear, "ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER".

Delaney was viciously killed in the area of the King Kennedy Estates located 55th and Woodland in Cleveland, OH on April 19, 1990. "Following the attack, media outlets referred to Delaney as a social worker and friend of the poor. Robbery was the motive, according to the reports, and Delaney's camera and wallet had been stolen. It was reported later, that that was not the case because Delaney's wallet was present. The coroner ruled Delaney died of multiple blows to the head and body. His was cracked and his ribs were broken. Mr. Delaney suffered a savaged beating, and two young men were charged and convicted". (Cleveland Magazine Jeff Hedrich 8/1/1990) The Catholic Community was outraged as they demanded justice. They commanded the complete attention of CMHA's administrators, Cleveland City Council and Mayor Michael R. White. When the Catholic Community spoke, others listened and not one - not one person stood in the way of what the Catholic Community wanted. It was not about whether black folks wanted to remember the tragedy that took place on April 19, 1990. It was expected. Blacks would always remember the legacy of Mr. Ralph Delaney. Delaney was a man - a white man - a Catholic man who was killed in an area composed mainly of Blacks - the same folks of which he vowed to help. In honor of Delaney's legacy, CMHA in partnership with the City of Cleveland renamed King Kennedy to "The

Village". His life mattered!

You will never tell grieving parents, their child does not matter unless they are killed by Blue. We dare you. We double dare you.

Let Us Never Forget:

Do you remember a social worker by the name of Ralph Delaney. His name is Ralph Delaney. For years, we have thought about the work of Ralph Delaney. Cleveland nor Cuyahoga Metropolitian Housing Authority will never allow us to forget this man. It's history. It's their tragic history, and they are not ashamed - nor were they ashamed to ask for what they wanted. They wanted justice. They got it. They want a memorial. They got a village!

Delaney is said to have organized and directed the Collinwood Arts Center, teaching classes in drama, video production, writing, poetry, art therapy, art education, photography, mathematics, and philosophy. He organized and directed the Gandhi-King Peace Center, was assistant chaplain at the Cuyahoga County Jail, participated in the Catholic Worker Movement and worked at the Rainey Institute.

Hearing about Delaney in 1990, has always sent chills through us. What would make anyone want to hurt innocent people or brutally beat anyone for that matter. Since this incident, there has been many other senseless killings - from police brutality to black on black, white on white/black on white/white on black senseless crimes. While Delaney got justice and cooperation from mainstream media, city council, the CMHA and Mayor Michael R. White, black victims struggle daily with getting a call from the police, cooperation from detectives, the prosecutors office, assistance from the victims advocate program, judges and city council. This is shameful on every account!

Delaney Got a Village Named in Honor of his Legacy. It was a Respectful Movement by CMHA and Cleveland City Officials

As we look at some of the tragic moments in the City of Cleveland, we understand why issues of racial divide exist. If Black leaders don't believe black people are important, why should anyone else. At some point, black leaders must "Stand Up" and command the same meal if not more than their counter part.

"Delaney was a social activist who dedicated his life to serving the poor and the homeless. Born in Cleveland to Ralph and Ann (Yaniko) Delaney, Ralph attended Cathedral Latin High School. In 1949 he joined the Marianist Order in Cincinnati where he became a teaching brother. Delaney graduated from the University of Dayton and received his Master's from CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY


As the Metro Park Rangers, closed this case, it was the work of the Black Women Commission that got Jalen's case reopened - back in the media. The white adult male is currently facing charges. After all the work to get the case reopened, it is a Black Female Judge that reduced the bond from $50,000 to $10,000. The white male is being charged with 6 counts of child endangerment and involuntary manslaughter. He is out on bail.

On June 20, 2018, a nine year-old girl was shot and killed by a stray bullet while sitting in the back seat of her mom's car eating ice-cream as her older sister sat in the front seat. Mom parked in front of the former DNA Boxing Club to pick up her son. Within two minute of exiting her car, gun On April 19, 1990, as Delaney was videotaping evidence of dilapidated fire erupted on the street of Lee Road and Cloverside in living conditions at CMHA apartments, he was robbed and savagely beaten. Cleveland WARD ONE. One of the bullets was said to have He died from massive head injuries several days later at SAINT VINCENT penetrated mom's car and struck 9 year-old Saniyah CHARITY HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER. More than 1,200 mourners, including Cleveland Mayor Michael White." (Information taken Nicholson. Several Black women groups petitioned the City of Cleveland to place a street sign in honor of Saniyah but from Case Western Reserve the Black Councilman of Cleveland WARD ONE and the The announcement of what happened to Delaney was heartfelt throughout the White Council President purposely blocked the effort. city. There were rumors that Delaney had been robbed. Witnesses were said How Do We Honor Them? to be changing their stories about the motive but one thing is for certain,

On or about July 1, 2017 - 15 year old boy was found dead by horseback riders in the Bedford Metro Park Tinker's Creek area. He was said to have been taken to the park by an adult white male without his mom's permission. The adult was also accompanied by his children and others. The boy could not swim. Witnesses reported the boy looked terrified. They heard a splash - the boy's body was being swallowed by the current and thrust into the black tunnel. His name is Jalen Wise.

December 16, 2019 - a 26 year old young woman was driving in a predominantly black neighborhood. A 52 year old black male was said to have been driving 55mph in a 35mph zone swerving in and out of traffic. The man's car struck the woman's vehicle head-on. As a result, the 26 year-old black woman suffered an untimely death. Her name is Shamonte Eldridge No parent wants to bury their child especially when the death appears to be caused by the action of someone's mean spirited reckless behavior. All Black Lives Matter! All Lives deserve to be honored and respected by city officials irregardless of the color of their skin or title. When humans learn to be human only then will Black Lives Matter and our nation will begin to heal. Jalen, Saniyah, Shamonte and Tazhon deserves to be remembered as well!

President Donald Trump and Joe Biden Debate; One Hot Mess

World News or World Mess

September 29, 2020 the millions of viewer tuned to the Presidential Debate; the race for the White House. As the debate began, people got confused. Some thought they were in the midst of Romper Room while other had a flashback of the little rascals. Yep, Spanky and AlAlfa. This was a mess. No. It was a pure embarrassment to the highest office in the land. Have they no shame? There are two debates remaining. Both candidates, TRUMP and BIDEN owes the country viable plans of substance. We don't need name calling, we need plans to calm the civil unrest; the storms - not grumpy old men who don't know how to play in the American sand box.

TheBrownReport Black Owned; We Create Our Own Narratives


Twelve Million Dollars can Buy Almost Anything but it Can't Buy You TBR Staffa JUSTICE!

America the Beautiful Unless You Are..., Injustice, un-justice, just us, just them, no justice, no peace, lots of civil unrest as just "them" sleep? As America is faced with another despicable stain on their white carpet, millions of folks are protesting across the globe to denounce the decision about the Breonna Taylor's case of Louisville Kentucky. Taylor was shot and killed in her apartment by Louisville police officers after they broke down the door to her apartment while executing a search warrant. A grand jury decided to indict only one of the three officers involved with a first degree wanton endangerment charge. According to legal sources, the charge applies to the risk placed on Taylor's neighbors but does not aim to hold the officer responsible for her death.

This is straight bull on every level. Are they saying cops can ride up in your home anytime of the night and day and shoot to kill black folks? Here in Cuyahoga County, we know far to well how a white judge allowed a cop to walk after the cop (a skilled shooter) stood on the hood of a car and shot at two black unarmed people sitting in a car. In Cuyahoga County, we watched a Chief Prosecutor dismiss a case following the death of a black boy as they conducted a botched investigation. Here in Cuyahoga County, we continued to watch a black female judge openly reduce a white man's bail from $50,000 to $10,000 after the man was charged with six counts of child endangerment and one count of involuntary manslaughter.


We are no different than Louisville Kentucky Our region have major problems with race relations and injustices within our legal system. We have had our moments from Tamir Rice to 137shots - the brutal killing of Timothy Russell and Melissa Williams. We have heard cries of family members which is symbolic to a slave owner beating and killing a slave child. The District Attorneys are like slave masters and some Judges are the overseers of the plantation. They are elected to serve the master at any cost - even for $12 million dollars. In their minds - it's better to pay 12 rather then spend 25 on an invisible black woman or man with the melanated skin. What can you buy with 12m? You can't buy JUSTICE!


Thursdays @ 7pm


Karen Letter, Managing Partner Kimberly F. Brown Chief Administrator Michelle Rhodes, Marketing Dave Patterson, Sr. Contributor Billie Thompson, Investigative Reporter Frederica Mayes-Gates Contributor KeKe Little - Intern

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