The Brown Report Newspaper

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Only Newspaper SaSSy Enough to Have an ATTITUDE Volume 1 Issue 220

The Brown Report

Published on DEMAND

Special Article Garfield Heights Page 6


Edition: March 2021

Race for the 11th District Congressional Seat Meet Candidate Shontel Brown

Meet Candidate Tariq Shabazz

"We are saluting our former Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge. We wish her much success" Thank you for your service - The Brown Report

Jae the Gospel Kidd of WOVU 95.9fm and Friends "Blanketing the City Project" 1,000 (page2) Other Elections:

Meet Candidate Laverne Gore

Meet Candidate Shirley Smith

Mike Dudley for Mayor Garfield Heights

Valerie Walker-Isom for Council District 1 Maple Heights

Arnold Shurn for Cleveland WARD 4


Simply Brown on Cleveland Got News?

Kimberly F. Brown Chief Administrator

a Publication of Doveside Promotions LLC

March 2021 Edition

WOVU 95.9fm's Jae the Gospel KIDD, Kimberly F. Brown and "Brown on Cleveland", Lady Gilmore and Minister Shirley Almore FitzPatrick Kick -Off the by The Brown Staff Blanketing the City Project

Cleveland, OH. Baby, it's cold outside. Baby, it's too darn cold! As we continue to battle this harsh weather, we have witnessed many people suffering due to the cold. There are unfortunate stories of people having no heat and folks sleeping in their cars trying to stay warm. We have also heard about several people who have died due to the cold weather. They are said to have froze to death. With the nation dealing with Covid 19, we are also being confronted by weather conditions too unbearable and frightening to function. To add more pain to this subject matter, some folks are more concerned with who is going to be elected to a public seat rather than who will survive the cold streets. To be clear, we have found these same folks talking about what they will do to help the people but they have not lifted a finger to help anyone during theses trying times. This is one of the main reasons why Jae the Gospel Kidd, Brown on Cleveland, Lady Gilmore of KAZ Radio and Minister FitzPatrick are standing up to combat the cruel outside elements with the "Blanketingthe City Project". Jerome Williams aka "Jae the Gospel KIDD is a veteran radio personality. He is the General Manager of WOVU.95.9fm; a Burten Bell Carr community radio station. Jae has a voice that can shatter a cathedral. He has traveled across the country giving praise and honor to the most High. Like all of us, Jae has his setbacks and weaknesses. At times, he does not know when to sit down and just stop; take time for himself. Recently, Jae celebrated his birthday. Unlike others, rather than collect money to purchase lavish gifts, Jae decided to aid the homeless and the needy. He created the Blanketing the City Project. "There are too many people suffering in our city. We got to do something. I told my wife, this is what I wanted to do"stated, Williams. Williams needed help with this project. Jae created a radio infomercial to aid this process. Following, he reached out to his old friend, Kimberly F. Brown for assistance. Brown is the host of the "Brown on Cleveland" radio show and podcast. Without hesitation, Brown joined Williams in a concerted effort to spread awareness of the Blanketing the City Project. As Brown began to share the good news on her facebook page, Lady Gilmore of KAZ radio, Minister Shirley Almore Fitzgerald of the East Cleveland Empowerment Church, Erin's Reparation and many others came along to help. As a direct result, social media family and friends began to pour into the station dropping off blankets for this great cause. Collectively, we were able to garner approximately 1,000 blankets for our community members. "In numbers, there is power. This is about the collective whole; nothing more-nothing less. Only if the community would come together all the time, we would not have to depend on others - just us" says, Kimberly F. Brown. '"Iam in tears. PRAISE GOD" says, Williams. Lady Gilmore added, "thisis what we do. We come together and we help"!

erly b m i K

Lady Gilmore

Minister Shirley


Williams, Gilmore and Brown are friends, and they are local "on-air" radio personalities. They have known one another for 30 plus years. Their common ground is radio. Each of them have a "history-heart" for helping community members. If you need a blanket, call the radio station @ (216) 271-0959

Hot Topic; Ken Johnson Ain't the Only One

The Brown Staff

Cleveland, OH. The old folks in Cleveland WARD 4 will tell you, about their councilman Mr. Ken Johnson. Most will say, "Ilike him".If you ask these same folks why, they will reply "Kenwill cut my grass".Many folks will proudly state, "if you call councilman Ken, he will come to see about you. For over 30 years, Councilman Ken Johnson carried the torch in Cleveland WARD 4. Johnson was liked by many and admired by many more. The old folks loved him, the middle aged folks dealt with him and the younger folks only wanted a summer job to help keep a little change in their pocket. In the eyes of most, Johnson was set to please those who would cast a ballot in his favor to help keep him in office. Ken knew how to "sweet talk" the voters. He pillowed talked them to re-electing him as councilperson for 30 plus years. If Cleveland WARD 4 was a "Lady Sings the Blues" community, Johnson would be the piano man; gambling and securing everything that is wanted regardless of the negative consequences lurking in the dark - not having a care in the world until the lights and the mics are turned off at Carnegie Hall. In this case, Cleveland City Hall. Having been stripped of his seniority and power, Johnson is witnessing the lights flicker right before his eyes due to a long drawn-out criminal investigation conducted by the FBI. He was recently arrested. Johnson must answer to 15 charges from a federal grand jury that among other things accuse him of falsifying expense reports. Johnson is accused of swindling approximately $127,000 from the budget of Cleveland City Council.

Johnson Ain't the Only One As Cleveland City Council members continue to meet behind closed doors looking at Johnson all "willy nilly", some of these same jokers got a speck or two in their eyes. One would think, voters would be tired of this nonsense. For years, voters have smelled the foul odor of several elected officials, and they have witnessed the power of political machines stand behind endorsed candidates while knowing damn well some of these folks would sell their mother and daughters to a back yard human trafficking asylum to garner an elected seat by any means and we do mean by "any means" necessary; illegal, unethical, illogical and sinful. Because of this, our city - the City of Cleveland once again is stained due to the mere notion of this polarized issue.

A Flashback Moment in Cleveland City Council History and There Were Others - Yes Others! As we take a look into the past, we are reminded of the downfall of Councilman Jeff Johnson. In 1998, Johnson was convicted of three counts of violating the Hobbs Act, the federal law prohibiting public officials from using their office to extort money. Johnson was said to have extorted money for his campaign from local business owners.

In 2005, Joseph " Joe" Jones was labeled by Scene Magazine as the Best Corrupt Politician. According to the SCENE, "Just ask his lawyer. During his days on city council (during his first term), Jones spent the bulk of his time shaking down businesses, mooching bribes in exchange for not putting up obstacles, and raising funds for his fictional Little League team. Jones was convicted and placed on house arrest. December 15, 2008, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio and Cleveland Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, charged Cleveland City Council Member Robert J. White, III, age 47, of Cleveland, Ohio, with one count of bribery in violation of the Hobbs Act. ( In 2011, Former councilwoman Sabra Pierce Scott was charged with conspiracy to commit bribery by the Feds for allegedly soliciting a $2,000 sum from a businessman to use on her daughter's tuition and soliciting a job for her son at Michael Forlani's companies. All incidents happened from 2005-2007. According to news sources, Pierce was sentenced to serve three years of probation, including eight months of house arrest, to pay $2,000 in restitution, and to teach 20 one-hour classes in ethics to high school or college students In 2015, The Ohio Ethics Commission announced an investigation to Joe Cimperman regarding city contracts that were awarded to his wife's employer, ParkWorks (later renamed LAND Studio). In 2018, they found that Councilman Cimperman, had, on 26 occasions, voted on or crafted legislation that award contracts to his wife's employer, ParkWorks. Ohio State Law states that an elected official may not "Authorize, or employ the authority or influence of the public official's office to secure authorization of any public contract in which the public official, a member of the public official's family, or any of the public official's business associates has an interest" In May 2018, he was sentenced to 1 year probation, a $10,000 fine and 100 hours of community service. Welcome to the "hisher"-corruption of Cleveland City Council; the never ending saga.

The Brown Report Our Stories, Our Truth, Our Narratives It is their interview; Cuyahoga County

Arnold Shurn Campaign for Cleveland WARD 4 Councilperson

The Brown Report Staff

Billy Thompson

Cleveland, OH. It's election 2021, and folks are seeking elected office. One of the most exciting seats up for grab is the council seat of Cleveland WARD. The current council person is said to be going through lots of turmoil. According to WKYC TV 3, the current councilman Ken Johnson is under federal investigation. Since this public outbreak, citizens are asking if the Cleveland WARD 4 seat will be an open seat?

Meanwhile, Arnold Shurn is aggressively campaigning for the Cleveland WARD 4 council seat. Shurn is stumping the ground

collecting signatures to get on the ballot. Candidate Shurn must get 200 qualified signatures from residents who lives in the Cleveland WARD 4 community.

Candidates for the 11th Congressional District have a right to be heard. The Brown on Cleveland podcast, will give you the opportunity to listen to each candidate on Demand; anytime, anywhere and anyplace. After March 15, 2021, you will be able to listen to each candidate, and judge for yourself who will be the BEST person to serve as our Congressperson. We will not allow outsiders, actors, actresses nor the squad to tell us who to vote for. This is not about money. This race is about who is willing to serve all people; who is prepared to go to work and who is currently doing the work.

Log on : or GOOGLE Kimberly F Brown podcast 'Brown

If you would like to help Team Shurn with his campaign, please reach out to Mr. Shurn via facebook

on Cleveland and check out all the episodes

11th Congressional Candidates; Run from The Brown Report 11th Congressional District. It's a race for the White House. It depends on how you look at this situation. As we know, the job of the President and Vice President is taken. This is clearly not a race for the senate. However, it is the BIG race to fill the shoes of Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge. As most of us are aware, Congresswoman Fudge is waiting to be confirmed by the US Senate, When and if \she is confirmed, the real race for the she held (pending her confirmation) will be up for the taking. Most of us are excited about this transition of purpose, position as well as the power. The question is - who will become the next Congresswoman for the 11th Congressional District? If you are paying attention, on the front page of this paper, we have given mention to those who are seeking the seat. These same individuals are scheduled to be interviewed by the Brown Report Staff as well as the Brown on Cleveland Podcast. The interviews will be uncensored as well as unedited. Out of fairness, we sent each candidate an email seeking their participation. We sent emails to Shontel Brown, Tariq Shabazz, Laverne Gore, Shirley Smith, Jeffrey Johnson, John Barnes and Nina Turner. We wanted to give everyone a fair chance to talk with our readers and listeners. Sadly, to say, Jeffrey Johnson, Nina Turner and John Barnes did not respond to the request. They have silently stated, they are not interested in speaking with the black media nor are they interested in speaking with the black and brown community. As a result, The Brown Report Newspaper and "Brownon Cleveland" have accepted their "no" response as a refusal. Silence speaks volumes. We have also interpreted their behavior as a pure fear to sit down with a local journalist who knows them better than most. In reality, we understand their fear to hear and participate.

They can RUN, but They Can't Hide; BOO!

Brown on Cleveland "The AfterDark Video Podcast Sundays at 8pm Facebook Live Listen to the podcast at Kimberly F. Brown personal Facebook Page: Controversial Issues Elections Hot Topic Media Stories and more

As promised, since the candidates who are missing in action won't sit with the Brown Report nor Brown on Cleveland, we will sit in for them. Voters have a right to know. We will allow Shontel Brown, Tariq Shabazz, Laverne Gore and Shirley Smith to tell their own story. They will develop their own narrative; however they see fit.

The three that ran! Let's start with ^Jeffrey Johnson. Johnson was a rising political star in the 1990's; a graduate of Kent State University and Case Western Reserve University. Johnson earned his Juris Doctor and master's degree in political science. With such promise, things came crashing down when Johnson served approximately two-years in prison for federal extortion. We know how Mayor Jane L. Campbell assisted Johnson with getting a job upon his release from prison. He served as the Community Relations Director. Following, he returned to Cleveland City Council in 2009 and campaigned for Mayor, City of Cleveland in 2017. He currently works for the City of Cleveland Housing Court. In regards, to the interview with Brown on Cleveland, Johnson would have had 10 questions to answer but he made a decision not to participate. At this point,

Johnson's is a non-factor. If Johnson can not sit with Black media, why would black media ask black and brown voters to consider his candidacy. On this note The Brown Report must grade Johnson with an I for incomplete and an F for failing to submit. ^John Barnes served as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives District 12 from 1999 to 2002. He later returned to serve from 2011 to 2018. According to several sources, Barnes served as the Director of Community Relations for the city of Cleveland. It is also reported that Barnes has experience as a tax auditor and an investigator. Like Jeff Johnson, regardless of Barnes attributions, Barnes earned an I for incompletion and an F for failing to appear for an interview with this Black Media. Again if a candidate for office ignores our Blackness for the black and brown, we will ignore them. Voters should be tired of candidates not understanding who their employers will be should they become elected to a political seat. ^Nina Turner is the first black female councilwoman of Cleveland WARD ONE. Turner failed to complete a full term. She served two years out of the four years expected, Turner gets an F for in-completion. When a senate seat became available, Turner left the residents of Cleveland WARD ONE. Turner served in the Ohio Senate from 2008 to 2014. In 2012, Turner wanted to run against Marcia Fudge for the 11th Congressional seat but she got scared and backed down. Following, Turner unsuccessfully ran for Ohio Secretary of State. After this crushing defeat, Turner vanished from the scene. Turner left with the New Revolution and Bernie Sanders. She has done NO WORK for our community. Now, 8 years later she is back trying to fight others who have been here, struggled here and been working to help our communities. Turner earned two Is for incomplete, F for failing to help our community, F for vanishing from our community and a D for thinking residents of the 11th Congressional District are dumb. Back in the day, Turner would have been a good choice for this position. Tell us, what has Turner done to garner this seat. Turner has done nothing. The 11th Congressional District needs a person who is committed to the community. One who will be more concerned about the people than a "show". We don't need rhetoric; we need help and resources that will benefit all of us. Sorry, Nina, you have not done the work. This alone should be enough for voters in the 11th congressional district. We don't want to be the carrier of bad news, but it is of our opinion that Johnson, Barnes and Turner are not what we are looking for in our next Congressperson. It's bad enough they want to cherry pick who gets an interview and who they should talk to and talk with but it is even worse that they - all three of them would carry this same bull-s--- into the office of the Congressperson. As voters, we should be tired of this Shiggady Boo!.

Sorry Jeff, John and Nina - You don't get to cherry pick what residents or communities will be served - your behavior has caused us to pause. We will ask our readers to support a candidate who understand he/she is a servant and not one to be served!

A Gentle Item for Our Men

THE BROWN REPORT Simply Brown on Cleveland

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Arnold Shurn 44120


Our Candidates, Our Issues, Our Community

Join Team Dudley; Volunteer for a Better Community

TeamBrown is Deciding. Maybe we will Democrat

Paid for by Friends of Mike Dudley 44105

It's Not Too Late to Get Your High School Diploma Call today! Tell them The Brown Report Sent You!

; e v i s e v u r l xc o Se


t o N

t t i F

The Brown Report Newspaper

Garfield Heights is in the "Hot Seat" Garfield Heights Councilwoman Shayla Davis Tears Her Bottom with the Brown Report; Davis Talks to Damn Much!

Brown Kimberly F artner P Managing

Garfield Hts. OH. As Black women are trying to create a sense of sisterhood and sisterhood, we still have some women of color who just don't get it. They will do anything to garner attention off the sweat equity of others. As some will take necessary steps to be part of improving systems to conquer the divide, others will go backwards and participate in the most reckless behaviors to rip into those that they don't know. These are your neighborhood gossipers and bullies. What is really disappointing are those women who are elected by the people to serve; to make decisions on behalf of thousands of people. Rather than do as such, these busy bodies will take more time to stir up mess than work on issues impacting the community of which they are elected to serve. It is unfortunate that this is what The Brown Report Newspaper has found in Councilwoman Shayla Davis of Garfield Heights WARD Four. Davis is an example of a bitter young woman filled with anger and an active vicious tongue. This is the behavior, we as women regardless of race are trying to overcome. What Happened?

Shayla Davis, Garfield Hts

" My spirit is disturbed. Heck we supported Davis when others would not."Let's go back if we may. The Brown Report Newspaper is owned by two-black women. We own Doveside Promotions LLC. Doveside Promotions is an advocacy group and campaign management organization. The Brown Report Organization is under this umbrella. We have made it a practice to use our newspaper to fight social injustice issues. We also marvel in campaign development. Through our monthly 8-page paper, we have helped many people win elections as well as fight social injustice issues targeting everyday Americans. For the most part, we have been trailblazers of black words on white paper. We have made history by challenging issues. We have been successful crafting legislation and amending antiquated policies and procedures for state, county and local government agencies. By far we are not perfect, but we have tried to be the difference in this community. We have created an affordable easy-access of media tool. We will help the under served as we watch elected and public officials turn their evil eye. We are the Brown Report Newspaper. We are unapologetic for standing up for what is right and for holding elected officials accountable for their actions. We won't protect wrong - we stand for what is right no matter who they are!

Recently, it was brought to our attention that Councilwoman Shayla Davis had made some very disparaging comments the Brown Report Newspaper and one of the owners, Kimberly F. Brown. To be clear, four different people brought the distasteful conversation to our attention. This was quite disturbing because we have never had any interaction with Councilwoman Davis. We have never had a conversation with her. Davis does not know any of the business partners of Doveside Promotions LLC nor do we know her. We are only familiar with Davis because we stood up for Davis. Let's set the record straight, we supported Davis and protected her character as some women - black women in Cuyahoga County did not want Davis on a flyer as we were part of a celebratory event for black women who had a successful campaign which garnered them a political seat. Again, The Brown Report supported this woman - a woman we did not know and still don't know. Out of transparency, we reached out to Davis via messenger on Facebook to talk about this unpleasant situation. Davis did not respond. As a result, we are addressing our disappointment to Davis publicly; the same measure she used to discredit our company. Davis wanted the attention of The Brown Report and now she has our full attention.

Davis is campaigning to be Mayor of Garfield Heights We are tickled. Davis got nerves to reach - out to the women and men that this Black Owned Newspaper aggressively helped to win their election. We will not allow Davis to benefit off the back of our sweat equity. Davis's Blatant Disrespect is Unacceptable. Her failure to acknowledge her err shows us, she will chase future investors and stakeholders away from the city due to her inability to display expected acts of professionalism Wait one darn minute! This is borderline ridiculous. Davis is a first-time councilperson of WARD 4. According to residents, they don't know her. Several businesses of WARD four have no idea of who she is. However, one of the businesses asked us "what does she look like". We were tickled. To be factual, our sources informed us, Davis only won the council seat because it was an open seat. Davis was the only one running for the seat. It was also noted, that another councilperson encouraged her to run and that Davis would not have thrown her hat in the ring if she had a competitor. The question is - Does Davis have a backbone? Is she strong enough to fight a good fight or will she fold if it becomes too hard for her? We also discovered; Davis is going to the same elected officials who dogged her for assistance with her campaign. What would make Davis think that these same individuals will help her become Mayor of Garfield Heights against a group of qualified candidates. We pray, Garfield voters are not unintelligent as Davis and some of her supporters are hoping. Garfield Heights do yourself a favor and do not allow Davis supporters to mislead you. Davis is not qualified to run the city of Garfield Heights. Do not allow others to play the race, or sex card. Garfield is deserving of quality candidates and this she is not. To make this easy for you, if Davis knocks on your door, ask her what legislation has she sponsored and co-sponsored? Ask Davis, if she has connected with residents of WARD 4? Finally ask her to show you a strategic plan of how she plans to move Garfield forward. When she can't, kindly ask her to move on and shut your door.

Let's take a brief look at Davis' record: 1. She never attended a council meeting prior to 2017 2. Davis lost her first council race to Eugene Glenn. After being defeated, Davis vanished into thin air. No one heard from Shayla Davis. 3. 2019 - Davis found out that Councilman Glenn was not going to run for office two weeks prior to the deadline. Davis was said to have gone to WARD FOUR residents in tears begging then to sign her petition. Shayla Davis was elected to serve WARD FOUR by default. Heck, she was the only candidate on the ballot. This in itself was a matter laughable 4. Since being in office as a councilwoman, residents do not know her. Davis has done nothing of substance to improve conditions within the WARD FOUR community 5. Fourteen months later, Shayla Davis must think the folks of Garfield Heights are stupid. Davis has not mastered the councilperson's duties. Residents are telling the Brown Report, Davis is useless, and if she was seeking to be re-elected for council, residents would send Davis packing.

Who is Running for Political Office in Garfield Heights.

Mayor's Race: Matt Burke, Mike Dudley, James Feeney, Tenisha Mack, and Michael Nenadovich

The Brown Report Newspaper; Standing Firm!

You heard it first, Shayla Davis is not fit to become Mayor of Garfield Heights. She is the poster child for Embarrassment, Rumors and Gossip. If Davis can't work with the media, she certainly can't work with anyone. Her behavior will bring unnecessary criticism and negative attention to a city that is trying to rise above any and all stains impacting the Garfield Heights community. It's time for Garfield to move forward, and time for Davis to take her bad attitude and evil mood swings and move on!

When Black Candidates Disrespect the Black Media USA. The history of the Black Newspaper is a story to be told and remembered. The Freedom Journal was the first African American owned and operated newspaper in the United States. This weekly publication was founded by free born African Americans John Russwurm and Samuel Cornish in March of 1827 in New York City, New York. The paper was established to tell the stories of blacks

because major newspapers refused to give blacks the power of the press. Their stories were subjective just as they are today. As African Americans, we must be smart about what we do and how we do it. We no longer have to kiss the ring for approval or depend on main stream media to tell our stories and create false narratives. Just like others, we own newspapers, radio and television stations, podcasts, cable channels, social media pages and direct mail companies. We have come a long way, and we have taken a slice of the pie and with your support, we can take more. But when you keep running back to some of those who mean you no good you are turning the slice of the pie into mere crumbs. We have come a long way - let's not go back.

This Flyer is Paid for by Friends of Valerie Walker-Isom for District One Maple Heights, OH

Valerie Walker Isom for Councilperson District ONE, Maple Heights Democrat

Team Isom Taking Actions, Getting Results! Dear District One Neighbors and Friends, My name is Valerie Walker-Isom. I am a resident of Carol Drive, and I am campaigning to become your Councilperson. As I study this position, I fully understand the duties of council. I am studying our City Charter of our great city of Maple Heights. Not only will I be a servant to my community, I will be a responsive elected official. I will work for you and with you - every step of the way. I will not come to the game during the fourth quarter seeking favors and honorable mention. I humbly know my place, and I will serve in a most honest capacity. As your Councilperson, I will tirelessly seek amicable resolve for our community while working with the Mayor and her administration. I will keep you informed, as I am going to knock on every door to talk with every resident. After all, serving you is not about me - but you!

The Race for Productive CHANGE!

The Walker-Isom Platform; Running on Integrity, Intelligence, Community Commitment and Transparency

*Safer Streets/ Rebuild a Stronger Community through crime reduction and public safety. Create projects that build stronger relationships between the community and Maple Hts. Police Dept and Service Department Facilitate events that will aid in reducing our crime rate through education, mentoring and jobs. Research says, a clean community will produce less crime. We will drive to improve our conditions by commanding high expectations from our neighbors based upon the city charter of Maple Heights *A Voice for the People. Assessment of the community to determine their needs and challenges - Identify Community Strengths, Provide community engagement opportunities, Open door communication in person, technology platforms (via phone, on demand podcast, emails) Legislator. I will support and create legislation that you are in support of and or the majority of our district. Listening to you is the most important factor of DEMOCRACY. *Support Seniors and Youth. Create projects to serve our seniors that promote safety and increased access to services. Develop sustainable partnerships with local businesses and community stake holders that engage our youth and parents in activities that promote education, provide leadership and procure life skills through mentoring and job training *Environmental Design Strategy. Develop projects that promote cleanup of the community and improve beautification. Curb Appeal. Create mini parks with flowers, art on beautiful benches in our neighborhoods; turn utility boxes into civic canvases


Former Councilman Alex Adams and Patrice Adams, District 1 Maple Heights Councilwoman Toni Jones, Maple Heights District 2

Councilwoman Dana Anderson, Maple Heights District 4 The Brown Report Newspaper Councilman Richard Trojanski Maple Heights District 6

Join Team ISOM

It's Simply Brown On Cleveland

The Brown Report

The Disease Called Jealousy. Is there a cure? USA. Covid 19 is one of the most deadliest viruses to ever creep upon us. It does not discriminate. Oh no. It will sneak upon you at any time and any place. It does not matter how much money you have or lack. The coronavirus is so scary, it's like a scorn woman sitting at home in the dark with hot grits on the table. When it strikes, you will not know it's coming until you get hit, tripped and knocked-out. It's said to be symbolic to a stalker. That's right. Just as a stalker, this virus will get to know you and your habits if you are not paying attention to what you do and how you do it. Let me go further, it's similar to this thing - this disease called Jealousy. It is deadly. You see, jealousy is wicked, worthless and vindictive for no reason. Similar to covid, jealousy will attack you after you love your life to the fullest. It's like a mouse in your home that only comes out when you are looking the other way. Just as your ice-box maybe empty because someone Call Regency Today has been eating all the food. When you ask about the missing food, everyone lies. No one will tell you the truth. Symbolic to "It's Not TOO Late! covid, jealousy is without a cure. This disease called jealousy is an abnormal condition that negatively affects others. It is not Tell Them Ms. Brown Sent You to Get you due to any immediate physical injury. Although jealousy has yet to be medically claimed to be a disease, it can High School Diploma cause a fatality as well as deep rooted psychological issues for the perpetrator and the victim caught in this dangerous web. So let's look at the definition from Jealousy is a sickness. Jealousy is a feeling of resentment. It further states, having negative issues against someone else because of their success. This sense of jealous is very similar in meaning to envious. The word envy refers to a mostly negative feeling of desire for something that someone else has and you do not—like a mix of admiration and discontent. However, while envy is not necessarily malicious, jealousy usually implies a deeper resentment, perhaps because a person may feel that they deserve the thing more than the other person, or that it is unfair that they have it and they don’t as per As we take a serious look at this thing - this disease - this mental condition called jealousy, it is very sad that in 2021 we are seeing many people show signs of jealousy through social media, facial expressions, rumors and malicious


The Brown Report Newspaper We Fully Support Mike Dudley for Mayor, Garfield Heights!

It's "Brown on Cleveland" heard on Firestick and ROKU. Listen on DEMAND anytime, anywhere, anyplace by iHEART MEDIA

Call Randall Park School Right Now! Tell them the Brown Report Sent You!

Qualified and Dedicated "I will serve the Entire city of Garfield Heights, OH" Paid for by Friends of Mike Dudley for Mayor 44125

unintelligent talk against others. This alone is shameful. It's an embarrassment. From what I was taught early in my life - what GOD has for you - he has for you and no one else. I thank GOD that I have never caught the jealousy disease, and I thank him everyday for not being a victim of the coronavirus. Although there is no cure for either, their are some preventative measures of which one can use to stay safe. For the coronavirus we are advise to wash our hands, refrain from large gatherings, stay 6 feet apart and wear a mask. So I guess one of the best ways to stay free of jealousy is to focus on what GOD has for you as you discover your purpose driven life.

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