The Brown Report Newspaper

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THE BROWN REPORT Brown on Cleveland Volume 1 Issue 305

Published Monthly

Our Endorsements Our Choice

Edition: ELECTION 2021


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month It wasn't Domestic - but it was damn right VIOLENT! (inside story)

The Mayoral Race Justin Bibb Kevin Kelley

Vote Brown Tuesday, November 2, 2021 WARD ONE Paid for by Friends of Kimberly F Brown

Political ADS Our Endorsements Our News All The Time

The Brown Report

Covering Stories Most Media Fear Councilman Joe Jones Face Allegations Violence Against of Assault and Menacing Women Shall Not Be by Karen Letter

Cleveland WARD ONE. It was said to have occurred September 9, 2021 - 6 days prior to the primary election. As to not be bias, the Brown Report will allow you to read the complete police report from the Cleveland Police Department. The Brown Report is asking "What if she was your daughter?" Do you think that Cleveland WARD ONE has a right to know this information? How come Councilman Joe Jones was not arrested? If it would have been your son, your brother or your father, he would have been arrested the same day. Is this a case of the have's and have nots? Is this a flashback of the former Judge Lance Mason. Mason beat his wife. Mason was given a pass by many elected officials. These folks stood by Mason's psychotic behavior. Eventually, Mason killed his ex-wife in broad daylight.

The Official Cleveland Police Report 21-279610


Brown Staff Writers

Cleveland, OHIO. October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Established in October 1987, Domestic Violence Awareness month is a way to connect and unite individuals and organizations working on domestic violence issues while raising awareness for those matters. Over the past 30+ years, a lot of progress has been made to support domestic violence victims and survivors, to hold abusers accountable, and to develop and update legislation to enhance those objectives.

What about other Violence Against Women; Those Not in a Relationship Daily, women are being abused by men. Some men act out against women due to them feeling inferior and powerless, while others attempt to abuse women because they believe that their position in their community garners them the right to mistreat people because of a title they hold. To make matters worse, a small fraction of these abusers deem it okay because their spouse is a public figure. Whatever their rational, abuse is abuse, an assault is an assault and a scar is a traumaticpsychological mishap that may cause someone to mentally explode, plainly put "lose their mind". Within Cuyahoga County, we have witnessed our share of horrific crimes against women. We know about Ariel Castro and the three women he held hostage and tortured for many years. The Westside of Cleveland brought shame to the region as the country watched how one man befriended the victims' family members during the day and ripped their hearts and souls to pieces as he shackled, raped and chained little girls and women for many years. We can remember the story of Anthony Sowell and his "House of Horror". Sowell was convicted of murdering 11 women on the Eastside of Cleveland. His family members remembered him as little Anthony. He was the young man who had behavior issues growing up. He was said to have received very minimum help for his mental health issues. While some family members knew what was going on with Anthony, others ignored him and made excuses for his behaviors. How can we ever forget the story of former Judge Lance Mason. Mason was accused of beating his wife while he was driving a vehicle. Mason badly beat her in front of his children. It was reported that afterwards, the wife needed reconstructive surgery. While this was happening, several elected officials stood in support of Mason while ignoring the cry for help from Mason's wife, Aiesha.

No One is Above the Law; Not Even Those Damn Politicians!

Key Facts About Abuse Against Women Violence against women – particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence – is a major public health problem and a violation of women's human rights. Violence can negatively affect women’s physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health, and may increase the risk of acquiring HIV in some settings Looking at this report, Jones is said to have had an accomplice. Neither Jones nor his friend has been brought in for questioning. Mainstream media also refuse to cover this story. As an immediate result, the Brown Report Newspaper will continue to ask the hard questions. Is Jones and his friend being given a pass because Jones is married to Judge Tonya Johnson-Jones? Is this case a political cover-up? The victim was traumatized. Why isn't the prosecutor's office looking into these allegations? Cleveland WARD ONE should demand answers from Councilman Joe Jones. Maybe Jones should do the right thing and address this matter rather than runaway or hide behind the skirt of his wife, Judge Jones. Jones is up for re-election. He is facing our publisher, Kimberly F. Brown.

Violence against women is preventable. The health sector has an important role to play to provide comprehensive health care to women subjected to violence, and as an entry point for referring women to other support services they may need. The information was taken from WHO.INT/News-room

Abuse against women, should not be tolerated by pastors, politicians nor a political party. Unions must denounce violence against women all the time. The media must refrain from being censored and silenced. What happened to the 3,11 and 1 can happen to you. Race and class are factors. The haves and have nots are major players to this slippery puzzle. When women are seen as humans rather than property, America will wake-up and begin to protect all mothers. All Women Matter. No one has a right to put their hands on any woman, not a damn one!

Th Brown Report

The Only Newspaper in Town SaSSy Enough to Have an ATTITUDE

Activist Donna Walker Brown Tells Bibb, Not So Fast Lucky!

Highly Flavored Cafe and WARD ONE Council

Candidate Kimberly F.

by Billy Thompson

Cleveland, OH. That darn DonnaWalker- Brown. She mean what she says, and she says what she means. Let me ask, who is afraid of the big bad wolf? Well! Cleveland Walker-Brown is one of the toughest activist on the streets of

Brown "Host" Boo with Brown Holler -ween for

Cleveland. Brown is bold and unapologetic. When she takes a stand of what issue she will support, you know it will become a fight. If she is in support of a candidate, you know it won't be nice.

Local Families

Several years ago, Walker-Brown took on the Cleveland School Levy - Issue 107. When Senator Nina Turner did not attend a community forum, Walker-Brown held a protest in front of the Senator's home. When Armond Budish decided not to meet with local activists during the Aniya Day-Garret tragedy, Walker-Brown, Al Porter and Kimberly F. Brown barged into the office of Armond Budish demanding a meeting.

Safety Matters; Join Us!

and now..., Let's Talk Mayoral Candidate Justin Bibb. This is classic at its best! Anyone running for Cleveland politics is bound to run into an activist. The question is who and for what reason(s)? Let me add, if a candidate ignore an activist, he or she maybe in for an awakening. Not to long ago, there was a mayoral forum held at the Black History Museum. As the forum was getting underway, here comes Donna Walker-Brown. Walker-Brown is known for carrying cereal. From a pancake box to a box of "LuckyCharms, Candidate Bibb caught a one-two punch as Walker-Brown introduced Mayoral Candidate Kevin Kelley to the forum participants. Walker- Brown asked Bibb, "where did you come from?" Referring to Bibb as a box of "LuckyCharms", Walker- Brown displayed a box of cereal as she compared Bibb to the lucky character on the cereal box. But oh, they tell the Brown Report that young Bibb is quick on his feet. Was this a smack of a knock down? NOPE! Although Bibb had a look of confusion, Bibb did not lose his focus, he smiled and told Walker-Brown that "Lucky Charms" is one of his favorites. Better yet, he would be more than happy to autograpgh a box of "LuckyCharms" for her. Donna Walker-Brown is a supporter of Mayoral Candidate Kevin Kelley. Walker-Brown is a well known regional activist in Cuyahoga County. Walker-Brown is a republican.

The Intentional Racism of the Criminal Justice System By Dave Patterson There is nothing inadvertent about the devastating effects of the legal system in this country especially when viewed through the prism of national black criminalization. The State of Ohio, presently a Republican political stronghold, tends to routinely exemplify this inconvenient truth. Anyone who believes the disparities that exist in the charging, convicting, sentencing, paroling, and probation of black people are somehow disconnected from 400 years of incessant torment, murder, and exploitation obviously doesn’t understand the practical applications of the “trap door” clause within the U.S. Constitution’s 13th Amendment. The Amendment is oxymoronic in the sense that on the surface it seems to abolish or eliminate slavery, while at the same time it includes a clause that provides for the reinstatement of involuntary servitude “as punishment for a crime”. A quick glance in the rearview mirror says that while the news regarding the Emancipation Proclamation didn’t exactly move through the south at warp

I look forward to seeing you there for a "Holler-ween" boo of a scary great time. Please join me and members of Team Brown for an evening of food, fun, music and lots of candy for the young people. This event is open to our community residents. Thank you! speed to expediently free black people, slaves in the state of Texas didn’t find out they were free until June 19, 1865, the day referred to as Juneteenth. Keep in mindthis was more than two months after President Lincoln was assassinated and shockingly almost two and a half years after the Proclamation became law on January 1, 1863. Timelines are extremely important, and the proximity of events surrounding the supposed end of slavery, and the initiative in America to both reenact involuntary servitude and strip blacks of any resources that might serve to provide them the support necessary to maintain freedom is no exception.

On January 16, 1865 Special Field Orders Number 15 (the 40 acres and a mule edict) was proclaimed by Union General William Tecumseh Sherman in conjunction with Secretary of War Edwin Stanton to allot 40 acres of land to black individuals and families released from the bonds of slavery. Approximately three months after that proclamation was issued, President Lincoln was killed and replaced by Andrew Johnson. Johnson, who was a staunch pro-slavery Democrat, proceeded within six weeks of Lincoln’s death in May 1865 to return the land previously given to ex-slaves back to the very enslavers who created the climate for the Civil War. This action precipitated the post slavery mechanism for mass indigence and its eventual domino effect has plagued millions of black people for centuries. Just over six months after Johnson negated the 40 acres provision returning the land initially given to ex-slaves back to the former slaveholders, the 13th Amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865. Despite a valiant attempt to reshape this nation through Reconstruction, the dozen or so years from 1865 to 1877 culminated in a military retreat which favored white power brokers and signaled a return to the prior legal and social commitments to black subjugation and violence. The nation methodically used the “as punishment for a crime” clause of the 13th Amendment to reenslave blacks through debt peonage, convict leasing, sharecropping, black codes, Jim Crow, and later the disparate prison industrial complex (The New Jim Crow) and other more subtle means of oppression and control. White supremacy both then and now refuses to relent. Letus stop pretending that we don’t understand why they don’t want the unwhitened version of American history and/or Critical Race Theory taught in schools and Universities, and why they fervently seek out black scholars, politicians, and “intellectuals” in an attempt to foster concurrence among the black community thatteaching the truth of this country’s perpetually appalling treatment of the black community is somehow improper and untethered to contemporary America.

Our Political Ads Clean and Safe Neighborhoods

VOTE Competence Tuesday, November 2, 2021 Cleveland WARD ONE Council Candidate

Kimberly F Brown, MPA Paid for by Friends of Kimberly F Brown

Paid for by Friends of Ron Jackson

Paid for by Friends of Valerie Walker-Isom

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