The Astrid Lindgren Company Rights Catalogue 2023

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Over 170 million books sold worldwide!

Pippi at the Circus

The sparkling musical is back in the summer of 2023!

’Ronja’ for Viaplay

All set for premiere of live-action series

The Astrid Lindgren Store

Online shop is expanding

celebrates 60 years

Mischief is good!

Emil – mischievous and loveable

on the 23rd of May 1963, Astrid Lindgren wrote in her diary: “I wrote the first few words about Emil in Lönneberga today”. However, the story had technically begun the year before:

“Emil in Lönneberga. I made that name up myself, and suddenly on a summer’s day in 1962 I shouted it. That was in order to be louder than a little crying three-yearold. He was shouting because he was angry, and when he didn’t want to stop being angry I cried out: ‘Do you know what Emil in Lönneberga did once?’. And then finally he went quiet, because sure enough he wanted to know what Emil in Lönneberga, whoever that might be, had once done. And I started telling him about a terrible boy who put his head in a soup terrine and hoisted his sister up the flag pole. The three-year-old had several fits of shouting that summer and so I came to be pretty well-acquainted with this Emil, who got up to mischief after mischief, just to quieten the loudmouth.”

Emil has always been my favourite Astrid Lindgren character. To me he symbolises Astrid Lindgren’s view on children – Emil is kind, helpful, independent,

a free-spirit, and inventive. Even when things don’t go as planned he still makes the world a better place. Emil was also one of Astrid Lindgren’s personal favourites.

“I loved writing about Emil, and do you know why? Well, because Emil happened to be a child in a world that was almost like the one I lived in myself, when I was little, and just like the one my father had experienced when he was growing up. A world that doesn’t exist anymore. /…/ And I had so much love for Emil, I felt him to be so closely related to my father, who had once, at the end of the last century, been a small, blonde and bare-footed boy in Sevedstorp in Småland, not far from Emil’s Lönneberga.”

The books about Emil are profoundly funny – but they are also stories of courage, morality, empathy, friendship and rebellion. As Jens Andersen wrote in Astrid Lindgren – The Woman behind Pippi Longstocking: “This quiet yet piercing echo in the wake of laughter reminds us of who we are and what we as humans must always remember: to do unto others as we would like others to do unto us.”

Everyone’s favourite rascal was invented 60 years ago.


Emil in Lönneberga / 4–9

Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter / 10–11

Pippi Longstocking / 12–17

Mio, My Son / 18

The Brothers Lionheart / 19

Lotta on Troublemaker Street / 20–21

The Children of Noisy Village / 22–23

Madicken / 24

Kalle Blomkvist – Master Detective / 25

Rasmus and the Vagabond / 25

Karlsson on the Roof / 26

Seacrow Island / 27

Christmas in Småland / 28

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Mischief is good!

Emil in Lönneberga celebrates 60 years.

”do you know what Emil in Lönneberga did once?” Astrid Lindgren suddenly asked her three year-old grandchild who was screaming his head off. Karl Johan went quiet, because he was rather keen to know what Emil had done. The character Emil in Lönneberga was born.

Emil may look angelic, but everyone knows he’s a wild and stubborn five-yearold who makes more mischief than there are days in the year. He’s a clever and inventive scatterbrain with an amazing gift for turning life upside down for the god-fearing and orderly folk of Småland. Emil’s mischievous deeds are always hilarious but never malicious.

The Emil series comprises three novels and seven picture books. The novels were adapted for the screen by Olle Hellbom in the 1970s and feature the famous songs written by Astrid Lindgren and set to music by Georg Riedel.

This year marks the 60th anniversary since the first Emil in Lönneberga book was published!

For goodness’ sake, it’s time to celebrate!

• Jubilee concept for licensees and retailers in the Nordics and the DACH-region

• Manifesto and slogan to set the tone for the jubilee activities

• Digital toolbox with selected images, logotype, typography and colours

S’not something you plan, mischief, it just happens. And knowing it’s mischief, well you don’t until it’s happened.

emil in lönneberga

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Faith, hope and wrrrretched kids

we all want a better world, to live in harmony, and to become our best selves. But how should we do it – and where to begin? Astrid Lindgren believed we should start from scratch. With children. When children explore the world around them, the results don’t always go according to the adults’ plans.

Children can be happier and wiser if they live like Astrid’s character Emil. Like most children, Emil is good and helpful, and learns from his cheeky pranks – from creating problems during play and solving them in a clever way. Things don’t always

go as planned, but that’s part of being a child and growing up.

So if a child (oh for goodness’ sake!) comes home with scratches and bruises carrying a lame chicken, hides a wooden rifle under the bed or spends his weekly allowance on sweets, don’t worry. Don’t put a stop to these subversive ideas; just give encouragement and keep up with the pranks.

Mischief is good. Children who are allowed to be children make the world a better place.

Emil in Lönneberga

• First published in 1963

• Over 23 Million books sold worldwide

• Translated into 53 languages

• 4 films

Colour editions of the classic Emil books

Recently, all of Björn Berg’s black and white illustrations from the three original books were restored and coloured by illustrator Matilda Ruta. The new colour editions have been published in Scandinavia, Poland, the Netherlands and Germany.

Björn Berg 100 years

björn berg (1923–2008) was born in Bavaria and lived in New York for nine years of his childhood. During the 1940’s Björn studied at Konstfack, the University College of Arts. He also studied graphic art at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, and in Paris. In 1952 he was employed as an illustrator by Dagens Nyheter, the

largest daily newspaper in Sweden. His association with Astrid Lindgren began when Astrid saw one of his drawings and thought that the boy in the picture looked like an Emil. She contacted Björn and sent him her manuscript. Björn wanted to familiarise himself with Emil’s environment and travelled down to Småland in order to systematically

study houses, gardens, fences, gates and natural surroundings. He also visited museums where he studied old photographs of people until he began to get a feel for how it all looked.

Björn Berg illustrated all of Astrid Lindgren’s books about Emil in Lönneberga.

astrid lindgren Illustrationer Björn Berg Emil i Lönneberga astrid lindgren Emil i Lönneberga Än lever Illustrationer Björn Berg astrid lindgren av Emil i Lönneberga N ya hyss Illustrationer Björn Berg astrid lindgren 2023 / 7 ©

That Boy Emil

A picture book containing the stories of when Emil got his head got stuck in the soup tureen and that unfortunate Sunday when he hoisted little Ida up the flagpole.

New picture book editions 2023

New editions in original format (landscape) of That Boy Emil, Emil and the Bad Tooth, Emil’s Little Sister, Emil in the Soup Tureen and with more four-colour illustrations by Björn Berg.

Emil’s Little Sister

Emil often sat in the shed due to his mischief. Little Ida would like to spend some time in there too. But then she had to make a mischief of her own. She decided to come up with one. For the first time in picture book format.

Emil and the Bad Tooth

Lina, the maid at Katthult, had a terrible toothache. Emil decided he could help her get rid of the rotten tooth, instead of her going to the blacksmith to get it removed.

Emil in the Soup


Emil just wanted the last of the lovely soup and that is how Emil got his head got stuck in the soup tureen and had to go see the doctor in Mariannelund


Available for Product Licensing

Design House Stockholm
Muurla Barbo Toys
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The Folklore Company Egmont Krabat Hatstore Hjelms Rätt start SIA Glass

Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter

The night Ronja is born a thunderstorm rages. Lightning strikes the Robbers’ fortress and cleaves it in two. Ronja’s life begins on an extraordinary night, and she grows up to become an equally extraordinary girl.

a girl who’s the apple of her father’s eye, but who also challenges him, and a girl who chooses friendship over family rivalry. Ronja explores the deep forests, lakes, mountains, and forest glades. She’s drawn to wilderness and adventure. Living in harmony with animals and nature, she seldom has re-

ason to be frightened. Ronja’s mother is a wise and strong woman who entrusts her daughter with the freedom to figure out her own morals and sense of right and wrong. Ronja is compassionate, just, and brave – if something isn’t right she’ll speak up – even if it leads to conflict with those closest around her.

• First published in 1981

• Over 11 million books sold worldwide

• Translated into 49 languages

• Product licensing program available

• 1 film, 1 tv-series; Emmy-awarded

animated tv-series by Studio Ghibli sold to 35 countries

• New live-action tv-series in 2023/24

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The classic edition of the novel with illustrations by Ilon Wikland is published in many countries all over the world.
There is also a series of 4 comic books illustrated with screen images from the animated TV-series.
Glupafallet Metamorph Design House Stockholm
Egmont Kärnan

‘Ronja’ as major Viaplay Original

nordic entertainment Group (NENT Group) and Filmlance International, a Banijay company, are partnering with The Astrid Lindgren Company to adapt Astrid Lindgren’s world-famous story

The Wolf Song

the popular liveaction Ronja film from 1984 featured “The Wolf Song”, the song that Ronja’s mother Lovis sings to Ronja. Still popular today as a lullaby in Sweden, it has now been made into a picture book with illustrations by renowned illustrator Lena Sjöberg.

‘Ronja the Robber’s Daughter’ into a major Viaplay Original family fantasy series. Scripted by ‘The Bridge’ creator Hans Rosenfeldt, directed by Lisa James Larsson (‘Victoria’) and featuring ground-

breaking visual effects, ‘Ronja’ will premiere exclusively on NENT Group’s Viaplay streaming service from 2023 with 12 episodes across two seasons.

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Pippi Longstocking

Lifting horses and breaking rules since 1945

“No, I don’t suffer from freckles”, said Pippi. The lady finally understood. Then she happened to glance at Pippi and exclaimed: “But, dear child, your whole face is covered in freckles!” “That’s right”, said Pippi. “But they don’t bother me. I like them! Good morning to you!”

with her mismatched stockings, carrot-coloured hair and freckly face, not to mention super-human strength and resilience, Pippi Longstocking has become a cultural icon.

Pippi is regularly voted as one of the world’s favourite children’s characters; self-sufficient, quick-witted, generous and never letting

Holiday fun with Pippi

New activity book

Perfect for the summer holidays. Reading, games and activities for the whole summer.

anything – or anyone – shake her self-belief or take advantage.

No stranger to counter-culture, Pippi can be seen around the world in tattoos, celebrity photographs, works of graffiti and on catwalks as a symbol of female strength, kindness, fairness and acceptance.

Pippi’s Songbook

Sing along with Pippi Longstocking! Famous songs such as “Here comes Pippi Longstocking” and “Charlie Theodore” are collected in this song book that comes with an audio device.


• First published in 1945

• Over 60 million books sold worldwide

• Translated into 78 languages

• 8 films, 2 TV-series and 2 TV-movies

• New film in development with STUDIOCANAL and Heyday Films

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Pippi-visor Med sång och musik. Bläddra, lyssna och sjung med! SjuNG MeD pippivisor med sång och musik sjung med sjung med pippi

Cook with Pippi!

we know Pippi Longstocking as a girl who can lift a horse, who has a suitcase full of gold coins and who has sailed the seven seas. But have you thought about the fact that she is also a master chef? Because she is. According to legend, she learned to cook from the chef on her father’s boat – and now we can also learn to cook like Pippi!

Here it is – the perfect cookbook for children who live alone in a big house with a monkey and a horse. But … it also works perfectly well for those who don’t have a monkey or a horse. If you, for example, live in a family that consists of big and little people who just want to cook or bake something together.

The Swedish TV presenter, comedian and author David Sundin gives us useful tips, thoughts and recipes for cream cakes, pancakes, boiled eggs and of course squiggle pills so that you don’t have to grow up.

If you run into problems – with cooking or with life in general – just think: What would Pippi do?

For rights enquiries, please contact Lina Talgre,

Ingrid Vang Nyman

danish artist Ingrid Vang Nyman (1916-1959) illustrated all the original Pippi Longstocking books. They illustrations have become classics and are published in many countries.

Ingrid was born in 1916 in Vejen in southern Jylland, in Denmark. As a nineteen year-old she began studying at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, but left her studies after a couple of years. In 1942 she moved to Stockholm. She took her work as an illustrator very seriously, worked very fast and had a high level of ambition. She demanded that illustrations for children should be of the same high artistic quality as for adults.

The artistic awareness in her illustrations is tremendous, as is the technical precision. She used distinctive colour fields, carefully chosen nuances, distinct ink contours and a few impacting details to set the scene and create atmosphere. She was conversant with the latest printing techniques and took advantage of them by separating the colours herself to achieve the desired result.

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Med texter
långstrumps kokbok
Recept från villa villekulla och de sju haven

Pippi Longstocking

Pippi on the Run

Pippi on the Run is an exciting and unforgettable adventure featuring Pippi Longstocking and her friends. Previously published with photos from the 1970 Pippi Longstocking movie, the story about Pippi on the Run is now illustrated by Swedish comics artist Fabian Göranson.

No one is unmoved by Pippi Longstocking!

Pippi Perspectives and Pippi Langstrumpf Heldin, Ikone, Freundin are jubilee editions where famous writers and illustrators present their image of Pippi Longstocking.

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außer Rand und
Bilder von Fabian Göranson

Pippi at the Circus

The sparkling circus musical is back in the summer of 2023!

high-flying new circus numbers, a flying orchestra and spectacular costumes in this modern interpretation of Astrid Lindgren's classic story of when Pippi, Tommy and Annika go to the circus and meet the circus princess Miss Carmencita, the line dancer Elvira and the world's strongest man Strong Adolf. Pippi at the Circus is a unique experience for all ages.

– Pippi at the Circus is one of my most enjoyable music and

stage projects in many years. I had the privilege of meeting Astrid many times and have the deepest respect for her work. I’m so happy and proud that we managed to convey our love for Pippi to the audience and that we now get to do it again next summer. To be able to combine music, circus and theater with Astrid’s art of storytelling together with such talented colleagues is a blessing, says Björn Ulvaeus.

This is a show which makes Pippi come alive again in a way never done before as musical and circus is combined. It is so joyful, energetic, charming …

Success for the Tonies

in autumn 2021 Boxine launched the first Tonie figurine with Pippi Longstocking in both Germany and the UK. It was an immediate success. Since then they have released an Emil in Lönneberga figurine and there are several other characters in the pipeline.


Pippi Longstocking

Licensing Programs

the astrid lindgren Company has two licensing programs for Pippi Longstocking: one based on the original illustrations by Ingrid Vang Nyman, one based on the live action movies and TV-series from the 70s with actress Inger Nilsson.

We license products in many categories, such as toys, games, costumes, stationery, puzzles, apparel, accessories and homeware.

In several territories we have

licensing agents in place to help us to continuously build the Pippi Longstocking brand in their markets – you can learn more about our agents on page 31.

For the Nordic territories we manage all licensing business by ourselves.

If you wish to get in contact with us, please send an email to:

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TM Rabén & Sjögren Micki Leksaker AB Micki Leksaker AB Rabén & Sjögren Schmidt Spele Hjelms Krabat Happy Socks Martinex
astrid lindgren 2023 / 17 TM
Lobste & Lemonade Adexi Tildas H&M Muurla Design House Stockholm Ibanez Bavarian Caps Hatstore Martinex Rätt start Kavat

Mio, My Son

A magnificent and beautiful adventure tale about abandonment, about being little and having to shoulder great responsibility, about parenthood, good and evil, and about the power of love.

nine-year-old Bo Vilhelm Olsson, ‘Bosse’, lives with his foster parents who think he’s difficult and a nuisance. Bosse’s real mother died when he was born and his foster mother believes that his father was probably just a good-for-nothing.

Through a kind fruit-seller, a magical golden apple, and a genie in an empty bottle, Bosse travels to the Island of Green Meadows and the Land of Faraway. Bosse discovers his father the King, who has been looking for him for nine years. It turns out his name isn’t Bosse after all – but Mio.

In the Land that Lies Beyond the cruel Sir Kato the Knight resides. Here almost everything is black, and where the people are starved and miserable. Mio and his friend Jum-Jum accept the mission to fight against Kato and liberate the Land that Lies Beyond.

A magnificent and beautiful adventure tale about abandonment, about being little and having to shoulder great responsibility, about parenthood, good and evil, and about the power of love.

“Beautifully written... Mio, My Son is a splendid contribution to the fairy-tale shelf.”

chicago sunday tribune

• First published in 1954

• Over 5 million books sold worldwide

• Translated into 41 languages

• Filmed in 1987

”Astrid Lindgren’s lyrical fairy tale language captivates and makes Mio, My Son a wonderful book to read or read aloud.”

swedish library service, btj

“A tale of exquisite and rare beauty.”

saturday review

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Maria Nilsdotter

The Brothers Lionheart

A tale about the battle between good and evil, the inner struggle about being a coward or courageous, about a fight for freedom – and about death.

the brothers lionheart is a tale of love strong enough to conquer death – not just once, but twice. After brothers Jonathan and Crusty pass away they meet again in Nangijala, the land of eternal spring. Casting a long shadow over their world is the evil tyrant Tengil, ruler of the country Karmanjaka, where he’s building his new fortress up in the The Ancient Mountains.

When the book was originally published it created quite a stir, with people asking whether it was really suitable to write about death for children. However, Astrid Lindgren received an enormous amount of letters from young people who felt comforted by the story.

• First published in 1973

• Over 8 Million books sold worldwide

• Translated into 50 languages

• Product licensing program available

• Filmed in 1977

Ilon Wikland

ilon wikland is an Estonian-born Swedish artist and illustrator. In 1944 she escaped the Soviet occupation of Estonia and arrived in Sweden as a 14-year-old refugee. In 1953 Ilon Wikland applied for a job as an illustrator at publisher Rabén & Sjögren, which is when she started working with Astrid. She came to illustrate Mio, My Son, The Brothers Lionheart, Seacrow Island, Children on Troublemaker street, Mardie, Karlsson on the roof, Ronja the Robber’s daughter and many more.

“When I read Astrid’s text, I always see the images and characters before me. They are already alive.”

Ilon Wikland about their collaboration, which was filled with mutual respect and admiration.

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Rätt Start Rätt Start Design House Stockholm Egmont Kärnan

Lotta on Troublemaker Street

Lotta and her family live in a yellow house on Potmaker Street. But their Dad says that even if pot-makers lived there in the past only troublemakers live there now.

lotta grows up in a small idyllic middle-class town during the 1950s. The three siblings have fun almost all the time, despite the youngest, Lotta, being as stubborn as an old mule according to Dad. Lotta has so very many ideas and she’s pretty sure that she knows how to do most things in the world. Like any 4–5 year old she’s headstrong, often cross, fearless, sure of herself and cheeky. But most of all she’s a happy kid. Kind, generous and resourceful – and more often than not it’s her who solves all her family’s troubles.

Two popular Lotta adventures in new edition!

this exciting volume contains two picture books, Lotta’s Bike and Lotta’s Christmas Surprise. Come along when Lotta learns to ride her bike and when she saves Christmas on Troublemaker Street, in Astrid Lindgren’s classical stories with Ilon Wikland’s moving illustrations.

• First published in 1958

• Around 8 million books sold

• Translated into 35 languages

• Product licensing program available

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Rätt Start Design House Stockholm Polarn O. Pyret Krabat Rätt Start Krabat

New illustrations

In 2023 we will get to discover stubborn and determined five-year-old Lotta in new full-colour illustrations by Cecilia Hekkilä.


The Children of Noisy Village

Through the eyes of nine-year-old farmer’s daughter Lisa the reader observes life in a small countryside village during the beginning of the previous century –a life in harmony with nature and its seasons. Six children live there, Lisa, Lasse, Bosse, Britta, Anna and Olle. They have fun almost all the time. “I feel sorry for all children who don’t live in Noisy Village”, says Anna.

• First published in 1947

• Around 17 million books sold

• Translated into 40 languages

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Rätt Start Rätt Start Rätt Start ©DESIGN ILON WIKLAND AB
Polarn O. Pyret


Seven-year-old Madicken (Mardie) lives with her family: her Mum, Dad, little sister Lisbet and their housemaid Alva, in a big, beautiful house called ‘Junedale’, in a Swedish provincial town during the First World War.

madicken wants to be a good and well-mannered girl, but it isn’t always easy. The world is just so full of exciting things to do, try and explore. The books about Madicken are Astrid Lindgren’s most political work. They tell the story of a class system in change, through the eyes of a seven-year-old girl.

• First published in 1960

• Around 8 million books sold

• Translated into 30 languages

• Product licensing program available

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cmyk 20 85 35 0
Krabat Design House Stockholm

Kalle Blomkvist –Master Detective

The three thirteen-year old friends Kalle, Anders and Eva-Lotta are somewhat bored in their sleepy town of Lillköping. They call themselves the ‘White Roses’, and are in a never-ending battle for a strangely shaped stone dubbed The Great Stonytotem with the ‘Red Roses’.

kalle blomkvist is a young amateur detective who likes to compare himself to slightly more famous detectives such as Hercule Poirot and Lord Peter Wimsey. He enjoys lying beneath the pear-tree in the garden imagining himself presenting lectures in criminology to a fictitious but admiring audience. During the summer months it so happens that he, together with his friends, discover strange events taking place beneath the surface of life

in their idyllic small town. The hunt for the criminals always ends well but once in a while it gets seriously scary. The big world, with all its gangsters, is perhaps sometimes too dangerous for a teenage master detective.

• First published in 1946

• Around 6 million books sold

• Translated into 34 languages

Rasmus and the Vagabond

Rasmus is an orphan living in a children’s home. Strict discipline reigns under the watchful eye of the severe Ms Hawk. But what Rasmus dreams of most of all, is having his own parents.

rasmus finally decides to take matters into his own hands. He runs away to try and find a mum and dad by himself.

Things don’t quite turn out the way Rasmus planned. At least he meets Paradise Oscar, who calls himself ‘God’s own cuckoo’ and is a hobo. And everything’s pretty good. So much happens when you’re a hobo walking the land …

• First published in 1956

• Around 2 million books sold

• Translated into 31 languages

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© ERIC PALMQUIST 2021 edition with new cover by Fabian Göranson

Karlsson on the Roof

In a perfectly ordinary building, on a perfectly ordinary street in town lives Smidge. Up on the roof, in a small house behind the big chimney, resides a gentleman by the name of Karlsson. He is, in his own words, a handsome, thoroughly clever, perfectly plump man in his prime. Attached to his back he has a small propeller with which he can fly … He decides to come in to land at Smidge’s. And from then on nothing is the same.

karlsson does whatever Karlsson wants – eats all the sweets by himself, always chooses the largest slice of cake and enjoys trickelytricking and tirritating people. He’s convinced that he’s best at everything and is not shy to tell everyone so. He loves getting presents and getting up to all sorts of shenanigans – and if something breaks or disappears, well then they’re just material things and are nothing to be sour about anyway. Smidge loves Karlsson but Mum, Dad and the older siblings insist he’s make-believe. “They can be make-believe themselves!”, Karlsson snorts.


• First published in 1955

• Over 7 million books sold

• Translated into 41 languages

I’m a handsome, thoroughly clever, perfectly plump man in my prime. karlsson on the

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roof Зна ниті повісті Астрід Ліндґрен про Карлсона, що живе на даху, та його вірного друга Малого давно вже завоювали цілий світ неповторним сюжетом, неймовірністю та карколомністю подій, щирим гумором черпною фан зією. Їх розібрано на цитати, екрані худож право якнайвдаліше вті чудесний письменницький задум. ось захопливі та веселі історії про дружбу «до міри затовстого» чоловічка з пропелером звичайного восьмирічного хлопчика зібрано одній книжці! Її допов ють яскраві ілюстрації відомого художника Арсена Джані
Desenio Design House Stockholm Grenna Polkagriskokeri The Big Book about Karlsson on the Roof

Seacrow Island

Summers in the Stockholm archipelago provide the backdrop for many exciting adventures: fishing net thieves, treasure hunts, distress calls at sea, seal-rescues and lots more that’s both funny and a bit scary.

tjorven is a girl living on Seacrow Island in the archipelago together with her dog, her parents and her two older sisters. When summer arrives a family from the city, rent an old house on the island, and Tjorven gets acquainted with

Pelle, a boy her own age, and the rest of his family. The children get to have many adventures that include several animals, a storm, secret huts and stories. When winter and Christmas come Pelle and his family return to Seacrow Island.

• First published in 1964

• Around 3 million books sold

• Translated into 22 languages

• 1 TV -series, 4 films

• Product licensing program available

• New live-action TV-series planned by SVT (Swedish Public Service Television)

The Seacrow Island picture books

exciting and fun picture books full of atmospheric archipelago settings! Maria Nilsson Thore is responsible for the wonderful illustrations.

A Pet for Pelle

Pelle badly wants a pet. When there are rabbits for sale on another island it calls for an expedition!

A Seal of One’s Own

One day Tjorven is asked to look after a seal pup. She has a seal of her very own! She calls him Moses and he follows her everywhere.

Pelle Finds a Wishing Stone

Pelle’s brothers and Tjorven’s sisters get lost in the thick fog. How

will they find their way back? Luckily, Pelle discovers a wishing stone by the beach.

Christmas on Seacrow Island

Can you celebrate Christmas in Carpenter’s Cottage in the middle of the cold winter? Of course you can!

“Maria Nilsson Thore ought to be the artist of choice when it comes to passing Astrid Lindgren’s texts on to future generations.” swedish library service, btj

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astrid lindgren ©MARIA NILSSON THORE

Christmas in the world of Astrid Lindgren

Nobody has written about Christmas quite like Astrid Lindgren! Her imagery of suspense, excitement, joy and beauty evokes the Christmas spirit in all of us.

Kajsa Kavat Helps Grandmother

a week before christmas, Grandmother slips and injures her leg. Kajsa takes care of her and saves her business - selling peppermint sticks from a stall in the town square! Illustrated by Ilon Wikland.

Pippi Longstocking’s After-Christmas-Party

there is a party at Pippi’s house and Tommy, Annika and all the other children are invited!

Illustrated by Ingrid Vang Nyman.

Lotta’s Christmas Surprise

lotta on troublemaker Street finds a Christmas tree for her family after all the trees in their town have been sold. Illustrated by Ilon Wikland.

Christmas in Småland

this is the story of a Christmas long ago – to be more precise, in the year 1913, when Astrid Lindgren was only six years old. The picture book from 2021 illustrated by Cecilia Heikkilä, is already published in Sweden, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Estonia.

Christmas in Noisy Village

it’s a pity Christmas doesn’t come more often! A classic picture book about the Noisy Village children, illustrated by Ilon Wikland.

We Have Such Fun at Christmas

a new, beautiful , illustrated collection of Astrid Lindgren’s Christmas stories!

The Tomten

follow the tomten through one chilly night as he guards the farm and keeps everyone safe, even while they sleep. The 2012 edition of the book was illustrated by ALMA Laurate Kitty Crowther.

The Tomten and the Fox

the tomten and the fox is a text that Astrid Lindgren created in the 1960s based on a poem. It is her interpretation of the Christmas poem The Tomten and the Fox . The story is set in the countryside, as the fox slinks towards the house where the people live. Illustrated by Eva Eriksson.

All the above titles are available from Rabén & Sjögren Agency.

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Annas Pepparkakor Martinex Rabén & Sjögren Egmont Kärnan Rabén & Sjögren Åhléns Rabén & Sjögren Aladin Martinex Muurla Martinex
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Micki Leksaker AB

Online store with ambition to grow

the official Astrid Lindgren online store,, will be relaunched later this year with updated design and improved functionality. The new e-commerce site will be adapted to serve several new markets with Germany as first destination, followed by Norway and Denmark.

– We see great potential in growing our online sales, says Cilla

Nergårdh, CEO at The Astrid Lindgren Company. We are committed to explore opportunities within the digital landscape, enabling us to relaunch a store with outstanding user experience. By collaborating with local partners, we strive to attract new groups of customers ready to dive into the world of Astrid Lindgren’s adventures.

At the Astrid Lindgren online

store, the visitors can indulge in a full range of high-quality products related to Astrid Lindgren and her characters – everything from books and toys to posters and clothes (for children as well as for adults). Moreover, the site to be launched aims to inspire visitors to enjoy and explore Astrid Lindgren’s universe even more.

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All products are shipped from Vimmerby, the small village in the south of Sweden where Astrid Lindgren was born.

Sweden’s best loved and most famous author

astrid lindgren (1907–2002) is one of the most read children’s book writers in the world. Her works have been translated into over one hundred languages, sold over 170 million copies, and are delighting children and adults all over the world.

Her breakthrough as an author came in 1945 with Pippi Longstocking. Many of her stories can be seen as films, TV-series and theatre plays. Although her first book was published more than 75 years ago, there is a never ceasing interest in her works and her life. We read her books, watch her films, and sing her songs. Many are the quotes that have found their way into our vocabulary and her values still shape our understanding of what’s right or wrong, good and evil. Her importance to our society cannot be overstated.

Astrid Lindgren Licensing program

at the astrid lindgren company we work to protect and spread Astrid Lindgren’s legacy. Since a few years back, we offer a product licensing program based on Astrid Lindgren herself. The objective of the Astrid Lindgren licensing program is to strengthen the authorship as a whole and to

meet the demand we see from people who admire Astrid Lindgren for her wisdom, creativity, humour and warmth. The licensing program is based on photos and quotes, and is available in the stationary, apparel and home deco categories.

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I want to write for a readership that can create miracles. Children create miracles when they read.
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Ohlsson & Lohaven Design House Stockholm

Places to visit

Astrid Lindgren’s Näs

This is where it all started …

the cultural centre Näs in Vimmerby includes Astrid Lindgren’s birthplace and childhood home, the farmhouse Näs, which is open for visitors, and a pavilion which contains an extensive exhibition about the author. In the old rectory, you can discover temporary exhibitions.

Around Astrid Lindgren’s Näs, garden areas have been developed. The green settings have grown out of themes that were important to Astrid Lindgren throughout her authorship, such as freedom, courage, melancholy and joy.

Astrid Lindgren’s Home

dalagatan 46 in stockholm is where the world-famous author lived and worked from 1941 until her death in 2002. This is where timeless classic stories but also countless letters and articles were written. The apartment, exactly as it was when Astrid Lindgren lived there, is open to the public through pre-booked guided tours.

Step into Astrid’s apartment, where nothing has changed.

Astrid Lindgren’s World

Where stories come to life.

one of the most popular tourist attractions in Sweden, located in Astrid’s hometown of Vimmerby: at Astrid Lindgren’s World you and your family become part of the classic children’s stories, and the line between story and reality, and between theatre and play, becomes blurred. The park is full of imaginative play areas, and music and singing can be heard from the many stages throughout the day. The adjoining camping area offers cottages inspired by 19th century Vimmerby.

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Backlist titles

Astrid Lindgren Text

books published by our own publishing company

Pippi Perspectives (Pippiperspektiv) 2020 Anthology

Astrid and I (Astrid och jag) 2019 Kerstin Kvint

The Unknown Astrid Lindgren (Den okända Astrid Lindgren) 2018, Kjell Bohlund

Never Violence! (Aldrig våld!) 2018 Astrid Lindgren

A Love Story (En kärlekshistoria) 2017 Astrid Lindgren

The Gardens at Astrid Lindgren’s Näs (Trädgårdarna på Astrid Lindgrens Näs) 2017, Karin Eliasson

Dear Astrid, It’s Me Again (Kära Astrid, det är jag igen) 2017, Sara Schwardt

I Too Have Lived! (Jag har också levat!) 2016 Astrid Lindgren & Louise Hartung

Ingrid Vang Nyman – A Biography (Ingrid Vang Nyman) 2016, Lena Törnqvist

Our Pippi – Our Vang (Vår Pippi – Vår Vang) 2016 Anthology

The War Diaries 1939–1945 (Krigsdagböcker 1939–1945) 2015, Astrid Lindgren

I Keep Your Letters Under the Mattress (Dina brev lägger jag under madrassen) 2012 Astrid Lindgren & Sara Schwardt

Illustrated Bibliography (Bildbiografi) 2012 Lars Bengtsson

The original chapter books by Astrid Lindgren

The Confidences of Britt-Mari (Britt-Mari lättar sitt hjärta) 1944

Kerstin and I (Kerstin och jag) 1945

Pippi Longstocking (Pippi Långstrump) 1945

Pippi Goes Aboard (Pippi Långstrump går ombord) 1946

Pippi in the South Seas (Pippi Långstrump i Söderhavet) 1948

Kalle Blomkvist, Master Detective (Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist) 1946

Kalle Blomkvist Lives Dangerously (Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist lever farligt) 1951

Kalle Blomkvist and the White Rose Rescue (Kalle Blomkvist och Rasmus) 1953

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For rights inquiries about the above titles please contact

For picture book backlist please contact Rabén & Sjögren Agency

The Children of Noisy Village (Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn) 1947

Happy Times in Noisy Village (Mera om oss barn i Bullerbyn) 1949

Nothing But Fun in Noisy Village (Bara roligt i Bullerbyn) 1952

Nils Karlsson-Pyssling, short story collection 1949

Kajsa Kavat, short story collection 1950

Sunnanäng, short story collection 1959

Kati in America (Kati i Amerika) 1950

Kati in Italy (Kati i Italien) 1952

Kati in Paris (Kati i Paris) 1954

Karlsson on the Roof (Lillebror och Karlsson på taket) 1955

Karlsson Flies Again (Karlsson på taket flyger igen) 1962

The World’s Best Karlsson (Karlsson på taket smyger igen) 1968

Rasmus and the Vagabond (Rasmus på luffen) 1956

Rasmus, Pontus and Toker (Rasmus, Pontus och Toker) 1957

The Children on Troublemaker Street (Barnen på Bråkmakargatan) 1958

Lotta on Troublemaker Street (Lotta på Bråkmakargatan) 1961

Mardie (Madicken) 1960

Mardie to the Rescue (Madicken och Junibackens Pims) 1976

Emil and the Great Escape (Emil i Lönneberga) 1963

Emil and the Sneaky Rat (Nya hyss av Emil i Lönneberga) 1966

Emil’s Clever Pig (Än lever Emil i Lönneberga) 1970

Seacrow Island (Vi på Saltkråkan) 1964

Mio, My Son (Mio, min Mio) 1954

The Brothers Lionheart (Bröderna Lejonhjärta) 1973

Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter (Ronja Rövardotter) 1981

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Give the children love, more love and still more love – and the common sense will come by itself. astrid lindgren

the astrid lindgren company owns the rights for all books and texts by Astrid Lindgren, Astrid Lindgren’s part of the copyright relating to all films and plays based on her works, all illustrations by Ingrid Vang Nyman and many trademarks relating to Astrid Lindgren’s texts, characters and environments.

Simply put, you could say that our job is to promote and protect the Astrid Lindgren trademark all over the world. By that, we mean that we want to ensure that as many children as possible, also in the future, will have the opportunity to read her books, see her films and plays, hear her songs, play with her characters and experience her world in the best way possible. Our activities are built on a true love of Astrid Lindgren and her works and our desire is that future developments take place in a way that guards and protects the originality and feel of Astrid Lindgren’s work.

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Grafisk formgivning: Eva Jais-Nielsen

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