BRYC's Fall 2023 Midterm Survey Report

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Twice a year, the Baton Rouge Youth Coalition (BRYC) asks its Fellows, Guardians, and volunteers to submit end-of-semester surveys detailing their experience in programs, on campus, and with other BRYC Community members. We are pleased to share this report on the feedback our 2023-24 cohort submitted in December 2023. Thank you for reading and supporting BRYC!

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92% 97% 97% 93% 97%

AGREE: I’M GLAD I’M IN BRYC. “BRYC is fun and gives you many opportunities that will help you in the future. Besides academics, BRYC allows you to be in a safe place once a week and meet new people.” – Eighth Grade Fellow






AGREE: BRYC CARES ABOUT ME. “BRYC reminds me to take care of my mental health as I maintain my academics. Perfect grades don’t mean the same as happiness.” – Sophomore Fellow

AGREE: BRYC TAUGHT ME NEW THINGS ABOUT APPLYING FOR COLLEGE AND SCHOLARSHIPS. “I really appreciate how supportive the BRYC Team is in walking with Fellows step by step, especially someone like me whose parents didn't apply for college.” – Senior Fellow

AGREE: BRYC TAUGHT ME NEW THINGS I CAN DO TO ACHIEVE MY ACT SCORE GOAL. “I enjoy coming to BRYC and look forward to it every Monday. It's a fun way to engage with peers and learn about the ACT. Most of the info sticks.” – Junior Fellow

AGREE: I’M MORE AWARE OF HOW MY WORDS AND ACTIONS IMPACT OTHERS BECAUSE OF BRYC. “BRYC helped me become more aware socially and emotionally and made me realize what friendships are worth and who I should try to surround myself with.” – Sophomore Fellow

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“I am extremely grateful to BRYC. My son is a better organized and more motivated student than I could ever hope for. BRYC has helped make him confident and college ready.” – Senior Fellow Guardian


99% AGREE: I RECOMMEND VOLUNTEERING WITH BRYC. “BRYC has kept me grounded in my own studies and also given me something to look forward to each week. I’m happiest when I see the joy in Fellows' faces and how excited they are to share what's happening in their lives.” – Underclassmen Mentor | |




“I learned so much about college applications and who I am as a student through BRYC.”

“I love how me and my mentor have created a bond where I can come in and vent to her if I'm ever feeling down or if I need more help with things.”

“BRYC has a positive influence on area youth. Keep up the good work!! The college visits and local events at BRYC headquarters build relationships among the participants and staff that have a lifelong impact.”

“The College Team is my number-one rooter for me to get applications submitted and to reach out for scholarships. I find applications less scary than in the beginning of the year.”

“Very grateful for BRYC! They've helped me to really help colleges get to know me through my essays.” “It was good that we actually made a planner so that I could keep up with when applications were due instead of just forgetting about them. It was also helpful getting advice for how my writings or essays could be structured or details that could be added to it.” “BRYC really helped me through a time when I was very unmotivated and going through a lot, and I looked forward to going to BRYC each week.” “I have learned some useful strategies that I think may help even outside of the ACT.” “I really liked the community relationships and understanding between mentors and program mangers.” “I honestly feel I have become more prepared for the ACT.” “BRYC allowed me to have an opportunity to join in a nursing program. Nursing is something I want to major in, so for me to have a chance with this program, will help me a lot.” “It has helped me with my time management and has let me build relationships. BRYC is all around helpful and very has a very big impact for your future.” “I have met new people with similar interests and gotten more resources to prepare me for college and life afterwards.” “BRYC has helped me be more social with others and have the confidence to apply to after-school activities.” “I have maintained great grades because I have been able to track them.” “BRYC has impacted me so much, it helped get out of my comfort zone since I was very shy and nervous when I first came here, and now I’m making new friends!” “I believe other students should join BRYC because the mentors and program managers honestly do care about all the kids. I have seen improvement in the way I approach problems and my ACT score especially.” “It has just been a safe space for me. I actually look forward to going to BRYC. It is the people and the place that make it so important and good friends that push me to do better.”

“BRYC has positively impacted me in the way I have more awareness of my bad habits, the skills I need more help with, and getting me to do more extracurriculars.”

“Everyone is so friendly. and I really enjoy my time here. I would like you all to continue with such nice energy. Not only does it push away my urge to sleep, but it's really fun.” “I always have fun here. Everyone if very accepting, and I personally believe that there is a place for everyone at BRYC.” “I think that the BRYC has opened a lot of opportunities for me, and I love it here.” “BRYC has helped me learn how to be organized, take notes, and study properly. They made us into a lovely community.” “Keep up the great energy there. We are allowed to be ourselves and you guys never show us differently!” “A student should not only join BRYC for college preparation, but also to make friends and find a place to be accepted.” “I have new, effective ways to study. BRYC gives you tools and strategies to succeed, but they don't force you to use these strategies/tools, which is the opposite of annoying.” “It actually helped me talk a bit more to others. A student should join BRYC because there are many opportunities here presented for you, and the mentors, program managers, and the Fellows here are real gems.” “BRYC has helped me find a safe place to better myself as a person. It can challenge me and help me overcome my own personal challenges.” “BRYC has lifted my mood and been a great way to get out of the house and study while still having fun.” “BRYC has helped me realize my less than perfect behaviors and correct them. It has also helped me get scholarships.” “I love my time with my mentor.” “BRYC has helped me grow in my self-awareness by allowing me to become more consistent and more knowledge-hungry.” “It really changed how I study, and when I do, and how aware I am of what I do now. A student should join BRYC because it opens so many doors, from opportunities to life skills. I makes you a better student/teen if you actually apply the material. And it gives you many many, many, more friends and outlets.”

“BRYC is a phenomenal program that has truly enriched my daughter's life and helped build her confidence!”

“I love that is a program he wants to attend without any hesitation.” “This program is a lifesaver. I am a non traditional college student/old lady, and keeping up with college prep was overwhelming. BRYC has been heaven-sent for my college student and now my senior in high school.” “BRYC is an awesome program! BRYC has helped my child with character building and goal setting. I appreciate each and every one of you!” “This is my daughter's second year with BRYC and I am so pleased with the assignments and programs that have been implemented. The positive morale of the staff and BRYC team has been great.” “BRYC has taught our child better time management skills and the importance of being a leader.” “My child is more interested in subjects that she wasn’t as successful at in the past!” “Wednesday are days my son can get a break and enjoy the presence of others. There's an atmosphere there he doesn't get at school and faces there he looks forward to seeing.”


“I have had an amazing experience at BRYC! I like how there is a specific agenda to follow every class. I also like how time is blocked to talk to your Fellow about life/themselves/get to know each other and what they have been working on.” “It has made me very proud to say what I do. I love that I get to do this weekly. It is something that I look forward to.” “I feel fulfilled in being able to offer insight to someone that is entering a new chapter of their lives. The ability to relieve any apprehension about college is rewarding.” “I appreciate that BRYC has consistent communication so it helps me show up for my Fellows.” “Extremely rewarding and BRYC makes it so easy to be an effective volunteer.” “I think BRYC has an amazing program, and I am so thankful to be able to assist. I have developed strong positive relationships with Fellows and have enjoyed the experience!”

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