thePassage issue 3

Page 1


9 Ways to Observe Black History Month  Host a book party discussing a piece of African-American literature  Learn the Black National Anthem

 Watch biographies of influential African-Americans  Attend a Black heritage festivity  Visit a black history exhibit  Don’t ignore the fact that it’s Black History month  Make a plan to celebrate year-round

coming soon >>>


Visit for more information

Classic. There’s something about that word that we naturally fail to appreciate. The word suggests timelessness, beauty, faithfulness. That is why, when searching for a quote for this love-themed edition of ‘thePassage’, I straddled back and forth between finding a rare, long-winded one and a more common piece. In searching, I decided on the one offered on page 2. While it may appear overused, I found it interesting that the quote is actually a stand-out piece from an extremely long work that few of us have probably read completely. Out of that experience, I realized that that is what love is- a standout experience (or feeling to some) in a life of experiences. It takes a rare person, place or thing to bring it about- rare enough to leave a lasting impression. That’s classic. Occasionally, there are those God-awful experiences- often with loved ones- that we must learn from and protect ourselves against in the future (pg. 2). There are those that bring new thrills and unforeseen futures (pg. 3). And there are those gray areas that seem bleak but are necessary (pg. 3). Therefore, in searching, life continues. In the last issue of ‘thePassage’, I challenged readers to not let a day of 2015 go uncelebrated. This time, I encourage everyone to find that classic person, place or thing in your life and appreciate it like it deserves. It could be a talent. Perhaps it’ll be a single moment in your life so far. Most people would agree that it should certainly be yourself. Where ever you find it, out of that appreciation, you could find true love. Happy Black History Month!

P.S. Find out how to become a contributor to thePassage on

- More Handy Work

Issue Three A Publication of 20Something Media LLC ©2014 All Rights Reserved

the Passage Handy Work: Health & Beauty According to Chief Cosmetic Chemist of Nuekie Eunice Cofie is no stranger to putting her hands to work. Tracing her interest in science all the way back to grade school as a relief to being out casted, Cofie studied chemistry/molecular biology in college, where she recalls creating lotions and relaxers. Taking after her organic lab professor, Cofie is now the owner of a beauty- and newly health- company for African-American women and men.

Q: So what was the determining circumstance that made you say, “Let me just create a line of skincare products for women of color?” EC: I realized that there weren’t a lot of, or any medical-grade or pharmaceutical-grade, products out there specifically designed for women of color. And when I say people of color, that means persons of African descent, Native American, Indians, Middle Easterners, Asians. All of those people are considered people of color. And our bodies act differently to certain drugs, to certain products- beauty products, dermatological products. And we have different needs that are exhibited in our skin and hair, and also in different organs. And so what I wanted to do was create a company that took into account what our needs were. Q: Nuekie, that’s also the name of your dermatology line? [It’s also Cofie’s middle name which means “first daughter” and “hardworking one”] EC: Well now we’ve transitioned into a health and beauty company. So, it doesn’t just focus on dermatology or beauty but we’re also looking at developing health products, pharmaceuticals. Q: Is it just for women or do men use your products as well? EC: Men use my products as well. So we’ve changed the company- what we call the pivot. I’ve changed it several times. When I was in school, it was for bath and body. And then, a couple years down the road, I said I’m going to focus on skincare. And as of the past two years, I’ve decided to focus on health and beauty. So I’ve been transitioning into that because there’s a bigger picture here. The bigger picture is making sure that the overall health for people of color is optimum.


- Alternatives to College

in this issue >>>

- Volunteerism - Shaded (50 Shades of Grey inspired)

- Summer somethings

- Online Dating Guide - Celebrating Black History, 20Something Media LLC



 Read Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech”



Feb. 2015

 Share black history facts with others daily

This issue brought to you by

Q: I read where you said, “I realized that my skin cells were divinely placed there by God…” So would you say there’s spiritual handy work going on? EC: Yes. Most definitely. And I will say that we incorporate a lot of traditional African medicine into what we do. And that is based on spirituality. People of color around the world are very spiritual people and so our faith- I am a Christian and that guides me in developing the products, developing the company. So there are principles that I use to help develop the products and meet those needs of my consumers.

Read the rest of this interview as well as Handy Work ideas to make yourself over this Spring at page! Volume 1 Issue 3 February 2014


“ ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.” – Lord Alfred Tennyson Advertisement

Not-so-nasty Nudes P




available when we think of them. And when we’re not thought of, it can’t hurt to make our presence known. Or can it?

Additionally, “17% of sexters share the messages they receive with others, and 55% of those share them with more than one person.” So, while legal protection is in place for victims of sexting violations, there are personal precautions one can take to avoid being over-shared.

Red-y to Wear The undisputed color of the Valentine’s Day season is red. There’s no doubt about it. The color is associated with cupid, the heart, passion, and therefore, love. As a result, it is to be expected that every year, in celebration of lover’s day, your eyes will be overwhelmed with red or variations of the color, particularly through items of clothing.


This year though, you can dare to pair your red in more fashion-forward ways; ways that don't scream bloody murder. Here are a few colors that may bring about a new love if coupled with your usual Valentine’s Day palette: Black and White: It may seem that there’s nothing new to this color trio but include the trend of Monochrome and you make an all new statement. Monochrome is a 60s themed style featuring patterns and shapes. It could easily make your garb look busy, so pair wisely. A pop of red may go best with this coloring., 20Something Media LLC

At least countless websites bank on you finding your next romance online. There's,, and the one I tried for the purposes of this column, Hence, I have here, a guide to online date seeking. Here goes: - If you're serious enough about finding someone, make honesty a policy when creating your profile. Keeping in mind that it is the World Wide Web, discretion with your full name and picture portfolio is understandable. These can always be exchanged in detail with a potential match at a later date. - Discretion doesn't have to mean asocial. Messages are usually where the magic begins. Personally, I was surprised to get one or two, mainly because of my incomplete profile and delayed responses. My attempt to be sociable came after I got a message suggesting I "put more on my profile."

It seems a bit costumey but penis covers- or the like- uses the power of suggestion without letting it all hang out in photos and adds comedic relief.

- Keep in mind that most others are serious about finding what they're looking for on these sites. It takes some humility to resort to Internet dating and answering questions like, "Regardless of future plans, what's more interesting to you right now?" with answers like sex or love as options. When/If answering Okcupid, or any, match questions, keep in mind what answers you'll accept because matches are made based off of these answers. See how creative you can get by telling your partner what they can look forward to rather than showing them.

- In the event you find a compatible profile, do not stalk it. Don't hesitate to pursue the connection because they're there for the same reasons as you. - And as a personal preference, adjust the notification settings if you aren't up to being bombarded via email. Otherwise, prepare to be updated often and unnecessarily. -Be sure to update your location on your profile if you move…unless you’re willing to travel.

*Share your Valentine’s Day fashion on our Facebook page!

In the book 50 Shades of Grey the many shades of Christian Grey, the main character of the trilogy, are uncovered throughout his relationship with Anastasia. Christian is successful, sexy, controlling and complex- so complex in fact that he sees a psychologist to help relieve him of his skeletons.

Brown: From a soft khaki color to dark chocolate or grunge colored, brown is a near perfect mate for red. Play with different shades of both to find what is most flattering on you. Don't shy away from making brown the dominate color in your ensemble on Valentine’s Day. Your red would be sure to stand out regardless.

Perhaps there is more to the color gray than just a name or reappearing color in the book. Actually, many psychologists and art experts would say that even in everyday life there is more to a color.

Purple: At first thought, it sounds a little eclectic...but nothing says royal louder than purple and red paired properly. For the shyer gal, test the colors together by wearing your outfit in one color and accessorizing using the other (make up is considered an accessory). As for the more daring beauty, wear the colors equally, allowing both to stand out as they naturally do. Blue: It seems like a no brainer that blue could pair well with red if purple can, but styling can make much of the difference. The rugged denim trend could be a statement piece for you.

A Brief Guide to Online Dating by Terrika Mitchell

Love is in the air. It might also be at the next networking event you attend. Or in a quick visit to the theatre. In today's wired society, it is highly likely to be online as well... Sexy it up without baring it all by wearing nipple covers or pasties when sending sexy photos.


According to, “Sexting is defined by the U.S. court system as “an act of sending sexually explicit materials through mobile phones. The messages may be text, photo, or video.”

From X’s and O’s to 1’s and 0’s

Use concealer to cover any tattoos or markings that would identify you in a photo or video.

“Color is relative. It is always affected by what is next to it. It is rarely the same in any given situation. It is influenced by the color of the light. Color changes if you are outside in cool daylight or inside with warm incandescent,” writes art professor and color theorist Carrie Ann Baade. “Gray is something of status and balance, sometimes associated with maturity. Each color has a positive and negative connotation.” The color gray’s representation of balance may have something to do with it naturally being an equal combination of black and white; Much like Mr. Grey’s battle to balance his professional and personal lives. An unofficial biography of Christian Grey reads, “He is 27 at the opening of the book. A brilliant self-made billionaire, he is successful, charming, and breathtakingly handsome. He has exceptional skills and excels at almost anything he sets his sights on: He's a hugely successful business man; he's a trained pilot and flies his own helicopter, Charlie Tango; is a glider plane pilot; and is an astounding piano player; and he speaks fluent French. But he has a "dark side": he secretly

Shaded The psychology behind the color gray; inspired by 50 Shades of Grey

By Terrika Mitchell

practices BDSM and he also harbors a painful secret about his very difficult start in life. Baade notes that it is human nature to visually seek oppositeslike cold to hot or green from red- rather than “move to gray or the middle…in our internal mission to balance.” When asked if human responses to color vary based on the shade of a color, Baade wrote, “To have a deeper shade of gray means that there is more black. [Black] is a heavier color both in terms of visual impact but also emotionally. There is also the temperature to consider. There are warm or cool dark grays and warm and cool light grays…each would have a subtle shift in their significance and meaning.” The attention to clothing throughout the book wasn’t without reason either. A person’s appearance could seem more vibrant or dull depending on the temperature and/or shade of the color they wear according to Baade. This Valentine’s Day, it may be worth noting the use of gray wardrobe in the theatre version of the naughty novel.

Visit thePassage on Facebook to view the Fetish line of 50 Shades of Grey sex toys. Volume 1 Issue 3 February 2014


“ ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.” – Lord Alfred Tennyson Advertisement

Not-so-nasty Nudes P




available when we think of them. And when we’re not thought of, it can’t hurt to make our presence known. Or can it?

Additionally, “17% of sexters share the messages they receive with others, and 55% of those share them with more than one person.” So, while legal protection is in place for victims of sexting violations, there are personal precautions one can take to avoid being over-shared.

Red-y to Wear The undisputed color of the Valentine’s Day season is red. There’s no doubt about it. The color is associated with cupid, the heart, passion, and therefore, love. As a result, it is to be expected that every year, in celebration of lover’s day, your eyes will be overwhelmed with red or variations of the color, particularly through items of clothing.


This year though, you can dare to pair your red in more fashion-forward ways; ways that don't scream bloody murder. Here are a few colors that may bring about a new love if coupled with your usual Valentine’s Day palette: Black and White: It may seem that there’s nothing new to this color trio but include the trend of Monochrome and you make an all new statement. Monochrome is a 60s themed style featuring patterns and shapes. It could easily make your garb look busy, so pair wisely. A pop of red may go best with this coloring., 20Something Media LLC

At least countless websites bank on you finding your next romance online. There's,, and the one I tried for the purposes of this column, Hence, I have here, a guide to online date seeking. Here goes: - If you're serious enough about finding someone, make honesty a policy when creating your profile. Keeping in mind that it is the World Wide Web, discretion with your full name and picture portfolio is understandable. These can always be exchanged in detail with a potential match at a later date. - Discretion doesn't have to mean asocial. Messages are usually where the magic begins. Personally, I was surprised to get one or two, mainly because of my incomplete profile and delayed responses. My attempt to be sociable came after I got a message suggesting I "put more on my profile."

It seems a bit costumey but penis covers- or the like- uses the power of suggestion without letting it all hang out in photos and adds comedic relief.

- Keep in mind that most others are serious about finding what they're looking for on these sites. It takes some humility to resort to Internet dating and answering questions like, "Regardless of future plans, what's more interesting to you right now?" with answers like sex or love as options. When/If answering Okcupid, or any, match questions, keep in mind what answers you'll accept because matches are made based off of these answers. See how creative you can get by telling your partner what they can look forward to rather than showing them.

- In the event you find a compatible profile, do not stalk it. Don't hesitate to pursue the connection because they're there for the same reasons as you. - And as a personal preference, adjust the notification settings if you aren't up to being bombarded via email. Otherwise, prepare to be updated often and unnecessarily. -Be sure to update your location on your profile if you move…unless you’re willing to travel.

*Share your Valentine’s Day fashion on our Facebook page!

In the book 50 Shades of Grey the many shades of Christian Grey, the main character of the trilogy, are uncovered throughout his relationship with Anastasia. Christian is successful, sexy, controlling and complex- so complex in fact that he sees a psychologist to help relieve him of his skeletons.

Brown: From a soft khaki color to dark chocolate or grunge colored, brown is a near perfect mate for red. Play with different shades of both to find what is most flattering on you. Don't shy away from making brown the dominate color in your ensemble on Valentine’s Day. Your red would be sure to stand out regardless.

Perhaps there is more to the color gray than just a name or reappearing color in the book. Actually, many psychologists and art experts would say that even in everyday life there is more to a color.

Purple: At first thought, it sounds a little eclectic...but nothing says royal louder than purple and red paired properly. For the shyer gal, test the colors together by wearing your outfit in one color and accessorizing using the other (make up is considered an accessory). As for the more daring beauty, wear the colors equally, allowing both to stand out as they naturally do. Blue: It seems like a no brainer that blue could pair well with red if purple can, but styling can make much of the difference. The rugged denim trend could be a statement piece for you.

A Brief Guide to Online Dating by Terrika Mitchell

Love is in the air. It might also be at the next networking event you attend. Or in a quick visit to the theatre. In today's wired society, it is highly likely to be online as well... Sexy it up without baring it all by wearing nipple covers or pasties when sending sexy photos.


According to, “Sexting is defined by the U.S. court system as “an act of sending sexually explicit materials through mobile phones. The messages may be text, photo, or video.”

From X’s and O’s to 1’s and 0’s

Use concealer to cover any tattoos or markings that would identify you in a photo or video.

“Color is relative. It is always affected by what is next to it. It is rarely the same in any given situation. It is influenced by the color of the light. Color changes if you are outside in cool daylight or inside with warm incandescent,” writes art professor and color theorist Carrie Ann Baade. “Gray is something of status and balance, sometimes associated with maturity. Each color has a positive and negative connotation.” The color gray’s representation of balance may have something to do with it naturally being an equal combination of black and white; Much like Mr. Grey’s battle to balance his professional and personal lives. An unofficial biography of Christian Grey reads, “He is 27 at the opening of the book. A brilliant self-made billionaire, he is successful, charming, and breathtakingly handsome. He has exceptional skills and excels at almost anything he sets his sights on: He's a hugely successful business man; he's a trained pilot and flies his own helicopter, Charlie Tango; is a glider plane pilot; and is an astounding piano player; and he speaks fluent French. But he has a "dark side": he secretly

Shaded The psychology behind the color gray; inspired by 50 Shades of Grey

By Terrika Mitchell

practices BDSM and he also harbors a painful secret about his very difficult start in life. Baade notes that it is human nature to visually seek oppositeslike cold to hot or green from red- rather than “move to gray or the middle…in our internal mission to balance.” When asked if human responses to color vary based on the shade of a color, Baade wrote, “To have a deeper shade of gray means that there is more black. [Black] is a heavier color both in terms of visual impact but also emotionally. There is also the temperature to consider. There are warm or cool dark grays and warm and cool light grays…each would have a subtle shift in their significance and meaning.” The attention to clothing throughout the book wasn’t without reason either. A person’s appearance could seem more vibrant or dull depending on the temperature and/or shade of the color they wear according to Baade. This Valentine’s Day, it may be worth noting the use of gray wardrobe in the theatre version of the naughty novel.

Visit thePassage on Facebook to view the Fetish line of 50 Shades of Grey sex toys. Volume 1 Issue 3 February 2014



9 Ways to Observe Black History Month  Host a book party discussing a piece of African-American literature  Learn the Black National Anthem

 Watch biographies of influential African-Americans  Attend a Black heritage festivity  Visit a black history exhibit  Don’t ignore the fact that it’s Black History month  Make a plan to celebrate year-round

coming soon >>>


Visit for more information

Classic. There’s something about that word that we naturally fail to appreciate. The word suggests timelessness, beauty, faithfulness. That is why, when searching for a quote for this love-themed edition of ‘thePassage’, I straddled back and forth between finding a rare, long-winded one and a more common piece. In searching, I decided on the one offered on page 2. While it may appear overused, I found it interesting that the quote is actually a stand-out piece from an extremely long work that few of us have probably read completely. Out of that experience, I realized that that is what love is- a standout experience (or feeling to some) in a life of experiences. It takes a rare person, place or thing to bring it about- rare enough to leave a lasting impression. That’s classic. Occasionally, there are those God-awful experiences- often with loved ones- that we must learn from and protect ourselves against in the future (pg. 2). There are those that bring new thrills and unforeseen futures (pg. 3). And there are those gray areas that seem bleak but are necessary (pg. 3). Therefore, in searching, life continues. In the last issue of ‘thePassage’, I challenged readers to not let a day of 2015 go uncelebrated. This time, I encourage everyone to find that classic person, place or thing in your life and appreciate it like it deserves. It could be a talent. Perhaps it’ll be a single moment in your life so far. Most people would agree that it should certainly be yourself. Where ever you find it, out of that appreciation, you could find true love. Happy Black History Month!

P.S. Find out how to become a contributor to thePassage on

- More Handy Work

Issue Three A Publication of 20Something Media LLC ©2014 All Rights Reserved

the Passage Handy Work: Health & Beauty According to Chief Cosmetic Chemist of Nuekie Eunice Cofie is no stranger to putting her hands to work. Tracing her interest in science all the way back to grade school as a relief to being out casted, Cofie studied chemistry/molecular biology in college, where she recalls creating lotions and relaxers. Taking after her organic lab professor, Cofie is now the owner of a beauty- and newly health- company for African-American women and men.

Q: So what was the determining circumstance that made you say, “Let me just create a line of skincare products for women of color?” EC: I realized that there weren’t a lot of, or any medical-grade or pharmaceutical-grade, products out there specifically designed for women of color. And when I say people of color, that means persons of African descent, Native American, Indians, Middle Easterners, Asians. All of those people are considered people of color. And our bodies act differently to certain drugs, to certain products- beauty products, dermatological products. And we have different needs that are exhibited in our skin and hair, and also in different organs. And so what I wanted to do was create a company that took into account what our needs were. Q: Nuekie, that’s also the name of your dermatology line? [It’s also Cofie’s middle name which means “first daughter” and “hardworking one”] EC: Well now we’ve transitioned into a health and beauty company. So, it doesn’t just focus on dermatology or beauty but we’re also looking at developing health products, pharmaceuticals. Q: Is it just for women or do men use your products as well? EC: Men use my products as well. So we’ve changed the company- what we call the pivot. I’ve changed it several times. When I was in school, it was for bath and body. And then, a couple years down the road, I said I’m going to focus on skincare. And as of the past two years, I’ve decided to focus on health and beauty. So I’ve been transitioning into that because there’s a bigger picture here. The bigger picture is making sure that the overall health for people of color is optimum.


- Alternatives to College

in this issue >>>

- Volunteerism - Shaded (50 Shades of Grey inspired)

- Summer somethings

- Online Dating Guide - Celebrating Black History, 20Something Media LLC



 Read Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech”



Feb. 2015

 Share black history facts with others daily

This issue brought to you by

Q: I read where you said, “I realized that my skin cells were divinely placed there by God…” So would you say there’s spiritual handy work going on? EC: Yes. Most definitely. And I will say that we incorporate a lot of traditional African medicine into what we do. And that is based on spirituality. People of color around the world are very spiritual people and so our faith- I am a Christian and that guides me in developing the products, developing the company. So there are principles that I use to help develop the products and meet those needs of my consumers.

Read the rest of this interview as well as Handy Work ideas to make yourself over this Spring at page! Volume 1 Issue 3 February 2014


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