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Vinos De Primavera Fresh Wines For The Spring Season

En esta época del año favorecen los vinos frescos, ligeros y afrutados porque acompañan bien el maridaje. Será un complemento delicioso a la cocina de primavera.


Starmont Sauvignon Blanc es una buena opción para comenzar. Este vino de Napa Valley en California, presenta notas de pomelo, melón y lima, con un fnal refrescante y cítrico. Es un vino perfecto para maridar con ensaladas, mariscos y pescados.

Raeburn Rosé es una elección para considerar por los amantes del vino rosado. El vino es de Russian River Valley en California; presenta notas de fresa, melón y frambuesa, con un toque de acidez al fnal. Es un gran acompañamiento para maridar con recetas a base de pescados y pollo asado. Captura el sabor de la primavera en una copa.

This time of year, fresh, light, and fruity wines are favored because they go well with dishes from the Spring. It will be a delicious compliment to the cuisine of Springtime.

Let's start with the recommendations:

Starmont Sauvignon Blanc is an excellent initial choice. This wine from California's Napa Valley exhibits grapefruit, melon, and lime favors with a crisp citrus fnish. Fish, seafood, and salads go well with this wine.

Raeburn Rosé is an option to take into consideration for those who enjoy rosé wine. This bottle from California's Russian River Valley is a tasty beverage with strawberry, melon, and raspberry notes and a hint of acidity on end. It encapsulates the taste of Springtime in a glass and is an excellent accompaniment to fsh and roasted chicken recipes.


Raeburn Rose $490 MXN

Decoy Rosé incorpora notas de melocotón, melón dulce y lichi tropical y brinda un fnal refrescante y suave. Es del área de Alexander Valley en California. Un vino ideal para aquellos platillos a base de verduras a la parrilla, ensaladas y quesos suaves.

Lanson Black Label Brut es para celebrar la llegada de la primavera. El champagne francés presenta notas tostadas, enriquecidas con destellos de miel, conducen a un sabor fnal largo y elegante. Es perfecto para maridar con mariscos, ostras y queso brie.

Decoy Red Wine es el resultado de una mezcla del Merlot y la complejidad del Cabernet Sauvignon. Este vino de Sonoma County en California, presenta notas de frutos rojos y especias, con un fnal suave y equilibrado. Puede maridar con platos de carne blanca, pastas y pizza.

Finalmente, si buscas probar un vino elegante y complejo, Pedroncelli 007 Cabernet Sauvignon será una elección. Este vino de Dry Creek Valley, California, presenta notas de frutos negros y especias, con un fnal largo y estructurado. Es ideal para acompañar carnes rojas, quesos fuertes y platos con salsas intensas.

¿Qué sabor te atrae más probar esta primavera?

Decoy Rosé wine features aromas and favors of peach, honeydew melon, and tropical lychee with a refreshing fnish. This is from Alexander Valley in California. It pairs well with salads, mild soft cheeses, and dishes prepared with grilled vegetables.

Lanson Black Label Brut is French champagne, also has toasty notes enriched with hints of honey, which lead to a lengthy and elegant fnish in honor of the arrival of Spring. It pairs perfectly with brie cheese, oysters, and seafood.

Decoy Red Wine was created by blending Merlot and the complexity of Cabernet Sauvignon because some customers prefer red wine. Red fruits, spices, and a silky, well-balanced fnish are all apparent in this Californian wine from the Sonoma County region. It complements white meat dishes, pasta, and pizza perfectly.

Finally, if your search inspires you to taste a sophisticated and nuanced wine, the Pedroncelli 007 Cabernet Sauvignon will be a brilliant option. This California wine from Dry Creek Valley has notes and aromas of dark fruits and spices with a lingering and structured fnish. It pairs well with meals that have robust sauces, strong cheeses, and red meat.

What taste is most enticing to you this spring?



Champagne Lanson black label brut

$1145 MXN

Decoy red wine

$699 MXN

Pedroncellis 007 Cabernet sauvignon. $720 MXN