7 Habits That Make A Man More Attractive - TML

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Some men find it difficult to get to a woman, or to maintain a relationship with them, at least in the beginning. This is often because they are afraid or ashamed to approach. These situations are normal, which is not to say that they are good for them. Feeling rejected is one of the worst feelings that can exist, so it is important to be and feel an attractive person. Making people in general, not just women, feel comfortable being around that person. For that, there are some basic "tricks" that these men can practice every day. And it was with this in mind that the newsroom of Teaching Men's Lifestyle selected a list with 7 habits that make men more attractive. We remember that we are not judging, criticizing or trying to impose absolute truths, our goal is unique and exclusive to inform and entertain. That is why we refer only to those who identify with the matter. Check out:

1 - Ask empowering questions to yourself

Do you know that moment when you are in a bar and see "the" girl? So a lot of things go through your head, for example: "What if she doesn't like me?" Or, "What do I say to her?", And the like. Well, for a man to become attractive, a way to "defrost" and go on to grab his goal is to rethink these questions, causing you to stop focusing on what can go wrong, preventing the approach from getting anxious. An alternative is to invert the questions, instead of "What if she doesn't like me?", Ask "What if she likes me?" This is a very simple "trick" that gets your brain to start thinking about positive things, making you feel excited.

2- Meditating helps to relax and act calmly

Meditation is a way to become more calm and relaxed in the presence of a woman. Most men suffer from anxiety while talking to a beautiful woman. So, learning to meditate will make you feel calmer, reflecting on the inhibition of nervousness. Studies have already shown that meditation helps in regulating stress, so before going out for a date or a bar, it is worth trying to meditate. There are also some studies that claim that men who meditate are more attractive to women than those who do not.

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