How To Look Good In Photos? 6 Professional Tips

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HOW TO LOOK GOOD IN PHOTOS? 6 PROFESSIONAL TIPS You don't have to be a professional model to have a beautiful Instagram. With a little study and effort, anyone can make cool photos. Do not know where to start? Relax. Today we gathered here at Teaching Men's Lifestyle 6 tips on how to look good in photos. Just take a look: 1 # CHOOSE A SCENERY WITH LOW VISUAL POLLUTION This is a detail that creates all the difference. If you are in an ugly place, very visually polluted, there is no smile that can save you. So take a good look at the environment before leaving for the click. Minimalist scenery tends to result in better pictures.

Look at the difference in these Beckham photos. The look is beautiful in both cases, as well as his pose. Only on the left there is a lot of visual pollution. The yellow plate. The wet floor. Several posts. The car with reflection. Etc. This greatly damages the final result of the photograph. If you can't find a beautiful spot, that's fine: you can blur the back, as in the photo on the right. There are apps that do this and we will talk about them later.

2 # A GOOD LIGHTING IS IMPORTANT The secret of great photographers is to get the lighting right. In general, the midday light is not beautiful, as the sun is just above our head, creating very marked shadows and an excess of contrast. The best times for beautiful natural light are early morning and late afternoon, which provide a more lateral, soft and harmonic light. When shooting at night, follow the same logic. Look for a light that comes from the sides, not directly overhead.

Who helps us with the example now is Cristiano Ronaldo. In the photo on the left, notice how the light burst, leaving his skin looking very shiny. On the right, the problem is the opposite: there was no lighting, which harms the portrait as a whole. The best photo is the one in the center, where there is a good balance in the light, highlighting the look and his face in the right dose. 3 # USE A BODY-FIT LOOK We always say that in our men's fashion tips, but it never hurts to repeat. Wearing a welladjusted look to the body makes all the difference. Loose clothes give an impression of sloppiness, as the look on the left of Leonardo diCaprio shows. It is necessary to be careful during this regard.

4 # ADOPT THESE TRICKS WHEN DOING THE POSE Okay, we know that you are not a professional model. But how about learning some tricks used by them when posing for the photo? These are simple ideas that greatly influence the final quality of the content: ➤ Hit the posture, but without becoming too rigid, so as not to create a forced aspect; ➤ Avoid leaving your chin above the lens level, as this distorts your face; ➤ Think of a story or memory that makes you smile naturally, since forced smiles look bad in photos; ➤ Our face is not entirely symmetrical, so analyze several pictures of yourself to find out what your best angle is; ➤ Try not to take 100% frontal photos, it is better when you stand a little to the side, around 45 degrees; ➤ When you are smiling, do not close your eyes too much, nor make them too wide; ➤ Try to create some movement with your arms and legs, so that the photo has more life. Do you know that story that practice makes perfect? Yeah. Study the poses that your favorite influencers do on Instagram and try to practice them in front of the mirror. Over time, it will be natural for you to replicate them. 5 # TAKE SEVERAL PHOTOS IN SEQUENCE One of the biggest mistakes someone makes when taking a photo is making just one. If it turns out bad, there is no salvation. On the other hand, if you click half a dozen in the sequence, with small changes in the pose, the chance multiplies to succeed, do you agree? It's pure math. Then you choose your favorite and delete the others. All Instagram models adopt this strategy. If someone is going to take the photo for you, then tell them: “Take 3 or 4, please!”

6 # MAKE IMAGE TREATMENT IN AN APP Many people have the illusion that the beautiful photos that models post on Instagram are natural. Only this is not true. Everyone does a light treatment in photo editing apps. There are several program options, Facetune being the most famous of them. An excellent feature of these applications is the possibility to blur the background, in case it is very polluted. Look at this photo of Ryan Gosling:

Other useful tools in editing apps are:

 Remove the oiliness of the face;  Remove small dents from the clothes;  Soften some extra fat on the belly;  Move the brightness and colors of the photo;

 Blur the background, as we talked about before;  Get some details on the skin;  Etc, etc. The thing is to have a good exploration of the application you download, because there are several functionalities. In general they are very intuitive, with little time to use you already learn. It's not complex and it will make all the difference in the final result of your photos, believe me.

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