How To Trim Body Hair: Practical Tips For Men - TML

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How to trim body hair: practical tips for men

Every time you get in the shower, there is that question: "Trim hair, or not?". Well, actually, you're asking yourself the wrong thing. The question should be: "should I trim my body hair or is it better to leave it at that?" If the initial question was really to trim or not, the answer would be much simpler: yes.

 Male Hair Removal: Where To Trim And Where To Leave Hair - TML  How To Be More Beautiful And Attractive - Tips To Put Into Practice - TML  How To Get More Beautiful In 10 Steps - TML Trimming body hair is a much more practical, painless and easy to apply option on the day after all, after all, you don't pluck or shave your hair, it just reduces all that volume and, therefore, you end up valuing your body more. Never thought about taking care of body grooming? Look, it’s really worth it, and we’ll show you practical tips for trimming your hair! CHEST

When a man thinks about trimming body hair, he automatically thinks about chest hair. It seems to be one of the first places on the body that comes to mind when it comes to eliminating body hair. Although most women prefer men with trimmed chest hairs, you don't need to keep that in mind when trimming yours: the cool thing is to trim them for you, to make you feel good, not to please others. That said, let's go to the tips:

 Take a shower and keep your skin completely clean before trimming;  The chest area is anatomically easier to trim: you can iron the trimmer at will, in the sense that you feel most comfortable;  Don't just trim the chest, lower the device to the abdomen and to the area closest to your hip;  Take care with the nipple area, after all, this area is more sensitive and you can end up getting hurt if you pass the trimmer directly on the nipples;  To avoid irritation, apply a moisturizer. BACK AND SHOULDERS

Gone are the times when hair on the shoulders and back was an assiduous sign of masculinity. Today, we know that masculinity has nothing to do with the amount of hair you have on your body or your appearance. Therefore, many men started to trim the hair on their backs and shoulders, after all, they are regions of the body that become more apparent when we put on some more casual clothes.

But this region of the body requires some specific care, after all, it seems a bit complicated to trim the back alone, right?

 Start with the shoulders: to trim them more closely, use the trimmer in the opposite direction to the direction of hair growth;  Take care with the spots: the shoulder region usually has spots caused by exposure to the sun, so try to be more delicate when you pass the sideboard through them;  Go to the front of a mirror to make sure you are trimming it evenly;  To trim your back, turn on your side and see if you have a wider view of your back in the mirror. If not, try taking another mirror and placing it in front of the bathroom mirror. Stand between the two to get a complete view of your back and start trimming;  The last step in the trimming process is moisturizer. Apply the lotion to the trimmed areas and then, when you take another shower, exfoliate to ensure that your hair will not stick. LEGS

According to a survey carried out by the Dollar Shave Club portal, and sponsored by other media outlets, about 83% of the men interviewed declared that they trimmed some region of the body. Another survey, carried out by Men’s Health magazine, found that 1 in 3 men has trimmed their leg hair. In other words: trimming hair is a great alternative for hair removal. If you don't think it's cool to get rid of hair entirely, but you want to make your leg look more pleasant - and less hairy trimming is an excellent idea.

 Different areas of the legs have different textures. The region of the thighs, for example, is softer than the region of the cinnamon, so be patient when passing the sideboard through them;  The shin and lower leg do not normally need to be stretched by hand; the thigh region, yes. After all, if you don't leave your skin tight, you could end up hurting your leg in the process;  If you're going to trim your entire leg, don't forget your buttocks. If you decrease the volume of hair on your thighs and lower leg, but leave your buttocks looking the same as before, the result will be a very strange thing, so stop the mirror!  Pass the trimmer vertically, in the direction of the hair growth and, if you want to make the hairs even shorter, pass the trimmer in the opposite direction. INTIMATE REGION

In addition to helping you eliminate a possible smell of sweat that is concentrated in the most intimate regions, trimming the hair also leaves the entire area more harmonious. Another advantage: thinning hair can even make your penis look bigger, so it's worth reducing their volume, isn't it? But be careful: this area is the most sensitive area of the body and you can really get hurt in the process of trimming hair. So, take it easy and take it easy.

 It is important to wash any area of the body well before handling a trimmer or a shaver, but washing the intimate area is even more important because it concentrates a large number of bacteria and fungi and, if you do not clean it properly before handling the hair, you may end up getting an infection;

 Stretch your skin well so you don't hurt yourself and carefully pass the trimmer in the direction of hair growth. The tip for a shorter hair is the same: move in the opposite direction to the growth for a closer trim;  Do not forget to raise your penis to perform the same procedure on the complete bottom, and be careful with the skin in this region, after all, it is even more sensitive;  When finished, rinse with cold water and dry the area carefully! AXILAS

There's no way: everyone sweats. However, one way to reduce the smell of sweat - or eliminate it altogether - is to reduce the amount of hair in your armpit. This tactic is useful because the stench is a consequence of a bacterium that thrives in hot, humid environments with a lack of light. The amount of hair helps to increase the heat of a region of the body and, therefore, getting rid of them makes the life of bacteria difficult. If you don't like the idea of completely shaving the hair, trimming the hair in this region can be the perfect solution.

 To trim, the tip is very simple: take your hair trimmer and pass it, under the arm in the opposite direction to the birth of hair. But remember: your armpits need to be washed and clean!


As we said, using a device developed exclusively to trim hair is a differentiator when it comes to doing your body grooming. The Philips Bodygroom Series offers a blade with movement for two sides, which guarantees efficiency without pain or discomfort, and also promotes a trimming of hair much faster. This blade also does not come into direct contact with the skin and, therefore, protects it from possible irritations. In addition to being waterproof, it is also indicated to be used on the entire body - including the private parts.

 You can buy here: Philips Bodygroom Originally Published At:- how-to-trim-body-hair-practical-tips-men.html

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