How To Be More Beautiful And Attractive - Tips To Put Into Practice - TML

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How to Get more Beautiful and Attractive - tips To put Into practice

You may not think so, but there are a lot of "handsome" men around who are ugly and there are a lot of "ugly" men who are handsome and don't even know, or they just haven't noticed it yet.

Either way, everyone has their beauty. Really! Just one lapping here and another there and everything changes. The real beauty, the one that matters, comes from something much bigger than the physical. Before you want to change your appearance, become physically attractive, review your concepts and develop. Self knowledge and self development is the first step in becoming beautiful and attractive. The image comes from the inside out. This you will understand with time. Another important point to highlight your real beauty is to take care of your health. Selfknowledge and self-development come from the soul, health comes from the body and mind. “Mens sana in corpore sanoâ€? - A healthy mind in a healthy body. An ancient quote taken from a poem by DĂŠcimo Junio Juvenal would not be remembered until today if it were not so profound and important. According to Juvenal, this must be the biggest claim in a man's life. These are just the first steps that you should take into account before worrying about appearance alone. Now let's be less mushy and get to the point you've been waiting for.

Beauty and attraction Science, psychology, neuroscience and researchers from these and other areas carry out various researches on human beauty (always within some context) and on what attracts people emotionally or sexually to understand and work on different social issues.

What is a handsome man? How to be more beautiful? What makes a man attractive? In virtually all areas of study, the conclusion about the beauty of human beings is that it is subjective. Each person has an idea of what is beautiful.

Different are the arts where it is possible to debate aesthetics, based on years and more years of philosophy, where metaphysics, value judgment, morals enter, among other discussions. And there is also, from the aesthetic (which comes from the Greek aisthésis: perception, sensation and sensitivity) what is called an aesthetic sense, something more palpable but which still generates discussion. This is the guy I wanted to get to.

Da Vinci's “Vitruvian Man” with the golden ratio superimposed. A canon of the proportion of the human body. The perfect body, the ideal of beauty. Let us return to the men. Why are some people more beautiful than others? Is it because of the social? Context? Is it for aesthetic sense? If it were an alternative test, I would put all the previous ones. It has been proven that the social dictates some standards of beauty and this changes according to a context. In less than 100 years we know that chubby women, skinny women, hot women, with permed hair, straight hair, with light eyes, dark eyes, thick or thin eyebrows, short hair, all this at some point was already considered the more beautiful. This speaking only of our Western culture. In the aesthetic sense there is that thing that the more symmetrical the face the more beautiful. This I believe in parts, since when we put on sunglasses we really feel more beautiful.

Sunglasses help in this symmetry. This symmetry thing comes from the golden ratio, but it goes far beyond that. If interested, do a thorough research.

This golden ratio is proof of scientifically proven beauty. Nose, eyebrows, mouth, eyes, ears. If everything is in the right place, with the right size, you will have a beautiful and harmonious face. Even though he is not as symmetrical (the two sides as equal as possible). That is why he did not believe only in symmetry to have a beautiful face.

ďżźBut why do they still say that beauty is subjective if there is such scientific evidence? I believe that because of the attraction. As much as most people think Brad Pitt is more handsome than Mick Jagger, in terms of attraction many women will choose the Rolling Stones singer. Because of this the beauty of Mick Jagger becomes more interesting for some people. Understood?

Rolling Stones concert on August 14, 1964 - London. Via Getty Images

So focus on being a more interesting and attractive man and consequently you will become more beautiful. Understand that you can also be sex appeal. Never stop being you to go into some patterns. And how to be more attractive to become a more beautiful and interesting man?

Tips on how to become attractive, beautiful and interesting. Based on research. Practice physical activity

If you needed an incentive to start doing some physical activity, now is the time. This should not be an excuse, since physical activity is good for health and being sedentary is not at all healthy. Women do not want men who are in the dark all the time, men who are lazy or relaxed about their health. Do physical exercises and in addition to having better health, you can also attract that person you so desire. Tips? Enter the gym, run on the street, buy a rope and jump at home. Options abound.

Take care of your body posture

By doing physical exercises you will consequently improve your body posture. Inadequate posture not only harms your physical health, but communicates something that goes far beyond body language. According to surveys, women are not attracted to men with an inward or sloppy posture. An upright posture is essential. His posture communicates a lot. Among them you can pass a certain insecurity, apathy or fear of the world. To improve posture, look for health professionals, practice some activity like Yoga, Pilates, swimming. Find what you are going to do with pleasure. Developing your self confidence is also necessary for some men. Also check out "50 Ultimate Tips To Be a Stylish Man ."

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