9 Simple Habits That Make You More Attractive (And That Has Nothing To Do With Appearance)! - TML

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9 Simple habits That make You more Attractive (and That has Nothing to Do with Appearance)!

What makes a person attractive? It is certainly more than good looks or fashion sense. It all comes down to how confident, positive and productive you are, and how you express those qualities. A genuine smile can brighten up a room and easily make up for not-so-beautiful clothes.

1.Live in the now A recent study showed that women find conscious men more attractive. Mindfulness is the awareness and use of everything possible and present. It shows focus and emotional balance.

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2.Never underestimate the importance of sleep It is easy to stay up late and neglect our sleep, especially when we are young. Sleep is important for our health and appearance. It is noticeable when a person is tired and is not at his best. More than that, we are not as sensitive or capable of truly expressing ourselves. This is where all the beauty is, in the individual expression of our true self.

3. Know and enforce your self-esteem

It is not enough to know our true self-esteem, we also have to actively reinforce it and recognize it. This knowledge defines our actions, intentions and attitudes. Without strong, positive expressions, even designer clothes look dull and ugly. Trust can make everything beautiful and different!

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