3 Tips To Start Wearing Men's Watches Today - Teaching Men's Lifestyle

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3 tips to start wearing men's watches today

Meaning, material and size. How to choose a watch? In the world, practically everything can become a science. Just dedicate the necessary time and attention and, suddenly, you are bent over minutiae, understanding all the active principles behind it. And you don't even have to go very far. When that friend of yours became a barbecue fanatic, he certainly came full of cuts and types of meat you've never heard of. The same with your friend who went nuts over coffee. Or beer. Or on guitars (my case). The clothing world is no different. And it just gets more and more specific, as you zoom in on the microscope. I share here, with you, a little of what I've been discovering about watches.

Keep the watch in mind as a symbol Watches are accessories that have a history and, therefore, like everything in life, carry a symbolic charge. By having some idea about your origins, you can identify elements that you would like to bring to your presence, qualities that you would like people to perceive in you.

The wristwatch, before becoming a classic men's accessory, was actually worn mainly by women of the aristocracy. It is said that the first watch was given to Queen Elizabeth I, in 1571, by Robert Dudley. Men's watches were pocket watches and were very rare and expensive. The male wristwatch began to be used most notably by the English army in the midst of the Anglo-Burmese war, during the 19th century, when it was realized that a

mechanism was needed to synchronize battle actions that could not be recognized by the enemy. And, of course, when you carry a lot of weaponry, taking the accessory out of your pocket should certainly not be the most practical task. There is a legend that considers Santos-Dumont the inventor of the wristwatch. The story, in fact, is that he requested a watch of the type to facilitate his activity as an aviator. His adoption of the play was important for popularization among men, who were reluctant, despite its use in the army. After a while, the magic was done. Men from the most aristocratic circles took the wristwatch as an important element of status. Punctual, disciplined and mature men should certainly have one. Of course, for us, it's not just that information that counts. The variety of materials, sizes, shapes and functions greatly influences this result. But keep that in mind.

The material talks a lot There are watches of all types, for all tastes, that highlight all types of physical and / or significant qualities. Choosing is probably one of those tasks that has a great chance of catching a person, due to the number of options available. Each detail that makes up the product carries a meaning. Therefore, when thinking about what type of watch you want, it may be important to first think about what quality you want to transmit and, from there, research what types of materials and colors carry which messages. I strongly suggest giving up cheap internet guides, since these aspects are cultural. Looking in books and also trusting your affective memory can help a lot.

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