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核心素養— 英語閱讀大晉級


Core Competency


以閱讀策略為架構 融入多元文本 跨文化理解與批判性思考 一次到位



養的目標,為的是培養帶得走的能力。故核心素養的教學是以技巧活用知識的吸收、 以態度支持技巧的培養,在結合生活情境的實際學習實際過程中,培養面對未來的所

需。另一方面,在全球依存關係越發緊密的21世紀,優異的英語能力能強化自主行 動、有效溝通互動,並擴大社會參與的範圍。換句話說,英語力是國際人才培養的關 鍵,而核心素養就是未來生活的DNA。

空英《核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級》是專為核心素養培養所設計的閱讀專刊。本 書立基於雜誌五十年淬鍊的超群專業之上,結合生活情境、與時俱進且豐富多元的英 語文學習內容,搭配高品質母語老師的錄音檔,連結核心素養的關鍵能力,讓英語學 習與核心素養兩者互相抬襯,學生學習翻倍!本書同時以精準的閱讀策略為架構,細 緻的切分出素養導向的閱讀能力,幫助學生打下紮實的基本功。


別點出文化差異,能開啟學生的跨文化理解,培養國際視野與世界觀。這本精緻的專 刊能有效滿足學生英文學習、閱讀策略和核心素養等三種學習目標,一次到位,非常 適合教師授課或學生自學使用。不論你是為了學習、檢定,或是為未來投入職場做準 備,這本《核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級》都能滿足你的需求。推薦給大家!


中華民國核心素養學會理事長 國立台灣師範大學師資培育學院助理教授 ETS® 認證TOEFL iBT® 測驗專業發展工作坊講師

Part I. 基礎實力打底

Unit 1

What’s So Funny?

Let’s have a good laugh!

Unit 2

Family of Joy

One big happy family is making a difference

Unit 3

Share the Road

However you travel, remember to be courteous

Unit 4

The Pokémon Phenomenon

The rise of Pokémon through the years

Part II. 閱讀中找資訊

Unit 5

Model United Nations for Students

This international program prepares students to become future leaders

Unit 6

Jane Eyre

Can love really conquer all?

Unit 7

A Simple Act of Gratitude

Can being thankful turn your life around?

Unit 8

Fashionably Eco-Friendly

Could your old favorite sweater become someone else’s treasure?

Core Competency


符號運用 與溝通表達 身心素質 與自我精進 系統思考 與解決問題

Reading Strategy 閱讀策略

Vocabulary 單字 Phrase 片語 Collocation 搭配詞

科技資訊 與媒體素養

Sentence Pattern 句型

多元文化 與國際理解 身心素質 與自我精進

Main idea 主旨

Detail—Who 細節—人物

Detail—What 細節—事件

身心素質 與自我精進 系統思考 與解決問題
Detail—Why 細節—原因 1 7 14 21 28 35 42 49

Unit 9

Save the Sharks

Sharks help keep our ocean healthy

Unit 10

Fei-Fei Li: Big Brain, Bigger Heart

This brilliant scientist cares about much more than science

Unit 11

Becoming a YouTuber

What it’s like to make internet videos

Unit 12

Should I Eat This?

Genetically modified (GM) foods are safe to eat… aren’t they?

Unit 13

To Kill a Mockingbird

Learning about racism in a small town

Unit 14

Choosing Fair Trade

Help the people who make the products you use

Unit 15

Animal Cruelty Harm done to animals must stop

Unit 16

The Advantages and Challenges of Wind Energy

Chasing the promise of wind power

Unit 17

Mercy Ships

A floating hospital provides medical care for poor communities

Unit 18


When seeing shouldn’t be believing

Core Competency


道德實踐 與公民意識

符號運用 與溝通表達 規劃執行 與創新應變 規劃執行 與創新應變

系統思考 與解決問題 多元文化 與國際理解 符號運用 與溝通表達 符號運用 與溝通表達 道德實踐 與公民意識

Reading Strategy 閱讀策略

Detail—When & Where I 細節—時間∕地點 1

道德實踐 與公民意識

Detail—When & Where II 細節—時間∕地點

Detail—How 細節—緣由 Summary 摘要

Exactly the same words 相同的字詞

Same words, different forms 相同意思,不同詞性

Related words
Inversely related 相反的描述方式 55 62 69 77 83 90 98 105 112 119 Part III. 理解實力培養
Synonyms 近義字 Similar ideas 句義接近

Unit 19

Shakespeare Week Teaching

appreciate a great writer

Unit 20

Core Competency


自我精進 與藝術涵養

Reading Strategy 閱讀策略

Chunking 字詞組塊

道德實踐 與公民意識

Compare / Contrast 比較資訊與對比思考

課文朗讀 Scan the code to listen to the audio reading for each article

Hope for the Future Educating refugee children gives them the chance to improve their lives Answer Key 翻譯 125 133 141 177

IWhat’s So Funny?

Let’s have a good Iaugh!

want to look for my missing watch, but I can never find time! Are you laughing? That was a joke. Many jokes are puns, like this one. The expression “find the time” normally means making or using time to do something. But in this joke, I actually can’t find the time because my watch is missing. A pun uses words with many meanings or words with a similar sound to create humor. “A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it’s two-tired” is also a pun. “Two-tired” sounds just like “too tired.” Using and understanding puns requires a degree of cleverness

The English language joking tradition often starts by prepping the audience with a question. Some of these questions start with particular phrases, such as “Did you hear about …?” or “What do you call a …?” Most English speakers know a joke usually follows these phrases. Sometimes just asking the question gets a few giggles

A good joke can brighten someone’s day and make them laugh. Learn a few today, and share them with your friends!


Let’s have a good laugh!

片語 have a (good) laugh 有「大笑,盡情地 笑」的意思。通常是因為某事滑稽可笑又有趣, 讓人忍不住放聲大笑之意。不過,have a laugh 視情況也有「一笑置之」的意思。

• Instead of getting angry over the practical joke, everyone decided to just have a laugh.

Your turn


* 跟大家分享的是一種美國人講笑話的形 式, knock knock 也就是敲門的動作,講話 話的那個人會先說 knock knock ,你就要回答 who’s there? 誰在敲門,這個時候,他會發揮創 意,可能說 Doris,是 Doris 在門外,你就要回 答,Doris who?(_______ who?),哪個 Doris? 他可能很無厘頭地說 Door is open. 也就是門已 經打開了,跟上下文的脈絡完全不搭嘎,只不過 接起來很順,聽起來也很俏皮而已,而這就是笑 點!很多東方人聽不懂這樣的美式笑話,或是覺 得一點都不好笑,您覺得呢?

1 核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級 UNIT

Key Word

normally (adv) [:nOrm/li] 通常;一般地

He’s normally a very loud and talkative person. cleverness (n) [:klEv-nIs] 聰明;機靈

Anita proved her cleverness when she solved the case.

prep (v) [prEp] (使)準備

The students spent all night prepping for their test the next day.

giggle (n) [:gIg/l] 咯咯笑;傻笑

Everyone felt that the baby’s giggle was so cute.

More Information

pun (n) [p<n] 雙關語

Word Family

clever (adj) [:klEv-] 靈巧的;熟練的

Jim is clever at making excuses. cleverly (adv) [:klEv-li] 聰明地;靈巧地

The teacher cleverly handled the tricky situation.

Developing Key Competencies

I. Quick review

Some jokes are puns and some jokes start with questions. A good joke is clever and brings a few laughs.

II. Examples of jokes

A. Pun jokes: Match the question and the answer.

Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?

Why did the student eat his homework?

Why was the baby strawberry crying?

What did the little corn say to the mama corn?

What animal is always at a baseball game?

Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

Where is popcorn?

Because he was stuffed.

A bat.

Because her mom and dad were in a jam.

核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級 2

B. Knock-knock jokes: Practice telling these jokes with a partner.

A: Knock, knock.

B: Who’s there?

A: Cow says.

B: Cow says who?

A: No, a cow says mooooo!

A: Knock, knock.

B: Who’s there?

A: Robin.

B: Robin who?

A: Robin you, now hand over the cash.

A: Knock, knock.

B: Who’s there?

A: Boo.

B: Boo who?

A: No need to cry, it’s only a joke.

A: Knock, knock.

B: Who’s there?

A: Hatch.

B: Hatch who?

A: Bless you, friend.

A: Knock, knock.

B: Who’s there?

A: Tank.

B: Tank who?

A: You’re welcome.

A: Knock, knock.

B: Who’s there?

A: Lettuce.

B: Lettuce who?

A: Lettuce in, it’s cold out here!

C. Question (Criss Cross) jokes: Try answering the questions, and then try writing your own question jokes.

1. What do you get when you cross a roller-skater and a rocking chair?

2. What do you get when you cross a strawberry with a road?

3. What do you get if you cross a cat with a parrot?

4. What do you get when you cross a cow with a trampoline?

5. What do you get when you cross a karate expert with a pig?

3 核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級
© Arnold Lee / ORTV

6. What do you get when you cross a(n) __________ with a(n) __________?

A: ____________________!

7. What do you get when you cross a(n) __________ with a(n) __________?

A: ____________________!

8. What do you get when you cross a(n) __________ with a(n) __________?

A: ____________________!

Part 1

Reading Strategy

Vocabulary 單字量

若說“精進英文閱讀理解力的關鍵取決於單字量多寡”,相信沒有人會反對。的確, 在閱讀英文文章時,總會因遇到不懂的單字而停下查閱,耗費時間不說,也無法真正融入

文章情境和享受閱讀的樂趣。因此,“如何增加英文單字量?”一直是英語學習者最常提 出的問題。

那麼什麼才是“有效增加單字量”的方式呢?學習者可以試著跳脫傳統單一學習單字的 印象:[expression (n.) 語詞] 從一個英文字應對一個中文意思,進而透過多層次的角度來 學習並真正認識一個單字。在眾多可以檢視單字的方式中,本章節有以下兩個要點切入:

1. 拼法與發音— 初次看到一個單字時,我們本能地會將它唸出來,那麼要唸得出來, 就要試著從拼法上面去揣摩發音。因此,拼法和發音可以說是相輔相成的。所幸, 現今有眾多的線上字典(例:https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/ )可供查閱,也 可以聽到單字的英式與美式發音。建議學習者可善加利用。

2. 詞性與多個中文意思— 一個單字的詞性不同,字尾會改變,意思也會有些許差異, 甚至在發音的重音都有可能隨之改變。因此,要徹底地瞭解一個單字,這些差異也 應一併考量。比方說:

— expression是“名詞”,為“語詞,表達,措辭”之意。

— express作“動詞”,為“表示,陳述”之意。[註]

— expressive是“形容詞”,為“表情生動的,富表達力的”之意。

核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級 4
閱讀策略 閱讀實力打底

[註] express 一字視前後文而定,也有可能當名詞、形容詞,或副詞使用。比方 說:express delivery 便為“快遞”之意,此時express便是形容詞。

3. 單字造詞— 真正認識一個單字,包括要瞭解其用法,比方說:

— Facial expression 面部表情

— Express train 直達車

— Expressive eyes 眼睛會說話

由此可以清楚地看出,單字並非一個蘿蔔一個坑帶入一個中文意思就好,而是要多面 向地瞭解其所有用法,才算真正學會。

Exercise I. Check the following words in an online dictionary of your choice and fill in the table.(瞭解其家族字變化形及個別詞性與用法)

1. cleverness

詞性 拼法 發音 中文意思 造詞

2. particular

詞性 拼法 發音 中文意思 造詞

3. brighten

詞性 拼法 發音 中文意思 造詞

5 核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級

Exercise II. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Q1. __________, Mr. Smith arrives at the meetings on time.

(A) Normally

(B) Normal

(C) Normality

Q2. Dress professionally if you want to __________ a good impression at work.

(A) creativity

(B) creative

(C) create

Q3. I’ve never been to Italy and has little __________ of its history

(A) understand

(B) understanding

(C) understandable

Thought-provoking Questions


1. What is your favorite joke? What is special about that joke?

2. Do you like telling jokes? Why or why not?

3. In your opinion, what is something that we shouldn’t joke about? Why not?

4. Do you think English jokes (puns) are easy or difficult to understand?

5. How would you react when you don’t understand a joke?

核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級 6
© Arnold Lee / ORTV

Answer Key 解答

Unit 1

Developing Key Competencies 素養學習

II. Examples of jokes

A. Pun jokes: Match the question and the answer.

Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?

Why did the student eat his homework?

Why was the baby strawberry crying?

What did the little corn say to the mama corn?

What animal is always at a baseball game?

Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

Where is pop corn?

Because he was stuffed.

A bat.

Because her mom and dad were in a jam.

C. Question (Criss Cross) jokes: Try answering the questions, and then try writing your own question jokes.

1. What do you get when you cross a roller-skater and a rocking chair?

A: Rock & roll!

2. What do you get when you cross a strawberry with a road?

A: A traffic jam!

3. What do you get if you cross a cat with a parrot?

A: A carrot!

4. What do you get when you cross a cow with a trampoline?

A: A milkshake!

5. What do you get when you cross a karate expert with a pig?

A: A pork chop!

125 核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級

Reading Strategy 閱讀策略

Exercise I. Check the following words in an online dictionary of your choice and fill in the table.(瞭解其家族字變化形及個別詞性與用法)

1. cleverness

詞性 拼法 發音 中文意思 造詞

名詞 cleverness [:klev-;n/s] 機靈,聰穎 show his cleverness

形容詞 clever [:klev-] 聰明的,機警的 a clever plan

副詞 cleverly [:klev-;li] 巧妙地,靈巧地 talk cleverly

2. particular

詞性 拼法 發音 中文意思 造詞

名詞 particular [p-:tIkj/l-] 細項,細目,特點 further particular

形容詞 particular [p-:tIkj/l-] 特定的,詳細的 particular experience

副詞 particularly [p-:tIkj/l-li] 尤其,特別 particularly important

3. brighten

詞性 拼法 發音 中文意思 造詞

動詞 brighten [:braIs;t/n] 使發光,發亮 brighten up

形容詞 bright [braIt] 明亮的,光亮的 a bright room

副詞 brightly [:braIt;li] 鮮明地,明亮地 brightly colored

Exercise II. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Q1. (A) Normally

註解:置於句首且根據句意,應是“一般來說,史密斯先生開會都準備到。”較為何 理, 故選 (A) Normally 副詞。

Q2. (C) create

註解:看到空格前有 want to 可判斷其後應接原型動詞,故選 (C) create 為最佳答案。

Q3. (B) understanding

註解:看到空格前後個有 little 和 of,可判斷空格內應放名詞,且根據語意應是“對其 歷史瞭解不深”較為合理,故選 (B) understanding 為最佳答案。

核心素養-英語閱讀大晉級 126

Unit 1

What’s So Funny?



想找我遺失的手錶,不過總是找不到時間!你笑了嗎?這可是一則笑話。很多笑話其 實都是雙關語,就像這一則。「找時間」這個措辭,通常指騰出或花時間來做某事。

但在這則笑話中,我確實找不到時間,因為我的手錶不見了。雙關語運用具有多種涵義或者是 發音類似的字詞,來製造幽默。「腳踏車無法自己站好,因為它只有兩個輪子,」這也是一個 雙關語。「兩個輪子」聽來近似於「太累了」。運用及理解雙關語需要具備一定程度的聰明伶 俐。

傳統英文笑話一開始,通常會丟給觀眾一個問題做為開端。這些提問中,有些會以特定 的片語開始,例如:「你們是否曾聽過……?」或是「你們會稱呼一個……叫什麼?」大多數 英語為母語的人都知道,笑話通常會伴隨著這些片語出現。所以有時候,僅僅提問便會引發咯 咯笑聲。

一則好的笑話能夠照亮他人一整天,並且讓人開懷大笑。今天就學幾則笑話,和朋友一 同分享吧!






A:生菜進來,你就知道了! (Lettuce 諧音接近 Let us)







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First Edition: December 2021

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核心素養—英語閱讀大晉級 增訂版


跨領域的語言學習,不僅拓展知識領域,也提升 多面向的素養能力。

本書精選20篇文章,涵蓋多元文化、經典文學、 數位科技、自然環境,社群媒體乃至慈善公益等 主題,透過符合108 課綱精神的題目設計,開展讀 者更深度的思考探索能力,延伸涉獵不同領域的 知識並結合客觀經驗,產生對特定領域的探索與 理解,培養出問題解決、系統思考、國際理解及 公民意識等能力及態度。

每單元的設計分成主題文章、素養學習、閱讀技 巧及深入思考等四大區塊,另在閱讀策略學習上, 以六種主要閱讀題型,貫穿各章節並視文章內容 來配置合適的題型。藉由不同題組的練習有效掌 握文章重點及閱讀技巧。


● 20個閱讀主題文章,練出跨領域知識力

● 6種閱讀題型,掌握文章閱讀關鍵技巧力

● 核心素養活動,培養不同深淺層次思考力



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