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Letter from Our Board President

By Alison Handlin



• The capital project to transform our Seattle campus for future generations is underway. We’re delighted to share a few updates with you in this issue of Tidings (please see page 23).

• Development has been my greatest passion since joining the Board, and I look forward to continuing to be involved. I’m excited for Sarah Goldhammer to take on the role of Development Chair and provide a fresh perspective.

• The Board will also continue to focus on long-term financial stability to ensure that Temple will thrive well into the future.

I’d like to thank all our Board members for their leadership, as well as Temple’s talented and dedicated clergy and staff. And, last but not least, I’d like to thank you for helping us create such a warm and welcoming community at Temple.

I’m grateful to my predecessor, Aaron Alhadeff, for his guidance and support as I take on this role. Like Aaron, I believe that Temple should prioritize relationships over transactions. My top priority is ensuring that Temple is responsive to the needs of our diverse and growing community, and that members of all ages and stages of life feel deeply connected to Temple.

I’m excited to be working with new and returning Board members as we plan for Temple’s future. Here are just a few highlights:

Torah Study

Saturdays, 9:30-10:30 AM

In-person in Seattle or on Zoom

Begin your Shabbat morning with an hour-long interactive study of the week’s Torah’s portion and its implications on our lives. Everyone is welcome, and no prior experience is necessary.

I look forward to seeing you at Temple this fall; if we haven’t met, feel free to introduce yourself!


Sunday Morning Schmooze

Sundays at 10:00 AM on both campuses

Bringing kids to Religion School on Sunday morning? Stick around and schmooze with other Temple families. Bagels and coffee are ready by 10:00 AM - join us!