Records Volume 68: Spain and the Jacobean Catholics Volume 2

Page 59

JUNE 1614


4 For Winwood's activities in the House of Commons see Moir, T. L. The Addled Parliament of 1614, Oxford, 1958, pp. 109-11. For later comments of James Ion Winwood see The Narrative pp. 318-19.

13. THE COUNT OF CASTRO TO PHILIP III . Rome, 21 June 1614. Original autograph, 1 page, E 1000/67.

(p.l) + Senor Haviendo yo hablado al Papa sobre materias del mundo me mando que en su nombre escriviese a Vuestra Magestad tres cosas. La primera que siendo tan conocida la maldad de intencion con que todos los hereges se un en y corroboran hoy dia juzga que conviene mucho velar sobre elIos, la segunda que a 10 que de muchas partes se entiende lleuan todos estos mira de hazer cabeza al Rey de Inglaterra que es bien pensar desde luego en impedir este efecto,l la tercera que para todo es muy malo que los Olandeses se holgan con haverse puesto en Juliers especialmente con pretexto de asegurar el estado para cuyo fuese el derecho que es muy grande desverguen9ia que estos seguieron abonanzar officio que no les toca. 2 Sirvase Vuestra Magestad de mandar que me escriuia la respuesta que ha de dar al Papa. EI Conde de Castro [Translation: ] + Sire, Having spoken to the pope about world affairs he advised me to write in his name three things to your Majesty. The first is that, since there is wide knowledge of the malign intention with which all heretics are uniting and in league at the present day, he has decided that it would be very proper to be on the watch against them. The second is that, since from many sides it is understood that all of them plan to give the leadership to the king of England, it is best to plan from henceforth on how to prevent this from taking effect. 1 The third is that it is very bad in every respect that the Dutch are staying in their place acquired in Julich particularly under the excuse that they are supporting a regime for whose cause a right exists. It is a very great shame that they would continue to retain the advantage of a place which is not their concern. 2 May your Majesty be pleased to command that there be written to me the response which is to be given to the Pope. rautograph) The Count of Castro.

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