Records Volume 65: Post Reformation Catholicism in Bath Volume 1

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minutes past 8. T. Mr John Wright. Met Mrs Strickland, Mrs Bennet and Mrs Holroyd. Thursday 18 [Dec.] Called to Mrs King. Gave her the viaticum and last blessiI1f. Conf: heard Mass. Read the Introduction to Mr Fletcher's Manual, I O an excellent work. Called on Quin, 17 Avon St. - his [?] conf: and absolution, and on Melin, Beaufort Sqr. D. Mrs Hartzinck. T. Miss Hotham, a musical party: two Italian harpers and a French violin, excellent. Friday 19 [Dec. ] Gave extreme unction and com: to QUin, 17 Avon St. Called on another sick man. After breakfast called on Mr Weston. Afterwards on Miss Walsh about a poor man, on Mrs Butler about Do., on Mrs Ferrers etc . Met there Mr Romeo Coates 1 07 and was introduced to him. Miss Shaw called. D. at home . Prepared for instruction. Gave Do. from ~ past 7 to ~ past 8. T. at home. Said office. Read a little in Brittain's Cath: Principles. 1 08 Saturday 20 [Dec.] Conf: Heard Mass. B. Conf: Baptized Mrs Wilkes's child. 1 09 Called on Mrs Melin and appointed Monday morning for burying her husband, who died on Friday. Called also on Mr Dalton and Mrs Willan. D. at home. Conf: 2 general ones. T. at home . Sermon from 9 till 11. Mr Phipps of Leighton House, near Westbury, Wilts., called. Agreed to go to his wife Monday sent. 11 0 Sunday 21 [Dec.] M. The obligation of this district. B. Miss Cary. Preached. Counted the money collected for the hospital, ÂŁ16. 4. 3~; something more promised. Called on Mrs Nihell. Vespers and Benediction. An Irishman came with the child of a protestant woman (it had no legitimate father) and requested me to baptize it. When I refused on the plea of its parent being protestant he said "I command you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (to baptize the child) to make this child a Christian" etc. - a funny scene. D. Mr Conolly. Met Dr. and Mrs Barlow - Entered the new way into the chapel first time. Monday 22 Decr. Took medicine. Mr Pattrick called about the music. Called on Mr Butler, Mrs Willan, Mrs and Miss Barrett. Buried Augustine Melin, 17 Beauford Sqr. D. at home. T. Misses Morrill and Gooderick. Afterwards Mrs Langton and met Miss Conolly. Prepared this morning a sketch for Thursday's sermon. Tuesday 23 [Dec.] Visited Mrs Lincoln, sick. M. Mrs Mary Aimylll 106 The Catholic's Manual: An Exposition of the Controverted Doctrines of the Catholic Church , with Preliminary Reflections and Notes, by the Rev. John Fletcher (1817), based on Bossuet's Expostion de la Doctrine de I'Eglise Catholique sur les Matieres de Controverse (1671). 107 The wealthy and flamboyant amateur actor, Robert Coates (D.N.B.). 108 Lewis Brittain, Principles of the Christian Religion and Catholic Faith Investigated (1790) 109 For entry of baptism, see Reg. 2. 110 Presumably sennight: the Monday after next; see, however, entry for 30 Dec. For the Phipps family see Burke's Landed Gentry; also v. C.H. , Wilts., VIII, passim. 111 Mrs Arney of 6 St John's Place occurs in 1819 Directory, p. 41.

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