Records Volume 64: Spain and the Jacobean Catholics Vol 1

Page 224



63. ALONSO DE VELASCO TO PHILIP III. London, 29 June 1612. Original decipher, 2 pages, E 2589/53. Although brief, this document illustrates the close link of the English Catholic question to the marriages of James's children on the con tinen t. As early as February 1611 Castro had reported from Rome that Paul V wished assurances that Princess Elizabeth would secretly become a Catholic either before or after a marriage to the Prince of Piedmont (E2513,n.fol.,consulta of 5 May 1611). Robert Cecil had already made it clear that this was not acceptable to a special envoy from Savoy in March when he said "he had sufficientlie cleered the argument of his master's synning against his conscience, seeing by waie of permu tation libertie should be graunted; for either it was good or evill, if evill in them, our doing the like, excused not theirs ... " (B.M. StoweMss:, vol. , 172, f. 4, Cecil to Edmondes, 30 March 1611).


+ Senor EI embaxador deste Rey escriue 1 que en la ultima platica que tubo con el Duque de Lerma tocante a cassamientos Ie dixo que como aqui se acomodase el punto de la religion Vuestra Magestad estimara el parentesco destos reyes y haria todas las demostraciones de amor que se pudiesen dessear con 10 qual han mostrado tener todos mucho gusto y Ie bueluen a dar orden para que sepa con claridad 10 que Vuestra Magestad manda se haga en materia de religion y assi mismo la seguridad que podran del cassamiento de la Senora Infanta 2 segunda con este Principe 3 en caso que se resuelua a esperarla y de qualquiera manera conuiene entretener esta platica quanto fuere possible porque todavia se 'podrian encaminar las cosas al bien universal de la Iglesia Catolica principalmente despues que murio el conde de Salzberi con cuya ' falta han cay do las platicas de cassamiento con Florencia y el Palatino y otras maquinas proprias de su mala intencion. 4 Guarde Nuestro Senor, etc. [Translation: ]

+ Sire, This King is ambassador has written l that during his recent conversation with the Duke of Lerma concerning the marriages he told him that in view of the unde.rstanding reached here on the question of religion your Majesty will treasure the bond with this monarchy and

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