Records Volume 52: The Letters and Despatches of Richard Verstegan

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VERSTEGAN TO CARDINAL ALLEN. Antwerp, 25 of September, 1593.

Stonyhurst, Coll. B, 131. Holograph. This is a copy sent to Fr. Persons and was probably enclosed with the next despatch.

The copie of my letter unto our Cardinall, sent hence the 25 of September, 1593. Most Reverend etc. Whereas I have heretofore signified unto Your Grace that our freindes in [England]! have divers tymes given advertisment that the King of N avarr hathe written unto the Queen that, notwithstanding he dissembleth religion, she nedeth not to doubte him, for he will ever be a sure freind unto her, and after he shalbe in quiet possession of the crowne (which by this meane he doubteth not of), he will joyne with her and some states in Italy to make offensive warres against the King of Spaine. 2 So now againe in a letter from thesame party dated in [England]! the 10 of this September are thease woordes, videlicet : "The newes of the King of Navarr his going to Masse dothe nothing displease the State here, for it is assuredly believed that he dothe it but to seeke advantage which by this meanes he is most lykely to obtaine, and then there is no doubte but he wilbe thesame man he was" . Thus farr thesaid letter. 3 And least it might be signified unto His Holynesse by some inward favorers of Navarr's that such reportes of letters of his to be written to the Queen are but fictions of his enemyes,4 I thought it my parte and duty to deliver unto Your Grace such reasons as sufficiently may argue and confirme the truthe thereof. 1. The first is the credit of those parties from whome at sundry tymes thesaid advertisments have corne. 2. Secondly, that his ambassador continueth in as great credit and favour with the Queen as ever,5 and that, of late, yf Navar himself for some dissembling considerations had not refused it, they would have made him Knight of the Garter. 6 3. Thirdly, whereas the manner of Navar his pretended conversion was either on the pre sse or printed in England, it was presently called in and forbidden,7 and the ministers advertised that in there sermons they should not medle with him nor his actions, and the lyke order hathe also bene taken in Holland and Zealand, to the States of which provinces he hathe written to the lyke effect that he hathe written unto the Queen. 4. And foourthly, their redynesse in England to send him succours bothe of men and munition as willingly as ever, yf himself shall 182

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