The Boujee Plant Club

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Boujee Plant CLUB


Boujee Plant CLUB

SNAKE PLANT Dracaena trifasciata

25 Dollars or a new shirt...

How does a green thumb cost $59?

UMBRELLA TREE Schefflera actinophyll

WEEPING FIG Ficus benjamina

Greed can be just $39...

PALM SPINDLE Hyophorbe Verschaffeltii

Can feel a lil’ shady for just $65

Can feel a lil shady for just $79

I could get this for $30 or pay off my school loan?

RUBBER FIG Fiscus Robusta

ZEBRA PLANT Calathea Zebrina

Coffee for my 8 AM class, or pay $25 for this...

Anybody got a spare $15 for me? No? Okay.

DESERT CACTUS Cactaceae Juss

ARECA PALM Dypsis lutescens

$49 won’t hurt my savings account too much right?

$39 for my phone bill, or make my house look cute as hell.

MONEY PLANT Pilea Variegate

MARBLED POTHOS Epipremnum Aureum

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy this plant for $20

I need my haircut, but I also need a green friend for $12.

ZEBRA HAWORTHIA Haworthiopsis attenuata

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