Just Be Pawsitive (A Cool Cat Zine)

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Just be Pawsitive a cool cat zine

Created by: Taylin Wells

Created by: Taylin Wells

Taylin wells

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Todays issue subject IS:

But, What is self love?

self love: (noun)

regard for one’s own well-being and happiness (chiefly considered as a desirable rather than narcissistic characteristic).

brought to you by: yeah, you know it! it’s the famous show ran in the good 2000’s calledthe office! out cats are going give out some tips and tricks on taking care of yourself through hard times (or even just a minor inconvience you’re expiriencing at the moment. No judgement!) Gosh aren’t you lucky to hear from the character impersonators themselves. cats and acting, it’s the new style! also, ignore the hairballs, we know it’s embarassing. But, if cats know one thing, it’s surely how to pamper yourself and grow some of that good ol’ fashioned confidence!

Tip #1 be yourself:

There’s probably been a point in time where you’ve wanted to impress other people or yourself by being a different person. But, was this person really you? probably not. you don’t have to be something you’re not, and thats okay! You were made the way that you are for a reason. the world is ready for it! Love it, flaunt it, and embrace it. We promise good things will come your way when doing so. once you bring positive energy towards yourself, positive energy will start coming your way from the outside .

I’m Pr

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Half Empty Bowl


Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture

They’re the same picture...

Tip #2

Make sure you eat your meals: we know this is a silly thing to say, but somethimes it’s needed. taking care of yourself on a necessary level is such a big and important thing. Even getting out of bed, or out of pajamas is a good start to getting ready for the day. you’ll feel ready and energized, you feel better and more productive! Breakfast is always a fun and delicous meal you can always put a little personal twist to. if breakfast isn’t your thing that’s okay! just as long as you get a good energized snack or a hearty meal. your body is a temple, and deserves yummy good (and even healthy!) food.

Tip #3

Embrace the things you love: we all have our guilty pleasures in life, you’re definately not the only one. and it’s such a wonderful thing too. whether it’s your music taste, or loving anime over reality tv shows, nothing is too weird to love. (as long as it doesn’t harm others anyways). so today, sit back and watch that movie you’ve been meaning to for a while. or maybe find a blog about your favorite interests that you feel you can’t talk to other friends about. (because they don’t know anything about the subject. i promise we’ve been there.) So put on your cool hats and love what you love, because everything fun and dorky in the world derserves some love and recognition too! Be weird, be fun, be cool!

Dwight S.

Tip #4

get out and Do the things you love: finally, we wanted to give a lencouragement to go have fun and be engaging with yourself! it could be picking up and old hobby you left behind years ago. or maybe a project you started and forgot all about because of a busy schedule. it’s never too late to start on something new and creative. even if you don’t feel like you’re creative enough, who cares! as long as you enjoyed doing it in the end. hobbies are meant for the fun and engagement, not for being self critical. we know it might be easier said then done, but don’t fret! we know you can do it.

Tip #5

do something that scares you: just jump the gun! stop being afraid and just do the damn thing! we all have that one thing, so don’t try and weddle our of it. Whether big or small, we know you can do it. even if you don’t believe in you (which you should btw) we sure do! The only thing to fear is fear itself. heck, cats get spooked by someone sneezing in the room next to them. fear is natural but shouldn’t be controling either! as long as it’s not harmful, then you should take the leap of faith with whatever it is. the worse that can happen is that you can always learn from it.



It’s called hentai, and it’s art

Tip #6

entertain yourself: We all have guilty pleasures. Enjoyment in life is subjective. Enjoy what you love but also just induldge yourself with it. there’s that awesome netflix show everyones binge watching, why not check it out! or that favorite snack of yours that you haven’t had in a hot minute. It would be delicous right about now huh? you know we don’t have to tell you what to do, but your heart has those favorite things for a reason! so, Wrap yourself in a blanket burrito, and dive into whatever it is that’s your favorite thing. we give you permission, cause you deserve it! get yourself some sugar... (metaphoraclly and literally)

Tip #7

Stay physically active: even just a simple walk outside or going from one room to the next can be all that it takes. once you start going, give a loving push yourself to do something you like. who knows, it might turn into something new that you would’ve never tried before! maybe, you can even become a pro and show off to all your good friends later! Make sure to just not hurt yourself in the process, or end up in a dumpster and get a broken leg. Trying not to be too specific here.



hardcore parkour!!!!


Tip #8

Don’t be stubborn, eat some greens We know kevin can’t eat broccoli, but maybe you can! does it have to be that exactly? no. but that’s alright. there’s all kinds of greens to go around! veggies have all those awesome vitamins that your body will definately thank you for later. You can make a fun DIY salad at home, or even cook a new dinner meal that hids the veggies (if you loathe them that much). There’s all kinds of recipes you can find on the good ol internets. adding a fun and cool flair to something that might not sound super good is always something good to try out. cooking can be a fun hobby to do while also feedings yourself too! food is always nice, but it’s okay if cooking doesn’t end up being your favorite thing! just make sure you intake some good heathly shizz.

Tip #9

don’t panic, everything will be okay: times are...weird. times are even stressful right now to say the least. all we can do in this world is try our damn hardest. with that said, you also shouldn’t put too much energy towards stressing, it’s not good for anybody in the end. the world needs more love to go around including youself. even if you feel okay, there will come a time where you might not feel as good. no matter the reason, it’s valid to feel your feelings. a good way to deal with those feelings is giving yourself a reminder of love. there is one true form of love that can be learned to count on, and that’s the art of self love. even if it feels like it’s everyone for themselves, you can always learn to know that you still have you at the very end of the day.

oh god its happening, everyone stay calm!

Hope you enjoyed some Fun and goofy content

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