TK9 Treasures of the Sea

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lunar luxury The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for sharing and giving thanks. While millions are preparing to dig into all manner of traditional mooncakes, the festival’s famous culinary delight, those looking for an original alternative this year can opt for La Maison du Chocolat’s exotic Moonchocolates . Five different selections harbor flavors like ginger, blueberry and praline. Mid-Autumn revelers will also appreciate the lucky cloud and moon designs printed on both chocolates and their packaging. 又来到分享欢乐与表达感谢的中秋佳节,许多人 正 在 挑 选 琳 琅 满 目 的 传 统 月 饼。 但 今 年, 您 可 以 拥 有 不 一 样 的 选 择。 法 国 进 口 La Maison du Chocolat 中秋朱古力礼盒发挥独特创意,精选鲜

La Maison du Chocolat 2801 4880, Shop 2006 2/F, IFC Mall, 1 Harbour View, Central 中環港景街1號國際金 融中心商場2樓2006號舖

姜、蓝莓、果仁等五种口味,并于朱古力本身 及包装上均绘有象征喜庆吉祥的云中邀月图案, 是中秋佳节最亮眼、体面的精致礼品。


a taste of le salon de thé no need for diners to pack their passports: a taste of France can now be found at the new location of Le Salon de Thé de Joël Robuchon. The chic tea salon, which opened in the ifc mall this summer, seats sixty and offers an afternoon tea service in addition to decadent pastries

C o U R T E S y o F L A M A I S o n D U C H o C o L AT, A TA S T E o F L E S A L o n D E T H é

and macarons almost too beautiful to eat. Think creamy mango cheesecake, fresh mixed fruit tart and chocolate cappuccino cake dusted with cocoa powder. The behindthe-scenes secret is simple: top-of-the-line fresh ingredients that elevate natural flavors. Délicieux! 品尝法式美味,何须远赴法国? Le Salon de Thé de Joël Robuchon 于香港国际金融中心商场盛大开幕,风格时尚, 内附 60 个座位,供应下午茶、各式诱人甜点及造型精巧、 令人爱不释手的马卡龙,法式美味,一次满足。还有绵 密的芒果起司蛋糕、新鲜综合水果塔及洒缀可可粉的巧 克力卡布奇诺蛋糕,每样都是让人食指大动的顶级甜点。 美味秘诀在于 :运用品质最好的新鲜食材,突显原味的 鲜美。好吃没话说! +852 2234 7422, september 2013



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