TK32 Along the Irrawaddy

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tokyo underground Yojimbo lounge bar shakes up Central with an all-night entertainment experience.



TK | along the irrawadd y

「隐蔽」 、 「引人入胜」 、 「 神 秘 」, 这 三 个 词 汇 充 份 代 表 了 由 明 星 设 计 师 Ashley Sutton 所 打 造、 充 满 怀 旧 氛 围、 现 下 香 港 最 具 时 尚 魅 力 的 夜 店 ,他长久以来对东京银座古怪但具特 「Yojimbo」 色的酒吧深深著迷,设计灵感亦来自于此。取名 「Yojimbo」是向 Ashley 最喜爱的电影之一- 1961 年的武士电影《大镖客》致敬。 夜店平日营业至凌晨三点,周末延长至五点, 邀请来自世界各地的 DJ 轮番上阵,让整晚舞蹈节 奏不停。还有大师级的调酒师 Alberto Aldave,一 杯接着一杯调制以日本为灵感所独创的招牌鸡尾 酒。 其 中 Alberto 的 创 作 Harajuku Girl 最 赏 心 悦 目,是英人牌琴酒、君度橙酒、独家调制的甜菜 根覆盆莓糖浆、新鲜柠檬汁和香槟的完美结合。 鸡尾酒清新的酸和抹在经典碟型杯缘上干覆盆莓 的甜,达到口味上的绝佳平衡。

Geisha’s Aphrodisiac 则选用了有杯脚的特殊 造型杯,放在冰块上呈上。这款调酒口味浓烈, 以苹果白兰地、柑曼怡橙酒、水蜜桃果泥、新鲜 柠檬汁、香草糖浆、红石榴糖浆和红醋栗调制, 最后插上一把手作日本扇装饰。Crazy 88 是一款 美味、一不小心便整杯喝下肚的酒款,以姜黄泡 制的琴酒、百香果果泥、凤梨汁和微带苦味的姜 汁气泡水混合摇制,最后用作成武士刀的巧克力 威化饼完美衬托出调酒的果香。

Alberto 的原创鸡尾酒还有以马丁尼调制的 Ninja Shadow、 以 龙 舌 兰 酒 作 为 基 底 的 Yakuza Revenge,和将日本元素淋漓尽致展现的 Yojimbo。 Alberto 可说是穿着最为入时且形象温文儒 雅 的 调 酒 师, 过 去 曾 在 伦 敦 The Ritz London 酒 店的 Rivoli 酒吧为名人及社会重要人士亲自调酒。 「在 The Ritz London 酒店光是调制 Alberto 说道 : 好喝的鸡尾酒还不够,还必须外型抢眼,要倒进 最漂亮的酒杯, 使用 高品质的食材和 巧妙的装饰 点缀。这恰巧与我的调酒哲学不谋而合,也是我 」 为『Yojimbo』所呈现的风格。


“Clandestine,” “intriguing,” “mysterious” are three words that begin to capture the layered retro ambience of Hong Kong’s latest glamour nightspot by star designer Ashley Sutton. Based on his abiding fascination with the quirky hole-in-the-wall bars of Tokyo’s Ginza, Yojimbo is named for the famous 1961 samurai film, one of Sutton’s favorites. The nightclub, open till three and on weekends till five, features a lineup of international DJs who keep the dance rhythms coming and a master mixologist, Alberto Aldave, who keeps his signature Japanese-inspired cocktails flowing. One of Aldave’s most visually appealing creations is the Harajuku Girl, a perfect harmony of Beefeater gin, Cointreau, homemade rhubarb-and-raspberry syrup, fresh lemon juice, and Champagne. The refreshing blend’s acidity is balanced by the sweetness of dried raspberry that rims a classic coupe. Geisha’s Aphrodisiac is served over ice in a unique glass with its own drinking stem. This heady mix of Calvados, Grand Marnier, peach purée, fresh lemon juice, vanilla syrup, grenadine, and red currant is garnished with a handmade Japanese fan. The Crazy 88 is a delicious and oh-so-easy-to-quaff combination of turmeric-infused gin, passion fruit purée, pineapple juice, and ginger bitters topped with a chocolate wafer that represents a katana samurai sword and that perfectly compements the fruity flavors. Other Aldave originals include the martini-inspired Ninja Shadow, the tequila-based Yakuza Revenge, and, highlighting distinctively Japanese ingredients, the Yojimbo. Aldave, who may well be the best-dressed and most urbane mixologist in the city, previously catered to celebrities and socialites at The Ritz London’s The Rivoli Bar. “It wasn’t enough to have the best-tasting cocktails at The Ritz,” notes Aldave. “They also had to be the best looking, served in the best glassware, and made with the best ingredients and garnishes. That’s my philosophy of cocktailmaking too, and one that I’ve brought to Yojimbo.”

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